(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Jesus only to be my companion and unfailing guy Why should I be weary or my past seem dreary when he's walking by my side? In the hour of Sabbath mere men or a bitter loss I can find support and consolation at the cross one or one or suffering glorified with me Daily walks and talks with me How can I be lonely when I'm Jesus only to be my companion and unfailing guy Why should I be weary or my past seem dreary when he's walking by my side? And Last rosy morning when the skies above are clear And it's noon tide hours with many cares and problems near or when evening shadows fall a closing of the day Jesus they're all way How can I be lonely when I've Jesus only to be my companion and unfailing guy Why should I be weary or my past seem dreary when he's walking by my side? And let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again We just want to thank you God For another night that we get to gather in your house and to hear you were preached I pray pray that you would just be with our pastor Lord Fill me with your power and spirit give us ears to hear and hearts to obey Lord We love you and pray all this in Jesus name. Amen All right may be seated and take your mountain Baptist song books the blue folders there in your on your seats and turn to Let's see page number Seven Page number seven your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books will sing Psalm 117 on page number seven Oh Praise the Lord all ye nations Praise him all ye people For his merciful kindness is great toward us and the truth of the Lord endure forever Praise ye the Lord Praise ye the Lord Praise ye the Lord Amen well welcome to Mountain Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening just some announcements here to get started Top one today, so and welcome the the bovay family, right? That's how you say your last name bovay Yeah, all right guys that that are in town and As far as service is coming up this Sunday. Everything should be normal. So being your places there Sunday morning Sunday afternoon Soling time main selling time at 1 p.m. And then the regional selling times there throughout the week We do this Friday. We are doing a Kind of a firework show fellowship all that stuff this Friday So it's gonna be out on that Robinson Ridge and We'll put directions in the church group there if anyone's and obviously if you need I Mean the address should get you there if you put it in your GPS before you get out there But if you need Handwritten directions we can do that as well We are Let me be very specific on what we're what we're providing because I was told I was not being specific enough on What we are providing to me, this is enough to say that we're providing the main food But when I mean main food, I mean fried chicken hot dogs buns Do I need to say that I'll say it. Okay, so buns chips drinks and Maybe like some rolls and butter and stuff like that. What's that? That's getting plates condiments like when I say condiments, let me be very specific. Okay, I Mean ketchup mustard and mayo. Okay, anything else is specialty in my opinion, okay, so We could just get a not have the mayo but you know people would revolt That being said if you want to bring another side or if you want to bring like a dessert I'm all for it You don't have to bring anything though. Okay, so But that's kind of what we're getting there. If you don't like chicken, you don't like hot dogs Then Let us know but or bring your impossible burger. I don't know whatever Vegan vegetable thing you want. Okay. Anyway, all that say is that we're gonna have food there But if you want to bring something on top of that, you're more welcome to and then We're tentatively saying I think seven o'clock to eat And then it doesn't get dark until like nine nine thirty So that's about the time that we're gonna be doing the fireworks, but we will be doing sparklers snakes, you know There's a little snap things, you know, it's throwing the ground all that fun stuff before that so Around the time that we're eating and all that So hopefully it doesn't rain and other chances of thunderstorms and all that stuff, but we do have a covered area and all that Or we're gonna be eating and everything so That is this Friday And so in a couple days here that's coming up on the list there. We also have The women's prayer meeting on the 21st the men's prayer meeting on the 26th Soloning Marathon in Cumberland, Maryland on the 27th and then in August Moorfield West Virginia Soloning Marathon on the August 31st Our chapter memory for the month is Psalm 126 and our memory verse for the week is Hebrews 12 1 And on the pregnancy list we have Crystal McCloy due in August and Also, Rachel house is now on the list. So I've been in prayer for all these And I think that's about all I have for announcements that I can think of the offering box in the back there You want to give a tithe or an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only who's reading this evening? Brother David's gonna be reading second Samuel chapter 12 after you do one more song I Take your song books say and turn to song number 87 Song number 87 in your song books will sing just when I need a most song number 87 Just when I need him Jesus is near Just when I falter Just when I fear Ready to help me ready to cheer Just when I need Just when I need him most Just when I need him most Jesus is near to comfort and cheer just when I need him most Just when I need him Jesus is true Never forsaking all the way through Giving for burdens pleasures anew Just when I need him most Just when I need him most When I need him most Just when I need him most Jesus is near to comfort and cheer just when I need him most Just when I need him Jesus is strong Bearing my burden All the long For all my sorrow Giving a song just when I need him most Just when I need him most Just when I need him most Jesus is near to comfort and cheer just when I need him most Just when I need him Jesus my all Answering when Upon am I call Tenderly watching less I should fall just when I need him most Just when I need him most Just when I need him most Jesus is near to comfort and cheer just when I need him most All right, take your bottles and turn to the book of second Samuel chapter number 12 Second Samuel chapter number 12. We'll have brother David read that for us All right second Samuel 12 if you found a place amen And the Bible reads and the Lord sent Nathan unto David and he came unto him and said unto him There were two men in one city the one rich and the other poor the rich man had exceeding many flocks and herds But the poor man had nothing save one little you one little you lamb Which he had bought and nourished up and he grew up together with him and with his children It did eat of his own meat and drink of his own cup and lay in his bosom and was unto him as a daughter and they came a travel unto this rich man and he spared to take of his own flock and of his Own head to dress for the wayfaring man that was coming to him But he took the pearl man's lamb and dressed it for the man that was come to him and David's anger was greatly kindled against The man and said to Nathan as the Lord liveth the man that had done this thing shall surely die And he still restore the lamb for for because he did this thing and because he had no pity And Nathan said to David thou art the man Thus that the Lord God of Israel I anointed the king over Israel and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul And I gave thee thy master's house and thy master's wives into thy bosom and gave you the house of Israel Ain't of Judah and if that had been too little I would have moreover given under these such-and-such things Wherefore has thou despised the commandment of the Lord to do evil in his sight that has killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword And has taken his wife to be thy wife and has slain him with the sword of the children of Aaron Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house Because that has despised me and has taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife Thus saith the Lord behold I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house I will take thy rise before thine eyes and give them under thy neighbor and he shall lie with thy rise on the side of the Sun for thou didst it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel and before the Sun And David said unto Nathan I ascend against the Lord and Nathan said unto David the Lord also hath put away thy sin Thou shalt not die How be it because by the steed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme thy child The child that is born unto thee shall surely die And Nathan depart unto his house and the Lord struck the child that Uriah is right bare unto David and it was very sick and David therefore besought God for the child and David fasted and went in and lay all night upon the earth and The elders of the house arose and went to him to raise him up from the earth But he would not neither did he eat bread with them And it came to pass on the seventh day the child died and the servants of David feared to tell him that this child Was dead but they said behold while the child was yet alive we spake unto him and he would not hearken unto our voice How will he then vex himself if we tell him the child is dead But when David saw that his servants whispered David perceived that the child was dead therefore David said unto his servants Is the child dead and they said he is dead Then David arose from the earth and lost and anointed himself and changed his apparel and came into the house of the Lord and worship Then he came to his own house And when he required they set bread before him and he did eat then said his servants unto him What thing is this is that has done thou didst fast and weep for the child while it was alive But when the child was dead thou didst rise and eat bread and he said while the child was yet alive I fasted and wept for I said who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live But now he is dead. Wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me and David comforted Batsy with his life and his wife and went in under her and lay with her and she bare him a Son and he called his name Solomon and the Lord loved him and he sent by the hand of Nathan the Prophet and he called his name Jedediah because of the Lord and Joab fought against Rabah of the children of Ammon and took the royal city and Joab sent messengers to David and said I have fought against Rabah and have taken the city of waters now Therefore gather the rest of the people together and camp against the city blessed and take it lest I take the city and it Be called after my name and David gathered all the people together and went to Rabah and fought against it and took it and he Took their kings crown from off his head the rate where love was a talon of gold with the precious stones And it was set on David's head and he brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance And he brought forth the people that were there in and put them and put them under saws and under hair was of iron And their axes of iron and made and made them pass to the brick kiln and thus did he under all the chitties Of the children of Ammon, so David and all the and so David and all the people returned unto Jerusalem Let's pray. Dear Lord I thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house With that you feel past with your spirit and I was to be edified in Jesus name Amen so you're there in 2nd Samuel chapter 12 and we are continuing our study through the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 11 is is really where David's kingdom really goes downhill because of the sin that he commits with committing adultery with Bathsheba, but then also having her husband killed in battle and This chapter is really going to do with the retribution or basically the consequences because of that now It's not going to stop with this chapter because really the punishments are going to happen to him happen You're going to just see a lot of bad things happen With his house with his kingdom and everything else and I do believe it's based off of that sin that he committed in chapter 11 So chapter 12 here Nathan the prophet Comes to David and he's going to rebuke David, but he does it with a story. So he basically tells him this story and David just thinks that Nathan's just coming to him and just telling him, you know something that's going on and it's a story about basically these two men one's rich ones poor and about and obviously the story is going to represent the rich man is going to be David in this story and And it's just interesting sometimes how As Christians sometimes we can just look past, you know what we've done and then we end up actually condemning someone that's doing the exact same thing that we're doing and This is something that David does here is that he actually condemns this person to death When that person is him, okay So in verse 1 here says and the Lord sent Nathan unto David and he came unto him and said unto him There were two men in one city the one rich and the other poor the rich man had exceeding many flocks herds But in herds, but the poor man had nothing saved one little you lamb Which he had bought and nourished up and it grew up together with him and with his children it did eat of his own meat and drank of his own cup and he lay in his bosom and Was unto him as a daughter so This is literally like Today like how pets are sometimes to people. Okay, it's it I'm I think of dogs and cats especially I don't understand why a cat would ever be that close to you but you know, everybody's got his proper gift as far as their threshold when it comes to animals, but But the idea of you know people having fur babies, you know And stuff like that as far as animals are concerned and people take this way too far I don't think it's wrong to have a pet you're close to and that you like, okay, but You can understand what's going on here. Is that this lamb that he has is like It's his pet but it's a really close pet meaning like that He likens it unto his own child. Okay to that to that extent. Okay, and And What's gonna happen here would make anybody angry if you think about this story just on the surface You know, if you're not thinking about David or anything like that, this would make you angry, right? It says in verse 4 it says and there came a traveler on to the rich man and he spared to take he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd to dress for the Wayfaring man that was coming to him but took the poor man's lamb and dressed it for the man That was come to him. So literally this guy has a whole bunch of sheep He's got a whole herd and flocks this guy over here has one and it's his pet You know, it's probably got a name it's eating from his own cop and his own food I mean basically as one of his children and He doesn't want to take up his abundance To feed this guy. So he takes