(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Welcome to Mount Baptist Church. Please turn your songbooks to page number four, Wave the Cross Leads Home. If you'd stand please. Page number four, the Wave the Cross Leads Home. I must needs go home by the way of the cross, there's no other way but this. I shall ne'er give sight of the gates of light, if the way of the cross I miss. The way of the cross leads home, the way of the cross leads home. It is sweet to know as I onward go, the way of the cross leads home. I must needs go on in the blood sprinkled way, the path that the Savior trod. If I ever climb to the heights of blood, where the soul is at home with God. The way of the cross leads home, the way of the cross leads home. It is sweet to know as I onward go, the way of the cross leads home. Then I bid farewell to the way of the world, to walk in it nevermore. My Lord says come and I seek my home, where He waits at the open door. The way of the cross leads home, the way of the cross leads home. It is sweet to know as I onward go, the way of the cross leads home. Let's pray. Lord, thank you so much for all the souls that were saved. And please be with us for the rest of the service. I thank you, Lord, for a beautiful day. And I pray these things in your son's name, Lord Jesus. Amen. You may be seated. Turn your page. Turn your hymnals to page number 15. Lead me to Calvary. Page number 15, lead me to Calvary. King of my life, I crown thee now, thine child of glory be. Lest I forget thy thorn crowned round, lead me to Calvary. Lest I forget Gethsemane, lest I forget thy nagony, lest I forget thy love for me, lead me to Calvary. Show me the tomb where thou wast laid, tender, morn, and wept. Angels in robes of light array guarded thee whilst thou slept. Lest I forget Gethsemane, lest I forget thy nagony, lest I forget thy love for me, lead me to Calvary. Let me, like Mary, through the gloom come with a gift to thee. Show to me now the empty tomb, lead me to Calvary. Lest I forget Gethsemane, lest I forget thy nagony, lest I forget thy love for me, lead me to Calvary. May I be willing, Lord, to bear daily my cross for thee. Even thy cup of grief to share, thou hast borne all for me. Lest I forget Gethsemane, lest I forget thy nagony, lest I forget thy love for me, lead me to Calvary. Amen. So welcome back to Mount Baptist Church. And let me get the announcements, but the soul wanting numbers here. Let me find it. So what do we have during the week? Were there any salvations during the week? On Wednesday? Was there any? Yeah, on Wednesday? Was there any others during the week? And then today, what do we have today? So now, Brother Richie, you had two? Two. So one from Brother Jacob, one from Gavin. So four. Were there any other four? Two, okay. So six total there. Okay, so was there any others today? I think Brother Wade had one. Who's Brother Wade with? It was you and Jacob. Me, Aaron, and Jacob had one. So was Wade with you, Jacob? Wade and Brother Aaron? Yes, Jacob. Oh, the other Jacob. Too many Jacobs. All right, so okay, got it. So six. And then we had four in the week. So ten total. So good job with the soul winning. And then as far as the announcements, everything is the same as this morning. We'll have obviously our service time today, right now. But Wednesday, I guess I'm doing it for Samuel. Well, we're starting a new book. So we're gonna be starting 1 Samuel and going down the line there. So don't worry, my boy Ezekiel will come into play eventually. And we'll do Ezekiel eventually there. But you know, how can I deny my son? No, but actually I've been wanting to go through that because when we did that King series a while back, I've been kind of wanting to really hone in on 1 and 2 Samuel and those stories. So there's a lot of cool stories in there. And so it should be fun going through that. So that'll be starting up this Wednesday, Lord willing. And then soul winning times, all the regional times here. Just be on the church group there. As far as locations and times and all that stuff for these times, for the regional times. And then we have the men's prayer meeting on here until the end of the month. Like I said, going into September, we're gonna have some soul winning marathons. So just be on the lookout for that. Cleveland, I think Point Marion is what brother Charles was maybe thinking about going over to Point Marion, which isn't far. It's just on the outskirts, just out past Morgantown a little bit. And so just be on the lookout for that. We do have our church anniversary coming up on the 17th. And so we'll probably try to do some kind of fellowship or something like that on that day. But we'll figure that out. So I don't know if we're getting a bounce house or anything like that like last year. But Dunk Tank, all that. I got locked out of my own office. Thought I was gonna have to preach the sermon in my swim trunks. So anyway, so we will have stuff coming up. We have chapter memory is Malachi chapter three. And then our first memory for the week is Psalm 14 one. Got the birthdays, got the anniversaries, and then be in prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list there. So I think that's about all I got. Who's reading this evening? Brother Levi? So Brother Levi is going to be reading 1 Corinthians chapter 13 for us. Tied in the authoring box is in the back there. If you want to give any tithe or offering by the baby rooms for the mother and babies only. And so once we, Brother Matt does one more song. Then Brother Levi is going to read 1 Corinthians chapter 13 for us. And then we're going to get into the sermon. Please turn in your song books to page 44. We'll work till Jesus comes. Page number 44. We'll work till Jesus comes. Oh land of rest for thee I sigh. When will the moment come when I shall lay my armor by and dwell in peace at home. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home to Jesus Christ. I fled for rest. He made me to roam and lean for soccer on his breast. Still we'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home. I sought at once my Savior's side no more my steps shall roam with him all brave deaths chilling tight and reach my heavenly home. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home. Please turn your Bibles to First Corinthians chapter 13. First Corinthians chapter 13. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity I am nothing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and have not charity it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long and is kind charity envieth not charity vaunteth not itself is not puffed up doth not behave itself unseemly seeketh not her own is not easily provoked thinketh no evil rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth beareth all things believeth all things hopeeth all things endureth all things charity never faileth but whether there be prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfected is come then that which is in part shall be done away when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now I know in part but then shall I know even as I also I am known and now abideth faith hope charity these three but the greatest of these is charity let's pray God thank you for today God thank you for the souls that were saved pray that you would be a pastor as he preaches God and help us to learn and pray these things in Jesus name amen so you're there in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 we're actually finishing up our series on adding to your face I want you to keep your place there but go back go to 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 we're actually going to be dealing with the subject of charity and charity if you think about 1st Corinthians chapter 13 is the chapter on it really so I kind of want to just have that as our text passage there dealing with charity but I want you to see that we're down to the last point on our add to your faith series and in 2nd Peter chapter 1 and verse 5 it says and beside this give all diligence add to your faith virtue and the virtue knowledge and the knowledge temperance and temperance patience and the patience godliness and the godliness brotherly kindness and the brotherly kindness charity and so we're at the last one here which is charity and when it comes to this charity when we think of charity or I think of charity organizations right you think about like giving to charity or things like that but really charity is just a word for love okay and I don't believe there's anything like like well it says cherry doesn't say love so there's like an extra emphasis or anything like that really what what you have here is that there's synonyms in the bible when