(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Let me fast, let me stand, in the hollow of Thy hand. Keep me safe till the storm passes by. When the long night has ended and the storms come no more, Let me stand in Thy presence on that bright peaceful shore. In the land where the tempest never comes, Lord, may I dwell with Thee when the storm passes by. Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more, Till the clouds roll forever from the sky. Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand. Keep me safe till the storm passes by. Amen. Yeah, leave that for me. So, amen. Welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday morning. And so, definitely, it shouldn't be raining. I hope not when we go out soul-winding. But the spring weather, so the allergies are high, but also just the colds are out there too. So be in prayer for anybody that can't make it into church right now because of, you know, sicknesses, allergies, stuff like that. But just some general church announcements here. We have the normal service times today. We're going to have the soul-winding time at 1 p.m. And so, give you a little time to get some lunch and then get back here, get teamed up, and we'll go out soul-winding this afternoon. And so, and then don't forget about soul-winding times that are on Monday and Tuesday. So Brother Richie is heading up the one on Monday and then Brother Charles leads up the one on Tuesday. Be in prayer for Brother Richie. His car broke down and he had to get it towed. I guess they were taken down to Summersville. That's where his parents live. So I'm not sure, you know, if there's a mechanic there they trust or what's going on there. But be in prayer for him because obviously he needs to get that fixed so he can get the work and all that by Monday. And so, hopefully all that works out. But he was texting me about that and they've been kind of in and out of being sick. And I think a lot of you and a lot of everybody's been kind of dealing with that. So, but just be in prayer for that as far as that goes. Upcoming events. I changed the men's prayer meeting to be four in a week. Four in a week. So it'll actually be this Friday, right? Yeah, this Friday. And so instead of the next Friday because I'm going to be out of town that Friday. And so I wanted to be here for the men's prayer meeting. Plus that also keeps it from being back to back with the women's prayer meeting tea party time there. Obviously the women's prayer meeting will be May 1st there on that Saturday. So hopefully as many people can come out for the men's prayer meeting and the women's prayer meeting there. And then our Bible memory. We're still on Psalm 16 for our chapter memory. And then Galatians 1-8 is our memory verse for this week. And Galatians 1-8. And actually if you get Galatians 1-8 and 9 down, those are two coupled together. And I'm going to misquote. I'm trying to figure out how it starts because I'm thinking of verse 9 there. But though we are an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. But it says, as we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. So the second verse is a little different, but you know, I always like to have those both together. But that'll be pertinent for the sermon this morning. But it's also a good verse to have memorized as far as knowing that there are people out there that pervert the gospel and have other gospels, if you will. And then birthdays. We're going to have to get jaundy when they get back. I know they've been kind of sick and all that stuff, but we'll have to remember to sing happy birthday to jaundy. And then Bethany, and then I don't, well, actually everybody on here is not here, so it doesn't really matter. And then pregnancies, be praying for Ms. Joyce, Ms. Tabby, but we'll also have an exciting announcement that the Shane family are actually expecting. So excited about that. So definitely give them a congratulations and anastasia and all that. But we'll definitely be putting her on the list there. But that's why I say, you know, you've got to be praying for those that you don't know about. But that's exciting. I think Holly was telling me that we have 27 children that are five and under at our church. And of course I was talking about how our church is like 50%, over 50% children. But yeah, so that's five and under. I think we have like 40 kids, you know, all together or something like that. So we want to keep that 27 five and under, so just keep having kids. No, I'm just kidding. But I'm not really. But that's exciting, being in prayer there, but also being in prayer for those that are wanting to have kids and all that stuff. So that's always a sensitive subject, obviously, when you're dealing with kids and being excited for people that are having kids and all that. But just pray that the Lord's will is over the families of this church when it comes to that. And then, there was something else I was supposed to talk about. I was supposed to mention. And I need a list right here. What was I supposed to mention? I'll think of it later on. Well, one thing I did want to bring up is being in prayer for the Mejia family. And so we're going to be sending him personally a gift as far as they got their personal van stolen. But also he's just dealing with that whole situation, you know, that people are staking out his home and they know where he lives, all this stuff's going on. So my prayer is that anybody that would even think about getting close to that family, that death would seize upon them, they'd go quick down in the hill. That's my prayer. And obviously, I pray that God takes care of it. You know, on the lesser end, I hope they get caught by the police and they're judged to the full extent of the law. So I hope that at least happens. But just being in prayer for his family, I do believe God will protect him, but we still want to be praying for him and all that. And you've got to know that takes a toll on you, especially having a family. You know, when I was single, you know, I was just like, bring it, you know. But when you have a family, it puts a lot more stress on you because you may not care what happens to you personally, but you care what happens to your family and you care what happens to your kids. All that's true, you know. So anyway, being in prayer for Pastor Mejia, first work Baptist Church with all that persecution going on there. And there was something else, but I'll think of it later. So Brother Dave will come and sing one more song. And then who's reading this morning? Okay, Brother Shane. Okay, so Brother Shane will be reading Galatians chapter one for us this morning. All right, take your song books and turn to, well, I was going to sing one song, but we can't sing two storm songs. I was going to sing on Jordan's Stormy Banks, but we just got done singing till the storm passes by. So we can't sing two storm songs in one. I don't know why I feel like that. It's like Christmas songs. I don't know. All right, we'll sing song number 44. Song number 44, we'll sing We'll Work Till Jesus Comes. Song number 44. O land of rest for thee I sigh, when will the moment come? When I shall lay my armor by and dwell in peace at home. We'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home. To Jesus Christ I've fled for rest. He bade me cease to roam and lean for succor on His breast till He conduct me home. We'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home. I sought at once my Savior's side. No more my steps shall roam. With Him I'll brave death's chilling tide and reach my heavenly home. We'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes, we'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home. All right, if you would take your Bibles and turn to Galatians chapter 1. Galatians chapter 1, we'll have Brother Shane come and read that for us. Galatians chapter 1, if you found your place, say amen. Paul an apostle, not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father who raised Him from the dead. And all the brethren which are with me under the churches of Galatia, grace be to you and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God and our Father, to whom be glory forever and ever, amen. I marvel that ye are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel, which is not another, but there be some that trouble you that would prevent the gospel of Christ. But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you, then that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. And we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you, then that ye have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men or God, or do I seek to please men? For if I yet please men, I should not be the servant of Christ. But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God and wasted it, and profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the tradition of my fathers. But when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by His grace to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the heathen, immediately I conferred not with the flesh and blood. Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me. But I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus. Then again three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days. But other of the apostles saw I none, save James, the Lord's brother. Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God I lie not. Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Caecilia, and was unknown by face unto the churches of Judea, which were in Christ. But they had heard only that He which persecuted us in times past, now preacheth the faith which once He destroyed, and they glorified God in me. Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, just fill password with Your Spirit. We thank You for being gathered in Your house today, and just be with us out so winning. In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. So you're there in Galatians chapter 1, and I want to preach a sermon called Another Gospel Which Equals Following from Grace. Now, we're going to get into basically what that means by another gospel, but Galatians just nails this on the head as far as what we're talking about here. But first, notice what it says here in verse 6. So you're in Galatians 1, and verse 6, it says, So notice that even the first verse here that I'm going to mention here, it says that you've removed yourselves from the grace of Christ unto another gospel. And then notice in verse 7, which is not another. So he's basically saying, there's another gospel that's not by grace, but it's not really another gospel. Meaning that you could call it another gospel, and they're calling it a gospel, but it's not another. It's not like there's multiple gospels, there's one gospel. But people are saying, I'm preaching unto you the gospel, but it's a false gospel. It's a perverted gospel. And keep reading there, it says, So when we're talking about another gospel, we're talking about a perverted gospel. A perverted gospel that's removed itself from the grace of Christ. We see this from the very onset, what are we talking about? A gospel that has removed itself from the grace of Christ. And verse 8 there, As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you, then that ye have received. Let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men or God, or do I seek to please men? For if I yet please men, I should not be the servant of Christ. And this is meaning, this is that, you know what Paul's saying, I don't give a rip who agrees with me or doesn't agree with me on this. You know what, I'm a servant of Christ, I'm not going to please men in this issue. But twice he says, if we or an angel preach unto you another gospel, let him be accursed. And if any other man preach another gospel unto you, another gospel, let him be accursed. You know what, another way of saying that, let him go to hell. Let him be accursed. And so go to 2 Corinthians chapter 11. And make no mistake about this, there are plenty of churches out there that preach another gospel. Now they won't say, hey let me show you another gospel, except for the Mormons. They literally say on their New Testament, another gospel of Jesus Christ, another testament of Jesus Christ. I'm not even counting them in this sermon, because that's obvious. But other churches that don't preach that it's by grace, and I'm going to get to that, what that means. They're preaching another gospel, they're perverting the gospel of Christ, and the Bible says these people that preach that, let them be accursed. Now, in 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 here, it says, But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve, through his subtlety, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preaches another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit which ye have not received, or another gospel which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. And he's basically saying, I'm fearing lest ye do that. So it's basically the same thing that he said to the Galatians, he's saying to the Corinthians, but he's prefacing this with saying, hey, I want you to be like Eve that was deceived, or was beguiled through his subtlety. So notice that there's two things mentioned here as far as how people are going to preach another gospel. It's going to be subtle, and it's going to not be simple, okay? That you're straying from the simplicity that's in Christ, it's also going to be subtle, okay? So when you're dealing with someone preaching another gospel, it's not like, you know, where you need to believe in Satan. That's not subtle, okay? Or they're not going to say, listen, it's by works and it's not by grace. That's not subtle, okay? Because every single person that calls themself a Christian that's preaching a false gospel is going to say it's by grace. They're going to say it's by grace. Point blank, they're not going to just deny the fact that it says, for by grace are you saved through faith, okay? They're not going to, they can't, right? Because everybody's just going to deny them out of hand, they're going to be like, you're an idiot, okay? How many times does it have to say you're saved by grace for you to just completely deny that you're saved by grace? So they're not going to deny, they're not going to basically not say that, but they're going to mix in a little leaven. They're going to mix in corruption and it's going to be subtle. Well, you know, it's by grace, but you've got repentant sins. Oh, it's by grace, but you know, a Christian that's really saved, they're going to actually do the works. And if you don't do the works, then you didn't really get saved. And just all these different things that they'll try to do. And they say, what brings up this sermon? Well, I don't think I've ever preached on the subject of another gospel, as far as like this passage here. But my friend brother, Matt Stuckey, posted this video and there's this guy that he went to high school with, or went to grade school with, his name's Aaron Gallagher, okay? And there's this, I guess, radio station slash, they do it online and everything, podcast, I guess, you know? Called the Gospel Broadcasting Network, so like GBN or something like that. I'm calling it another Gospel Broadcasting Network, because that's what it is. But it's a bunch of Church of Christ heretics, okay? And you can see these videos, you know, I watched one of the videos, they were like trying to rip apart Pastor Anderson's soul wanting demonstration. They had another one on, you know, it's called answering the error. But all I can think is like, you do greatly err not knowing the scriptures. As I'm like listening through this, just all the straw man arguments, all the twistings of scripture, and just a natural man receiving not the things of the Spirit of God, just everything they said, I'm just like, you are just like a lost person trying to figure out the Bible. But yet they're trying to tear down, you know, salvation by grace, tear down the fact that it's eternal security. And they are, and listen, you say, you're being hard on them. Was Paul hard when he said, let him be accursed? These people aren't ignorant, okay? There's a difference between someone that's out preaching, let's say someone is brought up in a bad church that doesn't believe right, okay? And then they start, you know, basically doing the same thing that's around them, but they're just not, they don't know, they haven't heard the truth, and they're just kind of purporting the same thing that's been taught to them. That's different. These people are literally, they know eternal security, they know what we believe, they know the passages we go to, and they're trying to fight it, okay? These people are not ignorant. They are knowingly just fighting the truth, okay? So, these wicked people, I think Aaron Gallagher is one of this guy's names, and they're like in Mississippi or something like that. I was kind of looking up where they were at. And the other guy was like Don Blackwell or something like that. There's other people that are in this whole broadcasting network, but that whole network can go straight to hell for all I care, okay? And you say, well, why do you say that? Because they're preaching a false gospel, and the Bible says let them be accursed. And so, but let's see what the Bible says about what's another gospel, okay? And I'm going to show you that what they're doing is exactly what they were doing to the Galatians. This is exactly what Paul is preaching, and the fact that they're saying, well, yeah, it's by faith, you know, but you've got to be circumcised. It's like this little subtle, but you've got to be circumcised. But they're going to say, well, it's by faith, but that's not the only condition. No, you've got to be baptized. No, you've got to do the good works. Faith without works is dead. faith without works is dead. If I have to hear that stupid, you know, just one-liner that they say all the time, every single point they're saying, James 2.26, James 2.26, but they want to basically get on there and say the fact that, hey, we're just pulling verses out of context. I'm going to go through basically the whole book of Galatians this morning, not quite, but I'm going to go through a lot of the book of Galatians here and see if I'm ripping this out of context, okay? But yet, they say we're just pulling verses out of context when it comes to eternal security. I'll read you the whole book of John. If you want to, just let me sit down and do it. I'll read you James. I'll read it straight through, and I'll explain it. And the thing is that they say that, but it's like out of their forked tongue, they're doing exactly what they're saying we're doing, okay? It's a false argument, and they are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to it, okay? Because they're just literally, James 2.26, faith without works is dead. They don't even read the whole verse. It says, as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead. Also, you know, so they're not even reading the whole verse. They're just pulling it out of there, not even talking about the whole verse, let alone the whole chapter. But go to Galatians 2. So let's see what we're talking about here. So you can see from the very beginning, when you're talking about them perverting the gospel of Christ, what are they doing? They're removing, they're being removed from the grace of Christ, okay? So being perverting the gospel means that you're perverting, you know, the idea that it's by grace, okay? That's the whole concept that Paul is getting across here. Galatians chapter 2, and the whole book of Galatians is really hitting on this subject. He didn't start off talking about people perverting the gospel, people troubling them, just to like have some punch to start off this letter. No, that was setting it up for what he's going