(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 196 so 196 in your song books will sing I will sing the wondrous story and if you would stand we'll sing song 196 I will sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me how he left his home in glory for the cross of Calvary yes I'll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me sing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea I was lost but Jesus found me found the sheep that went astray through his loving arms around me drew me back into his way yes I'll see the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me sing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea I was bruised but Jesus healed me faint was I from many a fall sight was gone and fears possessed me but he freed me from them all yes I'll see the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me singing with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea days of darkness still come or me sorrows path I often tread but the Savior still is with me by his hand I'm safely led yes I'll see the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me singing with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea he will keep me till the river rolls its waters at my feet then he'll bear me safely over where the loved ones I shall meet yes I'll see the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me singing with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea and let's pray heavenly father Lord again we just want to thank you God for another night that we get to gather and to hear your word preached I pray Lord now that you would just bless our pastor if I'm with your power and spirit and we love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all but amen you may be seated and take your mountain Baptist song books your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books and turn to page number four page number four we'll sing Psalm 67 on page number four God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause us faces shine upon us that thy way may be known upon earth thy saving health among all nations let the people praise thee Oh God let all the people praise thee oh let the nation's be glad and see for joy for thou shalt judge the people righteously and govern the nations upon earth the nations upon earth say let the people praise thee Oh God let all the people praise thee oh let the nation's be glad and see for joy then shall the earth yield her increase and God even our own gosh a blast God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him let the people praise thee Oh God let all the people praise thee oh let the nation's be glad and see for joy amen well my bet welcome the mountain Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and just some announcements here everything should be normal this week as far as all the service time so we'll have our Sunday morning service 10 p.m. our afternoon service at 4 p.m. and so in our soul winning time our main selling time at 1 o'clock on between the services there this evening we are gonna be continuing our study through the book of 2nd Samuel so we in 2nd Samuel chapter 7 today and so brother Wade will be reading that after we get done with the last song and then we have a regional sewing times on the list here as well as far as the Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday we do have the men's prayer meeting coming up this Friday and so that'll be at 6 6 p.m. this Friday so that'll be the men's prayer meeting if you can make it out that'd be great for that and then the soul winning marathon is upcoming upcoming on the list there is the Philadelphia soul winning marathon and that'll be June 22nd brother Charles is leading that one up and so if you want to go on that one specifically get a hold brother Charles as far as same thing kind of like when we do Lancaster we're gonna provide lodging and all that stuff so that obviously you don't have to drive out there that day but so that you get to stay at night there and so again get with brother Charles when it comes to that I know it seems like everybody is thinking the same thing coming back from Lancaster that Cumberland maybe it could be a good spot to go soul winning so we're kind of tentatively looking at Cumberland this summer at some point doing a soloing marathon out there I'm kind of wanting to do for our anniversary service doing something up in the Pittsburgh area I know we usually do wheeling but Pittsburgh pretty much the same like drive you know if you think about it just split there at 70 so I'm thinking maybe a Pittsburgh marathon and so that being said just kind of looking in the future there and so just be in prayer for that though when it comes to these these marathons and everything and also be in prayer you know what the church building situation we're still waiting on information on that to find out if everything's gonna go forward with them doing an addition and all that that'd be obviously ideal you know with our lease ending this October if that goes through then we'll just extend our lease and then obviously eventually get some more space there so but just me a prayer for that and and everything Bible memory for the month we're still on the month of May so Jonah chapter 4 Colossians 1 15 is our memory verse for the week and on well anniversaries everything happy anniversary to the McShay's I feel like we need to do it tonight so so May 20th was your all's anniversary what how many years seven years nice and so we'll sing happy verse anniversary to the McShays after now announcements here and then on the pregnancy list there be in prayer for Crystal McCloy due in August which will be here before you know it so be in prayer for her with the twins there and I think that's about what I have for announcements that I can think of so the offering box is the back there if you want to give a tie there an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers babies only the day is gonna come sing one more song we're gonna sing happy anniversary and brother Wade's gonna be reading second Samuel chapter 7 for us all right take your songbooks and turn to song 184 song 184 we'll sing my Jesus all right I love thee my Jesus but before we that we need to sing happy anniversary to the McShay's seven years congratulations on that and so you guys want to stand up for the okay here we go here we're ready and happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary god bless you happy anniversary to you hey happy anniversary to you both and seven years that's awesome and we will sing song 184 what words can I find to tell Jesus I love him because he first loved me because of my ransom he paid with such suffering upon the cur said tree in the morning at the noontime and when calm evening shadows I love thee my Jesus I love thee my king and rejoicing and in sorrow today and tomorrow I love me my Savior and Lord Oh come let us magnify Jesus together for praise become a theme and blessings about me I owe to my Savior who all things bought for me in the morning at the noontime and when calm evening shadows I love thee my Jesus I love thee my king and rejoicing and in sorrow today and tomorrow I love thee my Savior and Lord they never my praises be slow or be silent nor air my love grow dumb this center is saved and my sins all forgiven the Savior's work is done in the morning at the noontime and when calm evening shadows I love thee my Jesus I love thee my king and rejoicing and in sorrow today and tomorrow I love thee my Savior and Lord Oh how can I love thee enough dear Redeemer how air repay my friend I'll spread the glad sound of my praise and my heart love on every joyful when in the morning at the noontime and when calm evening shadow I love thee my Jesus I love thee my king and rejoicing and in sorrow today and tomorrow I love thee my Savior and Lord all right if you would take your Bibles and turn to the book of second Samuel chapter number seven second Samuel chapter number seven in your Bibles we'll have brother Wade come and read that for us second Samuel chapter seven and it came to pass when the king sat in his house and the Lord had given him rest roundabout from all his enemies that the king said unto Nathan the Prophet see now I dwell in a house of cedar but the ark of God dwelleth within