(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Proverbs chapter 15 and we are continuing our study through so-called Bible contradictions or Bible contradictions debunked. So this is part three and really so I'm going to try to finish up the atheist.org contradictions. So there's 15 contradictions that were on that site and you know we've hit some of those already. I'm going to try to finish these up so I'm going to try to blow through the rest of these because the other ones I want to get to are the I would call the fun ones right because these are more just doctrinal things they just don't understand. They bring up something and just don't understand the doctrine. They don't understand what's being said but the ones that you know you probably think of most of the time are dealing with numbers, ages, you know how many years something was done, you know stuff like that and to me those are more fun because you're dealing with like math. You're dealing with you know trying to figure out why they're not understanding it and stuff like that. So next week Lord willing we'll be getting into the fun stuff you know when it comes to the so-called contradictions. These ones it's funny because half the time I'm like that's not a contradiction you just don't understand like what's being said at all and you know I almost have to look into me like what's the contradiction you know like what do you you know like why is this even on here? So Proverbs 15 verse 28 is what I kind of wanted you to see there although Proverbs obviously is awesome in its entirety anyway but verse 28 there it says the heart of the righteous studieth to answer but the mouth of the wicked pourth out evil things and the idea with this study is that the reason we're going through this is because it gives you a way to study you know to answer right so you know mostly the people that put this list together you're not going to win those people most likely but you know what these questions do come up sometimes and people will bring up these these type of well what about this contradiction over here and this should give you ammunition to say well you know this is what that means like real quick and then go into the gospel or something like that if that were to be the case where they're just holding on to something or they heard something in a lot of cases people that are you know like oh there's so many contradictions in the bible and then you ask them well where like how many times have we outsold when he said hey you know they're like there's so many contradictions if I always say can you show me one they're like well I can't show you one off top my head but I know they're there it's like they don't even know any off top of their head they'd have to go google you know contradictions and figure it out so they're banking the fact that the bible's wrong even though they can't even mention one of them you know one of the so-called contradictions in the bible so that being said but this should give you a good study on this and be able to answer study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth that's what these sermons are meant to do here is to you know do some study you know to see some certain doctrines and some different ideas that people don't understand so we kind of already went through a bunch with that list and to be honest none of those were hard you know this is honestly not hard you can answer these all pretty easily but I'm kind of taking the time to dissect it a little bit just so that you know like hey here's exactly why it's a dumb argument or you know it falls apart now the next one they had on their list was dealing with incest okay now what they do is they go to deuteronomy 27 22 where it says curse be he that lieth with his sister the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother and you know they go to leviticus which says the same thing but then they talk about genesis where it talks about abraham married his sister which was his father's daughter okay and i'm gonna say this first off abraham was before moses's law okay so you're talking about leviticus and deuteronomy which was given after uh you know after abraham okay so it's not like this commandment was in place and then you know uh he broke that commandment second of all what they're trying to say is like well god blessed abraham even though he married his sister which was supposedly against law which it wasn't at the time okay so but here's the thing god blesses a lot of people that messed up you see how this just falls flat on his face just from the surface right their whole point is that god blessed abraham even though he committed some sin it's like well there's not a just man upon earth to do as good and sin is not so he couldn't bless anybody then if that was the case so the whole argument falls flat on its face just from the surface but here's the thing though go to genesis chapter 20 because that's where they're getting the fact that it's his father's daughter because if you remember the story uh twice actually abraham says that sarah is his sister you know once to bimelech and then once um to pharaoh and basically the whole idea was like he didn't want to die for his wife because apparently she was very good looking even at an old age she was like very good looking apparently to the point where he's like i don't want them to kill me for her so he's like i'll just say we're brother and sister so basically after he gets caught in that whole thing that you know they're actually married um this is what he says in verse notice in genesis 20 verse 11 it says neighbor ham said because i thought surely the fear of god is not in this place and they will slay me for my wife's sake and yet indeed she is my sister she is the daughter of my father but not the daughter of my mother and she became my wife now obviously when you look at deuteronomy and leviticus if it was his direct sister of his father so what it's basically saying is that she's my half sister like that that would be the argument right but go to genesis chapter 11 because actually i don't even believe that she would she was his direct half sister now what you have to understand and i'm going to show this to you is that in the bible sometimes it'll say brother or sister and it's actually talking about an uncle or an aunt okay case in point would be jacob and laban okay so if you remember isaac he found a wife of abraham's brethren but remember abraham sent his servant and he found laban and his sister was rebecca right so he had laban and then rebecca was his sister and then obviously their father i forget if it says his name or whatever but the idea though is that jacob goes back and then he marries laban's daughters but it calls laban his brother but it's his uncle and other places you'll see this too where there's so-called contradictions and it's talking about zedekiah the king and it talks about jeconiah being uh his brother will reign but then another place it says his his his father's brother so your your father's brother can also be called your brother in the bible okay and you say why do you think that sarah was uh not a direct sister and what i mean by that is that i believe that she was uh maybe a cousin okay and here's my reasoning i'm going to show you here i want you to see first of all in verse 31 genesis 11 verse 31 and tara so that's abraham's father and tara took abraham his son and lot the son of heron his son's son and sari his daughter-in-law his son abraham's wife so he calls tara calls sarah his daughter-in-law now abraham said she is the daughter she is the father she is my father's daughter okay but then the narrator's speaking here and saying it's his daughter-in-law okay now i don't think abraham's lying but here's the thing that's what abraham said that's not the narrator so abraham could just be lying okay i don't think he's lying here's what i think is going on here notice what it says here go to verse 24 and you don't really need to know all any of this for this this like not be a contradiction okay i'm just making a point that i don't even think he married his half sister i think it was a cousin okay that was very closely related probably a first cousin but notice what it says in verse 24 it says in nahor lived nine and twenty years and begat tara so nahor is tara's father tara is abraham's father nahor lived after he begat tara and 119 years and begat sons and daughters notice that so nahor begat sons and daughters after he begat uh tara does