it comes to certain words so charity is a noun but it can't be used as a verb you don't charity things right but love on the other hand can be a noun or you can love somebody it could be a verb right you can it can be an action another word or words that are synonyms but they are different words if you will is faith and belief like faith and believe meaning that faith you don't faith something you just have faith right it's it's a noun but then believe you can have like you you have a belief or you believe in something right and that word can be a noun or it can be it could be a verb and I look at charity like the same way charity is kind of like faith is when it comes to believing and I don't look at this it's not like what you know like well if you go back to the Greek there's like this special kind of love it's the agape love right except for the fact that that same word is translated as love in many places in the bible so I don't believe that there's a nuance there besides the fact that obviously in the bible a lot of times when it was translated other words would be used so that you don't so that you can have if you don't know what love is you know what charity is and and all of that so when we're dealing with charity I believe we're just simply dealing with love and obviously charity when we think about it it's basically a selfless type of love right because there's a there's obviously people that say they they love somebody or even in proverbs we talk about let us fill ourselves with loves you know until the morning you know you think about like the strange woman and all of that and they'll use the term love but obviously that's not charity that's not like godly love as far as like the love of god and you know he that loveth is born of god and knoweth god right there's there's that idea of this pure love that's there it's not it's not like sinful type of love that people would have or as a amen you know loved his sister right we're in west virginia so I mean this should be pertinent this half sister right like we're gonna don't worry we're getting into that we're getting into first and second samuel so we'll get to that story but all I have to say is that he says that he loves his sister but that's not like the love of god that's not something that we should be striving for so what I'm saying with that though don't get stuck on this like the word charity I don't believe that it has some kind of nuance to it to where it's like well this is a special type of love I think it's just another way of saying the same thing and but I'll say this every time that's used as a noun that you you know you can't use charity as a verb and so take that as it is like when you think about having the faith of Christ or believing in Christ it's the same thing right it's just two different things no I don't think anybody would ever say that faith and believing is two different things but I could be wrong there's weird doctrines out there right well you believe in Christ but do you have faith in Christ you know like I don't think I've ever heard anybody like make that kind of distinction but I don't believe there's a distinction between that I'll say this is that we're not dealing with any type of you know strange woman type of love or anything like that obviously when you're dealing with charity so if there's that aspect to it maybe maybe in the fact that that that was never used in a sense of anything other than you know pure love and stuff like that so I mean if you want to look at it that way that's fine but go to 1st Corinthians chapter 13 1st Corinthians chapter 13 so when we're talking about this sermon about adding to your faith you have faith we've obtained this like precious face that we're all saved the thing is though after you get saved we should you know giving all diligence add to that you know you want to add virtue and knowledge and temperance and patience you want to add all these things to that but if you never added it doesn't mean that you don't have faith that's what one that's what people want to tell you right is that well if you don't have virtue and you don't have all this stuff then you don't really have faith it doesn't negate you have faith it just means that you haven't added on top of that you haven't put all this stuff on top of there like you should and at the conclusion of this sermon I'll I'm going to recap the reason why we want to add to our faith you know what's the reason why if it if it doesn't get us to heaven if it's just faith that gets us to heaven then what's the point of adding all this stuff to it right and there is an end game there is a reason why you why you would want to add all these things to your faith but notice what it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 13 at the end of the chapter it says now abideth faith hope charity these three but the greatest of these is charity notice that faith and hope are very well connected right because we I was preaching this morning about the fact that what is faith faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen and even talks about you know if you see it then why do you then hope for it so hope and faith are very well linked but then it's saying that charity these three are there but charity is the greatest so it's great to have obviously faith and all of that but if you don't have charity what 1st Corinthians 13 is going to teach is that it's not going to profit it's not going to edify it's not going to profit anybody and all of that so go to go to Colossians chapter 3 Colossians chapter 3 you may say well you know you're saying charity and love are the same thing so if they put love there instead of charity you'd want that no don't touch my King James Bible okay so I'm not saying that I want 1st Corinthians 13 to say love down through the line but there's another thing too to say like hey there's a big difference between charity and love I don't think that that's the case I believe same thing as much as don't change where it says the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and say the belief in our Lord Jesus Christ right don't tamper with it don't touch it it's perfect it's beautiful listen if I'm at a wedding I want to hear the charity chapter I don't want to hear the love chapter okay even though I believe the same thing it means the same thing listen the King James Bible is perfect stop touching it stop tampering with it I don't want the 2021 version or the 21st century King James Bible I want show to be spelled s h e w and I'm just kidding I don't obviously you know that the spellings that that was that was there was an addition to 1769 but all that to say is that don't change the words though like if they came back and changed the spelling and they took off the k on music whatever but I don't trust them pardon me if I don't trust anybody that touches the Bible just give me that 1769 version it's tried and true and anyway there's my rant about the King James Bible for a second now go to Colossians chapter 3 and verse 9 colossians chapter 3 and verse 9 colossians chapter 3 and verse 9 says this it says lie not one to another seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds and have put on the new man which is is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him where there is neither Greek nor Jew circumcision or uncircumcision barbarian Scythian bond nor free but Christ is all and in all put on therefore is the elect of God holy and beloved bowels of mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you so also do ye and above all these things put on charity which is the bond of perfectness so what are we talking about when we're talking about adding to our faith really we're talking about putting on the new man and the new man has all these different attributes about it as far as having virtue and knowledge and temperance and patience and brotherly kindness and charity but charity is kind of like that ultimate if you have charity listen love is the fulfilling of the law so if you have charity if you have love it takes care of everything that compassion that love it'll listen you won't you won't be you won't be defrauding your brother if you love him you won't kill your brother if you love him you're not going to rail against somebody if you love him right does that make sense that that takes care of everything it's kind of like the all-encompassing I know it sounds cliche but really it is the truth that that fulfills the law is that you love your neighbor as yourself and so you can see how that's kind of like the ultimate bond of perfectness right now go to first corinthians chapter 8 first corinthians chapter 8 and verse 1 now when we're going through this