(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Rejoice and tell us raptures all abroad Happy day Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away He taught me how to watch him pray and live rejoicing every day Happy day Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away Be bond that seals my vows to him who merits all my love my cheerful anthems fill his house That sacred shrine I move Happy day Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away He taught me how to watch him pray and live rejoicing every day Happy day Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away Tis done this great Transaction done. I am my Lord's and he is mine He drew me and I followed on Charmed to confess the voice divine Happy day Just wash my sins away He taught me how to watch him pray and live rejoicing every day Happy day Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away Now rest my long Divided heart fixed on this blissful center rest Nor ever from my lord depart with him of every good Be day Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away He taught me how to watch him pray and live rejoicing every day Happy day Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away All right, let's pray heavenly father Lord again We just want to thank you God just for another profitable Profitable day that we were able to meet in your house and to hear your word preach Thank you Lord for the souls that were saved today and throughout last week and at the marathon in Philadelphia I pray Lord now that you would just fill our pastor with your power and spirit We love you for it's in Jesus and we ask all of it. Amen. All right, you may be seated and Take your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books and Turn to Psalm 81 Psalm 81 that's page 5 and your blues song books and We'll sing Psalm 81 Sing aloud unto God our strength Make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob Take us home and bring Heather the temporal the pleasant harp with the psalm to re Blow up the trumpet in the new moon And the time appointed to the new moon And the time appointed on our solemn feast day For this was a statue for Israel and a law of the God of Jacob This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony when he went Through the land of Egypt where I heard language that I understood not I removed his shoulder from the burden His hands were delivered from the pots Thou calls in trouble I deliver thee I answer thee in the secret place of Thunder I Prove thee at the waters of Meribah See my hero my people And I will testify unto thee Oh Israel our heart can unto me There shall no strange God be in thee Neither shall thou worship any strange God. I Am the Lord thy God which brought me out of the land of Egypt Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it but my people would not harken to my voice and Israel would none of me so I gave them up unto their own hearts laws And walked in their own Councils all that my people were harken to me and Israel had walked in my ways. I should soon have subdued their enemies and Turn my hand against their adversaries The haters of the Lord should have cemented Should have submitted themselves unto him, but their time should have turned forever He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat and with honey Out of the rock should I have satisfied thee out of the rock should I have satisfied thee Amen Welcome back to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday evening, and I want to get the solar numbers before Getting to the announcements here So I know we had 23 salvations with the Philadelphia solar marathon were there any there was some during the week before today, right? I Thought there was like one during the week am I missing that one? Yeah, okay, so 24, and then what was today's I Know but a Jimmy you said you had one yeah, was there others today one two Richie you had two Okay, it's a four was there any others today So it's 28 Good job with the sowing there All Right so As far as announcements go everything is the same as this morning really All the service time should be normal. I will be preaching Lord willing the service this Wednesday and then I'm gonna be heading out to the Red Hot preaching conference, but I You know everything going the way it should go I'll be back on Sunday So it shouldn't affect anything as far as me preaching here throughout the next week or so and so But just being prayer there for travels Does anyone else plan on going out to the Red Hot I Got a couple so I'll see you out there so and then As far as soul winning goes just be on the church group there as far as the regional sewing times this week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday, I think brother Wade you said the Saturday Did you say the Saturday you That's right, yeah, you're gonna be out there so so minus is Saturday, but obviously Other that want to go can go and just brother Wade's not gonna be here to leave that up And then we had the men's prayer meeting at the end of the month here. We have the baby shower on the 29th and so And then the women's prayer meeting on August 5th And Then the mission strip to Greece just being prayer for that that everything goes well with that And then our Bible memory on the back of the bulletin there we have Malachi chapter 2 is our chapter memory of the month and then Ephesians 6 12 is our memory verse for the week and We've got the birthdays anniversaries and then on the pregnancy list there being prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list I Think that's about all I have being perfect anybody. That's not feeling well or Just dealing with any things like that traveling And all that I think that's about all I have for announcements Like I said, everything's pretty much the same as the morning So the offering box is in the back there if you want to get a tie there an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers babies only and Who's reading tonight? Brother Levi, so brother Levi will be reading second Peter chapter 1 after we do one more song All right, take your song books and turn to song 179 100 and Yes, 250 that is what I said Song 250 in your song books And we'll sing burdens are lifted at Calvary song 250 Days are filled with sorrow and care Hearts are lonely and drear Burdens are lifted at Calvary Jesus is very near Burdens are lifted at Calvary Calvary Calvary Calvary Burdens are lifted at Calvary Jesus is very near Cast your care on Jesus today Leave your worry and fear Burdens are lifted at Calvary Jesus is very near Burdens are lifted at Calvary Calvary Calvary Burdens are lifted at Calvary Jesus is very near Troubled soul the Savior can see Free heartache and tear Burdens are lifted at Calvary Jesus is very Burdens are lifted at Calvary Calvary Calvary Burdens are lifted at Calvary Jesus is very near All right, take your Bibles and turn to 2nd Peter chapter number 1 2nd Peter chapter number 1 in your Bibles And we'll have Brother Levi come and read that for us 2nd Peter chapter 1 Simon Peter a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness The knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises That by these you might be partakers of the divine nature Having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust And beside this giving all diligence add to your faith virtue And to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godliness And to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity For if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ But he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins Wherefore the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure For if you do these things you shall never fall For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things Though you know them