(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you Well good morning everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church Take your Mountain Baptist song books the Psalms Hymns and spiritual song books the blue folders On the chairs or in the chairs in front of you and turn to page number 48 Page number 48. I'll be near the back of your song books We'll sing born to die if you would stand We'll sing song number 48 On the night Christ was born Just before break of morn as the stars in the sky Were fading Or the place where he laid fell a shadow cold and grey of the cross that would humble a King Born to die upon Calvary Jesus suffered my sin to forget Born to die upon Calvary He was wounded that I might live Jesus knew when he came he would suffer and shame He could feel every pain and sorrow But he left Paradise with his blood. He paid the price my redemption to Jesus I am Born to die upon Calvary Jesus suffered my sin to forgive Born to die upon Calvary He was wounded that I might live From his throne Jesus came laid aside heaven's fame in exchange for the cross of Calvary for my gain suffered loss For my sin he bore the cross He was wounded that I was set free Born to die upon Calvary Jesus suffered my sin to forgive Born to die upon Calvary He was wounded that I might live Dearest Lord evermore may thy cross I adore as I follow Calvary I partake my ambition I forsake all my will I surrender to thee Born to die upon Calvary Jesus suffered my sin to forgive Born to die upon Calvary He was wounded that I might live Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again We just want to thank you God for Another Sunday morning that we get to gather in your house and hear your precious word preached I pray Lord that you would just be with our pastor filling with your power and spirit We love you for it's in Jesus name. We ask all of it. Amen All right, you may be seated and again with your mountain Baptist songbooks Turn to page Number eight page number eight in your mountain Baptist Psalms sins and spiritual psalm books. We'll sing Psalm 126 Page number eight When The Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them that dream Then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing Then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us Whereof we are glad Turn again our captivity Oh As the streams and the south They that so and tears shall reap and joy They that so and tears shall reap and joy Then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us Where of we are? He that goeth forth and weepeth very precious Eve shut out let's come again Shut out let's come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him Then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us Where of we are? Amen so welcome Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday morning and Just some announcements here as far as service times everything is normal today, so we'll have our afternoon service at 4 p.m. and then Before that though we're gonna have our main soul winning Time so at 1 p.m. We'll have our soul winning time So if you want to go out so winning meet up here a little before that we'll get teamed up Obviously, it's always good to try to find Your soul winning partner before then, but if not brother Dave is happy to give you and find you a partner but And then as far as our regional so many times there I think Monday The Monday time isn't happening this week, but just be on the church group there for Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday As far as the times go there and the locations and then Upcoming events we have the Mount Baptist Christmas party so that'll be on the 9th And so I'm thinking around 1 32 o'clock around that time that we're gonna be doing that Christmas party, so we're gonna be doing We're gonna have like a we need we need to make a list we need to put that up on the fridge there as far as food whether it's main course type food or desserts We'll have two different sheets. I think for that or maybe just two different columns for that And then we're gonna have a white elephant gift exchange I'm not sure why they call it that but either way Basically we're gonna have we always have for the adults and for the kids so those are separate So if you want if you want to participate then all you do is bring for everybody That's gonna participate bring a gift, and I think we did like five ten dollars I mean that's usually around that you don't want to spend more than that You know I mean you can But at the same time don't expect more. I guess But and I don't want any church splits either. You know when it comes to like fighting and You know stealing and all that stuff, so this is the only time that you're allowed to steal In the church building it's during that but But it's always been it's been fun, and then brother wait actually made a new Bible kind of Bible trivia game, but it's uh What did you have an official name for it? Have you not read which is where you basically have to guess whether it's King James or another version and I'm Thinking that we have bonus points. I was talking to him about it We have bonus points if you can quote if it's not King James, and if you can quote that phrase You know verbatim King James, so anyway So we're gonna have games and stuff like that So hopefully you make it out that if you can't I understand it's hard to get everybody together during the holiday season Everybody's traveling and one weekend or another so if you can't make it obviously We don't hold it against you, but But we're gonna have it Earlier that day just so that everybody has time to recuperate for Sunday And then so many marathons December 16th the Parkersburg so winning marathon and so if you want to go to that definitely get with brother brother Matt, but And I'm there I have a church group Basically set up for that as far as if you want to get any information on that so that's the 16th so that'd be the next Saturday after that and As far as our Bible memory Romans chapter 10 Romans chapter 10 is our Bible memory for the month And I know we're coming to the end here of November because what is today? Today's the 26th. Yeah, so We'll be getting a new chapter for December But Romans 9 6 is our memory verse for the week not not as though the Word of God is taking that effect for they are not all Israel which are of Israel and so It's very Christmassy No, not yet It's still November. We'll get some Christmas quotes in there or Bible verses in there Coming up here in December and then on the birthdays so We have Anna Spina Not to be confused with Anna Robinson Is coming up on the 30th, so what day is that? Yeah Thursday, so do we have any I wonder if any is anybody it's birthday the 1st or the 2nd of December No No one that would want to admit it anyway if there were but Jacob Yeah, it's been back in a while, and I wonder it has to do with that no anyway What's that Poor guy So we'll sing happy birthday to Anna Spina Before we get into the last song and then what's that oh? We missed aces okay, well then we'll sing happy birthday to aces well and Bella Everybody's been sick. Sorry if you're sick. You don't you don't get something to you, so Actually, that's the opposite. It's like we'll get you if it's like two months ago. We missed you So So we'll have eight Asa and Anna Spina, and then we'll have Bella. We'll sing happy birthday to them How old is how is uh? Is Anna now? for Growing up so and then Pregnancy's be in prayer for Alyssa and a stage and tabby on the pregnancy list there And then be in prayer for all those they just had little ones But all I have for announcements that I can think of Yeah as you can see we have a new piano, but we need to get it tuned so That might take a little bit of finding somebody that will have time to tune it, but we'll get there but anyway Offering boxes in the back there if you want to give tithe or an offering the mother baby room for the mothers and babies only But they're gonna come and sing One more song sing happy birthday to the birthday kids and then It was reading this morning, but Shane, but Shane's gonna be reading Romans chapter 11 for us Alright take your some books and turn to song 431 Song 431 in your song books And we'll sing silent night holy night, but before we do that we need to sing happy birthday To Anna Asa and Baby Bella That's what we call her you guys can call her that color baby Bella Not really baby. She's 15 Anna. You're four Anna. You're four years old Say I'm not talking to you Asa Asa how old are you? Two good job, man, that's awesome. Well, we'll see happy birthday to all y'all and Stand up. Yes Bella's like we standing up Come on now and Bella is 15. So that's great Hey, are you standing up? Is she standing up? All right, okay She's not a morning person everybody. Okay It's all right. All right, we'll sing happy birthday to these three. Here we go ready Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday God bless you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to all y'all and we'll sing song 431 Silent night Holy night Home all is bright Round yon virgin Mother and child Holy Infant so tender and mild sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in Heavenly peace Silent night Holy night Shepherds quake at the Side Glory stream from heaven afar Have we ho sing Christ the Savior is born Cry the Savior is born Silent night Holy night Son of God Loves pure light Radiant beams from thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming Praise Jesus Lord at thy birth Jesus Lord at thy birth Silent night Holy night Andra star Land thine With the angels let us see Hallelujah To our King Christ the Savior is born Christ the Savior is born All right, take your song books and turn I'm sorry take your Bibles and turn to Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 in your Bible, we'll have brother Shane read that for us Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 