(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 321 song 321 in your song books we'll sing where he leads I'll follow if you would stand we'll sing song 321 sweet are the promises kind is the word dear far than any message man ever heard pure was the mind of Christ sinless I see he the great example and isn't pattern for me where he leads I'll follow follow all the way where he leads I'll follow follow Jesus every day sweet is the tender love Jesus has shown sweeter far than any love that mortals have known kind to the erring one faithful is he he the great example is and pattern for me where he leads I'll follow follow all the way where he leads I'll follow follow Jesus every day list who is loving words come on to me weary heavy laden there is sweet rest for thee trust in his promises faithful and sure lean upon the Savior and thy soul is secure where he leads I'll follow follow all the way where he leads I'll follow follow Jesus every day and let's pray heavenly father Lord again we just want to thank you God for another night that we could gather in your house and to hear your word preached I pray Lord now that you would just receive all the honor and glory out of everything it's done done we love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all that amen all right may be seated and take your mountain Baptist song books blue folders there in your chairs or on your seats and turn to page number Oh snap 19 thank you page number 19 in your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual psalmist will sing psalm 13 on page number 19 how long will thou forget me Oh Lord how long will thou hide thy face from me shall I take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long shall my enemy be exalted Oh me consider and hear me Oh Lord my God light in my eyes lest I sleep asleep my enemy say I have prevailed against him and those that trouble me but I have trusted in thy mercy my heart shall joyous in thy salvation I will sing unto the Lord because he hath dealt bountifully with me amen we'll welcome the Mount Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and just some announcements here as far as service times go this coming Sunday everything should be normal so we'll have our Sunday morning Sunday afternoon service so winning time at one o'clock in the middle between the services there and then a regional sewing times throughout the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday be on the group there to see all those different times and then the prayer meetings are on the upcoming events there so the women's prayer meeting on the 21st men's prayer meeting on the 26th and I just realized that's my anniversary men's prayer meeting yeah and then so many marathons so the 27th the Saturday there Cumberland Maryland so the sewing marathon in Cumberland Maryland and then August 31st more field West Virginia so any marathon there and I think I think we're gonna do for sure cannon cannons Berg area in September I think 22nd right is the 22nd or 21st the 22nd Sunday or okay so 22nd is a Sunday so anniversary like our anniversary is the 17th so we're just gonna do that next Sunday it's like in the middle of the week there but that means then the 21st will be when we're gonna do a sewing marathon in Canisburg so I know that's a little ways a little further ahead there but just we'll be planning that and and all that so somewhat you know I'm gonna take all the houses that are near the chocolate factory and hopefully it's open on Saturday so we'll see this thing work okay so anyway so that's coming up on the list there then on as far as our chapter memory for the month Psalm 126 Psalm 126 so it's shorter song there we also sing that Psalm they had it so in tears shall reap enjoy so that's one definitely get memorized there Deuteronomy 22 5 is our memory verse for the week and on the pregnancy list there be in prayer for Crystal McCloy do in August with twins and then Rachel Hyles is on the list there and be in prayer for those that are traveling I know my brother's traveling he's in Tennessee right now but the Millstead obviously is traveling again so and then just others that might be roaming around with work and everything so and then those that may not be feeling well just to keep them in your prayers as well I think it's about what I have for announcements we're gonna be continuing our study through the book of 2nd Samuel so tonight we're gonna be reading we're gonna be going through a second same chapter 13 but Nick you're reading that tonight right and so brother Dave's gonna sing one more song for the next gonna be reading second same type of 13 and then we'll get into the study all right take your song books and turn to something 49 song 449 in your Samba's will sing dwelling in Beulah land song 449 far away the noise of strife upon my ear is folly then I know the sins of earth be set on every hand doubt and fear and things of earth in vain to me are calling none of these shall move me from Beulah land I'm living on the mountain underneath a cloudless sky I'm drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry oh yes I'm feasting on the manna from a bountiful supply for I am dwelling in you land far below the storm of doubt upon the world is beating sons of men and bad don't walk the enemy withstand save am I within the castle of God's word retreat none of these can reach me I'm living on the mountain underneath the cloudless sky I'm drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry oh yes I'm feasting on the manna from a bountiful supply for I am dwelling and you let the stormy breezes blow their cry cannot alarm me I am safely sheltered here protected by God's hand here the Sun is always shining here there's not can harm me I am safe forever and you I'm living on the mountain underneath the cloudless sky I'm drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry oh yes I'm feasting on the manna bountiful supply for I am dwelling and view we hear the works of God I see in contemplation hearing now his blessed voice I see the way he planned dwelling and a spirit here I learned a full salvation gladly will I Terry and you I'm living on the mountain underneath the cloudless sky I'm drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry oh yes I'm feasting on the manna from a bountiful supply for I am dwelling and all right take your Bibles and turn to the book of 2nd Samuel chapter number 13 2nd Samuel chapter number 13 in your Bibles and why brother Nick come and read that for us 2nd Samuel chapter number 13 if you found your place amen 2nd Samuel chapter 13 the Bible reads and it came to pass after this that Absalom the son of David had a fair sister whose name was Tamar and Amnon the son of David loved her and Amnon was so vexed that he fell sick for his sister Tamar for she was a virgin and Amnon thought it hard for him to do anything to her but Amnon had a friend whose name was Jonadab the son of Shema David's brother and Jonadab was a very subtle man and he said unto him why art thou being the king's son lean from day to day wilt thou not tell me and Amnon said unto him I love Tamar my brother Absalom's sister and Jonadab said unto him lay thee down on thy bed and make thyself sick and when thy father cometh to see thee say unto him I pray thee let my sister Tamar come and give me meat and dress the meat in my sight that I may see it and eat it at her hand so Amnon laid down and made himself sick and when the king was come to see him Amnon said unto the king I pray thee let Tamar my sister