(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . Well, good morning, everyone. Welcome to Mountain Baptist Church. Take your song books and turn to song 127. I'm sorry. 227. My bad. Song 227. Your song books will sing saved by the blood. If you would stand, we'll sing song 227. If you would stand, we'll sing song 227. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one Saved Saved Saved My sins are all poured in My guilt is all gone Saved Saved I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one Saved by the blood of the crucified one The angels rejoicing because it is done A child of the father joined air with the son Saved by the blood of the crucified one Saved Saved My sins are all poured in My guilt is all gone Saved Saved I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one Saved by the blood of the crucified one Saved Saved My sins are all poured in My guilt is all gone Saved Saved Saved Saved Saved Saved Saved Saved I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one Saved by the blood of the crucified one All hail to the father All hail to the son All hail to the spirit grade three and one say by the blood of the crucified one say my sins are all pardon my guilt is all gone saved saved I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one all right let's pray heavenly Father Lord we just want to thank you God just for another day that we get to meet in your house and to hear your word preached I pray Lord now that you would just receive all the honor and glory of everything that's said and done and it's in Jesus name we ask all of it amen are you may be seated and turning your songbooks to song 185 song 185 in your songbooks will sing my Savior's love song 185 I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene and wonder how he could love me a sinner condemned unclean how marvelous wonderful and my song shall ever be how marvelous how wonderful my Savior's love for me for me it was in the garden he prayed not my will but thine he had no tears for his own grief but sweat drops of blood for mine how marvelous how wonderful and my song shall ever be how marvelous how wonderful is my Savior's love for me he took my sins and my sorrows he made them his very own he bore the burden to Calvary and suffered and died alone how marvelous how wonderful and my song shall ever be how marvelous how wonderful is my Savior's blood when with the ransomed in glory his face I at last shall see twill be my joy through the ages to sing of his love for me how marvelous how wonderful and my song shall ever be how marvelous how wonderful is my Savior's love for me amen so welcome to Mount Baptist Church on the Sunday morning and just some general church announcements here as far as service times go everything should be normal today we'll have our afternoon service at 4 p.m. and before that though we have our soul winning time at 1 p.m. so if you want to go out soul winning try to meet up here after lunch and we'll get teamed up to go out soul winning looks like it's a good day I haven't checked the weather to see if it's supposed to stay like this but it looks nice right now so and then as far as the regional soul winning times I think whether you brother Charles said it'll be Thursday instead of Monday so so the Monday time will be on Thursday instead of Monday and then what Tuesday time brother Matt leads up and then a Wednesday time brother Richie leads up and so just obviously be checking the whatsapp there as far as times locations all that when it comes to the soul winning time and then as far as upcoming events we had the women's prayer meeting coming up this Saturday and then the clocks go back I guess you know that that Saturday night or whatever so now it's gonna be dark when I go to work and dark when I come back you know that's is the season I guess but we have on here on the 12th we have the harvest party or this is like the soup pie party or whatever we're doing here so so we have it said tentatively for the 12th at 6 p.m. so let me know if that's 6 p.m. I think that's generally a good time to eat dinner and have that so but I don't really want to have it much later than that just because we have church the next day and all that but but so that's coming up on the list there as far as upcoming events and do we need to probably get a sign-up sheet as far as what type of soups people are making what type of pies are being brought or made so we'll try to get a sign-up sheet on the fridge to where we kind of get a general idea of what's being what's being made on the back your invite there we have the Bible memory we're moving into first Thessalonians chapter 2 technically tomorrow we still have you still have a day to get the chapter 1 I just finished this morning memorizing chapter 1 it's only 10 verses it's not crazy but but chapter 2 so if you were wanting to jump on this and you're like I haven't even started in chapter 1 chapter 1 is pretty short and then going into chapter 2 in the month month of November and then our memory verse for the week is first John chapter 4 verse 4 and it's you are of God little children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he is in the world and so that I'll be hurting it for the sermon this morning so a good verse that memorized and actually children after after I get done with my sermon you're you're gonna probably really want to know this verse just because the sermon I'm gonna be preaching this morning might be a little scary so and this verse is a is a comfort to you so sometimes it's good to memorize a verse because it's a good comfort to you and so so anyway birthdays do we have well we have Shane so born on Halloween you know actually pastor Huggins my sending out pastor his birthday is on Halloween and I need to send him a text tomorrow you're like happy how I mean birthday so it was always funny though because every like Halloween would come around he's like there's nothing wrong with October 31st you know anyway as far as other so you get back to October here so Caitlin is Saturday right there's a Saturday so so yeah so we got two birthdays the same for we have brother Shane miss Caitlin and so we'll sing those before we get into no anniversaries in November November just like no one wants to get married in November so it's either like harvest time you know with all the foliage or Christmas but November just like now okay and then on the pregnancy list there my wife's on there due February probably more likely going to be January but just being prayer there that everything goes well with the pregnancy and that we make it to the hospital because I don't want to like get an honorary certificate as an OBGYN so I definitely don't want to repeat the last time but anyway being prayer there for that as far as everything else everything is normal as far as what's going on right now the offering boxes in the back there if you want to give a Tyler offering and then mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only we got the light working in the men's bathroom right so that should be good to go yeah I think that's it but Dave's gonna come and sing one more song and before that he's gonna sing happy birthday who's reading this morning I don't think I sent out did I I sent out right okay so brother Levi's gonna be reading more chapter 5 for us so all right take your song books and turn to song 180 song 180 in your song books and we'll sing isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful but before we do that we need to sing happy birthday to Caitlin and to brother Shane all right well stand up come on brother hey what are you gonna do you see you see when you got one person you know just saying no and then the other person says no anyway you know we're not gonna stand for it you guys all right here we go ready happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday God bless you happy birthday to you well happy birthday to both of you and we will sing song 180 there will never be a sweeter story story of the Savior's love divine love that brought him from the realms of glory just to save a sinful soul like mine isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful wonderful wonderful oh isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful wonderful it is to me boundless as the universe around me reaching to the furthest soul away saving keeping love it was that found me that is why my heart can truly say isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful wonderful wonderful oh isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful wonderful it is to me love beyond our human comprehending love of God and Christ how can it be this will be my theme and never-ending great redeeming love of Calvary isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful wonderful wonderful oh isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful wonderful it is to me all right take your Bibles and turn to mark chapter number five mark chapter number five in your song books and we'll have brother Levi come and read that for us all right mark chapter five and they came over onto the other side of the sea into the country of gatherings when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man take him at all always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw Jesus far off he ran and worshiped him and cried with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the Most High had God I'd sure thee by God that thou torment me not for he said unto him come out of the man thou unclean spirit and he asked him what is thy name and he answered saying my name is the Legion for we are many and he besought him much that he would not send him them away out of the country now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding and all the devil's besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter into them and forthwith Jesus gave them leave and the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea they were about 2,000 and were choked in the sea and they that fed the swine fled and told it in the city and in the country and they went out to see what it was that was done and they came and they come to Jesus and see him that was possessed with the devil and had the lead and had the Legion sitting and clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid and they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil and also concerning the swine and they began to pray him to depart out of their coast and when he was coming to the ship he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him how be it Jesus suffered him not but saith unto him go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord had done for thee and hath had compassion on thee and he departed and began to publish and began to publish into capitalist how great things Jesus had done for them for him and all men did marvel and when Jesus was passed over again by ship under the other side much people gather under him and he was nine to the sea and behold there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue Jerus by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter lieth at the point of death I pray they come and lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she may and she shall live and Jesus went with him and much people followed him and thronged him and a certain woman which had an issue of blood 12 years and had suffered many things of many physicians and that's been all that she had and was nothing better but rather grew worse when she had heard of Jesus came in in the press behind and touched his garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall be whole and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes and his disciples said unto him thou seest the multitude thronging thee and sayeth thou who touches who touched me and he looked around about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said in her daughter thy faith has made the whole go in peace and be whole of thy plague while he yet spake there came from the ruler of the synagogue the synagogue's house certain which said thy daughter is dead why treblest thou the master any further as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe and he suffered no man to follow him say Peter and James and John the brother of James and he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and seeth the two more and then that wept and wailed greatly and when he was come in he saith unto them why make he this ado and weep the damsel is not dead but sleep it and they laughed him to scorn but when he had put them all out he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel and then that were with him and endereth and in where the damsel was lying and he took the damsel by the hand and saith unto her talitha kumai which is being interpreted damsel I stand of the arise and straightway the damsel arose and walked for she was of the age of 12 years and they were astonished with great astonishment and he charged them straightly that no man should know it and commended that something should be given to her given her to eat let's pray God thank you for this morning God thank you for another time we can hear we're preached I pray with you be a pastor and help us to learn God we pray these things in Jesus name amen amen so you're there in Mark chapter 5 and as you know tomorrow is celebrated by a lot in America Halloween and you know there's a lot of things in Halloween that are just fake and not real I think of like werewolves vampires you know now some may say hey I've seen a werewolf you know but like you know Frankenstein is not a real thing like a lot of this stuff isn't real but there are things that are actually real and that is Devils demons and stuff like that and this sermon is meant to really kind of teach you about what the Bible talks about with demon possession and now the King James Bible use doesn't use the term demon but demon is just basically a derivative of the Greek word for devil and nothing wrong with it you know I don't think there's anything wrong with saying demon now the Bible says Devils so it says Devils unclean spirits foul spirits familiar spirits like you use a lot of different terminology but most people know when you're talking about demon possession you're talking we're talking about being possessed with Devils right you have a devil and so I'm gonna be getting into this story and just other stories like this dealing with demon possession and how you know this is one thing this is actually real this is actually something that would be very scary but it still goes on today okay and so let's see what the Bible says here about this and you're like this is Sunday morning you're talking about demon possession well you know if if you're out there you're like man I wish I could be more like the world and I could watch all these horror movies and celebrate Halloween well welcome to Sunday morning and we're gonna be talking about something that's quite frightening when it comes to you know something that's real and something the Bible teaches on okay and now I for one can't stand horror movies I hate horror movies I never understood the appeal to horror movies about watching people just get killed and massacred and all that stuff I've just never understood the appeal for that so I'm not really sure like why people like that stuff but the Bible does condemn people that love death so we need to not be people that just love that type of stuff and now a lot of people celebrate Halloween and kids celebrate Halloween because they want candy so it's not about that they love death or anything like that they just want to dress up and get candy so I can't hold that against children but as parents you know we need to teach our children what's appropriate things to celebrate and what's not so me personally with my family we don't celebrate Halloween we do have candy you know we do have fun and my kids dress up all the time as you know princesses and all these different things that that you can dress up at but you know the idea of Halloween and just what it's turned into and what it celebrates we're not but look at Mark chapter 9 or 5 and verse 9 here and this is probably one of the scariest type of verses if you think about what's really going on here is that this man meets Jesus as he comes into the Gadarenes you know the country of the Gadarenes and notice that this guy noticed the pronouns that are used here verse 9 here it says and he asked him or he asked him what is thy name so that's singular he's talking to one person what is thy name and he answered he is singular you know a singular pronoun for a guy saying my name is Legion for we are many now today you know anytime the stupid pronouns that are just like you know I'm they them like well then you're demon-possessed that's what you're telling me and and listen by the way those people I mean almost guarantee they're demon-possessed you know they have Devils you know and when they say their names are they them I believe them you know but at the same time they're saying it to try to be woke and like basically say I'm I'm a girl I'm a guy and you know all this garbage when it comes to the gender-bending confusion that's going on out there but you're just telling me that you're a demon that you have the Legion so but it says we my name is Legion for we are many I want you to think about this it's one guy saying this one voice is saying we are many okay and he says my name is Legion if you think about a legion of an army right you're talking thousands and actually later on it talks about how they go into the swine and it's 2,000 swine okay so and it may even I want to get there we'll see what exactly says but I think it says maybe above or about I can't remember exactly what it says but imagine like 2,000 you know Devils being in somebody okay go to Luke chapter 8 Luke chapter 8 verse 30 and you say well how do you know it's devil you know maybe maybe it's just you know the Bible's ahead of itself and knew that there's gonna be you know crazy people out there saying like that their pronoun is we and they refer to themselves and in a plural sense right as far as you know you know we are many okay well in Luke chapter 8 is parallel passage to this in verse 30 there it says in Jesus asked him saying what is thy name and he said Legion because many Devils were entered into him okay so they literally said you know the answer was we are many that's why their name is Legion because we are many but then the Bible defines it says the many is talking about many Devils okay many Devils were entered into him so look at verse I go to mark chapter 5 verse 1 and let's start off with how this even starts this whole thing but you know that's kind of terrifying to think about like the fact that this person has like these Devils just he's just inundated with Devils and this story really will show us what happens to somebody that's possessed with Devils I also want to show you that this isn't something that's done away with okay you're saying this is scary you know this can actually happen this happens this is happening right now there's people that are devil-possessed they're demon-possessed right now not in here hopefully but but in the world this happens and there's videos that you could watch that would give you nightmares if you thought it when you see these people and just the fact that they're not in the driver's seat and you know this gets into you know religious realms too I believe the Pentecostals when they're like speaking in tongue tongues and doing all these different things that they're not in the driver's seat and that in a lot