(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So Genesis chapter 20 sounds familiar doesn't it because something like this already happened with Abraham at the very beginning when we started talking about Abraham. But there's two things in this passage and this story is pretty self explanatory as far as what's going on with Abimelech the king of Gerar and basically there's two things that I'm going to pull out of this or that we see in here is we see Abraham and Sarah lying by omission meaning that they left out information as far as they told something that was true but they did it in a manner for the reason of deceiving or to keep back information or lying to Abimelech and to his people. But also we see sinning by ignorance. And so those are two things I want to talk about tonight really with this passage and we see that both. We see that Sarah and Abraham were guilty of lying by omission and omission means omitting something and then Abimelech and his people sinned by ignorance. And so I want to talk about both of those things but there in the beginning of the chapter it says in verse 1 it says and Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur and sojourned in Gerar and Abraham said of Sarah his wife she is my sister and Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah. So that's what happens here and this is something that happened already in chapter 12 only with Pharaoh king of Egypt. And so this is something that had already happened just go back to Genesis chapter 12 just to see that and so Abraham and Sarah do this at least twice the Bible records it twice but as we'll see from what he says at the end of the chapter or close to the end of the chapter this could have been happening more these two times. But notice in chapter 12 verse 10 so this happens right when he gets out of his country pretty much and then they go down to Egypt but in verse 10 of chapter 12 it says and there was a famine in the land and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there for the famine was grievous in the land and it came to pass when he was come near to enter into Egypt that he said unto Sarai his wife behold now I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon therefore it shall come to pass when the Egyptians shall see thee that they shall say this is his wife and they will kill me but they will save thee alive say I pray thee thou art my sister that it may be well with me for thy sake and my soul shall live because of thee. So obviously we already talked about this how he feared what man would do unto him and he told Sarai at the time that basically to say that you're my sister and I'm your brother and that's exactly what he does here. Now notice in verse 11 of chapter 20 because actually go to verse 13 because I'm going to talk about verse 11 and 12 actually when we get to it but verse 13 he's talking to Abimelech so Abraham's talking to Abimelech and he says in verse 13 it came to pass when God caused me to wander from my father's house and that I said unto her this is thy kindness which thou shalt show unto me at every place whether we shall come say of me he is my brother. So this is something that from the very beginning he's like every place that we go into say that I'm your brother and you're my sister. And so what we'll see later on is that it's true but that'd be like me saying for example we'll get into this here in a second but Holly is my sister in Christ. If I went up to somebody and said this is my sister technically I wouldn't be lying. But you see how I'm omitting something that's very crucial information that she's my wife and when I say she's my sister I mean she's my sister in Christ because we're both believers but saying that phrase isn't inherently wrong but if I'm saying it for the purpose of trying to deceive or trying to you know it'd be kind of like if some girl you know some woman was trying to like hit on me or something like that and then my wife was around the corner and be like oh that's my sister. Do you see how that's lying by omission? It's not false what I'm saying but obviously it's deceiving you know because obviously that's not what they're meaning and that's not what they're asking for and that's not the information that needs to be said. And so Abraham and Sarah are both guilty of this and they do this the second time that's written down in the Bible but as we see in verse 13 this could have been happening a lot more than we think you know as far as going to the Bible just may not have recorded it and what's interesting is this happens the same exact place and everything with Isaac later on where he does the same thing with his wife and so this is something very common that they do but I believe they're wrong about doing it I don't believe that God's in that the fact that they're lying about her that they're lying by omission here and so but go to Psalm and Solomon chapter 4 because you know him saying this is my sister this is my sister I mean yeah I could say that too and like I was saying with this you know with Holly I could say that and all you husbands if you have a saved wife you could say that too and so because notice what Solomon says about his wife and this is something he says over and over again but just in just one example in Psalm 4 and verse 9 it says thou has ravished my heart my sister my spouse thou has ravished my heart with one of thine eyes with one chain of thine neck okay now if I were to talk to an unbeliever and I said this is my sister my spouse and I said I'm from West Virginia do you understand that they're probably not going to understand what I mean by that and they're probably going to look at me really strange okay but obviously when you read Song of Solomon and we're talking and I say that's my sister in Christ there's no and I said that you know you're my brethren brother sister you know when we say that we're not saying we're all of the same tree you know we're all the same you know bloodline here obviously we all go back to Adam but what we're saying with that is that we're sisters brothers and sisters in Christ but don't lie by omission and so that's what people do sometimes and this is something that's very common among Baptists for some reason and preachers where they'll say something but they'll leave out something on purpose and this is the type of preaching I really hate is where they preach something and they purposely leave out information knowing that it would disprove their point and so I see this a lot with doctrines when they when they'll talk about certain doctrines think of Zionism think of the pre-tribulation rapture I think of all this stuff where they won't bring up the points that we believe because they can't defend them but you know someone that actually knows their Bible and has a true doctrine that that's irrefutable you know what they'll do they'll bring up all their stupid points you know and here's the thing we don't have time to bring up all the stupid points okay so someone will say well you didn't bring up that point so yeah we don't have enough time in the day to bring up all the stupidity that's out there in the world but when I preached on the post-tribulation rapture you know what I brought up their biggest points you may say well those are big points yeah those are their biggest points but that's the case is that you bring up their biggest points and you destroy it not by being deceiving though I literally try to show you this is where they're coming from this is their angle at even looking at this this is how they're kind of coming to that conclusion and you know that's being honest because you can say well I can see where someone's coming from with this right but here's why it's wrong instead of being deceiving and leaving out information on purpose and preachers do this