(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We'll sing song 154. Song 154 in your song books. She can stand over here if she wants. We'll sing, we'll sing, Bless be the tie that binds if you would stand. We'll sing song 154. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. We'll sing song 154. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Bless be the tie that binds our hearts. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Alright, take your Bibles and turn to the Book of Isaiah. Isaiah 6 In your Bibles and we'll have brother David read that for us Isaiah 6 if you found your place amen And the Bible reads in the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple Above it stood the seraphim each one had six rings with trainee cupboard his face and the trainee cupboard his feet and a trainee He'd fly and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth It's full of his glory and the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried and the boy and the house was filled with smoke Then said I woe is me for I am undone Because I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips For mine eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts Then flew one of the seraphims under me having a live coal in his hand which they had taken with the tongs from off The altar and he laid it upon my mouth and said low this hath touched thy lips and thine iniquity is taken away and thy sin purged Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I sin who will go for us then said I hear my sin Me and he said go and tell us people hear ye indeed but understand not and see indeed but perceive not make the heart of this people fat and make that ears heavy and shut their Eyes, let's see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and convert and be healed Then said I Lord how long and he answered until the city's be wasted without Inhabitant and the houses without man and the land be utterly desolate and the Lord have you moved men far away And there'd be a great forsaking in the midst of the land But yet in it shall be a ten and it shall return and shall be eaten and as a tail tree And as an oak whose substance is in them when they cast their leaves to the holy seed shall be the substance thereof Let's pray dear Lord. I thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house But you feel past with the spirit. Let us all be edified in Jesus name Amen So you're there in Isaiah chapter 6 and I'm doing a series on angels and Devils Guess you can call it angels and demons just so you know demons and Devils the same thing Literally demon is just a Transliteration of the Greek word for devil. So it's it's the same thing So I don't get all up-tight when people say demons and be like no it should be Devils It's like it's like ghost and spirit to me So now obviously I use the term devil because that's what the King James Bible uses so, you know, I'm gonna use that use that language, but so that being said this series I started off with kind of the the win and and The what so the win and the what if that makes sense when it comes to angels and Devils is more so a win where they created where you know kind of like where they came from kind of thing, but also What are they, you know, we saw that they were ministering spirits and different things like that I'm gonna be getting into the why, you know Kind of the reason or at least what the Bible teaches as far as kind of what their job is or what? You know, why were they created? What's their purpose if that makes sense? And so the first thing that I see when it comes to angels is the fact they They seem to be created to glorify God So now obviously you could say that about us as well and the fact that You know, we are created to love God and to praise him and all that but I believe that that the angels one of their jobs in heaven is to praise the Lord on a continual basis and To give him glory and so in Isaiah chapter 6 and verse 1 here. We're dealing with the seraphims and It says here in verse 1 It says in the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord's sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple now the train obviously We're not dealing with necessary like a like a train on railroad tracks, right? You know, you kind of think about like a Bride's dress will have a train that's behind it You know, there's that term is more so just meaning like basically something that goes on anyway So but there stood these seraphims so it says above it stood the seraphim Above the throne stood the seraphims and it says Each one had six wings with twain He covered his face and with twain he covered his feet and with twain he did fly So we talked about the fact that there's cherry bins they're seraphims the seraphims have six wings one face each and the cherubims have four wings four faces each and What are they doing though in verse three? It says and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory in The post of the door moved at the voice of him that cried and the house was filled with smoke Now go to Revelation chapter 4 Revelation chapter 4 because we'll see these same seraphims now It doesn't call them seraphims here, but they have six wings and they're they're saying holy holy holy so We're dealing with the same creatures So the seraphims are gonna be these four beasts that we see in Revelation and The same thing is going on is that they're praising the Lord. So I Believe that you think about the the host of heaven declaring the glory of God You know We see that in Psalm 19 and the fact of obviously you can think about his creation When it comes to the Sun Moon and stars and the earth and everything that he's created is giving You know it declares his glory and you think about that and the fact of just the creation itself as far as The magnificence of it declares his glory, but I believe that when you're dealing with the heavenly host dealing with the angels they are constant Constantly declaring his glory and praising him on a constant basis and you say well How often well and revelation chapter 4 and verse 6 here It says and before the throne there was a sea of glass like on the crystal and in the midst of the throne And round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind so we see that the seraphims are where by the throne of God or above the throne of God and here we see these four beasts that are around the throne and It gives a little more detail about them. So we saw that they had six wings in In Isaiah, but here we see that they're full of eyes Okay It says in verse 7 it says in the first beast was like a lion and the second beast like a calf And the third beast had a face as a man and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle So they all three are kind of distinct looking Again the cherry bins have all four of them have all four of those faces, right? But here it not there's that not necessarily saying like their faces but more so they just look like that, right? Now when it says in verse 8 here says in the four beasts had each of them six wings about him And they were full of eyes within and they rest not day and night. So here's how often this is going on day and night They don't rest But they're saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty, which was and is and is to come And it says and when the four and when those bees give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne Who liveth forever and ever the four twenty elders fell upon fell down before him that sat on the throne and worshipped him that liveth forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou has created all things and for thy pleasure They are and were created. So when you think about like everything that he created is for his pleasure and You know obviously to give him glory and all of that and that's ultimately what our purpose is Also is for the praise of his