(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you welcome back to Mount Baptist Church if you turn your songbooks to song number 153 song number 153 we'll sing how firm a foundation and if you'd stand we'll sing all five verses of song number 153 foundation the Saints of the Lord is laid for your faith in his excellent word but more can he say than to you he has said to you for refuge to Jesus have fled in every condition and sickness and how in poverty's veil or abounding in well at home and abroad on the land on the sea as your days may demand shall your strength ever be when through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie my grace all sufficient shall be thy supply the flame shall not hurt thee I only design thy dross to consume and my goal to refine and down to old age all my people shall prove my sovereign fish changeable love and when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn like lambs they shall still in my bosom be born the soul that on Jesus have leaned for repose I will not I will not desert to its foes that soul though hell should endeavor to shake I'll never no never no never forsake let's pray God thank you for today God thank you for this afternoon where we saw quite a few souls saved God approved you pray that you'd be with pastor this afternoon as he preaches God I pray that you would bless him and help us to learn what he asked for us we pray these things in Jesus name Amen if you turn your songbooks to song number 191 song song song number 191 we will sing in my heart there rings a melody we'll sing all three verses a song 191 I have a song that Jesus gave me it was saying from heaven above there never was a sweeter melody there's a melody of love and my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody with heaven's harmony and my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody of love I love the Christ who died on Calvary for he washed my sins away he put within my heart a melody and I know it's there to stay and my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody with heaven's harmony and my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody of love to be my endless theme and glory with the angels I will sing to be a song with glorious harmony when the courts of heaven ring and my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody with heaven's harmony and my heart there rings a melody there rings a melody of love Amen well welcome back to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday evening soul winning numbers here so let's first of all get the soul winning numbers for the week I know brother Matt said that he had three earlier this week was there any others during the week three on Wednesday oh well don't worry I getting days mixed up too it was on Thursday I admit it I was wrong brother Dave's tabby had baby on Thursday I can admit when I'm wrong so that's six up to today was there what we have today two so one so three one four five six seven eight eight today praise Lord that's great so eight today and then so six so 14 for the week no lullaby music while I'm preaching okay I already put people to sleep so the sermon isn't meant to be fiery so I need you to be awake yeah so praise the Lord for the soul winning keep up a good work there and then on our bulletin there as far as this week all the service time should be correct so we have a Wednesday evening service we'll be continuing through the book of 1st Samuel and then regional sewing times just be on the church group there as far as all those times are concerned and then the buck cannon so many marathon that's subject to change as far as the date it may be the 16th so that may be the realm there let if on the on the chat group there anybody's wanting to go through the buck cannon so winning marathon put basically say state whether the 16th works good for you or not we're just trying to get as many people as we can whatever day we choose on that and so let us know there I can't go on the ninth and I can't go on the 23rd so that's kind of where I'm at but I don't want to if everybody can go on the ninth you know I don't want to be that guy that's like stopping everybody so but maybe just stayed on there if the 16th works because I think that might work for a lot but we'll see and then we are planning that the Lancaster one that'll be in May when we say in 25th May 25th so I know that's a little further down the road there but I went out to the to the Amish to the Mennonites and so what we're planning on doing with that one is kind of maybe what we did when we went to Indianapolis so if you remember when we went to Indianapolis we tried to kind of bunk up if you will and got some hotel rooms and so we'll see who all wants to go to that and see if we can maybe get a few hotel rooms to where we can go that Friday night and then we're not driving a whole bunch in the morning and obviously we can drive back that day but but yeah just let us know there and obviously we do that then the church will take care of the hotels and everything but we're just trying to that might be a good route to go there so it's definitely closer than Indianapolis but anyway I just don't know if I can room with brother Dave because that's dangerous and so and then what I mean by that is that we ate a lot of food we're getting pizza delivered like all kind of stuff so it's bad news bears so and then as far as the Bible memory we have Jonah chapter 1 for our Bible memory for the month we have Hebrews 10 10 for our memory verse for the week and then obviously congratulations to the Gandy family with their new addition there and then be in prayer for Anastasia and for Crystal specifically for Anastasia right now since she's at any moment you know ready to go there so just pray everything goes well with that be in prayer for all those that aren't feeling well just going dealing with sicknesses and stuff like that right now it's the season so I think it's about all I have for announcements the offering boxes in the back there if you want to give a tie there an offering if you if anybody hasn't received their giving statements and they need it let me know I think we've handed out all those so but if you need it for tax purposes or whatever the reason is we can get that to you mother baby rooms for the mother's babies only who's reading tonight brother David David is gonna be reading Revelation chapter 12 I have to do one more song turn your songbooks to song number 116 so I'm number 116 will sing he leadeth me and we will sing all four verses of song number 116 he leadeth me oh blessed thought oh words with heavenly comfort fraud what e'er I do where e'er I be still tis God's hand that leadeth me he leadeth me by his own hand he leadeth me his faithful power I would be for by his hand he leadeth me sometimes with scenes of deepest gloom sometimes where Eden's powers bloom by water still or troubled sea tilts his hand that leadeth me he leadeth me he leadeth me by his own hand he leadeth me his faithful power I would be for by his hand he leadeth me Lord I would class thy hand in mine nor ever murmur nor repine content whatever lot I see since is my god that leadeth me he leadeth me leadeth me by his own hand he leadeth me his faithful power I would be for by his hand he leadeth me and when my task on earth is done when by thy grace the victories won in death's cold wave I will not flee since God through Jordan leadeth me he leadeth me he leadeth me by his own hand he leadeth me his faithful power I would be for by his hand he leadeth me turn your Bibles to Revelation chapter 12 brother David will come and read for us Revelation 12 if you found any place amen and the Bible reads and there appeared a great wonder in heaven woman clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of stars and see being a child cried travailing in birth and pain to be delivered and there appeared another wonder at heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them into the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which is ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born and she brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations with the rod of iron and a child was caught up under God into his throne and the woman fled into the wilderness which he had the place prepared of God that they should feed her there thousand two hundred and three square days and there was row in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not neither was the place found any more in heaven and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world and he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with them and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now has come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives under the death therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell on them woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that his he hath but a short time and when the dragon saw that he was cast into the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child and the woman were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into her place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the face of the serpent and the serpent cast out his mouth when the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the blood and the earth helped the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood as the dragon cast out of his mouth and the dragon was walthed with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and had the testimony of Jesus Christ let's pray to you Lord I thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house pray that you feel past with your spirit help us all be edified Jesus name amen amen so you're there in Revelation chapter 12 I want you to keep your places there but I want you to turn to Hebrew chapter 12 real quick and I'm taking a series angels and devils this is actually part four and I was doing the why and you know the the win and all that I'm doing the where so and what I'm gonna be really getting into is where are the angels right now where are the devil right now where are they going so it's kind of a where are they at you know and where are they gonna be and so it's kind of just dealing with that this could be very very short sermon because I could just tell you probably in five minutes you know that but I do want to show you some verses on it okay but in Hebrew chapter 12 verse 22 notice what it says here it says but ye are come unto Mount Zion unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels to the general assembly and Church of the firstborn which are written which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus the mediator of the new New Covenant into the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel so Paul's writing this and he's basically saying we're not coming down to the old mount you know obviously the mouth that could be touched Mount Sinai all that but the Mount Zion which is in heaven right so we're talking about in heaven right now there's the general assembly in Church of the firstborn meaning this is that all believers that are in heaven that are you know before the throne would be considered that general assembly in Church of the firstborn okay and churches means congregation so assembly congregation all of that but that in heaven right now there are an innumerable company of angels that are there and I know we've kind of already seen that as far as the fact that the seraphims the charibims and just that that you know that that company of angels that are singing before the throne and all of that so notice that there are angels that are in heaven right now now what I go back to Revelation chapter 12 what I think that some people don't realize is that the devil's and that Satan himself still can be at the throne and can be where God is at right now in heaven in this story here in Revelation chapter 12 is where Satan and his devils are going to be cast out of heaven that hasn't happened yet okay this is this is actually this event that that I'm reading right here is what starts off the tribulation if you will so Daniel 70th week you know is another way of saying it but there's a seven year period where there's going to be tribulation then great tribulation and then God's gonna come back and he's gonna pour out his wrath right so Jesus is gonna come in the clouds and he's gonna pour out his wrath for the remainder of that seven year period and so but what starts that off is actually the devil being cast out of heaven to where he can no longer enter into the kingdom of heaven he can no longer stand before God and but the question is what is he doing there right what is he doing in heaven all of this now in Revelation chapter 12 and verse 7 here it says and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and a dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven and the drag the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him so notice that we're not just talking about the devil we're talking about his angels as well which would be the devil's right it says and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength in the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ notice this for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night okay so what I want you to notice here is that this is what the devil was doing in heaven you know up to this point is that he was accusing the brethren day and night so what people I think people have a skewed idea of where the devil's at right now I think people think that the devil is just like down in hell like rolling over hell no there is a king of the bottomless pit his name is Abaddon Apollyon and it's not the devil okay the devil is not ruling over hell the devil is going to be cast into hell and he's gonna be tormented in hell yay into the lake of fire where he's gonna be tormented day and night forever and ever and he is not ruling over that he's not reigning over that he's not overseeing it you know there's all these weird movies that are out there and stuff like that and a lot of these movies I haven't seen but I've just kind of heard the premise of them where like devil's like basically seeking souls you know like he's like this gatekeeper of hell or something like that and he's the one that's like basically pulling people into hell and stuff like that it's like yeah he's pulling people in the hell on the fact that he's causing people not to believe on Christ and all of that but he's not literally the one that's like casting them into hell okay but what he is doing is that he is accusing the brethren and this is where we get his name the devil okay now the devil in Spanish you know what that was you know how you'd say that Diablo right but if you look at you know what that etymology is and obviously that goes back into the Greek as well but the idea is that it's talking about a false accuser okay that same word is basically which is what he's called here right he's accused of the brethren but not just an accuser right he's a false accuser okay and this is where you get into the whole thing between Michael and the devil and all this stuff and that Michael the Archangel won't bring a railing accusation against the devil though the devil does it all the time right it's kind of like the devil that's that's his most that's like his name you know his name given to him is basically that he's an accuser he's a false accuser and he's constantly accusing the brethren and here let me just give you an example there's literally a story where we see this happening in real time and that's the story of Job so go to Job chapter 1 Job chapter 1 like I said this is where people will try to say well sons of God and the Old Testament are angels wrong you just don't understand the passage if you read Revelation 12 and then you read Job it actually make perfect sense what's going on here and what they want you to think is that that the devil and his angels are like coming before the Lord or that he's coming before the angels or something like that no it makes a lot of sense if you understand why is he in heaven what's he doing in heaven he's accusing the brethren night and day right the brethren the saved the