his neighbors one you lamb and kills it and then gives it to this guy to eat so he steals it and gives it to them and knows David's response here and David's anger was kindled Or greatly kindled against the man Which you can understand right? I mean we would all be angry at that if that actually happened around you And it says and he said to Nathan as the Lord liveth the man That had done this thing shall surely die So I want you think about this is animals that we're talking about here He killed an animal. I realized that I would be angry too at this and this guy should definitely pay restitution But I don't think you get the death penalty if you steal someone's lamb, okay But Dave is taking it that far because obviously It's a huge sin, you know, basically it would anger anybody in this case, but it says in verse 6 It says and he shall restore the lamb Fourfold because he did this thing and because he had no pity So obviously that is a biblical law and the fact that basically if you steal something You're to pay fourfold fivefold depends on what you stole all of that paying restitution So but basically he's condemning himself with what he's saying here and Notice what Nathan says in verse 7 and Nathan said to David thou art the man So it's very clear. He's saying you're the man you're that rich man in the story Now here's thing Think about Uriah the Hittite. He has one wife David has multiple wives To the point at this point. We've lost count right? I mean, yeah, I'm joking a little bit But at the same time he doesn't really name all his concubines But we know that he had Michal then he had Abigail and Hinnom But then he had more wives later on and then he had more concubines like he had multiple wives Before he even came into Jerusalem and then he had more and So if you if you look at the flock as being the wives He has all these wives yet. He steals this one guy's wife over here and The symbolism obviously of killing the lamb is that he killed Uriah So not only did he steal the wife, but he killed the husband okay, and it's gonna get into this as far as that goes but Notice what says keep reading there thou art the man thus that the Lord God of Israel I anointed thee king over Israel and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul and Nathan said I'm sorry in verse 8 and says and I gave thee thy master's house and thy master's wives into thy bosom and gave thee The house of Israel and of Judah and if that had been too little I Would moreover have given unto thee such and such things which shows you That he's missing out on something that God would have given him Right. We already see here before we even get to the punishment Here's some punishment that there were things that God was planning to give to him, but He's not getting him now Because of what he did, okay So the idea of missing out on the blessings of God or what God has prepared for you You know is punishment there as well, but then it goes on to say Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord to do evil in his sight? thou has killed your eye the Hittite with the sword and Hast taken his wife to be thy wife and has slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon This is very important to understand here. Is that Though David didn't pull the trigger so to speak He is guilty of murder Because he he in an indirect way killed Uriah He gave the commandment to put him in the hottest portion of the battle and to draw back Hey, he gave that commandment to Joab Joab initiated that command and though it was the children of Ammon though It was it was actually the army that killed him It was David that is blamed for the murder of Uriah, right? I mean if you're in a battle if you're in war There's there's the the idea of blood and war and the blood of peace that It's not murder for the Ammonites to be fighting when you're in battle right in your war. Okay, that's not murder Another sermon for another day, but there's different there's killing somebody isn't always murder. Okay When Joab kills Abner when they have a treaty of peace and they're no longer at war that's murder When Joab kills Amasa his cousin When they're not at war and they're not to be enemies that's murder But obviously when when Pete when they kill people in battle and all that that's not considered murder But David is now a murderer even though he's not the one that actually Shot the arrow right when it comes to Uriah died and the other men not just Uriah But there was collateral damage because if you remember some of other his servants died When that happened, okay? So we're gonna see the the coming punishment now It's kind of giving you a view into what's about to happen in these later chapters Because the next chapter is dealing with Amnon his son and Tamar his daughter and that Horrific story that happens there and then you get into Absalom and all this stuff that's going on. I believe that That That he you know, he's going to pay fourfold for this sin, okay notice what says in verse 10 it says now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house because thou has despised me and Has taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife So notice the sins that were committed he committed adultery He had Uriah killed and then he took the wife of who he killed the person that he killed He took her to be his wife, okay Thus hath the Lord behold. I will raise up against thee out of thine own house I'm sorry evil against thee out of thine own house And I will take thy wives before thine eyes and give them unto thy neighbor and he shall lie With thy wives in the sight in the sight of this son for thou didst it secretly But I will do this thing before all Israel and before the Sun Which really shows you the retribution of God is that the righteous judgment of God and the vengeance of God? Is that people that do these wicked things in secret God's going to punish them openly? and We know that this happens later on with Absalom Absalom actually does this on the Rooftop? and When Absalom takes over the kingdom for a little bit? So This is going to happen and Notice David's response here and notice how it's different than Saul's response right so when we think about You know David's kingdom can it continues on forever, but Saul's kingdom had an end right? But Saul when he was confronted with his sin. He says I've I've obeyed the commandment of the Lord Right he doesn't admit that he's wrong verse 13 here David said unto Nathan I have sinned against the Lord So there's no argument there. He just admits it. Yes. I'm wrong. I've sinned And it says here And Nathan said unto David the Lord also hath put away thy sin thou shalt not die so You know how it talks about by thy own words thou shalt be justified and by the words thou shalt be condemned And out of thy own mouth thou hast condemned thyself think about that wicked servant in Matthew 25 where it says I knew that thou art an austere man right or hard man You know sowing where thou this not you know or you know reaping where thou has not sown and going on and on with that in the fact that He says out of thy own mouth you're going to be judged and David is being judged out of his own mouth, but it does give the stipulation though He said that that man shall surely die he that's why he's saying Thou shalt not die He's basically what you said is going to happen to you except for that part like God is keeping him from dying and All that now in verse 14. It says how be it Notice this okay, you want to see you say