(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 94 what a wonderful change in my life has been wrong since Jesus came into my heart I have lied in my soul for which long I had saw since Jesus came into my heart since Jesus came into my heart since Jesus came into my heart floods of joy or my soul like the sea bellows roll since Jesus came into my heart I have seized from my wandering going astray since Jesus came into my heart and my sins which were many are all washed away since Jesus came into my heart since Jesus came into my since Jesus came into my heart joy or my soul like the sea bellows roll since Jesus came into my heart I'm possessed of a home that is steadfast and sure since Jesus came into my heart and no dark clouds of doubt now my pathway of score since Jesus came into my heart since Jesus came into my heart since Jesus came into my heart floods of joy or my soul like the sea bellows roll since Jesus came into my heart there's a light in the valley of death now for me since Jesus came into my heart and the gates of the city beyond I can see since Jesus came into my heart since Jesus came into my heart since Jesus came into my heart floods of joy or my soul like the sea bellows roll since Jesus came into my heart I shall go there to dwell in that city I know since Jesus came into my heart and I'm happy so happy is onward I go came into my heart since Jesus came into my heart since Jesus came into my heart floods of joy or my soul like the sea bellows roll since Jesus came into my heart let's pray heavenly Father Lord again we just want to thank you God just for your word God thank you for your your the church that you've risen up here in Fairmont and thank you for our pastor Lord I pray Lord that you would just be honored and glorified out of it everything it's done done we love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all but amen all right may be seated and take you take your Mountain Baptist songbooks songbooks and turn to page number two we'll sing psalm 15 on page number two Lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy hell who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy hell he that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart he that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart he that back by death not with his tongue nor do with evil to his neighbor nor take up reproach against his neighbor he that back by death not with his tongue and whose eyes a person is content body on a red that fear the Lord and whose eyes a person is content body on a red dam that fear the Lord he that swearth to his own hurt and change he that putteth not his money to usury he that swearth to his own hurt and change not he that putteth not his money to usury nor takeeth reward against the innocent he that do these things shall never be moved nor takeeth reward against the innocent he that do with these things shall never be moved Lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy hell amen some announcements here yeah so welcome Mount Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and service times all that stuff on your bulletin everything should be normal this coming Sunday so be in your places for the Sunday morning service on the afternoon service and then soul winning obviously on Sunday we'll be at 1 p.m. we do have the marathon the Sony marathon coming up this Saturday so that will be in Moorfield West Virginia so I think most people are on that church group there so everybody should know as far as all the information there but that's happening this Saturday and then on Sunday the women's prayer meeting obviously in between services there and then August 30th we have the men's prayer meeting and then on September 21st we're gonna have so many marathon in Canonsburg PA so yeah if you can't make it this one hopefully you can make the next one and so that's on the list there and then chapter memory for the month first John chapter 1 as we're coming to the end of August here getting wags we were in the midst of it I guess but chapter 2 will be in September and so on so forth Psalm 118 verse 8 is our memory verse of the week it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man and then we have on the pregnancy list there pray for Rachel Hiles on the pregnancy list but also be in prayer for the McCloy family and crystal McCloy recovery process all that stuff but it seems like everybody's doing well so praise the Lord for that and so I think that's better what I have for announcements young man that came in at the evening service ended up getting saved so praise the Lord for that but just like right on like already there pretty much but just his name's Alec and so but yeah so awesome stuff there and then I think that's about what I have that I can think of right now so offering box back there from when you have a tie there an offering one of the baby rooms for mothers and babies only who's reading tonight but David but David's gonna be reading 2nd Samuel chapter 19 as we do one more song all right take your song books and turn to song 370 song 370 in your song books will sing throughout the lifeline song 370 throw out the lifeline across the dark wave there is a brother whom someone should save somebody's brother Oh who then will dare throw out the lifeline his peril to share throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is drifting away throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is sinking today throw out the lifeline with hand quick and strong why do you tear rewind linger so long see he is sinking oh hey send today away the life boat away then away throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is drifting away throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is sinking today throw out the lifeline to danger fraud man seeking an anguish where you've never been winds of temptation and bellows of woe will soon hurl them out where the dark waters flow throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is drifting away throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is sinking today soon will the season of rescue be or soon will they drift to eternity shore hey then my brother no time for delay but throw out the lifeline and save them today throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is drifting away throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is sinking today all right take your Bibles and turn to the book second Samuel chapter number 19 second Samuel chapter number 19 we'll have brother David read that for us second Samuel 19 if you found place amen and the Bible reads and it was told Joab behold the king weepeth and mourneth for Absalom and the victory that day was turning was turned into morning for under all the people for the people heard say that the day that day how the king was grieved for a son and the people get them by stealth that day into the city as people being ashamed steal away when they flee in battle but the king covered his face and the king cried with a loud voice oh my son Absalom Oh Absalom my son my son and Joab came into the house to the king and said thou has saved this day the faces of all thy servants which this day have saved thy life and the lives of thy sons and of thy daughters and the wives of thy wives and the wives of thy concubines in that thou lovest thine enemies and hatest thy friends so thou has declared this day that I regard as neither princes nor servants for this day I perceive that if Absalom had lived and we had all died this day then it had pleased thee well now therefore arise go forth and speak comfortably under thy servants but I swear by the Lord if thou go not forth there will not tarry one with thee this night and that will be worse than all the evil that befell thee from thy youth until now and the king arose and sat in the gate and they and they told unto all the people saying behold the kingdom sit in the gate and all the people came before the king for the Israel had fled every man to her sin and all the people were at strife through all the tribes of Israel saying the king saved us out of the hand of our enemies and he delivered us out of the hand of the Philistines and now he is fled out of the land for Absalom and Absalom whom he anointed over us is dead in battle now therefore why speak he