curtains and Nathan said to the king go do all that is in thine heart for the Lord is with thee and it came to pass that that night that the word of the Lord came unto Nathan saying go and tell my servant David thus say of the Lord shalt thou build me a house for me to dwell in whereas I have not dwelled in any house since the time that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt even to this day but I have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle in all the places wherein I have walked with all the children of Israel spake I a word with any of the tribes of Israel whom I commanded to feed my people Israel saying why build ye not me and house of cedar now therefore so shalt thou say unto my servant David thus saith the Lord of host I took thee from the sheep coat from the from following the sheep to be a ruler of my people over Israel and I was with the three of thee whithersoever thou wentest and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy sight and have made thee a great name like unto the name of great men that are in the earth moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel and will plant them that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them anymore as before time in essence this the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel and have caused thee to breast from all thine enemies also the Lord telleth thee that he will make thee an house and when thy days be fulfilled and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers I will set up thy seed after thee which I proceed out of thy bowels and I will establish his kingdom he shall build an house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever I will be his father and he shall be my son if he commit iniquity I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the stripes of the children of men but my mercy shall not depart away from him as I took it from Saul whom whom I put away before thee and thine house and thy kingdom shall be established forever before thee thy throne shall be established forever according to all these words and according to all this vision so did Nathan speak unto David then went King David in and sat before the Lord and he said who am I O Lord God and what is my house that thou hast brought me hither to and this was yet a small thing in thy sight O Lord God but thou hast spoken also of thy servants house for a great while to come and is this the manner of man O Lord God and what can David say more unto thee for thou Lord God knowest thy servant for thy word's sake and according to thine own heart hast thou done all these great things to make thy servant know them wherefore thou art great O Lord God for that for there is none like thee neither is there any God beside thee according to all that we have heard with our ears and one and what one nation in the earth is like thy people even like Israel whom God went to redeem for a people to himself and to make him a name and to do for you great things and terrible for thy land before thy people which thou redeemest to thee from Egypt from the nations and their gods for that for thou hast confirmed to thyself thy people Israel to be a people unto thee forever and thou Lord art become their God and now O Lord God the word that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant and concerning his house establish it forever and do as thou hast said and let thy name be magnified forever saying the Lord of host is the God of over Israel and let the house of thy servant David be established before thee for thou O Lord of hosts God of Israel has revealed to thy servant saying I will build thee in house therefore hath thy servant found in his heart to pray over this this prayer unto thee and now O Lord God thou art that God and thy words be true thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant therefore now let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant that it may continue forever before thee for thou O Lord God has spoken it and with thy blessing the house of thy servant be blessed forever dear Lord thank you for your message thank you for letting us hear your word tonight please be as pastor as we hear this message in Jesus name pray amen amen so you're there in second same or chapter 20 or chapter 7 and it's interesting because we're going through these overview this kind of overview series and we just kind of been passing through 2nd Samuel and 1st Kings we just did 1st Kings so this chapter is actually dealing with the fact that David wants to build a house for the Lord and actually this past Sunday I was preaching on 1st Kings which a lot of 1st Kings is dealing with Solomon's reign and building the house of the Lord and all that this chapter is actually dealing with the fact that David is not going to build it but his son will and that's dealing with Solomon so this is that story if you will dealing with how David wants to do that in verse 1 here it says it came to pass when the king sat in his house and the Lord had given him rest round about from all his enemies that the king said unto Nathan the prophet see now I dwell in a house of cedar but the ark of God dwelleth within curtains so what he's talking about here and then what this passage is going to deal with and everything else is that basically since the time of when they were coming out of the land of Egypt through the judges and into that time God's house was still that tabernacle basically curtains if you're obviously you can go back to Exodus and see all the different sockets and pins and curtains and all these different things basically like a tent and it uses that terminology as a tent now it's interesting though but that in 1st Samuel when you're dealing with Eli being the priest and all that and dealing with the house of the Lord in Shiloh that it calls it the temple so it's still considered a temple but it's not like a permanent structure if that makes sense so it's it's basically something that's pitched up it could be moved all of that and so David is basically in his house and he's basically got this nice house and he has a desire to build the house of the Lord which I believe is a good desire I and but then Nathan the prophet says this in verse 3 so he's talking to Nathan the prophet and then Nathan it says in Nathan said to the king go do all that is in thine heart for the Lord is with thee so this is a great example of how a good man of God can say something that may not be what God wants okay and because we know later on that God's gonna say no actually David is not going to build the house okay so Nathan saying go do it and then God's gonna appear to Nathan and basically tell them no it's not gonna be David it's gonna be his son right and this is very important to understand because within Christianity there can be this kind of man worship type of basically instead of it being the man of God he's like a God man you know like the pastor or just different you know people in Christianity to where you know they're what they say is taken as gospel truth even if it's not strictly stated in the Bible okay and we need to be careful of that that we don't just go off what the preacher says just blanketly okay anytime I preach a sermon for example you should be checking that with the Bible okay there's certain things that I state that you just know to be true in the Bible when you don't really have to like let me check that out you know when he says that salvation is by grace through faith let me check that out it's like well you better have that down or what are we what are you even doing here at the moment right as far as understanding salvation but the thing is is that we need to have this understanding that even a good man of God can state something or maybe make a statement that everybody would think to be true and that's what God wants but that may not be what God wants and so we need to always be careful that and and know this is that this is a great example because in the Old Testament you obviously have prophets that God would speak to directly right and so now we don't have that audible like God speaking up to us out of a bush or out of the sky or out of the still small voice or in a dream or in a vision type of thing because we have the Word of God right here right we have a more sure word of prophecy and we have the