Saints what is he gonna do here in Job look at Job 1 and verse 6 it says now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them now did it say they want you to think like Satan's got this entourage coming with him right Satan came before the Lord and his and the sons of God came with him or something like that like he's got this this this posse behind him or something no the sons of God are presenting themselves before the Lord and Satan also came among them okay then it goes on to say in verse 7 it says in the Lord said unto Satan whence comest thou then Satan answered the Lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it and the Lord said unto Satan hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and steweth evil now you may ask yourself like why is God bringing up Joe what's the reason for this but if you understand that that's what the devil does is he just goes up and just accuses the brethren to the Lord constantly and you know what the Lord's saying what about Job right it's kind of like have you considered Job and what does Satan say here in verse 9 then Satan answered the Lord and said that Job fear God for not hast not thou made and hedge about him and about his house and about all that he hath on every side thou hast blessed the work of his hands and his substance and increased in is increased in the land put forth thine hand now and touch all that he hath and he will curse thee to thy face now that's a false accusation because Job doesn't do it right so he's accusing Job like he's gonna curse you to face if you take everything that he has now we know the story Job doesn't do that and the Lord said it said unto Satan behold all that he hath is in thy power only upon him himself put not forth thine hand so Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord now that's the whole premise of the book of Job right is this is how this starts is that Satan is accusing Job saying no he won't serve you if you do this he'll curse you to your face that's what Satan is doing so get the picture you have the children of God the General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn that are presented before the Lord and who's coming among them Satan and what's he doing he's accusing Job that's what you see and that's still going on today so you say well where's the devil at right now walking to and fro through the earth or he may be up in heaven night and day accusing somebody accusing some brother in Christ or some sister in Christ before the Lord and accusing him of whatever right saying he they won't serve you they won't do this and he's just constantly accusing the brethren this is something he's doing night and day and that doesn't stop until Michael and his angels cast the dragon out cast the devil out that hasn't happened yet now you can argue and say well maybe it has happened we just don't know that we're in it yet maybe but I don't think so I don't think we're in that yet because the Bible talks about obviously when this happens there's gonna be wars and rumors of wars and there's gonna be pestilences and all these different things and I think it's going to be pretty extreme you know on the earth when it when that stuff happens I think that when that happens we can still probably be like I'm not sure it's not until we see the abomination desolation that we know for sure that that's the case but at that point the devil's already been kicked out of heaven his angels you know the devil's have been kicked out and so that being said knowing that information will help with Bible doc first of all job makes a lot of sense doesn't it okay the sons of God are saved people make sense to the devil's trying to go among them and basically accuse them and specifically to he's trying to accuse the most just man upon the earth job at that time was the most just man upon the earth and the devil was accusing him now you say well what about the devil's you know like the other angels maybe they're doing the same thing I don't know but we know if the devil is doing it then maybe the devil's are doing it as well I want to think about this passage to go to first Kings chapter 22 and this is just a food for thought this isn't necessarily something to where you know I'm like a hundred percent dogmatic on this but I kind of lean this way that dealing with who were who were who's the Lord talking to here in this passage and who are these spirits that the Lord's talking to here okay and so just some food for thought I think it can you can argue either way here but in first Kings chapter 22 what you have is that Ahab is obviously not a righteous king and the Lord basically the Lord is basically wanting to get these prophets to tell Ahab to go up and basically go into this battle so he can go die right so what's going on here is there's a conversation happening in heaven so in verse 19 it says and he said hear thou therefore the word of the Lord I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left okay so get the picture you know seeing the Lord here and the prophets seeing the Lord and the host of heaven now kind of already covered this but the host of heaven you know you can think about like the physical Sun and star Sun Moon and stars and all that stuff but then the host is also likened unto the angels right and so there's this host that's about him or around about him on his right hand on his left and the Lord said who shall persuade Ahab that he may go up and fall at Ramoth Gilead and one said on this manner and another said on that manner and there came forth a spirit and stood before the Lord and said I will persuade him and the Lord said unto him wherewith and he said I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets and he said thou shalt persuade him and prevail also go forth and do so now therefore behold the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets and the Lord has spoken evil concerning me now this could be you know but when you're dealing with lying spirits to me that maybe that he's utilizing maybe there maybe there's these devils are like hey we'll go do that and he's allowing it okay he's allowing it happen there's a lot of cases where God will allow wicked people to do things or just allow that to happen because maybe they're getting judged or something's happening there and it's not that he's condoning lying but more so the fact that that's what they do right the devil is a liar and the father of it so I mean makes no it kind of makes sense that his minions would be as well that's a possible interpretation of it that you're dealing with the fact that hey there are devils and in the devil that is constantly kind of coming up night and day accusing the brethren and maybe there was this conversation that was going on to where that would happen now you can get into another realm where you're dealing with okay well there's cases where for example Rahab the harlot you know sent the messengers out another way and didn't tell them you know that they went a certain way and you know was that right or wrong and getting into that area as far as are there exceptions to the rule when it comes to that okay all I'm saying with that is that this kind of opens up that door to where hey this is possible as far as like an explanation because someone could be like oh you know all you're saying that the Lord is it's okay to lie you know and and getting down that line well it could be the fact that hey he allowed these these these Devils to do their thing right and just as much as he allowed Satan to do his thing right think about with Joe he's he basically said let your hand be upon him but don't you know basically don't touch him yourself right basically you take away all the substance but don't hurt him and basically God allowed it and so that you say well it says the Lord put a lying spirit in their hearts well it also says the Lord talks about that you've moved my hand to basically back to job and all this even though it's Satan that did it okay so sometimes that language can can work like that and so anyway this is something interesting when it comes to the fact that when you realize