not a word of drinking the king back and the King David sent to Zadok and to Abiathar the priest saying speak unto the elders of Judah saying why are the last why are you the last to bring the king back to his house saying the speech of all Israel is come to the king even to his house ye are my brethren you are my bones and my flesh wherefore then are you the last to bring back the king and say ye to Amazah art thou not of my bone and of my flesh God do so to me and Moel so if thou be not captain of the host before me continually in the room of Joab and he bowed the heart of all the men of Judah even as the heart of one man so that they sent this right into the king returned now on all thy servants so the king returned and came to Jordan and Judah came to Gilgal to go and meet the king to conduct the king over Jordan and Simeon the son of Gira a Benjamite which is of Bahirim he said he came down with the men of Judah to meet King David and there were a thousand men of Benjamin with him and Ziba the saving of the house of Saul and his 15 sons and his 20 servants with them and they came over and they went over at Jordan before the king and they went over a ferryboat to carry over the king's household and to do what he thought good and Simeon the son of Gira fell down before the king as he was come over Jordan and sent him to the king let not my lord impute iniquity under me neither do they remember that which thy servant did perversely the day that my lord the king went out of Jerusalem that the kings that take it to his heart for thy servant doth know that I have sinned therefore behold I am come the face this date of all the house of Joseph to go down to meet my lord the king but I beside is that the son of Zeruiah answered and said so I'm not Simeon be put to death for this because he had cursed the Lord's anointed and Dave said what have I to do with you you sons of Zeruiah that you said do this that you said this day be adversaries under me so there any man be put to death this day in Israel but do not I know that I am the this day king over Israel therefore the king said unto Simeon I thou shalt not die and the king swear unto him and Mephibosath the son of Saul came down to meet the king and had neither dressed his feet nor trimmed his beard nor washed his clothes from the day the king departed until the day he came again in peace and it came to pass when he was come to Jerusalem to meet the king that the king said unto him wherefore wentest thou not with me Mephibosath and he answered my lord o king my servant deceived me well I say and said I will saddle me and ask that I may ride there on and go to the king because my servant is lame and he and he has slanted thy servant unto the Lord unto my lord the king for my lord the king is as an angel of God do you therefore what is good in thy eyes for all of my father's house were but dead men before that my lord the king yet does that thy servant among them that did eat at thine own table what right therefore have I to carry any more unto the king and the king said to him why speakest thou any more of thy matter I have said thou and Ziba divide the land Mephibosath said unto the king yea let him take all for as much as my lord the king has come again in peace unto his own house and Barzillai the Gileadite came down to Merugelim and went over Jordan with the king to conduct him over Jordan now Barzillai was a very aged man even first girl years old and he had provided the king a sustenance while he lay at man am for he was a very great man and the king said unto Barzillai come now over with me and I will feed thee with me in Jerusalem and Barzillai said unto the king how long have I to live that I should go up with the king unto Jerusalem I am this day first girl years old and can I discern between good and evil can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women or if I then said thy servant be yet burdened unto my lord the king thy servant will go a little way over Jordan with the king and rise to the king recompense it recompense it me with such a reward let thy servant I pray thee turn back again that I may die in my own city and be buried by the grave of my father and of my mother behold thy servant Jim Ham let him go over with my lord the king and do to him what seemed good unto thee and the king answered Jim Ham shall go over with me and I will do to him that which shall seem good unto thee and whatsoever that's not required me that will I do for thee and all the people went over Jordan and when the king was come over the king kissed Barzillai and blessed him and returned unto his own place then the king went on to Gilgal and Jim Ham went on with him and all the people of Judah conducted the king and also half the people of Israel and behold all the men of Israel came to the king and said unto the king why have our brethren the men of Judah stolen thee away and have brought the king and his household and all David's men with them over Jordan and all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel because the king is near of kin to us wherefore then be ye angry for this matter have we eaten at all of the king's cross had he given us any gift and the men of Israel answered the men of Judah and said we have ten parts in the king and we have also more right in David than ye why then did he despise us that our advice should not be first had bringing back our king and the words of the men of Judah were fiercer than the words of the men of Israel let's pray dear Lord I thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house but you go past with your spirit and help us all to be edified in Jesus name we pray amen amen so you're there in 2nd Samuel chapter 19 and we are continuing our study through the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 18 we saw where Absalom well basically David wins the victory and Absalom is killed and that whole story of how that happened him being caught up in the oak and then Joab killing him and sending the messengers to David and all that and so in chapter 19 here well we really end the chapter in chapter 18 with David being in great mourning because Absalom's dead and we see that that the fact that he's saying oh my son Absalom my son my son well in chapter 19 we're going to see that Joab is going to rebuke David because David basically is in the state of mourning and it's affecting basically the victory that they have won and basically the morale of all of his men and everything are just completely annihilated in the fact that David is in such deep sorrow for his son and in verse 1 here it says and it was told Joab behold the king weepeth and mourneth for Absalom and the victory that day was turned into mourning unto all the people for the people heard say that day how the king was greed for his son and the people got them by stealth that day into the city as people being ashamed steal away when they flee in battle so basically they're just kind of like kind of like tuck tailing into the into the the city even though they won the battle and so because I'm sure they're afraid to be in rejoicing and everything when the king is in this deep mourning but it says but the king covered his face and the king cried with a loud voice oh my son Absalom Absalom my son my son now Joab is going to come to him and basically talk sense into him and the fact that this is not good what he's doing and it says in verse 5 and says in Joab came into the house to the king and said thou has shamed this day the faces of all thy servants which this day have saved thy life in the lives of thy sons and of thy daughters in the lives of thy wives in the lives of thy concubines in that thou lovest thine enemies and hatest thy friends for thou hast declared this this day that thou regardest neither princes nor servants for this day I proceed that if Absalom had lived and all we had died this day then it had pleased thee well now therefore rise go forth and speak comfortably unto thy servants for I swear by the Lord if thou go not forth there will not tarry one with thee this night and that will be worse unto thee than all the evil that befell thee from thy youth until now and basically what's going on here is that because he's in such great mourning for his son Absalom that it looks like it looks like he's actually loves