come and make me a couple of cakes in my sight that I may eat at her hand then David sent home to Tamar saying go now to that brother Amnon's house and dress in meat so Tamar went to her brother Amnon's house and he was laid down and she took flour and kneaded it and made cakes in his sight and did bake the cakes and she took a pan and poured them out before him but he refused to eat and Amnon said have out all men from me and they went out every man from him and Amnon said unto Tamar bring the meat into the chamber that I may eat of thy hand and Tamar took the cakes which she had made and brought them into the chamber to Amnon her brother and when she had brought them unto him to eat he took hold of her and said unto her come lie with me my sister and she answered him nay my brother do not force me for no such thing ought to be done in Israel do not thou this folly and I whether shall I cause my shame to go and as for thee thou shall be as one of the fools in Israel now therefore I pray thee speak unto the King for he will not withhold me from thee howbeit he would not hearken unto her voice but being stronger than she forced her and lay with her then Amnon hated her exceedingly so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her and Amnon said unto her arise be gone and she said unto him there is no cause this evil in sending me away is greater than the other that thou didst unto me but he would not hearken unto her then he called his servant that ministered unto him and said put now this woman out from me and bolt the door after her and she had a garment of diverse colors upon her for with such robes were the king's daughters that were virgins appareled then his servant brought her out and bolted the door after her and Tamar put ashes on her head and rent her garment of diverse colors that was on her and laid her hand on her head and went on crying and Absalom her brother said unto her hath Amnon thy brother been with thee behold now thy peace my sister he is thy brother regard not this thing so Tamar remained desolate in her brother Absalom's house but when King David heard of all these things he was very wroth and Absalom spake unto his brother Amnon neither good nor bad for Absalom hated Amnon because he had forced his sister Tamar and it came to pass after two full years that Absalom had sheep shears in Baal Hazor which is beside Ephraim and Absalom invited all the king's sons and Absalom came to the king and said behold now thy servant hath sheep shears let the king I beseech thee and his servants go with thy servant and the king said to Absalom name my son let us not all now go lest we be chargeable unto thee and he pressed him howbeit he would not go but blessed him then said Absalom if not I pray thee let my brother Amnon go with us and the king said unto him why should he go with thee but Absalom pressed him that he let Amnon and all the king's sons go with him now Absalom had commanded his servants saying mark ye now when Amnon's heart is merry with wine and when I say unto you smite Amnon then kill him fear not have not I commanded you be courageous and be valiant and the servants of Absalom did unto Amnon as Absalom had commanded then all the king's sons arose and every man gat him up upon his mule and fled and it came to pass while they were in the way that tidings came to David saying Absalom hath slain all the king's sons and there is not one of them left then the king arose and tear his garments and lay on the earth and all his servants stood by with their clothes rent and John Adab the son of Shema David's brother answered and said let not my Lord suppose that they have slain all the young men the king's sons for Amnon only is dead for by the appointment of Absalom this hath been determined from the day that he forced his sister Tamar now therefore let not my Lord the king take the thing to his heart to think that all the king's sons are dead for Amnon only is dead but Absalom fled and the young man that kept the watch lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there came much people by the way of the hillside behind him and John Adab said unto the king behold the king's sons come as thy servant said so it is and it came to pass as soon as he had made an end of speaking that behold the king's sons came and lifted up their voice and wept and the king also and all his servants wept very sore but Absalom fled and went to tell my the son of a Amihood king of Giescher and David mourned for his son every day so Absalom fled and went to Giescher and was there three years and the soul of King David longed to go forth unto Absalom for he was comforted concerning Amnon seeing he was dead let's pray dear Heavenly Father thank you so much for your word and for this chapter in the Bible pray that you would help us all to learn from it and fill past your Holy Spirit and help us be edified in Jesus name Amen amen so you're there in 2nd Samuel chapter 13 and this is definitely a rough passage or a rough story here dealing with Tamar and dealing with Amnon and just the backstory obviously in chapter 11 we see the grievous sin that David commits where he commits adultery with Bathsheba has Uriah killed and chapter 12 the child dies so the child that the son that they have because of that whole act child dies and we see kind of this this progression of consequences that David is is really getting into because of this sin and I believe that this what happens here I believe is a consequence of that and meaning just the stuff that's happening with his family and all these different things I believe these are dealing with the fourfold punishment so if you remember when Nathan comes to David with basically saying thou art the man David says that the man should die that took the the one you the the one you lamb and killed it and dressed it for the person that was sojourning with him but he said that he shall pay him back fourfold but if you remember God says that or Nathan comes back says well your life is saved so he's not going to kill them but the child's gonna die I believe that's number one you know when it comes to the fourfold that's that's one fold that's how you say that but but basically that's one right there but then I believe this what happens with his daughter with his son and with his daughter here is another punishment that's happening here and then so first one here let's first see what we're getting into it says and it came to pass after this that Absalom the son of David had a fair sister whose name was Tamar and Amnon the son of David loved her now the first thing you have to realize is that Amnon and Absalom are not full brothers okay so David has many wives but let me just prove that to you that they don't they do not have the same mother so when it's saying Absalom you know when it says Tamar my brother Absalom's sister it's because basically Absalom's sister they're full Absalom and Tamar are full brother and sister right they come from the same mother obviously the same father but they all share a father okay so that's why he says this is my sister Tamar but it's not his full sister so second Samuel chapter three and verse two let me just show you that and you also see here that Amnon is the firstborn of the children that the sons that were born in Hebron and so verse two here it says and unto David's were sons born in Hebron and his firstborn was Amnon of a henna gnome the Jezreelitess and the second kyleob of Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite and the third Absalom the son of Mayacah the