(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 429 song 429 we're gonna see to sing hark the herald angels sing I've just missed the Christmas songs so much that I have to sing this one and if you would stand we'll sing song 429 hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn King peace on earth and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled joyful all ye nation rise join the triumph of the skies with angelic host proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn King Christ by highest heaven adored Christ the everlasting Lord late in time behold him come offspring of a virgin's womb veiled and flash the God had see held the incarnate deity please as men with men to dwell Jesus our Emmanuel hark the herald angels see three to a newborn King hail the heaven or Prince of Peace son of righteousness light and life to all he brings risen with healing and his wings my he lays his glory by born that man no more may die born to raise the sons of earth born to give them second birth hark the herald angels see to the new boy King come desire of nations come fix it us thy humble home rise the woman's conquering seed bruising us the serpent's head Adams likeness now efface stamp thine image in its place second Adam from above reinstate us and I love hark the herald angels see glory to the newborn King let's pray heavenly father Lord again we just want to thank you God just for good all your provision God all of your mercy all of your grace thank you for our church your word and our pastor I pray Lord now that you would just be honored and glorified of everything that's said and done we love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all but amen all right you may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual songbooks your Mountain Baptist songbooks and turn to page number five page number five in your songbooks and we'll sing Psalm 81 on page number five sing aloud unto God our strength make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob take a psalm and bring hither the temporal the pleasant harp psalm to read blow up the trumpet in the new moon and the time appointed on our solemn feast day for this was a statute for Israel and a law of the God of Jacob this he ordained and Joseph for a testimony when he went down through the land of Egypt where I heard a language that I understood not I removed his shoulder from the burden his hands were delivered from the pots thou calls in trouble deliver thee I answered thee in the secret place of thunder I proved the at the waters of Meriba see la here all my people and I will testify unto thee Oh Israel without harken unto me there's no strange God being the neither shall thou worship any strange God I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt open thy mouth wide and I will fill it but my people would not harken to my voice and Israel would none of me so I gave them up into their own hearts lost and they walked in their own counsels oh that my people harken unto me and Israel had walked in my ways I should soon have subdued their enemies and turn my hand against their adversary the haters of the Lord should have submitted should have submitted themselves unto him but their time should have endured forever he should have fanned them also with the finest of the wheat and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee out of the rock should I have satisfied thee amen well welcome back to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday evening here I'm gonna get the soul winning numbers for this week and today was there any during week as far as so winning one okay and then today and our group had one was there any others today one so that's three four five okay any others well we didn't have to shoot anybody today so that's good it's always like a good way to end the soul winning day or you know stuff like that but definitely always be in prayer for our soul winners it's perilous times out there so there's some really unhinged to people that are out there but praise the Lord the Lord has delivered us from unreasonable to men you know it's one thing to get pushed and shoved and everything else you know obviously we don't want anybody to actually get hurt so but you know Jesus said buy a sword for a reason not just you know just for looks so anyway but just be careful out there obviously anytime anybody is like being unreasonable and stuff like that you just want to get out of that situation the best you can and just get away you're not trying to fight the battle with them so so anyway all that to say is that everybody's safe that's good but yeah just know that that stuff can happen you just got to get out of the situation so when it comes and I'm switching my sermon to black Hebrew Israelites exposed tonight so I don't have any notes on it but you know I don't need them so I'm just kidding I'm not doing that but you know what I am preaching on angels and devils so you know the devil's I mean that would apply right so but anyway all joking aside we have our service time should be normal this week Wednesday evening is our Bible study through the first book of 1st Samuel and when it comes to the original so many times just beyond the church group there I know things are maybe a little out of place or just some are out be in prayer for brother Wade and then he's traveling abroad and so being prayer there as far as travel mercies and I don't know how the prayer meeting went today with the ladies but I'll ask my wife later and see what happened there but and then the men's prayer meetings coming up this Friday so I'll be on the 23rd there so as far as our Bible memory for the month we have Jonah chapter 1 is our chapter memory for the month and then Hebrews 13 8 is a memory verse for the week we got the birthdays this morning be in prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list there and so Anastasia, Tabi, Crystal be in prayer for all these ladies be in prayer for those that just had well I think of I think of Alyssa just had a little one and so just be in prayer there with a recovery process and all that stuff when it comes to the pregnancies I think that's about all I have for announcements that I can think of yeah unless you can think something that's it so offering boxes in the back there if you want to give Tyler an offering other baby rooms for the mothers babies only brother Joseph's gonna be reading Ezekiel chapter 1 after we do one more song all right take your war songbooks and turn to song 280 280 in your songbooks will sing softly and tenderly Jesus is calling song 280 softly and tenderly Jesus is calling calling for you and for me see on the portals he's waiting and watching watching for you and for me come home come home ye who are weary come home earnestly tenderly Jesus is calling calling oh sinner come home why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading pleading for you and for me why should we linger and heed not his mercies mercies for you and for me come home come home ye who are weary come home earnestly tenderly Jesus is calling calling oh sinner come home time is now fleeting the moments are passing passing from you and from me shadows are gathering deathbeds are coming coming for you and for me come home come home who are we come home earnestly tenderly Jesus is calling calling oh sinner come home oh for the wonderful love he has promised promised for you and for me though we have sinned he has mercy and pardon pardon for you and for me come home come home ye who are weary come home earnestly tenderly Jesus is calling calling oh sinner come home all right take your Bibles and turn to the book of Ezekiel chapter number one Ezekiel chapter number one in your Bibles and why brother Joseph read that for us Ezekiel chapter one and I found your place there you say amen now it came to pass in the 13th year in the fourth month in the fifth day of the month as I was among the captives by the river of Kbar that the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God in the in the fifth day of the month which was the fifth year of King Jehoiachin's captivity the word of the Lord came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest and the son of Buzhi in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Kbar and the hand of the Lord was there upon him and I looked and behold a whirlwind came out of the north a great