(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you Oh good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 406 song 406 and your song books will sing who is on the Lord's side if you would stand we'll sing song 406 will face the fall who is on the Lord's side who for him will go by thy call of mercy by thy grace divine we are on the Lord's side Savior we are thine not for weight of glory not for crown or palm enter we the army raise the war your song but for love that comment lies for whom he died he whom Jesus nameth must be on his side by thy love constraining by thy grace divine we are on the Lord's side we are thine Jesus thou hast bought us not with gold or gem but with thine own lifeblood for thy diadem with thy blessing me each who comes to thee thou hast made us wailing thou hast made us free by thy grand redemption by thy grace divine we are on the Lord's side Savior we are thine fears may be the conflict strong may be the foam but the King's own army none can overthrow round his standard ranging victory is secure is truth unchanging makes the triumph sure joyfully enlisting by thy grace divine we are on the Lord's side Savior we are thine and let's pray Heavenly Father the Lord again we just want to thank you God just for another opportunity that it is to meet in your house and to hear your word preached I pray Lord that you would just be over there pastor film with your power and spirit we love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all but amen or you may be seated and take your mountain Baptist song books your mountain Baptist hope snap your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books and turn to page number seven Oh praise the Lord all you nation praise him all ye people for his merciful kindness is great toward us and the truth of the Lord endure forever praise ye the Lord praise ye the Lord welcome Mount Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening just announcements here before we get started as we get started here as far as the service times on the list here everything should be normal this coming Sunday so nothing out of the ordinary there so winning time at 1 p.m. and then regional sewing times there as well I know we've been working with that that that app and everything and so I think it I think I personally like it I think it's gonna work well but obviously I think there's a learning curve there getting putting the stuff there but as far as like the the routes and everything but if it's maybe too convoluted for our area I think we should definitely have it for so many marathons and stuff like that because there's definitely places that we go back to a lot and I think it's nice to kind of keep that and then we'll know next time we do a soloing marathon out there so but that being said hopefully everybody's getting kind of accustomed to that and then upcoming events we have the prayer meetings on here the women's prayer meeting on the 25th the men's prayer meeting on the 30th so winning marathon August 21st in Moorfield West Virginia and then the marathon in Canonsburg PA on September 21st so those are the upcoming sewing marathons and then chapter memory for the month 1st John chapter 1 and then chapter verse memory for the week is 1st Thessalonians 5 22 and then on the pregnancy list there being prayer for the McCoy family during that whole recovery process but congratulations obviously to them with the twins being born and just be in prayer for them and then be in prayer for Rachel Hiles on the list there as well so I think that's about all I have for announcements that I can think of we're gonna be continuing our study through the book of 2nd Samuel so we're gonna be in 2nd Samuel chapter 17 tonight and so brother Wade's gonna be reading that tonight but we're gonna do one more song before that offering boxes in the back there everyone give Tyler an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers babies only and brother he's gonna come all right take your song books and turn to song 245 song 245 in your song books we'll sing the old account was settled song 245 there was a time on earth when in the book of have an old account was standing for sin jet on forgive my name was at the top and many things below I went into the keeper and settled in long ago long ago long ago yes the old account was settled long ago and the records cleared today for he washed my sins away when the old account was settled long ago the old account was large and growing every day for I was always sitting and never tried to pay but when I look ahead and saw such pain and woe I said that I would settle I settled it long ago long ago long ago yes the old account was settled long ago and the records clear today for he washed my sins away when the old account was settled long ago when in the happy home my saviors home above I'll sing redemption story and praise him for his love I'll not forget that book with pages white as snow because I came and settled and settled in long ago long ago long ago was settled long ago and the records clear today for he washed my sins away when the old account was settled long ago Oh sinner trust the Lord be cleansed of all your sin for the sea had provided for you to enter in and then if you should live a hundred years below up there you'll not regret it you settled it long ago long ago long ago yes the old account was settled long ago and the records clear today for he washed my sins away when the old account was settled long ago all right if you would take your Bibles and turn to the book of second Samuel chapter number 17 second Samuel chapter number 17 in your Bibles we'll have brother Wade come and read that for us second Samuel chapter 17 moreover I hit the fail said unto Abraham Absalom let me now choose out 12,000 men and I will rise and pursue after David this night and I will come upon him while he is weary and weakened handed and will make him afraid and all the people that are with him shall flee and I will smite the king only and I will bring back all the people unto thee the man whom thou seekest is as if all returns so all the people shall be in peace and the saying please Absalom well and all the elders of Israel then said Absalom call now who shy the arkite also and let us hear likewise what he sayeth and when who shy was come to Absalom Absalom spake unto him saying I hit the fell hath spoken after this manner shall we do after his saying if not speak thou and who shy said unto Absalom the council that I hit the fell hath given is not good at this time for hits for said who shy thou knowest thy father and his men that they be mighty men and they be chafed in their minds as a bear robbed over whelps in the field and thy father is a man of war and will not lodge with the people behold he is hid now in some pit or in some other place and it will come to pass when some of them be overthrown at first that whatsoever heareth it will say there is a slaughter among the people that follow Absalom and he also that is valiant whose heart is as the heart of a lion shall utterly melt for all Israel knoweth