series if you remember add to your faith virtue and the virtue knowledge and virtue is more so dealing with the fact of goodness right as far as being righteous and so the first thing when you get saved is that you should think about hey I'm gonna not lie I'm not gonna steal and just really focus on the major things that everybody knows you're like well I haven't learned in the bible listen you don't need to read the bible to know that you shouldn't steal because he had put in every man's conscience the law of god so focus on the major things as far as being righteous and being just and having virtue and then go into the knowledge because the bible talks about how he gives the wise more understanding and wisdom and so start off with the things that you know keep those and then go on from that but notice what it says here in first corinthians chapter 8 first corinthians chapter 8 and verse 1 it says now as touching things offered unto idols we know that we all have knowledge knowledge puffeth up but charity edifieth and if any man thinking that he knoweth anything anything he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know but if any man love god the same is known of him so think about this the very beginning is like saying hey you want to add to your faith knowledge and amen to that but I've seen many people that have that gain a lot of knowledge and then they're they're full of pride and arrogance because what is being puffed up it's being boastful and proud right I think of like think of different I have a rooster and it's just like it's always just kind of puffing itself up you know and it's trying to like obviously deter anything from touching his hands and so but you think about being puffed up it's kind of like you're you ever go to the gym and it's just like you walked into a den of cobras right they're all just like poked out they can't get through the door and they got to like go through sideways because they're just all puffed up with pride it's not me of course I never see that I don't look like a cobra anyway so but you know what I'm talking about though being puffed up it's being puffed up with pride arrogance because if you haven't a lot of knowledge it's very easy to be puffed up with that this is why a pastor is not to be a novice because that lest he be puffed up with pride then he falls into the condemnation of the devil is that it's not just that you want someone that's leading that knows a lot you want someone that's leading that not only knows a lot but has has the whole package as far as and listen I'm not saying like I have the whole package and like I'm the best that would completely negate what I'm just about to say here but what I'm saying though is that you want someone that is humble but also has a lot of knowledge right because you don't want someone just puffed up and be like hey I know it all you guys just need to get where I'm at and maybe one day you could be semi close to where I'm at right I mean just that kind of pride like hey I know it all and you'll never be you'll never attain to my knowledge you should never be like that right there are people in this church that know way more than I know about a lot of different subjects and I shouldn't be one of those people that's just like listen I know more than you about everything you know it's ridiculous but charity edified though it's one thing to have knowledge but charity is where you're actually edifying something for example I'll you let's use social media as an example okay Facebook Twitter I don't tweet I don't have a maybe I have a Twitter but I never use it I don't know I might have just got a Twitter just so I could look at someone's tweet one time I don't know but I'm on Facebook and you're on you know we're on YouTube and all that stuff the question that you have to ask yourself is that you have knowledge and let's say you want to post something the question is what's your reason for posting it okay the knowledge might be the same no matter what you're doing there right okay let's say it's something very controversial let's say it's not controversial but let's say for sake of argument something very controversial you know people are gonna get angry about it why are you posting it are you posting it because you want to offend and you know more than someone else or are you posting it because you care and you want to actually teach people what the truth is there's two different ways to go about the same goal right because a lot of times I've seen people post things and I'm like amen to the content as far as you know it's like a Bible verse right I'm just like praise the Lord any Bible verse you put up amen I agree with the Bible right but sometimes it's it's it's how they do it in the fact that I'm like you're doing that just to stir the pot you're doing that just to make people angry you're doing that just to cause contention and strife that's all the only reason you're doing it right and you're like well you're thinking through the process well listen if they do it a hundred times over it's kind of hard not to look at it that way but then I see other people post things enough and I'll I'll look at it be like and they'll get attacked on their posts and all that stuff but you can tell it was out of love like they just wanted people to know this is the truth and they care which one do you think is gonna be at more edifying which one do you think is gonna be profitable is a real question right because listen we only have so much time the Bible talks about redeeming the time and I don't know about you but whatever I do especially if it's for the cause of Christ I want to be profitable I don't just be spinning my wheels and just getting into a fight for no reason it doesn't edify anybody and doesn't help anybody and in the end I just wasted my time this is where charity comes in in the fact that when when you post something or when you do something when you go out soul winning that you're doing it out of compassion because you care about the people and it doesn't mean that like listen every time you go out so when you got a tear in the eye right but spiritually speaking you should have a tear in the eye right we're going out there because we care about people and it's not about like getting some numbers it's not about you know looking better than anybody else and it's not about to stick it in people's faces to say hey you're going to hell and no it's because hey people are going to hell we want to see them get saved and ultimately we care about them and we don't want to see anybody go to hell right there's a difference on how that that approach is because you can have all the knowledge in the world but what what is the profit of all that knowledge if no one hears it think about these reform Baptist right these reform Baptist which there are they're wrong on a lot of doctrine but they're very intelligent and they're very well read up on certain things they have all this knowledge but they don't go out and preach the gospel what good is all that knowledge I'm glad you know where you're going I'm glad you know all this about the Bible but what good is that if no one hears it or they'll use such high vocabulary to where you can't even understand what they're saying they're talking about eschatology and exegeting the apocalypse of the Lord Jesus Christ and it's just like can you not just say hey we're gonna go through the book of Revelation we're gonna talk about end times could you not just say that instead of using like this high-end theological terminology that you and your buddies from college know to see the difference because one is being popped up with pride saying hey look at me I have high vocabulary I know a lot of information but what good is that if no one in the pews understands it the whole point of preaching is for the edifying of the church and what point if no one's edified that's why first Corinthians 14 is hitting on the fact that hey you know if I speak in an unknown tongue if I come up here and start first speaking Greek to you up here right and then I start speaking that to you but you don't understand a word that I'm saying what's the point and I could be in perfect knowledge in knowing what I'm saying knowing that that's right according to the Bible but you're looking at me like a calf in a new gate like what in the world's he saying it's not edifying but the same thing would apply when you use high-end vocabulary language that only you and your buddies know you and your pastor friends know and none of no one in the pews understands because they're not down deep in some theological seminary cemetery somewhere and they don't know all these terms the job of a preacher is to take something