(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Songbooks and turn to song 192 Song 192 in your songbooks will sing ring the bells of heaven and if you would stand Sing loudly enough to where all the people outside can hear us singing so they can know that church is starting Because it's four o'clock I'll get them out there. All right, let's sing a song 192 Ring the bells of heaven there is joy today for a soul returning from the wild See the father meet him out upon the way welcoming his weary wondering child Glory glory how the angels sing Glory glory how the loud harm's ring tis the ransomed army like a mighty sea peeling forth the anthem of the free Ring the bells of heaven there is joy today for the wandering now is reconciled Yes, the soul is rescued from a sinful way and is born a new a ransom child Glory glory how the angels sing Glory glory how the loud harm's ring tis the ransomed army like a mighty sea peeling forth the anthem of the free Ring the bells of heaven spread the peace today angels swell the glad triumphant strain Tell the joyful tidings bear it far away for a precious soul is born again Glory glory how the angels sing Glory glory how the loud harm's ring Tis the ransomed army like a mighty sea peeling forth the anthem of the free Excuse me, let's pray Heavenly Father Lord, we love you. Thank you so much God for just Mountain Baptist Church Thank you so much that we have a church that stands solely on your word and does the work of Preaching the gospel to the lost. Thank you for the souls that were saved today and throughout last week I pray Lord now that you would just be honored and glorified out of everything It's said and done fill our paths with your power and spirit and we love you in Jesus name. Amen all right, you may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books and turn to page number five Page number five in your Mountain Baptist song books. We'll sing Psalm 81 on page number five Sing aloud unto God our strength Make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob Jacob Take a Psalm and bring hither the temporal the pleasant harp with the psalm to re blow up the trumpet in the new moon And the time appointed on our solemn feast day For this was a statute for Israel and a law of the God of Jacob This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony when he went down Through the land of Egypt where I heard a language that I understood not I removed his shoulder from the burden His hands were delivered from the pots Thou call us in trouble and I deliver thee. I answer thee in the secret place of thunder I prove thee at the waters of Meribah See Laher, O my people And I will testify unto thee, O Israel, thou would hearken unto me There shall no strange God be in thee Neither shall thou worship any strange God I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt Open thy mouth wide and I will fill in But my people would not hearken to my voice But my people would not hearken to my voice And Israel would none of me so I gave them up into their own hearts lost And they walked in their own councils Oh that my people hearken unto me And Israel Had walked in my ways I should soon have subdued their enemies And turned my hand against their adversaries The haters of the lord should have submitted Should have submitted themselves unto him, but their time should have endured forever He should have fed them also With the finest of the wheat and with honey Out of the rock should I have satisfied thee out of the rock should I have satisfied Amen well, welcome back to mountain baptist church on this sunday evening here Just some announcements here Wanted to get the soul winning numbers for the week. Did we have any during the week as far as selling numbers? One yep, uh, so one during the week and then today I didn't get a chance to talk to everybody but how we do today Was there any today? one Are there any others today? Very sparse Good thing we're having that solar marathon this weekend, right? So, um, but two salvations praise the lord for those It's all brother day's fault he's the one to pick the places So actually everybody was nice that I talked to today I just didn't get a chance to get into the gospel really Ran into a saved woman and a white witch so, you know Run into all kinds, right so And then as far as announcements here Uh, we have our wednesday night service, uh, everything's normal there We're going to be continuing through first samuel. We have a couple more chapters to get through first samuel Um, like I said this chapter that we're going to get into uh is If you already know the chapter, this is like my worst fear. Okay as a father Husband, this is like my worst fear What happens in this story? So? Um, it's an interesting story, but it's also a very comforting story because the outcome okay So it's one of those stories where it's like this is my worst fear. It has a happy ending therefore. Uh, You know, I hold to that chapter a lot. So anyway, um, so it'll be an interesting one for sure And then uh as far as soul winning goes just beyond the church group there for the soul winning times during the week Uh, we have the women's prayer meeting coming up on the 24th The men's prayer meeting on the 29th. Remember we're going to do the lord's supper on the 27th. So that's a wednesday That's the wednesday before easter. So, uh, we're going to have the lord's supper that evening So it'll be basically like we normally do it. We'll have our our Church service we shut everything down do the the lord's supper after that. So um, probably what i'm going to do on that is i'm probably going to Go off not do a like first amule i'll probably do a sermon just based on that on you know on the the the death of christ and the crucifixion and everything, um going into easter and all that so, um, So that being said i'm gonna try to try to tailor it to where we're not here until like midnight Okay, so I know that wednesdays are always tough with work and everything else. It's late all of that. I get it Um And then uh easter that sunday on the 31st. We're going to do a fellowship in between services So we have a sign-up sheet in the back there if you want to bring anything Uh just note it on there. It's really for our for our knowledge of what's going to be what people are bringing but You don't have to bring anything. Obviously you can just bring yourselves and that'll be fine We're gonna have a candy type of scramble and stuff like that for the kids. So um So we'll have plenty of candy i'm sure Um reesey eggs are a must. I mean that has to be there um so That's all i'm saying with that. So whoever's buying the candy whoever's getting the candy You must get reesey eggs the peeps you don't have to get that stuff because that's an abomination I'm, just kidding. Actually, I don't care if you like peeps. I've never been a peep type of person. Um, so That's it. That that's definitely an eclectic taste right there. That's uh, anyway, um And then uh the soul winning marathon coming up this this saturday, uh in buckhannon, uh be in prayer for that as That takes place there and then Our memory our chapter memory is jonah chapter two Our memory verse for the week is nam 1 7 And then just be in prayer for uh, christian mccloy on the pregnancy list there And be in prayer for all ladies that just had little ones um and Then those that aren't feeling well be in prayer for them as well. So um I think that's about all I have for announcements For the wade's gonna be reading tonight gonna be reading exodus chapter one. We're doing uh, Like a series i'm just gonna throw that at you. We're gonna do a series on Overviewing books of the bible. So i'm just gonna be going along from genesis going down the line And just kind of doing an overview bird's eye view of the book. So Uh, you kind of know what it's about. What's the structure of the book that type of thing? um, so Hopefully it's a blessing to you and My brother is going to do one more song before that And offering boxes in the back. They're going to get tied in the offering the mother baby rooms for the mothers babies only My day will come So All right, take your songbooks and turn to song 198 Song 198 in your songbooks will sing joy unspeakable song 198 Me I have found his grace is all complete. He's Implyeth every need While I sit and learn at jesus' feet I am free as free indeed It is joy unspeakable and full of glory full of glory Full of glory it is joy Unspeakable and full of glory. Oh the half has never yet been told I have found the pleasure I once craved it is joy and peace within What a wondrous blessing I am safe from the awful gulf of sin It is joy unspeakable and full of glory full of glory Full of glory it