and be established in the present truth Yea I think it meet as long as I am in this tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in remembrance Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle Even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath showed me Moreover I will endeavor that you may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance For we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ But were eyewitnesses of his majesty For he received from God the Father honor and glory When there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased And this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy mountain We have also a more sure word of prophecy Whereunto ye do well that ye take heed As unto a light that shineth in a dark place Until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts Knowing this first that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost Let's pray, God thank you for today, God thank you for the souls that were saved this afternoon God I pray that you would be a pastor as he preaches And help us to learn something and pray these things in Jesus name, Amen Amen, so you're there in 2 Peter chapter 1 After the sermon this morning After I made everybody enraged thinking about that subject It's time to talk about some patience So you don't go off the top or whatever But, so this, we're going through this series if you will Of adding to your faith And we're on to patience here So I just want to read verse 5 It says and beside this giving all diligence add to your faith virtue And the virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance Patience and to patience godliness And to godliness brotherly kindness And to brotherly kindness charity So we talked about temperance last week And dealing with the idea of basically being able to restrain yourself And especially the fleshly desires and all that But also just kind of honing in And if you think about the idea of being temperate in all things When it comes to winning a race Or winning a fight And the idea of basically being ready on all fronts And honing in the knowledge that you've obtained And all that So the next thing that we see here is that to temperance patience And when it comes to preaching on patience You know, everybody knows here that I'm the epitome of patience And I'm just like the poster boy child of patience Not so, obviously You know I try to have patience But this is something that I'm always trying to obtain more patience And especially as a father And just patience with my children I was joking, not really joking I'm actually really serious about this And the fact that I have two dogs And I don't have any patience left for those dogs After all my patience has been given for my kids There's nothing left over after that for the dogs And you know It's just one of those things that I'm kind of tapped out Once I get to a certain point But all joking aside This is something that we should constantly try to obtain more patience And be more patient This is definitely an attribute of God And something that we see a lot described in the Bible as long suffering And you can see what that would mean within that word You know, basically suffering long You're suffering something and you're just doing it for a long time And all that Now go to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 34 And the one thing that I really see Especially dealing with the context of this passage Is that the reason that we want to add all this stuff to our faith Is so that we'll make our calling and election sure And that we'll have an abundant entrance Into the kingdom of God And Hebrews chapter 11 really hits on this That we want to have patience So that we'll receive the reward And patience in our labor Patience in tribulation All these different things And in Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 34 Notice what it says It says for ye had compassion of me and my bonds And took joyfully the spoiling of your goods Knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven A better and enduring substance Cast not away therefore your confidence Which hath great recompense of reward For ye have need of patience That after ye have done the will of God Ye might receive the promise For yet a little while And he that shall come will come and will not tarry And if you think about it We're dealing with the fact of patiently enduring And running the race with patience And the idea is that We're waiting for that reward And if we have patience And I think about this when it comes to the Christian life And the fact that A lot of times we want stuff to happen right now Or if things aren't going our way Then we just get out of it And the idea of having patience To where you endure certain things That aren't going the way you want it to go And you're gonna have trials and tribulations Through your life as a Christian And those that are patient And endure those things There's a reward at the end of that That tunnel if you will And that enduring substance That we're patiently waiting for Because most of the stuff that That we're gonna receive as a believer We're not gonna see until we die Until we get to heaven And it's things that are not seen And that takes patience Takes patience because you're not It's not instant gratification It's something you have to wait for So when I think of patience I think of waiting for things I think of suffering long You know that type of idea And just this idea Of not instant gratification That's how temperance would be Linked up with this a lot of times Because when you're temperate Or you have temperance You're kind of restraining yourself From maybe a said desire Or affection or whatever the case may be That you're restraining yourself from that And the patience is you basically doing that For a long time That you're temperate And coming to church You're temperate and not divulging into Maybe certain sins To keep doing that And to have patience That that's going to have a reward in the end Go to Hebrew chapter 6 Hebrew chapter 6 And This is something that accompanies our faith This isn't what makes our faith Or makes it real Or anything like that Because people want For some reason to think that Well if you have true faith then it's gonna have patience If you have true faith it's gonna have virtue If you have true faith No, the whole point here is that You have obtained like precious faith with us Now it's time to add to it Add virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience And notice what it says here in Hebrew chapter 6 and verse 9 It says, but beloved we are persuaded better things of you And things that accompany salvation Though we thus speak So what he's about to talk about Are things that accompany salvation Not things that make salvation Not things that validate salvation Things that accompany it Things that come along with it Or that should come along with it Or things that you would add to it You think about like driving a car But then people are accompanying you with that That you're bringing people with you You don't necessarily have to have them with you to go But you're bringing them with you on that journey And patience is one of those Notice what it says here in verse 10 It says, for God is not unrighteous To forget your work and labor of love Which ye have shewed toward his name And that ye have ministered to the saints and do minister And we desire that every one of you Do show the same diligence To the full assurance of hope unto the end That ye be not slothful But followers of them Who through faith and patience Inherit the promises For when God made promise to Abraham Because he could swear by no greater He sware by himself, saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee And multiplying I will multiply thee And