(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 59 in your sambos we'll sing blessed be the name and if you would stand we'll sing song 159 all praise to him who reigns above and majesty supreme who gave his son for man to die that he might man redeem blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the lord his name above all names shall stand exalted more and more at god the father's own right hand where angel hosts adore blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the lord redeemer savior friend of man once ruined by the fall thou hast devised salvation's plan for thou hast died for all blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the lord his name shall be the counselor the mighty prince of peace of all earth's kingdoms conqueror whose reign shall never cease blessed be the name blessed be the name name of the lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the lord and let's pray heavenly father lord again we want to thank you god for another sunday that you've given us to be in your house and to hear your holy word preached i pray lord now that you would just lord give us uh uh ears to listen and hearts to obey lord again we love you and pray all this in jesus name amen or you may be seated and take your mountain baptist song books those blue folders there in your on your chair in the in the back of the chair or wherever they are and uh turn to page number nine page number nine in your mountain baptist psalms hymns and spiritual song books you guys probably ought to do this we're going to be singing this song every every sunday okay psalm 139 great song especially for anytime really anytime of the year especially for june we'll sing psalm 139 surely thou will slay the wicked surely thou will slay the wicked oh god depart from me therefore ye bloody men depart from me therefore ye bloody men do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee and damn not i grieved with those that rise up against thee do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee for they speak against thee wickedly for they speak against thee wickedly and thine enemies take thy name in vain and thine enemies take thy name in vain do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee and am not i grieved with those that rise up against thee do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee i hate them with perfect hatred i hate them with perfect hatred i count them mine enemies i count them mine enemies do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee and am not i grieved with those that rise up against thee do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee amen welcome to mount baptist church on this sunday morning and uh a little rainy but uh but yeah you know i'm getting old so i'm like we need this rain you know it's getting a little dry you know especially when i'm looking out at my grass and seeing how it's doing it's really bad when you get old um and what you care about birds grass those type of things you know anyway um so we have canada in the house this morning so i i didn't get a chance to meet uh others but we'll talk after the service but uh but good to have everybody here this morning um and as far as the church services today everything should be normal so we have our uh obviously our service right now and our afternoon service at 4 p.m before that we're going to have our soul winning time at one o'clock so um uh meet up here a little before one o'clock i will get teamed up again brother dave really likes it when you don't pick a teammate when you don't pick your sole winning partner so he can do that for you he likes doing that and so um all joking aside you should probably like try to find out who you're going with before and just to make things go smoother um all that but if you don't we'll find someone for you um and uh and then we have our regional so many times here monday tuesday wednesday thursday and in parentheses there you have uh the men that are leading those up so if you ever want to go out so winning during the week all these men also put all uh put it on the church group so as far as locations times anyway so you'll see that whether you like it or not on the on the church group there if you're in the church group so um and then uh the prayer meetings on here since we're in the month of june um and uh you know i'm all for psalm 139 being being sung i'm just pretty much kind of like not looking at anything except for that one thing i just sent everybody uh the big troll you know but i'm trying to just not look at stuff this month and not to file my mind with what whatever's out there or whatever it's just like the typical june garbage is going on but you know what uh nuts to them this isn't pride month this is this is june and uh you know they can they can go to hell in a hand basket okay so um that being said june we had the women's prayer meeting on the 23rd we had the men's prayer meeting on the 28th and we do have a soul winning marathon in philadelphia coming up on the 22nd so that'll be uh a saturday um brother charles is leading that one up if you want to go out to that soul winning marathon uh we are providing lodging if you will for that friday to saturday meaning so that obviously it's a little bit of a drive so uh make it easier so then you can just wake up get some breakfast and go out soul winning um and all that so um that's coming up toward the end of the month here so get with brother charles if uh if you want to be a part of that and chapter memory for the month we are in a different month so um we're gonna do psalm 32 so psalm 32 uh i think that'd be a good one to have memorized in the first few verses there you're dealing with uh uh salvation and uh that is quoted in the new testament in roma chapter four so um so yeah psalm 32 memory chapter for the month and then uh ephesians 4 30 uh four chapter in verse 30 there and grieve not the holy spirit of god whereby you are sealed into the day of redemption so that is our memory verse for the week there birthdays so we have elizabeth mcshay um i always have to look at my calendar make sure i'm not missing one here and then brooklyn is coming up on thursday so elizabeth is what wednesday and then brooklyn's on thursday and then uh we got emma coming up after that but that's not until later a couple weeks so so how old's elizabeth gonna be five nice happy birthday we'll sing happy birthday to you here in a minute and then brooklyn how old are well almost a teenager yeah i mean you know i mean at that point it's just it's just a number at that point right you know so well happy birthday well coming up here and we'll sing happy birthday to you as well um and then anniversary so we do have tomorrow the hyles anniversary so how many years are you guys celebrating 13 awesome congratulations there um did we get the mcshays i'm just kidding we got you on wednesday right it's like wow you know it's not sunday so maybe we should do it again no but no uh no we did you guys last on wednesday so uh but uh congratulations on the 13 years there so um holly and i are hitting the double digits this year so the big the big 10 so um so but yeah that's awesome um and then on the pregnancy list they're being prayer for crystal mccloy uh and she's due here in august and so she has twins uh so being prayer for her and the family there um and i believe i believe it's a boy and girl twins so um so that's cool um not that it wouldn't be cool if it was like the other way but i i just always i i knew twins i grew up with with twins that were boys and boy and girl but i also knew a lot of twins that were like boy boy and girl girl and uh just that dynamic between the like brother and sister twins was always cool there so uh but being prayer for the mccloys and i think that's about all i have for announcements that i can think of anyway um is the air conditioner on is my big question right now because it is hot up here so um make sure that that air is on right there i could have just checked it before i went back there but it's like is it on why why everybody else is like freezing up here and doesn't want to be turned up see i'm up here with a suit jacket on so you all have to suffer because i'm wearing like three layers of clothes so that's really how this works so so uh that's about all i have for announcements so uh uh offering boxes in the back there if you want to give it either an offering the mother baby room for the mothers and babies only but dave's gonna come sing one more song we're gonna sing happy birthdays who's reading this morning is is he oh okay i don't know where he's at right now okay so um brother anthony or someone's going to uh read uh matthew chapter 12 so matthew chapter 12 after we sing another song and after we uh sing happy birthdays all right take your song books and turn to song 27 song number 27 in your songbooks we'll sing the old rugged cross but before we do that we need to sing happy birthday to elizabeth she's already standing up nice setting a good example brooklyn yes all right cool so we'll sing happy birthday to both of you five and 12 congratulations and david's like hey i want to stand up too he's like a he's i haven't stood up in a while i like the enthusiasm