complex and deliver it in a simple manner for everybody to understand and a lot of times people want to just they want to flex their intellectual muscles and listen I I'll say this I've never wanted to do that if I if it ever appears that way I apologize if I've ever like brought up like math you know we're talking about the thermodynamics and everything honestly I was just trying to explain that simply I'm not like up here to be like look at me I took thermodynamics you know I understand that I understand physics you know it's not about that it's about trying to explain it on a simple manner so that you can understand hey here's where they're coming from here's why they're wrong but at the same time this can apply a lot with Bible doctrine where a lot of people know stuff but you know listen knowledge puff it up but charity edifies you need knowledge but listen you need to couple that with charity and so go to go to first Corinthians chapter 13 because it really gets into this that I don't have charity I'm nothing if you don't have love you don't have compassion then what's good what what good is all that what good is all that knowledge that you have if you don't have any compassion or charity coupled with it it says in first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 1 it says though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal now when it comes to this get the Pentecostal stuff out of your mind like this isn't talking about speaking to gibbers or something like that it just basically saying like it doesn't matter how eloquent my speech is it doesn't matter how good of a speaker I am or good preacher I am if I don't have charity it's nothing it's like it's like a sound a tinkling cymbal I mean think about you probably heard preachers preach sermons that are really hard on sin but they preached it in such a and like hateful manner that you're just like I don't like this guy I don't like what he has to say and it had nothing to do like the truth was there right it's like this is a Bible verse but the way he preached it right it was a very condescending and demeaning manner you've all been there I think we've all been there where we've been and we've sat through a sermon or we listen to some you're like that guy doesn't like those people right you're just like you don't feel like you don't see the compassion and listen I'm all right I mean someone just emailed me and said that I preach hate and all this other stuff and was already saying I know you don't preach a lot you preach hate listen I'm not here to say like there's obviously people it doesn't matter how much you love and how much compassion you have they're gonna say you preach hate because they hate the truth right what I'm talking about is Bible believing Christians that are here to hear a sermon and you don't want a pastor up there that's just ripping your face off because he just wants to rip your face off that makes sense like there's a difference between like ripping your face off just to do it just because you want to show everybody you're better than them or ripping their face off because you care about them and you don't want them to go down some hole into some sin that they could go down that makes sense like the idea of like I don't want you to die I don't want you to go into fornication I don't want you to go into some deep sin I don't want you to ruin your life because I care about you that's different than you know like just demeaning people and putting it and be like you did that you're scum you know like there's there's I've seen clips of preachers doing that well they'll they'll call people out by name in the church be like you're scum you're dirt it's like one in the world like that's not charity so when it comes to preaching when it comes to knowledge what good is that if you don't have charity it doesn't mean you can't preach hard okay it doesn't mean you can't preach on every thing in the Bible and preach on every sin but it should be out of a place of compassion and love and because you want to edify I don't know if you know this but I'm a sinner just like everybody else so like for me to get up here and just be like I'm better than you at everything I you know like I've just arrived like that's being puffed up and I know there's a lot of people that know a lot and knowledge will puff them up and a lot of times they need to get that chip knocked off their shoulder and be humble a little bit because God will abase the proud but he exalted the humble what you want is you want to be someone that knows a lot but you're humble about it you're humble about it and you use that knowledge for good use that knowledge to help people and to care about people you don't use it to make yourself look like you're just something that you're not because what does it say in first Corinthians says he if any man think himself I think he he know with anything he know if nothing yet as he ought to know the person is just like oh yeah I know the Bible you don't know anything then the more I read the Bible the more I realize I don't know you're like you're a pastor of a church you're saying you don't know the Bible listen the more I read the more I realize I don't know that's the sorrow of increasing learning is to realize that the more I look into a subject the more I realize I did not know much of anything about that subject so but that's I mean obviously you got it you got a any listen if you don't realize that you don't know something then why would you try to learn it so go to a good you're there in first Corinthians chapter 13 there it says though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling symbol and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity I am nothing and though I've installed my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and have not charity it profit me nothing think about that whole list of adding to your faith virtue and knowledge and temperance and patience all that stuff is nothing if you don't have charity that that charity is like the greatest of all you need to get that charity so if you have a choice between having more knowledge or getting charity then you need to get charity and that's good that basically is like encompassing everything else that you're supposed to add to your faith now first Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 4 gives us some attributes of charity you say okay what does it mean if I add to my faith charity what does that mean like how do I see give me a visual of what that's like right what would that look like well what first Corinthians 13 here does is it takes charity and it personifies it you say what does that mean basically it talks about it as if it's a person Proverbs does this if you remember with wisdom it personifies wisdom as a woman and talks about getting wisdom and it like it's kind of like getting a virtuous woman as a wife right it likens it unto that that it's far above rubies I did I did a sermon on this a while back where I showed you wisdom personified in the virtuous woman and how they're just like everything is said about wisdom is said about the virtuous woman but it's personified meaning that it's it's basically taking an attribute and and and talking about as if it's a person okay but you can see how this would apply in the fact of okay it what does it look like like if I put on charity if I add to my faith charity what's that gonna look like here's what it looks like verse 4 says charity suffereth long I think we've already saw patience right patience and long suffering the things that we're supposed to add charity suffered long charity and is kind well we saw brotherly kindness so that makes sense that that would be in there as well it's kind so you're not just this person she's like get out of my way I'm moving here no you're just nice right the idea of a Christian just being nice being kind not being a jerk so that's an attribute of having charity because don't look at charity is this pie in the sky like we can never attain to having charity you know like all you know when we have our spiritual bodies then we'll have charity now listen you can put it on now and I believe everybody in here has already put it on at some point in their life the idea is that we're constantly putting it on every day you're putting your you're adding to your faith all these things unless you say well I've had charity well then abound more and more the Bible talks about you know loving your brethren it says I know you know basically you have loved to your brother but abound more and more keep going add more to it so it's kind charity envieth not now envy and jealousy are two different things I am to be jealous over my wife and