glory right that we are to be through the praise of his glory But I believe that the angels are you know, they're no they're obviously in that that camp but you can think about the fact that they are Made for that purpose if you will to give glory to God and it says holy holy holy Notice three times. I believe that that is significant in the fact that we have the Trinity right Father the Son the Holy Ghost all three are holy the Holy Trinity and It Makes sense that that that has been being stated over and over and over again in heaven by the seraphims Go to Revelation chapter 5 and verse 11 that There are also not just those four beasts or those four living creatures or the seraphims if you will but there's also I believe an innumerable Number of angels that are in heaven that are giving glory to God And so in Revelation chapter 5 verse 11 it says and I beheld and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne And the beasts of the elders and a number of them was 10,000 times 10,000 and thousands of thousands now obviously you can add that up, you know and get the millions that you're dealing with there, but In other places it says Angels and numerable right it talks about when you come to Mount Zion and you come to the General Assembly of the Church of the firstborn and into an innumerable company of angels and so Obviously, I believe there is a number there But I think what it's stating there is that no one's gonna be there counting them all right? No, man can count them and the fact that it's just so it's such a massive number that you're not gonna be out there Just like yep, one two, three four, you know going down the line Okay, so you're dealing with millions of angels, but it says 10,000 times 10,000 and thousands of thousands It says saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb That was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing So we have the four beasts we had the four seraphims that are Saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty, which was and is and is to come and you know also saying You know the is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory that this is being stated day and night but you also have Thousands of thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand of angels So you're dealing with you know, hundreds of million, you know you're dealing with millions of angels that are that are praising the Lord and Stating who he is and what and you know what he is as well So in verse 13 there it says in every creature Which is in heaven and on earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea and all that are in them Heard I saying blessing and honor and glory And power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the lamb forever and ever and the four beasts said Amen, and the four and twenty elders fell down and worshiped him that liveth forever and ever so obviously we're all gonna be worshiping God You know and everything that's in the earth But you know the angels I believe are specifically made for this type of purpose you think of the cherry bins Which I don't have this in my notes But you think about I'm gonna be getting into Lucifer specifically because he was called the cherub that cover it So we know that there's there's the cherry bins that that God set to basically guard the Garden of Eden, right? so there's there different there's different things as far as like what they were to do and specific I guess Commandments that were given to them as far as that goes but you had the cherry bins that are garden at which I believe Are the four angels that are gonna be loosed from the river Euphrates? in the end times But but you also have the the cherry bins that you see at the river of Kibar, right, you know and Ezekiel but then you also see that Lucifer was a cherry bin, right? He was a cherub and he was the covering He was like the cherub that cover it And so you think about the fact that you had the throne and you have these angels that had these wings that are basically Kind of like this backdrop if you will for the Lord that declaring his glory at all times and But the thing that I think about with Lucifer and especially when you think about praising the Lord is music because Lucifer it talks about his pipes and like different things about him that dealing with music and the fact that they're singing and There's probably music that's going along with that now we'll be involved in that as well because it talks about how the Saints will have harps and we'll be singing and We'll be singing in a new song and all of that but I definitely think that there's gonna be music and then you have we even have hymns that talk about choirs of angels and and different things like that as far as These ministers that that God has there. I mean think about like just even in like maybe medieval times where you'd have courts with kings and stuff like that and you always have music playing and you know like minstrels and stuff like that that are playing and that The Lord obviously the the God of the universe has that on even a bigger scale Okay And so I think that when you think about the angels the first thing I think about I think about the fact that they're just up they are up in heaven giving glory to God and They're singing and praising him At all times right and you have that and there's other the other things that obviously God uses the angels for but We'll obviously be joining with the angels there we'll be singing and praising the Lord So that's the first thing that I see there, but I also see that they are they are ministers to the Saints Okay, so go to Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrew chapter 1 Hebrew chapter 1 I do believe that obviously when God created everything that Everything was created obviously for God But he created everything to for us to have dominion over right and that That man was the vocal point of his creation and the idea that he created everything so that we would have dominion over it and that You know like as far as the world was created to be inhabited by man You know and and so I do believe that God from the beginning Had man in mind when it comes to his creation And so when it comes to the angels, I believe they were created also to minister unto To man, so you think of obviously man and woman and women, right? So but in Hebrew chapter 1 and verse 7 we see first of all that the angels it says that in the end of the angels he said to make us his angel spirits and His ministers a flame of fire, so they're ministers, right? so obviously ministers when it comes to music or in praising him, right, but also ministers as far as Servants that are gonna be used for something else. Notice what it says in Hebrew chapter 1 and verse 11 I'm sorry verse 13 It says but the witch of the angel said he at any time now at my son. I'm sorry This is what happens when you I'm like quoting it and I'm not even looking at it But to which is the angel said he did any time sit on my right hand until I make that enemies like footstool Are they not all? ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation so ministering spirits but specifically for those that shall be heirs of salvation now Obviously, I believe that would apply to save people. But how about people that are going to get saved, right and Go go to Acts chapter 10 Acts chapter 10 Specifically with a man named Cornelius and the fact that obviously we know that Cornelius ended up getting saved but the angel came to him before he ever got saved, you know before he was saved and I do believe that the angels do play a part in the idea of Getting information out there for people to hear the gospel now, you'll never see an angel preaching the gospel You'll never see an angel winning someone the Christ But you do see angels basically leading people The right direction right and giving them the message that they need to hear But sometimes they are talking to save people. Okay, but in this case That verse where it says that they are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation It's more so you kind of think about the fact of like who are going to get saved Right and you think about how Paul says this as well that he does this for the elect's sake That they may also obtain eternal redemption Right. He's talking kind of in a future sense. Like they are going to get saved He's doing it for those that will believe even Jesus says this that he doesn't pray just for these alone But also those that will believe, you know, I talked about those that will believe on their word right and kind of thinking in the future as far as Those that are going to believe okay not forcing them to believe not saying that they had no choice and that they were Predetermined to believe but the idea is that there are listen, I know that there are people that are gonna get saved tomorrow Maybe not here in West Virginia Maybe not from us, but there are people that are going to get saved tomorrow okay, and the next day and the next day and It's the idea of praying you could be praying for those that are going to get saved for the elect, right For the elect that will obtain that right Knowing that from the foundation of the world God knows who's going to believe and you can pray for those that are going to believe in the future. Okay, and The angels obviously will help out in this go to Acts chapter 10 and verse 1 Acts chapter 10 verse 1 says there were there was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius a centurion of the band called the Italian band a devout man and one that feared God With all this house which gave much alms to the people and prayed to God Always, I love this story Especially when you're out soul winning because there's a lot of people They get all uptight and they don't want to admit that they were wrong or that they weren't saved And I love using this story because it's a nice way to ease It to them that hey just because you didn't you weren't saved doesn't mean you know Nothing about the Bible or that like you hated God or you know that you're some awful person Right, because I think that's the way some people take it is like hey, listen, you're not saved You need to get saved You didn't believe right and they take that as like, you know What are you trying to say that I'm just like some Satanist or you know, something like that it's like no you can be someone that fears God and Someone that you know is searching for the truth and wants to please God And has been praying to God you could be that and not be saved Cornelius is a great example of that because Cornelius ends up having he gets saved at the end of this chapter But notice what happens here in verse 3 it says any he saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him and saying unto him Cornelius and When he looked on him, he was afraid and said what is it Lord? And he said unto him Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before before God And now send men to Joppa and call for one Simon whose surname is Peter He lodges with one Simon a tanner whose house is by the seaside. He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do Now later in the next chapter when Peter is recalling this It states that he'll tell you what you must do to be saved Right or the words, you know in order for you to be saved and at the end of this chapter We see that him and his whole house end up getting saved. They all end up believing it and getting saved But you don't see the angel preaching. I'm like believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved the death thrown resurrection You don't see any of that what you see the angel doing is pointing The person that needs to get saved to someone that can show them Right, and so I do believe that angels are ministering spirits even for those that aren't saved yet But to help them get to somebody that will give it right that the Bible talks about You know that we're ministers to them that believe you know And the idea is that everyone has that minister so everybody has someone that showed them how to be saved how shall I hear without a preacher right and But there may have been other things that led you to that Right and This is getting into another realm but the idea of You know be careful to entertain strangers for some of entertaining angels unawares, and there may be cases where? You didn't even know it, but maybe an angel brought you to To where someone would give you the gospel or or God would use an angel to do something like that Because the thing is with a that angels can appear like men we see that over and over again Where it'll state that there was two angels, and they had the appearance of man, and they thought they were men Right I mean think about Sodom and Gomorrah right the two angels that went into Sodom and Gomorrah. I mean That even the people of Sodom thought they were just they were men right So they can appear just like any normal person and so I believe that one of their jobs or ministering spirits to Maybe even aid and leading people to hearing the truth right I mean think I preached a sermon about We have saw his star in the east right the idea of the angels being like the host of heaven Obviously I believe that was a literal stop like maybe maybe it was a planet You know when it talks when it talks about the the star that was in the sky But I'm not saying that was an angel that was moving okay, but if a physical Like star Can lead someone to the Savior? Then why can't an angel lead someone to the Savior now? I again it goes back to that that star that they saw in the east didn't get him saved right you don't just look at the stars and get saved because faith comes by hearing him about hearing by the Word of God and You know and even just reading the Word of God you know someone asked you know understand us with what thou readest and The Ethiopian eunuch said how can I accept some man to guide me so There is a process as far as there needs to be a preacher You need to hear the word You need to believe the word and you need to pull the trigger and call upon the Lord right? But there can be this other portion there where to get to the point where you do get to the preacher That there's an angel there that can help out with that But how about we just save people and the fact that there was messengers to People especially in the Old Testament so Luke go to Luke chapter 1 Luke chapter 1 you're like that's New Testament Nope, technically this is still the Old Testament Obviously we call it the New Testament because it's when Jesus brings in the New Testament but the New Testament doesn't technically start until the death of Christ and so when we see this that Zacharias is actually Doing the service of the Levi, you know He's a priest all these different things that were Old Testament things And there was nothing wrong with him doing that because it was still in force but we see that an angel appears to him to tell him that he's going to have a son and This is something that happens a lot Actually, you think of Manoah with Samson and I'm not gonna belabor and just show you all the places that an angel comes to somebody to tell them something but This is something that happens a lot and I just wanted to kind of just you know Park it in Luke for a second there in Luke 1 Because it happens not only to Zachariah But also with Mary but in verse 11 here He says and there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense And when Zachariah saw him he was troubled and fell and fear fell upon him and the angel said unto him Fear not Zacharias for the prayer for thy prayer is heard and thy wife Elizabeth shall Shall barely a son and thou shalt call his name John So we see here that the angel comes to tell him about this and obviously when you see When you see the angels