is joy Unspeakable and full of glory. Oh the half has never yet been told I have found that hope so bright and clear living in the realm of grace Oh the savior's presence is so near I can see his smiling face It is joy unspeakable and full of glory full of glory Full of glory it is joy Unspeakable and full of glory. Oh the half has never yet been told I have found the joy no tongue can tell how its waves of glory roll It is like a great overflowing well springing up within my soul It is joy unspeakable and full of glory full of glory Full of glory full of glory it is joy Unspeakable and full of glory. Oh the half has never yet been told All right, if you would take your bibles and turn to exodus chapter number one the book of exodus in your bibles Chapter number one. We'll have brother wade come and read that for us Exodus chapter one Now these are the names the children the children of israel which came into egypt every man in his household came with jacob Ruben simian levai and judah izakar zebulun and benjamin dan and naphthalai gad and asher And all the souls that came out of the loins of jacob were 70 Souls for joseph was in egypt already And joseph died and all his brethren and all that generation And the children of israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and waxed exceedingly mighty And the land was filled with them now there arose up a new king over egypt which knew not joseph And he said unto his people behold the people of the children of israel are more and mightier than we Come on Let us deal wisely with them lest they multiply and it come to pass that when there falleth out any war they join also Unto our enemies and fight against us and so get them up out of the land Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens and they built for pharaoh treasure cities pithom and ramses But the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and they were grieved because of the children of israel And the egyptians made the children of israel to serve with rigor And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage in mortar and in brick and all manner of service in the field All their service wherein they made them serve was with rigor and the king of egypt spake to the hebrew midwives of which The name of the one was shifra and the name of the other was pua and he said when ye do The office of a midwife to the hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it Be a son then ye shall kill him, but if it be a daughter then She shall live but the midwives feared god and did not as the king of egypt commanded them But saved the men children alive and the king of egypt called for the midwives and said unto them Why have ye done this thing and have saved the men children alive? And the midwives said unto pharaoh because the hebrew women are not as the egyptian women for they are lively and are delivered Ere the midwives come in unto them Therefore god dealt well with the midwives and the people multiplied and waxed very mighty And it came to pass because the midwives feared god that he made them houses and pharaoh charged all his people saying Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river and every daughter ye shall save alive Dear lord, let us pray up. Please be a pastor and let us hear your word today And let's get something from the message in jesus. Now. I pray amen Amen Amen so you're there in excess chapter one and uh Just doing an overview of this book and really the the name of the book tells you what this is about exodus So you can think of like where we get a term for exit but exodus, uh, just literally means basically going out from somewhere and so, uh, That's what we're dealing with here. But first actually the book starts off with them going into egypt So, uh at the end of genesis, uh, if you remember joseph obviously is sold into uh in the bondage he ends up and uh Basically at potiphar's house and then he goes to prison and then basically he's taken from prison and he interprets dreams for pharaoh And in turn he ends up being second in command of egypt And there's this famine for seven years and basically all of joseph's family which would be israel or jacob And all of his his uh, all jacob's sons and everything come down into egypt where joseph already is And this is what the book starts off with to tell you who all comes down into egypt It says in verse one It says now these are the names of the children of israel which came into egypt every man and his household came with jacob rubin simian levi judah istikar zebulun and benjamin dan and naphthalai gad and asher Now these are the 12 sons, uh, not not counting joseph because it's talking joseph's already there but The order in which they're written here is not uh in the order of their birth But it's it's more so lumped in with who had them so actually rubin simian levi and judah are the first four but they're of leah and uh I'm sorry. I've yeah of leah and then iskar zebulun is of um Um Zilpah so leah zilpah. Yeah iskar zebulun and then benjamin's of rachel. Uh, i'm sorry It's the cards of eulens of leah. So all of those are leah those those first first six are of leah But iskar and zebulun are born later. They're not like the next in line after judah Dan and naphthalai are of zilpah Gad and asher are of uh bilhah the handmaiden of rachel and benjamin's obviously of rachel and Joseph's of rachel so it kind of groups it in kind of like leah rachel uh zilpah bilhah, so Whatever that's worth. It just kind of links it that way This isn't all the souls that came out of the loins of jacob were 70 souls for joseph was in egypt already So it's not counting joseph and his children or anything like that because they're already there It's counting the uh, those that came into egypt to where joseph was at it says and joseph died and all his brethren and all that generation And the children of israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied wax exceedingly mighty in a land was filled with them. So what you're dealing with here is that Uh, this is going to be the sojourning of israel in egypt And then we're going to be getting to where egypt is going to exit I'm, sorry. Israel is going to exit egypt. Okay So they're in they they go into egypt and then they're going to be there for 430 years. Okay Now let me just show you where it states that because for some reason people don't know how to do Uh, like just take the bible for what it says when it comes to this, okay But go to exodus chapter 12 and verse 40 and the only reason that I can think of why people Do not want to believe that That israel was in egypt for 430 years because they want their the date of the earth to be like around 6 000 years You know like they want it to be like 6 000 years on the dot because they have some agenda to like Somehow say hey, you know uh You know the lord's coming back in our day because there's 6 000 years of time that that we've been on the earth There's going to be a thousand year reign. That's seven thousand years and it all fits like hand and glove except for the fact that you can't get that to work even if You don't count this the way you're supposed to count it. Okay, you're still past six thousand years. Okay but the truth of the matter is I can that's the only thing that I can think of is why people just are just Rejecting this 430 years, but I want you to re i'm going to read this passage in exodus chapter 12 And I want you to just honestly look at this and think that it's anything other than that they were there for 430 years Okay In verse 40, it says now the sojourning of the children of israel So exodus chapter 12 verse 40 now the sojourning of the children of israel who dwelt in egypt was uh was 430 years Pretty clear, right Keep reading it says and it came to pass at the end of the 430 years even the self-same day It came to pass that all the hosts of the lord went out from the land of egypt Not always at 430 years. It's 430 years to the day Literally to the day so it's not even like well is it 430 years in two days? No, it's 430 years to the day And so this number is an exact number To the day When it comes to how long they were there from when they went into the land of egypt to when they exited egypt And for some reason they want to say that this started with abraham back when he was like 75 years old And i'm going to show you a verse to where they get confused or I I don't want to say they get confused a verse that they twist To try to make it say this for whatever reason and usually there's some Like I said, the only reason that I can think of is that they're trying to get the age of the earth to be a certain number And therefore they're trying to tweak Tweak the age of the earth