(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) bring how beautiful to walk in the steps of the savior stepping in the light stepping in the light how beautiful to walk in the steps of the savior let in pass of light pressing more closely to him who is leading when we are tempted to turn from the way trusting the arm that is strong to defend us happy how happy our praises each day how beautiful to walk in the steps of the savior stepping in the light stepping in the light how beautiful to walk in the steps of the savior let it pass of light walking in footsteps of gentle forbearance footsteps of faithfulness mercy and love looking to him for the grace freely promised happy how happy our journey above how beautiful to walk in the steps of the savior stepping in the light stepping in the light how beautiful to walk in the steps of the savior let it pass of light trying to walk in the steps of the savior still upward we'll follow our guide when we shall see him the king in his beauty happy how happy our place at his side how beautiful to walk in the steps of the savior stepping in the light stepping in the light how beautiful to walk in the steps of the savior let it pass of light if you turn your bibles to luke 16 brother david will come and read for us luke 16 if you found your place amen and the bible reads and he said also unto his disciples there was a certain rich man who's had a steward and the same was accused on him that he had wasted his goods and he called him and said to him how is it that i hear this of thee given account of thy stewardship for that may is no longer be steward then the steward said within himself what shall i do for my lord taketh away from me my stewards the stewardship i cannot dig to beg and ashamed i am resolved what to do that when i am put out of the stewardship they may receive me into their houses so he called every one of his lord's debt is unto him and said unto the first how much owe is thou unto my lord and he said 100 measures of oil and he said unto him take thy bill and sit down quickly and write 50 and then said he to another how much owe is thou and he said 100 measures of wheat and he said unto him take thy bill and write for us and the lord commended the unjust steward because he had done wisely for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light and i say unto you make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness that when you fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations he that is faithful and that which is least is faithful also and must and you that is unjust in the least is unjust also and must if therefore you have not been faithful in the right unrighteous mammon who will commit to your trust the true riches and if you have not been faithful and that which is another man's who shall give you that which is your own no servant can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else you will hold to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god and mammon and the Pharisees also who are covetous heard all these things and they derided him and he said unto them ye are they which justify yourself before men but god knoweth your hearts for that which is highly steamed among men is abomination in the sight of god the law and the prophets were until john since that time the kingdom of god is preached and every man presseth under it and it is easier for heaven and earth to pass than one tittle of the law to fail law to fail whosoever putteth away his wife and marrieth another cometh adultery whosoever marrieth heard that is put away from her husband cometh adultery there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fed sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs was felled from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by angels into Abraham's bosom and the rich man died also and was buried and in hell he left up his eyes being in torments and seeth Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried in him father Abraham have mercy on me and sin Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for i for i am tormented in this flame but Abraham said son remember that thou in thy lifetime receiveth thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou are tormented and beside all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that they which would pass from him to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from this and then he said i pray thee therefore father that thou would ascend him to my father's house for i have five brethren that he may testify under them lest they also come into this place of torment Abraham saith unto him they have moses on the prophets let them hear him and he said nay father Abraham but if one went under them from the dead they will repent and he said unto him if they hear not moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded but one rose from the dead let's pray dear lord i thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house pray that you feel pastured with your spirit help us all to be edified in Jesus name we pray amen amen well still having issues with the internet so we're recording it so in the end we'll get it up eventually for those that aren't here um so you're there in luke chapter 16 uh i want to preach a sermon entitled faithful in that which is least faithful in that which is least and uh so we're going to be focusing on actually the first portion of luke 16 i think a lot of times when you see luke 16 you're like oh sermon on hell is coming you know because of the story about the rich man lazarus but there is actually another portion to this chapter and uh let's first look at the the story here dealing with the unjust stewart and uh i'm going to be teaching on a uh preaching on a principle here on the idea of basically being faithful and those things that are basically least as far as maybe what we would see see as being maybe not as important or things that um you know uh more of maybe uh physical things uh when it comes to it could be what it could be your job it could be different things like that um but the idea of being faithful in that because that translates into being faithful in bigger things or in things that are maybe more important if you will uh and so in luke chapter 16 verse one it says and he said also unto his disciples there was a certain rich man which had a steward and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his good so the premise here is that basically the steward is someone that's supposed to be heading up or you know basically being in charge of his master's goods and basically whether it's money whether whatever it is in his house and basically this steward is wasting his goods okay so he's not a good steward and in verse two here it says and he called him and said unto him how is it that i hear this of thee given an account of thy stewardship for thou mayest be no longer steward so he's basically like i i you know i've heard that you waste basically it's like i've heard you wasted all my goods like basically take account of everything you're done basically you're going to be out it says then the steward said within himself what shall i do for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship i cannot dig to beg i am ashamed which kind of tells you something about this guy it's like manual labor is out of the question like i i can't do that you know um but uh then it goes on the same verse four it says i i am resolved what to do that when i am put out of the stewardship they may receive me into their houses so he and they is going to be talking about basically this master's uh debtors okay so basically um he's going to do something to where when he's basically when he's fired from this job and he's put out from being a steward that these other guys are going to want to take him in because of how he dealt with them okay in verse uh five there says so he he called every one of his lord's debtors unto him and said unto the first how much o is thou unto my lord and he said and hundred measures of oil and he said unto him take thy bill and sit down quickly and write 50 then said he to another and how much o is thou and he said and hundred measures of wheat and he said unto him take thy bill and write four score and the lord commended the unjust steward because he had done wisely for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light what it's saying here is that basically this this steward is wise on two fronts i believe one he's wise in the fact that he's basically getting in good graces with these other guys so that when he's put out from the stewardship they're going to be like well we want him though and basically he's he's securing a job as he's coming out of another one by dealing with them in a very graceful manner but also this is actually very wise too that uh half them uh getting half your debt you know if you have a debt with somebody and they owe you a certain amount of money getting half that is better than nothing okay and so this is actually very if you know this person's just never gonna pay it there's like it maybe maybe they've been on you've been trying to get them to pay their bill for like a year and you're just like this just isn't