cloud and a fire enfolding itself and a brightness was about it and about of the mist thereof as of the color of the of amber and out of the mist of the fire also out of the mist thereof came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had likeness of a man and every one had four faces and every one had four wings and their feet were straight straight feet and the sole of their feet was like like the sole of a calf's foot and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass and they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides and they four had their faces and their wings their wings were joined one to another they turned not when they went and they went every one straight forward as for the likeness of their faces they four had the face of a man and the face of a line on the right side and they four had a face of an ox on face of an ox on the left side they four also had the face of an eagle thus were their faces and their wings were stretched upward two wings of every one were joined one to another and two covered their bodies and they went every one straight forward whither the spirit was to go they went and they turned not when they went as for the likeness of the living creatures their appearance was like like burning coals of fire and like the appearance of of lamps it went up and down among the living creatures and the fire was bright and out of the fire went forth lightning and the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning now as i beheld the living creatures behold one one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures and with his four faces the appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of a barrel and they four had one likeness and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel and they went and they went upon their four sides and they turned not when they went as for their rings they were so high that they were dreadful and their their rings were all were full of eyes round about them four and when the living creatures went and the wheels went by them and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up whithersoever the spirit was to go they went thither was their spirit to go and the wheels were lifted up over against them for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels when those went these went and when those stood these stood and when those were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up over against them for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels and likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the terrible crystal stretched forth over their heads above none of the firmament were their wings straight and one toward toward the other everyone had two which covered on his side and everyone had two which covered on that side their bodies when they went i heard the noise of their wings like the noise of great waters as the voice of the almighty the voice of speech as the noise of a host when they stood they let down their wings and there was a voice from the firmament that was over their fate their heads when they stood and had let down their wings and above the firmament what that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne as the appearance of a sapphire stone and upon the likeness of the throne was a likeness as appearance of a man above it upon it and i saw as the color of amber as the appearance of fire round about within from the appearance of his loins even upward and from the appearance of his loins even downward i saw as it were the appearance of fire and it had brightness round about as the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain so was the appearance of the brightness round about that was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the lord and when i saw it i fell upon my face and i heard a voice of one that spake let's pray lord father thank you for this time we're able to gather again lord i thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us would ask you to be with pastor robinson edifies this evening in jesus name amen amen so you're there in ezekiel chapter one did you get all that when it comes to the cherry beams um in this chapter we don't actually see him called that um but i'm going through uh this part three if you will of angels and devils and this sermon is going to be more so dealing with um the appearance so the appearance of angels i'm going to be more so just dealing with angels uh not the devils uh tonight um but uh i just kind of wanted to go through this as far as specifically the cherry bins and the seraphims as far as just getting an idea of what they would look like um but also the fact that um that angels can also appear like men so they they they don't are aren't always going to look like uh the cherry bins here um you know when it comes to that now i think that honestly we have a depiction in writing as far as what they look like um but i believe back in the old testament when they were actually when they were building the tabernacle and they built the the ark of the covenant that they actually knew exactly what they look like because the lord showed moses on the in the mouth exactly how it was supposed to look therefore i think that depiction would have been accurate but i think now we can't really speak particularly about it we can just read about it and just kind of imagine what we're seeing uh when it comes to that so in verse uh four here uh it says and i look to behold a whirlwind came out of the north a great cloud and a fire unfolding itself and a brightness was about it and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber out of the midst of the fire also i out of the the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures and there was their and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man so the first thing that we see about these living creatures which later on we're going to see that they're called cherry bins or cherubs and uh is the fact that they have a likeness of a man so what i mean what i believe it means by that is there's going to be they're going to have they're each going to have four faces but the thing is is that i believe they're going to stand like a man right so you think about like a living creature like an animal you know a lot of animals are like four-footed beasts and therefore they're they're going to have that kind of appearance that kind of walk to them but i believe what it's basically stating is that they look kind of like in a figure as a man as far as the dimensions go and all of that okay so the other thing that you're going to see with angels is that that fire is associated with them and so what do we see from the very first here is that we're talking about fire unfolding itself and the color is the color amber and amber is kind of like an orange orange reddish color and the fact that angels are it even uh who gives his his uh uh his his angel making his angel spirits and his ministers a flame of fire right so when it comes to when it comes to angels you know fire is usually associated with that as far as being around them having the appearance of fire uh and so uh that's just something to note when you're dealing with the angels obviously angels of light and the fact that obviously fire gives off light but just because it's light doesn't necessarily mean it's fire so meaning this is that there's a there's a it talks about john the baptist being a shining and a burning light and so you know you can have both those elements in there but i think when it comes to angels especially the cherry limbs here is the first thing that we see is that they're kind of coming out of this fire but also they have this appearance of a man uh it says in verse six it says and everyone had four faces and everyone had four wings now this is something that stated over and over and over again so there is no doubt that each one of these creatures has four faces each because when you go to ezekiel chapter 10 actually go to ezekiel chapter 10 real quick um in verse 20 because it's kind of recapping what was seen on at the river kebar um but i just want you to see that one they're called cherry limbs but also there's there's no doubt that they each have four faces okay now that's interesting in itself right there you can just stick right at me like four faces how does that look how does that work right but in verse uh uh 20 of