Absalom more than the people that just saved him from this you know basically attack on him and if you if you know that basically Absalom he just wanted to kill David so really all these men that went out to battle were saving David from death and what this comes down to is that we need to love our enemies but we don't take it too far to where we're we're loving our enemies so much that we hate our friends and we hate our family right it's not like love your enemies hate your friends you know obviously we need to love our enemies but we need to also love our friends and love our family and all of that right and so this is a point where the pendulum is going too far and a lot of times this happens to Christianity where people take things too far and then they end up being in sin it's kind of like the idea of loving people it's like well yeah love people but there is a case where you shouldn't love those that hate the Lord actually this chapter is a great chapter with dealing with loving your enemy but also it starts off with the fact of but don't go too far with that to where it actually looks like you actually hate your friends and the next chapter is actually going to be going to be dealing with someone that's a hater of the Lord a son of Belial so we'll see that case as well so this chapter is a great chapter to be like okay who's my enemy that I need to love but then also in chapter 20 in the fact that there are people that are actually we shouldn't love right because the Bible says that you shouldn't help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord and but this story reminds me a little bit of Samuel as far as I know we're in second Samuel but the man Samuel and when Saul was rejected go to go to first Samuel chapter 16 verse 1 and the fact that David is basically mourning over Absalom and he needs to suck it up and get back to leading his his troops and his men and get to the task that's at hand and the fact is is that there's nothing wrong with mourning but there has to be a point where you know especially when you're dealing with someone that sinned and all of that right there there's a lot of things in the Bible when it comes to well mourning over someone that has sinned and they've gotten punished but I mean think about the capital punishment sometimes when it talks about that not showing pity right and not having pity on the person that is worthy of death and even a New Testament it says that if you see your brother sin a sin which is not unto death he shall pray and he shall ask for him and he shall and I'm gonna misquote that now but he shall give him life to them that sin not unto death there is a sin unto death I do not say say that he shall pray for it and you know what that's saying is that pray for the brother that is sinning that's not unto death meaning he's not committing capital crimes he's not committing crimes that are worthy of death you know pray for that person but if someone is worthy of death you know the Bible saying is you know don't pray for that person don't pray for them to be saved you know from physical you know punishment right and so what people do is they take it too far and be like well no we need to to the point where it's like well no the cap the capital punishment is wicked and wrong it's like what you know and they they make that pen they swing the pendulum way too far and and this is why you need to know the Bible you need to know these stories you need to know the commandments of the Lord because it's not you can't just say love everything right you just can't be over here in this one camp where it's just like this is all it is on this maybe on the side of but let's say the the fluffy side over here of everything being nice right no there's because it's that you you know think about the the Bible says to be happy but you know what Bible also talks about righteous indignation be angry and sin not you know should we be angry most of time no should we hate most of time no right but there needs to be you need to know when to pull the trigger on those types of things there needs to be a time to mourn but there needs to be a time where you stop mourning right or a time where you shouldn't be mourning over certain things okay obviously if a loved one passes away it's a time of mourning it's not like you know suck it up buttercup you know like they they you know especially if they're saying you know I've heard people say like well they're saying they're in heaven you know why are you mourning you know it's like yeah you should mourn I mean it's not the fact that you're mourning that like all you'll never see him again but here's thing people will mourn if you just had to go on a long trip and you're not gonna see him for a long time right so anyway in first Samuel chapter 16 verse 1 it says in the Lord said unto Samuel how long wilt thou mourn for Saul seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel fill thine horn with oil and go I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite where I have provided me a king among his sons now you could look at the story of David and think well it's Joab he's not exactly the best example of like godliness and I would agree with you on that right Joab's not like the the model for that but I think Joab is right here and but we do have a story where the Lord is obviously right when he tells Samuel how long you gonna mourn for Saul meaning meaning that stop mourning for Saul and go get the work right you need to go anoint David and Joab is basically saying the same thing to David is like you need to you need to basically come out to the people and because the perception even though I don't believe David actually hated his men or anything like that but that's the perception okay and go to Matthew go to Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 where it talks about loving your enemy but it never says love your enemy and therefore don't love anybody else either okay the whole point of loving your enemy is that also right it's kind of like also love your enemy okay like we know that we should love our neighbor as ourself we should love those that love us right but on top of that love those that that persecute you love those that that hate you right and so in turn love your enemies and we're talking about your personal enemies right we're not talking about those that are literally haters of God and and enemies of the Lord in that manner there we're talking about those that are personal enemies people that just don't like you or whatever and it's not necessarily towards God okay and Matthew chapter 5 verse 43 here it says you have heard that it has been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate that enemy now it's been said but that's not like as it is written thou shalt hate that enemy because you actually won't find that in the Old Testament you actually find Old Testament passages we're talking about doing good unto your enemy and and and loving your enemy okay and obviously this is a great example of it in real life application with David okay but also there are Commandments to basically help your enemy give them the drink give them to eat and all that now in verse 44 says but I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good then to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you notice that that's all personal right like they're persecuting you they hate you like it's your personal it's a personal enemy okay and then it says that you may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he make it his son to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on Justin on the unjust notice this for if you love them which love you what reward have you do not even the publicans the same if you salute your brethren only what do you more than others do not even the public and so be therefore perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect so it's not saying if you love them which love you know you should actually hate them and love your enemies right it's just stating the fact that you don't have a reward it's not it's not like this big hard thing to do to love those that love you right it's kind of easy so there's not this big reward that you're going to get for loving those that love you it's kind of like you give a gift to somebody it gives a gift to