(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your songbooks and turn to song 439 song 439 in your songbooks we'll sing count your blessings and if you would stand we'll sing song 439 when upon life's bill oh you are tempest toss when you are discouraged thinking all is lost count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done count your blessings name them one by one count your blessings see what God hath done count your blessings name them one by one count your many blessings see what God hath done are you ever burdened with a load of care does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear count your many blessings every doubt will fly and you will be singing as the days go by count your blessings name them one by one count your blessings see what God hath done count your blessings name them one by one count your many blessings see what God hath done others with their lands and gold think that Christ has promised you as wealth untold count your many blessings money cannot buy your reward in heaven or your home on high count your blessings see what God count your blessings see what God hath done count your blessings name them one by one count your many blessings see what God hath done so amid the conflict whether great or small do not be discouraged God is over all count your many blessings angels will attend help and comfort give you to your journeys and count your blessings name them one by one count your blessings see what God hath done count your blessings name them one by one count your many blessings see what God hath done and let's pray heavenly father lord again we just wanted to thank you god just for another night that we get to gather uh midweek and to hear your word preached i pray lord that you would just uh be with our pastor uh helping to preach your word truly and help it to be to your honor and glory we love you for it's in jesus name let's call it amen all right you may be seated and take your mountain baptist song books and turn to song psalm number 24 that is on page number three of your mountain baptist psalms hymns and spiritual song books we'll sing psalm 24 on page number three the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein for he hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods who shall ascend into the hill of the lord or who shall stand in his holy place he that hath clean hands and a pure heart who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully he shall receive the blessing from the lord and righteousness from the god of his salvation this is the generation of them that seek him that seek thy face oh jacob see love lift up your hands oh ye gates and be lift up ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty and battle lift up your hands oh ye gates even lift them up ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord of hosts he is the king of glory amen well welcome to mountain baptist church on this wednesday evening i got michael angelo helping me out tonight some announcements here we have all our service times will be normal this coming sunday and so be in your places there if you can and then our soul winning time our main soul winning time will be at one o'clock so and then regional soul winning times obviously be on the church group there for that women's prayer meeting men's prayer meeting on the list there for the 26th and the 31st of this month and then we do have the soul winning marathon coming up at the end of the month here at the lancaster pennsylvania soul winning marathon and so that'll be on the 25th and then the next month in june there on the 22nd we're gonna have the philadelphia soul winning marathon so um if you're not already if you're wanting to go to either one of those or both of those and you're not in the church groups there uh get with brother chris for a brother chris murphy for the lancaster one and brother charles for the the the philadelphia one uh our bible memory for the month is jonah chapter four and our memory verse for the week is proverbs 19 21 uh on the pregnancy list there be in prayer for uh crystal mccloy and pray to be with her through that whole pregnancy delivery everything there um and then tonight we are going to be doing our study through the book of second samuel and so uh brother joseph is going to be reading second samuel chapter five uh after we do another song so again the offering box is in the back there if you want to give tithe an offering mother baby room for mothers babies only so but a day will come all right take your song books and turn to song 319 song 319 in your sambos we'll sing just a closer walk with thee song 319 i am weak but thou art strong jesus keep me from all wrong i'll be satisfied as long as i walk let me walk close to thee just a closer walk with thee granted jesus is my plea daily walking close to thee let it be dear lord let it be through this world of toil and snares if i falter lord who cares who with me my burden shares none but thee dear lord none but thee just a closer walk with thee grant it jesus is my plea daily walking close to thee let it be dear lord let it be when my feeble life is or time for me will be no more or guide me gently safely or to thy king sure to thy shore just a closer walk with thee granted jesus is my plea daily walking close to thee let it be dear lord let it be all right take your bibles and turn to the book of second samuel chapter number five second samuel chapter number five in your bibles and we'll have brother joseph come and read that for us second samuel chapter five and found your place there say amen then came all the tribes of israel to david i'm the hebron and spake saying behold we are thy they bone in thy flesh also in time passed when saul was king over us thou wast he that leadest out of the broadest in israel and the lord said to thee thou shalt feed my people israel and thou shalt be a captain over israel so all the elders of israel came to the king to hebron and the king david made a league with them in hebron before the lord and they anointed king david over israel david was 30 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 40 years in hebron he reigned over judah seven years and six months and in jerusalem he reigned 30 and three years over the israel and judah and the king and his men went to jerusalem unto the jebuzites the inhabitants of the land which which spake unto david saying except thou take away the blind and the lame thou shalt not come in hither thinking david cannot come in hither nevertheless david took the stronghold of zion the same is the city of david david said on that day whosoever get up to the gutter and smiteth the jebuzites and the lame and the blind that are hated of a david's soul he shall be chief and captain wherefore they said the blind and the lame shall not come into the house so david dwelled in the fort and called it the city of david and david built round about it from milo and inward david went on and grew great and the lord god of hosts was with him and hiram iram king atari tire sent messengers to david and cedar trees and carpenters and masons and they built david and house and david perceived that the lord had established him king over israel and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people israel's sake and david took him more concubines and wives out of jerusalem after he was come from hebron and there were yet sons and daughters born to david and these be the names of those that were born unto him in jerusalem shambuah and shobab and nathan and solomon ibhar also elishua and nefag and japheth and elishama and iliot illa illa and elif of it but when the philistines heard that they were had anointed david king over israel all the philistines came up to seek david david heard of it and went down to the hold philistine philistines also came and spread themselves in the valley of refram and david inquired of the lord saying shall i go up to the philistines wilt thou deliver them into my hand and the lord said unto david go up for i will doubtless deliver the philistines into that hand david came to bala pay for him pay for him and and david smote them there and said the lord hath broken forth upon my enemies before me as the breach of waters therefore he called the name of that place belafaferism and there they left their images and david his men burned them and the philistines came up yet again and spread themselves to the valley of refram and when david inquired of the lord he said thou shall not go up but fetch a compass behind them and come upon them over against the mulberry trees and let it be when thou hearest the sound of