(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 48 song 448 in your song books will sing brethren we have met to worship if you would stand we'll sing song 448 brethren we have mad to worship and adore the Lord our God will you pray with all your power while we try to preach the word all is vain unless the spirit of the Holy One comes down brethren pray and holy manna will be showered all around brethren see poor sinners round you something on the brink of woe death is coming hell is moving can you bear to let them go see our fathers and our mothers and our children sinking down brethren pray and holy manna will be showered all around sisters will you join and help us Moses sister aided him will you help the trembling mourners who are hard and sin tell them all about the Savior tell them that he will be found sisters pray and holy manna will be showered all around let us love our God supremely let us love each other too let us love and pray for sinners till our God makes all things new then he'll call us home to heaven at his table we'll sit down Christ will gird himself and serve us man all around and let's pray heavenly Father Lord again we just want to thank you Lord just for another day that we get to gather meet in your house and to hear your holy word preached I pray Lord that you would just be honored and glorified ever everything is said and done be with our pastor we love you and pray all of us in Jesus name Amen all right you may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books those blue folders there in your seats and turn to page number eight page number eight and your Mountain Baptist song books will sing some 126 on page number eight when the Lord turned again the activity of Zion we were lying them that dream then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us where of we are glad turn again our captivity Oh Lord as the streams in the south they that sow in tears shall reap and joy they that sow in tears shall reap and joy then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us where of we are glad he that going forth and weepeth bearing precious see shut down let's come again shut down let's come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us where of we are glad amen welcome out Baptist Church on this Sunday morning is this your Bible okay there we go found it so just some announcements here as far as services go today everything should be normal so we'll have our afternoon service at 4 p.m. and we'll have our soul winning time in between that at 1 o'clock today the women's prayer meeting is happening between the services and so if you can be a part of that then obviously stick around for that and then as far as the sowing times during the week just beyond the church group there as far as times locations all that stuff there this Friday we have the men's prayer meeting time and so that's on Friday at 6 p.m. so if you want to make it out to that you're more than welcome to in that we do also I just want to put it out there that we do give the opportunity for men to do like a 10-minute sermon or even just just a thought or something like that they've been reading and so we always want to just leave that open for an opportunity there but make sure you let us know when you get there that you want to do that so we don't forget about it or that we don't get too long-winded to where anyway we don't have time or something like that so so I just want to let you know that that's available there and then the soul winning marathon yesterday what was the final number on that I forget 11 praise the Lord so good job with all the soul winners that went down there and then we do have the upcoming soul winning marathon that's going to be in September so September 21st canonsburg PA so we're gonna be up in Pennsylvania we usually go up to Wheeling but canonsburg Wheeling you know Washington PA they're all around that area so if you can make it out to that that'd be great that that Sunday we're gonna be having our church anniversary service so we're gonna be having food and games and stuff like that so just some fun stuff to be between the services there on that Sunday so first times will be normal so as far as service times are concerned everything will be the same and then if you want to go so winning between those services when we have those fellowships you're obviously welcome to I'm not barring anyone from going this whole winning so but I think it's a good time for everybody to have knowledge of everybody's already here everything when it comes to that so as far as you have to memory for the month is first John chapter 1 and so first on chapter 1 we've been memorizing the book of first John so obviously coming into September we will be going into the first John chapter 2 so so first John chapter 1 is the shortest chapter so even even if you haven't started that you could probably get that down pretty quick and so 1st Corinthians 1 17 is our memory verse for the week for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect so that is our memory verse for the week and then birthdays what is today the 25th yeah so Denzel's birthday is Tuesday so you hit the big five oh is that is that what I'm hearing so so happy birthday to Benzel here coming up and then then we have here so Michael Jones I have to get him later and then Holly's is actually Saturday my kids there's always something you know but some kind of stomach thing not like a stomach bug necessarily but just stomach aches so I'm not sure what's going on there but so being prepared for my family there we're gonna be going on vacation next week so hopefully all that gets cleared up before then and so so we'll get we'll get Holly next time on the birthday there and but what we will sing happy birthday to brother Denzel so anniversaries so we have the candies right tomorrow 19 years you think okay so we get like a present for tabby you know like just because of like having to go through that for 19 years that's like more like an award is what I'm thinking of there so so and you're just living your best life yeah so so well happy anniversary I guess I won't have to sing that you can't sing it to yourself right so I'll do that I'll do the anniversary before you come up here so and then on the pregnancy list there Rachel house on the list there due in January so be in prayer for her and also keep the the McCloy family in your prayers there as far as that recovery process and everything there so twins so I can only imagine bringing up two babies so that being said that's pretty much what I have for announcements the offering boxes in the back there if you want to get an offering by the baby rooms for the mothers and babies only and I will go ahead and just sing happy anniversary to the Gandhi's here so maybe go back there and see your wife you can make her come up here she's holding a baby now if you don't stand up there's like a flogging that has to happen I was saying happy anniversary to the Gandhi's happy anniversary 19 years so 20 years there has to be like something special that happens right so let's say happy anniversary happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary God bless you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you and so brother Dave's gonna come we'll sing happy birthday to brother Denzel and we'll do another song and brother Wade brother Wade you're reading it's a brother Wade's gonna be reading mark chapter 16 that's what I told you right so mark chapter 16 after we do one more song all right take your song books and turn to song 472 song 472 in your song books we'll sing this is my father's world but before we do that get brother Denzel to stand up 50 years old brother surprising up so all right we'll sing happy birthday to brother Denzel ready happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday God bless you happy birthday to you okay happy birthday brother that is awesome all right we will sing song 472 this is my father's world add to my listening years all nature sings and round me ring the music of the spheres this is my father's world high rest me in the thought of rocks and trees of skies and see his hand the wonders run this is my father's world the birds their carols raise the morning light the lily wine declare their praise this is my father's world he in all that's fair and the rustling grass I hear him pass he speaks to me everywhere this is my father's world oh let me never forget that though the wrong seems off so strong is the ruler yet this is my father's world the battle is not done Jesus who died shall be satisfied and earth and heaven be one all right take your Bibles and turn to the book of mark chapter 16 mark number 16 in your Bibles mark chapter 16 and when the Sabbath was was the past Mary Magdalene and married the mother of James and Siloam had brought sweet spices that they might come and anoint him and very early in the morning first day of the week they came unto the sepulcher at the rising of the Sun and they said among themselves who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulcher and when they looked they saw that the stone was rolled away for it was very great and entering into a sepulcher they saw a young man sitting on the right side clothed in a long white garment and they were frightened and he said unto them be not a frightened you seek Jesus of Nazareth which was crucified he is risen he is not here hold the place where they laid him but go your way tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee there shall you see him as he said unto you and they went out quickly and fled from the sepulcher and they trembled and were amazed neither said they anything to any man for they were afraid now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils and she went and told them that had been with him as they mourned and wept and they when they had heard that he was alive and had been seen of her believe not after that he appeared in another form unto two of them as they walked and went into the country and they went and told it unto the residue neither believed they them afterward he appeared unto the 11 as they sat and meet and upgraded them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover and then after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God and they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following amen dear Lord let us hear the pastor today let's get something for a message and let us be edified in Jesus name I pray amen amen so you're there in mark chapter 16 and I'm preaching a sermon entitled baptism and the gospel baptism and the gospel and I'm gonna be preaching about that relationship of baptism and specifically the idea here is this verse and mark 16 16 he that believeth in his baptized shall be saved and there's a lot of there's there's past there's like a few passages in the Bible where people will try to go to to say that you need to be water baptized to be saved and this is one that they'll always bring up or usually bring up acts 238 different passages like that so I want to one just answer these passages but but also just kind of want to get into just baptism in general and how that relates to the gospel all of this and so when you're looking at this passage here I believe there's two ways to look at this as far as answering this or interpreting this and actually believe both these cases could there could be a secondary meaning as well when you're when you're dealing with this but one way of answering this first of all is the fact that what damned you is the unbelief right so when you think about this I can get I can believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and do a cartwheel and I'm saved right but if I don't believe I'm damned right it's really the believing and the not believing that is the crucial thing there right so when you think about he that believeth on him is not condemned but he the believeth not is condemned already you have not believed in the name the only begotten son of God and so but the question is is it says baptism here and I'll say this when you're looking through the Bible when people are getting saved literally the next thing you'll see is they're getting baptized or being commanded to get baptized in water and everything but the first thing is you have to note when looking at this is one is that there are more there's more than one baptism okay and let me just prove that to you go to go to Hebrews chapter 6 Hebrew chapter 6 I did a whole series or I guess where I was going through the the first principles of the doctrines of Christ and but I I hit on the different baptisms that are in the Bible but I want you to first of all see that there's a doctrine of plural multiple baptisms okay so when you see the term baptism or baptizes you don't always know exactly what we're you know it can be talking about water baptism but it may not be talking about water baptism and so when you're looking at this passage we don't know a hundred percent that this is talking about water baptism could be I'm not against people that would say yeah this is water baptism because I believe that well you know it doesn't say that if you're not baptized you're damned okay so like I said you can do a lot of different you can believe in Lord you can believe the gospel and do a lot of other things not that you're trusting in those things right it's not that you're believing in your baptism or believing in whatever believing in a cartwheel it's just the fact of the matter is is that you believe on Christ you believe the gospel you get baptized listen that person saved but if you don't believe that's what damned you okay so but what I want you to see here go to Hebrew chapter 6 and verse 1 here says therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on to perfection on onto perfection not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and a faith toward God so basically we're wanting to leave the first principles which is the foundations which is first salvation repentance from from dead works and faith toward God meaning that you're not trusting in your dead works to get you to heaven you're putting your faith in Christ alone for salvation but notice the next one that's mentioned there of the doctrine of baptisms notice the s there at the end is that it's not just one baptism as far as there's there's multiple types of baptisms okay and I did a whole series on this series on this where we're dealing with the baptism of the Holy Ghost that's that's a different baptism water baptism a physical water baptism there's there's the baptism of fire right he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire and he's talking about two different groups of people there and there's the bat that really the the ultimate baptism that were concerned with when it comes to gospel which is the death barrel resurrection okay so and what what it comes down to is that there's also there's a spiritual baptism okay and but let's first look at 1st Corinthians chapter 1 1st Corinthians chapter 1 what I want to show you is that there's a clear separation from the gospel and physical water baptism okay this is if you want to know a verse okay when someone says no you need to be baptized to be saved this is the verse I would go to is 1st Corinthians 1 17 this is your memory verse so if you want to know a verse that is a great verse to show people that hey listen water baptism is not a part of salvation this is it this is the one that I always bring up to like Church of Christ people or people that are all about water baptism and I've never heard them give well most of time they don't even give you an answer or they'll try to somehow speak it away but it is so clear that this is just a blatant in your face baptism is not a part of salvation okay and and we know this is talking about physical baptism because we're talking about physical men doing it you know performing it for other people okay so there's some cases where it's just like there's no doubt they're getting baptized with water right I mean the Ethiopian eunuch I'll bring up that story but it says what the enemy baptized they went down in the water and came up out of water very clear we're talking about physical water baptism but there's other cases where it's clearly not water baptism okay the baptism of the Holy Ghost clearly not water baptism another case where Jesus is talking about being baptized clearly not water baptism clearly not even the baptism of the Holy Ghost and so there's cases where it's very clear but then there's cases where you're just like well which one is this mark 16 16 is one of those where it does it doesn't give you that clear indication of are we talking about water baptism are we talking about spiritual baptism okay and I can see both arguments when it comes to that and I'm I'm standing before you saying I'm not a hundred percent dogmatic on which one it is but I'll say this is that I could see the argument for both and I'm going to show you the argument for it being spiritual baptism and but first of all I want you to see the separation of physical baptism when it comes to being safe okay so first Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 12 here it says now this I say that every one of you Seth I am of Paul and I of Apollos and I have Cephas and I of Christ is Christ divided was Paul crucified for you or were you baptized in the name of Paul I thank God that I baptized none of you but Crispus and guys now if Paul and first Corinthians one or first Corinthians 9 says I made all things all men that I might by all means save some but then he's a I thank God I didn't baptize anything right you know you got to know that there's there's a there's a contradiction there if he's like I'm gonna I'm gonna do anything I can to get people saved but I'm glad I didn't get any of you saved right I mean that's obviously ridiculous and he's saying that I glad I'd baptized none of you and because there's this there's this division basically like well Paul baptized me and Apollos baptized me and you can think of modern vernacular modern-day people what if you said well pastor Anderson baptized me or pastor Robinson baptized me or you know whoever right you could say that in a modern vernacular people and in the end does it matter who baptizes you does it matter that you're baptized in a new IFB Church or not you know basically you know is it really about the person that's baptizing you right or is it about you you know taking that step of obedience to do what's commanded and it's really between you and the Lord that's going on there right obviously I believe you should try to find a saved church that's gonna do it right and all that but we're not doing genealogies on who saved and and if it turns out the person that baptized you wasn't saved does that mean your baptism wasn't legit I don't believe that for a second I believe that you know obviously if you think the person saved and you're going there and you're getting baptized that's biblical