Holy Ghost inside of us to teach us what it means what it says and all that but how much more in the Old Testament that when you looked at a prophet you would probably say hey that guy is a prophet of God he's speaking what God wants but here's a case where a good prophet says something kind of just off the cup and assuming that's what God would want because they was wanting to do a good thing and Nathan's basically saying yeah go do that the Lord's with thee okay meaning like I think Nathan's probably thinking like why wouldn't the Lord want him to do that kind of thing but it's just I think a good lesson to know that even good men of God can state things or say things that that they think to be right but may not actually be right okay and so always know that to be true that preachers are not perfect you know pastors are not perfect there will be things that I say that I'm listen I won't say unless I believe it's right you know but at the same time there may be things that I say that I think is right but then I find out later no that actually isn't right okay and it may be a minor thing it's probably gonna be minor things hopefully right because I don't want there to be like major things that I state that are wrong but at the same time you should always check with God you should always check with the Bible and see okay is that you know what God wants and all that okay now now there's certain things just in life that it's not gonna be written in the Bible okay you know like what car should I buy what what house should I buy like you know there's certain things where you know you just have to use biblical principles and and just pray about it and hopefully you make the right decision or make the best decision I guess and they're not always just right and wrong decision sometimes it's like good better best you know or or that wasn't the best decision but it's not wrong necessarily it just kind of is not a great situation you know and so anyway that being said I think it's a good lesson to know that hey even great men of God even David obviously can think that what they're wanting to do is what God wants and it's not necessarily what God wants at that time okay second Samuel chapter 7 verse 4 God's got God's obviously gonna come to Nathan and basically tell him what he's wanting to happen here verse 4 said and it came to pass that night that the word of the Lord came unto Nathan saying go and tell my servant David thus said the Lord shout thou build me in house for me to dwell in so he kind of it's a question and this is a rhetorical question meaning like you're not going to okay now when we go to Chronicles it's gonna be very clear that it's stated that he is not to build the house okay but it says whereas I have not dwelled in any house since the time that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt even to this day but have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle so he's making a point here that hey this has always been this way it's been this way up to this point and the point that God is making here is is that he didn't ask David to do this he wasn't asking anybody to do this it's not like people are dropping the ball here he just didn't ask for them to do it okay and that it's been this way and all of that it says in all the places wherein I have walked in verse 7 with all the children of Israel speak I a word with any of the tribes of Israel whom I commanded to feed my people Israel saying why build ye not me in house of cedar so that's a good question right I mean you think about like the fact that he's want to build this house was like but did God ask for that right even though it may seem like hey that's something that should be done the question is did God want that though is that what he was asking for okay it says in verse 8 here it says now therefore so shalt thou say unto my servant David thus said the Lord of hosts I took thee from the sheep cot from following the sheep to be ruler of my people over Israel and I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy sight and have made thee a great name like unto the name of the great men that are in the earth moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel and will plant them that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more as before time and as since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel and have caused thee to rest from all thine enemies also the Lord telleth thee that he will make thee in house so notice how God is stating this to David that did I ask for a house you know basically did I ask for a house and all this time that I asked for a house but he's actually turning saying I'm gonna build you a house so this the conversation switches to date that God's gonna build David's house though and I'm gonna be going through these verses and kind of explain these verses because these obviously apply to David physically and to Solomon but these are a lot of prophetical verses dealing with the Lord Jesus Christ and how these verses would even make sense that it's that applies today because these verses still apply today because it's going to apply to the Lord it's gonna apply to Jesus okay so that there's very much you know foreshadowing of the Lord Jesus in this passage but notice that says also the Lord telleth thee that he will make thee in house so the Lord is turning and saying I'm gonna make you a house and it says and when the days be fulfilled and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers I will set up thy seed after thee which I'll proceed out of thy bowels and I will establish his kingdom and he shall build in house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever so physically speaking who we talking about Solomon right Solomon is going to be that seeds gonna come out of his bowels and he's gonna establish his kingdom and Solomon is gonna build his house okay it says I will be his father he shall be my son if he commit iniquity I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the stripes of the children of men but my mercy shall not depart away from him as I took as I took it from Saul whom I put away before thee and thine house and thy kingdom shall be established forever before thee thy throne shall be established forever according to all these words and according to all this vision so that Nathan speak unto David so basically Nathan hears all this and he relays it all to David but go to 1st Chronicles chapter 28 and I'm gonna go back to those that that passage there in 2nd Samuel but basically in this passage it's just kind of this rhetorical question like shall thou build a house unto me and basically stating that I ever asked for a house I'm gonna build you a house it's basically that conversation that's going on there right and 1st Chronicles 28 which obviously chronicles parallels with Samuel but 1st Chronicles 28 verse 2 it says then David the king stood up upon his feet and said hear me my brethren and my people as for me I had in my heart to build a house of rest for the ark of the Covenant of the Lord and for the footstool of our God and had made ready for the building but God said unto me thou shalt not build an house for my name because thou hast been a man of war and has shed blood so chronicles is kind of giving us more of a reason as far as why no it's gonna be Solomon that's going to do it and obviously there's gonna be a picture there as far as Solomon building the house and obviously how the Lord Jesus came not to destroy but to save right the Son of Man came to save and not to destroy and there's gonna be a picture there as far as David being a man of war and Solomon being a man of peace and obviously not of war and the idea of how the Lord Jesus is going to come the first time right and but it gets into that obviously there's so much in here as far as like the footstool because in Isaiah it talks about heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool and he dwelleth not in a temple made with hands and basically like where's the where's it where's his dwelling right it's like basically heaven is his throne earth is his footstool and David's kind of regarding that that he's basically making a house to be his footstool because he realized the earth is the Lord's footstool right but if you keep reading there says how be it the Lord God