daughter of Talmai king of Gishur which that is a you know when you when you see the end of this chapter where he flees to makes a lot of sense when you understand where his mother's from okay so his mother's the daughter of a king right of Gishur and that's why he's going to Gishur and that's why he's fleeing there okay so but we see here that they don't have the same mothers so Amnon and Absalom and Tamar is obviously of the same mother as Absalom okay so it's a half sister to Amnon now when it comes to the you know as far as like how much older is Amnon from Absalom they could literally be almost the same age because they're different women okay so there's no like well let's figure out the time of life here because there's three different women here so these three sons could literally be like really close they're obviously one two and three right so that's the order of birth but it could be as close as like what twins would be as far as the first born to the second born born i don't think it was that close i don't think they were all getting the labor at the same night and then it was just like babies all over the place but it could be technically okay all i'm saying there is that Amnon and Absalom could very much be almost the same exact age but either way and Absalom is younger than Amnon so just kind of see that as we go into this and the thing that i want to point out with this story is that it says that Amnon the son of David loved her okay and what i want to get to is that the bible sometimes when love sometimes isn't talking about like like righteous love or you know like a godly love now now listen i do not believe that well we need to go back to the original language and see what love we're talking about here right you know is this agape love or is this phileo love you know because that's all a bunch of garbage as far as there being a difference there but there is a difference between you know loving your spouse and the love that that that Amnon had for his half sister okay but let me give you another example of this to where it's it's very clear that that a type of love there's love out there there's a type of love that's out there and what i was going to say is more of like an infatuation meaning that there's there's there's obviously godly love right as far as loving god and he that loveth is is is born of god knoweth god right that's a different type of love there okay as far as that goes you know you're dealing with you know not dealing with a lust and all that different type of stuff here we're dealing with like more of a lust and infatuation and all of that okay and uh go to proverbs chapter seven so let me just show you this passage here to just show you that love sometimes in the bible isn't talking about like what we would want you know when it comes to a relationship or what we would talk about when we're talking about loving god and all of that okay so and really it just takes context right i mean i don't think anybody's reading this story and thinking like amnon has this godly love you know with godly sincerity towards tamar and no one's reading proverbs chapter 7 thinking that either okay when it comes to this strange woman talking about love okay so context matters when it comes to that as far as what are we talking about here okay just like coveting right context matters because doubt shall not covet but then it says covet earnestly the best gifts so context matters as far as is that desire a good desire or a bad desire because it talks about coveting as being desiring you know don't cover your neighbor's wife but don't desire your neighbor's wife it doesn't mean that you should never desire anything no obviously there's good desire and there's bad desire and listen you know a love listen i mean if you love the ungodly is that a good love right is that like a godly sincere love that you should have and so that being said is that that's what we're dealing with here with amnon and tamar but let me just show you this in proverbs chapter 7 verse 6 it says for at the at the window of my house i looked through my casement and beheld among the simple ones and i discerned among the youths a young man void of understanding passing through the street near her corner he went away to her house in the twilight in the evening in the black and dark night and behold there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot and subtle of heart she is loud and stubborn her feet abide not in her house now is she without now in the streets and lithe and wait at every corner she so she caught him and kissed him and with an impudent face said unto him i have peace offerings with me this day have i paid my vows therefore came i forth to meet thee diligently to seek thy face and i have found thee i have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry with carved works with fine linen of egypt i have perfumed my bed with myrrh aloes and cinnamon come let us take our fill of love until the morning let us solace ourselves with loves for the good man is not at home he has gone on a long journey he had taken a bag of money with him and will come home at the day appointed with her much fair speech she caused him to yield and with the flattering of her lips she forced him so in this case you're kind of dealing with a woman forcing him obviously not physically forcing him but it's it's more of a you know you know obviously women you know if a woman literally forces you then you know get to the gym i don't know but but that being said is that i just want to show you that in the bible sometimes when it's talking about love it's not talking about necessarily a good type of love okay we're not talking about like god is love or the love of god and that type of thing okay it's more of an infatuation like a desire more of a lust that's that's going on there and uh and so you just need context obviously in this context you know what's going on here you know you know that this isn't like a good type of love that you want to have and what it really comes down to is those desires are good if it's in the right spot right if it's within a marriage and all of that but obviously outside of that uh it's going to bring forth sin so go back to second same chapter 13 and verse 2 second same chapter 13 verse 2 so you know the narrator saying here that anon the son of david loved her and that's true but the thing is is that when it comes to love obviously you can be dealing with love as being like this this great desire that you have for somebody and this feeling that you have for somebody and all of that and uh it's not in its proper place now here's the thing when it comes to this you say well this is this is really messed up obviously this whole story is messed up but say well it's his sister but what you have to understand is that at this point it is wrong okay okay leviticus has laws against you basically marrying a half sister half brother that type of thing okay now before the levitical law and and the moseson law what you have to understand is that people that was going on and actually if you go all the way back to adam and eve if it goes back to adam and eve then they had to have married siblings and all that but there comes a point where things change and when when after the flood i believe that that i personally believe that there was that that you could not that people are not to just live on a vegetarian type of diet okay though it was supposed to be like that from the beginning after the fall of man there came a point where you need more protein okay