(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 220 song 220 in your some books we'll sing Jesus is all the world to me and if you would stand we'll sing song 220 Jesus is all the world to me my life my joy my all he is my strength from day to day without him I would fall when I am sad to him I go no other one can cheer me oh when I am sad he makes me he's my friend Jesus is all the world to me my friend and trial sore I go to him for blessings and he gives them or and or he sends the sunshine and the rain he sends the harvest golden grain sunshine and rain harvest and he's my friend Jesus is all the world to me and true to him I'll be oh how could I this friend deny when he's so true to me following him I know I'm right he watches over me and I following him by day and night he's my friend Jesus is all the world to me I want no better friend I trust him now I'll trust him when life's fleeting day shall end beautiful life with such a friend beautiful life no eternal life eternal joy he's my friend and let's pray heavenly Father Lord again we just want to thank you God for just the honor and privilege it is to be in your house and to hear Lord your wonderful word preached to us I pray Lord now that you would just Lord give us ears to listen and hearts to obey and we love you Lord and pray all this in Jesus name Amen or you may be seated and take your mountain Baptist songbooks your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual songbooks and turn to page number five page number five in your songbooks will sing Psalm 81 on page number five singing aloud unto God our strength make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob take a song and bring Heather the temporal the pleasant heart with the Psalm to read blow up the trumpet in the new moon and the time appointed on her solemn feast day for this was a statute for Israel and the law of the God of Jacob as he ordained in Joseph for a testimony when he went through the land of Egypt where I heard a language that I understood not I removed his shoulder from the burden his hands were delivered from the pots thou calls in trouble and I deliver the I answer thee in the secret place of Thunder I prove the at the waters of Meribah see la here are my people and I will testify unto thee oh Israel if thou were harken unto me there shall no strange God be in thee neither shall thou worship any strange God I am the Lord thy God wage brought thee out of the land of Egypt open thy mouth wide and I will fill it people would not harken to my voice and Israel would none of me so I gave them up unto their own hearts laws and they walked in their own councils oh that my people had harken unto me and Israel had walked in my ways I should soon have subdued their enemies and turned my hand against their adversaries the haters of the Lord should have submitted should have submitted themselves unto him but their time should have endured forever he should have been them also with the finest of the weed and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee out of the rock should I have satisfied thee amen welcome out mountain baptist church on this wednesday evening uh just some announcements here uh as far as service times coming up this sunday everything should be normal um and then we'll have our soul winning uh time in between there at one o'clock so uh everything should be normal this sunday and all of that uh we have our regional souling times monday tuesday wednesday thursday so just be on the church group there as far as all the times and everything there i know uh with soul winning marathon coming up on the 22nd i know that there's been a lot of um stuff going around there as far as rides and everything else just obviously get with brother charles ultimately on any information you want to get there as far as uh meet up spots all that um or just uh lodging hotel rooms everything else there um and then the the women's prayer meetings on the 23rd this month and then the men's prayer meeting is on the 28th uh we are tentatively looking at um i think it's july 5th which is a friday for the fireworks so friday seems to work best i like friday evening because you can you have saturday to recover and we're not coming in on sunday after being up really late and all that stuff with fireworks because it gets dark at like 9 30 you know when so and you gotta wait till it's dark to do fireworks or it just doesn't look good so um so that being said tentatively july 5th that friday that evening we're gonna have food all that stuff you want to bring anything you're more than welcome to um but uh we'll make sure we have everything there as far as that goes i say we just do hot dogs so there's no confusion as far as whether things are done it's hot dogs are pretty much done anyway right i mean just a matter of warming them up so um no i don't know we'll see we'll see if someone's brave but you know what i'm not doing anything with it when it comes to the cooking part i'm not involved at all because i don't want to be blamed when things aren't done so anyway um so that that actually is going to be here before you know it um what's today the the fifth is today the fifth the june 5th so a month from today you know just a month from now um so uh so that's that's coming up as well um and obviously that's just a fun event to come to um if you want to come if you can make it out all of that i think most everybody's made it out to it at least once um and so and uh just always pray that we don't blow blow ourselves up actually that's just the big thing after everything's done i'm like we didn't die and nothing burned down so um that's mission accomplished there um chapter memory for the month is psalm 32 uh verse memory for the week is ephishians 4 30 and then on the pregnancy list there be in prayer for crystal mccloy due in august be in prayer for her and the mccloy family there with the new new ones on the way with the twins um i think that's about all i have for announcements um finishing or not finishing but continuing our series through second samuel where we made second samuel chapter eight tonight uh brother nick you're gonna be reading tonight so brother nick's gonna be reading that after we do another song offering box in the back there we want to give a tithe or an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only and brother they will come sing one more song then we'll have the scripture reading all right take your songbooks and turn the song 145 song 145 in your songbooks we'll sing it is well with my soul song 145 when peace like a river attendeth my way when sorrows like sea bellows roll oh whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul it is well with my soul it is well it is well with my soul though satan should though trial should come let this blessed assurance control that christ has regarded my helpless estate and have shed his own blood for my soul oh it is well with my soul it is well it is well with my soul my sin oh the bliss of this glorious thought my sin not in part but the hope is nailed to the cross and i bear it no more praise the lord lord oh my soul it is well with my soul it is well it is well with my soul and lord haste the day when my faith shall be signed the clouds be rolled back as a scroll the trump shall resound and the lord shall descend even so it is well with my soul it is well with my soul it is well it is well with my soul all right take