of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees that thou shalt bestir thyself for they shall shall the lord go out before thee for then shall the lord go out before thee to smite the host of the philistines and david did so as the lord had commanded him and smote the philistines from giba unto thou come to gazer let's pray lord father thank you for this time we're able to gather here in midweek lord i thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us lord i ask you be through the study of second samuel in jesus name amen hey and so you're there in second samuel chapter five and just to give you a recap of the book of second samuel uh pretty much someone has died in every chapter uh up to this point so the first chapter we we see where david hears the news of saul and jonathan dying in battle uh that amalekite comes up and thinks he's going to give a good report about saying that he killed him and david's men kill that guy and then we have the story of asahel uh joab and abishai's brother dying uh abner ends up killing him the next chapter abner dies and then the next chapter ishbosheth dies the the king of israel the the the the son of saul that is in that's reigning over the portion of israel that david is not so pretty much david is rolling over judah from the beginning of this book um and then it's not until chapter five here that he's going to end up reigning over all of israel so this is really a chapter where david starts reigning over all of israel over all the tribes and uh that's what we see here in the beginning of the chapter so in verse one here it says then came all the tribes of israel to david unto hebron and spake saying behold we are thy bone and thy flesh also in time past when saul was king over us thou wast he that led us out and brought us in israel and the lord said to thee thou shalt feed my people israel and thou shalt be captain of israel so they're basically saying you know you were you were here you were i mean before saul started basically chasing you everywhere i mean david was one of the mighty men of israel that was fighting the battles and winning these battles and all that but also they all know that that he was anointed of samuel or sam god had samuel anoint david to be king and again i believe this is why this book is called second samuel even though samuel's not alive the reason that it's called second samuel is because this is kind of the legacy of samuel i mean as far as who he anointed he anointed saul he anointed david and this is just the continuation of what samuel did even at this point they're recognizing that but it says here in verse three it says so all the elders of israel came to the king to hebron and king david made a league with them in hebron before the lord and they anointed david king over israel so even though he was anointed when he was a lad they're anointing him over all of israel and you know and obviously he's been reigning over judah for the past uh seven and a half years but you'll see this a lot where kingdoms are being renewed or you know reigns may be different as far as you'll get through the book of kings and stuff like that and you'll see different times as far as they they started reigning at this age they started reigning at this age it's like you could just see from david's uh being anointed king you could say that he was king from when he was a lad you know in chapter 16 of first first samuel right because god is anointing him to be king and in god's eyes he's the king right but obviously he's not really reigning until you get to second samuel and then he's not reigning over all of israel until you get to second samuel chapter five so it's like where do you start the clock right so that's where you're in the so-called contradictions if you will which are not contradictions but where you'll see chronicles or kings and and as far as like when did they start reigning how old were they when they started reigning um it just depends it depends on where you start the clock sometimes right and that can be subjective as far as who's writing it and what they believe to be the time right or when i say believed to be the time what they would count as being when it would start right because i would say that david started reigning back when he started reigning in hebrew right and that really you kind of have ish bosh is this kind of like this pseudo king there and all of that so i would say he reigns for 40 years because that's what the bible says here actually is that he reigns for 40 years so it's counting the clock when he started reigning over judah even though he wasn't reigning all over all of israel because notice what it says here david was 30 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 40 years in hebron he reigned over judah seven seven years and six months and in jerusalem he reigned 30 and three years over all israel and judah so notice how it's saying that he reigned as king for 40 years and so obviously it's counting that at the beginning there with judah we also see here that those numbers sometimes when you see that they reign for this amount of years it's not going to be an exact to the day you know year right if i say to you i'm 39 years old obviously i'm 39 and some change right because i didn't just turn 39 right but i'm not going to go around and say i'm 39 in like three months or four months or whatever it is right and just start like counting it down okay now brother dave i might do that because he's going to be 40 here soon and uh we just want to make it very clear how close you're getting to that okay now i do think it's interesting because if you think about this that with david he's 30 years old when he begins reign he's 70 years old when he dies right so um or around that right so i mean maybe not 70 to the t maybe he was like almost 71 you know whatever i would say he's probably into that 70th year anyway at least um but the light expectancy in the bible i just want you to see this is that obviously you know reading through genesis and i'm i was reading through you know uh beginning chapters genesis with my kids and you know people are living until like 950 years old before the flood and all that after the flood uh you see how that kind of starts dwindling pretty quick as far as them living uh really long years um and they get down to basically jacob who's like 137 you know and all of that when he dies and then joseph's 110 and even with moses and joshua you know moses 120 josh was 110 which is you know a long time to be living but i want you to see what the bible says here about life expectancy because i believe this actually is very much like what it is today uh as far as the average okay and when we say this we're obviously talking about an average here because people die younger people live longer right but in uh psalm 90 you go to psalm 90 psalm 90 i personally don't believe that when it says their years should be 120 years in genesis chapter six that's talking about like life expectancy um i believe that's talking about like when he's going to flood the earth that more so he's given a timeline that that's when he determined it was 120 years before he actually fled the earth that he's saying it's done right um but i've heard some say you know that could be alluding to the to the light to kind of like the maximum lifespan that people are going to have um but what i'm going to show you though is there is an exception to that if that if that was if that is what it's it's kind of referring to which i don't believe it is there's uh people were obviously going past that right after the flood anyway but even way after the flood there's people that there's a there's a man that actually lives past that so i want to just kind of show you but anyway i want you to see that uh what's the life expectancy so david died at 70 and the bible says that he died in a good old age okay so in psalm 90 in verse 9 here it says for all our days are passed away in irath we spend our years as a tale that is told the days of our years are three score years and 10 and if by reason of strength they be four score years yet is their strength and labor and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away so three score and ten is what 70 years right three score is 60 add 10 to that 70 four score would be four times 20 80 so it's basically saying our years are 70 to 80 years okay do you know what the life in america what the average life expectancy is right now and this is kind of for both cases i know technically women live longer you know but if you were to just kind of bunch that all together it's like 77 and a half so it's like right there right it's