of cases they are devil-possessed and that that's a real thing that still goes on today but in mark chapter 5 verse 1 it says and they came over onto the other side of the sea into the country of the Gadarenes and when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit okay so here we're gonna obviously we've already seen that many Devils are entered into this guy now when it says that he had an unclean spirit that's not false because if you have like let's say 2,000 unclean spirits in you and I said that person has an unclean spirit you wouldn't be telling a lie would you I mean if you had to and you said that he has an unclean spirit you wouldn't be telling a lie if you said he only had one unclean spirit then that would be a lie okay but he obviously had an unclean spirit but this also shows you that unclean spirits are what? Devils okay and I'm trying to define some terms here because go to Acts chapter 5 and let me show you and prove to you that after Jesus rose from the dead because what some people will say is that well when Jesus rose from the dead basically all the Devils were put into hell and they'll go to like 2 Peter chapter 2 where it talks about he cast them down to hell which is a prophecy of what's gonna happen I don't that hasn't happened yet and I'm gonna prove to you that hasn't happened yet because in Acts chapter 5 we're clearly after the resurrection I mean we're after you know the day of Pentecost all of that right and in verse 16 here it says there came also a multitude of the cities round about unto Jerusalem bringing sick folks and them which were vexed with unclean spirits and they were healed everyone go to Acts chapter 8 Acts chapter 8 and verse 7 Acts chapter 8 and verse 7 so I'm trying to put some gravity on this subject because you could say well that was back in Jesus day right just back in Jesus days he seemed to be all these people with possessive Devils what I want what I want to show you is that that hasn't changed that this is still as real today as it was back then okay and you know just as much as we believe that there's angels and that that angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation and that we have angels about us and there's more with us than with them and and that's definitely true when it comes to the angels but there's fallen angels which are the devil's okay and those are still here okay just as much as the devil's still walking to and fro the devil's are as well okay and all his minions so in verse 7 there so you're in Acts chapter 8 verse 7 it says for unclean spirits crying with loud voice came out of many that were possessed with them so we're talking about the same thing unclean spirits they were possessed with them and many taken with palsies and they that and that were lame were healed go to Revelation chapter 18 revel you're like well that's the first century AD you know the New Testament being established maybe they were all cast out by then you know you could argue that I don't see how you could definitively say that you know what point was that that stopped right well when the temple was destroyed you know in 70 AD it seems that's that's like the cap off of why everything stops you know that was done you know but anyway Revelation chapter 18 this hasn't happened yet okay just so you know revelation 18 is where Babylon and the future Babylon is going to be destroyed I mean we're talking the seventh trumpet sounds the seventh seals poured out or seventh vial I'm sorry yeah the seven seals actually been opened but you don't pour out a seal but the seventh vial has been poured out I mean we're getting ready for the Battle of Armageddon right and so in Revelation chapter 18 and verse 1 here it says and after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having a having great power and and the earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the great is fallen is fallen and has become the habitation of what Devils in the hold of every foul spirit in a cage of every unclean and hateful bird guess what there's still Devils when Babylon's being destroyed and Babylon's destroyed in one hour okay and basically the habitation is basically that's where Devils are dwelling and I want I want you to think about this okay because a lot of people like to you know do like like ghost hunts stuff like that and I'm getting into what I believe the Bible teaches about ghosts okay but like these ghost hunts where people will go in and they're trying to talk to the dead and they're trying to see who's still there and what I'm going to show you is that there's no dead people there but there are Devils there and the idea is that the Bible teaches that places that are kind of like you know abandoned desolate where Devils like to hang out and in this story what did the Devils go into an animal they were in animals and in a lot of cases you'll have like animals that are just kind of like these weird like nocturnal animals that are just that's roam around these places that and a lot of cases in these places where a lot of wicked stuff was done and it's no marvel that I believe Devils would be hanging out and kind of habitating a place where evil was done would anybody doubt that Babylon in the future is a place where evil was done where wickedness was done and that that's where the habitation of Devils is going to be at so now that that it makes it a little real to you that Devils are still roaming around that people are still being possessed with Devils to this day go to Luke chapter 8 Luke chapter 8 let's look at let's look what happens to somebody that's possessed with them now this story has a great ending because this guy gets saved and you know all these Devils leave him and he ends up like this is a great story because at the end of it he wants to go with Jesus and Jesus says no go tell the people you know what great things God had done for you and it says that he went forth and told what great things Jesus did for him right it's like go tell what God okay I'm gonna tell what Jesus did because Jesus is God right and you know so it has a great ending because this man ends up getting cured from all you know gets all these cast out he's a believer and he's proclaiming the glory of God and what God did for him okay so this story has a great ending okay there's other there's other story there's another story I'm going to show you that doesn't have a great ending when it comes to people being possessed with Devils but Luke chapter 8 and verse 26 Luke chapter 8 verse 26 again this is a parallel passage to Mark chapter 5 so we're kind of going back and forth between this and so this is the same person that has the Legion it says we are many verse 26 it says and there arrived at the country of the Gadarenes which is over against Galilee and when I'm sorry they arrived and it says and when he went forth to the land there met him out of the city a certain man which had Devils long time so this also shows you that this didn't just come upon him he's had this for a long time okay it says and wear no clothes hey I think let that sink in this guy's like coming to Jesus just like coming you know just stark naked you know coming at you know because later on it talks about how they they see the guy in his right mind and clothed they're like oh man that's different you know so obviously everybody kind of knew this guy I've seen this firsthand I remember eating at a Hardee's with my grandma and I remember this woman was just kind of like nuts this woman was just like crazy and basically the manager had to like try to kick her out so we're talking about after Sunday service I mean we went to church and my grandma and I went out to eat at a Hardee's and then this woman and the thing that that just struck me is that when she was walking away she was like flashing this poor manager you know like just just basically de-clothing herself you know and you know I'm like a teenager I'm like what in the world is going on it's like Sunday morning you know like just got done with church what is going on when you when you read these passages about people being possessed right you understand that a lot of times they're the the devil's will make them take off their clothes and being naked is a shame okay that's what the Bible teaches and so the devil's are basically putting that person to shame and what we're gonna see is that the devil's are a lot of times trying to hurt the person they're possessing okay because no make no mistake the devil's hate you okay the devil hates you okay and I got another creepy story for you after I get done reading this first here it says neither abode in any house but in the tombs this guy came out of the tombs okay so whether it's like a place where there's a bunch of sepulchres of like you know tombs that are in the and he was like literally in the tomb like he's in a cave somewhere where there's a bunch of dead people okay there's a bunch of dead corpses that's where this guy hung out he didn't live in a house and he wasn't clothed okay but when it comes to this these devils they hate you okay I went soul wanting one time I was it I was at in Pennsylvania and I remember going to this door and it was a teenage girl and the girl said I asked her if she knew 100% sure she was going to heaven and she says no I'm going to hell and basically that's where I want to go I'm like what in the world right I'm like because it's like a younger you know like 15 16 you know like like what and so and I said why you know like and basically she's like well you know I talked to she has like a Ouija board or something like that and she's like I talk to Devils you know basically like demons and they told me that hell is actually a really good place that you want to go to it's like the place where you can have a lot of fun and they keep telling me