because you can't really do it with the genealogies because it is what it is, right? They're either they're so many years old But somehow they're trying to tweak this number as far as how long they were in egypt Down to like 200 and some years instead of 430. Okay now Look what it says here in genesis or i'm sorry galatians chapter 3 galatians chapter 3 and verse 17 and then i'm going to explain to you what this is talking about, okay, but It's 430 years. Okay 430 years and then i'm going to show you another passage as far as like them how long they're going to be in egypt And it doesn't it it's it's just going to match up perfectly with what we're saying here. Okay, so Just take the bible for what it says when it comes to to the amount of years that they were so journeying It says to the day 430 years, okay And uh and you know, I think some of the arguments that some people have is that well There's only like four generations of people in the genealogy It's like you do realize that a lot of times in genealogies they skip over people, right? So you don't even know if that's the the same amount of people that are Like that maybe they're with people in between them right and it's giving you like a grandpa to their grandson or something like that And you don't know that because guess what they do that all the time the genealogy the first thing that's mentioned in In the book of matthew is the genealogy and they skip people in that genealogy case in point and so It's a common thing that happens in genealogies And so sometimes it's just mentioning the important people in the genealogy, right? It's more of like the the main people that you want to hear about And it's just kind of skipping past some people as you're going down the line so, uh galatians chapter 3 in verse 17 Now this kind of starts off with verse 16, I don't have it in my notes, but it's uh, now Now the abraham and to see where the promise is made He saith not into seasons of many but as of one and to thy seed which is christ so when we're talking about, you know to To where the blessings are happening to thy seed to thy seed to the seed to the seed the seed the seed the seed That's christ okay, and Uh, then it goes on the same verse 17 And this I say that the covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ The law which was 430 years after cannot this and all that it should make the promise Of none effect, okay, so this is where they get confused because they say well, okay, it's 430 years after abraham when god Made this covenant with abraham because you think about when he's 75 years old, right? He comes out of his land and this is where they're basically taking it back to that Except for the fact that it says it was confirmed of god, right? It doesn't say to abraham It just says that it was confirmed the covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ the law which was 430 years after The law is talking about the law of moses, right? 430 years after what though the covenant being confirmed? Okay, go to uh, psalm 105 psalm 105 psalm 105 and verse 9 Psalm 105 verse 9. This is also found in first chronicles 16, I believe I think Psalm 105 verse 9 It says which covenant he made with abraham so notice the wording here he made the covenant with abraham And his oath unto isaac and what confirmed the same unto jacob for a law and to israel for an everlasting covenant So specifically when you look at covenant confirmed, this is what's going to pop up in your search engine Okay, if you were to look this up on e-sword, you're going to see this you can see I think it's first chronicle 16 Psalm 105 which are parallel passages And then you see galatians 1 7 You might find some other verse in the new testament where it kind of uses that terminology but the idea here is that This was confirmed this this this uh covenant that was made to abraham And it was the oath to isaac and it was confirmed in jacob and what you'll find before jacob goes into egypt god Comes to him and confirms this covenant to him before he goes into right before he goes into egypt Which marks that when he's going to egypt it was confirmed to him Going into egypt and 430 years after what do you have the law? So That being said is that there's no contradiction here. It's not like galatians is contradicting the 430 years of israel in there It's just that people are confusing who's being talked about when it's talking about confirming the covenant The confirming of the covenant was to jacob who is israel, okay, so in israel sojourned in egypt for 430 years now, let me give you another verse that would really kind of Throw this off. Okay, as far as this idea of it being less than 400 years or whatever Go to act chapter 7 verse 6 act chapter 7 verse 6 You'd have to throw out a lot of verses to get this idea that they were only in egypt for 200 some years. Okay? Okay And really just be very loose with your interpretation as far as who's being who's sojourning And who's being evil inflicted because what it says here in act chapter 7 verse 6 It says in god spake on this wise that his seed should sojourn in a strange land And that they should bring them into bondage and entreat them evil 400 years So you say well it says 400 not 430 well because They weren't being evil and treated for all 430 years Apparently for 30 years everything was fine Okay you say well if you do the the and by the way, you can find this in genesis 1513 where Abraham has this kind of vision where he's he's really afraid. It's like dark and he's afraid and The prophecy of that his seed and it's talking about they shall sojourn they shall be entreated You know thy seed shall be entreated and evil entreated 400 years, okay Not Abraham because in their timeline if they're gonna say that this goes back to Abraham when he's 75 years old And he'd have to be in that group of being evil entreated by Egypt for 400 part of that 400 years so This is clearly talking about the fact that You know basically when they went into Egypt everything was fine Now I'll say this Joseph was still alive three thirty years into them being there, okay Joseph lived to 110 I believe 110 yeah, I think it's 110 and So he lit out lived that 30 years But what you have to understand is that when you go to Exodus chapter 1 Exodus chapter 1 evil and treated I There's different levels of being evilly and treated okay does that make sense and what we're coming to in Exodus 1 I Believe they've already been evil and treated but not to this extent okay meaning This is that what we're gonna. See is that even in Joseph's day I believe they were being evil and treated to a certain extent okay I don't believe Joseph was even treated, but I think that maybe his brethren were being evil and treated by the Egyptians to a certain extent But what we'll see is that it's ramped up after a king steps up that doesn't know Joseph Okay, and so notice what says here in Exodus 1 8 it says now There rose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph, okay, so Things are gonna go for a term for a worse, okay, it says and he said unto his people behold the people of Of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we come on let us deal wisely with them let up Lest they multiply and it come to pass that when they follow fall when when their falls out any war They join also unto our enemies and fight against us and so get them up out of the land therefore they did Set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities Python and Rameses But the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and they were grieved because of the children of Israel and the Egyptians Made the children of Israel to serve with rigor and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage In mortar and in brick and in all manner of service in the field all their service wherein they made them Serve was with rigor so what you have to understand is that There's no problem with the fact that Joseph was still alive when they're being evil and treated It's just the fact that after Joseph dies and then the new king is set up that basically Doesn't know like doesn't know of Joseph didn't have any contact with Joseph or any ties to Joseph that that evil and treat Treat and treating them evil was ramped up to where they were in hard bondage, right? They were kind of already in bondage probably up to that point But they now they're in hard bondage and they're being caused to serve with rigor, okay, so that being said is that You know, this is where yeah, I it had it kind of makes sense that Not all the 430 years would be evil and treated right when they got there It's they were kind of brought in with open arms Joseph's second-in-command So his family were treated very nice