happening if you say hey listen i'm running a deal right now 50 off if you pay it right now right now if you pay it 50 off and everything is cleared and everything else that may be an incentive to them like oh okay like i can get rid of this debt if i just pay 50 of it right now and then you get 50 percent well that's better than nothing okay so that's kind of the the process as far as understanding that and this happens in the business world and all that when you're dealing with the fact of uh certain people that just aren't paying okay so uh you know he's wise and that that uh and this is where it gets into the idea of being uh in verse nine there it says and i say unto you make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness that when you fall they may receive you into everlasting habitations what this is talking about is that he wanted to be received into their houses okay and everlasting meaning like kind of perpetual and the idea not saying like their houses are going to last forever right because obviously we know in the end everything's gonna be burned up and all that's going to be gone away but the idea here is that it's everlasting in the idea that like for for for your whole life that basically you're going to be received into their houses you're going to have that habitation you're not going to be homeless because you were making friends with with those and when it's talking about the unrighteous mammon uh or the mammon of unrighteousness what you're dealing with is just the world in general right when you think about business you think about like let's say companies and stuff like that and just making money obviously this is not something that is the number one priority of a christian is to make money know this though that money answer with all things the bible says and that money's not wrong and you know just to have money the love of money is the root of all evil right but money is not the root of all evil so money is not wrong but the idea there is that obviously that shouldn't be our focus that's not what we're just desiring for we're not we're not trying we're not uh laboring to be rich or anything like that but in the end obviously we need to make money to pay the bills support our families get food on the table all that right so that's something that needs to be done there and so this unjust stewart notice first he's going to be kicked out because he's wasting his master's good so what's the one thing that you see about this unjust stewart to begin with is the fact that he's wasting his master's goods okay in uh verse 10 there it says he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much and he that is unjust in that in the least is unjust also in much so this is a statement here that i think we we all need to take the heart and the fact that if you are faithful over the things that are minute things that are small things that translates you into the person that's going to be faithful in those things which are great those things which are bigger or maybe more important or you know higher on the scale of uh you know of importance if you will that this translates okay but also if you're unjust in that which is least that goes all the way to you're going to end up being unjust in that which is uh much okay so this is something that we all need to know in dealing with our lives whether it's work whether it's church whether whatever the case may be is that you need to be faithful in those things that are small be faithful in those things are small because that'll translate to you being faithful in those things are big and what a lot of people will say is like well no i i just want to focus on being faithful in those things which are important those things which are great those things which are big over here and i'm just going to let all this stuff fall by the wayside that's small listen you start off small and that leads to greater things okay and and there's comfort in the fact of just focus on being faithful in the little stuff that you're dealing with right now be faithful in that take care of those things and then that will open doors for other opportunities for you to be faithful in things that are more important or bigger okay and what it comes down to is that what we're going to see in the next verse here is that why would god put you put you to uh uh to be leading over something or to be dealing with something greater if you can't handle the small things right why would god put you into that position or and this can be in a lot of different avenues okay so i'm going to be going through a few it's not limited to what i'm going to go over but this is just a principle that you need to understand okay but keep reading there in verse 11 it says if therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon who will commit to your trust the true riches so notice it's basically saying if you're not going to be faithful over this stuff that doesn't really matter right if you think about like things that are physical in this world things that are like temporal and all that then if you're not faithful over that stuff then why would god put you over the true riches why would he allow you to be a steward over that type of stuff okay you haven't proven yourself on the stuff over here that's not as important okay and keep reading there it says in verse 12 and if you have not been faithful in that which is another man's who shall give you that which is your own so the steward obviously he's over his master's goods so if you're not faithful over other people's things okay then why would god give you a whole bunch of stuff that's your own if you can't even handle being faithful over someone else's things right that's kind of what it's getting into okay and i'll say this this sermon is going to step on probably everybody's toes so just be prepared okay and what you have to understand when a sermon if you say well i think that that sermon was directed at me if you think that then it is okay and here's the thing shouldn't shouldn't you think every sermon is directed toward you i mean i don't know about i don't know if you know this but when i preach a sermon i'm also preaching at myself in a lot of cases because i need preaching too right it's not like i've arrived okay and every sermon you say what about a reprobate sermon well that sermon should be directed at you for doctrinal purposes maybe for a reminder of like here's the truth of the matter here's what's going on and usually when i'm preaching a sermon like that i'm not just ripping face to face i'm ripping face on something because there's a point to drive home on how it applies to you okay so when it comes to any type of sermon if there's if there's something that steps on your toes then just take it don't get upset at me don't get upset at the bible okay but here's the thing let's say you think i'm out to lunch then why are you upset right if you think that i'm just out to lunch on what i'm saying then why are you upset just be like well he's wrong on that it'd be like if if someone i've been to churches where they preach you know wrong doctrines right and when someone preaches a wrong doctrine they're like this is what i believe on this i don't get i don't get mad at them and i'm talking about things that aren't damnable heresy obviously right i'm not saying you go to the church and preaching like work salvation and be like well you know that's fine i'm talking about doctrines that aren't damnable heresies but the thing is is that when they preach that they're like this is what i believe why would i be upset i'm confident what i believe i know what i believe about the bible i know i'm right on that because this is what the bible teaches why would i be mad at that person now if someone falsely represents what i believe and starts lying about what i believe okay yeah that that gets you upset okay does that make sense but someone's just laying out here's what i believe on a subject and they're not like falsely you know uh stating what the other side is then you know whatever who cares but also if someone's preaching hard against some sin or preaching hard against some something in the bible well if i'm not guilty of it why am i upset about it and those that get upset at a sermon that is is designed to make us all better if someone gets upset about that that's just showing that you're guilty of it okay and if you get upset about it too and you don't just say hey well maybe i should just take that to heart then ultimately you're not a wise person because a wise person will take review take reproof and learn from it okay so i'm prefacing the sermon with that okay okay now let me give you an example of of something when it comes to uh being faithful onto that which is least okay go to hebrew chapter 10 hebrew chapter 10 okay i've had people and not necessarily people in the church here but i've had people come up to me and ask me about wanting to be let's say a pastor or a leader or something like that right this could be anything from church members to people just coming in for like a visitor and asking like what do i think about like you know what do i need to do in order to be a pastor or whatever and obviously you know i personally have some