your bibles and turn to the book of second samuel chapter number eight second samuel chapter number eight and your bibles we'll have brother nick read that for us second samuel chapter eight if you found your place say amen second samuel chapter number eight the bible reads and after this it came to pass that david smote the philistines and subdued them and david took methegama out of the hand of the philistines and he smoked moab and measured them with a line casting them down to the ground even with two lines measured he to put to death and with one full line to keep alive and so the moabites became david's servants and brought gifts david smote also had a deezer the son of rehab king of zoba as he went to recover his border at the river euphrates and david took from him a thousand chariots and 700 horsemen and 20 000 footmen and david hocked all the chariot horses and reserved of them for 100 chariots and when the syrians of damascus came to succor had a deezer king of zoba david slew of the syrians two and twenty thousand men then david put garrisons in syria of damascus and the syrians became servants to david and brought gifts and the lord preserved david wheresoever he went and david took the shields of gold that were on the servants of hadadezer and brought them to jerusalem and from beta and from berothai cities of hadadezer king david took exceeding much brass when toai king of hamath heard that david had smitten all the hosts of hadadezer then toai sent joram his son unto king david to salute him and to bless him because he had fought against hadadezer and smitten him for hadadezer had wars with toai and joram brought with him vessels of silver and vessels of gold and vessels of brass which also king david did dedicate unto the lord with the silver and gold that he had dedicated of all nations which he subdued of syria and of moab and of the children of amman and of the philistines and of amalek and of the spoil of hadadezer son of rehab king of zoba and david get him a name when he returned from smiting of the syrians in the valley of salt being 18 000 men and he put garrisons and eat them throughout all edom put he garrisons and all they of edom became david's servants and the lord preserved david whithersoever he went and david reigned over all israel and david executed judgment and justice unto all his people and joab the son of zeruiah was over the host and jehoshaphat the son of a high lid was recorder and zadok the son of a high tub and a himalek the son of a biathar were the priests and syria was the scribe and benaya the son of jehoiada was over both the karathites and the pelothites and david's sons were chief rulers let's pray dear heavenly father thank you so much for another night together and to have fellowship with the brethren and to hear your word preached i pray that you would fill the pastor with your spirit and help us all to be edified by your word in jesus name amen amen so you're there in second samuel chapter eight and uh we are continuing our study through this book and if you know this is obviously a book dealing with the reign of david and so uh chapter seven we saw where david wanted to build the house of the lord and god told him uh basically not you but your son and but he gives that covenant or that everlasting covenant if you will with david and his throne and the fact that basically they'll never want want a man to be king in juda and as far as on david's throne and that's fulfilled in christ and the fact that he is the seed of david and he's going to roll and reign forever and so obviously that all makes sense chapter eight here we're really getting into basically a chapter of a lot of victories as far as the battles that david goes through as he's reigning king in israel and basically these are all just great victories and what we'll see is that basically the kingdom of israel just keeps kind of going on the incline until we get to the famous story of bathsheba in chapter 11 and so we're kind of just still on that incline the lord's blessing him the lord's you know obviously with him and he's doing right and all of this and uh but verse one here we see that he's going to take out the philistines and in verse one it says and after this it came to pass that david smote the philistines and subdued them and david took methagama out of the hand of the philistines now i'm going to be kind of comparing this with first chronicles chapter 18 because first chronicles chapter 18 is literally just a parallel chapter if you will to this this chapter and sometimes you'll see some some more insight or maybe some more information when you go to that because methagama or methagama however you want to say it it basically this is the only place it's mentioned in the bible um and there's a lot of dispute as far as what place this is if it's a place or if it's just a phrase now i've heard people say that you know i was reading up on like what this place is or you know what what uh basically obviously has to do with the philistines but they think it may just be a phrase to just kind of allude to basically gath and all of that um now i'll say this go to first chronicle chapter 18 it could very well be just kind of like a province or a town around gath um kind of like if you were to think about like bethlehem and jerusalem right that bethlehem is kind of like a town of jerusalem but bethlehem is kind of like a very important town right of jerusalem as far as its significance so maybe this is like a town of that because notice what it says here in first chronicles 18.1 it says now after this it came to pass that david smoth the philistines subdued them and took gath and her towns out of the hand of the philistines so now we see that it's gath and her towns and you say well it's saying something different no it's just that there's different information okay all of it's true right gath was taken and her towns were taken and this this uh method method gamma was taken as well the question is is you know is this one of the provinces is this one of the towns and all of that in the end um you know i i don't think it's that big of a deal to know that hey maybe there's a town that's named that that's around gath okay but that being said that's what it starts off so you're going to kind of see where david is just taking out different uh countries and these are these are the usual usual suspects right you think of the philistines moab and the next one is moab that he takes out and it's going to be syria and like and you're dealing with the kind of the typical people the typical ones he's having to deal with um and i mean obviously when david first comes on the scene who's he what's the famous story who's he killed goliath of gath you know the philistines so um just kind of in the usual suspects if you will in verse uh two here it says any smoke moab and this is interesting as far as what's discussed here now this this information is given right here isn't in first chronicles so this is kind of like some some insight as far as it's because in first chronicle it just basically says he he smoked moab and then it says the moabites were servants under david but notice what it says here it says and measured them with a line and cast them down to the ground even with two lines measured he to put to death and with one full line to keep alive and so the moabites became david's servants and brought gifts this is very you know you say