to be talking about later, okay? In Galatians 2, verse 3, it says, but neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised. And you're like, okay, why was he being compelled to be circumcised? You know, were they trying to circumcise him? Well, if you know the story, this is in Acts chapter 15, where people are coming down from Jerusalem and saying that you must be circumcised to be saved. Okay, that's where this context is coming in, and they're going up to Jerusalem to deal with this issue. Like, why are people coming out from you saying that we need to be circumcised to be saved? And notice what it says in verse 4. And that, because of false brethren, unawares brought in, who came and privily despired our liberty, which was in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage. So, are these people really saved? No, they're false brethren that are creeping in, saying you've got to be circumcised to be saved. Notice what Paul's attitude was to this in verse 5. To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour, that the truth of the gospel might continue with you. Meaning, we didn't give them an hour to try to refute or try to, you know, give their case for this. Okay, it was no contest. So, in Acts chapter 15, when they get to Jerusalem, they're discussing whether, you know, it's profitable to be circumcised, or whether they should be circumcised. Not for salvation, but there were people coming out of the church that was in Jerusalem, and coming out and basically spreading this false gospel of you've got to be circumcised to be saved. Okay, and Paul's like nipping it in the bud. He's just like, no, you know, we didn't give him subjection, no, not for an hour. Go to Galatians chapter 3, Galatians chapter 3 and verse 1. Anna, I want you to sit up and I need you to be quiet. Galatians 3 and verse 1, it says, Now, when I get done reading this passage right here, I want you to see, I want you to tell me that works are involved when it comes to salvation. It says in verse 2 here, Having begun in the Spirit and He now made perfect by the flesh, And this is exactly what these false preachers do, is they say, well, yeah, you get saved by grace, but you've got to do the works to keep it. What does Paul say? Oh, fool, are you so foolish, having begun in the Spirit and He now made perfect by the flesh? Are you that stupid? That's the modern vernacular, right? I like the word foolish because it kind of hits a little harder, okay? When I call someone a fool, if someone calls me stupid or dumb, I'm kind of like, whatever, you know. They're like, you're a fool. I'm like, ah, you know, like it just hits you harder, right? So, but if you think of what's a fool, someone that's a dunce, someone that's just dumb, someone that's stupid, someone that can't comprehend simple things, okay? And he basically starts off this, oh, foolish Galatians, are you so foolish to think that it's by works that any of this stuff, you know, that you got saved or anything like that. No, Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Now, go to Galatians 5, Galatians 5, and this is where I'm going to show you that when we're talking about another gospel, that's what it means by being fallen from grace, okay? If you believe another gospel, you're fallen from grace, okay? Now, fallen from grace doesn't mean that you were saved by grace and then you like got unsaved, okay? You gave it up. Now, this is what these false prophets will say, okay? But let's read this and see what it's talking about. So, Galatians 5, verse 1, it says, Sound familiar with the same thing that Paul said in Galatians chapter 2 that we might not be, that they might bring us in the bondage, right? That they came in privily, these false brethren, that they might bring us in the bondage. Verse 2, Nothing, okay? It's not that, well, you know, you need to have Christ in there and, you know, he's saving you but you need to do these certain things. No, if you be circumcised, nothing. It's all or nothing when it comes to believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. You either believe it's all him or it's not going to work. Keep reading there. Verse 3, it says, So, he's talking to a certain group of people, okay? Notice that. He's not just addressing every person there. He's not like brethren, you are fallen from grace, okay? He just got done saying in Galatians chapter 1 that there be some that trouble you, okay? There's some that trouble you and he's saying, That means that if you think that circumcision is part of salvation, if you think that's what's getting you to heaven, then you've got to do the whole law. You're a debtor to the whole law. If you offend at one point, though, you're guilty of all, the Bible says. So, you know, good luck with that but if you add one thing in there, circumcision is just one example here. This is just an example of the way they were trying to pervert the gospel but guess what? You could put baptism in there. You could put going to church in there. You could put any type of commandment in there that if you do any of that, you're a debtor to the whole law and you say, Well, it's talking about circumcision. Well, what does it say in verse 4 there? It says, Is that what it says? No, by the law. So, he's nailing it down. He's like, this is specifically what's going on. People are saying you need to be circumcised to be saved but ultimately what they're saying is that you need to be justified by the law. That you need to be justified by the law and you know what he's saying? That even if it's just circumcision, Christ shall profit you nothing. Christ has become of no effect unto you. Whosoever of you are justified by the law, you are fallen from grace. So, anybody that preaches a false gospel and says, Well, it's by grace but you also have to do good works, then they've fallen from grace. Why? Because, and if by grace, then is it no more of works, otherwise grace is no more grace. That's how simple it is. And it says in verse 5 there, Is that what it says? No, we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. Faith is how we're saved, not by works. Keep reading there in verse 6, it says, So basically he's stating to these Galatians that there's someone there that is preaching this false gospel. There's someone there that's perverting the gospel and they're bewitching you. Even in chapter 4 he says, I'm afraid of you lest I have bestowed labor upon you in vain. He's basically saying, you know, if you really truly believe this, then you're not saved, right? But he's giving them the benefit of the doubt when he's writing this that, hey, you've been bewitched, you know, these people are trying to mess you up. But there are people there that he's saying, let them be accursed. Okay, that's how the book starts off, that they're certain that trouble you. And he's saying, let them be accursed and don't be bewitched by these people. But you did run well, who did hinder you? So Paul doesn't know who this is, okay? So he's writing this letter not knowing who's doing this, but there's obviously someone that's doing it in the church, or in the churches, right? There's churches at Galatia, so there's multiple churches. And verse 8 there says, But he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment whosoever he be. So he doesn't know who this is, but he's saying, I have confidence that you're not going to be otherwise minded. After you read this, you're going to be like, yeah, you're right. And that these guys are going to bear their judgment. Whoever's troubling you with this, whoever's perverting the gospel with this, you know, they're going to bear their judgment, whoever he is, okay? In verse 11 there he says, So he's saying, whoever's troubling you, Anna, get in your seat now. Get in your seat. Sit and pay attention. So, whoever's troubling you, they need to be cut off, let them be accursed. Now, cut off, I'm not saying, I don't think they're saying, like, go stone them with stones, because I don't think that that's what, but in the Old Testament, a lot of times when we're talking about cutting off from their people, a lot of times it goes into that. But I think he's basically saying just, you know, they need to be thrust out, they need to be kicked out of the church, they need to be done away with, right? And he's saying, let them be accursed, let them be cut off from you, just get them out of there, okay? Whoever's troubling you with this false gospel, that's saying that you need to be circumcised to be saved. That's saying that you need to be justified by the law to be saved. It's very clear that when it's talking about being fallen, or fallen from grace, you're dealing with people that are unsaved that think that you have to do good works to be saved. That's who's fallen from grace. And you know what another gospel is? It's a gospel that's fallen from grace. That's what it is. Because every gospel out there, and I don't care if you're talking about Buddhism, Hinduism, or any type of other religion, or any type of Christianity under the umbrella of Christianity, they always teach you have to be a good person or do something, do some kind of works of some type of law in order to go to heaven, have nirvana, go to some good place somewhere, right? And all other gospels are fallen from grace. All other gospels are perversions. All other gospels are not really another gospel, because they're not a gospel, okay? They call them a gospel, they say it's good news, but it's a perversion, and it's wicked, and it's sending people to hell, and those that preach that, knowing that they're preaching it, let them go to hell. Let them be accursed. And there is, you know, obviously there's people that do it in ignorance. Paul says that he obtained mercy because he did it in ignorance and unbelief, right? So there are people that, you know, were maybe even preachers in religion, but they didn't grow, they didn't know, and they weren't like just fighting against the truth like that. These people that are part of this gospel broadcasting network, that is their modus operandi, is to go after the true gospel, to go after the simplicity that's in Christ. Now let me ask you a question. What's simpler? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, that Jesus died for all our sins on the cross, rose again the third day to pay for our sins, all we have to do is put our faith in Him and trust that He did it all Himself. That sounds pretty simple to me, and unlike these Church of Christ people that have a seven-step plan, you know, like they're in AA or something like that. I don't have their seven-step plan in front of me right now, but it pretty much starts off, repent of your sins, believe, get baptized, do good work. I don't know what all of it is, but I'll say this, repent of your sins is in there, and being baptized is in there, and those are both works. God saw their works that they turn from their evil way, and God repented of the evil that He said He would do unto them, and He did it not. Jonah 3.10 completely annihilates repent of your sins doctrine. That is works before you even believe, right? Then you're supposed to believe, but then you're supposed to do good works after that, like get baptized, go to church, live a good life, all these different things. You've got to be one of their other programs. I didn't watch it or anything. I was just trying to see what one of them is called the authentic Christian. You're going to be authentically burning in hell. That's what's going to happen. These false problems, you're so mean against these people. Listen, I love people that are unsaved, and I want them to get saved. And you say, well, what should I be reacting? Well, listen, you should get mad at false doctrine, and you should get mad at false prophets. But again, the Bible says in Jeremiah, what is the chapter of the week? What is the chapter of the week? Because in Jeremiah, it states the fact that let them preach, let them say their false doctrine. You know, I'm paraphrasing, obviously, but I preached a whole sermon on it. But he's basically saying, you know, let them, you know, prophesy their visions. But you know why he's saying that? Because what is the chapter of the week? The chapter of the children of the devil, the week of the children of God, he says, is not my word as a fire and like a hammer. So, you know what, I'm not out to like go protest them or try to get them shut down and all this stuff. Listen, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to preach the word of God, and anybody that has a brain in their head and will look at what the Bible actually says will say, you know what, they're full of garbage. They don't know what they're talking about. And when I go through some of the stuff that they say, you're going to be like, yeah, they're morons, okay? But it's easy to get mad at them and be like, they should be shut down, you know, they're sending people to hell. No, what is the chapter of the week? And what is their false doctrine to the true word of God? By the way, they don't like the King James Bible. Shocker, shocker that they don't like the King James Bible, that it says hell and doesn't say Hades or Gehenna. But they probably couldn't order, you know, a euro at, you know, Tzatziki's or something like that in Greek. So, that's another thing for another day where I can rip them apart about that whole discussion they had, which is kind of off topic to be honest with you. But these people don't know Greek. They're, you know, anyway, go to, you know, go to Galatians chapter 2. Like I said, you know, in Romans chapter 11 verse 6 it says, And if by grace, then is it no more of works, otherwise grace is no more grace. And if it be of works, then is it no more grace, otherwise work is no more work. They're polar opposites, and what Galatians 5 is stating here is that if you be circumcised, if you're justified by the law, you're fallen from grace. Because it's not grace then. It's not grace if you get circumcised, it's not grace if you get baptized, it's not grace if you help the old lady across the street, it's not grace if you pick up sticks because you think that's getting you to heaven. That's not grace, and you will die and go to hell if you believe that. If you believe that you have to do all these other things or even just one little thing. Because it's not, and if by grace then is it no more of works, otherwise grace is no more grace. What does it say in Galatians chapter 2 and verse 16? Galatians chapter 2 and verse 16. It says, We can't believe in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law. For by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. And you may read this verse and be like, why is God so repetitive? Because there's fools out there that just want to keep reporting that you're somehow justified by works to go to heaven. And he is just repeating himself over and over and over and over again about that. You say, why does Romans 11, 6 say it the other way around? Because there's false prophets out there that would be like, well, you know, grace can't have works in it, but works could have grace in it. You think that people wouldn't do that? You know what? And God is smarter than us all. And anytime you see a verse in there and you're like, that seems repetitive, well that seems unnecessary. Guess what? It's necessary. There's nothing in the Bible that's incidental or coincidental or accidental. Like, it's there for a reason. Because there's going to be some stupid false doctrine out there and you're going to be like, man, I'm glad that was there. There's been many times I'm like, why does it say it like that? You know, like the verse where it says all unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death. I'm like, why didn't it say but there's a sin unto death? That seems like that would be the more pertinent thing you'd be wanting to know, right? Like that, hey, there's a sin where I can die. But then you have people that say, well, Romans 1, when it says that they're worthy of death, that's talking about for the wages of sin is death. You know, it's just when it says that you die because you're sin, that has nothing to do with capital punishment. Then how do you explain the fact that there's a sin not unto death then? So there's always a reason for why God puts verses the way He has them, the way He writes it. And so sometimes we may not know. You know, we're thinking, maybe that should have been worth it. You know, like you would think that He'd word it this way and that would be more, you know, pertinent for this subject over here. But maybe He's meaning it for another subject that you don't know about yet, okay? But in Galatians 2 21, it says, I do not frustrate the what? The grace of God, for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. And all these Church of Christ people that are rejecting the gospel by grace through faith, they are saying that Christ died in vain because they're trying to be justified by the law. They're saying that it wasn't enough that Jesus died with all our sins on Him. They're saying it's not enough. No, we have to do something. No, there's other conditions. And no, there's only one condition. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth and believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. That's the condition. Yeah, because whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? Because the calling on the name of the Lord is you putting your trust in Christ and actually pulling the trigger and not just thinking, oh, this is how I get saved. No, I want it. I'm trusting in it. It's by faith that we're saved. That's it. That's the condition. It didn't say, if thou confess with thy mouth and believe and be baptized and hold out faithful unto the end and don't give it up and go to a Church of Christ church and all these other weird things that they say. No marvel that they don't like the King James because it doesn't say repent of your sins too. Not once in the Bible does it say repent of your sins or repent of sins. You don't have to turn there. Go to Romans chapter 3. But in Ephesians 2 and verse 8 and 9 it says, For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves is the gift of God, not of works, the same as any man should boast. So you see how foolish it would be for them to just say you're not saved by grace. They're not going to do that because they're serpents. They're subtle. They're out there with their tongue just hissing and they've got this forked tongue. There's no marvel that the devil is likened unto a serpent with a forked tongue because they speak out of two sides of their mouth. Saved by grace but you've got to live a good life. Saved by grace but faith works. Saved by grace but you can't just live however you want. It's just always this forked tongue. If by grace there isn't no more works. That's what the Bible says. Now in Romans chapter 3 and verse 27 it says, You know it says, not of works does any man should boast. I think this couples perfectly with that. In Romans 3 27 it says, Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay. Do you see that? Nay. That's an old way of saying no. No. Is it of works? No. And it says, But by the law of faith, therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. How many different ways does the Bible need to say this? Anna, I need you to sit in your chair or you're going to get a spanking after the church service. I don't care who hears that. So, it's not of works, not by the deeds of the law. They'll be like, well it works but these are deeds. No, it says it in all different ways. So, I got a verse for you. If you're going to try to say, well it's not of works, it's deeds. Now, Romans chapter 4, go to the next chapter there. And then I'm going to get to some of their arguments. But I just want to go through a little tour de force on what the Bible says about how we're saved by