all the time and it's lying by omission and you know the bible talks about what God thinks about lying we're actually just talking about you guys were just talking about it was uncanny not uncanny but it was just basically something weird is you know I was maybe preaching online we'll go to proverbs chapter six proverbs chapter six you know sometimes I've said I've said this too and I honestly probably need to stop saying it but I when I would go out soul winning and say you know lies you know like a smaller sin that we wouldn't think you know you know we kind of talk about it as a smaller sin but lying actually is a pretty big sin it's a really big sin and so we try to downgrade it so that people will kind of they're trying to be soft with them and I understand that and I've done that many times but honestly lying is a very very wicked sin and notice in proverbs six there's seven there's six things that the Lord hates yea seven are abomination I believe that all all of these he hates because abomination means to detest something okay and that's just the language a lot of times the bible uses it'll say like three things yea four and it's just basically a poetic way of saying something okay and so when it says six things that the Lord hate yea seven are abomination yeah he hates them all okay it's just a poetic way of saying it now and notice what it says in verse 16 so proverbs six verse 16 it says these six things that the Lord hate yea seven are an abomination unto him a proud look notice what the second one is a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood and heart that deceive with wicked imaginations feet that be swift and running to mischief a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren notice that out of the seven there's two that are talking about lying that's a big deal that God mentions it twice that lying is something he hates and so we need to not think about lying as far as just being a small little sin and obviously yes one little white lie would send someone to hell right but the thing that you need to remember is that that lying and basically when you tell the truth that means the whole truth it means you're not leaving out information on purpose now obviously when you say something you may need to leave out of detail and you're not meaning to write or you don't think that and you're saying well that I don't think that's important for them to understand that or they don't need to understand it to understand this right that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about purposely leaving out information because you know that you don't want them to understand something that's what Abraham and Sarah did they purposely left out information as far as them being husband and wife why for a certain purpose they wanted them not to know and so that's what I'm talking about obviously a lot of times we'll give them information and it goes over someone's head or they don't understand it and that's not what your intent was your intent was for them to understand what you're saying and for them to understand the truth but go to James chapter four because there's a sin of omission too right sin of commission omission omission just means something like you don't do and so there's I believe lying by omission and I believe that the bible is showing us that with Abraham and Sarah and Isaac's going to do it too but this is something that is in the bible a lot if you think about it in Genesis chapter 12 and Genesis chapter a whole chapter is dedicated to it here this whole chapter is just about this case with Abimelech and him them lying to Abimelech and then this this thing coming upon Abimelech and then obviously it happens again with Isaac and when something's repeated three times you should probably listen to it you should probably look at that and say hey this is something I should probably take heed to that God is mentioning it this much and he dedicated a whole chapter to it and so but James chapter 4 and verse 17 knows what it says it says therefore to him that know what to do good and do with it not to him it is sin you know even not doing good when you know that you should is a sin and so that's a sin of omission right that's basically not doing something good that you should be because when you think of the commandments of God most of the commandments are thou shalt not kill thou shalt not commit adultery right there are things like basically don't don't commit some like you know hurtful thing to somebody right that's usually the commandments and if you're sin you broke one of those and you and that's why you know the fulfilling the laws of the love of thy neighbor right but when you're when it talks about knowing to do good and doing it not that's omission that's basically omitting things that you could do and so that's a sin if you know like if you see someone struggling out on the road or you see you see someone that needs help and you had the power to do it and you're able to do it then you should do it go to Proverbs chapter 3 Proverbs chapter 3 and this actually clarifies this too because I'm not saying that the panhandler that's holding out is his his hand for money when he's probably got $60,000 in his bank account and you know he's not working at all that's not who I'm talking about don't give them a dime that's my advice to you is don't give those people a dime they don't deserve it they need to work for their money Proverbs 3 actually clarifies this because if a man if you don't work neither should you eat that's what the Bible teaches but notice Proverbs 3 and verse 27 it says withhold not good from them to whom it is due notice that to whom it is due that means that there are people that it's not due meaning that they don't deserve it okay and those are the people that don't work those are the lazy people that don't work and I'm not saying to just give out good things to those people to whom it is due so if you have a poor person that's working hard they can't pay the bills or they're struggling doing this but they're just doing everything they can to survive that's the person that you're supposed to not withhold good from not the lazy bum that is just trying to get rich off just being lazy okay it says when it is in thy pow in the power of thine hand to do it so notice also that you have to be able to do it I'm not saying to give people money if you don't have it okay and the Bible's very clear about that about not you know you he doesn't want others to be eased than you wanting right it talks about that in second Corinthians and it says in verse 28 notice what it says say not unto thy neighbor go and come again and tomorrow I will give when thou hast it by thee so it's basically saying if you have the power to do it and someone's worthy of it it's do them meaning that it's not God wants you to do it then don't say okay tomorrow I'll give it to you when you have it right there with you when you have the means right now to do it do it now that's what the Bible says go to now either say today or tomorrow we'll go into such a city and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain for whereas you know not what you'll be on tomorrow and then it goes right into therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth not to him it is sin so we need to remember that to not not sin by omission don't lie by omission either and so there's plenty of preachers that are already doing that so that's already taken by them so you know but that's the example I think of you know mostly when it comes to that when I see someone lying by omission politicians do this all the time politicians I mean that is when you say you answer that like a politician that's what that means is they're lying by omission lying like a politician right there they're saying something that's true