that make sense so he begat tara then he had sons and daughters so he had not just sons but also daughters verse 26 and tara lived 70 years and begat abraham nahor and heron now these are the generations of tara tara begat abram nahor and heron and heron begat lot and heron died before his father tara in the land of his nativity and ur of the caldees and abram and nahor took them wives and the name of abram's wife was sari i in the name of nahor's wife milk i or milka the daughter of heron the daughter of milka and the father of isca isca but sarah sari i was barren she had no children and tara took abram his son and lot the son of heron his son's son and sari i his daughter-in-law his son abram's wife and they went from forth with them from ur of the caldees to go into the land of canan and they came unto heron and dwelt there and the days of terror were 205 years and tara died in heron do you notice something that's never said it never says that tara had daughters you see that because when you go down this line in genesis 11 it basically says he begets somebody then it says and then he begets sons and daughters he lived this many years and begets sons and daughters right it never says that tara had any daughters now so two things here it could be that abraham just isn't telling the truth which is possible right because a lot of times in the bible people say things that aren't true but i think what happened here i think what's going on here is nahor probably had sons and daughters and within those sons and daughters there was someone that was born uh you know that was basically a cousin or even tara had uh you know abram nahor and heron right and nahor and heron may have had children you know and the idea of like there's cousins that would be like a sister right so cousin could be a sister okay so i personally believe in and here's the thing you can say well i think it was his daughter it was the daughter of tara and so it was his daughter and daughter-in-law you could say that right i guess but here's the thing i'm going to take the narrator over what someone says in the bible anyway so if you're going to say what is concrete proof that sarah was his daughter-in-law that's concrete like no ifs ands or buts right that sarah was his daughter-in-law what we don't know is whether it was his direct half sister and furthermore i think i think they're both right i think that he's saying it's my my father's daughter okay which could mean it's talking about uh you know basically my father you know and father can go back like another generation right as far as it could be talking about nahor's daughter right nahor's you know uh children because he lived a long time and had sons and daughters it could very well been his actual daughter right of nahor and obviously here's the thing with this though there were there was a time when brothers and sisters got married okay go to genesis chapter five genesis chapter five and so what what's going on in deuteronomy and leviticus is that at that point god is saying okay i'm putting a limit on how closely related you could be to somebody and marry them nowadays it's even further than that meaning they're saying like first cut you can't marry your first cousin okay and the reason for that genetically speaking is the fact that there's a lot of defects that happen when you have like uh what we would call inbred or and what they say incest here um is it's not exactly the way we would look at it today anyway but the thing is is that if someone's inbred like you think of like all the kings in england or something like that they have a lot of like teeth problems and like they have all these different defects that come down it's because they're too closely related okay and when you're dealing with uh you know uh and i was just kind of learning about this dealing with apple trees and stuff like that and uh you know pastor anderson actually preached a sermon on this that was really cool it was about um not being a monoculture type of uh realm or something like that and he was talking about apple trees and he was talking about the fact that you don't just take the seed of the apple and plant another tree because you'll get actually completely different apples which kind of sounds crazy but you get it from the bud of the tree you go back to the source okay because if you keep going for basically your genes are regressing right and each each time you have kids like you're kind of getting these deep you know these kind of like defects that are going on there and what you want is you want to kind of spread it out more and go back more to the source and at the very beginning you're at the source right when you're at adam and eve and then they had kids you're literally at the source of genetic code that makes sense like you don't you can't you don't have to go back very far because you're there you're right you're at the source it's just that when you start going down through history you want to start spreading out even more and make sure that you're not anywhere close to any relatives that are really close to you because uh you know the genes are just getting worse and worse and worse okay which is opposite of evolution by the way because evolution teaches everything's like you know getting stronger and better actually it's getting worse and worse and we got to be careful you know who you marry because you don't want to get those regressive genes but in just this five notes from verse three here it says and adam lived in 130 years and begat a son in his own likeness after his image and called his name seth and the days of adam after he had begot begotten seth were 800 years and he begat sons and daughters now it doesn't say like who married who after this but here's the thing eve is the mother of all living cain and able if you remember that story right uh that was the sons he had before that and you know basically they had a lot of children adam and eve had a lot of children and you know what those children married each other and back then it wasn't uh you know harmful to do but as time went on once we got to moses and the levitical law and deuteronomy that's where god was saying you need to spread this out more right even to the point where you're not marrying a half sister or a half brother and now we're even down to where we're like don't marry cousins okay direct like first cousins uh you know like even in like a lot of states i think in west virginia it's like illegal to marry a first cousin or something like that and i remember saying this i'm like i remember saying this because you know we get a bad rap here in west virginia about like inbred and all this other stuff and i remember saying you know we have a law against that and and someone said yeah that's because you needed a law i'm like touche touche you know uh like we didn't need a law you know like they're like so he's got a good point so um you know you always see these laws you're like there had to been someone to do this right for this law to be in you know like don't beat your wife uh you know in this plot at this time or something like that it's like they obviously had to have some reason to make that law or you'll see these little warning labels like don't drink this and it's like uh you know toilet cleaner or something like that and you're like why would that need to be on there like who's drinking toilet cleaner well someone obviously must have drank it and they had to put this label on there now or something so um but anyway that was kind of just silly right because first of all you know off the cuff just because god blesses someone that does something wrong doesn't mean that you know god condones of it right so off the cuff that doesn't make any sense they're basically saying well he blessed sarah and abraham even though like they broke a commandment which they didn't okay because that wasn't even a commandment in abraham's day so off the cuff it should just go out of him but also if you look deeper into it actually i don't even think he was marrying his half sister i think you know it was his the sister i think it's true that it was the sister of his father i mean the daughter of his father but daughter could be like granddaughter of like nahor you know and that could be why and they're like cousins okay so um you know anyway next one is trusting in god i think i told brother dave about this one because we were like obviously on this like two hour trip down two hour trip back and i told him about this