of Israel chose me before all the house of my father to be king over Israel forever for he had chosen Judah to be the ruler and of the house of Judah the house of my father among the sons of my father he likes me to make me king over all Israel and of all my sons for the Lord had given me many sons he had chosen Solomon my son to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel and he said unto me Solomon my son he shall build my house and my courts for I have chosen him to be my son and I will be his father moreover I will establish his kingdom forever if he be constant to do my commandments and my judgments as at this day so in this you kind of fill in the blank like okay that physically speaking who are we talking about Solomon right and go back to 2nd Samuel chapter 7 2nd Samuel chapter 7 and I don't want to take too much time to kind of explain these passages because there's so much in here and I'm not going to get to everything when it comes to this as far as what's being said okay when the Lord tells Nathaniel what to tell David there's a lot of information here notice what it says in verse 8 it says now therefore so shalt thou say unto my servant David thus saith the Lord of hosts I took thee from the sheep caught from following the sheep to be ruler over my people over Israel now obviously this is talking about that David obviously was kind of he was poor he didn't have you know it's not like he came from a rich background he came from Bethlehem and obviously that's where the Lord Jesus is brought up and Jesus Jesus is that great shepherd of the sheep the chief shepherd all of that right um but it's interesting I took me from the sheep caught and the idea here is that I took you from this low place over here this kind of lowly uh you were just over here tending the sheep and now you're ruling over it's kind of like a contrast of where you came from to where you are now think about how Jesus comes into the world and he's meek and lowly and it says that he hath no beauty that men should desire him or that any that any that anybody should desire him and basically the idea there is that he's he's over here that's that's just me lowly and humble and then obviously he's exalted okay the thing that kind of sticks out to me though is there's a passage in psalm 139 and this might be a little bit of a tangent here but I believe this kind of answers psalm 139 what's being said there uh and it's a it's a famous passage about being fearfully and wonderfully made this is a passage that's brought up a lot um you know uh obviously I believe everybody's God has made and made unique and obviously um he made us the way he wants us to be the way he wants us to look like all of that right but in psalm 139 and verse 14 it says I praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are thy works that my soul knoweth right well my substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lower parts of the earth and that's kind of what I want to when you see the lower parts of the earth you're automatically thinking of like some pit somewhere or like hell or something like that but when you understand what's being stated here is the fact that we're talking about his substance we're talking about that that David came from the sheep caught you know he comes from a lowly humble background and when it talks about him basically uh being made he was made in this kind of lowly like low like he was poor right I mean you're coming from like a poor background and the lower parts of the earth you know what we're talking about here is more so talking about the fact of there's higher parts of the earth and lower parts of the earth when it comes to status when it comes to income right I mean if you're thinking about West Virginia West Virginia is not the higher parts of the earth would you say I mean elevation wise maybe but if you're talking about income if you're talking about like that type of realm this is the lower portions of the earth right and then the higher portions would be like you know the big cities you know like the the you know Malibu and and Mar-a-Lago you know all these different places you know just to stab both cows when you're you know whether you're dealing with the liberals or dealing with Trump you know like you're dealing with high class high ends of the earth right when you're dealing with that and it says in verse 16 then nine eyes did see my substance yet being unperfect and in my book all my members were written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them and it's talking about being born and it's basically talking about like where did he come from you know and being wrought kind of like in this obscure I mean he's over here in Bethlehem Ephrata and it even says when it talks about that when when it's talking about the prophecy of Jesus though that'd be little among the the tribes of of Judah you know of the tribe of Judah right the idea there is that even among Judah like it's kind of like a little known place it's just a lowly little place of Bethlehem and that's where David was born that's where Jesus was born and obviously you can see the picture that's going on go back to second Samuel chapter seven verse 12 second Samuel chapter seven verse 12 now we know that obviously you know when we're looking at passages and we're never looking at prophecy or just things that are that are dealing with maybe prophetic passages what you have to understand is that a lot of cases they're dealing with kind of like something that's happening there in the near future and then something that's happening in you know the far future now meaning this is that sometimes it could be like hey it's kind of it's it's partially being fulfilled here in the near future but there's kind of like this big fulfillment if you want to think of it that way kind of like the ultimate fulfillment like it's it's being fulfilled a little bit here with Solomon but it's ultimately being fulfilled with Jesus and you'll see that a lot in there who's on that chair right there Anna Clara whoever's there stop shaking that if I'm distracted someone else could be distracted so so that's what you have to understand here is that this obviously is talking about Solomon but what you have to understand is that if his kingdom has no end Solomon died okay so how does that make sense that his kingdom will have no end right it makes sense because we're because ultimately it's fulfilled through Jesus and and and so we're going to get to that as far as uh just kind of this picture here because notice what it says in verse 12 and when the days be fulfilled and thou shall sleep with thy fathers talking about David David dying I will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels and I will establish his kingdom now his seed after him obviously Solomon would count as that but what we see in the New Testament is what seed is particularly talked about is Jesus Christ being of the seed of David and that's something that's brought up the son of David the son of David the son of David throughout the scriptures and that according to the flesh he's made of the seed of David and what's interesting is that he's not made of the seed of Solomon because specifically ultimately he was made actually you know if you're looking at Mary's line as far as where he got his physical flesh Solomon's not that line actually goes Nathan to David and then going you know back all the way to Adam okay and so when you see this you can see how it would apply to Solomon and kind of that near future application but ultimately this applies to Jesus because it says uh out of thy bowels now go to Psalm 132 Psalm 132 this is a prophecy about the Lord Jesus and it's brought up in the New Testament Psalm 132 and verse 11 Psalm 132 and verse 11 it says this in Psalm 132 and verse 11 it says the Lord has sworn in truth unto David he will not turn from it out of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne so it's alluded to here that I will set I'm sorry it says in verse 12 there of chapter 7 so 2nd Samuel chapter 7 verse 12 it says I will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels now you know obviously if you hindsight's 20 20 we know that that's ultimately talking about the Lord Jesus right because in Psalm 132 he's swearing and saying out of thy out of the fruit