after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise And the idea is that he had to wait a while But he patiently endured And there's a promise waiting for him And listen, there's many promises Because it says that through faith and patience Inherit the promises And you can think about the promise of The crown of life Or the crown of righteousness And just different things like that as far as rewards That if we patiently endure That's what we're looking for In 2 Peter chapter 1 Like I said, when we're dealing with Adding all this stuff, there's an end game There's a reason why we're doing it One, that we don't fall But it says in verse 10 of 2 Peter chapter 1 It says, Wherefore, the wrath of the brethren Give diligence To make your calling and election sure Notice that that sounds very familiar to And beside this, give all diligence Add to your faith, right? So we're giving diligence to this To make your calling and election sure And what that means is that Well, basically How it defines it Because it says, For if you do these things You shall never fall For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you Abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ So Patience is something that You can have all the knowledge in the world But if you don't have patience Then you're going to end up falling off the wagon And in the Christian life We need to have patience We need to basically Be in it for the long haul You think about with patience Run the race that is set before you That this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon Right? And when you're running a race That's basically A marathon type race It's the patience of Basically Knowing How far you can push it When you can keep going Or when you need to slow down When you can speed up The idea is that you just keep going though That you don't stop And that takes patience Because sometimes you're like, No, I want to run faster I want to go now, I need to get there now But sometimes you have to just sit back and say You know what, I'm going to get there But I need to have a little bit of patience before I get there And when it comes to Heaven and the rewards We need to have patience and not have this instant gratification Someone that's not temperate They want instant gratification And We need to have that patience to Just stay temperate Have that restraint in our flesh To say, You know what, I'm going to Put away this Basically pleasure or Temptation or this thing over here That's just for a season Putting that away over here Because this has a more enduring substance This has eternal weight of glory But it's going to take time before I get it And Think about like Basically taking If you had money and you're just like, I'm going to spend it now and enjoy it now Or if you put it away And then And let's say for sake of argument you're putting it away And it's actually going to be there when you get to it Nowadays you put away money and it's like it's gone You know You put it into like a 401k It's like, Well, so much for that Because the economy crashed or whatever But let's say for sake of argument you're putting it in somewhere Where it's going to gain interest It's going to have a better substance in the end And then you're putting it away It takes patience to not pull from that It takes patience to just wait for that And enjoy that when it comes And so The idea of patience I believe is A lot of times Not wanting instant gratification And not only that But to endure Not wanting instant gratification Because that's a daily process You've got to die daily Put on the new man daily Put on Christ the Bible says And you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh That's a daily battle And that takes patience to do that Now one aspect of where I think patience Plays a big role in a Christian life Is soul winning Go to 2 Timothy chapter 2 Verse 24 1 Thessalonians 5, 14 says this It says, Now we exhort you brethren Warn them that are unruly Comfort the feeble minded Support the weak Be patient toward all men And so There's a role that we have as Christians And one thing when it comes Specifically when it comes to soul winning Is being patient with people And Now don't get this confused with like Being patient with a heretic Or something like that Heretic after the first and second admonition Reject, knowing that he that is such Is subverted and sinneth Being condemned of himself So take out the heretic that you're like Okay, I gave you a verse You rejected, I gave you another verse, you rejected it I'm talking about someone that is just It's one of those harder ones That you're going to have to go through a lot of stuff with them You're having to explain That Jesus is God You're having to explain the Trinity You're going through all this different stuff And let's say They come to that and then they They're like, I don't get it, I still don't get it But they're interested and they want to know Takes patience Where you're going to have to Go a different angle with them Now at some point The attention span of somebody Is going to wane And you're going to have to just say, hey think about this We can talk about this some other time But think about what you've heard And we'll see if it makes sense later But notice what it says here in 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 24 It says, and the servant of the Lord must not strive But be gentle unto all men Abt to teach, patient In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves If God perventure will give them repentance To the acknowledging of the truth And that they may recover themselves Out of the snare of the devil Who are taken captive by him at his will So when I think about the servant of the Lord I think about going out soul winning for example And being gentle See people think when they hear Let's say they hear me preach some hard sermon Or something like that That that's how I talk to people about the gospel When I go out soul winning I'm just ripping their face off You know and I'm just like throwing down on them And I'm yelling at them at the door Now this is one You know This is why street preaching is dumb Okay because Street preaching is pretty much that right Where you're just ripping someone's face off That is not what the Bible teaches when it comes to preaching the gospel Preaching the gospel you're supposed to be You're supposed to be gentle And you're supposed to be patient And I'm not yelling at somebody Not striving with them right If it turns into a big fight then you need to walk away from it And say hey you know Have a nice day If you want to talk about this when you're not all heated You know like we can do this later But you know if you're literally in a shouting match with somebody That's not profitable you need to walk away from that When it comes to preaching the gospel Okay And so a lot of people had this weird view As far as how you should preach the gospel And how I You know they think that I'm doing it that way But when you're out soul wanting It's gentle It's meek It's very you know Informal if you will Meaning that it's not like It's not like right now where this is more of a formal setting I'm preaching you're listening And everybody's trying to sit Listen all this stuff No when you're preaching the gospel They're asking a question And you're going back and forth And there needs to be patience When that takes place Now this gets into another aspect When it comes to soul winning Is that here We want to be thorough with our soul winning And when it comes to Especially in the Baptist realm There's a lot of what I would call shallow soul winning Where it's a one two three repeat after me One two three repeat after me type of mentality Now can someone get saved off that? Sure Right I mean if you're preaching If you use a Bible verse And