one and he's just like what's the problem you know like you're reading this and you're just like what in the world like why you know and i think this goes into the idea that mainstream christianity is like this is the thinking right and when when people think well they would look at what we believe and say well the bible says it's just by faith but we know it's by works and you got to be a good person and we're looking at that like no it's not so what's the problem and because that's what movies tell you and this is what all this stuff tell you so notice and so in proverbs 12 and verse 2 it says a good man obtained the favor of the lord okay so you could go there and look at that um proverbs 12 verse 2 but a wicked but a man of wicked devices will he condemn well i mean there's nothing like you look at that verse did you see any problem with that okay a good man obtained favor of the lord now this is what they write okay and again this is on their site it says now consider the case of joe after commissioning satan to ruin joe financially and to slaughter his shepherds and children to win a petty bet with satan god asked satan hast thou considered my servant joe that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth god and steweth evil and still he holdeth fast his integrity although thou moveth me against him to destroy him without cause so i guess their argument is that that joe was a good man but he didn't obtain favor of the lord that's their argument it's like did you not read the last chapter go to chapter 42 this is why it's so hilarious because you're just like next question i don't know like you obviously are a moron because you never read the last chapter of joe like everybody knows the story of joe well i mean this phrase the patience of joe people say this all the time because they know that his patience paid off right the whole point is that joe is a good example of being patient and you'll get your reward in the end and that's why it's hilarious to me they're like using joe as an example he is the epitome of this example of a good man obtaining obtaining favor of the lord but i think this comes from like joel osteen like your best life now like if you're obtaining favor of the lord that means that you won't have any hardships i think i remember the fact where it says uh yea and all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution that in me you shall peace but in the world you should have tribulation but be of good cheer i've overcome the world marvel not if my brethren if the world hates you know that it hated me before it hated you i mean are we reading the same book because they're not getting it from the bible though they're getting it from this is the worldly philosophy this is what joel osteen or victoria osteen or joyce myer said this is what the mainstream says therefore that must be what the bible says and they literally picked and that's what's funny about you know people that have false doctrines or even in these the atheist case they literally picked a case that's probably the the best case to disprove their point notice what it says in joe 42 and verse 12 so after all the hardships he went through it says so the lord blessed the latter end of joe more than his beginning boom next question now you can keep reading there it says for he had 14 000 sheep and 6 000 camels and a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand she-asses and he also had seven sons and three daughters and you know what some people may say well he had seven sons and three daughters he didn't double that did he because everything's double if you look at the very beginning of joe and look here everything's double of what he had so he literally got everything double so tell me again how a good man doesn't obtain favor of the lord and he'll say well you know he should have been 14 sons and six daughters how about they're saved and they're in heaven and they're still alive so he does have 14 sons and six daughters just half of them are in heaven so put that in your atheist pipe and smoke it and the thing is is that you know i remember being out so winning and someone said you know well i i you know it's kind of questioned whether joe 42 is even a legitimate chapter and you know we don't even know if that was like the ending of joe that's interesting because james chapter 5 says in verse 10 take my brethren the prophets who have spoken in the name of the lord for an example of suffering affliction and impatience behold we count them happy which endure ye have heard of the patience of joe and have seen the end of the lord that the lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy so i guess james didn't i guess james was saying that that last chapter was there too he's literally the example and the epitome of patience and suffering affliction and obtaining favor of the lord and they're like oh yeah this contradiction you know it says that a good man obtained the favor of the lord what you know i know in 2021 i'm pretty much doing that all the time just like what am i looking at and how are people this stupid right how are people this dumb am i in the twilight zone and that one's really dumb okay so again you remember what these atheists said they're like oh how could anybody read this nonsense you know this this nonsense and this dribble of like the bible you know how could anybody believe that and this is their arguments man you guys are you guys are top tier intelligent right there i mean just stupidity now the next one is uh the holy lifestyle okay so the holy lifestyle they go to ecclesiastes chapter 9 and verse 7 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 7 but i'm going to read a little more because what they lack a lot of times is context and what you have to understand is ecclesiastes people i mean have you noticed that they've gone to ecclesiastes a little bit here because ecclesiastes is one of those misquoted books and things that are ripped out of context all the time and you got to understand that the ecclesiastes you got to take it as a whole he's saying from the very beginning of the book that he went to go see folly and vanity and you know what's done under the sun and at the end of the book he's stating this is the whole duty of man to fear god and keep his commandments and you know if you fear god and keep his commandments then you'll have a reward and and all this stuff for what you do but he's basically the whole book is basically stating that everything you do in this life is not going to amount to anything it's all going to be to someone that it's going to be given to someone after you and all this but you're kind of like looking at a situation when you're in it and this is what you're saying about it it's just as much as when you say the sun goes down the sun goes up but we know that the earth rotates and that the sun doesn't move and that the sun actually isn't going down and up but it's perspective okay from our perspective the sun goes up and moves across the sky and comes down okay that's perspective and it has to do with general relativity okay and you have to understand that when you're going into ecclesiastes it's relative to what's the perspective of what's being said but notice what it says in ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 7 it says go thy way eat thy bread with joy and drink thy wine with a merry heart for god now accepted thy works so their argument is well you know it's saying eat thy bread drink thy wine and be a merry heart and then another in the first corinthian chapter 7 verse 3 it says they that rejoice as though they they rejoice not it's like that's not even a coherent thought right you're putting this like in ellipses you know like where they put the three dots and three dots that's not a coherent thought okay if i said to you they that rejoice as though that they rejoice not you'd be like what the whole point he's stating here is he's talking about being married or being single and he's basically stating the time is coming when those that rejoice are as those that rejoice not right it's not saying like right now it's just saying the time's coming when that's not going to matter okay so on the surface their whole context is gone with what's being said in first corinthian chapter 7 but look at context in ecclesiastes 9 7 when you're talking about uh drinking uh wine being a merry heart for god uh now accepted thy works let thy garments be always white and let thy head lack no ointment