for sure i will sing happy birthday to elizabeth and brooklyn ready happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you you happy birthday to you happy birthday to both of you and we need to sing happy anniversary to the hiles hi brother right there we go stand up 13 years holy smokes bro it seemed like yesterday i know i i feel it i'm surprised i remember um whatever way back then i will sing happy birthday to the hives ready or good night happy anniversary to the house happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary god bless you you happy anniversary to you all right awesome cool well looks like joseph's here so maybe we should be good all right so we'll sing uh page number 27 the old rugged cross on a hill far away stood in the emblem of suffering and shame and i love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain so i'll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophies at last i lay down i will cling to the old rugged cross us and exchange it someday for a crown oh rugged cross so despised by the world has a wondrous attraction for me for the dear lamb of god left his glory above to bear it to dark calvary so i'll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophies at last i lay down down i will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown and the old rugged cross stained with blood so divine has a wondrous let's see i see for twas on the old cross jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify me so i'll cherish the old rugged cross fees and last i lay down i will cling to the old rugged cross us and exchange it someday for a crown to the old rugged cross i will ever be true it shame and reproach gladly bear then he'll call me someday to my home far away where is glory forever i'll share so i'll cherish the old rugged cross us till my trophies and last i lay down i will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown all right if you would take your bibles and turn to matthew chapter number 12 matthew chapter number 12 and your bibles we'll have brother joseph read that for us matthew chapter 12 and if you found your place there say amen at that time jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn and his disciples were in hungered and began to pluck the ears of corn and to eat but when the pharisees saw it they said unto him behold thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day but he said unto them have you not read that david did when he was hungered and they that that were with him how he entered into the house of god and did eat the showbread which was not lawful for him to eat neither for them which were with him but only for the priests or have you not read the law how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath and are blameless but i say unto you that in this place is one greater than the temple but if you had known what this meaneth i will have mercy and not sacrifice you would not have condemned the guiltless for the son of man is lord even of the sabbath day and when he was departed thence he went into their synagogue and behold there was a man which had his hand withered and they asked him saying is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days that they might accuse him and he said unto them what man shall there be among you that shall have one sheep and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day will he not lay hold on it and lift it out how much then is a man better than a sheep wherefore is it lawful to do well on the sabbath days then sayeth he to the man stretched forth on hand and stretch and he stretched it forth and it was restored whole like as the other then the pharisees went out and held council against him how they might destroy him but but when jesus knew it he withdrew himself from thence and great multitudes followed him and healed them all and he healed them all and charged them that they should not make him known that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaias the prophet saying behold my servant whom i have chosen my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased i will put my spirit upon him and he shall show judgment to the gentiles and he shall not strive nor cry neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets a bruised reed shall he not break and smoking flax shall not he he not quench till he send forth judgment unto victory and in his name shall the gentiles trust then was unto him one possessed with the devil blind and dumb and he healed him insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw and all the people were amazed and said is not this the son of david but when the pharisees heard it they said this fellow doth not cast out devils but beelzebub the prince of the devils and jesus knew their thoughts and and said unto them every kingdom divided against itself has brought it to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and if state satan cast out satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand and if i beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges but if i cast out devils by the spirit of god then the kingdom of god has come to you or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house he that is not with me is against me and he gathers not with this with me scatter at the broad wherefore i say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the holy ghost shall not be forgiven unto men and whosoever speaketh the word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him but whoso whosoever speaketh against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in this world to come either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt in this fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit. Oh generation of vipers how can you be how ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by the words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered saying master we would see a sign from thee but he answered and said unto them an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign. There shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the Prophet Jonas. For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Jonas and behold a greater than Jonas is here. The queen of the south shall rise up in judgment with this generation shall condemn it for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here. When the unclean spirit is gone out of man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and findeth none. Then he said I will return into my house from whence I came out and when he is come he findeth empty and swept and garnished. Then goeth he and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they entered in dwelled there and the last state of the man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. While he yet talked to the people behold his mother and his brethren stood without desiring to speak with them. Then one said unto him behold thy mother and thy brethren stand without desiring to speak with thee. But he answered and said unto him and that told him who is my mother and who is my brethren? He stretched forth his hand toward his disciples and said behold my mother and my brethren. For whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven the same is my brother sister and mother. That's great. Lord father thank you for this time we're able to gather together this morning. Lord I thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us. Lord I ask you to be a pastor Robinson and advise this morning in Jesus name amen. Amen. So you're there in Matthew chapter 12. I'm preaching a sermon entitled blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. I've touched on this I've definitely taught on this throughout different sermons and everything but I've never done a whole sermon on it but this is definitely something that a lot of people unsaved people will bring up as far as can someone lose their salvation you know or something like that and they'll usually a lot of times they'll bring up well you know blasphemy against the Holy Ghost so and really what it comes down to is that when people say that they have no context they don't know what the passage even is talking about when it's stated there they just know that when it talks about the blasphemy the Holy Ghost it says that they there is no forgiveness for that so and that's true so we're gonna get into this passage and dealing with what is this talking about who can blaspheme the Holy Ghost and what it really comes down to spoiler alert Christians believers cannot blaspheme the Holy Ghost so when it comes to like well can someone lose their salvation if they do this like well believers can't do this so this is a this is something that unbelievers can do and and but in this passage we're gonna be seeing what what is the blasphemy the Holy Ghost what is blasphemy you know like what does that even mean right because you know obviously we have a lot of kids and a lot of maybe teenagers and stuff like that and blasphemy is not necessarily a word that you're just using on a regular basis so but the nice thing about the Bible is is that a lot of times the Bible will define itself even within the passage that is using the term okay and actually in this