(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 178 song 178 in your song books will sing Jesus loves even me and if you would stand we'll sing song 178 I am so glad that our father and have tells of his love in the book he has give wonderful things in the Bible I see this is the dearest and Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves me Jesus loves me that Jesus loves me Jesus loves even me though I forget him and wander away still he does love me wherever I strain back to his dear loving arms would I flee when I remember that Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves me Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves even me oh if there's only one song I can see when in his beauty I see the great King this shall my song and eternity be Oh what a wonder that Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves me Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves even me and let's pray Heavenly Father Lord we just want to thank you God just for another just a great day than to meet in your house and to hear hear your word preached I pray Lord now that you would just again receive all the honor and glory out of everything and send down and Lord we love you and pray all this in Jesus name Amen all right may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist songbooks your Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual songbooks and turn to page number eight page number eight and your Mountain Baptist songbooks will sing Psalm 126 on page number eight when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them that dream then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us where of we are glad turn again our captivity Oh Lord as the streams in the south they that so in tears shall reap and joy they that so in tears shall reap and joy then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us where of we are glad he that go with fourth and we Beth bearing precious seed shut down let's come again shut down let's come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us where of we are glad amen well welcome Mount Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening just some announcements here hopefully the sicknesses are getting going out the door and hopefully everybody starting to get better and all that stuff so just be in prayer for all those in our church when it comes all that fun stuff as far as church services this Sunday everything should be normal so it's being your places on Sunday and we'll have our soul winning time at 1 p.m. our main sewing time regional sewing times of course beyond the church group there as far as those are concerned we have the men's prayer meeting this Friday so that's at 6 p.m. so this Friday at 6 p.m. and then next Friday we're gonna have the fireworks so that'll be at dusk fireworks anyway the food I can't remember what do we usually do the food like is it like seven the seven sound right I think what we usually say with that is that if you want obviously with everybody that has kids you may want to give them some food beforehand just because so they're not like monsters coming and waiting for the food at seven o'clock but I don't know when everybody eats I know my kids eat we usually eat around like five or six or somewhere around there so anyway we're gonna have plenty of food so do what you will with that so whatever you want to do there but I would say probably seven because then as a couple hours or so before it gets dark and then the fireworks and all that so anyway so that's coming up on the fifth so that's Friday not this Friday next Friday and then stolen marathons upcoming July 27th Cumberland Maryland August 31st Moorefield West Virginia and so put that on your calendars there if you want to go to those and then Psalm 32 is our memory chapter for the month Hebrews 13 4 is our memory verse for the week and on the pregnancy list there being prayer for Crystal McCloy due in August with twins so being prayer there and that's about what I have for announcements tonight we're gonna be continuing our study through the book of 2nd Samuel so brother David you're reading tonight right so brother David's gonna be readings 2nd Samuel chapter 11 offering box in the back there if you want to give Tyler an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only but Dave's gonna come sing one more song and then brother David's gonna be reading second Samuel 11 for us all right take your songbooks and turn to song number 19 song number 19 in your songbooks will sing there is a fountain song number 19 there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emanuels veins and sinners plunged beneath that flood moves all their guilty stains moves all their guilty stains lose all their guilty stains and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains the dying thief rejoices see that fountain in his day and there may I though vile as he washed all my sins away wash all my sins away wash all my sins away and sin though vile as he washed all my sins away dear dying lamb thy precious blood shall never lose its power till all the Ransom Church of God be saved to sin no more be safe to sin no more be safe to sin no more tell all the Ransom Church of God be safe to sin no more air sense by faith I saw the stream by flowing wound supply redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till I die and shall be till I die and shall be till I die redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till I die then in a nobler sweeter song I'll sing thy power to save when this poor list being stammering tongue lies silent in the grave lies silent in the grave lies silent in the grave when this poor list being stammering tongue lies silent in the grave all right take your Bibles and turn to the book of 2nd Samuel chapter number 11 2nd Samuel chapter number 11 in your Bible to have brother David read that for us 2nd Samuel 11 if you found your place amen and the Bible reads and it came to pass after the year was expired at the time and Kings go forth to battle that David sent Joab and his servants with them in all Israel and they destroyed the children of Ammon and besieged Rabbah but David stay but David carried still at Jerusalem and it came to pass in an evening trade that David rose from office bed and walked upon the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself and the woman was a very beautiful to look upon and David sent and inquired after the woman and once it is not this Bathsheba the daughter of a lion the wife of Uriah the Hittite and David sent messengers and took her and she came in under him and he lay with her for he for she was purified for she was purified from her uncleanness and she returned into her house and the woman conceived and sent and told David and said I am with child and David sent to Joab saying send me Uriah the Hittite and Joab sent Uriah to David and when Uriah was come unto him David demanded of him how Joab did and how the people did and how the world prospered and David said to Uriah go down to thy house and wash thy feet and Uriah departed out of the king's house and from followed and there followed him a mess of meat from the king but Uriah slept at the door of the king's house with all the servants of his Lord and went not down to his house and when they had told David saying Uriah went not down unto his house David said unto Uriah came as thou not from thy journey why then didst