of thy body which is his seed right or out of his bowels it says I will I set upon thy throne okay so there it's saying the seed is going to set upon his throne here it's saying I will set upon that throne Acts chapter 2 and verse 30 when this is quoted Acts chapter 2 and verse 30 who who's the I in Psalm 132 the Lord right the Lord has sworn in truth unto David and he's the one that's saying I will set upon thy throne out of the fruit of thy body right and saw in Acts chapter 2 and verse 30 it says therefore being a prophet talking about David and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne so clearly who we talking about when it says that seed that will come out of his own body that will come out of his bowels is going to set upon his throne he's saying the Lord all caps Lord will set upon his throne and who is that Christ and that is the ultimate fulfillment because when you look at all these passages it says David's king kingdom will be forever that's the promise that's being made here is that his kingdom and his throne will be forever guess what here's how that's possible because Jesus Christ is sitting upon that throne and Jesus Christ's kingdom has no end and you say well I thought it was the you know as David's king yeah because he's of the seed of David because he's the root and the offspring of David and therefore he is the Lord and he's also the seed of David at the same time and he will forever be sitting on that throne and that's how this makes sense to where hey this kingdom will have no end because you'd ask yourself this question right okay if Jesus isn't the answer to this question who's sitting on the throne of David right now and if it's not Jesus then it had an end because no one is sitting on the throne of David right now physically speaking on the earth just facts just not there okay but obviously we know that when Jesus rose from the dead and that he was of the seed of David according to the flesh and declared to be the son of God with power by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead I mean that that is where he's he's set down on the right hand of the father the seed of David the root and offspring of David is seated at the right hand of the father and the majesty on high that kingdom has no end and that was the ultimate fulfillment there go back to uh second samuels chapter 7 verse 13 again all these passages you could read this as Solomon and you say well how you know how how is it forever because ultimately Jesus comes of that line you know David dies Solomon dies Rehoboam dies all these kings died but the kingdom went on and the kingdom was still there until Jesus Jesus was born in the Virgin Mary and he is the one that took up the throne when he died on the cross rose again the third day and is seated at the right hand of the father and guess what when he comes again the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he shall reign forever and ever okay and so that will be a kingdom that has no end and obviously you can go to Luke chapter 1 where it's prophesying about that the Isaiah 9 6 reference and how his kingdom will have no end the the throne of his father David all of that um um yeah so i don't have time to go through all the verses on it but that's what we're dealing with go to second sam chapter 7 verse 13 notice the first 13 it says he shall build a house for my name and i was and i will establish the throne of his kingdom forever so obviously Solomon builds a house right a physical house of the lord now that house ends up getting destroyed doesn't it by the Babylonians so that house isn't forever that physical house so obviously Solomon builds a physical house but you can see how this would apply to the lord Jesus and the fact that he is going to build the house of the lord okay think about this uh Matthew chapter 16 and verse 18 you know famous passage where peter is saying thou art the christ the son of the living god right and what does Jesus says and i say also unto thee that thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it you say well that's church that's not house yet except for the fact go to first timothy chapter three first timothy chapter three the bible equates the church with the house of god okay it says in first timothy chapter three and verse 15 it says but if i terry long thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of god which is the church of the living god the pillar and ground of the fruit so this is the church is the house of god and and jesus says upon this rock i will build my church so that promises i you know it says uh in second samuel he shall build an house for my name you can literally put the lord jesus christ the son of god is building a house for the father's name you know the idea of you made my father's house a house of merchandise right talking about the temple that he was standing that he was in but in the new testament that temple is no longer the house of lord it's the church it's local new testament churches that are the the the church the local churches which are local houses of god and this obviously applies in that ultimate sense in the fact that the lord jesus is building and listen in heaven right now there's the the general assembly church of the first born so in heaven there's the house of god here on earth there are houses of god throughout the whole world and that those houses of god make up that holy nation of israel okay and in the new testament these promises that you'll see in the old testament which obviously these these dispensationalists and these people that can't understand the fact that that in the new testament that physical nation of israel was replaced with the spiritual nation of israel i mean it's just it's on it's almost in every book every page every line where it's stating that the middle law of partition is broken down you're no longer aliens from the commonwealth of israel but now you're fellow citizens with the saints like it's there's no more separation there but yet today everybody wants to make this separation between the jews and the gentiles that god has broken down that there is no separation there's no customary law separation there's nothing like that you're either in a bible believing church which is the house of god or you're not in the house of god listen if jews make some temple over in israel in jerusalem they can call it the house of god but god doesn't regard it as such i mean the bible says that they continue not my covenant and i regarded them not i mean that was how long ago right two thousand years ago that god hasn't regarded it why would he regard it now he didn't regard it when the temple is still there but that being said is that uh obviously you can look at this passage and be like yeah solomon no doubt solomon is going to build the house of the lord god's going to establish the kingdom for solomon like that is definitely true and when you get the first kings you'll see all of that happen but there's all an ultimate fulfillment on how solomon pictures the lord jesus christ but know this is that obviously solomon is not the lord obviously because jesus even brings him up and says you know solomon wasn't a raid is one of these and behold a greater than solomon is here and it's very clear that jesus is obviously better than solomon he's greater than solomon because he's the lord okay so going on from that in uh second samum chapter seven and verse 14 and i've spent a little more time on this passage and the next half of the passage is really david's prayer of kind of gratitude for what the lord has done so i'm not going to spend as much time on the prayer or basically kind of looking at verse by verse through that but these kind of prophecies if you will are statements that are being made about solomon but ultimately apply to the lord jesus and there are cases where obviously it doesn't apply to the lord jesus and where it's like clearly that's talking about the physical there and now and you'll see that throughout the bible where you'll see passages where it's talking about like things that are quoted about jesus but then the next thing that's stated can't be talking about jesus right and this is one of those in verse 14 it says i will be his father and he shall be my son okay if he commit iniquity i will chasten him with the rod of men and