chapter 10 it says this is the living creature that i that i saw under under the god of israel by the river kebar and i knew that they were the cherry bins so it's very these are the cherry bins right as if everyone had four faces apiece right so no doubt each one of them had four faces as everyone everyone four wings and the likeness of the hands of a man was under their wings and the likeness of their faces was the same faces which i saw by the river kebar their appearances and themselves they went everyone straightforward so there's a lot of this in this chapter is kind of repeating over stuff but i can only imagine ezekiel's trying to explain this in words right he's seeing it but how do you put this down in words like how do you explain this right and so uh i'm just going to kind of be going through this and just you know try to picture in your mind what's being said here but uh so they they have an appearance of a man they each have four faces we're going to see what those faces are and they each had four wings it says and their feet were straight feet and the sole of their feet was like the the sole of a calf's foot and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass so they obviously kind of look you know there's this piers of fire but then they kind of like look like polished brass that's sparkling um but then it talks about their feet they don't have feet like we do right it's not like a you know 10 toes you know foot like a like a human foot it's like a calf's foot meaning that it's kind of like they they're the bottom torso if you will is more like like like a calf or an ox okay interesting right um and then it says uh in verse 8 there says and they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides and their four they four had their faces and their wings their wings were joined one to another they turned not when they went they went everyone straight forward so when it says their wings are joined together i imagine like if you think about how birds wings are joined in the back right and then they flap i think all their wings are joined at the same spot if that makes sense right so if you're looking on the back of them they would be joined like this top ones bottom ones you know so i think it's just basically saying that's where they connect they all connect at the same point right and with the cherry beams um you know two they're flying and two they're covering their their their self and then the seraphim is kind of the same thing only they have two more that are covering themselves right anyway uh going on from that we see that they only they move straight forward now it's going to state this again which kind of explains maybe why they have four faces okay so i want you to just think if you will a creature that has four faces in each direction like a face in each direction right so if you had if you had the fact that that they can only move straight forward they don't turn that's the the the notion that we're getting they don't turn when they go they just go straight forward so if you imagine they're kind of going in a straight line straight line straight line straight line so it's kind of like an orthogonal type of movements that they're doing and so uh they don't turn you know they're just they stay one direction but to get somewhere they would come and kind of go in an orthogonal direction the thing is is that you say well that seems like it's going to take them some time except for the fact that they move like lightning so it doesn't take them any time to get over there it's just kind of this this kind of like an orthogonal type of movement that has to be done uh to get to you okay so um anyway going on from that here's the faces it says in verse 10 as for their likeness of their faces they four had the face of a man the face of a lion on the right side and they four had the face of an ox on the left side and they four also had the face of an eagle so there's the face of a man the face of a lion on the right side the face of an ox on the left side they four also had the face of an eagle now personally the way i think that this would look is the face of the man is going like if you were to think of front right if there is a front right you know as far as you're looking at that the face of the man would go in front you have the um make sure i get it right here the face of the lion on the right side the face on the ox on the left side and then the face of the eagle will be going the other direction so basically they have all sides covered so therefore when they move they can they'll see what they're looking at right it just depends on where you're at as far as which face you're going to be seeing okay so um and then in verse 11 it says in their face and uh that's where their faces and their wings were stretched upward two wings of every one were joined one to another and two covered their bodies so basically this same thing happens with the seraphims where they're covering their bodies with with some wings and then they're flying with the other ones so um it says in verse 12 it says and they were uh went every one straight forward whither the spirit was to go they went and they turned not when they went as for the likeness of the living creatures their appearance was like like burning coals of fire and like the appearance of lamps like i said they kind of they have this appearance of fire which is what the bible says about angels is the fact that you know their ministers are flaming fires or flames of fire you know depending on if you're looking at Old Testament or New Testament when you're looking at that you'll see this throughout when you're actually seeing these angels and kind of in the real world if you will not that this isn't the real world right but he's seeing a vision and meaning this is that when you when you see stories where angels appear a lot of times what you're seeing is fire there's flaming fire going on and all of that so uh they have this obviously appearance of fire and uh and it says and the fire was bright and out of the fire went forth lightning and the living creatures in verse 14 ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning so remember it's kind of orthogonal meaning this is that you're going straight straight straight straight straight you know depending on which way you're going but they're so fast that if they had to get over here like that movement over there would be like lightning and you think about how does lightning usually move in the sky but it's kind of you know in this kind of not necessarily orthogonal right but it is kind of in that zigzag type of realm so when it says they move like lightning you can kind of get the picture of how they're moving where they're going okay so uh interesting now you know god created them and there's a lot of creatures out there that you're looking you're like why did god create them that way right and i'm not giving you the why i'm just telling you what it is right you know this is what this is what they look like this is what they do this is how they move um and uh but going on from that they move they they they move and like lightning it says now as in verse 14 there now as i beheld the living creatures behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures uh with his four faces the appearance of the wheels now here's where they get into this wheel stuff okay and really what it comes down to is that there's beside the the creature right so if you imagine this four-faced creature that has hands of a man that has four wings calves feet looks like the appearance of fire has this wheel that's basically next to them and what it comes down to is that the spirit of the living creature is in the wheel okay so uh you know it says the appearance of the wheels in their work was like onto the the color of a barrel and therefore they for had one likeness and their appearance in their work was as it were the wheel a wheel in the middle of a wheel so i don't know if you've ever seen like obviously they they have this type of stuff that's just fun to play with right where you have what is it one of those things called those those little things that you spin with your fingers fidget spinner is that what it is yeah so fidget spinners okay so i got all the kids attention now right fidget spinners right that's cherry vims you know their spirit is in there right so but what's a