what's the fourfold judgment? Well, I'd say this is number one About what's to happen to David is and I'm not saying in priority I'm just saying number one to happen though. I would probably put this in a priority of maybe number one it says How be it because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme The child also that is born unto thee shall surely die notice that condition Because you have done this deed because by this deed Because this deed right here has caused others the enemies of God to blaspheme his name The child is going to die Think about it when it comes to you say well that's man that Old Testament stuffs hard Revelation 3 Jezebel When it says that he she's gonna kill or God's gonna kill her children with death That others may fear and I'm paraphrasing a little bit, but basically that's New Testament that's a New Testament Church right there That diatira is Going to be judged in that manner that that children are going to die Because of your sin and the thing that you have to understand here is that we need to realize that our actions And how we live our lives as Christians Can and will affect others specifically those that we love When it comes to you know the safety of our family Know this is that the Lord is is looking at the parents as Far as are you living right are you are you are you living a righteous life to where God is going to see that? Think about Cornelia the story I just reading about reading the story of Cornelius and the fact that that Peter stating I perceive that God is no respecter of persons that but that all nations that fear God and do righteousness are Regarded I think it says regarded by him basically Meaning this is that Cornelius even when he wasn't saved, but he was a righteous man in the fact that he was doing alms deeds He was you know he was doing right as much as a person can do to where God Literally sent him an angel and said hey call for Peter so that you and your whole house can be saved Guess what not everybody got that privilege Not everybody got that angel sent to them to go send for Peter the Apostle one of the top three Of the twelve to go preach the gospel to him Know this is that that That the the the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers But those that do evil he's his face is against them to do evil and This can apply to Christians Obviously this can apply to unsafe people But this can apply to Christians that if you live a wicked life as a Christian No This is that punishments coming because the Lord loveth him he chasen is discouraged every son him he receive it The fact that that Dave is getting a scourging here should be no Should not be you know like something where you're just like where did that come from? Dave and a man after God's own heart the sweet psalmist of Israel he should know better and He's gonna get punished harshly because of that, but it's something that we need to realize that hey You know what we? Do as parents? Will affect our children No doubt will affect our children if there's any reason to live for God and to serve God It's for your children's safety. It's for your children's salvation, and I'm talking both spiritually and physically Even you know even the Bible talks about it that if you have an unbelieving spouse That the children are sanctified by the believing spouse It doesn't mean that they're automatically safe, but know this is that they are set apart in this world From the rest of the children in this world because there's a believing parent. That's there Even my kids were just talking to me my girls were just talking to me about the fact that They told me that they were glad that they were born into a family that believed right? That's coming from from an eight-year-old and a seven-year-old right That they realize hey, you know Not everybody's got that luxury To where the truth is at home, and they don't have to find it out later And so that being said is that we need to realize that hey What we do can affect our children and in this case this child is going to die okay, and Not that the child did anything wrong But the consequences for sin can affect others that you care about And I don't know about you, but the one thing that I worry about you know obviously we're not the Fred We're not the fear at the same time. You know I am human and the one thing that I Am worried about or that I I guess I'm concerned about that I pray about on a constant basis is the safety of my family Obviously I want them to get saved. That's a prayer there as well right, but the safety you know whether it's it's evil people Whether it's evil beasts whether it's accidents. You know whether it's whatever the case may be I Want want God's protection on my family Point blank I want the hedge of protection of God Almighty on my family and God forbid that I Would commit some Grievous sin like adultery or some other type of you know Grievous sin To where that hedge of protection would be removed We need to think about that when it comes to It's always baffles me when people are just like you know well you believe in that internal security Why would you ever keep the commandments then one because I'm not a psychopath Okay, I have a conscience, and I didn't want to go on a killing spree before I got saved okay So number one I'm not a crazy person, but number two There are many reasons why we want to keep his commandments. How about because he deserves it, and we love him okay, but to The promise of protection to those that keep his commandments is real in the Bible the promise to be fed the promise to be clothed But the promise of protection physical protection even in the great tribulation Such as the world is will never see there is Protection physically for those that keep his word and keep the word of his patience That is something that we need to realize that Hey, there is a reward to those that love God and those that keep his commandments Yes, we could do whatever we want still go to heaven, but you know what? I'd rather be like noah that my whole family gets saved from the flood then be like lot and lost most of his family and You know and his house was broken up so I want my family to be saved both spiritually and physically okay, and so Go to second samuels after 12 verse 15 There's a great lesson to be learned again the old testament written for our admonition and for our learning okay? These stories aren't just here for entertainment though. It is entertaining right? I mean you're reading through I mean as we've been reading through first and second samuels. There's some entertaining stories in there, right? but know this is that Everything is for our learning and if anything a lot of the stuff that goes wrong and things that are done wrong Probably teach us more than things that are done, right? And just life is like that right any mistake that you made you remember that more than the things that you did right? so We need to learn from this okay learn from this story, but this is this is where the child dies But we can learn a lot from this There's actually a lot of good doctrine in here, okay? It also says in verse 15 it says And Nathan departed unto his house and the Lord struck the child that Uriah's wife bear unto David And it was very sick the Lord struck the child Say why would the Lord do that? He did and there's just things in the Bible where you just have to The Lord did it the Lord's right and there's gonna be cases. We're gonna be like I don't understand why that's right Well figure it out