thou not go down unto thy house and Uriah said unto David the ark and Israel and Judah abide in tents and my Lord Joab and the servants of my Lord are encamped in thy open fields shall I then go into my house to eat and to drink and to lie with my wife as thou liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not do this thing and David said unto Uriah tarry here today also and tomorrow I will let thee depart so Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day and and when David had called him he did eat and drink before him and he made him drunk and had even he went out to lie on his bed with the servants of his Lord but went not down to his house and it came to pass in the morning that David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it by the hand of Uriah and he wrote in the letter saying set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle and retire ye from him that he may be smitten and die and it came to pass when Joab observed the city that he had signed Uriah into a place where he knew the valiant men were and the men of the city went out and fought with Joab and there fell some of the people of the servants of David and Uriah the Hittite died also then Joab sent and told David all the things concerning the war and charged the aggressions are saying when thou hast made an end of telling the matters of the war unto the king and it would be so that the king's wrath arise and he's saying to thee wherefore approached thee so nigh unto the city when ye did fight were ye not that you that they would suit from the wall who smelt Abimelech the son of Jerub, Jerub-eseth did not a woman cast a piece of millstone upon him from the wall that he died in Thebus why went ye nigh the wall then say thou thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also so the messenger went and came and showed David all that Joab sent him for and the messenger said unto David surely the men prevailed against us and came out under us from the field and we were upon them even unto the entering of the gate and the suitors sought from off the wall upon thy servants and some of the king's servants be dead and thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also then David said unto the messenger thus sought ye sent unto Joab let not this thing displease thee for thy so devourth one as well as another make thy battle more strong against the city and overthrow it and encourage thou him and when the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah her husband was dead she mourned for her husband and in the morning as past David sent and fetched her to his house to see became his wife and bear him a son but the thing that David had done displeased the Lord let's pray dear Lord I thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house for that you feel pass through the spirit and help us all to learn something in Jesus' name. Amen. Hey man so you're there in second Samuel chapter 11 and as you know basically David's kingdom has just been increasing and doing well and just winning battles and all of that and everything has been kind of just going uphill until this chapter so this chapter right here is where things start going downhill for David's kingdom and obviously it's gonna end up going back up and he's gonna get things right and all that but but this is definitely a really horrible chapter and every time I read this chapter I'm just like hoping there's gonna be a different outcome knowing that obviously the Bible doesn't change but you're just kind of like don't do it David you know but at the same time it's just one of those tragic things that happens here David a man after God's own heart and the sweet psalmist of Israel goes into some major sin in this chapter and so which also shows you you know that a saved person can do major sins like murder and adultery and all of that so if anything you know this is a this is obviously a horrible thing but it's an example of basically how far a Christian can go in a lot of these cases and Saul's another example of that as well but in verse 1 here the first thing that we see here is that David is basically tearing he's staying back from the battle that he should be at okay so it's very clear kind of you know what would have solved this whole problem or what this would not have happened if he was actually just doing what he should be doing it says in verse 1 it says it came to pass after the year was expired at that at the time when Kings go forth to battle so notice how it's basically just setting this up that this is when Kings go you know it's not like well you know this is just typical you know the king staying back all this other stuff no this is the narrators very clear he should be there this is when this is the normal time the Kings go out to battle and it says it says that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel and they destroyed the children of Ammon and besieged Rabbah but David tarried still at Jerusalem okay so that's the big problem that we see here and really what this comes down to is that you think about adultery and there's there's a lot of things that lead up to David committing this act okay so it's not like everything's just going great and and basically he just kind of falls into the sin of adultery there's a lot of things that basically allowed this fall to happen like it did okay and one of those things is just being idle okay basically he should be out on the battlefield he should be doing what Kings are supposed to be doing and he's not doing it he's just basically idle in Jerusalem and in the New Testament go to first Timothy chapter 5 I don't miss is talked about when it talks about women for example that are not married and the fact that this is a big problem and this is why younger women you know when it comes to the fact that they should get married and there's a reason why you know and the idea is the idleness that's there because if you think about it obviously in a perfect situation men are going to work they're the ones bringing in income and the wife is the one that is basically staying at home doing what you know what a wife would do and so this this case this chapter is actually dealing with widows right meaning that they're a widow but they're younger right so the idea there is that they're all they're already outside the house they're already outside of you know they left father mother but their husband died whatever in verse 13 it says and with all they learn to be idle wondering about from house to house and not only idle but toddlers also and busy bodies speaking things which they ought not I will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside and after Satan and the thing is is that you say well what's why is the the solution to get married because if you get married bear children guide the house even if you don't have children you're guiding the house you're not gonna be idle the whole point the the whole point is being made here is that you know if you're younger and you're a widow you're gonna end up being idle you're gonna end up basically getting into trouble is what's going on there and the old proverb if you will you know the idle mind is the devil's workshop and when you don't have anything going on and you're just to have all the time in the world you tend to do things that you shouldn't do if anything I mean even if it's not wicked things it's like wasting time right on things that are pointless and