they want me to go there no why this is what this girl told me okay so I remember I was like well you know they're lying to you and let me show you what hell is really about and I showed her like versus like Luke 16 like where it's where the rich man is in hell and he's saying listen I don't want my brothers to go here you know basically go send Lazarus and basically showed her the torments of hell and and it scared her obviously and she ended up getting saved and so you know praise the Lord for that but it was just like this creepy like and I and I even told her I'm like she's like that might sound crazy I'm like no I believe you because I said they want you to go there because they hate you you know if you remember you know why do they hate you well we're created in the image of God you know and and women are created as the glory of man and we look like God you know and the devil hates God and his minions hate God and they hate us okay and so make no mistake about it that they are not on your side they are for your demise they want to destroy you and no Marvel that you'll see that these Devils are trying to destroy this guy in other places you'll see these debt the Devils are trying to destroy the person they're possessing okay they're not on their side or you know some kind of like power to be yielded by that person they're a prisoner you know that person is a prisoner to these Devils and the Devils are just using that person to do whatever they're trying to do go to mark chapter 5 mark chapter 5 and verse 3 another thing that you'll notice with Devils and I'll get to the the basically how Devils will hurt the person okay like this is scary like it should be a little frightening right there's things in the Bible that are not just a bed of roses there's things in the Bible that are a terrifying when you think about what can happen to somebody okay so in March chapter 3 the thing I want to get to is that and you'll see this I mean you can look up videos of people that were possessed with Devils and somebody say well they're on drugs they're on this or that it's like this right here what I'm going to show you is that people that are possessed with Devils have supernatural strength okay notice what says here in mark chapter 5 verse 3 it says who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains okay read that they couldn't bind him with chains they couldn't chain him up that wouldn't hold him says because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him in the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tain him they would literally chain this guy and he would just break out of it normal people don't just break out of chains okay now you say well maybe they maybe their chains you know maybe whoever did it this guy had these for a long time they probably tried this many times and he kept breaking out of these chains okay it doesn't say that he had like rope or anything like that and he was like over here like you know no you know like trying to get the rope off no he had chains he was chained and no man can tain him so people that are possessed with Devils they have this supernatural strength and you and listen children I'm not saying to look this stuff up I mean obviously ask your parents if they're if you could see this stuff but there's there's there's videos of people that are possessed where they have to like strap them to a table and even at that it's barely holding them back and they'll just break free and all that and so but the Devils are trying to injure that person okay so mark chapter 5 verse 5 mark chapter 5 and verse 5 knows what says here so he's coming out of the tombs no one can tame this guy he's got like this supernatural strength that's going on in verse 5 here says in all ways night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying notices and cutting himself with stones self-mutilation okay he's cutting himself he's naked he's literally living in a graveyard right you say wow you know Halloween is cool I want to you know I want it when you think of Halloween what do you think of you think of like graveyard you think of skeletons you think of death who is abiding their devils okay and you may look it may seem like oh it's kind of fun to be scared and all that stuff listen there's there's a difference between like sneaking up on somebody and scaring them and you know it's funny and all that stuff I'm not against that okay like pranking people and all that stuff and getting a good laugh but when it comes to what we're talking about being terrified of you know think you know devils and stuff like that listen the Bible says that we're not to fear you know the fear not to not be afraid and that if you fear you're not made perfect in love right fear has torment okay fear is torn you know you're tormenting yourself with fear if you're trying to invoke fear on yourself okay and that's what that whole the whole when I think of Halloween that's what I think of I think of you're trying to make yourself afraid you're trying to be fearful and all that and and and I I'm just I'm against I'm against haunted houses I'm against haunted hay rides I'm against haunted corn mazes and you say why are you against it you know like you know it's it's it's pretty much harm we all know that it's made up what you have to understand is there are wicked people out in the world okay there are psychopaths there are serial killers and who's to say that when you're in that haunted house you're in that corn maze you're in that you're on that haunted hay ride that there's not some psychopath that just creeped in and you think it's all just a show and that person's actually a psychopath that's trying to kill people like oh it's just fun and games who's yeah you think they're just they they have that whole you know I'll think of richest fright farm you know this message is not brought to you by which is fright for him but but I think about that do you think they have a patrol around that whole area and just making sure no one could get in if someone really wanted to hurt somebody and in today's day and age do you think it's out of the ordinary that someone wouldn't do that I'm just giving you a little food for thought I will not be taking my kids to any type of haunted things or anything like that one because I don't want to invoke fear on them willingly but also you know there's wicked people out in the world and I don't trust people okay trust no one give everybody benefit value that's kind of my motto but but mark chapter 9 go to mark chapter 9 mark chapter 9 this is another story where this was was possessed okay now some of you would say well that's my children on a daily basis there have been times where I'm like do I need to say the Lord rebuke thee like because you almost wonder like they're in this fit of rage and you're just like it might be a little more than just anger right now I'm halfway joking sometimes I wonder but but let's see what but you know all joking aside okay let's see what it's like for someone to be possessed with a devil okay now we saw you know this guy's coming out the tombs he's got the Legion he's literally cutting himself you got the supernatural strength okay well notice here in Mark chapter 9 verse 17 it says and one of the multitude answered and said master I have brought unto thee my son which has a dumb spirit now dumb just means like basically the person can't talk okay now I'll say this just because someone's dumb in the Bible like they can't speak there we would use the term mute okay like a mute they can't speak but basically just because someone can't speak and God opens their mouth and loses their tongue doesn't mean they had a devil okay this is specific meaning that this devil was causing this person not to be able to talk okay later on it talks about how it was a deaf spirit to meaning that he couldn't hear okay so there's actually two things going on when this guy's possessed that it's a dumb and deaf spirit okay and so but let's think about that with what it's characterized as what this poor child was going through okay in verse 18 it says and where at where where so ever he taketh him he tareth him and he fometh and gnashes with his teeth and pineth away so think about if you're gnashing with your teeth can you speak if you're just like clinching your teeth gnashing your teeth you're pining away you're foaming at the mouth right and this is why you know you think of the Pentecostals and stuff like that they start foaming on the mouth they're on the ground they're just like you know convulsing and they wonder why we think they're devil-possessed well and it's a shocker to think that they're listen that is not Holy Ghost when people do that that garbage okay some people are pretending a lot of those people aren't okay a lot of those people are just that that whole that whole realm is just doubt demonry and devils that are involved in that and listen no marvel that the devil and his minions are trying to make a joke of Christianity they're trying to basically mock Christianity with this speaking in tongues and this this crazy being slain in the spirit stuff no they're being slain by Devils is what's going on now keep reading there it says and I speak to thy disciples and they that they should cast him out and they could not now you you may say well you know this is such an obscure passage this is the passage where it's basically stating like prayer and fasting is how you get these out right and basically his disciples couldn't do it they couldn't cast out this devil and other places to talk about how they did cast out that was this one was a little more extreme okay and it says in verse 19 so this one it's obviously kind of a more major one you know this is one that's a little more intense okay he answered him and said Oh faithless generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him unto me and they besought him on or brought him unto him and when he saw him straightway the spirit tear him and he fell on the ground and wallowed foaming so as soon as it as soon as this child is brought basically the devil this unclean spirit that's in him sees Jesus and just starts tearing at this child okay it says in verse 21 it says and he asked his father how long it is it is it ago since this came unto him and he said of a child that's probably the scariest thing about the story is that is this is a child now we don't know maybe the son is like you know a teenager at this point right we don't really know you know how old he is right now or how long this was but basically if he's saying of a child and he's obviously calls him a child you know it's his child but obviously there's got to be some amount of time there as far as like saying like of a child meaning like he was younger when this started coming up on him okay now keep reading there in verse 22 so the father's explaining to him what his son has gone through okay it says and oftentimes often oftentimes it has caused him cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him like I said these Devils are trying to kill you okay they're not your friend okay when it comes to people that are being possessed with Devils and listen by the way people that have multiple multiple personality disorders you're like are you a doctor no but I'll say this I know what the Bible says about it and people that have like I'm talking real multi I'm not talking about someone that's bipolar you know that like just gets angry and then they're happy and then they get angry or whatever right I'm talking about people that have literal multiple personalities and you can look up videos of like people that literally change their whole manner of speech and they'll they'll forget who their children are because they're a different person that's called being possessed with Devils okay that you know I could save these psychologists a lot of time they're possessed with Devils boom period there it is okay and when it comes to this they're they're not on that person's side they're trying to destroy that person in verse uh so basically here says that he's basically trying to cast them into the fire to like basically burn him they're trying to cast him into the waters obviously to drown him right but if thou canst do anything have compassion on us and help us Jesus said unto him if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believe it now here's some comfort that I'm giving you ahead of time here how do you not be possessed with Devils okay being a believer okay and it says in straight way the father of the child cried out and said with tears Lord I believe helped out mine unbelief when Jesus saw that the people came running together he rebuked the foul spirit and set saying unto him thou dumb and deaf spirit I charge thee come out of him and enter no more into him okay so Jesus is basically speaking to the spirit and saying come out of him and don't go into him anymore verse 26 it says in the spirit cried so I think about they remember the Legion it was literally speaking through that guy here the spirit speaking through this child and he cried and rent him sore and came out of him and he was as one dead and in so much that many said he is dead so basically when this devil was cast out the child looked like he's died like it killed him to do it okay but but Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose so the child was okay everything worked out but this obviously was an extreme case okay now there's like movies out there like exorcists and all this other stuff and it's always Catholic priests listen Catholic priests aren't casting out anything they're already possessed with Devils going into this whole situation they're not going to help the situation okay they're just bringing more in in the the last state of that that issue is gonna be worse than the first okay so it's always like some priests with some kind of like you know rosaries and all this stuff and it's like oh it doesn't work Marvel you know marveling at that I'm gonna I'm gonna show you how you know basically if there was someone possessed with the devil how you deal with it okay but let me show you another case here where it doesn't really work out for these people okay in Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 now to get context here Acts chapter 19 one it's after the resurrection again so here's another story that happens after the resurrection we're in the New Testament and there's people being possessed with with Devils now in this case it calls it an evil spirit but to give context Paul was casting out evil spirits he was casting out like right before this and basically the certain exorcists okay so this would be like the Catholic priests you know they think they're exorcists they're like oh we have authority you know we can come in here and take care of this situation this is what would happen in my opinion and when you got a Catholic priest going into the situation now in this case they're Jews so you know pick your poison do you want an exorcist you or an exorcist Catholic priest both of which not gonna end well for them okay now in verse 13 here it says then certain of the vagabond Jews exorcists okay so these people are vagabond Jews you know what that means they're basically they're a bunch of bums okay they don't have a dwelling place they're basically just you know beggars living off of you know people and stuff like that okay vagabond Jews exorcists took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus saying we adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preached it okay so notice this that they're like exorcists and they see Paul casting out you know these evil spirits from people and they're like well come on to us you know he's calling these people that have evil spirits you know that are possessed and they're like come on to us and are like we adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches it's like they're not even claiming like at all to be like believers in Jesus or anything like that we're just like we just adjourned by by who Paul preaches right it's like we heard Paul saying that name Jesus and you know we're adjuring you by that name right and notice what happens here though and it says in there were seven sons of one Sceva a Jew and chief of the priests which did so okay so these vagabond Jews these exorcists they're apparently these seven sons of this one guy okay that are doing this and it's interesting he's like chief of the priests you know that Sceva guy and it says in verse five and the evil spirit answered and said Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are ye I mean I don't know about you but that's just creepy first of all like it's just like this devil speaking to them saying I know who Paul is I know who Jesus is but who are you okay because Jesus obviously cast out Devils Paul cast out Devils but you know what also if you think about this there's another passage in the Bible where it talks about when an unclean spirit cometh out of a man he basically go in about to and fro finding no habitation okay because spirits Devils need a habitation whether it's in a person or in an animal even when they're being cast out of the the guy that had the Legion they're like this beseeching him like send us into the swine you know send us somewhere they need some kind of habitation right so they they don't just want to wander around like outside of a body they'll go into an animal they'll go into a person but they need like some kind of body to go into okay and but basically when that unclean spirit leaves a man it talks about how he doesn't find any habitation so he's like well you know I'll go back to where I was and then it says any it basically comes to it and sees that it's empty swept and garnished okay so I want you to know here is that a devil knows whether you have the Holy Ghost or not in you okay I'm gonna get to that but the idea here is that when they look at these seven sons of Sceva they're like they know like these guys aren't safe these guys don't have the Holy Ghost we know Paul we know Jesus you know who are you and keep reading there in verse verse 16 it says in the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them and overcame them and prevailed against them so that they fled out of the house naked and wounded that needs to be depicted on the next Exorcist movie when the Catholic priest goes in which I haven't seen Exorcist movie but I think isn't that what happened didn't like didn't like the Catholic priest like get possessed and like die or something like that I mean I never I never actually watched that movie but you know you kind of see clips here and there and you hear about it or whatever so maybe it maybe maybe what I'm thinking actually did happen and it's like well he actually got what these sons of Sceva got right because that person they're not saved they're not believers okay but what happens to him they run out of the house naked and wounded why because I mean the guy that had the Legion he was like cutting himself with stones I mean basically these these Devils will cause you to basically injure yourself okay now when people when people are people don't usually just like I want to talk to Devils you know I want to get into demon worship you know this a lot of times starts off because people want to talk to dead relatives like they want to talk to the dead they want to you know communicate with the dead and know that there's an afterlife you know that know that there's something after this right that there's a spiritual realm and all of that and they want to know that but when you're dealing with people that