wheel within a wheel but something kind of like that right where you kind of have a wheel inside of a wheel that's spinning and and so this is something i think that there's maybe truth in the fact that like us you know when you think about a spirit that keeps going stuff like that and you think about something that's round like a wheel and all that anyway all that say i'm not really trying to get into the why i'm just telling you what it is there is this wheel within a wheel and it talks about the fact that the spirit is within that wheel now it could be that the wheel is not necessarily like we think of a wheel as far as like kind of a more more sort of like a sphere maybe where you have kind of a sphere within a sphere because sometimes wheels don't necessarily have to be you know like we would have on our cars right where just one side is round but more so just the whole thing you know you you've had those wheels right um where like it's on like a chair or something like that where they're just completely round it's just like a ball essentially it could be something like that it doesn't necessarily i'm picturing like wooden like spoked wheels that are within a wheel just to be honest that's what i imagine when i see that um it's on fire so how does that work but you know what the burning bush didn't didn't uh get consumed so um but it could be something that's more like a sphere where it's within the wheel and it's moving within itself and you can see it moving within itself um but basically it says in verse 20 there all right verse 19 says the living creature went the wheels went uh by them and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up with the spirit was to go they went there was their spirit to go and the wheels were lifted up over against them for the spirit of living creature was in the wheels so take it for what it is when they had when they when the creatures moved and they would move like lightning the wheel would go with them now i don't believe it was delayed although in my mind for some reason it's delayed right and what do you uh you're probably like what do you mean by that maybe like they start listening up and then the wheels like oh here we go you know it's kind of like they lift up and then the wheels kind of going up with it i don't think it's necessarily like that i think it's just making a point that the wheel is always next to them and that's where their spirit's at okay and so definitely unique creatures uh compared to human beings like we don't have uh you know a wheel following us around right and so it's definitely very interesting to think about it gets into uh you know after the wheels and all that in verse 22 it says in the likeness of the firmament above the heads of the living creatures was as the color of the terrible crystal stretching forth over their heads above now what i personally believe this is talking about is heaven so meaning this is that it talks about these cherry beams kind of being under the throne and like the throne being above them okay so when you're dealing with the firmament what i think about is the fact that when when the heaven and the earth was created right it talked how god created the firmament and that was where the fish i mean not where the fish where the where the birds fly and the air essentially our atmosphere but then he talked about the firmament where the sun moon and stars are at but i believe that there's a third firmament or a third heaven which would be where god's throne is at so when it's talking about a firmament here i don't think it's necessarily talking about like something attached to the creature itself but more so that where they were at above them was this firmament and that's where the throne was at and everything so you know that's that's something that you know you can fight me on that if you want uh as far as what you think that is but uh uh i don't want to read through all this just for sake of time it talks about their rings and stuff like that um it talks about being full of eyes this could very well be you know like when you think of angels what do you think about this halo above their head it could very well be that there's like this ring above their head you know but i don't think it's like the cartoon ring you know like where it's like this gold ring that's like you die you get this like halo over your head kind of thing but it could very well be that it has something to do with that i don't know um i'm just being honest with you there's certain things where i'm just like your guess is as good as mine as far as what that is exactly talking about so with the with the cherry beans you know that's definitely interesting the thing that's interesting about cherry beans is that the devil was a cherub okay so go to ezekiel chapter 28 ezekiel chapter 28 and it gives a little bit of an idea of him when it comes to what he looked like okay because these four cherubs these cherry beans they all four had one likeness so it didn't it seems like it keeps stating over that they all each had this appearance they all look basically the four cherry beans looked exactly alike the seraphims are going to look different you know there's four of them but there's like but they look different when they when it's talking about them but the devil on the other hand in ezekiel 28 i believe this is before he falls okay so this is basically talking about what he was like before he fell and notice what it says in verse 13 so ezekiel chapter 28 verse 13 it says thou has been in eden the garden of god every precious stone was thy covering the sardius topaz and the diamond the barrel the onyx the jasper and jasper the sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle and gold the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou was created so that's very interesting those are musical instruments right you kind of think about he was decked with all this beauty right and it talks about like how his beauty basically popped up his heart and all this stuff right so i believe lucifer was a very you know beautiful like just astonishing creature and he was lifted up with pride obviously but uh but also i believe he was also cunning in music and so no marvel that the devil obviously has his hand in music in the world when it comes to worldly music and things that are against god and so it's definitely interesting to see that but notice in verse 14 it says thou art the anointed cherub that cover it so notice he's called a cherub and he was the anointed cherub so he was a specific cherub that has specific job and when you think about it really the only one that kind of that that that even comes close to lucifer to the devil would be michael the archangel right it's always michael and the devil fighting each other and it's michael and his angels and it's the devil and his angels and they are going at it with each other but you know lucifer was the anointed cherub that cover it and what you'll see with the cherubs and seraphims is that they're around the throne and they're basically using their wings to cover think about the cherubim what are they doing on the ark of the covenant covering the mercy seat so you know one of their big jobs is to use their wings to cover certain things um now this is a complete tangent but this could very well be what first corinthians 11 is talking about when it talks about women covering their head and it says because they have power on the head because of the angels okay and all i'm saying with that is that i'm not dogmatic on that but it does seem like the cherubims and the seraphims like one of their major jobs is to cover the glory of god right meaning like you have the glory of god that's on his throne and then you have these wings that are covering it and you know the women are the glory of the man and the man is obviously the glory of you know where the image and glory of god and the fact that we're made in the likeness of god you know in the image of god but then the women are made in the you know the glory and image of man and there's that covering that's there with their hair you know and it could be some truth to that you know i'm that's that's pretty much all i got when it comes to that explanation when it comes to why uh besides nature itself telling you that women should have long hair and men should have short hair um that it's just common sense that's just the way