that thy father is a mighty man and they which be with him are valiant men therefore I counsel that all Israel be generally gathered unto thee from Dan even to Beersheba as the sand that is by the sea for multitude and that thou go to battle in thine own person so shall we come unto upon it in some place where he shall be found and we will light upon him as the dew falleth upon on the ground and of him and of all the men that are with him there shall not be left so much as one moreover if he be gotten into a city then shall all Israel bring ropes to that city and we will draw it into the river until there be not one small stone found there and Absalom and all the men of Israel said the council of Hushai the Archite is better than the council of Ahithophel for the Lord hath appointed to defeat the good council of Ahithophel to the intent that the Lord might bring evil upon Absalom then said Hushai unto Zadok and unto Abiathar the priest thus and thus did Ahithophel counsel Absalom and the elders of Israel and thus and thus have I counseled now therefore sing quickly and tell David saying lodge not this night in the plains of the wilderness but speedily pass over lest the king be swallowed up and all the people that are with him now Jonathan and Hamaz stayed by in Rogel for they might not be seen to come into the city and a wench went and told them and they went and told King David nevertheless a lad saw them and told Absalom but they went both of them away quickly and came to a man's house in Bahirim which had a well in his court whither they went down and the woman took and spread a covering over the well's mouth and spread ground corn thereon and the thing was unknown and when Absalom servants came to the woman to the to the house they said where is I am as in Jonathan and the woman said unto them they be gone over the brook of water and when they had sought and could not find them they returned to Jerusalem and it came to pass after they were departed that they came up out of the well and went and told King David and said unto David arise and pass quickly over the water for thus hath Ahithophel counseled against you then David arose and all the people that were with him and they passed over Jordan but by the morning light there lacked not one of them that was not gone over Jordan and when Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed he said he settled his ass and arose and get him home to his house and to his city and put his household in order and hanged himself and died and was buried in the sublooker of his father then David came to Mahanayim and Absalom passed over Jordan he and all the men of Israel with him and Absalom made Amasa captain over the host of the host instead of Joab which Amasa was a man's son whose name was Ithra an Israelite that went in to Abigail the daughter of Nahash sister to Zeruiah Joab's mother so Israel and Absalom pitched in the land of Gilead and it came to pass when David was come to Amanayim that show by the son of Nahash of Reba of the children of Ammon and Makir the son of Amiel of Lotobah and Barzillai the Gileadite of Ragalem brought beds and basins and vessels and wheat and barley and flour and parched corn and beans and lentils and parched pulse and honey and butter and sheep and cheese of kind for David and for the people that were with him to eat for they said the people is hungry and weary and thirsty in the wilderness let us pray dear Lord thank you for the reading of your word let us hear your word and listen to preaching tonight Jesus and I pray my man. Amen so you're there in second Samuel chapter 17 and at this point David has fled Jerusalem and basically in this passage what we're going to see is we're going to see Hushai and Ahithophel basically giving counsel to Absalom and Ahithophel is obviously with Absalom Hushai is basically a mole a spy if you will basically he's in there to help David and we're going to see what happens here in the story but first of all Ahithophel gives advice to Absalom as far as how to go about taking out David and notice what it says here in verse 1 it says moreover I hid the fellow set into Absalom let me now choose out twelve thousand men and I will rise and pursue after David this night and I will come upon him while he is weary and weak handed and will make him afraid and all the people that are with him shall flee and I will smite the king only and I will bring back all the people unto thee the man whom thou seekest is as if all returned so all the people shall be in peace and the saying please Absalom well and all the elders of Israel so this would be like the best case scenario right is that you basically just take out the one person that you need to take out and then everybody else comes back and no harm done right besides the fact that the king obviously being taken out and this is actually if Absalom would have listened to Ahithophel I believe this was what would happen meaning that this was actually the good advice for Absalom this would have been really good advice for him to do actually we saw and before when they're leaving Jerusalem how David and his men were weary and they were refreshing themselves and so obviously you can see that that the fact that he's saying they're weary and on their journey all this stuff is very true and now when it comes to this we already know that Ahithophel's counsel is very much golden if you will like he's got really good counsel he has a lot of wisdom that's what says at the in the last I mean before we even get into this chapter what it said in the verse the last verse of chapter 16 it says in the council of Ahithophel which he counseled in those days was as if him as if a man had inquired of the Oracle of God so was all the council of Ahithophel both with David and with Absalom so obviously this is he's a very wise person he knows obviously warfare and just how to deal with all this he knows what's going on but this is where Hushai comes in and just to kind of give a refresher go back to chapter 15 and verse 31 that David knew that Ahithophel was one of the conspirators he knew that he was there with Absalom and he actually basically was praying to God that someone would destroy his counsel and then here comes Hushai so this this is is obvious setting up for what's gonna happen in this chapter but in verse 31 here says and one told David saying Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom and David said oh Lord I pray thee turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness and it came to pass that when David was come to the top of the mount where he worshiped God behold Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat rent and earth on his head and so this is where Hushai comes in and it's just kind of like here you go here's Hushai and Hushai wants to go with David and and then David actually tells him no in verse 34 says but if thou return to the city and say unto Absalom I will be thy servant O king as I have been thy father's servant hitherto so will I now also be thy servant then mayest thou for me defeat the counsel of Ahithophel