criteria that i look for when it comes to someone taking up that position but what you have to understand is that before you even get to the point where you're uh you know doing all these other things that i would put on on there like one you need to have read through the bible 10 times you need to be on a schedule that you're reading through the bible multiple times a year like all these different things when it comes that you need to have these doctrines down you have all this stuff here's a simple one okay if you want to be a pastor you need to be faithful in church attendance okay see i've already stepped on toes okay because i know that there's not everybody's like every service or anything like that but here's the thing i'm saying i'm talking about you want to be a leader you want to be a pastor listen if you want to be a pastor and you can't come to church every service being a church member how do you expect to do it when you're a pastor does that make sense like you kind of have to be here if you're going to be the pastor i mean barring your sick or you're out of town or something does that make sense like you need to be in church okay hebrew chapter 10 verse 23 it says this let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and the good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching now i'll just say this if you come to church once a week i don't believe you're forsaking the assembly okay does that make sense like i i think if you're coming once a week you're coming to church every week you're not forsaking the assembly okay but if you're gonna be a pastor you're gonna be a deacon you're gonna be a leader in a church you to be there pretty much all the time okay and like i said obviously barring you're not sick or you got some something that has to be done okay because that happens to all of us okay but know this is that when i started the church there was no one to step in for me okay when we started what was it like 20 around 20 people that were there and you know at the beginning stages there i was leading singing i was doing everything when it came to like leading the service and praise the lord you know we have people that step up and do all this stuff now listen i i can't express to you how happy i am that i am not leading singing unless i must do it okay but the thing is is that in those beginning stages of starting your church when you're starting from scratch and you're you're starting up you got to be there for everything and if if you're not there church doesn't happen and so that first year i was there every single service whether i was sick or whatever i had to because if i wasn't it didn't happen okay now i still hold that attitude so don't get me wrong i have a little more leniency now if i have like if i'm like you know feel like death warmed over then i can have someone step in for me okay and i have that luxury now to where i can do that for those cases but know this is that listen if you want to be in that leadership position be faithful in that which is least and just being there obviously this would go into soul winning and all these other things too right but just be there just be there so for example if someone wants to be if someone's saying hey i want to start a church i want to be sent out to start church be like okay obviously there's like the qualifications that are in first timothy chapter three and titus chapter one but just focus on being there every service just being completely faithful to every service and listen if you say well i don't believe that i need to be there every service well if you if you're not i'll just say this if you're not if you're not faithfully coming to every service i'm not sending you out okay that's just that's my requirement like is that bible no i don't have chapter and verse for being there three days a week but i'll say this i have requirements as far as what i believe is going to be faithful and all that and listen there's more that you have to do than just coming to the church building as a pastor and if you can't handle coming three times a week then you're not going to be able to be in that leadership position you know just the way it is think about leaders in the bible and where they came from and where they ended up being how about david okay go to first chronicles chapter 17 first chronicle chapter 17 part of part of the sermon is going to feel like it's a rebuke but another part of this should be an ease on you and the fact that hey don't worry about these high-end things worry about the small things first and those the easy stuff right the stuff that's just like hey i can do that hey this is easy let's do that build upon it little little upon little you know here here a little there a little the idea there is that you're building up you're not just like all of a sudden like boom i'm the pastor i'm at every service i'm doing all this stuff i'm like writing three sermons a week i'm doing that's not smart to just jump into that and listen it's just not going to work if you're not faithful in that which is it says those that aren't faithful in that which is least or if you're faithful at least you'll be faithful and much but if you're in justin least if you're not doing what you should be doing those least things you're you're not going to be faithful in that which is much i happen to believe the bible when it says that okay but also you can just see it in real life and how that works okay when i start when when i started the church here i don't know if you know this but i was going to church faithfully for years sunday morning sunday night and wednesday night also sunday school so add in a little extra there beforehand right we had sunday school and emmanuel so you had sunday school sunday morning sunday night and then you'd have they never counted sunday school as church as i never understood but if you didn't go you're sick of the assembly just saying so but you know that i was doing that for years before that soul winning consistently for years before that okay i didn't just jump in and be like hey let's start a church hopefully this works out the idea is being faithful and being being the person that's in the pew the person that's just you know basically hey i'm following the pastor i'm doing this and just doing that faithful for years and uh but in first corinthian or first chronicles i'm sorry 17 and verse 7 here it says now therefore thus shalt thou say unto my servant david thus said the lord of hosts i took thee from the sheep cot even from following the sheep that thou shouldest be ruler over my people israel so david if you remember the story when he's anointed all his brothers are brought before uh samuel but david's not even there because he's watching the sheep and even when he's being sent to where he's going to end up killing goliath where's he at he's watching the sheep that's a lowly job that's not exactly high on prestige you know every you ever see those lists of like prestigious jobs of like what has prestige i don't think shepherds are high up on the list okay it's usually like doctor lawyer you know all this other stuff i don't know why lawyers up there that should be weighed down right you know zenith the lawyers in the bible there's i believe there was a good one but but david he was keeping the sheep how about joseph talk about coming from humble beginnings as far as before he becomes second in command of the biggest empire of his day egypt to the point where he's pretty much in command over everything the only person that's above him is pharaoh and basically pharaoh is just kind of like off in the distance like hey just do what you got to do and uh you know basically he the only veto power is whenever the pharaoh would jump in there okay but think about this when it comes to when he was uh when he sold the potiphar go to uh genesis chapter 39 genesis chapter 39 in genesis chapter 39 and verse 4 it says and joseph found grace in his sight talking about potiphar and he served him and he made him overseer over his house and all that he had he had he put into his hand so he's basically the steward of potiphar right basically that's what a steward is says it came to pass from the time that he had made him overseer in his house and over all that he had that the lord blessed the egyptian's house for joseph's sake and the blessing of the lord was upon all that he had in the house and in the field and he left all that he had in joseph's hand and he knew not ought he had saved the bread which he did eat and joseph was a goodly person and well favored basically he's like he had no idea about the finances he didn't know what was going on with it he basically put all his trust and what joseph had there and joseph is being faithful with another man's goods okay when it comes to that you know that's where you want to talk about being hard about being faithful over something is over someone else's stuff because other people's stuff it's harder to care than if it's your own okay just facts that that's just the way it is it's a lot of times it's harder to care about other people's things and taking care of other people's things because they're not your own but as soon as they're your own there's a little more skin