later, or don't figure it out. It doesn't matter God's right all the time. God is just all the time God Gave life he can take it away the Lord giveth it taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord Not saying it's easy thing to go through or that there isn't a reason a process there a reasoning there Just like you know Isaiah 57 talks about the righteous are taken away No, man, take laying it to the heart that the righteous is taken away from evil to come There are reasons as far as for maybe the child's sake that that he he was taken home As a child, okay, but notice I said take it home because this child is in heaven now Keep reading there in verse 16 says David therefore besought God for the child and David fasted and went in and lay all night upon the earth now notice that Nathan tells them the child is going to die, but David is still Trying to get ahold of the Lord. I want you to notice that that he doesn't take that as Okay, I'm just gonna give up Know that Isaiah comes to hezekiah and says you're going to die set your house in order But hezekiah changes God's mind, and he adds another 15 years to his life and David there's a lot to learn here about this as far as hey You have not because you asked not And if David doesn't try He'll never know if that would have made a difference, okay, and It says here that he fasted David fasted and went in and lay all night upon the earth verse 17 And the elders of his house arose and went to him to raise him up up from from the earth But he would not neither Did he eat bread with them and it came to pass on the seventh day that the child died So this happened for a whole week straight right seven days The child died and the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead for they said behold while the child was yet Alive we spake unto him and he would not hearken unto our voice How will he then vex himself if we tell him that the child is is dead? Which you can understand where they're coming from right? I mean if he's that distraught and the child's still alive What's gonna happen? You know if he finds out the child died, okay? But they but when David saw that his servants whispered David perceived that the child was dead Therefore David said unto his servants is the child dead and they said he is dead Then David arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself and changed his apparel and came into the house of the Lord and worship Then he came to his own house and when he required They set bread before him and he did eat So basically he he got up did everything, you know You know got basically back to normal if you will from from the the fasting and afflicting himself verse 21 It says then said his servants unto him. What thing is this that thou has done? So they're just perplexed They're just like what in the world They were not expecting it ever expecting to go worse, okay It says thou didst fast and weep for the child while it was alive But when the child was dead thou thou didst rise and eat bread now, here's where some really good doctrine is, okay Because there's some really bad false doctrine out there, okay Catholic Church praying for people when they're dead Okay, notice how as soon as he finds out child that he's just like alright, well, there's nothing I can do Okay Basically there is hope while someone is alive this means for physical salvation This means for eternal salvation that while some of the live is when there's hope That's why he that liveth and believeth it Right who so liveth and believeth in me shall never die You have to be alive physically to put your faith in Christ And So but so there's doctrine and just that simple fact there that hey David when the child was dead There's nothing more he can do He's not gonna like pray his soul out of purgatory or something like that obviously that doesn't that's not real okay some made-up Catholic doctrine there But notice what he says here It's reasoning because they're just kind of like perplexed don't lie in the world he's not just completely even worse than he was And he said while the child was yet alive I fasted and wept for I said who can tell Whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live okay now. There's a lot You say well, man that doesn't seem like a whole bunch of doctrine there How about this there are Pentecostals out there that literally believe that? No matter what you ask for if you believe it. It'll be performed. No matter what? Which is a false doctrine Because What they're thinking is that well God wants to do it always he always wants to heal does he Does he always want to heal because he doesn't hear? It But David even knows this the man after God's own heart says who knows right who can tell whether God will be gracious to me That the child may live another example of this is Paul the Apostle Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 And I just kind of want to just put this this doctrine in the dirt where it belongs in this idea of this this this kind of over-spiritual Pentecostal healing type of Stuff that's out there, okay Just because you pray for something and if you have the faith to move mountains if it's not according to his will Then it's not going to be answered There are certain elements to prayer one Number one it has to be according to his will Number two you need to pray in faith not doubting right you need to pray believing that he's able to do it and Then and then three it also says that we have the desire. You know it talks about that If we keep his commandments to do those things that are pleasing in his sight Then whatsoever we ask shall be done. Okay, so meaning that there's there's basically these elements that are there That if you want your prayers answered You need to be righteous Because the the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avail as much You need to be righteous it need to be according to his will and it needs to be in faith meaning that you need to believe That he's able to do it. It doesn't mean that you have to believe that he will do it. Okay, because you don't know And that's the principle that I want to get across here is you do not know whether he will do it Just like when the the Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they Said that we know that our God is able to deliver us Okay but then he said But if not, then be it known we're not gonna and they're not saying that we we don't believe he's able We just don't know whether he will Okay, we know he's able or we don't know if he will do it. Okay, but either way We're not gonna bow down to this image and an Apostle Paul here in second Corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 It says unless I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations There was given to me a thorn in the flesh the messenger of Satan to buffet me lest I should be exalted above measure For this thing I besought the Lord thrice that I might that it might depart from me So what it's saying here is that he asked the Lord three times To basically take this thorn of the flesh away from me And what did what is the response in verse 9 and he said to me my grace is sufficient for thee Which means no right He's basically saying no my grace is sufficient Okay, it says for my strength is made perfect and weakness most gladly therefore Well, I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me because one man may say here Well David he's in sin So obviously he's not getting his prayer answer because of what he you know The