but they're leaving out information right they're being very vague in what they're saying purposely to deceive purposely to make you think that they're on your side when truly deep down they're not and so that's a sin and all these wicked politicians that's why you know in today's government that we live in there's no way that a godly Christian is going to be able to make it in that system can you imagine can you imagine okay they said okay Jason Robinson will you run for office office here in West Virginia we just need to know a couple your stances what about gay marriage what do you think about that well they should be put to death well there goes my campaign I mean just think about the fact that if someone actually stood on the bible where they would go show me a politician that has that stance that actually believes the bible now back in the day it wasn't that big it wasn't that radical but even today if you were to say well I don't think they should get married you're stoned with stones by these people and you need to be understanding and tolerant and all this stuff but I you know you have to pretty much lie by omission to be a politician you have to play the game and it's a sad thing when it comes in the baptist churches when it comes into preaching to where you're lying by omission listen if I don't know something I'll just tell you I don't know it if there's something if I come across a verse and it's a hard verse to just be like you know what that's a you know I may just skip over and you may ask me later on so what do you think about that verse be like yes good question you know you know I don't know everything but instead of me just trying to like make it look like I know what I'm talking about saying some vague thing and and then basically just my mouth's moving but nothing's coming out so to speak you're not getting any good information what's the point of that well how is that profitable and so we're I forget what I was pretty I was preaching on basically how Baptist pastors a lot of times they'll they'll basically have a sermon and they'll title it one way and they'll preach something that's completely opposite of the title and it's like this little cute thing and sometimes it's okay you know I've heard sermons like climbing to hell and it's like this little cute phrase because you're like well wait a minute hell's down but what they mean is you got to climb over the cross you got to climb over the Bible you got to climb over all this stuff right and so it's like this cute little sermon right and so but it's obviously they're saying one thing and they're veering off to something else why don't you just say what you mean why don't you just say exactly what you believe and stop being vague about it now there are people that are vague about things and they lie they're saying something by omission because they don't know it okay so there's obviously people that don't know what they're talking about they desire to be teachers law and understanding neither what they say nor aware of they are firm and so those people are obviously novices and should just sit down and shut up and not be a pastor but then you have the other people that want to keep everybody happy they know that there's people in the church that have different stances on different issues and instead of just preaching it right down the line as far as the way they see it in the Bible they speak out of both sides of their mouth they talk vaguely right have you ever been through a sermon where where they're talking about a subject they're like I think he was talking about this but I'm not sure right I think he was talking about you know TV but I'm not sure I was thinking he was talking about this but I'm not sure why because he doesn't just say it like it is it doesn't just say that hey everything on cable television is just straight out of hell good luck finding something that's good on there I'm not saying everything every documentary that's out there is bad or anything like that but put it put it down that if it's coming out of Hollywood it's against Christ it's against your values they're gonna put some kind of message in there that you don't want your children to see and they're gonna end up seeing it not to mention if you have cable I the reason that's on my mind is because my my my internet bill went upside to call Comcast which is you know why don't you just punch me in the face before I gotta do that anyway they'll don't dealt with Comcast their customer service but but anyway I had to talk to them and always like you know well we can get you a better deal if you add on cable or like TV and stuff I am like no I just want internet just give me internet stop it yeah you go to Sam's Club they're always like trying to tackle you to get the rec TV or something like that right and you're like stop it I don't want it so anyway all I have to say is like when someone came up to you know they're coming up to be like oh we can get you all these channels you get to hit channels you want I'm like there's nothing on those channels that I want nothing it's all garbage and so but anyway you know I just saw there was a article everybody was kind of throwing around about this this kids movie that's out there about these dogs and and it's like basically a pedophile like grooming type of movie for children to watch and it's called what is it what is it called show dogs okay I read the article Holly's like Holly posted it and stuff like that I'm like what is this I see everybody posting about this and I'm like I don't even want to read it I'm sure it's bad you know but she's like oh you need to read it and so I read this stupid thing and you know basically it's it's it's a it's a it's it's basically using dogs to metaphorically teach children to let adults molest them that's pretty much what the movie is about and every parent even people that aren't even you know like claim to be Christian or hardcore Baptist they're all like this movie smut it's disgusting and they say it's a movie to teach grooming and which is a pedophile term for like basically getting children to like be okay with that type of stuff listen to me children we need to bring back the old phrase stranger danger stranger danger when you see a stranger listen you just need to find your parents don't ever let some stranger come up to you and try to lead you off somewhere if you're ever at a playground of some strangers like hey come over here no don't listen to them find your parents and you know because there's wicked predators out there and they just they're basically preying on the week and there's so many stories about kids being kidnapped being molested our children need to learn not to trust strangers and by the way even people in the church okay and don't get me wrong I don't think there's anybody in here that I would put into that realm but we need to be safe you need to you know give everybody trust no one give everybody the benefit of doubt but trust no one you know I'm not gonna ask you to say hey you know bring your kids over I'm gonna watch him for the night okay not that I'm afraid obviously I would take care of your children I would try to I would die for your children I love everybody in this church but we need to have the mentality that hey no we need to we need to not trust people not with our children that's our most prized possession is our children and you know these movies that are out there are just training children to trust strangers to allow them to do things to them that are unnatural and for them to just get over it it's disgusting and I have no idea how I got off on that point but somehow I got off on the point as far as Hollywood cable and all that garbage but all I have to say is that we need to not be vague in what we're saying right and so and not to sin by omission