and meat is how you're going to get that protein certain animals will get to that point where they can no longer have a vegetarian diet they have to have meat and they've just kind of adapted to that and when it comes to the gene pool there there comes a there came a point and i believe when you're dealing with moseson the law where it's like you're not to marry somebody or be with somebody that's that close of kin okay and it doesn't say cousins but it you know obviously listen let's we're we're we're thousands of years removed from leviticus the levitical law let's just go ahead and just insert first cousins in there okay by the way it's illegal here in west virginia and i used to say i was like you know you know it's illegal in west virginia to marry your cousins and i remember someone said they're like yeah they had to make a law because obviously it was a problem okay and then you know i'm just like valid points okay valid points so when it comes to this obviously marrying someone close to your close in relation it's gonna have it's gonna have problems okay just look at just look at the royal family in england and case closed right you know you marry someone that close to your you know like siblings and stuff like that now don't be surprised that they have flippers okay that's just the way the gene pool works is that you want to spread that out you want to you want to diversify the gene pool okay so that being said is that this isn't necessarily something that's just crazy at that time okay because abraham it says that sarah is my sister you know and and isaac you know there's a there's a relation there right so laban if you remember laban is the uncle of uh of jacob and he marries their daughters so those are cousins right there okay and again just because they did stuff in the bible doesn't make it necessarily right okay but at the same time it's not like this is just crazy what's going on here in that aspect now obviously the fact that he forces her is a grievous sin okay but i just want you to kind of understand that where because tamar is going to basically plead with him be like hey just request for the king for us to be together and it's not like that crazy at the time though at the same time i do believe that the law would be against that okay meaning that they're under the old testament they're under that first covenant and in the levitical law it states to not be that close of kin okay so anyway we see here that in verse two it says an amnon was so vexed that he fell sick for his sister tamar for she was a virgin and amnon thought it hard for him to do anything to her now i want to say this about amnon i believe that amnon had a reputation for lewdness okay and the reason i say that is because the way that's stated it just seems like this is not his first rodeo like this is not the first time that he's like gone after some woman or something like that but he's basically saying this is a hard thing to do because she's a virgin so would it not be hard if she wasn't a virgin is that what you're saying like that's kind of the the sentiment that i get there the other thing that makes me think that this isn't his first rodeo and that he's known for this is because when tamar's out there crying with her garment rent the first thing that apsilon says have you been with amnon your brother right it's just kind of like you've been with amnon haven't you right it's just like he already knew what happened and so it just seems like he already has a reputation for this and that it's just like just another thing for him to get into so i don't think that this is just like amnon was this great guy and then he just kind of like had this thing for his half sister and then that just like messed him up no i don't think so i think that this is something that uh it just is spiral down of probably things that he's been in getting into uh and all that anyway in verse three we see uh uh john adab here uh his friend and i'm gonna put that in quotations his friend okay and this is in verse three here says but amnon had a friend whose name was john adab the son of shimei david's brother and john adab was a very subtle man now who is this guy well he's amnon's cousin right so if if shimei is david's brother that would mean shimei is amnon's uncle right and amnon's uncle's son would be his cousin so whatever you know but they're related right and and the thing is is that it says that john adab is a very subtle man now in the bible being subtle is not a good thing okay so uh go to genesis chapter three for example genesis chapter three and when you look at this story obviously there's the physical story that we're looking at that's kind of what i'm focusing on obviously but you can look at this as far as how the devil is kind of like this this this friend whispering in your ear like hey you want to do that hey here's how you do that here's how you here's how you accomplish this sin over here because that's exactly what john adab does is that he's basically like here's what you do and he's very he's a very subtle man and notice what says about the devil in genesis 3 1 going all the way back to the beginning of the fall it says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god had made so the devil the serpent is known to be the most subtle beast in the garden right so the most subtle animal that's there and it talks about through his subtlety he beguiled he okay and so i think that there's definitely a link there if you're going to think about just in general the idea of how satan is in there subtly trying to get you and and entice you to sin okay and no no this is that god's not tempting us with evil but it's when we're drawn away of our own lusts that we're tempted and the devil what the devil does though he can't possess us he can't like get in there and like pull the reins or anything like that but he can entice us with lusts that we have as human beings and so it's something that we always have to be aware of and be careful of when it comes to that but john adab you know his friend comes to him and gives him some advice okay so and really what it comes down to is that john adab sees that he's basically made himself sick okay and uh you could call this being love sick right but this is kind of like if you're to think of song of solomon and how like she says i'm sick of love for her spouse this is like the perverted version of that okay where it's like he's sick but it's like this love lust infatuation type of thing that's going on okay and so this is like the dark version of that and then the song of solomon is the the light you know where like this is the proper way to be love sick and to love because it's with your spouse right and have those desires is great but it needs to be with your spouse okay in verse four here it says and he said unto him why art thou being the king's son lean from day to day wilt thou not tell me and amnon said unto him i loved hamar my brother absolom's sister this this sounds so familiar it it just it just makes me think of jezebel and an ahab right where where ahab's like he's like crying on his couch about how he can't have navas like vineyard and jezebel is like why are you being the king why are you it's kind of like you're a king why are you upset about this like you can deal with this right and the same thing here is like basically he's like why are you lean like why are you sick like why why are you vexed like this being the king's son it's kind of like you have a lot of power here like it's kind of like this idea of you