you explain the gospel It's possible for someone to get saved But let's be honest we know that most people Need a little more than that They need to be explained That hey I can't lose my salvation That you know this is a gift Or it's likened to being like Born into God's family Or having a child And you know that relationship that's there And just explaining that And we don't want to lose the fact That we need to have We need to be willing to spend the time At the door with somebody Or wherever we preach the gospel And not just be wanting to just rush to the next one Now don't get me wrong I'm all about being efficient too So if someone understands Then you don't need to beat a dead horse Right I'm not saying to basically Just for the sake of doing that Right so if you're giving someone the gospel And they're just like got it yes That makes sense I want to get saved Then there you go Right but If someone is You can just tell like it's just not clicking With them give them another verse Try to go a different angle And you know Being patient with them Being gentle with them and all that There was a guy that Well someone that's technically related to me That I contacted and just wanted to talk to About the gospel And it kind of started a little heated Because I asked him if he knew he was going to heaven And what he believed it took And when he told me I told him that that wasn't right And that was It kind of got heated Not heated like bad Like horribly heated But it was kind of defensive right But you know just gave more verses And said hey you know this this this and this And eventually he ended up coming around Getting saved And he actually He told me He just thanked me for being patient with him And that's just one example Of where someone can get a little Kind of like emotional about it It's like hey how dare you Say that I'm not saved I've been reading the bible I've been going to church and doing all this stuff In the flesh we could say well nuts to you buddy Then go have your religion Right you can have that in the flesh Where you're like hey Alright fine But we want to have compassion And I do see that when it comes to soul winning Having patience I believe equates into having compassion for others And thinking about this When you run into somebody that may be getting A little offended Or something like that Is think about that being a family member And would you Just write them off Or would you say hey Let me just try Let me try to ease this a little more Let me try a little harder here To win this person right And just having that compassion That's there and not looking at it Obviously it's just another Number but you know Someone that you care about and want to get saved And when it comes to soul winning I think that sometimes We can detach ourselves from that A little bit And it becomes a little too mechanical And the Bible says He that goeth forth and weepeth Bearing precious seed shall doubtless Come again with rejoicing Bringing his sheep with him And they that sow in tears shall reap in joy We don't want to take away the tear And I'm not saying when you go out soul winning You should be weeping when you go up to the door They're going to think something's wrong with you But sometimes that's metaphorical And the aspect that the tear in the eye Bible in the hand kind of thing And the idea that you're going there with compassion And the Bible says And if some have compassion making a difference Others say with fear pulling them out of the fire Hating even the garment swatted by the flesh Is that we want to have That compassion and a lot of times That compassion is Dealt with with patience And just being understanding Patient with the person And I just think of family members When it comes to that And the fact that when I got saved And how some family members were just like all up in arms Or they were just like they get mad at you And all that stuff But I cared about them And I didn't let that phase me Because then I was just like you know what But I want them to get saved And I would just push through that, push through that, push through that And have compassion on them Now obviously when you're out door to door It's harder to do that because you're there one time And how much can you really like You know keep doing that Unless they want you to, unless they're calling you up And saying hey come back in here and talk to me about this I want to see if I can get this hashed out Right So when it comes to soul winning I think that patience Is something that we need to have And we were kind of just talking about this And I just kind of want to mention this But when you go out soul winning I don't think anybody in our church Doesn't do this But I'm a firm believer I'm a firm believer that when you go out soul winning That you should be showing people verses And using your bible Even if you have it all memorized Now if you're in a circumstance where you don't have a bible And you want to preach the gospel to somebody By all means I mean you can win somebody by quoting the verses off to them Right But I do think that Them seeing it black and white helps It helps them Just like connect the dots and be like there it is And there have been many times They're like well that's what it says And you say Well how's that going to patience Because it takes time to do that It takes a little more time To open up a bible Be like hey do you see that right there Instead of just being For lack of better terms on a diatribe To preach the gospel And it's just all about you saying the verses And it's not really connecting The idea here is that I could preach a whole sermon right now But if no one's listening to me what's the point Right If I were just to preach And let's say the sermon was fantastic right It was just the best sermon that was ever preached But if no one is paying attention to what I'm saying Then it doesn't matter And the same thing when we're going out preaching the gospel You can quote off those verses perfectly But if it's not going in To their brain And they're like seeing that like yes I see what that says Then it's not going to matter Okay Blessed are those that read And blessed are those that hear And when we're out soul-winding why not do both And there are obviously cases where You'll run into an old lady that can't see You know And they can't see it and they're having trouble Or you'll run into someone that has problems hearing Right And then that's an even better opportunity to be like see it right here You know And you don't want to yell at them You ever run into those where they can't hear you And you don't want to be like And you just start like yelling at them And then it Because I don't know about you But I have like one volume Or I guess two volumes It's me talking like normal And me yelling And so if someone can't hear me It turns into me yelling at them And sometimes my wife will I'll say something and she can't hear me And then I'll start like bringing it up She's like well don't yell at me There's no real in between I think with guys it's a little different too Because we have a lower register on our You know voices Unless you drive a Tesla I'm sorry Okay But honestly We have a lower register And I do think that There is something to be said about When you have a lower voice It's harder to hear Than if you have a higher pitched voice Okay And so for whatever reason Especially out soul winning I'm always just kind of like If I try to raise it it's going to sound like I'm yelling at them Okay So when it comes to preaching the gospel Having the verses there One it validates that you're not just saying verses You're not just making stuff up Right Now granted God's word has power And I'm not saying That if you just quoted it They sit down and they know it's the word of God And all that okay So