(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church Take your song books and turn to song number 22 You Song number 22 in your song books will sing are you washed in the blood? And if you would stand We'll sing song number 22 Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you fully trusting in his grace this how are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed? in the blood in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb Are your garments spotless are they white as snow are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you walking daily by the Savior's side are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Do you rest each moment in the crucified are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you? washed in the blood in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb Are your garments spotless are they white as snow are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? When the bridegroom cometh will your robe be white are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Be ready for the mansions bright and be washed in the blood of the Lamb Are you? washed in the blood in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb Men spotless are they white as snow are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin and be washed in the blood of the Lamb There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean. Oh be washed in the blood of the Lamb Are you? washed in the blood in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb Are your garments spotless are they white as snow are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again, we just want to thank you God for just another night Lord another opportunity to hear your word preach God Thank you for the sermon this morning and also Lord for the soul winning and all the souls that were Saved today and throughout last week Lord and Lord just thank you for your powerful word that you've given us Lord that can transform and convert souls to you I pray Lord that you would just be over there pastor of film with your power and spirit for it's in Jesus name we ask All right, you may be seated Or you may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist songbooks Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual songbooks and turn to page number two Page number two in your Mountain Baptist songbooks will sing Psalm 15 on page number two Lord who shall abide in thy Tabernacle Who shall dwell in thy holy? Hail Lord who shall abide in thy? Tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy Hail he that walketh up rightly and worketh righteousness And speaketh the truth in his heart He that walketh up rightly and worketh righteousness And speaketh the truth in his heart He that back biteth not with his tongue nor do with evil to his neighbor nor take up reproach against his neighbor he that back biteth not with his tongue and whose eyes Person is Contemplate That fear the Lord and whose eyes Of Person is Contemplate That fear the Lord he that swearth to his own hurt and changeeth not He that putteth not His money to usury he that swearth to his own hurt and change It's not he that putteth not his money to usury nor taketh reward against the innocent he that do with these things shall never Be moved nor taketh reward against the Innocent he that do with these things shall never be moved Lord who shall abide in the Tabernacle who shall dwell in the holy hell Amen so welcome back to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday afternoon and Just some announcements here first. I want to give the soul warning numbers for the week Do we have any? salvation's during the week One on Tuesday any others during the week and then Today I know our group we had one one two three Any others Three four for the week numbers are down. We had a hundred last week, so Now praise the Lord for the soul saved Keep up the good work with the soul winning And As far as announcements go everything's pretty much the same as the morning Service times this week Wednesday night. Lord willing will be continuing our study through the book of 2nd Samuel and then The regional sewing times during the week on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday, so just be on the church group there for that We do have the the women's prayer meeting on the 23rd. We have the men's prayer meeting on the 28th And then Saturday of the 22nd sewing marathon in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania so But Charles is leading that one up so get with him or get on church group there for that Are you guys gonna run up the steps like rocky whoever's going there so You know I would I would definitely do that just say no So anyway And then as far as our back of the bulletin we have our chapter memory for the month Psalm 32 Ephesians 4 30 is a memory verse for the week and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed into the day of redemption We got the birthdays got the anniversary And then on the pregnancy list there be in prayer for crystal McCloy due in August And so be in prayer there And and those that may be pregnant and those that are wanting to get pregnant all of that be in prayer for that so That being said I think that's about all I have we're gonna be continuing our series tonight overviews of the book of the books of the Bible, so we're in 2nd Kings So we're gonna be going through that tonight. I think brother David. Are you reading tonight? So 2nd Kings chapter 1 after we do one more song You All right take your song books and turn to song 325 Song 325 in your song books will sing trust and obey On page 325 when we walk the Lord In the light of his word What a glory he sheds on our way while we do his Goodwill, he abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey Not a shadow can rise not a cloud in the skies But a smile quickly drives it away Not a doubt or a fear not a sigh nor a tear Can abide while we trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey Not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share But our toll he doth richly repay Not a grief nor a loss not a frown nor a cross But is best if we trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey But we never can prove the delights of his love until all on the altar we lay For the favor he shows and the joy he bestows Are for them who will trust and obey Trust and obey No other way to be happy Jesus But to trust and obey Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at his feet Or we'll walk by his side in the way What he says we will do Where he sends we will go never fear only trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey All right, take your Bibles and turn to the book of Second Kings That right brother second Kings chapter one and why brother Dave read that for us Checking second Kings one if you found your place. Amen And the Bible reads then moab rebelled against Israel after the death of Ahab and as I have fell down through a lattice In his upper in his upper chamber that was in Samaria and was sick He sent messengers and said to them go and cry of Baal Zebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this disease But the angel of the Lord said to Eliza the Tishbite arise Go up to meet the messengers of the king to Samaria and saying to them Is it not because there is not a God in Israel that you go to and cry of Baal Zebub the god of? Ekron now therefore thus saith the Lord thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thy rock gone up But shall surely die and Eliza the pardon and when the messengers turned back unto him he said unto them Why are you now turned back and they said unto him that came a man enough to meet us and said unto us go Turn again to the king that sent you and saying to him Thus saith the Lord is it not because there is not a God in Israel that they send us to inquire of Baal Zebub the god of Ekron Therefore thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thy rock gone up But shall surely die and he said unto them what manner of man was he that came up to meet you and told you These words and they answered him He was a hairy man and goat with the girdle of leather about his loins And he said it is Elijah the Tisbite Then the king sent unto him the captain of 50 with his 50 and he went up to him and behold He sat on the top of an hill and he spake unto him thou man of God The king had said come down and Eliza answered and said to said to the captain of 50 If I be a man of God then let fire come down from heaven and consume thee in thy 50 And there came down fire from heaven and consumed him in his 50 again Also, he sent unto him and another captain of 50 with his 50 and he answered and sent unto him O man of God thus that the king said come down quickly and Eliza answered and sent unto them If I be a man of God let fire come down from heaven and consume thee and thy 50 And the fire of God came down from heaven and consumed him in his 50 And he sent again a captain of the third 50 with his 50 and the third captain of 50 went up and came And fell on his knees before Eliza and besought him and sent to him O man of God I pray thee let