and the Bible reads I say then hath God cast away his people God forbid For I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew What ye not what the scripture saith of Elias how he maketh intercession to God against Israel saying Lord They have killed thy prophets and dig down thy altars and I am left alone and they seek my life But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself 7,000 men who have not bowed the need to the image of Baal even so at this present time Also, there is a remnant according to the election of grace and if by grace then it is no more of works Otherwise grace is no more grace But if it be of works, then it is no more grace. Otherwise work is no more work What then Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it and the rest were blinded According as it is written God hath given them the spirit of slumber eyes that they should see not and ears that they should not hear unto this day and David saith let their table be made a snare and a trap and a stumbling block and A recompense unto them let their eyes be darkened that they may not see and bow down their back away I say then have they stumbled that they should fall God forbid But rather though their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles for to provoke them to jealousy now if the fall of them be the riches of the world and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fullness for I speak to you Gentiles in so much as as I am the apostle of the Gentiles. I magnify in my office if By any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them for if the casting away of them be the Reconciling of the world what shall be the receiving of them be but life from the dead For if the first fruit be holy the lump is also holy and if the root be holy So are the branches if some of the branches be broken off thou Being a wild olive tree were grafted in among them and with them partakers of the root and the fatness of the olive tree Boast not against the branches, but if thou boast thou barest not the root, but the root thee that will say Then the branches were broken off that I might be grafted in well because of unbelief They were broken off and now stand despite faith Be not high-minded, but fear for if God spared not the natural branches take heed lest he also spare not thee behold therefore the goodness and the severity of God on them which fell severity but toward the goodness if Thou continue in his goodness Otherwise thou also shall be cut off and they also if they abide not still in unbelief Shall be grafted in for God is able to graft them in again For if that word cut out of the olive tree Which is wild by nature and were grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree How much more shall these which be the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree? For I would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits That blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles become in and So all Israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of Zion the deliverer and shall turn away on godliness from Jacob for this is my covenant unto them which I shall take away their sins as concerning the gospel They are enemies for your sakes But as touching the election they are beloved for the father's sake for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance For as ye in times past have not believed God yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief Even so have these also now not believed that through Your mercy, they also may obtain mercy for God hath concluded them all in unbelief that he might have mercy upon all Ode the depth of the riches of both of the wisdom and knowledge of God How unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out for who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his counselor or who hath First given to him and it shall be recompensed unto him again For of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory forever. Amen Let us pray to your heavenly father. Lord. Thank you to be gathered in your house this beautiful morning and I just We're just so thankful for everything you do for us and Lord just please be with the pastor and in Jesus name. Amen Amen so you're there in Romans chapter 11 and I had a different sermon that I was planning on preaching But since I was sitting in my tray stand and not seeing anything This past hunting season actually memorized the the chapter of Romans chapter 11 years ago I memorized from Romans 1 to Romans 10 and then I just got bogged down and Romans chapter 11 is a longer chapter so then I just went on to different chapters and all that but so it's on my mind and when it comes to This passage I after especially after memorizing Romans chapter 11 and I was rekindling Romans 9 and 10 It's it's hard for me not to preach on this because it's just it's in my mind so But the name of the sermon is all Israel shall be saved all Israel shall be saved I'm gonna answer what the Bible is talking about here in Romans chapter 11 when it says that So I want you to strap in I mean buckle up because I have a lot of verses that I'm gonna be going through here And meaning this is that we're gonna be sticking in Romans 9 10 11 quite a bit here But I want you to stick with me. This is definitely a doctrinal sermon and I Believe after the sermon there's gonna be no doubt what it's talking about here When you look at the context of what's being said here now let's look at the the passage where it says that first of all and Romans chapter 11 verse 26 and what happens usually is Christians that are what I what we would call Zionist Christians meaning that they believe that That God still has a plan for the Jews and Israel and that basically Israel is going to basically be They're all gonna get saved When Jesus comes in the clouds, that's basically their thinking process is that well when Jesus comes in the clouds they're all gonna believe on Christ and This is where they go They'll go here and they'll rip this out of context and say that this is talking about when Jesus comes in the clouds though Jesus coming to clouds isn't mentioned in any of the these chapters that we're gonna see here leading up to this That's not the context at all as far as his second coming But let me just read to you these these two verses where I said in verse 26 and so all Israel shall be saved as it Is written there shall come out of Zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob for this is my covenant unto them When I shall take away their sins So what they'll say and I'm just I'm just telling you what they'll do they'll pull this out and they'll say well When Jesus comes back second time all the Jews All those that are physical Israelites are gonna see Jesus and they're all gonna get saved And That doesn't what you can pull that out and say that but it doesn't fit the context at all Okay, as far as what this the chapter 9 10 and 11 are talking about So in order to understand what's being said here, you have to see the context. So let's go back to chapter 9 Go back to chapter 9 Basically chapter 26 or verse 26 in chapter 11 is the conclusion of the matter Okay There's a premise or a question if you will or a thought process that's being brought up in chapter 9 and then all the way Until you get to verse 26, it's basically Explaining to you how this is true. Okay. So in the end when you get the verse 26 It's kind of like the conclusion and so all Israel shall be saved but the question is why is that true? why is it true that all Israel shall be saved and So chapter 9 and Going through if you go from chapter 9 into chapter 10, it's the same thought process. It doesn't break thoughts it's just going into the same thought process and And from chapter 10 into chapter 11 it's leading into it and what you'll see is that obviously chapter 8 you just got done talking about the fact that It's talking about Walking in the spirit and the resurrection of the body and all that in chapter 9 We're kind of getting into a little different of a thought chapter 12 Is starting a new thought because then it's talking about making your body's a living sacrifice and going on to a different Topic if you will. Okay chapter 9 through 11 they go together Okay, and if you're reading through Romans you don't read 11 first right you're reading through it chronologically Hopefully that you're reading chapter 1 2 3 4 5 going down line, but in verse 1 here, let's look at context What starts this whole conversation? It says I say the truth in Christ I lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart For I could wish that myself were a curse from Christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh So he's talking about physical Israelites, okay Does that make sense like he's talking about physical Israelites at this point and he's basically saying I could wish He would basically it's kind of like Moses where it says blot me out of that book, right? and Though Paul can't do this He's basically saying I wish I could basically be a curse from Christ so that they would get saved That's quite a statement and that does show you how much he cares about his physical brethren that aren't saved But notice what it says here Who are Israelites? So when he clarifies here My brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh who are Israelites notice invert It keep reading there says to whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory in the covenants and the giving of the law In the service of God in the promises whose are the fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came who is overall God bless forever. Amen He's basically saying You know This all pertains to them The adoption the adoption actually chapter 8 talks about the adoption the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father and the idea of Salvation right, but the adoption the covenants the promises this all pertains