so we need to try to stay away from idleness and the first thing we see here is that David's just basically idle at Jerusalem when he should be out at battle so if he was actually doing what we should be doing he wouldn't even be around for this to happen okay so if you want to stay away from adultery men stay busy you know stay busy with work stay busy with your family stay busy with different things that need to get done and don't just have all this time to just sit around and just think about what you could get into okay that's how I stay out of trouble I still have time to get into trouble right and you know that's it is what it is maybe I'll die young you know of a heart attack or something like that but at least you know I won't be idle but all joking aside he's idle and in verse 2 here it'd be kind of seemed like well I mean he should you know have plenty you know he should be just you know resting and having a good time but what you have understand is that people that are idle that don't work really hard or they're not doing what they should be doing they don't end up sleeping well and what happens here is that David is restless he's basically just not sleeping when he should be sleeping and in verse 2 there says and it came to pass in an even taught evening tide that David arose from off his bed so he was in bed this evening he's in bed and he rose up off his bed now what would you have to understand is that what the Bible teaches and in Ecclesiastes 5 12 it says this it says the sleep of a laboring man is sweet whether you have little or much and the idea there is that you know if you're working hard you're just tired right your body just shuts down and you're just like and you just whether you want to stay awake or not it doesn't really matter I always try to stay awake after my we finally get our kids down at like you know midnight or whatever you know by time you know we start at eight and then it takes like three hours after like going in and out laying with them like fifty times all the different things but all joking aside the thing is that once once we once the kids are down it's like you know I have plans you know to like you know I'm you know read something and study something I'm just gonna just watch something that's gonna like take my mind off of like the stresses of life right whether it's Bob Ross or whether it's some like documentary talking about like some British castle and like some Lord that got murdered in it or something like that you know there's certain things and but you know what happens and Holly can testify this soon as I turn it on boom I'm out and then it's like two o'clock in the morning I wake up I'm like ah you just see credits rolling you know and it's gone through like five episodes of a documentary and you're like I didn't see any of that and then and then you just wake up and you're like I gotta get the bed now and that whole rigamarole but the idea there is that you just can't really help I mean if you want to stay awake you know your body just shuts down and but if you're idle and you're just not doing anything you can not sleep well okay and obviously there's exceptions to the rule I'm not saying there's obviously people that work really really hard and they have like you know sleep apnea where it's like or they have problems sleeping and that's a whole issue there okay so I'm not like taking that out of the equation but I'll say this most people that that work long hours or they yeah and all that they're not usually you know it's not hard for them to fall asleep okay but notice what it says here in verse two because it says that he rose from off his bed and walked upon the roof of the king's house now this shows you that this roof isn't exactly like this roof right he's not just walking up on a gable roof with like shingles okay he's obviously got like a flat roof the Bible actually talks about this a lot of times when it comes to houses and dwellings like on the rooftops and all this stuff is that they have a battlement that they're supposed to put around it and the battlement is what we would call a parapet okay a parapet is kind of like that little short wall kind of like a railing now back in medieval times they had a battlement which is like where they had the little slits in there so you can shoot your bow bow and arrow through there I'm just bringing up you know documentaries you know that I'm watching but anyway the idea here is that he's on on top of a roof that's obviously accessible to where you can get up there and be up there and all that stuff now so he's walking on top of the roof and it says from the roof he saw a woman washing herself and the woman was very beautiful to look upon now go to Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 and the thing that to note here is that he saw a woman and seeing the woman isn't a sin okay I mean you see things in life right I mean you could we could literally just be walking down the street or going down the street and some like naked woman just walking around it's like what are you gonna do okay and there's crazy stuff that's out there go down Morgantown well don't do it but you know Morgantown like High Street you know when when school's in session at night or something like that don't do that but if you did if you were just happen to I need to drive through town for whatever reason then you're gonna see things that you don't want to see okay and you can't just close your eyes and just start hitting people you know but the idea though is that you see it but the difference is is that you don't look upon it you're like how you're like isn't that the same thing but the thing is is that seeing something and looking upon it are two different things and the fact that when you look upon it you're basically thinking about it and just kind of examining it right the idea of just kind of you know you saw it and then you looked away and then you went on your way right just like I can't unsee that now but it is what it is looking upon it is another realm and this is what I believe the Bible is talking about in Matthew 5 dealing with adultery and the idea of looking upon a woman it says in verse 27 it says you have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shalt not commit adultery but I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart so seeing something's one thing another thing is to look upon it to basically lust after it right meaning you're thinking about it and there's a progression when it comes to this type of sin or any type of sin and the fact that the first thing is what what are you looking at the Bible says in Lamentations 3.51 mine eye affecteth mine heart okay so meaning like what you look at affects what your feelings are right and when we're talking about our heart we're talking about basically you know what our desires are right so what you're looking at affects your desires and go to Matthew chapter 6 you're in Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 6 the way we bring in information most of stuff that we bring in is what we're looking at right obviously you can hear things you can smell things you can touch things like all that stuff but the idea is that most the information that you're bringing in is what you're looking at okay and notice what says in Matthew 6 22 it says the light of the of the body is the eye if therefore thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light but if