kind of like 70 to 80 you know so it's like it's nothing really new today as far as life expectancy as it was in david's day um and you'll see people live longer so it's not saying like you know people can't live past 80 it's just kind of saying like that's kind of the average of where people are living is 70 80 and you'll have time periods where maybe that average is lower and it's kind of been climbing a little bit since uh you know since like the the beginning of the 19th or the the 20th century and stuff like that so um but uh in go to second chronicle chapter 24 second chronicle chapter 24 or verse 15 i know this is a rabbit trail but i think it's interesting uh but anyway i just kind of went so if anybody's approaching 70 you better get your house in order because no i'm just kidding so the thing is like people obviously uh there's there's a lot of exceptions to this rule and what you have to understand is that you know how you take care of your body and your health and all that stuff obviously plays a role as well too as far as how long you live but let's just be honest once you get past 80 like once you're getting into the 90s i mean you're getting to the point where it's you're not doing much you know there's people that live to in their 90s to 100 and stuff like that but at that point most those people are not really living life like a like a typical person is okay and uh but in in verse um 15 here so second chronicle is 24 in verse 15 uh jojoda okay the priest he let's see how old he is now this is way after now second chronicles 24 you're talking hundreds of years after the judges right so i mean you're talking like you're in you're getting to the end where they're almost going to be going into captivity right i mean you're dealing with getting down at the end of the line of the kings of judah right and so you're talking like a a thousand years since moses or something close to that right so you're dealing with a long time you know since the flood so we're way past the flood okay and it says here but jojoda waxed old and was full of days when he died and 130 years old was he when he died so there i mean and listen that's the narrator speaking so i believe he was 130 years old okay and that's why you know i think there's there's exceptions to that people can can kind of destroy that you know number of 80 you know 70 to 80 but average that's still the average today whether whether you like that or not that's our lifespan is 70 you know 70 80 and after that obviously there's exceptions to the rule as far as people living past that and all of that okay um but uh just kind of want to put that in there because when dave when it's when david dies and says that he was in good old age and you're like he was only 70 it's like yeah but i mean that's technically in that realm right you know that's in that realm of that 70 to 80 as far as living living out your days and to where you would say you lived like a full life i guess is the way you'd look at that right um going back to second sam you're type of five so thank you for going on that journey with me but um just something i think about is death you know especially when you start approaching 40 you know you're just like that means that we that means brother dave that you're like half dead actually past that right i mean i guess it depends are you in that 80 range or that 70 range right so just got real second sam's at five in verse six here we see that david is going to basically claim jerusalem so he's been he's been obviously in hebron for seven and a half years now he's reigning all over all of uh israel and he's claiming jerusalem and notice what it says here and this is an interesting story here i don't know if you've ever slow slowed down and read what's going on here but as i was studying this out i'm like what is like i had to read it a couple times to kind of get what i believe is going on here could you first read it you're like what what what just happened like why why is this happening like what's being said here okay and and it says and and the king and his men went to jerusalem unto the jebusites the inhabitants of the land now what you understand is that jerusalem was called jebus so if you were to cross references with first first chronicles chapter 11 it says david always went to jerusalem which is jebus where the jebusites were the inhabitants of the land so what you understand is that there were still people there the jebusites were the you know obviously the caninites and the caninites were made up of different tribes the jebusites the hitites the high vites right uh and there were still people that are in the land and basically they were claiming jerusalem as their own place and and david is going to take it out but notice what it says here and this is what's interesting about this where you when i first read i'm reading through this and i'm like what what's being said here like what what's going on and it says that the inhabitants of the land which spake unto david saying except i'll take away the blind and the lame thou shalt not come in hither thinking david cannot come in hither okay so get the picture here is that basically saying unless you take the blind and the lame out you're not going to make it in here okay so it's just kind of you're like what what you know like what are you talking about and but then in verse seven so it gives you it's going to give you clarification as far as what happens to here but it says never nevertheless david took the stronghold of zion the same as the city of david so he ends up taking it's kind of like spoiler alert he takes it but it's going to explain this whole idea as far as you know why what's being said here about the blind and the lame and uh and the city of david is zion and you see that in the new testament it'll talk about bethlehem being the city of david that's where jesus is born but what you have to understand is bethlehem is kind of like a suburb of jerusalem okay and so you know mount zion new jerusalem you see that obviously we have the heavenly jerusalem mount zion and it's that's considered the city of david and obviously this is the physical mount zion this is the physical jerusalem that we're talking about here and and all of that but when you see the city of david you say well i thought it says bethlehem in the new testament well obviously specifically that suburb is where david was born and that's where he grew up and all of that okay so um this is kind of like if you were to think of uh we're in whitehall but this is pheromone right on our address it says pheromone but this is technically whitehall so it'd be kind of like that if you're in bethlehem you'd be like this is jerusalem but it's that little portion of you know i guess you know like westover and grandville and all that stuff is the morgan town you know and that and so you get it right so but here's the thing that's interesting about this is the lame and the blind this is where i'm reading i'm like why are they saying you gotta you gotta clean up our streets first you know like the first thing i'm thinking is like is this like is this like san francisco like right you gotta clean up the streets we got homeless out here unless you do that like you can't take it you know you know that's the first thing that comes to mind but i'm like that doesn't make sense like why would why would you have to clean up the streets to go like take out these inhabitants right but notice what it says here in verse eight it says and david said on that day whosoever getteth up to the gutter okay so notice that what we're talking about here we're talking about people in the streets in the gutters of the streets right now usually you think of a gutter is like on a on a on a you know a building or something like that but there's gutters it's basically the drainage of the you know water and all that stuff right get up to the gutter and smiteth the Jebusites and the lame and the blind okay so at first you're like okay you know he's just like well nuts to you i'm killing everybody anyway right and you're like i'm killing the blind and lame because here's the thing when you first see blind and lame what do you think you think of someone that's like like poor and bad off and like they're just like you know you have sympathy for the blind and the lame right i mean throughout the new testament it's like the blank the the blind the lame they're getting healed all of this stuff so when i'm first reading this i'm just like man that's kind of vicious right because first cop right what you have to understand is that stories in the bible just because david does something doesn't