we're made it's made it's the way we're wired but if you want to know maybe the why that could be dealing with that as far as that women are made to help the man the angels are ministering spirits or man you know and just that that avenue of what you're dealing with there anyway um go to isaiah chapter 61 or isaiah 6 verse 1 isaiah 6 verse 1 and let's look at the seraphims really quick we don't have as much of a dissertation on the seraphims as we do the cherry bims um but they are a little different so at least when you're singing what's the song where it says the cherry bims and seraphims holy holy holy yeah so when when you're which makes sense to isaiah 6 and and to revelation is the fact that when it talks about the seraphims you know what they're talking about you know where i believe these are all angels but i think that there's angels that appear differently right the cherry bims and seraphims do have some differences and let's just see what that is so in isaiah 6 and verse 1 it says in the year that king isaiah died i i saw also the lord sitting upon the throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple and above it stood the seraphims each one had six wings with twain he covered his face and with twain he covered his feet and with twain he did fly now the thing that's interesting about this is that you see the seraphims above the cherry bims you see there's a firmament above their heads right but you say well you know lucifer was the covering chair well he's obviously he's obviously distinct to the cherry bims and the fact that you know he was the anointed cherub that covereth and so it doesn't necessarily say he was above right but there may be something to that as far as their job but um uh verse verse three there it says and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the lord opposed the whole earth is full of his glory go to uh revelation chapter four again in ezekiel one we saw that they're called the cherry bims are called living creatures and we know the cherry bins because in chapter 10 it says the living creature which are the cherry bins right so we know that the living creatures are the cherry bins here we know these are seraphims because it says it but in revelation chapter 4 it doesn't say seraphims it calls them beasts so living creatures beasts that's just another way of saying an animal right um obviously we're living creatures but we're different from animals we're not beasts okay and so uh that's where you get into more so you're dealing with the fact and i think that is an interesting fact that the angels are like animals but they also go on forever which is interesting that's you say what's the difference between them and just the animals down here i think that's the big difference is that they they go on forever they don't they either they either are forever the elect angels in heaven or they're forever gonna be in hell you know they're gonna be cast down to hell and to change the darkness right and so uh that'd be another summer for another day dealing with uh where are they and and stuff like that but revelation chapter four and verse six it says and before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal and in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind and the first beast was like a lion and the second beast like a cat and the third beast had a face of a man and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle the four beasts had each of them six wings about them and they were full of eyes within and they rest not day and night saying holy holy holy lord god almighty which was and is and is to come so very similar to what it says about the seraphims in isaiah 6 and the fact that they're saying holy holy holy but also they have six wings but here we see that each one of them looks a little different right the cherubims each each of them had four faces and their four faces were what a lion an eagle a man and an ox and this we see instead of an ox you see a calf same animal though okay so a calf is obviously just a young ox if you will so uh same animals that are being represented there which i do believe those four animals do represent the four gospels another sermon for another day okay as far as the theme of each gospel has to do with with those those four types of animals but um we see that each one of them that they i believe each have one face but they have six wings and so those are the seraphims and also know this is that when revelation 6 is being read and it says the first beast said you know he opened the first seal and it says the first be said come and see those are the seraphims talking come and see i remember getting uh this is before i had you know the best person to be reading the bible which is alexander scorby um i got this dramatized version of like cds of the of the bible this is before mp3s before any of that stuff you know but i had this dramatized version i think that my my parents got me for christmas or something like that and when it got to that point in revelation it would be like this dramatized thing it's like calm and see and it was just like this like demonic type of voice going on there right and i'm like those are good angels and i'm not saying they don't like listen when they when they speak it says that they speak as if it's many waters like it's got it like but it says it's like the lord almighty actually in ezekiel when they speak it says it's like the lord that's speaking and we see that when jesus speaks what's it like many waters so you know i just remember that every time i read the revelation 6 i'm like i just think of that dramatized version where it's like taking these seraphims and making it sound like they're the antichrist or something speaking to you you know and it was just very dark and like ominous and like and i'm not saying it's not terrifying because people will tremble before the angels and and all that stuff right but in the end i don't think they sound like that you know i think they're going to sound more uh magnificent if you will like it's going to be maybe maybe you'll be afraid of it but i don't think you're going to be like this is a devil speaking to me right now right like the devil speaking to me no um so when it comes to that uh just know that when you're reading uh that you see the the four beasts that are basically saying come and see that's the seraphims you know you're dealing with the seraphims they're the ones that are saying holy holy holy lord god almighty you know that those are the beasts so when you see the term beast i think when people hear the term beast they think antichrist and i get it right because you know the antichrist is called the beast he's called a beast because he's an animal right obviously he's a human being but he has the heart of a beast okay so that's why he's called that he's got a heart of an animal if you will so when you see the term beast sometimes i think it kind of has that connotation of like being some like really like kind of wicked thing i get it fruit beast the antichrist is the beast but it's not always dealing with that sometimes it just talks about them like getting on a beast he got on his beast and he went into town it's like nothing nefarious about that nothing the animal is not necessarily wicked you know it's just saying it's an animal okay so anyway going on from that go to uh second uh to get off the seraphims and cherubims but i did want to i mean if you're going to talk about the appearance of angels you kind of have to look at those right and in your homework you can really go down the line in uh ezekiel and really just kind of think about all those different details about it if you want to uh second second kings chapter six second king chapter six another thing that i see is dealing with fire but chariots of fire dealing with angels and so a lot of times with angels i think we just picture it just being like the being the angel like as a being but they also a lot of times are on chariots with horses okay so i just want you to see that and just see okay sometimes when you see angels or if you were to see the angels they're not just flying around with their wings they're actually maybe on a chariot with horses okay and notice in second kings chapter six and verse 15 this is dealing with elisha and his servant and this is where god basically opens this young man's eyes to see what's kind