to them into the you know And of their fights of their father. So Abraham Isaac and Jacob which we're gonna be which it gets into Verse 6 though. It says not as though the Word of God had taken none effect Okay now the question that you you have to ask yourself is Why is he saying that? You know, why is he saying not as though the Word of God had taken none effect like why is that being brought up because Those promises and everything aren't going to be all to all physical Israel Because notice what says here it says for they are not all Israel which are of Israel Now let's think about that phrase right there They are not all Israel Which are of Israel now the conclusion of the matter is so all Israel shall be saved, right? But here's why that's true because Israel is not the physical Israel meaning this is that when it says they are not all Israel which are of Israel meaning this is that Israel is not made up of every single Israelite Okay You can think about it this way not all of them that are of Israel are Israel They're not regarded as Israel just because they're physical Israelites It goes on to explain and it gives you a different example, right? It says neither So it's kind of giving you a contract. It's giving you something to compare it to neither because They are the seed of Abraham are they all children but an Isaac shall I see be called So what's that saying? They are not all children which are of the seed of Abraham Okay, so that really clarifies that when we're talking about they are not all Israel which are of Israel The all is talking about The physical Israel right meaning like not all of the physical Israelites are of Israel I Mean I'm sorry, not all the Israelites are Israel But then all that that are that are the seed of Abraham are not children either now, what does it mean by children though? Well, it explains it it says that is they which are the children of flesh These are not the children of God, but the children are promised or accounted for the seed So what you're dealing with here is that you have physical descendants of Abraham, but he's saying they're not all children of God Right then you have these physical Israelites, but they're not all Israel They're not they don't all make up Israel, okay So what the whole premise is is the fact that all Israel shall be saved because Israel is made up of believers Whether Jew or Gentile and that's really what's being said throughout all these chapters Is that Israel is? Those that are the children a promise the children of God and you're all the children of God by what faith in Christ Jesus That's what makes up Israel So the statement all Israel shall be saved is true It's not negated. It's not null and void It's not something because I'm going to show you where the Bible actually states that in the Old Testament They say something very similar to that in the Old Testament because it's kind of basically like there's this promise out there that all Israel Shall be saved. How is that true? Right. How does that make sense? How does that how is that not void? How is that not of none effect? knowing that most of Israel doesn't believe Let's go to Romans chapter 3 just to prove to you just another way of saying the same thing, okay This is not talking about some suit some future event Where like all these physical Israelites in that generation are gonna believe on Christ or that they're all gonna get saved This Is talking about the fact that there's a statement made in the Bible all Israel shall be saved or something to that extent How is that true if most Israelites don't believe Emma sit down or you're gonna go back to mama Romans chapter 3 in verse 1 it says what then what advantage then that hath the Jew What profit is there of circumcision? much every way Chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of God notice that it doesn't say much every way because their lineage It just says the reason That it profits to be a Jews because you have the Word of God that was given unto you you have it in front of You you're not like you're not in some dark place where you don't have the Word of God. Okay, but then it says Verse 3 for what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? What does it say God forbid Yea, let God be true But every man a liar as it is written that thou may mightest be justified my sayings and mightest ever come when thou art judged basically saying that The faith of God the promises of God his covenants are not made of none effect. Just because Israel doesn't believe just because Israel You know it by and large rejected Christ and didn't believe Okay That makes sense the whole premise here Is that not as though the Word of God is taking none effect why because just because some didn't believe doesn't mean that the faith of God It's not none effect That's the whole premise. How is it true? How are these covenants in these promises? How are they all these true that pertained unto them? How does that make sense? How does that fit? How does that not? contradict if you will What stated? That's the whole premise okay, and in chapter 11 verse 26. It's basically after it gives the whole dissertation. It says and so It's kind of like and so we conclude always or shall be saved because And it's going to get into the fact that Jesus came and he saved us from our sins Because it's by faith in Christ Jesus. Okay, whether Jew or Gentile So when you get into this Notice that in chapter 9 It states that just because they're children of the flesh doesn't make them children of God Just because they're Israelites doesn't make them Israel And just because they're Jews physically doesn't make them Jews spiritually and Romans 2 hits on that Romans 2 28 it says for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision Which is outward in the flesh for he is a Jew which is one inwardly And circumcision is that of the heart and the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not a man, but of God This is the premise. I mean if you think about the premise of Romans is the fact that The Jew first and also to the Greek I mean this is something you see over and over and over again even in Romans chapter 15 when it's dealing with Jesus ministry it Talks about how his ministry was to the circumcision and that it would also go on unto the Gentiles, right? and The idea here though is that Romans chapter 9 and I'm not gonna get into Jacob and Esau because Just for sake of time. Okay, but Jacob and Esau the idea there is that That before they were even born. He he already foreknew that Jacob's nation because it says two men are people and two nations are in that womb and it says the elder shall serve the younger as It is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated he's not talking about those specific people those, you know Jacob and Esau he's talking about the nations that were gonna come out of them and That he blessed the one nation and he hardened the other nation. So he gives that as an example because what's what's gonna happen to Israel in Romans chapter 11 is stating a fact that Israel is hardened so that all the other nations would be blessed So It's kind of like the opposite right as far as what happened in the New Testament, but it's all for a purpose Now go to Romans chapter 9 and verse 27 because I want you to think about this Okay, the premise is the Word of God had it's not that the Word of God has taken another fact Because that's kind of the it's kind of like if you were to put that in a question has the Word of God taken none effect Because some didn't believe That we're Israelites It's like God forbid No But why? Right, that's the question. Why is it a why is it still in effect? Why does it fit? Why does it make sense? Right? That's the question and that's what's being answered Because notice what it says in Romans chapter 9 Verse 27 Isaias also cry concerning Israel though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea a Remnant shall be saved Let me ask you a question in Isaiah's day was every single Israelite a believer were they all saved No, actually only a remnant was Then it goes on to say Friday will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness because a short work will the Lord make on the earth and as Isaias said before Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed We had been as Sodom and been made like unto Gomorrah now if you look up where that's quoted Where it says they'll left us blessed us a seed It says in Isaiah 1 9 except the Lord of hosts had left us unto us a very small remnant So not only is it saying it's a remnant right because the remnant is obviously just a piece It's a piece of it, right? But it's not only that it's a very small piece right it's a very small remnant so throughout Israel's time there Most of the people of Israel were not saved But there was always that remnant there was that remnant that were saved in Isaiah's day there's a remnant save and Go to Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11. So let's see where we start off here in Romans chapter 11 Because Romans 9 really hits on the fact that That the Gentiles are gonna get saved the Gentiles are gonna hear it that the Gentiles You know, they didn't follow after righteousness, but they obtained unto righteousness through faith and that Israel didn't attain because They didn't go after by faith and we'll be getting to that But what I want you to see here is that there's a remnant that saved in Isaiah's day There's a remnant saved but even Elijah's day There was a remnant that was saved Okay, so there was never a case there was never a time where all of Israel the physical nation of Israel was all believers. I Mean even when they came out of the land of Egypt, they weren't I mean that they should have been but they weren't and So in Romans chapter 11 verse 1 it says I say then hath God cast away his people God forbid For I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew So, you know what Paul's not saying He's not saying that God hath not cast away the physical Israel He's saying he didn't cast away Those that are of Israel that believed Because Paul's saying I'm an Israelite Because He did not cast away his people which he foreknew because we are elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification the Spirit and the idea there is that it's by faith that we're saved and God foreknew who would believe and he predestinated those whom he foreknew would believe to be conformed unto his image and We can't blame God for foreknowing who's going to believe And what he's stating here is that he didn't he didn't cast off I mean think about it the twelve disciples He didn't cast them off Barnabas Paul James the Lord's brother, I mean like go down the line of all the Jews that got saved at that time Nick Demas I believe got saved. I mean Joseph of Arimathea like all these the these Israelites I mean Nathaniel behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile He didn't cast off all of Israel Because he didn't cast off those which he foreknew he didn't cast off those which actually believed by by grace through faith Because keep reading there it says God had not cast away his people which he foreknew what's he not what the scripture saith of Elias how he maketh intercession to God Against Israel saying Lord they have killed thy prophets and dig down thine altars and I am left alone and they seek my life But what set the answer of God unto him I have reserved to myself 7,000 men which have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal so back in in Elijah's day when he's out in the wilderness. He's sitting underneath juniper tree asking God to kill him because he's like I'm alone There's no one else What does God say to him? There's 7,000 that haven't bowed the knee to the image of Baal there are still 7,000 men that are believers at that time and What does it say even so then at this present time Also, there is a remnant according to election of grace and if by grace and isn't no more of works Otherwise grace is no more grace and it it'd be of works then isn't no more grace Otherwise work is no more work meaning this is that it's always been by grace is election by grace You're chosen to be saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ That's how God has chosen salvation to be he's chosen to be by faith And if you believe you're the elect and in Isaiah's day there was a remnant in Elijah's day there was a remnant The question is how can the statement all Israel shall be saved be true right That's the question. You know, how is that true? Because they are not all Israel which are of Israel because there's an Israel that that's not Determined just based off of lineage Because Israel is made up of both Jews and Gentiles and you know for your homework go to Ephesians chapter 2 and The idea that middle war partition is broken down and we are now fellow we're for you know It's talking about aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel, but we're now fellow citizens with the Saints and household of God. The idea there is that Israel is made up of all nations Every tongue kindred tribe is That Israel in the the point that's being made is that You know, the question is like well a lot of Israel didn't believe so, how does this promise make sense? How does this covenant make sense for Israel? Because there's an Israel that's not talking about the physical Israel now There are people of Israel that are in there, right? That's why I saying not all Israel, right? so Not all of them, you know, not all Israel is of Israel And Go to Romans chapter 9 Romans chapter 9 because what we see in Romans chapter 9 notice the wording Romans chapter 9 it says verse 4 who are Israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption notice that word pertaineth They say they obtained it or attained it No, it says whom pertaineth Meaning this is that it pertained Israel, but they didn't obtain it They didn't attain it You're like, where does it say that? well And notice it says who whose are the fathers right so that these covenants these promises It says whose are the fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed forever Amen and that's true. He came up the tribe of Judah of the seed of David He came through that lineage and that's who Christ came to and he came unto his own and his own received them not the Bible says Now Romans chapter 9 look down in verse 30 It says it pertains to them, but we know that not all of them are Israel Just as much as all the Jews are not all Jews You Say well, what's the difference one's physical one spiritual that's what the Jew there's a Jew Which is one outwardly and there's a Jew which is one inwardly There's an Israelite that's one outwardly and there's Israelite which is inwardly and what matters when it comes to eternity It's the spirit. It's the heart. It's the soul, right? And obviously there's physical Israelites that also got saved right where they're physical and spiritual Okay Now in verse 30 here So it pertained to them the adoption pertained to them the glory pertained to them the covenants pertained to them the giving of the law Pertained to them the service of God pertained to them the promises pertained to them, but did they attain it? It says in verse 30 here What shall we say then that the Gentiles which follow not after righteousness have attained to righteousness? Even the righteousness which is of faith But Israel which followed after the law of righteousness hath not attained to the law of righteousness Wherefore right why that's the question. Why didn't they attain it because they sought it not by faith But as it were by the works of law for they stumbled at that stumbling stone as it is written behold I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and a rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be Ashamed Shall be getting into the idea of so it always will shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of Zion the deliverer and Shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob What are we talking about? We're talking about Jesus coming to Zion. We're talking about Jesus coming to save us from our sins and It's those that believe that'll be saved, but it says here in Roman chapter Romans chapter 10 go to Romans chapter 10 just to show you all the context because what's leading up to Romans chapter 11 They're not all Israel which are of Israel just because they're children of the flesh doesn't make them children of God But the children of promise are counted for the seed Israel though they be this as the sand that's on the seashore a remnant shall be saved Unless they left us a seed we had been Sodom and Gomorrah looked that up. It says a very small remnant It says that Israel didn't attain unto it because they sought it after works of the law But the Gentiles they obtained it because they sought it after faith They obtained righteousness because they they obtained it by faith Romans chapter 10 I'm sorry, Romans chapter 10 verse 1 It says brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge For being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness Have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believe it So they haven't submitted themselves unto that they haven't attained unto that go to Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 In verse 5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace Why because Paul's in that remnant because Peter at that time was in that remnant? Because all those that were saved there were Israelites are in that remnant We're talking about There's a remnant according to the election of grace even at that time because it says it says in verse 7 what then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it and the rest were blinded So, what's that verse saying? Israel as a whole did not obtain they didn't attain it why because they're trying to seek it after works And not by faith not by grace, okay The election hath obtained it Well, who's the election in context here the election the remnant according to the election of grace? Paul You know Barnabas Peter James John go down the line, right? All the Israelites that believed that are part of that remnant They have obtained it and it says the rest were blinded What's that talking about Israel those that didn't believe Are have been blinded. Okay, and then it goes on to talk about them being blinded And just the the downfall that that happens there Now the the thing is The whole chapter Romans chapter 11 ends with the fact that it says oh The the you know, it talks about the the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God It's like why is it saying that right because God when he makes one move It affects he's making that one move to make like five other moves, okay, meaning this is that Is Or Israel being hardened or blinded isn't just for the sake of blinding Okay Just as much as hardening Pharaoh was not just for the sake of hardening them Roman chapter 9 teaches us that the reason that he hardened Pharaoh's heart and put him up in that position is so that the whole earth Would see the glory of God Which they did I mean Ray had the harlot even knew about it and all those that were in Canaan and other places heard about the parting of the Red Sea and all the plagues that God put upon Egypt. Okay He hardened Pharaoh, but there was a reason there was there was a there was there was other avenues as far as why he's doing It you could say well, he's punishing Pharaoh. Sure. That's part of it, right and you say well He's punishing Israel because Israel killed the Lord Jesus. It's like sure. Yes but Ultimately He's doing that to provoke them the jealousy to get saved Okay He came on his own his own received him not There's another avenue in which he can try to get them saved God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance Who have all