you it's not like a big reward there but if you give a gift to someone that you don't ever receive anything back right and that gets into the fact of let's say you make a meal for somebody and but they're they end up inviting you over and it's reciprocal nothing wrong with that okay but there's not like this big reward in heaven for that okay but if you make a meal or you you help someone out and when you know that they can't actually give anything back to you that's when you have a reward in heaven so the idea here is that same principle is that knowing that the enemy is not going to reciprocate that or some cases they actually do but let's say you're going into that like this isn't gonna be any benefit they're not gonna help me out at all I'm only helping them that's when you have rewards in heaven okay but that doesn't mean that just leave off your friends you know the Bible says a man that has friends must show himself friendly so you want to have friends you need to be friendly towards them or you're not gonna have very many friends okay or they're not gonna last so you need to be nice to your friends love your friends and here's here's the truth of the matter you're gonna love your family and your friends more and that's just the facts of life and that's the way it is okay and anybody that says no I love my enemies more they're over spiritual and get out of my face with that garbage that that's just basically you saying like oh no I'm just this extra spiritual person no the fact of the matter is is that you love your family the most you love your friends next and obviously you should love God the most right but in the end we need to also love our enemies okay but loving your enemies it never says like you got to be best buddies with them right it's basically saying if they're thirsty give them something to drink okay pray for them you know don't basically don't fight fire with fire railing for railing right don't come don't come back at them just basically take it or contrary wise blessing but it doesn't mean that you have to be good friends with them or anything like that and so we have to have the right perspective of loving our enemies and not neglecting our friends and family okay that's what the Bible says in first Timothy chapter 5 and verse 8 first Timothy chapter 5 and verse 8 first Timothy chapter 5 verse 8 it says but if any provide not for his own and specially for those of his own house he had denied the faith and is worse than an infidel notice that there's there's a qualifier there meaning like you need to provide for your own but specially for those of your own house right and the fact is the matter is is that there's gonna be people that you're gonna provide for more than others but that doesn't mean that you can't provide for the poor too but here's the thing I don't neglect my family to provide for the poor so this is this is a big problem when it comes to the ministry I've seen this happen where preachers will basically put all their energy and time into people into the ministry but they'll neglect their kids they'll neglect their wife they'll neglect the things at home to do that and you know that's why then then you wonder why their kids don't turn out right and you wonder why their marriage doesn't work work out and all that because they're and it's not that helping out people and and and loving people in the ministry is a bad thing it's just as much as loving your enemy is not a bad thing but don't go too far with it to where you're neglecting those that you should be loving to write if anything should be loving more I mean should not David be showing more love towards those that just saved his life then towards a person that was trying to kill him okay it's like it's not a bad thing that he had compassion for his son and that he loved his enemy right but he's taking it way too far okay so that's something to think about there and you have these extra spiritual overly spiritual Christians out there that want to just make it look like they're just some super Christian by certain things they do but then in end up neglecting listen you'll have so much time you don't have so much time and energy so if you're putting pouring it all into your enemy or your certain people then you know you don't have enough time for the rest so this gets into redeeming the time but so in going back to the second Samuel chapter 19 there so David heeds Joab's rebuke okay now what happens next I don't know if this is because of what Joab says David maybe he's maybe a little spurned by it I don't know because he's gonna he's returning okay and he comes out to the people and to the gate and people are coming out to him and what you understand is that all Israel was basically just behind Absalom so there has to be this kind of transfer back a power of being king so there is this kind of where the tribes have to accept him back and all this stuff but he's gonna end up promising a Mesa Joab's job okay so I don't know if that's like yeah you rebuked me but you know what you're fired you know I don't know I don't know if that has part to play in this okay or anything like that but we're gonna see something here and that also I want you to remember that David gave a Mesa Joab's job of being captain of the host because that's going to be important later on okay as far as what happens to Mesa because Joab's gonna end up killing him okay and they're cousins so but in verse 8 here it says then the king arose and sat in the gate and they told unto all the people saying behold the king that sit in the gate and all the people came for the king for Israel had fled every man to his tent so everybody's kind of like like whipped all going back to their tents because David's in this deep state of mourning and what should have been a time of rejoicing turned into basically a big funeral service and so but he comes out to the gate they come out and it says in verse 9 here says and all the people were at strife throughout all the tribes of Israel saying the king saved us out of the hand of our enemies and he delivered us out of the hand of the Philistines and now he has fled out of the land of app out of the land for Absalom and Absalom whom we anointed over us is dead in battle now therefore why speak ye not a word of bringing the king back so basically there's this this rumbling around Israel that okay Absalom's dead and they're basically saying David kept us safe he fought our battles all of this and he had to flee because Absalom but Absalom's now dead and basically they're like why are we not talking about bringing him back and what what's going on here which is very interesting if you think about it is Judah is the one that's kind of holding out on this you would think it'd be the other way around right because Judah is literally the tribe David's from and but all the rest of Israel is like hey what do you why aren't we bringing him back and so David ends up sending out Zadok and Abiathar the priests and tells them to speak to the elders of Judah and also to Amasa now what you have to understand is that Amasa was made the captain of the host so he's basically the general of the army right up that was for Absalom okay so when Absalom was fighting against David you basically had a Mesa against Joab right and again I know there was Joab and Abishai and Atai right they were in the three different camps but Joab was the captain of the host so he was like the general the main captain right so David is going to send Zadok and Abiathar the priests to speak unto the elders of Judah and they're gonna also speak to Amasa so basically what's going on here I believe is that Judah has control of the major the army right so a lot of Israel's like hey we need to bring back David but David realized I need to convince the army right I need to convince Judah and what you have to understand too with this is that Judah a lot of times made up most of the men that were in battle right there's 12 tribes in Israel right but it's not it's not like each tribe represented the same amount of percentage of people okay like Dan is very small but Judah is massive so Judah and Ephraim are like the two biggest tribes and then some of the other tribes are just kind of like a little bit here a little bit there but when it comes to the army Judah is like