(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church Take your song books and turn to song number 247 Song 247 in your song bus was saying saved saved And if you would stand We'll sing song 247 I found a friend Who is all to me? His love is ever true I love to tell how he lifted me and What his grace can do for you? Saved by his power divine saved To new life some blime life now is sweet and my joy is complete for I'm saved saved Saved He saves me from every sin and harm secures my soul each day I'm leaning Strong on his mighty arm. I know He'll guide me all the way Saved by his power divine saved To new life some blime life now is sweet and my joy is complete for I'm saved saved saved when poor and Needy and all alone and love he said to me Come on to me and I'll lead you home to live with me Eternally saved by his power divine saved to new life Some blime life now is sweet and my joy is complete for I'm saved saved saved And let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again We just want to thank you God just for this beautiful Sunday that you've given us to hear your word and to Lord obey you through Reaching the laws with your gospel. I pray Lord that you would just Want to thank you Lord for the souls that were saved today and throughout last week I pray Lord that you would continue continue to use Mountain Baptist Church and its members Lord to Just continuously and faithfully preach your word. I pray Lord for the service tonight be with our pastor film with your power and spirit We love you for it's in Jesus name. We ask all that. Amen. Are you may be seated and Take your mountain Baptist song books Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books and turn to song page number 19 Or I'm sorry We're doing what are we doing? Oh Yeah page 8 I'm sorry, I apologize page number 8 in your mountain Baptist song books We'll sing Psalm 126 on page number way number 8 good night When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion We were like them that dream Then was our mouth Filled with laughter and our tongue with singing Then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us We're off we are glad Turn again our captivity. Oh Lord as the streams in the south They that so and tears shall reap and joy They that so and tears shall reap and joy Then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them The Lord has done great things for us where of we are glad He that goeth forth and weepeth Bearing precious seed shut down. Let's come again Shut down let's come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him Then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us Where of we are glad You Amen well welcome back to Mount Baptist Church on the Sunday afternoon and just get some the sowing number for the week What we had did we have any during the week? As far as salvation's maybe some that are out too. I'm not sure Was there any during the week? Okay, and then today was there any out today one Four okay, okay, so five six Raise the Lord where'd you guys go today? Oh, okay? Six Amen Yeah, all right good job with the soul winning and Then on our our bulletin here as far as services this week the Wednesday evening service we're gonna Lord willing be continuing our study through 2nd Samuel and so Being your places if you can on Wednesday And then the regional soul winning times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday be on the church group there See the times locations and all that we have our women's prayer meeting is on the 23rd This month and then which would be this coming Sunday, right? Yeah, and then the men's prayer meeting will be the next Saturday next Friday, and then Do we have the soul winning merit or the marathon in Philadelphia on the 22nd? So that's this coming Saturday, and then on July 5th. Which is a Friday That evening we're gonna be doing fireworks and all that food all that stuff will be provided if you want to bring anything more welcome to and We'll put the address on the church group there everybody but if anybody once Kind of explanation of how to get out there. We can do that as well because I'll say this always set your GPS before you even get close to where we're at because the service out there Non-existent so until you get to where you're at, which at that point you don't need it, right? You're already there. So And then on the backer bulletin, we have our chapter memory for the month Psalm 32 Proverbs 4 1 is a memory verse for the week and And then the pregnancy list there Crystal McCloy on the pregnancy list due in August and So be in prayer for her and the McCloy family there be in prayer for all our church members A lot of people out sick a lot of families whole families are out sick So just be in prayer that this thing stops Whatever it is, that's moving around there And that's about all I have for announcements we're gonna be brother David you're reading tonight, right so But Dave is gonna be reading 2nd Chronicles 36 and we're continuing our series through the overviews of the book of the books of the Bible so we're gonna be in 2nd Chronicles tonight, and so Yeah, so brother Dave's gonna come and sing one more song and then brother Dave would come and read 2nd Chronicles 36 Alright take your song books and turn to song 397 Song 397 in your song books will sing little as much when God is in it Song 397 in the harvest field now ripen There's a work for all to do heart the voice of God is calling to the Harvest calling you Little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame There's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name Does the place you're called to labor? seems so small And little known it is great if God is in it and he'll not Forget his own Little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame There's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name Are you made? Aside from service body worn from toil and care you can still be in the battle and the sacred place of prayer Little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame There's a crown and you can win it Go in Jesus name when the Conflict here is ended and a race on earth is run He will say to all the faithful Welcome home my child well done Little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame There's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name All right, if you would take your Bibles and turn to the book of second chronicles chapter number 36 Second chronicles chapter number 36 in your Bibles. We'll have brother David read that for us Second chronicles 36 if you found your place amen And the Bible reads Then the people of the land took Jehovah has the son of Josiah and made him King and his father's dead in Jerusalem Jehovah has was twenty and three years old when he began to rain and he ran three months in Jerusalem and the king of Egypt to put him down at Jerusalem and condemned the land in a hundred talents of silver and a town of gold and the king of Egypt made a liar Kim his brother king of Judah and Jerusalem and Turned his name to Jehoiakim and Nico took Jehovah has his brother and carried him to Egypt Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to rain and he rained 11 years in Jerusalem And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord is God Against him came Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon and bound him in fetters to carry him to Babylon Nebuchadnezzar also carried of the vessels of the house of the Lord to Babylon and put them in his temple at Babylon Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim and his abominations was he dead and they and that which was found in him Behold