of see the spiritual realm if you will uh verse 15 there it says and when the servant of the man of god was risen early and gone forth behold and host compass the city both with horses and chariots and his servant said unto him alas my master how shall we do and he answered fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them and elisha prayed and said lord i pray thee open his eyes that he may see and the lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about elisha so when you're seeing this i believe you're dealing with with angels that are i don't i don't believe it's just chariots with no one on them right like they're just horses and chariots just roaming around with no one on the chariot i believe the angels are on the chariots and and go down and go to second kings chapter two second kings chapter two this kind of goes back to when elijah was taken up into heaven okay which elijah saw so when you think about it elijah already saw that this young man didn't and so he's saying open his eyes so that he can see what's when he says that there's more with us than with them he's not just saying that it's true meaning in the spiritual realm there's more on elijah's side and this young man's side than that's in that whole host of the army and verse 11 so second king chapter 2 and verse 11 it says and it came to pass as they went on and talked that behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and part of them both asunder and elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven now i already kind of talked about this when we were talking about like basically the job of angels but one of the jobs of angels is transportation right you know think about like the fact that he carries the angels carry lazarus to abraham and obviously abraham embraces him in his bosom and but then also the angels are going to carry all of us to jesus and when we're caught up into the clouds right he's going to send his angels to gather together his leg from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other and so there's this form of transportation could very well be that it's kind of like an elijah or lie just situation where when those angels come it's like flaming chariots of fire that are gathering together to the elect it doesn't state that but we have a case where it happened and i mean wouldn't you say that elijah obviously he wasn't bodily resurrected but it kind of pictures the resurrection a little bit think about enoch enoch was translated that he did not see death okay obviously his body isn't in heaven because there's only one who has ascended up into heaven bodily and that's the lord jesus at the moment but that pictures how we're changed in the moment of twinkling of an eye and then elijah being caught up with in a whirlwind with the the chariots of this chariot of fire and the the fiery horses there that does kind of picture how the elect how the angels are going to gather together his elect so sometimes you can see okay when we are raptured there's a lot going on we're being changed we're being caught up into the clouds but maybe not just caught up just as you think like like what we would imagine an angel be with like white wings and someone that's like just looks like a man that's grabbing you and taking you up but more so like a chariot of fire coming to grab you to take you up into the clouds and again that's just speculation it doesn't say all that but we do have a case where elijah was caught up that way why couldn't we be caught up that way right and so uh that that could very well be the case go to zechariah chapter 6 zechariah chapter 6 like we're really getting deep now we were in ezekiel now we're going to zechariah zechariah chapter 6 what i want to show you here is that it's very interesting that angels dealing with chariots and horses is very is used actually quite a lot and just something that maybe i never really i i've noticed it but i never really looked into it until doing a sermon like this to really see it and kind of think about it but in zechariah chapter 6 and verse 1 it says and i turned and lifted up my eyes and looked and behold there came four chariots out from between two mountains and the mountains were mountains of brass and in the first chariot were red horses and in the second chariot black horses and a third chariot white horses and in the fourth chariot grizzled and bay horses then i answered and saw and said unto the angel that talked with me what are these my lord and the angel answered and said unto me these are the four spirits of the heavens which go forth from standing before the lord of all the earth now you say well it doesn't say angels yeah but he maketh his angel spirits and his ministers a flame of fire and the idea that go to revelation chapter 7 i believe this is exactly what we're talking about here is that when we're talking about the four these four chariots that are the spirits of the heavens right the four spirits of the heavens well think about it when you're thinking about the heavens obviously you can think about like this second this first heaven where you have the birds flying and everything else and the fact that there's four winds of the earth and in revelation 7 verse 1 it says after these things i saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree so here it clearly says four angels that are in the four corners of the earth now quarter corners can mean quadrants it doesn't it doesn't mean like the earth is flat and there's four corners to it like it's a big square okay which they say it's a disc then they say it's a square and then they have some weird thing that's going on there but anyway when you think about this the four winds of the earth we all know what north south east west north south east west is what you're dealing with when you're dealing with the four directions the four winds and so um i think that zechariah 6 and revelation 7 are very much linked in the fact that you're dealing with these spirits you know these four spirits of the heavens that have these chariots that have different even the horses look different right and so the thing to think about this and and really this is more of a thought process type of sermon is that there might be more variety out there than you think when it comes to the angels like i think when we think of angels we just think of like just this monolith of like this is what an angel looks like that's it but yet there's differences between the cherry bins and the seraphims there's differences even within the horses that are on the chariots of fire right and you know there's angels that are specifically for the four winds of the earth there's angels that are specifically at the throne there's there's all kinds of different angels and i don't believe that they're necessarily all made the same you say well how many different different types of angels are there i don't know again there's some things that you know we won't know until later now like i said you know the half has not been told and i think really what we're given is what we need right you say well you know do we need this information about the four spirits of the heavens and the these four chariots apparently apparently we need that information and but i do think that we'll probably see a lot of things we're like oh yeah that's interesting or seeing all these different variations and all that stuff okay so just like this i mean have you seen every animal that was ever that's been created can anyone say that they've seen every type of creature that god has ever created right i mean so if we can't even say that in the physical world that we're at then to say that in the spiritual realm you know i don't think we can say that so there's so much stuff that's undiscovered but i think in the end we have everything we need in the bible we we have everything we need to know about angels and about devils everything we need to know okay so uh going on from that also another thing that i noticed with with the angels is that a lot of times they're carrying swords so they're armed in a lot of cases uh go to uh genesis chapter three going all the way back to genesis i don't have this one in my notes but when when david numbers the people it talks about the angel basically with a sword drawn on the threshold of uh or non the g site i think um i'm saying whoever it was on someone's threshold i think it