don't get me wrong there But when it comes to soul winning You know take the time And like I said don't take this to be like Hey pastor says I need to be preaching the gospel for an hour On every single person or something like that It's not what I'm saying You can win somebody in 10-15 minutes If they're just like right here And you know all you're doing is really showing them Hey it's not by works It's eternal life I just want to jump by and I'm ready to go At that point you don't want to just beat a dead horse for no reason But there are people that you need to spend a little more time with And we just need to have patience in that Now go to 1 Timothy chapter 3 1 Timothy chapter 3 And verse 1 And it's cold up here These vents are open I think I saw a penguin slide between my brother and Chris over there I mean I'm glad we have air conditioning Because it's hot outside Another thing to have patience with is pastoring You know being in leadership So one of the qualifications for a pastor is to be patient 1 Timothy chapter 3 and verse 1 This is a true saying If a man desired the opposite of a bishop he desired the good work A bishop then must be blameless The husband of one wife, vigilant, sober Of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach You can already see that some of these things are just serving the Lord When you're looking at these lists of being a bishop or a deacon You shouldn't look at it and be like Well I'm not a bishop I don't need to worry about that No this is a list that everybody should be looking to strive for I mean Shouldn't you be sober? Shouldn't you be vigilant? That isn't just for a bishop It says not giving the wine, no striker Not greedy or filthy lucre But patient, not a brawler Not covetous So you think about patient and not being like striving Not striving And it takes a lot of patience to not get into a fight Right? It takes a little bit of patience to do that And you don't want a pastor that's just like ready to throw down at all times Like outsole winning is just like a ticking time bomb Someone says something crossed to him and he's like You ready? You just take off the tie and you're just ready to go Like you need someone that has patience that can just take it And not be ready to just fight at any moment Or to get into a verbal fight Right? And being able to just get out of that situation and have patience in that It says one that ruled his own house having children in subjection with all gravity For if a man know not how to rule his own house How shall he take care of the church of God? Not a novice Notice it says less being lifted up with pride He fall into the condemnation of the devil Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without Lest he fall into reproach and snare the devil Now that part where it says not a novice Less being lifted up with pride He fall into the condemnation of the devil You know I never link these two as far as being patient and not being a novice But look at what it says in Ecclesiastes chapter 7 Ecclesiastes chapter 7 I want you to see this correlation of patience and pride Which kind of I believe goes into the effect of If someone were trying to get into a fight with me And they're trying to push my buttons They're trying to get into an argument with me Patience would be to not allow that to turn into strife Not allow that to turn into a brawl But you know what causes me to want to get into that? Pride Because fleshly speaking I'm like I will destroy you You know what I mean like in your mind I'm just like I will destroy you both mentally and physically Let's go You know like you're just like That's pride though right That's not being patient That's just you wanting to win a battle But ultimately let's say Let's say I beat that person both mentally and physically Would you win right? Now you're going to prison for assault Or battery you know And you didn't win that person to Christ That's for sure even if you won the argument So you have to think about the fact that Especially when it comes to soul winning and stuff like that But how much more when you're dealing with a pastor That you don't want a pastor that's lifted up with pride You don't want somebody that is just You know proud And you don't want someone that's a novice You want someone that's seasoned You know I would think of like a novice Obviously you can think about the knowledge aspect But you could also think about just their temperament And the way they carry themselves Okay In Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 8 It says better is the end of the thing Than the beginning thereof And the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit Notice how it equates those or contrasts those That being patient is being contrasted with being proud Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry For anger rested in the bosom of fools And you can think about when In strife or in you know the idea of being a brawler Anger is involved right The anger is what's causing you to want to like get into this fight But patience is where it's pulling you back Saying you have the spirit of patience to say You know what this isn't worth it I'm not going to indulge this person I'm not getting into this fight And this really gets into the idea of the If someone smites you in the cheek Offer the other also This isn't saying if someone Shoots you with a gun You turn around and let them shoot you again Right Or Because people take that passage and just rip it out of context The idea of smiting someone on the face is not maiming you It is challenging you to a fight The old adage if you will like I challenge you to a duel and they like slap you on the face right And that's what you're dealing with there Is that if someone challenges you to the fight And they're like slapping you in the face essentially You give them the other one and let them slap you on the other side Because you're basically unmovable saying I'm not going to fight you on this And you can try to Try to jab at me to try to get my pride involved The idea of being patient and humble And being seasoned enough to know hey that's not worth it That's not going to win anything What's the end game of that And so when it comes to let's say a pastor You want somebody that's obviously knowledgeable Right you don't want someone that's like a novice in knowledge But that's not the only thing that you want them not to be a novice in If someone knew a lot about the Bible But they weren't really good soul winners You don't want that either right You want a well seasoned soul winner as a pastor But also when it comes to just I believe their manner Now just so you know I'm not saying that I measure up like to the best of like a pastor But you know what I think there's I would say most people in our church measure up to that When it comes to being not a novice And being temperate and patient And they're not just getting into fistfights all the time You know what I mean So when it comes to these things of basically being patient It obviously is a little bit subjective And the idea of like where's that realm Okay And so personally when it comes to the list of things On you know the qualifications of a pastor Patience is one that I'm like I need to work on that one And I'm not saying I'm not qualified But I would you know like I lack in patience to where I'm not qualified But the idea here is that that's one Where if I were to get disqualified it would probably be for that Like I call Brother Dave like listen This guy cut me off I'm in prison right now Because I threw him in a ditch And then I proceeded to pull him from the car No but that honestly is what I think about Because you know anger not being assumed to anger Right those are the qualifications That's another way of being patient That and listen I've talked about