live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity you know what the the funny part about ecclesiastes is that you think he's going one way and then he zags and zigs another way okay he's like zigzagging i'll give you an example of this but let's just keep reading here which he hath given thee under the sun all the days of thy vanity for that is thy portion in this life and in thy labor which thou takest under the sun right does it sound like he's just telling you like this is the best thing that you could be doing right here he's talking about vanity vanity who thinks vanity is awesome who thinks vanity is a good thing you should be pursuing after right but i'll give you an example of how ecclesiastes does this go to ecclesiastes chapter 11 i love this because every time i read it i'm like man you got me again you know like you're just reading it and it just it seems like he's going one way with what he's saying notice what it says in verse 9 and this is why you got to get context and you if you were just to read you know a portion of this you would get the wrong idea verse 9 rejoice oh young man in thy youth and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth and walk in the ways of thine heart and in the sight of thine eyes now if you just put that and put it in ellipsis and said see you know it's saying you just need to you know follow your youth you know do all these things rejoice in that notice keep reading there but know thou that for all these things god will bring thee into judgment see what god's doing there he's basically saying yeah rejoice in this rejoice in your youth but then it goes on to say that you know youth and youth is vanity and that you need to serve god in your youth okay and not just you know live live it up in your youth okay but how about this what they're basically trying to say is that in one place is saying be merry and another place is saying not now that's not even what it says in 1st Corinthians 7 okay right but i'll help you atheists let me help you a little bit there's a verse in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 talking about let us eat and drink and be merry for tomorrow we die okay here's a verse where it's saying eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die but that's if in this life we we only have hope but if in this life we only have hope we are all men most miserable because we're suffering persecution tribulations all these different things we might as well eat drink and be merry if there's no resurrection but here's the thing go to ecclesiastes chapter 3 ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 1 ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 1 it says to everything there is a season and a time to every person purpose under the heaven go down to verse 4 it says a time to weep and a time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to dance listen there's a time to rejoice and there's a time not to rejoice and so just if god is saying one place you need to rejoice you need to be merry and be of a merry heart you know laughter do it be good like a medicine you know like it's not saying to just be this stoic austere you know type of person that you got to live this uh you know this this just hard life where you're not laughing you're not rejoicing but it's also saying that shouldn't be what your life is about okay and how about this in roman chapter 12 verse 15 roman chapter 12 verse 15 i think this sums this up perfectly dealing with the fact that there's a time to weep a time to laugh a time to mourn and time to dance how about in roman chapter 12 verse 15 it says rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep you know what you know what the problem is with a lot of people when it comes to these contradictions they try to simplify things too much see they'll say well we should love everybody well there's a problem you simplified it to a point where it's it's not realistic and it's not actually biblical and then they say well over here it says hey i thought we should love everybody show me where it says we should love everybody and let's talk about that so you see how silly these are it's basically this passage they're trying to say well over here it's saying to rejoice and be married and then over here it says they don't give you a coherent thought they're just saying like you know though they rejoice not like uh they that rejoice as though they they rejoice not it's like what it's not a coherent thought it doesn't make any sense but when you look at the context it's basically stating there's like a time when there's gonna be a time where those that rejoice aren't gonna rejoice anymore okay and anyway there's a time for every purpose so yeah there's a time to be married and there's a time not to be married there's a time to weep and there's a time not to weep there's a time to mourn there's a time not to mourn you know like all these things are true it's just the fact that that's life and the bible isn't saying to be happy all the time it isn't saying it isn't saying to be sorrowful all the time actually a lot of times saying rejoice be joyful and the joy of the lord but then it says let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to heaviness why because cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded draw an eye to god and he will draw an eye to you humble yourselves in the sight of god and he will lift you up because there's a time where if you're in sin and you're double-minded then you need to get right with god and it's not a time to be joyful and happy about it okay you need to you know get right with god and that's going to take sorrow mourning all that stuff now see how silly these are right we're getting to really just just silliness okay now this one i you know i'm kind of glad they brought up because this is one that's brought up a lot i think those other ones i don't really hear that i think they just kind of poke at the bible oh it teaches incest you know even though there's there's literally commandments against it it's like it's not teaching incest okay if someone does that like if you think of lot and his daughters do you think god condoned to that actually moab and the ammonites the moabites the ammonites weren't exactly blessed by god okay just to put that on the shelf there so just because that happens you know like incest happened in the bible doesn't mean that god condoned it and it doesn't make lots some reprobate either it's just the fact that you know obviously that was wicked what happened he wasn't even aware of it all that stuff but the bible just records things that happen listen does incest happen today does rape happen today does sodomy happen today yeah all that stuff happens does god condone of it no so if god recorded things that happen today of those things that are wicked and said these things happen that doesn't mean he condones it just as much as he didn't condone it when it was written back then now and go to exodus chapter 20 exit chapter 20 now this one is called this one's they say punishing crime which is funny because their whole tags are just off right but it's talking about in one place it says that the son's gonna bear the iniquity of the father and another place it says the son's not going to bear the iniquity of his father so they'll give like ecclesiastes i'm sorry not ecclesiastes ezekiel 18 where it says the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father no context let's not look at that any further and then we'll go to exodus 20 and says the lord thy god and uh i the lord thy god am a jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation generation and you know it basically says this is their explanation it says exodus 20 is talking about the visiting arms actually there is no explanation they just put those two verses together okay well let's look at context exodus 20 is talking about the second commandment verse 4 so exodus 20 and verse 4. Exodus 20 verse 4 says thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for i the lord thy god am a jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments now the interesting thing about this is that first of all you can look at this and say well it's not saying that the children didn't hate him right because you could say well he's visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the generate the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate me right and it's the generations of children that hate him after that but