was or non or something like that a ron on or i don't anyway look it up later but the idea of of these angels having swords is something that's brought up in verse 24 of genesis chapter 3 so obviously a man has fallen adam and eve ate the fruit they're being kicked out of the garden and in verse 24 it says so he drove out the man and he placed at the east of eden i'm sorry at the east of the garden of eden cherubims and a flaming sword was turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life now the the i believe there's four cherubims there and they all had a sword and they were guarding every way essentially now if you remember what's at the east of eden this is this is bonus material there's four rivers coming out of uh coming out of the the garden of eden do you remember which river was coming out of the east? Euphrates and there are four angels that are in the river Euphrates when god blows the uh now i'm gonna forget the the sixth trumpet the sixth trumpet and he loses those four angels and you know on so on and so forth okay and so i personally believe those are the angels right that the garden of eden is like underwater in the river Euphrates and obviously with the flood and all that stuff that there was something going on there anyway but either way at some point they had swords and they were guarding the garden of eden guarding the garden of eden so say that 10 times fast so go to numbers chapter 22 number chapter 22 another place um is when you're dealing with balaam so balaam this is the story with balaam and his ass and the fact that um uh he god was angry with him because he went he's angry because he told balaam if they come and send for you then you can go and they don't come and send for him he just gets up and goes okay so that's why god's angry with him that and he's a false prophet but uh but that being said is that god's angry with him and he's gonna he's basically uh about to slay him and the only thing that saves him is his donkey his ass that's that's basically sees this angel it says in verse 22 it says in god's anger was kindled because he went and the angel of the lord stood in the way for an adversary against him now he was riding upon his ass and his two servants were with him and he asked saw the angel of the lord standing in the way and his sword drawn in his hand and the ass turned aside out of the way and went into the field and balaam smote the ass to turn her into the way okay so this goes on eventually basically he goes into the place where the basically the ass has to fall back on him and stuff like that and then then they start talking to each other and balaam doesn't think that's a big deal right you know it's like why did you smite me he's like if i had a sword in my hand i was lazy it's like wouldn't you like be more concerned that the donkey's talking to you right i mean at that point wouldn't you be like hey uh why are you talking to me um but that being said the angel of the lord was going to kill him and he had a sword a sword drawn something else to think about this too is the fact that the animals saw the angel it makes you think too sometimes that that maybe animals can see things or like sense things that that that maybe we can't this could very well just be the fact of like a special condition i mean there's obviously a special condition that that the ass was speaking to balaam right that doesn't happen every day i know mr ed was a show but it was a made-up show they just put peanut butter in his mouth okay only a few of you maybe got that reference does anyone remember mr ed okay thank you okay just we're all like reruns that was black and white okay it was a horse that talked okay anyway um but that's not that was not real um so we see that they have swords they're they're basically obviously when it says that their ministers are flaming fire you do see that don't you with the cherry bims you see that with the flaming uh fires of chariots and horses and you can see that now the thing that i think the biggest thing that we think about is the fact that they can appear like us they can appear like a man and to where it looks like it's just another human being and uh go to genesis chapter 8 18 i'm sorry genesis chapter 18 and uh this is the last thing we're gonna get into and then we'll be done is the fact that they i do believe they can appear like a human being okay so you you see the chairman's like well i would know if i saw that it's like well yeah you know if you saw a cherry bin with four wings four faces calves feet and look like a big flaming fire right you'd be like yeah that's a cherry bin right and uh or a seraphim or like flaming chariots of fire that are going up and down the mountains you'd like i i assess that that is an angel right but uh it's more so when they more so just look like human beings okay um now i'll state this it says this in second corona or second corinthian chapter 11 verse 14 it says and no marvel for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great deal if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works and so you could take that as just talking about you know false apostles because it does talk about false apostles in there but i think it's basically equating like as people can transform themselves into false apostles the devil does the same thing where he transforms himself into an angel of light okay and so i think that there is this idea of the fact that the angels can make themselves appear like a man okay case in point is i believe the story with abraham at the time abram where god meets him in the plane and he has two men with him and god also is appearing to him as a man okay um now it doesn't say he's not he's he's claiming to be malchizedek here but it could very well be the case but in genesis chapter 18 and verse 1 i'm not gonna read the whole story but just give you some uh some verses here it says in the lord the lord appeared unto him in the plains of mammary and he sat in the tent and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day and he lived up his eyes and looked and lo three men stood by him and this is something you're going to see a lot where there's an angel there but it calls it said there's a man there right they saw a man but it's an angel okay but three men stood by him and when he saw them he ran to meet them from the tent door and bowed himself toward the ground and the story is basically he has serago make make food and everything else and they're sitting there and he's bringing them in one of them is the lord though it says the lord appeared unto him in the plains of mammary and it says he looked up and there were three men that stood by okay so one's the lord two as of right now just two men with him okay it says in verse 20 it says and the lord said because the cry of sodomy and more is great and because their sin is very grievous i will go down now and see whether they have done all together according to the cry of it which is is come unto me and if not i will know and the men turned their faces from fence and went towards sodom but abar abraham stood yet before the lord now when it comes to this the two men this is where he's going to have this discussion with god about if i find 50 righteous 45 all the way down to 10 right and he says i will not destroy for 10 right but before he has that whole conversation the two men it says the men turned their faces from thence and went towards sodom so how many men two men right because there were three that he met with at his tent door one's the lord the lord's still talking to him and then the men that were with the lord went down to sodom first verse in chapter 19 so chapter 18 19 comes after first verse and there came two angels to sodom at even now do you think that's a coincidence when he says that basically he's going down to sodom to see if this cry is true right and the two men leave him and then the next verse in the next chapter is two angels came into to sodom and we know their angels you know the story as far as they blind the men at the door and they're taking uh lot and his his wife and his two daughters out by the hand out of sodom right so they appear like men and but yet they're angels here's another place uh daniel chapter eight daniel chapter eight dealing with gabriel now in the new testament we know that gabriel's an angel right is there any doubt that gabriel's an angel