passage it actually defines itself but let's just you know if you just looked it up in a dictionary okay because dictionaries aren't evil or bad okay just know this that obviously sometimes words the definitions of words have changed over time meaning that there's certain words that maybe in 1611 just over time they've kind of changed the way that they're being used for example the word shambles in the Bible we're talking about you know basically whatever's bought in the shambles you know take no thought of you know basically it's basically stating like if you buy some meat at the store you don't have to you don't not have to like like basically study out whether it was sacrificed until an idol or something like that you just eat it asking no questions right but shambles that we would say you know like if I said this place is in shambles that's what usually we're the way we would use it right sham to mean like a slaughterhouse like basically where you know like the meat market essentially it was called the shambles now you can understand maybe how it turned into that in the fact that well you know this place looks like a big meat packing plan or something like that just like they're just you know chaos here or something like that but either way sometimes that happens but I'll say this most of the time in the Bible the first definition that you look at in dictionary.com is going to be right most of the time and so but that being said if you look this up in a dictionary blasphemy it said the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God so I would say in general that's basically like how blasphemy is used but another one another definition because you know you can use that term blasphemy to refer to something other than God right and what another definition is irreverence towards something considered sacred or and voluble so meaning this is that basically what you consider to be sacred if someone's speaking it against that you're like that's blasphemy for example just on a joke if you were to say if someone said hey kadoba is garbage right or if they said Chipotle's garbage or something like that and let's say you were like a really big fan of Chipotle or kadoba or something like that you're like that's blasphemy because to you that place is sacred in the fact that you really like the place right and I don't believe it's wrong to use that term and be like no blasphemy is only used you know it can only be used for this like no like that's it's just it's a it's a term to basically mean like you're degrading something that shouldn't be degraded right it's kind of what you're basically you're not ever in sync something that should be reverence obviously we're joking about restaurants right you know it'd be like if I said you like you like Burger King that's blasphemy right because that place is like I mean up there with the house of ill repute you know like it's like that's how bad and I'm just you know like I'm not kidding but I am at the same time like if you eat Burger King you're not in sin it's just you know I have my I have you know I have my thoughts towards it okay but that being said is that blasphemy is just a term like that now most of the time when someone says blasphemy like someone's blasphemy me they're referring to God okay most all the time okay but that being said what does it mean basically to insult or to speak ill of basically God or something sacred you know that's kind of what what we're getting at well the Bible actually even defines that when you're talking about blasphemy you're talking about speaking against God essentially now go to Matthew chapter 12 and let's get that let's get the context of what this passage is even talking about because this passage this this blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is brought up in Matthew Mark and Luke and notice what it says here in Matthew chapter 22 it says then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil blind and dumb and he healed him and so much that the blind and dumb both spake and salt now dumb means like you can't speak obviously blind means you can't see so that's what we're dealing with here basically casts out this devil and this devil was causing the person where they can't see and where they couldn't speak does that mean a blind person is always possessed with devil no but in this case obviously the devil that this person was being possessed with was causing that there's verse 23 and all the people were amazed and said is not this the son of David but when the Pharisees heard it they said this fellow doth not cast out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils so what's being said from the very beginning in this passage they're saying he's casting out this devil with the devil essentially Beelzebub is just another name for the devil just like the devil has Satan the dragon that old serpent right he's got many names but Beelzebub is one of those and it's their stating from the very beginning of this passage that is by the devil he's casting these this devil out right it says in verse 25 and Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation in every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand it's just making a point that that wouldn't make any sense you know why would Satan be casting out you know like like his Devils that it doesn't make sense you're basically like destroying your own kingdom essentially and then he goes on to say and if I by Beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges which is he's just kind of throwing it back in their faces like if I'm doing about a devil then how are they doing it right but notice what it says here but if I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God so what's the contrast here whether he's casting out Devils by Satan himself or whether he's doing it by the Spirit of God and what's another name for the Spirit of God the Holy Ghost right Holy Ghost Holy Spirit the Spirit of God we're talking about the same person of the Trinity okay it says it says but if I if I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God has come unto you or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind a strong man then he will spoil his goods and he that is not with me is against me and he that scatters not I'm sorry gathers not with me scatters abroad so he's making a point here obviously you need someone stronger to take out the person that's in the house right and obviously the Holy Ghost is stronger than the devil or any of the Devils right but it says in verse 31 here this is where we get into the famous if you will unforgivable sin right this is this is marked as the unforgivable sin it doesn't say unforgivable sin but at the same time that premise is there right I mean that's essentially what's being said here is that blaspheming against the Holy Ghost is a sin that will not be forgiven okay and notice what says here it says in verse 31 wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men they make it a very clear point here that hey there's all kinds of blasphemy that can be said about God there's all kinds of sin that can be done but this will not be tolerated basically you do this you're done okay it says in verse 32 and whosoever whosoever speak at the word against the Son of man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him notice this neither in this world neither in the world to come now so we see here that he's basic Jesus saying they can stay can blaspheme against me but not the Holy Ghost this is a very important point to be made especially when you understand the hierarchy of the Trinity which I'm going to get into a little bit but the idea here is that like it is not tolerated to blaspheme the Holy Ghost it's like it's tolerated if you blaspheme the Son if you blaspheme Jesus like that'll be tolerated I'm sure to a certain level right but basically you speak against the and this is what we see here speaking against the Holy Ghost so what's the blaspheming against the Holy Ghost and in kind of like the bottom shelf speaking against the Holy Ghost now mark will show specifically what's being spoken against him right so speaking against the Holy Ghost in context what's being said that the Holy Ghost is Beelzebub that's what's being said right that's what the whole premise how everything starts off it says you're by Beelzebub casting out by the prince of the devil's right so the devil himself is how you're casting out devils and that is being equated with the Spirit of God because Jesus is saying no if I do it by the Spirit of God though you know and that's what's being said mark is going to specifically state that that that's what they were saying okay you can you can figure that out from Matthew chapter 12 but I'll say this you're going to mark chapter 3 and we're actually look at verse 22 again but in mark chapter 3 this passage here when I first got saved and I was reading through the Bible I didn't know how to answer it right because obviously I believe you can't lose your salvation salvation is a gift it's eternal life and the reason that I didn't know really how to answer it is because it says that there's no forgiveness neither in this world neither in the world become because usually