necessarily mean it's right okay so you could when you're first reading this you're like man he just he wanted that city and he took it at any cost but every word is important and notice what it says here it says and so you know smite it smite the Jebusites right and the lame and the blind that are hated of david's soul i think that's a very important thing that's being said there david hates these lame and blind people that are there and the first thing you're thinking is like good night david like have some sympathy have some empathy for these guys right but i believe this is very important to understand well one what the Jebusites are trying to do they're trying to basically use them as a shield he's using the blind and lame as a shield but it says that david hates them okay so that is a clue into what type of blind and lame people i think we're dealing with here okay i don't think you're just dealing with the typical person that's just down on their luck and they're poor and you know they're just kind of dealing with an infirmity um but notice he says you know go to the gutter you know smite you know uh basically smite the Jebusites the lame the blind that are hated of david's soul and i think the bible i think is very poignant to tell us that because if you did if it didn't say that i'd be kind of like good night david right like what are you what are you doing it says he shall be chief and captain so basically whoever does this the first person to go up and do this is going to be chief and captain just so you know when you read first chronicles 11 where it's the parallel passage joab is the first person to go up not shocking actually but that's why joab is the the captain of the host basically it's like whoever goes up first you're going to be chief okay it says wherefore they said the blind and the lame shall not come into the house so david dwelt in the fort and called it the city of david and david built roundabout from millo and inward and in first chronicles calls it a castle for you know same same thing right and so when you're reading this usually like good night what in the world is going on with the blind and lame it's just that's what sticks out to me him going in and taking out jebu sites i get it right they should have been kicked out a long time ago you know it's his you know he's reigning he's king you know get out of my territory right kind of thing but the blind and the lame one i think jebu sites are using them as a shield but two i believe you're dealing with a specific type of blind and lame people that are there what you have to understand is that one david's soul hates these blind and lame people now unless you just think that he's just kind of like really a really mean person you haven't been paying attention to david from the very beginning right i mean as far as his his compassion for people and love for his enemies i mean can anybody look at david be like he's not a good example of loving your enemy i mean he is the besides the lord jesus right as far as character you know like people in the bible right david is like the poster boy child you know of like loving your enemy to a fault right in this book actually it's going to be to a fault to the where he's going to have to get rebuked for it because he's loving his enemy so much he's actually not being good to his friends and so but think about this when i see that his david's soul hated right there that that kind of terminology looks similar to something in psalms go to psalm 11 psalm 11 verse 5 psalm 11 verse 5 psalm 11 verse 5 psalm 11 verse 5 it says this the lord tried the righteous but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hated so whose soul the lord's right the lord's soul hates those that love violence the wicked and those that love violence right his soul hated so when people are like the lord doesn't hate anybody wrong it's not what the bible says the bible says that that god hates those that love violence not necessarily those that do violence those that love violence right it's like those that commit certain sins it's one thing it's another thing when you have pleasure in those that do them right kind of like that idea of having pleasure in it loving it right that takes another that's another level right and then go to psalm 139 because you say well that's the lord he can hate people but we can't it's not right for us hate people wrong again of course you guys are like i i agree with you why do you keep telling me i'm wrong but obviously in the world we live in people are just completely unbiblical when it comes to love hate you know and and just emotions that everybody has right and that the lord has the lord is angry the lord is also you know has joy the lord you know obviously loves he is love but he also hates people that love violence and i don't know if you know this but he hates those that are in hell i mean i don't know how she would describe what he's doing to those people that are in hell right now besides it's not i'll say this it's not love so it's got to be the opposite of that but here for psalm 139 verse 19 it says surely that will slay the wicked oh god depart from me therefore ye bloody men for they speak against thee wickedly and thine enemies take thy name in vain do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee so it's basically like it's it's kind of like a rhetorical question it's kind of like do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee it's you're basically when you say that it's not like he's actually asking the question it's just kind of a rhetorical question it's like of course i do right it'd be like if you're if you told your your your your you know man if you told your wife you're like do not i love you right you're not like asking or like tell me do i love you you know like i need to know you're saying that as a rhetorical yes i love you but you're kind of saying in a manner like of course it's kind of like do not i love you do not you know do not i hate them that hate thee you know it's like of course i do and uh but keep reading there it says do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee and am not i agree with those that rise up against me i hate them with perfect hatred i count them mine enemies search me oh god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting you know when people are just like well you know david was in the flesh here that's ridiculous and and your understanding of uh of what's truth in the bible is completely messed up anything that's a narration that means and by the way all psalms proverbs any book like that like a poetic book or like the epistles those are all narrations so if paul's writing an epistle he's writing in the inspiration of the holy ghost that means everything that he's stating is gospel truth it's only when you get into narration that when you're hearing people say things like you're like well so-and-so said this and then he said this then you have to wonder okay that the narrator saying this person said that but is that right that he said that you kind of get into the joe situation where it's like well eliphas said this and and you know elihu said this and he's speaking it's like well it's true he said it but it may not be true right because the narrator is always right okay and so yes the lord hates those that love violence his soul hated those that love violence and david is saying that he hates those that hate the lord okay so when it says that david's soul hated these lame and blind people that were there at in jebes at the time or which is jerusalem you're dealing with a certain type of lame and blind people okay that's what i believe is going on here and i believe that's in the bible for a reason it's giving us that information it's not just this throw away oh by the way he hated them because or it didn't say like well he killed you know he took them out because he had to and they were in the way right no it's like no he hated them his soul hated the blind and the lame jebesites that were in the streets now you may ask yourself okay well yeah how do you when you think of lame and blind you think of someone that's that's like down under luck and you have empathy for them but know this is that there's people in the bible that the reason they're lame and blind is because of their sin i mean go to john chapter five john chapter five let me just give you a couple examples in the new testament how about the men of sodom were they not struck with blindness so there you have blind people that are wicked reprobates who David's soul would hate that are out in the streets okay how about this this story now this guy isn't