well what's so interesting about this well one uh the idea of stretching them out with a line is a phrase that's used with the lord destroying go to lamentation chapter two lamentation chapter two and verse eight just to show you kind of this and basically a line to measure something is used a lot in the bible okay a lot of times actually it's used to measure things that are round uh to get maybe the the circumference and if you think about it that's kind of the easiest way to measure something that is not straight or that's that's curved or whatever it's just to take basically if you took a string and let's say you wanted to say how how what's the what's the circumference of this cup where you take a string and you and you put it around it and then then you figure out where it ended it ended right and then you have this long string right here and you measure that right and now you have your circumference and then you can figure out with obviously uh pi times the diameter you know you can figure out what your diameter is all that stuff okay um so this is used a lot in the bible to talk about like measuring things like a measuring line uh sometimes we've talked about plum line which is a little different because you're talking about whether whether a wall is plum or not you know as far as that goes but all that be said is that notice what it says here in lambentation chapter 2 and verse 8 it says the lord have purpose to destroy the wall of the daughter of zion he hath stretched out a line he hath not withdrawn his hand from destroying therefore he made the rampart in the wall to lament they languished together and it's kind of like the idea of just basically measuring out how much he's going to destroy right because that's kind of what david's doing here is that he's measuring out with a line but what i see here is that basically by doing this i believe what it's stating here is that two parts were killed and one part was saved like it's kind of a way of of doing that it's like there's two full two lines that were destroyed because it wouldn't to me like unless you're going to sometimes it'll say like you measured out a line of like so many qubits right so a line could be whatever right but the idea here is that i believe we're talking about equal lines just as much when it says a time and times and half a time you know when it's talking about like measurements when it just says like a time times i obviously i think all those times would be the equal amount of time right it wouldn't be varying okay and so when it comes to this it's interesting that it's two parts are destroyed one part is alive or that is kept alive okay and it says basically that one third part that's kept alive is going to basically be the servants of david okay now the thing that kind of immediately stuck out in my mind was a passage in zechariah okay go to zechariah chapter 13 this chapter is kind of just pretty straightforward in the fact that david is basically winning all these victories um so when it comes this year like oh you're going off on a tangent well here's the thing uh the bible obviously is very deep but also it's my job as your pastor to basically dig deep and find things in the bible that are interesting and that you're going to learn right i take wednesday night very very seriously because wednesday night is a very hard service to come to because of work schedules all that stuff so i could come here and just be like hey david beat the moabites cool david beat the syrians cool all right let's close our bibles i mean basically he wins all these battles case closed but here's the thing there's there's more stuff in there when you look deeper and you say you may be stretching this but i you know i don't believe anything's incidental i mean why would that information be there why did david do this specifically like this notice what it says here in zechariah in verse 13 because this is immediately what i thought about is in zechariah 13 verse 7 it says away go sword against my shepherd and against the man that is my fellow said the lord of hosts smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered and i will turn mine hand upon the little ones so obviously this this is a uh you know quoted in new testament dealing with jesus and his disciples and all that but in verse eight here it says and it shall come to pass that in all the land said the lord two parts therein shall be cut off and die but the third shall be left therein and i will bring the third part through the fire and will refine them as silver is refined and will try them as gold is tried they shall call on my name and i will hear them and i will say it is my people and they shall say the lord is my god so just very interesting on the fact that david when he destroys the moabites he keeps a third and those that third becomes his servants okay and something very similar to this which i believe may give a little insight as far as like how many of israel god didn't completely blind okay think about this like we talked about like blindness is done in part to israel think about like you know i'm not i'm not here to be dogmatic and say well two-thirds of israel was completely blinded but i'll say this blindness was done in part so it's part of it right but how much and then you get into the fact of okay them being destroyed too i mean you think about take it to a physical level of when israel is destroyed by rome in 70 ad how many people survived that and how many people you know and all that but then you think about how many people uh got saved or you know like different things like that so there's different things you can think about with this but i i find it very interesting that especially since david's kingdom and his throne and that's all being promised to him and to his seed and obviously the promise of jesus coming i will be to him a father he should be to me a son the next chapter we're talking about the fact of hey destroying a nation and two parts destroyed one part is saved and kept alive and that are going to be his servants and so i don't believe that's coincidental i think that does kind of fit in there it's also interesting how the converse is true when it comes to the angels right because how many angels fell one third right and two-thirds stayed so uh anyway math is fun isn't it you know percentages 33.333 repeating of course you know like that's a third anyway um i think that's interesting i think that's something that is kind of in there to kind of allude maybe to something that's going to be later to something that's bigger and picture something that's that's there as well um so anyway um going on from that in uh second same chapter eight and verse three second same chapter eight verse three it says in verse three david smote also had it had it easier the son of rehob king of zoba as he went to recover his border at the river euphrates and david took from him a thousand chariots and seven hundred horsemen and twenty thousand footmen and david hawked all the chariot horses but reserved of them for uh for a hundred chariots okay so go to first chronicles chapter 18 first chronicles chapter 18 and let me just talk about the so-called contradiction um now i've answered this one in that 101 so-called contradictions or supposed contradictions um but you know anytime i ever see this verse i think of people bringing this up it's like hard for me not to think about that right there's