(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, good evening everyone, welcome to Mountain Baptist Church. Take your song books and turn to song 55. Song number 55 in your song books we'll sing when the roll is called up yonder and if you would stand we'll sing song number 55. When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more and the morning breaks eternal bright and fair when the saved on earth shall gather over on the other shore and the roll is called up yonder I'll be there when the roll is called up yonder when the roll is called up yonder when the roll is called up yonder when the roll is called up yonder I'll be there on that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise and the glory of his resurrection share when his chosen one shall gather to their home beyond the skies and the roll is called up yonder I'll be there when the roll is called up yonder when the roll is called up yonder when the roll is called up yonder when the roll is called up yonder I'll be there let us labor for the master from the dawn till setting sun let us talk of all his wondrous love and care then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done and the roll is called up yonder I'll be there when the roll is called up yonder when the roll is called up yonder when the roll is called up yonder when the roll is called up yonder I'll be there all right let's pray heavenly father lord we just want to thank you god for this beautiful day that you've given us to meet in your house and hear your word preached i want to thank you lord for the souls that were saved um this week and i pray lord that you would just bless our pastor film with your power and spirit for it's in jesus name we ask all but amen all right may be seated and turn your songbooks to song number 61 song number 61 we'll say we'll we'll sing we'll never say goodbye song number 61 we say goodbye imparting with loved ones here below we always hope to meet again as on our way we go but off our hearts are grieving for those we never meet we'll say goodbye in sorrow till we meet at jesus feet we'll never say goodbye in glory in the morning over yonder we'll never say goodbye in glory we'll never say goodbye i'm fair our children leave the home nest for school or wedding bells or countries call our mission field may take them far as well now wedding bells are happy and god's way always right and absent ones will greet them in the city always bright we'll never say goodbye in glory in the morning over yonder we'll never say goodbye in glory we'll never say goodbye i'm fair we meet and part with dear ones we say hello goodbye and letters bind our fellowship we miss them though we try to feel them always near us and follow them with prayer but parting days are ended when we meet them in the air we'll never say goodbye in glory in the morning over yonder we'll never say goodbye in glory we'll never say goodbye i'm there oh happy glad homecoming with jesus in the sky for sometimes he seems far away though always if we try we find him near to help us his spirit dwells within but only perfect union when we have an enter and we'll never say goodbye and glory in the morning over yonder we'll never say goodbye in glory we'll never say goodbye i'm fair amen so welcome to mountain baptist church on this wednesday evening and uh just want to first of all say to to pray for those that aren't feeling well uh so i got some text messages and so the machetes um aren't feeling well my wife is recovering although she just told me she was having a coughing fit so hopefully she's okay but uh but the kids are all snotty and all that stuff and the allergy season is is horrible this year uh so just be in prayer obviously that uh uh everybody stays healthy um and that allergies don't turn into other things as far as sinus infections all that stuff and so um uh just be in prayer for that as far as the general church announcements here we have the offering box in the back there we have the mother baby room that's for the mothers and babies only and then we have uh all our church service times are normal this sunday now i'm going to be out of town i'm going to be preaching down in georgia at stronghold baptist church but we are going to have preachers uh that are going to be preaching on sunday so be in your places for that and the soul winning time on sunday is going to be at one p one pm at normal time so and i will be soul winning in georgia actually it's it's uh interesting uh pastor burzins has the same kind of schedule we have where they have the service time at 10 30 and then they do soul winning i think their soul winning times at 1 30 which just to be honest let's let's be honest that's when we probably get get out when we when we get everybody together um and then he has a four four pm uh afternoon service after that so actually it's it's going to be like being here honestly when i'm out there so uh but be in prayer for the travels and all that stuff um lord willing obviously i'll be back on monday so i'll be you know back here on the next wednesday and uh and then all the soul winning times in the in the week there monday and wednesday uh brother charles and brother richie leading those up respectively and uh be in prayer the brother richie's car obviously that works out that that gets fixed um but um but just be on the whatsapp there for that our bible memory um we are in psalm 16 so we're gonna memorize psalm 16 now if you're still memorizing colossians keep going at that i think some are we have that whatsapp where uh you can kind of keep up with where you're at and everything and some are uh still chugging along through that so keep going with that um if you're still wanting to get through colossians then um you don't have to worry about trying to keep up with the different chapters we're getting into here but psalm 16 is definitely a great passage um or great psalm to memorize uh one of my favorite favorite verses is i have set the lord always before me because he's at my right hand i shall not be moved um so that's that verse is in there it's a great verse to have memorized and then psalm 119 89 is our memory verse for the week forever oh lord thy word is settled in heaven and so obviously that kind of had to do with the sermon on sunday and then uh upcoming events we have the women's prayer meeting this saturday at 11 a.m and so uh ladies be in your places for that and on the upcoming events there we have the soul winning marathon in charleston on june 18th so that's obviously a saturday and um i don't think we gave an official time as far as when we're meeting up we're going to meet at the panera we're going to get some more details on that as far as the actual address of the panera that we're meeting up at it's it's further away so um the big thing is is that when we go out um it seems like the afternoons are always more receptive because people are actually awake um so i'm going to say 9 30 tentatively that we're going to be meeting up at the panera and that we're going to get teamed up and head out um and uh what we'll probably just end up looking into doing is that we're going to have a shorter morning time out so wanting and then after we eat lunch then we really hit it hard and have a longer time um just because i know what usually happens on those saturday's is that everybody's like waking up no one wants to answer and it's not until the afternoon that everybody's just like oh okay i can talk to you now so um but we'll play that by a year and obviously we got to see the weather and what the weather's doing um and and we'll just go with what we what work there so but be in prayer for that if you can't make it out to that um don't worry there's other marathons i think brother uh brother nick and uh and and brother who are you know brother chris brother chris are kind of leading up a soul winning marathon in um in new york actually so that's actually the 11th right or when are you guys doing that it's in august that's right why was i thinking it was anyway so in august but then we're also going to be doing a soloing marathon and wheeling around our church anniversary time which is in september so if you can't make it to this one there's other ones to kind of uh jump in on um but um we want to make sure we get our dan to bear sheba we're going to start with bear sheba with charleston and go up the dan uh in in our church church anniversary there so but if you can't make it pray for us and um as far as uh pregnancies be in prayer for miss kathleen katherine and uh miss rachel um as their due dates are now this month so be in prayer for them and be in prayer for all those that just hadn't baby so alissa and uh and ginger as they are recovering and and getting acclimated to another baby and so just be in prayer for all them and that's about all god for announcements brother rich is going to be reading exodus chapter 20 and brother dave's going to sing one more song before that and then we'll get into the bible study all right take your song books and turn to song number 64 song number 64 in your song books we'll sing shall we gather at the river song number 64 shall we gather at the river where bright angel feet have trod ah with its crystal tide forever flowing by the throne of god yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of god on the bosom of the river where the savior king we own we shall meet in sorrow never need the glory of the throne yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of god and we reach the shining river lay we every burden down crown grace our spirits will deliver and provide a robe and crown yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of god soon we'll reach the shining river soon our pilgrimage will cease soon our happy hearts will quiver with a melody of peace yes we'll gather at the river the beautiful the beautiful river gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of god all right take your bibles and turn to exodus chapter number 20 exodus chapter number 20 we'll have brother