a reprobate this guy gets saved you know in john chapter five but what i want you to see here is that here's a lame man that it's because of his sin he's in that situation okay notice what it says here in john 5 5 and a certain man was there which had an infirmity 30 and eight years when jesus saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case he saith unto him will thou be made whole and he's basically this is the story where you have the angel that comes down the pole you know the pull of bethesda and basically the angel troubles the waters and he's like i can't get up in time you know like there's no one to put me in there so i mean he's lame to the point where basically there's just no chance for him to get there when that happens all of that right and jesus obviously heals him in the story but look at verse 14 afterward jesus findeth him in the temple and said unto him behold thou art made whole sin no more lest the worst thing come unto thee you know what that means is that that infirmity that he had was because of his sin and he's basically saying stop that or it's going to be worse next time right and now just because someone's lame or blind doesn't mean that it's because of sin i mean chapter nine you have the the man that's born blind and they even ask they're like did he sin did his mother did the parents sin is that no one's it had nothing to do with sin right so there's cases where it could be because of sin that that happened or it could just be you know that's just it's just what you're dealing with that's the kind of the thorn in the flesh or what you're dealing with or maybe it's to bring glory to god you know that type of thing so uh but there are cases where it is sin that caused it go to acts chapter 13 act chapter 13 kind of going in with uh you know this is like the the story of sodom a little bit in the new testament you're dealing with a limus the sorcerer so i just kind of wanted to give you an idea that when you're reading there you see lame and blind and automatically you're thinking like sympathy aren't you you're thinking like hey you know these are like the beggars in the street these are the people that need help you know uh don't take them out but then we see that little phrase there that david's soul hated them and you're like whoa what they do like why does he hate them and what what i believe is going on is that the lame and the blind that are there are in that state because of how wicked they are like they are if anything they are the the wicked of the wicked in that city okay and acts chapter 13 and verse 8 here and david would know he grew up in bethlehem right it's kind of like this isn't like some foreign place he's coming to i mean he grew up in bethlehem so he probably knows what that place is like you know what type it's kind of like if you'd imagine i believe that place is probably like this cesspool of iniquity right kind of like a san francisco you know kind of area where it's just like the gutters in the streets with like all this wickedness that's going on and they're lame and blind because of all their wickedness that's what i see that's probably going on in this story and in act chapter 13 verse 8 it says but elimis the sorcerer for so is his name by interpretation withstood them seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith so elimis the sorcerer is trying to basically keep the deputy from getting saved it says then saul who is who is who also is called paul filled with the holy ghost set his eyes on him and said oh full of all subtle subtlety and all mischief thou child of the devil so who are we dealing with here obviously we're dealing with a reprobate we're dealing with a child of the devil right it says thou enemy of all righteousness thou wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the lord and now behold the hand of the lord is upon me and thou shalt be blind not seeing the sun for a season and immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand see a lot sometimes diseases blindness you know being lame is actually a punishment for their wickedness okay and there are cases where obviously people have that and it's not that right but i i just showed you proofs that there's cases where people were made blind because of their wickedness or they were lame because of their sin or whatever the case may be so when you're dealing with this physically speaking i believe that's what's going on there is that this is a wicked cesspool of a place and they're basically i believe basically saying you're going to have to kill the lame and the blind in order to take this city and david is like whoever goes up first and kills them all you're going to be chief and captain and he's like kill the Jebusites kill the blame the the blind and the lame which david's soul hates and you know people can read this in that and and and what you have to understand is that i i i can imagine that if someone was reading this like in some one of these like kind of uh you know liberal like everything love love love that they'd look at this and be like david messed up david was in sin when actually i think he was actually right to do this and the bible was actually giving us a clue as far as the fact that hey he hated them but here's the thing david writes about hating people and who's he hate those that hate the lord what i believe you have here is you have blind and lame people that hate the lord and that they're in that condition because of their sin what you have to understand is that the children the the cananites in which they were taking out if you look at leviticus and you look at those passages uh in leviticus 18 leviticus 20 and all of that these abominations that like were done in sodom were done by them and so the idea of there being sodomites and and people that hate the lord and canan that's just reality now obviously you're dealing with you know 500 years or so after they first come into the land but apparently jerusalem wasn't wasn't taken out yet you know that that was still being inhabited by the jebu sites and that wickedness was still going on and by the way you know even in uh and asa's day and hezekiah and jehoshaphat's day there were sodomites that had to be dealt with right and so that that being said i think it's very clear physically speaking you're probably just dealing with some wicked people that are in that state because of their wickedness and that david obviously there's a reason why he hates them he doesn't just hate poor people he doesn't hate people that are like i mean that the whole story of myfibish that's what makes sense later on maybe he just hated lame people you know like he's just like i hate those people that have infirmities it's like no that's not true at all but those that hate the lord he hates and uh but also spiritually speaking this is true as far as um spiritually being people that are spiritually blind so you can obviously attach kind of the spiritual realm to this right because reprobates kind of have they have a physical punishment put on them and it even talks about the wrath of god from heaven is revealed on them that that holds the truth in unrighteousness and the idea of like the wickedness in their body they're defiling their own bodies right they're kind of destroying themselves when that happens but there's the spiritual element to it as well right because they may be physically blind and physically lame but they're also physically blind and spiritually lame let me just give you a couple passages to think about here um and in john 9 at the end of john chapter 9 um in verse 39 and it's interesting because obviously it's the whole story about the the guy the man that was born blind and god caused him to see but at the end of the chapter when he's dealing with the pharisees and all that that are obviously against him uh in john 9 39 it says and jesus said for judgment i am come into this world that they which see not might see and they which see might be made blind so he's making people blind okay then it says and some of the pharisees which were with him heard these words and said unto him are we blind also jesus said unto them if you were blind you should have had you should have no sin but now you say we see therefore your sin remain meaning that you're blind right you're going to be made blind the whole point that he was saying is that those that are blind i'm going to cause to see and those that see meaning like they think they see they think they know or they maybe see in the the idea that they know the truth they're going to be blinded but then also think about this this proverb proverbs 26 verse 7 it says the