appearing to men They're usually really afraid So when you think about the presence of these angels, it's obvious. It must be very dreadful. Okay As far as just maybe how bright they look or just the magnificence of them but they're realizing obviously this is an angel Lord, but a Lot of times you'll see that they're even like falling down dead, right? They're just like falling down They lose all their strength So when we're talking about I think I hit on this last week in the fact that angels are Greater in power and might than we are right? We're made a little lower than the angels So though they are ministering to us, they do have more power than we do at the moment Okay, so you can understand why in a lot of these cases they're afraid of them They're they're falling down before them and a lot of cases. They're even calling them Lord, right and And then they're realizing that okay, it's not the Lord is an angel, right But I go to Luke chapter 1 and verse 26 dealing with Mary Now this angel we see that the specific name and this is the angel Gabriel so in verse 26 here It says and in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David and the Virgin's name was Mary and the angel came in unto her and said hail thou that are highly Favored the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and when she saw him She was troubled at his saying and cast in her mind what manner of salutation This should be an angel said unto her fear not Mary For thou hast found favor with God and behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shall call his name Jesus Now you can think about obviously sending a message as far as you're gonna have a son Obviously with with Elizabeth in her old age, but how about this a virgin birth, but then you think about the angel The angels are giving this information like who the angels are the ones that gave them the information as far as who Jesus would Be called like what what his name is going to be and so this this crucial information is given there But also you think about how the angels appear to the shepherds and then they come to see the babe Lying in a manger and that they're praising God and all the messages that are given Go to Hebrews chapter 2 Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 1 Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 1 And I was just thinking about this too Because this definitely applies in the Old Testament, but this still applies in the New Testament as far as the angels are Relaying the message to even those that are writing down the Word of God Okay, and I just kind of want to read just so you know that the book of Revelation Was given to John By his angel by the end, you know that Jesus sent an angel to tell John, you know Like so there's there's this messenger that's there as well the revelation of Jesus Christ Which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signify it signified it by his angel unto his servant John and So even the last book in the New Testament There was an angel that was giving information to John as well and going down the line But look at Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 1 God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and with and with diverse miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost According to his own will so what's this talking about? Well, what's the context the book starts off Hebrew starts off with God who has sundry times in a diverse manner spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son, right? So the difference is is that God spoke in many different ways and a lot of cases by angels Right, you have the angel Lord in the book burning bush you have angels that are speaking to them in other other places as well And what is stating here in chapter 2 is that if the word that was spoken by angels was steadfast right meaning like if if what they said carries so much weight to where They were you know, all mankind was held accountable by what they were stating to them How much more if it's coming from the Lord? Right how much more if it's coming from the Son of God That's what's being stated because in chapter 1 what's being stated over and over again. Jesus is better than the angels He's so much better than the angels. He has a more excellent name God's never said to any of the angels our my son He never said in the end any of the angels, you know sit on my right hand until I make that enemies They footstool, you know that the whole point is that Jesus is way better than the angels The Son of God is way better than the angels and if you listen to the angels if the angels and what they said was Steadfast right if what they said was sure and and true to the point where people were being punished Based off not listening to what they said How much more? Would you be punished if you don't listen to what Jesus says, right? that's kind of the idea because then it says if you think about it says in verse In verse 3 there How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first would began to be spoken by the Lord? That's talking about Jesus and then it says and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him So confirmed on us by what the Apostles the disciples all of that because then it says God also bearing them witness Both with signs and wonders and diverse miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will why because he confirmed his word With signs following it says that's the last words that you see in the book of Mark For example that God's Word was confirmed that obviously the Apostles were moved by, you know It talks about holy men of God spake as they're moved by the Holy Ghost and that the Apostles were were obviously penning down the Word of God but they were obviously Getting it from the Lord and the thing is that the New Testament the one thing that we see is that it's better But you're also held to a higher standard right The idea is that to whom much is given much is required So if they died without mercy under two or three witnesses that despise Moses law how much sorer punishment shall he be thought who have trodden underfoot the Son of God and Counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he is sanctified of none clean thing and has done Despite into the spirit of grace So the idea there is that you know If it was if it was dealt with harshly in Moses day how much more shall be dealt with? When you have so much more information, right? You it's such a better covenant you have your now you're dealing with the Son of God that you're hearing this from right Even Hebrews chapter 12 hits on the fact that I mean if they trembled when when The voice came from the mountain that can be touched Like how much more Him that speaketh from heaven right who's not only gonna shake the earth but also heaven and so this comparison is being brought over and over again and the point is is that the angels would speak the Word of God and Prophets would write it down and they would get the Word of God through angels, okay So one of the one of the things that you'll see is that angels will speak and listen reading through the Old Testament Have you ever read through the Old Testament you're like, is that what the angel said or is that what God's saying? Right now obviously it's God's Word, right? But sometimes because the angel is just speaking on behalf of God. It's it's in first person, right? It's like thus saith the Lord I will do this But it's the angel that's speaking it right now. It's God that said it for sure, right? But basically the angel is like the ambassador that's just speaking on behalf of God To the prophets and that's a lot of the Old Testament is Angels that spoke to them now, there are definitely cases where the Lord just spoke to them directly But you know, there were differences between how God spoke to Moses and how he spoke to other prophets, right? He even tells them that