then you know if that person turns out to be a Judas so be it that has nothing to do with your baptism and this is really talking about that aspect of who's baptizing you it's kind of a non-issue okay and this isn't a sermon on like who has the authority to baptize or whatever this is just I'm getting into the fact that there is a separation here of that in the gospel because it says verse 14 I thank God that I baptized none of you but Crispus and Gaius lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name and I baptized also the household of Stephanus besides I know not whether I baptized any other so he's basically naming off the people he baptized and he's like I don't know if I baptized anybody else but I'm glad I didn't baptize anybody else because of this issue that's going on and it says in verse 17 for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel now any intelligent person that's reading that that has any type of reading comprehension would understand that when you say he sent me not to baptize but the preach the gospel meaning that the baptism cannot be a part of the gospel because how can he send you to preach the gospel if baptisms a part of it but he's saying don't don't baptize them it is clear as the nose is on my face that baptism is not a part of the gospel okay and in this context we're clearly talking about water baptism it's very clear we're talking about Paul physically baptizing somebody and some you know and he's naming off people that he physically baptized and you know but then later on he's talking about how he's want all of them to the Lord and you know he there his children in the faith so obviously he's preached the gospel to them okay but it goes on to say you know not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect and so it kind of adds that in there too that hey no it's by faith coming by hearing him by the Word of God it's not about some flowery speech that you're giving it's about the power of the gospel now what is the gospel well in 1st Corinthians it gives us the definition of the gospel as far as if you want to know the nitty-gritty of what the gospel is go to 1st Corinthians 15 1st Corinthians 15 1st Corinthians 15 while you're turning there how about Romans 1 16 for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God and salvation to everyone that believe it to the Jew first and also to the Greek so what it is what gets you saved the gospel very clear the gospel is what to get you saved and Paul saying I came not to baptize but preach the gospel so how in the world can physical baptism be a part of salvation if that's the case and then Paul's over here just like I'm glad I didn't baptize any of you I mean you can't imagine what that makes Paul look like I'm glad I didn't get anybody saved I'm glad I'm glad I didn't have any part in you going to heaven like that's ridiculous plus it contradicts what he says later and so 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 it says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand by which also ye are saved so we're saved by the gospel this is what Paul preached to them it says if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain all this is saying is if you don't remember what I'm about to tell you then you're not saved right very clearly this whole chapter is talking about how there's people saying that there's no resurrection well if you don't believe in the resurrection you're not saved simple as that if you don't believe that Jesus rose from the dead that is part of the gospel okay so because then it goes on to say here it says in verse 3 for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures that's the gospel that's it the death burial resurrection and obviously there's a lot of details that you can look into in all those right the death the burial the resurrection as far as like all the details that are involved in there but really you know when it comes to the gospel it's very simple right you don't need to understand all the ins and outs of everything that's going on there okay you don't need to know that when Jesus rose from the dead he had the first before he saw the disciples and they can handle him he had to go take the blood up to the mercy seat right it's important for what the operation that had to take place but you don't really need to know all those details just as much as you know we get a lot of flack because we believe that Jesus soul was in hell for three days and three nights because that's what the Bible says but at the same time like I don't necessarily have to go through all the details as far as what was going on in those three days he was dead okay you believe he was dead and you believe he took his your sins on him and you believe he rose again the third day you're saved you're like well a lot of people say they believe that yeah well here's the thing they don't believe that he actually died for their sins though that's the difference between what most people believe and what the gospel is they believe that he died for some of their sins right and so that's really where the the brass tacks of the simplicity of the gospel is that you have to believe he died for your sins that means all of them and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day and that he physically rose from the grave he was seen and then he goes on to talk about hey he's physically seen of all these different witnesses and Paul obviously being the last to see him and so that's the gospel the gospel is the death barrel resurrection it says I came out the prayer Christ sent me not to preach the gospel but I'm sorry not to not to be the baptized but to preach the gospel Christ sent me not to baptize but the preach the gospel very clear water baptism not attached to the gospel and if it's not attached to the gospel then it's not a part of salvation okay now what you have to understand is that the death barrel resurrection the death and burial portion of the gospel is baptism okay it's it's listen baptism is just a word that means immerse okay that's why there's different types about there's baptism fire okay there's baptism water there's the baptism of the Holy Ghost what are we talking about being fully immersed in something either water fire the Holy Spirit it's talking about a total immersion right but when something it's basically completely immersed in something you can talk think about immersing somebody like you know I mean it could be anything okay so let's just leave it at that it could be anything and so in go to Romans chapter 6 Romans chapter 6 but I want to show you here that that the burial portion of that is what we're talking about when we're talking about baptism okay so when we baptize someone in water what we're doing is we're baptizing them in water bringing them back out is not the part like obviously that's so they don't die right like obviously that represents the resurrection okay so what do you have the death burial and resurrection okay and so the baptism portion of that is the death okay and so and what it really comes down to is that water baptism pictures what Jesus but what I'm gonna get to is that it pictures what happened spiritually the moment you believe the moment that you're you believe now listen whether mark 1616 is stating this you know or not doesn't change the fact that this is a true doctrine the moment you believe you're baptized in Christ fit spiritually speaking facts I will show you that and when it comes to this I can see how that fits in mark 1616 where it says he that believe it and is baptized and think about this what if I said he that believeth in is born again okay you're like well that I thought it was just believe but here's think who's ever believed that Jesus is the Christ is born of God right the moment you believe you're born of God the moment you believe you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise right you get you could insert a lot of different things there the moment you believe you're baptized in Christ the moment you believe you know obviously all that would be true okay but it's not like extra steps you got to take it's just what happens the moment you believe okay so Roman chapter 6 and verse 3 here now this is something that when I'm baptizing somebody I'm you know buried with him in death is what usually what I say buried with him in death and raise the walking in this of light okay now again when you baptize people I don't believe you have to say anything okay there's no script here as far I preach the whole sermon on water baptism and obviously I'm not this baptized in the name of Jesus only because I'm not a modalist okay but you know I I say baptize them in the name of the Father and Son the Holy Ghost because that's explicitly what Jesus said and at the end of Matthew but in the end like if I were just me if I were just like baptizing people and dunking them under water it doesn't say you have to repeat anything specific okay so but in Roman chapter 6 and verse 3 but I think it's wise to follow the model of what the Bible says on like what you're doing when you're doing that right and so Romans 6 and verse 3 it says no you not that so many of us as we're baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death notice there are we even talking about water here at all okay now we use this passage usually when we're baptizing with someone in water but listen that's because that's what that represents right I'm not saying I I am burying you in water right now