thine eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness notice that what you look at and what you're bringing in because when it talks about the light of the body is the eye what you understand is that the only reason you can even see anything is because of light okay now this isn't a science lesson here but basically what you see colors all that stuff has to do with light and a spectrum and the fact that light is bouncing off of all these different objects and then that's coming back to your eyeball okay that's how photographs are taken right photographs have to do with light actually the word photo is literally the Greek word for light which means basically when you're taking a picture it's basically capturing the light that's been bouncing off of objects okay so the idea there is that you're bringing it in and it affects your whole body okay mine I affect with my heart yeah but it affects your whole body okay and so you have to be very careful about what you're looking at you're gonna see things sure but the in the end you have to not look upon it okay and the Bible says this in James 1 15 it says then when lust has to conceive to bring it forth sin and sin when it is finished bringing forth death and so what you have to understand is that what you see with your eyes can affect your heart and if you're looking upon it then you're now lusting after it and when lust is conceived it brings forth death right in the in the idea there is that or sin when it's finished bring it for that when lust is conceived to bring forth sin and that's where you get into the fact of actually committing adultery in your heart okay but that's where it starts right David when he's on the rooftop is committing adultery in his heart before he ever commits the act and it all starts there okay so that's where you really need to nip it in the bud because you're you don't you don't come up to the point where you're with this woman before you're just like alright it's time to put the brakes on they should have put the brakes on when you saw her bathing and be like I need to go downstairs I need you away right and you know that's just something that you have to think about this gets into you know let's say alcohol for example okay different types of sins you know that are that are out there but you know getting drunk or you know drinking alcohol the Bible says look not on the wine when it is red when it giveth his his color in the cup when it moveth itself a right the idea is that obviously you go to a restaurant and and someone's sitting over there that's holding a beer it's like oh you know I've committed a sin it's like no like you can see it the difference is looking upon it desiring it right that type of realm okay and so that's where obviously if you if you had problem with alcohol then you you don't want to be around it at all like you don't even want to see it at all because the temptation there to look upon it and desire it is gonna be a lot higher than maybe the typical person so just an example there of what's going on here is that he saw her and and she was beautiful to look upon which means he was looking upon her beauty obviously she's bathing so I don't think she was fully clothed I'm just guessing there but most people that are bathing aren't aren't in their in their modest apparel as they're doing it okay so in in second second Samuel chapter 11 verse 3 here David calls for her to be brought to him okay and so what you have to understand is that David doesn't really just fall into sin it's not like let me let me just read this real quick in verse 3 it says and David sent and inquired after the woman and one said is not this Bathsheba the daughter of Eliim the wife Uriah the Hittite they should be case closed at that point right first of all I should be calling for her anyway but then he finds out it's Uriah's wife and it says and David sent messengers and took her and she came in unto him and he lay with her for she was purified from her uncleanness and she returned under her house I want you to think about this in Proverbs when it talks about the strange woman it's usually talking about the strange woman catching the man in this case David is actually catching the woman right and basically bringing her unto him so what you understand is that there are some underlying issues here the question that you have to ask yourself is he's getting out of bed where's his wives where are his wives at right he has multiple wives and concubines at this point and it stems from a bigger issue with his own marriage is and go to Proverbs chapter 7 because Proverbs 7 deals with this whole issue about a young man that's basically going like a you know an ox to the slaughter you know it basically talks about the fact that he lacks wisdom all this stuff and how there's this woman that's basically out there just to catch men ok it says verse 13 says so she caught him and kissed him and with the impute impudent face said unto him I have peace offerings with me this day have I paid my vows she goes through this whole dissertation basically let's take fill of all of loves till the morning you know and all of this stuff right but the idea there is that this guy's walking down the street and then she basically catches him and pulls a man and entices them right but David David is that's not the case here right David is inquiring finds out who she is finds out she's married he's married right and what if she wasn't married you realize that would be adultery right because David is married and so he shouldn't be inquiring of her anyway but then on top of that she is actively married okay and this all comes down to the fact that he doesn't have a good relationship with any of his wives okay go to Proverbs chapter 5 Proverbs chapter 5 Proverbs chapter 5 verse 18 here's the underlying issue David's idol which obviously causes this to basically be a situation right but I don't believe it's just the idleness of him not being on the battlefield I believe this is an underlying issue of him not having a good relationship with his wife and Proverbs 5 18 says this let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth let her be as the loving hind in pleasant row let her breast satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravished always with her love and why wilt thou my son be ravished with a strange woman and embrace the bosom of a stranger if this was was going well with David why he wouldn't even be calling for her for this other woman the fact that he has so many wives and concubines shows you that he has a problem right that he's not satisfied with one woman right he's not content with what he has and my call his first wife this we see this underlying problem in chapter 6 ok chapter 6 my call sees him dancing and basically before the women and I believe that probably a lot of jealousy this there when it comes to this but in this basically Michael and David are talking back and forth but David basically rebukes her and says this was before the Lord I was dancing before the Lord but then he goes on to say in verse 22 it says I will yet be more vile than thus and and will be based in mine own sight and of the maid servants which thou has spoken of of them shall I be had in honor that's not what you say to your wife hey is that yeah those women that you're talking about that I was that you think that I was acting all vile with I'm gonna be more vile and they're gonna honor