legs of a lame man are not equal so is a parable in the mouth of fools and it's interesting how basically it's talking about people that that don't understand pair the parables right and the fact that they're being tripped up by it is likened unto a lame man right but then who were the parables for right why did jesus speak in parables matthew 13 says this it says in verse 10 and the disciples came and said unto him why speakest thou unto them in parables he answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the king the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given for whosoever hath to him it shall be given and he shall have more abundance but whosoever hath not from him shall be taken away even that he had therefore speak i to them in parables because they seeing see not and hearing they hear not neither do they understand so spiritually speaking those that have rejected the truth are blind and lame and halt spiritually speaking okay you know the the famous you know song i was blind and now i see right and that's what jesus is alluding to and and john chapter six is the idea in order to see is that you have to realize that you don't know to realize that you don't really see that you need help that you need a savior that you need you need to be made to see right and uh but those that are proud and lifted up in in their soul they already think they see everything they already know they already know everything you know and therefore if they keep rejecting it they're going to be made blind okay so this story is very interesting you know when you're reading through there you're just like what is going on so and again this is a great thing about going through these chapter you know verse by verse type of things is that you know seeing these little details that maybe just read over you're like okay he takes out the jebu sites and you kind of just read over you don't really think about all the details that are in there until you're just like why are they saying you got to take out the lame and and and take out the blind right and then why is david hate them right and just kind of reconciling like what's going on here and there's you know i've i'll just say this i've never really caught that never really thought about that as far as like the detail there of why does he hate the blind the lame that are in jebus right that are at Jerusalem but then when you compare scripture with scripture like i can see a case where obviously if he hates them then they hate the lord right if david's right then he hates him because they hate the lord and maybe they were made blind because they hate the lord maybe they were made lame because they hate the lord and you're dealing with this wicked cesspool and then when you think about like do we have cities like that today yes we do right and then you look at like the tip this the everyday you know kind of like let's go to a city like san francisco or la or something like that where you have people just living on the streets in sin and a lot of them are out of their mind they're blind from drugs and you know like all kinds of things that would cause them to be lame i mean they can't walk they're like all they're in the streets they're in the gutters of the streets right i mean anytime i've ever we've ever traveled to like go soul winning or something like that or i'm in some bigger city and i'm just driving through to get to wherever i'm going there's always like some crackhead talking to themselves and then they can't walk and they're like falling into the street or they're falling over into the ditch over there and then you read this and like go into the gutters and take out the lame and the blind and you're like i bet it's i bet it's a little more extreme than just like the beggar out there wanting some change right like panhandlers you're dealing with probably the case where these people are just like wicked as can be and they're just wallowing in their wickedness okay so anyway um i think that's interesting uh on just those details that we see there okay go to second samuel chapter 5 verse 11 we see where david uh did i say uh well at verse 10 there he says and david went on and grew uh grew great and the lord god of hosts was with him so basically he's just kind of like increasing in and power and strength and and all that throughout the land um but this this uh king of tyre actually builds him a house in hyrum is going to be big with solomon so solomon when he builds the temple and his house and everything you know this king king of tyre is really going to be uh helping him out here you know but uh it's just interesting on when when when you have the lord on your side and how basically your cup runneth over meaning like he's he's got the kingdom everything's going well and then you have like outsiders like other kings from other countries that are we're going to bring in cedar trees and we're going to build you a house right and you're just like just above and beyond and just the blessings that are coming on david and his kingdom it says in verse 11 here it says and hyrum king of tyre sent messengers of david and cedar trees and carpenters and masons and they built david in house and david perceived that the lord had established him king over israel and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people's israel's sake and so basically you just see it's just kind of like this is like the golden era of the kingdom of israel is under david's rule and then solomon's rule obviously there's kind of like literally a golden era because they have like golden shields and like the house of god's made of like has all this gold in it and then after him it's kind of like they had to get rid of that they had to sell that and they made bronze ones right it's kind of like the golden stage and the bronze age you know of israel but but this is kind of like the golden years of david's reign and david's going to have some problems and then you're going to have the golden years of like solomon's reign and then he kind of like has problems at the end of his reign but that being said he's obviously getting blessed here then it says here in verse 13 that david takes on more concubines and wives we kind of talked about this before when we were talking about all you know his sons and everything but let's just read through here where he's in jerusalem when he was in hebron he obviously had abigail he had a henna gnome the jejeralite i think i didn't know him i didn't know him i think is how you say anyway um and then uh remember he gets my call back um and so uh verse 13 verse 13 here says and david took him more concubines and wives out of jerusalem after he was come from hebron and there were yet sons and daughters born to david and these be the names those that were born unto him in jerusalem shammuah and shobab and nathan and solomon now those two when you think about the genealogies of of jesus whether it's uh joseph which obviously wasn't his physical father but that's the kingly line going down with david solomon rio bone going down the line but when you look at the line of um of of mary it goes back and it goes to nathan back to david and going down the line there so nathan and solomon uh who are uh are full brothers so we saw in another place where basheba actually had gave birth to saint to nathan as well so um it's just something to note there ipar also apar i think is maybe how you say it also and elishua and nefag and jefaya and elishama and eliada and eliphelet and so those are sons that are born and obviously also um you know obviously all the sons that he had you know in hebron you know he did epsilon and all that too so um but uh so that's going to be a problem later on uh dealing with david and uh which i would which i believe is where we get into basheba and all that stuff too um and second samuels chapter five verse 17 and really the rest of this chapter is really with david dealing with the philistines um in verse 17 it says but when the philistines heard that they had anointed david king over israel all the philistines came up to seek david and david heard of it and went down to the hole now it's interesting because it makes me wonder it's like aches in this would be like oh man there's david right and the lords are probably like we knew it we knew it we called it you know like he's anyway you just kind of wonder what they're saying you know when they're going up against david because he was there with them before saul died anyway uh verse 18 there it says and the philis are the philistines also came and spread themselves in the valley of raffium and david inquired the lord saying