men to be saved and comes to the knowledge of truth? He wants everybody to be saved the Jews the Gentiles everybody right and there's God's wisdom knows what it says in Romans chapter 10 and verse 19 Romans chapter 10 verse 19, but I say did not Israel know First and this is talking about the gospel It says for, you know, they have not all obeyed the gospel for he's a Seth Lord who had believed our report Did not Israel know first Moses said I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and by a foolish nation Will I anger you but he's a is a Zayas is very bold and said I was found of them that sought me Not I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me. This is talking about the Gentiles, right? That Those that had not obtained mercy have obtained mercy which were not the people of God but are now the people of God we're talking about those that were strangers and and and and Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia their elect according to the foreknowledge of God and now they are a holy nation they're a peculiar people because they believed on Christ and Those people are gonna provoke them to jealousy in verse 21. It says but to Israel he said all day long I have stretched forth my hands into a disobeying and gainsaying people But go to Romans chapter 11 and verse 7. So that's what that's what leads you in the Romans chapter 11 basically, like Israel is a disobeying and gainsaying people they knew and and the Lord is going to try to provoke them to jealousy and that's where This comes in notice what says in verse 7 it says Romans chapter 11 verse 7 says what then Israel hath not obtained that which he Seeketh for but the election hath obtained it and the rest were blinded According as it is written God hath given them the spirit of slumber eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not Hear unto this day. So at that day that Paul's writing this this is true. I Don't believe it's gone away Actually, it's still going on right now But it says and David said let their table be made a snare and a trap and a stumbling block and a wrecker pencil to them Let their eyes be darkened that they that they may not see and bow down their back all way So notice this punishment or this curse that's being put upon Israel I mean if you remember the Israelites were saying when they were crucified they said crucify him crucify him and Pilot says I'm innocent of the blood of this just person right this just man and they said his blood be on us and on our children so there was a curse put on Israel and this blindness that was put on them and To this point where said I mean David's talking about it and all the other scriptures that are that are speaking about this that this pertains To Israel, this is what the punishment is for Israel, but notice what it says here in verse in verse 11 I say then Have they stumbled that they should fall God forbid but rather Through their fall salvation has come unto the Gentiles to provoke them to jealousy so notice that he's he's back, you know, he's putting this blindness on them and he but That is causing the Gentiles That the door to be open for the Gentiles to be blessed Does that make sense and that the gospel is now just being like just open to the Gentiles now Listen, does that mean that no Gentiles got saved before this? No, obviously there's Gentiles that the Bible records getting saved And even during Jesus ministry, there's Gentiles getting saved. The idea though is that who's preaching the gospel today? Who's out who's out sending out missionaries who's preaching the gospel is it Israel or is it a Gentile nation? It's America, isn't it by and large and it's not just America, but let's just let's just The brass tax here is that America is the nation that is preaching the gospel right now. That's not Israel Okay, and but the endgame is to provoke them to jealousy and it says Verse 12 now at the fall of them be the riches of the world and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles how Much more their fullness for I speak to you Gentiles and as much as I am the apostle of the Gentiles I magnify mine office if by any means I may provoke the emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them It's coming full circle. I mean he he could wish himself accursed from Christ Or his brethren for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh who are Israelites who pertaineth You know says to whom pertaineth the adoption at all And he's basically saying my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved That's Romans chapter 10 here. He's stating that they were blinded So that the Gentiles the door would be open for the Gentiles to be preaching the gospel to provoke them to jealousy and his modus operandi Is that I'm going to use that office to provoke them the jealousy that I might save some of them They say all of them The whole idea here is that all of them aren't going to get saved That's as much as saying like all of America is gonna get saved just not gonna happen Go to Roman chapter 11 verse 15 And This is where people get all you know people that believe that you can lose your salvation they'll look at this passage and be like see you can be broken off and You know if you get broken off you gotta be grafted in again like you can lose your salvation all this There's talking about nations The whole premise of Roman chapter 9 is Israel as a nation and Gentile nations, and he's speaking specifically to who? What's the whole book of Romans written to to the Romans? He's speaking to a nation The Roman nation okay, so if you're gonna stick anybody in here as far as who the branch is it's Rome it's a it's basically a discussion between Rome being grafted in and Israel being broken off okay Now Romans chapter 11 verse 15 Are you still with me? You know I know this is deep okay? but Really, it's this simple It's really this simple is that the whole premise is that the Word of God has not taken none effect Because all Israel shall be saved But here's why that makes sense because Israel is made up of all believers whether Jew or Gentiles Okay Anybody that believes on Christ is a part of that nation And just because you're a physical Israelite doesn't make you a part of that nation So that's why All of Israel could just not believe in that covenant is still it is still valid It is still sound The promises the covenants the adoption all that is still sound even if Israel doesn't believe And it's just making this point over and over again now in Romans chapter 11 verse 15 It says for if the casting away of them be the reconciling the world What shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead he's basically saying they can they could come back if they if they want and What this really gets into is that? Not all Jews are reprobate Okay, so let me just state this Not every Israelite is a reprobate and pass the hope of salvation Are there a lot is there a higher percentage sure okay? Just as much as there's a higher percentage of psychopaths in the government Than in the normal population, right? So yes The percentage of reprobates are probably higher in Israel, right? But they're not all Just past feeling and not able to get saved, okay? And obviously this is specifically talking about back then not right now Because we could all make the argument that the Israelites that are in Israel right now aren't even I'm probably more a son of Abraham than they are The Ashkenazis You know that that went back there. I mean that's a whole nother argument as far as whether these are actually Closer to Abraham or not you know, but let's just say for sake of argument They're all just straight up like a hundred percent The children of Abraham, okay? Not reality, but let's just say for sake of argument. That's the case, right? It doesn't matter because it doesn't matter if they're all the children of Abraham just because you're the seed of Abraham doesn't make you children and Just and that is they which are the children of flesh. These are not the children of God So it doesn't matter even if they are just a hundred percent pure blood Israelites But it says here that In verse 16 for if the first fruit be holy the lump is also holy And if the root be holy so are the branches and if some of the branches be broken off and now being a wild olive tree were grafted in among them and With them partake us of the root and the fatness of the olive tree boast not against the branches But if thou boast thou bearest not the root, but the root be and he's gonna explain, you know, why you shouldn't boast You're being grafted in they've been broken off, but don't boast about that. Don't just like we are. Yeah, look at me I'm I've been grafted in right because knows what says In verse 19 it says thou will say then the branches were broken off that I may be grafted in Well, it's kind of like it's kind of like yes, right true. That's a true That's good makes sense, right? Because the fall of them through the fall of them Salvation is coming to the Gentiles The the fall of them and it diminishing them is the riches of the world and the riches of the Gentiles, right? That's true, okay, they were broken off that you may be grafted in meaning we're talking about nations here Why were they broken off because of unbelief they were broken off it says in verse 20 and now stands by faith be not high-minded but fear for if God spare not the natural branches take heed lest he also spare not thee and What he's stating here is that America you should wake up and say hey listen if Israel was broken off Israel who I mean the Ark of the Covenant the Ten Commandments came down off Mount Sinai I mean all the Oracles of God were committed unto them Jesus came through their line And if you think that you can't be broken off take heed because you can and America could be broken off because guess what England was broken off and So was Turkey made Asia Minor and Greece and all that that were basically the lighthouse of the gospel back in Paul's day They were broken off to England was broken off in America take heed lest ye also be broken off But it goes on to say here in verse 22 behold therefore the goodness and severity of God on them which fell severity But toward the goodness, right? So on them which fell the Israelites severity, right? I mean they're you know, bowing down their back all the way their eyes are being darkened that they may not see right And then it goes on it goes it says But toward thee goodness if thou continue in his goodness, otherwise thou also shall be cut off now when it's talking about continuing his goodness What what caused them to be broken off unbelief what caused them to be graphed in faith, right? Thou standest by faith if our nation becomes an unbelieving nation Those that forget God shall be turned all nations that forget God shall be turned down into hell That's what it's talking about here Don't be high-minded fear don't think that don't boast yourself against Israel be like well, you know Israel, you know They were broken off you can be too. This nation could be broken off just as much as they were How much more shall we be broken off that are a wild olive tree being grafted in and then it goes on to say In verse 24 for if thou were cut out of the olive tree Which is wild by nature and were grafted contrary to nature into the into a good olive tree How much more shall these which be the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree Basically making a point right? It's just like how I mean How much more shall they be grafted in? Because I mean it just makes sense and God is able to graph them in again But notice that it says in verse 23 and it and they also if they abide not still and unbelief shall be grafted in notice the stipulation Not just well, you're Israelites you're grafted in No, they were broken off from believe and if the way they can get grafted back in is by belief Israel in 1947 1948 who cares whenever they said they were a nation They're like, well, you know God recognizes them in it as a nation. They're grafted back into the olive tree. When did they believe? Are they still as far as I know they're still abiding in unbelief so They're not grafted back in They're still broken off. They're still blinded God's able to Listen, he's making a point here. God is able to graph them in again, but only if they abide not still and unbelief Right that stipulation must be made. Listen you are dead and trespasses and sins unless Thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God raised from the dead and thou shalt be saved Right, I mean there is a stipulation there that has to be made and that nation Has to turn into a Christian nation for it to be grafted back in and it Listen God's able to but he's not saying he will it's not saying Israel shall become a nation again you know now listen Israel will become a nation when Jesus is ruling and reigning for a thousand years and Israel will be the lighthouse of the world when Jesus is sitting on his throne here And we're ruling and reigning with him. That is true But as far as the physical Christ rejecting nation that's there now that's made up of Muslims and Armenians and Jews and Catholics that is not a Christian nation. That is not a nation that's not still abiding in unbelief So God is able to graph the man he's saying how much more right it's kind of like well think about this Who's easier to get saved? Someone that grew up as a Christian or a Muslim Like meaning that they have that foundation, right? That Jesus is God the Trinity right Catholics are some of the easiest people to win Why because they have the foundation of the Trinity Jesus is God he died on the cross Like it's not you know, you already got the foundation there and that's what he's basically saying Is that they have the oracles of God they had that foundation of you know of the Old Testament supposedly that they're supposed to be believing How much more should they be grafted in right how much easier should it be for that to happen then some? Polytheistic country think about it Gentiles. They were all I mean the Romans they had their multiple gods the Greeks had their multiple gods Like that And they were grafted in right, but the thing is is that He's not saying it's going to happen. He's saying he's able to He's saying he will do it if they believe Now with that being said look at verse 25 Because this is where I think a lot of people when they go to this always or shall be saved They look at verse 25 and they they jump to like end times prophecy I Mean think about this Romans chapter 9 10 11 has anything it been in here about like Jesus coming in the clouds We see stuff about the Antichrist. I mean is anything in here at this point dealing with end times prophecy. I Mean the closest that I can see the end times prophecy will be Romans chapter 8 talking about the resurrection of the body But even then it's not really getting into end times prophecy just stating the fact of the resurrection So isn't it kind of a leap to be like boom Jesus coming in the clouds, it's like where did that come from? And here here's why I think they focus on the wrong thing in this verse It says in verse 25 For I would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery Lest you should be wise in your own conceits What mystery? Okay That's the question. Like what's what mystery are we talking about? that blindness in part is happened to Israel Until the fullness of the Gentiles become in I think what people focus on is until the fullness of the Gentiles come in They're like see that's and right where but here's thing. Okay pre-tribber Those that believe that Jesus is gonna come before the tribulation The fullest of the Gentiles isn't come in until after Jerusalem is trodden underfoot for 42 months Which is the seventh trumpet being blown That doesn't sound like a pre-tribulation rapture to me You know or the Jews are all gonna get saved after all of that I Thought you said that he was gonna get saved when he comes in the clouds It's like they got to move it around you're like, well, you know, I guess it could be over here, you know But here's thing The mystery is what that Israel has been blinded in part and the whole premise here Is that don't take it too far to say that none of them can get saved right Because the whole point of this chapter is that he hath not cast away his people which he foreknew There's still a remnant according to the election of grace that they didn't just fall so that they would stumble and fall They fell so that the Gentiles will provoke them to jealousy so that he might save some of them Don't be ignorant of that Don't be ignorant that hey they can still be grafted in if they abide not still in unbelief they can still be saved now granted Are they harder to win? Yes And Paul is constantly just like I'm done with you Going through the Gentiles the Gentiles will hear it and he's just constantly like I'm washing my hands of your blood Like and then he's just like I must go back to the day of Pentecost, you know I must go back for this piece You know, I need to go back to Jerusalem and Why because his heart's desire to God for Israel and prayer to God to Israel is that they might be saved He could wish himself a curse from Christ For his brethren his kinsmen according to the flesh to whom pertain at the adoption Right the Israelites to whom pertain at the adoption. That's his heart. That's his desire So you can see why he's like hey, I'm gonna do everything I can I'm using what God is doing over here to provoke them to jealousy to get them saved and Don't be ignorant that it's in part it's not Holistically like meaning that are all just reprobate. Listen the Jews at that time We're saying crazy stuff like that about the Cretans, right? One of their prophecy, you know, it says one of them even a prophet of their own said the Cretans are all way liars It's like yeah every creation everybody agreed is just a liar, you know, just always They're just a bunch of habitual liars and just none of them tell the truth And he's saying this is a Jewish fable But also don't take it to the other extreme right because the Jews are doing that doing that with the Gentiles They're just like Gentiles. They're all a bunch of animals, you know, like basically like don't you know, they can't they're all liars You know all this stuff. Well, don't take it to that extent with Israel That's what Paul stating here. Is that I'm the one right? How much more Paul was one that was injuring the church right persecuting the church That he wasn't just an Israelite. I didn't believe I mean he was one that was actually persecuting the church as well So I believe that the big things you have to see there is that it's in part and Paul the very beginning of the chapter For I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin God has not cast away his people which he foreknew so That's the part that he doesn't want you to be ignorant about not That there's some future event that's gonna happen Does that make sense like context matters here and this is where people just go this leap They're just like I don't want you to be ignorant about how every Israelites gonna get saved when Jesus comes into clouds It's like what? Where did that come from? It just doesn't make sense the point that it's making is that that blindness in part That's what you need to focus on and that's going to be in place until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled That it's not until the very end like this isn't just gonna end in Paul's day and then There's no more blindness in part done to them. No that's going on until Jesus sets up his kingdom and That's where you get in Revelation chapter 10 there shall be time no longer because it's talking about the times of the Gentiles being fulfilled and All of that meaning that the times of the Gentiles are over it's Jesus