just certain passages where you're just like yep that's what they always go to it's always some number thing so look at verse four so what we see in in verse four of of chapter eight of second samuel we saw that how many uh how many things did he take he took a thousand chariots and 700 horsemen and 20 000 footmen okay in chapter uh first chronicles chapter 18 verse four says david took from him a thousand chariots and 7 000 horsemen and 20 000 footmen david also hawked all the the chariot horses but reserved of them and hundred chariots you say well over here it says seven thousand over there it says 700 and by the way this is this is straight up just what the text says this is not a translation problem or anything like that well in original it should say seven thousand seven thousand or seven hundred seven hundred um no that's just what it says and so um now here's what you have to understand with any type thing like this did it say that he only took 700 horsemen any other passage right that's what i mean that could be answered for most all these these stupid so-called contradictions we're like was it one man or two men well let me ask you a question did it say there was only one man there and no one else because if it says that then then okay we got we got to figure out what's going on here right but if i say you know like if i said to you if for example if i was talking to you know someone later on i said hey brother nick was at church tonight and then and then later on they're like you lied to me because brother richie was there too it's like wait a minute i didn't say brother nick was the only person at church though does that make sense so like i could literally make up i could have like probably you know like i don't know how many different scenarios of me telling who's at church tonight just because of all the different combinations i could have with that right i can say brother dave and brother nick i can say miss paul and brother dave i can say brother dave brother dave right you're like oh contradiction is both the same name you know like people have that when they think it's just like they're not even thinking in reality how about people have the same there's people that have the same name how about you know there's different scenarios in which just who's stating the story but like i said that could be answered just simply in that that maybe there was specific a specific 700 horsemen that that he captured that were very significant and maybe there's like this you know significance to that right kind of like how david has so many men but he has certain mighty men right there's so many different ways you can answer this but how about this also in chapter 8 of second samuel it says that he smote also had a reaser and it says the son of rehob king of zoba as he went to recover the borders of ufredes well in first chronicles 18 3 it says david smote had a reaser king of zoba unto haymath so now here's the thing basically there's kind of like a what's a campaign if you will that's going on here that it could have been the fact that hey with had it easier he had a certain amount but he went a little further and in first chronicles 18 is dealing with you know other horsemen and all this other stuff in this whole like kind of battle right because you could have one battle over here you could have like five different battles and second samuel's talking about that one right but then you have the whole campaign and what that would encompass it's like the same thing when they say well you know the bible says in first corinthians that 23 000 people or in numbers it says 24 000 people died because of fornication in new testament says 23 000 except for the fact that in new testament it says in one day though and so this could be answered in so many different ways when it comes to this here's the thing both are right and just because i said there was five people at church tonight that doesn't discount that there was more too right i'm not lying it's not wrong for me to say there's five there was five people at church tonight but if i say there was only five people at church tonight that's where you have problems there was no one else but the five then i would be lying okay so anyway that one that one's just to get me that let me just get that off my chest on how stupid these so-called contradictions in the bible are that people are trying to bring up okay and they're always trying to attack the king james bible this isn't even a king james bible issue but the problem is that a lot of these new versions they will correct the original and they'll put like 700 for both or 7 000 for both even though that's not what it says so anyway now the other thing to notice here is that there may be a term here that maybe you haven't seen before maybe you don't know what it means or maybe you do but david hawked all the chariot horses now hawked what is that talking about that doesn't mean like you're hawking something like off in this black market somewhere right normally that's what you would think of right i oh i hawk that thing off you know got rid of it hawking is talking about hamstringing okay they hamstring those horses basically it's where you you basically cripple an animal by cutting certain tendons right imagine if you cut like the the helis or something like that on an animal it kind of cripples them they're not dead but they're just not they're not going to be used for war let's put it that way you could probably ride it you could probably do certain things with it but you're not going to go off in the battle with it so basically he's kind of he's hamstringing these but he didn't hamstring all of them right he kept he kept 100 for um or it says he reserved to them four and hundred chariots and what you have to understand with that that doesn't mean that he only kept 100 because there would be multiple horses per chariot that that goes into another contradiction in another contradiction in another place where it talks about horses and chariots and stalls and all that stuff but anyway um so hawked is a term that's used in the bible and uh you know just something to know there this is one of those archaic terms you know in the bible it's like all you have to do is open a dictionary or just open up your phone and go to dictionary.com put that word in there and you know what's going to tell you hamstring cripple animal cut tendon you know oh cool i learned a new word so when people are just like oh we need a new version we need you know we need to update this it's too archaic it's like maybe you just need to learn maybe you just need to get more vocabulary you know because a lot of these terms in the bible if you were to talk to someone that deals with horses or deals with that type of stuff they they probably know off the cup what you're talking about i just watched this video where this guy was bringing up all these terms that they said that were uh were you know archaic and he said angle like when you're talking about fishing i'm like they're literally called anglers like if you were like have you ever watched you know bass fishing on on tv to make you fall asleep they're called anglers right fishermen and it's just like just because you're not that just because you don't do that doesn't mean that that you don't know that so and it's just funny to me how people are just so quick to say that that's archaic maybe you just don't know and you