that that Satan is also or that he's in heaven I had a verse on here and where did I put it I didn't put it there did I yep no I did never mind that's later all right so I'm getting ahead of myself so when we understand that that hey you know right now there's obviously angels good angels in heaven but the devil can still present himself before the Lord and accuse the brethren and I believe his devil's the same thing until Michael and that's where you get that that finale when you read that that's a big deal that heaven is now cleansed from that heaven is now completely void of the devil but the earth isn't yet okay and you see this this idea that okay heavens cleanse and heaven is no longer dealing with this but the earth now well once of the inhabitants of the earth because the devil's coming out and he knows he has a short time and we know he has a short time because there is a limited time he only has you know basically you know seven years to do what he's going to be doing and you know and a lot of that actually he's going to be the wrath of God's being poured upon the the beast and all his guys so but also what are they doing we saw this in job what are the devil's doing if they're not accusing the brethren right we'll go to job chapter two because this is obviously the devil comes back but I just kind of want you to see you know a portion of that as far as the fact that basically they're roaming around the earth okay job two and verse one so obviously that didn't work job didn't sin with his lips the devil falsely accused job verse one here says again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord so that's how there's a separation between them that this isn't like the devil and his angels this isn't that you know I mean like so this idea of why does that have to be angels when it says sons of God it makes a lot more sense that his brethren especially when you see the New Testament and what it states about this but he presents himself before the Lord and Lord said unto Satan from whence comest thou and Satan answered the Lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it and this is really what I want to point out here is that what are what are the devil's specifically doing they're going to and fro through the earth and their habitations can be different places meaning that in different and I preached on this dealing with I think that I call it habitation of devil or something like that but basically they can be in animals they can possess people or they could just be kind of like homeless and they're searching for a dwelling essentially and that's kind of you get that story where the man that had the unclean spirit and the unclean spirit comes out of the man and he's basically going through dry places and just kind of like trying to find a dwelling place and he's like I'm gonna go back where I was but they take seven other spirits more wicked than himself and then they find that you know it's swept and garnished it's like oh they cleaned up and then he comes back in okay and so the devil's are kind of roaming around you know when it comes to Revelation 18 dealing with when Babylon's destroyed I do think there's a lot to say about like abandoned places places like like maybe where wicked things have happened I kind of preached on this as well as far as like how kind of wickedness kind of clings to a certain place and that that's where the devil's like to hang out so you think of like you know I don't discredit that there's probably things and noises and like different types of spiritual things going on in like a saint asylums and like prisons places where murders happen and wicked things happen it's not ghosts it's devils is what you're dealing with okay and so but in Revelation 18 in verse 1 it says and after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the great is fallen is fallen and it's become the habitation of devils in the hold of every foul spirit in a cage of every unclean and hateful bird so the devil's and the devil himself are basically walking to and fro through the earth and the thing that I kind of want to point out with this is that the devil is not omnipresent okay he has to the angels mate they may be quick right because if you think about the cherrybins what was it what was it said they moved like lightning right so it's not to say the devil's like literally like moving snail pace or something like that he's obviously quick but he's not omnipresent he's not he can't be in all places at once right so if he's over here vexing somebody can't be vexing somebody at the same time over here right and there's obviously millions of devils so you know you're not necessarily always getting the devil okay job got the devil but Joe was also the most just man upon earth okay so I don't assume that I'm ever really getting vexed by the devil because that's kind of a high mark to be right Jesus obviously was being tempted by the devil but he's also the son of God right so and you see like major characters in the Bible and the Satan standing against them and all this but they were also very much main you know characters at their time right and so not to say you know that obviously the devil could personally be attacking our church or people in our church I'm not saying that can't happen but I'll say this it's probably more so his minions it's probably Devils you know some of the fallen angels and stuff like that okay but also just know this is that they hang out in places like that the idea of not being around wicked areas okay and just not being in that realm you don't want to be in that area I mean think about it with the sons of Sceva if you remember this the the sons of Sceva were trying to basically you know rebuke a devil or rebuke this foul spirit and these devils or whatever and the man that was possessed ended up like tearing them apart right essentially like basically wounding them and all of that and what you have to understand is that maybe you can't be possessed with the devil right because you're saved but it doesn't mean you can't be harmed by those that are right and you don't want to be around that type of stuff okay I don't recommend going to a sane asylums and like you know ghost hunts and all these different things and and all that because they're just wickedness that's surrounding those areas and and whether you know you can't be touched by a devil or not doesn't mean the devil can't use someone to touch you right and so there's different things to think about when it comes to that I go to Zechariah chapter 1 I also believe that good angels are also walking to and fro through the earth and Zechariah hits on this in that that aspect so we're talking about where are they at where are they at right where art thou right whence comest thou that's what we're dealing with well the angels obviously can go into heaven in there before the throne and they're they're obviously praising the Lord and all these different things but they're also ministering spirits for them who shall be heirs of salvation so you think about it that they by definition would have to be down here on the earth walking to and fro in order to accomplish that ministry and so ain't you know Gabriel when Gabriel was talking to Zechariah right he says I am Gabriel that standeth and I'm gonna misquote this but basically I stand before the the god of all the earth or something like that but basically he's talking about I am Gabriel who stands next to the you know like I stand before the god of the whole earth but he's there with Zechariah at the time right so obviously Gabriel's has been in heaven and he's obviously stands before the Lord but he also will be sent out he's sent to go do this and then are sent to do other things too okay and so so the angels can be in heaven they can be down here they you know and it's not like what I'm trying to get across here is I don't believe that there's angels that are only in heaven they never leave and then there's angels in the earth and that's where they're at and they never go to heaven right they basically go from to and fro now I don't have a lot of this in my