here's the thing this is a true statement when you think of like let's say uh you have a nation right and a nation just rejects god and just hates god well that's going to affect generations after that as far as the darkness that's there in that country because of that okay it's not saying that god is like punish that god is um individually you know punishing somebody for something they didn't do okay because that's what they're trying to say is that you know he's punishing these children because of something they didn't do it's just the fact that that's the climate that they're in and the climate is the way it is because of what the father did like four generations ago up to four generations ago and you'll see this in countries where they'll be like generations of like kind of darkness but then they'll be kind of like a revival and this happens throughout history where like the mongolians like they were like christian at one point if you didn't know that and they had like a christian leader and there was like all kinds of christians there but now what do you see a bunch of buddhists atheists and hindus over in those areas and then you have another then it goes over like think about in jesus day right where were the christians at he had some in jerusalem right but most of them were in asia minor and greece right and that's where you had the byzantine empire and and all that but then it moved toward like england right in england and i'm kind of skipping things here but just for sake of simplicity right england then became like the lighthouse of the gospel and then it moved over to america for religious freedom and then america became became that lighthouse so the idea though the sins of england for example is still being visited upon them from past generations in america you better be careful because your sins are going to cast a shadow upon this nation as well and that's what it's talking about now when they quote ezekiel go to ezekiel 18 20 because when you read the when you actually read the whole verse you'll see what the distinction is here because in exodus chapter 20 it's saying he's visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children he's visiting it okay it doesn't say that he's like punishing them right necessarily it's just saying that he's visiting them because of this iniquity and i do believe that there's like kind of like this curse that's upon them you know if you will because of what the fathers did and but at the same time that doesn't mean they can't get saved it doesn't mean that god doesn't want them to get saved it's just that that climate has been set up because of what the sins of the fathers did and that's why it is the way it is ezekiel chapter 18 and verse 20 notice what it says the soul that sinned it shall die now what are we talking about we're talking about capital punishment you see a difference here we're talking about someone dying someone being put to death exodus 20 is not talking about putting people to death it's just talking about the fact that these iniquities are being visited upon these generations afterwards right it says the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son the righteous of the righteous i'm sorry the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him what are we talking about we're talking about whether you die or live and exodus 18 is over and over again the soul that sinned it shall die exodus i'm sorry uh ezekiel 33 is the same way kind of talking about the same thing that the soul that sinned it shall die and it's basically stating that the son is not going to die for a capital crime that his father did and you want to see something that just explicitly says that go to deuteronomy 24 deuteronomy 24 and verse 16 so when it's talking about the iniquities of the fathers being put on the children we're talking about basically uh a nation being cursed or even a family being you know like if you think about it if your mother and father are a bunch of like god-hating atheists those children are in this kind of like dark bubble if you will that these it's it's it is affecting them would you not say that's affecting the children and if a nation as a whole rejects god and the leaders reject god will that not affect the next generation and the point he's getting across is that what your generation does will affect the next generation if it's bad it'll affect them in a bad way if it's good it'll affect them in a good way and that's what he's dealing with there and it's more so the fact that you know what it's just it's just this it's this snowball effect of you know what you choose to do will affect that next generation so parents same thing with us what we do as parents and while we're raising our children that will affect how they go okay but in deuteronomy 24 verse 16 it says the fathers shall not be put to death for the children neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers every man shall be put to death for his own sin so what it's stating here is that no son is going to get a capital crime or get capital punishment for what their father did and same thing the other way around the father's not going to get a capital punishment of crime for what his son did okay does that make sense that's very just bottom shelf so that's not a contradiction it's just the fact that you're talking about two different things you're talking about a capital crime not being put on a son or a father and then you're talking about the fact that hey this father over here you know basically commits all this iniquity and then that carries over to his son you know that's what happens and then that carries over to his next son and what it's basically saying is that the sins of this one father over here can go on to four generations before it's like kind of cleansed you kind of see this in the kings where there's like this this kind of like it's bad bad bad bad and then it kind of uh you know gets a little better then it gets a little better then it gets a little better right if you think of like uh uh asa and jehoshaphat and you go down that it's like it gets better better better better then it starts getting worse worse worse better better better better better best right and it's kind of like it doesn't just automatically all come into play at once it's like asa was pretty good but he wasn't as good as jehoshaphat does that make sense and so just things to think about there and it's not a contradiction at all it's just missing complete context and they do that on purpose if you think listen i okay they are dumb okay the fool has said in his heart there is no god okay so but here's the thing i do believe that they purposely cut out things when they're putting this in there right they don't want to give you that whole verse because someone might read this and be like well this is talking about being put to death and this one isn't so these are two different scenarios okay and so they want it to appear as if this is like some stark contradiction now the next one is dealing with temptation now this one has brought up a lot too this one is one that i've heard a lot of like mainstream atheists use and it has to do with abraham being tempted so go to um james they go to james chapter one i want you to go to james chapter one and they go to genesis 22 so genesis 22 says and it came to pass after these things in verse one that god did tempt abraham and you know the whole story right that he tells him to he tells him to take his son up to sacrifice his son and he was putting him on trial right it was a trial he obviously wasn't going to have him kill his son but he was testing them and temptation and tests are used like trials temptations tests those things are used a lot of times and you know synonymously but what they'll say is that well the bible says god doesn't tempt anyone is that what it says does it say it exactly like that because they'll go to james one and be like well he tempted abraham but then over here it says he doesn't tempt anyone well let's read that in james one verse 12 it says blessed is the man that endured temptation for when he has tried see how it's used synonymously he's trying him it's a trial right when he has tried he shall receive the crown of life which the lord hath promised to them that love him let no man say when he is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man so what's the what's being said here god cannot be tempted with evil so when it says he tempted no man it means with evil okay it's