I speak to Moses face to face apparently as a friend Other prophets I'll speak to them in a dream or in a vision or something like that That's why it says in diverse manners, right? So and there's some cases where yeah, God did speak to them directly But there's cases where he obviously used a mediator go to Galatians chapter 3 Galatians chapter 3 and verse 19 So you think about how they're a minister obviously to help people get saved a minister to give information obviously to people but more specifically the Word of God in a lot of cases was Transferred or mediated through angels speaking What God told them to speak to us into the prophets and a lot of you a lot of the Bible You'll see that the angels showing them this the angel says this to them, right? And the whole point is is that in New Testament we have the Lord saying this to us so It's like how much how much more should you take heed right of the New Testament? Considering the source it's kind of like cut out the middleman. We got the Lord saying this to us, right? And it's not that anything wrong with the middleman You know what I mean, but at the same time just in general if you're thinking about it You're gonna take more heat to the person that's just getting directly from the source right now Galatians chapter 3 and verse 19 It says wherefore then serve at the law It was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made And it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator now mediator is not a meteor one But God is one So when you think about like the law that was given the words of God that were given it was ordained by angels In the hand of a mediator and the idea that like I said if the the word spoken by angels was steadfast Right talking about the Old Testament How much more you know, you know It's Just how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which was first spoken by the Lord and then confirmed unto us by them That hurt him Dealing with the Lord Jesus and his disciples and the Apostles and everything And the idea that how much more should we be taking heed to that and the fact that the angels obviously Were used to give us the Word of God and to speak that to us. Okay So that's a big thing that obviously they're dealing with that the angels would help with there Now something that I believe Okay, and you can fight me on this if you want, but I believe That we all have an angel assigned to us Okay Now if you disagree with me on this, you know, we can we'll be fine. Okay But I do believe that we all have angels assigned to us as far as specifically and I'm not saying it's limited to one But I do believe that we all at least have one angel that's basically assigned to us to either be there for us or whatever, right? But let's start with children go to Matthew chapter 18, Matthew chapter 18 and verse 10 Matthew and what I want to point out is how it has this personal pronoun that's attached to the angel to the person okay, and Look at the Matthew chapter 18 and verse 10 now we've heard the term, you know guardian angels I'm not about to say guardian angels, but at the same time like angels can guard, you know angels can protect and There is a spiritual battle that's out there. Okay, there is there is a fight I'm gonna be getting to that a little bit that there is this spiritual fight and war that's going on right now in that metaphysical realm okay of Angels devils all that stuff that's going on it. We just don't see and Matthew chapter 18 and verse 10 it says take heed that you despise not one of these little ones for I say to you that In heaven their angels do always behold the face of my father which is in heaven So I believe that you know think about all our children that are in this church I believe that they all have angels assigned to them that are literally beholding the face of the Father in heaven and That there's an angel assigned to every single one of them. I believe that applies to us as well But at the same time I do believe that You know, it's kind of comforting to think that God is in that spiritual realm you think about Devils that are obviously We can't be possessed by Devils, right? But at the same time there are spiritual forces that are trying to attack us at all times and I do believe that there are angels that are assigned to certain people and Specifically for the children right now acts chapter 12 good acts after 12 now this one's debate This one could be disputed. Okay But in this light, I think this could be a possible interpretation, okay And the reason I say it is because angel can mean a messenger Okay meaning like it talks about the aim the seven angels of the seven churches and I believe you're dealing with the messenger of the church or the pastor or the the bishop, right? and then you have the seven angels that have the seven last plagues and When John is bowing down to one of them that skip that's telling him this information He says see thou do not I'm of thy brethren right, so Angel can be mean messenger, okay But it would just be odd in my opinion that that's what's being stated here Okay, but at the same time, you know, you can have your opinion As far as what's going on here now to get context Peter James the brother of John was just killed by Herod and Peter is being held To basically be killed as well, right? But God breaks him out of prison and in verse 13 It says and as Peter knocked at the door of the gate a damsel came to Harken named Rhoda So basically they're all praying for him because he's in prison. He ends up knocking on the door Because God breaks him out of prison It says in verse 14 it says and when she's she knew Peter's voice She opened not the gate for gladness but ran in and told how Peter stood before the gate So imagine this you're knocking on the door. You're like, hey, let me in and then they're like, oh, it's Peter and runs away This is like what a child would do right they run away. They're so excited and then you're just standing there So wait like open the door, right? But that she runs basically she's so excited that Peters at the door or at the gate And they said in her that weren't mad Which means obviously crazy That weren't mad But she constantly affirmed that it was even so then said they it is his angel Okay But Peter continued knocking and when they had opened the door and saw him they were astonished so eventually they opened and oh, yeah It is Peter now You know if it was just as met it wouldn't make sense if it was just a like It's a messenger, you know, like he's sending a messenger and then she's all excited about it and they're like wow You know, she's that's crazy. It must just it must be as an angel, you know, I personally believe that it's probably dealing with they were stating it as if like we're talking about his Actual like angelic type of angel that would be kind of like his guardian angel or something like that Now that being said is that you know more so like a spirit or something like that the Sadducees for example When it talks about how they don't believe in resurrection they also state they don't believe in a spirit or an angel right and it puts those together as far as And obviously angels are ministering spirits, right? But I personally believe that they're saying that that could be argued Okay, right that whether that they meant like his personal angel, okay But I think that that that fits go to Daniel chapter 10 Daniel chapter 10 Daniel chapter 10 you're like good night. We're getting into Bible prophecy tonight Not quite Daniel chapter 10 and verse 20 what I want to show you that Daniel had his own personal angel Now it doesn't say angel it calls him a prince, okay But I don't I don't have like a whole bunch of time to really like prove this but I I'm gonna use him versus the really getting kind of get into this that What I'm gonna show you here is that Daniel's personal angel was Michael the