and I'm bringing you up into the dry you know into the air okay so where you can breathe obviously that's physically what I'm doing right but what does it represent being buried in his death and raised to walk in newness of life and so knows what says here it says verse 4 therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death okay that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death so notice what's going on there is that when you believe on him as many as have been baptized into Jesus Christ we've been baptized into his death this happened spiritually the moment we believe we're baptized with him in death we were buried with him by that baptism that happened spiritually I'm gonna show you another place where it's very clearly talking about spiritual baptism okay and it says it says for we have been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall also we should we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection knowing this that our old man is crucified with him now let me ask you a question that did anyone literally get crucified right spiritually speaking though our old man was crucified so spiritually speaking think about this when you're when you're before you're saved your soul your spirit is the old man it's it's dead and trespasses and sins okay so what happens the moment you believe is that inward you know old man if you will that that spiritual part of you is buried with him in death crucified with him in death and raised with him and this is something that Ephesians 2 talks about you you have the quick end who are dead and trespasses and sins and and getting into that operation that happens okay something spiritual happens the moment you believe okay so in Romans chapter 6 I believe it's talking about what spiritually happens moment someone believes now obviously when we baptize someone with water that's what it represents right it represents what happened when you believed okay it's just a physical representation of that now go to Luke chapter 12 Luke chapter 12 verse 49 because I I believe this this verse these verses right here are talking about what Jesus as far hit as his baptism is concerned okay and talking about the death barrel resurrection that's gonna happen Luke 12 verse 49 it says I'm come to send fire on the earth and what will I if it be already kindled but I have a baptism to be baptized with and how am I straight until it be accomplished now notice the timeline here has Jesus already been water baptized yes okay so go back to Luke chapter 3 and John the Baptist is already water baptized Jesus okay has Jesus already been baptized with the Holy Ghost yes because when he was water baptized the Spirit of God came upon him like a dove and he even says to his disciples can you drink of the cup that I shall drink of and can you be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with and they said yes we can and he says yes you can right so that means that they can partake in that and they did right with the baptism of the Holy Ghost at the Pentecost okay so this is talking about something else isn't it and he's stating that this is something I'm going to do and how am I straighten until it be accomplished right and what are we talking about the cross we're talking about the death barrel resurrection and you know the baptism which is the ultimate baptism which is what we're talking about with the gospel okay the most important baptism is the baptism that Jesus accomplished okay that he was dead the first and the last was dead for three days and three nights it says I you know I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I'm alive forevermore and have the keys of hell and of death right so now go to 1st Peter chapter 3 now when it comes to answering a passage and again you know this is like I said when it comes to this if you believe that mark 16 16 talking about physical baptism and you just say hey you know it's the unbelief you know it's the believing part that matters there because it doesn't say he that believe it not and isn't baptized shall be damned I'm I get it right that's a simple way of answering that and that hey we're talking about physical baptism but you know you can insert a lot of different things that someone can do after they believe the gospel and they're still saved okay but when I look at a passage like that when it has baptism associated with salvation then my thought process is where else is there any other place where it mentions baptism and salvation right I mean just logically speaking okay is there another place where that's mentioned and there is one other place that I could find now maybe you come and be like there's another place that I can think of okay cool but this is the only one I can think of okay and again I didn't just read through the whole Bible last night or you know this past week to like make sure but you know I looked up all the places baptism were mentioned all that stuff and this is the one that that would pop into my mind as far as where baptism is mentioned with salvation so mark 16 16 no doubt says baptized saved right so you're you're looking at that and you're like okay is there another place that we can compare that to the where this would be mentioned and 1st Peter chapter 3 has baptism mentioned with being safe okay so let's look at that now this is another passage they'll go to it's funny I'm using a passage they'll go to to try to say you need to be water baptized to be saved and I'm gonna use that to prove my point here so and it's always funny that that's the way it works when it comes to false doctrine actually the passage that they are using to try to prove work salvation or something like that tends to be the best passage to disprove their argument right it's just taking that passage looking at the context me like actually this this actually completely disproves your argument Matthew 7 is one of the greatest examples of that right where you know it talks about I never knew you depart from me depart from me to work iniquity and they're like see you know you can lose your salvation except for the fact that it says I never knew you and Jesus says I know my sheep and they hear my voice and I give unto them eternal life and the Lord know with them that put their trust in him so if he never knew them guess what they never put their trust in him so boom gone and you go even deeper with that because that you can literally annihilate them with that that's actually one of the best eternal security passages in the Bible and so I actually like using that when they bring that up like I'm so glad you brought that up so because that's a great proof that these people weren't safe and they were trusting in their works so have fun with that have fun saying you you know you're trusting it you know that you believe that the Lord that Jesus is your Lord but you're doing good work to get to heaven so first Peter chapter 3 and no doubt this is more of a cryptic passage but I'm gonna explain this to you pretty quick okay so first Peter chapter 3 verse 18 first this portion here you have to understand has kind of it has a setup before it gets to where it's gonna talk about baptism it's gonna talk about being saved and all this stuff okay the setup here is verse 18 it says for Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit so what's the premise here Jesus Christ died and was quickened he died rose again okay so that's the premise of what's going on here by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison so by the same spirit that he was quick in he preached unto the spirits in prison those spirits in prison clearly if you look at Isaiah and all the other passages are talking about people that are unsaved people that are dead and trespasses and sins and the Bible uses a lot of different terminology to talk about people that are bound in sin or people that are unsaved this isn't talking about going to some holding chamber down in the center of the earth this is talking about the fact that he preached the gospel to the poor and to those that were broken-hearted into those that were in the you know in prison right he preached to them and he did it by the same spirit that he was quickened by so the same Holy Spirit that he that helped you know that was part of his resurrection was the same spirit that he used to preach to the spirits in prison and the same spirits in prison that were in Jesus day which sometime were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah meaning that guess what there was unsaved people back in the days of Noah too it says which sometime were disobedient when once the long-suffering God weighed in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that his eight souls were saved by water so we're talking about Noah and his family on the ark and it says they were saved by water which is obviously an odd thing to say right because I thought it was the ark that saved them right or you could say God saved them right but it says saved by water which the next verse I believe is gonna help you understand what's being said there it says in verse 21 the like figure so what's the like figure I personally believe the like figure is talking about Noah and the flood right the waters basically covered poor and it's very clear that the waters covered every the top of every mountain right it's very clear to mention that that there was not a part of the earth that was not covered with water completely immersed okay by water but that was a like figure and