go to 1st John chapter 2 1st John chapter 2 because when you think of the truth you ever hear you know when you go into a court you say I promise to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth why do they say that because there's lying by omission right because the whole truth meaning that you're not leaving out information I'm not a lawyer so I don't know all the technical terms on as far as what all that entails now obviously you can plead the fifth and just not say anything right but when we're talking about the truth there's no lie in truth that's what says in 1st John chapter 2 and verse 21 it says I have not written unto you because you know not the truth but because you know it and that no lie is of the truth and obviously like I said when you're when you're talking about something obviously you're not gonna be able to give all the details of everything about that subject when you're talking about it nor do you have to the difference is is if you're purposely leaving out information willingly purposely leaving out information in order to deceive in order to miss can give a misconception about what you're trying to say and that's a lie it's just a straight-up lie and I hate it actually I probably hate that more than just a flat-out lie okay because you know what that does is it insults my intelligence have you ever had somebody say something to you and they leave out information and you just know what they're getting at you know what they're trying to do and it's insulting to think that they don't think you're that intelligent to figure it out I hate that it's insulting to my intelligence there was this Baptist pastors wife up in Uniontown and they this is just I don't know what it is about these these old I have be leaders but they they try to trap you and one time I don't I probably hold told this story before but she said something to the effect she knew what we thought about the queers she knew that we thought they should be put to death and she said something like hey we're gonna have a fag burning party later on you know you guys want to come and all this stuff and she said it in a very serious like you know excited to have this you know like party or whatever and but but you know what she was what she was trying to set a trap because she wanted people to be like oh yeah that'd be great you know like get real excited about it and just like it because she's trying to trap them to make him like seem like they're evil for thinking that queer should be put to death see what I'm saying and I knew automatically what she was trying to do and so I before she if anyone ever said anything I said I said you better be careful how you phrase that because I said Adam you know Adam Scheller is with me I said he'll bring a fag in his truck and drop him off and think that we're actually gonna do this and obviously I was joking but I knew where she was going with that and I hate that because all that is is just a trap it's lying by omission she was purposely trying to misconceive what she was saying to try to get people to say something so they can accuse you know the Pharisees did the same thing they're trying to catch him in his catch Jesus in his words constantly and they'd say something to try to say something that was close and they were trying to get him they're goading him into saying something that he shouldn't say and so anyway it's very wicked it's something we need to learn not to do and in this case with Abraham and Sarah they were doing it because they were afraid okay so it's still wrong but they were doing it because they did they were afraid of what man would do unto him they were afraid and here's the thing in this story you know how old Sarah is 90 I mean good night she must have been like Eve you know like ever straight out of the Garden of Eden because at 90 years old he's still afraid that and obviously she must have still been very fair woman at 90 years old because the King of Gerar Abimelech took her into his home and so anyway Abraham just he struck gold when he married Sarah apparently but anyway that's beside the point someone had a side note someone had a post they're like is it wrong to want to marry someone that's beautiful they always people are like oh you know Proverbs 31 you know favors deceitful beauty is vain right listen there's nothing wrong with wanting a beautiful wife right and so this whole idea you know some people get way too spiritual okay because obviously they need to be saved obviously you need to marry you want to marry someone that's a godly woman but there's nothing wrong with being attracted to your wife okay and so obviously Abraham didn't think there was anything wrong with that because every country they went into they wanted his wife so apparently she was very beautiful so don't think well I gotta go find some troll to marry you know I mean you got away with that person the rest of your life this is good advice young man okay this is good advice to remember that you want to you want to be attracted I'm not saying she doesn't need to be a supermodel and you don't want that you know obviously Abraham had problems with that in the flesh right he's constantly worried about his wife and so but anyway I need to stop watching what people write because it's just some weird some crazy stuff out there but so anyway with this case this is what the Pharisees did a lot right they you know and you don't turn there but Matthew 23 verse 23 Jesus is rebuking him saying well unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you pay it's high the mint and anise and coming and have omitted the weight of your matters of the law judgment mercy and faith these are you to have done and not to leave the other undone and so they admitted the bigger things and you think of faith mercy and judgment and you think about those be more so like doing good unto others mercy and all this other stuff and you know sins of omission and so we need to we need to be conscious of that and you know obviously you when you're looking through the Bible you need to you remember hey you know I need to the Ten Commandments not the coven not the steel not the lie those are big things that you need to be thinking about but you also be thinking about the fact of to know therefore to him that know what to do good and do is it not to him it is sin and be constantly reminded about that and so obviously soul winning comes up when you think about that I think about helping the poor and obviously to whom it is due because like I said panhandlers and these people that are a bunch of bums that need to get a job and you know that's not how I'm talking about but there are poor people out there there are people that are struggling that need help and you know those are the type of people that we need to help if we have if we have the means to do it but going back to Genesis chapter 20 so God reveals the truth on the Abimelech like you know what that tells me in all these stories God is revealing this information you know what that tells me is that he wants them to know it that what Abraham and what Isaac does later on wasn't right because God's saying listen this is what's going on I'm trying to help you so you don't mess up here the Genesis chapter 20 in verse 3 this is where God comes to Abimelech in a dream to tell him this and you know God is is very you know he's merciful to him but notice what it says in verse 3 it says but God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said unto him behold thou art but a dead man for the woman the woman which thou has taken for she is a man's wife but Abimelech had not come near her and he said Lord wilt thou slay also a righteous nation said he not unto me she is my sister and she even she herself said he is my brother in the integrity of my heart and incy of my