me and then it goes on to say in verse 23 therefore Michael the daughter of Saul had no child until the day of her death I don't believe it doesn't say that God closed her womb you know why I believe she didn't have a child to the day of her death because David never went in unto her he never gave her due benevolence from that day forward which shows you a problem right is he rejoicing in the wife of his youth is he is he being ravished always with her love this is I believe that the number one reason why adultery happens is because due benevolence isn't happening I mean finances aren't a problem here right Dave is the king this is the reason why adultery happens is because the desire is not getting met and this is David's fault okay let's just let's just put the cards on the table here David is the man David can have any woman that he wants and he's basically had a he has a bunch of women that he's married throughout the years and he has tons of children with these different women and all that but yet he's not satisfied and you know any man out there is ever just like man I wish polygamy would be a thing you know and that you can just have multiple wives look in the Bible when that's ever worked okay and obviously at that time I believe at that time God winked at that meaning that he didn't judge it as harshly but I believe in the New Testament there's no there's no leniency on this okay meaning that I believe that obviously polygamy is completely condemned to the point where you be judged harshly in the New Testament if that were to ever even be a legal thing but know this is that you know that shows you is you're not content you're selfish you're not content and it's gonna lead the problems and this is a case where all guess what having multiple wives isn't a good idea and it's not like that just makes things work out great and but even if you just had one wife okay and let's say my call was his one wife and he didn't have any of these other wives he basically cut her off and you can see why he's up on the rooftop lusting after another woman he's idle he's not doing what he should be doing he doesn't have a good relationship with any of his wives just pick one right where's Abigail at where's a henna no Matt where's all the other women that that he's married where's his concubines at I mean good night why is he just like going after someone else and so this is an underlying issue that's there before this this event ever happens okay and so the lesson to be learned here from David is the fact that you really need to nip it in the bud okay when it comes to any when it comes to this in you really need to nip it in but way before it ever becomes even a realistic type of situation okay what are you looking at right this includes pornography okay pornography leads to this type of stuff okay because then that causes you not to be content with your situation with your spouse and then you're looking at other women that aren't your spouse that becomes commonplace and then then you're looking at other women that are around you all these different things and that builds up over time okay and nip it in the butt these are where you're just like that over here just like okay I'm not gonna look at it okay and when it comes to that that that act the only thing that you should be thinking about is you and your spouse that's it and that's where David is falling apart here now again you know I've gone over this many times Bible talks about not defrauding one another and it says that Satan you know basically if you do it says in first Corinthians 7 5 it says defraud you not one and one the other except to be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer so basically it's like you know basically just in these certain circumstances where you're trying to afflict your your soul and your body for the Lord to where you're basically putting pleasure out the window to where you know that'd be the only time okay and it says come together again that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency and that's the idea is that Satan is obviously out there just trying to destroy people's lives with this okay so when one thing you probably know is go back to 2nd Samuel chapter 11 is that it gives you a little bit of information when he lays with her it says she was purified from her uncleanness which women know what this means when it comes to when you can have when you're able when you're more able to have children right as far as that whole biological thing that's going on there just to be discreet you know obviously we all all of us to have children know what this is talking about and all women that are of age know what this is about and the idea here is that it's kind of giving you a clue like this could go bad right this could go even worse and it does meaning that she ends up she ends up being with child it says in verse 5 it says in the woman conceived and sent and told David and said I am with child so now David is like in a predicament right because now he can't just like cover it up and act like it didn't happen because Uriah is not at home now he tries to cover this up okay because everybody's out of battle where they should be that's where David should be but Uriah is out at battle and so he tries to cover this up he's basically he brings back Uriah and hoping that he'll just come down and then him and his wife will do what married people do and then he'll just think it's his child okay and this is just like this downhill slope of just wicked things that David does here okay so he's trying to cover it up verse 6 here says and David sent to Joab saying send me Uriah the Hittite and Joab sent Uriah to David and when Uriah was coming to David, David demanded of him how Joab did and how the people did and how the war prospered and David said to Uriah go down to thy house and wash thy feet and Uriah departed out of the king's house and there followed him a mess of meat from the king but Uriah slept at the door of the king's house with all the servants of his Lord and went not down to his house so he didn't do what David wanted him to do and he gives his reason why so Uriah refuses to go down okay and in this Uriah is like this innocent person that is just doing right in every circumstance that you see here okay I don't believe he's wrong for not going down I think he's in his mind he's like this isn't right that I'm even here and that that I should be a one that gets to go home right now okay and notice what it says in verse 6 it says David sent to Joab saying send me Uriah the Hittite and Joab sent Uriah to David I'm sorry I copied the wrong thing here good thing I have Bible right here it says in Uriah in verse 10 there it says and when they had told David saying Uriah went not down unto his house David said unto Uriah cameest thou not from thy journey why then didst thou not go down unto thy house and thine house and Uriah said unto David the ark and Israel and Judah abide in tents and my Lord Joab and the servants of my Lord are encamped in the open fields shall I then go into mine house and to eat and to drink and to lie with my wife as I as thou liveth and as I so liveth I will not do this thing so he's like I'm not doing it like there's a reason I didn't go down it's not because I don't love my wife it's just that everybody's out in the field in battle it's not right basically in his mind he's like it's not fair for me to go down and go you