how people answer this that are safe okay is they'll say well basically you know rejection of God will ultimately send you to hell and when you're in hell obviously there's no chance and I think everybody would agree with that right most even most people that aren't even saved would say when you're in hell that's it there's no coming out okay and that it's final at that point that's true okay but the problem is is this says neither in this world right so it's basically saying in this world you don't have forgiveness nor in the world to come so that's where this is different and this is where when I first got saved I didn't understand what we would call the reprobate doctrine where basically there are people that go too far with God to where they are not going to be forgiven like basically it's impossible for them to get saved it's impossible for them to believe and basically they've been completely rejected in this life okay that's what this is dealing with okay and March chapter 3 we're gonna look at that because it's gonna state this but again in Luke chapter 12 it kind of just shows this in one verse okay Luke 12 10 says this and whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man it shall be forgiven him but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him which you can also see kind of that contrast what's blaspheming speaking against right basically speaking evil of or speaking against or something like that and obviously anybody that speaks against God is wrong right that makes it's like I can speak against the false prophet but that doesn't make it like blasphemy you know like where I'm in sin you speak against God you're always wrong there's never a time to speak against God where it would be right because God's always right so that means anytime you speak against God it's blasphemy that make sense like that's just facts so that being said what exactly are they speaking against the Holy Ghost with and mark chapter 3 in verse 22 mark chapter 3 in verse 22 it says in the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said he hath beelzebub and by the prince of the devil's casteth he out devils now notice who's speaking here scribes in the last passage we saw Pharisees so we see both groups here that are implicated in this which then gives credence to what why Jesus is ripping the the face off of the scribes and the Pharisees in chapter 23 of Matthew okay but it says in verse 23 and he called them unto him and said unto them in parables how can Satan cast out Satan and if a kingdom be divided against itself the kingdom cannot stand and if a house be divided against itself the house cannot stand and if Satan rise up against himself and be divided he cannot stand but hath an end no man can enter into a strong man's house and spoil those goods except he will first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house verily I say unto you all sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men and blasphemies wherewith so ever they shall blaspheme but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal damnation because they said he hath an unclean spirit so by definition you're just looking at the letter of what's being said what is the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost speaking against the Holy Ghost saying that he had that he is an unclean spirit that the that the Holy Ghost is the devil is essentially the blaspheming of the Holy Ghost okay and so this is something that unbelievers can do and you know some would argue and say well maybe this is only back in Jesus day that this could be done I believe this is still happening today now I think even those people that would say well only in Jesus day could the blasphemy the Holy Ghost maybe happen they would still agree with the reprobate doctrine right they would just say well maybe it's not called maybe it's not blaspheming the Holy Ghost as far as what's going on here but I believe this does happen today you know that this is something that is what's causing people to basically be given over to a reprobate mind and but the thing that's interesting to me is that the fact well one we believe in the Trinity right go to first John five seven first John five seven first John five seven here's the thing do you see the clear delineation between the Sun and the Holy Ghost it can be spoken against the Sun but not the Holy Ghost right he's like all you know all blasphemies against you basically you blasting the Son of God you blasting the Holy Ghost you're done okay and but let me just show you the hierarchy a little bit here of the Godhead okay which is who God is okay God is three persons one God it says in verse seven here it says for there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one and there's a reason that it's listed in that order because even Jesus says you know I and my father are one but it says that my father is greater than I right so when it comes to authority right obviously the Father Son and the Holy Ghost they're all equally God okay but as far as authority goes the Father has authority over the Son and the Son has authority over the Holy Ghost let me just give you an example of this in John chapter 16 and John really if you want to see the Trinity explain John is the place to go okay now throughout John you'll see especially in John 16 you'll see where it talks about the Son basically being subject unto the Father and basically the words that I speak are not my own but the Father which gave them me and like it's just constantly saying like it's the Father's will it's the Father's words I'm the you know you see me seeing the Father because Jesus is the expressed image of his person right so I mean he looks just like the Father obviously so but that being said is that the same stuff that said about the father to the son relationship is said about the son to the Holy Ghost okay so and again there's nothing wrong with saying Holy Spirit Holy Ghost same thing you know I'll say this when the King James Bible says Holy Ghost I say Holy Ghost when the King James Bible says Holy Spirit I say Holy Spirit right you know that's just that's just the way it is you know and if you're if you think I'm being nitpicky with that I don't really care so but at the same time Ghost Spirit it's it means the same thing okay there's not there's not a nuance there but in verse 13 it says how be it when he the Spirit of truth has come so he the Spirit of truth is the person of the Holy Ghost right when he has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come it's not saying that he's not gonna talk about himself what it means is that he's not it's not generated from him meaning this is that he's taking what the son said and he's relaying it to us okay but notice what Jesus says it says he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you all things the father hath are mine therefore said I that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you so imagine this you have the father that's basically the giving Jesus you know everything and then Jesus is giving that to the Holy Ghost and it's just that that hierarchy of the line or the chain of command if you will when it comes to that and you can kind of get a little insight into why it's so serious to mess with the Holy Ghost okay and you kind of think about how how God reacts when we're rejected by the world right I mean when we go to a place and they reject us and we we shake the dust off our feet it says it'll be more tolerable for sodoming the more than that place and it's really about like the messenger that's being that's being evil spoken of and all that because he's just he's the messenger right he's basically bringing that information to you from the Sun and then you're calling him a devil right and all that so again a little insight as far as why is there a difference between blaspheming the the Sun and blaspheming the Holy Ghost and I believe it has to do with that and the fact that that the Sun has authority he's over the Holy Ghost and the Father's over the Sun and the Holy Ghost and that you're messing with the Holy Ghost you don't do that right just kind of in a bottom shelf you don't mess with the Holy Ghost and the Father Sun don't tolerate that when it comes to the being of God okay now that being said the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit has a certain job when he's down here and you say well what is that exactly we're good you're in John chapter 16 well go go back up to verse 7 there I mean for your homework go to John chapter 16 and read the whole chapter because it really does explain all this really well I'm just kind of showing you some some highlights here to kind of explain this but it says nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away and if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you now this is talking about the fact that when Jesus is raised from the dead the Holy Spirit is not only gonna be with you but he's gonna be in you okay and he even states that another passage is that the Holy Ghost is with you right now but he's going to be in you meaning this is that he's gonna dwell inside of you right you're gonna be the temple the Holy Ghost and this is what he's specifically talking