so we see that okay David's sending Hushai back to try to defeat this the he knows that Hithophel is gonna have good counsel he knows that he's gonna know how to deal with this situation and so he's sending Hushai back to do that but there's other elements here that we're gonna see in chapter 17 that chapter 15 set us up for meaning this is that we know that Hushai is back there and that he's going to do that but also in verse 35 it says and thou hast and hast thou not there with thee or there with thee Zadok and Abiathar the priest therefore it shall be that what things so ever thou shalt hear out of the king's house thou shalt tell it to Zadok and Abiathar the priest behold they have there with them their two sons Ahima has Zadok's son and Jonathan Abiathar son and by them you shall send unto me everything that ye can hear so Hushai is David's friend came into the city and Absalom came into Jerusalem so basically he has this plan that Hushai is gonna basically try to destroy the the council of Ahithophel but basically Hushai is gonna give the message unto the priests and they're gonna the priests are gonna give it to their sons and their sons are gonna give it to David and that's exactly what happens in chapter 17 okay so chapter 17 is literally just that being played out as far as what the plan was to be so in chapter 17 the very beginning of it we see a Hithophel gives his counsel and everybody's pleased with that obviously sounds like a good plan to me you know like if that's what would happen verse 5 of 2nd Samuel chapter 17 it says then said Absalom call now Hushai the archive also and let us hear likewise what he said and when Hushai was come to Absalom Absalom spake unto him saying Ahithophel had spoken after this manner shall we do after his saying if not speak thou and Hushai said unto Absalom the council that Ahithophel had given is not good at this time I want you to notice that Hushai doesn't say that's foolish that's you know he doesn't completely disregard Ahithophel's advice or counsel because he's trying to basically obviously win over Absalom and it basically just throw it out as if it's like just ludicrous I think is is going to basically be like wait a minute you're on David's side right because you kind of can't be Hushai can't be so on the nose you know I mean like imagine if he's like my counsel is is that you give the kingdom back to David right they're gonna be like go pound salt and go back to your you know like basically I knew it you're his friend so obviously he's kind of had to be diplomatic about this and what he's saying is that he's not saying that that's not good counsel altogether he's saying at this time he's like that's not gonna work in this moment okay and so he's very I believe wise and how he's saying this in order for them to basically hear him out and all that in verse 8 there it says 4 said to you Shai and he's gonna basically give his reasonings why Ahithophel's advice isn't gonna work or why his counsel isn't gonna work and when you think about this what he's about to say is very believable because of the history of David because of all the stuff that David has gone through in his lifetime I mean what he's saying it's not like I don't think anybody's gonna be looking at be like you're just making stuff up no he's not gonna be able to do this in verse 8 here it says for four said Hushai thou knowest thy father and his men that they be mighty men and they be chafed in their minds as a bear robbed of her whelps in the field and thy father is a man of war and he will not lodge with the people because he is hid now in some pit or in some other place and it come to pass and it will come to pass when some of them be overthrown at the first that whosoever heareth it will say there's a slaughter among the people that follow Absalom and he also that is valiant whose heart is as the heart of a lion shall utterly melt for all Israel knoweth that thy father is a mighty man and they which be with him are valiant men now all that's true right I mean meeting that I mean David's story is that he's constantly in some cave or some pit somewhere hiding from Saul so before he becomes King that was who David was I mean that's he's no stranger to basically be on the run to be dealing with this I mean this this is his I mean this would be his bread and butter if you will now obviously it's been years since he's had to do that but it's not like this is unbelievable because he literally did this maybe different if he didn't do this and they're just like you know what Dave is gonna be in some pit somewhere he's gonna be in some cave somewhere he's gonna be hiding maybe like you think so but since he's done that in the past and he spent years on the run then it's very believable okay and then he gives he and this is I believe very true if this were to happen that because his men are mighty men of valor okay there's gonna be a whole chapter pretty much dedicated to talk about David's mighty men so it's not like this is a secret that Dave is a mighty man of valor he killed Goliath obviously he killed you know he did great exploits when it comes to warfare but but the fact of the matter is that if they go out and they get beaten down by David's men meaning like they're in this guerrilla warfare with them then basically everybody's gonna be like all right we're done we're not following you right so it's gonna basically be this you're gonna you're gonna completely destroy the morale of the people that are behind Absalom if you go after them right now and they and they take you out and so that's his his counsel or that's his rebuttal as far as why it's not a good idea to go out right now in all honesty that's what you guys trying to keep them from doing because he knows that Dave is not hiding in some pit somewhere that they're actually very weary and that this is actually it would be a horrible time for David if they came upon him right now so but then he's just gonna give counsel so what he first does is that he basically he's very diplomatic and saying that's not good counsel right now right it's kind of like not at this time and here's why this is why that's not good counsel but let me give you my counsel so it's not like he just like completely dismisses what a by I hit the fell says he first shows you the holes in that and then he shows you his counsel and honestly you know when it comes to any type of art if you're going to make an argument this is a very good way of doing it is basically showing you hey this is why this is not a good thing right here right but here's here's what is good so when you think about let's say a false doctrine right let's say you're gonna teach or you're gonna teach someone about a false doctrine well take that false doctrine and then show how it's very unbiblical right this is why this doesn't work this is why this can't work this is this contradiction script over here but here's good doctrine here's how all those scriptures make sense this you know it'd be like if someone took a passage and they're completely interpreting it wrong right think of