know be merry and be at my house and all this stuff why they're out and at war okay I mean seems pretty honorable to be to me what are you saying there and so David goes a step further okay and it says in verse 12 there it says and David said to Uriah Terry here today also and tomorrow and I will I will let thee depart so Uriah bowed in Jerusalem that day and the morrow and here's how he's gonna basically try to get him to go to his house again so this is like the third try you know basically are you just kind of coming to him trying to get him to go down to his house verse 13 it says and when David called him he did eat and drink before him and he made him drunk and that even he went out to lie on his bed with the servants of his Lord and went but he went not down to his house so this is a case where at first he basically just comes and gives him all that food sends him back to his house he doesn't go then he comes back and says why aren't you going down to your house he's like I'm not gonna do that not why everybody's out at war so then he says well just Terry here you know basically for a couple days and then I'll let you go and doesn't go down to his house and so then he he's like okay I'm gonna make him drunk and the logic behind this is is basically what alcohol does okay well go to Proverbs chapter 23 Proverbs chapter 23 one one one effect of alcohol is I believe it augments the desires of the flesh okay this is why in a lot of cases that people people do things a lot of times when they're under the influence of alcohol they wouldn't normally do sober right where they'd have more willpower or more constraint and basically alcohol will lift constraint off people that normally would have it okay and so in Proverbs 23 kind of talks about this a little bit in the fact of why you shouldn't look on the wine when it's red it says look not on Proverbs 23 and verse 31 it says look not thou upon the wine when it's red when it giveth his color in the cup when it moveth itself aright at the last it biteth like it like a serpent and stingeth like an adder then thine eyes shall behold strange women in thine heart shall utter perverse things and in in Habakkuk I believe it's Habakkuk too it talks about the fact that giving your neighbor drink to look upon their nakedness right and alcohol dealing with fornication or adultery or just that act that is something that's used a lot and there's nothing new under the Sun because the same thing goes on today every day in America and in the world okay so one reason to stay away from alcohol is this is is that reason right there okay you want to stay pure stay away from that John because because alcohol will just just be the the road that will lead to impurity okay because even if you're like well pastor you're out to lunch about alcohol I don't think that it's completely wrong to drink alcohol listen just for the sake alone that alcohol will cause people to say perverse things will look upon people's nakedness and will cause them to commit fornication is enough reason right there and let me just say this you know wherever your line of drunkenness is you don't have to be completely drunk for this to happen okay it's not like you just don't know what's going on okay it just brings your guard down it dulls your senses it dulls your judgment and just like Proverbs 31 talks about that it's not for kings oleme well because it'll cause you to pervert judgment it'll cause your basically you will not discern you will not have the wisdom that you should have in any of those situations if you're drinking alcohol so stay away from that garbage and on top of that the Bible says wine is a mocker strong drinks is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise stay away from it it's garbage it's trash it's poison but it also leads into other things as well okay so Proverbs chapter 6 also said you know when it comes to David what you have to understand is that he's just kind of digging his his his grave deeper in this okay so he commits adultery with Uriah's wife okay he's already not out of battle right so he's kind of already in transgression and the fact that he's not doing what he should be doing right he's not working like he should be working not doing the duty of a king and then then on top of that he's trying to cover it up so he's trying to get Uriah to basically go be with his wife so then it'll look like it's his child and then and now he's making him drunk he's just adding wickedness to transgression I mean just just adding on all this stuff and what you have understand is that by committing adultery take out all that other stuff that's going on right now that enough is a wound that will not be wiped away notice what it says here in Proverbs chapter 6 verse 32 Proverbs 6 and verse 32 and obviously I'm talking about physically speaking I mean eventually new heaven new earth all tears are gonna be wiped away like we're not gonna be remembering sins that people did and all that stuff but I'll say this we still remember David's sin here don't we it's written in the Word of God so I mean obviously people commit adultery that we don't remember and it's not written anywhere and they're dead and gone and all that stuff right but how about this one it's written with the the pen of iron in a point of a diamond you know it is written in stone in the Word of God okay so yeah it's not getting wiped away but it says in verse 32 it says but who so committed adultery with a woman lack of understanding he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul a wound and dishonor shall he get and his reproach shall not be wiped away this is a serious thing and David on top of that is digging it even deeper and the fact that he's making your riot drunk he's trying to cover this whole thing up and then and then obviously what he does next is even more wicked I mean I don't know I don't know where you'd put it on the scale of wickedness when it comes to adultery and murder in James it almost seems like it's implied that adultery is worse than murder it's like you've killed you know you haven't you know it's kind of like you've killed but you haven't committed adultery you still transgressed it's kind of like it kind of says it in that manner you're just like wouldn't be the other way around you know but anyway all that to say is that they both get death penalty right you commit adultery with an active married person the Bible says you that that's penalty by death okay same thing with killing someone in cold blood right that's the death penalty right now obviously our system of government doesn't do most of any of that right whether it's murder whether it's adultery but in 2nd Samuel 11 this is probably the coldest thing the most I don't know how to really what I would how it's state this but I guess just cold-hearted thing is that notice what says verse 14 and it came to pass in the morning that David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it by the hand of Uriah so at this point Uriah is just a good guy trying to just do right and he's a great servant and he wants to serve his country he wants to serve his king and he doesn't want to basically have pleasure when it's when it's you know basically fellow soldiers aren't and all this stuff he's been wronged by David he doesn't know it and then he sent back with literally a letter with his death sentence in it thinking that David's his friend thinking that David is