not saying that god doesn't tempt anybody it's stating that god cannot be tempted with evil but he also doesn't tempt anybody with evil like it goes back to that with evil okay is that it goes you're basically giving the one side that god doesn't tempt someone with evil and same thing with man or he can't be tempted with evil and he also isn't tempting anybody else with evil and notice that what is it talking about here when it's talking about temptation is it talking about god tempting them because notice what it says in verse 14 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed and what when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death so it's talking about being tempted with lust like your own lust is what causes you to be tempted to do these things and god doesn't use your lust to tempt you the context here is talking about being tempted with lust and then lust cause sin and sin causes death and god doesn't tempt people with like lustful sinful things okay that's what the devil does okay and so you gotta get context so every time they do that you know they're missing the part that god cannot be tempted with evil because they'll use the same logic or they use the same passage and say well this place says that they tempted god right because you'll find another verse where it says they you know like the children of israel tempted god or you know tempt not the lord thy god you know like you know thou shalt not tempt the lord thy god right that's like something that's said in the bible it's like well i thought he can't be tempted with evil okay and here's the thing jesus was tempted in the wilderness and they'll say well that's why he's not god because god cannot be tempted here's the thing though you can tempt somebody and not be tempted does that make sense right you could be like uh let's say you were tempted me with mayonnaise because that seems to be the popular thing that everybody loves to talk about right now mayonnaise let's say you're just like hey pastor i got some mayonnaise right here you know i got a whole bottle you know whether you want miracle whip or just mayo i got it okay and you're just tempting and waving this thing listen i'm not tempted at that at all like actually i want to go throw up thinking about it right now like no temptation right so do you understand that like basically satan tempted jesus but he can't be tempted meaning like he's not tempted by that okay it's not like it was like i almost sinned you know you almost got me devil you know no he can't be tempted okay because he's god but that doesn't mean people can't try to tempt you and you could try to tempt me with mayonnaise you could try to tempt me with beans but listen i'm not gonna be tempted with that be like i'm on a diet can't have any beans you're like you want some beans i made some i made some baked beans for you i'd be like no contest uh i mean do that all day long actually you'll make me diet better i'll probably throw up and lose some weight anyway so for all those that like beans out there i'm not against you but i'm just not a bean eater anyway do you see you get the point though okay you can be tempted like someone can tempt you and be trying to tempt you and not actually be tempted to do it okay and that's where you get into where they're saying well jesus isn't god because he he was tempted of the devil it just says the temp the devil tempted him that doesn't mean he actually was tempted of the devil okay so i hope that makes sense and you know in first peter chapter one and verse six it says wearing you greatly your joystone now for a season if need be you're in heaviness through manifold temptations that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold to perish it that it may be tried with fire might be found under praise and honor and glory at the appearing of jesus christ and so there's trials that are going through now there could be trials where where you know basically like satan or the world is trying to put you through trials and temptations of lust and all this different stuff or you could be dealing with trials that god puts you through think of jobe right jobe went through trials that wasn't dealing with lust it was dealing with god put him through a trial and abraham he put abraham through a trial okay and that wasn't dealing with lust okay james one is talking about lust it's not talking about like god putting you through a trial it's talking about like you're dealing with this lust and temptations of the flesh there's no temptation you taking you but such as is common the man that's what we're talking about in james one and they try to put these two together and say well when god puts you through a trial that's the same as you being put through trial of the flesh right of sin and lust you see how you can't just put those two together just because it has the same word in there can't doesn't mean they're talking about the same thing so that one falls flat on his face family relations okay i didn't name these this is what they said go to um go to luke chapter 14 verse 26 i've actually answered this verse before i've also heard uh mainstream atheists use this argument too you know obviously the bible says honor thy father and thy mother we're supposed to love our parents supposed to honor our parents uh there's there's big consequences for not loving your parents and all that but in luke chapter 14 verse 26 notice what it says it says if any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea in his own life also he cannot be my disciple so what is this talking about well go to matthew chapter 10 matthew chapter 10 because it's a very similar passage that's said here so we're supposed to hate our wives we're supposed to hate our children again you have to understand that there's there's there's you can't over oversimplify everything and say everybody gets the same treatment like every single person on this earth you should love everybody it's just not true it's not what the bible teaches the bible actually says shouldest thou help thee ungodly and love them that hate the lord therefore wrath is upon thee from before the lord and do not i hate them o lord that hate thee and says i hate them with perfect hatred so and by the way perfect means complete that means i completely hate them that means there's no love right that's like god saying there i hated them and will love them no more and and uh hosia chapter 9 verse 15 because they're all you know it goes into revolters and all these different things about certain people so what this comes down to is that there are certain people certain people can come to a point where we shouldn't love them anymore and they could be your your spouse they could be your child they could be certain people so this verse could be applicable to you but it's not necessarily applicable to you okay notice and i'll prove that to you because in matthew chapter 10 we're going to see something similar but it doesn't say hate in matthew 10 verse 34 it says think not that i am come to send peace on earth i came not to send peace but a sword for i am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's foes shall be they of his own household he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy than me now think about this whole scenario are all is my family are we all at each other's throats to serve god no but it can be and there's a lot of people where it is okay i mean you get saved but no one else in your family is saved and you're all at each other's throats but is that for everybody that's not me you know i don't have to worry about this right now because my wife loves the lord and and we're both following the lord so why would i need to like even look at this verse and be like worried about it go to mica chapter seven because what i believe is that matthew's 1037 this is dealing when you have a family member that's either unsaved or saved luke 14 is dealing with if you have a family member that is a reprobate if you have a family member that's a hater of god okay so know that there's a difference between someone that's saved someone that's just unsaved like a child of disobedience a child of wrath so you have a child of god right saved person child of disobedience child of wrath is just someone that's unsaved that needs to get saved and they don't get saved they're going to go to hell and then you have a child of belial you have a child of the devil and if you have a spouse or a child or you know whatever the case