are trying to communicate with dead I want you to know something good dude our army chapter 18 when people are doing that Devils are involved in that okay now let me show you a passage here and this term familiar spirits is going to be used here now even if you looked up the term familiar if you just put familiar not familiar spirits you just put the term familiar in your Google search and you looked at the definition of familiar obviously the adjective would be like something that's like common or known or whatever but if you look at the noun it's gonna say basically a familiar is something that witches use to speak it says here's here's the definition it says the familiar is a demon okay it even states like this is a devil right a demon and obviously the person that's writing this definition doesn't believe in it but it says a demon supposedly attending and obeying a witch often said to assume the form of an animal okay so what goes on with these familiar spirits is that they're basically using Devils to communicate with the dead okay is what they're trying to do okay but they're using them right they're speaking they're knowingly speaking to Devils in order to supposedly talk with the dead and bridge that gap between the living and the dead okay notice what says and that Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 8 verse 10 says there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or that use the divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch or a charmer or notice this a consult her with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer a necromancer is literally but in the term someone that's communicating with the dead okay now and go to Isaiah chapter 8 verse 19 Isaiah chapter 8 and verse 19 let's let's think about people that you use familiar spirits that are dealing with you know Devils and stuff like that we saw already that they're like people that are possessed are like foaming at the mouth they're doing all this crazy stuff right and Isaiah chapter 8 verse 19 knows what says here it says and when they shall say unto you seek unto them that have familiar spirits and unto wizards that peep and that mutter shall not a people seek unto their God for the living to the dead right when we're talking about like communicating with the dead I mean deal with God not some devil okay now when it comes to this they peep and they mutter I know I'm picking on the Pentecostals but listen they they are the poster boy child for devil possession they're peeping they're muttering they're rocking back and forth you know like they're they're convulsing they're on the floor and they call being slain in the spirit I say that they're demon-possessed and you just see all the signs you read through the Bible like Pentecostals Pentecostals Pentecostals it's like it is not a good light right I mean you're you know like Pentecostals like we're in the Bible you know we have the day of Pentecost it's like yeah you're in the Bible all right but it's not where you think okay now go to go to Galatians chapter 4 Galatians chapter 4 and a lot of times people don't know and I'm just gonna I'm gonna confess to you that I went to one of these like prisons like where you go like ghost hunting okay and it was just one of those things that you know like this was years ago and I forget who was with me but anyway we went into one of these like old like asylums right and we were just walking through it or whatever but there were actually people trying to communicate with the with dead people right and and I'm with a bunch of saved people right so we're you know like I'm not really worried about like getting possessed with a devil or anything like that but at the same time shouldn't have been there don't recommend it okay don't go to those places okay but when I was there they were like trying to communicate with people that were dead from time past and I remember talking to my friend I'm like you know if they actually like said like hey let's talk you know like they were trying to speak to devil I bet they'd get a response because you know they are trying to talk to dead they think they're gonna like communicate with actual dead people but who they're actually gonna be communicating with their devils okay and when it when it comes to this notice in Galatians chapter 4 verse 8 it says how be it then when you knew not God you did service unto them which by nature are no gods okay meaning this is that there's a lot of times people are serving which by nature are no gods and what are what are those that are gods in this world they're devils the Bible says I mean the Bible says in first Corinthians chapter 10 you don't have to turn there but it says it says but I say into the say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to devils what are they sacrificing to idols and the Bible talks about how idols you know that they sacrifice them to devils and not to God to gods whom they knew not okay they think they're sacrificing to a god and a lot of times these people think well I'm trying to communicate with a dead relative or something like that and most of the time you know what they're dealing with they're talking to devils because they're not going to really be communicating with people and just just to be frank and most these cases when people are trying to talk to dead people that are in hell they're not in heaven okay so these people aren't gonna be able to communicate with people that are in hell okay the only case that we see of that is the story of the rich man Lazarus and they're both dead you know like Lazarus is obviously in heaven he's alive but I mean they both die physically and there's a communication there okay but but yet so go to Matthew chapter 27 and let's talk about what I believe the Bible would deal with when it comes to ghosts okay when you think about well you know people see these like specters and they see like these figures and stuff like that now a lot of that stuff is just people you know seeing stuff that's not really there you know like it's just a it's a optical illusion in a lot of cases okay but I do believe in the spiritual realm as far as angels and devils and stuff like that and in a lot of cases I believe people are seeing devils if they're seeing anything and now sometimes the Bible talks about that we entertain angels you know like unaware sometimes and so obviously there's the light side to that too as far as like maybe you've seen an angel and don't know it whatever but I want you to see what the Bible teaches about ghosts if you will and I and here's the thing here's my stance on this I don't believe that there's actually ghosts or anybody whether saved or lost is walking on the earth okay you're either in heaven you know with God because you have eternal life or you're in hell and there's no like basically just like wandering on the earth trying to find your your you know whatever unfinished business you got okay that's all made-up malarkey okay that is just not a thing okay it's not what the Bible teaches but I'll show you an example of people coming back from the dead though but I want you to notice something here very specifically in Matthew chapter 27 verse 52 Matthew chapter 27 verse 52 this is when Jesus dies on the cross it gives this account now it talks about what happened when he died but then it gives this little bit of information about what happened when he rose from the dead okay so in verse 52 it says in the graves were opened notices in many what bodies of the Saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many so even in this case where you have like people coming back from the dead was it just spirits and like specters floating around or was it actual bodies of people okay the bodies I mean did you get any more literal than that I mean it literally says many bodies of who just anybody the Saints believers okay believers literally came back into their bodies came up out of the graves and went into the city and you're like that's crazy did that actually happen yeah that actually happened you say why did it happen well I mean it says that they you know they appeared unto that many I imagine that they're given a witness of the resurrection but you know it doesn't really tell us exactly why this happened but it does tell us that this happened there's another case in Matthew chapter 17 dealing with you know people coming back or appearing that are dead so Moses and Elijah at this point in the New Testament would you say that they're dead right they've obviously died a long time ago but on the Mount of Transfiguration Moses and Elijah appear okay but they're both saved okay in all these cases where you're gonna see people coming back from the dead they're all saved people they're all Saints okay you don't see unsaved people coming back okay so in Matthew chapter 17 verse 1 it says and after six days Jesus taketh Peter James and John his brother and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart and was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the Sun and his raiment was white as the light and behold there appeared unto them Moses and Elijah talking with him now here this is where he says you know let's make a tabernacle for you for Moses and Elijah and obviously Peter didn't know what he was saying when he was just afraid but but we see that Moses and Elijah appear now here it doesn't say like whether they had their bodies or not but from all the past I would imagine they were in their bodies okay because everywhere else we see this and I'll give you another big example of it go to 1st Samuel chapter 28 dealing with Samuel himself okay Samuel himself I'm gonna do two things here I'm gonna show you the same thing I'm showing you here as far as what happened after the resurrection but I'm also gonna debunked you