grace. Because that is the defining attribute of another gospel. Is that it's been removed from grace. Do you see that very clearly from Galatians 1? They're removed from the grace of Christ unto another gospel. And when it's talking about how they're not being profited by Christ and how Christ shall profit you nothing, it's become a no effect on you, it's liking them to being fallen from grace. And another way to say that is being removed from the grace of Christ unto another gospel. And it's not talking about people that lost their salvation. If it was, because they're like, this is talking about losing your salvation. When people say you lose your salvation because you did something wrong or you renounced Christ, these people are doing works for Christ. This is the opposite of what they say when they say you're losing your salvation. This is saying that you believed it was by grace alone, but now you're saying you've got to do good works and you're doing good works for that. And now you're lost. Does anybody say that? Does anyone actually ever believe that? You'd be like, you can lose your salvation if you're too zealous for God. Does anyone say that? It's so stupid to think that way. You lost your salvation because now you think it's by works. Does anyone ever say that? No, if you truly believe it's by works, I'll say you were never saved. You didn't actually believe that. And you didn't have the Spirit of God dwelling in you. Now in Romans chapter 4 and verse 1 here, it says, What shall we say then that Abraham our father has pertaining to the flesh hath found? For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath aware of the glory, but not before God. For what set the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now the him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But the him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. And what does it say in Galatians 5? That if you be circumcised, you're a what? A debtor to do the whole law. Because if you're justified by works, that's not a reward reckoned by grace, but of debt. But the him that worketh not, here's someone that doesn't work at all. And by the way, most of the commandments are negative commandments. So that means he's committing adultery, committing murder, stealing, lying, coveting, taking the Lord's name in vain, not working, but they believed. And that's how they're justified. Now I'm not condoning doing all that and not working at all, right? Obviously we preach that you should be a workman for the cause of Christ, that he's ordained us unto good works, that he hath before ordained that we should walk in them. That's what the Bible teaches, that that's what we should be doing. But to say that that's a part of salvation, that's perverting the gospel, that's preaching another gospel, and the Bible says that people that preach another gospel, let them be accursed. I don't care if it's an angel from heaven, Joseph Smith and Mohammed, I don't care if it's an angel from heaven preaching another gospel, let them be accursed. I don't care if it's someone that you thought was your preacher, if I came to you, listen, if I came to you and I'm just like, you know what I was wrong about, eternal security, it's actually by works, and if you don't get baptized and you don't do this, and I just turned into a Church of Christ person. Now, I know, just go on this journey for me for a second as I'm ripping their face off right now. But just go on this journey for me, let's say I started preaching that if we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel than that which we have preached unto you, let them be accursed. Paul's saying, even if I started preaching to you another gospel, you know what you should tell me? Be accursed. That's what Paul's saying. Why? Because it's about the truth. It's not about the person. It's about what the Bible says. And then he says, if any other man preached unto you, he's like, if we, if an angel, if some other man preaches any other gospel than that, what you've heard and what you've received already, let them be accursed. Because what you heard and received to begin with, that was right. So, go to 1 Corinthians chapter 1. This coffee's killing me. Can't do it with allergies. It like dries out my throat. Just pour it in my eyes and get going here. So, you're like, are you mad? Listen, not really. I mean, these people exist. It's not like, I'm not like baffled by, oh, there's someone out there that preaches that way. There's someone out there that's against internal security. We run into it every week. But I'll say this. It's a good thing to get on fire about the gospel and to defend the gospel. Jude was written for that purpose that they earnestly contend for the faith because there's certain brethren crept in unawares, denying the Lord that bought them, all these different things that are going on. And so, there's false prophets. There is false prophets among them. And there shall be false teachers among us. But you know what we need to do? We need to rebuke them sharply. And we need to just preach what the truth is. And the problem is a lot of Baptist churches aren't preaching doctrine. They're not preaching, hey, here's what is actually right about this. They'll not teach on falling from grace. They won't teach on falling away in Hebrews chapter 6 because it's a hard passage. I have no problem going to Galatians 5, as you can tell. All you have to do is read it, actually, and you'll figure out that it's very clear what it's talking about. But in 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 14, go to verse 17, actually. I've never heard a Church of Christ person answer this question that I give them. Never. Now, I'm not saying there's not some Church of Christ apologist out there that has an answer or has an answer or rebuttal to this. But I've never out of all my years going soul winning and witnessing the Church of Christ people, by the way, who are some of the most arrogant people you run into. Not always. I don't want to just broad stroke every Church of Christ person, the most arrogant person in the world. But by and large, per capita, as far as when you're dealing with talking to Catholics or talking to Baptists or talking to Pentecostals even, Church of Christ are the ones that think they know they got it. They think they know what they're talking about, but they couldn't defend it if their life depended on it, right? So every time I go to a Church of Christ person, you know, I always say I'm trying to do this in a kind manner because I want to try to give them the Gospel, try to change their mind, right? And they'll say, well, you need to be baptized. I always take them to this verse and I've never gotten an answer from them. Never. Never gotten an answer from them. Now, I'm not saying there's not someone out there to try to give an answer, okay? But you say, well, what verse would you go to if someone says you need to be baptized? This is the one I go to, okay? So notice what it says in verse 17. For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. Now, they want to say that to be saved you've got to be baptized, okay? Paul's saying Christ didn't send them to baptize, but to preach the Gospel. You know what that means? Is that the Gospel doesn't have baptism in it, okay? Now, you say, okay, that's pretty good. How about this one? Go up to verse 14. So if you really want to hit them hard with it, notice what Paul says in verse 14. I thank God that I baptize none of you. Now, does that sound like the great apostle Paul that has made all things to all men that I might by all means save some if baptism's a part of salvation? He's just like, I thank God I baptize none of you. Now, if that's talking about salvation, that'd be like me saying, like, I thank God I didn't preach the Gospel to any of you guys. I didn't want any of you to get saved, you know, what are you doing here? Like, it's so hilarious. Now, keep reading there. He's obviously talking about water baptism. Now, verse 14, it says, But Crispus and Gaius, lest any should say that I baptize in mine own name, I baptize also the household of Stephanus. Besides, I know not whether I baptize any other. For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. You know what that means? It's not this complicated, like, convoluted, like, you gotta be some, like, philosopher in some ivory tower to understand what's going on. The simplicity that's in Christ, and it's talking about the fact that when people mess with the Gospel, you know what it always turns into? Some complicated, convoluted mess. You're getting this pie, you're getting this chart where you're, like, going all over, it's like, it looks like something, who's that chipmunk guy on YouTube? Breaker, Robert Breaker, it's like one of his charts behind you. It's like, you want to be saved? Well, you first gotta repent of your sins. Then you come over here and you gotta live a good life. But if you don't live a good life, you're gonna lose your salvation. Then you gotta repent of your sins again. Then you come over here, and then you may backslide a little bit, so you're kind of in between there, and then you gotta come up here, you're gonna get raptured out here, but then maybe you'll come down. I mean, it's like this weird convoluted garbage that they start saying, and, you know what, it's very clear what the true Gospel is, because even outside of Christianity, the Gospel, the true Gospel, just stands out from everything, because it's by faith alone. It's by grace alone. It's not by works at all. Every other religion says, no, you gotta do something. You gotta do some kind of good work. You can't just go around killing people. You know, you can't do this or that. No, it's by faith alone in Jesus Christ. It's a free gift of salvation. It's by grace, and if by grace, then no more works. Otherwise, grace is no more grace. So, you want some ammunition? Take them to that one. You're like, so Paul was glad he didn't get anybody else saved. Is that what you're telling me? He's glad he didn't get anyone else saved in Corinth, right? Go to John 3. Now, I've preached on some of this stuff already before, but I gotta hit this one again. So I'm listening to this video, and they're like ragging on Pastor Anderson because he's in John 3.16. They're like, well, you should have went up a little before that and read it and seen that you need to be baptized. I'm like, good night. They're not really going to go to this one, are they? And so they're like, you need to read up here to the beginning, you know. I have no problem reading the whole chapter of John 3. Okay? No problem at all. But John 3.3, it says, Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Anna, Anna, shh. So what's the context, first of all, before we get into this? Jesus said, you need to be born again. Nicodemus is thinking he needs to literally climb back into his mother's womb and be born again, physically. Okay? Jesus answered, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Notice that these same people are like, oh, they're just cherry-picking verses. They're just cherry-picking verses. They say, well, being born of water is clearly talking about water baptism. Like, what's the next verse say? That which is born into the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. It literally just, in the same order. Being born of the water is what? Being born of the flesh. Being born of the Spirit is what? Being born of the Spirit. You know, like, it's clearly, you can't mix those up. So, you know, process of elimination. I know people don't like algebra, but here's the thing. Just figure out which ones match, and then you'll figure out which ones go together. Okay? So it's very simple, and these people have kids, you know, so they're not ignorant in the fact that there's amniotic fluid, that their baby is literally being, you know, formed in, and that people literally have water bursts because they're coming from water, in the water, and then they can literally be in this pool of water and then take them out, and then they start breathing. Born of water is being born of the flesh, and it's so insane that these people don't see that, and I don't believe these people are ignorant. I don't believe these people are just dunces. Okay? These are very intelligent people that are not dumb. Okay? Now, they're fools in the eyes of, you know, what the Bible teaches. Right? They're wise according to this world, as far as, you know, they may have a good vocabulary, and they may be able to understand, you know, like parse out words and all these different things, but they can't understand this simple progression that that which is born of the water and born of the Spirit is that which is born of the flesh and born of the Spirit. They can't understand that. It's hilarious, and it really does show you that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God. But see, someone listening to that would say, well, yeah, I mean, I guess, you know, being born of the water, I mean, that kind of makes sense, only it's out of order, first of all, you know? But when you think about it and the fact that Nicodemus is talking about being born physically, and he's saying, yeah, well, you got to be born physically, but you also need to be born spiritually. And so when he's saying you must be born again, he's not talking about being physically born. Okay? And he's definitely not talking about being baptized in water. Okay? Now, go to, I want you to go to Acts chapter 9. Now, another point they bring up is they're like, well, there's other conditions, you know? People always go to Acts chapter 16 where it says, what must they do to be saved? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house. And then they just basically add on a whole bunch of stuff. When they're talking about that subject, it's kind of hard to even, like, say anything besides that they're dumb and it doesn't say that these guys told them to be baptized or they told them anything else. They're just literally reading into that and saying, well, they preached unto them the word. It's like, yeah, I preached the word unto people after I get them saved, too. I'd be like, yeah, you should probably get baptized. You should probably do this, and you need to do this. This is what the Bible teaches. You need to get into church. You need to read the Bible. You need to get your family members saved. Yeah, I tell them a lot of stuff after that, but I didn't say that's what you need to do to get saved because that's not what they did. Okay? So you notice that in Acts chapter 16 it says, what must I do to be saved? Okay? Do you notice that it's stating specifically what they're asking, he's asking what he must do. Okay? To be saved. Okay? Now, the other place they'll mention is Acts 2-37 where it says, what shall we do? Men and brethren, what shall we do? And they'll say, well, see, it says you've got to repent, be baptized, and all this other stuff. And so they'll say, well, see, there's other things. It's not just believing. It's, you know, baptism or whatever, you know, they want to plug in there. Of course, they're going to say, repent of your sins in there, which it doesn't say. But, yeah, no, it says, what shall you do? If someone came up to you, okay, let's say I preached a sermon, and someone just came up to me and said, pastor, what shall I do? What shall we do? Right? You preached a sermon on this, what shall we do? I'm going to say a lot of things that you should do. Or even if someone, like, I preached them the gospel, and they say, what shall we do? I'd be like, well, the first thing you need to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And then you need to, you know, get baptized. Then you need to get into a good church, you need to read your Bible, you need to, you know, whatever the case may be, go down the line as far as what you should do as a Christian. So that's a weak, weak, weak argument. Because it doesn't say, what shall we do to be saved? Do you notice it doesn't say that? It just says, what shall we do? You know, they say, they ask the same question to John the Baptist, right, in Luke chapter 3. They're asking, what shall we do? And he's saying, you know, be content with your wages, do violence to no man. Is that what you got to do to be saved? Now, they'll probably say that, you know, because they're completely fiercely discerned, but that's the logic, right? It's just like, what shall we do? It's like, well, we've got to be talking about salvation, you know. Every time someone asks, what shall we do? It's got to be talking about how we get to heaven. Now, in Acts chapter 9, I want you to look at this one, okay. Acts chapter 9, verse 3, it says, And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus, and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven, and he fell on the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecuteest thou me? And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom thou persecuteth. It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Anna, it's not time to read, it's time to listen. And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. Okay, so now it's like, well, it's must though, because we're like, you know, when we go to Acts 16, we're like, you know, it doesn't say what are some of the things I need to do, right, or what all are the things I need to do. It says, what must I do to be saved? It's very poignant, it's very clear exactly what this guy's asking. Here it's saying that they're going to tell you what you must do. And it's talking about Ananias, right? He'll say, well, see, he went there, and he said what he must do, and then Ananias is telling him, like, hey, you need to preach to the Gentiles, you need to do all this other stuff. Well, if you look at another passage, Jesus said that to him too, actually. You know, but he's going to tell him, like, hey, you know, be baptized, do all these different things, right? You know, why tarries thou? Be baptized and wash away thy sins, calling on the name Lord. Now, I preached on this before, but you know what's interesting about that is in Galatians 1, right after it gets done talking about someone preaching another gospel, it states the fact that Paul didn't receive the gospel by man. Okay, go to Galatians 1 and verse 11. Now, there may be people that disagree with me on this, that are saved, and more power to them as far as when Paul got saved. I believe it's very clear that Paul got saved on the road to Damascus. He was an apostle, born out of due time, okay? So he's obviously an exception that proves the rule as far as the Lord Jesus winning him to Christ, okay? But he's also an exception that proves the rule when it comes to being an apostle, okay? Because when he is clearly an apostle, does anyone doubt that? I mean, the book starts off Paul an apostle, okay? But he was not here for those 40 days. He was not saved during those 40 days where Jesus rose from the dead, and he was showing himself to his disciples and to the apostles. Does that make sense? Very clear? So he's obviously an exception that proves the rule when it comes to being an apostle, because to be an apostle you have to see the resurrected Lord Jesus. So, I believe obviously this is an exception, so I don't believe Jesus is just popping up and like getting people saved throughout time right now, okay? Because there's no more apostles, Paul said he was the last. Galatians 1 and verse 11, it says, But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. Now, what does that mean? It's not according to man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. He's saying I didn't receive it of man, I wasn't taught it by man, I received it by the revelation of Jesus Christ, because why? Because he literally saw the Lord Jesus Christ, okay? So this whole idea like, well, he had to go to Ananias and tell him what he must