and for 30 years. It seemed like it was just kind of like everything was fine But then things kind of probably went downhill as the years progressed and then when Joseph died And I'm sure the patriarchs died, you know, it wasn't just Joseph died, but obviously all the his brothers died as well that there came a point where the king was set up that didn't know any of them didn't have contact with that and then it Was just like no-holds-bar on an evil and treatment when it came to the Israel Okay, and then you had the hard bondage which you get to in the story then obviously in this chapter in the first chapter here They are Trying to kill the men children. Okay, this kind of goes it kind of reminds you of Herod, you know trying to kill all the children that kill the Messiah and everything but But he tries to kill all the children by by basically having the midwives kill him right the Hebrew midwives and they're just like no not doing that and And Exodus chapter 1 verse 22 It says in Pharaoh charged all his people saying every son that is born he shall cast into the river and every daughter He shall save a lot. So They're basically trying to get rid of all the men children and Obviously and it had to do with them rising up later that they could have some big army because they have a bunch of strong Men that are gonna be able to like fight against them And so they just wanted to kind of weed out the men if you will and This is where you get into the story Moses Moses the the reason that his mother put him in that bull rush of our that ark of bull rushes is because this commandment was put out to basically take every man child is born and throw him in the river and So very wicked King as far as the king of Egypt and go to Exodus chapter 2 Where we see the story where Moses is going to be Put into the ark of bull rushes he sent down the river and This is obviously a very famous story with Moses but it says in verse 1 it says in there either went a man of the house of Levi and took to wife a daughter of Levi and The the woman conceived embarrassed son and when she saw him that he was a goodly child She hid him three months and when she could no longer hide him she took for him an ark of bull rushes and daubed it with slime and with pitch and put the child there in and she laid it in the flags by the rivers brink and His sister stood afar off to wit what would be done to him and the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river and Her maidens walked along by the riverside and when she saw the ark among the flags She sent her maid to fetch it and when she had opened it She saw the child behold the babe wept and she had compassion on him and said this is one of the Hebrews children so the daughter of Pharaoh Finds Moses knows it's a child of the Hebrews, right? It's not like she didn't know this and she had compassion on the child and this says a lot about the daughter of Pharaoh and the fact that she went against the King's commandment and Took Moses in as her own and the Bible talks about how Moses was brought up You know in Egypt and how Moses had to make a choice to basically Basically live in pleasure for a season or to suck the affliction of his people and all of that and he obviously chose the latter And Moses obviously is a great character in the character of the book of Exodus really but So we have that story where he's brought out of the water and that's why he gets the name Moses because he had brought she had brought him forth out of the water and He grows up and he's 40 years old Okay, he's 40 years old when he basically goes out to his brethren to see basically how they do and the thing about Moses That we see in the New Testament. Is that Moses? knew Or, you know had the knowledge that God was gonna deliver Israel with his own hand because when he goes to basically he ends up killing an Egyptian and Hiding him in the sand go to go to Exodus chapter 2 in verse 11 Exodus chapter 2 in verse 11 it says and it came to pass in those days when Moses was grown That he went out unto his brethren and looked on their burdens and he spied an Egyptian spying in Hebrew one of his brethren So Moses knew he was a Hebrew You know There's a lot of movies out there where there's like he didn't know and then there's like some way that he hears that he's just like oh no, my life is you know, like change forever and all this stuff and You know, but he knew he knew who you know that he was a Hebrew and he goes out to see how they do and He sees this Egyptian smiting in Hebrew and says and he looked this way in that way and when he saw that there was no Man, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. So he kills this Egyptian and he basically is like no one's gonna see this except for the person that he saved from being smitten and that word spread and If you know the story the next day he goes out and there's men striving with each other like Hebrews He's basically trying to set him at naught with each other You know basically try to get him to get along and they're like, are you gonna kill me like the Egyptian? You know, obviously he's like, oh, okay. This isn't secret. This isn't hidden and they talked about how Pharaoh is like basically wanting to kill Moses and And he flees in the Midian Okay And so when Moses is 40 is when that happens and he flees in the Midian and go to Exodus chapter 3 Because in Exodus chapter 3, in Exodus chapter 2 actually talks about how he goes to Midian He ends up finding a wife if you remember a Jethro is his father-in-law Reuel Reu, however you say it, Ruel, Ruel I think this is the other way of saying his name or like another name that he has but basically Zipporah is who he marries and he has two sons Gershom and Eliezer When he's in Midian, okay, and He's out there for 40 years 40 years. Okay, so After 40 years of being out there. He would be 80 years old Okay, so I think a lot of people when you when you're reading through Exodus is maybe not putting together how old Moses was One when he even goes out to see his brethren and he's fleeing in the Midian, right? But then how old is he when he comes back in to basically Bring the children of Israel out, but in Exodus chapter 3 in verse 1 He sees the burning bush or he goes to the burning bush And it says in verse 1 now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God even to Horeb and the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and He looked and behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed and Moses said I will now turn Aside and see this great sight why the bush is not burned so you can imagine that he's seen this bush burning But it just never goes out right it just keeps burning And you can imagine he's probably just like I gotta go see what's going on with this bush Why is this thing not because you'd imagine if you saw something on fire like that thing's gonna go out eventually, right? Except it doesn't and so that's where he's just like I gotta go I gotta go see what's going on here and obviously this is where the Lord speaks to him out of the burning bush and Tells him that he's gonna send him to go You know free the children of Israel that he heard he hears the affliction of the voice of their affliction and all of that And so really the beginning of Exodus is really just telling you okay. They've gone into Egypt. They are in bondage They're in bondage and pharaohs trying to kill all the men children Moses is spared from that and then as he grows up he actually New Testament tells us that he thought they would understood that God by his hand would deliver them That's what it says in the New Testament about it And then later on he goes to the burning bush. He's like you chose the wrong man. It's not me They're not gonna listen to me because he was rejected by them, right? they basically said you're not gonna be a judge or ruler over us and So they rejected him so you can imagine when you're going to the burning bush where he's just kind of like you know It's not me like they won't follow me but obviously God convinces him to go and You get the whole thing where he's basically saying, you know That he can't speak and then he says Aaron will speak for you and he'll basically be your spokesman and all of that And he goes back to Egypt. He's he's 80 years old 80 years old and and Just so you know Mariam obviously is older than him because if his sister's waiting in the bull rushes to see how he's doing and Fetching his mother to go get his mother to nurse him She's older than him. Okay, but but Aaron is also older him by a few years And all that Exodus 6 The one thing I want to state about this and and and a lot of the these chapters I'm going to be bunching into a One