about when he departs it says and when he has come he will approve the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment now here's the great three-point outline for another sermon for another day right of sin because they believe not on me of righteousness because I go to my father and you see me no more of judgment because the prince of this world is judged but no this is that the Holy Spirit plays a part in people getting saved okay he is the messenger when you think about like obviously it takes the Word of God right being born again not a corruptible seed but an incorruptible word of God which liveth and abides forever and faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God you need the Word of God but the Word of God is the sword of what the Spirit it is the spirit that quicken it right and the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they're life you can't take the Holy Spirit out of the equation when it comes to salvation I mean how about you know not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy saved us by the washing and regeneration and renewing of what the Holy Ghost that is involved in the Spirit of God is involved in someone getting saved and what we're dealing with here with the blasphemy and the Holy Ghost specifically are people that knew the truth and rejected it okay and not only rejected it but when you think about blaspheming to the point where you're saying that the Holy Spirit is a devil right that's different than like someone just I don't believe that I think you got to be a good person like I think you need to do this or that and then you kind of walk away from it it's different than saying that basically God's a devil right does that make sense like that's a whole another level and no this is that people have been resisting the Holy Ghost you say well this is just New Testament you know we'll go to Acts chapter 7 Acts chapter 7 verse 51 you're like this is still New Testament I I know but it's gonna refer to people that were before the New Testament okay Acts chapter 7 verse 51 Stephen just is getting done with his is basically toward a force through the Old Testament as far as the story goes against those that are about to kill him and it says in verse 51 it says you stiff neck and uncircumcised in heart and ears ye do always resist the Holy Ghost notice this as your fathers did so do ye so this doesn't sound like this is just some new thing in the New Testament no as your fathers did so do ye okay and he's saying you're uncircumcised in heart and in ears meaning this is that basically they're not they're not saved they're they will not receive it and he's saying you're resisting the Holy Ghost and it says which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted and they have slain them which showed before of the coming of the just one of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers who have received the law by the dispensation of angels and have not kept it so Stephen just laying down he's just throwing down on them right but what do you see here we see them rejecting or resisting the Holy Ghost okay so resisting the Holy Ghost and what you have to understand is that the Spirit of God is like I said how the word is being preached and how people are hearing the gospel and if you basically are demeaning or defaming or speaking against that spirit you're I'm talking about an unsaved person then you know basically it's lights out okay again I'm not talking about someone that just doesn't understand it or it's just you know stock on you got to be a good person that's not what we're talking about here we're talking about another level here of someone saying that God that the Spirit of God is a devil okay I mean think about when you preach the gospel somebody and they're just like that's that's the devil spirit right there it's like I mean you might as well just be like all right well you're done now I'm not the one determining them being reprobate but good night like that is what the Bible is talking about there when it's talking about blaspheming the Holy Ghost that's different than the person's just like no you need to be a good person or you know they're rejecting that salvation by grace through faith and all of that then someone saying you have a devil you you're you're preaching the devil's doctrine and that's the spirit of the devil right there it's like buddy you're you're gone like that in my what I believe the Bible is teaching here is like that person's done okay and go to Genesis chapter 6 Genesis chapter 6 you're like all right you went through the Old Testament I think this is about far back as you get you know pretty much you know and besides the Spirit moving upon the waters okay that's that's as far as you can go back dealing with the Spirit of God but the Spirit of God was obviously there from the very beginning but because obviously it says let us make man in our image I mean God the Father Son the Holy Spirit they've always been there but notice what it says here in Genesis 6 and verse 3 it says and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his day shall be in 120 years now I think obviously this is specifically dealing with the flood but you know what's interesting about this is that when it's talking about the flood in the New Testament it brings up the spirit and about something specifically because he's saying well what is the spirit striving with there you know maybe you like what it says in the New Testament when it talks about that he's going to rebuke and it talks about of sin because they believe not on me right but it says in verse I go to verse first Timothy or first Peter chapter 3 for Peter chapter 3 specifically we're dealing with the gospel that when he's talking about my spirits and I always strive with man is basically saying you're not always gonna have a chance this is the truth of the matter is there people out there that have no chance anymore that they are their past feeling that they are ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of truth that they cannot believe that there are people out there that this has happened to okay today but also in the past and it's been like that since the beginning of time meaning this is ever since the fall of man you've had people that have crossed the line with God so where there's no hope there's no remedy he that being often reproved hardeneth his neck shall shall I'm gonna misquote that every single time shall perish without remedy I how do I mess that up every single time so I mean I know where it's at just give me a second he that being often reproved hardens his neck and shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy that's what we're dealing with here is we're not dealing with you know the person that's never really heard a clear presentation of gospel and like basically it believes in work salvation or even the person that's given a clear presentation the gospel and just like ah you know I'm just I'm struggling with that I just I'm not ready to believe that right now we're talking about someone that has been reproved over and over and over and over often and then there's gonna be this swift destruction that happens to them now that can be in this life before they die and that's what this is really dealing with because that's what Matthew 12 says it says they don't have forgiveness either in this life or in this world neither in the world to come so in the world to come obviously we understand and anybody that even if you don't believe the reparative document that makes sense right but the world this world the only way this makes sense okay is that there's people that can cross the line with God to where there's no hope anymore or you can be a Calvinist and say that people are literally born damned they're born with no hope and they don't have any hope they never had hope from the beginning of the world God has proclaimed them that they are without hope and they're born in this world anyway and obviously that's stupidity that's ridiculous that's not what the Bible teaches at all God's not willing to any should perish he'll have all men to be saved and come to know the truth he's the Savior of all men especially those that believe so that being said the only conclusion you really come to because just throw out the Calvinist view because it's idiotic and doesn't fit with the Bible is the fact that there are people that God can harden or God can give up on and you say well I don't think you give up except for the fact that says he does does in Romans 1 God gave them up unto their own vile affections and he gave them over to a reprobate mind to those things which are not convenient so that being said in first Peter chapter 3 dealing with my spirits are not always strive with me in now what's the context of Genesis chapter 6 the flood is about to happen right okay he's gonna tell Noah to build an ark well that's the premise of first Peter chapter 3 here it says verse 18 for Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he be that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the what the Spirit by which also by which what by the spirit that he was quickened by by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison this isn't