richie come and read that for us all right exodus chapter 20 if you're there say amen all right and god spake all these words saying i'm the lord thy god which have brought thee out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage thou shalt have no other gods before me that shall not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or this in the earth beneath or is in the water under the earth that shall not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for i the lord thy god i'm a jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children under the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments thou shall not take the name of the lord thy god in vain for the lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shout thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god in it thou shall not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy manservant nor thy maidservant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that's within thy gates for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the lord thy god giveth thee thou shall not kill thou shall not commit adultery thou shall not steal thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife nor his manservant nor his maidservant nor his ox nor his ass nor anything that is thy neighbors and all the people saw the thunderings and the lightnings and the noise of the trumpet and the mountain smoking and when the people saw it they removed and stood afar off and they said to moses speak thou with us and we will hear but let not god speak with us lest we die and god said to the people fear not for god has come to prove you and that his fear may be before your faces that you sin not and the people stood afar off and moses drew near under the thick darkness where god was and the lord said into moses thus thou shalt say unto the children of israel you have seen that i've talked with you from heaven you shall not make with me gods of silver neither shall you make unto you gods of gold an altar of earth thou shalt make unto me and shout sacrifice there on thy burnt offerings and thy peace offerings thy sheep and thy noxin in all places where i record my name i will come under thee and i will bless thee and if that will make me an altar of stone thou shall not build it of hewn stone for if thou lift up thy tool upon it thou has polluted it neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon let's pray uh dear heavenly father thank you for this service on a wednesday evening pray you'll just fill pastor robinson with your holy spirit and i pray that we all have ears to hear and learn something from this sermon geist name amen amen so you're there in uh exodus chapter 20 and we are continuing our study through the book of exodus and we are in the famous passage dealing with the ten commandments and so uh if you remember in chapter 19 uh was really the setup for this where uh god uh was telling moses to tell the people that he's making a covenant with them and that he was speaking with moses they were coming to the mountain and all that as far as that terrible sight that's there chapter 20 is really where god is then going to speak not just to moses but to everybody now in this chapter you see that after he tell he speaks these ten commandments that they they're all afraid to the point where they say we don't want to hear from god himself anymore we want to hear you you hear that from god basically moses you bring us the message um and that's what hebrews 12 obviously indicates as well but in verse one there it says and god spake all these words saying i am the lord thy god which have brought thee out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage so he's the one speaking these words okay it's not being relayed uh by moses he is the one actually saying all these words now the first thing i want to mention here is that these are ten commandments count them one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay now um it doesn't say ten commandments here and sometimes people will look through here and be like it looks like there's more because it says thou shalt not like more than ten times right um and i want to show you the places where it just completely states that there's ten commandments that are stated here and uh you know the catholic church as it tries to change this and and you know some people say there's 12 and then uh the catholic church will try to split uh the last you know thou shalt not covet into two commands because they don't like the graven image one um so they try to like cover that one up um but i just want to show you the passages it it clearly states that these are ten commandments that are given uh and go to exodus chapter 34 and verse 28 exodus chapter 34 and verse 28 the other thing i want to mention here is that these commandments these ten commandments are obviously not the only commandments in the bible okay there's other commandments that are given uh but these ten commandments are the ten commandments that they have to keep in order to uh keep the covenant okay so this is the covenant that they have to keep remember in chapter 19 it says if thou shalt obey his voice and keep his covenant right and obviously there's a lot of other things they're supposed to do okay they're supposed to like keep all these feasts and keep all these different things that they're supposed to do they're supposed to do all these sacrifices but these ten commandments are literally that's the priority list like you need to keep this okay and this is important because i'm going to get to the sabbath you know keeping the sabbath and obviously in the new testament we don't keep the sabbath anymore but people will point to that and be like well it's the ten commandments you know you have to you're telling me there's a commandment that you shouldn't keep and uh we'll get to that but in the end this is something that was instituted for that covenant that was to be kept in order for them to be that peculiar people and all that unto the lord now in verse 28 here it says and he was there with the lord 40 days and 40 nights he didn't either eat bread nor drink water and he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant the ten commandments okay so these are the two tables of stone right the the famous two tables of stone that has god's writing with the finger of god right and it says these are the words of the covenant the ten commandments go to deuteronomy chapter four deuteronomy chapter four so there's three places where it just straight up says the ten commandments and deuteronomy chapter four we'll see that as well deuteronomy and this will also show you that obviously the ten commandments were written on those tables of stone that he brought down from mount sinai but it's going to state here that this is what he declared unto them okay not just that he wrote them on the on these tables of stones but when he was when they were hearing his voice from that mountain that's what he was stating was these ten commandments okay so in verse 11 there so deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 11 it says and he came near and stood under the mountain and the mountain burned with fire into the midst of heaven with darkness clouds thick darkness and the lord spake unto you out of the midst of the fire so this is the only place where we see the lord speaking to the whole congregation right speaking to everybody and this is that event that we were just reading here it says you heard the voice of of the words but saw no similitude only he heard a voice which is very important to understand that they didn't see god they just heard him out of this thick darkness out of this cloud right but then it goes on the same verse 13 and he declared unto you his covenant which he commanded you to perform even ten commandments do you see how the covenant and these ten commandments are synonymous and how they are being linked together here as far as this is what they are to keep because you may ask to yourself you know when it says in chapter 19 you have to keep this covenant and you go down the line and you see all these things that they they're not keeping the the the feast of tabernacles right they're not doing these different things right but there's really these priority lists now obviously they're supposed to do that and they're they're punished for not doing what they should be doing and not keeping the law like they should be keeping the law not keeping all the customs but there's gonna be a lot of other commandments that are gonna be given to them but these are the crucial commandments that if you keep these then you know what you'll be a holy nation of peculiar people now it says even ten commandments and he wrote them upon two tables of stone and the lord commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments that you might do them in the land whether you go over to possess it now that's what we're gonna get into when we get in chapter 21 is you get these statutes and judgments and going down the line um so this is really kind of just obviously deuteronomy is the second telling of the law so he's kind of telling you these events that are happening in in line there okay uh deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 4 just to show you the other uh the other place there where it states ten commandments i've heard one way to remember where this is at is you know 10 4 good buddy i don't know why that's just someone someone said that you know like where where's the ten commandments you know it's like deuteronomy 10 4 and some people have weird ways why they remember things but it's so it's so kind of crazy that i remember it for some reason you know and and sometimes those silly things will kind of stick with you okay but deuteronomy 10 in verse 4 it says and he wrote on the tables according to the first writing so this is when he went remember he broke the tables of stone so uh this is the second time he goes up to get them the ten commandments which the lord spake unto