its own force and Israel's like a little like when you combine all the other tribes together they're maybe a little bigger than Judah but not much and even back when they are coming into the Promised Land if you look at those numbers as far as those that are ready to go out to war a lot of that is Judah okay but anyway that being said we see here that in verse 11 it says and King David sent to Zadok and Abiathar the priest saying speak unto the elders of Judah saying why are ye the last to bring the king back to his house seeing the speech of all Israel has come to the king even to this to his house so basically that's what's going on is that all the tribes of Israel like what are we waiting for why aren't we bringing him back Judah's the one that's holding out which I am aces of Judah obviously because he's related to David so he's of the tribe of Judah and it probably has to do with a power struggle here on whether they want to bring David back or whatever but then it says in verse 12 there it says you're my brethren you're my bones and my flesh wherefore then are ye the last to bring back the king in verse 13 and say ye to Amasa art thou not of my bone and of my flesh even more so right because they're that's literally his sisters it's his nephew right so it's his sister son are thou not of my bone and of my flesh God do so to me and more also if thou be not captain of the host before me continually in the room of Joab that's an important line to know there because then later on you're gonna see that spoiler alert Joab kills Amasa and you're just like what was that all about but if you know this right here you're gonna be like I know exactly why he did that not justifying it but you know his motive okay it says and he bowed the heart of all all the men of Judah even as the heart of one man so that they sent this word unto the king return now and all thy servants so the king returned and came to Jordan and Judah came to Gilgal to go to meet the king to conduct the king over Jordan now what you have to say think about this when at when David was getting the kingdom after Saul died it was Abner the captain of the host that came and said hey I'm gonna basically bring all of Israel to you so you have to kind of you have to have the general the army basically say we're done at that point Absalom died but you really need the people to come behind you and in the in the army to be behind you as well for everything to work smoothly and so basically we see here that Israel's like why aren't we bringing it back Judah's kind of holding out then David sends Zadok and Abiathar to basically talk to all the all the elders of Judah and specifically to Emesa saying basically you have job security and it and probably what this may get into as well is that they may be afraid that they're all gonna be executed for treason you know who knows right we don't really know all their thought processes there but if you think about it Emesa was the captain of the host against David so you can imagine that he's probably wondering like am I gonna die am I gonna you know whatever is gonna happen well Dave is like you're gonna be the captain of the host well that's all out the window now right he's literally the general of David's army now so so you can think of it a little bit of diplomacy there that pride Dave is doing and but I don't know you know me just being a little cynical I think Dave is just like that's for rebuking me Joab you're fired you know like I don't know I don't know but here's saying he's constantly saying about Joab and Abishai that you know like what am I gonna do you guys are too hard for me right you sons of Zirariah so it cut you know I think in the back of David's mind he's like these guys are good fighters but man they're not exactly he's constantly having to cover for their sins I mean think about he killed Abner and he had to make this big ado about the fact that hey that wasn't my doing I didn't want that to happen and all that actually Abishai is gonna say something here that's gonna be very similar to what he's always saying to them because he's gonna come back and Shimei is gonna come to him first now if you remember Shimei he's the one that was cursing David kicking up you know throwing rocks kicking up dust and all this stuff and this is Abishai is like you know why does the dead dog curse my lord the king you know let me go up there and take his head off from you know and and Dave is like no let him curse because maybe this will be turned back because basically if David is is kind to him maybe it'll turn back in David's favor all that verse 16 it says in Shimei the son of Gira a Benjamite which was a Bechirim hasted and came down with the men of Judah to meet King David now this is a whole sermon that you can think about when the fact that when you trust pass against somebody to kind of come at come with them while they're while you're in the way with them like basically get it reconciled quick right and this is kind of an application there that it what if Shimei didn't come and try to reconcile he came up later the fact that he's the first to meet David when he's coming back shows you that hey he's really you know basically repentant and like deserve some mercy there okay and it says in verse 17 says and there there were a thousand men of Benjamin with him and Ziba the servant of the house of Saul and his 15 sons and his 20 servants with him and they went over Jordan before the king and there went over a ferry boat to carry over the king's household and to do what he thought good and Shimei the son of Gira fell down before the king as he was come over Jordan and said unto the king let not my lord impute iniquity unto me neither do thou remember that which thy servant did perversely the day that my lord the king went out of Jerusalem that the king should take it to his heart they basically just asked him for forgiveness in a very lengthy way but he's basically like don't take it to heart you know obviously I messed up I sin and what does the Bible say about if your brother come to you and they trespass and they come and repent then we're to forgive and it says till 70 time there's till seven times till 70 times seven right you know if he comes seven times a day forgive him but if it's 70 times seven that's 490 times but I don't believe you should be tallying that and be like until I can get to that 490 first time and then then it's no forgiveness obviously I believe it's just basically saying you know obviously always forgive if they come back and and the key there is that they were they repent right they're not just being like what are you gonna do about it you know you got to forgive me it's like no no you don't but if they do ask for forgiveness then yeah that's where it needs to you need to be forgiving and so this is a great example of that in the fact that David is gonna forgive Shimei and he's not gonna put him to death but it says in verse 20 it says for thy servant doth know that I have sinned therefore behold I am come the first this day of all the house of Joseph to go down to meet my lord the king but Abishai the son of Jeruiah answered and said shall not Shimei be put to death for this because he cursed the Lord's anointed and David said what have I to do with you ye sons of Jeruiah that ye should this day be adversaries unto me shall there any man be put to death this day in Israel for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel therefore the king said unto Shimei thou shalt not die and the king swear unto him so and I love how it's the sons of Jeruiah so it's like Joab's there with him he's just like you're included in this right it's Abishai that said it but you know Joab's there and what you understand is Job's the one that killed Absalom too so I mean I'm sure there's some some hard feelings there and actually we know there's hard feelings because of what he does with Abner and Amasa later on because when Solomon reigns in his stead he gives him a commandment to one deal with Shimei and he said and he doesn't tell him to kill Shimei but what Solomon does is basically gives him an ultimatum like you got to stay here if you leave there you die so basically kind of puts him on house arrest at some like location and then with Joab he's just like don't let his his you know basically