this before So don't think that I hope you don't think that I'm like some like Angry person all the time And I'm just like blown off the top all the time But it is something that I am constantly saying Wherefore let him to think if he stand take heed lest he fall I'm constantly wanting to keep that in check Because even if I am in that you know being like Okay I'm still considered patient I know that that's one thing where I could easily go off the rails with And I have to keep that in check I you know I had anger issues when I was a child When I was a teenager I actually went to anger management once And didn't take but you know Actually the lady said that I could be the president of the United States That was her synopsis of I don't know why that would be But maybe it was because I answered in a very political manner You know didn't want to give away too much stuff Anyway so when it comes to soul winning You need to be patient When it comes to if you're one in a position of authority right You need patience When it comes to marriage and children patience Go to Colossians chapter 3 Colossians chapter 3 and verse 18 Colossians chapter 3 and verse 18 It says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the Lord Husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them You say what are you talking about being bitter against them Well I mean when it comes to husbands with wives There's fights that happen There's things that will cause you to get into fights about something or whatever But I just think about especially when your wife is pregnant Hormones are going crazy All this stuff after the pregnancy and everything that goes on there Like everything about that During that time just to be honest I have to really check my patience Because when my wife is pregnant and the hormones are going crazy And things go irrational And my wife is pretty good about this just to be honest Out of all the women in the world I feel like my wife is really rational Like as much as a woman can be Blue hair feminist just exploded right now But during that time I mean there's a lot of like hormones that are going crazy Especially if you have girls like the hormones are like double you know like when they have girls And so during that time There's things that are going on that really aren't in my wife's control And I really have to I'm always considering that I'm like she's pregnant Like there's things that are going on I just need to be patient There are a lot of things that I let go that I normally don't like let go When my wife is pregnant or after the pregnancy When it comes to the recovery process of that I'm not saying this is the only case of when you not need to be bitter against your wife I'm just using that as an example That bearing children is one of those cases where I'm constantly like I need to have more patience I need to be more understanding I need to be less needy Like there's times where I'm just like you know what I'm going to help out more with this And you know I need to be less needy in this area And I'm just like trying not to be bitter And I think every guy that has a wife and kids can relate to that I'll leave it at that But the idea here is that patience Patience during that And listen wives this goes with you too I'm sure the wives could retort and say Yeah well there's a lot of things that I have to have patience with my husband Right? And you don't have to get on your soapbox and start telling everybody what those things are But the idea there is that it works the other way around too To where you could say Well I have to have patience when he doesn't do this Or he does this or that And because there's pros and cons to being a husband and being a wife You know the wife could be bitter towards her husband Because well he gets to go off into the work land And gets away from the kids all day And he gets to eat without children on top of them He gets to do this and that And you get this bitterness that's built up Like I'm stuck over here with you know five children And I can't go anywhere All this stuff right? But then you know when the husband's at work And they got people chewing him out He's got the weight of the world on his shoulders to provide for his family And he's just like I feel like just giving up on all this stuff That you could look at the wife and be like Man I wish I could just sit at home and watch Bluey all day And it doesn't Last thing this happens I'm just saying like There's things that can run through people's heads Okay It must be hard you know To fill those snack plates Listen okay I know I'm joking about this It is hard right? If you're at home listen there's been many times Where I'm at home with the kids by myself And I'd rather go to work But you know I love my kids But there is proper roles and where we need to be at So I can understand where the wife's coming from I get stir crazy I get cabin fever Like whenever If it's like For whatever reason I need to stay home Whether it's the weather We got snowed in Or I got sick I can't stand it Like I need to get out I need to drive somewhere I need to go somewhere So that's my type of mentality And my wife's not as much that mentality But she does like getting away every once in a while You know and just kind of Be away from somebody Touching her at all times And so we need to have patience on both ends So all I have to say is that wives You need to have patience with your husband Husbands we need to have patience with our wives And That is an area where We need to put away bitterness And anger or anything that's there When it comes to our spouses And you're like what are you talking about You know we have We're walking in the Lord And we have a perfect marriage That doesn't exist my friends Okay Maybe in Disneyland You know like in that realm of like Happily ever after where But they never show you the Next story Where the person is chewing with their mouth open Or they're eating banana chips On your way to the beach Or you know It's getting too personal But No this is that In marriage we just need to understand That hey there's things that we Need to be patient with our spouse with And that is something that God Is telling us to add to our faith And Listen if you add patience to your Marriage I believe if that abounds You'll never fall Right if you have patience with each other And you endure one another Your long suffering But that marriage will stay intact So Go to Isaiah 64 verse 4 And When it comes to the coming of the Lord We need to have a patient waiting for him And I just want you to see how Waiting Being patient and love Work together in this And the idea that patience really is Incorporated in love Within this List of things we're adding to our faith We're going to have brotherly kindness We're going to have charity But that doesn't mean that there's not love And compassion built into some of these other things So in Isaiah 64 verse 4 it says For since the beginning of the world Men have not heard nor perceived By the ear Neither hath the eye seen O God beside thee What he hath prepared for him Now this is quoted in the New Testament But instead of saying That waiteth for him Notice what it says in 1 Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9 1 Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9 Why that one's a little harder to read Because I'm always thinking of this verse So It says in 1 Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9 It says But as it is written, eye hath not seen nor ear heard And neither have entered into the heart of man The things which God hath prepared for them That love him So think about when you're waiting for the Lord There's that love That's there That's helping you wait for the Lord Right? For example with your spouse That love for your spouse and the idea of having