you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly and the lord gave them unto me now is there any doubt that what we're talking about here in exit chapter 20 is ten commandments i don't think there's any doubt to say that there are ten commandments here okay so i want to go through these commandments now i did whole sermons on on the ten commandments meaning i did a whole sermon for each commandment so i can't go at nauseum at this and show you and go through these in detail like those sermons just because we don't have that much time and uh but i do want to kind of hit on these um a little bit as we go down the line okay the first commandment is in verse three there so go to exit chapter 20 and verse three and by the way it's a good thing to have these memorized okay um i know we're not in the old testament but you know if there there are certain things that i think that you should just have memorized that i think a lot of people think they know like who are the 12 apostles right can you name them you know could you name uh the 12 tribes of israel could you name them in order right and could you name the 10 commandments you know and there's different things like that i think it's good just to have these lists memorized okay um and exit chapter 20 verse 3 it says thou shalt have no other gods before me so commandment number one no other gods before me okay so go to isaiah chapter 44 and verse 6 now when we're when he's talking about gods obviously he's talking about those that call themselves gods you know they're there be as there be gods many and lords many right there's a lot of gods out in the world right as far as i think of hinduism they have like millions of gods uh and just different religions have their own god but there's only one true god okay and that's what i want to get a point across here is that he's saying have no other gods before me in the end though there really isn't any other god those gods that they worship are devils okay so there's no other god but the lord in verse 6 here so isaiah chapter 44 and verse 6 it says thus saith the lord the king of israel and his redeemer the lord of hosts i am the first and am the last and beside me there is no god okay so what does it say thou shalt have no other gods before me okay so think about like beside him there is no god okay now this is a great passage to show jesus deity because jesus said i'm the first and last i mean that liveth and was dead behold and behold am alive forevermore and had the keys of hell and of death so that's a great passage to show you that well the first and last it says that beside the first and last there is no god so a great deity deity verse for that go down to verse 8 there so isaiah 44 so if you want to know some good verses on that there's only one god obviously you know there's deuteronomy chapter 6 you know hero israel the lord our god is one lord you know like you definitely go to that but isaiah 44 45 46 like this is a tour de force where god is just making this point that he's god there's no one like him there's no one beside him he doesn't know any other god and i just want to show you this okay so in verse 8 here it says fear ye not neither be afraid have not i told thee from that time and have and have declared it ye are even my witnesses is there a god beside me yea there is no god i know not any okay so put that in your mormon pipe and smoke it because you know they they want to say well you know there's there's there's gods but they're they're they're out there somewhere else right you know the yeah we believe in one god but it's it's you know it's just the god of this universe or this planet or whatever you know what the bible's stating is that god says i know no other god okay so if elohim is some other god right then he's saying he doesn't know him okay he doesn't know any other god so the the bible stating here is that beside him there is no god and there is no god he knows not that he knows not any he doesn't know any other god okay go down to uh go to chapter 45 verse 5 isaiah 45 verse 5 isaiah 45 verse 5 it says i am the lord and there is none else there is no god beside me i girded thee though thou hast not known me so yeah i love this because it's kind of you know those people is like you know uh they try to claim that well that's not my god it doesn't really matter if you don't think that's your god it doesn't matter if you're like well he's not my god he is your god and you're going to answer to that god it's this idea of like just trying to deny reality god created everybody everything is his and you know what it's kind of like saying there's no god beside me and he's saying though that has not known me it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you don't know who he is he's still god and there's none beside him okay verse six there it says that they may know from the rising of the sun and from the west that there is none beside me i am the lord and there is none else verse 22 just for good measure because i love this verse and we have that song look and live um which obviously i think goes back to the serpent on the pole and all that too but verse 22 it says look unto me and be saved all the ends of the earth for i am god and there is none else and then uh go to isaiah 46 and verse 9 isaiah 46 and verse 9 so isaiah 46 and verse 9 there's there's kind of three things i want you to to notice here that i'm trying to make a point on is that he says thou shalt have no other gods before me and one there is no god there's no god beside him there's no god that's even that stands before him there just there isn't any and not only that but he says i know no no other god so god is saying i don't know any other god there's no god beside me but also this notice what it says in verse 9 it says so isaiah 46 and verse 9 remember the former things of old for i am god and there is none else i am god and there is none like me and this is this is a great verse to show you you know obviously we believe in the trinity the father son the holy ghost we believe that god is three persons one god there is nothing and no one that is like god and a lot of people are just like oh we don't understand it yeah it's hard to understand something that you can't compare to anything because he's unique and let me ask you this and we're going to be getting to the next commandment if god if there's nothing like him there's no one like him how do you think that you're gonna portray or make an image or make something that's going to look like him right and that kind of segues into the next commandment here okay because you say why isn't there just the second commandment right because mostly but the reason i i believe there's two commandments here kind of dealing with the same subject to a certain extent is because you can have another god and there not be a graven image right think of the muslims right they have another god okay it's not the true god but they're against idolatry and they'll say well we're against idolatry and we believe in god well that's a false god that's putting another god beside the true god okay but there are a lot of idolatry and there's a lot of religions that have idols and it's all about that tangible likeness right but if god if there's nothing like him if there's no one like him then how can you think that you're going to make some image that's even close to compare to him okay so go to Exodus chapter 20 verse 4 and this second commandment is dealing with no graven images to bow down and worship or idol idolatry right okay now in verse four here it says thou shall not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for i the lord thy god am a jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments i want you to notice here that that's all one sentence okay now this may be controversial in the baptist realm but i don't believe that having a baby doll is an idol or a graven image okay or even even a wooden doll okay what i believe here is that you have to understand this is all one thought that when you're talking about graven images or idols idols are those are graven images that someone worships okay so go to leviticus chapter 26 and i preached on this kind of ad nauseam in the sermon so if you really want to get a little more information on this because some will say well you know anything that's wooden or metal or like some kind of like graven molten kind of thing it doesn't matter if anybody's worshiping it that's that's wrong that's wicked you shouldn't have it okay and i don't agree with that okay because i don't think it's based off material okay so just because it's plastic doesn't make it like any different right because you could have a plastic buddha or a plastic you know whatever is out there i don't know what the other gods are but you know the idea i don't think it's based off material i think it's based off what you're doing with it now that being said i'm not going to have a buddha in my house okay i'm not going to have like one of these false gods in my house i'm not going to have the the virgin mary in my house i'm not going to have like things that are known to be worshipped by other people and venerated by other people does that make sense like even though i'm not doing it that is a known idol that people worship okay so i just want to preface it with that but look at leviticus chapter 26 and verse 1 here because i want you to see here how it couples making the image and bowing down to the image or worshiping the image here okay in verse 1 so leviticus chapter 26 and verse 1 he shall make you no idols nor graven image neither rear you up a standing image neither shall you set up an image any image of stone in your land to bow down unto it for i am the lord your god so notice that it's saying like don't set up these idols these graven images these standing images to bow down to it okay now why you know you say why are you making a big deal out of this well one the bible has to all fit okay and when you look up the temple being built and specifically in