nose but I'm just thinking off top my head how about the the story with Jacob in Bethel remember the vision that he had where there was a ladder that reached up from the earth to heaven and what was ascending and descending upon it angels basically showing you that gap bridge between heaven and earth are these angels and even Jesus said in John chapter 1 you know when he's talking to Nathaniel said you know basically because I saw the other the fig tree believes out I should see greater things than these he's basically saying you shall see angels ascending and descending upon the Son of Man which also shows you that he's the ladder he's the mediator between heaven and earth between God and men but also just the idea of the angels of God and how they are ministering spirits between heaven and earth they are the messengers essentially between heaven and earth and so they are obviously going to and fro from heaven to earth throughout the earth and all that so let me just show you obviously we saw where the devil does that but I believe the angels the good angels right as I'll call them that they are also doing that so when Zechariah 1 8 it says and I saw by night and behold a man riding upon a red horse and he stood among the myrtle trees there were in the that were in the bottom and behind him were their red horses speckled in white then said I oh my lord what are these and the angel that talked with me said unto me I will show thee what these be and the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered and said these are they whom the Lord has sent to walk to and fro through the earth okay and it says and they answered the angel of the Lord that stood among the myrtle trees and said we have walked to and fro through the earth and behold all the earth sit is still and is at rest so basically we're gonna see I'm gonna show you that these are spirits that you know these are called spirits which obviously the angels are ministering spirits you know who make his minister spirits and his administers a flame of fire we're dealing with angels here but they are sent to go to and fro through the earth and specifically to bring back a message and that message is that the earth is sit is still and is at rest which is not a good thing so what it's gonna be getting into is that there's gonna be obviously something that's gonna happen but I think about how God says that he's gonna go down into Sodom and see you know if the report is true you know and he sends his angels down there to go see what's going on and that type of thing that's going on and those are obviously two angels that go in we know the story that the angels bring Lot and his wife and his two daughters out by the hand through and then it's destroyed but go to Zechariah chapter 6 and verse 1 dealing with I believe the same type of angels and and all of that and I know I've already hit on the fact that a lot of these angels that they'll have chariots and they'll have horses attached to the cherries and I kind of hit on that with this Zechariah passage but what I'm trying to get to is that they're going to and fro through the earth that you say well how are they getting by on horses and chariots apparently right you know you have the cherry bins that are flying with their wings you have these these angels that are basically riding on chariots I'm not saying they're not cherry bins I'm not saying they're not seraphims but they are obviously on chariots with horses and that these horses are actually different colors and I believe that these different the colors of different horses when you get the revelation we see what that kind of represents you know because if you think about it angels a lot of times they'll be sent to either kill or maybe send a pestilence or they'll do something like that right and you'll see when the seals are open that those horses kind of represent that right whether it's war whether it's pestilence whatever the case may be is the idea that that these angels are doing different things they kind of have there's that there's different angels for different you know offices and different jobs you know you'll see like an angel that basically is in the Sun right and then there's like angels that are like reserved down in Euphrates and and there's like all these different jobs of these different angels and so in verse 1 here it says in Zechariah chapter 6 verse 1 it says and I have turned and lifted up mine eyes and looked and behold there came four there came four chariots out from between two mountains and the mountains were made mountains of brass and in the first chariot were red horses in the second chariot black horses in the third chariot white horses in the fourth chariot grizzled and bay horses sound familiar to the four horsemen you know the four horsemen in Revelation chapter 6 now I'm not saying that these horses are those angels in Revelation chapter 6 actually these are horses right chariots with horses but the point is is that I do believe that the color of the horses represent maybe what they do as far as what maybe power you know like kind of a authority over certain things whether it's pestilences whether it's killing with the sword or whatever the case may be okay but keep reading there this is in verse 4 it says then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me what are these my Lord and the angel answered and said unto me these are the four spirits of the heavens which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth so you see something that's very similar there is that you see that they're walking to and fro through the earth these are the four spirits of the heavens which I hit on when we were going when we were talking about Revelation chapter 7 which the four corners of the earth four winds of the earth but also it that that stand before the Lord of all the earth you'll see that with Gabriel it's mentioned and obviously there's something that you see kind of noted about the angels is that they stand before the Lord and then they're sent out to do something and just what are they doing they're going to and fro through the earth and it says here in verse 6 it says the black horses which are therein go forth into the north country and the white go forth out after them and the grizzled go forth toward the south country so they're kind of going in different directions some are going in the same direction some are going in different direction it says and the bay went forth and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth and he said get you hence walk to and fro through the earth so they walk to and fro through the earth so I think I think we got that right so you know the the the the grizzled and bay ones they're kind of just going everywhere right and then the other ones kind of have a certain direction that they're going but I think that they have a certain direction you're going for a purpose like there's context here that I'm not really getting into there's context as far as like why they would be going north why they'd be going south as far as where they're going from right and you think about from Jerusalem right that that's kind of your point of reference here is Jerusalem they're going north they're going south you know and then some are just walking you know through to and fro through the earth right and verse 8 here kind of going back to what it says in verse chapter 1 it says then cried he upon me and spake unto me saying behold these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country and you know this is Zechariah is around the time of Babylon being destroyed and then you had the Persians and all these different things so the north is really where that's always coming from and so don't want to really get into all the details of Zechariah in the context besides the fact that what do we see here they're going to and fro through the earth there's different angels that are obviously have different you know I guess jobs I guess is the best way to say it is they have different jobs that they're doing and revelation if you read the revelation what you're gonna see is that there's different