patience That love for that person at the door That you have patience for them That you have compassion for them That love for your spouse that you're going to endure And you're going to get through those times And you're going to love them And that's why you have long suffering That's why you have patience These things work hand in glove In 2 Thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 5 It says And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God And into the patient waiting for Christ So notice how it just goes all together The idea of You know those that wait for him Those that love him And that he's directing your hearts to the love of God For the patient waiting for Christ And listen If we love him We'll keep his commandments And waiting for him And loving him And keeping his commandments Then there's going to be great things prepared for us Things that you can never imagine My kids a lot of times will ask Is this going to be in heaven? What's it going to be like in heaven? Will we have a house like this in heaven? Different things like that And I always tell them Whatever you think it's going to be It's going to be better Whatever you can imagine in your head It's going to be better I mean when Jesus said that he's going to go To prepare a place for us And in my father's house are many mansions If it were not so I would have told you Whatever's down here Will not compare to what's up there So Whatever you think it's going to be You're going to be pleasantly surprised That's how I look at it Because I have not seen nor ear heard Neither hath it entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared For them that love him And all things work together for good To them that love him Those who are the called according to his purpose And the idea is that You're not just the called You're not just saved but you love him If you love him You're waiting for him There's going to be a great reward waiting for you But guess what? It takes patience Because he hasn't come yet And That's where it gets into the idea that patiently enduring And all that Now the last thing I want to mention is dealing with tribulations And trials and having patience through that Go to Romans chapter 5 Romans chapter 5 And this is probably something that's hit on Probably a lot more Is the idea of patience through tribulation In Romans chapter 5 And the thing that I want to hit with this Because you can look at In Revelation for example It talks about this is the patience of the saints And talking about Those that lead into captivity shall go into captivity Those that kill with the sword shall be killed with the sword This is the patience of the saints And what is that talking about? Meaning that The saints that were captured The saints that were killed During that tribulation The end game for those people that did that Is the same on top of their head And that's the recompense That's the recompense for the patience of the saints Or the patience enduring of the saints And the fact that we will be kept from that hour of temptation And that we'll be saved from that And we'll be able to lift up our heads And look up for our redemption And draw with nigh But I want you to see here that This is one way to Obtain more patience And it may not be the answer that you're looking for Because you're like I want patience How do I get it? Do I go to Walgreens and pick it up? Do I read my bible more? Do I do this or that? What's the answer? How do I get more patience? And the hard answer to that is Is that Patience is usually earned by Trials Unfortunately That means that you have to You have to You have to earn it Essentially And in Romans 5 verse 1 It says therefore being justified by faith We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ By whom also we have access By faith into this grace wherein we stand And rejoice in hope Of the glory of God I love this passage because it just clearly states The truth about how someone is saved That we're justified by faith And we have access Into this grace wherein we stand For by grace are you saved through faith And that not of yourselves it is the gift of God And not of works that any man should boast We're saved by grace How do we get that grace? By faith And it just shows you We get access to this grace By faith And that's how we're saved But that's not the only thing that we're glorying in Notice how What's going to be mentioned here is something On top of being saved And justified It's not something that's incorporate It's not something that's like well you must have this You must have all these different things In order to be saved No it's saying and not only so But we glory in tribulations also And you may say that's weird Why are you glorying in Tribulations are like troubles Why would you glory in that Here's why Knowing that tribulation worketh patience And patience experience Hope And hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God Is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost Which is given unto us You don't have to turn it up but Romans 12 12 says rejoice in hope Patient in tribulation continuing in prayer So we see here that We get patience By going through tribulations By going through trials It teaches us The hard way to be patient But when you go through those Trials and tribulations You get something called experience And when you have experience Then when the next time Tribulations come or trials come You have a lot of hope in that don't you Like hey I've already done this before Anybody that's ever Done something for the first time And they're just kind of worried about it Like hey I've never done this before The next time you do it After you've already done it you're like I've already done this I have experience I know how to do this I know how it's going to end This could translate into so many different things But I do remember one time I was Riding my dirt bike and we were We made this motocross Track At my friend's house and he had a dozer So he was like making all these jumps and whoopty doos And all this stuff And there was this double jump where it's basically like A jump and then it goes down And then there's another jump and the idea is that you're supposed to Jump over the whole thing right And I still remember that No one wanted to do it Because everybody was afraid they were going to either overshoot it Or not hit it hard enough And then they hit that and then You go flying right They hit that second bump And I just remember You know you go there and you You kind of get scared and you slow down And you're like no and then you just kind of go through the thing or whatever And then there was just this one time you're like I'm doing it let's do this right And I hit it at a certain speed I went over it and just like Just went straight over that thing Hit it perfectly After that I just all day long Just going over that thing It was nothing after that because I had already done it And Other people were scared They were struggling with it I'm just like all day long just going over that thing So anytime we raced I won Because everybody was just taking their time Over that little area and I was just Flying over it Now there were times where I hit a table top A table top is where you hit it and there's Like a big plateau and then it goes down And I over shot it And that hurt But that's I got to experience a different way there But the point though is Is that sometimes you're doing something and it's Scary because it's the first time you ever did it Just like a trial or tribulation It's scary to go through it But once you go through it you're like Well I'm still alive I made it And then that thing comes around again and you're like I've already done it And then maybe it gets a little harder And you're like oh man I did this one but I