James chapter 2 the most famous passage that's probably misinterpreted and all that faith without works is dead well the first step is to say hey this can't be talking about eternal salvation because we know by all these hundreds of passages that it's by faith not by works but the hymn that worketh not but believeth on him that justified the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness right so you basically completely annihilate that that's not that's not a good interpretation right that's not a good way of looking at because it just negates the rest of the Bible right then you say okay well what does it mean though right what is this talking about and then you go and say okay here's what it's talking about it's talking about a Christian being profitable and being the friend of God and in that obviously you're not profitable if you're not doing the works and all of that right going into being a disciple all of that right and so it's actually a very good I guess progression on how to deal with an argument is destroy the destroy what their argument is with sound wisdom and obviously Bible verses all that right and then say okay it's not that but here's what it really is and so anyway just something thing about there as far as just dealing with basically just argument arguments and the truth outweighing obviously that which is false now where did I have where did I stop where it was the last verse I read there so yeah so verse 11 I'm pretty sure I read verse 10 yeah verse 11 huge eyes gonna give his counsel okay so now here's what huge eyes saying to do therefore I counsel thee or I counsel that all Israel be generally gathered unto thee from Dan even to Beersheba as the sand that is by the sea for multitude and that there go to battle in night and that thou go to battle in thine own person so shall we come upon him in some place where he shall be found that we will light upon him as the dew falleth on the ground and of him and of all the men that are with him there shall not be left so much as one moreover if he be gotten into a city then shall all Israel bring ropes to the city and will and we will draw it into the river and so there be not one small stone found there and so he's basically saying just get everybody there basically get the whole army together and just completely overwhelm them right basically even if he goes into some city we'll literally just pull that city into the into the river meaning like if you have everybody there right you have it to the weather just like a multitude with no man can numbers there is basically put ropes around let's all pull it into the the river and take it out and it says in verse 14 an Absalom and all the men of Israel said the council of Hushai the Archite is better than the council of Ahithophel. Notice this for the Lord had appointed to defeat the good council of Ahithophel to the intent that the Lord might bring evil upon Absalom. So we know that obviously Ahithophel's council was better but Hushai did his part he convinced them that this is the route to go and I think in their mind they're gonna be fighting this open field it's gonna be this battle but really that's not what happens they end up fighting in the wood you know in the woods in the forest and and they get pretty much annihilated by David's men so basically it doesn't turn out the way they they think it's going to turn out. So tells them that and they're going with Hushai so Hushai is obviously very successful in convincing them. Verse 15 here it says then said Hushai unto Zadok and Abiathar the priest thus and thus did Ahithophel council Absalom and the elders of Israel and thus and thus have I counseled now therefore send quickly and tell David saying lodge now lodge not this night in the plains of the wilderness but speedily pass over lest the king be swallowed up and all the people that are with him now Jonathan and Ahimaz stayed by in Rogel for they might not be I'm sorry for they might not be seen to come into the city and a wench went and told them and they went and told David. So get the picture here is that basically remember the plan was is that you're going to tell this to the priests like whenever this council is or you're going to basically defeat the council Ahithophel that you're going to tell the priest and then they're going to send their sons so so the priests sons are not in the city so they're actually hanging out in a different place and they sent a wench now a wench isn't a witch okay now a wench I believe in this case is probably just like a it's a girl it's obviously a girl okay so that's very clear that a wench is a girl but whether it's just a servant girl or something like that in some cases they say that a wench is more like a prostitute or something like that but possible I guess but it doesn't have to be I think it's more just it's just referring to maybe a servant girl that they're sending out to go relay this message okay and so basically Jonathan Ahima has are just basically out there waiting for a message to be brought to them so that they can give it to David so and then what happens though is that when the wench comes out of Jerusalem and they're coming to Ahima has Jonathan that someone sees him like this this this young you know lad sees him or sees them and basically brings word back to Absalom servants so in verse 18 it says nevertheless a lad saw them and told Absalom but they went both of them away quickly and came to a man's house in Bahiram which had a well in his court whether they went down okay so what happens here is that basically I think they realized that they were they were spotted right and so they go through this man's house and in this man's house there's basically a well within the court of the house so and what I imagine is that this is a house that basically kind of think of it like a square house that in the center there's like a court area there's a lot of buildings that are like that to where there's like a like inner court to where it's open to above or just outside but basically there's a well there and they go down into it okay so they're going to go hide in this well and notice what it says here so they go down into the well and the woman took and spread a covering over the well's mouth now the woman could very well be the wench I mean that kind of makes sense it doesn't say that she ran away or anything like that it could be a woman of the house who knows you know basically they go into this guy's house into the court area where there's a well they go down in there and this woman covers the well's mouth meaning that obviously the mouth of it would be like the opening on top right covers covering the well over the the well's mouth and spread ground corn there on and the thing was not known and when Absalom's servants came to the woman to the house they said where is Ahima has and Jonathan so kind of get the picture that at that point it may not even look like a well right so they're coming they're like where's Jonathan Ahima has they've been spotted all this stuff right and they come in there and it's basically