know this so-called you know paradise and hell doctrine this Abraham's bosom they often go to this passage to try to debunk it okay and say well you know he came from hell you know doesn't say anything like that in here okay but when you understand okay when Jesus rose from the dead what happened there was literal bodies that came up out of the grave and went into the city and appeared unto many okay in Jerusalem hey think about that and then look at this story they go to verse 3 there so first Samuel chapter 28 verse 3 it says now Samuel was dead and all Israel had lamented him now I feel like Charles Dickens right now you know Marley was dead to begin with and this must be very well known he was dead as a doornail it's funny because the stories like make it's like the preface here is that Samuel's dead okay let's just make sure that you know that Samuel is dead because what happens next is gonna be why that's miraculous okay what's going on here Samuel's dead okay now verse 8 here Saul disguised himself and put on other raiment and he went and two men with him and they came to the woman by night and he said I pray thee divine unto me by the familiar spirit and bring me up him or whom I shall name unto thee so now do you understand what a witch is this is a witch at Endor by the way a witch a wizard necromancer what are they using familiar spirits what's a familiar spirit a demon a devil it Saul's just literally saying use the familiar spirit to bring up someone for me okay so notice that terminology bring him up okay so it says in the woman and it kind of goes through this whole thing that basically she doesn't want to die because it says the woman said unto him behold thou knowest what Saul had done how he had cut off those that have familiar spirits and the wizards out of the land wherefore then layest out a snare for my life to cause me to die this kind of shows you that Saul used to be a good king used to be on fire for the Lord you know like he was actually doing what he should be doing keeping the law and cutting off all that that garbage with people that deal with familiar spirits or Devils okay but it says here in Saul's swear to her by the Lord saying as the Lord liveth there shall no punishment happen to thee for this thing that's because it is Saul she doesn't know it's all yet okay but it says then said the woman whom shall I bring up unto thee and he said bring up Samuel and the woman and when the woman saw Samuel she cried with a loud voice now you know what's you know what I think is interesting about this is the fact that I don't think she's really ever brought someone back up like this and she's astonished right like oh no it actually works you know I'm not just talking to Devils there's actually like someone coming up here okay she saw same she's crying out with loud voice and the woman spake to Saul saying why has thou deceived me for thou art Saul okay so basically somehow she got that communication here that that's all he's bringing up Samuel all this stuff right and the king said unto her be not afraid for what sawest thou and the woman said unto Saul I saw God's ascending out of the earth now did she really see God's descending out of the earth this is what she said that doesn't mean that's what's actually she saw does that make sense now in the Bible it talks about how we'll see angels ascending and descending upon you know the Son of Man and stuff like that so probably what she saw was angels and if anything she saw Samuel and she's probably thinking he's like a god or something like that right so just because she says that doesn't mean it's actually what she's actually seeing okay we know what what the narrator said when the woman saw Samuel though you know that means she saw Samuel you say well this is just a figment she's making this stuff up you know like is this really does it really happen the narrator says that she saw Samuel in verse 14 there says and and he said unto her what form is he of and she said an old man cometh up now this is where it should be a telltale sign are we dealing with just seeing a spirit are we dealing with seeing a body with a spirit so when it says he's coming up coming up coming up what are we talking about coming up out of the grave is what we're talking about and it says that he saw an old man and when Samuel died it says he was a very old man okay that's the thing it says about him when he dies but then it says and he is covered with a mantle sounds like he's just like coming up literally out of the grave how they buried him with a mantle over top of them okay you can imagine how people bury people and they put stuff over top of them and you know they they bury stuff with them and everything and he's literally just coming up out of the tomb and when you understand that okay now the rest of the story is gonna make sense about what Samuel says okay and and it says and Saul's perceived that it was Samuel so he's like yeah that's Samuel okay and he stooped with his face to the ground and bowed himself and Samuel said to Saul now this is the narrator this means Samuel was actually speaking to Saul from the dead okay it says why hast thou disquieted me to bring me up so when you understand that we're talking about his body right he disquieted his body was what asleep right just like the Saints that were in the tombs their bodies were asleep but where were their souls at in heaven you know their souls were in heaven and after the resurrection would anybody deny that their souls were in heaven after the resurrection when Jesus you know rose from the dead obviously their souls were in heaven so they came up they came down into their bodies came about the grave and walked into the city the same thing happened with with Samuel and and Saul answered I am sore distressed for the Philistines make war against me and God has departed from me and answer with me no more neither by prophets nor by dreams therefore I have called thee that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do okay and you know the rest of story obviously he basically tells him that him and his sons are gonna be with him and the next day they're all gonna die and basically I just want you to see that when we're dealing with so-called ghosts as far as dead people I don't see it like even believers when I see believers coming back I see them coming you back in their bodies like that you physically see them it's not like you see their their their spirit walking around your house and they're sitting at the end of your bed so the question you have to ask yourself okay because people say well I've seen the spirits walking around seen this or that what are they actually seeing I would say they're seeing Devils I would say that it's if they're if they actually are seeing something if there actually is something there that you're dealing with demons you're dealing with Devils because when you see save people coming what one you don't see unsaved people coming back from the dead the only person that you ever see coming back from the dead that's unsaved is the Antichrist and obviously that's the you know like this exception where you have this this Antichrist is trying to look like Jesus and coming back from the dead and all that okay but show me anywhere else in the Bible that that's mentioned I only see saved people coming back Samuel Moses Elijah all those saints that were in the grave and it specifically says they were saints okay now go to 1st John chapter 4 you're like that's scary stuff right there well here's thing here's the comfort if you're a believer you cannot be possessed with a devil okay you're like well you know I did if you weren't scared about going to hell to get saved maybe you should be scared about getting possessed with Devils okay because what I'm going to show you here is that when you have the Holy Ghost indwelling you there is no possible way for you to be possessed okay and I so I want to give you some comfort here that if you're a believer you don't have to worry about being possessed with a devil okay obviously the devil can still influence you and and you know you got to be aware of the devil and all that stuff but at the same time like you cannot be possessed like these people were in the Bible if you're saved okay and it's interesting because those people got saved and it's like they never entered into him anymore right Jesus says you know come out of them and no more enter into this person okay and notice in verse 1 there it says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world hereby know we the Spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of Antichrist where of you have heard that it should come and even now already is it in the world so this spirit of Antichrist these spirits that are confessing that Jesus didn't come in the flesh or in the world okay notice number four here though this is our memory verse year of God little children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he is in the world how do you overcome well who is he that ever come with the world but he that believe it that Jesus is the Son of God right and this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith right so whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world and if you're a child of God you believed on Christ you've overcome the world the Holy Ghost is inside you and he that is in you is greater than he that is in the world okay let me give you an example why that's true or you know another way of saying that verse go to Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter 12 specifically dealing with casting out devils notice what it says in verse 28 Matthew chapter 12 verse 28 so we got through with the scary stuff dealing with okay he these people are possessed okay and there's crazy stuff happening to these people but