ezekiel because in ezekiel there is a layout as far as things that are going to be built and there are actually images that are made like lions cherubims i mean the arc of the covenant has two cherubims that are graven and if you remember the cherubims are things that are in heaven right i mean they're obviously creatures that god created and they have four faces each they have four wings you know that is an animal right it's a beast it's a you know living creature and so i can't negate because you can't say well there's just you should never make a graven image ever it's like well then why did god command them to make that graven image on the arc of the covenant so that being said is that you have to know that okay we're dealing with worshiping this graven image okay so and you say well what if i you know what if there's this image and i'm just like not sure well if there's any doubt then don't do it okay i mean that's where roman chapter 14 would come into the case where doubt food disputations you know if you even if it isn't wrong and you think it's wrong then it's sin okay you know if it's not a faith so that goes with eating things that you think may be wrong or whatever even if it's not technically wrong um you know it can be sin if you're not doing it by faith but that being said when you're dealing with this commandment of no graven images you know that has to be in context with what's going on here okay um so and people say well we don't really worship mary you call her the mediatrix you know unto christ and you know what about you know kneeling down burning a candle unto saints and to me i grew up catholic okay so you can go past the you know the bread and the baloney's already been passed around you can pass me the bread i've already i've been there okay so and many you know we have other catholics in here that got saved and everything the thing is is that you can tell me you're not you're not worshiping but if you're praying lighting a candle and bowing down before it if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck okay so and here's the thing let's say you're not technically worshiping i mean how far to that line do you want to get to when it comes to idol idolatry right so and and here's the thing the catholic church and i should probably not stop on this one because i need to get to the rest of my notes here but they the catholic church borrowed the roman uh empire's like polytheistic gods okay and they just took those gods and replaced them with saints okay and that's where you get all these saints and when praying the saints and worship in worshiping mary and all that it's it's a it all goes back to babel honestly when you think about all this this false religion but so don't think that i'm like well you know you're astral robinson's for all those uh those catholic idols and everything that are in there i'm not okay i'm not for any of that stuff you know i'm not for anybody kissing any type of statue and listen i'm not for i'm not for even statues of people because people then idolize those people okay and even if they're good people then they end up idolizing that's where we get that term idolizing people right that's not good to idolize people you know that that uh that stupid show that's out there called american idol i mean that is literally i mean what the bible is teaching here and listen you don't need a graven image to have an idol and the bible is teaching here that we need to not do that so we need to not have any other gods before him not have any graven images obviously which are associated those images are associated with some other god but it's that tangible like we can see it we can touch it and everybody wants to have a god they can touch okay but what's the bible say we live by faith not by sight okay and faith comes by hearing you hear by the word of god not by some idol some man-made thing and there's many verses on that i got to stop on that one go to go to Exodus chapter 20 verse 7 the third commandment is to not take the name of the lord our god in vain okay so it says in verse 7 it says thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain for the lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain so the obvious not taking his name in vain would be using his his name like a profanity i mean obviously that is degrading his name okay you're using it as an expletive you're using it kind of like uh almost like a cuss word okay and and that is not the way that you should be using the lord's name okay let me show you a verse on that leviticus chapter 22 and verse 31 okay i don't believe it's just talking about that okay so um but i think that definitely applies okay you know when people just like yell out the lord's name when they're in pain or they yell out the lord's name just as an expletive that's wrong you're you're basically misusing his name his name should be hallowed his name should be held up and revered and used in a in a in a in an honoring way okay not just thrown out flippantly uh and in leviticus chapter 22 verse 31 it says therefore shall you keep my commandments and do them i am lord neither shall you profane my holy name but i will be hallowed among the children of israel i am the lord which hallow you that brought you out of the land of egypt to be your god i am the lord so when it's talking about his name it's talking about not profaning it and hallowing it and think about the famous you know the lord's prayer right how does it start our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name okay so the idea is that what does hallowed mean it means to basically honor to be holy if you will like you're you're basically lifting it up to be holy to be to be you know uh a name to be revered if you will so obviously profanity and using i'm just going to be honest with you obviously there's words that are words that i don't want to hear because they're crude okay and sometimes people will take that too far and they'll take words that are in the bible and say you shouldn't say them you know like like the bible talks about the word piss or or bastard or hell or things like that and they'll say well that's a curse word it's like no every word about is pure it's crass okay obviously it's getting a point across it's not it's not the most gentle language right that's being used it's not it's not a cuss word okay there are cuss words which i'm not going to say there are words that are very crude words that we should not be using because it's not using filthy language but i'll say that out of all all of the filthy language that's out in the world i'd rather hear that than hear my savior's name used as profanity i can't stand it okay it just like eats at me you know when someone's just like saying you know jesus name as a profanity or even god and listen i don't even like when people say omg and you're like you're extreme well it's a euphem i know what it stands for okay and you may even think that i'm a little you know on the harsh side but i don't even like when people say gosh okay so that being said and if you if you listen i i'm just telling you my standards on this is that even words that are like like being used in place of it i know what you're trying to replace it with in a lot of cases okay you're like well what can i say if i stub my toe well say wow you know no i'm just kidding you know good night in the morning you know like good night seems to be the one that's always just the one that's easy to say you know good night in the morning which means like something that's kind of crazy obviously you don't say good night in the morning all right but um so when it comes to the profanity obviously that would apply but go to uh go to proverbs chapter 30 and verse 8 here there's other ways that we can profane god's name okay we had that song take the name of jesus with you and what you have to understand as christians we are ambassadors for christ we are in christ's stead right and there is a factor in there dealing with how we live and how we represent christ and how we be taking his name in vain in that aspect okay so let me just give you one example of this and that's stealing okay now you say well there's a whole commandment for that yeah but a lot of these commandments kind of go kind of meld into each other as far as how they're connected so in uh proverbs chapter 30 and verse 8 here notice what it says it says remove far from me vanity and lies give me neither poverty nor riches feed me with food convenient for me so this is a great thing to know like we don't want to be in poverty but we don't want to be rich and there's reasons why here's why verse 9 lest i be full and deny thee and say who is the lord so you don't want to be rich so that you're just trusting in your riches or lest i be poor and steal and take the name of my god in vain okay so i believe that as christians obviously we're children of god and if we are walking in the flesh and fulfilling the lust of the flesh we are in turn kind of taking the lord's name in vain when we're doing that one example here is obviously stealing but let me give you an example of how this would be kind of taking his name in vain because there's a promise given to the righteous and to his seed concerning why was he stealing you know basically because he's poor and he needs to steal he needs sustenance right you can think about stealing for food for example right and proverbs talks about this you know that basically someone that steals because they're hungry obviously you have a little more sympathy for that person but it's still it's still stealing okay it doesn't make it right and in psalm 37 or verse 25 the bible says it says i have been young and now i'm old yet have i not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread now when it comes to this verse i believe that it's not this isn't a promise just to save people but save people that are walking in the lord okay just to be honest with you here but if you're not walking in the lord and you have to steal to get bread well then