disguised this well is disguised as if it's basically like this table probably that just has some corn on it and all this other stuff right and so they're obviously hiding down in the well this is a story and you know just reading through here is that just slowing down and reading the story just kind of this is not something that just comes to mind as a story is it where these two sons of the priests are hiding in a well because you kind of you know I think sometimes especially when we read through these books is that we're kind of hitting the highlights as far as what's the endgame right and not all the details in between but this is just something that just never really stuck out to me you know honestly reading through this passage and but it's very interesting because this story right here very much parallels to like Rahab the harlot okay because there's two men and there's people that are coming after them right and this woman is hiding these men right and it says that and notice what it happens they come there asking where is Ahaim has and Jonathan and the woman said unto them they be gone over the brook of water and when they had sought and could not find them they returned to Jerusalem so basically kind of same thing it's like yeah they went over that way right they went over across the brook and they go out there can't find them and then they're just like all right we're going back so isn't that very interesting on how much this parallels with Rahab the harlot just look at the the passage good Joshua chapter 2 Joshua chapter 2 I'm not gonna read the whole chapter obviously but we know the story obviously two messengers were sent into Jericho to spy it out and and Rahab the harlot hides them on the rooftop and just to kind of see that here in verse 4 so Joshua chapter 2 in verse 4 Joshua 2 in verse 4 it says and the woman took the two men and hid them and said thus there came men unto me but I wish not whence they were so wish not means like they like to know right so basically she said these men came to me but I didn't know where they came from because whence means like from where they were verse 5 it says and it came to pass about the time of shutting of the gate and when it was when it was dark that the men went out whether the men went I what not so basically she's saying the men went out but I don't know what where they went pursue after them quickly or you shall overtake them so when it comes to this this is an interesting concept here and this is just I'm just gonna give you my thoughts on this as far as I believe Rahab the harlot was right and what she did here and I believe the New Testament validates that because you look at James chapter 2 and verse 25 James chapter 2 and verse 25 it says likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works when she had received the messengers and had sent them out another way and meaning that obviously she was praised for doing this she saved her whole house for doing this and this is a case where obviously you know it's it's it's a it's a sin to lie right but what you have to understand is that in a lot of cases when you're dealing with life and death situations that there's exceptions to the rule think about like just killing in general right where you think about obviously that's not kill but obviously if someone's trying to kill you and you kill them in the process there's exceptions to the rule right and obviously that's not considered murder and it'd be like if someone were trying to kill somebody right that you know and and they're like hey is that person in the house there and you said no they're not and you save them from being murdered by somebody then that's kind of the same type of thing right that I don't I do not believe that that's that is a sin just as much I don't believe is a sin that Rahab the harlot said hey you know they're out this other way and then they go out there or this woman right here basically saying they went over the brook and and save them from being put to death okay and you know it gets into obviously if I can speak coffee think about nakedness right obviously I believe it's a sin to be like to just walk around naked okay and so but there are exceptions to the rule I mean Isaiah preached naked for three and a half years and but think about this on a life and death situation right if you were in a life in that situation you had to like basically operate on somebody and you had to rip all their clothes off to where they're stark naked obviously there's exceptions to that rule considering the situation right and so when it comes to this I do believe that Rahab the harlot was right I believe this woman was right to do this in order to save David in order to do that I mean it gets back to Hushai too right because Hushai is saying that his council is not good at this time but was it not good right but the Lord sent Hushai to confound you know basically defeat the council of Ahithophel the Lord sends lying spirits now obviously the Lord doesn't lie okay and so don't get me wrong on this I'm not saying like the Lord is lying or anything like that but I guess it gets down to the the question of bearing false witness compared to these life or death situations where we're talking about someone being murdered or not being murdered someone being you know wrongfully because in a lot of cases with bearing false witness you're dealing with a court system you're dealing with all that and so it's just a whole nother sermon for another day when it comes to this but it is one of those things that I believe that Rahab the harlot was right so you know she sent she received the messages of peace she sent them out another way and you know that that's just what I think on that subject so when it comes to that you know obviously you guys can you can disagree with me on this we're not gonna fight about it I'm not gonna fight you on it or anything like that but I do think it's an interesting study to kind of look into when it comes to just things that happened in the Bible and just how they dealt with certain situations and even just looking at the exceptions that prove the rule right and the fact that there are cases where there's exceptions to the rule like Samson have you know Samson letting his locks grow the exception that proves the rule right and obviously we don't look at these stories and be like well okay well let's just start lying to everybody it's like obviously that was a very extreme circumstance just as much as Isaiah preaching naked was a very extreme circumstance just as much as Ezekiel like laying on his side and eating bread that's cooked with dung is a very extreme circumstance right there's a lot of these cases where it's kind of like yeah we're not supposed to do that they weren't supposed to do these things but there was these exceptions to the rule uh dealing with those situations and so um I don't think anybody here would say that if someone was trying to kill somebody and you had to lie to that killer to not kill them that you'd just be like I don't know what to do in this case I'm torn morally on what