it says in verse 21 here the like figure went to even baptism doth also now save us so now we have another verse where it's saying baptism is saving us okay but let's look at context okay so it says that Noah and his family were saved by water the like figure okay we're into baptism death also now save us and notice in parentheses here it says not the putting of the way the filth of the flesh that is talking about that God destroyed all the flesh of mankind upon the earth okay so that's a like figure but what we're saved by is not that like figures not the putting of the way of the filth of the flesh it's not killing all those people that were violent and and all that on the earth because listen what was no one his family say from all the violence in the wickedness and he you know all the evil that was going on at that time they were all washed away with the flood okay they were all killed but it says but the answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ okay so I want you think about this what was the premise Jesus died in the flesh but was quickened in the spirit what's what we say by baptism by the resurrection of Jesus Christ okay because guess what if Jesus died but didn't raise from the dead if Christ be not raised your faith is vain and you're yet in your sins so we're saved by Jesus baptism by his death and burial and the reason we're saved by that is because he wrote again okay so when we're talking about being saved by baptism here we're talking about Jesus baptism the death burial and resurrection right specifically that whole package right but the baptism is talking about the death and the burial you're being immersed he was immersed physically in death but also spiritually okay I mean when it says that you know the Son of Man will be the heart of the earth for three days and three nights and it talks about in Jonah how the earth with our bars was about me forever I would consider that baptism and the fact that he was in a tomb with the stone rolled over he was completely enclosed in the tomb in the grave his body was completely immersed in the grave his soul was completely immersed in hell and what saved us is that he didn't stay there is that he was quickened by the spirit that he he was resurrected from the dead and so but if he didn't die for our sins then we wouldn't be saved either right so that whole operation has to take place there go to Colossians chapter 2 Colossians chapter 2 so out of all that if you don't believe me that there's a spiritual baptism that happens when you get saved I think Colossians 2 is gonna be leaving no doubt in your mind okay so and I got some other verses for you too on top of that but so this doctrine of being spiritually baptized moment you believe is no doubt like I'm a hundred percent dogmatic that that's what happens the moment you believe and that the Bible backs that up the question then comes into is mark 16 16 talking about that okay and I think it's very possible it is but in Colossians chapter 2 and verse 10 here it says in ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands and putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ now let me ask your question is that circumcision spiritual or physical I don't know how else you could say that besides just this is spiritual but circumcision right it's not made with hands right so we're clearly talking about something I mean think about when G when they talk about the tabernacle not made with hands are we talking spiritual we're talking physical anytime it says not made with hands it's clearly talking about something that's spiritual okay so the circumcision is being mentioned clearly spiritual okay notice the first well buried with him in baptism wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God who hath raised him from the dead that's exactly what we're talking about when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ we are buried with him in death we are crucified with him we are circumcised with him notice that all these things have physical applications to them right there's physical circumcision there's physical baptism there's physical crucifixion but this all happens spiritually the moment we believe and it says and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quick together with him having forgiven you all trespasses blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it so when we get say when someone gets saved this is all happening the moment they believe they're being born again they're being sealed by the Holy Spirit promise they are being baptized they're being circumcised right these all these things are happening okay it's not a matter like oh man there's a whole other list of things I got to do no that happens spiritually without you having to do anything to do that okay this is what God is doing when you believe on him okay he is baptizing you with himself he is circumcising you he is you know sealing you go to Titus chapter 3 chapter 3 you didn't believe that one type chapter 3 I don't I'm not saying no one believes me I'm just saying that there's a lot of proof when it comes to this as far as what happens spiritually how about this even physically speaking what's the what's the operation of the resurrection you're buried you're physically you're the seed is planted right and then you're resurrected from that right that's the whole point of burial is that you're basically planting it into the ground and then you know that's basically a baptism type of picture there as well also it's a planting type of picture there's a lot of different ways to explain the same thing and the Bible does this over and over again salvation is explained in how many different ways but it's the same salvation it's just different ways of explaining the same thing now type chapter 3 verse 4 it says but after that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us okay so praise the Lord I use this verse out all the time now it's all winning not by works of righteousness we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost when anybody say that's not a part of salvation well it is but here's think by faith we have salvation and the moment we believe there's this washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost that happens the moment you believe guess what also happens you're buried with him in death and you're raised to walk in in his life spiritually speaking you know what also happens is your circumcised spiritually speaking with Christ you're crucified with Christ the moment you believe on him and it says which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our our Savior that being justified by his grace we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life what the Bible in a lot of cases is showing you that hey listen here's the simple facts believe in Lord Jesus Christ thou shalt be safe believe on the Son of God and you'll have eternal life but here's here's what there's a lot of things that happen the moment that happens you have eternal life your child God you know just going down the list of things that happen the moment you believe you're made a new creature now that gets into being a child of God but you know if any be in Christ old things are passed away behold all things are new that that happens the moment you believe the moment salvation takes place so go to Galatians chapter 3 Galatians chapter 3 let me show you a place where faith and then the next turn saying baptism where I believe this is specifically talking about spiritual baptism okay so I'll say this answering mark 1616 with the fact that you know basically you can believe into a cartwheel and you're still be saved as long as you believe the gospel right because if you believe the gospel guess what that means you're not believing in baptism by definition right because baptism is not a part of the gospel by definition so if you're believing in the gospel then you're not believing the baptism saving you and then you get baptized guess what you're saved if you believe you know the gospel and you get baptized and you go to church you're saved if you believe the gospel you get baptized you go to church you go out soul winning you're saved right if you could say all those things and you still be saved guess what you believe the gospel and you don't go to church you're saved you believe the gospel and you don't get baptized you're saved but the thing is is that that's that's pretty easy to answer and so I get that you know Occam's razor type of mentality of like the easiest explanations usually the right explanation but I don't think that this is out out of out in left field to think that this could be talking about saying he that believe it then is baptized meaning that it'd be like saying he that believe it in his born and is born again is safe right he that believe it and is sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise is safe because that's what happens when you believe okay that's definitely a true statement the question is is that what it's saying right there's a lot of times where there's good doctrine being preached in a passage you know think of James 2 there's there's a lot of sermons I've heard where the doctrines good but I don't believe that it's necessarily talking about that and you know that's the question that comes in the case in the case of mark 16 16 but anyway in Galatians chapter 3 and verse 26 it says for you're all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus so we're talking about you obviously