talking about some holding chamber down in hell so get that out of your mind this is talking about salvation because it talks about him opening the prison house of those that are contrite in spirit and we're talking about preaching the gospel to the poor but he did that by the Spirit of God notice this which sometime were disobedient what the spirits in prison right meaning unsaved people that were bound by sin that were unsaved were disobedient when once the long-suffering God weighed in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that his eight souls were saved by water meaning this is that during that time Noah was a preacher of righteousness the Bible says and that there the gospel being preached that and he's saying this my spirit shall not always try with man because he's about to kill them all right think about it like he's about to flood the whole earth and he's basically saying you don't have much time left right you have 120 years before you're done and that's why in the next chapter of 1st Peter you're dealing with people that got saved I believe but didn't but still got destroyed with the flood because it says in 1st Peter chapter 4 verse 6 referring back to the context for for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead that they might be judged according to men in the flesh but live according to God in the spirit meaning this is that they're saved going to heaven but they're still getting judged on this earth they're still getting that physical punishment on this earth and we're talking about preaching the gospel and that God's Spirit shall not always try with man now that's a physical representation like the story of the flood and the fact that he's going to destroy everybody a physical representation of what happens spiritually to people okay now this isn't out of context with Matthew 12 go to Matthew 12 okay again meaning this is that what was the context okay he casts out a devil they say you did it by the devil right you did it by Satan himself and then he's saying no I did it by Spirit of God right and the idea here is that he's saying you can blaspheme me you can sin against me but you blaspheme the Holy Ghost you have never for you don't have forgiveness in this life not in the world to come you can never have forgiveness if you do that right and then we see that obviously it's saying because they said he had an unclean spirit that's the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost by definition so when people come to you be like that's the blasphemy in the Holy Ghost and they're talking about some crate something that's out if it's not that they said he had an unclean spirit then reject it out of hand that makes sense like the Bible's very clear of what the blasphemy and against the Holy Ghost is speaking against the Holy Ghost and saying he's the devil by definition that's what it is okay and Matthew chapter 12 what's the next verse that's stated here so let's see in context if when we're talking about people that are corrupt people that are evil what does it say the next verse here verse 33 either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit Matthew 7 it's referring back to Matthew 7 where it says talking about beware of false prophets and the fact that a good a corrupt tree cannot bring good forth good fruit neither can a good tree bring forth corrupt fruit and a tree shall be known by his fruits and we're talking about someone that is corrupt to the core and notice what says here keep reading verse 34 old generation of vipers how can he being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh a good man out of the good treasure of the hearts bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringing forth evil things but I say to you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof and day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned what are we talking about speaking against the Holy Ghost saying that he's an unclean spirit and it's saying that by your words you will be condemned because that's what sealed the deal for them this is this is talking about someone being rejected by God they become a corrupt tree at that point and you say well you know everybody speaks evil things every once in a while and all that but what you have to understand is that unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled they profess that they know God but in works they deny and being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate because what you have to understand is that every good thing that that evil person does is to get advantage like they're they're holding the door open not that because they just want to generally be nice to you they won't hold the door open because they want you to like them so they take advantage of you that's what sociopaths do that's what psychopaths do on the outside they appear good but inwardly there's a scheme and what you understand is that what that's what it's saying here is that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth to speak meaning this let them keep talking because it'll just come out eventually they can't help but word vomit it out and anytime that you've ever talked to somebody just in general I'm just talking about an unsafe person that doesn't want to admit to you that they believe they can lose their salvation or what they really believe when you pin them down they're just like well you can't just do whatever you want right have you ever been to that point you're just like oh there it is you know because they're giving you these vague answers they won't just come out and say that it's by faith alone you can't lose your salvation and then you're just like well what about this what about this what about this you know and then they're just like you know they can't hold it in anymore and that's just an unsafe person but the thing is is that someone that is mentally corrupt it talks about their conscience being seared with a hot iron man this sermon is just pertinent for this month isn't it this wasn't even like this wasn't planned okay well this was planned meaning someone wanted me to you know preach on this subject but isn't it just pertinent for June isn't it and the fact that what are we dealing with we're dealing with basically they're celebrating being a reprobate let's just celebrate being corrupt wicked reprobate filthy vile disgusting right let's just celebrate that which isn't that just you know just a reflection of our nation and where we're at right but that being said you know where's that start though you know when you think about all that filth that's going on in the world where did that come from it it started with them rejecting God and in basically being given over to it okay that their mind was defiled and now they're just like it's just like the governor's off they can just do all the unnatural wicked stuff that wouldn't even come into a natural person's mind okay and but this is kind of where you this is the this is the starting point that's the end game right that's kind of like where it in you know that that's where it you know the end of the road is there okay but I mean think about this too in this passage it just keeps going it's not like I'm pulling this out of context that we're talking about people that have no hope literally later on it's talking about the fact that a wicked and adulterous generation so you get that their sign then it goes on to say like hey all these people are gonna rise up in judgments against you because all these works were done and you still didn't repent you didn't believe you didn't change your mind and they're all gonna rise up in judgment Sodom and Gomorrah is gonna rise up in judgment against you that's how bad it is meaning this is that there were so many more works and miracles done in Jesus day then it was done in Sodom and that basically for opportunity for them to believe and all that there was more opportunity in their day that's what's being said then in Matthew chapter 13 doesn't get better for him okay because in Matthew chapter 13 we deal with the the famous parable of the sower and the seed and then it gives an explanation as far as why he's even speaking in parables okay go to Matthew chapter 13 and let me just say this understanding the reprobate doctrine unlocks so many passages in the Bible okay when I first got saved this passage about the fact that in this world neither the world to come there's never forgiveness I'm just like what is this talking about then you get the Matthew chapter 13 and it's just like I'm speaking parables to them so they won't believe and just err that they won't be healed I'm like what in the world what's going on here right and obviously as new Christian you're just kind of reading through me like wow obviously don't understand that so I'm just gonna keep reading but when I when I understood this doctrine I'm just like blasting me in a Holy Ghost parables like it's just like it's just like this key that was just like boom up lock unlock unlock unlock unlock like all these passages are just saying oh there it is that's exactly why you know and this is something that listen you can go through life as a Christian not believing this doctrine but you will not you will not know God like