angels for different types of jobs right you have the angel with the sartre sickle you have the angel that's in the Sun you have the angel that's coming from the altar and they're like communicating with each other right you have the Archangel that's going to voice to the Lord Jesus to come right the voice you know shout the voice of the Archangel and you'll see that even in Revelation chapter 14 where the angel comes out and states that you know of course it says that you know he that is like unto the Son of man sitting on the white cloud to reap the earth who is that that's Jesus reaping the earth and obviously the rapture is going on there but then you have another angel that come out to another angel that's got the sharp sick sharp sickle that's going to reap the vintage of the earth and that's talking about you know obviously putting people into the the winepress the wrath of God and you'll see all these different angels and the different positions that they have and all of that so you know where are they at they're in heaven they're in the earth walking to and fro both angels and doubles and what you have here is you have this spiritual warfare that's going on in the background now obviously the spiritual warfare just in our you know our it talks about like our soul fighting against the lust of the flesh right that's a spiritual warfare but there is literally devils and angels fighting in the background and there's going to be a major war and you know like a war of wars when it comes to the angels and the devil's right and the fact that Michael and his angels are gonna prevail against the devil and his angels and that's what's gonna jumpstart the end times and but there are wars going on right now Daniel hits on this and the reason that I'm kind of hitting on this is because I think this will kind of open up your mind to what's going on in some of these passages Daniel chapter 10 and 11 what you get into is you have Gabriel talking to Daniel and saying I will I was gonna come to you 21 days ago but basically he was hindered because he was fighting with the Prince of Persia and he says no one was holding with me in this but Michael your prince okay so get the picture here you have Gabriel and Michael basically fighting against the Prince of Persia you have a spiritual battle meaning if Michael's a prince maybe the Prince of Persia is also you know maybe a high-up devil that they are fighting remember the Bible says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places we're not just talking about the spirits of evil men we're talking about spiritual wickedness like Devils up in high places and that there are angels good angels that are combating those wicked angels okay and that that battle is going on right now it was going on in Daniel's day with leadership right you're dealing with obviously Persia and in the Grecian Empire and all that was the the world powers of their day do you think that's not happening in America right now we are the world power I'm sure it's happening in China as well you know in other places but it's definitely happening here and so when it comes to where are they at right now that's kind of just a glimpse of where are the angels right now they're either in heaven standing before the Lord maybe they're sent down here to minister to those that are gonna believe on Christ or maybe minister to those that are already saved they may be you know just walking to and fro through the earth just seeing you know kind of like if you think of like reconnaissance you know like kind of a scout you know scouting out what's going on it's like it's still over here this is going on over here and you're dealing with hundreds of millions of angels right so you say well that's a big earth well there's a lot of angels and so you know just something to think about and when you're going through the Bible just to kind of open your mind to be like okay they can go into heaven okay you know they are walking through the earth so when you read some of these passages like okay that's what this could be talking about okay and especially when you get into cryptic stuff like Daniel Zechariah in those type of places you're gonna run into that kind of maybe a wall where you're like what is this talking about where some of it's just figurative and some of it is you know kind of just kind of allegorical but some I don't believe that that's allegorical we're talking about these chariots and all of that I don't believe that's how I believe he's just that's what it is that's what he sees you know and not everything in the Bible was just a spiritualized I mean it is spiritual but I guess it would be spiritualized because when you're dealing with angels and all that you're dealing with the spiritual realm right you're dealing with that metaphysical realm now last thing I want to hit on and then I'll be done is okay well where are they going okay what's their eternal state what what's the endgame for either the angels or the devil's go to Jude Jude chapter 1 verse 6 Jude verse 6 so if you know that there's no salvation given to angels meaning that he took not on him the nature of angels but he took on the seed of Abraham and it even when it comes to the gospel and when comes the Holy Ghost coming down from heaven that the angels desire to look into that right so there's not no one is intercessing an intercessor for the angels okay and what this really means is that they I believe made an eternal decision and that's been made and it is what it is now okay so when the devil sinned and he took the angels with him that was a moment in time that happened and at that point there is a separation between good angels and the devil's and that is what it is and the good angels aren't going to become Devils and the Devils aren't going to be able to come good again like basically you have the angels that will be forever with us that we're going to be ruling and reigning forever right and then there's going to be the Devils that are going to be in hell for all eternity and that there was basically this moment in time where they made an eternal decision okay and so there is a difference between angels and humans and the idea that we more so have a space of time where we're living on this earth where we can make that decision right whereas there's I believe was a moment in time where they made that and that that's done right like the Devils the amount of Devils that there are they are what they are the amount of angels that there are they are what they are right so it's not a matter of like right now there's angels that are falling from heaven and becoming Devils I don't believe that okay go to Jude 1 and verse 6 it says any angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved and everlasting chains and their darkness unto the judgment of the great day so the idea is that they left their first estate now you know what that means is that they had a choice and you know we obviously have free will but I believe the Angels did too that they had the choice to either leave their first estate and follow the devil okay and in Revelation 12 remember we saw that where his tail drew the third part of the stars right what is that talking about the third part of the Angels that the devil took with him but they made the choice to leave they made the choice to go with the devil and to sin and to be be Devils okay themselves and I believe that's a moment in time that happened and that has been done and then they have they're gonna have to suffer the consequences for that and there is no stopping that there's no salvation for them and it is what it is now go to 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 and verse 4 2nd Peter chapter 2 and verse 4 parallel passage really but notice what says here it says for if God spared not the angels that sinned so I want you to notice that it wasn't just the devil that sinned the angels sinned too it was the day it was the devil's those angels that fell that sinned it was they left their own habitation right they kept not their first estate they made the choice and they sinned okay and then it says but