God is jealous God but jealousy is desiring things that belong to you oh your wife belongs to you you better believe she does we're one flesh I mean I don't know how much more she can something can belong to me than if it's literally the same flesh as me right so yes she belongs to me therefore it's righteous for me to be jealous over her and God is righteous to be jealous over us because we're his we're bought with a price jealousy is good envy is bad envy is when you desire something that doesn't belong to you that's when you desire your neighbor's wife right you desire your neighbor's car right that's where you get into coveting things that don't belong to you so if you're envying some like someone in the church you're envying their vehicle you're envying their house you're envying their job or their their family or whatever they have if you're anything that guess what not charity you're not having charity when you do that charity vonteth not itself you say what's vant mean well I think it explains it in the next just the rest of the the verse there right charity vonteth not itself is not puffed up so what's vant mean it's just another way of saying boast they're not but it's not boastful right so the idea of knowledge puff it up but charity edifies because charity is not popped up it's not proud right so if someone is popped up with pride guess what they don't have charity at that moment Arrogancy and pride is never good in the Bible and so so what do we see here well attributes of having charity you suffer long you have patience right you have long suffering you're kind you're not envying one another things you're not being puffed up you know lifted up with pride those in verse 5 doth not behave itself unseemly so I think about this as far as being modest you know the Bible a lot of times more so is talking about like women being in modest apparel and you know basically being modest but you know what men we need to be the same way we ought not to be unseemly towards people this can be whether it's clothing or whether it's conversation whether it's our language okay and I know that I know words are subjective but at the same time we don't want to have communication that's going to allude to things that are crude or things that are going to be looked at as being unseemly if that makes sense right and you get you do get into areas where it's not inherently wrong but listen it gets into that idea too that you know what if it offends my brother then I'm not gonna eat meat around him right it's kind of like if my if my brother thinks that eating bacon is wrong he's wrong right because bacon is amazing and I'd eat it every single day but if my brother thinks it's wrong then if I'm over at his house I'm not bringing bacon over and I'm not gonna be like hey just eat it man because if he eats it and he thinks it's wrong it's sin even though it's not wrong to eat so I'm not gonna cause my brother to offend even if it's something that I'm right about and so we need to not behave ourselves unseemly seeketh not our own this is where the idea of seeking another man's wealth and not your own that doesn't mean like seek their wealth like I'm gonna go get it take their wealth the idea is that you are more interested in them prospering and them being wealthy than yourself right look not on your own things but also on the things of others and so I think I was just thinking of Galatians chapter 5 where it talks about if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit but there's a there's a verse right after that that ends that chapter that I was just thinking of there it says let us not be desires of vainglory provoking one another envying one another and the idea of walking in the spirit is that that idea of not envying one another not provoking one another and that's the idea of having charity putting on the love of God if you will it says in verse first five there it says is not easily provoked this is not being soon angry now I struggle with this one especially if I'm at Greece and brother Dave's driving I guess you wouldn't consider that easily provoked though I would say that that's that was not easy for him to provoke me he put a lot of work into that all joking aside not easily provoked is being like you're not just you're not just getting angry right off the top of the hat right you're not just like blowing your top all the time and just everything sets you off I will say this and I've said this before with my preaching if there's an area that I have to focus on and really just try to work at is that is the anger and it's it's one of those things that maybe it's just you know a lot of you can attest to this just being busy and just overlaid in with work to the point where you're just like I just feel like I'm ready to break and then there's like just the the straw that breaks the camel's back is just always happening and you're just constantly like having to hold yourself back on the anger and in the people that you're angry at aren't even the ones that really we're putting it all on you right they just happen to be around and they happen to be the ones that are just kind of like breaking that putting that little bit of straw on there and all that and so this is one that I'm constantly trying to be slow to anger anger is not inherently wrong but you want to be slow to it it needs to be something that's like purposeful it's righteous indignation and it's not just like you're just angry at everything right that's why you should always eat and not get hangry because Holly knows like when I when I haven't eaten she's just like hey go go eat something you know go have a Snickers or something I don't know like but just go eat because you add you add in hunger to that and it's really bad anyway I think it's not evil so you think about having foolish thoughts all of these different things rejoice if not in iniquity I think about this as far as making a mock of sin people that will take sin and basically make it a joke so where it's kind of like this idea of having fun with sin or something like that and maybe it's not even committing to act it's just the idea of you know joking around about it or anything like that and we need to be careful that that we don't we don't go down that rabbit trail of basically rejoicing in iniquity and and you can say well you know that's more so just rejoicing and people that do things that are wrong and it could be that that's what it's dealing with but I do think that we need to be careful to that we're not making a mock of sin if that makes sense to where it becomes desensitized I guess is what I'm really saying there is that we should look at sin for what it is it's wicked it's wrong and we need to have gravity towards that situation right but it says but rejoiceth in the truth so would the God God's people and I'm speaking to God's people obviously there's people out there aren't saved that don't don't like the truth or they reject the truth or whatever but listen God's people should be constantly rejoicing the truth whether it hurts your feelings or not and charity is one where you hear a sermon and it steps on your toes but it's true and how do you take it you rejoice in it they praise the Lord that's true I may be guilty of it but it's true and we rejoice in the truth whether it hurts my feelings or not whether it steps on my toes or not you know what sometimes those are the best ones because I don't about you but a lot of times I want to if there's an area where I'm like man I struggle with that I got to drive now it's like okay I need to work on that it's usually when when you don't feel like you have a big struggle in an area that you're just like you kind of let that go you don't increase that area so you should actually rejoice in the fact that if a sermon gets you on your toes on maybe a certain subject or something that you need to work on because you can really improve in things and we should all be improving and abounding in all this notice in verse 7 says bear with all things believe with all things hope with all things endure with all things so notice that the chapter ends with the fact that these things remain right faith hope and charity but the greatest of these is charity why because charity believe with all things and hope with all things right see how it just kind of takes care of everything just like love takes care of keeping the wall you want to have virtue have love you're gonna have patience have love you want knowledge love and it sounds cliche but here's the thing love will take care of all of that I mean think about why why do you go out so many because you love the people that you're trying to give the gospel to why do you come to church