with the stripes of the children of men okay so when you look at that first you're like okay this has to be talking about solomon right well that second half definitely right that can't be talking about the lord jesus because it says in him is no sin neither was god found in his mouth now he made him to be sin for us who knew no sin but i don't believe it's saying like he committed iniquity right i mean the sins of the world were laid upon him but he didn't actually do the iniquity obviously he's paying for it is being laid upon him as if he had done it kind of thing but that being said is that but this phrase i will be his father and he shall and he shall be my son is something that's brought up about jesus in hebrew chapter one hebrew chapter one i know we just kind of covered this so it's kind of you're like overlapping because i was preaching on that jesus is the firstborn from the dead he is the the first fruits of them that slept he is the firstborn of every creature right and this is getting into that but it's in verse five it says front of which of the angels said he at any time now at my son this day i have a begotten me and again i will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son where is that quoted that is quoted here in second samus chapter seven and you say well that's talking about solomon yes that is talking about solomon but it's ultimately talking about the lord jesus and the fact that jesus is going to be raised from the dead and he's going to be declared to be the son of god with power right and that jesus who's of the seed of david is going to be you know the one that's obviously the firstborn from the dead it says in verse six here says and again when you bring it in the first begotten into the world he said and let all the angels god worship him talking about the resurrection now i already covered that in my sermon on sunday so if you missed it go back to that there is no doubt that when it says thou are my son this day have begotten he's talking about the resurrection no doubt like nail in the coffin act chapter 13 seals the deal but what you have to understand here is that this idea of god being our father and we being his son that applies to us as well right so jesus is the son of god but we he has given us power to become sons of god right not the lord we're not becoming god but we are adopted into the family and go to revelation chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 we usually go to verse 8 to show the condemnation but there's actually good news before you even get to that condemnation as far as the contrast between those that are saved and those that aren't but i want you to see here that this this this idea of i will be to him a father and he should be to me a son that can that also applies to save people okay but that ultimately when that was stated about solomon was to show we're talking about the lord jesus we're talking about the fact that god's going to say that about his son that god's going to establish his son's kingdom forever and all of that but how that ties in with david is the fact that the christ was going to come of the seed of david and this is all coming into hand and glove with all of that okay in revelation chapter 21 verse 6 it says and he said unto me it is done i am alpha and omega the beginning and the end i will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the the water of life freely he did overcome it shall inherit all things and i will be his god notice this and he shall be my son now he did overcome it who is he to overcome it but he that believe it that jesus is the son of god okay this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith that's that's that's it i mean we are all children by children we are all the children of god by faith in christ jesus and as many as received him them gave you power to become the sons of god even of them that believe on his name that is how you become a child of god and you inherit all things and you become his child okay and so when it comes to i will be to him a father he should be to miss me a son that applies to us too right but how much more does it apply to the lord jesus though does that make sense like if we're children of god how much more is he the son of god right so that's kind of what we're dealing with there where you can see how yeah it applies to solomon because i believe solomon saved right that he was a child of god he still is a child of god but it ultimately is pointing to jesus and what he's and what that father son relationship is going to be doing for salvation for the purposes of salvation okay go to second samuels chapter seven and verse 14 and what you'll see here in this same verse where we're saying i will be to him a father he's giving me a son we'll see a great passage on eternal security okay and notice what it says here in verse 14 i will be to him be i will be his father and he should be my son notice this now look at this obviously in the physical aspect of children of god okay you become a child of god but then it says if he committed iniquity he will lose his salvation see that's what everybody wants you to think right that's what all those uh all those uh Amish Mennonite people were saying when we're out there talking to them right but if you get men iniquity you've lost it you know but that's not what it says is it it says i will chasten him with the rod of men and with the stripes of the children of men colon not done with the sentence are we but my mercy shall not depart away from him now specifically we're talking about the kingdom right we're talking about the kingdom here and it says as i took it from Saul who i put away from me okay and so with the kingdom right Saul's kingdom got put away not David's though David's didn't get put away and obviously you can see the difference between old testament new testament the law compared to salvation by grace you know like that contrast that's there but know this is that it's saying if he commits iniquity he's ultimately he's going to chasten him but he's not going to take away his mercy from him go to uh uh go to psalm 89 but i'm going to read for you in hebrew chapter 12 where it talks about this as well okay hebrew chapter 12 verse 5 it says and you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not thou the chastening of the lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him for whom the lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth and if you if you endure chastening god dealeth with you as with sons for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not meaning this is that there's no one that does no child of god that doesn't receive chastisement and it says but if you are with be without chastisement where of all our partakers then are you bastards and not sons okay so it's basically saying you will receive chastening because all of us mess up you know what that means if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and truth is not in us so when it says if he committed iniquity guess what when he commits iniquity essentially right it's just the idea that if he does this i'm not going to take away my mercy but i'm going to chastise him okay psalm 89 is really like a whole psalm dealing with this promise that's made to david okay and i want you to think about this isn't it interesting who are the two men that are used as examples of salvation in the new testament old test you know old testament men that are used to to basically describe how someone saved abraham and david abraham and david abraham when it says abraham believed god was imputed on him righteousness it explains this and he being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able to perform and therefore is imputed on him for righteousness and but the him that worketh not but believes on him that justified the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness even as david also described the blessedness of the man under whom god imputeth righteousness without works isn't it interesting that both abraham and david are brought up and they both are showing you eternal security they're both showing you once saved always saved that you have to believe that it's not by works that you have to be fully persuaded that he's going to do what he said he would do that he's going to perform that which