Archangel Okay. So how would you like to be honored with that? Right? Yeah, you know Yeah, I have an angel but I have Michael the Archangel right as my personal angel That's what it says here in Daniel chapter 10 and just so you know in Daniel chapter 10 there's this whole back and forth going on with like he sees an angel and All this stuff and he's talking to him and all this So basically an angel is speaking to him and then the angels talking about other people that are helping him. Okay So get the picture an angel speaking to Daniel and then he's talking about these other guys that are helping him Okay, and it says in verse 20 here says then said he knowest thou Wherefore I am come unto thee and now will I return to fight with the Prince of Persia and when I am gone forth lo, the Prince of Grecia shall come but I will show thee that Which is noted in the scripture of truth and there is none that holdeth with me in these things But Michael your prince So Michael your prince Basically, what he's stating is like there there's no one there's the there's a spiritual battle that's going on in this realm of there's kings Of Persia and kings of the king of Grecia and there's this whole prophecy that's going on there but basically there's this spiritual battle where you have The angels that are fighting this spiritual battle battle that's kind of happening in the background of these kingdoms okay, and he's stating that you know, I The angels kind of giving an excuse I don't want to I don't like saying it that way and necessarily but he's giving a reason Why it took him so long to get to him. Okay Because he starts fasting he's praying and everything and he's like it took like 21 days for him to get there To answer him and he's like, you know the moment you said that I was doing this And he's kind of giving a reason like what he was doing. Right? I was dealing with something over here It's kind of like Daniel was dealing with something. I had to deal with this over here no one's helping with this but Michael your prince and And just so you know Michael's brought up again in Daniel chapter 12 and verse 1 it says and at that time Shall Michael stand up the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never Was since there was a nation even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered Every one that shall be found written in the book What are we talking about Michael the Archangel because this happens in Revelation chapter 12 and verse 7 It says and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought with and his angels and obviously Michael and his angels prevail over him and Satan and his angels are all kicked out. Okay, and that's what that's what starts the tribulation is The devil is kicked out of heaven That's what starts it. So when you look at Daniel Michael your prince meaning that I Believe we all have personal angels, but I'm not here to say I have Michael the Archangel. Right? So Daniel obviously was you think about Men in their generation that were like the number one guys for God and Job was obviously that right Job was the most just man upon the earth Bible just states that right But Daniel when you're in Ezekiel and it talks about how he's gonna destroy the city. He says I would only save Noah Daniel and job For their righteousness Okay, so Daniel's put in there with job, right and no obviously I mean could anybody say that no wasn't the most righteous person in the earth considering him and his family were the only people saved In the whole world, right? So Daniel was obviously like number one So when you think about that, maybe Michael the Archangel was was Job's Prince I'm just I'm just spitballing here, but I'm not here. Don't take that as fact I'm just saying that maybe Michael the Archangel is given to The number one, you know, like righteous person in land and that is a real thing You know there there there there is obviously there there has you know that I guarantee right now There is some man out there that is considered the most just man upon the earth right now Okay, I don't know who that is Right, but at the same time I think through every generation you're gonna have that and maybe that switches within the generation Someone falls out someone steps up into the plate. You know what I mean? So I think that's interesting to think about is the fact that They're ministering spirits for us and for those that are even to get saved But also just in general with with our children and you know with us I believe that there's specific ones assigned to us right that where we have a specific angel that's on our side, right? Now I probably I probably have the angel that's like and It's a wonderful life that hasn't got its wings yet. I got Clarence You know Some of you got that joke All right, so it's a wonderful life it's not exactly, you know, biblically accurate, okay, but But anyway, I do angels exist and they do have a purpose and Obviously things have been you know Things are tweaked for movies and I think there's a lot of stuff that you've got to take with a grain of salt meaning like that's not Really accurate that's not accurate You had to go with what the Bible teaches and the whole point of my my sermons with this is to really just say Okay, the Bible talks about angels and devils and it talks about all this stuff a lot But we got to take what it says right and not just fill in the blank with everything because what people do is they They take something that stated and then they just like Fill in a whole bunch of stuff. That's not even like written there, right? And so Anyway, I think that's interesting thing about but also They're also kind of a transportation method for believers specifically when we die Go to Luke chapter 16. We're actually just talking about this a little bit before the sermon Go to Luke chapter 16 and verse 22 dealing with Lazarus But I'm also going to show you another place to where they are used for basically transportation or being carey And know this is that they are they are fast I don't have this in my notes But there will eventually maybe get to where it talks about how they when they move they're like lightning so think about how fast lightning moves and That's how fast these angels can move right I think when we picture angels like carrying like Lazarus it's kind of like this You know like flop in it like we're gonna make it we're almost there, you know, like another year. We'll make it, you know They're moving quick, right? It's not like a stork You know where it's just flapping in the wind, right? Anyway, Luke chapter 16 verse 22 It says in came to pass that the beggar died and was buried I'm sorry. I'm sorry the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom The rich man also died and was buried and in hell he looked up his eyes So you want to be you want to be the believer? Okay, and so I believe you know to be asked to follow the body to be present with the Lord But I do believe that every believer is carried by angels into heaven. I Don't believe this is just reserved for Lazarus. I think this is just this is the typical right and He went to paradise which was in heaven by the way Not in some holding chamber downhill. It's like yeah, I can imagine that it'd be like Lazarus died and be like here we go He's just soaring down into hell and there's like an opening I don't know do they just like plow through the earth like is that how that works? Anyway, so obviously the angels took Lazarus to heaven Abraham was there because Abraham's a believer and he took him to Abraham's bosom, which is a body part this part okay, so meaning that Abraham embraced Lazarus and then when you have this story obviously that the rich man Is that the great golf fix between is that space between heaven and earth which is the biggest golf that you can get? Okay, the biggest golf that there is is between the third heaven and hell Like you can't