cast them down to hell and deliver them into chains of darkness to be reserved under judgment now the question that you may ask yourself here is like okay are the devil's in hell right now because it says that in past tense cast them down right cast them down to hell and delivered them in the change of darkness what you have to understand that a lot of times in the Bible when there's things that are absolute meaning that there's no changing it it will a lot of times be used in the past tense or even in the present tense for example in Revelation before Babylon is ever destroyed it says Babylon is fallen right it'll state that before it ever happens or it'll state you know certain things have happened when it hasn't happened this happens a lot in prophecy obviously with Isaiah 53 it'll state both in past present and future tense what Jesus was going to do right but if you're looking at if you're looking at Isaiah 53 when it's written obviously none of that had been done yet because Jesus hadn't come yet but you'll see it's stated in past tense he laid on him the iniquity of us all right so it'll use that in passage you use present tense and all of that and what it comes down to is that this is going to happen and he's obviously you call it things that be not as though they were the idea here is that it's as if it already happened because it's going to happen right they're being reserved into that and nothing is going to change that there is no hope for them to not be cast down into hell okay and Jesus says this about Satan good heard about the devil right go to Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 verse 17 Luke chapter 10 and verse 17 right now I don't believe any Devils are in heaven or in hell now it's possible and I'll give you my reasons why there might be some in hell right now and the reason I say that is because if you remember when Jesus is casting out Devils and if you remember they beseech him saying have you come to torment us before the time and he they besought him not to be cast into the deep okay now the deep could be talking about the ocean but it could also be talking about the abyss which is the bottomless pit okay because it talks about when it talks about Jesus Christ ascending from the deep that is from the dead right it'll associate the deep with hell okay so I'm just assuming they're not and maybe the Devils are just like saying are you gonna do this before you're supposed to right and they're kind of taught you know like are you gonna torment us before we're supposed to be tormented are you going to cast us out into the deep and basically don't cast us out to the deep right but they besought him to be cast out into the herd of swine so I personally don't think that they are but I think maybe it's possible that maybe some were you think about the the Antichrist and the false prophet how they're cast they they get a straight ticket to the to the lake of fire like they don't pass go they don't collect $200 straight to the lake of fire right meaning this is that they don't have the great white throne judgment like they're not in they're not in hell like in hell beneath for a thousand years and then casting like fire no straight to the lake of fire right and maybe it's possible that certain Devils the Lord is just like you're there now you're done right but I'll say this I don't see anything in Scripture that's showing me that that has happened besides the devil's asking for it not to happen okay so that's what that's all I'm saying with that is that they're beseeching him not to do that which makes me think that it's possible maybe he's done it before right and they're just like please don't do that to us right or maybe you know they're playing that card because they know that he has said in a point of time and he's not gonna break that and they're kind of banking on the fact that he's not gonna do it before he said he's gonna do it okay getting too deep with that anyway what I have you go Luke chapter 10 verse 17 it says in the seventh 70 in the 70 you've returned again with joy saying Lord even the devil's are subject unto us through thy name and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven now you say well see Satan has already fallen from heaven well again the Lord will call those things would be not as though they were meaning to to God that's already happened he's already he knows it's gonna happen and to him he sees that happening right and so I don't believe it's necessarily saying like that happened in the past although I'll say this is that obviously Satan fell on the idea that he sinned and that you know he was perfect in his creation the day which he was created until iniquity is found in him and you can definitely say that there's a fallen state to him you could be talking about that but the idea here is that I believe that these are prophecies about what's going to happen okay this is what's going to happen to them and nothing's gonna change that and he's stating it in a past tense because it's like it's as if it had been done right it's stating it past tense because it's like yes is done this is for sure and I think a lot of times that's why the Bible does that because it's not a matter of like this is going to happen unless this happens right and sometimes they'll be that caveat of like this will be destroyed if you don't do this or if you keep going down this path or whatever whereas in the Lord sometimes will have mercy think about Nineveh you know Jonah eat what is what is it what is Jonah preach 40 days Nineveh shall be destroyed but what the Lord didn't say is that Nineveh is fallen is fallen right because they repented in sackcloth and ashes and the Lord repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them meaning that it wasn't a final state like no redemption because there are cases where there is no remedy and I think in those cases where there's no remedy a lot of times it's stated in past tense like it's done you're done right I mean think about plucked up by the roots twice dead plucked up by the roots it's like it's done you're done it states that in that past tense you're done but you know what's a good about that is that we're saved past tense it's done right it'll even say how we're glorified you know and it'll use that that tense now obviously we could say that inwardly speaking but he's know is stating that as if like hey that's going to happen I mean we have the earnest of our inheritance and it's as good as gold we will be glorified with him but it's always like whom he predestinated he also you know called and whom he called he also sanctified whom he sanctified he also glorified and you can say well we haven't been glorified yet but as good as done right you might as well just say it's been done because it will be and nothing can change it okay so when it comes to the devil's hell itself was prepared for the devil and his angels right and in Matthew chapter 25 it says this it says then shall he say also unto them on the left hand depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels so when you think about hell is prepared for them now obviously anybody that that any person that doesn't believe on Christ is going to have to go there for their sins unless they believe on Christ and they're redeemed but go to Revelation chapter 20 early chapter 20 and what I want to show you is that right now the devil is still accusing the brethren night and day I believe the devil's as well they're walking to and fro through the earth you know you have cases where the devil's are like please don't cast us out into the deep you know don't torment us before the time but their destiny is held okay and in Revelation chapter 20 what we see here is that the devil is going to be cast into hell beneath okay so right now hell is underneath it is in the earth right in the center of the earth and heart of the earth that is hell beneath right anytime you see cast down to hell down to hell that type of language or the pit the bottomless pit you're dealing with hell that's in the earth right now right but then hell is going to be transported it's going to be death and hell is gonna be cast into the lake of fire and that is where hell will be at is an outer darkness but right now hell is beneath that's where all everybody's out right now that has died without Christ is in hell beneath that's where the devil will go for a thousand years okay so right now the devil's walking to and fro and he's accusing the brethren before this point that I'm going to read to you seven years before this he's gonna be cast out of heaven and his angels with him and he can no longer go up into heaven and accuse the brethren okay no longer able to go into heaven at all and stand before the throne okay but then in Revelation chapter 20 in verse 1 it says and I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years now who is that who is that angel that did that Apollyon Abaddon right who it says in Revelation chapter 9 is the king of the bottomless pit and has the keys of the bottomless pit and that's not the devil right that would make any sense because that was not taking hold of himself so if someone thinks that a Apollyon or Abaddon is the devil they're crazy okay or they're just not willing to just look at what the Bible says clearly but that that angel is going to bind the devil for a thousand years and it says in verse 3 and cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed a little season so for a thousand years the devil will be locked up in hell okay that hasn't happened yet but for a thousand years he'll be locked up and I believe his angels will be there with him you say how do you how do you know that because it says for he if and second Peter 2 4 for if you spared not the angels back that sin but cast them down to hell and deliver them into what chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment okay that is what's going to happen I believe that verse is stating that just as the devil is going to be in that case the devil's will be too for a thousand years the devil and I believe his devils will be chained up in hell and will not be able to go to and fro through the earth and deceive the nations and you know Jude same thing basically says that a reserved and everlasting change under darkness into the judgment of the great day what are we talking about because after the thousand years what happens go to Revelation 20 in verse 7 Revelation 20 in verse 7 it says and when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of this prison now it doesn't say the devil's are but I ventured to guess that they are too okay and you can fight me on that you know I'm not here to go down swinging on that one but I believe probably the aim the devil's as well are being loosed at the same time but it says in verse set in verse 8 there says and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea and they went up on the breadth of the earth and compass the camp of the Saints about in the beloved city and fire fire came down from heaven and devoured and devoured them and the devil that deceived them was cast into lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and they shall be tormented day and night forever and ever there's the finale of the devil but I believe the finale of the devil's as well right I mean it if where would they go right if death and hell are cast into the lake of fire that's where they're going to and what I believe is going on here is that the devil's the the devil and the devil's will be cast into lake of fire before anybody that's in hell right now that is going to come up to the great white throne because what happens right after this and I believe you see a clear progression of what's going on when it comes to the lake of fire is that you have the beast and the false prophet they're already there right because it makes a point that devil's cast in there where the beast and false prophet are that means they've been there for a thousand years and it says the devil's cast in there and then you see this great white throne and it says all the dead that are in hell and then the sea and everything are brought up and they're standing before the great white throne and so I believe that the judgment is going to be given to the devil and his angels they're gonna be cast in a lake of fire where the beast and false prophet are and then you're gonna have the great white throne where you have all the dead that are all the unbelievers are gonna stand before the great white throne judgment and they're gonna be judged according to their works and cast in the lake of fire and that the devil and his angels will be in the lake of fire for all eternity so you'll have that they'll have like a little reprieve there where you know between when the thousand years ends and when they go to deceive the nations and then they're going to the lake fire right and so but right now this is before they're being cast out of heaven by Michael and the Archangel or Michael the Archangel and his angels we're in the space where they're walking to and fro through the earth and they're accusing the brethren and that you know we're dealing with the spiritual weakness in high places you know all that stuff's going on right now but they give you the future outlook is that they're gonna be cast out they're gonna be great wrath because they're no longer able to go into heaven and they have a short time and they're gonna be persecuting the woman which is all living all mankind and then they're gonna go specifically after the seed of the woman that keep you know that had the testimony of Jesus Christ and keep his commandments you're talking about the saved and not just the saved essentially they're going after the saved that loved the Lord and keep his commandments and then there then you had the rapture all that and at the end of the wrath being poured out they're gonna be cast into hell into the bombless pit and then after a thousand years they're gonna I believe you know deceive the nations one last time and then they're going to the lake fire so that's kind of the where okay hopefully that made sense hopefully that kind of all clicks together but if you get anything out of the sermon is that the devil's are I believe the devil's is still accusing the brethren to this day that that is still going on to this day and that it's not until that tribulation starts that that ends and at that point instead of him accusing the brother night and day he's down here and he's got great wrath he's trying to kill everybody and that's where you get into the beginning of sorrows the great tribulation God pouring out his wrath thousand-year reign and then after all of that the devil and his angels and all the unbelievers are in the outer darkness in the lake of fire there's a new heaven new earth and all the saved will be there they'll be no more death no more tears no more pain no more devil no more devils all that's gone right and so that's kind of the finale when it comes to that but in our state where we're gonna be at we're gonna be doing with the Lord forever we're gonna be rolling and reigning with our Lord Jesus Christ for all eternity and that's our final state so let's end with a word prayer now they father we think of it today thank you for your word thank you for these passages Lord and help and thank you for a glimpse into the spiritual realm when it comes to angels devils and all that Lord help us to understand it as far as how you what you need us to understand Lord pray to be with us throughout the rest of this week pray to be with those that aren't feeling well give those that are traveling safe travels well we love you and pray also Jesus Christ name amen so brother Levi will come sing one more song and that will be dismissed you turn your song books the song number 75 will sing on Jordan stormy banks Stan will sing all four verses a song number 75 on Jordan stormy banks I said and cast a wishful eye to canis fair and happy land where my sessions lie I am bound for the Promised Land I am bound for the Promised Land Oh who will come and go with me I am bound for the Promised Land all or those wide extended plane shines one eternal day there God the Sun forever rains and scatters night of