because you love God and you love God's people and you love God's Word and you want to hear a freak you want to be around God's people right why do you keep the commandments because you love people and you love God and you don't want to hurt other people or hurt God right I mean think about all of that stuff it could all be summed up with just having charity having love to where it'll take care of all of that it says charity bear it bear with all things believe with all things hope with all things endure with all things charity never faileth and if you remember in this chapter I'm gonna recap this chapter but if you have these things and they abound whether to say you'll never fall you'll never fail if these things are in you and you and they abound you won't fail you won't fall does that mean that you're not gonna have persecutions does that mean you're not gonna have tribulations or trials of course not I mean the Bible says ye and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution you're going to have persecution you're gonna have tribulations you're gonna have hard times but you're not gonna fail you're not gonna fall the world can kick you down but you know what a righteous man fall seven times get it up again now go to well let's just finish reading there and it says charity never faileth but whether there be prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away basically charity is just always abiding it's always there and we need to have charity notice what it says in first Corinthians chapter 16 first Corinthians chapter 16 you know there's a time to every purpose when it comes to love and hate and all these different things right but even in a time the reason that I hate certain things or I hate certain people is because I love others right so charity is always there it's just that I may not always love certain people or certain things that they you know certain things out there but the reason that I hate it is because I love others so notice what says in verse 13 here watch ye and stand fast in the faith quit you like men be strong let all your things be done with charity now the thing that I want you to notice here is just how the the masculinity of this verse before here I love this verse watch ye stand fast in the faith quit you like men be strong but then it's saying do everything with charity having charity does not equal being a feminine or being less masculine actually the best men the most masculine the best men are those that have charity Andrew Tate is not an example of a strong masculine man Andrew Andrew Tate is a punk he's a pimp and any young guy that's looking to that guy for wisdom should think again that guy is a psychopath first of all but he is not a model of masculinity he's a weak man he's a weak man that can't control his own temptations he's a weak man that has to put people on the ground to get his own to get his own fortune and he has put people on the ground to get where he's at there's nothing strong about that that's a weak individual I have no respect for that man or his brother or anybody that is associated with all that garbage he is a piece of garbage that mocks Christianity mocks Christians and says that no all Christians don't believe the Bible and that is not an example of masculinity example of masculinity is like David who could break a bowl of steel with his own hands but yet he's known as the sweet psalmist of Israel a man after God's own heart who had his if I were to describe David in an attribute that best describes him if I was to think about David is that he loves his enemies to a fault right sometimes that he loves his enemies that's not a sign of weakness that's a sign of strength think about when Jesus is going to the cross and they're nailing them to the cross and what does he say father forgive them for they know not what they do I can't describe to you any more strength and masculinity than what he just did right there I mean think about that they're spitting on him they're giving him gall mixed with vinegar or vinegar mixed with gall they're giving him all this stuff they just beat them to the point where it says his visage was so marred more than any man he was meek and lowly and he came up there and the most masculine man that ever walked on the face of the earth but he had charity he had love and the strength that he had that in the midst of all of that shame that he was going through which he despised by the way that he said father forgive them for they know not what they do and some of those men recognize that he was the son of God when he died on the cross right there said truly this was the son of God truly this was a righteous man strength and I and I always think about this because I want to be strong I want to be masculine I don't want especially in the world we live in today it's too much too much effeminate garbage going out there there's too much gender bending but listen don't confuse masculinity like true biblical masculinity with this Andrew Tate garbage is out there this masculinity like you're just gonna treat women like property you're gonna treat women like just like their animals you're like oh that's not what he listen I'm sorry you just watched like the daily wire interview of him but go back and watch his other interviews where he's talking about prostituting out women and how he basically had a whole bunch of men basically get millions of dollars to meet these women that they never will meet and it's just this big scheme that he did destroying people's lives and destroying these women's lives it's garbage but the Bible teaches that true masculinity is where you have charity you're strong you quit yourself like men you gird up your loins like a man you have knowledge but you also have love it's not about just being the strongest man in the room it's about having love they say hey you know what there's the difference between being strong and not having charity and being strong and having charity is that the strong man will save his own skin the man with charity will sacrifice himself for everybody in the room and use that strength to save others and not himself that's what our Lord Jesus did he is the only one that had the strength to save the world from sin the only one because he even said to the father if there be any other way all things are possible through you if it be possible that this cup passed from me guess what it wasn't possible he was the only one that had the strength that had the capability to do it and he did it and he did it because he loved us that is the type of man I want to be because I want to have charity like my Savior had charity and still has charity. Go to 1st Peter chapter 4 in verse 7. 1st Peter chapter 4 in verse 7 says at the end of all things is at hand be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer and above all things have fervent charity among yourselves for charity shall cover the multitude of sins you notice that it keeps saying like above all things charity is the bond of perfectness we have these three faith hope and charity but the greatest of these is charity do you see a theme here that this is the greatest this is what you're striving for you have charity everything else is covered and you say what is this talking about what it says charity shall cover the multitude of sins well go to James chapter 5 James chapter 5 verse 19 I believe that that what this is talking about because it's talking about having using hospitality one to another it says without grudging and basically talking about you with brethren and everything loving the brethren having charity towards your brother it says in James chapter 5 verse 19 it says brethren if any of you do err from the truth and one convert him let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins now in Proverbs you don't have to turn there 10 verse 12 says hatred stirs up strife but love covereth all sins it takes love to go to your brother listen the kisses of an enemy are deceitful but the wounds of a friend are faithful right faithful are the wounds of a friend and it takes a lot to be that friend that says hey you're going down the wrong path hey you're gonna hurt yourself hey you're ruining your life it takes love to do that but guess what that love that charity even though they may hate you for it can save them we're not about saving a soul from death we're talking about them dying physically we're not talking about hell here we're talking about them dying them being there is a sin unto death the Bible says all unrighteousness is sin and there is sin not unto death I mean there's there's sin not all sin is equal by the way but charity will cover that and we need as brother and sisters in Christ we