you're a child of God moment you believe for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ so we're talking are we talking about being baptized in the water and being baptized in the Christ right which is what it says in Romans chapter 6 we're buried with him in baptism and we're baptized into Christ it says there is neither Jew nor Greek now there is neither bond nor free there's neither male nor female for you're all one in Christ Jesus and if you be Christ and are you Abraham's seed and errors according to the promise so here I believe this is all talking about salvation it's just talking about what happens after you believe when you believe you become a child of God when you believe you're baptized into Christ when you believe you're sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise when you believe you know you're circumcised you're buried with him you're crucified with him like all these things are happening the moment you believe okay and so it's very possible that mark 16 16 is talking about that now here's thing you say well where's the precedent in mark that would suggest that well I'll say this is that mark does talk about the fact that John was baptizing with water but that he was gonna also baptized with the Holy Ghost right that there was gonna come one half after him that's gonna baptize with the Holy Ghost but it also says that he preached he baptized and preached the gospel or the baptism of repentance okay so there is a difference between water baptism and the baptism of repentance you're like what's the difference I thought the baptism repentance was the baptism well Acts chapter 19 says that that John the Baptist baptized with the baptism of repentance saying that they should believe on him that should come after him that is on Christ Jesus so the baptism of repentance that he's preaching is the belief on the Lord Jesus Christ now you could say well maybe the baptism is the result of the repentance of them believing on him that should come after him and that baptism is what spiritually happens and then they get baptized after that because what I believe is that John the Baptist wouldn't baptize people if he didn't believe they actually repented if they actually believed it okay and acts 19 is a case where people got baptized and they didn't believe it but you can't blame John for not knowing everybody's heart right and then Paul had to say they said we don't even know if there be a Holy Ghost in the same passage where he's talking about that he says that there's coming one after him that's gonna baptize with the Holy Ghost and they're like we don't even know if there is a Holy Ghost right read John 1 and tell me that you don't think that John was preaching about the Holy Spirit okay so they obviously didn't believe right okay so that being said there can be a precedent meaning like there's something that comes before that that would kind of allude to maybe a spiritual application to the baptism there so you know in the end I think both have valid arguments I think both are true in the fact that obviously the doctrines true in both those right and in a lot of cases you'll see baptism that physical baptisms immediately following salvation or so after someone believes and get so water baptism is usually very well like block step with each other so I can see that argument as well Matthew 28 is the fact that teaching all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Ghost you know and then teaching them to observe all things that the Great Commission right getting people saved getting them baptized and getting them to observe all things and so I can definitely see the argument that well I think Mark 16 16 is just basically an abridged version of Matthew 28 get it right and I'm not against that I'm not saying that that isn't right I'm just saying that there's definitely a case to be made that that can be talking about what happens the moment you believe okay because that definitely is true the moment you believe you are baptized into Christ Jesus right you are washed by the regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost facts that is true but it you know that that's something to just think about there so go to Acts chapter 8 because I do want to show you that you know we do believe in water baptism as far as that is an ordinance that is something that we are commanded to do after we believe but I want you to see here that Philip is gonna preach to the Ethiopian eunuch and what I want you to know this is that Philip's not like pressing him to be baptized actually the eunuch is the one saying I want to get baptized it's like well Paul's like thanking the Lord that he didn't baptize anybody the Ethiopian eunuch is not even pressing the issue it must not be a part of salvation if it's that crucial if it's like crucial for salvation then what is what is Philip doing what is Paul doing you know how about this Jesus didn't baptize anybody did you know that John 4 says that the Pharisees they knew that Jesus baptized more than than John and his disciples is this but it says though Jesus himself baptized not but his disciples meaning this is that the people that were following Jesus were baptizing more people than John did okay so showing you that Jesus ministry is obviously bigger than John's but Jesus didn't physically baptize anybody so did Jesus not get anybody saved you know it was Jesus not really preaching the gospel when he says repent and believe the gospel do you not care about anybody because he wasn't getting a baptized these are big questions to ask yourself now it's us it's not it's not saying back physical water baptism isn't important just as much as reading your Bible going to church and all these things are obviously important but there's a clear separation of water baptism and salvation okay go to Acts chapter 8 verse 29 it says then the Spirit said unto Philip go near and join thyself to his chariot and Philip ran thither to him and he heard him read the prophet Esaias and said understandest thou what thou readest and he said how can I accept some man should guide me and he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him the place of the scripture which he read was this I was led as a sheep to the slaughter and like a lamb dumb before his shearer so opened he not his mouth in his humiliation his judgment was taken away and who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth and eunuch answered Philip and said I pray thee of whom speak is speak at the prophet this of himself or some other man then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus okay so he's preaching them the gospel using Isaiah 53 great passage to use right it says in verse 36 and as they went on their way they came unto a certain water and the eunuch said see here's water what doth hinder me to be baptized so who's asking to get baptized here is is is Philip asking the eunuch to get baptized no actually the eunuch is saying that now I'll say this I believe that Philip talked about it right or else how the eunuch even know about it right so I don't think that Phillips is it like never mentioned like how did you even know about baptism the fact of the matter is is that he desired it and notice what it says here in verse 37 which by the way you won't find in the NIV or the ESV okay they take this verse out this is what that hinder me to be baptized verse 37 and Philip said if thou believe us with all thine heart thou mayest any any answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God now that's how you're saved who's he that ever come with it but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God who sort of believeth that Jesus is Christ is born of God that that's salvation but then it says that's the requirement though to get baptized okay so get physically baptized in water the only requirement is that you're a believer okay verse 38 and he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went down both into the water both Philip and the eunuch and he baptized him and when they were come up out of the water so when people are like oh no sprinkling one you don't know what baptized what baptism even means right look up the definition but also Jesus came up out of the water went into the wilderness this Ethiopian eunuch comes up out of the water and goes in the wilderness John was baptizing where there was much water on purpose because in order to baptize somebody you have to completely immerse them okay it says the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip that the eunuch saw him no more and he went on his way rejoicing and Philip was found at Azotus and passing through he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea okay so we see we do see a clear example as far as what we're supposed to do after we believe and that is the physically get baptized but what does that represent it represents the spiritual baptism that happens the moment you believe it represents what Jesus did okay and what you see is that Jesus obviously died was buried and rose again a third day and I don't know if you really get much pushback on the fact that that's considered baptism in the Bible right that that's considered a type of baptism okay I can't imagine someone would be like no never mentions it when it clearly states it in so many different places so the thing is that what the Bible does in a lot of cases it's constantly saying that were buried with him that were crucified with him and the idea there is that he died