because in uh luke one it says the angel answered luke 1 19 you're going to daniel 8 luke 1 19 says the angel answering said unto him i am gabriel that stand in the presence of god and i am sent to speak unto thee and to show thee these glad tidings and then even to to marry it says and in the sixth month the angel gabriel was sent from god unto a city of galley named nazareth so clearly gabriel is an angel that stands in the presence of the lord and you'll see that obviously when you're dealing with the the four spirits of the heavens right that stand in the presence of the lord and you'll see that the fact that the angels are there in his presence even we're talking about how each i believe each one of us has specific angels assigned to us do you remember the angels of the little children do always behold the face of my father right you know the fact that those angels are always in his presence okay and you'll kind of see that over and over again where these angels these ministering spirits are in the presence of the lord and then he sends them out to give a message or to do some type of work okay but in daniel chapter 8 verse 15 it says and it came to pass when i even i daniel had seen the vision and sought for the meeting then behold there stood before me as the appearance of a man and i heard a man's voice between the banks of uli which called and said gabriel make this man to understand the vision so basically he sees this guy that looks like a man and then hears a voice saying you know gabriel tell this man this vision right so gabriel is going to basically communicate with him what this vision is all about i'm not getting into the vision for sake of time that's another sermon for another day go to daniel chapter 9 verse 21 daniel chapter 9 and verse 21 daniel 9 verse 21 it says yay whilst i was speaking in prayer even the man gabriel whom i have had seen in the vision at the beginning so he's talking about the same same guy that he saw before being caused to fly swiftly touched me about the time of the evening oblation so you have the man gabriel flying swiftly to him and you see that obviously he has the appearance of a man but he's an angel okay now i don't know gabriel's a cherry bim if he's a seraphim or if he's just different you know and same thing with michael i don't know about michael the archangel i just know he's an archangel okay and so i don't know as far as like what if their appearance is different than the cherry bims or the seraphims or anything like that i do know one thing is that they can appear like a human they can look like a human okay and this is where the last verse i'll show you here you go to hebrew chapter 13 hebrew chapter 13 i personally do believe this verse is talking about celestial angels okay when i mean that is meaning like the angels that are ministering spirits not human beings a big reason why i believe this is talking about that is because the whole book of hebrews is talking about angels that are celestial right because it keeps saying until once the angel said he at any time now or my son this day have begotten me and he says you know uh until which is the angel city anytime sit down on my right hand until i make that enemy's footstool and if the word spoken by his angels is steadfast how much more you know obviously if it's the lord speaking and then it says that he had not given it unto angels you know it talks about like he's basically differentiating humans from angels throughout the whole book as far as the fact that we're talking about man versus angels he didn't he was not he did not take on the nature of angels but the seed of abraham right there's just this complete delineation between that to where i don't believe it ought to all of a sudden in chapter 13 we're talking about like messengers like obviously angel can mean a messenger and it can mean someone that's a saved person like a pastor or different type of messenger like that like the seven angels of the seven churches and they could be called angels and all that stuff but just in context it would be kind of this odd leap to go from talking about these celestial beings and then all of a sudden we're talking about like pastors or something like that okay i get where people are coming from with this but i personally think that we're talking about you're actually running into the celestial angels okay because it says in hebrews 13 1 it says let brotherly love continue be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares now for that to be unawares you know and if we're talking about celestial beings is that they have to look like people they have to look like us right for you to be if you saw a cherubim with the wheel that's following it around you know no cloak is gonna cloak that right like you got this guy with this massive cloak his wings are like popping out of it and you know like don't look at my feet i've got to think about my feet you know you see this cast but you're like what is going on there you know then the cloak catches on fire because they're you know they're just ah you know it happened again you know you caught me i don't think that's what's going on you know i think that obviously they can transform themselves into looking like man okay and so they can talk they can understand you know obviously that type of thing and so um when it talks about though like for example steven had the appearance his face was like the face of an angel i believe what that's stating is that these angels obviously when you look at all these appearances it's kind of like this amazing astonishing magnificent type of like like brightness sparkle uh you know countenance to them and i think when it states something like that it's basically stating like they were kind of just like it's kind of like when moses face shown or there's just kind of like this glow you kind of hear that when women are pregnant right you're like you're glowing you know whether that's true or not i don't know i've never really noticed the glowingness of pregnant women but you know the ladies seem to notice it um but you know sometimes there is this countenance change to where you can notice like hey uh there's there's obviously a difference there um so you know there there's definitely other passages in the bible uh people running into angels a lot of times they think they're god like they're confusing them with the lord they're like we have seen the face of god and it was an angel okay so they definitely have this prowess if you will this this countenance this look as if they they could be the lord right and if you think about those three men that met the lord that met that met abraham one of them was the lord and two of them were angels and so um you know it's just something it's just something interesting to think about um but i do believe that people run into angels still today that look like people you know if they're preaching if they ever are preaching the gospel they're not angels okay because you'll never see like angels preaching the gospel the the closest you'll get to that is where the angel an angel brings down the everlasting gospel for to be preached on the earth but i believe it's other people that are preaching it right so i don't believe that angel specifically is preaching it okay it talks about the angels desiring to look into it but you know they're not going to win people to christ okay they help lead people like cornelius to someone that can lead them to christ but anyway um the appearance read ezekiel i'm all on that for a few days as far as those cherry rooms so let's end with a word of prayer your holy father we thank you today thank you for the soul saved thank you for keeping us safe and out of harm's way i pray to continue to do that keep all our soul winners safe and keep our church safe and lord we just know that uh if god before us who could be against us and lord we uh we pray that you'd um be with us throughout the rest of this week bring us back at the point of time we love you and pray else in jesus christ name amen when a day will come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song number 48 so song number 48 and yours almost we'll sing i'll be so glad if you would stand we'll sing song number 48 i'll be so glad when day is done i'll be so glad when victories won there'll be no sorrow in god's tomorrow i'll be so glad when jesus comes you are dismissed