know you you shouldn't be in the state because you can basically do whatever you want jezebel is kind of saying that the ahab and john vaz basically saying that to amnon okay especially if amnon's the firstborn right he's the firstborn son so he's kind of like heir to the throne like that type of realm there when it comes to this okay and it says in verse five it says and john adab said unto him lay thee down on my bed and make thyself sick and when thy father cometh to see thee say unto him i pray thee let my my sister tamar come and give me meat and dress the meat in in my sight that i may see it and eat at her hand so amnon lay down and made himself sick and when the king was come to see him amnon said unto the king i pray thee let tamar my sister come and make me a couple of cakes in my sight that i may eat at her hand then david sent home to tamar saying go now to thy brother amnon's house and dress him meat so basically obviously this is all just a big setup to get tamar there where he can be alone with her okay so he does this and the king you know david calls for tamar to go basically uh make cakes for for amnon verse eight here it says so tamar went to her her brother amnon's house and he was laid down laid down and she took flour and kneaded it and made cakes in his sight and did bake the cakes now in one place it talks about making meat what you have to stand is that in the bible sometimes meat is talking about just like food in general when it talks about like the meat offering is actually cakes bacon in the frying pan right it's like that's what we're dealing with there so when you see that kind of use there it's like well i thought she was going to be like making a ham sandwich or something like that you know meat can be talking about like actual flesh but um it's kind of a catch-all in the bible so that one's for free but so she makes these cakes it says in verse nine and she took a pan and poured them out before him but he refused to eat and amnon said have all out all men from me and they went out every man from him so now you know like hey things are getting bad okay and listen young ones this is why it's never good to be alone with someone of the opposite gender like that in a place like that okay whether you're you're dating whether you're you know that type of situation even if it's not like this extreme situation where you're dealing with someone being forced think of joseph in the bible that he went into the house no one else was in there and though he ran away and fled from it there was no witnesses so there is basically her word against his and all that that's why it's good to go to two by two out soul winning and all the stuff that always have someone there with you in those cases and all that stuff so um this is just kind of another scenario where it's just them and that's a bad situation to be in now to tame our credit i mean i don't think that she saw this coming right i don't think that she's just thinking like i'm in my brother's bed chamber i need to be worrying about this right i mean so i don't blame tamar i'm not saying like tamar like you should have been thinking this again maybe maybe she should have known because maybe amnon was known for this right or known for these type of things but in the end i don't really hold it against her because this is just a weird situation she's just there to help him out right right but in verse uh in verse 10 there says name on set on tamar bring the meat into the chamber that i may eat of thine hand and tamar took the cakes which she had made and brought them into the bedchamber uh to him on her brother and when she had brought them unto him to eat he took hold of her and said unto her come lie with me my sister and she answered him nay my brother do not force me for no such thing ought to be done in israel do not vow this folly and and she gives this plea here as far as that you know on her side but also on his side because it says and i will i wither shall i cause my shame to go and as for thee thou shall be as one of the fools in israel so she's kind of making you know logical sense on both sides right obviously how am i going to deal with this but then how are you going to deal with this because everybody's going to know about it okay and you're going to be known as a fool and it says now therefore i pray thee speak unto the king for he will not withhold me from thee so the idea here is that she's basically just trying to get out i can imagine though i don't know if she'd really want wants this to be arranged but i imagine if she got out of this situation she can get to safety you know go to her brother go through the king and be like hey he's trying to force me what in the world so obviously i think she's at this point just trying to do anything to get him to stop what he's doing right and it says in verse 14 how be it he would not hearken unto her voice but being stronger than she forced her and lay with her so wicked act we're talking about rape here we're talking about being forced this is wicked as hell and amnon should be put to death for this okay when it comes to this in my opinion as far as what i believe the bible teaches on this but what i want you to see here is that when you have this this perverted type of love when it comes to this lustful infatuation that's that's just to this point that it really rears it up its ugly head as not being like a true type of love when you look at what it says what happens next okay verse 15 then amnon hated her exceedingly so it's just like immediately it's like oh i love her i want to be with her all this stuff too i just hate her immediately and so this is something you know that when it comes to fornication you need to realize that hey this could be a possibility to where you know what they they say they love you they say all these things but in the end after that that deed is done it could very well turn into hatred it could turn into despising and just being cast off and so and she's just cast off and just thrown out of the room and so when it comes to tamar i have a lot of pity for her and just like jeff's daughter i have a lot of pity for her but this is a horrible thing that happens here and it really just shows you amnon's heart it really just shows you that this wasn't a true type of desire that was godly or anything like that because it just rears its ugly head that that was not a real love that he had for tamar when you think about a real type of godly type of love it's unconditional right when it comes to the fact of loving your children or loving your spouse and the fact that uh you know it's not it doesn't just turn on a dime like that where you're just like all right now i hate her like well then you didn't really love her okay and amnon obviously didn't really love tamar he was just infatuated with her he was obsessed with her he lusted after her but after that was done he just cast her off it says he hated her exceedingly it says so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her notice how that switched immediately it's insane right it's insane to think about like you went from the point where you're just almost sick because you're just so obsessed with how much you love this girl but then it immediately turns to hatred and not only that it turns to hatred but the hatred is actually more than that that love that you were so vexed with to the point of like being sick and it says and amnon said unto her arise be gone and she said unto him there is no cause this evil and sending me away is greater than