category. So if you're like, we're only in Exodus 6 we're not forgetting very far here Because there's a lot of meat in these first chapters. Okay, as far as what's going on Exodus Exodus 6 is where we see Where God is going to be called by the name of Jehovah? Okay, and this is a very controversial topic when it comes to Jehovah, you know in the realm of the Hebrew root stuff or even in just the Mainstream Christianity as far as like what we should call God and all of this stuff now in Exodus 6 2 It says and God spake unto Moses and said unto him I am the Lord and I appeared unto Abraham unto Isaac and unto Jacob by the name of God Almighty but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them and so Jehovah is is a term that basically a name that they Didn't use they used if you were to think about like If you're to look at the words that the root words of like the Hebrew words It's like Adonai and Elohim as far as the words that they would use a lot of times for God Okay, but this tetragrammaton of like what we don't even know how it's pronounced. Okay No one knows how this is pronounced and Anybody that tells you like I know exactly how this is pronounced is selling you a bill of goods Let me say state this the original Greek that that the New Testament is written in no one knows for sure how it was pronounced No one knows So, I mean when I when I read it I read it in modern pronunciation because that's better than some weird like You know college made-up pronunciation that's out there And by the way, it makes more sense to speak that in modern and modern Greek Anyway, because there's people that actually speak that language today So it would actually make sense to them if you if you pronounced it their way, but I'll say this is that Pronunciation is not something that's preserved meaning that this is not something to split hairs over as far as like how we say the name Jehovah, I'm gonna say Jehovah because that's how it's translated into my English Bible and I'm gonna pronounce it the way an English person would Pronounce it. Okay But I'll say this is that the interesting thing about Jehovah is that the Greek New Testament never has it once Even when it's quoting it from the Old Testament where? Jehovah was in the verse. Okay, that means Jesus didn't use the word Jehovah He used the word Lord Just like you'd use Lord anywhere else. Okay, Jesus didn't the disciples didn't and Paul didn't no one in the New Testament Used any type of form of Jehovah when they were writing in Quoting you know, it says the Lord said unto my Lord sit down my right hand until I make that enemies like footstool The Lord said unto my Lord meaning the Lord the first Lord there would be that Jehovah Lord that is the same word for both Lords there in the Greek New Testament and the new test and The reason I bring this up is I'm defending the King James Bible here and the fact that in Most all places in the Old Testament where that tetragrammaton which just means four letters, basically tetragrammaton You know anyway four letters in Hebrew Most the places that it's mentioned it uses that all caps Lord, right or sometimes you'll see all caps God and it'll just place Lord or God there right and You know what their fault, you know who their the translators were following suit with Jesus the Apostles Because that's what they did they put Lord where it said Jehovah in the Old Testament So that's what the translators did To go even further from that If you believe Exodus 6 and the fact that it says Jehovah was not known by them until that point Genesis You'll see the name Jehovah Written in the written in the Hebrew Which proves to you that Moses that that that Genesis was written? You know in Moses day And you say well, why is it saying Jehovah there if they never even knew the name because they were saying Lord there and Jehovah is interchangeable with Lord both backwards and forwards So when anybody gets uptight about Jehovah you can tell them to go pounce salt because the Lord Jesus said Lord where it says Jehovah and When they were going back and they were they were writing for where it said Lord in Genesis because they didn't know the name of Jehovah they put Jehovah there because it's one in the same So I just kind of wanted to just do a little pit stop there for those Hebrew roots people out there That don't know how it's pronounced And you know how I'm gonna pronounce it Jehovah Okay Because that's how it's been pronounced for 400 years in the English language yay, probably even further than that if you go back to the you know, the versions even before that and This Yahweh Yeshua garbage, you know like that's out there where they're just trying to like Say it's all about this pronunciation. Everybody has different ways that are pronounced. They're like, no, it's Yahweh. No, it's it's Jehovah or it's you know, whatever, you know, it's the Lord is what it is and You know what? it's Jehovah where it says it like seven times and in the in the King James Bible and Leave it at that and so But people don't know that subject. They they're splitting hairs about it The King James translator did exactly they were following suit with the Lord. They were following suit with the Apostles They were following suit with Moses and how he was using Jehovah for Lord in the passages before when it wasn't even used for that okay, so Chapters, okay, so going off. Okay off that tangent Exodus 7 through 12 you're dealing with the 10 plagues of Egypt And so if you're reading through you're like I want the plagues. That's why I came to Exodus 4. I Want the blood I want the locusts. I want that fun stuff right Exodus 7 through 12 Okay, so you really don't have to go too far into Exodus before you get to the fun stuff, right? and by the way I don't know about you but like the whole like Moses being put into an ark and and all this stuff is pretty interesting stuff I mean, it's not like it's not like there's some boring reads right there. Okay, so honestly Exodus is very entertaining as you're going forward and 7 through 12 you're dealing with the plagues and the 10 plagues are the water and the blood frogs lice flies Grievous moron, which is basically like a pestilence, okay Boils, hail Locusts, darkness and Then the death of the firstborn. Okay, and so these are good things just to even know So if you're reading through Exodus write out these plagues and just memorize them, you know Memorize the list of like what are the ten plagues and the order that they happen And when the the magicians Couldn't do it anymore, right because they were kind of like oh no we can do that We can do this right when with the the rod that turned into the serpent, right? You know, they put down their rods they turned in the serpents I believe that actually happened when they turned the water when Moses turned the water and blood they turned water in the blood When when he had the frogs come they brought up frogs as well, but the lice They're like that's the finger of God and at that point the magicians are just like we can't match this and so And then from there on it's really unmatched right they couldn't even even replicate it But the funny part about that is that when they're going through those plagues, I'm like, why don't you try stopping it though? Right. I mean if you're so if you're so powerful and you're gonna be like, oh no our gods are better Then why don't you turn the water back or the the blood back into water, right? Why don't you put the frogs back where they came from not just like bring more frogs, you know And oh I turn this in the blood too. It's like why don't you fix it? You know anyway But so Exodus 7 to 12 you have the ten plagues of Egypt Exodus 12 is very important chapter because you have the Passover which is right before obviously The destroyer comes and destroys the firstborn and this is where you have them putting the blood of a lamb on The lintel and doorposts of the doors and that the Lord would pass over that when you get that term Passover Which by the way William Tyndale is the one that came up with that term Passover and for all those that are against Easter as far as the term Easter Easter was in all the modern version all the versions of the English Bible before the King James or Passover It was William Tyndale that even came up with the term Passover Easter was the old word used for Passover and That's why you'll see it one time in the King James Bible where it says that that they were gonna wait until after Easter To bring out Peter because it says then were the days of unleavened bread Which the days of unleavened bread, which is what the Passover, okay? so Easter is not some pagan holiday just because it's really because it looks