get any further away from that, right? So anyway Matthew chapter 24 another place where we will all be carried by angels whether we die or whether we're changed Notice what the Bible says here Now we know that the dead in Christ shall rise first. Yeah, I don't have that in my notes But in first Thessalonians chapter 4 We're not going to prevent them which are asleep meaning that the dead in Christ are gonna rise first I believe that they will be Gathered together all that But I do believe that also those that are in heaven will be gathered together as well as those that are in earth When we're dealing with the rapture and so in Matthew chapter 24 in verse 29 It says immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give our light and stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and Then shall appear the side of the Son of Man in heaven And then shall all the tribes of the earth born and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with the great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other so Jesus is gonna be in the clouds and how are we getting there now? It talks about us being caught up together with him in the clouds This tells us exactly how we're caught up. It's kind of like yeah, you're caught up You're caught up with angels angels are literally taking you there Also, I mean when it talks about being changed and twinkling of an eye Well, you can be changed where you're at, right? You can be changed right there and angels are taking you up at the same time. And so We get an angelic escort to heaven So, you know, that's that's a job that the angels have and again the sermon is more of the why you know Why were they created? What's the what are they what's their purpose? What are they doing? Right? Well, they're praising God That's one thing. They're also, you know, obviously they they give messages. I mean, it's in their name, right? So if you think about it like you would think that they would be a messenger of some sort Since they're called angels Which is literally what the word means is a messenger So they're ministering spirits, but specifically messengers and they also are a form of transportation When it comes to when we die or even when the Lord comes back and we're not even we don't even die We just are changed and then we're caught up. So Angels obviously have that job as well. And I do believe that each person each believer has an angel assigned to them And then they have a specific angel, okay And I'm not saying it's just one angel that's there with them I mean think about Elisha and how there was angels all over the mountains and stuff like that I think there are cases where they're gonna be a multitude of angels That are there helping you depending on the circumstance, but I think at all times there's there is an angel That is there. Okay, and that you don't see and all of that. Okay Now the last thing I want to get to and we'll be done is That angels are also used to destroy Okay, this is kind of a more of a fearful thing. But the idea is that the angels do have power To to destroy and to kill. Okay, so Go to go to First Chronicles chapter 21 and time would fail me to show of all of the places Okay, read Revelation sometime and you'll see that. Okay, but First Chronicles 21, this is dealing with when David numbers the people when he takes the census and If you remember he's given a choice of like how to be punished and he basically says let me fall into the hands of the Lord, okay, and this is what happens in verse 14. It says so the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel and there fell of Israel 70,000 men and God sent an angel into Jerusalem to destroy it and as he was destroying The Lord beheld and he repented him of evil and said to the angel that destroyed it is enough Stay now thine hand and the angel of the Lord stood by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite So literally there was this pestilence that's going on. But also There's this angel that's just going around is destroying And there came a point where God basically says that's enough which by the way God repented of the evil, which means that You know repenting of evil Doesn't mean turn from sin. Okay, and Repent doesn't mean turn from sin Here's that just another case of the same thing that repent means that he just repented He turned from the evil that he was doing unto them Okay, and so in psalm 78, let me just show you another place here dealing with the plagues of Egypt In Psalm 78 verse 49 Again, it's the last thing we show you you could in your homework You could look up all the places where angels are used to destroy and they execute judgment for the Lord Okay, because when it talks about the Lord coming it talks about him coming with ten thousands of his Saints But it also kind of talks about him coming with vengeance of fire with his holy angels Right and that that is executing judgment as well. Okay, so The angels are used to execute judgment and to destroy It says in verse 49 so psalm 78 verse 49 says he cast upon them the fierceness of his anger wrath and indignation and trouble by sending evil angels Among them now you may look at it be like are we talking about devils here? It's like well the Lord is there evil in the city and the Lord hath not done it evil means harmful Okay so it doesn't mean like, you know sinful or Wicked now can evil be wicked kid, you know wickedness is evil, but not all evil is wicked, right? You know, it's kind of like not all harm is bad Okay, I mean if you were to put to death a pedophile that's harmful to the pedophile But it's also righteous and should be done, right? So the thing is here is when we're talking about evil angels, they're evil because they're destroying right? There they are harming things but it's righteous because the Lord is Obviously righteous to do this in verse 50. It says he made a way to his anger He spared not their soul from death but gave their life over to the pestilence It's very interesting how the angels and are used with pestilence is and and obviously those type of plagues and everything It smote all the firstborn in Egypt The chief of their strength in the tabernacles of ham now dealing with that The smiting of the firstborn let me show you in Exodus chapter 12 and verse 23 Exodus chapter 12 verse 23 Now a lot of people use the term death angel when it comes to this but it doesn't use that terminology Though I do believe it is an angel, okay But it's actually called the destroyer The destroyer, okay, so It says in verse 23, so Exodus chapter 12 verse 23 It says for the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians and when he seeeth the blood upon the lentil and on the two Side posts the Lord will pass over the door and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you So when psalm is talking about these evil angels being sent So you think about all these plagues that like angels are being sent which makes sense when you think about like revelation, right? You have these seven angels with the seven trumpets and you know Obviously these angels are the ones that are pouring out and blowing these trumpets and all this stuff. So It definitely fits with that The destroyer is also mentioned in first Corinthians chapter 10 dealing with not murmuring against Christ Unless you'd be the destroyed of the destroyer, right? But specifically if we're gonna talk about the destroyer It could very well be that it's this guy go to go to Revelation chapter 9 Revelation chapter 9 There's a specific angel with a name. Okay, and This is not the devil, okay I Could prove that to you really quick after I show you this but but I also want to note too that God's wrath starts with an angel casting fire onto the earth in Revelation 8 5 it says the angel took the sensor and filled it with the fire of the altar and cast it into the Earth and there were voices and thunderings and lightnings in an earthquake That's how everything starts when God starts pouring out his wrath is that an angel literally casts fire down into the earth It Talks about angels having power over fire, you know There's an angel that's literally in the Sun like there's there's all kinds of stuff going on when it comes to all the wrath of God, but I want to talk about a specific angel and that's the angel of the bottomless pit Okay, and it says in Revelation 9 1 It says in the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth Again kind of relating stars with angels and everything But it says and cast it into the ink and cast it into the earth and there were voices and thunderings and lightnings and an earthquake I'm sorry. I haven't read I'm like getting all my stuff mixed up. You're like, what are you reading? Oh Man so verse 1 says in the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth and To him was given the the key of the bottomless pit And he opened the bottomless pit and there arose smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace And the Sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit Now go down to verse 11 because that's where these these locusts come out, right? But in verse 11 it says in there they had a king over them Which is the the angel of the bottomless pit? Okay King over these these locusts, right? Whose name in the Hebrew tongue was a is a baden but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon Now Apollyon that that that Greek word just means destruction Okay It's used tons of times. Okay, but it badens the same thing like it's it's just tomato tomato, right if you're talking about like Hebrew language destruction Greek language destruction Or maybe destroyer could very well be the case. But either way you literally have an angel that's called destruction right and Now I've heard people say this is the devil, you know, obviously the pre-trippers out there You know the pre-trippers are all messed up on revelation to the point where they literally say That this angel of the bottomless pit is the devil because they said it's the star that it's the star that fell down from heaven Yet the next chapter talks about an angel coming down from heaven, right? So That doesn't work out but let me prove to you really quick just for fun That this is not good a revelation chapter 20 that the angel of the bottomless pit is not the devil and and I can show that unequivocally That this baden Apollyon is not I mean think about it Jesus came to the earth to destroy the works of the devil and He when he rose from dead it says behold I have the keys of Helen of death But he's gonna hand The keys of the bottomless pit to the devil. I Want you to think about that logic just for a second right there. How ludicrous is that? Yeah, here's the keys I know I fought you for you know Like I know that the Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil that he came to destroy the devil, right? But here's the keys, right but in Revelation chapter 20 in Verse 1 there says and I saw an angel come down from heaven So another way of saying a star fell down from heaven, right? Saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand Sound familiar who has the keys the bottomless pit a baden Apollyon because it literally stated that it was given to him He's the king of the bottomless pit right And it says that he has a great chain in his hand and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent Which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years sounds like a different person Unless Satan is literally taking a chain and just like cuffing himself You'd be like let me toss myself into the pit On top of the fact that it wouldn't make any sense. I remember showing a pastor this When they were saying that Apollyon and a bad and what that was the devil and I showed him this I'm like How do you reconcile that? and it's just nothing it's just When it comes to this pre-trip stuff It's a disease and it's it's it's a snowball of stuff that just goes into all kinds of weird doctrines And you know that that doctrine of what why would you cling to that? Why does it matter? How in the pre-trip world does that matter that that Apollyon a bad? And why does he have to be the devil? like It's just baffling to me. I don't know why I'm going off on that tangent But the idea here is that this is a good angel. This is the this is an angel that's sent by God This is not a devil The destroyer That killed the firstborn was not a devil The evil angels that he sent To pour out his wrath. They're not Devils the angels that are gonna be sent to pour out all the wrath and you know All the stuff that's being done. Look at Revelation chapter 14 those angels that are coming out from the altar. Those aren't Devils the ones that are saying thrust in thy sickle and reap the earth Those aren't Devils. Those are all angels of the Lord that are executing judgment against ungodly men And so the angels do have I believe multiple jobs when it comes to what their job is So this isn't all-inclusive. So don't take this and be like well pastor didn't talk about it So they don't have any other, you know, there's no other thing that they can do out there, right? You know, I'm just kind of hitting on some highlights You know, I'm hitting on some big things that obviously just stick out to me as far as this is what they do This is what their job is. So they're kind of the why you know, why angels? But ultimately they're ministering spirits Specifically for the saved and for those that are will be saved and that they are messengers. They're messengers But you know what? some messengers have kind of a Message that can kill think of ehood And eglon, right? What did he say to eglon before he killed him? I have a message from the Lord, right? So you think about these angels like yeah, I got a message for you. I Mean think about it. They're like, whoa, whoa, whoa to the inhabitants of the earth They were given messages while they were pouring out that wrath. Okay, so it's interesting obviously To see you know what God uses the angels for But I think the most interesting thing to me is the fact that of the idea that God Uses the angels to help us, you know that they're ministering spirits for us in this time that we live and that's We had the Lord. So ultimately we're not alone, right? but it's just like the young man that's just like what are we gonna do when the this armies coming after them and the man of God says open his eyes and If we could just see I believe we could just see the amount of angels that are probably guarding over our church and Over the individuals in our church. I think you everybody here would be at What more peace like you just be like sure we're good But I think sometimes we just need to look into it just be like yeah Yeah, you know we have that and just having a little faith that hey The Lord is the Lord has our back and he not only himself has our back But he also has angels there as well. So let's end with a word prayer there on the father We think that today thank you for your word and Lord Just thank you for the souls that were saved this week and thank you for all the laborers that have gone out going soul winning Pray to be with those that aren't feeling well Pray to be with our health Pray to give safe travels to those that will be traveling and especially long distances and Lord Just pray to bring us back at the appointed time. Well, we love you. Pray else in Jesus Christ name. Amen So brother Dave will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed All right take your songbooks and turn to song 135 So 135 in your songbooks will sing. I know I'm saved if you would stand We'll sing song 135 I know I am safe for Christ set me free He ransomed my poor soul on the cross of Calvary And now I can see For Christ is my King. I'll see his face in glory by and by You're dismissed