you should you will not know the Bible like you should you will go down a path of false doctrine just by definition because this this this knowledge of this is on every page of the Bible practically all the way back to Cain and Abel you know that he was of that wicked one and his own works were evil and his brothers righteous that's why he killed his brothers because his brother was good and he's like whoa what you know like so anyway that being said is in Matthew chapter 13 it says in verse 10 and the disciples came and said unto him why speakest thou I'm sorry why speakest thou unto them in parables that's a good question right I mean anybody that's read is anybody just read through the news has gonna be like why are all these parables why is everything kind of said in a dark manner and kind of like this this cryptic way right I mean anybody that's read through the Bible just like why isn't it just plainly stated you know in a lot of these places now there are places where it is plainly stated but here's your answer here's why Jesus spoke in parables okay he answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given notice a clear difference between the groups of people here okay it says in verse 12 for whosoever hath to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance but whosoever hath not from him should be taken away even that he hath then it goes on to say therefore speak I to them in parables because they seeing see not and hearing they hear not neither do they understand and in them is fulfilled the prophecy of his eyes the with his eyes which said by hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and shall not proceed for this people's heart is waxed gross and their eyes are their ears are dull appearing in their eyes they have closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them they're like well I'm not sure if it's talking about believing there well go to John chapter 12 because John chapter 12 is going to bring up the same exact passage of Isaiah and let's see what it says there and notice that they close their eyes and what you have to understand is that Pharaoh hardened his heart he hardened his heart and then God hardened his heart you're not dealing with someone that you're dealing with people that knew the truth that held the truth and unrighteousness that knew God and glorified him not as God that's what you're dealing with here you're dealing with someone that's not ignorant they're not ignorant about what the truth is but yet they're not ignorant about what the truth is and they say that's the devil that is what you're dealing with the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost you're not just dealing with someone just like accidentally saying something against God or they just flippantly say something it's like you know like kids say all kinds of stuff and they don't even know what that what it means you're obviously dealing with something where that person knows exactly what it means they know what that implication is they know what they're doing and they know what they're blaspheming against okay and you're dealing with this stark what you're dealing with is a contempt and actually in the definition of what blasphemy is is a contempt and and lack of reverence toward God you're dealing with ultimately haters of God okay most people out there don't hate God okay but there are people that do and that is what Psalm 139 when we sing do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee that's what we're dealing with we're dealing with people that actually hate the Lord and in our minds like how how can someone do that how why would someone hate God it just exists and a lot of these things that you'll see in the Bible where you'll see what people do you're just like how could they do like what like you're not gonna be able to wrap your mind around it because you actually have a conscience right it's like wrap your mind around Jeffrey Dahmer and all these psychopaths out there and all these like serial killers and wrap your mind around why they would do it and all that stuff you can't because it's unnatural because you have a conscience because you know you're dealing with you know reprobates and in John chapter 12 verse 36 it says while ye have light believe in the light that's a very important phrase there while you have light believe in the light that you may be the children of light so he's basically saying while you have the light you need to believe in it so you can become the children of God right be the children of light these things space Jesus departed and did hide himself from them that I believe every word is important here meaning that they had the opportunity the light was there he's warning them you need to believe in it while you have it because it may be taken away and then he hid himself from them and it says but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him that the saying of Isaiah the Prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed therefore they could not believe because that Isaiah said again he had blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them is there any doubt that he spoke to them in parables so they would not believe is there any doubt that he spoke to them in parables that because their heart was hardened and he hardened their heart after that that is the facts of the Bible and understanding this will just unlock all that when you're dealing with blasphemy the Holy Ghost and you're dealing with his passions in Isaiah you're dealing with unsaved people this is happening to this cannot happen to a believer go to go to go to Matthew chapter 24 let me just explain something really quick to you is that there are certain things that believers can not do okay one in which I believe is that they cannot be an unbeliever okay once you're a believer you're always a believer just facts okay you may not be the most faithful believer right you may not be the most you know like strong believer that's out there okay but once you believe on Christ you're a believer okay I kind of liken salvation to like jumping off a building because when you believe on Christ it's the eternal decision and that is the it is what it is that to that meaning this you jump off a building you're halfway down can you change your mind no right and obviously I use an example of someone's catching you right you're not just committing suicide the idea here is that someone's catching you right the idea of salvation is that Jesus is down there and he says jump I'll catch you and you jump well that job after you jump is the Christian life until like until you know basically we die right but the idea there is that you can't change your mind it's an eternal decision and there are certain things that are impossible for a Christian to do and let me just give you one of those because this goes into another realm of like if you want to say the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is taking the mark of the beast a believer cannot take the mark of the beast and you say well could they be tricked into taking it not a thing you know the mark of the beast is not going to be some like RFID chip in aisle 5 of Walgreens that you're just gonna pick up and put in yourself okay like I got the mark of the beast now or a tattoo that you just go down to your local tattoo artist and you get 666 written on your on your hand or on your forehead boom mark of the beast no you have to worship the beast in its image to get that mark and there listen Satan doesn't want he's not trying to get Christians to take the mark of the beast he's trying to kill them right so notice what it says here let me just prove that to you Matthew 24 verse 24 it says for there shall rise false Christs and false prophets and shall and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect mean this if it was possible which means it's not possible right that's another way saying it's not possible to see the very like but if it was they would be deceived okay so guess what it's impossible for a believer to be deceived by the Antichrist and these false Christs that means even the most asleep Christian that's out there cannot be deceived by the Antichrist okay that means the most just die in the wool pre-trip rapture Baptist out there cannot be deceived by the Antichrist okay that's powerful my friends listen if the pre-trip guys finally wake up that is some powerful stuff right there okay I'm joking there's obviously pretty there's obviously say people that that get you know figure this out okay but that being said there are things that a believer can't do they can't be deceived by the Antichrist facts in the Bible written with a pen of iron and a point of a diamond just as much as salvation is eternal life and you'll never perish that is as true as that statement right there now go to Ephesians chapter 1 Ephesians chapter 1 and what I want to state here is that we can't blaspheme the Holy Ghost as believers but we can grieve them okay so here's the difference you know the Holy Spirit is living inside your body as a believer okay you are the temple of the Holy Ghost and what you do in this body if you do things that are wrong you commit fornication you commit certain sins specifically