know what that is that's a bunch of pride to think that you know everything you know all these words and that basically if you don't know it then it must not be a common word like it doesn't even it doesn't even come into their mind maybe i don't have that good of a vocabulary you know maybe that's the case right so anyway i mean who here has not read a book that had vocabulary that you had to look up especially if it's an older book but i mean even books today that you would read uh just get get some vocabulary and here's the thing a lot of times in the bible it's very self-explanatory and the context will tell you what it is so i'll show you i'll show you that here right now that the bible well actually the great thing about the king james bible is that it doesn't just use the same word all the time it'll use synonyms this is used throughout the bible where you can look at a parallel passage that's saying the same thing but it'll use a synonym because if you don't know the one word you might know the other one okay and let me this one's important to know because um this is used in the new testament and and second samuels chapter eight and verse five dealing with the syrians the syrians are going to come and try to help out had it easier okay so this is talking about basically he's taking out had it easier and the syrians hear about it and they're coming to basically help right but it it says here verse five it says when the syrians of damascus came to succor had it easier king of zoba david slew of the syrians two and twenty thousand men then david put garrisons in syria of damascus and the syrians became servants to david and brought gifts and the lord preserved david with so ever he went so basically they come and they're trying to basically help out had it easier and they end up becoming servants to david so um but what's what's succor mean okay and when you look at that word it's easy to be like secure right like it kind of looks like that a little bit or something like that but it's not it means to help okay but here's the thing go to the parallel passage first chronicles chapter 18 first chronicles chapter 18 and verse five first chronicles 18 verse five first chronicles 18 verse five says is says this and when the syrians of damascus came to help had a greaser king of zoba david slew of the syrians two and twenty thousand men just point blank boom definition right now here's what you could have done you could have looked it up on dictionary.com and guess what it would say help okay so but this is used in the new testament in some pretty well-known passages okay for example second corinthian chapter six verse two second corinthian chapter six and verse two which also you can look this up because this is quoting old testament but also look at uh if you look at second corinthian chapter six verse two it says for he saith i have heard thee in time accepted in the day of salvation have i suckered thee behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation so what are we talking about helped thee right suckered thee help thee hebrews 2 18 says for in that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succor them that are tempted just very simple just means to help and all that and you're like why doesn't it just say help well because the bible is actually very beautifully translated and there's many words in there so i don't know about you but i kind of like the idea that there's other words that are explaining the same that so that if you don't know what sucker means you know what help means if you don't know what help means you know what sucker means you're like there's there's places in there where one person would be like i know what that means but i don't know what this means and vice versa okay so we see here that david puts garrisons in syria and the syrians become servants to him so basically he's taking over he's he's he's defeating these countries and then they're becoming his servants and they're giving him gifts it's kind of like paying tribute right and remember who do you get tribute from according to you know who are you supposed to get tribute from from the children of the land or from strangers and remember peter says strangers right and he says then are the children free and this is the way it should be is that we're getting tribute from outside sources and all that and not taxing our own people so but that's not certain for another day so again when it comes to this there when it comes to just knowing you know vocabulary in the bible one is find a parallel passage see if you can find a parallel passage and maybe it'll have a different word there explaining the same thing think about pretense right some people know what pretense means some people don't well when it says for a pretense they make long prayer and another passage it says for for a show they make long prayer right or immediately they believe in a non with joy they receive it right and a non and immediately mean the same thing right there there's there's just parallel passages but what you'll find in a lot of cases is the first time it's mentioned it defines itself one example of this is uh is jeremiah 630 where it says reprobate silver shall men call them because the lord hath rejected them first mention of reprobate or the first use of reprobate and in the same verse rejected so that a lot of times is how you can find a definition but ultimately sometimes it's not a parallel passage it's not used more than once there's sometimes where words are just used one time like when jesus says i tro not right and he's like that's only used once you know and you just have to look it up and that's just the way it is um go to second samuel chapter eight and verse seven second samuel second samuel chapter eight and verse seven he's taking out the philistines take out the moabites in turn because he took out the moabites the syrians basically came in tried to try to uh circumvent that that failed and now the syrians are basically his servants and uh verse seven here it says and david took the shields of gold that were on the servants of hadadezer and brought them to jerusalem and from betah and from barathai cities of hadadezer king david took exceeding much brass so go to first chronicle chapter 18 because we see that he takes these these shields of gold and immediately what i was thinking of was how solomon makes shields of gold and i don't believe these are the same shields because it literally talks about solomon making them or having them made and i think he makes like 300 of them but what's interesting is what's said here about this brass is that this brass is actually used for the house of god okay because in um in verse eight here of first chronicle chapter 18 it says likewise from tim hath and from kun cities of hadadezer brought david very much brass wherewith solomon made the brazen sea and the pillars and the vessels of brass if you remember when david was wanting to build the house of the lord god told him that he wouldn't do it but his son would but david basically stored up a whole bunch of materials that he was wanting to use and basically what what it states in this chapter is that every time he would take over or take over a nation or basically he would conquer a nation all the spoil he would give to the lord so that's what you see here is like the gold silver the brass all these different things are basically set aside for the lord and