hands have I done this so you may say well maybe he's just saying that right it was just innocent and it was the integrity of his heart well God God you know basically confirms that what he said is right notice in verse 6 and God said unto him in a dream yay I know that thou did this in the integrity of thy heart so he sees confirming that saying hey I know I know that you didn't know this and so he's coming to him being merciful to him it says for I also withheld thee from sinning against me therefore suffered I not to touch her now therefore restore restore the man his wife for he is a prophet and he shall pray for thee and and thou shalt live and if thou restore her not know that thou that thou shalt surely die thou and all that are thine so God's basically warning him though he's saying I know that is gonna take your heart but you better give her back because if you don't you're gonna die and everybody that's with you and so God's God's stepping in here before something bad happened but notice of him like he's like he's like you know I did this in taking me hard I had no idea I'd you know basically saying I had no idea she said he's my brother he said she's my sister that's the information that he had he had in front of him and so he didn't think he was doing anything wrong and so you know God saw that though he saw the integrity of the heart but you know what really really it jumps out to me about this it's both with Pharaoh king of Egypt and with Abimelech here and then it's gonna happen again with Isaac is notice and notice in Acts chapter 10 because people want to talk about like how you know God just hates all these other nations and there's no other nation out there whether it's believers or people that are that are good people or righteous people and you know that's what the Jews want to want you to think is that basically all the Gentiles are a bunch of heathens that hate God okay but notice this this is the king of Gerar this is Abimelech he's not he's not of Abraham obviously and he's saying to God are you gonna slay a righteous nation you know I did this integrity my heart and God said you did do it in integrity of your heart and notice notice in Acts chapter 10 verse 34 this is when Peter is preaching to Cornelius who also was not a Jew it says then Peter opened his mouth in verse 34 and said of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him notice you know right after this this is where he tells all his people and they all feared and trembled why they feared God they heard this from Abimelech that God told them this and they were fearing God and God saw that and so this nation wasn't something you know and that's where Abraham's gonna come in and say you know I thought this would be a wicked nation you know that you would kill me for my wife and all this stuff and so you see what assuming gets you and so Abraham just assumed that this was a wicked nation that was going to take his wife from him and kill him and all this stuff and it turns out they weren't that this guy had actually a really good heart about it and he wouldn't have done that and so you know you need to like I said sometimes you need to get people to benefit of that even though they're not saved you know they may actually be a decent person like a Cornelius was he was a righteous and upright man wasn't saved and I don't know if this king of Gerar was saved but he seemed like a pretty good guy as far as in the uprightness and integrity of his heart and so but after this so he tells his people and then they're sore afraid notice in verse 8 so Genesis chapter 20 verse 8 it says therefore Abimelech rose early in the morning and called all his servants and told all these things in their ears and the men were sore afraid so notice the fear of God that came upon them because of because of what they heard and what they found out right think about that you just realized that you almost committed adultery with someone's wife and God held you back from that and gave you the information and the horror of the the thought of doing that right and so these people aren't horrible people afraid of what God would do to them and about what would have happened those are verse 9 now Abimelech is going to rebuke both Abraham and Sarah and I believe they deserve it okay and so you know the the Zionists out there would be like all Abraham never does wrong and we're gonna get into Jacob because the same Zionists would be like when Jacob supplanted Esau that was right you know when he lied to his father you know that's another sermon for another day but what you got to realize is the though Abraham was the friend of God he still made mistakes he still sinned there's still not a just man upon earth to do with good and sin if not and the Bible gives us these examples why you know why why do we see these examples of that where they were faulty so you don't think they're God men they're men of God and he was a prophet as God said but he's not a God man he's not God right and so you know you may say yourself well Abraham was a friend of God but I can never be the friend of God well look at the stuff look at the mistakes he made he married a handmaid that his wife told him to marry you know he he tells both he lies twice about his wife being just a sister not his wife and almost like brings judgment on two different nations because of that and so you think about these different people that that had you think of Jacob Israel himself and all the mistakes he's gonna make we haven't got there yet but why is that important to see their faults why does God record all their faults well probably so you can see hey I you know they had faults I have faults guess what you could be just as much the friend of God as Abraham you could be just as righteous as Daniel Noah and Job where God said if these three people were in the city I'd only save them and so sometimes it's good to see these things first of all we learn a lesson but second of all we realize that Abraham was just a man Abraham was just a man just like us he makes mistakes Sarah made mistakes they're not these like sometimes I think with Bible characters we elevate them to some like mystic type of level like you think of Paul right if Paul walked in here you know he'd be just a normal guy he's not like you you see all these paintings where they got the same thing over their head and they're like doing the little I don't know what that simple thing is where they put their two fingers up and all this stuff and they they're holding the lamb I don't know what they why what all that stuff's about but all I'm saying is that what that's what you think about right when you think about I'm getting ready to preach to Catholics against the Catholic Church okay so it's on my mind you think about something it's like this high and mighty like lofty type of people you know that Paul would just be like I mean he was a rough character I mean think about the stuff that he writes he's a rough guy it will rough around the edges he wasn't this like saintly you know when I say saintly I say it's the way like the Catholics would look at it like this like angelic being that floated he would just hover around people you know that's the way you think about these people but they were just normal people and you could be just as great as them you could do just you could do more than them that's the mentality you need to have is not to think okay you know that was back then they did great things you know what Paul could have thought that same thing about Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all these people but now you look at Paul who was thousands years later and he was we would say the greatest Christian that ever lived but maybe the greatest Christian never lived we haven't known yet he is unknown yet well-known throughout