to do here right I think everybody would know like no I'm gonna say whatever I need to say to this person to get them to not kill this person right and so um that being said I think that there's stories in the bible that kind of show that and I think that is different okay um when it comes to uh obviously the sin of lying and burying false witness and all that that I believe that there's these these things that uh would cause that to be a different circumstance okay um but going on from that definitely interesting story and the fact that just how things parallel in the bible I guess or just how things kind of seem to uh to rhyme or to basically keep happening over and over again um and go to uh back to second samuel chapter 17 they come up out of the well and they eventually accomplish their mission here second samuel 17 verse 21 it says it came to pass after they were departed that they came up out of the well and went and told king david and said unto david arise and pass quickly over the water for thus had to hit the fell counseled against you then david arose and all the people that were with him and they passed over jordan by the morning light there lacked not one of them that was not gone over jordan now they go over jordan and what you have to say is that this time is that that's still israel okay so because there's two there's two and a half tribes over there right there's the rumen gad and half-time manasseh and so at this point you know they're on the west side of jordan and now they're going over to the east side of jordan and in verse uh 23 and we're gonna see that the places that they're at is where if you want to learn you want to know the geography of the area so when they're there you're like i know where they're at like on the map it just kind of helps to kind of visualize where they're coming from where they're going to um and this isn't something and just so you know when it comes to geography and learning all that stuff you know your your first time reading through the bible don't worry about that stuff okay don't like be getting out i mean you can get out maps and look at that stuff that's great but don't beat yourself up over that like i think you're like kids that are reading through the bible for the first time and they're just like where is all this stuff it's like just just read through it okay meaning that uh you'll figure it out as it comes you'll pick up certain things here and there and after you've read through the bible scores of times then you can really get into the the details of like all these different areas right and be like okay i know where all the main stuff's at but where's this one place that they keep mentioning where's this other place where they keep mentioning and all of that so um you know because it does help you visualize things but in a lot of these cases you don't really give a rip where they're at right they're like they crossed over jordan and someplace over there right and you're just you don't really care that much um but obviously every detail matters when it comes to knowing the bible and knowing all the truths of the bible so um but i do think that geography is definitely lower on the on the list of things that you really have to know a lot about okay um but in verse 23 here ahithophel is going to kill himself because they didn't take his counsel now the thing that's interesting about this whole story is that they state that hushai's counsel is better than ahithophel's but hushai tells them go ahead and flee though right it's kind of like this idea of you need to flee get out of the plains because hushai says hey he's in some pit somewhere he's in some cave honestly he's out in the field somewhere right he's out in the middle you know in the open and so he sends messengers out there and it's kind of like just in case they go out and they follow ahithophel's advice then make sure you're not there okay make sure you're out of the way and basically once they can't find david they can't find uh the priest's sons or anything like that then ahithophel's realizes they're not going to follow his counsel and i i believe why he kills himself it's probably a testament that he knows that his counsel is the only way they're going to win this like i think he knows that if they don't win he's dead man right so it says here in verse 23 and when ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed he saddled his ass and arose and got him home to his house to his city and put his household in order and hanged himself and died and was buried in the sepulcher of his father's they could say that he's just very emotional about the fact that they didn't take his counsel they're just like really upset that he took someone else's counsel but i don't believe that's the case i don't think you kill yourself over the fact of like someone took i mean maybe maybe he's just used to them always taking his counsel and then it just broke them when they didn't take his counsel yeah right but i think it's deeper than that i think it's more of kind of like the philippian jailer type of thing right where the philippian jailer is going to kill himself because he knows that if all the prisoners left he's going to be executed and so ahithophel i'm probably more so afraid of like the retribution that's going to happen to him when david comes back into his kingdom and he was one of the main conspirators so ahithophel i believe is that wise i think he's that knowledgeable to know that this isn't going to go well for absolom right that he missed his opportunity to take them out and so i i give more credit to ahithophel there meaning i'm not saying he should have killed himself i'm just saying that i gave him more credit than he was just really upset that they didn't take his counsel and he killed himself i think it's more the fact that he he literally knew that was the only route they were going to win that was like that was it and they didn't follow it they're done and uh so anyway he kills himself he hangs himself and uh verse 23 i'm sorry not verse 23 verse 24 it says then david came to mayanayim and absalom passed over jordan he and all the men of israel with him and absalom made amesa captain of the host instead of joab which amesa was and i'm sorry which amesa was a man's son whose name was ithra an israelite that went into abigail the daughter of nahash sister to zeruiah jacob's or joab i can't speak joab's mother so israel and ashlam pitched in the land of gilead so mayanayim uh and gilead and all this stuff is is over in gad okay so that's over on the east side and just to kind of show you that that if you ever want to know geographic places and where they're at as far as israel's concern joshua's a good book for that so when you think about the book of josh when i know i've done an overview of this half the book is dealing with basically them warring to get into the the land right but then the rest the other half is more so dealing with the lot and the inheritance and like where everything's located what tribe gets what and where it's at okay so if you ever if you ever