and it's him ruling and reigning you have benevolent Dictatorship of Jesus Christ for a thousand years. Yay for ever after that. Okay, so I hope that makes sense as we go through that now Romans chapter 11 verse 26 What we started off with all Israel shall be saved So And so all Israel shall be saved Why All Israel shall be saved because they are not all Israel which are of Israel Because just because they're the children of the flesh. They're not that doesn't make them the children of God But the children of promise are counted for the seed because there's always just been a remnant of Israelites that were saved But Israel is not just that remnant of that Israel of that of the physical nation. Israel is also the Jews that believe as well let me show you where I Believe it state makes this statement right because the question is is like why is this being brought? Why is it stating this right? Because we're making sure that hey the faith of God is not not Not a fact that it doesn't make the Word of God of none effect It doesn't make the promises and the covenants and the all this of none effect that Israel doesn't believe because some of them didn't believe Because go to Isaiah chapter 45 Isaiah chapter 45 Isaiah chapter 45 I can preach along this morning because brother Matt's pre-conforming this evening, so I can lean on him so This is like one of those things I'm memorizing this I'm just like I need to let it out we were at the prayer meeting I'm just like ah just let me tell you everything Because it's not that my doctrine has changed. I just like there's just no doubt the context here Because I remember when I preached the Romans, which is like 2017. I Was kind of like well if you take it to being future, this is what I mean If this is talking about in the past, this is what it means There's no doubt. This is not talking about future events, okay? Context dictates that this is talking about right then and there all Israel shall be saved Because the whole context is they are not all Israel which are of Israel and the reason he's stating is it's the conclusion of the matter But let's see where that statements made look at verse 17 Isaiah 47 verse 17 Because this is where someone would say well, you know They all have to be saved even if they're not believers because this statement here, right? That's kind of like the premise like how is this true? How does this make sense? How is this right if We know that most of Israel doesn't believe most of Israel is not really saved Okay, but in a IZ Isaiah 45 verse 17 But Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation He shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end sound familiar to what it says in Romans chapter 10 Whosoever believes on him shall not be ashamed and when you get saved when you believe on him What does he give you everlasting life? Everlasting salvation notice in verse 22 is this just the Israel Verse 22 look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else It's not just for Israel Jew first also to the Greek Jew first also to the Gentiles, right? He wants everybody to get saved He's not willing that any should perish But keep reading it says I have sworn by myself The word is gone out of my mouth and righteousness and shall not return that unto me every knee shall bow and every tongue shall swear surely shall one say in the Lord I have Have I righteousness and strength so in the Lord have I righteousness and strength Why because if you believe on him righteousness is imputed I'm Abraham believed God and is imputed on him for righteousness even to him shall men come and all That are incensed against him shall be ashamed in the Lord Shall all the seed of Israel be justified and shall glory How is that true Because it's those that are in the Lord, right it's in the verse If you be Christ's Then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise? Now the Abraham and his seed were the promises made he says not into seasons of many But as of one and to thy seed, which is Christ We are blessed with faithful Abraham by faith. And the idea here is that we are Israel because we believe the Israelites are Israel because they believe and you don't just get a passage because you're a physical Israelite You have an advantage The Israelites had an advantage because That was all basically foretold to them. They had the prophets telling them that they were in the nation in which Jesus came out and Which he was born and and they had the advantage But just because you have the advantage doesn't mean that it's automatic This is how it's true that all the seed of Israel shall be saved because the children are promised are counted for the seed and In Galatians chapter 4 it states that Jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with their children But Jerusalem which is above is the mother of us all That Jerusalem which is, is Hagar which is Mount Sinai And they're the children of the flesh because Hagar is the bond woman and Ishmael was the children of the flesh Israel the physical nation of Israel is likened unto the children is likened unto Ishmael not Isaac This is as you know as Isaac was so are we the children of promise and he's talking to the Galatians when he says that So why is this true? because Israel when it says all Israel shall be saved Israel is that holy nation of believers whether Jew or Gentile That's how that makes sense and he's stating that this is how it's true Because It's both Jew and Gentiles that are blessed because it says in Romans chapter 10 and verse 11 for the scripture said Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed for there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek For the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved The Bible says in Romans 1 16 very famous verse for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe it to the Jew first and also to the Greek For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written a just shall live by faith Not sight by the way, which is what Zionists believe. They think that the Jews are gonna see Jesus and believe That's sight then faith is the substance things hoped for the evidence of things not seen So that doesn't make sense now, let's break this down even further Okay, go to so in Romans chapter 11 verse 26 It says and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written Okay. So now it's giving you a reason besides of everything that was just stated of Why this is true? Because as it is written there shall come out of Zion to deliver and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob for this is my covenant unto them when I shall take away their sins and you know what people do You know what these preachers do that are a bunch of Zionists that that love the Jews even though they hate Christ They say well, this is Zechariah 12 This is talking about Zechariah 12 where Every or it says basically they shall look on him whom they have pierced Now does it say anything close to that here This is quoted in the Old Testament, but it's not Zechariah. It's Isaiah 59 Go to Isaiah 59. Let's look at that I mean the first the first step to understanding what he's talking about is to look up the right passage So it's like a bait-and-switch, right It's like, you know, the the deliverer is gonna come and then they take you over to Zechariah 12 on they shall look on whom they have pierced and there's gonna be this spirit of supplication or you know Grace and everything else that's gonna be given It's like that passage is talking about Jesus being crucified It's not talking about him coming in the clouds Now if you want to look at a place where that's talking about him coming in the clouds Be my guest, but you're not gonna like it Roman chapter, I'm sorry revelation chapter 1 behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him And they also whom pierced them and all the tribes of the earth shall more or shall weep and wail because of him Doesn't sound like that's gonna work out for your plan there That doesn't sound like a good thing. Okay. Well what every eye shall see and they're all gonna get saved. No, it sounds like When that happens they're gonna weep and wail and it's not a good thing Specifically on those that pierced him So, but let's look up at the passage here Verse 16 just to give you some context it says in verse 16 So Isaiah 59 verse 16 it says and he saw that there was no man and wonder that there was no intercessor Therefore his own his his arm brought salvation unto him and his righteousness that sustained him It's not about the Lord saying that there was no one to make intercession because there's one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus and he noticed that there was no intercessor and Jesus is the one that makes intercession for our transgressions and Notice in verse 20, here's where the quotation comes from It says in the Redeemer shall come to Zion and unto them that turn from transgression and Jacob said the Lord as For me, this is my covenant with them said the Lord my spirit that is upon thee and all and my words Which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth Nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seed seed said the Lord from henceforth And forever you say well that doesn't seem to match Directly with what stayed there and this is why I'm gonna be preaching a different sermon later on not today Dealing with quotations because I believe what you have here is that the first part of this is Isaiah 59, but when it says this is my covenant that I shall make with them that I shall make with them When I shall take away their sins It is dealing with Jeremiah 31 Meaning this is that that's talking about the New Covenant. Okay this covenant that's being mentioned. This is my covenant with them What Zionists will say is that there's some other covenant outside the New Covenant that's to the Jews Well, it can't be the Old Covenant Because the Old