in the game isn't there and so this is something that joseph was doing before he ever got into second in the command over uh over egypt in genesis chapter 39 verse 21 you know the story about potiphar's wife and all that but he gets put into prison obviously god's with him through all of this but it says in verse 21 but the lord was with joseph and showed him mercy and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison and the keeper of the prison committed to joseph's hand all the prisoners that were in the prison so basically he became like basically a worker for the prison at that point and whatsoever they did there he was the doer of it now wouldn't that be said about us okay in church or just in life when it comes to your job is that whatsoever thing need to be done you're the doer of it okay and wasn't it wasn't it kennedy that said you know think not what you can do for your what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country but you know that may be cliche but the idea when it comes to church is the idea of don't come here thinking like what can the church do for me it's more so what can i contribute to the church what can i do to help the church and would the god be said about all of us that hey if there's something that needs to be done we're the doers of it to the point where hey we're fighting to take out the trash or something like that or do different things when it comes to the church and you say well i don't know what needs to be done let me know if you want to know what needs to be done and i got some stuff for you to do okay and there's always something that can be done there's always something we can you know maybe get into because you're taking over something over here to where we that opens up free time for us to do something else okay and go to uh uh keep reading there it says in verse 23 it says the keeper of the prison looked not to anything that was under his hand because the lord was with him and that which he did the lord had uh made it to prosper notice the trust that each person has here with joseph where they don't even take knowledge of what is going on with you know the goods or you know the work okay let me give you an example of this of brother dave and he's i don't know he's probably still trying to get the internet where who knows but uh i barely ever looked at the church account to a fault probably but you know when i first started church i was constantly looking all right do we have no money are we paying the bills like is everything coming in all that stuff well since dave's been the deacon you know basically he takes care of all that he takes care of all the offering stuff he takes care of all the the bills all that stuff and literally unless something comes up to where i need to know that's the only time i know about it basically you know my my instructions today if we if we're in trouble let me know okay when it comes to finances or whatever but i i it's not like i can't look at it i have an app on my phone that has face recognition that i could literally just like hit a button boom there's the account i just i'm i'm not why i don't need to know right now so what's the point and it's being taken care of right like that is out of sight out of mind i don't need to worry about that dave's taking care of that or people in the church are taking care of this you know that's the type of thing that we're talking about here is that being that type of worker where you don't have to be like hawking over them being like all right are you doing this right you know it's just like well i know that they're doing it right now i'll say this this is a hard thing for me to do is to allocate work and then walk away i'm a very controlling person by nature right when i say controlling obviously what i mean is that like i like being in control of what i want to get done okay this goes with work this comes with church this comes with anything it's hard for me to basically give the order and then say and then be like all right you guys deal with it especially if i know how to do it and they the problem is if i don't let them figure it out they'll never figure it out okay and if i just say everybody's got to have to make those mistakes and go through the rigamarole and figure it out for themselves to where they know it really well okay and so this is something that you know as a leader it's hard to do to allocate that but i think part of it is is that we've known a lot of untrustworthy people we've known a lot of people that drop the ball does that make sense that that don't that aren't good stewards right i mean they're that we're reading we read a story in luke 16 of an unjust steward that wasted all his master's goods so these people exist right and in 2024 let me ask you a question do you think there's more unjust stewards or faithful stewards out there i would say that there's more unfaithful those that are wasting that aren't doing their job right in 2024 right now then there are good ones okay and the point of the sermon is be the good one be the one that is faithful the one that isn't wasting the goods the one that is being faithful unto that which is least okay uh colossians chapter three you can turn there if you want colossians 3 23 says this it says and whatsoever you do do it heartily as to the lord and not unto men whatsoever you do this could be anything okay the most menial tasks you know do you know that there i i run an engineering company and you know there's times where i deal with the trash there's times where i deal with certain things that i could i could i could literally tell anybody in the office to be like hey can you go do deal with that with me all right but here's the thing like we're not there's not there's no job here at the church that is on that that is beneath us okay that makes sense like there's no there's nothing here to be like i'm above i can deal with that i as the pastor i'm not it's not it's not beneath me for me to go take out the trash or to clean the toilets or to fix the toilets or do whatever okay it's not beneath me but here here's the thing when it comes to uh the whole mechanism of things right we also have to be efficient with the time that we have and i only have so much time right so if i were to basically say you know what i'm just gonna do it all it's like well then you're like moses it's gonna wear away because you can't handle all that like you don't have enough time you don't have enough energy to deal with all of it and so you get into a case of like an axe chapter six where the apostles basically said we don't want to leave the word of god to wait on tables not that waiting on tables is like not needed it's just the fact that they have other things they need to do so they appointed seven faithful men to take care of that that whole administration there and that business that needed to be done at the church and uh and i don't think anybody would look at stephen and philip the evangelist and all that and be like you know those are peons right when it comes to that i think actually they think quite the opposite there uh ecclesiastes 9 10 says this whatsoever thy hand findeth to do do it with thy might do it with thy might so and when we're talking about it i think it's easy to say do something great with all your might right like this is like very important this is high end on the priority list this is something that has you know great recompense of reward it's easy to say do that with all your might it's a harder thing to say take out the trash with all your might right because you're like it's so it's so menial it's so like you know it's easy it's not like something that takes a lot of thought but listen do it with all your might and uh go go to proverbs chapter 14 proverbs 14 so when it comes to let's say being a leader well if you want to be a pastor you want to be a deacon you want to be a leader first step in my opinion just be here all the time just be here that alone is something you're going to have to do anyway when if you're going to be in that position so do it now and then when you get into that position it's not even like something you think about do you know i don't think about whether i'm coming to church barring i'm not sick or on my deathbed right i don't wake up in the morning am i going to go today now i text brother dave all the time and i joke with him be like hey you're preaching today right but i just like to joke around with them especially if they give no notice half the time but i don't wake up and think like why am i going to go i just go that's but you know what i i was having that mentality before i ever started a church though it's like you have to have that mentality before you even get into that position of like it's not a matter of if i'm going i am going and obviously you know like i said you know if you're sick or you have somewhere you have to be you're out of town for work or whatever it's like that's not what i'm talking about okay i'm talking about okay i'm talking about just the fact that you're laying in bed and you're like i just don't feel like going today do you know there's a lot of times i wake up and don't feel like coming i don't feel like going to work i don't feel like i mean