(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You Well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church Take your song books and turn to song 153 Song 153 we'll sing how firm a foundation if you would stand We'll sing song 153 How firm a foundation Ye saints of the Lord is laid for your faith in his Exilah What more can he say then to you he hath sent to you For refuge to Jesus have fled in every condition and sickness and health and Poverty's veil or Abounding and well at home And abroad on the land on the sea as your days May demand Shall your strength ever be when through fiery? trials thy pathway shall lie my grace all Sufficient shall be thy supply the flame shall not hurt the I only Design the I draw to consume and I go to refine Eens down to old age all my people shall prove my Sovereign eternal Reachable love and when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn Like lambs they shall still and my bosom be born the soul that on Jesus have lean for repose I Will not I will not Deserve to its foes that soul through all hell should and ever to shake I'll never know never know never forsake Let's pray a heavenly father We just want to thank you God for this beautiful day that you've given us to meet in your house And you hear your word preached I pray Lord that you'd just be with our pastor film with your power and spirit for it's in Jesus new mask all of it Amen. All right may be seated and turn in your song books to song 144 We'll sing a mighty fortress is our God song 144 A Mighty fortress is our God A bulwark never failing our Helper he amid the flood of mortal hills prevailing For Still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe His craft and power are great and armed with cruel hate On earth is not his equal Equal Did we in our own strength confide our Striving would be Losing Were not the right man on our side the man of God's own Choosing Does yes who that may be Christ Jesus it is he Lord His name from age to age the same He win the battle And Through this world Devil's failed shouldn't threaten to undo We will not fear for God hath willed his truth to triumph through The Prince of Darkness Graham We tremble not for him Rage we can endure For lo his doom is sure one little word shall foul him that word above earthly powers No, thanks to him Spirit and the gifts are ours Through him who if a side Let goods and can drain go this mortal life also Oh body They may care God's truth abideth still his kingdom is forever Amen welcome Mountain Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and just some general church announcements here We Have all the normal service times coming up this Sunday and so everything should be normal there the soul winning time at 1 p.m. and Also the regional soul winning times there as well our chapter memory for the week is Colossians chapter 3 and so Starting to get into Colossians chapter 3 and then and others have already got in there some are in other chapters, but Proverbs 13 7 is our memory verse for the week and Coming up next week. So just remember that we changed the terror all the soul winning marathon from this Saturday to next Saturday So that's the 16th. Hopefully we have some better weather At least be warmer when we're out there, but just remember that this coming Wednesday this next Wednesday We're gonna be doing the Lord's Supper after the service. So Just kind of you know a little different than normal, but Fitting because the next that Sunday is going to be Easter Sunday And so we're gonna have the terrorists tear all the soul winning marathon on the 16th. And so that's that Saturday We do have a baptistry that we can use and so We're gonna probably basically we're gonna try to pick a time To basically tell anybody that we end up went into the Lord that hey, you know, we're having a back baptism kind of event so Schedule that time I'm guessing we'll probably do it. I don't know like 4 p.m. Or something like that Something like that. So we'll kind of cap off the soul any marathon around that time in it And if others are still out soul winning, it's okay, but we'll obviously I'll try to get back. I'll get over to that. It's a Hillcrest Chapel Is the the church building will be meeting at for that? So just remember that when you go out soul winning that if you win somebody Definitely try to you know, just show them the need for back, you know, not for salvation obviously, but that you know the need to fall and You know believers baptism there and so We'll have that Ready to go And then on Easter Sunday We're gonna have in between the services. We're gonna have a fellowship. So We have a sign-up sheet that's on the fridge now, so if you want to bring anything just just write it on there Whatever you want to bring But we're gonna try to figure out what we're gonna do for food. So we got to figure that out, too I'm all for getting fat Angelo's and just getting a whole bunch of pepperoni rolls and just Being fat so but no, I will figure out something. I just don't want to put it on everybody to Have to make a main course or something like that for it, but And if you can't stay for that, I understand if you already have family events or stuff like that It's understandable. So But this is kind of way where we can fellowship on Easter together there If you don't have those kind of events already planned we already had the birthdays just being prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list and All the ladies that just had the little ones and so Brother Dave and I have been working on We're gonna get a mural to put on the background So we're kind of do a mountain range and so Hopefully that works out Getting it and picking one outs one thing by getting in and putting it on there, right and making it look good Maybe another thing but but anyway, I think that'll be a little better than just a blank Background or you just don't care and they said a lot. You're just like I don't care like it doesn't matter to me but that being said we're working on that but That's about all I got for announcements that I can think of so yeah, we have a lot coming up this coming week so this Sunday is a normal Sunday as far as soloing all that stuff but Starting after that. We're gonna have Lord's Supper on that Wednesday We're gonna have the soloing marathon on Saturday And then we're gonna have the fellowship and all that stuff in between the services on Sunday And so a lot going on there and so I'm excited for the the soloing marathon I do apologize for those that we're gonna go this weekend, but can't go next weekend And Yeah, some people actually some can go now that couldn't go but It's more of a weather thing and I think it will work out better with our schedule for the Sunday Easter service, too But it is what it is. We'll have other soloing marathons. So don't worry but But I'm excited about it Hopefully we can get it all knocked out But be in prayer for it If you can't go just be in prayer for it and obviously be in prayer for those that that that are gonna be out there doing But that's what I got front got four announcements or have which one is it? Brother Dave's gonna sing one more song and who's reading tonight brother Wade. So brother Wade's gonna be reading Exodus chapter 13 fours All right, take your song books and turn to song 220 Song 220 will sing Jesus is all the world to me Song 220 Jesus is all the world to me my life my joy my all He is my strength from day to day Without him I would fall When I am sad to him I'll go No other one can cheer me. So When I am sad He makes me glad He's my friend And Jesus is all the world to me my friend and trial sore I'll go to him for blessings and he gives them more and more He sends the sunshine and the rain he sends the harvest Golden rain Sunshine and rain harvest and grain. He's my friend Jesus is all the world to me and true to him. I'll be Oh, how could I this friend? Deny when he's so true to me Following him I know him He watches or me day and night following him by by day and night, he's my friend Jesus is all the world to me. I want no better friend I Trust him now. I'll trust him when life's fleeting days shall end Beautiful life with such a friend beautiful life that has no end Eternal life eternal joy. He's my friend Alright take your bowels and turn to Exodus chapter number 13 Exodus chapter number 13. We'll have brother rate Wade come and read that for us Exodus chapter 13 if you found your place a man And the Lord spake unto Moses saying sanctify unto me all the firstborn Whatsoever openeth the womb among children of Israel Both of the man and of the beast it is mine and Moses said unto the people Remember this day in which he came out of from Egypt out of the house of bondage For the by strength of hand the Lord brought you out from this place. There shall no leaven bread be eaten this day came ye out of month Abib and it