state of being that he's in right or maybe he didn't have enough faith the Apostle Paul Do you think he had enough faith? Do you think the Apostle Paul wasn't righteous and that he wasn't doing what he labored more abundantly than they all Out of all the Apostles Paul the Apostle labored more abundantly than all so if anybody should get a prayer request It should be the Apostle Paul yet. It was denied this is a doctrine that we need to understand because Listen you will be disappointed if you believe this doctrine that it will be killed no matter what Or you'll just be beating yourself up because you're like well, I must have not had enough faith I Must have not had enough faith to pray that prayer or to do this or that and maybe there is a case where you should Have got a hold of God a little more Okay But in the end there are cases You know prayers are not answered in a lot of cases because it's just not God's will and We just have to deal with that We just have to submit to his will and say not my will But thine be done remember that Jesus even prayed that the cup would pass from him But he said not my will but thine be done So we need to have that same attitude when it comes to prayer how about this to this doctrine here go back to second Same chapter 12 and verse 23 is that babies go to heaven okay? Get this Calvinistic view out of your mind that you know like this idea of the elect Because Calvinists believe that most babies go to hell to die in the womb By definition they have to believe that and it's hard to pull that out of them sometimes, but they admit it eventually they have to admit it Because if they believe Which the Bible is true obviously many Few are saved many go to hell right the majority go to hell, so if it's just as this election that's That's just based off no condition Then that means that most babies are dying and women go to hell according to them, okay, and they they'll be That's what they believe in the end okay, and when you when you pin them down on it They have to say that they say that a rapist think that was God's will That God is basically a puppet master up there. Just basically controlling everybody, and it's all according to his will That is garbage Know this is that This this this passage right here is a great passage to show you that babies do go to heaven okay? and there's other passages as well and verse 20 verse 23 there it says It says, but now he is dead Wherefore should I fast? Right why should I pray and fast he's gone right? He's dead Can I bring him back again? I? Shall go to him, but he shall not return to me meaning that David is going to go where that child is that And I don't know if you know this, but David saved, okay? There's a whole there's a psalm where it says that he's gonna dwell in the house of the Lord forever, okay? pretty famous Psalm 23 but David is in heaven right now and Guess what he's with his son And he went to his son There's there's other passages that teach this as well when it comes to this But what it really comes down to the doctrine is is that? That the soul of people that are born babies that are born their souls are innocent Their flesh has sinned through the blood of their fathers, okay? We all have physical fathers, and we get that sin nature in our body. That's why the body could die That's why a baby could die in the womb That's why a baby could die right after being born or whatever the case may be that they have sinned physically, but their soul is Still innocent, and it's not till they know the knowledge of good and evil That that soul would even die in trespasses and sins and and Paul writes about this in roma chapter 7 and when he says I Was alive once without the law But sin revived and I died The commandment slew me right just like Adam and Eve and how they were once innocent and this this also applies not just the babies in the womb, but children as Children don't understand like a two-year-olds not gonna understand the gospel They don't understand sin. Do they understand that? You're telling them not to get the cookie and they shouldn't do that Yeah, they understand that but you know what they don't understand is that they're sinning against God Sin is the transgression of the law specifically the law of God and They're if they're not able to become guilty before God Then they're innocent Okay, spiritually speaking and so this is why they would go to heaven, okay? It's not like well they get their sinners and they go no well What goes to heaven your body or your soul your soul and if your soul is? Innocent Doesn't have sin on it, and this is why the Catholics are also wrong with this original sin stuff Okay, so I'm just beating down the Catholics tonight, so but you know what I used to be one So I guess that's like a pass isn't that how that works right if you're a part of a group Then you can just like talk trash about it Anyway, I'm not a Catholic anymore, so a long time ago But you know what once you're confirmed in I might still be on the list somewhere in the Catholic Church So I'm probably still a member If that means anything But I do want to show you another place when it comes to this because I do think that this is an important doctrine to Know in a comforting doctrine to know that obviously You know God forbid if something were to happen to a young child to a baby and all these different things that That they are in heaven, okay? Jeremiah 31 Jeremiah 31 and verse 15 I just want to show you this one real quick now Jeremiah 31 is quoted in the New Testament in Matthew chapter 2 Dealing with Herod killing all the children from two years old and under okay That's the context of what's being prophesied about okay? Obviously he was trying to kill Jesus But remember that that Joseph was warned by night and dream and he flees to Egypt with Mary and the child with Jesus and Herod's upset because the wise men didn't come back and tell him where he was and so he just ends up killing every child in Bethlehem from two years old and under okay, and This is the prophecy of that, but it also goes on to say it goes on to talk about that Which I believe is another great passage to show you that children that those children All those children that died in Bethlehem are in heaven Okay, notice what says here in verse 15 It says thus that the Lord a voice was heard in Rhema Lamentation and bitter weeping weeping right hell weeping for her children Refused to be comforted for her children because they were not now when that's quoted in New Testament Is there any doubt what we're talking about? We're talking about the children that are being killed and Rachel Rachel dies in Bethlehem, Ephrathah That's where she's buried okay, if you remember she gave birth in Beth and where she died and That's where Benjamin was born. Anyway, so going on from that It says in verse 16 thus that the Lord refrained thy voice from weeping now in context. What are we talking about? Rachel weeping for her children Refrain thy voice from weeping in thine eyes from tears for thy work shall be rewarded set the Lord And they shall come again from the land of the enemy. Who's they? Keep reading it says and there is hope in thine end said the Lord that thy children shall come again to their own border You're like well it's talking about enemy how about the last enemy to be destroyed is what death So when it comes to this I believe that There's other passages and I you know I have Deuteronomy 1 is a good one too where it talks about those that are going into promised