the other that thou didst unto me but he would not hearken unto her then he called his servants that ministered unto him and said put now this woman out from me and bolt the door after her i mean just amnon's wickedness just keeps going worse and worse and worse and worse and worse right and the anger that i'm sure absolom has which when i think about this story that happens here that what happens here i guess what doesn't happen really after this happens with amnon could very well be what caused absolom to take over the kingdom it's all a domino effect of things that happen here okay because so she comes out obviously she's thrown out of the room it says in verse 18 it says and she had a garment of diverse colors upon her for with such robes were the the king's daughters that were virgin virgins appareled then his servant brought her out and bolted the door after her and tamar put ashes on her head and rent her garment of diverse colors that was on her and laid her hand on her head and went on crying and absolutely her brother said unto her hath amnon thy brother been with thee notice that's the first thing that he says it's almost like that's the most obvious thing that would have happened for her to obviously to rent her garment would be basically saying she's no longer a virgin and she's weeping about it and the fact that the first thing that comes to his mind is amnon that tells you something i mean there's like almost like this is well-known secret that amnon is this pervert that does this type of stuff and even in his own words he's saying you know it's hard for me to do this considering she's a virgin it's like what it like i said would it not have been hard if she wasn't it should be well that'd be easy to do then so he says hath amnon thy brother been with thee but hold now thy peace my sister he is thy brother regard not this thing so tamar remain desolate in her brother absolom's house and here's the thing i have to say with this i believe what absolom says to her is is exactly what i would say to somebody that was forced that was raped is that don't regard that as if that's anything now obviously it's i'm not saying you're not going to remember it or anything like that but but women will have this guilty conscience because of the act that was done to them as if like they did something wrong does that make sense like they did tamar didn't do anything wrong in this situation she's the victim and basically in those cases listen it's all their sin it's their problem you should have zero guilt when it comes to that i'm not saying you're not gonna have trauma i'm not saying you're gonna forget about it or anything like that but the idea here is that you should have zero guilt there there should be zero blame put upon you there is nothing that tamar should be regarding this and that's what absolutely saying he's like don't regard this it's it's kind of like the idea it's like just i mean basically you're still a virgin because this is this is just garbage right here that happened this is not your fault this is just something that obviously is wickedness that happened and she's just a victim okay and so he's basically obviously trying to comfort her and it says that tamar remained desolate in her brother's absolom's house it doesn't say forever okay it kind of reads that if you're kind of reading that it kind of seems that way like for the rest of her days but it doesn't say for the rest of her days it could just very well be for a time being that she's just living in her brother's house desolate you know it but it could it could be that she just basically stayed desolate and she never got married and never had kids and all of that because of this act and uh but i want you to think about this okay so at this point i think everybody reading the stories like string them up you know like take care of this guy but that's not what happens it doesn't mean david was happy about this right i mean obviously he gets found out verse 21 it says but when king david heard of all these things he was very wrong oh he's really angry but nothing was done okay and to me this this is probably a start of a tipping point with absolom and i'm not here to defend absolom and what he did okay but i mean we're talking years out from where the coup happens and you know there this could very well be if this didn't happen okay if this didn't happen maybe or if david would have taken care of it in the right in the right way and gotten and and gotten due justice against amnon then maybe that would have nipped it in the bud with absolutely like okay justice has been done okay let's move on but what's absolom say here and absolutely very wise in what he does here okay it says verse 22 it says an absolute spake unto his brother amnon neither good nor bad for absolom hated amnon because he had forced his sister tamar which obviously that would be all of us right so he doesn't say good or bad because he doesn't want to basically set up this like all absolom wants to kill amnon we better keep him away from him right and it's going to be a two years before he ends up doing anything okay so he lets that linger less that that just kind of like everything just calm down to where people are probably just thinking like oh okay it's all settled it's not you know nothing nothing going on there right but when it comes to this amnon i believe should have been put to death for this go to deuteronomy chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 let me just show you what the law says here now this specific case the law doesn't really necessarily say specifically but because what i'm going to show you is that what it's talking about is someone that's betrothed right which we're more so talking about like an engagement like someone's engaged to be married but i believe that this would count for someone that's not engaged okay as well okay but at the same time um i just want to show you this and that's why i'm saying my opinion what i believe is that if someone is is raped whether they're betrothed or not i think that that is something that uh you know would get the death penalty and verse 25 here it says but if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field and the man force her and lie with her then the man only that lay with her shall die okay it says but unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death for as when a man rises against his neighbor and slayeth him even so is this matter so notice that the forcing this act of rape that's the modern vernacular right is likened unto murder which is why it gets the death penalty okay it says for he found her in the field and the betrothed damsel cried and there was none to save her now if a man find a damsel that is a virgin which is not betrothed and lay hold on her and lie with her and they be found now some would say well this is forcing okay because then it says then the man that lay with her uh shall give unto the damsel's father 50 shekels of silver and she shall be his wife but go to exodus chapter 22 because this isn't talking about forcing laying hold on somebody and forcing them to two different things because it says that he laid hold on tamar before it ever says he forced her does that make sense he laid hold on her and said lie with me but at that point like he hadn't forced her yet okay because then it goes on to say that him being stronger forced her but notice what it says in a parallel commandment or parallel judgment i guess you would say here in exodus 22 in verse 16 it says and