you know like this good leader and this this can't you know this great King that he's serving right and he's literally holding the death sentence and we know that he didn't open it because like obviously he didn't he I'm sure if you would open it ready to be like what in the world I'm getting out of here right so he literally just handed it to Joab Joab opens it reads it and it's his death sentence essentially that's probably the coldest thing about this now it you could disagree I mean obviously the adultery is pretty cold right but just going on top of that okay trying to cover it up making him drunk trying to get him to go down to his house then literally sending the letter with him like in his own hand verse 15 it says and he wrote in the letter saying set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle and retire ye from him that he may be smitten and die and it came to pass when Joab observed the city that he assigned Uriah unto a place where he knew that valiant men were okay so he's basically like I'm gonna put him where the basically the best fighters are at in the arm you know that we're going against in verse 17 it says in the men of the city went out and fought with Joab and there fell some of the people of the servants of David and Uriah the Hittite died also notice the collateral damage there it wasn't just Uriah that died just know this that it in sin covering up sin and trying to like cover your transgressions and all that there's always collateral damage other people getting hurt in this case other people died other than Uriah now Uriah is innocent I mean think about this in Proverbs six there's six things that the Lord hates ye seven or abomination meaning there are seven things he hates there are seven abominations and it says a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood the Lord hates us and that's why at the end of the chapter it says but the thing that David had done displeased the Lord yeah I'm sure God hated what David did there and it's just horrible in the fact that not only Uriah died but other people had to die too all to cover up David's sin chapter 12 will show us though that you you're not gonna be able to cover it God saw it so I mean you can cover it all up you want and other people may not know about it but God knows about it and think about that when it comes to people you know people in this world that get away with murder and they don't they don't suffer the consequences maybe in this life or or maybe they don't suffer consequences in our justice system God sees it and they will suffer for it and in David's case he's gonna suffer he suffers in this life for it and there's a lot of bad things that happen in these future chapters and I believe it is because of this it's because of what happened here I don't believe any of this stuff would have happened with Absalom with Tamar and Amnon like all this stuff I believe could have been avoided if he would not have done this okay so Joab sends news back to David that Uriah is dead and note this too is that Uriah is innocent in this whole thing and it's interesting to me that Uriah is brought up in the genealogy of Jesus kind of like he was wrong pretty bad but he is honored in the fact that when it brings up of her that had been the wife of Uriah right because Solomon you know he begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah and really Uriah is the one that's being brought up there now I'll say this it doesn't say that David forced Bathsheba so Bathsheba is in the wrong here too right she's in the wrong David's in the wrong the only innocent person here is Uriah isn't it interesting how Joab just doesn't hesitate to to take this order out which doesn't surprise you when you think about how bloodthirsty Joab is when it comes to Abner and other people and all that stuff and and he's always talking about how hard these sons of Jeremiah but in the end he utilized it and Joab was that hard to where he's just like all right let's do this and it says in verse 18 then Joab sent and told David all the things concerning the war and charged the messenger saying when thou hast made an end of telling the matters of the war unto the king and if so be that the Kings wrath arise and he say unto thee wherefore approached ye so nigh unto the city when ye did fight know ye not that they would shoot from the wall and I believe jobs writing this I one he could be covering for David in the fact that he's because obviously he knows that David was wanting him to kill Uriah but he doesn't say he basically he doesn't maybe know that this is why this is the case or this is what happens with Uriah does that make sense so he's kind of like tell him this stuff but basically when you tell him the stuff tell him that Uriah is dead right because David's gonna be like what are you doing like why did this happen all okay in that case that's exactly what happens when when when he finds out your eyes it's just like okay we're good but if it wasn't for the cave your I wouldn't have died even like what are you doing like how what you know that's obviously a stupid thing to do but he brings up a bimelach his other number 21 it says who's smote a bit like the son of Jerabesh did not a woman cast a piece of a millstone upon him from the wall that he died in Thebes why went that ye nigh the wall then say thou thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also so he's basically like kind of he's kind of stating what he thinks David would say like if he says this and you know and he's even saying like he's gonna talk about a bimelach right so he's kind of like pulling this all out like David's gonna be like why being like it's a well-known thing like this is this not what you do okay and says so the messenger went and came and showed David all that Joab had sent him for and the messenger said unto David surely the men prevailed against us and came out unto us into the field and we were upon them even unto the entering of the gate and the shooters shot from off the wall upon thy servants and some of thy king's servants be dead and thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also so it he succeeded now the next chapter David is going to be accountable for this meaning that he killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword of Ammon and even though it was indirect he gave the commandment for this to happen and he's liable for it for this okay and that story with a bimelach is found in so if you're if you wanted to look back at that story it's a it's a kind of a funny story because a bimelach this woman cast a millstone off the wall and it hits his head and crushes his skull or breaks his skull and he basically tells his armor barriers like kill me because I don't want it to be said that a woman killed me but yet how many you know like we're talking like hundreds of years later Joab's bringing that up in this letter back to David saying don't be you know why would you do this like a bimelach who was killed by a woman right so as much as the bimelach didn't want to be known for that he's gonna be known for that and I'm sure just as much as David did not want this to be known guess what he's known for it and the Bible says be sure your sin will find you out and obviously that's in a different context with a different story but know this is that your sin will find you out you know meaning that you will pay pay the price okay and obviously as say people