fornication is mentioned because it's a sin against the body and the body is the temple of the Holy Ghost therefore it's saying you're defiling the whole the temple of the Holy Ghost and what are you doing you're grieving him because he's never gonna leave you nor forsake you so even when you're in sin the Holy Spirit's there listen if you're in sin Christ and the Father are not abiding with you this is a whole nother sermon for another day Jesus Christ and the Father it says if you abide in him you sin not right if you want to abide in the vine and I think brother Dave preached a sermon on abiding you know the branch in the vine and abiding in Christ then you need to keep his commandments and not be sinning to abide in that vine right for him to be abiding with you you need to be walking in the Spirit but listen the Spirit's always there the Spirit is in you even when you're sinning okay and that's why this is being brought up because notice what says here in Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 13 it says in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel for your salvation in whom also after that you believe you were sealed with that Holy Spirit a promise notice what says in Ephesians 4 authority this is our memory verse for the week cuz I'm preaching a whole sermon about blasting the Holy Ghost listen if you're a believer that doesn't apply to you something you can't do okay so praise the Lord for that right I mean you're sealed on today of redemption you have eternal life you know that that passage doesn't apply to you but listen just because the passing doesn't apply to you it doesn't mean it's not good to know for Bible doctrine you're gonna know the Bible you need to know that there are people out there that God has given up on that there are people out there that God does not love anymore that they are past feeling that they have not forgiveness in this life nor in the life to come and this is a small group of people okay we're talking like two three percent of the population of the world okay even though the media wants you to think that it's like 50% or something not the case still they're out there you need to know about it okay and you need to know that for good doctrine you want to know the Bible you want to rightly divide the Word of Truth then you better know this doctrine okay Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 it says and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed in the day of redemption notice it doesn't say grieve not the Spirit of God so that you're not sealed anymore right or that you know so the Holy Spirit leaves you okay no it's just making up grieve not the Spirit of God whereby you're sealed unto the day of redemption meaning this is that the Holy Spirit's there he's made up residence he's abiding with you forever in the body don't grieve him don't commit fornication don't lie don't steal don't commit adultery obviously don't murder don't do all you know like obviously there's all lying stealing all that don't do that because you'll grieve the Holy Spirit of God because he's dwelling inside of you which is why in the New Testament there's even harder punishments on sin than in the Old Testament because you're doing despite unto the Spirit of grace and that's why it's even a sore punishment in this in in the New Testament because in the Old Testament they didn't have the Spirit of God dwelling in their body at all times the Spirit of God would come upon them and obviously they could be filled with the Spirit but it wasn't like it is right now so that's why that's such a stark command there don't I mean memorize that grieve not Spirit of God whereby you're sealed on the day of redemption now end with this or the this thought here is that the Bible teaches there are literally dead men walking right now you ever hear that term dead men walking what does that usually refer to right the the green mile the the basically the the the walk from the cell to the electric chair or to the death penalty right and what what does someone say is they're walking by dead man walking meaning like they're as good as dead okay notice what it says here in Luke 11 verse 44 Luke 11 verse 44 time would fail me to show you of all the passages that are on this subject I mean the more you read the Bible the more you're like yep that fits that fits that fits that fits but in Luke 11 verse 44 says wall one to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye are as graves which appear not and the men that walk over them are not aware of them isn't that an interesting statement that you said you are as graves which appear not meaning that you're like a grave and no one realizes it basically it's like if someone walked over a grave and they didn't know it was a grave right what you have to understand is that there's people out there that are walking around that are literally dead men walking and you may not even know it right because you're not usually just going up every single person be like hey you know are you a reprobate you know like are you do you hate God you know like the idea is that there are people out there the Matthew 23 said he calls them you are like until whited sepulchres what is a sepulcher but a great right Jude says this that you're these people are twice dead plucked up by the roots twice dead plucked up by the roots and obviously it says that raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame to whom and wandering stars of whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever meaning that these people are just walking around and it's just like their judgment of a long time slumber and linger is not and their damnation slumber is not meaning like they're literally just waiting to close their eyes and death so they could drop into hell that's what you're dealing with now obviously every unsafe person would be the case for that too right but the difference between just an unsafe person and people that have blasphemed the Holy Ghost people that have been rejected by God is the fact that there is no hope of them getting out of that situation right there's no redemption there's no pardon you know it's like if they're walking up there they even the people that are going to death row have the chance of like they're being a pardon at the last second does that make sense these people have no hope of a pardon they are sealed as much as we're sealed into the day of redemption by being a believer they are sealed unto their damnation that's why there's a difference between children of God children of the devil children of God are sealed on the day of redemption they have eternal life and will never perish children of the devil they have no hope of salvation they are sealed unto that faith and nothing's gonna change it okay and I was gonna get into Hebrew chapter 6 but you know what I think I need to say that for another day but really Hebrew chapter 6 deals with the same thing and people use that same patch say you can lose your salvation when it's talking about people that have blasphemed the Holy Ghost or that have been rejected by God and that basically you know in a stating what is the blasphemy the Holy Ghost speaking against the Holy Ghost and specifically stating that the Holy Ghost is an unclean spirit which is like a devil or in their case they literally said he that he was Beelzebub okay unbelief believers cannot do it unbelievers can and it is a stark warning to unbelievers out there you better believe in the light why you have the light and be careful what you say against the Holy Spirit because there is there's a huge consequence to that okay let's end with a word prayer the only father we thank you for today thank you for this passage and we'll just pray to you to help us to learn the Bible and help us know all the different doctrines in the Bible and obviously we believe that everything fits hand and glove and Lord just thank you for just giving us clarity on these passages and Lord just pray that you'd be with us as we go soul-wanting and bring it back at the point time in Jesus Christ's name amen where they will come sing one more song and then we dismissed all right take your songbooks and turn to song 323 song 323 and your will sing more about Jesus if you would stand we'll sing song 323 more about Jesus what I know more of his grace to others show more of his saving fullness see more of his love who died for me more more about Jesus more more about Jesus more of his saving fullness see more of his love who died for me more about Jesus let me learn more of his holy will discern spirit of God my teacher be showing the things of Christ to me more more about Jesus more more about Jesus more of his saving fullness see more of his love who died for me more about Jesus and his word holding communion with my Lord hearing his voice in every line making each faithful saying mine more more about Jesus more more about Jesus more of his saving fullness see more of his love who died for me more about Jesus on his throne riches in glory all his own more of his kingdom sure increase more of his coming friends of peace more more about Jesus more more about Jesus more of his saving fullness see more of his love who died for me you're dismissed