should be able to do this one I should be able to get through this And then you get through that And then something that's less comes by Something that would normally Maybe scare someone else and you're just like That's nothing That's light Compared to what I've already gone through And so The hard answer is that To get patience It's something that has to be earned It's something that you kind of work for Go to James chapter 1 James chapter 1 James chapter 1 and verse 2 But I think in the end As long as you're desiring that patience I think the Lord will help you with it But there's some times where it has to be earned It has to be something that you're going to go through Some trial to do that It says in verse 2 here It says my brethren count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations Kind of like the idea of glorying in tribulation Like what? Why would you count it all joy? Knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience So kind of the same thing that you're seeing there Instead of tribulation you see trial But let patience have a perfect work That you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing And so going through trials The trial of your faith Tribulations It will give you patience And so whenever you're going through those type of things You need to be thinking about Hey but I'm going to gain patience out of this I'm going to gain experience out of this And ultimately I'm going to have more hope When I get through this And think about Go to James chapter 5 Job there's something that he states When he's going through all this stuff And his friends are all against him His friends are basically saying you're a sinner Just admit it And he states you know when I am tried After I'm tried He says I will come forth as gold And Job You probably You know patient as Job It's a phrase that everybody uses Even if they don't know what it means or who Job is There's people that are just like you have the patience of Job So Job is a great person to look to And actually the Bible tells us to look to Job When it comes to patience It says here in James chapter 5 verse 7 It says be patient therefore Brethren unto the coming of the Lord Behold the husband waited for the precious fruit of the earth And hath long patience for it Until he received early in the latter rain If there's anybody to look to for patience It's the Lord And think about this The Lord is not slack concerning his promises Some men count slackness But is long suffering to us-ward Not willing that any should perish God is long suffering Has long patience for the precious fruit of the earth And you may say Why is he tearing? Why is he taking so long? He's waiting for people to get saved That's why And he has long suffering You say all this wickedness is going on And you're like I heard your sermon this morning Why isn't he coming back right now? Because people need to get saved And he has long suffering Because there's an ultimate goal That's why he's letting things Still go on the way they are in this world And all that But notice what it says here In verse 8 It says be ye also patient So be ye also patient is meaning Be patient like the Lord The Lord's patient He's waiting for the precious fruit of the earth Be patient like him But then it goes on to say establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh Grudge not one against another Brethren lest ye be condemned Behold the judge stands before the door Take my brethren the prophets Who have spoken in the name of the Lord For an example of suffering, affliction, and impatience So this is why When we read the Old Testament It's for our admonition Upon whom the ends of the world are come That is for our reading and admonition It's for us to learn Is that basically look at the prophets Look at the brethren And the prophets of old For examples of patience But specifically Notice what it says here Behold we count them happy Which endure Ye have heard of the patience of Job And have seen the end of the Lord That the Lord is very pitiful And of tender mercy The book of Job is a great example Of a trial Job's patience And the reward at the end of it And so And so If you ever want to learn patience, look at Job His own wife was telling him to curse God So And obviously he rebuked her rightfully so You're like, you're one of those foolish women You know But the patience of Job Paid off and in the end He gained, he had double Of what he had before And so as Christians We need to learn to have patience And we need to abound in that You say, well I think I'm a pretty patient person Well abound in it Just as much as when Paul's writing to the Thessalonians It says, you know that, I know that you love your brethren But abound more and more Like don't just be content with the idea Like, well I think I'm pretty patient Be more patient Be more long suffering Always strive to be better at that And some people are really good at it Some people's patience Astonish me Like, man your patience And then And then other people are like, you need to get some patience You need to calm down And just let things go But I'm always, listen when it comes to this We need to be looking in the mirror And not looking at other people And comparing ourselves among ourselves Look in the mirror and say Hey, you know, I need to learn to be more patient I need to control myself when it comes to that And I do think the temperance And patience work hand in hand They're not the same But, you know If you're tempered in all things You're kind of, you're restraining yourself And part of that is restraining anger Or bitterness And patience is Really like, keep that going Keep restraining all that Keep holding back all that Keep honing in your knowledge And your charity And all these different things Being patient as the Lord Be also patient Look to the Lord Think about what the Lord endures And how much patience He has to have And try to be like Him The patience of Jesus I mean, think about the patience that He had When He was going to the cross Emulate that And whenever you think that you're like Being provoked to fight Think about How they Buffeted Him Spit in His face They were hitting Him when He Was blindfolded and said, prophesy You know He could have prophesied You know that He could have broke every single one of them in half But the constraint that He had Because of what The cross that was The joy that was set before Him He endured the cross Despising the shame You don't have to like, just love being Tormented in tribulation But you can joy in it because of what Comes after it The prize that comes after it The character integrity that You'll gain from it And so That's something that we need to add And we need to also, if it's there Abound on it Cause it to abound And then you won't fall And you'll have an abundant entrance Into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ So let's end with a word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father we thank You for today Thank You for Your words And the book of 2 Peter here And Lord we just pray that You would help us To obtain more patience Lord And Lord we just thank You for Your patience And Your long suffering When it comes to salvation When it comes to just everything Dealing with our lives That You have patience with us And Lord we love You And pray that You'd be with us as we come back to the point of time We'll sing the song and then we'll be dismissed I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will sing I will sing I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will sing of the mercies of the Lord With my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness Thy faithfulness With my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will sing I will sing I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever