(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church take your psalm books and turn to song number two Song number two Song number two in your psalm books We'll sing glory to his name if you would stand we'll sing song number two Down at the cross where my Savior died Down where from cleansing from sin I cried There to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name glory to his name Glory to his name There to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name I am so wondrously safe from sin Jesus so sweetly abides within There at the cross where he took me and glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name There to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name Oh Precious fountain that saves from sin. I am so glad I have entered in There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name There to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name Come to this fountain so rich and sweet Cast thy per soul at the Savior's feet Plunge in today and be made complete glory to his name glory to his name Glory to his name Hard was the blood applied glory to his name All right, let's pray heavenly father Lord again We just want to thank you God just for another service that we get to gather and hear your word faithfully preached I pray Lord now that you would just meet with us and Help everything to be done to your honor and glory Lord and Lord thank you for the souls that were saved today and throughout last week and then also on the Mission strips and just Lord just how you use us to preach your word We just want to thank you for that and Lord. We love you and pray all this in Jesus name Amen, or you may be seated and take your mountain Baptist songbooks Your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual songbooks And turn to page number nine Page number nine your mountain Baptist songbooks will sing psalm will sing psalm 139 on page number nine Sure Lee haha will slay all right we're gonna start over ready ready ready How's that how's that start again yep ready sure Lee now Sure Lee now will slay the wicked Oh God Depart from me there for ye bloody men Depart from me there for ye bloody men Do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee and Am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee for They speak against thee wickedly for they speak against thee wickedly and thine enemies Take thy name in vain and thine enemies Take thy name in vain Do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee and Am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee I Hate them with perfect hatred I hate them with perfect hatred I count them mine enemies I count them mine enemies Do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee and Am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee Amen welcome back to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday evening Just some announcements here, but first let's get the soul winning numbers for the week so When it comes to all the mission stuff and those that are out We're just gonna wait until they get back as far as brother Richie and brother Wade and all that I know that there's a lot of salvations there, but Let's wait till they get back and get a final number when it comes to that Did we have any salvations during the week outside of that as far as? What's that two on Monday, okay? Three Wednesday so five and then today one so two so three four So nine total so for today five during the week All right good job I Think will We keep these salvations up throughout the year. I mean we're gonna blow the last year salvations out of the water I know there's been like obviously Mission strips stuff like that, but give it the good work with the soul winning threats From last week year to date 351 salvations, and so we're already way past halfway What we had last year so? Yeah anyway, and we're in May so but keep up the good work there Yeah, and then as far as announcements go everything is kind of the same as this morning This Wednesday evening service will be getting back into our second Samuel Bible study going through the book we are gonna be doing overview of second Samuel So we're gonna be kind of I'll be talking about chapters that we haven't gotten to yet So hopefully that'll maybe what your appetite for what we're gonna be getting into when we get further into the book But yeah being replaces this Wednesday for that as far as regional soul winning times I know Monday that so many time isn't happening this week And then with the other ones obviously just be on the church group there As far as times locations and all that We do have the Lancaster soulening marathon coming up this weekend So if you have any questions about that specifically brother Chris is putting all that stuff together there So if you are going out to that have any questions, I think the big question is carpooling and Stuff like that. So as far as when you're planning on going out Whether it's early on Friday or I'd say most everybody's gonna be leaving on Friday, right? And so that'd be kind of hard to I guess you could get up really early so But As far as that's concerned we're gonna obviously try to we're providing for the lodging as far as hotel rooms all that stuff. So How many people do we have do you know Ten Okay cool Alright and then the prior meetings are on the list here. So at the end of the month here Well, actually it's coming up this weekend the next week coming at the end of May here and then June 22nd, we have the Philadelphia soul winning marathon, so That Will be next month and Jonah 4 is our chapter memory for the month and our chapter our memory verses for the week is Hebrews 13 20 and 21 Got the birthdays this morning Anniversary pregnancy list there be in prayer for crystal McCloy on the list due in August So you're in for all those be in prayer for those that aren't feeling well I Think Samuel's doing better today. I don't think he I think he woke up without a fever. So So hopefully it stops with him and doesn't go on to the rest but Be in prayer for anybody else that's not feeling well or dealing with those type of sicknesses those that are traveling Be in prayer for a travel mercies for those that are out and all that so About all I have for announcements If you want to give a tie there an offering the offering boxes in the back there if you want mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only We're gonna be doing we're gonna be reading 2nd Samuel chapter 1 Joseph's gonna be reading that after we do one more song Alright take your song books and turn to song 185 Song 185 in your song box will sing my Savior's love Song 185 I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene And Wonder how we can love me a sinner condemned unclean How marvelous how wonderful and my song shall ever be How wonderful is my Savior's love for me For me it was in the garden He prayed not my will but thine He had no tears for his own grief, but sweat drops of blood for mine How marvelous how wonderful and my song shall ever be how marvelous how Wonderful is my Savior's love for me He took my sins and my sorrows he made them his very own He bore the burden to Calvary and suffered and died alone How marvelous how wonderful song shall ever be how marvelous how Wonderful is my Savior's love for me when with the Ransomed in glory his face I at last shall see Will be my joy through the a just to sing of his love for me How Marvelous how Wonderful and my song shall ever be how Marvelous how Wonderful is my Savior's love for me All right, take your Bibles and turn to the book of second Samuel chapter number one Second Samuel chapter number one in your Bibles and we'll have brother Joseph come and read that for us You Second Samuel chapter 1 And if you found your place there you'll say amen Now it came to pass after the death of Saul When David was returned from the slaughter of the malachites and David had abode two days in ziklag It came even to pass on the third day that behold a man came out of the camp from Saul With his clothes rent and earth upon his head and so it was when he came to David That he fell to the earth and did a basins And David said unto him from whence comest thou and he said unto him out of the camp of Israel. Am I escaped? And David said unto him how went the matter? I pray thee tell me and he answered that the people are fled From the battle and many of the people also are fallen and dead and Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also David said unto the young man that told him how knowest thou that Saul and Jonathan his son be dead The young man that told him said as I happened by chance upon Mount Gilboa Behold Saul leaned upon his spear and lo the chariots and the horsemen followed hard after him And when he when he looked behind him, he saw me and called unto me I answered here am I And he said unto me who art thou and I answered him. I am in malachite He said unto me again stand I pray thee upon me and slay me for anguish has come upon me because my life is yet whole in me So I stood upon him and slew him because I was sure that he could not live after that He was fallen and I took the crown that was upon his head and a bracelet that was on his harm and Have brought them hither unto my lord then David took hold on his clothes and rent them and Likewise all the men that were with him and they mourned and wept and fasted and until the even For saw and for Jonathan his son and for the people of the Lord and for those of Israel Because they were fallen by the sword and David said unto the young man that told him Whence art thou and he answered I am the son of a stranger and a malachite David said unto him. How was thou not afraid to stretch forth on hand to destroy the Lord's anointed? David called one of of the young men and said go near and fall on him and he smote him that he died And David said unto him thy blood be upon my head For my my mouth hath testified against thee saying I have slain the Lord's anointed And David lamented with it with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son also he bade them Teach the children of Judah and you use of the bow behold is written in the book of Jashur The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places. How are the mighty fallen? Tell it not in Gath published it not in the streets of Ashkelon Lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph Ye mountains of Gilboa let there be no dew neither let there be rain upon you nor fields of offering for their There the shield of the mighty is viley cast away and the shield of Saul as though he had not been anointed with oil From the blood of the slain from the fat of the mighty the bow of Jonathan turned not back and the sword of Saul Returned not empty Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives and their death. They were not divided. They were swifter than eagles They were stronger than lions you daughters of Israel weep over Saul who clothed you in scarlet With other delights who put on ornaments of gold upon your apparel How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle Oh Jonathan that was slain in thine high places I am distressed for thee my brother Jonathan very pleasant hast thou been unto me Thy love to me was wonderful passing the love of women. How are the mighty fallen and the weapons of war? Perished that's right Lord Father. Thank you for this time. We were able to gather again today Lord I thank you for the pure and holy words you've given to us or to ask you be through the study of 2nd Samuel and advise tonight Jesus name Amen Amen through there in chapter 1 of 2nd Samuel and obviously we are going through the book of 2nd Samuel So these first chapters should be very familiar if you're here on the Wednesday nights as far as going through that study So those chapters I'm not going to spend a whole bunch of time But I do want to obviously give an overview of the whole book and so if you think about 1st Samuel 1st Samuel you're dealing with Samuel himself and he is the last judge and then you have Saul's the first king and David is anointed King in 1st Samuel But really he doesn't well he doesn't reign at all during the book of 1st Samuel He's really just on the run because Saul wants to kill him and it's not until 2nd Samuel that David is going to become king, but it's not an automatic just king over everything. You know as soon as Saul dies You know there's basically He's gonna be reigning over Judah for a portion and then then he's gonna be reigning over all of Israel and all of that So but the first chapter here we see that David hears the news that Saul and his three sons are killed specifically Jonathan because obviously David was basically his best friend him and Jonathan were really good friends and This chapter is really just hearing about The news and you have the story of the Amalekite that basically comes and brings as tidings thinking he's gonna get a reward For the glad tidings of saying he's killed Saul In the end he ends up dying he ends up getting killed because of those tidings And I believe David probably knew that he didn't didn't actually kill Saul That this Amalekite didn't actually kill him because later on it's recounting this and when Ish-bosheth is killed and Basically states that this guy thought he was going to get a reward so yeah David knew that this guy Obviously was thinking he was going to get some kind of reward for what he's doing so therefore I don't think David even thought he actually did that but in the end Whether you do the act or not sometimes you can still get the punishment Because your mouth can and your words can condemn you but at the end of the chapter there verse verse 17 specifically we see that David is lamenting over Saul and Jonathan's death and it says and David Lamented with his lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son also He bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow behold it is written in the book of Jashur because Jonathan obviously was very proficient with the bow and arrow We see him using that in first Samuel and all that but it says the beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places How are the mighty fallen and so? David is not happy about Saul and and obviously his son's dying or that Israel itself has this defeat So he's not just rejoicing like alright. Finally. I can be king I don't think that that's not how David wanted it to go down. Unfortunately. That is the way it did chapter 2 we have the story where basically Abner the son of Nur if you remember Saul's uncle was Abner and he's the captain of the host so basically if you think about the general of the army, so basically Saul dies his sons and all that and the captain or the general of the army is basically kind of calling the shots now and Abner sets up Ish-bosheth Saul's son to be king. Okay, and in verse Well first see that in verse 2 and verse 4 there that David is set up as king over Judah And you say why Judah that's because that's the tribe he's from. Okay, so basically Benjamin's gonna be really close-knit to Saul's house because they're of Benjamin and Obviously Judah is gonna be close-knit with David because he's of Judah Okay, so you kind of have that home-field advantage if you will when it comes to this but in verse 4 here It says and the men of Judah came and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah Okay, so He's over Judah at this time But he's gonna be reigning over that for seven and a half years before he's actually king over all of Israel but While while David is going to be king over Judah Ish-bosheth the son of Saul is going to reign over the rest of Israel Notice what it says in verse 8 It says but Abner the son of Nur, captain of Saul's host, took Ish-bosheth the son of Saul and brought him over to Maanaim And made him king over Gilead and over the Asherites and over Jezreel and over Ephraim and over Benjamin and over all Israel So basically everywhere but Judah And obviously you can think about the southern portion I think Simeon might technically be in Judah so Anyway, that being said basically you kind of have this split of the northern kingdom and southern kingdom And it ends up going back to that. So if you think about it after David reigns and his son Solomon reigns for and then Solomon reigns for 40 years Solomon's son is going to kind of go back the way it was at the very beginning here where you kind of have that Split of Judah and Israel, okay but we see the story here where There's gonna be this battle at Gilboa Or Gibeon, I'm sorry and This is where Abner ends up killing Asahel Now If you're if you remember that Joab is gonna be the captain of the host of David's army, but there's three brothers. There's Joab, Abishai, and Asahel Okay, so these three brothers they're actually David's nephews. So David's sister Zeruiah say that's five times fast but Zeruiah has three sons Joab, Abishai, and Asahel and Asahel is basically running after Abner and after this battle So basically Abner is getting the worst of the battle and David's men are winning and all that and Asahel is Running after Abner. I'm sure he wants to kill Abner He's trying to get Abner and Abner's running and it's kind of interesting that they're having this conversation, right? Imagine you're running for your life and then you're having a conversation with a person that's chasing you So I always think that's interesting You know, like you're just running full bore and then you're just like hey go take that guy's armor over there, you know And but Asahel doesn't listen So basically Abner's trying to get out of this He doesn't want to kill Asahel and he even says for the reason that I can't face Joab if I do that He's like, how can I face your brother if I end up killing you, right? And he he doesn't listen and then basically Abner has to has to stab him with his spear The hinder part of his spear so you imagine that's a run and it's probably more like a hinder part of his spear stabs him through the fifth rib Asahel dies and Kind of the battles over right there's there's the end of that battle and chapter three Is really the turn of the tide so It's Boschith is he reigns for two years. So these battles must been going on for around two years and The story is pretty much That Abner gets upset with this Boschith Because it's Boschith is upset with Abner for basically taking one of Saul's concubines now Saul's dead, right? So, I mean really any of his wives, you know, it wives concubines Whatever would I mean after after the death of your husband you can marry whom you will right and so it may be more of that idea of You know it's Boschith thinks that Abner is going to try to take over the kingdom or something like that But really Abner does have control. I mean if you think about it Abner had control He's the one that set up is Boschith. He's the one calling the shots Abner's the one that's going to war it's Boschith is just kind of like a placeholder and So they get into this fight about this and then Abner basically says I'm gonna give the kingdom over to David Which just really shows you that the power who is in control isn't always the person that's said to be in control Right like the king you would you when you read through the story in second Samuel Do you look at ish Boschith and be like he's leading the show Like not in one aspect do you read like ish Boschith is like this leader of the troops right now He's just a placeholder It's kind of like he's the puppet king in place in Saul's house so that Abner can do what he wants to do Right and so Abner if he wants to flip the switch he can and he does Abner goes to David and He goes to David and basically leagues up with him and says I'll give you the whole kingdom Abner's going around all of Israel basically saying hey, you know, he's been anointed God's with you know, basically he's like the spokesman for David now because of that and And Joab gets upset because Abner comes to David and tells him hey, I'm gonna give you the kingdom all this stuff and David lets him leave in peace and Joab is angry. Joab wasn't there. So then Joab goes and finds him and says hey come back and As Abner comes back Joab ends up murdering him. Okay, so mind you at this point peace has been made Okay, and this really gets into the idea of shedding blood in time of peace shedding the blood of war in time of peace peace has been made basically the the white flag has been put up and Then Joab ends up killing Abner says in verse you're in chapter 3 verse 27 says when Abner was returned to Hebron Joab took him aside in the gate To speak with him quietly and smote him there under the fifth rib that he died for the blood of Asahel's brother And he even talks about how Abishai also killed Abner so I don't believe Joab was there alone I believe there was it's probably this coup that was going on to make it look like hey, we're just you know Come aside. Let me talk to you all this stuff and Abner is the one that physically Stabbed him, you know in the fifth rib, but there's accomplices the murderer, right? I mean, it's not always just the person that that actually commits the actual physical act a lot of times It's those that are involved in Setting it up orchestrating it and all that so So Abner dies, so pretty much someone dies in all these chapters Okay, all these beginning chapters that we've been going through someone dies or a lot of people die depending on the battle, but You know you had the Amalekite in chapter 1 you have Asahel in chapter 2 you have Abner in chapter 3 You're like well chapter 4 who dies in that? Ish-boshet dies. So in chapter 4 Ish-boshet is going to be killed in his bed So basically he gets he gets murdered. So there's just a bunch of murder going on So like I said when you're when you're thinking about Is second Samuel an interesting read? Well if you're in I mean it if you think murder and like murder mysteries and all that stuff are not interesting I guess it wouldn't be but the idea of like people dying and getting killed and stabs and all this stuff I think that's pretty interesting Not saying it's good Right, but I would say this is not a boring read When someone's dying in every chapter someone's getting killed in every chapter, okay, so Second Samuel's definitely packed full of interesting stories if anything So in chapter 4 here in verse 9 again a lot of this is recap because we've gone through these chapters already verse 9 It says David answered and recapped and Bana his brother the sons of Reman the The Bearethite and said unto them as the Lord liveth who hath redeemed my soul out of all adversity When one told me saying behold Saul is dead thinking to have brought good tidings I took hold of him and slew him in ziklag who thought that I would have given him a Reward for his tidings how much more when wicked men have slain a righteous person in his own house upon his bed Shall I not therefore now require his blood of your hand and take you away from the earth? So these guys do the same thing that Amalekite does They think that they're gonna be in good standing with David if they kill Ish-bosheth And it's quite the opposite. They end up actually getting put to death Because of what they did and so, you know They think they're doing something great and this gets into the idea that some people think that they're doing God's service They think that they're doing God a great service when they're actually doing the opposite of what God wants. They're actually On the opposite side of where they should be Chapter 5 David is finally made king over all of Israel and really this chapter gets into the into the fact that David reigns in Hebron For seven and a half years and then he reigns for 33 years in Jerusalem And this is the the chapter to the last chapter we had gone through Where he takes Jerusalem And basically takes out the Jebusites and all that and we got into that story as far as that's concerned But it also does show you that Numbers are rounded. So when you look at numbers as far as like how long someone reigns It's not necessarily an exact whole number because obviously seven and a half plus 33 is a little more You know, that's 40 and a half, right? So you can see there that you know when it says seven and a half, you know, seven years and six months You're probably pretty close to that 40 years. It might be a little When it says that he reigned 33 years, maybe it was not quite 33 years, right? and so it's kind of like one of those things that just as much as if you said you're You know or if you're you're like I'm 39 years old, but I'm not exactly 39 years old I'm a little more than that, right, but you're not just gonna go around saying the exact Age that you are just as much as it's not gonna be like, you know, he reigned there for you know 33 years and one month or whatever now there are cases in the Bible where they do give you like the exact month Because some people only reign for three months, right? So there's some cases when you're going through the book of the Kings and all that that someone reigns for three months It's like well at that point you kind of have to right or they reign for a week or whatever, you know Something crazy like that Chapter six, which we'll be getting into This is where David brings the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. So this is kind of a big deal because if you remember In the book of Exodus and when obviously the law of Moses and all that it keeps speaking about In Deuteronomy, it speaks about the fact that there's gonna be a place that God is going to choose to put his house there Okay, and when they go into Jerusalem, or I'm sorry when they go into Israel to begin with they go to Shiloh and Shiloh is the place where they set up a tabernacle and But that's not the place where God has chosen to be where his house is going to be Jerusalem is that place and obviously it gets into the fact that it's gonna be the city of David Jesus is gonna come come through the line of David all of that But this is where the Ark of the Covenant is first going to be coming in to Jerusalem This is the story of Uzzah So with it when they're bringing in the Ark, they don't do it correctly and Uzzah dies This is the story where David dances before the Lord When the Ark is coming in if you always want to look at that real quick in Chapter 6 and verse 14 It says David danced before the Lord with all his might and David was girded with a linen ephod So David and all the house of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet So obviously David is is extremely excited to bring the Ark into Jerusalem There's kind of some minor setbacks there You know where basically it doesn't come into Jerusalem and it's and it goes into Ornan the Jebusites house and and all of this stuff that we're going to be getting into when we get into that chapter this Wednesday Lord willing but We also see marital problems Little spat between my my call and David When he comes into Jerusalem with the Ark of the Covenant But that chapter is really dealing with the Ark of Covenant coming into Jerusalem chapter 7 You Can imagine that the Ark of the Covenant coming into Jerusalem thoughts about the house of the Lord now at this point The house of the Lord was the tabernacle, right? It's basically a tent When they're going through the wilderness, it was meant to be taken down and put back together, right? Because the whole point was that the cloud and the pillar of fire Wherever it went they went and so they had to be able to take it apart and Each and all the Levites had different jobs as far as who who dealt with what right who carried what? And all of that whether it's the the actual tabernacle itself whether it's the altar and all of these things had Rings and staves and all these different things to carry them. Okay, so Everything was basically portable if you want to think about that way. So like the house of the Lord was portable But When they were to choose the place, you know where where his house would be It's kind of like this is the final resting place if you will as far as where the house Lord is gonna be David wanted to build Build the house of the Lord. Okay, and he voices that opinion What's interesting about this is that he voices that to Nathan the prophet and Nathan's like go and do do it the Lord is with thee and then the Lord comes to Nathan and Says no, actually Dave is not gonna build it. So I think that's very interesting and Also to show you that even a good prophet like Nathan the prophet Can say something that's not what the Lord said. Okay. I mean he's kind of presuming that it would be fine You know, I don't think Nathan was nefarious here, you know, like like he would but it's it but he also didn't know for sure That's what the Lord wanted. Okay, and so that's a good thing to show you that hey in a story Even a good character like Nathan the prophet even a prophet can say something that isn't actually correct as far as what God wants okay, and but The house of the Lord will be built but It will be able to be built by Solomon So this is the promise as far as like how Solomon's gonna rain and doesn't mention his name in this passage right here But verse 12, so you're in chapter 7 verse 12 So It's stating that His son that comes after him is going to build the house Okay So in verse 12 it says and when thy days be fulfilled and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers I will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels and I will establish his kingdom he shall build an house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever and Really you can see the parallels obviously this is gonna be physically dealing with Solomon But the parallels of the spiritual application of Jesus right because the seed of David, right? Because what are they what did a lot of people keep calling Jesus when he's walking about the son of David, right? The son of David the son of David son David because the promise of the son of David That the Christ the anointed that he's gonna rule and reign all of that Yes that applied to the physical descendants of David, but ultimately it applied to Jesus, right? Ultimately this promises were to Jesus and that Jesus is gonna build his house, right? Jesus is gonna rule and reign from his throne But obviously this applies physically to Solomon because Solomon is actually going to build his house and when you're reading through 1st Kings you know and Obviously, we'll get there as far as the overview But in 1st Kings the very beginning is really Solomon dealing with building the temple and all of that Right the temple is being built after David dies, okay? So there's that promise that's given there about how the house is gonna be built But David it's it said that that he can't build it because he's a bloody man and it really comes the fact that he's a man of war and Really kind of shows you that the how what the house of the Lord really represents as far as Think about how the house of the Lord was to represent a house of prayer for all nations and all of that You know a place of peace and all and everything so As far as why David isn't the one that's gonna be building it, but I think it also just the picture of You know David's son and that picture of Christ building the church and all and building the house of the Lord, okay? Chapter 8 Again, this is this is the cliff notes. Okay, so when I when I Explain a chapter know this is that there's other information in there, okay? There may be some other little story in there all that this isn't going to be an exhaustive Like here's all the information about every chapter. This is kind of like the big What's the big thing that's happening in these chapters, okay? So chapter 6 Ark of the Covenant comes into Jerusalem chapter 7 David wants to build the house of the Lord But God says no, it'll be your son that builds it and obviously there's a lot of prophecies about Jesus there One that just comes to mind is the fact that it's about In Hebrews when it says he shall be to me a son, and I will be to him a father that comes from that passage Dealing with David you know talking about David and Solomon, but that's quoted in the New Testament talking about Jesus Which really goes to prove to you that? The the parallels of Solomon and Jesus are very Stark not to mention that Jesus even compares himself to Solomon that he's better than Solomon and All of that and obviously dealing with wisdom and everything chapter 8 Basically is kind of a chapter dealing with victories that David has You know dealing with war and dealing with battles against certain nations specifically the Philistines Moab The Syrians and really the Lord is with him, so this is kind of the glory days of Israel If you think about it Saul Should have had these glory days if he just would have obeyed the Lord But really we're seeing here's what the kingdom of Israel can be with a righteous King With the Lord being with him and obviously David is a man after God's own heart He's the sweet psalmist of Israel, and you have a great leader, and what do you have prosperity and you have victories in battle and then you get into Solomon and And Solomon is like the extra glory days It's like you kind of get rid of the faults of David and and and the fact that he kind of had these shortcomings with What he had to deal with to get to where he was at and really Solomon is like the Golden Age of Israel And then there's a downfall and then it just kind of it's just never where it was okay Solomon's kind of like the peak, but David right now It's kind of building up to that and you got these glory days of just winning these battles the Lord's with And and really with David and Solomon They are the Israel is kind of like a powerhouse in the world And it even talks about how Israel is up there with like Egypt and all these other nations as far as their powers concerned and so And obviously the Lord obviously Israel will be above all those nations because the Lord the Lord being with you No one can touch you okay But we see here that David is going to have great victories verse 13 for example It says David got him a name when he returned from smiting of the Syrians in the valley of salt being 18,000 men So not only I mean he's winning battles against the Philistines against Moab So you think about like the enemies of the Lord that they've been dealing with since the times of the judges all of that But he's getting this name that's out there as far as The just how valiant their men are and how valiant his army is Chapter 7 is real. I'm sorry chapter 9 chapter 9. Well back in time Chapter 9 Is a chapter really dedicated to to talk about David blessing Mephibosheth And that's a fun name, isn't it? So Bible trivia name, you know So if you ever want to know a fun name this is one of Jonathan's sons, okay sad story when you're dealing with Mephibosheth and the fact that he was five years old and When they heard the tidings of Saul and Jonathan dying in battle and his nurse the nurse of the child basically when she was fleeing dropped, you know, basically fell and The child fell obviously and got crippled to the so something must have happened to where Got you know hurt so bad or maybe things didn't get set, right? I always think about that like if you broke bones, but you didn't set them right obviously it's gonna mess you up Okay, and so it's a sad story From that perspective but when it comes to Mephibosheth I think it's a great story to show you that sometimes things that you look at as being a tragedy is actually a blessing Because Mephibosheth ends up being one of the most humble Poor-spirited type of people that you'll see in the Bible I mean Mephibosheth When he's called to David, David wants to bless Jonathan's house and remember that David made a covenant with Jonathan that He would not destroy his house that no matter what they would take care of each other's families, right? and so David is keeping that covenant with Jonathan and basically saying who of Jonathan's house can I bless and they mentioned Mephibosheth that's laying on his feet and Mephibosheth comes to him and and David says you're gonna eat at my table continually all of this stuff talking about how he's gonna basically bless him and all this and And Mephibosheth is just like I'm a dead dog, you know, why would you bless me? That attitude right there, right? Which is the attitude that we should come to the Savior with and you think about how the Lord's gonna bless us You know in heaven, it's like who are we to be blessed? I mean the fact that you even saved us from hell right is enough like that's enough I mean we could just stop there. We're janitors in the kingdom of God, whatever you need You know, I'll do it for you, right? That's kind of the attitude that I Mean we can't pay back at all what he's already done for us But God is is way more gracious than that Because he not only saves us from hell, but He's gonna you know, give us all kinds of riches. He's gonna give us he's preparing mansions in heaven We're gonna eat with him, you know all these things that are above and beyond that And Mephibosheth is a great example of this as far as the Lord Jesus Kind of like Dave is the Lord Jesus and Mephibosheth is like us as Christians and the fact that we're lame on our feet But we're gonna be at the king's table and we're gonna eat with him continually and all of that but also even after Later on when David is going into he's fleeing from his son Absalom spoiler alert that's gonna be in coming up here, but He's gonna be fleeing from his son Absalom and Mephibosheth gets slighted by his his servant Ziba and basically Ziba comes up to him and lies to David about well Mephibosheth You know, he says my you know, basically the kingdoms mind now, you know like he's he's thinking he's gonna be restoring his game just lies about Mephibosheth and David basically says to Ziba everything that Mephibosheth hath is yours now So David just believes this guy Ziba or whatever and When David comes back Mephibosheth didn't didn't basically take care of himself at all. He basically just didn't Shower didn't clip his nails Like basically it was just in a kind of like a state of mourning if you will the whole time David was gone and basically He tells David hey Ziba lied about you know, like he was supposed to come get me We're supposed to come out together and he left me right and all that and the truth comes out and David says, you know Well, you know half will go to you half will go to Ziba right and Mephibosheth says let everything go to him So the tragedy of Mephibosheth is really not a tragedy because of the the man that made him and That's the thing. That's a lesson that we can have that sometimes you're gonna have things that may look like They are like, oh, you know, why is the Lord giving me this, you know, why why why am I not like this? You know, I look like this person or I have this type of you know Body style or I you know, or hey, I'm not good in this area. I'm not athletic in this area I'm not this or that and you can you can look at that and be like man, you know I've got the short end of the stick Except for the fact that because you have the short end of the stick on that realm you end up being a really good Person you end up you end up getting saved Being a great soul winner and I'm doing great things for God because you didn't have all that Because all of that if you would have had it Maybe would have you have been a horrible person. Maybe you wouldn't have turned out the way you did And I just think about what that one Mephibosheth that on one end. It looks like a tragedy but on the other end Mephibosheth, I believe was probably it's probably very well Rewarded in heaven right now because of the type of person he was He had it hard in this life but ended up being a great person and Having a great spirit about him Chapter 10 and so stay tuned for that sermon, you know because there's there's more in there obviously, I'm just kind of giving the cliff notes about Mephibosheth, but Chapter chapter 10 This story is interesting so the king of Ammon dies and his son Hanen Reins in his stead and basically David is just trying to go to him and comfort him Because of the death of his father and he sends messengers he sent some men over there to kind of comfort him and give him stuff and everything and Hanen's just like no David's coming to spy out the land and he basically mocks and mistreats his servants And this is where he basically they shave off half their beards So I'd imagine it's kind of like, you know shaving like this side off And then cuts their garments down to the buttocks I think is what it says basically cuts the garments to where they're basically walking around kind of half-naked Not full naked if you look at it that way, but I'd kind of say half-naked I guess And in verse 4 here in verse 10 or chapter 10 verse 4 says Wherefore Hanen took David's servants and shaved off the one half of their beards and cut off their garments in the middle even to their buttocks and Sent them away when they told it unto David He sent to meet them because the men were greatly ashamed and the king said tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown And then return and this is gonna be a story where they're gonna they're gonna fight with Ammon So obviously this makes David angry. Okay, you can imagine It's like I came to like bless you and you basically just evil and treated my servants, right? But this is also I love this story because it really just shows you that most men have beards Okay. Now this isn't a sermon. I'm not telling you that you need to have a beard Okay, or that you're not right with God if you don't have a beard Okay, you know how long it take me to get this scraggly thing I have on my face 39 years. Okay this when I was when I was in college I had nothing okay when I was like 20 21 22 nothing I mean basically a rough washcloth would take off whatever I needed to on my face Okay, so this isn't a sermon to say like hey, you don't have facial hair You're not a man, you know, but I'll say this the idea That it's wrong to have a beard is insanity Okay, that idea of like no, you know, you're wicked you're like a you know You might as well just be a hippie if you have a beard. It's like David has a beard all his men have beards. Jesus had a beard because how can you pluck off the hairs of the face? When you give your cheeks to the smiters as the Bible talks about with Jesus How can you do that if you don't have hair on your face? Okay so this is a passage really that shows you that You know most men a lot of them had beards, okay, and There's nothing wrong with having a beard I also believe there's nothing wrong with being clean-shaven Okay, so I don't think that that's wrong because a lot of people can't even grow a beard It's like so if you can't grow a beard you're like you're not right with God. It's like well, I'm sorry I guess get some Rogaine and rub it on your face Hopefully some follicles will form or something, right? so The truth of the matter is is that everybody's different all of that It's not wrong to be clean-shaven. It's not wrong to have a beard I do think it you know we should obviously not have some like crazy Just like you shouldn't have a mohawk. We shouldn't have some crazy beard thing going on right Where you look like Wolverine where it's like shaved right here, and you just got like mutton chops or something like that I think I'm not here. I'm not here to say like you're in sin, but I think we should be careful about that you know because You know Bible talks about not marring the corners of your beard you know and I think that's what it really get it gets into You know some crazy stuff that you're doing there, okay? Anyway In this story, it's a very interesting story because they go to battle obviously against Ammon because of what happens here But they're going to battle against Ammon and Syria, and this is a cool story where basically Abishai and Joab obviously are brothers and Abishai and Joab are just like all right Joab's like I'm going to take the Syrians you're going to take Ammon and basically Whoever has the the the the battle that's the easiest and basically whoever beats their guys first will come over and help us Right it's like if they're too much for you I'll go over and help you and if they're too much for you. I'll go over and help you it's kind of like hey, we'll just figure out who's got the harder battle here and We'll help each other out So it's just kind of an interesting tactic on a two-front war That is happening here, and you kind of just see that that that playing out. Okay, so that's just kind of a fun story there Again people are dying so I mean if you want a book People are getting murdered dying crazy stuff's happening. This is the book for you, okay? Crazy stuff's going on, okay? Chapter 11 Every time I read chapter 11. I'm like David don't do it right you ever read a story. You're like you know the outcome And you're just hoping it changes and it never does obviously but because the Bible doesn't change but This is a story where David commits adultery with Bathsheba. This is where he has Uriah killed and This is the story where? You know basically this kind of really just a big sin that David commits that Causes a lot of problems and what you'll notice is that What did you notice about David's reign and as we've gone through this chapter so far Is that Saul dies and it's just kind of going up isn't it? I mean basically he's king over Judah He's not over all of Israel, but basically his armies are getting stronger and Saul's you know basically Abner's and and it's Bosch's armies are getting weaker, and it's just kind of like this this upwards Oh, okay. He's over all of Israel. Okay. Well now he's winning all these battles. Okay. That's good You know like the Lord's blessing all this and it's just like you know peeking out But this sin that he commits of adultery You know what you start seeing horrible stuff happening You know that the baby dies you know like all these different things happen Absalom starts You know Amnon and Tamar and we're getting to that You have you have Absalom taking over and then David has to flee out of the out of this so basically When you look at this and David is pardoned meaning he's not gonna be killed that doesn't mean he gets off scot-free Okay When you look at the big picture of this book what you see is that he paid a lot for that Okay, when you look at what was happening before this and what happened afterwards? You know he gets hit hard and rightfully so because obviously this is a wicked sin that He commits here and look at verse 1 2nd Samuel chapter 11 verse 1 it says and it came to pass after the year was expired at the time when Kings go forth to Battle that David sent Joab and his servants with him And all Israel and they destroyed The children of Ammon and besieged Rabah, but David tarried still at Jerusalem So basically it's telling you that this is when Kings go and David didn't And It says and it came to pass in the evening tide That David arose from off his bed and walked upon the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself and the woman was very beautiful to look upon and He calls he sends messengers to see who this person is they even tell him It's Bathsheba the wife of Uriah, and he says go fetch her for me So it's not like he was ignorant he knew that she was married to one of his mighty men Uriah is one of his mighty men that will read about, you know, when we see the list of his mighty men and so He ends up just still even though he has how many wives and concubines. I want you to think about it It's not like David is single and it's just like well, you know, and you find somebody No, he's got tons of women. He's the king of Israel and He commits commits that wicked act she ends up being with child from that Chapter 12 Nathan the prophets gonna rebuke him and Nathan the prophet gives this whole story About this man that has this one little you lamb and basically it's like his pet So he has a lamb. It's his pet. He treats it as his own daughter And you all know those people that do that that have like dogs that are like their kids like fur babies they call them, right So anyway Let's not start for another day but basically this one year little you lamb and Nathan tells David this story about how this guy that has a whole bunch of lamb you know has his sheep and hurt, you know flock all this stuff and Someone comes to him and he wants to basically make a meal for him. So he instead of using his own sheep. He steals This other man's lone Lamb that's his pet Takes it kills it and feeds it to the people that the person that comes to him and David's furious He's just like this guy needs to die He needs to pay back like five-fold, you know Like he's just going like on and on and on about like how this guy needs to be punished for doing such a wicked thing and we're talking about a lamb by the way and Nathan States to him thou art the man That's where you get that thou art the man because you took Bathsheba Uriah's one wife You took her and then you killed Uriah with a sword of Ammon. You killed him When David has how many wives I've lost count. I don't have it in front of me right now, but it's in the double digits Okay, as far as his wife, you know when you think about his wives and concubines, I mean Tons of wives, I guess not tons That'd be like 2,000, you know over thousands. He doesn't have that. He's not Solomon yet. Okay Solomon is the one that has like a thousand. Okay, but He has a lot of wives a lot of concubines and then he takes this one guy's Lone wife, you know that he has and obviously is very wicked now Bathsheba is Pregnant with this child and what happens in chapter 12 is that the child That God strikes this child with a sickness and the child ends up dying And there's a whole story there associated with that how David is fasting and all the praying for the child the child lives when the child dies he gets up and obviously Once it once the person once that child dies, it's not much more you can't do anything else so I mean at that point he eats and all that stuff and then This also shows you that Bathsheba ends up bearing David other children and We get into Solomon who's going to be born knows him in verse 24 there chapter 12 verse 24 and David comforted Bathsheba his wife Then went in unto her and lay with her and she bare a son and he called his name Solomon and the Lord loved him And he sent by the hand And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet and he called his name Jedediah because of the Lord And Nathan's also born to Bathsheba all Nathan David's son not Nathan the prophet But You know there is kind of you know things are reconciled all that The thing that I kind of noticed with this as far as when you get through the story as far as that Horrific act of you know basic committing adultery it You know basically having the husband killed and all that stuff which is obviously horrific But the fact of the matter is is that He stays married to Bathsheba, and this is a case where if you were to you know let's say Commit adultery get married to somebody and all of that is that you just stay married to that person right? Because the question would be when it comes to you know divorce and remarriage and all that stuff There's a lot of questions there as far as you know is that ever allowed Or is it always adultery whatever in the end if you've been remarried You just stay married to who you're married to and you just move on with life at that point And that's kind of the case here with David and the fact that he moves on Now don't get married to like multiple wives like David obviously, but And Chapter so chapter 12 That's gonna be there's definitely a lot of other interesting stuff in there We'll get to that as we're going through the book of 2nd Samuel as far as just Different doctrines that you can pull out of that and understand from that story, okay chapter 13 Horrific story, but this is a story Where what you have to understand because David has many wives There's a lot of siblings that are like half siblings, right? So basically all the siblings have one thing in common. They have the same father, okay? But a lot of them don't have the same mother Okay, so There's some that do have the same mother right? I mean obviously Nathan and Solomon have the same mother But there's a lot that don't have the same mother so Absalom and Amnon They don't have the same mother Tamar and Absalom do okay So when you're reading this story, which I understand is that the reason Absalom so upset about this is that that's his full sister That's just like like there's no half sister there. That's That's his full Sister okay Amnon and Tamar they're half brother half sister. Okay, meaning they have the same father, but they have different mothers, okay? But in this Amnon ends up raping his sister so horrific story and Ultimately It just shows you that he says that he loved her that he loved his sister and all this stuff But as soon as he commits this act he hates her and sends her forth all of this stuff, okay, and Then Absalom obviously hates Amnon now and This whole story is really where you get in downfall like you're you're just keep going down further and further, right? So you have the story of Bathsheba and the fact that the child dies So that's it's going downhill right? He loses the child and Then Go to this story and one of his sons ends up raping one of his his daughters and an Absalom ends up killing Amnon Now I'll say this Amnon should have died You know what the Bible says about rape is that they should be put to death Okay, you force a man forces another woman Then they are to be put to death So that's what should have happened to Amnon Absalom obviously kind of does this whole she like they're gonna go to these sheeps here You know, there's this whole story about basically how like hey, I need I need all of my brothers to come with me and So basically in the story Absalom's kind of playing it cool Yeah, he basically doesn't say anything good or bad about the whole situation He just kind of stays neutral because he doesn't want to look like hey, I'm going to kill him. Okay? Because he wants to make it look like he's kind of indifferent doesn't really care So that he can strike when he needs to okay, so in his mind, he's like I'm gonna kill him, right? It's like there's no I don't think in Absalom's mind. There's any other option besides I'm going to kill this guy, okay? So there's this whole story basically all the brothers come Amnon's in the midst and then Absalom has his men Basically, hey, you know be valiant kill him, you know, I've told you to do this all that so Amnon dies And Absalom basically has to go into exile he does, you know all of that in chapter 13 and At first they think all of his brothers were killed like Absalom killed everybody. Okay, that's where you kind of get this rumor mill Kind of thing going on where You really need to hear it from the source. And so sometimes there's things that get blown out of proportion So once they realize no, it's just Amnon All the rapists, okay, that's fine But in the end, obviously there's turmoil between David and that and Absalom because of what happens here So Absalom is fleeing And the geisha and all that which goes into the fact of where his mother's from, okay Because actually Absalom's mother side has a royal line where he's from. Okay, but In chapter 14, Absalom's gonna return to Jerusalem and This is a whole story where Joab, Joab's kind of like Absalom's kind of, you know help, you know Joab's kind of like the in-between between David and Absalom and this is a story where Absalom just keep burning down Joab's feelings So it's just kind of funny. It's like Joab won't like talk to Absalom And so basically Joab's just like, the only way I can get a hold of you is just burning your field down And then Joab's like, why are you burning my field down? It's like I need you to go talk to David, you know It's like good night So basically Joab's kind of interceding for Absalom. Absalom comes back into Jerusalem, but he doesn't see David face-to-face You know Absalom burns down Joab's field Get an appointment to go see David and basically at the end of chapter 14 You know Absalom and David they reconcile, you know, they embrace all of that. And at that point you think okay Everything's okay. We're fine until chapter 15 and basically Absalom steals the hearts of Israel and This is a case where It's a fault on David's side, okay This is a fault for any leader in the fact that if you're not Boots on the ground with the people you're gonna end up losing You're gonna lose the hearts of the people you're trying to lead, okay And I don't want to you know, preach the sermon that I'll probably be preaching when I get to this chapter but really it comes down to the fact that David went in and out among people. That's why everybody loved David And he behaved himself wisely They loved David all that stuff This chapter it says that Absalom stole the hearts of the people because he went in and out among them and what Absalom did is that basically people would come to get judgment from the king and if they were waiting Psalm was like well would the God I were made a judge I would deal with all your matters and basically he goes in and basically is a servant to the people and Judging their matters dealing with their situations and he ends up winning them over to the point where the people of Israel won Absalom over David And this is a this is a key factor to being a leader is that you need to be In with the people, you know not be this this this mystic high off in a tower type of person But you know, you're actually in the work you're doing you're there with the people all of that stuff. And so This is a case with that Absalom ends up conspiring against David in chapter 15 David is going to flee from Jerusalem, okay So down here still slow, right? I mean, we're still going down now We got to the point where David's not even king over Israel anymore Right. He's fleeing his kingdom and Absalom is reigning in Jerusalem Chapter 16 we have the story of Shimei And you're like who's Shimei Shimei is this man that basically just cursing David kicking up dust and throwing rocks at him as he's leaving. Okay, and You know basically David just takes it on the chin Abishai is like why is this dead dog cursing my lord, you know, let me go take his head off And Dave's like no let him curse and All that basically he's taking it in which shows you the heart of David That he realized hey, I deserve this. I deserve all this punishment. I mean everything from the child dying to To with Amnon and Tamar and with Absalom taking over the kingdom all this stuff is just going down the line So when when David kind of pronounced the judgment against the guy with the Ulam he's really getting that fourfold fivefold type of judgment, but in a different manner and It just keeps going downhill and all that now Chapter 17 Chapter 17 is a chapter where you're dealing with. Okay, David's fled or he's fleeing Absalom is basically trying to figure out how to take out David and all of his men and all that and you have the story where Hushai is David's friend and Hushai says hey, I'm gonna go and basically He's basically gonna pretend like he's on Absalom's side. Okay, and Hushai is Going to basically give counsel that's gonna be for David's, you know for David's sake okay, so you have Ahithophel who is basically a counselor for Absalom and Hushai is obviously David's counselor, but he's basically kind of pretending to be Absalom's friend and Ahithophel actually gives good advice. He's like we need to strike now It's kind of like, you know, he's he's on the run like all this stuff. We need to just take him out now And Hushai is like no, do you know who you're dealing with? Right now this is the this is the paraphrased message version. Okay, you know who you're dealing with man? The idea is that He basically says he his men are chafed They're like basically being like kind of like a lion being bereaved of his whelps, you know Like the idea there is that they're ready to kill people Right you imagine like it's like you don't want to this is not when you want to mess with them, right? Basically think about it David is known for hiding in caves and guerrilla warfare Okay, that's what he had to deal with when he was with Saul He's like you don't want to meet David on those terms, right? Imagine like he's a street fighter You don't want to meet him out there. That's where Hushai is kind of hitting him with this So it all makes it's a logical sense, right? You're kind of like yeah, David he's known for that I mean, it's we had deal with He's like you want to bring him out into an open field battle, right where you can beat him with numbers, right? It's kind of like the idea like just bring him out in the open then they lose that advantage That they have where they're at. Okay And it was of the Lord because it talks about how The good advice of a hit the film that Hushai destroyed it That if they would have followed a hit the fellas advice they could have won the battle But Hushai obviously convinces them to go the other route and a hit the fella goes and hangs himself Cuz apparently it's like they didn't take my advice. I'm gonna go kill myself You know Guessing his felt knew that they would lose Like he must have known like that's bad like you're going to lose and then I'm gonna be killed I don't know what's going through his mind, but basically he's like I'm gonna go kill myself now, so Or maybe he's just that dependent on people liking him Like don't be that person. You're like you didn't take my advice. I'm gonna kill myself now. It's like good night, man Little rough Anyway, we'll get to that story definitely interesting story there with that chapter 18 Absalom's killed and this is the story where basically he's riding on a mule and His head gets caught in an oak tree So We'll be getting to that story and there's definitely a lot of parallels believe it or not with Jesus with Absalom kind of like an anti type of picture there, but Assim was known for having really heavy hair So I've always read this as you know, his hair was caught in in the oak In the branch of oak, but it says his head But it could very well be that his hair got caught in there And it's obviously his hair is attached to his head and all that stuff but basically he got caught up in there and couldn't get down and The story goes basically they go and tell Joab and Joab is like, why didn't you kill him? Well, David charged them specifically do not kill Absalom, you know and Joab comes and like thrusts them through With darts and kills him. Okay. So anyway Absalom dies David's distraught the next chapter actually Joab has to rebuke David for basically Coming they come into Jerusalem mourning like that because obviously David lost his son But to the point where they kind of came in like they were ashamed when they actually won the battle. Okay So Joab kind of rebukes David like if you don't go and basically Boost the morale of everybody there's not gonna be a kingdom left for you. Okay chapter 20 chapter 19 verse 22 David pardons All his adversaries. Okay, meaning like The the sons of Jeruiah obviously Abishai and Joab they want to basically put that Shimei and all these different people That were against David when he was leaving and David said what have I to do with you? Ye sons of Jeruiah that ye should should this day be adversaries unto me shall there any man be put to death this day in Israel for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel and basically They don't get put to death, you know his adversaries. He's pardoning them now Shimei specifically he tells Solomon to take care of him later and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada he cleans house when when Solomon reigns But chapter 20 speaking of people that are against David Sheba the son of Bikrai is called a man of Belial. So look at verse 1 there chapter 20 verse 1 So David's back. He's reigning He pardons basically Shimei and all these different people this obviously where Befibesheth comes to him and all these things are going on there And things are being restored but basically there's a certain man Sheba it says and there happened to be there a man of Belial whose name was Sheba the son of Bikrai Benjamin and he blew a trumpet and said we have no part in David neither Have we inheritance in the son of Jesse every man to his tents, so We had this kind of dissenter and he's a he's a man of Belial so obviously he's a child of the devil and Children of the devil have problem with authority That's something that you see throughout the Bible and this is a story where Joab goes after this guy they come up to a city and they're besieging the city and and this woman that's kind of like Comes out and states. What are you doing? Like you're gonna kill like a city of Israel and all this stuff and They said we're just here for Sheba the son of Bikrai And basically it's kind of like she went to the men of the city and they took off his head and threw him out the gate threw his head out the door, so That's kind of how that story ends with Sheba's and it doesn't end well for him. Okay chapter 21 David this is an interesting story because it's kind of like you don't really have information so you get through this story about Things that were going on in Saul's day Saul apparently Did some killed some Gibeonites so Gibeon if you remember is that the people that Deceived Joshua and the men of Israel to say they were far off when they weren't all that stuff But basically there was a league made with them that they would dwell with them and that all this stuff, right? And there's a famine in the land and it was due to what Saul did So it's very interesting story in the fact that David's reigning, but he's dealing with Kind of post trauma that's causing Israel to be punished and he has to deal with it So it's very interesting to think about and you kind of think about the sins of your father and how you have to deal With things that you didn't do but you're kind of seeing the repercussions or the consequences of it But we see in chapter 21 that apparently It says in verse 1 there says and there was a famine in the days of David Three years year after year and David inquired the Lord and the Lord answered It is for Saul and for his bloody house because he slew the Gibeonites And so you're dealing with something that Saul and his house did and David has to deal with it Okay, and so that's an interesting story. We're beginning that eventually as well chapter 22 is Psalm 18 Essentially, so this is a case where you have a chapter in the historic There's no question of when Psalm 18 is taking place. Okay, or that it's a song of David, you know So when you look through the Psalms, sometimes you'll see those headers You can't really I don't really trust those to be they're not I don't believe that's like inspired Okay, when it gives you the heading as far as those songs were concerned but I'll say this one take this one to the bank that this is the song a Psalm of David because it's in 2nd Samuel. So really you're gonna see Kind of the same thing. Sometimes you'll see some synonyms in there. So it's It's good. Not only to know the reference as far as where this is coming from when you're reading Psalm 18, but also Sometimes there are things that are that are worded a little differently to maybe help you understand What's being stated? Okay, so chapter 23? We see the last words of David. So that's very interesting to think about like What was the last words of David wrote or or that we have written? and And then we see his mighty men. Okay, so chapter 23 There's a whole list of David's mighty men From his top three mighty men to the three that was right underneath that to all thirty some I think 37 or whatever and whole And it includes people that have died since then right? So when you'll see this list, you'll see Uriah You'll see it. You'll see Asahel. So it's basically listing everybody Even though they're not with living at the time that that is obviously being written or even in timeline of David still raining You know, we'll see that okay And then chapter 24 the last chapter there or last yeah last chapter We have a story where David is tempted to take a census of the people and what it says here in verse 1 and we'll obviously compare this with first chronicles when we get to When we get into that that chapter But it says and again the anger the Lord was kindled against Israel and he moved David against them to say go Number Israel and Judah, so it's not really that God is angry with David But more so he's angry with the children of Israel and wants to punish them. Okay? And what he moves David to do that it's not inherently wrong to number the people but what you have to understand Is that in the law when you number the people in? Exodus 30 for example, it says in verse 12 when they'll take us the sum of the children of Israel after their number then Shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto the Lord when thou numbers them That there be no plague among them when thou numbers them and what you see in this chapter is a plague happens And what you have to understand is that it's not inherently wrong to number the people but you are opening yourself up To a potential judgment that makes sense. It's kind of like if they don't give I believe it's a shekel. I Don't have it in front of me But I think it's a shekel for per person and it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor you got to give the same amount, okay so What I believe happened is it's just clear that that what that when they did the census Census a tax wasn't taken, okay And I want to state this too and this is another sermon for another day in the New Testament. It talks about how they went about There's a tax a tax that was given it under King Augustus that the whole world may be taxed A lot of these versions will say census But what you have to understand is with the census there's this tax that's attached to that Okay, so I'm not against the fact that they were taking a census but there was a tax that was involved the King James Bible's right in saying tax I Mean just comparing it to when they were the number of the people they were all to be taxed They were all to basically pay a certain amount and all of that. Okay, so And obviously people die Because of that plague and it really ends with that Because with David's reign his reign it does go into first Kings but really at that point David is really old and It's really the story about how the kingdoms getting putting being put into Solomon's hand. Okay So when you get in the first Kings, it's really going into Solomon's reign David's still alive But he's kind of you know at his last Last doing his last hurrah there and Solomon's gonna kind of be a co-regent King there with them until David dies and so second Samuel's really the reign of David The reign of David, but did you see is it going right up here halfway through the book? Rollercoaster down right and then it kind of it doesn't go all the way to Brock bottom and then it starts going back up okay, and David is obviously going back up there and then you have this point where he messes up again with the numbering the people and And then when Solomon takes rain, it really just goes skyrockets really to the end of Solomon's reign when You know all his many wives turn his heart and there's the downfall there So let's end with a word of prayer to Heavenly Father. We thank you for today. Thank you for your word Thank you for the book of second Samuel and pray to help me to preach through it as we go through chapter by chapter Through Wednesday and help us to learn from these stories and learn from these lessons And what we love you in prayerless in Jesus Christ name amen, but they will come sing one more song and then we will be dismissed All right, take your song books and turn to song 230 Song 230 in your song books will sing heavenly sunlight And if you would stand We'll sing song 230 walking in sunlight all of my journey over the mountains through the deveil Jesus has said I'll never forsake thee promise divine that never can fail Heavenly Sunlight Heavenly Sunlight flooding my soul with glory divine Hallelujah, I am rejoicing Singing his praises Jesus is mine shadows around me shadows above me Never conceal my Savior and God He is the light in him. There's no darkness Ever I'm walking Close to his side heavenly sunlight