similar to Istar the pagan goddess of fertility And I know that obviously there's a bunny that has eggs and stuff like that that you know what's out there and all that stuff anyway, so You know don't believe everything you read on the internet because the next thing you know you'll be getting into flatter stuff So just beware, okay? But all that to say is Easter's fine term. It's an old term for Passover All that say I say Easter, so you know you don't like it don't care Get over it so and Then so Exodus chapter 12 we have the Passover and then literally that night so the 14th day Even they kill the Passover lamb they put the blood on the doorpost the next day that morning They go out with haste which is really where you get that unleavened bread Idea the whole point kind of one of the big points of that is that they didn't have time To raise the dough and let it you know basically ferment into where they have it leavened right so they go out and haste That's the whole point is that they're going out and haste the next day and in chapter 14 We have them crossing the Red Sea okay, and so go to Exodus 14 verse 21 So this is the Red Sea crossing, so you're still into some pretty fun stuff, right? I mean you get past the plagues like well now. I got the crossing of the Red Sea So in Exodus chapter 14 the verse 21 Exodus is a very fun book to read Then you get past chapter 20 And then it kind of bogs down because you're getting into like laws and judgments and like other things all important, okay? Just so you know the first 10 chapters of Chronicles are important Hard read yes, okay? but everything in the Bible is important not everything is Exciting to read okay. Let's just face it so Exodus chapter 14. We have the crossing of the Red Sea and Verse 21 it says and Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea dry land and The waters were divided and the children of Israel went in the into the midst of the sea upon dry land and the waters were A wall unto them on their right hand and on their left So he basically parted the Red Sea, but when we went through the book of Exodus The thing that when you cross reference all these passages talking about the Red Sea it talks about how the water congealed Okay, and that when it says they walked on dry. It says he made the sea dry land Okay, so a lot a lot of people think is that when they cross the sea they're like going down It's where like you know kind of like the elements of the the base of the the sea there And they're like how in the world could they cross that? Because he literally made the sea dry land and they were walking I believe on flat dry land Crossing the sea where it was basically on both sides of them and a flat Crossing where it was dry land where they were standing and even when the Egyptians go into the sea it says that they sank into the water Okay, so I mean if they're down at the bottom How are you sinking right if you're already down at the bottom right as far as that goes So and obviously the waters came in on them as well and they all died. Okay, so That being said is that's definitely an interesting story. There's there's so much in there with that story the New Testament brings it up and The pictures of salvation and baptism and all that stuff as far as the foreshadowing of the New Testament is all there. Okay Exodus chapter 19 so and I'm kind of skipping over some stuff because there's there's obviously cases where you have the waters of Meribah and you have like These different things that are going on between when they cross the Red Sea and when they get to Mount Sinai, okay, so Exodus 19 the reason I want to point this out is because this is where it really is stating this first covenant Which we would call the old covenant that's happening that that's going to be going on with the children of Israel and in Exodus 19 So if you want to be like where does it state this covenant that he's making with Israel Exodus 19 Okay Exodus 19 in verse 5 it says this Says now therefore if you obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant Then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and an holy nation These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel Now that's stating this right but what I want to mention here Is that the New Testament is very clear of when that Testament started and that Testament started at the Passover? Okay when he brings him out so and in Hebrews chapter 8 It says this in verse 7 it says for if the first covenant had been faultless then should no place have been sought for the second For finding fault with them He says behold the days come said the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel with the house of Judah Not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day When I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt because they continue not my covenant I regard them not said the Lord. So when did he make that covenant with them in the day? That he took them by the hand to lead him out of the land of Egypt what day was that literally the Passover when that morning they're leaving with haste and That's when that covenant started when he brought them out of the land of Egypt, okay See how that foreshadows with when did when did the New Testament start when Jesus died on the cross? The death that the killing of the Passover and Christ our Passover is when the New Testament starts Okay, so there are clear starting and stopping points of the Old and New Testament the Old Testament Started the day they went out in the land of Egypt the first day All right, I'm sorry the 14th day of the first month a bit, you know, like I mean to the day which was to the day That they were so journey for 430 years in Egypt that they came out That's when I come and started that means everything before that was not the old covenant. Does that make sense? Everything after that up to Jesus death when the temp when the veil in the temple was split in two from the top to the bottom Was new or was old covenant and then everything from Jesus death till now New Covenant and by the way, you say well, when does that end never? Because it's an everlasting covenant when Jesus fails. That's when it ends When Jesus can no longer make intercession and when Jesus fails as a high priest, that's when it ends So it's not going to it's a it's an everlasting Covenant it's an unchangeable priesthood. He is an high priest after your order Melchizedek Forever. Okay and forever means forever. So anyway So Exodus chapter 19 is where it's stated right? It's a this is the Covenant you're telling them this is what you're getting this is what you you're gonna keep this is what you're gonna do and The new cut that the old covenant a lot of times is what is basically stated as the Ten Commandments now There's a lot of other judgments and commandments that are along with that, right? But really when you talk about the Covenant it's talking about those take the table stone You know the Ten Commandments on the tables of stone You know that Moses brought out of Mount Sinai and all that and in Exodus 20 we had the Ten Commandments Okay, so the famous Ten Commandments where where God is Stating them and what you have to understand is Exodus chapter 20 God is stating this to all of Israel Okay So when he's speaking these commandments in Exodus chapter 20 It's to all of Israel and obviously Ten Commandments that shall have no other gods before me That's not make any graven image to bow down to it Do you have that shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain? That's the third commandment the fourth commandment. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it. Holy The fifth commandment is to honor thy father and thy mother and going down the line thou shalt not kill Commit adultery thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not covet, right? Those are the Ten Commandments by the way. Those are the real Ten Commandments you go to the Catholic Church They'll take off that second one. They don't like that one about graven images So they they make the tenth one like two different commandments but After that look at Exodus chapter 20, so you could read that in your homework there again I'm going through the whole book of Exodus here. So It's hard for me to read all of it and actually get through it in any type of matter of time here Exodus chapter 20 verse 19 it says and they said unto Moses the children of Israel You know, they said unto Moses speak thou with us and we will hear will will hear but let not God speak with us Lest we die So after this point of basically hearing the Ten Commandments Everything else was Moses basically the mouthpiece to tell him what God said and This is this is validated in in Hebrew chapter 12 I'm not gonna go there for take a time in Hebrew chapter 12 it talks about this obviously On the fact that they didn't want to hear his voice. They were trembling. They were afraid to hear the voice of God and From Exodus 20 to 23 because at that point then he starts going on right God's speaking Basically the law and different judgments the rest of Exodus 20 but from the rest of Exodus 20 to Exodus 23 You really get these laws and and and basically these Commandments that are given Okay, and so all those are important and that's where maybe you know kids when you're reading through Exodus You can start dropping off right? You're just like, oh, you know the Red Sea like, you know Even the waters of Meribah, you know, like all this all the Ten Commandments and it's just like and here's the judgments for all these Different things here's the statues for all the integers like, uh, you know, you kind of fall off the wagon maybe because it's more of just kind of like You know just going down the line of different judgments and stuff like that But I'll say this those are all important because they all show you what righteous laws should be they show you what what's right and wrong Okay, so if you want to know some good morality You know, this is where it's at, you know the perfect law of liberty and by the way these moral laws They're still right today Okay, even though they're not, you know held up by our laws or anything like that If we had a righteous nation, they would be holding these moral laws, okay But then going on from that we have in from from chapter 24 to chapter 31 Moses is up in the mount for 40 days and 40 nights. So Chapter 24 to 31 So you kind of get the picture chapter 20 to 23 God starts talking to everybody and then if you were like, we don't want to hear it anymore You know basically be our mouth, but you know, like hear it tell us right and then in chapter 24 Moses actually goes up into the mountain and there's obviously a story behind that Joshua goes up with him and then Moses goes into the cloud, right and And Moses is in you know in that cloud by himself with the Lord for 40 days and 40 nights, okay And this is where he's gonna get the the tablet or the tables of stone that have the Ten Commandments written on them And so from 24 to 31 what you're gonna see is basically a lot of chapters about How the the tabernacle is going to be built What the arkhan covenant looks like the the the priest garments and all this stuff is being Detailed to Moses in that, okay So it's kind of like here's what everything to look like and all that and then When he comes out with these tables of stone with the Ten Commandments on there He hears like what he would think as war like wars going on in the camp or no that's what Joshua says actually Joshua's the one that says there's war in the camp, right and This is where in Exodus 32. This is the famous story where they make the golden calf So go to Exodus chapter 32 verse 1 Exodus chapter 32 in verse 1 So while Moses is in the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights the children of Israel have Aaron make a golden calf and They start worshipping it and they rise up to play okay, so this is where obviously a lot of iniquity and sin is going on and Exodus chapter 32 in verse 1 it says and when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount The people gathered themselves together unto Aaron and said unto him up make us gods which shall go before us For as for this Moses the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt We what not what is become of him and if you remember they give him Aaron earrings He makes a golden calf Moses comes down. He's just like And Aaron's excuse he's like, well, they gave me these earrings and I put them in the fire and then this calf popped out You know, he doesn't say popped out, but that's what I imagine It's kind of the sense that it's coming around this calf came out it's like yeah, it's just materialized into this calf, right? So we have that story obviously where God God's ready to destroy them all Okay, Moses breaks those 10 commandments. I want you to think about this He's fasting for 40 days and 40 nights on the mountain Get these tablets hearing all these judgments all these things and then he smashes and breaks them You know, it's just like all of that just boom gone which is obviously a representation of how Israel broke that covenant right from the very beginning really they were breaking that covenant Okay, he had already told them the Ten Commandments told them they shouldn't be making graven images in chapter 20 40 days later, they're making a golden calf Right. And so what may have been earlier than 40 days because it doesn't say like on the 40th day You know, they made the calf and then Moses came down the exact same time So they break that and God wants to destroy them But Moses intercedes for them in chapter 33 and So chapter 33 You know Moses intercedes and Moses ends up getting to see the glory of the Lord. Okay. I want you to look here in verse Verse 21 so Exodus 33 and verse 21 And honestly, I'm blowing past a lot of stuff that's very interesting stuff for example Moses Says blot my name out of my book. I want you to think about that My God's like I'm gonna destroy them all and Moses like no kill me instead That's the type of leader Moses was for the children of Israel That's the type you know when it says that he was meek and the meekest man upon the earth and the type of leader that Moses was was that he was wanting to give his own life for the children of Israel and you can Think about how Paul was the same way when it says I could wish myself a curse from Christ for my brethren according to the flesh that's the type of man Paul was and the type of man that Moses was and these stories really detail and gives you an idea of These type of leaders and their mentality that they're a lot of cases very selfless And so in this in this passage here after he intercedes and the thing is that he's he's interceding that God doesn't kill him And God's like, all right, I'm not gonna kill him, but I'm not going up with you Right. It's kind of like he's like I'm not gonna kill him, but I'm only gonna go with you He's and it's kind of like this this this back and forth where he's just like I'm gonna go with you and Moses like well You don't go with us, you know, like we're not going then right and eventually he intercedes to the point where okay I'll go with you. I'll go with them and We'll go into this land right and so Moses really has to like really he's going back and forth with God as far as How God will bless Israel and in Exodus chapter 33 in verse 21 The Lord is basically gonna show him You know basically appear unto him, but he doesn't show him his face. Okay That's what it says here in verse 21 It says the Lord said behold there is a place by me and thou shalt stand upon a rock and it shall come to pass while my glory passes by that I will put thee in a cliff of The rock and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by which you can kind of think where we get that song You know where it talks about in the Cliffs of the Rock and all of that. Okay, so if you ever wonder What is this talking? Why are we singing about being in a cliff of a rock? Right? Like what is that about? It's like this word a lot of some of these songs the showers of blessings come from Ezekiel actually And so there's like there's a lot of our hymns kind of go into some deep passages where it's you gotta be burning the midnight Oil a little bit sometimes to know where this stuff is coming from Anyway it says It says and I will I will take away my hand and thou shalt see my back parts But my face shall not be seen and basically what he's saying is I'm gonna walk by you But I'm gonna hold my hand over you so you don't see the basically my face and then when I basically pass by you You're not gonna see my face, but you're gonna see me basically walking past. So you'll see the back side of them, right? and so Which gets into another doctrine with the fact that no one has seen the face of the Father Okay, and that that is a big deal in Revelation 22 when we're in the new heaven new earth and it says we shall see his face and It doesn't mean that no one's seen any part of him because if you know when they see someone sitting on the throne they see God the Father but they they're not seeing his face and what I believe is is is that the glory of the Father is So bright, it's like looking at the Sun. It's like Yeah, I see the Sun but do you see the Sun right when you're looking up at the sky? Do you see the detail? Do you see all all the ins and outs of the Sun? You know