may be that's a child of the devil the bible says if you don't if you don't hate that person then you can't be my disciple does it say if you don't hate that person you can't be saved is that what it says because what another thing they don't understand is that there's a difference between being a child of god and being a disciple okay being a disciple is if you love me keep my commandments you'll be my friends and if you if you pick up your cross daily you'll be my disciple if you love me more than your family if you love if you hate even certain people in your family if it calls for it then you then you have to be you could be my disciple if you do that but if you don't do that you're not my disciple but nowhere does it say if you don't love father or mother more than me you cannot be saved it doesn't say that and it also doesn't say that even if you don't hate them you cannot be saved look at mica chapter 7 because matthew chapter 10 is quoting mica 7 okay where it says a man's foe shall be they of his own household that comes back to mica 7 okay so let's see what mica 7 is talking about it says in mica 7 verse 3 it says that they may do evil with both hands earnestly the prince asketh and the judge asketh for a reward in the great man he uttereth his mischievous uh desire so they wrap it up the best of them is as a briar and the most upright is sharper than a thorn edge okay so when you see thorns and briars your ears should perk up because i'm going to show you what that means he's not talking about you know he's likening these people into thorns and briars it says they the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh now shall be their perplexity trust you not in a friend put you no confidence in a guide keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom do you notice something that's being said he's being don't trust in them don't put trust you know don't like basically it's even the the her that lies in that bosom who do you think he's talking about talking about your wife right it says for the son dishonor the father the father rises up against her mother the daughter in law against her mother-in-law a man's enemies are the men of his own house so you're dealing with people that are like another thorns and briars and it says these enemies are the enemies are the the those that are in your own house and that's what jesus is saying is like you know father against son mother against daughter he's basically saying like these are family members that would be against you but ultimately in mica it's talking about children of the devil notice what says in second samuel chapter 23 and verse 6 second samuel chapter 23 and verse 6 second samuel chapter 23 and verse 6 and i'm going to try to blow through this because i want to get through these these atheist ones it says in second samuel 23 and verse 6 it says but the sons of belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away now you can read the rest of that and it's just saying the same thing the end is to be burned you know that which bear thorns and briars it says in uh in hebrew chapter 6 uh is is to be their end is to be burned okay it's rejected and nine the cursing their end is to be burned right and so we're talking about in luke chapter 14 what is basically stating here is that if you had a family member that was a thorn or briar or a child of belial and you are not willing to hate that family member you can't be his disciple why because shouldest thou help thee on the godly and love them that hate the lord therefore is wrath upon thee from the before the lord so how are you going to be god's jesus disciple if wrath is upon thee for loving them that hate the lord does that make sense and it's stating that even if it's a family member so it's funny to me when people are like the new testament never talked about hating anybody it says talking about hating your wife and hating your hating your child okay but it's not stating that listen i don't need to worry about this right now right because all my children are none of my children are reprobate none of my children hate the lord so why would i need to like does that make sense and if my family is not against me do i need to make a choice that listen i'm gonna love god more than you do i need to make that choice why would i need to make that choice does that make sense so neither one of these verses even apply to me right now but listen if my wife were to say listen i i you know i don't want to do this i don't want to do that i need to love god more than her and i need to make that choice and that distinction that listen i'm going to follow god and you know what i'm going to please god over you same thing children you know if you know when it comes to uh you know your parents or your you know your parents with your children you need to serve god over over you know over men you have to be god rather than men and we have to love god more than anybody on this earth and if they're against you and coming after you and at variance with you you need to love god more than them even a close family member and and luke 14 is hitting on a specific group that if if you have a family member that hates god and listen i bet every single person here has an extended family member at least that hates the lord now most people that would be saved you know what they're going to do be like well i love you you know i want to i want to reconcile with you is that what the bible teaches though and you know what that's a strong statement that jesus makes i personally love that it's in there because you know we have i you have psalm 139 and you have second chronicles 19 2 where it talks about we're not supposed to love those that hate the lord but luke 14 is in there okay and luke 14 is putting that on the i don't believe that that hate there means love less and i've heard people say that they'll say well that's just reiterating what matthew 10 says and it just means that you love them less you know like you hate them meaning like you just don't love them as much no i mean i believe hate means hate okay i believe a poor means a poor and in that case i believe it means hate but it's talking about if you were to have like a navel situation right abigail navel that abigail was not to love her husband in that case because he was a child of belial and you know what that's just what i believe the bible teaches on that now resurrection of the dead go to job chapter seven job chapter seven so there's two more and i want to just kind of quickly go through these the last ones just kind of i don't say laughable because there's a lot of people that get confused on on it but resurrection of the dead basically what they're stating here is that in job seven and verse nine it says he that go down to the grave shall come up no more and then it'll say in john 5 uh 28 that you know that they which are in the grave shall hear his voice and shall come forth so it's basically stating that the bible says there's gonna be a resurrection in job seven is saying you know they that go down to the grave shall come up no more well let's look at context this will answer this very easily by the way i i i don't want to read this for sake of time because we're running out of time but in job 19 he talks about the resurrection okay job 19 he's saying that though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall i see god so he's clearly saying my redeemer liveth you know i'm going to see him i'm going to be resurrected so it's not like job didn't believe in the resurrection but look at context job seven verse seven so they went to job seven nine and just kind of clipped this little portion here it says i remember oh remember that my life is wind we're talking about this life his life there mine eyes shall no more see good the eye of him that has seen me shall see me no more thine eyes are upon me and i am not as the cloud is consumed to manage the ways so he that go down to the grave shall come up no more he shall return no more to his house neither shall his place know him anymore now is job going to return to his house when he raises from the dead later on we're talking about like his physical life at that time what is your life it is even a vapor that appear for a little time and then vanishes away your life on this earth where you are literally walking on the earth and that you could live for god yeah that goes away and you're not going to go back to that okay you're not going to come back from the grave and just start