we're not gonna pay the price in hell but physically speaking you'll pay the price in this life and and know this is that adultery a Christian commits adultery it's gonna be a lot worse punishment in this life than they would be for an unsafe person I believe of how and and I believe that the punishment for adultery in in the New Testament is a sore punishment that's gonna be upon them than those that are in the Old Testament so when you look at what happens to David know that I believe we're more accountable in the New Testament and so this is a serious thing that we all need to realize to stay away from okay not to mention it ruins your marriage you have kids it's gonna ruin that just ruins everything so so David's response to this in verse 25 it says then David said unto the messenger thus shalt thou say unto Joab let not his this thing displease thee for the sword devours one as well as another knows how cold that is he's just like all right you know the sword kills one it kills another make that battle more strong against the city and overthrow it and encourage thou him he's basically like I stopped playing around you know basically go go take care of this because they could you know they could have probably won this battle without anybody dying if they weren't messing around and having to do David you know Joab had to do David David's dirty work of covering up his sin so not only did he have Uriah killed he had other men killed that had nothing to do with the situation and just the wickedness of everything that happens here and verse 26 it says and when the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah her husband was dead she mourned for her husband and when the morning was past David sent and fetched her to his house and she became his wife and bear him a son but the thing that David had done displeased the Lord now I'll say this I don't know that Bathsheba knows what David did you know I mean like we don't really know that he told Dave told Bathsheba that hey by the way I had your husband killed if I were to guess he probably that was just between him and Joab joy was probably the only person that knows about that and probably the only people that know about the fact that he went into Bathsheba is that the people that he sent to go fetch her okay and maybe they don't know that he lay with her okay meaning that you know you don't know maybe all the details there but that being said is that David probably thinks like everything's covered up now everything's tidied up and in Bathsheba is now his wife and everything is great except for chapter 12 when you get to chapter 12 he's gonna regret the decision that he made and it's a very sad chapter but it is what it is and but it is a great chapter too because the the child spoiler alert but the child dies in the next chapter the son that he has and but it's actually a really good chapter to show that that that children young children and all that then they go to heaven right and that it just it's a great passage to kind of show that it's got a even though there's a lot of bad things happening here they're written for our admonition okay when you think about the stuff in the wilderness and all the different things that happen all these bad things that have happened in the Bible the reason that we have them and we're reading about them is not just to be like oh man that's look at how horrible person this person is you know the reason we're reading about it so that we can learn from their mistakes okay learn from David's mistake don't be idle do what you should be doing right do your job don't be idle have a good relationship with your spouse have a good relationship so that you're not you know desire is like basically having all these desires that aren't being fulfilled and you're going to look after other women don't look at other women you're gonna see women okay just it's just the world you live in right but don't look at them to lust after them it all starts with what you're looking at and what you're thinking about and then what you're desiring about and then that turns into that can turn into the physical act or it you know opportunities for the physical act and you need to nip it in the bud so did I read verse 27 and when the morning was passed yeah David sent and fetched her to his house and she became his wife and bear him a son yeah so but this thing displeased the Lord this is something that's brought up later on you know basically like David was perfect in his heart toward the Lord saving the cause of Uriah the Hittite right it's kind of like this is this pivotal moment in David's life where he truly royally messes up and there's gonna be major consequences for that because David David being being a man for God's own heart and knowing the Bible as well as he he knows it you know he's held to a very high standard and God's not gonna kill him but he's going to he's definitely gonna pay a lot for what he did what he did and so we're gonna see that unfortunately unfold in a lot of these chapters coming up of what's going on there so chapter 11 tragic story there with David and basically David up to this point you're just like rooting for David and just everything's going you know everything to David does you're just basically like man that's good he's doing right he's living above her approach she's loving his enemy you know he's winning these battles all this stuff and then this happens and the thing that you have to think about too is that prosperity sometimes will breed wickedness too and the same thing kind of happens with Solomon right is that he has all these riches and all this stuff and then a lot of times that can that can bring you down so let's end with the word of prayer. Father we thank you for your word. Thank you for the book of second Samuel and Lord though it is a tragic story and a horrible story to read about Lord just we thank you for the story that we can learn from it and Lord help us to not make the mistakes that David makes in this passage and Lord just pray that you'd help us to be good husbands help us to stay away from from adultery fornication all that stuff help us to stay away from alcohol and Lord just help us to live a sanctified life while we're down here on the earth Lord we love you. Pray all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Brother Dave will come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed. All right take your song books and turn to song 45. Song number 45 in your song will sing when I can read my title clear and if you would stand we'll sing song number 45 when I can read my title clear to mansions in the sky I'll bend farewell to every fear and why my weeping eyes and why my weeping eyes and why my weeping eyes I'll bid farewell to every fear and why my weeping eyes should earth against my soul engage and fiery darts be heard then I can smile at Satan's rage and face a frowning world and face a frowning world and face a frowning world then I can smile rage and face a frowning world luge calm and storms of sorrow fall may I but safely reach my home my god my heaven my all my god my heaven my all my god my have my all may I but safely reach my home my god my heaven my all there shall I breathe my weary soul in seas of heavenly rest and not a wave of trouble roll across my peaceful breast across my peaceful breast across my peaceful breast and not a wave of trouble roll across my peaceful breast you're dismissed