need to bear the the infirmities of the weak we need to those that are spiritual in meekness so to lift those up that have been taken out with a fall right so go to go to first go to Isaiah chapter 59 Isaiah chapter 59 verse 17 I was thinking about this because I was thinking about when it talks about putting on the new man adding to your to your faith all these different things it makes me think of like putting on the armor of God right you think about like okay I'm a believer it's time to put on all this different stuff right and kind of adding this stuff on there and you can see how like okay you can have all this stuff let's say you just had a sword and that's all you had well I mean that's better than nothing right or if you had like a shield but you didn't have a sword at least you can defend yourself a little bit it's better to have it all though right you want to have all the whole armor of God but you think about how you could be adding different things and it's not you know hey go for whatever you got but when it comes to Isaiah 59 in verse 17 there's an article to this poem of God that's not mentioned in Ephesians chapter 6 but it's talking about our Lord Jesus Christ actually here in Isaiah 59 but in verse 17 it says for he put on righteousness as a breastplate and an helmet of salvation upon his head and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing and was clad with zeal as a cloak and I think about charity is kind of like that cloak that just covers everything you know it just encompasses everything right you have all these different things you've added virtue you've added knowledge you've added temperance you've added patience you've added brotherly kindness you've added all these different things and hey cover that with charity all of that just cover it with charity because it says in Colossians 3 I've already read this but in Colossians 3 14 says above all these things put on charity which is the bond of perfectness notice that it's just like that's the end all like okay you put all the stuff now put charity over that because if you think about it you're putting on the whole armor of God you don't put the cloak on first right you put everything else on and the cloak goes on after that and it just covers everything and so I think about charity in that way and as you're adding all these different things I do think that you just need to constantly be mindful as far as okay I have virtue I need charity with that I'm not doing it for myself right think about it you could do something for somebody and have an ulterior motive right because the reprobates do that right they'll do things because of advantage they'll do a good deed because of advantage but they don't do it because they actually care about the person how about you know knowledge well I got knowledge but I did it because I want to look smart right just look at me look at how much I know or hey I want this knowledge because I want to help people out I want to be able to use this to to win people to Christ or to help my family and help someone else so you can think about that as far as why you're adding on that charity go to Jude and verse 20 Jude and verse 20 when it goes to soul winning I think this is a crucial listen you can win somebody and be in a bad mood and not being like super caring about everything don't get me wrong the Word of God is powerful the gospel powerful right and you can win somebody even if you're like in sin you know me like you you're not you haven't been right with God but you go out so winning you win someone to Christ and you're walking in the spirit for that moment when you're winning that person Christ right listen you want to you don't want to just be fruitful you want to bear much fruit right do you want to do you want to have fruit here or there or you want to be you know 30 fold 60 fold 100 fold so the question is how do I optimize how do I how do I be the most efficient with my time adding all of these things to your faith and and cloaking cloaking that with charity is going to cause you to be the most effective and you know godly Christian that you can be to where you're gonna win you're gonna be the most fruitful you can be and you're not gonna fall part of not falling is knowing that you can okay wherefore let him to think if he stands take you lest he fall the first thing you need to realize that we're all able to fall but here's how you keep that from happening but in Jude in verse 20 says but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith notice that you already have that holy faith but you're building yourselves up on it right what are you doing you're adding to it right you're adding virtue knowledge temperance going down line praying in the Holy Ghost keep yourselves in the love of God looking for that for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life and notice this and if some have compassion making a difference and others say with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh when it comes to soul winning I believe we need to have compassion you want to make a difference have compassion have charity have love go to Psalm 126 Psalm 126 Psalm 126 in verse 5 and listen sometimes you have to consciously turn this on if you will putting on the new man is not like osmosis necessarily you have to make a choice I'm putting on the new man I'm gonna put on love right now not fake I'm not saying to put on like some kind of fake love or like you know you're just putting on a facade of love but there's times where you're like all right I need I need I need to care about this person like I need to be thinking about this person get all this other stuff out of my mind I need to focus on people I'm gonna talk to when I go out soul winning I need to care about them I need to look at them as if they're one of my family members I need to know that this isn't just some random person but this is an individual whose soul matters and that God loves that that Jesus died for and that I need to try my best to convince this person to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ right and just have that compassion and love and not just going through the motions and we've all been there okay where it's just like we're just roll through the motions but we need to constantly be checking ourselves and saying hey let's turn on that compassion let's turn on that love this isn't it this is a human being here this is someone that Jesus died for this is someone that could what we talked about here can determine whether they go to hell or where they go to heaven for all eternity it says in Psalm 126 in verse 5 it says they that sow in tears shall reap in joy he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him notice that there's different elements there right they go first of all go you out into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature but also they're bearing precious seed being born again not a corruptible seed but an incorruptible by the Word of God which is living in the body forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you so we have the precious seed of the Word of God but notice that he that goeth forth and weepeth right those that sow in tears you don't need to be like Paul Washer that's just like a fountain of tears just every time he talks right that sometimes this is just where is your mental state at do you care do you care whether this person goes to hell or not do you care about this person at all and we need to be thinking about that as far as soul winning goes so when it comes to charity when it comes to love listen we're worthless without it and I do believe there's always an ounce there's some kind of charity or love when you win some of the Christ listen you're out there you took time out of your day you're talking to this person don't get me wrong okay but about more and more in it you want to be more fruitful add more charity in there add more compassion add more weeping and some people you're gonna have to actually weep over you're gonna have to actually not not maybe at the doorstep but I mean like as far as like family members are trying to win to the Lord like you're praying you're weeping you're you're you're crying out to God for them that there needs to be that compassion that you care there's people that I would not have won unless they know they knew that I cared and they can see that listen people can see through the facade they can see whether you actually care or you're just like don't give a rip and so but go back to our second Timothy chap or second Peter second Peter chapter one and let's conclude this whole series here so notice in verse one it says Simon Peter a servant and an apostle Jesus Christ to