if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed and lie with her he shall surely endow her to be his wife so enticing her laying hold on her enticing her is different than forcing the person okay so you have two different things going on there is one is more just for it's fornication i don't say just but obviously fornication with consenting adults is not as grievous as forcing somebody okay does that make sense like forcing somebody and rape that is that is a capital crime whereas fornication isn't a capital crime in this case the punishment would be he needs to he needs to pay the dowry and he needs to marry this girl deuteronomy just goes a little further with that and says well but if the if the father refuses to give her unto him then he just he pays the dowry right so either way he's paying as if he's marrying this girl okay but it does give that caveat it's kind of like if if that happens and it's like some derelict and the father is like no not happening but you're gonna pay me anyway right that's kind of what's going on there so like i said it's kind of like this situation where you have someone being forced that's betrothed and then you have someone being enticed this one's kind of they're being forced but they're not betrothed you maybe make the argument that she's like prepared to be in betrothed but i would say that it would be the forced is death penalty right it's just that there's it's a little more specific on the case here okay you could disagree with me on that but that's that's where i stand on that i don't think you have to be betrothed for the the for rape to be getting the death penalty okay um going back to second stammer chapter 13 second seems to have 13 in verse 23 so absolom is going to have his brother amnon killed and he he's one he he he does the long game okay like this is premeditated okay for sure and listen obviously the bible doesn't say you know it says vengeance belongeth unto me i will repay said the lord so obviously um you know vengeance belongeth unto the lord all of that um but i'll say this you know if if someone were found like getting forced like and you found them in the act of doing that that person's probably gonna die and if it ever happened to a child that person will die let me preface like let me just state that if i ever saw a child getting uh molested the person doing it will die and so that's just facts that's just what's gonna happen but you know obviously with the right thing definitely a possibility there too that that's gonna happen because when you're in the act of something happening does that make sense like there's a difference between like after everything is settled and now you're dealing with the judgment of the law and like that going on when you're in the act of like defending somebody and all of that you know you're not you're not taking vengeance you're literally saving the person from getting attacked okay so that's not really vengeance you know that's just self-defense or defending somebody okay anyway all that to say obviously hopefully that never happens hopefully i never had to deal with that but that's just uh just how i feel on that that that front verse 23 says it came to pass after two four years that Absalom had sheep shears in Baal-hazor which is beside ephraim and Absalom invited all the king's sons and Absalom came to the king and said behold now thy servant has sheep shears let the king i beseech thee and his servants go with thy servant and the king said unto said to Absalom nay my son let us now all uh not let us not all now go lest we be chargeable unto thee and he pressed him howbeit he would not go but blessed him so basically what Absalom's trying to do is just basically say yeah just everybody come down right to not make it obvious of what getting Amnon to go okay and David's basically like you know well let's not all go or you're basically gonna you know you're gonna pay us wages to go down here for you and all this stuff so it's kind of like this idea that you're gonna have to like start paying people at that point if you're taking everybody with you but it says in verse 26 then said Absalom if not i pray thee let my brother Amnon go with us so notice that he says Amnon specifically and notice what David and the king said unto him why should he go with thee so you can imagine that i mean Dave is not an idiot okay Dave is a very wise man obviously he's a man after god's own heart he's got a lot of wisdom and even even though like Absalom didn't say anything good or bad about the whole situation it's been two years he knows that's his sister that he defiled like he didn't forget i'm sure he didn't forget about that or anything like that so in his mind he's probably in the back of his mind thinking like why does he want why does he want Amnon to go with him right i'm sure they don't hang out and they're just buddy buddy throughout these two years right but then he goes on to say basically all the the sons are gonna go it says but Absalom pressed him i'm sorry let uh uh yeah but Absalom pressed him that he let Amnon and all the king's sons go with him now Absalom had commanded his servants saying mark ye now when Amnon's heart is merry with wine and when i say unto you smite Amnon then kill him fear not have not i commanded you be courageous and be valued and the servants of Absalom did unto Amnon and Absalom had as Absalom had commanded then all the king's sons arose and every man gat him up upon his mule and fled so basically he doesn't physically do it himself he has his servants do it but he basically had this whole plan set out to do this and i believe this plan was known by Jonadab because Jonadab is going to basically say like no it's only Amnon that dies because the next thing that happens here is this false report comes out and this is just like you know there's nothing new under the sun this is like cnn right here you know msnbc fox news like all the major you know news outlets this is what they do like they have they don't know what they're talking about they just start blurting out stuff that's false verse 30 here it says and it came to pass while they were in the way that tidings came to David saying Absalom hath slain all the king's sons and there is not one of them left then the king arose and tear his garments and lay on the earth and all his servants stood by with their clothes rent you know what this reminds me of that years ago there was a i forget what his name is because i knew him back in the day um oh man i'm forgetting his name but basically there's an obama rally out in arizona and this gentleman you know went to this rally and cnn like covers this because he he brought an ar-15 with him to the rally or it was like a you know like some kind of speaking event or whatever and cnn basically didn't show the guy's face or anything like that and just basically talk about how this white supremacy person came to obama's rally with an ar-15 on their back except for the guy's black and i wish i could remember his name but it's been years i'm talking like 2000 when was that 2010 what is it is it is it and when was that that was like was it that far back good night it had anyway it either way like i just remember like i because i knew him and i knew the whole situation and i was like looking at like talk about having everything wrong right is the fact that like anytime i've ever known somebody that's been on the news like the major news like the facts are always wrong which then makes you think like what news story is ever right then so you just have to