shall i go up to the philistines wilt thou deliver them into my hand and the lord said unto david go up for i will doubtless deliver the philistines into thy hand so notice notice that dave is being blessed but also when he's going out to war it's kind of like it's not just i will deliver i will doubtless deliver them into my hand it's like the lord is with david the lord is blessing david it's kind of like of course you know like yes i will deliver them into your hand and and it says and david came to belparaisum uh and david smote them there and said the lord had broken forth from mine enemies before me forth upon mine enemies before me as the breach of waters therefore he called the name of that place belparaisum now this is obviously this is really uh you know not not much apart from it but notice how it says belparaisum before it tells you before it tells you the story of why it was called that right this happens a lot in the bible i know i've already mentioned this where it'll name a place of what it's called now even though during that story it wasn't called that right it just kind of just says oh by the way that's why it's called this is because of the fact of what happened and obviously all these names are basically if you were to take uh what it says there as you know it says that um the lord um in versa it says the lord had broken forth upon mine enemies before me as the breach of waters and what you're dealing with there is that bail eye when you see that term bail obviously you can think of like false gods but it's just like the term god right you have god and then you have gods and so when you see that term like bail or eli you know those are terms for god or even adonijah adonai you know like a lot of times when you look at these words it's going to give you the definition within there but really all the word is is basically a combination of like hebrew words and it's just like translated into english so you know bethel the house of god beth means house l means god you know and and jerusalem salem means peace we can even see that you know when it comes to um in the new testament talks about malchizedek is the king of p or king of salem which is king of peace right and so all that to say is that a lot of times in here you'll see these words that are basically representing why they call it that and it's always stating to you basically here's what here's what the lord did and that's why it's called this okay um it says uh and david uh or i'm sorry in verse uh 21 there the thing i kind of want to focus on here with this is one that he says doubtless and it's just obviously the lord is with david but also it says here and they and there they left their images and david and his men burned them this is one of those times where you're reading through and you're just like yes they did right you know what i mean because usually you read these stories and it's like but they took the images or you know they took these and they set up a grove and you're just like what are you doing stop doing that right and every time you're reading that but then here it's like they left them there and they burned them there right and you're just like yes that's what you should do and this really shows you that david when it talks about david following the lord with a perfect heart this is what we're dealing with david never goes after other gods for any reason whether it's women or anything like that um and he doesn't he doesn't even take that type of stuff for spoil so in first kings 11 for example it says this um you know talking about when solomon starts messing up and it's because of his wives his many wives that he has it causes him to basically make these groves to astroth and all this stuff and that's what in context i believe what it's talking about when it says that david was perfect before the lord and it says here in verse 4 it says for it came to pass when solomon was old that his wives turned away his heart after other gods and his heart was not perfect with the lord his god as was the heart of david his father for solomon went after astroth the goddess of the zydonians and after milkham the abomination of the ammonites and solomon did evil on the side of the lord and went not fully after the lord as did david his father so when you think about what's the word perfect mean does that mean like without sin no we're talking about being complete right so if you say like when he says i hate them with perfect hatred for example and in psalm 139 we just read he means like complete hatred meaning like it's not partial it's not like i partially hate that person no i completely hate that person right it's perfect hatred right so when we're talking about following the lord it's like i i'm completely following the lord meaning that there's no other gods think about the first commandment have no other gods before me david was perfect in that meaning that that he completely followed the lord there was never like this idol worship stuff going on he had problems but that was not one of them okay and in context when it says that solomon didn't follow him with a perfect heart and when you look up all the places where it says that they didn't follow the lord like david did with a perfect heart it's talking about idolatry like jereb balm son of nebad and it's talking about the sin of what the the calves they made the false gods and actually the place where it says you know there's a place where it says that save for the cause of uriah the hitite right talking about with basheba and the sin that he committed there it's not talking about him following the lord with a perfect heart it says he it says and he didn't he did uh you know david did that which was right inside the lord saving the cause of your right hit that right so it's kind of like it's not even talking about following the lord with a perfect heart talking about like idolatry i believe that's what you're dealing with when you're dealing with that phrase of serving him with a perfect heart and all that and david even charges solomon with that uh when he's setting him up to be king in first chronicles 28 9 first chronicles 28 9 it says and now solomon my son know thou the god of thy father and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind for the lord searches all hearts and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts if thou seek him he will find he will be found of thee but if thou forsake him he will cast thee off forever and dealing with the fact that obviously you think about this david's kingdom had has no end and obviously the lord jesus is sitting upon the throne and that's how it's going to last forever but notice how every other kingdom is basically like it's going to have an end but for david's sake you know the promise that he makes to david and david is the one that fully follows the lord and doesn't ever go after idolatry and when you look at this verse in second samuel five it may look like a throwaway you're like okay he didn't he didn't take it but it's like that's a very important detail that he left the images there and he burned them right that that was not something david uh had patience for he didn't deal you know he didn't have uh problems with idolatry and whereas the kings that come after him they all have problems with this right there's these groves there's all these different things and they're just constantly happening to deal with idolatry and uh anyway that's just something that you know we see about david that hey no he follows the lord with a perfect heart yes david messes up yes david is a sinner right but when we're talking about following the lord with a perfect heart what we mean is like it's the lord there's no idolatry going on there there's no false gods right it's just him completely which also lends to the fact where the lord's saying i will doubtless deliver you now go to verse 23 there in second samuel chapter five so did i read i don't know if i've read the rest of that actually yeah i did yeah so he destroys his enemies um he destroys the philistines there but they come back so they come back to the same place it says and david uh and when david inquired the lord i'm sorry went in verse 22 there uh i don't for whatever reason i did not have that one on my nose it says and the philistines came up yet again and spread themselves in the valley of refium so basically they're coming up again and notice this and i think this is a very important detail he doesn't just go up he inquires the lord first even though the last time he went up it was like doubtless right but yet same place same enemy notice how david is inquiring of the lord again