don't let him die a natural death you know don't let his his whore head go to the ground in peace and it gives the exact reason but you can imagine that he's probably thinking you know I told you not to touch Absalom you did right so so he basically pardons Shimei here and you can definitely see just the love that David has for his enemies and the fact that you know obviously no one would have batted an eye if he said yeah Abishai go take care of him but when someone's coming and they're obviously repentant and obviously Shimei he didn't he didn't he didn't do anything obviously he's throwing dust and dirt but he didn't do anything to like maim David right it's not like he actually like David was in danger of death when that happened right obviously you know he's cursing him all of that but but going on in chapter 19 here in verse 24 Mephibosheth is gonna come out and meet him and I know I've already covered this dealing with Mephibosheth but but I want to go through this again on the fact that one reason that one reason I think that we need to we need to just love our enemies and be very loving towards our enemies or those that persecute us or those that do us wrong because sometimes we might actually be wrong about whether they actually did us wrong and in the case of Mephibosheth David thinks that Mephibosheth basically wronged him and and didn't come with him because he wanted to like retain his kingdom and all this stuff and so if you're going if you're already in the mode of loving your enemies then you know what if he came back just like everybody was against me they're done and then you end up like executing judgment on somebody that actually wasn't against you right so and I just think about that with this fact that he's kind of you know how he's dealing with his enemies at first he kind of thinks Mephibosheth is his enemy though it all gets cleared up here so meaning this is don't go guns-a-blazing on all your enemies right because you might actually be mistaken maybe they actually aren't your enemy maybe it was someone else maybe they were falsely accused maybe it's been a big slander okay who here has been lied about about what they've done or said right everybody in here and we're just talking about a lie that was told about me like years ago you know and it's just it's just it's crazy how blatant a lie can be and how off how opposite a lie could be right so where just the boldness of that lie but yet you know you some people can look at that and they just believe it and you'd be like that guy's my enemy because he did this it's like except it's not true right and so when it comes to Mephibosheth this is a great example why we shouldn't just be like have this hair trigger to basically come back at people okay and this comes into answering a matter before you hear it right answer not a matter before you hear it because you know because it'll end up being folly and shame unto you now we have all the facts and everything that's supporting what's going on there at that point maybe you need to rebuke something or whatever but they just like rebuke it when you don't even know what's going on you know and we're all guilty of that us parents are probably guilty of that a lot too because you know we'll discipline our children and it's actually we didn't have all the facts and and the one child was actually not wrong and the other one was wrong and then you end up doing that and so you know we as parents need to be mindful of that as well to not just be on a hair trigger for punishment because you know you know when it comes to spanking a lot of cases I tried if I witness something that they've done extremely wrong to where they need a spanking then that's when it happens but if I if it's like well you know what my one child told me that the the other child did this it's like it's not enough it's not enough for me to like be like let's lay down the law here okay because what if that one's lying to me they may not be lying to me they may be completely telling the truth but you know you need to have the evidence there so in verse 24 he says in Mephibosheth the son of Saul came down to meet the king and he had neither dressed his feet nor trimmed his beard nor washed his clothes from the day the king departed until the day he came again in peace so it's very clear that that Mephibosheth wasn't exactly celebrating his time when David was gone okay verse 25 it says it came to pass when he was come to Jerusalem to meet the king that the king said unto him wherefore when is not thou with me Mephibosheth and he answered my lord O king my servant deceive me for thy servant said I will saddle me and ask that I may ride thereon and go to the king because thy servant is lame and he hath slandered thy servant unto my lord the king but my lord the king is as an angel you you you you they're working now all right so anyway just something to think about there when when I read this I'm like why are you not just like saying Ziba you got nothing to get everything back and all of that right but I think you got to think about it in the fact of what what is David know right how's he looking at this in David's view what is he seeing you know maybe maybe he's just like I'm not sure who to believe here he probably leans toward believing towards Mephibosheth but he's basically like you know what you guys just divide it and get away from each other right it's kind of you ever get that with your kids where you're just you're just like you know what you guys just separate you do this you do this and obviously they've wronged each other but you're just like just go away from each other you take this toy you take this toy and just split it right and I think that's kind of what just from a parent's view of this on how Dave is dealing with it okay now chapter 31 or chapter 31 verse 31 like there is no chapter 31 in 2nd Samuel verse 31 we had the story where Barzillai comes now if you remember when when David was leaving there was men that came with a whole bunch of stuff right basically all kinds of food and different things for them as they were leaving and fleeing and Barzillai was one of those men but we're gonna find out as Barzillai is actually very it's pretty old okay and this is a great example I preached a sermon I forget when it was at least a year ago maybe two years ago dealing with Barzillai versus Hezekiah and the idea that Barzillai is such a great example of someone that cares more about the next generation than himself and this is a great example of this and the fact that I believe we need to have this type of attitude of caring about our kids or the next generation and not just saying thinking well you know whatever whatever I can enjoy right now but nuts to what the next generation has to deal with right it's kind of like I'm gonna accrue all this debt and then I'm gonna put all that on my kids and they have to deal with that it's like no that's bad don't do that okay in verse 31 here says in Barzillai the Gilead I came down from Grogolim and went over Jordan with the king to conduct him over Jordan now Barzillai was a very aged man even fourscore years old now fourscore is 80 okay so one score I think that's how you'd say it a score is 20 so that's where you get that four score seven years ago right 87 years ago Abraham Lincoln's famous address anyway four score years old so 80 years old and he had provided the king of sustenance while he lay lay at Manam for he was a very great man so basically he's very old but he also has a lot right and it says in verse 33 and the king said unto Barzillai I come thou over with me and I will feed thee with me in Jerusalem and Barzillai said unto the king how long have I to live that I should go up with thee or go up with the king unto Jerusalem I am this day fourscore years old and can and and can I discern between good and evil can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women wherefore then should thy servant be yet a burden unto my Lord the king it kind of reminds you of Ecclesiastes chapter 12 right and the fact that he's just like I can't hear anything can't taste it you know it's like you know basically you're wasting your time with me my time is over right basically I I'm not gonna be able to enjoy what you're going to give me right and so keep reading