living out your life and all that and and here's the thing is that the resurrection is a different type of body does that make sense you say well you know Lazarus was raised from the dead and all these yeah the exception proves the rule but that's not happening to most people okay obviously those are special miracles that happen with certain people that he raised from the dead and all that to be the case but if you're speaking on a general sense when you die you die and you're in the you're in the grave you're not coming back okay all those people in the cemetery they're not coming back to like start preaching hard or coming back to do anything right and obviously in the resurrection you're dealing with a different uh you know basically body and you're not going to be doing the same things that you're going to be doing that you would be doing in this physical body that you're here now and so they're just completely missing context the last one on their list was the end of the world and had to do with the timing so this really gets into preterism okay and the fact that uh they're basically stating that the bible teaches that he already came or he already should have come okay so it's not really it's not really a contradiction as much as that they're just trying to say that it's preterist view or something like that right so it's not like they're saying like basically they're saying that well the bible teaches that he should already come right it sounds a little familiar to second peter where it says uh where's the promise of his coming for since the father fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation right there's scoffers and mockers right it's almost like it's almost like it's just you know like self-fulfilling prophecy on yourself isn't it now what they'll use is matthew 16 28 go to matthew uh 17 but matthew 16 28 it says barely i say to you there shall be some standing here which shall not taste the death till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom so i've seen this many times and preterists like to use this preterist just means someone that believes that basically jesus already came and all these things have already happened right it's about the past it already happened in the past and it's a it's false doctrine it's not true but they'll use this passage to say well there's going to be people standing here that's not going to die until they see this happen okay that's their argument but they should have read the next verse which was the next chapter in verse one it says and after six days so literally six days later this happens jesus taketh peter james and john his brother and bring them up into a high mountain apart and was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sun and his raiment was white as the light you say well is this talking about his coming into his kingdom and that they're going to see this well go to second peter chapter one and it validates it and i'm going to say yes okay when he says you shall not taste the death till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom that happens six days later on the mount of transfiguration and you want proof of that all right who were the three people that were standing up there peter james and john right so peter second peter was written by peter notice what it says in verse 16 for we have not followed kind of devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our lord jesus christ but were eyewitnesses of his majesty do you see that peter says we were eyewitnesses of his majesty talking about the coming of the lord for he received from god the father honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased which by the way was said on the mountain of transfiguration if you go back to matthew 17 if you keep reading that story that's what it said god the father says that out of the cloud and they're all fearful obviously when they hear it notice in verse 18 in the voice which came from heaven we heard when we are with when we are with him in the holy mount so when did this take place in that mount of transfiguration when they heard this voice that said this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased and they said we are eyewitnesses and that's why he says in matthew 16 uh that some of you shall not taste the death till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom and they were eyewitnesses of it so yeah that's what happened then the other one and this was one we probably talked about before is this generation go to matthew 24 matthew 24 and then they go on to say like oh you know it's near you know and all that stuff and it's not really near and it really comes down to this is that the bible says the day you know one day is what the lord is a thousand years and and a thousand years is one day so when you're saying the time is at hand you know when revelation says that that means it could have it could happen you know that time of like the antichrist coming in yeah i mean that could happen at any time but you know what two thousand years later it still hasn't happened but to god two days right that'd just be two days to god but the last one i wanted to talk about is this generation they'll say well it was that generation that saw this in matthew 24 in verse 32 it says now learn a parable of the fig tree when his branch is yet tender and put his fourth leaves you know that summer is nigh now the parable of the fig tree you know what that's talking about that the stars are going to fall from heaven as a a fig tree uh casteth off or untimely figs when the heaven is rolled rolled away as a scroll and the sun and moon are darkened that's what we're talking about okay so it says in verse 33 so likewise when you see these things no that is near even at the doors what things the sun and moon darkened which is after the tribulation by the way and then it says verily i say unto you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled what are we talking about the generation that sees all these things come to pass right if you're talking to somebody and say hey learn this parable that when you shall see all these things come to pass what the sun moon darkened and you know the the stars falling from heaven which lines up with the fig tree parable right when you see these things come to pass this generation is not going to pass what generation the one that sees these okay it's not stating that well it has to be that generation that he spoke to at that time he's just saying hey this these people right here okay this people that see these things come to pass they're not going to pass away until all these things come to pass why because we know that jesus is coming in the clouds like that's the next thing to happen it's at the doors at that moment so you can you know when you can say that the day of the lord is at hand when you see the sun moon and dark darkened and the stars fall from heaven when you see that know this that you're not going to die until you see him coming in the clouds okay and so it's kind of funny because that's not really a contradiction that's just them like having some weird predator predator's view or something like that on that but that's the atheist.org um you know obviously none of that panned out for them um but that's why they think the bible is a joke you know and you know maybe they could come back and be like wow there's so many more then why don't you put it on your site why don't you put your biggest ones on the site if i took out your biggest ones guess what the next ones are going to be a joke all the rest should be easy because those were easy so you know what that's the atheist one but we'll get into the fun ones later i think those were fun too but we're getting through the numbers and the co-regency reigning and you know uh you know different things like that that i think will be fun to get into and some of you are like i don't want to do math i don't want to think about numbers um but uh i think it'll be fun to go through those so that's the end of the word of prayer today father we thank you for today thank you for your word thank you for uh you know a day that we can celebrate fathers and just uh pray that you'd help us to be good fathers and thank you for your word and that everything fits together and that there are no contradictions in the bible and that we can trust it fully and that we can use it and lord just pray that you'd be with us throughout this week and that we bring glory to your name in jesus christ name amen