does anyone wake up and just like let's go to work you know zippity do da zippity day you know there's just that's that's what you wake up to right it's like no most people aren't like that if you are then god bless you you know but your spouse probably hates you okay because your spouse is probably the person that doesn't like waking up my wife would literally punch me in the face if i woke up like that because my wife is not a morning person at all okay i would consider myself tolerable in the morning meaning like i'm not like i'm not angry waking up you know but i'm also not like exactly just jumping out of bed either okay proverbs 14 verse 4 now the thing that i want to to preach on now could end up stepping on a lot of toes but you know what hopefully you brought your steel toe boots but this is something that it just needs to be it needs to be said needs to be preached on and you know what you need to hear it is the idea of wasting and trashing the house of god okay now let me let me preface it with this okay proverbs 14 and verse 4 it says where no oxen are the crib is clean but much increase is by the strength of an ox meaning this is that you don't have to pick up any droppings if there's no animals in the stall and meaning that it could be a super spic and span clean and there's you know but there's nothing being done okay so let me preface with this i'm not expecting our church to be like a museum at all okay i'm not expecting things not to get spilled not things getting like you know trash or like things breaking all that stuff is going to happen it is what it is but it's just like having a car right you want your car you want to run the wheels off that car and if that car just wears out right right but it's different thing to just blow up the engine because you didn't change the oil right and be like well i run i ran until i blew it up it's like yeah but that was kind of negligent wasn't it and when i'm when i want to hit on here is that okay obviously i'd rather have a church that's messy and that that uh is something that where there's just stuff being destroyed but we're doing the work i'd rather have that any day the week okay no doubt okay then the church that's spic and span clean but nothing's getting done okay and knowing that we have over more than 50 percent of our church or kids it's just going to happen stuff's going to get messed up stuff's going to get messy but here's the difference when stuff gets messy it gets cleaned up and it should be cleaned up by those that did it okay and this is something that we all need to make sure is happening because what ends up happening okay what ends up happening is those that didn't make the mess end up cleaning it up every time whether it's in the church whether it's outside in the yard and all that stuff and listen i'm all for kids running around and all this stuff and and having fun and the property that we have but listen the amount of bottles and and trash and food and everything else that's just left everywhere else that is something that and when you come back and it's all clean it's not some like fairy that came by and did it okay someone in the church cleaned that up and listen what this comes down to is being faithful on those that which is least listen you know picking up trash is not exactly the most prestigious thing it's not something that that is a high end high end on the priority list and it but it is something that's important right we want to have a clean church we want to have a church that's not completely destroyed and all of that and so and you say well you know what would you rather have a clean church that's working or that's not working or a trashed up church that's working well that's called a false dichotomy okay do you know what a false dichotomy is it's it's a it's two things and stating that those are the only two choices why can't we have a church that's working but is also pretty clean like i said i'm not expecting museum status here okay but the idea here is that more than the cleanliness is the fact that that the idea that that you're putting it on someone else to clean it up okay because i know who's usually cleaning it up and that is something that it's been going on for a while and listen know this is that this is every church okay every church that i know of that i'm friends with this is an issue so it's not like specific it's not like you guys you know why don't you get right like this church over here that i know it's like no this is just an issue this is just something that every church deals with and i'm just preaching on it because i want what i want you to understand is that if you're messy or you don't clean up after yourself that translates into other issues and that is something that will be detrimental in your life later on okay because if you're not faithful in that which is least now how are you going to be faithful in that which is much later okay and go to proverbs chapter 6 and i'm going to go through proverbs and i just want to talk about something dealing because what this comes down down to a lot of this is just laziness okay too lazy to pick up after stuff who's here has been to a sheets and just seen like trash everywhere around the sheets baffling to me okay do you have any trash cans or at sheets okay and when it comes to littering i have a pet peeve with littering okay but especially when there's a trash can at arm's length it's like i okay i work next to a sheets okay like meaning like it's right next door and i'll go up to the sheets or whatever and like there's just trash on the hillside i'm like how does this happen like how like you literally are just like you know what you pass the trash can up and you're just like right there that's where it belongs right there on the hillside you're like are you an environmentalist no i'm not but you know what i can't stand is people being lazy being lazy to the point where you're just like i'm gonna not just walk another two feet and just drop it in the trash can i'm just gonna drop it right here right where i'm at and listen when adults do that it really makes me angry okay when kids do it i understand it because kids are kids right but you also have to teach your kids to not do this okay now kids are different because one of my kids is super neat super clean like has everything organized my other kid one of my other kids okay i'm not going to name them because you know later on to listen to sermon if you know i don't want to like call them out in front of the pulpit or anything like that but one of my daughters to be unnamed basically just she would just put her trash wherever but then when we would tell her hey no you have to put that in trash she would find somewhere else to put it and there would be literally a stash of wrappers in the pantry i'm like why why like the trash cans right there like the same amount of distance you had to go to stash it over here like a little pack rat like what are you saving that for so what i'm saying here is that this is something that is just an innate in human nature to like you know kind of throw stuff wherever and all that stuff okay so i'm not here to like you know say that this is just unique to anybody in here or anything like that obviously everybody deals with this but and what i want to say here is that again things are going to get messy things are going to get spilled i think what was that last service whether wednesday like everybody spilled a drink or something like that and it was just one of those days right and this stuff happens i don't give a rip okay this stuff gets spilled okay it's what happens afterwards is it dealt with okay that's what i care about accidents happen all the time when you have a bunch of kids running around all this other stuff stuff's gonna happen it's when everything gets destroyed and then everybody just walks away and no one deals with it okay and then they're expected that other people that clean the church or deal with that type of stuff because we have like well we have a cleaning list right praise the lord for that okay that's another thing that when i was uh starting to search you know obviously i let singing all that stuff but we're also cleaning and you know what probably i don't know if i put the lead the leading of singing and the cleaning but they're pretty much right there as far as like how much i'm happy that other people are doing that and i'm not having to like uh have that on my radar as much okay again if i need to clean i'll clean if i need to sing i'll sing and that's just something you're gonna deal with when i have to do it but but that being said is that it shouldn't just be put on them to be like okay well they'll deal with it when they're when they're cleaning the church and all that stuff okay and what i want to do is go through a few i want to go through a few verses and proverbs dealing with being slothful or being a slugger and you know when it comes to this you know what what's a slug something that moves really slow what's the sloth something that moves really slow okay so when it comes to this what we're dealing with is someone that is just slow moving and someone that is just not getting things done and in a lot of cases just being lazy