what? I mean? Like if you're just looking at it with the naked eye, I Don't recommend trying that okay, but the same thing applies here I believe with God the Father and so I think this is actually a representation of God the Father appearing to Moses And and obviously God the Son is appearing to him as captain of the host like in different places, you know different things like that anyway Exodus chapter 34 Moses goes back up into the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights. Okay. So basically he broke the tables of stone and He's got to go up again. Okay, so It's kind of like let's do this again guys. Don't make any calves when I'm gone You know, it's kind of like that kind of thing that's going on. But it looked verse verse 34 chapter 34 verse 1 it says in the Lord said unto Moses Cue thee two tables of stone like unto the first and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first Tables which thou breakest and be ready in the morning and come up into in the morning unto Mount Sinai And present thyself there there to me on the top of the mount And so he's going up getting he's gonna get the table stones written with the finger of God again in verse 27 It says in the Lord said unto Moses write thou these words for after the tenor of these words. I Have made a covenant with thee and with Israel and he was there with the Lord 40 days and 40 nights He did eat neither I'm sorry, he did neither eat bread nor drink water and he wrote upon the tables of the words of the Covenant the Ten Commandments So this is where you kind of get that Equating the Ten Commandments with the Covenant. So this is why when people are like, well, what about the Sabbath day? You know that's part of the first covenant. Okay, but there's a lot of things of the first covenant that we still apply like Thou shalt not murder, right? But by the way murder was wrong before Moses wrote it before it was written on the Ten Commandments, right? And it was stated that it was wrong before that. Okay, so Specifically these Ten Commandments are for that covenant Okay, but it doesn't mean that a lot of the Commandments would still apply today because it's moral law. Okay, and so But anyway going from that it says in verse 29 says and it came to pass When Moses came down from the mount from Mount Sinai with the two tables of test of testimony in Moses hand When he came down from the mount that Moses was not that his skin of his face shown while he talked with them and this is why when you're reading New Testament talked about how he had a veil of his face and His face would shine and this really gets into the fact that God spoke to Moses face to face as a friend Okay, and the idea that You know, basically you're not saying he saw his face necessarily but more so he's speaking face to face And when he's saying, you know what if I'm gonna speak to some prophet I'll speak to him in a dream Or something like that, right, but I speak to Moses face to face Apparently as unto a friend. Okay. So the way that God spoke to Moses was on a friend face to face basis okay, and You know It's something that we should all strive for to be that have that close relationship like Abraham like Moses and like these other men of God in the Bible and all of that going on from that Chapter 35 to 40 is really Kind of reiterating chapter 24 to 31, but it's making it Okay, so what you're gonna see is kind of like chapters that seem like they're duplicated But it's really that this is where God told them what it's gonna look like This is where they actually make it Okay So the next chapter is going on to the end of the book is really just where they're making the garments and they're putting them On the priests. They're they're making the Ark of the Covenant You know and they're putting the tables of stone in it they're making all the things of the tabernacle all those different things they're making it and You know and at the end of the book they they rear up the tabernacle of the congregation and They you know, they're basically ready to go essentially on that first day of the month of the month and all that and You Know that's really the book of Exodus the book of Exodus they really do exit By chapter 12, honestly, they're already out And obviously you have some chapters where they're kind of on they're still exiting You know because they have it across in the Red Sea and obviously Pharaoh is still coming after them chapter 15 You know, they're singing a song about it right Miriam, you know sings the song and they're singing the song about them You know basically having the victory over them and then you know There's some chapters in between that and when they're at Mount Sinai as far as them kind of murmuring because they don't have water You have the manna all those different things that are going on in that and then from chapter 20 to the end besides that kind of interlude of them making a golden calf It's really You know God's showing Moses Here's all the different elements as far as the tabernacle is concerned all these different things the priest garments all that stuff and Them making them at the end so you can kind of split Exodus into kind of two different Like the first half second half where the first half is really them kind of being in Egypt and coming out of Egypt and all of that right Whereas the second half is more so them out in the wilderness and God's showing them. Here's what you're gonna make Here's the judgments. Here's the laws. Here's all these different things them messing up already, right? Within days, you know, maybe even within a month They they're already messing up and breaking the covenant right and then basically interceding for them Because literally the Old Testament is just them breaking it God forgiving them then breaking it then coming back to God God forgiving it then breaking it again It's just this back and forth of them doing that and it's happened from the very beginning And so it's kind of like this little window into like this is what's gonna happen until Jesus comes kind of thing, right? And And then we'll get into Leviticus as far as that the dreaded book of Leviticus but But that's the kind of an overview of the book of Exodus really the the most of the story of it is from chapter 1 to chapter 20 and then you do have some kind of like chapter 32 and 30 To 34 you kind of have some storyline going on there as well And then a lot of the other chapters are judgments and you know things about the tabernacle and all that and I did a chapter By chapter through it. It's interesting stuff when you dig into it but obviously when you're reading about the badger skins dyed red and the couplings and the silver sockets and like all these different things when You're reading that It kind of reads like you're reading a construction manual or something like that. You're just like, ah, you know He's got a plow through it. So I'm not here to say that every chapter in Exodus is just riveting the read But I will say this all of it is important and honestly all of it has some really interesting stuff in it Okay, some of it is just gonna be a little more on the high level like me to the Word of God to really appreciate Whereas obviously the crossing of the Red Sea it's like anybody can appreciate that You can read that to your kids and they're gonna be like that's that's amazing. Like that's a cool story. You know, I mean, so That's an overview of the book of Exodus Less than with a word of prayer now heavenly father we think today Thank you for your word. Thank you for the Bible in general, but Lord Thank you for the book of Exodus and Lord just prayed you'd help us to study your word and to to know everything that we can know even in passages that may be a little more intense when it comes to complexity and Lord just pray to be with those that aren't feeling well pray to heal them and Be with our church and bless our church pray that we'd be glorifying to you. We love your prayers in Jesus Christ name Amen for the able come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed All right, if you would take your song books and turn to song 221 Song 221 in your song books will sing a child of the king And if you would stand we'll sing song 221 My father is rich in houses and lands He holdeth the wealth of the world in his hands of rubies and diamonds of silver and gold His coffers are full. He has riches untold I'm a child of the key a child of the key with Jesus my Savior, I'm a child of the key my father's own son the Savior of men went Undered on earth as the poorest of them But now he is pleading our pardon Hi That we may be his when he comes by and by I'm a child of the key a child of the key with Jesus my Savior