that is how you follow the lord right is is that even though it's like oh you know uh where is the same thing same thing that's going on no you still inquire the lord you still do that even though you had a victory over him before and the lord delivers them but i think that's a very important detail because know this that in this case he doesn't just say go up he gives him a specific strategy okay so he's saying yeah you know they're gonna be delivering in your hands but he needed some counsel first he needed basically a strategy to go about with this and this is kind of an interesting story on just this strategy right as far as what's going on here it says in verse 23 it says and when david inquired the lord he said thou shalt thou shalt not go up but fetch a compass behind them and come up come upon them over against the mulberry trees so he's basically saying like you're not going to go up like you did before but you're going to do something different here you're going to kind of come behind them and you're going to go into these mulberry trees that are there okay and this is just interesting on on this kind of like battle strategy it's almost like guerrilla warfare if you if you imagine like they're going into this kind of like area of these trees and they're coming behind them and it says and let it be when thou hears the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees that then thou shalt bestir thyself for then shall the lord go out before thee to smite the host of the philistines and david did so and the lord had commanded him as the lord had commanded him and smote the philistines from yiva until thou come to gazer i believe if he wouldn't have inquired the lord he might have lost that battle probably very much so would have lost that battle but the lord tells him this strategy now what's going on with these mulberry trees well it could be when he when it says you hear when here's the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees you could say well maybe it's like when you hear the mulberry trees kind of like rustling around with each other could be it but i think it may be that that the acoustics of the trees maybe caused them to be able to hear when they were coming and kind of like you have to understand that sometimes where you're at and how things echo and how things work and acoustics is obviously like how you hear things right so if you remember in this building my voice kind of carries more in here because this is you know drywall up here but when we were in the old building we had that drop ceiling it didn't echo as much it wasn't as loud in there and so it's dealing with the acoustics how the sound bounces off so it could very well been like this strategy to where they're behind them and basically when they were coming in there that they basically knew when they were there like they kind of heard it through the trees if you will or it could very well be that basically the lord signaled when to attack by moving the trees around i don't know you know or the trees are alive and they're actually i'm joking but i do think it's interesting it's just one of those stories where he's like what's what's really going on here and i don't know i'm saying i really know the answer besides the fact that obviously it's a fighting strategy it's probably more like a guerrilla warfare type of like we're in these trees we're kind of hidden and we're coming behind them and we're going to have these trees are going to basically help us know when to attack you know whatever the case may be with that but know this is that the bible says this about the lord in exodus 15 3 it says the lord is a man of war the lord is his name and the bible says this about making war okay go to proverbs if you will i'm just going to finish here with a few verses here in proverbs i mean if you're going to war and you wanted a counselor and you know a strategist when it came to war the lord would be the best person right i mean he'd be the number one that you'd want there obviously to tell you what to do and how to do it and throughout the kings and all that you'll see these kind of interesting stories where they were told to dig these ditches and then it rained and then it looked like pools of blood and like it's just like this this stuff that's not necessarily supernatural but it's almost kind of like you know things that will cause them to be afraid and run away i mean even the story of gideon where they have the trumpets and the pitchers that broken that had the lamps in it and just just how to win battles with few numbers with a few people or whatever the case may be and there's all these types of stories in there of these strategies of war and the bible says this in proverbs 20 and verse 18 it says every purpose is established by counsel and with good advice make war the bible says also in proverbs 24 and verse 6 for by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war and in multitude of counselors there is safety so you know obviously it's good to have counsel and with good advice make war right the multitude of counselors but know this go to proverbs 21 and verse 30 proverbs 21 and verse 30 it's good and obviously there's people that are really good at warfare right they're there they have good strategies and all this stuff as far as warfare is concerned but know this is that no one is better than the lord okay it says here in proverbs 21 verse 30 think about all the counsel and all the wise counsel and the good advice it says there is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the lord right there is nothing that can hold a candle to the counsel of the lord and it says the horse is prepared against the day of battle but safety is of the lord and i think the thing the lesson to be learned here is the fact that even if you're going after the same enemy in the same place you need to inquire the lord because the strategy may may end up needing to be different right as far as how you go about the battle and so always go to the lord for counsel always go inquire the lord even if it looks like it's the same exact battle that you've already gone through and that you always safety's of the lord don't trust in your own arm for salvation don't trust in the flesh and i see that as one david destroys these idols doesn't even take them out of the land to destroy him he just destroys them where they're at and then also he inquires the lord to begin with which is a win you know obviously everything's going good in this kingdom you would think it's like well you know we should be able to win this battle then even after that same place same enemy he inquires the lord and good thing he did because i think it would have ended differently and uh you know maybe lives would have been lost and all of that and uh you know just a great chat when you think of chapter five here it's just really just showing you kind of like the golden era of david's kingdom where he's being blessed you know other kings are coming in and building them houses uh you know he he's winning these battles with the philistines the lord's with him all of this stuff just great stuff that's going on there uh in chapter five so um and next week i'm gonna be out on wednesday so we're gonna be taking a little break from second samuel next week obviously brother dave's gonna be brother dave's gonna be preaching for us on wednesday um but um lord willing next week we'll jump right back in into this series so um but uh let's end with a word of prayer the only father we thank you for today thank you for your word praise you be with us throughout the rest of this week and lord we just uh pray pray that you help us to understand this book as much as we can lord we love you in prayer in jesus christ's name amen brother dave we'll come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song number 61 song number 61 in your song books if you would stand we'll sing we'll never say goodbye song number 61 we'll say goodbye and party with loved ones here below we always hope to meet again as on our way we go but all four hearts are grieving for those we never meet we'll say goodbye in sorrow till we meet at jesus feet we'll never say goodbye and glory in the morning over yonder we'll never say goodbye and glory we'll never say goodbye up there our children leave the home nest for school or wedding bows or countries call or mission field may take them far as well now wedding bells are happy and god's way always right and absent ones will greet them in the city always bright we'll never say goodbye and glory in the morning over yonder we'll never say goodbye and glory we'll never say goodbye