okay notice in proverbs chapter 6 and verse 6 proverbs chapter 6 and verse 6 proverbs chapter 6 and verse 6 it says go to the ant thou sluggard consider her ways and be wise which having no guide overseer or ruler provided her meat in the summer and gathered her fruit in the harvest now the thing that's to note about this is that no guide overseer or ruler meaning that they do this on their own and this is something if you want to be faithful in that which is great in that which is much what do you do with the small things when no one tells you to do it right it's one thing if your parents are telling you clean that up clean that up how about this instead of them telling you to clean it up you just do it listen if you want to listen children if you want to if you just want to floor your parents clean up with them without them asking you to and you'll just be like every once in a while and maybe my wife will be like no actually i told him to do that but every once in a while my kids will be like hey i clean my room you want to you know they're actually really proud about it and they're just like hey let me show you that i cleaned up and you know what i'm just like whoa you know this is a bonus and then you see like claws just full of everything right they just shoved it all in there but the idea here is that when it comes to this the character here is dealing with doing it when someone doesn't tell you to do it anybody knows that having a worker that does something that does something that they should be doing without you telling them they have to do it is priceless it's one thing to have kind of like a yes man type of person where they're just like you tell them to do it they do it that's great okay but how about somebody that sees a problem and takes the initiative to say you know what i wasn't told to do this but this is going to help this i'm going to go ahead and do it that's huge like that's something that if you are that person you will excel today i mean if you just show up to work you'll excel today right kind of talking about the least things right just go to work go to work be on time i mean you'll be manager in like a week right because it's just that hard to find people that are faithful and just going to work but now take another step further do what you're told to do when you're told to do it and be timely on it go take another step forward and now do something that you weren't told to do specifically but you know should be done and you know that the person would want you to do it and just take the initiative and now i mean good night your superstar status at that point and i'm talking about things that are small like things that i'm not talking about like major like rocket science type stuff here okay and go to proverbs chapter proverbs chapter uh 12 verse 27 proverbs chapter 12 verse 27 and listen if you come out of the sermon thinking that well pastor all he cares about is having a clean church you've missed the whole point okay you missed the whole point of the sermon okay i i am not one that usually i i do not get upset if stuff gets if you literally like if brother day david right here just tripped over and just knocked everybody's coffee like i just would i mean i would hope he's okay and he doesn't like hurt himself right i don't want to say i don't care but i don't really care if the floor gets stained i don't care that you know like that i don't care if he broke the chair on his way down right but what i care about is that obviously hey you know let's let's let's throw away the chair that's broken let's you know clean up the mess and all that stuff and it's not just like david just like annihilates the first front row and then he just walks away and be like well see you guys later now i'm picking on david because obviously he wouldn't do that right but proverbs 12 verse 27 says the slothful man roasts not that which he took in hunting but the substance of a diligent man is precious now this isn't to be confused with being covetous okay but if you someone that takes care of what they have shows a lot of character okay there's a difference between that and like just loving the stuff that you have right you're just like so attached to the stuff that you have it's just that you're utilizing it you're taking care of it like i like it unless you're having a vehicle right hey you keep a vehicle well maintenance you keep it looking good you know like it's not like it's not a matter of you being covetous and be like just look at how beautiful my car is and all that stuff it's a matter of like hey it's running well and hey it's doing the job and hey this thing's gonna last for a long time because i'm taking care of it and his substance is precious because he's thankful for what he has and he takes care of what he has listen children if you destroy the stuff that your parents give you that shows you that you're not appreciative of what they gave you now things break don't get me wrong okay but if you're just negligent to the point where you're just like just destroying stuff and just not even thinking about it you got to think about what message that sends to your parents about how much they appreciate what you gave them and again if you can't be faithful over another man's goods then who's going to entrust them to you your own right there's so many in here i'm not going to go through all these but it's kind of go to go to problem chapter 18 verse 9 problem chapter 18 verse 9 because what i'm talking about is kind of wasting things there's the idea of being messy there's an idea of being like you know but then there's this idea of wasting stuff right this happens a lot where food is wasted drinks are wasted and all this stuff okay and it's not that we can't afford more food okay but the idea here is that we shouldn't be a wasteful type of person okay that we should you know be thankful for what we have and what we want to do is utilize everything that we have okay and just utilize it to the nth degree and all of that it says in proverbs 18 verse 9 it says he also that is slothful and his work is a brother is brother to him that is a great waster so basically someone that's lazy someone that's slothful is a kin meaning like they're closely related to the person that's a great waster right so someone that's just like not a hard worker or someone that's not diligent in their business they tend to waste what they have on top of that okay someone that's diligent someone that's working hard they tend to try to keep what they have as long as they can because they know how much work it took to get it okay it's like why money that's gotten by vanity it talks about how it's basically grows wings and i'm paraphrasing i don't think it says grow wings but basically the idea that it has wings to where it flies away if someone gives you money that money tends to fly away a lot easier than money that you earn yourself okay just the way it is not just life okay but um so we don't want to be you know we don't want to be lazy we don't want to be uh and what this comes down to and and i'm not like accusing anybody of being entitled or like anything like that but it's just the facts that matter is that when we basically uh say well that person will take care of it we're basically entitling ourselves to say we're entitled to them taking care of our problems to clean up our mess let me give you an example of something that made me extremely angry i think i brought this story up along before in a sermon but just to tell you how much this stuck with me okay is that i used to work at kroger i used to be a courtesy clerk that's a that's a really fancy name for a bag boy okay i wasn't 18 yet so i couldn't sell alcohol you know so i couldn't run the register okay so i was basically the bag boy but that means i went out and got the carts right or buggies as we would call it in west virginia so so i would go out there to the corrals get the buggies and all this other stuff well there was this the first of the month every first of the month was food stamp month okay that's basically when all welfare checks would come in back then you had food stamps and stuff like that you didn't have a card anyway so he always knew i always knew when it was the first you know what you know because that would all come in and flux in there so anyway i was going to get carts i was basically gathering them all together and i knew that this because i i'm bagging up the groceries right so i knew they they were using food stamps and stuff like that and there was this kid that was literally my age that took his mcdonald's bag of you know eating food and wrappers and all that stuff and stuck it in the cart and didn't even push the cart back to the corral so i'm walking like way past the corral to go get this cart and then he just sticks his trash in it as i'm walking out to it and i looked at him like i was going to rip his face off okay and at the time just so you know i wasn't saved so you know not that not not that i wanted to kill people when i was not saved okay but you know i was on the wrestling team too so like i'm already like fighting people all the time anyway so i just like really wanted to just rip this person's face off but i also didn't want to