you're taking the name his name in vain okay and this is kind of an example that because he's giving this promise and he's saying just do what i tell you to do keep my commandments and you know what you'll be taken care of and there's many promises like this in the bible dealing with you know loving the lord keeping his commandments and how he'll basically provide for you okay so just to kind of give you that as far as that goes there can also be calling on what i would say believing in vain okay um and what i mean by that is that for the bible the bible says for whosoever shall call upon name lord shall be saved how then shall they call on him in whom they may not believe there's a lot of people that call out for salvation in vain if you will because they're not actually believing okay um and in first corinthian chapter 15 hits on this where it's kind of he's rehashing the gospel but he's saying if you keep this in memory unless you believed in vain meaning this is that if you don't remember what i'm telling you about the death battle resurrection because the whole chapter is on the fact that the resurrection is real and he's like if you don't remember this then you didn't really your believing didn't save you right you believed in the wrong thing so when it comes to you know calling on the name of the lord for salvation or believing on his name that could be in vain if you don't actually believe what you're supposed to believe and obviously this is why out soul winning we go through and we're and we're very diligent with giving the gospel meaning that we're explaining exactly what you need to believe and eternal security that it's once saved always saved and that you cannot lose your salvation because if we don't explain that if we don't explain that crucial element that it's by grace through faith then someone can pray a prayer and not actually be believing okay and so we don't want to see that happen obviously it's going to happen you know what i mean we can't force people to believe and we can't force people to pay attention and we can only go off what people say when we go out soul winning but in the end our our job is to make sure that hey they had the best opportunity to hear exactly what they need to believe so that when we do lead them in a prayer that it's not it's not for nothing and you think about what the what's the word vain means it's for not right it doesn't mean anything right and so when it comes to this you could look at this this uh thou shall not take my name in vain um in different avenues but obviously what's the big one that we're thinking about don't use his name as as a profane word and using it not reverently okay so go to Exodus chapter 20 and verse 8 i'm taking too much time on these it's hard because you want to explain them but in Exodus chapter 20 verse 8 here is the sabbath day okay remember the sabbath day and remember the reason that that i was kind of hitting on the fact that these ten commandments are the commandments that that's the covenant okay the first covenant now we're not in the first covenant anymore it says that he takes away the first name he established the second it doesn't mean that thou shall not kill is no longer a good commandment right or that it doesn't still apply and i'll say this with the sabbath day i believe it applies but i believe it was fulfilled okay and there's a difference between moral law and customary law okay and when it comes to keeping the sabbath day i believe it was fulfilled in christ and i'll explain that so in exodus chapter 20 and verse 8 it says remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord lord thy god in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter nor thy manservant nor thy maidservant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is with gates for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it so the first thing that i think you should say why are they remembering the sabbath okay well one the sabbath was already established from the creation of the world okay now they weren't ordered to keep the sabbath until we have this first covenant here okay but it was already established the week that work week of working six days and resting the seventh day that was established from the creation but i believe this is to remember the sabbath is to remember the creation okay remember that god created the earth and in the heaven and earth in six days six literal days by the way and for this to make sense to be talking about a six-day work week and on the seventh day you rest for this to be like millions of years of time or like some like day age theory thing it just wouldn't match up at all it wouldn't make any sense this really shows you that he literally created everything in six days six 24-hour days that we would we go through every single week right and i believe that this the sabbath day is one pointing back to the creation that hey god did create everything in six days and he rested on the sabbath and it also kind of shows that if god rested then we should rest okay so i'm not against the day of rest okay when it comes to like when i say we don't keep the sabbath um you know today or in the new testament it's more so that we we're not commanded to keep the sabbath that doesn't mean that you can't have a day of rest actually it's probably a good principle to have a day of rest and by the way sunday is not that day okay i don't know for me it's not anyway uh you know it's actually actually sunday is my hardest day okay i go to work on monday and relax so but uh now some of you may say differently but honestly sunday is not that day saturday tends to not be that day anyway but um but it's a good principle it's it's something that i think is is healthy to work hard for six days and have a day where you just rest and take it a little easy okay now go to hebrews chapter 11 hebrew chapter 11 you say well why what's this commandment teaching us well i believe it's teaching us that salvation is by grace through faith okay now let me explain this okay because what's the sabbath what's the whole point what's the sabbath represent what does sabbath even mean you probably heard the term taken a sabbatical right you're resting okay no work to be done okay no one can work doesn't matter who you are no one is the work if you work on the sabbath day you are to be put to death you say that seems extreme well when you understand what it represents then i believe it actually makes perfect sense that that was the actual penalty for it go to hebrew chapter 11 verse 1 one thing i want to point out here is that what's the sabbath point back to obviously the six-day creation the creation of the heaven and the earth well in hebrew chapter 11 famous faith passage here in verse 1 it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand the worlds were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear okay so good luck evolution is trying to figure out how everything came to be because the bible says it's actually not by those things which do appear but in verse 6 there it says but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh a god must believe that he is and that he's a rewarder of them that diligently seek him you know what's interesting about the commandments and and you say why if this is going to represent salvation and kind of show and picture salvation why isn't it the first one right well because he that cometh a god must believe that he is okay you have to believe that jesus is god you have to know who he is okay and in order to come to the point where you're going to believe on christ you have to know who you're believing in okay and i think it's interesting on how the commandments kind of set that up no other gods before me no graven images right because you know that's obviously vain but then you have that shall not take my name in vain so you're dealing with but basically god is him and none else nothing that's made by man it's he's god none like him and his name is hallowed okay and how do you how do you get saved by believing on the name of the lord jesus christ right so now go to hebrews chapter four hebrews chapter four here's i'm going to tie it in okay now you could go to colossians too and show and it shows that no man judge you in meats or in drinks on respect of a holiday or the sabbath days okay which are a picture for the time then present right and the fact is is that he you know all those cardinal ordinances were nailed to the cross and it's been done away and one of those is the sabbath day okay but the reason i think it's done away with is because it's it's not necessarily done away but it's fulfilled right because jesus said i came not to destroy the law and the prophets but to fulfill but you don't fulfill thou shalt not murder okay you don't fulfill thou shalt not steal but the sabbath day you say well how do you fulfill that well look at hebrews chapter 4 and verse 1 it says let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it so notice how he's saying those that were in the wilderness they heard the gospel as well as we have but it doesn't profit you to hear the gospel and not believe right you can hear the gospel but if you don't believe then it's not profitable to you you're not getting safe notice what it says in verse 3 for we which have believed do enter into rest okay so what are we talking about rest okay and we're talking about entering into rest meaning talking about heaven like we're gonna go into heaven we're gonna enter into our rest as he said as i have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and god did rest the seventh day from all his works so it's interesting how he links rest obviously dealing with you get saved by believing in the gospel and enter into that rest with the sabbath and that's where it gets into the fact that there remains a day of rest there remain a rest for the people of god and it says let us therefore labor to enter into that rest lest any man fall after same example example of unbelief and he's obviously talking