he promised and what did he promise eternal life and this is the promise they had promised it's even eternal life but with david david is also a great picture because he has sworn unto david and he will not repent right that the and psalm 89 hits this hard okay now psalm 89 is kind of a longer psalm so i'm not gonna read the whole psalm but let me just give you some highlights here okay but this fits hand in glove with this passage that we're reading here so your homework just read the whole psalm 89 and read this passage and you'll see how it fits together perfectly but it says in verse one of psalm 89 i will sing of the mercies of the lord forever now remember what did he say i will not take my mercy from him so you'll see this term mercy used a lot you say well we're saved by grace not by mercy the bible says not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us so just in case someone's out there like nitpicking about like whether it's mercy or grace guess what we're saved by his mercy we're saved by his grace go put that in your pipe your dispensational pipe and smoke it because i've heard people say well you know in the old testament was mercy in the new testament is grace noah found grace in the eyes of the lord and it says mercy in the new testament go pound salt you know like that's all i have to say about that i mean that's at that point you have you have no leg to stand on just making stuff up okay you know anyway you're like man that you're upset about that i'm just i i can't stand when people just make stuff up they're just like wow you know this is this is we know this to be true it's like do we do we know that to be true though you know they don't like say some statement it's like where's that written you know i'm just gonna take that as fact anyway going on where did i have you turn psalm 89 so psalm 89 verse 1 says i will sing of the mercies of the lord forever with my mouth what i make known my faithfulness to all generations and we this is a song we sing all the time right i will sing of the mercies of the lord forever i will sing you know so this is a great verse not great way of singing you know like obviously this is why brother dave leads the singing but in verse two here it says for i have said mercy shall be built up forever thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens i have made a covenant with my chosen i have sworn unto dave and my servant thy seed will i establish forever and build up thy throne to all generations sila now obviously we're talking about david's throne but specifically ultimately here we're talking about the lord jesus right notice what it says in verse 28 it says my mercy will i keep for him forever more and my covenant shall stand fast with him his seed also will i make to endure forever and his throne as the days of heaven if his children forsake my law and walk not in my judgments if they break my statutes and keep not my commandments then will i visit their transgression with the rod sound familiar what are we talking about the chastening right in their iniquity with stripes nevertheless my loving kindness will i not utterly take from him nor suffer my faithfulness to fail my covenant will i not break nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips once have i sworn by my holiness that i will not lie unto david his seed shall endure forever and is thrown as the sun before me it shall be established forever as the moon and as a faithful witness in heaven sila that is salvation and obviously that's the lord jesus's throne and i know i preached another sermon called the everlasting covenant meaning the new testament will never end the blood of the new testament that covers the sins both of the first testament and the new and for every single person that's ever been on the earth or ever will be on the earth that is forever and salvation is not taken away if you commit sin actually the bible specifically says that it will not be taken away that he will not take his mercy from you because he has sworn and he will not lie because in hope of eternal life which god cannot lie promise before the world began and anybody that thinks they can lose their salvation is calling god a liar because he to believe it on the son of god hath a witness in himself he that believeth not god hath made him a liar because he believed it not the record that god gave his son and this is the record that god hath given to us eternal life and this life is in his son he that hath the son of god hath life and he that he that hath the son hath life and he hath not the son of god hath not life these things have written unto you that believe on the name of the son of god that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the son of god that's salvation and guess what that's from genesis the revelation and set and second samuel seven teaches eternal security so every all you're just over here in paul's epistles it's like i'm in second samuel where you at i'm in psalm 89 where you at and just another beautiful you know correlation here and obviously listen second samuel wasn't written for the purpose of people getting saved you know what i mean like the book of john was written for the purpose of people getting saved and it's really tailored to salvation i mean second samuel is really a history book but yet you'll see in all in in these books that aren't necessarily meant for that subject you'll see salvation you'll see that saved by faith you'll see these different things that are in there and you'll see that nothing contradicts that either actually it's all affirming it it's all just hand and glove fitting together and i think the big thing when we were out there talking to the amish is that they basically just reject and they'll say no we you know we we believe it all and you reject it no they reject all the clear scriptures that say salvation is by grace through faith and that is not by works and that you have eternal life and that you'll never perish and that you'll never go into condemnation they reject all of that because it contradicts with what they believe and just another passage showing you that now when it comes to this when it talks about this mercy mercy mercy what you're getting what you get into is the sure mercies of david and you've probably heard of that phrase the sure mercies of david because one it's mentioned in isaiah 55 it's brought up and it says in isaiah 55 3 if you want to turn there but then it's brought up in the new testament but it says in isaiah 55 verse 3 it says incline your ear and come unto me here in your soul shall live and i will make an everlasting covenant with you even the sure mercies of david so notice how it's alluded to right that whole chapter or psalm 89 is talking about the mercies unto david right i will not take my mercy from him and it's basically saying your soul shall live and i'll make an everlasting covenant with you even the sure mercies of david you say well how do we know that's talking about like salvation right because in the new testament is brought up okay and it's interesting because it's brought up in a very specific spot acts 13 acts 13 is like the nail in the coffin for everything isn't it's just like hey you want to know what you want to know what these psalms mean go to acts 13 but acts 13 it brings up this phrase the sure mercies of david it says in acts 13 34 it says and as concerning that he raised him from up from the dead now no more to return to corruption he said on this wise i will give you the sure mercies of david which is what we're talking about the fact that he's not we're talking about the gospel here we're talking about the death burial and resurrection it says for david after he had served his own generation by the will of god fell on sleep and was laid into his father unto his father's and saw corruption but he whom god raised against saw no corruption but it be it known unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of moses so what are we talking about when the sure mercies of david we're talking about the faith in the lord jesus christ the forgiveness of sins that you become a child of god he will be to you a father you'll be to him a son and he will chasten you when you're when you commit iniquity but he will not take his mercy from you that's the sure mercies of david and why is