lose my job so but he i looked at him like i'm gonna i'm gonna murder you right now like just enraged that he's doing and you know what he looked at me and he knew i was mad and he says he's like what it's your job isn't it now mind you i'm working for 5.15 an hour back then that was minimum wage what is it today like 10.15 or whatever i don't know i'm working 5.15 an hour pretty much working just so i can burn gas with my friends pretty much so i could have gas money to go roam around with my friends and like have a good time when i'm in high school okay and this this kid who's my age could be working the same job i am who's who's basically probably already signed up to be on welfare is sticking his trash in the cart that i'm having to go gather so then i have to just so you know i had to take his trash because i can't put all the carts together with the trash in there i'd smash it all in there right i had to take an extra trip take his trash put it in the trash and come back get the car put it in there and put it in there as he's telling me it's my job to take his trash out so if you want to know how i feel when i see other people having to clean up other people's messes that's what i think about it it angers me okay so think about that when when you have and listen i'm all for like listen we're in a small building and right now we're just eating wherever we can it is what it is right when we get a bigger building we'll we'll change that right to where we're not eating in the auditorium or whatever but it is what it is right now but listen if you have trash and you and you're eating something the first thing you should do when you're done is just go put it in the trash and then go play do whatever you want to do and listen parents let me put this on you for a second if your kids make a mess and they're not cleaning it up you need to clean it up because then it comes back on the parents okay you say well i don't know which stuff is theirs then that tells me something else you're not watching them and knowing what they've taken out and what they're doing with it okay the only other option is that someone else cleans it up and that's not an option in my opinion okay now am i going to police this am i going around just like watching everybody no i'm not okay but i've also been there where you know my wife is out there picking up trash or i see other people picking up trash that's not ours after church and this is just something that if you're faithful in that which is least you'll be faithful also in a much and it translates okay is all i'm saying with this is that it translates into other issues and all of that and so let me just give you a point on this and i'll be done and the idea of go to uh titus chapter two titus chapter two titus chapter two because we're talking about being a leader if you want to be a leader well you need to be faithful in that which is least first you know come to church go soul winning read your bible faithfully do these things and like okay keep incrementally trying to get that better and going on from there and then when the opportunity arises well now that's of second nature okay you don't want to be in a leadership position and like the small things are hard to do right like coming to church okay you don't want to be in that position and have any more difficulty than needs to be okay when it comes to you know picking up after yourselves taking care of the house of god listen if we want god to bless us with a bigger building or a nicer building and all that stuff then maybe we need to show them that we can take care of what we got okay and and all that and again this is just something that i obviously will take our church being messy and us going out so wanting and everybody's going out so wanting and doing the work any day of the week okay then having a clean building and all that okay and it is what it is i know what's going to be stuff's going to get messed up stuff's going to get destroyed so be it so be it it's like owning a truck and thinking that things aren't going to get dented in or things aren't going to get messed with unless you own a cyber truck and then you're just not going to do much of anything with that okay but it is what it is i mean it just comes with the territory right we have a whole bunch of kids here and stuff's going to get wrecked okay but the difference is don't let it be wrecked to just be wrecked don't be don't let it be because of negligence don't let it be because we we just completely disregard you know the things of the of the church okay let's just let's just be diligent with what we got and uh and go from there okay but think about this okay young ladies and i would imagine that the young ladies in here eventually want to get married and have children and all that okay well if if you can't keep the portion of the house that you're living in right now clean and tidy how do you expect to keep your whole house clean and tidy for your husband and for your kids i don't know if you know this but when you have kids it makes it that it makes it like exponentially harder to keep things clean okay so keep this in mind okay that notice what it says in tidus chapter 2 verse 3 it says the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as become a holiness not false accusers not given much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chased keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blasphemed so obviously the older women are supposed to be teaching the younger women to be that and know this is that if you're not doing it now what makes you think you're gonna do it later if you're not taking care of someone else's stuff right be like well this is my parents house right this isn't really my house it's like well if you're not faithful over another man's goods who will give you your own goods right if you can't keep this one portion of the house clean keep your room clean how do you expect to keep the whole house clean adding kids on top of that and then you're in for a world of hurt okay so just something to think about it's easier to start now when things are easy okay i wish i could go back sometimes to the times when i lived with my parents and i had no responsibilities i didn't have to pay listen i didn't have to pay car insurance i didn't have to pay the mortgage i didn't have to pay you know all this stuff when i had money in my account i could do whatever i wanted with it damn those were the days now i get a paycheck and i'm like man what that what that would have been when i was younger right i've been living the high life okay but immediate it's like all the bills are like well there's that paycheck gone immediately go to titus two for six young men okay so young ladies something to think about so young men how do you expect to lead a home how do you expect to uh to to lead your wife and your children if you can't lead yourself and and and that which is right to do okay see the wife they're going to be taking the orders from the husband right you have to be the one giving the orders okay when it comes to where we're going to go to church what we're going to do where we're going to live what you know what house we're going to buy not saying your wife can't have a say in it but you're ultimately making that decision notice what it says in titus two verse six young men likewise exhort to be sober-minded in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works and doctrine showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity sound speech that cannot be condemned that they that is of the contrary that he is of the contrary part may be ashamed having no evil thing to save you listen at a young age you need to be preparing to be that leader of the home to be that provider to be that protector you're like you know and listen if you're if you're listening to me right now and you're like i'm not i'm but i'm like eight years old you know start young i mean listen obviously i'm not saying go to the gym and start bench press in 315 okay get ready to protect your wife okay i'm just saying like hey read your bible as much as you can now you know memorize scripture be faithful be that be that young man that people look to and say hey that young man right there has more integrity than most the the people that are in their 30s right now in america you know have that have that higher standard when it comes to uh leading the home and so and parents as well when it comes to this we need to lead by example obviously we need to teach our children i think about homeschooling right and stuff like that obviously uh famous passage in junior army six about you know thou shalt teach them you know thou shalt you know guide them and all and when they'll walk us in the way and all these different things right and the fact that that we need to teach them but we also need to lead by example go to first timothy chapter four first timothy chapter four and i'm not saying like listen uh sometimes kids do what their parents do and they just emulate it so if kids are really messy maybe their parents are really messy but that's not always the case okay kids will just be kids sometimes but the idea here is that we need to set the tone right my wife needs to set