with all our sins on him so therefore we are when we believe on him it's it's basically we're in the same motion that sees it because we live because he lived because he lives that's what the Bible says and so constantly you'll see that that linking up of like he was buried we're buried he lives we live I mean even when you get into discipleship he carried his cross we carry his cross he suffered we suffer right that's we're supposed to be following his steps when it comes that when it comes salvation spiritually speaking we're following him in that now we're not physically having to do that spiritually that's what he does with us that's what God does that's what spiritually is happening there and that's where you get into the washing and regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost that's spiritual baptism that happens okay go to Acts chapter 2 I have to hit on Acts 2 38 because you know what if I'm talking about baptism in the gospel I got to talk about this verse okay this is the John 3 16 of the private Pentecostals the Church of Christ like this is it right of course in all these cases when they bring this up they loot they don't have contacts in a lot of cases they're not actually seeing what's being said so before we get into verse 38 let's look at verse 37 it says now when they heard this now that's gonna be important because they're asking a question based on something they heard and you probably listen to what was said but they're that they're saying we heard this therefore this is our question I'm gonna show you that but it says now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and sent unto Peter and to the rest of the people and rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do now do you notice that this question is a little different than what must I do to be saved okay when we see that question asked in Acts chapter 16 then we should be seeing what it takes to be saved okay and what was stated there believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now shalt be saved in thy house guess what no mention of baptism no mention of anything else so but here it says what shall we do well there's a lot of things you should do I mean if you if some unsaved person came up to me and said what should I do well you should get saved first of all right believe in the Lord Jesus Christ then you should get baptized you should go to church read your Bible you should eventually you know learn it go soul winning be a witness for Christ and and here's by the way here's some other things to do right and I just laundry list of things that the Bible is telling us that we should do love your wife love your children and all that right there's a lot of things you should do and listen they asked John the Baptist the same thing they said what should what shall we do and after they were baptized okay so these are people that believe they got baptized they said what should we do and he's like to the to the soldiers like well I'll be content with your wages and do violence no man and it's like okay but is that what you have to do to go to heaven right people would literally look at that me like see to go to heaven you got to be content with your wages and do violence no man it's like like no mention they're not saying what do we have to do to be saved they already done did that okay they already done believed what they need to believe they've already been baptized physically and now they're asking what do we do now okay so notice it doesn't say what must we do to be saved or what shall we do to be saved but these are unbelievers so obviously salvation should be incorporated in what they should do okay so let's look at the the the famous acts 238 it says then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost so when you're looking at this what you have to understand is that grammar matters okay when you're looking at this and what you have here is that repent and then you have a comma there and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins comma and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost basically if you took out the the middle portion there the baptism for their mission of sins you would have repent and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost okay that's salvation okay that's that's basically you're getting your your and I'm beginning to into what are you repenting of right remember that the word repent has to have some kind of context to it or you're gonna be kind of lost on what you're dealing with there right repent believe the gospel okay well we're talking about believing the gospel so I need to repent of whatever I'm believing and then over here you need to put my faith in the gospel right if I said go down the road and turn you're gonna be like where am I turning okay what direction you have a lot of questions for me okay but obviously there was a whole chapter that was just state there was a whole sermon that was preached essentially to these guys and so when it says repent they're repenting of something specifically which is they're repenting of rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ okay they had Jesus killed okay and so obviously that's what they're rejecting they have to not reject Christ and accept him right they were not believing on Christ they need to believe on him they were not calling upon name of the Lord for salvation they need to call upon name over salvation I'll show you that but what I want to mention here though what what's this what about the baptism part here well it says be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins what you have understand is that the word for doesn't always mean like in order to get something okay you know if I went to the store for Oreos or something like that or Reese cups notice that I'm always bringing up sweets that's what's in my mind obviously the four there is talking about like in order to obtain right but if I said I'm gonna take an Advil for a headache you know that no one's taking an ad get a headache right they're taking an Advil because of a headache okay if I said if I had a sign out there and I had a picture of somebody on there I said wanted for murder okay I'm not putting a I'm not putting an ad out for an assassin okay saying like hey help wanted I need to murder somebody okay okay it wanted because they committed murder okay so this is very simple concept you're getting baptized because of the remission of sins and the Bible is very clear that how do you receive the remission of sins by faith it says in acts in many places in the Bible it's by faith that you receive the remission of sins okay so you receive the remissions sins by faith but you get baptized because of that okay and it just gets into the fact that that's the reasoning behind it okay you know why do we what's the purpose of physically getting baptized in the reason I believe this is physical baptism because you say well is this spiritual well go down and keep reading there it says for the promises unto you and to your children it's all that are far off even as many as the Lord our God shall call and with many other words did he testify and exhort saying save yourselves from this untoward generation then they that gladly received his word were baptized in the same day there were added unto them about 3,000 souls so I believe they physically got baptized he's physically telling them to basically believe and get baptized right now what are they repenting of well look at verse 21 okay and I'm not gonna read the whole thing that Peter says because for sake of argument but look at verse 21 there he's quoting off Joel okay because they're talking about how obviously all these you know the disciples are basically speaking with other languages that they normally wouldn't verse 21 it says and it came to pass that whosoever shall it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved so when it comes to salvation the only thing that you'll see in here about salvation is calling on name Lord actually but then it says he meant of Israel here are these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you by many miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as you yourselves also know him being delivered by the determinant counsel and foreknowledge of God notices ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain so he's speaking to them directly right whom God has raised up having loose the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holding of it now let me ask you a question that right there's the gospel isn't it that you killed him but he was raised up and then he gets into more information about that right Peter just goes into more detail about it when it talks about you know his soul is not left in hell neither especially did see corruption look at verse 36 therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye crucified both Lord and Christ then he says they say what shall we do repent of what of rejecting Lord they can't repent of killing him right necessarily because he's already that already happened but obviously they have they they rejected the just and holy one right they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and they had him killed and he's saying repent which is stop rejecting him how about you did you didn't believe now believe and call upon the Lord for salvation that's what's being said there so context matters when you're looking at what are we repenting of now obviously these same people that will say