my life and the life of these 50 thy servants be precious in thy sight Behold thou came down fire from heaven and burnt up the two captains of the former 50s with their 50s Therefore let my life now be precious in thy sight and the angel of the Lord sent to the light go down with him Be not afraid of him and he arose and went down with him unto the king and he sent to him thus saith the Lord Forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers to inquire of Baal Ziba the god of Ekron Is it not because there was no God in Israel to inquire of his word? Therefore thou shalt not come down off that bed, unless thou art gone off, but shalt surely die So he died according to the word of the Lord Which Eliza had spoken and Jehoram reigned in his stead in the second year of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat King of Judah because he had no son Now the rest of the acts of Ahaziah which he did are they not written in the books the chronicles of the kings of Israel Let's pray dear Lord I thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house pray that you fill pass with the spirit Help us all to be edified Jesus name and pray. Amen Amen So you're there in 2nd Kings and last week we did 1st Kings and so obviously this is just a continuation of the book of 1st Kings We if you remember the first half of 1st Kings was really dealing with Solomon's reign. So You have 1st and 2nd Samuel that are dealing with Saul's reign and 1st Samuel David's reign and 2nd Samuel Half of 1st Kings is Solomon and then it goes on to Rehoboam, Jeroboam and that split Kingdom where Jeroboam's in the northern kingdom of Israel with the ten tribes and then you have Judah on the southern kingdom where Rehoboam's taking over and really From then on you're really just seeing like this kind of like you have the king of Israel the king of Judah the king Of Israel the king of Judah and you really just see kind of this progression going down the line Really this book is Gonna you're gonna see The northern kingdom is gonna be completely taken out by the Assyrians and basically it's gonna cease to exist and then really the only then what's left of Israel is that southern kingdom and this book ends with that southern kingdom of Judah going into Babylonian captivity. So that's where this this all ends and so Just to kind of give you you know, what what this book is going to entail That's kind of the endgame of what's going on in this book and then You have first and second chronicles Which is really if you're thinking about like you read if you read the book of Luke and then you go into John It's like well You're gonna start over and you're gonna be seeing the story again from a different point of view if you will first and second chronicles is really going to show you basically everything from 1st Samuel to 2nd Kings and it's just reiterating that it's not until you get to Ezra and Nehemiah That you're continuing on with the history as far as what happened after They go get taken into Babylon and all of that. So that being said That's kind of the Getting an idea of an overview of what the the book of 2nd Kings is dealing with but if you remember in the end of 1st Kings, we had Jehoshaphat is the king of Judah and we had Ahab Ahab dies and Aaziah his son is reigning in his stead In this book we see or in this first chapter here It's funny because I just preached a whole sermon about This the unforgivable sin if you will or the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost Where they're talking about that they're saying that Jesus is casting out devils by Beelzebub and in this chapter What do we see but then talking about Baal's above right which you can kind of see obviously This is the same thing that you're dealing with a false god and Baal Is used a lot of just a kind of a generic term for The false gods and and all that when it comes to that but you see that term Baal's above so you can see Where they'd get Beelzebub As far as in the New Testament as far as why they're using that terminology And really every God that's out there besides the true God is a devil You know all the idols it says that they all those that worship idols are worshiping devils the Bible says so There is a spiritual background. I mean meaning obviously that the idol itself is just an inanimate object, right? It's just made out of wood and stone or or it's plated with gold and all that but ultimately there's a spirit There's a spiritual realm behind it in the fact that there's devils that are involved within all of idolatry Okay, so but in a and in chapter 1 here in verse 1 it says then Moab rebelled against Israel after the death of Ahab and As I fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria, so I always just think this is funny I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't laugh at people's like misfortune, but I'm just like I'm just I'm picturing him just somehow falling through this like when I think of a lattice I think of that material that they put around like the bottom of a porch, you know and all that but obviously, there's probably some kind of decorative type of material and somehow he fell through that and Anyway, he gets sick and it says he sent messengers and said unto them go inquire Baal Zebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover this disease, so basically these messengers are going to go inquire that and Elijah is basically rebuking them, you know or basically the angel of the Lord is telling Elijah about this and Telling them to basically rebuke them because it says but the angel of the Lord said to Elijah and Tishbai to rise go up to meet The messenger of the king of Samaria and say unto them Is it not because there is no God in Israel that you go to inquire Baal Zebub the god of Ekron Now therefore thus saith the Lord thou shalt not come down from from that bed on which thou art gone up But shalt surely die and Elijah departed So basically he comes in with some bad news and leaves right? But the idea here is that who knows if Ahaziah would have recovered if he would have actually just inquired of the Lord and not gone gone over to these false gods and And this is this is something that as Christians we can get caught up in superstitions And different types of things like that where it's like all these different things There's there's all kinds of superstitious things that that Christians get involved in. Okay, you know like You know basically praying for you know, like being friends with Israel or something like that, you know Superstitious garbage and the fact that well, you know just in case you know Like we don't want to get cursed or something like that Actually your curse for loving them that hate the Lord and being for an unrighteous nation is really what the case is But the idea here is that we do need to be careful of superstition different things like that Go to the Lord, you know This is if there's any type of serious matter go to the Lord go to him directly and there's no need for any types of Like, you know, I just think of like things that are for good luck You know, like there's things that people do or eat or whatever and it's like wow, this is for luck. It's like What is that? You know, is that some kind of magical power that's out there, you know, that's gonna help in this situation and You know, even though like idolatry Maybe where we're at isn't a big thing But listen, the Catholic Church is full of that Listen there was like certain Saints you're supposed to pray to when you're in the Catholic Church. I Don't know why I always remember if St. Francis has to do with animals, but that's the only one I really remember So like if your dog was sick you pray to St. Francis that your dog gets better or something like that There's probably some Catholic losing their mind right now. Like just like full mind loss We don't do that. Maybe you know what it's probably like we do that. What's wrong with that? But There's all kind of candles you got to light a candle and pray through this image like of Mary holding Suppose supposedly Mary holding a baby Jesus, you know, which is actually the queen of heaven Which goes all the way back to Jeremiah and dealing with Babylonian type of? idolatry so I Say that that that idolatry isn't really amongst us like the Hindus, but it really is if you think about a lot of Christianity and I use that in quotations in fact that they use idolatry and all that stuff and and ultimately I Believe that the devil's are behind all of those type of idolatrous worship and veneration that's going on there it's just basically shifting it from like Greek or Roman mythology and multiple gods and just giving it characters of the Bible, you know or whatever so this chapter also deals with Where Elijah calls fire down from heaven. Okay Now this isn't this is something that is is alluded to in the New Testament because if you remember when Jesus his face was as it were to go to Jerusalem people were rejecting him because basically It's kind of like his mind was in another place, you know Like he wasn't like kind of fixed on them right there. And if you remember I Think it was James and John I don't have the passage in front of me right now but basically they said shall we call down fire from heaven and destroy them right and Jesus rebukes them and says, you know not what spirits you're of and what they're they're talking about is Elijah calling down fire here and It's obviously a different situation And this is where it gets into that Jesus didn't come to destroy but to save and he's not coming to send fire on The earth he's obviously come to send peace Now there will be a time where Jesus is going to come to destroy, you know When he comes again, he's coming to the you know, it's gonna be with flaming fire Taking vengeance, right? I mean that's that's what's gonna happen the second time he comes but the first time he came It's he's coming as a lamb. He's coming meek and lowly He's coming to die for our sins and he's not coming to destroy anybody or to rule over anybody at the time He came as a servant and that's what's going on there So I think really what they're they're thinking is like in times like what are we doing? Compared to what the situation was when Jesus came the first time. Okay, so this it is very Relevant that story dealing with New Testament, okay Chapter two is where Elijah is going to be taken up in a whirlwind And go to verse one there of chapter two It says and it came to pass when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind that Elijah went up went with Elisha from Gilgal now if you remember Elijah Finds Elisha and first Kings and So Elisha is basically like his right-hand man in this story and This whole story here is it's definitely an interesting story obviously because Elijah is literally caught up in the heaven bodily You know, he's take now obviously I believe he is translated He obviously his body wouldn't flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven and he's not like physically his physical body's in heaven right now but But that being said is that this whole story is basically Elisha Elijah's constantly like hey stay here and Elisha's like no I'm sticking with you and this whole story of like basically Elisha sticking by Elijah and Even when Elijah saying hey stay here. You can stay here and basically it comes down to it that if you're with me You know when I'm taking up And it seems like everybody knew this, you know when you're reading the story It's kind of like everybody knew this was gonna happen. It wasn't like this big surprise. They're just waiting for it to happen That's always interesting to me Like it's like to the people around that was kind of like this well-known thing Like he's gonna be taken up. I want to be around you when you're taking up and it's not like No one knew about it Elijah No But all of a sudden like Elijah's taking up until a whirlwind like the chapter even starts off when he's about to be taken up In a whirlwind it's like okay. Well, we already know there's gonna be taken up in a whirlwind before we even see it but Elisha stays with him and basically Elijah says you will Get what you asked for and what did he ask for specifically that he get a double portion of Elijah spirit? Okay, and in the end If you're with me When I'm taking up then you'll get your request and I know many sermons have been preached out of this You know you asked a hard thing like all these different things that that are in this passage but in verse 11 there it says and it came to pass as they went they still went on and talked that behold there appeared a chariot of fire and Horses of fire and part of them both asunder and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven That's all in one verse. But I mean think about that sight you see These fiery chariots and horses that are coming down and Taking Elijah up into heaven and the story goes basically the the sons of the people that are around them want to go look for his body and They basically Elisha is like no Denying him to go look for him and then basically they just keep pestering him where He's just like all right go look for it and they don't find it But when you get into the two witnesses in Revelation It's interesting that they all wanted to find his body Couldn't find it and then Moses his body was the same way The Lord buried Moses and it says that the devil was contending with Michael the archangel about Moses's body And it says that they did not know where his body was unto that day meaning like in Deuteronomy when it's writing it so Just interesting kind of that correlation there in chapter 2 is I say a famous story, but I think it's a famous story among Baptists You know I don't feel like most Christians know about the story, but the she bears As I feel like all the guys know about she bear story, but in this look down at verse 23 Like I said kids if you're looking for some interesting Reading material okay, if you're just like hey, I want I want there to be some some crazy stuff. I'm reading Listen the Bible is full of crazy events that have happened, and we're obviously we went through judges, but Listen to this story right here. This is Elisha and it says in verse 23 and he went up from fence unto Bethel and as he was going up by the way There came forth little children out of the city and mocked him and said unto him go up thou bald head go up thou bald head Now if that's not funny to begin with when you're kind of seeing that obviously this isn't funny to do But you just think about like modern Modern vernacular, and how people would make fun of people and all this stuff, but basically they're making fun of Elisha We also learned that Elisha is bald Right I don't know about you. Does anybody think about Bible characters, and then like Balding or anything like that. I'm always just thinking like I don't know what I'm thinking honestly when it comes to it But I'm not thinking that but when I see that I'm like oh, okay now I now when I think of Elisha, I think about like what he looks like a little bit there That being said it says in verse 24 And he turned back and looked on them and cursed them in the name of the Lord and there came for two She bears out of the wood and tear forty and two children of them So be careful how you talk about the prophets. You know when it comes to The repercussions there now she bears. I mean throughout the Bible You'll see like basically a bear robbed of her whelps and stuff like that and we all know that right You don't mess with mom and bear right? It meaning this is that a lot of times if you see a bear out in the woods or something like that It's probably not that big a deal. They're probably more afraid of you than them. They're the other way around right, but But if they have their cubs Very dangerous, right? And so I think it's probably important that it was she bears because there's probably that kind of realm of like ferocity. That's there so Chapter three And there's 25 chapters to this book. So I'm I'm gonna have to I can't just park it there I could pre told sermon about the she bears right but Just know what's in there, right? I mean chapter one you have Elijah calling down fire and killing 50 people at a time You have chapter two where Elijah is caught up in a fiery chariot in into heaven And then after that Elisha's cursing children and getting she bears to come after them That's chapter two right, I mean I You know if that if that isn't interesting for you, there's nothing out there that you're gonna be reading that's interesting to you I don't know what to tell you right? I mean It's just getting Your expectations are too high. Okay chapter three We see that Israel is Going against Moab and Jer Joharam is king of Israel and Jehoshaphat is king of Judah. So Aziah dies, right? Aziah falls through the lattice Jehoram is gonna rain instead and here's where it gets confusing when you're reading through the book the Kings Okay, specifically second Kings is you're gonna have cases where there's literally a king in Israel and a king of Judah that had the same name Jehoram is one of those right? It's like Jehoram, but always when it does this It'll be like Jehoram and then it'll say Joram For the other king, but then in another book, it'll use the opposite for the king of Israel and then for the king of Judah It's the same name They just are trying to they're obviously when you're reading it trying to basically make a difference there to where you Realize that one's Israel one's Judah and obviously the Bible is very specific So, you know which king you're talking about, but you'll see that with Joash Like there's there's a Joash of Israel and Joash and it's not just like they're far removed by like a hundred years No, they're literally raining at the same time. You're like really? So that's where it's gonna get confusing So when you're reading through this book, you got to be careful that you're looking at the right King when stuff's being said and And know where you're at a little bit. So But in verse 1 there it says now Jehoram the son of Ahab began to reign over Israel and Samaria 18th year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah and reign 12 years and he wrought evil in the side of the Lord But not like his father And like his his mother for he put away the image of Baal That his father had said had made so Ahab's father Ahab's his father and Jezebel's his mother, right? Nevertheless he clave unto the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat which made Israel the sin he departed not there There from and that's what you'll see throughout Second Kings it's just the sin of Jeroboam the son of Nebat That's just over and over again. They just will not get away from that and I want you to think about that We're talking hundreds of years What Jeroboam does with those two calves that he makes Affects Hundreds of years when it comes to that that whole kingdom and So what you do may not just affect you and it may not just affect your generation it could affect Generations it can affect for hundreds of years what you've done. Okay, so Just something to think about there when it comes to You know when you think about our sins and thinking about like obviously the fourth and you know Visiting the transgressions of our of the fathers unto the third and fourth generation and just how that stuff Just it's hard. It's hard to kill I guess is what I would say with that chapter 4 we have a lot of stuff with Elisha, so We see that in chapter 2 obviously Elijah's taken up in a whirlwind and Elisha is basically takes the mantle Takes the mantle of Elijah and he smites it on the waters of Jordan and he says where's where's the God of Elijah, right and When he does that it parts which is actually another place where he crosses over Jordan on dry land So there's three times that they cross a river or a sea or whatever on dry land And you have the one case obviously the Red Sea, but then you have Jordan where? Joshua goes over Jordan on dry land when they go to get the land, right and then you have this case with Elisha Where he's taking the mantle of Elijah and he's smiting and a mantle is just a lot of time something that's worn right here So you I don't know if you would consider this a mantle But it's kind of like something like that like a garment and a lot of time They're talking about renting their mantle and it's talking about basically like whatever the garment is right here and all that. So anyway That's side note. What's a mantle not like what you put your stockings on at Christmas time Okay Though there's probably a correlation to like why it's called a mantle, you know and all that but anyway Chapter four, like I said, we're dealing with Elisha. There's a lot of stories in this. So this is a story where There's this there's a lot of stories coming up in here. It says in chapter 3 verse 3 there It says then he said go borrow the vessels abroad of all thy neighbors Even empty vessels borrow not a few. This is talking about a widow woman that has two sons and This widow woman Basically, he's gonna she's basically talking about how she's gonna have to sell her sons in the bondage to basically survive Okay, and Elisha comes in and says hey And basically all she has is this like cruise of oil. That's there or this vessel of oil and He says how many vessels do you have? He's like well go to your neighbor and borrow some vessels and Say borrow not a few. Okay, so meaning borrow a lot and basically All the vessels that she brought back the oil never stopped Filling up until until the last vessel was full and then the oil was gone Which means if she would have brought another vessel there would have been more oil Obviously you can see how this would apply to salvation getting people saved obviously The blood of Christ would get everybody saved everybody would believe on him But obviously you need the vessel there to be filled with oil and all that now When it comes to this You know, she obviously sells all the oil and she survives and all of that But in verse 35 we see I'm sorry in this passage we see this widow woman this other woman that basically Of Shunem I'm sorry. She's not a widow woman. She's a woman of Shunem. She has a husband and in this story basically Elisha is just kind of Roman from back and forth and They have this conversation. She doesn't have a child then they don't have children and She's like let's just make him this upper chamber whenever he's in town. It's kind of like an Airbnb in the Bible, right? It's like hey whenever you're in town you need a place to lodge stay here Right and just basically gives him room and board whenever he's in town Well because of that You know Elisha is like can I do something for you? you know is there something I can you know, is it any way I can help you and basically, they notice that she doesn't have a child and He tells her that she's going to bear her son, okay so She ends up having a son Which obviously is they're amazed at but then? the child Ends up dying so it's kind of this strange story where basically the child's complaining about his head hurting and The father's like go to your mother and then the child dies in his mother's like lap. Okay, and so she Doesn't she doesn't tell her husband she just basically makes haste to go to the man of God to go to Elisha okay, she goes to Elisha and You know basically story goes is that she comes to him and she's like you deceived me like you know Didn't I say not to deceive me about having a child and all this stuff and then he doesn't even have you just brought He sends get haze. I it says basically go to to their house and don't salute anybody basically just like go And Meaning like this is an emergency. There's no time to talk to anybody just go there right and then Elisha obviously meets him there And in verse verse 35 there it says then he returned and walked in The house to and fro and went up and stretched himself upon him and the child sneezed seven times and the child Opened his eyes. So Elisha comes in and raises him from the dead. So It's it's obviously Within this one chapter you have the oil that that's not ceasing and they're filling up all these vessels Then you have this this child is kind of like a miracle child to be born when basically, she was barren what didn't have any children all of that, but then the child dies and then he comes back and raises him from the dead and Obviously some great miracles and what you have to understand with this is that when you're looking at Elijah Elisha Elisha asked for a double portion of his spirit and what you'll see is a double Amount of miracles that are done when you look at Elijah's miracles that he does, you know, you have Elijah with the meal and the oil right and Where he's obviously praying that it doesn't rain for three and a half years and he's doing certain things like that But Elisha, it's just like you see double that You see a lot of the same things that Elijah did but you see actually kind of like a double portion of the miracles You know that are being done and you kind of see it just kind of laid out in the Bible as such so So we see that in chapter 4 and then also in chapter 4 they make this pottage and Notice in verse 40 it says so they poured out Well, actually right before this it says they're making this pottage and then someone found some wild gourds and they're just like Let's just put that in there Stuff out there and they put it into the pot Not knowing it's poisonous Okay It says so they poured out for the men to eat and it came to pass as they were eating Of the pottage that they cried out and said oh that man of God There is death in the pot and they could not eat there up So basically they are probably tasting that it's like poisonous or something going on with this. They can't eat it Obviously, it's from the wild gourds that they put in It says in verse 41 it says but he said then bring meal and cast it into the pot And he said pour out for the people that they may eat and there was no harm in the pot. So basically You can kind of think about like in a New Testament We're talking about eating having any deadly poison and not being hurt or things like that like a lot of these things that Elijah and Elisha do are things that the Lord Jesus does in the New Testament and You know, but the what Jesus does is on such a grander scale Right meaning like you think about it. It says that the miracles and everything that Jesus did It says that the world could not contain the books To write about it. Okay, so if you think what Elijah and Elisha did when it comes to the miracles that they did I mean nothing holds a candle to what Jesus did though Okay, and meaning that there's probably there's a lot of probably other things that Jesus did obviously that we don't have written down Because the world couldn't contain it. Okay now Chapter four so we saw a lot in chapter four, right? We had the widow woman with her two sons at oil We saw the the woman of Shunem and how she has a child the child dies Then the child's raised from the dead and then you have this death in the pot Where they someone decided to put wild gourds in there So lesson don't be picking gourds and chopping them up and putting them in stew, right? You know that person that literally puts everything into whatever they're making, right? I've been on camping trips with people and they're just like they're putting like salsa