shall be when the Lord shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Hivites and the Jebusites which he swear unto thy fathers To give thee a land flowing with milk and honey that thou shall keep the service in this month seven days Thou shall eat unleavened bread and in the seventh day shall be a feast to the Lord Unleavened bread shall be eaten seven days and there shall be no leaven bread Be seen with thee neither shall there be leaven bread leaven seen with thee in all thy quarters and thou shalt Show thy son in that day saying this is done because of that which the Lord did unto me when I came at forth out of Egypt and it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand and for a memorial between thine eyes That the Lord's law may be in thy mouth for a strong hand hath the Lord brought thee out of Egypt Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his season from year to year and it shall be when the Lord shall bring thee Into the land of the Canaanites as he sware unto thee and to thy fathers and shall give it to thee That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix and every firstling that come That cometh of a beast which thou hast The males shall be the Lord's and every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with the lamb and it thou Wilt not redeem it then thou shalt break his neck and all the firstborn of men among thy children shall that redeem and It shall be when thy son ask at thee in time to come saying what is this? That thou shalt say unto him by strength of hand the Lord brought us out from Egypt From the house of bondage and it came to pass when Pharaoh would hardly let us go That the Lord slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt but the force firstborn of man and the firstborn of beast therefore I Sacrifice to the Lord all that opens the matrix being males but all the firstborn of my children I redeem and it shall be for a token upon thine hand and for frontlets between thine eyes For by strength of hand the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt and it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go that God Led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines Although that was near for God said lest peradventure the people repent They see war and they returned to Egypt but God led the people about through the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea and the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt and Moses took the bones of Joseph with him for he had Straightly sworn the children of Israel saying God will surely visit you and ye shall carry up my bones away hence with you and they took their journey from succoth and Camped in ethem in the edge of the wilderness and the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud To lead them way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light To go but by day and night He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night from before the people. Let us pray Dear Lord Pete, please be with pastor. Let us get something from the message and let us learn something from your word in Jesus name I pray I'm in Cheer there in Exodus chapter 13 We are continuing our study through the book of Exodus and we just got done with chapter 12 last week Which is dealing with the Passover And we're continuing the story, but here's gonna kind of give you a little more information about the Passover and also Well the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is one of the same thing Okay, so when you're dealing with the Passover and a Feast of Unleavened Bread, you're dealing with the same feast But we're gonna get a little more information here and there's two things to really see here in this chapter Well, there's three there's the pillar at the end and there's probably four. But anyway, there's two major things I want you to see and that is the redemption of the firstborn and also just the Feast of Unleavened Bread and You know how that was kept and just different things that that it talks about here in chapter 13 So actually in chapter 12, there were certain portions I just didn't hit on and that was dealing with that Feast of Unleavened Bread. And so I'm gonna be hitting on that In this sermon, so let's look at verse 1 here. First of all, it says in the Lord spake unto Moses saying Sanctify unto me all the firstborn whatsoever open at the womb among the children of Israel both man and a beast It is mine. So the Passover what happened? Well the destroyer obviously God Sent the destroyer to kill all the firstborn of Egypt but the firstborn of Israel were spared obviously if you put the blood on the doorposts and That's why he's gonna pass over. You'll see the blood and pass over you. Okay, and basically, he's stating here is that All those firstborn are his because he's redeemed them that he's bought them essentially there's a lot there's a huge picture of salvation obviously with this that we're bought with the price and we're washed by the blood of the lamb and getting into that but He's stating here that because when he killed the firstborn of Egypt He also killed the first point of all their animals, you know and beast is just a term in the Bible to mean animal So that term animal is not used in the Bible But that's what beast means. Okay, so it just means an animal So it doesn't have to be some ferocious animal, you know, it could be a cow. It could be anything. That's an animal Okay. Now look at verse 11 So I'm gonna be skipping down to verse 11 here because I want to hit on the subject of sanctifying the firstborn. Okay? So in verse 11 it says and it shall be when the Lord shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites as he swear unto thee into thy Fathers and shall give it thee that thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix now It's a term that To be honest with you when I when I look at this term, I think of math. Okay matrices a Matrix that you use in math. Okay, but that is not what this is talking about You can pry in just to give you When it says open to the matrix, do you remember the word that it used at the beginning of chapter womb? Okay, so that's what we're talking about We're talking about the womb but matrix is an old term, but here's an easy way to understand what that word means Have you ever heard the term patriarch? Why have you ever heard the term matriarch? matri are matri means like like what like a mother or woman right but particularly a mother right and Arc means like principal. So it's like the principal mother compared to the principal father or patriarch You know, we live in this, you know white patriarchy, you know, so you probably heard it with the you know There's a bunch of libtards out there talking about it But but that being said is that matrix you can see the term in there for mother, right? And so obviously you can see where that comes from But with with my mind of like going through like different math, you know in college and high school and all that stuff matrix I'm just thinking like matrix or maybe maybe you're just really world and you're thinking about the movie The Matrix, you know But you may be thinking about that But the idea is that matrix is just talking about the womb and here's a great example of how the Bible defines itself So you see that synonym because it's worded the same exact way Okay, so not to park it there, but just so when you see matrix in the Bible is talking about the womb, okay And it says in every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast the males shall be the Lord So after you see this you're gonna be very I know I already I hopefully already convinced you that When they kill the firstborn it was firstborn males, right? It was it was the man children if you will which made sense because that's who they were killed That's who Pharaoh gave the the order to kill as far as the Israelites, right? But keep reading there verse 13 this isn't every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb And if thou wilt not redeem it Then thou shalt break his neck and all the firstborn of man among thy children shall thou redeem So I love this because it's stating that okay If you have any firstling of an ass, then you have to redeem it with a lamb Basically, if you don't want it to be a sacrifice You know or whatever you basically have to redeem it You can't sacrifice an ass. Okay, so what it's stating here Is that obviously there's certain animals that can be sacrificed and you eat you either have to Substitute that firstling of an ass with a lamb as a sacrifice or you have to just kill That you know how to break its neck. You just have to kill it. Okay, and Notice that doesn't give you that option for the first foreign of the people. Okay, it just says you're gonna redeem them all So there's no Other option there. Okay now it says verse 14 It says and it shall be when