Covenant says they continue not in my covenant and I regarded them not said the Lord When it says I will make a new covenant with them you say well the new covenants to the Gentiles Oh, that's interesting because when it says I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel with the house of Judah it literally says to them and Then it says there Nick their sins and iniquities while I remember no more So here's what's going on here. Is that here's how all Israel saved because Jesus came he died for our sins And he saved us from our sins he took away our sins By faith in Christ Jesus, okay Now when does this happen, you know you say well, you know, I think this is future though He's gonna take away these sins in the future that's interesting because the Bible says that he was once offered for sins for the sins of many and Then that look for him shall I appear the second time without sin on the salvation? So that's interesting that you think the second time he's coming the only place that actually uses the term second coming Like the second time it says he's not gonna deal with sin He's coming without sin because Jesus is no longer bearing the sins of the world. He is no longer Striving against sin he did that once for all and to say that he's coming back and he's gonna be bearing anybody sins Later on is blasphemous but Go to Acts chapter 3 Acts chapter 3 I'm gonna approach to you that this has already happened He's just stating a fact always your shall be saved Why because they are not always or which are of Israel? Because the children of God are those that make up Israel whether Jew or Gentile. That's why that's true. But also He's saying this is how they're saved though, right? How are we saved? By Jesus coming and Dying for our sins the deliverer shall come to Zion right that chief Cornerstone shall come which the Jews stumble that Unto them which believe he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders And a rock of stumbling and stone of offense even to them that stumble at his word So In Acts chapter 3 verse 25 it says ye are the children of the prophets and of the covenant which God made With our fathers saying unto Abraham and in thy seed shall all the kinders of the earth be blessed Unto you first God having raised up his son Jesus Sent him to bless you and turning away every one of you from his iniquities The deliverer shall come to Zion and Shall turn away on godliness from Jacob that already happened and it happened for the Jews first, right? Because he came up to his own his own received him not his Jesus whole ministry was to the Jews It was to Israel. I mean when people would come out he'd be like, hey, you know It's not me for me to give the the bread bread of the children to the dogs, you know Even though he still helped her His whole ministry was to the circumcision But obviously he wants everybody to get saved So I hope that makes sense, I hope that's just very clear And just to cap it off here Going past that It says in verse 28 and I'm gonna explain this really quick and I'll be done as Concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sakes, but it's touching the election. They are beloved for the father's sakes For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance so as concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sakes that seems weird because you're like That why would someone be my enemy for my sake? Because the fall of the Gentiles is the riches of the world I'm sorry, the fall of Israel is the riches of the world and a diminishing of them is the riches of the Gentiles That happening then becoming enemies to us is how the blessings got put You know The kingdom of God was taken from them and bring it and give it to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof, right? That was the blessing They're enemies for our sakes because we received the blessing because they rejected right their beloved It says the but as touching the election they are beloved for the father's sakes because that remnant that saved They're Beloved because God didn't cast away his people which he foreknew meaning this is that They're beloved for the father's sakes and notice this for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance See, it's not as though the word of God have taken none effect for they are not all Israel which are of Israel Neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children? But in Isaac shall the seed be called that and it's and it just because there's the children of the flesh doesn't mean that You're the children of God And the thing is is that those covenants and promises that pertain unto them whose are the fathers That pertains to the election that pertain to Paul that pertain to Peter James John That that pertained and they obtained it and they're beloved for the father's sakes because the gifts and calling of God are without repentance God does not take back his gift. He does not take back his promise. He does not take he doesn't break his covenant And that covenant he made with Abraham was to Abraham and to his seed which is Christ and if you be Christ then are you Abraham's seed No problem, it doesn't matter if every single Israelite didn't believe they can all I mean you could have taken out Paul you can taken out all these and Guess what? That promise is still right. This promise is still true And the last thing is is that it states there That basically we in times past have not believed God they now have obtained mercy and the idea there is that That we are now the ones that are going to be merciful to them by preaching them the gospel and trying to get them saved and What it ends with here is that God It says that he's concluded them all in unbelief And What that means I believe obviously it's true like they're unbelieving right, but I think what what it what it means there is because The Bible states about Paul that he did it Ignorantly in unbelief. So he's basically he's basically kind of dubbing the whole nation as being ignorant and Even the Bible states this it says that I Paul says or I'm sorry not Paul But in I think it's Acts chapter 3 it says I want that through ignorance he did it as also your rulers meaning like I know that through ignorance you did this and So what God because God is so loving and merciful. He's basically stating. Yes. This nation is Blinded but it doesn't mean that no one can get saved It just means that it's gonna be harder, right? You get the provoked in the jealousy and provoked in the emulation so that they'll get saved But he's stating that he's basically Counting them all as being ignorant so that They still have a chance That's why Paul still had a chance because he wasn't doing it presumptuously He didn't know what he was doing though. He was injurious though. He did do a lot of bad things to the church He did it ignorantly and unbelief and our job is to go out preach the gospel to every creature to the Jew and to the Greek Yes, the Jews gonna be harder But the idea is that there still is a remnant there still are gonna be people that are of Israel that will get saved Even to this day, I believe Even to this day Though that remnant is very small But What it's not saying is that all of Israel is just gonna miraculously get saved one day That's definitely not there's nothing in there. That's even close to that No context is leading you to any future event of them Just all believing on Christ. The only thing that I see is that if they abide not still in unbelief Let me know when that happens and you can believe that when Jesus comes in the clouds That they're all just gonna miraculously believe on Christ You can believe that but you know what the Bible actually says is that they're all gonna be damned because they believe not the truth And that God is gonna send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie Those that didn't believe before Jesus came but knew what they needed to believe They're not gonna miraculously get saved they're actually gonna be reprobate at that point and So that's what the Bible teaches. So I'm sorry for the long sermon, but I had to get it out You have any questions about it, let me know I know that's I know you had to kind of dig in there on that one but listen We almost went through all three chapters when it came to all the verses that are in there Show me where I'm wrong Show me where I'm making a mistake here the context is clear of what's being said and I don't see how anybody could take it any other way. So let's end with a word prayer the only father we think today Thank you for your word Thank you for the book of Romans and thank you for this passage the Lord We just pray that you'd help us to understand it help us to know it and help us to preach the gospel to every creature And help us to to get as many people saved no matter what nationality they are And Lord just pray that you'd help us to be soul owners for you And what we love you in prayer is in Jesus Christ name Amen, but they have a common sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed and don't forget that the kids We're gonna do the Christmas song practice as well All right, take your song books and turn to song 205 So I'm 205 in your song books will sing he keeps me singing if you would stand we'll sing song 205 There's within my heart a melody Jesus whispers sweet and low Fear not, I am with thee peace be still and all of life's ebb and flow Jesus Jesus Jesus Sweetest name I know Fails my every longing Keeps me singing as I go All my life was wrecked with sin and strife Discord filled my heart with pain Jesus swept across the broken strings served my stumbling cords again Jesus Jesus Jesus Sweetest name I know Fails my every longing Keeps me singing as I go Feasting of the riches of his grace Resting me the sheltering wing Always looking on his smiling face That is why I shout and sing Jesus Jesus Jesus Sweetest name I know Fails my every longing Keeps me singing as I go