salt and right here is stating that solomon used that and we know that that's what's stated later on when solomon's going to build the house of lord david basically had a storehouse if you will of materials for that and we just kind of see that applied here and the fact that this was used for the house of lord later on which gets into another sermon for another day and the fact that when it talks about the habitations of the of the wicked are left to the just and the idea that that you know the wicked may have a lot of like gold and silver and all these different things but god can take that from them and give it to the just anytime he wants and that that a lot of times happens even in this life where you know they build it up and god destroys them and gives it to those that are righteous even in this life and so so that's definitely interesting to see is just kind of that you know showing that forward to where uh david is getting all this material where he got it from right because you when you read about david basically saying he has all this gold and silver and all these different things you're like where did this all come from well came from syria came from moab came from all these different places where he conquered or he defeated them and got that now in uh second same chapter eight verse nine this is uh this king of hamath so remember he goes up onto hamath so basically he's on this kind of uh uh campaign if you will where he's he's taken out the philistine taken out moab and then syria comes in and basically he's doing this up to hamath while the king of hamath apparently it is it kind of reads as if like the king of syria was his arch enemy and david took him out so toai is really happy to hear that david took out his enemy so he kind of links up he links up with david because just for that kind of reason right there that david took him out now now toai doesn't have to worry about him and basically david did all the heavy lifting on that because notice what it says in verse nine here it says when toai king of hamath heard that david had smitten all the hosts of hadadezer then toai sent i'm sorry hadadezer uh of moab not this not not the syrians the syrians came in later it says any he had fought had against hadadezer and smitten him for hadadezer had wars with toai and joram brought with him vessels of silver and vessels of gold and vessels of brass which also king david did dedicate unto the lord so here's where we see that hey he's dedicating this unto the lord it says with the silver and gold that he had dedicated of all nations which he subdued so here we see it's just stating it that all nations that he subdued or conquered or i guess basically defeated he took all that spoil all that silver and gold and brass and all that and he was reserving that for the lord okay dedicating it to the lord verse 12 it says of syria and of moab and of the children of ammon of the philistines and of amalek and of the spoil of hadadezer son of rehob rehob king of zoab so basically it's like of all these nations that he has subdued all of that spoil basically was dedicated to the lord and in first chronicles you see where hey it's mentioning some of that being used for the house of the lord okay in first chronicles chapter 18 where it says that he sent he sent his son so toai sends his son joram to king david to salute him and to bless him in first chronicles 18 10 we see one that people have different names right and don't get tripped up on this when you're reading through the old testament and you see nebakanezer and in another place you say nebakadrezer and you're like is that a typo no it's just the fact that people have different variations of their name and this is very common we were just talking about king uzziah and azariah he's called azariah in one passage in another place he's called uzziah or uzziah however you want to say it but this happens all the time or it's johoram or joram right and they'll even just shorten it a little bit people have nicknames they have multiple names in a lot of cases so don't get tripped up on this and be like oh that's a typo or this is wrong no it's just just facts of life that people have different variations on their names okay girls sit down and it's in verse nine you see even toai is tou king of haymath but in verse eight in verse 10 there it says he sent hadoram his son to king david to inquire of his welfare and to congratulate him so you see here that when he's coming to basically uh to salute him and bless him what he's really just congratulating him and basically wishing him well all this stuff and basically linking up with him and by the way this is the narrator speaking so i don't believe this is nefarious i don't i don't believe toai was just like trying to basically getting good with him and circumvent things and trying to you know be flattery or anything like that it seems very legit that he's just really happy that that david took out his enemy and he's wanting to congratulate him and all that and uh obviously you can tell like he's not going to be his enemy um but um but yeah so uh just kind of want to point that out especially the variations of names that happens all the time even in new testament you'll see you'll see noe and you'll see you'll see different variations with the even in the uh even in the new testament with how names are of the same person and all of that okay so uh second chapter eight verse 13 second chapter eight verse 13 what's interesting about this next thing that's stated here is in verse 13 of chapter 8 so second same chapter 8 verse 13 it says and david get him a name when he returned from smiting of the syrians in the valley of salt being 18,000 men okay what's interesting about that is the next thing that's mentioned is like putting garrisons in edom now if you remember uh if you remember uh when he smites the syrians earlier in the chapter it says he put garrisons in syria okay here it states he's smiting of the syrians but then it's talking about putting garrisons in edom and automatically you're kind of thinking like where did edom come from in this well go to first chronicles chapter 18 first chronicles chapter 18 and verse 12 you'd be like stop comparing these paths for robinson because people are going to be like there's there's all these contradictions no here's the thing instead of being an idiot and thinking that there's contradictions in the bible maybe you can look at it i'm not talking to you guys i'm talking to the crowd out there that thinks there's contradictions in the bible instead of being a fool or an idiot and thinking that maybe look at it and be like hey maybe there's a reason why there's chronicles and there's second same right maybe there's a reason why there's these other two books because it's giving you more information right because if it all said the same exact thing what's the purpose of writing what's the purpose of even having those books if it's just lock and stab same thing it's like just read it twice we don't need to write it twice but here's the thing notice what it says here in second chronicles 18 verse 12 it says moreover abishai the son of zeruiah which one we see that he's involved in this obviously slew of the edamites in the valley of salt 18 000 you say well okay i thought it was the syrians now you're saying it's edamites what you have to understand is that the syrians were taking over everybody so yeah they're