land That didn't know good from evil Okay, didn't have the knowledge of good and evil which is exactly what we're talking about All the little ones and children that you said would be a prey Not you but you know children of Israel So I just kind of this is a great passage with the fact that hey listen God isn't always going to answer your prayer. It's not always his will to heal and But try Right, even if even if everything looks like it's never gonna happen. It's just like it's impossible This is this is a for sure thing do it anyway Pray for it anyway When you rather at least try and then live the rest of your life be like man What if I would have really tried to get a hold of the Lord for that? Would that made a difference? so That's something to learn there no no to also that children Young children like that. They will be in heaven if something ever happened to them And so there is a comfort there even though obviously it's it's obviously a sorrowful situation Go back to 2nd Samuel chapter 12 verse 24 The reason I harp on that whole idea is because I still remember this Pentecostal guy just like telling me That You know basically this faith healing type stuff. It's like this faith healing stuff and I Just remember taking him to this passage and it was just one of those things that just came to mind and It It just it just that type of stuff gets into the Pentecostal movement is just a very proud movement Where they just want to look like there's just this ultimate spiritual thing. Everything's about sight to them You know, I saw this and this sign and this or that and in healings and stuff like that It's like listen all those signs and wonders were to confirm the Word of God All That stuff was the confirm. It's not that God can't heal or that God can't do all those miracles today Obviously he can but there was a purpose for that. It's not to make you look like you're spiritual That's definitely not what it was about Anyway In 2nd Samuel chapter 12 verse 24 It says and David comforted Bathsheba his wife and went in unto her and lay with her and she bare a son And he called his name Solomon and the Lord loved him and he's sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet and He called his name Jedediah because of the Lord. Okay, so Solomon is born. Obviously. He's gonna be the ones gonna take over for David later on but the thing that's interesting to me with Is that? Nathan the prophet is brought up, you know, obviously he's in the story He's brought up other places too, but just like Nathan is involved in this whole thing Whether it's talking about the punishment whether it's talking about, you know, when Solomon's bored and all this stuff The thing that's interesting is that Bathsheba also has a son later on named Nathan And I just wonder if there's like a reasoning behind that You know like Nathan was maybe like a close friend, you know that obviously dealt with this whole situation and everything else But Nathan is born to Bathsheba You can find that in First Chronicles 3 if you really want to find it because she has four sons with David Solomon obviously is one of them but The other interesting thing about that is that Nathan is in the line of Jesus's bloodline meaning like Mary's genealogy in Luke 3 It goes backwards it goes from basically Joseph You know Joseph who was the son of and we're talking about son-in-law. Okay, so that's why it's Mary's genealogy Because in in Matthew 1 it says that Jacob begat Joseph who was the husband of Mary, right? So, I mean obviously that's his physical father But it says he which was the son of Heli which was going down the line It goes all the way back to Adam, but it goes To Nathan then to David right Nathan, which was the son of David, which was the son of Jesse and going down the line So when you look at those two genealogies the part where it deviates is between salt with Solomon and Nathan David's in both those, right? But in Matthew it goes David Solomon and Luke it goes David Nathan and so Take that as you will I just think it's interesting that that Nathan is mentioned in there and that this is obviously not Nathan the prophet Okay, but that just the fact that this story with with Bathsheba and everything It's just interesting anyway Going back to second Samuel chapter 11 In Verse I'm sorry. Yeah, go second Samuel chapter 11 because what we're gonna see here at the end of this chapter is that Really the conclusion to what started chapter 11, okay chapter 11 obviously is where we get into this major sin that David commits but it starts off with in verse 1 and it Came to pass after the year was expired at the time when Kings go forth to battle that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel and they destroyed the children of Ammon and besieged Rabah But David tarries still at Jerusalem. So at the beginning of chapter 11, they they besieged Rabah, but they haven't taken it Okay, then you have this whole story of Bathsheba and Uriah and all this other stuff But they're still kind of dealing with that even when Uriah is killed They're dealing with that whole being, you know, they're besieging Rabah and all that stuff, right? So at the end of chapter 12 Still doing that but in verse 26 there says and Joab fought against Rabah of the children of Ammon and took the royal city So now they've taken it It says Joab sent messengers to David and said I have fought against Rabah and have taken the city of waters now therefore gather the rest of the children and I'm sorry the rest of the people together and in camp against the city and take it notice this lest I take the city And it be called after my name which gets the whole point that he was supposed to be at that bat He's supposed to be out there You know when kings go forth to battle and Joab's basically saying you better get out here or they're gonna name it after me Because I'm the one that's out here doing this, okay, which is Really the idea of the leader needs to be in the battle You know, it's just like me telling you to go out soul hunting, but I don't go soul hunting, right? Like if that's the case, let's let's just put it this way if I was the pastor But I never but I I just had I had brother Dave preach all the time And I'm never preaching. I'm just you know, like but I'm pastoring. I'm overseeing everything, right? But and then I tell you all to go out soul-wanting, but then I don't go out soul-wanting at some point you're gonna be like I We're just why don't we just have brother Dave be the pastor That makes sense. Like you're just gonna be like, why are you even the pastor if you're not doing anything? Right if you're just over here like basically giving commands, but you're not doing anything You're not feeding the flock. You're not going out soul-wanting. You're not doing anything at some point You're gonna just be like you're not the leader So That's where jobs kind of is like you better get out here or you know, just that's just how things work People are gonna follow those that are leading. Okay? Keep reading In verse 29 says David gathered all the people together and went to Rabah and fought against it and took it And he took their their king's crown from off his head and weighed where and the weight where of was a town of gold with the precious stones and it was set on David's head and he brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance and he brought forth the people that were therein and put them under saws and under harrows of iron and their axes of iron and made them