reading through the bible and you're just like where's mayanayim at you know where's gilead at then you know a lot of times a simple just search and like let's say esort or something like that it's going to come up in other places but joshua and chronicles you know are usually the places you know that would uh show you maybe locations but joshua is going to be the place when it comes to geography in a lot of cases okay and just to show you that when you're when they're going over there uh joshua 13 in verse 24 it says moses gave an inheritance and gave inheritance unto the tribe of gad even unto the children of gad according to their families and their coast what coast was jaser and all the cities of gilead so where's gilead in gad right and half of the land of the children of ammon unto a rower that is before araba now these other places are going to be important for what's mentioned later because there's gonna be people that are going to come out and help david and his men and they're going to state where they're from and it all makes sense because of where they're at okay um and it says in het and from heshbon unto ramoth misba and batonim and from mayonam unto the border of deburr and in the last portion of the verse of uh verse 27 it says on the other side jordan eastward meaning that these are all east of jordan and the tribe of gad all these places are there so you have mayonam you have gilead like all that is there so all makes sense that being said is if you know the geography if you already know that going into this it's just like you're it's already clicking with you're like that makes sense they're over in gilead they're over in here but when you're reading other places about gilead you're like where is that at and you can just visualize the map as far as israel is concerned there's jordan that's over here and here's these other provinces that if you remember when they come into the land the two tribes gad and ruben and the half tribe of menassia are like we want to stay over here before they even cross over to get into jericho right we want this inheritance and that's what's going on there and so uh they're over there now this information about a mesa so a mesa is joe so abishai or uh abishai joab and asahel were brother were all all three brothers right but they are the sons of jiraiya david's sister and uh abigail is also david's sister and she had a mesa okay and this information right here as far as uh the fact that abso made him captain over the host okay is going to be important when you get into why joab kills a mesa later okay so this is kind of showing you the reasoning as far as now joab is obviously wrong for doing this because the war's over everything's done and then he goes and kills a mesa but it does give you the like that that joab's not just completely out to lunch right like you're just like why because you'll see like a mesa's with them they're going on forward and all this stuff and then he kills a mesa and you're just like what was that all about but if you understand that hey a mesa was set up to be basically the captain of the host and when you have this war it's a mesa and his men against joab and his men okay but it's very much similar to abner right and there's two men that david is going to tell solomon that the why joab needs to be put to death so when david dies he's like don't let joabs uh don't let him go down into the grave with with his forehead meaning like basically don't let him die of natural causes because he killed two men and shed the blood of war and peace and he's going to talk about abner the son of nur and a mesa and so this just kind of set you up for the reasoning okay i'm not saying obviously joab was wrong but at the same time it's not like a mesa was just this random guy that he's just like i just want to kill somebody today and leave him in the street um and so but he's also related to him okay so their cousins all that now what's interesting about this too and this is just something that i noticed when i was reading through this too as far as a mesa it says that abigail the daughter of nahash sister to zero why joab's mother is that abigail might have been adopted now it's either that nash nash could be something that maybe that was the name of you know their mother you know and all that but or that that's another name for jesse or whatever but if you remember that there's eight brothers or there's seven brothers to to david right and then we were talking about how the fact that they had the list and david's the seventh so the idea of having like adopted siblings is actually kind of making a lot of sense when you think about maybe abigail was and because it doesn't say that he beget abigail but because it says he beget like that his first first born and then he goes down the line the seventh born david and then it says whose sisters are and it states those off so just something interesting there is that sometimes um it doesn't state that they were adopted all that but we do see cases where that does happen if you think about esther right esther was basically adopted by mordecai and mordecai raised her up as his daughter and so that stuff kind of happens think of uh think of abraham with a lot right lot's dad dies and then basically abraham took him under his wing right and so this stuff probably happens a lot through there so it could very well be that abigail is not necessarily blood related maybe it's a half sister you know something like that could be um but anyway just interesting stuff just little details like that um now i'll say this it is not it is not out of the realm that people just have multiple names that happens a lot in the bible so could very well be that jesse just has another name okay but it just seems like it's kind of being distinct as far as who uh he was the father all that stuff anyway going on from there um so just something to keep in mind there when you're when you're dealing with uh geography just knowing where you're at stuff like that kind of helps to visualize and just distances too you know when you think about they went from jerusalem to a certain place you're like how far is that i mean you can still google that today right you could google and see like how long would it take me to walk from jerusalem to let's say galley right now it's not going to necessarily have the same names but you can get the general idea right because there's still the sea of galley there right and you can say well how long did it take them to walk and it's just something fun you can think about that hey they were walking to all these places how long would it take you know when you think about all that type of stuff or paul's journey and he's going all the way up to greece or wherever he's going and just kind of thinking about that type of stuff um but going on uh the last portion of the chapter here in second samuel chapter 17 verse 27 says it came to pass when david was come to mayonam that show by the son of nash of rabah of the children of ammon now like i said if you remember in gad what was some of the places there you had