almost just assume like everything that's coming out of their mouth is false or sprinkled with falsehoods to where you you know at that point it's all a lie and this just makes me think of like listen there's nothing new under the sun there's always false tidings that are going out there that are basically giving false information and so you really have to check your sources here and david is like in this immense morning because he thinks all his sons have died and so at this point you know he's obviously in mourning but in verse 32 here jonadab the front friend of amnon okay it says jonadab the son of shimei david's brother answered and said let not my lord suppose that they have slain all the young men the king's sons for amnon only is dead so i mean it sounds like a great friend there it's like don't worry about it it's only amnon it's only amnon he's the only one that died it's like what a great friend what a great cousin right there it says for by the appointment of epsilon this hath been determined from the day that he forced his sister tamar now remember this jonadab is very subtle guy right so very well he could have been like in you know like epsilon's telling him his you know plans and all these different things who knows like how did he know that this was going on right so it says now therefore let not my lord the king take the thing to his heart to think that all the king's sons are dead for amnon only is dead and i can only every time i read this i'm just like man what a great friend you know when when when if when you die do you want your friend to be like don't worry about it's only so-and-so right be like if i die and brother dave's just like don't worry about it it's just jason it's only jason that died you know like don't worry about that don't take the heart to think that everybody died it's just it's just jason you know like what like that would be that'd be horrible right so but you know it you know uh what is it uh birds of a feather flock together kind of thing i mean amnon wasn't exactly a great guy so the fact that him and this guy jonadab were good friends just kind of works out so in verse 34 here absalom's gonna flee verse 34 says but absolutely and then it says in the young man that kept the watch lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there came much people by the way of the hillside behind him and jonadab said unto the king behold the king's sons come as a servant said so it is so at this point like he's actually seeing his sons and because you can imagine like king davis like well which one do i believe right do i believe this jonadab guy or do i believe like this other report that i got but obviously when he sees his sons i'm sure he's uh more relieved there it says and it came to pass as soon as he had made an end of speaking that behold the king's sons came and lifted up their voice and wept and the king also and all his servants wept very sore but absalom fled and went to talmai the son of amahud king of geisha sound reasonable when you understand who his mother is right and david mourned for his son every day so absalom fled and went to geisha and was there three years okay so from the time that well and he's going to end up coming back and there's that we're going to get that story lord willing next week but you know after three years and during that time david's heart does turn to absalom as far as missing him and wanting to see him as well it also says in verse 39 it says in the soul of king david long to go forth unto absalom where he was comforted concerning amnon seeing he was dead throughout these stories i always wonder these what-ifs scenarios of what if david would have taken care of amnon then absolutely this would never happen absolutely never fled to geisha uh what if david went out to get aslam and bring him back home right instead of like having someone basically joab has to like have this woman come and like basically convince david to bring him back what if david personally went out and said hey come back you know all this stuff i should have dealt with this you know whatever and just you can see like there's a lot of these scenarios where when absalom takes over the kingdom it's not like out of the blue and just as much as i don't think that amnon and what he does with tamar is just out of the blue and the same thing is with david when he commits adultery with basheba it's not just out of the blue he had problems before that that were leading up to it okay and something obviously when we're reading a lot of times we're not seeing all that maybe necessarily um but just as you read it you kind of just wonder like what if he did that especially when it says his his so long to go forth on the abseil but he didn't and so uh and i think this gets all into obviously the downfall of or the consequences that david has because of what he does with that sheba and just think about the consequences that that sin had on his family i mean think about it i want and i'll just kind of end with this if david hadn't committed that act then he wouldn't have done something that was technically worthy of death right maybe he would have had more boldness to carry out the death penalty on someone that committed an act like that that makes sense because if you think about it david may be thinking like hey like i i did something like that was worthy of death and therefore he probably didn't feel worthy to like make that judgment because you imagine like they'll be like well you did that now you're going to put this guy to death and did this over here because am i didn't kill anybody right because david can it's adultery and then has people killed because of it to cover it up and so it just all kind of snowballs into the effect of what sin does and it pigeon holes yourself to where you end up just going even further and further and further and making mistake after mistake after mistake and and how it just affects his family and so that's probably the saddest part the saddest part of this whole story is tamar she's just an innocent bystander that was baking cakes for her sick brother and then this happened but i think it's i believe it started with her father and his infidelity so um not a bright note to end the chapter on but this isn't exactly a bright happy chapter so but it is what it is um and so lord willing next week we'll get into chapter 14 uh but enjoying going through the book of second samuel let's end with a word of prayer the only follow we think of today thank you for your word and just pray to help us learn from these passages help us to learn from the mistakes of those in the bible and lord help us to uh to live righteous lives lord so that we don't have to pass on consequences down to our children or to friends or family or anything like that lord pray to help us to live for you help us to uh to again learn from these examples and what we love you in prayerless in jesus christ name amen but they will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song number 44 song number 44 in your song books if you'll stand we'll sing we'll work till jesus comes song number 44 oh land of rest for thee i sigh when will the moment come when i shall lay my armor by and dwell in peace at home we'll work till jesus comes we'll work till jesus comes we'll work till jesus comes and we'll be gathered home to jesus christ i fled for as he bade me cease to roam and lean for soccer on his breast till he can talk me home will work till jesus comes will work till jesus comes will work till jesus comes and will begin