there and verse 36 it says and I love that he says to you know that I'm not a burden unto you it's like I'm just gonna be a burden unto you like I'm an old man you're just gonna have to take care of me all this stuff it says in verse 36 thy servant will go a little way over Jordan with the king and why should the king recompense at me with recompense at me with such a reward let thy servant I pray thee turn back again that I may die in mine own city and be buried by the grave of my father and of my mother now I think that part of this is that he's just like I just want to I just want to be where I grew up where I lived all of that and you can see that like a lot of when people are get older how they just they're ingrained and where they're at what where they been all that said they don't want to go somewhere new when they're like 80 years old right they're just like this is where I've been this is where I want to be like I'm you know they don't want to go travel the world or live in some new place or whatever okay so you can understand that it says but behold thy servant Kim Ham let him go over with my lord the king and do to him what shall seem good unto thee and the king answered Kim Ham shall go over with me and I will do to him that which shall seem good unto thee and whatsoever thou shalt require me that will I do for thee for thee and all the people went over Jordan and when the king was come over the king kissed Barzillai and blessed him and he returned unto his own place then the king went unto Gilgal and Kim Ham went on with him and all the people of Judah conducted the king and also half the people of Israel so Kim Ham is his servant it's not even his son it's his servant so the idea here is that Barzillai is like I'm too old to even enjoy this stuff take my servant and do everything that you're gonna do for me for him I mean that that is a model of what we should be thinking about when it comes to the next generation because it's not just that our kids obviously you can think of our kids and the fact that we want we want things to be good for them we want them to have everything they need to have but how about like how about you know someone that works for you how about someone that just people that aren't you're not even related to right how about just in general you want the next generation to have it better than you have okay and go to second Corinthians chapter 12 verse 14 second Corinthians chapter 12 verse 14 there second Corinthians chapter 12 verse 14 says behold the third time I am ready to come to you and I will not be burdensome to you for I seek not yours but you meaning like not all your stuff I don't want all your stuff I'm seeking you and basically the welfare of you it says for the children not not to lay up for the parents but the parents for the children and what Paul's basically stating here is that I'm not gonna be charged one to you I'm basically going to provide for you and he's obviously talking about the fact that he he has begotten them in the gospel and the fact that he won them to the Lord and all of that so they're like his children in the faith right and but this is the way it should be is that it's not that our children are laying up for us we're laying up for our children to leave them an inheritance to leave them something better when we leave and all of that and Barzillai is a great example of this you know who's not a good example of this Hezekiah okay go to go to second Kings chapter 20 second Kings chapter 20 you know what I think about this when I think about let's say our country for example is that people just saying well you know what is long as it's as long as things are affordable in our days we have money in our days let's just print off money right now and then everything will be a great except for the next generation got to pay for it and what's been going on in our country is that basically every generation is just passing the buck on to the next generation and it's getting worse each generation to where for example our debt in our country has gotten worse and worse and worse and worse throughout the years and what is going on to it what it was going to is that that it's just passing it on to the next generation be like all right I don't want to pay for this debt so I'm going to give it to the next generation they're like well I don't want to pay for this debt I'm gonna give it to the next generation well they're gonna come a point where there's no choice but they're gonna have to pay it and the question that you have to ask yourself is that well how about we as generators just say you know what let's just pay it now let's just get it over with let's rip off the band-aid maybe things will be a little harder maybe think maybe we won't have like all the luxuries that we normally have but hey you know what we're taking care of that and the country isn't gonna implode and therefore the next generation isn't just doomed to fail and you're like well you know that sucks for our generation it's like yeah but you know what I'd rather it'd be hard in my day and be and be easier for my kids right think about like just the idea of the culture war that we're in when it comes to morality okay well instead of passing it on be like well you know at least it's not that bad in my day but then that your kids day is gonna be even worse how about we fix it now how about we take the persecution now how about we take the hit now instead of leaving it to our children to have to take care of and you know the generation before has you know basically failed generation before that has failed and you know what there has to be a point where we say you know what we're gonna step up to the plate and I'm using generalities right I'm not saying every single person in the last generation has failed or anything like that right but when it comes to Christianity there's a lot of that that happens where you have a lot of people that just just get going along get along so it's nice and cozy in in their day you think of preachers that just won't preach anything hard because you know what they're getting a paycheck and they can live a comfortable life and they can just you know do their thing but then you know what society goes to hell in a handbasket and the morality of our country goes to hell in a handbasket and therefore where we're at where people don't even know that there's two genders and we're in this this horrific state that our country's in so those are says in second King chapter 20 in verse 16 it says in Isaiah said unto Hezekiah hear the word of the Lord behold the days come that all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day shall be carried unto Babylon nothing shall be left saith the Lord and of thy sons that shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon then said Hezekiah to Isaiah good is the word of the Lord which thou hast spoken and he said it is it not good if peace and truth be in my days so get what he's saying there is that yeah in your son's days in your children's days it's gonna be horrible all this stuff's gonna be gone in your days it's gonna be fine and he's like well good can you imagine that's your thought process be like well good you know it's good in my days so it's his he's the reason that that's going to happen okay if you know the story basically that these Babylonians came there and he basically showed everything off to them and all this stuff and he's getting a recompense for that that and it gets into I'm sure being lifted up with pride all this other stuff but but the consequence is because of his actions but he's saying well you know basically what he's saying nuts to the next generation they'll have to pay the price but it's gonna be fine in my day and that is just something that we should not have that mindset I don't know about you but I I don't worry about the hardships that I have to go through I worry about what the next generation has to go through right what my kids are gonna have to go through right I think about like what kind of country is my children or my children gonna be living in when they have children right and what I think about and maybe this is just odd to think about is the fact I think about when I'm not here to help them right because well as long as I'm alive you know like if my kids get married and