here's the good news is that well as a believer you can't be possessed okay and here's a big reason why because the Holy Ghost is stronger than any devil that's out there God is stronger greater is he that is in you than he is in the world no this is Matthew chapter 12 verse 28 but if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God has come unto you or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his goods you need someone stronger than these Devils to get him out of you and he's stronger than any devil the devil himself is God God is not so the Spirit of God is casting out the devil and the Spirit of God is taking residence who's coming in right listen you know when that unclean spirit left and came back and found that guy again and it says that he found him empty swept and garnished guess what if that guy got saved if he would have gotten saved when that unclean spirit came back guess what he's not coming in because there's a stronger than he that's in there and it's not empty okay you have the Holy Ghost no devil's coming in now the last thing I want to point out okay go back to Mark chapter 5 the last thing I want to point out is when Jesus rebuked them and then how do we let's say let's say you run into somebody that you think is possessed with a devil right what do you do you get your holy oil and your crucifix and turn your call around backwards and start like genuflecting and like is that what you do you know I saw it on the movies guys let's try it out no I'm gonna show exactly what you should do if you run into that but Jesus I just want to see that the conclusion the matter is is that the guy that had the Legion they were cast out okay mark chapter 5 verse 6 it says but when he saw Jesus afar off he ran and worshipped him and cried with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of God the Most High God I jur thee by God that thou torment me not this really rings true and it says the devil's believe in tremble right right and James ever which is taken out it's so much out of context right I mean they know who Jesus is they know exactly who he is and they're obviously worshiping and trembling before him like torment me not don't destroy me right now you know like before the time you know that means is that it's not time yet right that time will come that they will be they know that their time is coming they're the damnation slumberth not but they're like don't torment us before the time and but keep reading there it says in verse 8 for he said unto him come out of the man thou unclean spirit so if you think about why are they saying this because he's he's basically commanding them to come out and he asked him what is thy name and he answered saying my name is Legion for we are many and he sought him much that he would not send them away notice notice those pronouns there right notice how creepy that is you know he said my name is Legion for we are many my name not we my name is Legion for we are many here it says he he besought him much so he is singular he besought him much that he would not send them away right notice how it's going back and forth with like singular plural singular plural right because it's one man speaking right but there's many that are behind that voice okay and it says send them out of the country now now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding now that's pigs if you don't know what swine is but it says swine feeding and all the devil's besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter into them and forthwith Jesus gave them leave so he allowed it it says in the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea and they were about 2,000 and were choked in the sea meaning that they died in the sea so this is a whole herd of swine just goes over the mountain and then you know they all die okay so and then obviously they people come out of the village obviously the people that had the swine are like what in the world just had my herd you know I had like 2,000 swine but it also shows you the number of devils that was in this guy right I mean think about it there's probably a devil at least per swine per pig for them all to go down there now I don't know maybe pigs are pretty dumb and they'll just follow the herd they're like a bunch of lemmings and they'll just be like oh they're all going that way let's go to you know but Dave you can answer that after the service if you think that the pigs are that dumb but I'm gonna go with that each pig had a devil in it and that they all went down which gives you the number of devils that was in this person when you see Mary Magdalene know like she had seven devils nothing compared to this guy right and then but go to Matthew chapter 8 Matthew chapter 8 you're like okay pastor who really long-winded this morning what's the conclusion of the matter okay so you're saved you don't have to worry about being possessed okay so if someone's possessed if you're saved and you don't have to worry about being possessed what's a good way to get someone to not be possessed well get them saved right well how do you get them saved faith coming by hearing and hearing about what the Word of God the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharp and any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and it is a discernment of the thoughts and intents of the heart I mean that the sword of the spirit you know what you want to know how you get these devils out it's gonna be by the Word of God notice in Matthew chapter 8 verse 16 it says when the even ones come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick now another place in the Bible even Michael the Archangel doesn't rebuke the devil Michael the Archangel okay it says Michael in Jude verse 9 says yet Michael the Archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses there's not bringing against him a railing accusation but said the Lord rebuke thee okay so Michael the Archangel's even invoking God saying the Lord rebuke thee the Lord is the one who needs to cast you out right and even in Zechariah chapter 3 it says the Lord said unto Satan the Lord rebuke thee right so you even had the Lord saying you know the Lord is rebuking you right so when you think of Jesus doing it obviously he's doing it in the name of the Lord even though he is the Lord okay and so when you're casting out if you were to cast out a devil how do you do it do you get holy water do you sprinkle them do you put a crucifix on them and it burns in their chest like what what do you got to do preach him the word the Word of God and one example you know anecdotal my younger brother one time we were out soul winning in Maryland and there was this guy that came up he was Pentecostal imagine that but he came up and he was like he saw us preaching he saw us preaching the gospel in that this whole neighborhood right or this like apartment complex if you will and he came up and he's just like starts like talking to my younger brother and basically he's like his eyes are rolling back in his head he's like swaying back and forth and he just starts like saying crazy stuff you know and it's just like clear devil possession right so what my brother did is he just started quoting off verses to him he's just like John 3 16 John 3 36 you know like just quoting off verses and he came to to where he's back to normal that's an anecdotal you know kind of a scenario there to where the Word of God devil the devil's don't want to hear the Word of God you know the Word of God is quick it's powerful it's sharper than any two-edged sword and it's the sword of the Spirit so when it comes to this and here's the here's the thing that guy didn't end up getting saved so all I know maybe the last day that man's worse than the first but if someone gets saved though and you preach in the gospel listen that's never gonna happen to them again and that's how you actually do it okay it's not this exorcist garbage where the Catholic priest comes in and starts sprinkling with holy water and chanting something to them no you use the Word of God you win them to Christ they don't have to worry about that again and that's how you actually do an exorcism okay so and and you say well how do you know to do that because Jesus did it with his word so how we can do it with his word okay so I know that's kind of a crazy sermon to preach our big scary sermon Sunday morning but you know what for those that want something scary on Halloween there you go you know so the Bible has some kind of scary creepy stuff in it but we need to know it anyway because we know everything in the Bible so let's end with a word of prayer to the father we think today and just pray to be with us today as we go out soul winning and just pray that when it comes to this subject that we're not afraid of this stuff because obviously we're not be afraid of anything but God but Lord just pray that you'd help us to understand it and that if we ever run into it we know what to do and also to just thank you that as say people and that believers we don't have to worry about it because greater seed is in us and heat is in the world and what we just love you and pray also Jesus Christ name amen so but they will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn a song 187 187 and then after the song will be dismissed but we're gonna start the children's Christmas choir thing so any kids that want to do that we'll just meet up here after the song so we'll sing song 100 187 Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so little ones to him be long they are weak but he is strong yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me the Bible tells me so Jesus loves me he died heaven's gate to open wide he will wash away my sin let his little child come in yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me the Bible