history maybe you could be the greatest Christian that ever lived and so Paul had a late start and so you say well I'm old I'm like you know in my 30s or whatever and you know I can you know what can I do a lot so but Genesis chapter 20 verse 14 or verse 8 this is where he rebukes both Abraham and Sarah and those first eight it says therefore a bam black rose early in the morning and called all his servants and told I'm sorry in verse 9 and we already read that verse 9 it says then a bam elect called Abraham and said unto him what hast thou done unto us and what have I offended thee that thou has brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin thou has done deeds unto me that ought not to be done and a bam elect said unto Abraham what sawest thou that thou has done this thing and so that's where Abraham explained saying hey you know I was afraid you know that you were gonna take my wife all this stuff and so he reviewed Abraham for this he's like what what in the world what did you see and why in the world did you do this pretty much to where you'd bring this great sin upon my kingdom and so notice this doesn't sound like a wicked guy when he's saying hey I this almost happened to my kingdom where I committed a great sin against God and so notice in verse 14 now he's gonna switch it to Sarah and it says in a bam elect took sheep and oxen and men servants and women servants and gave them unto Abraham and restored him Sarah his wife notice what it says in verse 15 and a bam elect said behold my land is before thee dwell where it pleaseth thee and unto Sarah he said behold I have given thy brother a thousand pieces of silver notice as he calls it calls Abraham he doesn't say your husband he says thy brother you see how he's putting that back in her face and the fact that he said thy brother and it says behold he is to thee a covering of the eyes and unto all that are with thee and with all other thus she was reproved he's basically saying you need to get to your husband and you know basically he's the covering of your eyes you know basically just get under his authority you know and get where you need to be there and so she's rebuked for that she's repute reproved but both of them are reproved because they both did it Abraham said this is my sister and she said this is my brother and so and I think I might have skipped the part where actually I did skip part yeah sorry so we were talking about basically how he said they were sisters okay or it was his sister go to verse 12 verse 12 of Genesis chapter 20 because of that fear basically saying you know in verse 11 and Abraham said because I thought surely the fear of God is not in this place and they shall they will slay me for my wife's sake and notice what he says in verse 12 it says in ye indeed or yet yet indeed she is my sister she is the daughter of my father but not the daughter of my mother and she became my wife so remember that obviously that's that's where we get into the the lying by omission right what is true she is my sister but she's also my wife don't you think that's some pretty important information you should have given that area from the beginning but what's interesting about this go to Genesis 11 because it says he says she is the daughter of my father and not the daughter of my mother so basically what he would be kind of saying there is she's my half sister but what's interesting about this is in Genesis 11 and verse 31 notice what it says Genesis 11 verse 31 it says in Tyra took Abram his son and Lot the son of Haran his son's son and Sarai his daughter in law his son Abram's wife so and now this is a narrator speaking so one thing to note here however you look at this she's clearly his daughter-in-law okay now it could be the fact that if you were to marry and now obviously this is wrong you know but if you were to marry your half sister that your your father would like if I were to marry my half sister which I don't have a half sister but let's say that were the case my dad would be it'd be both her dad and her father in law right I you know you can look at it that way as far as like that's a weird situation but that's how it would be because he's both the father and like his son is also married to his yes anyway what I think about this though is that I think it might actually be you know when it says that my father's daughter sometimes father isn't like your direct father sometimes when it says my father you know like our father Abraham you know when they said that clearly wasn't there like a immediate father and so sometimes could be me like father's up the line and so he could be saying basically she comes from that like my father's side of the family and it also you know Laban was called Jacob's brother even though it was his uncle right so you can look at maybe maybe you know Tara's father Nahor you know had a daughter that was around the same age as Abraham or something like that and it was like or you know which would be kind of like his aunt okay but that would be technically a sister I'm not saying any of this is right but I'm just trying to see how you'd reconcile this okay the fact that it'd be his daughter-in-law but at the same time his daughter but it doesn't say that it's Tara's daughter it says it's my father's daughter and so anyway you may not have cared to look at that but I'm just showing you like what people try to say is a supposed contradiction in the Bible because in one place it says it's she's my father's daughter and another place it says that Tara is that's his daughter-in-law it could be just as simple as the fact that if you married your half sister your your dad would be literally both her dad and her father-in-law at the same time that's probably how it actually it would make sense but anyway there's always people out there that want to try to you know discredit the Bible but then Genesis go back to Genesis chapter 20 now what I wanted the last thing that I'm going to get into here because we saw that lying by omissions you know wrong and sinning by omissions wrong and so we need to not try to purposely deceive people by telling the truth but you know but leaving out information that's still wrong and still be considered a lie now also what I was saying you know we think about lying by omission but we also think about sinning by ignorance because people want to believe that well I didn't know that that was wrong or I didn't know this therefore I'd be innocent I'd have no punishment it's not the case there is a lighter punishment dealing with the sin of ignorance but there's still punishment because you think about people that like well I didn't know that I would go to hell you know think about people that maybe weren't shown that they would go to hell for their sin that doesn't matter you know it's still sin but there is a lesser punishment on people that were ignorant think about Paul it says that he did it ignorantly and unbelief and therefore he found mercy because of it and so but go to the Genesis chapter 20 what you want to see here is that even though Abimelech had no idea that Sarah was someone else's wife they were still being judged because of it and in verse 17 it says so Abraham prayed unto God and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his maidservants and they bear children that was verse 18 for the Lord had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah Abraham's wife notice the judgment of God was upon Abimelech and his house because of Sarah even though he didn't know what he was doing was wrong that would be what you would call a sin of ignorance be kind of like if you married somebody you know that was someone else's wife you know like a man married someone that was someone else's wife and he didn't know it it'd still be sin it wouldn't be as bad because you were