edamites okay but edam was under the control of syria and when they they went to that battle it'd be kind of like when david was fighting for the philistines right he'd be considered a philistine wouldn't he he's a part of the philistine army yet he's of israel he's an israelite and just as much as those people that david killed when he was of philistia you know philistia and going after them he destroyed juda but if you remember the people that he destroyed weren't of juda they were just living in juda they were technically of juda and of israel but they were not israelites technically right and so what you have here is that it's giving you some information one that it was edamites that were destroyed specifically right and what you have to say this happens all the time when it comes to armies that they conscript other nations and other people to fight their battles but it's still that nation's army okay when it comes to that considered their army okay and throughout history this happens whether it's england or whether it's france or whether it's whoever right that i mean for example would you say that the french beat uh beat england or won the revolutionary war or would you say america did but we did have the french did help though okay but you would say it was the american revolutionary war wouldn't you you just had some help from the french okay and so anyway that that being said is that this gives you more information but it also doesn't that give a little more clarity why we're putting garrisons in the and edam because it was edamites that were fighting for the syrians in the valley of salt and it was edamites specifically that were destroyed and then he put garrisons in edom and it says in verse uh 14 of chapter 8 so second samuel 8 and verse 14 says and he put garrisons in edom throughout all edom put he garrisons and all they of edom became david's servants and the lord preserved david with a server he went and says pretty much the same thing in uh first chronicles 18 all the edomites became david's servants now this is also i believe a very important event that happens here because if you remember there's a prophecy given about israel and edom isn't there about edom serving israel look at look at genesis chapter 25 let's go back to genesis here this is where edom is the servant of israel and literally the elder is serving the younger and we see it happening physically happening here in this chapter with david being king and it he's king over all of israel and edom is their servant okay and this all makes sense because when this this is given the elders are served younger it was never meant to be talking about the specific person israel or jacob and the specific person esau or edom right we're talking about nations okay and it's even stated when it when people try to put this on specific people it's always hilarious to me because even the place where it states this it's very clear we're talking about multiple people and nations okay but notice what it says here in genesis 25 verse 23 and the lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb right i mean obviously there's only two people that are in her womb right jacob and esau but she's obviously talking about the nations that are going to come from them right two nations are in thy womb and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels and the one people shall be stronger than the other people and the elder shall serve the younger so very clear as day are we talking about one person serving the other person are we talking about multiple people serving other multiple people a nation serving another nation one manner of people another manner of people right so uh and this is brought up in romans chapter 9 romans chapter 9 but i just think it's interesting because this is really where you see it on paper in the bible this happening edom is serving of israel now obviously edom's going to revolt and it's not going to be like this perfect like israel's always over edom and throughout history from this point on but really you kind of see that where basically israel's over them they revolt and then they you know have to deal with them and all that stuff but show me where edom is servant to israel servants to israel before this and i'm not saying it's not there i'm just saying that you know maybe you'll find it and you know i'll eat crow and say hey no it actually happened back here and judges or something like that but um or some other place before that but i don't you know i this is where i'm seeing it at first happening and i know of a place where edom does revolt when you're dealing with aziah king king of judah joram and aziah and there's this whole thing that's going on there where the sabeans are coming in and they're basically taking captive and then the edomites come in and they take advantage of that situation obadiah talks about that and all of this okay but in roman chapter 9 verse 10 it says and not only this but when rebecca also had conceived by one even by our father isaac for the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of god according to election might stand not of works but of him that calleth it was said unto her the elder shall serve the younger so what are we talking about there nations that's a prophecy of nations not the people themselves meaning this is that jacob and esau were both basically innocent babies in the womb not doing good or evil and it was determined while they're in the womb which one of them as far as the nations that were going to come out of them which one was going to serve the other which one was going to be stronger than the other and then it goes on to say as it is written jacob have i loved but esau have i hated and that's also talking about nations when you look at malachi when it talks about that it's all talking about the nation of israel and the nation of edom and we see that playing out here in second samuel chapter eight so i think that's a very sometimes you just read over that and be like oh okay edom became david's servants except for that's a prophecy fulfilled that's i mean obviously there's going to be the spiritual aspect and and you know obviously jesus and and obviously what that represents right the children of god children of the devil like there's a lot of different like spiritual things you can look at that but just on the physical like israel as a nation edom as a nation israel is literally over and over authority and edom is serving them okay and we see that happening in this chapter go back to second samuel chapter 8 verse 15 second samuel chapter 8 verse 15 it says and david reigned over all israel and david executed judgment and justice unto all his people and it's easy to read over this except for the fact that when you read through the book of kings don't you wish you could see that more often right i mean what you usually see is that they didn't follow god like david their father right and you'll see that they didn't do what david did and so at this point david david is being blessed because he's doing right i mean he's reigning he's doing justice and judgment onto all people all his people that's what says here in second samuel chapter 23 second samuel 23 second samuel 23 and then obviously this is you know spoiler alert but this will come later but this is uh david speaking here obviously under the inspiration of the holy ghost but it says in verse one it says now these be the