on top of their burgers I'm like, what are you doing? You know? so oh This is gonna be good it's like no this looks like someone threw up over here so, you know stop Who likes salsa on the burger? Is there people like did I offend somebody with that statement? So anyway, someone might like that anyway Simple man when it comes to food just say, you know, my palate when it comes to food is very basic. I Like to say that I'm pretty easy to please and that's why so anyway Chapter five So in this story, this is the story where Naaman is healed of his leprosy. So Naaman the Syrian Basically writes to the king of Israel Again, you remember that these are all kind of tailored to Israel You'll notice that Elijah is dealing with Israel Elisha is dealing with Israel and when you go to Chronicles guess who you don't see talked about Elijah and Elisha Because it's focusing on the southern kingdom when you're in Chronicles, okay? But in this story, Naaman the Syrian is Asking Basically writing to the king of Israel like hey I need to be cleansing my leprosy and he's and the Kings is like Who am I to cleanse you from leprosy? And then Elisha hears about it and basically tells him to send them to him and Elisha tells him okay go down into Jordan and And Basically dip yourself in the water seven times and he gets angry about it He's just like there's better water where I'm from what in the world I thought he was gonna like cry out to his God and do some merit some miraculous thing reminds you the Pentecostals, doesn't it? Right. She's like no, it can't be that simple. It can't be that straightforward Right, you know, like how do you save you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? you can even say this prayer in your heart if you want to and You're safe No, it needs to be like hanging from the chandeliers and like all this crazy stuff that's going on It's like just do what God says to do, you know when it comes to anything in the Bible, but in the end His servant so name and sermons like hey, listen, if you would have told you to do some great thing Wouldn't you have done it? It's like how much more if you just have to dip yourself in this Everything about if you just have to dip yourself in the river seven times You're gonna be healed wouldn't you do it? I don't care if it's the maun River. Okay, you might come out with a flipper After you, you know, you don't have leprosy, but you got a third toe or so I guess you did hopefully have more three toes You're in West Virginia. So But that being said I view like when he's talking about the Jordan I'm thinking of the maun River Because he knows what kind of creatures live in that thing But wouldn't you do it if like obviously if it was gonna heal your leprosy, I don't care what river it is And he does he dips himself and it says then verse 14 It says then went he down and dipped himself seven times in Jordan according to the saying of the man of God and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child and He was clean. So Not only did he get cleansed But basically think about it like all the blemishes think about like as you get older you get scars Your your skin gets like, you know worse and worse as you get older, right? basically his not only was he cleanse from cleanse from the leprosy but he's basically like Got a restart button on all of it Like all of his skin like his skin is like what it was like when he was a child, right? You know who would like to go back to that, you know Like I just think about like all the scars and stuff I have and like all these different things where I've like busted my face I'm like scarred. I have a scar right here from a cookie sheet when I was two years old. It's still there You know, but you know those type of things like think about it like going back reset button on all of them and But you know what's interesting about this story is that this is the one time this story this whole event is The one mention of Elisha in the New Testament so in Luke chapter 4 Jesus brings up Elijah and Elisha and Elijah is brought up in other passages in the New Testament but Elisha, the reason I know this is because his name is Is different and you know what the Greek equivalent if you will and Luke 4 27 says and many lepers were in Israel in the day in the time of Alyssius The prophet and none of them was cleansed saving Naaman The Syrian so this is the one mention of Elisha in the New Testament is referencing this story right here and think about like all the different things that Elisha did now obviously the whole point of what Jesus is stating here is basically like hey, God cared about the Gentiles and Actually when you look at these stories You see Elijah and Elisha helping people that aren't even of Israel Right the woman of Zarepta Not of Israel This guy Naaman Obviously the Syrian not of Israel. So that's being brought up. So just something the note there chapter 6 so second Kings chapter 6 This is we see a story of a Kind of thing that sticks out to me in this story is that the axe head that floats in the water. So this is where There the sons of the prophet this is where this is where Bible College and dormitories come from Okay, just so you know, okay when you're reading the story This is the school of the prophets This is where they're making dormitories and what you'll see actually in second Kings though is you'll see this term sons of the prophets Okay, sons of the prophets and They'll say well, this is this is Bible College and the sons of the prophets are like Bible students Okay, except for like the sons of the prophets have wives and children okay, and Basically the sons of the prophets you're like, what is that? They're sons of prophets It's really not it's not like some exclusive It's not like some it's just the fact that there's prophets in Israel and these are the children of those prophets Okay That's really all that to see there now a lot of cases I think the prophets do kind of follow in footsteps with their fathers, right? And you'll see that where they're kind of like mentoring kind of like Elisha does with Elijah even though they're not father and son But you'll kind of have that mentor type of Thing going on there. But anyway, this is where they'll literally say that they're used. They're literally building dormitories And I've had preachers be like no the school of the prophets is in the Bible. I'm like where and The closest you can get to is where they're talking about the sons of the prophets and Then and I'm like they're like they're building dormitories and it's like this is where they're building dormitories, right? They're building dwelling places, but it's like There's nothing no mention of college Our school the school the prophets is that maybe that's what they do. They call the school the prophets. Is that what it is? So anyway in this story all you know I probably shouldn't even mention that now it's in your head when you're reading this you're gonna be like all the school the prophets, you know Really when you should have just been reading this is like the sons of the prophets were building some dwelling places and when they were doing that axe head fell off of one of the axes they were using right and Basically that are upset because it was borrowed. So it wasn't their axe. So basically If you know what an axe is is made out of, you know, steel or lead or you know Whatever they were using iron back then, right? and it I don't know if you know this but Steel doesn't float unless you make it into a boat and have buoyancy. So it it sinks and basically Elisha they come to Elisha about it and He causes the axe head to float and it says in verse 6 It says and the man of God said where fell it and he showed him the place And he cut down a stick and cast it in thither and the iron did swim So obviously a miracle You say what what's the representation? What's the spiritual representation on this? That's another term for another day my friends There's so much in this book as far as like what this would represent, you know, like all these different passages But just know this is that the iron It floated so And then we see Ben-Haddad the Syrian is is trying to besiege Samaria and And This is a story Where this is all going on and there's different things that are going on in this but this is a story where basically, they're coming at Elisha and Notice what it says here in verse 16 It says and he answered fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them So there's this young man that's with Elisha and he's afraid of Like this multitude that's coming towards him and all this stuff And this is where God opens the eyes of this young man to see that the kind of the spiritual realm that's around him Because it says in verse 17 and Elisha prayed and said Lord I pray thee open his eyes that he may see and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man And saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha So and there's more to this story as far as what happens after this as far as like kind of this blindness and they get you know, these armies get led into literally captivity and so That being said there's a lot more to the story But to me like when I think of this story I think of the fact of like seeing that spiritual realm seeing like angels of fire And it's just kind of like Elisha knows that he's just like just let him let him see what's going on there And we need to by faith realize that there are angels fighting this battle in the background or in the metaphysical realm if you will of what's going on and Just what a sight that would be to see that though Like if you could just like see that spiritual realm for a second, you know, that would be crazy to see chapter 7 God causes the Syrians to flee so the Syrians are coming against Israel and Elisha is kind of in the mix to that and then there's this story with him and dealing with that But then in chapter 7 God is gonna cause The Syrians to flee and basically there's this story Where there's these four lepers that are like sitting on a wall. Okay, or they're sitting at the gate and There's this huge famine that's in the land Okay, so basically if you imagine when you besiege a city, they can't really go out and do anything You're kind of stuck there and what they usually do like what an army's trying to do is starve you out Okay, so there's this huge famine within you know, the city of Samaria and there's these lepers that are basically just sitting out there like well, we're gonna die anyway Let's just go to the Syrians and see if like I mean if they kill us we're gonna die anyway So what's the matter and if not then hey, we'll get some food okay, so they're kind of like Let's just and we might as well take a shot at this, right and These the when the lepers come into the camp of the Syrians They See that they're all gone Like basically that not only are they all gone But all the food and everything else is there For the taking and what what it comes down to is that in verse six there It says for the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots and noise of horses Even the noise of a great host and they said one to another lo The king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians To come upon us Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight and left their tents in their horses and their asses even The camp as it was and fled for their life So this is just a great story to show you that listen, you don't need an army You don't need to lift a finger and the Lord can can destroy and take care of your enemies I mean think about it like they Israel didn't have to do anything and Literally not only did he get rid of them, but he left them a spoil and What happens here is that the the lepers see this and they're just like kind of all fat and sassy sitting there like they have all these things around no one else knows about it though and They kind of come to themselves saying we do not well Which is a great correlation to soul winning right as you have received the gift even so Ministered the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God, you know How you know, we'd be like those four lepers just basically eating why everybody else is dying in the city By we're good. We have salvation We're saved We need to tell others about it and they go into the city. They tell everybody about it and all of that. Okay In chapter 8 and again, I can't I can't stress this enough that these are cliff notes There's other stuff in these chapters, okay, but I'm just kind of giving you an overview what's going on here in chapter 8 because of the famine that same woman that is getting that that Was barren but then had a child and child died and the child was raised that same woman Basically because there was like this seven-year famine that was going on basically lost all of her property and all her land and everything and comes to the king and and Basically gets it all restored. So that's kind of where the the beginning of the chapter is dealing with there So she's still kind of in the picture as far as the story is concerned Hazel kills been hey dad and reigns in a stead in Syria. There's a whole story there with Elisha and how Elisha is basically Kind of weeping over what hazel is gonna do and all this stuff when he's king and everything else But basically been hated he killed he If you read the story, basically takes a wet washcloth puts it over his face and like kills him. So Yeah, so it's like waterboarding to another level I guess, you know when it comes to that so Again, you know, I mean, I don't see if you can't read through these chapters and find something interesting. There's murder There's all kinds of miracles happening. There's like all kinds of stuff going on. Okay Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat, then Ahaziah reigns in Judah. So chapter 8 we see The story there now, this is a story which I'm not going to get into Really, but Ahaziah being 22 years old or Ahaziah being 42 years old and really this is a case where I Know in a lot of cases you have co-regency when it comes to when people are reigning You know whether they rained at what age or another age, but in this case I do believe that there was a certain captivity that was going on with the Arabians and with different People when it comes to that as far as a as I is concerned Reigning for a year when he's 22 and raining for a year when he was 42 and all of that. So But you'll see that in here and what happens in chapter 9 You have Ahaziah, the king of Judah and Jehoram, king of Israel Or Joram, however you want to you know, depending on what passage you're reading there, but Jehu is Going to be anointed king of Israel. So basically he's kind of like this outsider He's not a part of any lineage and or anything like that, but God sends Or Elisha sends his servant to go anoint Jehu to be king and this is one of the funniest stories to me because when this guy comes in Basically Jehu is kind of he's kind of an alpha male, right? He's kind of like this guy that you can just tell like people want to follow this guy, right? He's just a leader that everybody wants to follow him. Okay, and when this guy comes in You know like who is this and it's like well he's a hairy man and he's got like a leather girl It's like okay. Well, he's a prophet, you know or whatever reason like prophets were hairy and wore leather. So But basically this guy comes in And he's talking to Jehu, he wants to talk to him and anoints him to be king and when Jehu comes out You know, they're like what did this guy want? I just got to read this to you in verse 11 there It says then Jehu came forth to the servants of his Lord and one said unto him is all well Wherefore came this mad fellow to thee? So notice how they're just like automatically crazy like what in the world, you know And it says you know the man and his communication. So Jehu is like, you know this guy You know what he's like, right? And they said it is false. Tell us now Do you just notice like how hilarious this is, right? Because you can imagine Jehu is probably like Not necessarily concerned, but he's probably a little graver understanding what he's being called to do and His friends around him are just like who's this mad fellow whatever he said it must be false They just assumed that this guy was coming to like curse him or like tell him some bad news or something like that But it kind of shows you Kind of how friends are with people that they want to follow is that they're just kind of like hey if it's bad They're wrong and if it's good Let's go for it right because notice what says they're like this guy's a mad fellow They're like it's false. Tell us now before he even says anything and it says thus and thus spake he to me saying Thus saith the Lord I have anointed thee king over Israel. They're like, oh, it's a good thing, right? Then they say Then they they hasted and took every man his garment and put it under him on the top of the stairs and blew the Trumpets and saying Jehu is king So they went from this is a mad fellow and what he's saying is false. They're like, oh let's do this, you know like you're king So it just kind of shows you One the type of person Jehu is and that he has people that are just kind of like they're gonna follow him whether Like it's kind of to a fault, right? obviously, it's not right for them to be basically call this guy mad guy and that whatever he said is false just because If it's bad doesn't mean it's false if it's it's if it's against Jehu doesn't mean it's false But there are those type of friends that it doesn't matter if it's whatever it is They're with Jehu. Okay, and you see this in this story Because in this story Jehu is running furiously meaning like this is where he takes out the king of Judah And if you remember the story you have Jerobo or Jehoram and you have Ahaziah and they're kind of sending out messengers to see what Jehu is trying to do and Every time they send a messenger the messenger they're like they're like is it peace Jehu? He's like what what and basically I'm kind of butchering it basically what hast thou to do with peace as long as Jezebel and like all this stuff is going on there and He's like get thee behind me Literally the messengers that the kings of Israel and Judah are sending out are turning around and following Jehu They're like, yeah, we should get behind you right and then that happens a couple times and then the kings come out and Say is it peace Jehu? And then he goes he says the same thing to them and they're like, it's treachery, you know treachery Oh, yes, I am right and they run away and they both get killed. So You know when it comes to this story you see kind of like the zeal of the Lord that you know This is the story where Jehu is like talking to Jehonadab saying come with me And I will show you my zeal for the Lord all these different things great chapter Chapter 10 Jehu kills all the house of Ahab and kills the prophets of Baal Okay, so he doesn't just end with Joram You know the son of Ahab and all that he goes on and basically destroying the whole house of Ahab and obviously the Lord is telling him to do this but But in that then he takes out all the worshippers of Baal and this is a story where Jehu Tells them it says hey, listen Ahab worship Baal a little but Jehu will worship him much right and he's like Deceiving them because he's saying hey, we're gonna have this feast We're gonna have all this stuff but make sure there's no worshippers of the truth of I mean of the Lord, right? It's like he's like make sure there's no worshippers of the Lord in there We want to make sure that there's nothing like that. We need more suppose to bail just bail worshippers, right? and then when they all come to that he gives his his His soldiers charge saying that if anybody if anybody escapes then it's gonna be their life for theirs And destroys them all okay Chapter And in this Jehu reign, you know, basically God blesses Jehu Now Jehu doesn't fully follow the Lord Because it talks about how he destroyed Baal out of Israel But he still it says in verse 29 of chapter 10 How be it from the sins of Jeroboam sin of Nebat who made Israel sin Jehu departed not from after them to wit the golden calves that were in Bethel and that were in Dan And that's what you just constantly see even listen all the kings of Israel just like on this downward slope and then Jehu's up here But it's just like that those golden calves are keeping him from excelling and then it's just gonna be downhill from here and Really, you're gonna be downhill until you get to chapter 17 where Israel is completely annihilated by the Assyrians so in chapter 11 we seen Some some crazy stuff that happens so Queen Athaliah is the mother of Aaziah Aaziah was killed in battle by Jehu right? Well Athaliah decides to kill all of Aaziah's brethren, okay Because she wants to be king. I mean Queen. Well nowadays you never know right? It's trans Queen or something like that So basically she wants to be Queen so she kills all the seed royal but Joash Is saved by the priests so by the you know by the priests and the priests wife and all that stuff and Joash is saved and So he doesn't die. So Athaliah reigns I believe for like eight years and in chapter 11 I'm sorry, we're in chapter 11, but chapter 11 Joash is saved and Then Joash ends up Eventually being brought up as being king and Athaliah is killed. So basically there's this whole coup and everything that goes on but basically They declare Joash to be king and then Athaliah comes in trees and trees and then they're like take her before the rain forth from the Rangers and Have her killed and she's killed. So there's a lot of crazy stuff a lot of people die in that chapter Chapter 11 You know at the end there we see that Joash is only seven years old when he begins to reign Okay So obviously this wasn't really Joash's like whole thought process of like how to do this There are people around him and obviously he was set up to be king. Okay chapter 12 Joash repairs the temple but in the end is murdered and What you don't see in this chapter and chapter 12 is Is What Joash does okay now Joash is the king You know you're dealing with the king of Judah, right in Chronicles. We see that Joash actually has Jehoiada son murdered Crazy so I mean think about this Joash was saved by Jehoiada a priest and Then Zechariah his son Jehoiada's son says something to basically tells Joash that hey, you've overstepped your bounds here. Like he's basically rebuking him and then he has him killed and In turn, you know what happens Joash a conspiracies against him and he's murdered So it's just this crazy story. It's like you think it's like all yeah It's all just a bed of roses like Joash is saved He set up his king like all this is set in order except for it's not Right what you find in the book of Kings is like there's there's never usually this is pretty picture of just From start to finish of like everything goes well There's always it's always a dirty account, you know, like even Josiah Which we'll get to you know, like Josiah He doesn't end well like you're just like man I just want one person to end well So anytime I'm ever preaching a sermon and I'm just I see someone's life and on a good note I'm just like praise the Lord it finally happened Because it just seems like no one ever finishes their course on a good note And I know I preached a sermon on that about finishing your course But I you know when I read through the Bible just like man I want to be someone that actually finishes the course when the last thing they wrote about me He's like he loved the Lord or you know Like he lived out the rest of the day serving Lord or something like that, you know, not like well He went into idolatry. Well you you know because he murdered this person he was murdered and it's like good night Anyway going on from that in chapter 13 Jehovah has the son of Joash Reigns in Israel, Jehoash, right? So again, you have Joash of Judah, Joash of Israel and Elisha dies So Elisha dies you see that in chapter verse 20 there Where he died it says in Elisha died and they buried him And then chapter 14 I'm kind of these I'm just kind of kind of blow through because You know a lot of these are shorter portions like you'll just see kind of just short little excerpts about these kings, okay But and by the way, we had a chart that we made About like all the kings of Israel and Judah where you can see them side by side See how long they rained see the order of the kings and all that stuff You know, I'm an engineer so I like charts So if you want one of those we have it on PDA we could always print off some for you If you're just interested in that You know, we put a lot of time and work into that because it's definitely you know with how things from Chronicles of Kings work It's hard sometimes to figure out exactly how all that works out. So So chapter 14 we have Amaziah Reigning in Judah and Jeroboam the second reigning in Israel So sometimes you'll see Jeroboam mentioned again and really It's just another guy named Jeroboam. Okay, so obviously it's different than the the son of Nebat chapter 15 we have Azariah and Jotham reigning in Judah and obviously Azariah reigns then Jotham reigns Azariah is actually Uzziah So it's just another name Uzziah is the one that becomes a leper because he basically tries to do the priest the office of the priest and He ends up living out the rest of his days in a in a separate house being a leper But Uzziah in general was a good king It's just like obviously he messed up like everybody else it seems like Jotham reigns, but then on Israel's side you have Zechariah Shalom Manaam Pekah Pekah, I can't even say it because I've seen Pekah but Pekahiah Pekah reign in Israel, so you kind of just see all these different kings that are reigning here Chapter 16 is all about Ahaz reigning in Judah Chapter 17 Chapter 17 we have Hoshia reigning in Israel, and this is the fall of that northern kingdom and in this passage you have Israel being taken out and This is when Hezekiah is reigning in Judah, but Israel falls to the Assyrians and this is interesting on the fact of understanding New Testament geography, okay, the northern kingdom. What was the capital city of the northern kingdom? Samaria well Samaria Really becomes kind of this portion up there in the New Testament It's called Samaria, but you always wonder why does Jesus say not to basically go to those of Samaria or anywhere else But to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, right? It's like well Samaria They're constantly going through Samaria right because then up in like Nazareth and Galilee and all that stuff They're they're basically passing through but they're not to be they're basically preaching to those in Judea and those in Galilee and all that Right. Well what happens in this passage is not only is obviously Israel completely Destroyed that northern kingdom, but they're taken captive and what they do is they take other Nations and they populate Samaria with that So what you have to understand is that in the New Testament those that are in Samaria are not Israelites Okay, they're Israelites in the sense that they've been living there for a long time if that makes sense but what they do on top of that is Is They assimilate their idolatry with the religion of Judea okay, and So it kind of outlines, you know outlines this in chapter 17 that basically They were kind of like it's kind of this melding of the truth like a true religion Think of Catholicism. Okay. I'm always kind of going back to that. I grew up Catholic. So Think about like true Christianity melded with Roman mythology That's Catholicism. Okay, and that's kind of what the religion of Samaria was. So when you go to like the woman at the well She kind of has this background with Jacob and the well and all this stuff and you're like what you know Like if they're not Israelites, why are they talking about that? It's like because They're from another nation Like they're not from the lineage if you will of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and going down the line there But they kind of have that religion within their culture To a point where they kind of understand that there's going to be Messiah They know this stuff, but it's obviously very much perverted right their religion That's why Jesus says salvation's of the Jews talking about Judea Okay, not talking about like well, you know these Christ rejecting Jews over there in Israel right now That's where salvation's at right now No Obviously Jesus and and obviously that's where salvation was at as far as the true Gospel was being preached from Judea, even though obviously the leaders were off-base That's what was going on This is a very interesting chapter and it really does show you kind of where you're at when you jump into the New Testament That when you're talking about Samaria, you're not talking about Israelites You're talking about people that were put in there in chapter 17 in verse 6 it says this and in the ninth year of Hoshia the king of Assyria Hoshia the king of Assyria took Samaria and carried away Israel away into Samaria and placed them in Hala and in the harbor by the river of Gozan and in the cities of the Medes and then it talks about how he brings in like these other nations into Samaria and Basically kind of resettles it, you know with other people then it talks about like hey No, bring in their religion and it's kind of a melding of religions. Okay, so I Think that helps when you're reading the New Testament chapter 18 We have Hezekiah and really the next few chapters You're dealing with Hezekiah and in the story of him in zanak rib this story These same type of chapters dealing with Hezekiah are in Isaiah and that's why in chapter 19, basically You have Assyria takes out the northern kingdom of Israel and they're trying to take out the southern kingdom It's essentially what's going on here, but they don't okay God doesn't let it happen in chapter 19 There's this whole thing where you have a rapture key and all that stuff Basically talking to them and saying that the king of Assyria is gonna come Chapter 20 and obviously that all gets thwarted by the Lord Chapter 20 after all this Hezekiah Gets this illness, but he recovers God gives him another 15 years to live Chapter 21, we have Manasseh reigning. Manasseh is a horrible king He reigns for like the most of anybody. He's like reigning for like 52 years and He has a lot of idolatry, but he ends up sacrificing his son to a false god and If you didn't know any better in that passage You'd be like this guy's reprobate all this stuff until you read Second Chronicles And then you see where he actually gets right with the Lord and all that stuff So it's kind of just shows you how far someone can go before it's too late You know, that's that's Manasseh right there Amen his son reigns in his stead in chapter 21 as well So you have Manasseh and an Amen chapter 22 you have Josiah reigning and in chapter 22 Josiah finds the book of the law or actually Hilkiah Finds the book of law and this is where basically Josiah hears about this He's very young but they read the book of law and what they really find out is like they're not keeping any of this right Really this this chapter and in chapter 23 is Really where you see Josiah They're like rendering like we're not doing this not keeping the Passover like we should be doing We're not doing all this stuff later on and Ezra You're just like they haven't kept the Feast of Tabernacles since in Joshua's day and you're like, whoa Like a thousand years you haven't been keeping this right? So we kind of see this wake-up call that's happening there chapter 23 we see at the end there that Josiah is going to He he For whatever reason he's just like no I need to put my my business into some other person's battles. Pharaoh and Nico's going up against somebody and Josiah's like I'm gonna go fight against you and Pharaoh and Nico's like no the Lord told me to do this Don't do this. Don't come after me Like Pharaoh and Nico's like don't I don't want to fight you like the Lord wants me to do this What are you doing? He doesn't listen. He goes up and he dies and then Josiah's son Jehoiakim is set up by Pharaoh and Nico. So Jehovah has This is this is where it gets kind of confusing with all these sons of Jehoiakim and all this stuff And I'm not gonna really break it down too much for you here. Basically Josiah dies Let me just break it down really as clear as I can be Josiah dies. Jehovah has is reigning in Jerusalem for three months, but Pharaoh and Nico's like no You're gonna go into captivity into Egypt and he sets up Jehoiakim The son of Josiah instead. Okay, Jehoiakim is reigning Is reigning until up to the point where Nebuchadnezzar is taking About to take over and basically he's besieging Jerusalem and all this stuff and Nebuchadnezzar is the king of Babylon and Jehoi can the son of Jehoiakim is reigning in He reigns in Jerusalem after Jehoiakim dies for like three months or something like that and but then Jehoiachin is taken captive by the Babylonians, okay, and Then the Babylonians set up Zedekiah so it's kind of like this idea is like someone starts reigning. No, whoever's ruling over them It's like no, you're not gonna crane. I'm gonna set up someone else that's gonna reign So Pharaoh and Nico does that then Nebuchadnezzar does the same thing and Zedekiah then reigns for like 11 years and he rebels and what you have is that when Jehoi comes reigning and Babylon comes in they take him captive, but they don't destroy everything When Zedekiah is reigning and he rebels they come back and annihilate the place Okay, they tear down the walls. They destroy the temple. Everything's annihilated and Zedekiah's eyes are put out all his sons are killed before him before that happens all that stuff happens and throughout this you see Jeremiah pleading to them to do what the Lord is telling them to do and so And in chapter 25, like I said, that's where you get So chapter 24 chapter 25, you're really dealing with this whole thing with Babylon chapter 25 Jerusalem's completely destroyed Gitteliah is Is set up to be governor But then Ishmael this guy named Ishmael like basically has this whole conspiracy and kills them and basically whoever like Babylon sets up someone's always trying to kill them off or something and Then it ends with this story where Jehoiachin if you remember Jehoiachin was taking captivity He was reigning in Jerusalem for three months, but then Nebuchadnezzar took him into captivity He's in prison for the first 37 years of the 70 year captivity and then he's released and he's basically Given, you know like food to eat and sitting at the table and all that stuff And that's how the book ends and really it's not until you get the Ezra that the story continues on First and Second Chronicles we'll get to those and really those just those are dealing with the same timeline as Samuel and Kings, right but different perspective Okay, and First Chronicles goes back further than First Samuel too. So it's going all the way back to Genesis. Okay, so Let's end with a word of prayer. The only father we thank you for today. Thank you for your word Thank you for the book of Second Kings and Lord just paid you to help us to read it to know it Read these stories and and obviously To be able to learn from them and to be profitable as Christians in this life And Lord, we just thank you for the Word of God and we pray all this in Jesus Christ's name Amen, but they have a comment saying one more song and then we'll be dismissed All right take your song books Turn to song number three Song number three in your song books if you would stand we'll sing Jesus paid it all song number three. I hear the Savior say thy strength Indeed is small child of weakness watch and pray Find in me thine all in all Jesus paid it all all to him I owe Sin had left a crimson stain He washed in white as snow Lord now Indeed I find thy power and thine alone Can change the leopard spots at Mount the heart of stone Jesus paid it all all to him I owe Sin had left a crimson stain He washed it white as snow for Nothing good have I Where by thy grace to claim I'll wash my garments white and the blood of Calvary's lamb Jesus paid it all all to him I owe Sin had left a crimson stain He washed in white as snow and when before the throne I stand and him complete Jesus died my soul to save my Limb shall still repeat Jesus paid it all all to him I owe Sin had left a crimson stain he washed in white as snow