ignorant of it but it'd still be a sin and you know with Abimelech it's still sin they were still they were still receiving chassis or you know judgment of God because of this now the Bible talks about this it talks about the sin of ignorance or sinning presumptuously presumptuously or willingly and so that's something that we need to remember that if you sin willfully there's a lot more sore of a punishment on you than if you sinned by ignorance meaning like you didn't know that was wrong but you did it that's a lot less punishment on that then if you know it's wrong and you're like I know it's wrong I'm gonna do it anyway so go to Leviticus chapter 4 and don't worry we're not going through all the sins all the offerings for the sin of ignorance but I just want you to see that this was a thing you know in the Old Testament they had offerings just for cases of when someone sinned by ignorance and the New Testament actually picks up on this and recalls it and you know what it's still the case now because it's brought up in the New Testament actually if you sin willfully in the New Testament it's a sore punishment because we have more of the Bible now we have more information and so in Leviticus chapter 4 and verse 1 it says in the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel saying if a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the Lord concerning things which ought not to be done and shall do against any of them if the priest that is anointed do sin according to the sin of the people then let him bring for his sin which he has sinned a young bullock without blemish unto the Lord for a sin offering so this whole chapter deals with the sin of ignorance and so you know your homework tonight is going to read Leviticus chapter 4 we're not going to go through the whole thing tonight but go to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 and I want to show you this in the New Testament and I want to show you where it calls back to with this because the New Testament really more so covers in Hebrews chapter 10 about sinning willfully sinning presumptuously in the Old Testament it really covers more so the ignorance part of it but know that there's a difference in punishment let's say you committed the same exact sin two people's committed the same exact sin one didn't know it was a sin the other one knew it was a sin the one that knew is the sin is gonna get a lot harsher punishment than the one that didn't know is the same but guess what they're both gonna be punished that's the one thing to get out of this is that there's still punishment notice there was still an offering that had to be made there is still a sacrifice that had to be made even though they were ignorant of it and so in Hebrew chapter 10 verse 26 and people usually take this passage and I've heard people try to you know use the say you lose your salvation this is clearly talking about believers and being chastised by God okay it's because it's talking about his people notice what it says in verse 26 for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth notice you know the truth and you sin anyway that's the key there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins notice there was a there was a sacrifice for the sin of ignorance but there's nowhere in the Bible if you look through the Old Testament for a sacrifice for someone that sinned presumptuously and notice what it says in verse 27 because you know there's there's there's cases like this think about the person that was put to death for picking up sticks you know obviously the Bible says you know not do any work and he that doesn't honor the Sabbath is put to death why was that so harsh on that person because he did it presumptuously he willingly purposely picked up sticks on the Sabbath because he despised the commandment of the Lord and so notice and it gets into that because notice what it says in verse 27 but a certain fearful looking for a judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries he that despised Moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses of how much sore punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who had trodden underfoot the Son of God hath counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and had done despite unto the Spirit of grace for we know him that has said vengeance belongeth unto me I will recommend said the Lord and again the Lord shall judge his people it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God notice we're talking about his people now go to you know and go to Numbers chapter 15 is it will be kind of almost ending with this there'll be one more passage I'll take you to but Numbers chapter 15 but I'll read Exodus 21 Exodus 21 verse 14 says but if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbors to slay him with guile thou shalt take him from mine altar that he may die and so the presumptuous you know you think about there's difference between first degree murder and secondary degree murder and manslaughter right manslaughter would be like if I if I hit somebody with my car and it was like an accident I killed him you know but I didn't mean to it was an accident that'd be manslaughter right but when you think of first degree murder that's when it's like premeditated right you hated that person and you willingly went out to murder that person right and so there's a difference and there's difference in penalty right if you accidentally kill somebody in the Bible you're not to be put to death but if you murder somebody presumptuously you are to be put to death and so but hidden numbers chapter 15 and verse 22 start there this covers both the ignorance and the presumptuous sins and you're gonna see that it really mirrors what's said in Hebrew chapter 10 especially with the presumptuous sin and understanding what's being said there when it says if we sin willfully after we receive the knowledge of the truth meaning that if you know what you should be doing and you don't do it purposely then there's there's this big there's no more sacrifice for sins you know basically you can't just say it's kind of like if you were to like willingly sin and be like I'm gonna ask for forgiveness and like hope God doesn't take this out on me no God is not mocked for what's our man so at that show you also reap okay and obviously God is merciful and everything else but don't think that just because you're like constantly asking forgiveness for sins that you commit that God's not gonna chase in you for it he'll forgive you of it but he'll still chasing you right it's kind of like when my children act up which you know what Claire that's often but the the thing is is that I forgive her of all the stuff that she does it doesn't mean she's not getting spanking right I forgave her before you know I even gave her spanking but I'm still giving her spanking because she needs the punishment and so and in Numbers chapter 15 verse 22 it says and if ye and if ye have erred and not observed all these commandments which the Lord hath spoken unto Moses even all that the Lord hath commanded you by the hand of Moses from the day that he that the Lord commanded Moses and henceforth among henceforward among your generations then it shall be if ought be committed by ignorance without the knowledge of the congregation that all the congregation shall offer one young bullock for a burn offering for a sweet savor unto the Lord with his meat offering and his drink offering according to the manner and one kid of the he goes for a sin offering and the priest shall make an atonement for all the congregation of the children of Israel and it shall be forgiven them for it is ignorance and they shall bring their offering a sacrifice made by fire to the Lord and their sin offering before the Lord for their ignorance and it and