about those in the wilderness that fell in unbelief and he's saying let us labor so that no one else falls to that same example that they actually believe the gospel that they get saved that they enter into that rest okay so when it comes to the new testament i look at it as the night cometh when no man can work you know i work while it is day the night cometh when no man can work and when i think about the sabbath i think obviously it's a good principle and i'm not against keeping having a day where you rest but what did it represent okay and i believe it was fulfilled in christ and therefore you know in the new testament it's not a commandment to keep the sabbath and uh and and those that think the sunday is the sabbath and come to come to mountain baptist church on sunday and tell me we're resting when we're going out soul winning doing all these different things because it's just not a day of rest it's it's a day of work honestly sunday fun day it's more like sunday work day i don't know it doesn't rhyme but you know definitely what's going on now go to uh exodus chapter 20 i gotta i gotta try to go faster through here exodus chapter 20 in verse 12 here it says honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the lord thy god giveth thee so what's interesting about this verse obviously is a great great commandment that we honor our father and our mother but in an afision chapter six it says in verse one children obey your parents and lord for this is right honor thy father and mother which is a first commandment with promise okay and it says that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth so it's kind of looking back at that this is the first commandment where it's like giving you a promise that if you keep this then you know god's going to uh basically bless you for that now what you what i want to kind of get out uh get out to you is that when we're saying honor our father and mother this is not a suggestion this is not this is not um we're not profiting our our our father and mother it's our duty okay this is where jesus rips face about this because the tradition of the pharisees and i'll read this in matthew chapter 15 and if you want to follow me in this i'm going to try to go through these a little quicker but in matthew 15 of verse three it says but he answered and said unto them why do ye also transgress the commandment of god by your tradition for god commanded saying honor thy father and mother and he that curses father and mother let him die to death but ye say whosoever shall say to his father or his mother it is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me and honor not his father or his mother he shall be free thus have you made the commandment of god of none effect by your tradition okay honoring your father and mother is not profitable to them it's your duty okay there's a difference between duty and profit right the bible says that if you do what's there if you do all that i command you you should say that you're all unprofitable servants i've done my duty so when it comes to this as far as honoring thy father and thy mother that is our duty that's a commandment that is not to be a gift if i honor my father and my mother i'm not saying like you know you should just thank me for this gift i gave you right no it should be that's my duty that's what i need to do that's what i have to do okay so when it comes to that and i don't believe it stops when we leave the home okay now when we obviously when i got married i left father and mother and i cleave unto my wife and obviously that authority structure is different now but it doesn't mean that i'm just like now it's time i can curse my father and mother you know right obviously i'm still supposed to honor my father and my mother and obviously they're they're you know i'm going to call the shots in my home and i'm going to be the leader of my home and not to take away from that but um and let's get the to the sixth commandment exit chapter 20 in verse 13 thou shalt not kill thou shall not kill now this one one that the the atheists and those that hate god always love to pull out on us and be like doesn't the bible say thou shall not kill and then but you're for this you're for that what you have to understand one is that this commandment is talking about murder okay now a great place to go to prove that is where jesus quotes these commandments and in matthew 19 and verse 18 he says unto him he's talking to obviously the rich young ruler about when he's asking him about what he may do to attain eternal life jesus said thou shalt do no murder okay so that's a great place to show you that hey when when jesus quotes it he quotes it as thou shalt do no murder now the good way to explain this is that well one the bible says whosoever shedeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed in genesis 9 so we're way before you get even to the old testament but then later on we get through and we're going through exodus you know what you're going to see is people putting up you know god commanding the children of israel to put other people to death okay so obviously there's a time to kill there's a time to kill right and there's a time there's a time of war or time of peace or time to heal there's a time to kill there's a time for every purpose under the sun but what worked what is commanded here is not murdering okay now a good way to explain this because they say well it doesn't say murder it says kill so that just encompasses killing anything you can't kill animals you can't kill people you can't kill you know anything you can't kill plants you know they'll just take this way like broad you know just take it where they want it right what you have to understand is that the bible is a hole okay and you can't just pull a verse out of the bible and just make it say whatever you wanted to say let me give you an example of this in first corinthian chapter 15 and this is a good thing to understand here is that sometimes things are stated and it seems like a very broad stroke of the brush but notice what says in first corinthian chapter 15 verse 27 this is dealing with jesus that god the father is putting all things under his feet he's going to rule and reign for a thousand years but in verse 27 it says for he hath put all things under his feet but when he saith all things are put under it is manifest what does that mean like known or just revealed like it's just known right it is manifest that he is accepted which did put all things under him okay you know what this is saying the father is putting all things under his feet but it's just known that the father is not being put under his feet does that make sense like it explains that but it doesn't need it doesn't technically need to be explained because we should know that obviously god is the father is greater than the son right we know that from bible principles but and in verses but this is a great example is that sometimes things will be stated but it's just known that obviously it's not talking about this over here that makes sense and so when we're talking about thou shall not kill it's manifest that we're talking about murder we're not talking about killing anything we're talking about killing people that are innocent killing people that it's not it's not legitimate it's not a reason to do it okay go to exit chapter 20 verse 14 and we're going to get to thou shall not commit adultery and so in verse 14 thou shall not commit adultery now this one's self-explanatory but what i love about the sermon in the mouth or sermon on the mount is that people are like well jesus is changing things you know like he's coming here to change no actually he's making it more rigid never think about that like you've heard that thou shall not kill but i say to you that if you have anger you know if you're angry with your brother without a cause you've committed murder already in your heart that doesn't sound like he's getting rid of the commandment that thou shall not murder right or not kill actually i think he's showing you a little more gravity to it like hey this could happen in your heart before you even do it outwardly okay and the same thing deals with with adultery in matthew 5 and verse 27 it says you have heard that it was said by them of all time thou shalt not commit adultery but i say to you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her have committed adultery with her already in his heart now what you have to understand is that and people will say this would be like well you know you believe that the death penalty should be put on adulterers like the old testament says well yeah if we had a righteous government then that's the way it would be well having you looked upon a woman to lust after her what you have to understand is that with with there's different levels of different sins within that realm of like adultery that's when i commit adultery right first second of all in order for someone to be put to death there had to be eyewitnesses okay and you have to bring both the adulterer and the adulterous so people always point to john chapter 8 and be like well you know why didn't they put him to death one he was under roman law and it says that it was not lawful for them to put anybody to death under roman law they did it to say they were trying to accuse him right that's how the preface of the whole story was that they might accuse him but second of all they didn't bring the adulterer they just brought the adulterous therefore it doesn't fulfill what the law says in order for you to put them to death okay so there are commandments that are dealing with there but what you have to understand is that there's different there's different penalties you can't we're not the thought police here you can't prove you don't have eyewitnesses that were in your mind saying you looked on that woman to lust after her right so no man no one shall be put to death but under the uh under two or three or two or three witnesses okay for anything that's how it has to be so what you have to understand is that yeah you can commit adultery in your heart but obviously the punishment's going to be different when you're dealing with that how about stealing okay now the next commandment so the eighth commandment is thou shall not steal okay now when it's dealing with thou shall not steal we'll get into these judgments and it'll say you pay back fivefold fourfold and depending on what you steal there's restitution that needs to be made you're not put to death unless you steal a person do you see the difference though because the punishment's based off what you steal okay and so if you steal a person and that's where you get into slavery right and obviously slavery is wrong and if you steal somebody and make them like your servant and you kidnap somebody that's punishable by death but if i stole your sheep then i'm not to be put to death for that okay i pay back a restitution i don't just pay you back the sheep i pay you back two or three or four sheep i can't remember what it is off the top of my head but to give you an example of that you know you commit murder in your heart you committed you know you you've committed murder in your heart that's different than actually going out and killing somebody in cold blood murder okay so there are differences within the levels of sin there is a greater sin okay the bible talks about there's a greater damnation there's greater sin this idea of all sin is equal is just a farce it's not it's not true and one way to know that's not true is that there's different punishments based off different types of sins there's different punishments if you're ignorant in that or if you do it presumptuously okay now uh thou shall not bear false witness so in exodus chapter 20 and verse 16 thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor so uh go to proverbs chapter 6 uh this is a very important commandment and this the reason this is a very important commandment to to know is because we use this out soul winning a lot okay because obviously for someone to get saved they have to realize they're a sinner okay they have to realize they need a savior okay like that that's the first two points we hit you're a sinner and that there's a punishment for that and that punishment is death and hell okay and if you don't come to that realization there's no real really to go there i mean you have to realize you need a savior okay that's why i believe jesus left the rich man um and he went away sorrowful because he wouldn't even admit that he'd sinned he kept all the commandments from his youth up i mean go out soul winning and talk to somebody and we've brought in the people that said it okay oh i never sinned it's like okay but we know that for all of sin it comes short of the glory of god but there's not a just man upon the earth to do it good and sin if not now when it comes to this one we always go to roman chapter 21 and verse 8 right all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death now that's not the only sins that are listed there but it's one that most everybody can attach themselves to right have you ever told a lie before yes now when someone says no i've never told everybody like are you lying to me right now you're like obviously every like god be true in every man a liar but i want to i want to state this too is people try to downplay lying then right because let's say they admit that they've lied okay and you probably run into this be like well i was just you know i was just lying because i didn't want to make someone feel bad or you know whatever you know and it's a little white lie now i know better than that we all know better than that that's not the case that you've just told out straight up lies against people and you've just tried to like make that person look bad and just completely lied about them okay but that aside go to proverbs chapter 6 because god looks at lying and the bible says that he hates it okay now there's a this famous passage here of these seven things you know that god you know six things that the lord hate seven are an abomination i want you to know that out of those seven two of them are talking about lying okay so lest you think that lying is like some minute sin though we kind of say hey you know even if you tell a lie lying's still a big deal okay now and uh in verse 16 it says these six things that the lord hate ye seven are an abomination a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood and heart that devises wicked imaginations feet that be swift in running to mischief a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren notice how two of those a lying tongue and a false witness that speak his lies so out of those seven abominations okay an abomination just so you know is something that god doesn't like okay it's actually a very strong word to mean that he detests it he hates it right and this is just a poetic way he obviously hates uh those that sow discord among brethren too right it's a poetic way of saying like you know four three things yea four right it'll use that poetically in the bible now that being said people try to downplay it and if people downplay it and you're trying to convince them hey this is a sin worthy of hell this is a sin that would send you hell one it says it two um you know the bible says that he hates a lying tongue and he hates a false witness that speak his lies so that is actually very strong okay now the last one here is thou shalt not covet go to Exodus chapter 20 and verse 17 this is where the catholic church tries to break these two up and they'll say well instead of having that second commandment about these graven images because that's embarrassing they'll try to break up this last two institute commandments of thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife and that shall not or that that shall not cover that neighbor's house nor cover thy neighbor's wife right and they'll try to say well these are two separate things one's material things one's like a person right um which is ridiculous okay but one easy way to well let me read the verse 17 there's is that shall not covet thy neighbor's house that shall not cover thy neighbor's wife nor his man servant nor his maid servant nor his ox nor his ass nor anything that is thy neighbor's so there's a lot of different things that are being said there but here's why that's ridiculous because go to deuteronomy chapter 5 and verse 21 god puts these in a different order in deuteronomy chapter 5 meaning that in chapter exodus chapter 20 it says that shall not cover thy neighbor's house one first one mentioned and then that shall not cover thy neighbor's white what does it say in deuteronomy 5 21 neither shall thou desire thy neighbor's wife neither shall thou covet thy neighbor's house his field or his man servant or his maid servant his ox or his ass or anything that is thy neighbors you say why did god put it in a different order i mean god knows everything so maybe he did it just to show that the catholic church is really dumb when it comes to how they're trying to split these up okay so i think it's interesting that it just it lists it in a different order to show you that we're talking about coveting okay thou shalt not covet now what's interesting about deuteronomy 5 is notice that it uses the word desire so what does it mean to covet right that may be a word that you're like what does that mean right what does it mean to covet something it means to desire something but to desire to covet it's not inherently wrong but it's inherently wrong to desire covet things that don't belong to you okay that's where you get into the difference between jealousy and envy right god is a jealous god and we're supposed to be jealous over our wife and all that but we're not to be envious of someone else's wife right or covet someone but where i'm supposed to covet my wife should i not desire my wife right i'm not supposed to desire someone else's wife okay and uh in roma chapter 7 states that i had not known lust except that the law had said thou shall not covet so when we're talking about this law we're talking about lusting after things that don't belong to you okay but then it says in first corinthian chapter 12 covet earnestly the best gifts right we're talking about the gifts you know the spirit and all that he's saying covet earnestly the best gifts and you've probably heard this because i probably even said it i covet your prayers right i don't think that's wrong to say you know i think that's what do i desire your prayers you know but i'm not wrong to desire your prayers right so the word covet is not inherently wrong and it even biblically it's not inherently wrong it just means the desire something but when it says that's not covered it's obviously talking about something that doesn't belong to you okay so go back to excess chapter 20 that's the 10 commandments and that was the quick rundown of the 10 commandments again if you want to get you want to hear a little more detail on each one of those commandments i did a whole series on that where i went through each commandment to where i kind of tried to roll over stone kick every dog and you know get through everything on that obviously even in those sermons there's other stuff you're just not going to get get done in a sermon but verse 18 here i want you to see here this is where it states that they don't want to hear god himself okay they want to hear moses instead they're afraid okay so after he gets done saying the 10 commandments right after he gets done saying these those in verse 18 and all the people saw the thunderings and the lightnings and the noise of the trumpet and the mountain smoking and when the people saw it they were moved and stood afar off and they said unto moses speak thou with us and we will hear but let not god speak with us lest we die so notice that they're basically they were not even on the mountain remember they had the bounds set up so they couldn't actually touch the mountain and then they were they basically moved farther back from that and said we don't even want to hear you know you just get the message from god and bring it to us they're afraid they're going to die and moses said unto the people fear not for god has come to prove you and that his fear may be before your faces that you sin not so notice why was this so dramatic remember god could have spoke to them in different manners right he spoke to moses in a burning bush he speaks to elijah in a still small voice obviously god could speak to them in a different manner why did he do it so dramatically and why did he do it in this manner so that they would fear him so they would fear and then notice hey you better keep these commandments right they he made it so dramatic that they didn't they were afraid to even hear him speak right so that shows you and obviously even in the new testament talked about how even moses quaked right and moses was even afraid when he when he saw this right so even moses but notice that moses that's what it says in verse verse 21 it says and the people stood afar off and moses drew near unto the thick darkness where god was so let me show you the difference between moses and most of the people of israel is that when they were afraid to come near to god he went into that thick darkness okay and you know he was the meekest man upon earth at that time the bible says but you can understand why moses is this great character in the bible because we could all say like no i would be moses i would be joshua but would you would you really be him in that time and you know moses obviously had his faults and there's things that he messed up and all that but in the end the bible talks about how god spoke face the mouth to mouth with moses as a man doth with his friend there's only one other person that talks about him being his friend you know as far as the friend of god and that's abraham okay so there's this close relationship but also i want you to know this too that says that he was in a thick darkness where god was okay we do not believe that god that that hell is separation from god and you know one of those one of the reasons people will say that is because they'll say well you know god is light and then there's no darkness at all and i agree with that but at the same time here is saying that he was in this thick darkness so hell is obviously dark and but you know if i make my bed in hell behold thou art there you know and so i don't believe in the gates that actually it shows it and proves that hey god can be in this thick cloud it's dark he's there it's obviously intimidating you know but uh go to verse 22 and i'm kind of i'm gonna blow i know i'm kind of blowing past they're getting to the end of this chapter because i'm out of time but um the last thing that's said here so you kind of see the 10 commandments are stated they're afraid they don't want to hear god's voice anymore they want moses to just hear the word and give it to him in chapter in verse 22 that starts happening okay and this kind of goes into chapter 21 22 and going down the line where god is speaking to moses and moses giving this to the people and it says in verse 22 it says the lord said unto moses that thus thou shalt say unto the children of israel you have seen that i have talked with you from heaven you shall not make with me gods of silver neither shall shall you make unto you gods of gold an altar of earth thou shalt make unto me and shalt sacrifice there on thy burnt offerings and thy peace offerings thy sheep and thine oxen in all places where i record my name i will come unto thee and i will bless thee and if thou will thou will make me an altar of stone thou shalt not build it of hewn stone for if thou lift up thy tool upon it thou has polluted it neither shalt thou go up by steps unto my altar that thy nakedness be not discovered there on so he's basically kind of recapping that you're not to make these graven images gold or silver later places it'll say stone and it'll give you all these different examples but he talks about this altar okay and how it's to be made of earth or stone but he gives a caveat here that if you make it of stone basically you are not to put any tool to like grave it like basically you just need to stack up stones that you find somewhere okay the interesting thing about this is when solomon builds the temple i don't know if you remember but they would basically build everything outside of the temple and when they bring it in it would just fit into place and they weren't there was no sound of a tool when they built the temple okay and part of me thinks that maybe he's looking at this even just with the altar on the fact of like not using a tool and obviously they use tools to make all that stuff okay obviously the grave everything but when they brought it in they basically just fit it into place it's like they built it without and then they they fit it into place and i just think that's an interesting thing there obviously because what does the altar represent what does the temple represent it represents that which is in heaven made without hands okay so you can obviously see like why because listen nothing in the bible is incidental which means without purpose okay he tells them to do that for a reason okay he's not just throwing out commandments just to be funny and be like well look at them sack those rocks and try to get them on there and make it look straight without carving it there's a reason for that and there's so many applications there now when it says that they shall not make steps onto the altar when you think about how the altar goes up it was by a ramp if you will but i want i want to state this because people will say with this well this is why men wore dresses back then okay because it says that they may not see their nakedness well one women would also go up there and have to like bring a sacrifice you know to do like for sins and stuff like that so you know there's that but i don't know about you the bible talks about them wearing linen britches that would go from the loins to the thigh okay so this is your nakedness from here to here okay now i'm wearing pants obviously so it goes down all the way down to the foot but i wear i wear what are those uh cargo shorts i'm old you know apparently that's not the thing to wear anymore but i like pockets but when it comes to that you can see like you have to be careful not to show your thigh okay you say well you're not seeing like your loins it doesn't matter the bible says your thigh okay so when it comes to steps steps cause you to get up somewhere like in a shorter distance okay meaning this is that a ramp you wouldn't have to worry about it as much and i don't i'm not saying this is ada approved right as far as what it is today but you wouldn't have to worry about like being up on these steps and you're looking up to somebody okay and if a guy was in shorts okay and linen britches which means there's a breach in the garment if they're in linen britches then they you could technically see their nakedness okay so the idea is that it's made up a gradual a gradual incline to where you're not going to be like looking up to like people like you're down at the bottom they're up there doing their sacrifice and you're like seeing underneath their shorts you're seeing under their dress or whatever okay so it's just kind of showing you that to make it all modest and all that second of all put a little stab on the altar call the altar call can't be steps because the altar it's not supposed to have any steps on it so obviously we don't do the altar call for many reasons but it's not going to be steps so that's Exodus chapter 20 and next week Lord willing we'll be getting into the judgments and you may say we passed all the exciting stuff well one we haven't got to the golden calf yet and so that's exciting not a good thing that happened but it's exciting but I really enjoy going through these judgments okay the reason why is because there's a lot of things in these judgments that if we were to implement them in America we would be so much better off and if if those that were in leadership or in legislation were to take what the bible teaches on restitution who here would rather if someone stole something from you had to pay back four or five fold instead of you going to court and not getting a dime and the lawyers get everything right I mean the perfect law of liberty is what I'm talking about here and these judgments and all these different commandments and statutes these things when we're talking about moral laws like stealing and and murder and all that that still applies today okay and so those are things that I think are very interesting to see and by the way I think that will be instituted in the thousand year reign okay when Jesus is rolling with a rod of iron I think we're going back to the perfect law of liberty when it comes to moral law and the judgments that are given so whether you agree with them or not it doesn't matter because he's going to be rolling and reigning with the law law of god so let's end with the word of prayer the only father we thank you today thank you for your word and thank you for the book of exodus thank you for these 10 commandments that we can look at and and obviously observe and and what we just thank you for just all these passages in exodus and we look forward obviously to the rest of the book of exodus but lord just prayed you'd help me to preach it rightly and be with us as we go back to work and just bring us back at the point in time and well we love you in prayers in jesus christ name amen brother dave will come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song number 44 song number 44 in your song books and if you would stand we'll sing we'll work till jesus comes song number 44 oh land of rest for thee i sigh when will the moment come when i shall lay my armor by and dwell in peace at home we'll work till jesus comes we'll work till jesus comes we'll work till jesus comes and we'll be gathered home to jesus christ i fled for rest he be it may