rabah but then you also had the fact that it was half of the children of ammon maker the son of amael of lot of bar and barzillai the gileadite of rogalem so gileadite they're in gilead all that makes sense it says brought beds and basins and earthen vessels and wheat and barley and and flour and parched corn and beans and lentils and parched pulse pretty much all that sounds good except for the beans lentils and parched pulse but then you get into verse 29 it says in honey and butter and sheep and cheese of kind and for david and for the people that were with him to eat for they said the people was hungry and weary and thirsty in the wilderness so barzillai is going to be someone that's going to be brought up later when he comes back in so a lot of times when you're reading through here there's certain things that are people that are stated places that are stated things that are done that later on you're going to be like oh okay that's barzillai help them out or you know you see these different things that are stated it's like oh okay that makes sense for this over here like emesa is the captain of the host for absolom why does joab kill him right these different things that you can kind of that foreshadow uh something that's going to happen in the future right because it's kind of like he could have just said men came out and brought them a whole bunch of food right men of the land came out and they brought them a whole bunch of food well uh part of that could be the fact that hey well you know what their names are written in the bible forever for helping out david you have that aspect of it right but the one that kind of sticks out too is maker the son of amiel of load a bar this man is mentioned in another place and that is where mephibosheth was staying before david basically raised him out and and basically uh brought him at his own table and all that just to show you that and second chamber chapter nine verse three so maker was taking care of mephibosheth who was lame at his feet and then maker is coming out and helping david when he's on the run so this seems like a good guy i mean like this guy is is just helping people out you know and so it's i don't think it's a coincidence that he's brought up here especially when you know the story of zibah and mephibosheth and all that stuff that's going on there and listen there is a lot of this stuff that does parallel to new testament as far as the story of jesus all this stuff okay so when it comes to this there's a lot of stuff that you can get really deep here and see maybe even end times prophecy type of stuff or just different things like that but in the end when i'm going through these chapters i'm just really looking at the main story when we're going through this okay i'll do another sermon some other time where i'm kind of going through different parallels on this type of stuff but really we just kind of want to see the main story that's going on the the people the physical stuff that's going on for that time in that story and in verse three here it says so you're in second same chapter nine verse three it says and the king said is there not yet any of the house of saul that it may show the kindness of god unto him and ziba said unto the king jonathan hath yet a son which is lame on his feet and the king said unto him where is he and ziba said unto the king behold he is in the house of maker the son of amiel and lotibar i think there's no doubt the same person right so it says then king david said uh sent and fetched him out of the house of maker the son of amiel from lotibar and that's really the only time you ever see this guy mentioned is that's where mephibosheth was staying and that is who comes out to help david and you know when you think about this uh you think about unintended consequences right and a lot of times when you think about unintended consequences you think about like bad consequences right like collateral damage or something like that but how about the unintended consequences of doing right think about what maker knows what david did for mephibosheth right for the son the grandson of his mortal enemy you know that's lame at his feet can't really do anything for david right you can't profit david in much of anything right but yet he brought him out and set him up and gave him all this land and and and he's sitting at his table continually eating bread think about what that made maker think of david right and there's a lot of times that when you do right that sometimes you don't see you don't know who's noticing that and i think this is a testament to that i think it's a testament to david loving his enemies to david being merciful that the idea of uh having judgment with mercy right so speak ye and so do that as those that shall be judged by the law of liberty for they shall have mercy who has showed mercy right and mercy rejoices against judgment and the idea there is that when you're merciful to a whole bunch of people when it's when you're seeking mercy when you're needing mercy that's when it comes back around and it's getting it gets into reaping what you sow right and the fact that david was so kind and merciful to others that it's coming back around to meet him when he needs it and so i just kind of see that parallel there i guess that just idea there of uh how he treated mephibosheth that brought him out of maker's house and how maker's treating him now and uh it's also a testament to maker you know that that he the kind of person that he is and then barzillai i mean we'll get to that story with barzillai barzillai is a great guy i mean like one that you're just like that is a really good guy someone that wants to help someone out but give the blessing this basically the recompense give that to someone else that's the attitude of parzillai so these are really good guys that are coming out to help david and uh it kind of just shows i think david's reaping what he's sown with all the merciful things that he's done and the kindness that he showed others and so it's a testament to that so that's the word of prayer the only father we thank you today thank you for your word thank you for the book of second samuel and pray that you'd uh be with us throughout the rest of this week pray to give us safety pray to uh heal anybody that's not feeling well just sicknesses all that stuff that's going around and lord just pray to bring us back at the point of time we love you pray else in jesus christ's name amen so brother dave's gonna come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your songbooks and turn to song 170 song 170 in your songbooks we'll sing hallelujah what a savior if you would stand we'll sing song 170 sorrows what a name for the son of god who came ruin sinners to reclaim hallelujah what a savior bearing shame and scoffing rude in my place condemned he stood seal my pardon with his blood hallelujah what a savior guilty violent helpless we spotless lamb of god was he full atonement can it be hallelujah what a savior lifted up was he to die it is finished was his cry now in heaven exalted hallelujah