they have kids listen I'll be there to help them as much as I can right as long as I'm alive and breathing whatever but there's gonna come a day you know Lord willing I mean why the Lord Terry's I would say that I die and I'm no longer there to help and that's my biggest worry is right that I'm not here when they need help but here's thing that that's gonna happen inevitably anyway right because it's not like I'm gonna live for the see like my grandchildren of the fifth generation or something like that so therefore there's gonna have to be a point where I'm not there to help anymore and so instead what I want to do is basically hey let's make let's do as much as we can now let's let's take the hardest hit we can take now and help help out as much as we can right now and set and I would say this more importantly teach our children to do likewise and to take responsibility and to not for example let's say our country is going like this right well let's say let's say we're down at the you know pits of hell I don't know the pits of despair right so let's say we're down here well you know what what we should be doing is saying let's take it let's let's live a little more off to your life let's let's you know it's not gonna be all just better roses right and let's try to get it to where it's starting to go back up right well what the next generation needs to think is that okay our parents took a hard hit to get it from going down to start going back up we need to continue that trend to bring it up even higher that makes sense and then the next generation said hey we need to take that and we need to take it up higher okay and what you what you realize from history and a stop talking move over to the end over there speaking of children and so when it comes to history when it comes to morality when it comes to all of that is that you have ebbs and flows where it's kind of going down and coming back up going down coming back up to where you have which I would say this you say well where are we at on that that cosine curve or that sine curve right well here's thing I think that we should always be thinking that we're going down and we need to bring it back up okay and just have that mindset because even if our country is going well you know what we don't want to take it for granted and just be like well things are getting better so we can just take these and not worry about it no we should actually be moving always trying to move up pressing on the upward way new heights I'm getting every day right pressing toward the mark for the prize of high calling of God and Christ Jesus and having got a barzill-ai type of attitude not a hezekiah attitude when it comes to the next generation go back to 2nd Samuel chapter 19 verse 41 and 2nd Samuel chapter 19 verse 41 and this where it gets into this this weird feud between Judah and the rest of Israel so if you remember Judah was the ones that were holding back from bringing back Israel well now there's like this whole jealousy thing about Judah and Israel okay notice what says here in verse 41 it says and behold all the men of Israel came to the king and said unto the king why have our brethren the men of Judah stolen thee away and have brought the king and his household and all David's men with him over Jordan that first read you're like what are they talking about but it says and all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel because the king is near of kin to us wherefore then be ye angry for this matter have we eaten at all of the king's cost or hath he given us any gift and the men of Israel answered the men of Judah and said we have ten parts in the king and we have also more right and David than ye why then did you despise us that our advice should not be first had in bringing back our king and the words of the men of Judah were fiercer than the words of the men of Israel so you're like what is going on here basically Israel the rest of the tribes of Israel like the ten tribes they wanted to bring back David and it was Judah that had to be convinced but Judah is the one that went and basically received David and came back with him that makes sense they're like wait a minute we had to convince you to bring him back why aren't we the ones that are bringing him back and it's kind of like this this weird feud of like wanting to be the ones to bring back the king and but what I think about with this is that Judah obviously is closer in kin to David okay and I think about an allegory here now I'm not gonna spend much time on this but this allegory of the idea of you know Jesus coming out to his own his own receiving him not and the idea that obviously fleshly speaking those they didn't they didn't they didn't receive him but the Gentiles did and if you remember that in the New Testament it speaks about this a lot and the fact that that God was going to take a foolish nation and provoke them to jealousy okay and so I don't want to go too deep into this but the idea here is that like Israel basically made Judah jealous for David and then vice versa right there they're kind of all jealous of her you know David being theirs okay because basically they're like we should be the ones bringing him back and you're just like he didn't give us any gift you know it's kind of like this idea it's like we didn't get anything special it's not like we're getting treated better and it's just kind of like they want to be in good graces with David and they're kind of jealous over that and Israel's like we wanted to bring him back first we had to convince you why are you the one bringing him back and then Judah's like we're closely related right he's our tribe we're his tribe so what are you talking about but then in the end it's like Judah prevailed as far as their speech and all that stuff so I think it's kind of it's a little silly in the end but I do think that there is an allegory there to be said about the Jews and the Gentiles and the fact that you know Paul talks about the fact that he wants to provoke to emulation those that are of his flesh if by any means he might save some of them in the idea of using the Gentiles right he's using his office of the Gentiles to provoke them to jealousy to get them to come to the Lord and and Israel was kind of doing that they're here with Judah and I know it's all Israel at that point right but just interesting on that little feud at the end they're bringing him back so the next chapter will be getting into Sheba the son of Bikrai and again I think the big thing to understand when we get into that is that it literally calls him a son of Belial at the onset right and I think the difference between Shimei and Sheba is a great thing that I think Christians need to understand your personal enemies and forgiving them but then Sheba the son of Bikrai it doesn't end well for him because there's a difference there between between a child of the devil and your personal enemy and it just seems like people are trying to conflate those two to where it's like well no you need to love everybody it's like no I need to love my personal enemies but not someone that hates the Lord not someone that's a child of the devil right and so that's interesting that they're back-to-back here to these chapters are back-to-back so it's almost like they go together so anyway let's end with a prayer the only father we think for today thank you for your word thank you for the book of 2nd Samuel I pray that you'd help us to understand it help us to apply it to our lives and Lord pray to give us safe travels as we go home we love you in prayerless in Jesus Christ name amen but they will come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed you all right take your song song 271 song 271 in your song list we'll sing Lord I'm coming home if you would stand we'll sing song 271 I've wandered far away from God now I'm coming home the paths of sin too long I've trod Lord I'm coming home coming home coming home nevermore to roam open wide thine arms of love Lord I'm coming home I've wasted many precious years now I'm coming home I now repent with bitter tears Lord I'm coming home coming home coming home nevermore to roam open wide thine arms of love Lord I'm coming home tired of sin and strain Lord now I'm coming home I'll trust thy love believe thy word Lord I'm coming you