the tone for our daughters and i need to set the tone for my for my sons as far as here's what you should be like and even with the daughters you know i set the tone for what they should be looking for in a husband okay and my wife should be setting tone what my son should be looking for in a wife and we need to lead by example when it comes to this and first timothy chapter four and verse 12 obviously this is dealing with a pastor so obviously the pastor needs to lead by example right so if i'm up here preaching to you about being faithful to church but i'm never here obviously that's not going to work out really well right if i say hey be faithful to soul but i don't go soul winning you know you know obviously i need to lead by example first timothy chapter four verse 12 it says let no man to see the despise i'm sorry let no man despise that youth but be thou an example of the believers in word and conversation and charity and spirit and faith and purity so we as parents you know and and listen when it comes to homeschooling i'm going to preach a whole sermon about this i was kind of i think i was talking about the shane about this when we were out soloing last week that sometimes it's really hard to spend a lot of time on something that seems very trivial for example like teaching your kids how to like read and like how to do math and stuff like that and it's just like man it's a lot of time but listen that stuff is crucial for them to learn that stuff they need to know it they need to know reading writing and arithmetic they need to know those type of things and where you're taking focus off what you're trying to accomplish and you're trying to put the focus on them accomplishing something okay and that's a whole sermon for another day as far as like time management and uh basically giving up your time for them okay and for that and this is something that we need to make sure we're not letting go by the wayside and the fact that hey we are there teaching them what they need to know and whether that's whether that's school or whether that's behavior and all of that stuff we need to be there and try to make sure that hey they are learning what they need to learn whether it's book smarts or whether it's street smarts okay and what i mean by street smarts is basically knowing how to act around people right knowing how to be polite knowing how to address people knowing how to be around people you know like those type of things that we need to constantly be working on with our children okay so if my children are messy at church listen ultimately it comes back to me doesn't it because i'm the parent obviously you know they're the ones doing it but in the end i'm the one that has to deal with it whether that's making them clean it up cleaning up myself but also making sure hey you this needs to change okay and so obviously there's different standards too when it comes to age because you know obviously a kid that's that's uh like my i can't expect my three-year-old to be like as cleanly as my eight-year-old okay like obviously there's gonna be differences there when it comes to that okay but last thing i want to go to proper chapter one proper chapter one so if you're mad at me after this sermon so be it in the end when it comes to this i'm not out to attack anybody i'm just out to preach what i believe is right and but i'm also out there to preach for those that are uh maybe dealing with stuff that they shouldn't have to deal with okay and i'm not calling anybody out by name i'm not whether they're on whether they're the ones that are cleaning it or whether the people that are messing it up they think in the end we're all guilty of probably messing something up here or there anyway in the end this is something that we should all take to heart that if we see a mess let's just clean it up you know if we see something that's awry let's just clean it up but what this can really do is is is breed bitterness okay and what i don't want to see is people bitter and against other families because of this type of stuff okay and listen there's way more important things to worry about than that type of stuff anyway and we don't want there to be this big tribulation that happens so that we're not all bitter against each other because of small little things again these are these are small things right does that make sense like every when i'm talking about like cleaning up the church and not leaving trash those are small things not not like life or death stuff here okay but they can breed to bitterness where people are just like you know what i'm just constantly cleaning up their mess i'm constantly dealing with this they never watch their kids they never do this you know and you can see that type of stuff breeding okay and the idea of this sermon is so that hey let's just let's just uh clean it up at the source you know like hey how about everybody just cleans up their own mess and then we don't have to deal with that and i'm not saying anybody's bitter okay i'm just saying i could see it happening though like i could when i say see it i'm not like seeing them getting bitter what i mean is that i can i can foresee people getting upset and getting bitter with certain people because of them having to deal with it okay i'm not bitter at anybody but again i'm not the one that's usually cleaning up everything okay i'm not bitter anybody that doesn't come to church every all three services just so you know okay i'm i'm not and i don't i don't look at you as like less of a christian or anything like that but i'll say this if you want to be a pastor then listen you're going to have to come to all three services or like how you're going to lead a church doing that okay so that's kind of where i stand with that but proverbs one verse five know this when it comes to any sermon when it comes to anything just assume the sermon's for you and don't get offended i mean like the idea you have the choice to not get offended and just say hey you know what maybe that does apply to me i'm going to make it better or maybe that doesn't really apply to me but i'm going to make sure that i make that right you know like i'm going to make sure that i'm not doing that right it doesn't really matter where you're at on the spectrum proverbs one five says a wise man will hear and will increase learning a man of understanding shall attain into wise counsels to understand a proverb and the interpretation the words of the wise and their dark sayings the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction and so you want to be wise here you don't want to be a fool you don't want to despise any type of instruction i mean would anybody here say that i'm out to lunch to say that everybody should pick up their own stuff would anybody say like i'm just like you've gone too far pastor you've gone too far okay what am i out to lunch to say like hey if you want to be a pastor you want to be a leader you need to come to all services like faithfully before you ever do that and here's the thing it doesn't really matter if i'm out to lunch on this or not if i'm out to lunch on it and you're like hey that's unreasonable then just walk away and say that like i think you're unreasonable all right fine right but i'll say this if stuff keeps getting trashed then we're just gonna have water in the fridge you know there will be a point where i'm not going to just have to make people like have to have someone clean up everything all the time and uh and deal with that all the time okay you know that's a luxury that we have that we have all kinds of snacks we have all kinds of stuff like that and i i don't want to get rid of it but i'll say this here's the easy route we all just throw our stuff away and then then that's it that's all that needs to be done there so but i hope that you take this sermon a little further than that okay then just cleaning up your messes okay hopefully you take the sermon to say hey as if i want to do great things in the future be faithful in the small things now if you be faithful in small things now that'll lead to the bigger stuff okay so let's end with a word of prayer apparently father we thank you today thank you for your word thank you for this passage dealing with uh the unjust stewart and lord when it comes to any type of uh passage in the bible lord where maybe someone does something wrong or anything like that lord uh help us always learn from others mistakes and lord help us lord to be faithful in those things which are least so that we can be faithful so that we can be faithful in those things which are much and lord just pray that you would uh here's our church thank you for this church thanks for everybody that that comes and does the work and lord just we are a church that works and i just praise you for that and thank you for that pray to be with us as we go out soul winning and pray to lead us to people that are wanting to get saved lord we love you pray us in jesus christ's name amen so brother dave will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your songbooks and turn to song 327 song 327 in your songbooks we'll sing higher ground if you would stand we'll sing song 327 i'm pressing on the upward way new heights i'm gaining every