do. Now, obviously that's going to fall flat on its head. I don't care if Ananias is the one that gave him the gospel. That doesn't mean that that's the only thing Ananias is going to tell you what you got to do, right? You see how that would still fall flat on its face? But on top of that, it's very clear from Galatians 1 that it wasn't Ananias that got him saved. And that's why I believe personally when Ananias greets Paul, he says, brother Saul. And I don't believe it's just because he's a physical Israelite. Now, people believe that, that's fine. I'm not here to like, you know, say they're all heretics that believe that, okay? But I'm just saying that I think it's very clear in the Scriptures there when it comes to that. Now, another thing they say, they say the Bible never says believe only. It never says believe only, you know, in all this stuff. Okay, I'll take that bet. Go to Mark chapter 5, verse 36. Mark chapter 5, verse 36. But here's the thing with false prophets. The Bible will say, like, in a million different ways. If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you believe on Him, you'll live forever. You'll never die. You'll have an eternal life. I don't know why He's cast you out. You'll never perish. Like, just all these different ways that He says it, but it'd be like, but did He say this? You know, it's like, I mean, how many bases does He need to cover to the point where you're just openly just wanting to deny it, right? And the same thing goes with this. How many different ways does God have to say that it's not by works before you're like, it's not by works? Okay? Meaning, well, why didn't He say, believe only in Jesus, and not by works, and all these different things, right? And the same thing, you get into the Calvinists, and they'll say, you know, it says, and they'll try to use these word semantics and all this stuff. It's like, how many different ways did He say, He tasted death for every man? Like, just different ways that He says it. He's the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe. You know, they're like, but He didn't say this. You know, it's like, good night. You're just willingly wanting to deny what it clearly says, okay? Now, in Mark 5, 36, and this is dealing with Jesus healing people, okay? You say, well, this isn't them getting saved. Well, a lot of times, when He'd heal them, He would say, your sins are forgiven you, okay? A lot of these would be coupled together, meaning they'd get saved and they'd be healed, right? And the guy with the palsy where they brought him down through the roof, he actually, you know, he got saved first and then he healed him, okay? Other places, you know, it's kind of like synonymous, all this different stuff, okay? But I just want to state the fact that there's places where Jesus says, only believe, okay? So, I want them to put this in their pipe and smoke it. In Mark 5, verse 36, it says, As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid, only believe. Did He say, believe and go give a tithe, believe and go get baptized by John, which I think John may have already been imprisoned by that point, so that would probably want to work, but go to Luke chapter 8, verse 50. Luke chapter 8, verse 50. Now, that one just says, only believe, and you got to know the story, obviously, about who's getting healed, okay? But in Luke 8, 50, notice what it says, Luke 8 and verse 50, it says, But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, Fear not, believe only, and she shall be made whole. Believe only, and she shall be made whole. Why didn't He say it in the other places when it's talking about salvation? Maybe because He's darkening your eyes, that's why. Maybe because He doesn't want you to believe. You know, if you're going to be that, you know, just against what the Bible teaches, and you just want to not believe it, maybe He didn't put it in all those other places and say, Believe only, or only believe, or believe alone. I mean, it just gets to the point, ridiculous to the point where it's just like, you just don't want to believe it, okay? And it wouldn't matter what God said. It wouldn't matter how He said it, or how many times He put it in this certain way. You would find some other reason to why you wouldn't believe it. And you would explain away the only, okay? I guarantee you, these same people that do not believe it's by grace alone, and that believe you have to do good works, and are mocking eternal security, that if it said, you know, believe on Jesus Christ only, they would somehow talk around and be like, well, yeah, it's talking about only in Him, because, you know, you can't believe in Buddha, and believe in all this other stuff, but that's not talking about works. They would literally talk around everything, okay? Because that's what these false prophets do. Now, they'll talk about Mark 16 and 16. Now, I've explained that as far as we were talking about the fact that, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us by the washing and regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost, and the baptism that happens when we're buried with Him in death, and we're raised with Him spiritually. And so that He that is, you know, believeth and is baptized, that's what that's talking about. And John the Baptist even talked about that with the baptism of repentance, you know, all that, but I don't want to get into that because I've already preached on that, but they bring up faith without works is dead. Now, go to James chapter 2. James chapter 2. You're like, we're going to do a sermon on James chapter 2? I'm not going to do a whole sermon on James chapter 2, okay? I've done whole sermons on this, so go back to those. One was faith without works is dead. One was like, unprofitable faith or something like that. But I do want to hit on this because literally, I mean, every single time there's just like, James 2.26, James 2.26, James 2.26, it's like, well, okay, shut my mouth. That answers it all, okay? Only that you don't know what James 2.26 is talking about, okay? Now, let's look at James 2.26 first of all, okay? Because what they're going to say is that dead faith is not real faith, okay? Now, in verse 26 it says, for as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. Now, let me ask you a question. When someone dies, does that mean their body's not real? You're like, you're not real anymore. It's fake, right? But is that body useful? No. Is it profitable? No, and that's the whole point of what this whole discussion is. But they want to say that, well, if you don't have works, that's not real faith. That's not real true faith. Is it a true body when it dies? You know, like, look at the whole verse. And they are the ones that are accusing us of cherry-picking verses, and they literally won't even read the whole verse and explain it. Now, look at verse 1 of chapter 2. Because this whole chapter starts off with having faith without something. Like, God is saying, I want you to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but not with this, okay? And notice what it says in verse 1. My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect to persons. So the chapter starts off saying, I don't want you to have faith with respect to persons, okay? Because respect to persons is sin, it's transgression. You should not be a respecter of persons, okay? God's not a respecter of persons. We shouldn't be a respecter of persons. So don't couple your faith with being a respecter of persons, okay? But, then it switches gears, and it's saying, but you want to couple your faith with works, okay? So that's what it's transitioning into in this passage. In verse 14 there, what doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith and have not works, can faith save him? And what they want to say, and they do this with James 5, where it talks about you shall save a soul from death. Because these people can't understand the fact that salvation is not always eternal salvation. And if they can't understand that, I don't know how they answer the fact that, well in 2 Timothy, 1 Timothy chapter 2, where it says that women shall be saved in childbearing. I guess you've got to have children to go to heaven. Our church is pretty well off in a lot of cases, so I mean, you're doing a good job, you know? But, obviously that's ridiculous. It's talking about being saved physically from temptations and different things like that, and being saved from death, okay? Because there is a sin unto death, okay? And there's sins that you can commit to where you could end up being either killed or put to death, you know, all these different things. Now, before you read that though, you should have read verse 12 and 13, okay? So 12 and 13, it says, So speak ye and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. So he's talking to the brethren here, you're going to be judged by the law of liberty. For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy, and mercy rejoiced against judgment. You know how that really makes sense? Because the whole passage of James 2 is the fact that they didn't have mercy on their brother and sister when they were naked and destitute of daily food. So to negate verse 12 and 13 from the passage, so what are you being saved from? Judgment without mercy. That's what you're being saved from. Because he that soweth to the flesh of the flesh reaped corruption, and the fact is that there still is judgment according to the flesh, there's chastisement that happens to a Christian if they don't show mercy on their brethren, okay? And basically what it's stating too is that, you know, if you mess up and you're in a bad spot, if you didn't show mercy unto your brother and sister, then don't expect it in return, right? You're going to have judgment without mercy, right? And it's just showing you how you reap what you sow on what you do as a Christian, okay? And you're talking about profitable faith here. So in verse 15 there, it gets into