it sure because he has sworn he's made an oath and the lord can't repent he can't repent when he's when he it means he's telling a lie right because the gifts and calling of god are without repentance now go on from that uh go to second sameter seven and let's look at david's response here so i just touched the service on what's in that chapter right there right i'm just showing you some little snippets of how that all fits but i could spend all night showing you passages that go with that from ezekiel to other places in the bible it is unbelievable on how many different books and passages linked to that into that passage and what's going on there and so even to the point where it's talking about david's going to sit on his throne future tense in the book of ezekiel like there's just so much in there anyway but you know just so i can get my uh under an hour sermon here you know if i can you know i strive it's not it's not usually ever happening but it's really because that brother dave is so quick with all the like singing stuff that i'm always looking at like a certain marker of like you know in this case like 8 30 but because he's so quick you know it's like 8 30 is like over an hour so it's really his fault is what it is it's what you call passing the buck you know so anyway but let's look what david says here because obviously david hears this news and obviously he's very grateful to the lord for what he is stating to him verse 18 it says then went king david in and sat before the lord and he said who am i oh lord god and what is my house that thou hast brought me hitherto and that that's the right attitude right i mean david is getting this great blessing and we should be basically saying who am i to receive all this right and that that is the truth of the matter it says in verse 19 and this was yet a small thing in thy sight oh lord god but thou has spoken also of thy servant's house for a great while to come and it and is this the manner of of man oh lord god and you think about this you know we're talking about how like this applies kind of in the near future but we're talking about forever and you can almost think like david's like you know you're talking about this like in the wild to come like but aren't we talking about man here you know but obviously this ultimately is going to be talking about the lord jesus and you see how that all fits it says and what can david say more unto thee for thou lord god knows thy servant for thy word's sake and according to thine own heart hast thou done all these great things to make thy servant know uh know them wherefore thou art great oh lord god for there is none like thee neither is there any god beside thee sound familiar like isaiah brings all this stuff and you can see the similarity and just obviously david's a different person than isaiah but just that similarity and in god's word right everything you know man obviously god used man to write god's word but there's a lot of similarities because you're dealing with the same god right the same message is getting across all of that okay according to all that we have heard with our ears and what one nation in the earth is like thy people even like israel whom god went to redeem for our people to himself and to make him a name and to do for you great things and terrible for thy land before thy people which thou redeemest thee from egypt from the nations and their gods for thou hast confirmed to thyself thy people israel to be a people unto thee forever and now lord art become their god and obviously you know when people like well see it's forever it's like yeah but you know obviously that covenant was supposed to be you know set up to be forever when it comes to the physical nation of israel but all these verses where it talks about israel and david's throne going on forever does still apply it just doesn't apply in that physical sense of the physical people and i've already explained that when the fact that we still have that holy nation of israel it's just the spiritual nation of israel and it's made up of all believers whether jew or gentile okay so that's how that all still applies today and it's just being fulfilled uh verse 25 it says now oh lord god the word that thou has spoken concerning thy servant and concerning his house establish it forever and do as thou has said so basically david's just saying like you know basically let it be so you know let it be as you said and it says in verse 26 and let thy name be magnified forever saying the lord of hosts is the god over israel and let the house of thy servant david be established before thee for thou oh lord opposed god of israel has revealed to thy servant saying i will build thee in house therefore hath thy servant found in his heart to pray this prayer unto thee and now oh lord god thou art that god and i i that phrase just kind of stuck out to me looking over this passage and everything thou art that god right because there's places where it says thou art the god right and you know i think that's a significant thing to be said is meaning like you're the god right there's many gods out there as far as like people you know things that are called god you know and people that are claiming to be god and all that stuff but there's the god but then there's that god right and what's that mean he's basically like when you say thou art that god you're you're basically saying like that type of god right that kind of god right you think about like what who he is and what he's about right because you can say he's he like for example like god essentially could have could have been a horrible god you know like as far as like you know as far as that goes but we know that god isn't that god is merciful loving all of that and what david is stating here is the fact that when i say it could have been obviously in reality it couldn't have been but what i'm saying is that god is benevolent god is love all of that's true and when he's stating all this information about him being merciful and doing all these these great things he's like you're that god right that god that's merciful that god that's magnificent that god that keeps covenant and all of that okay it says my words be true and now has promised this goodness unto thy servant therefore now let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant that it may continue forever before thee for thou o lord god has spoken it and with thy blessing let the house of thy servant be blessed forever and i say amen and amen because ultimately when you think about his house being blessed it all it ultimately comes down to the lord jesus and how he's the root and offspring of david and that he is gonna sit on that throne forever and ever and we'll be blessed and he's gonna rule and reign forever and we'll rule and reign with him and obviously if we if we live for him and all that we'll have different positions of authority within that and so a great chapter uh sometimes you don't think maybe you'll see eternal security in like second samuel but there it is so um but uh lord willing next week we'll get into the next chapter but let's end with a word of prayer we thank you today thank you for your word thank you for the book of second samuel thank you for all these passages and and lord just pray we just want to praise you for how magnificent your word is and just how everything fits together and lord just all the the foreshadowings and prophecies of what was to come and just uh just showing how all that fits together lord we just uh basically help us to understand this book and to apply it to our lives and lord just praise you be with us as we go back home give us safety in our travels lord we love you and pray all in jesus christ name amen but they will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song 170 song 170 in your song books we'll sing hallelujah what a savior if you would stand we'll sing song 170 man of sorrows what a name for the son of god who came ruined sinners to reclaim hallelujah what a savior bearing shame and scoffing rude in my place condemned he stood seal my pardon with his blood hallelujah what a savior guilty vile and helpless we spotless lamb of god was he full atonement can it be hallelujah what a savior lifted up was he to die it is finished was his cry now in heaven exalted high hallelujah what a savior