them that obtained that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our our Lord so what do we see first who's he talking to those that have the faith they've obtained it their believers according as he as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that had called us to glory and virtue whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust what is it saying basically we are he's already given us all these all these things as far as this divine power he's given us everything that pertains into life and godliness what does that talk about the new man the new creature that's our in our soul or spirit he's already given it to us and we can be partakers of that that's the whole premise you're already a believer you already had that you have that new creature it's there tap into it be a partaker of it here's how you do it here's how you walk in the spirit here's how you actually put on the new man that's what says in verse 5 and beside this giving all diligence add to your faith virtue and the virtue knowledge into knowledge temperance and the temperance patience and the patience godliness the godliness godliness brotherly kindness and brotherly kindness charity add these things to your faith okay that's how you are a partaker of that divine nature how you partake in that new creature is that you add these things to your faith this whole passage would make zero sense if that's automatic well when you have faith you will have virtue true faith works false the Bible teaches Bible teaches that you are to add it but if it if it works then it make no sense for him to say that but keep reading there it says in verse 8 there for if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ but he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off and has forgotten that he is purged from his old sins wherefore the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure for if you do these things he shall never fall for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so what's the endgame here why do you want to add these things so you don't fall so you don't fall in the Christian life why do you want to add these things so you have an abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ do you want to just enter in like the thief on the cross or do you want to have the Lord Jesus Christ saying well done thou good and faithful servant I don't about you but I kind of want that second one I want that second entrance I want that that abundant entrance I believe that and this is an assortment there's there's many things that if you love the Lord and keep his commandments and do what you should be doing there are many blessings whether it's rewards whether it's positions of authority or maybe other blessings that we're gonna have in honors that we'll have because we did that in this life that's the endgame that's why you're you know if you want to reason that's why but go to go to second Peter chapter 3 and verse 9 second Peter chapter 3 and verse 9 because make no mistake about it you want to add all these things to your faith you want to add charity you want to do all these things you want to have that abundance entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ know this is that you have to give up the things of this life to a certain extent right I mean to go out soul-winning to come here to church you had to give up time didn't you to preach the gospel you have to give up time to go out there and do that you have to read your Bible what takes time out of this world there has to be sacrifice in order for that to happen I know this is that what little time our life is but a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes the way what is your life and then in eternity so have this mindset here that the Lord's coming back whether in our day or later on but even if we live 70 80 years what's that to eternity as far as the eternal weight of glory for living for the Lord or living for this world sure you can have things in this life but listen you'll be like Solomon that says it's all vanity and vexation of spirit because it's all gonna go away and he won't have it anymore and somebody else will have it but in verse 9 of the chapter 3 there it says the Lord is not slack concerning his promise to some men count slackness but as long suffering to us were not willing to any should perish but that all should come to repentance but the day the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with the great noise in the element shall melt with perfect heat the earth also in the works that are there in shall be burned up everything that you see today this building the vehicles out there everything that you see and have will be burned up it's all gonna be gone don't get too attached to it it's gonna be gone whether you die or whether Christ comes back and everything's burned up but then it goes on to say in verse 11 seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought you to be in all holy conversation and godliness looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved in the element shall melt with fervent heat nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens in a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness and that didn't print there we go wait a minute what in the world happened here got a lot of pages there before I got through that last part wherefore beloved seeing that you look for such things verse 14 be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless an account that the long-suffering our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him have written unto you as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction ye therefore beloved seeing you know these things before beware lest ye also being led away with the air of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness but grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever amen so the conclusion is really what the first portion of the book is talking about which is the fact that hey you don't want to fall you don't want to fall from your own steadfastness then add to your faith you want to have an abundant hey listen this is all gonna be burned up you want to have an abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ you want to have things that have eternal value then live for the Lord now and know that all this stuff's gonna be gone there is a trade-off there has to be there's only so much time in the day there is a trade-off to the things of this life and the things that are in eternity and we need to constantly try to abound more and more in the things for eternal value none of us have arrived not one of us have arrived in this area we're all striving to have more virtue more knowledge more temperance more patience more godliness more brotherly kindness and more charity we're constantly trying to abound more and more why so we don't fall so that we had that abundant entrance so that we're not barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of Jesus Christ because we know that the day of the Lord is gonna come and all this is gonna be burned up none of it's gonna matter and so that's add to your faith that's something that I think hopefully will help when it comes to okay I want to walk in the Lord I want to walk in the Spirit how do I do it and hopefully when you think about okay how do I know that I have charity well first Corinthians 13 really does give you an outline okay are these things true with how I'm acting or how I'm doing this does this apply do these things apply then okay then it's charity but if you have some things you're like well I'm kind of envious or well you know I'm kind of acting unseemly over here then you can't claim that you put on charity okay so hopefully it helps now I got to find another series to go through so I'm not putting it up for vote now I'm just gonna figure out one so anyway let's end with a word of prayer the only Father we thank you today thank you for your word thank you for the souls that were saved throughout the week and today and Lord just pray that you be with us as we go back home and give us safe travels and Lord we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name amen so brother Matt will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed please turn in your song books to page 46 my savior first of all if you'd stand page number 46 my savior first of all when my life work is ended and I cross a swelling tie when the bright and glorious morning I shall see I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side and this my will be the first to welcome me I shall know him I shall know him and redeem by his side I shall stand I shall know him I shall know him by the print of the