thy son asketh thee in time to come saying what is this? Because you can imagine that you're doing this type of thing is like well the first the first born male has to be redeemed or we have to kill it right when you're dealing with animals and You can imagine that the children be like, why are we doing this? But the reason that they're doing it is to bring remembrance about the Passover About the death of the firstborn and redeeming the firstborn. Okay, so all this was done to basically remember Okay, God did this for us and to look back to it. Okay It says that thou shalt say unto him by strength of hand the Lord brought us out from Egypt from the house of bondage and it came to pass when Pharaoh would hardly let us go that the Lord slew all the firstborn land Of Egypt both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of beast Therefore I sacrifice to the Lord all that openeth the matrix being males but all the firstborn of my children I redeem and it shall be for a token upon thine hand and for Frontless between nine eyes for by strength of hand the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt So it's being done for remembrance to show Okay, just as much as the firstborn were redeemed or killed right now Obviously with the people they're not going to kill the firstborn Children, right the idea there is that they have to be redeemed But it's picturing that Passover and showing that remembrance every single year now Numbers chapter 3 good number chapter 3 And the thing with this is that It says all the it's all the firstborn males of Israel, okay, but what's going to happen here in this it doesn't mention this in this chapter and doesn't mention this You know an exodus really it this is going to be mentioned in numbers and obviously, you know, that's you know Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy, that's the law, you know as far as the law that was given to Moses So, you know you're dealing with All those books that really show you and give you a little more information about this But what's going to happen is that he's going to actually take the whole tribe of Levi Instead of the firstborn of all the tribes, okay So obviously the firstborn of the Levites would be in that number too. But what he's going to do is basically switch them out. So When you see like the Levites, it'll say that they don't get an inheritance The Lord is is their inheritance and the Levites are going to be the ones that have Job for the sanctuary and the tabernacle and obviously Aaron's line is gonna be the priests And you see this and you say why the Levites because they are the Lord's and this is why they're the Lord's okay It's because of this redemption of the firstborn but basically that whole tribe was substituted so that Basically, the other tribes are not you know Happen to do this redeeming. Okay, does that make sense? I and I'll show you that because we're gonna see it here in number chapter 3 number 3 in verse 11 says in the Lord's spake unto Moses saying and I behold I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel instead of all the firstborn that opened at the matrix among the children of Israel. Therefore the Levites shall be mine Because all the firstborn are mine for on the day that I smote all the firstborn land of Egypt I hallowed unto them all the firstborn in Israel both man and beast mine shall they be I am the Lord Okay, so we just read that but here is saying that the Levites are Going to be instead of the firstborn of all those These of the other tribes. Okay. Now look at verse 39 verse 39. It's gonna number the amount of Males and then again this really shows you that that's who was being redeemed Okay, so I think you believe me before but after seeing this you're gonna be very clear that that's who died in the land of Egypt Verse 39 it says all that were numbered of the Levites Which Moses and Aaron numbered at the commandment of the Lord throughout their families all the males from a month old and upward were 20 and 2,000 So 22,000 that's what they numbered as far as all the males So we're not talking about all the firstborn. We're talking about all the males Okay, does that make sense? Like just every male from a month old and upward of the Levites? 22,000 Then it goes on to say in verse 40 and Lord said to Moses number all the firstborn of the males of the children of Israel from a month old and upward so you see a difference here is that now we're just dealing with the firstborn of each tribe and It says and take the number of their names and then and thou shalt take the Levites for me I am the Lord instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel the cattle the Levites instead of all the first lings among the cattle of the children of Israel and Moses numbered as the Lord commanded him all the firstborn among the children of Israel and all the firstborn males By the number of names from a month old and upward of those that were numbered of them were 20 and 200 three score and 13 now, that's twenty two thousand two hundred seventy three Okay, so three score is sixty add seventeen or thirteen to that and you get seventy three. So 273 so what was the number of the the the Levites? 22,000 what's the number that we have of all the firstborn males? Twenty two thousand two hundred and seventy three. So then you know, well, what do we do now? Right? There's more firstborn males of all the tribes and there are Males in the tribe of Levi. Well, it gives an answer here as far as what's going to be done It says in the Lord said it spake unto Moses saying Take the Levites instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel and the cattle the Levites instead of their cattle and the Levites Shall be mine. I am the Lord and for those That are to be redeemed of the two hundred and three score and thirteen of the firstborn of the children of Israel Which are more than the Levites. So here's our answer what we're gonna do about that It says thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by the pole after the shekel of the sanctuary shalt thou take them the shekel is 20 Gira's and Thou shalt give the money wherewith the odd number of them is to be redeemed unto Aaron and to his sons and Moses took the redemption money of them that were over and above them that were redeemed by the Levites Of the firstborn of the children of Israel took he the money a thousand three hundred and three score and five shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary and Moses gave the money of them that were redeemed unto Aaron to his sons according to the Word of the Lord as the Lord commanded Moses so that one thousand one thousand three hundred three score and five shekels or 1365 shekels, that's just five times 273 so Math works out. I know it's not that complicated in math. But anyway so you I want you to see that and and Just kind of put that in the back of your mind when you go when we go forward through the law and you'll see like The Levites, you know God chose the Levites To do the the office of the sanctuary and and listen The thing to remember is that the priests were only given to Aaron and his sons and down the line So that's the only people that would be the priests and then out of that There's a line for the high priest, right? But that's only under Aaron and Aaron's obviously a Levite But so is Moses and so is like a lot of other people that are Levites but the Levites have specific jobs and you'll have Mararai and Kohath and you'll have like these different families that have different jobs when it comes to Who takes down the sanctuary and builds it back up who carries the vessels from one place to another right? There's different jobs. They have they're also going to have Certain, you know places in the cities and they're supposed to teach and do all these different things. Okay, so they have a job but If you're reading all that and you're like, well, why do they why is why is it Levi that has that job? Because God chose Levi to basically be to take the place of all the firstborn that were redeemed so basically bought Levi with a price if you will and Levi belongs to him and The Lord is their inheritance. Okay, so Anyway That being said is that I just want you to kind of remember that When we're going through the book of the law or going through Exodus, but you know also when you're just reading through Leviticus numbers in Deuteronomy and throughout the Old Testament there Now go back to Exodus chapter 13 and verse 3 now, let's get into the Feast of Unleavened Bread The Feast of Unleavened Bread And Exodus chapter 13 and verse 3 it says Moses said unto the people Remember this day in which he came out from Egypt out of the house of bondage Where by strength of hand the Lord brought you out from this place there shall no leavened bread be eaten this day came ye out in the month Abib remember we saw that that this is gonna be the first month of the year and this is the month Abib So it's mentioning that month here It says in verse 5 and says and it shall be When the Lord shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Hivites and Jebusites Which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee a land flowing with milk and honey that thou shalt keep this service in his in this month Seven days thou shalt eat Unleavened bread and in the seventh day shall be a feast of the Lord Unleavened bread shall be eaten seven days and there shall no leavened bread be seen with thee neither shall there be leaven Seen with with thee in all thy quarters and thou shalt show thy son in that day Saying this is done because of that which the Lord did unto unto me when I came forth out of Egypt And it shall be for a sign unto thee Upon thine hand and for a memorial between nine eyes that the Lord's law may be in thine mouth For with a strong hand hath the Lord brought thee out of Egypt Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his season from year to year So every year they would do this sacrifice, okay Now this this is very similar if you think about it to the Lord's Supper. Okay, and In the idea that we're remembering the Lord's death till he comes right and and and you know I can imagine our kids are like why do we do this? Right? Why are we eating bread and drinking juice and Making a big deal out of this It just points you to okay We're remembering what he did for us what that he died for us and this is kind of the same thing only this is the Picture of what Jesus was gonna do right? So this this Passover event Is picturing what Christ is gonna do we're actually remember what Christ actually did You know what? He you know, it pictured I mean it, you know, obviously it's the fulfillment of that picture. Okay? And so they did a year to year now when it comes to keeping, you know doing the Lord's Supper You know, it says as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, right? So I don't believe it has to be year to year But I can understand we're where someone's coming from if they were to say, you know what? No, we do it At once every year at that time and I can't fault them for thinking that way Or if someone says, you know as often as you do it, you know, we're gonna do it every week You know, I'm not against you. Okay, so I can see where everybody's coming from. We we're gonna we're gonna be You know on the fence on this one. No, I'm just kidding But we're in between that where we're not doing it every week. We're doing it more like, you know every quarter So like four times a year, okay, and usually that first quarter or around that time is when we're doing it around Easter Okay and so I think that's a good time frame because it gives you enough time to where it's not being You do it every week and it almost becomes a ritual where you're just kind of going through the motions. I believe and and once a year kind of seems You know, I'd rather do it more than that. Okay, and I don't think God falls us for wanting to do it more than that But I can understand where if someone's like well, they that's how they do the Passover but You know I think that we can do it as often as we want to but I think we just always need to be careful that we're Taking it seriously and we're doing it with gravity okay, and as long as you're doing it with gravity, you could do it every week if you're taking it seriously and and Remembering the Lord like you should I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Okay Go to Luke chapter 2 22 Luke chapter 22 verse 1 I Look at a simple verse here, but you want to I want you to see it Luke 22 in verse 1 Luke 22 in verse 1 It says now the Feast of Unleavened Bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover Okay So I want this to just be very clear the Feast of Unleavened Bread is the Passover Okay, I don't believe these are two different feasts. I believe you're dealing with the same event and that's gonna be crucial to Something I'm going to show you a little bit later here in the fact that it's it's the one in the same feast. Okay but go to Exodus chapter 12 because I want to show you some verses here that You know, we we kind of skimmed over dealing with this Feast of Unleavened Bread, but I just want you to see that The Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread You know that That's The same thing. Okay. Now when you if you look at Acts chapter 12 where Peter is in He's in prison you remember and it says it was the Days of Unleavened Bread and then it says You know that he wanted to wait until after Easter to Basically bring him out or whatever or to kill him Easter there is the Passover. Okay, and Easter is just an old term Passover is actually a newer term than Easter Okay Easter was a term that was used before Tyndale actually penned that or came up with that word Passover which probably makes sense because if you're looking through that passage of when the Passover happened It says when I see the blood I will pass over you So I think it's a perfect word to describe that feast. Okay or describe that event Okay, so I don't think there's anything wrong with the word Easter and I don't believe there's anything wrong with the word Passover but He's waiting after Easter, which is the Passover then you know, we're dealing with the same event, okay, and That being said in Exodus chapter 12 verse 14 It says in this day shall be unto you for a memorial and shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generation You shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever Now remember I talked about this with obviously Christ our Passover and then that would obviously Jesus fulfills this and obviously we'd be keeping that ordinance forever in that aspect But also the fact that this is an ordinance of the first covenant, okay The first covenant started when he took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt Okay, that's when that first covenant started and therefore he's saying do all these things for an ordinance forever But when they broke that covenant and when he regarded the nod, you know, all that it's disannulled, right? It's disannulled. It's been changed and obviously it's changed to the New Testament And the time of reformation if you will so reformed taken away, whatever you want to say. Okay replaced. So But keep reading there It says in verse 15 Seven days shall you eat unleavened bread even the first day you shall put away leaven out of your houses for Whosoever eateth leaven bread from the first day until the seventh day that soul shall be cut off from Israel So this is very serious meaning that they're not to eat any leavened bread But they're not even allowed to have it. They're not they're not supposed to see it in chapter 13 It says not in their quarters. Okay, but here it says not in their house You know that they're basically not to have it anywhere around them. Okay. Now this is a good role for dieting Okay, is if you want to diet and not eat something don't have it around the where you can see it And I believe that's probably a big reason why obviously I think that it's representing Something as far as like not having any leaven in your house, right? But at the same time if you're not to eat leavened bread, but then it's just sitting around you're gonna end up eating it. Okay It's like reesey eggs, you know around the season you buy those things that are sitting there They're taunting you and you just want to eat them And I think that this is a principle here that he's doing why you saying don't even have it in your house Don't have it where you can see it Because you're not to eat it and if you eat it, you're gonna be cut off from Israel now I don't necessarily believe that's talking about being put to death but more so that you're like kicked out Like you're not keeping that ordinance. You're not part of Israel anymore Because that's part of the covenant is to do this feast. Okay, and Go to verse 16 is there it says in the first day there shall be in holy convocation And in the seventh day there shall be in holy convocation to you. So notice that this is a seven-day feast The first day is a holy convocation the second the seventh day is a holy convocation and it says to you. What does that mean? Well, first of all, it says no man or work shall be done in them save that which every man must eat That only May be done of you. Okay, so it's stating here that the first day of this feast which would be the 15th day and the 21st day okay, and sometimes it'll say the first day or the seventh day or say the 15th day than 21st day because technically that the first day is On the 15th of that month. Okay, I'll get a little more detail on that in a second, but It's stating here that it's basically a Sabbath and a Sabbath, okay And that's what we're going to be seeing here Is that a Sabbath is just a day of rest and you know, the Bible says that in the New Testament says let no man judge you No, man, therefore judge you and meet or and drink or in respect of a holiday of the new moon Or of the Sabbath days. Okay, so Sabbath days Plural meaning that there's more than one Sabbath day. It's not just that seventh day of the week Actually, these are all Sabbath these these holy convocations that they're doing as a Sabbath because Sabbath just means rest It's basically a time of rest. That's what the word even means. Okay Verse 17 there. It says and ye shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread So here we see it's what it's what it's called. It's called the Feast of Unleavened Bread Now remember the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is the Passover, right and It says for in this self same day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt Therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance forever in the first month on the 14th day of the month at even ye shall eat unleavened bread until The 1 and 20th day of the month at even okay, so What I believe this is stating is that From even to even meaning that from the same time, right? So it's exactly Seven days, but it's at the end of the 14th day Right at the end of the 14th day at even basically you would think about this time, right? Where the Sun is basically even with the horizon That's when you're killing the Passover and you're starting Eating unleavened bread that makes sense that it has to be at that point. You're not eating leaven It's out of your house and then it starts from there till you get seven days later Which would be at the end. I believe it would be at the end of the 21st day Okay, so it's technically like starting if you a lot of times the Bible I believe that the the day starts at even meaning that's when the next day starts and so Whereas with us midnight for some reason it starts at midnight, okay? Why it starts at midnight? I'm not really sure but That's when that's when our next day starts there you say well, you know, that doesn't make sense It should start at dawn. I agree. That would make sense wouldn't it? Right, but it's not how it works it's it's you know, our most people well, I guess around the world it starts at midnight right because Does anyone know if there's any other country or anybody that doesn't start at midnight and then they're just like, you know What nuts to the world and their clock? They're just like I don't think so. I think everything start, you know, it starts at midnight, but It basically is stating that the timeline here that you're dealing with and you can go on to read the next two verses But it basically saying that you're not to have any leaven. Okay, whether you're born there whether you're a stranger. No leaven is to be found And when you're dealing with a holy convocation you're dealing with basically a convocation you can think of that first word which means con which means with and vocation or Convocation meaning like it's like a summoning of an assembly if you will like basically you're assembling together for something and With this you would have these this feast at the beginning of it and a feast at the end of it. Okay, and When I get into numbers, you're gonna see that there's sacrifices that are done You know and there's there's a special thing that's done on these these special Sabbaths that if you will But let's first of all look at you're in Exodus 12. Look at verse 39 Why are they eating unleavened bread? Okay Now in the New Testament when you're dealing with Christ our Passover obviously Leaven would represent, you know sin and You know basically purge out that old leaven and have the leaven You know of sincerity or the unleavened bread of sincerity and all this that you're going to be dealing with there But truthfully here's why they're not to eat leaven. Okay, just the physical reason why they're not eating leaven is verse 39 it says and they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought forth out of Egypt for it was not leaven because They were thrust out of Egypt and could not tarry neither had they prepared for themselves any vittle So why was it unleavened? Because the whole point is to show that with haste they were thrust out, right So if you think about the firstborn and why you know They're showing this representation of the redemption of the firstborn is to show you that the firstborn were saved, right? They were saved from death because all the firstborn of Egypt were killed but then you think about why we eat unleavened bread Why is that a big deal that we're eating unleavened bread? Because it's showing you how they were brought out and that it was a quick thing It wasn't and you say why doesn't that need to be remembered? Okay, because people are constantly trying to change what history is Okay, meaning this is that you can imagine that there could be some reason why they're saying well They didn't just go out the same day It was like over a period of time and they try to maybe say something different about what happened This is very clear The whole reason they're even eating unleavened bread is because they didn't have time to even have leaven raised their bread Okay, they couldn't let it sit out and you know a hot temperature and like have it sit out so that it can rise And be leavened. Okay, they didn't have time to do any of that. They were literally just thrust out that quick Okay, and that's something that keeps being brought up It's like this day this day So on the 15th day of the first month Abib they went out from Egypt in haste Okay, and that's what I believe that's representing and even if you remember it when they were eating the Passover remember It says with your shoes girded on your feet and your staff in your hand. Why because you're gonna be leaving You're leaving, you know, and and I believe they were they were told that night to leave and so with haste they were going out I mean They were just it just pictures. What really happened is what's going on there. Okay, go to Leviticus chapter 23 Leviticus chapter 23 Now Leviticus chapter 23 this chapter hits all the feasts of the Lord right as far as When you think of feast, it's almost like holidays if you will that are done but in these feasts There's different things that they're remembering or showing and this isn't a whole sermon on that on the different types of feasts, but We see that the Passover is mentioned here. And so look at verse 4 there. I Believe the Sabbath day was actually a feast as well. So when you look through this list I believe there's seven feasts of the Lord and the Sabbath day is actually one of those feasts. Okay They would do that on a weekly basis though. Whereas these were done just once a year. Okay now in In Leviticus 23 and verse 4 it says these are the feasts of the Lord even holy convocations Which ye shall proclaim in their seasons in the 14th day the first month at even is the Lord's Passover and On the 15th day the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread unto the Lord unto the Lord seven days Ye shall you must eat unleavened bread in the first day you shall have in holy convocation. You shall do no servile work therein But you shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord Seven days in the seventh day is in holy convocation. You shall do no servile work therein So get what's going on here. You have the seven-day feast if you will or you know event that's going on here the first day Sabbath day you're not gonna do any work But during those seven days there's an offering made by fire in each one of those days Okay on the seventh day holy convocation again. No work Sabbath day get the picture and We see here that The 14th day at even is what starts this feast. Okay, so the Lord's Passover Starts, you know in the Feast of Unleavened Bread are the one itself same thing It's just the fact that that 14th day when you kill the Passover That's what starts it. Okay, that's what's starting that event So it's at the end of the 14th day and it's basically starting the 15th day, which is the Feast of Unleavened Bread Okay Now go to Numbers chapter 28 because number 28 is actually going to show us You know what was done on that first day if you will that first day of that holy convocation And verse 16 So numbers 28 verse 16 It Says in the 14th day of the first month is the Passover the Lord so we see this over and over again. Okay, and It says in the 15th day of this month is the feast seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten in the first day Shall be in holy convocation. You shall do no manner of serve our work therein. I think you got it, right? You kill the Passover on the 14th day. The 15th day though, that's when you have a Sabbath day, okay It's a holy convocation. No works being done in it. Okay Verse 19, but you shall offer a sacrifice by fire for a burnt offering unto the Lord. Now, that's what this is Two young bullocks and one ram and seven lambs of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish and their meat offering shall be of For a flower mingled with oil three tenth deals shall you offer for a bullock and two tenth deals for a ram Several tenth deal shall shall thou offer for every lamb there Throughout the seven lambs and one goat for the first sin offering to make an atonement for you You shall all you shall offer these beside the burnt offering in the morning So remember that each day you're supposed to do a burnt offering Right It says this is beside that meaning like this is on top of that. So each day you're doing this burnt offering Every every day of those seven days, but it's basically giving you information like this doesn't substitute that burnt offering that's to be done, too This is just okay. You're gonna do all these on this day Which is for a continual burnt offering after this manner you shall offer daily throughout the seven days the meat of the sacrifice made by fire of A sweet savor unto the Lord it shall be offered beside the continual burnt offering and his drink offering and on the seventh day You shall have a holy convocation. You shall do no serve or work there in or those serve or work. Okay? So you see here that there's a lot of stuff going on on that first day now It doesn't say that all that stuff's done along the seventh day. It just basically says that you're resting on that seventh day. Okay? Now the reason that I point this out is because of all the stuff that's going on during that day, okay and What this represents go to go to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and I want you to see this verse and obviously you've seen it before but I just want you to obviously see that Christ fulfills this Passover. Okay, and Christ is going to fulfill all these feasts Now some of these feasts that are in Leviticus 23 are fall feasts if you will that haven't happened yet because that's the fall Feast is like the harvest. It's the end of the world. Those will be fulfilled But you say why shouldn't we keep them? Well, the Bible says that let no man judge you concerning these things because You know We are we have one sacrifice and if you think about it when you're dealing with these these feasts you're sacrificing animals To keep these feasts that's why when people are like, well you got to keep the Sabbath day I keep the Sabbath. Do you keep the Sabbath? like no you don't in that same chapter look before you look at this passage right here and look at what you have to Do for the Sabbath day and when you're killing, you know sacrificing animals on the altar With the Levitical priesthood then come talk to me. Okay, but you're not doing that. No one's doing that They haven't done that since 70 AD And so don't come to me about keeping the Sabbath day because no one's doing it. Okay, and And second of all, if you want to have a day of rest more power to you, but don't judge me in it So if I don't want to rest then Get off my back. So first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 6 I do want to rest but if I'm not resting get off my back, so I do like sleeping I do like having a day where I'm not having to do anything Waiting for that day, but first Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 6 it says your glory is not good Know you not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. So let me ask you a question. Is leaven a good thing in this passage? Obviously not we're talking about there's fornication there's sin in the church, right and so Leaven is being likened unto sin that's in the church and it's saying a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump This goes into the fact of false doctrine to talk about a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump So a lot of times leaven is not a good thing. It's not always a bad thing Actually, there's a passage about how leaven is like, you know, heaven is liking them to You know meal that has you know You know leaven in it and I'm butchering that but basically like three measures of meal with leaven or something like that And you know kind of talking about how it grows and everything. So it's not always bad There's actually there is a sacrifice that has leaven in it actually in Leviticus so but Most of the time it's bad and in this passage, it's bad and in verse 7 here It says purge out therefore the old leaven that you may be a new lump as ye are Unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us. Therefore. Let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with The unleavened bread of sincerity and truth now this passage, you know at the end of the chapter It even talked about with such a man know not to eat which I believe in context talking about the Lord's Supper. Okay, then you get into chapter 10 and it's talking about the Lord's Supper and not having a cup of devils and being At the table Lord and communion of the Lord and then in chapter 11 Obviously, it's hitting on the Lord's Supper Okay So I think that that's in context dealing with the Lord's Supper in a lot of these cases But it's saying keep the feast. So we are keeping the feast, you know, when we keep the Lord's Supper, we're keeping that feast Okay, but it's not the same and even in the Old Testament It says there's gonna come a day when you're not gonna say that the Lord, you know It is the Lord that took me, you know that led me out of land of Egypt Right talking about those that were in captivity the 70-year captivity of Babylon, but it says, you know Basically, but and I'm gonna misquote this but basically saying like blesses Lord that brought us out of the land of the Chaldeans You know and it basically stating that you know now it's a little different But how much more in the New Testament when the fact is is that you know We're not talking about the the sacrifice of a lamb with the blood on the doorpost We're talking about the sacrifice of the lamb of God and the blood of the lamb That's been sprinkled upon the mercy seed and that is what we're remembering and that's what we're honoring Okay, and so I just want you to see that you know that we are keeping the Feast of the Passover You know, and I believe you can keep it spiritually speaking, you know and honoring Christ But also just physically speaking when we keep the Lord's Supper at the house of God, which is the Church of the Living God Okay. Now let me get into something here when it comes to this Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread and I want to show you a passage. You're gonna mark chapter 14, mark chapter 14 And I hope this clears up maybe some confusion because Especially this this passage right here when Jesus goes to eat Eat the Passover with his disciples. Okay Notice that what it says here mark 14 verse 12 It says in the first day of unleavened bread When they killed the Passover his disciples said unto him Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover? So this is where it's important to understand that the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover are one and the same thing And what you have to understand is that they're saying the first day of unleavened bread when you kill the Passover When do you kill the Passover on the 15th or on the 14th? How many times does it say on the 14th day on the 14th day on the 14th day that you kill the Passover? So what day are they on here the 14th day? So technically, you know, they're saying it's the first day of unleavened bread But it's more so the fact that it's the first day of the feast meaning the 14th which starts the feast. Okay, and When you understand that the Feast of Unleavened Bread Which is called the Passover meaning that the Passover and that seven day feast are basically encompassed into one feast Okay, and it's basically They're just using that interchangeably there and I Just want to show you that what's going on here Is that when Jesus eats the Passover with his disciples? I want to ask you a question. Do you remember them eating a lamb or killing a lamb? No, you just remember them eating bread and juice right you're like, oh it's wine It says the fruit of the vine actually So put that in your you know, Calvinist pipe and smoke it you're like Calvinist Yeah, because most of them are beer drinking churches, you know but It's the fruit of the vine. He was drinking the fruit of the vine and they were eating bread Okay, and they break the bread they drink from the cup and all that Okay, so what I believe is going on with this is that on the 14th day? They are eating at the very beginning of that 14th day, right? So there's that even and even okay And it says that even on the 14th day you kill the Passover, right? But there's two evens on the 14th day There's the beginning and then there's the end right and I believe what's going on here Is that when the Lord ate the Lord ate, you know, the Last Supper if you will Right or ate the Lord's Supper with them or ate the Passover with them That that was at the beginning of the 14th day that night is the night in which he is betrayed Okay, and that when he died it was at the end of the 14th day Okay, and if you don't believe me, I just want to show you some verses here. Okay and John 18 go to John 18 verse 28 here. John 18 verse 28. I wanted to be very clear They had not killed the Passover yet They had not eaten the Passover yet. I'm talking about Israel as a whole. Okay, like the nation of Israel had not done that yet. Okay, so when it's saying that you know, it was the First because it even in another place It says the first day of Unleavened Bread drew nigh and they went to go find a place to eat the Passover, right? So what you have to understand is sometimes in the Bible It'll state things a little differently as far as like when that day actually starts, right? And where some person could say well the 14th day is that first day, right? And another person would say well No, it's the 15th day. Right and and you could have an idea there as far as What starts that well, we would all say the 14th day starts it but You know the 15th day is when you had a holy convocation. It's the Sabbath day all that right? So anyway in John chapter 18 verse 28 John 18 verse 28 it says Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment and it was early so he had been betrayed Remember he was brought, you know, obviously they were in the Garden of Gethsemane So it's very early and says and they themselves went not into the judgment hall notice this lest they should be defiled But that they might eat the Passover So have they eaten the Passover yet? Not yet, okay, I go to John 19 verse 14 John 19 verse 14 it says and it was the preparation of the Passover. So was it the Passover yet? Technically as far as like when they've killed the Passover. It's the preparation of the Passover And it says in about the sixth hour and he saith unto the Jews behold your King Okay, so we're obviously, you know, he's going to the cross all this and verse 31 of chapter 19 verse 31 It says the Jews therefore because it was the preparation preparation for what the Passover right because some people like well It's the preparation of the Sabbath day Meaning like the Friday, you know, the good is the Good Friday hoax. Okay, Jesus did not die on a Friday But It says that it was a preparation preparation of what of the Passover in context of chapter 19 Notice what it says here. It says that the body should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day So what is stating is that we need to take the bodies down because the Sabbath day is coming. This is the preparation But particularly it's the preparation of the Passover right and it says for that Sabbath day wasn't high day so if you see that this is not a Regular Sabbath day says for that Sabbath day is a high day meaning that basically like it's a special Sabbath if you will Okay, it says it says besot pilot that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away So get the picture here. They're basically Accusing Jesus trying to get him crucified, but they won't go into this judgment hall And if you think about it with like, you know Gentiles, they don't wanna be defiled with the Gentiles, right? They're like we so we can eat the Passover and it was the preparation of the Passover And they needed to take him down because that particular, you know that the Sabbath day Which was a particular Sabbath day and when you see what the Feast of Unleavened Bread is What's the 15th day of the month? What's the day after they kill the Passover? It's a Sabbath day, right? They're not do any work on that day So when you're dealing with a timeline, here's what's going on. I personally believe that Jesus was betrayed on a Wednesday night Right. He's in the Garden of Gethsemane Obviously, they didn't use the term Wednesday. Okay, it was the Third day of the week, okay, but But for sake of our calendar here on Wednesday night, he was he ate the Lord, you know at even he's getting you know in this upper chamber, he's eating the Passover with his disciples and Then he goes through the Garden of Gethsemane. He's betrayed. He's brought before Caiaphas and all that now we're getting into mourning this is where the cock crows, you know with Peter and When they're taking in the pilot, they're like, we don't want to be defiled because we need to eat the Passover, right? that means they haven't killed the Passover yet and then It's talking about that particular next day that Sabbath day. And that's why if you think about it, like we need to break their legs because Remember when Jesus when Jesus gave the ghost it was at least the ninth hour after and if you think about you know There's 12 hours in a day. They're drawing 9th to the end of the day, right? Which I believe is talking about at even right when you're talking about 12 hours in the day you're dealing from sunrise to sunset Okay, and that basically you're running to that end at even when they're gonna kill the Passover So Jesus was literally killed on the evening of the 14th day The next day was the 15th, which was a Sabbath day if that was on a Thursday He was killed on Thursday. That means Friday was a Sabbath day Saturday Sabbath day and Then on the first day of the week what happened? He rose from the dead So he was technically in the grave from you know, Thursday evening Friday Friday night Saturday night Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday night and then Early Sunday morning. He rose from the dead Okay, now some people believe that he actually died on a Wednesday night Okay My problem I had that is that he if he's in if it's it'd be more than three days if he rose again early the First day of the week because he didn't die early the first day, right? He didn't die in the morning, right? I'm not against people but here's thing I know some people believe that that next day was the 14th that basically he he was killed On the 14th, okay Like the beginning of the 14th day Okay, so just you know watch me now no, I'm just one person gets that That he died at the beginning of the 14th day, okay So if he died the beginning of the 14th day, which be at even the next day Let's say that's a Sabbath day, which I don't see that in the Bible. Okay. I don't see how that's a Sabbath day and then the 15th day would be So Basically that Thursday would be the 14th and it's a Sabbath days in the grave right then Friday would be the 15th Well, that's a Sabbath day according to the Bible right so that then he's in the grave but then you know Saturday that's just the regular Sabbath day. So three Sabbath days. Okay, and it sounds good. But here's the problem How do you answer mark 14? Okay, and show me where that 14th day is called a Sabbath day And says you're not supposed to do any work on the 14th day, okay, so Again, I'm not against you know, and you can say well, he can still die on Wednesday It's just the fact that Friday wasn't a Sabbath day. It's like, okay But I'm not against you if you think that but to me it's like when he when he's when he's dead People are everybody supposed to be resting until he rises from the dead Which shows you salvation is not by works It's it's all what Jesus is doing but also on that 15 day They're doing all these sacrifices, you know lambs without blemish all this on the on the Saturday There's all these sacrifices that they have to do on that Saturday The day after that Sabbath day is the Feast of First Fruits Which is Jesus is the first fruits of them that's left. He's the first fruits of the resurrection It works out perfectly. I believe that there's no it wasn't a coincidence that it was planned out that way But just showing you that and how that Feast of Unleavened Bread. So I just want I really wanted to hone in on that okay, as far as understanding That the 14th day at the end of the 14 days when they killed the Passover and that's how I believe You understand like mark 14 or just the other passages where it's saying like, you know They were eating the Passover on the first day of Unleavened Bread, you know what I mean? And that was because it was the 14th day But it's at the beginning of the 14th day and then he died at the end of the 14th day And then it went into the 15th day, which was technically a Sabbath right which makes sense. Okay. So anyway Hopefully all that makes sense and if you disagree with me I'm good with you, but I'm right. So no, I Do believe I'm right on this issue. I think that it makes sense I think that's a valid way of interpreting that Exodus chapter 13, Exodus chapter 13. So just like a couple things I want to hit here and then we'll be done Is that in verse 17 here? It's going to get into the fact that Joseph They're gonna take his bones away from Egypt Okay, meaning that he was buried there in Egypt and obviously we're dealing with like 430 years. Well less than 430 years he didn't die the moment they went into Egypt, but Basically, you know like close to 400 years before You know it says in verse 17 it says and it came to pass when Pharaoh had let The people go that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines Although that was near for God said lest the third venture the people repent when they see war and they returned to Egypt But God led the people About through the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea and the children of Israel went up Harnessed out of the land of Egypt So this kind of gives you the reason why they were like butted up against the Red Sea and why they were even in that part of the country and they're not going up towards the Mediterranean and kind of going through the land to get up to to where Israel is going to be or where Canaan's at is the fact that There was the Philistines and he didn't want them to turn around and run back to Egypt because they see war Okay, this also shows you that repenting is not always a good thing Okay, this is actually a bad repenting right if they repent because they see war Means that they're not doing what they should be doing But that being said is that that kind of explains why they're going through the wilderness or why God's putting them through the wilderness okay, and Verse 19 it says and Moses took the bones of Joseph with him where he had straightly sworn the children of Israel saying God will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones away hence with you and They took their journey from Succoth and a camp in Etham in The edge of the wilderness, so if you remember they came from Rameses, right? Remember the treasure cities of Rameses and all that in Egypt That's where they were at But then it says they went to Succoth and now that was in chapter 12 at the end of chapter 12 now in chapter 13 They're going from Succoth or however, you want to say that Succoth to Etham. Okay, so it's kind of giving you this journey of how they're going but just to give you some verses on that, you know where Joe Joseph actually gave that charge about, you know, basically taking his bones out of there and in Genesis 50 in verse 25 It says in Genesis 50 in verse 25 It says Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel saying God will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones from hence Okay, so in Genesis 50 before he dies, you know, he's basically saying that You know take my bones out of here. I know that God's gonna deliver you and take you out of here So he had faith and that's what it says in Hebrews 11, okay So the one thing said about Joseph about his faith is this so this is an important event, you know as far as this goes And I'm sure there's a sermon in there somewhere, but I'm not gonna preach on it right now but Hebrews 11 22 it says by faith Joseph when he died made mention of the departing of the children of Israel and gave commandment concerning His bones. Okay, so he believed that God and I believe he believed what Abraham was shown Is that they were gonna be evil and treated for 400 years and then that God would deliver them out of that Okay, and Joseph I believe knew that believe that and shows that faith That that Joseph had as well And this is just kind of showing that The last thing here in Exodus chapter 13 verse 21 is dealing with this pillar of a cloud and a pillar of fire Now this is gonna be following them throughout the wilderness when they're in the wilderness for 40 years Okay Which it wasn't the original plan, but they were it but they're gonna be there for 40 years This pillar of a cloud and pillar of fire is gonna be with them this whole time Okay, but here's where it's mentioned first of all is verse 21 it says and the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud to lead them the Way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light to go by day and night He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night from before the people. Okay, and When when you when they go through the wilderness it's gonna say it is about the manna It's gonna basically state that the manna was there until they went into the Promised Land That the pillar and you know all this stuff until they go into the Promised Land You know all these things are gonna be there That their shoes are not going to be worn like all this stuff that God is basically preserving them through this wilderness Now go to Isaiah chapter 4 the last thing I'm going to show you here Is dealing with dealing with this pillar of cloud of a cloud and this pillar of fire And however, I was like, I know there's a place that says this and I'm like Where is this at and you ever have those verses really? I know it says this about this certain topic, right? and there's like where is this and you're just like trying to find it trying to find it and Because what I was trying to find it's like I know it says somewhere that the cloud Because it says that the the fire is for light by night. I think it says that many times, right? But then it's like why is it a cloud, right? And I'm like, I know it says somewhere that it's a shadow, right? It's a shadow for the heat I'm like, where is this that it took me forever to finally you like Find I don't know why maybe I was just you know Tired or something, you know, I need to stop writing my sermons at 10 o'clock at night But in verse 5 here it says it says the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion and upon her assemblies a cloud and smoke by day in The shining of a flame of fire by night for upon all the glory shall be a defense So you see the same wording now, this is a little different than the pillar in the clouds Is that probably why it was harder for me to find you or to remember where this is that? But in verse 6 it says and there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat and for a place of refuge and for a covert from the storm and from Rain and so when it talks about them going through the wilderness, there's basically They're gonna be going through like sunny times and like it's gonna be hot and I believe this cloud is basically protecting them And this cloud would move With you know, we'll get to later. Maybe I'll preach this arm in honor or something like that. But basically Whether it's night or day Either this cloud is gonna move from the tabernacle from where they're at. Okay, and it's gonna basically Move and then they go wherever it goes Okay, so it's basically leading them and it talks about it leading them through the wilderness or wherever they're going It's gonna lead them where to go So at night it could be moving at night and it's gonna be that pillar of fire is gonna move or if it's by Day, it's gonna be that cloud that moves Okay and I believe it's stating here that it's talking about this tabernacle for a shadow and in that cloud and that fire was over the Tabernacle, okay, and so it's basically stating that it's like it's someone it's this place of refuge if you will It's a place of light during the night it's a place of shadow and you know from the heat and all that during the day so Yeah, that's that it's it was just embarrassing. I'm like, where is that verse? I know it says it somewhere and and I was like in numbers. I was in Deuteronomy I was like all over the place trying to find that verse and it was in like Isaiah Which obviously that I believe is is kind of talking about that a little bit but it's also talking about something else as well But I do believe it it fits so but that's Exodus chapter 13 And next week Lord willing we'll be getting into Exodus 14 which is the parting of the Red Sea and so stay tuned for that and We'll end with the word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for today. Thank you for your word Thank you for the book of Exodus and thank you for these stories and everything that we can learn from and Lord just thank you for being our Passover and being You know our Passover lamb and being the Lamb of God that took away our sins and what we just thank you for that help us to remember that at all times and especially when we Set a time to actually Keep the the Lord's Supper and will just help us to remember your death and honor you For what you've done for us and what we love you very awesome. Jesus Christ name. Amen But they will come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed Take Your songbooks and turn to song 187 Song 187 in your songbooks will sing Jesus loves me and if you would stand we'll sing song 187 Jesus loves me this I know For the Bible tells me so Little ones to him belong They are weak, but he is strong Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me the Bible Tells me so