you need to be baptized to be saved will say well you know you need to repent it for sins yet it never mentions anything about sins in there does it now how about just repent of rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ and accept them accept them as he's the Savior he is the true God he is the one that that was the sense to save you from your sins okay and I'm running out of time I was gonna show you in action in your homework acts at the end of Acts chapter 10 when he preaches the God when when Peter preaches the Gospel of Cornelius as he's speaking the Holy Ghost came upon Cornelius and his whole family and it says can any man forbid water that these should be baptized as well as we you know that have received the Holy Ghost as well as we okay so this idea that well no you don't get the Holy Ghost to your baptized what about Cornelius and his family I mean it's literally brought up can we refuse to baptize these guys that have received the Holy Ghost it's like well that's a different type than they had as well as we right it's like it's the same Holy Ghost they received they received it and it's like should we for we can't forbid them to be baptized then that wouldn't make any sense like but you know no you need to be baptized to receive the Holy Ghost doesn't make sense okay no when you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ you receive the Holy Ghost and you're sealed with that Holy Spirit promise you get that gift of the Holy Ghost okay and should I go to John 3 is that one even worth going to go ahead and go to John 3 I got like four minutes here or something like that actually that clocks fast anyway so I can just keep going right guys trying to trick me what time is it yes yeah I got more time I this one is so ridiculous this one is just so easy the answer I gotta answer it because people still bring this up all the time like I'll just be like well you need to be baptized water or you need to be born of water see I already slipped into baptize of water because that's what they try to say in this passage okay John 3 famous story of Nicodemus coming to Jesus by night and and asking and talking to him and Jesus is saying to him you must be born again he's confused about that he's like how can I be born when I'm old can I enter the second time and my mother's will be born right I actually just read this to my girls last night and we were just kind of laughing about the idea I mean even children know like that's funny isn't it to think that like you can literally be born physically again right when you're old okay but that's obviously not what Jesus is talking about it says in verse 5 there Jesus answered verily verily I say entity except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God now people will just take that and they'll just run with it be like see you need to be born of water now first of all is that a little backwards right don't you have to be born of the Spirit first before you before you get baptized right I mean unless people are just like I'm not a believer I'm getting baptized right now and now I'm gonna become a believer right so it's kind of backwards in that aspect of getting baptized with water and then you know going the spiritual route or maybe they're just saying well you get baptized with water and then you then you get baptized with the Holy Ghost after you get baptized with water anyway all that is malarkey right that's just all like made-up stuff because the next verse literally answers what is stating and it says verse 6 that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit of Spirit now who here has played those games where you have like you try to match what's alike right and there's like words that match or pictures that match when you were look if you're looking at these two verses okay which one when it says born of the water born of spirit which one matches in the next verse is it that which is born into the spirit of spirit yes right so that would be clearly what matches well you know process of elimination that which is born of the water is that which is born of the flesh is flesh because everybody knows it's ever had a child or you don't have to have a child to understand that children are literally born in fluid in a sack of water okay that's why you could even have water births right and anybody ever think you're like why is someone in a swimming pool giving birth like aren't they gonna drown it's like no they're coming from water okay they're already in water and they're breathing through their mother's you know umbilical cord all that so I don't want this isn't a birthing lesson but the idea here is that the breaking forth of water is what causes the birthing brought you know like that's the process of birth okay so it's very clear when we're talking about being born of water it's basically saying in order to to be born again to be saved is that first you got to be born okay you have to be physically born and they'd be born again is being spiritually born and that is by faith because in John 1 it says as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name now the last thing that I'll mention here is in Romans chapter 4 Romans chapter 4 is a great passage on many levels one it's a great passage because it shows you that salvation has always been the same okay Abraham believed God and it was imputed on him for righteousness right or it was it was it was counted on him for righteousness like that's James 2 says but it's counted on him for righteousness but the hymn don't work it not believes on him justified thing godly his face is counted for righteousness David also described at the blessedness of the man under whom God imputed righteousness without works right and so before the Old Testament Abraham was justified by faith not by works in the Old Testament David was justified by faith not by works okay now what's interesting is that there's this comparison in New Testament a lot of times with circumcision and baptism because baptism is pretty much the circumcision of the old right it's like the New Testament circumcision if you will circumcision not in the Old Testament only applied the men right baptism applies to men and women okay but the same concept is true look at Romans chapter 4 and verse 11 just to show you this okay because and in Romans chapter 4 verse 10 it says it's talking about well look at verse 9 okay and I don't want to promise anything because I don't want to be a liar but I'm saying this is probably my last place I'm gonna go to here but Romans chapter 4 verse 9 it says cometh his blessedness then upon the circumcision only or upon the uncircumcision also for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness how was it then reckoned when he was in circumcision or non-circumcision not in circumcision but in uncircumcision meaning that when he got saved he was not circumcised okay but then it says in verse 11 it says and he received the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised so do you see how this is still this applies baptism is a seal of the righteousness that you had you know thank kind of like when you get married you put a ring on this is the seal this is like the sign right this is the sign that I'm married right well physical baptism is kind of the same principle it's a it's a it's a sign or a seal the righteousness that you had before you were baptized okay because it's by faith not by works and by the way baptism is a work and in Acts chapter 10 where talked about it says he commanded them to be baptized it is a commandment to be baptized so when it comes to what what is water baptism it's basically like putting on a wedding ring and saying I'm married but if you never put on the wedding ring guess what you're still married it's just like physical circumcision if someone didn't fit do you think that name in the Syrian went to hell because he didn't get circumcised and join the nation of Israel no I mean he's just as much saved as anybody else okay but that circumcision is a sign of the righteousness which he'd had being yet uncircumcised okay and water baptism is a sign of the righteousness that you have before you were baptized okay it's the same principle and we see these things paralleled in the New Testament as far as circumcision and baptism and hopefully all that makes sense so I'm gonna end there I think it is past my time at this point even though the clock who knows so we're about there so let's say we were a prayer down the father we think today thank you for your word and just prayed you'd help us to understand these doctrines and Lord specifically Lord for when it comes to preaching the gospel and being able to give an answer to every man that asketh us the reason of the hope that's in us and Lord that will have good answers and be able to show them verses that would help them understand and Lord just paid to be with us throughout the rest of this day and praise be able to go out soul winning in Jesus Christ's name Amen but if you come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song number 50 song number 50 in your song books we'll sing peace perfect peace if you would stand we'll sing song number 50 he's perfect peace in this dark world of sin the blood of Jesus whispers peace with and he's perfect peace with sorrow searching round on Jesus bosom not but calm is found he's perfect peace our future all know Jesus we know and he is on the throne he's perfect peace that shadowing us and our Jesus has vanquished death and all its