it shall be forgiven all the congregation of the children of Israel and the stranger that sojourneth among them seeing all the people were in ignorance and if any soul sinned through ignorance then he shall bring a she goat of the of the first year for a sin offering and the priest shall make an atonement for the soul that sent it ignorantly when he sent it by ignorance before the Lord to make an atonement for him and it shall be forgiven him see a pattern here you know the ignorance and they give a sacrifice for that no matter who it was stranger or anybody priest congregation an individual a stranger it doesn't matter if they did three years they do this this thing and notice what it says in verse verse 29 ye shall have one law for him that sent it through ignorance both for him that is born among the children of Israel and for the stranger that's sojourneth among them notice how God's not respect our persons whether you're a stranger in the land or whether you're born in the land if you sin through ignorance it's the same law now notice it's gonna switch gears here notice in verse 30 now this is where it really gets familiar when you're looking at Hebrews chapter 10 but the soul that doth ought presumptuously whether he be born in the land or a stranger the same reproach reproach at the Lord and that soul shall be cut off from among his people because he hath despised the word of the Lord and has broken his commandment that that soul shall be utterly shall utterly be cut off his iniquity shall be upon him sound familiar he that despised Moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses so what's it mean the presumptuous it means you despise the word if you sin willfully after you realize what you're supposed to be doing and and don't get me wrong I'm sure we've all done it but we need to realize the consequences to that you know with much knowledge as much sorrow you know think about it the more you know about the Bible the more you're gonna be accountable for what you do and so obviously that's not saying like don't learn the Bible it'd be like I don't want to know everything I don't want to know all that because then if I do it it's gonna be even worse now we need to we obviously increase in knowledge but to whom much is given much is required now they go to Luke chapter 12 and I'm gonna end with this so what are the two things to learn from this passage with Abraham and Sarah and with Abimelech one don't lie by omission don't sin by omission be a straight talker if I'm gonna say anything with it would just be straight down the line don't try to basically this try to purposely misconceive what you're trying to say you know basically just tell people what and you don't have to be mean about it but you just tell people what you believe what you what do you think and don't purposely leave out information that's crucial for people understanding and so but also the fact of thinking about the fact that sinning by ignorance is still a sin and it's still punishable so that's why we want to know the Bible so we want to know the commandments because how are you gonna keep the commandments if you don't know them and so a lot of people in American a lot of Christians are sinning by ignorance because they don't know the Bible but don't be dumb but don't go the other route to when you know it to still sin you know to still go after that knowing that it's wrong knowing that you shouldn't do it but Luke chapter 12 verse 47 this will have a little more meat on it when you think about sinning ignorantly compared to sinning willfully that's what says in verse 47 and that servant which knew his Lord's will and prepared not himself neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes but he that knew not and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes for unto whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required and to whom men have committed much of him they will ask the more that's straight out of the mouth of Jesus right there that to whom much is given or whomsoever much is given of whom shall be much required and that's what you have to remember and here at Mountain Baptist Church the you know the congregation here knows more about the Bible probably than a lot of people that are in our area and you know as far as just knowledge about the Bible knowledge about the commandments knowledge about what we should be doing and shouldn't be doing but to whom much is given of whom shall be much required and so we need to remember that and we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard because we're at a higher standard because we know more but the same people though that are simple that are ignorant they still have punishment for those sins so they're not getting scot-free okay so it's not like gloves put my head in the sand and then you know I'm scot-free because I don't know what I'm doing you know it no obviously they're still gonna get punished for it and so the wise person foresees the evil before he comes to it but the simple goeth on is punished you know and I'm misquoting that a little bit but Proverbs talks about that as far as we foresee that so we can see that stuff coming we can understand it we can discern it because we have the Bible we know the Bible we know the truth we know the commandments but the simple the person doesn't know the Bible they're just falling into the ditch they're falling into all these sins in there they don't realize why everything's going back for I'm talking mostly about Christians here because I'm talking on that realm of things but yeah we know the truth but don't be one of those that sins presumptuously you know because it was bad back in the Old Testament but it's even worse now as far as the punishment that's what the Hebrews chapter 10 is saying how much sore punishment shall you be thought who have trodden underfoot the Son of God and so you think about how much more information we have how much more has been revealed we know more than the ancients we know more than the prophets they desired to look into these things you know the angels desire to look into these things all the prophets inquired of it but we we know it we have all this information yes we're still looking through a glass darkly and we still don't have all the information we're still prophesy in part and until Jesus comes but we still know more than everybody else before us so just remember that'd be a word of caution and so this is a great chapter a whole chapter dedicated to this story so it obviously is an important subject to remember not to lie by omission but also to not not forget that that just because you sin ignorantly there's still punishment for that so we need to know the Bible we need to know the commandments so that we don't sin ignorantly and so let's end with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father we thank you for this evening and pray that you be with us as we go home but also as we go back to the back to the workforce and get everything that we need to get done this week I pray that you bless our finances and just help every family to to be able to provide for their family and Lord at that we'd also have we'd have the means to where we could help those that don't have anything or that we can do good unto others and that we'd have it in our hands to them that are do that it's do and Lord that we can be a blessing to others but Lord we just pray again that you be with us we thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and shedding your blood and and raising in the third day and just forgiving forgiving us from all our sins whether they're through ignorance or presumptuously Lord that that that you've taken care of them all and that we'll be with you in heaven and we just love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name Amen