the fact of what we're talking about, not showing mercy. It says, If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto him, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled, notwithstanding given not the things which are needful to the body, what doth it profit? Very simple. It doesn't profit them for you to say, I believe you're going to be warmed and filled, okay? It's not profitable. Don't tell me you have this mountain-moving faith if you won't just give them what they need, if you have it in your possession to give. 1 John 3, verse 16 is hitting on that same thing, okay? But it words it a little different. Instead of saying your faith is dead, it's saying that you don't have the love of God dwelling in you, okay? So it's the same thing that's being said, but it's just kind of giving you a different perspective as far as what's going on with this Christian. This Christian doesn't have this profitable faith in James 2, and in 1 John 3, it's stating that they don't have the love of God dwelling in them because they're not loving their brother. And verse 16 says, Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he lay down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. Does it say you must? No, it says we ought to. But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother had need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? That's saying that you have a sister that is naked and destitute of food, you have the means to give them it, but you shut up your bowels of compassion. That means that you basically just cut it off and be like, no, not doing it. It's saying how dwelleth the love of God in you, verse 18, it says, My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but indeed in the truth. And isn't that the same thing as saying in James chapter 2? Not to just say it, not to just say you be warm and filled, but to actually give them what they need. So it's not about just being in word, you're loving, right? No, you need to do it. Don't say you love the lost. Go show that you love the lost by giving them the gospel. Things like that. But you know what this passage says? Go back to James chapter 2. This passage is talking about being the friend of God. And that's what they completely miss. This whole passage is not talking about being saved from hell. It's talking about being saved from judgment without mercy because you're not showing mercy unto your brother. And it's talking about how Abraham was justified by his works not to go to heaven, but to be the friend of God. Notice what it says in James chapter 2 and verse 21. Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was his faith made real? Is that what it says? Was his faith made saving faith? No, it made perfect. He perfected his faith. By the way, Abraham believed God and it was imputed on him for righteousness in chapter 15 of Genesis. Chapter 22 is where he's offering up his son Isaac. So did he not get saved in chapter 15? Because that's what they want you to think is that this is when he got saved. No, this is not when he got saved and it's going to explain it. Verse 23, and the scripture was fulfilled which said Abraham believed God and it was imputed on him for righteousness, and he was called the friend of God. You see then how that by works a man is justified and not by faith only. It's basically stating that, yeah, to go to heaven to get the righteousness of God, you're justified by faith, alone, in Christ. But there's other ways to be just before God as far as to be the friend of God, to be a disciple of Jesus. That's something that's different but it's based off what you do. You can't just say I believe it and then not do anything to be the friend of God. Because Jesus says in John 15 verse 14, ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command ye. So if you're not doing what he commands you, you're not his friends. If ye love me, keep my commandments. The idea, the verse right before that, it says greater love hath no man than this than that he lay down his life for his friends. Hereby I perceive we love God because he lay down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. If any man see his brother had need and shut up his bowels and compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him. See how it all works together and fits perfectly together? That James 2 is talking about, hey, you have faith but you should couple it with works because Abraham perfected his faith by doing good works. And he was called the friend of God because of that. So don't you want to be God's friend? Don't you want to be a profitable Christian? That doesn't mean you're not saved if you don't do that. Abraham still would have been saved if he wouldn't have offered up his son Isaac. But he wouldn't have been regarded as the friend of God. And I'm out of time. The last thing I was going to show you is in 2 Peter chapter 1. And I'll just read this real quick to you. 2 Peter chapter 1 verse 5, it says, and beside this, give all diligence, add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in you and abound, they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. It didn't say you didn't have faith. It says add to it. Add to it and you'll be fruitful. Add to it and you'll have perfected faith. Add to it and you'll be the friend of God. But these people that preach a false other gospel can't understand that passage. But see how they just rip it out of context? They're just pulling that out of context and just negate the rest of the Bible. All those verses I showed you where it's by grace, not by works, if by grace and is it no more works, otherwise grace is no more grace. Oh no, James chapter 2, 26. I mean you saw, right? That said that you had to work to go to heaven. Right? You saw that. You saw in James chapter 2 where he's talking to unsaved people saying this is what you must do to be saved. You saw that, right? Except for the fact that the whole book is saying my brethren, my brethren, my brethren, my brethren throughout the whole thing. He's talking to brethren in Christ. He's not talking about getting saved from hell. So another gospel. Like I said, what is the chap to the wheat? And what is their false gospel to the true gospel? It's nothing. But you know what? We still need to rebuke it. We still need to preach the true gospel. Make it crystal clear and simple. You say that's too simple. That's too easy. You guys are easy believism. I'll wear it with like a moniker. I'll put it up on top of the wall if that'll make you happy. Do you think that that's such a bad thing that I believe is by faith alone? Yeah, I believe it's by Jesus only. I believe Jesus did it all. Jesus should get all the glory for everything and the only reason I go to heaven is because it's what He did on the cross. It has nothing to do with what I did. It has nothing to do with being baptized. It has nothing to do with me preaching. It has nothing to do with me going out and preaching the gospel. It has nothing to do with the tithes that I give. It has nothing to do with what I do on this earth. It has only to do with the fact that He died for my sins and I put my faith in that. That's it. But these people are going to die and go to hell because they're trusting in their own works. And they can be arrogant and pompous and just think that they're right until they die and go to hell. But the Bible says if any man preached any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. And the Bible is very clear that another gospel is those that were moved from the grace of Christ. Those that have fallen from grace and gone into works. It's subtle. And that's what you have to understand because people, you'll say, it's so close. Yeah, I know. The serpent, you know what he did? He put a question mark. Yea hath God said, ye shall surely die? He didn't just come out and say, you know, and just completely negate everything. He just put a question mark on it and said, Yea hath God said, ye shall surely die? Or, Yea hath God said, ye shall not eat of every fruit? And just questions it. And that's what these false teachers do. And we need to be crystal clear on this. If there's anything that we keep clear in this church, it's the gospel. And you know what? There are plenty of other gospels out there. But you know what the Bible says? Which is not another. There's only one. It's the everlasting gospel. It's the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's the only word of prayer. The only father we thank for today. Thank you for your word. And just pray to you to help us to not only keep the gospel clear, but to actually go out and preach it and use it. And here's the thing. We know that a lot of these false preachers preach this stuff, but they don't actually go out and try to doorknock or do what the Bible teaches. And Lord, just pray that you help us to not just get angry about it, but to actually make a difference and actually go out and see people saved and use it and win people to you, Lord. And we love you, and pray that you be with us as we go out soul-winding this afternoon. And we pray all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. So, by the day, we'll come and sing one more song, and then we'll be dismissed. All right, take your song books. Turn to song 116. Song 116. And if you would stand. We'll sing He Leadeth Me, song 116. He leadeth me, O blessed thought, O words with heavenly comfort fraud, What e'er I do, where e'er I be, Still tis God's hand that leadeth me. He leadeth me, he leadeth me, By his own hand he leadeth me. His faithful follower I will be, For by his hand he leadeth me. Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes when Eden's borrows bloom, By waters still o'er troubled sea, Still tis his hand that leadeth me. He leadeth me, he leadeth me, By his own hand he leadeth me. His faithful follower I will be, For by his own hand he leadeth me. His faithful follower I will be, By his own hand he leadeth me.