last words of david david the son of jesse said and the man who was raised up on high the anointed of god of jacob and the sweet psalmist of israel said the spirit of the lord spake by me and his word was in my tongue the god of israel said the rock of israel spake to me he that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of god now i would anybody doubt that that's coming straight from the mouth of god right there right i mean how many times you have to say who's how he's speaking this right it literally says the rock of israel spake to me he that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of god and this all comes back to that a legit ruler that god is ordaining or that god approves of is someone that does justice and that fears god this goes back to romans chapter 13 and the fact that we are to obey the higher powers that means that the powers that be the government that's in place is ordained of god but it does not mean that every official that's in that government is ordained by god notice what it says in romans chapter 13 and keep this in mind that god is saying he that ruleth over men must be just must be just ruling in the fear of god notice what it says here when you're looking at romans when you're looking at the actual rulers themselves right because the powers that be are ordained of god and we need to obey the higher powers well god's obviously the highest power but then notice what it says in romans 13 and verse 3 it says for rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil sounds familiar to what god's saying a ruler must be just meaning he's not a terror to those that are doing good he's a terror to those that are doing evil it says wilt thou then not be afraid of the power and it's basically like here's when you need to be afraid of the power when you're doing evil not when you're doing good okay and it says do that which is good now shall have praise to the saint for he is the minister of god to thee for good but if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is the minister of god a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil so when it comes to those that are rulers listen god didn't ordain adolf hitler or joseph stalin or mussolini he's not like hey here i ordained this person in this position he didn't ordain barack obama or donald trump right but the powers that be as far as the government the system of government that we have right now is ordained by god and i'll say this if the ruler is doing right then god ordains that makes sense like if the ruler is doing justice and ruling in the fear of god guess what that's ordained by god but if they're doing evil and they're and they're actually punishing those that are good guess what not ordained by god that is not god's you know will that's not god you know anyway so that's that one's for free okay so basically when you read this it's easy to just be like oh yeah that's good yeah that's what should be done except for the fact that when you read on when we go when you go through first kings and second kings you're just like you're just wish you could see that verse right where he did justice and in the fear of god now that happens every once in a while where there'll be a king that will rise up and that'll do right and all of that but you're just constantly being disappointed aren't you they're reading through they're just like ah another one another one that's bad go to second samuels chapter 8 second jam chapter 8 and verse 16 and we're almost finishing up chapter here because at the end here it basically just gives basically some of uh david's officers as far as like who's leading up certain things and so it just kind of lists off some names here we see here that first of all in verse 16 and joab the son of zero i was over the host so basically he was the captain of the host and that's something very important to remember because joab's going to kill his cousin a mesa later and because a mesa was then captain of the host so something happened there where a mesa takes over that position and it kind of makes you think why did joab kill him right so joab the son of zero i was over the host and jehoshaphat the son of a highland was recorder and zadok the son of a high tub and in himalak the son of abiathar were the priests and zero uh and sariah was the scribe and here's the man right here and and benaya the son of jojoda was over both the karathites and the pelothites so just remember that guy when you when you read about when you read about salma which we're obviously not getting into with second samuel but benaya um i need to do like a whole sermon on benaya he's just like a he's he's he's like the man you know that anyway he's like that that that character that's not that that's not that popular but should be right anyway uh benaya the son of jojoda was over both the karathites and the pelothites and david's sons were chief rulers now if you remember david has like 15 sons and that doesn't count the ones that were with his concubine so he obviously had a lot of chief rulers there um and obviously solomon is in that mix as well and all that but um but you just kind of see a list here when it comes to these things and sometimes when you're reading through lists like that you can zone out but obviously i'm going to be going through uh overview of first chronicles lord willing on the uh you know as we're going through the series you know on sunday night and what you have to understand is that these lists though they may be boring to read like if you're just reading through it they're very important they're very important if you want to really know the bible and you want to know everything about the bible and what you'll find is that sometimes you really appreciate those lists because anybody that does certain types of jobs sometimes you just want to chart don't you we made a chart when it came to the kings of israel and kings of judah and charts like that are really nice instead of just saying okay i need to figure out who's all the kings in judah well let me read first and second kings and and let me read both those books and i'll and i'll and i'll write those down right or you just have a chart that just shows you does that make sense and that's really where uh you know things like that where you're just like oh that's kind of just seems boring to read that um you know that may be important later that you don't realize so but that's second sam chapter eight let's end with a word of prayer the only follow we think today thank you for your word and pray to be with us throughout the rest of this week pray to give us uh safety in our travels pray to keep us uh pray to uh heal us from any sicknesses keep us healthy and be with all our church members and lord i praise you everything that we do be glorifying to you and lord we love you in paris in jesus christ name amen so brother they will come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song number 15 song number 15 and your songbooks will sing lead me to calvary if you would stand we'll sing song number 15 lest i forget thy thorn crown brow lead me to calvary lest i forget get simony lest i forget thy nagony lest i forget thy love for me lead me to calvary show me the tomb where thou had flayed tenderly mourned and wept angels in robes of light array guard is thee whilst thou slat lest i forget get simony lest i forget thy nagony lest i forget thy love for me lead me to