pass through the brick kiln and And Thus did he unto all of the cities of the children of Ammon. So David and all the people returned unto Jerusalem so He gets the crown all this stuff and takes the city. I Want you to look at first chronicle chapter 20. Okay first chronicle chapter 20 I want you to see that first chronicles and and this is just to show you okay, what plus I'm gonna show you something else that states in here, but The difference between second Samuel and first chronicles, okay All of chapter 11 and Most of chapter 12, it's pretty much encompassed in these three verses. Okay Or all chapter yeah encompassing these three verses, okay chapter verse 1 of chapter 20 here first chronicle chapter 20 is The pretty much the first verse that we see in second Samuel 11 It says and it came to pass that after the year was expired at the time that Kings go out to battle sound familiar Joab led forth the power of the army and wasted the city of the children of Ammon and came and besieged Rabah But David tarried at Jerusalem and job smoke Rabah and destroyed it So actually the last portion of that verse goes all the way to second Samuel chapter 26 where he takes the city Right takes the and destroys it and David took the crown off their king from off his head I took the crown of their king from off his head and found it to weigh a town of gold and there was precious stones in it and it was set upon David's head and he brought also Exceeding much spoil out of the city and then it goes on to talk about what he does to the people in The city which is in the last verse there and that's what I want to get to is that but verse three It then it goes on to another thought in verse four talking about like the the children of the giant, okay This is another story that's going on But all that to say is that the next chapter and first chronicles chapter 21 is talking about where David takes the census of the People where he numbers the people that doesn't happen until the end of second Samuel. So we have a lot more To get through with Samuel, but you say well, what's the rest of Chronicles? Just a lot of other stuff. So meaning More of details about David's mighty men different things that he did, you know, all this other stuff or different things dealing with Lists of different people that he had in the singers and all these different things but I Just kind of wanted to see that is that When you're reading second Samuel you're getting kind of like this more of a bigger picture of like all the details about David's Life whereas in Chronicles you're kind of getting more of condensed, but then you're kind of getting these these Details of like lists of people that were with David like different things that were there and all that and we would expect it to be different because I mean why we even have first chronicles then if it's not gonna be Hitting it from a different angle or you know all that Okay So but the thing that I want you to notice here first chronicle that there's a reason I took you here besides just showing you That it's in three verses that sums up two chapters of 2nd Samuel It's verse three when you're reading in 2nd Samuel it talks about he put them under saws and hours of iron and under axes of iron and First reading that I kind of more thought, you know, well, it's more like servitude you know like how when they give you know, when the Gibeonites like deceived Joshua and And He basically made them chop, you know, hewers of wood and like all these different things, right? You kind of just put him in the servitude That's not what happens here This is actually pretty rough Okay Because look what it says in first chronicle chapter 20 in verse 3 and he brought out the people that were in it and Cut them with saws They're not cutting wood with saws He's cutting them with saws and with Harris of iron and with axes Even so dealt David with all the cities of the children of Ammon and David and all the people returned to Jerusalem That is intense, okay and You say well is that of God? Well, it doesn't say God told him to do that, but that is what happened So that is some intense stuff that happened there at the end of the chapter And it also is a good reason you have parallel passages because it'll help you understand it You know, like I said when I'm reading through second Samuel, I'm kind of thinking more of bondage like they're gonna basically Have to work with saws, you know, when you look at first Chronicles you're like, nope, that's not it that is rough, okay But no, this is that God obviously takes out whole civilizations that are wicked he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them and Condemned them with an overthrow and they became ashes So, you know what the children of Ammon did You know, I believe they're probably reaping what they sown, okay, but But second Samuel chapter 12, like I said a Lot to learn in there. There's a lot of doctrine in there maybe doctrine that maybe you don't see off the cuff, but The more that you run into false doctrines out there The more that you realize that there's passages in the Bible that you think are just like well, that's a cool story Though it is a good story To read there's a lot of stuff even in this passage that will refute some really bad doctrine and so And you're not always gonna know that it's gonna be in there. So this is why you should be reading your whole Bible you know, you should be reading through the Bible at least once a year and Because there's gonna be things that are in places that you never guess You'd be like I want to know about the subject It's not always gonna be a search engine thing that you're gonna be able to find it sometimes you're just gonna you just need to read it and then it'll pop up in a place you'd never expect And there'll be some story or something that's stated there You know, you can't just look up babies going to heaven and then boom. Oh, here's all the verses on that that makes sense like you have to You have to read and know what's being said and going through and to really find that type of stuff So let's end with a word of prayer the only father. Thank you for today. Thank you for your word Thank you for the book of 2nd Samuel Lord help us to learn from David's mistakes in these paths in this passage and Lord just help us to see the severity of our sin and that Ultimately, it doesn't just hurt us It hurts others around us and Lord help us to live for you. Help us to love you help keep us from Grievous sins like adultery and then for those that aren't married for for and keep them from fornication And Lord just pray that you would be with us throughout the rest this week I pray to give us safety I pray to give us safety with the fireworks and everything pray if no one gets hurt I bet we have a good time of fellowship and what we just thank you for the country that we have the where we have the the Liberty to go out and preach the gospel and Lord that I just pray to keep those those freedoms for us as much as possible For the for your glory Lord. We love you in Prellis in Jesus Christ name Amen, so brother able come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed You All right, if you would take your song books and turn to song 106 Song 106 and your song books will sing abide with me if you would stand we'll sing song 106 Abide with me fast falls the event I The darkness deepens Lord with me So Swift Life's little day Joys Glories pass away Change and decay And all around I see Who changes not abide with