they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah and Jehoiakim his son rained in his Den so Jehoiakim was eight years old when he began to rain and he rained three months and ten days in Jerusalem And he did that which was evil on the side of the Lord and when the years expired King Nebuchadnezzar sent and brought him to Babylon with goodly vessels of the house of the Lord and made Zedekiah his brother King of Judah in Jerusalem Zedekiah was one twenty years old when he began to rain and he rained 11 years in Jerusalem And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord is God and humbled not himself before Jeremiah the prophet speaking from the mouth of the Lord And he also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar who had made him swear by God But he stiffened his neck and hardened his heart containing unto the Lord God of Israel Moreover all the chief of the priests and the people transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen and Polluted the house of the Lord received hallowed in Jerusalem and the Lord God of the fathers sent them sent to them by his messengers Rising up at times and sending because he had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place But they mocked the messengers of God and despised his words and misused his prophets until the wrath of the Lord arose against his People till there was no remedy Therefore he brought upon him the king of the Chaldees who slew their young men with a sword in the house of their sanctuary And had no compassion upon the young man or maiden old man or him that stooped for eggs He gave them all into his hand and all the vessels of the Lord and all the vessels of the house of God great and small and the Treasures of the house of the Lord and the treasures of the king another and of his princes all these he brought to Babylon And they bent the house of God and break down the wall of Jerusalem and burnt all the palaces There were with fire and destroyed all the goodly vessels thereof and then they had escaped from the sword carry He away to Babylon Where they were servants to him and all his sons and his sons to the reign of the kingdom of Persia To fulfill the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah Until the land had enjoyed her Sabbaths for as long as he lay desolate She kept Sabbath to fulfill threescore in ten years Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia That the word of the Lord who spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished the Lord stood up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and put it also in writing saying Thus sayeth Cyrus king of Persia all the kingdoms of the earth had the Lord God of heaven given me He had charged me to build him a house in Jerusalem Which is in Judah who was there among you of all his people the Lord is God be with them and then grow up Let's pray to Lord. I thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house Pray that you feel past with your Holy Spirit and help us all to learn something. Jesus name you pray Amen Amen so you're there second chronicles and As we're going through this series is going book by book through the Bible on Just an overview of the books in Chronicles if you remember Chronicles both first and second is focusing on Judah really so if you think about it first Chronicles is really dealing with David's kingdom more so than Saul's kingdom even though David Rained over all of Israel if you remember he only he reigned over Judah or that southern kingdom if you will for seven and a half years before he got all over all of Israel and And what you'll notice in Chronicles second Chronicles is that? You kind of just hear about the kings of Israel in passing. So they're just kind of mentioned because They're being brought up at the same time that the kings of Judah are going through their story So really second Chronicles is all about Well Solomon in the beginning and then it goes on to all the way to the end where they're going into captivity in Babylon And it even mentions at the very end there on the fact that Cyrus king of Persia is going to Give a decree or proclamation to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem So we're talking all the way 70 years after the captivity is where this book ends And really when you get it out of second Chronicles you go right into Ezra and it literally repeats that same thing and so You know the end of second Kings the end of second Chronicles and the beginning of Ezra are really just that one event where? We're coming back into Jerusalem and rebuilding the temple now There's 36 chapters in this book And if you think about it this this book with 36 chapters is covering first and second Kings So first and second Kings and if you think about it the first nine chapters is Dealing with Solomon in this book if you remember what were the first ten chapters in first Kings Solomon, right? So really you get the same kind of amount of chapters with Solomon I believe the reason you don't you have nine in here is because Solomon's mentioned actually in first Chronicles at the end So you're kind of already dealing with Solomon before you get into this book, but that means that What you have, you know less than you know, like just 20-some chapters to deal with the rest of all the Kings after Solomon, so And the reason I believe that's possible is because we're really just dealing with the kings of Judah And so you don't have the story about Elijah and Elisha And a lot of these chapters that are dedicated to more around a habs time and all that stuff So that's what you kind of see in first Kings and second Kings is more about the prophets and stuff like that That are going on in Israel at that time So in chapter one here Just going down the line chapter one. This is where Solomon is granted to be given wisdom And so if you know that Solomon prays for wisdom and in verse 11 here So first the first chapter there verse 11 says and God said to Solomon because this was in thine heart That thou has not asked riches wealth or honor nor the life of thine enemies neither yet has has asked Long life but has asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself That thou mayest judge my people over whom I have may be King wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee And I will give thee riches and wealth and honor such as none of the Kings have had That have been before thee neither shall there any after thee have the like so it's basically saying Before him after him. No one's gonna be like Solomon. Obviously, we know that Jesus is greater than Solomon. So obviously It's just like John the Baptist. There's not Not one born none greater than John the Baptist is born among women. Well, obviously Jesus is accepted from that, right? But in this case as far as all the kings of Israel and Judah and all that Solomon No one ever exceeded him in wisdom. So that's a big statement to make and so We see that happening here in chapter 1 Chapter 2 Solomon's preparing to build the temple So in verse 1 of chapter 2 it says in Solomon determined to build and house for the name and Lord and in house for his kingdom So if you remember Solomon spent a certain amount of time building I think it was like six or seven years building the temple, but then it's like 14 years building his own house Okay, so I think it's 20 years total. So I think it's either I think it's six for the temple and 14 for his house Maybe seven to thirteen, whatever but I know it's 20 all together and so This gets into the fact of it, you know him preparing for that Chapter three Solomon actually builds the temple And so we see that in short there And so some of these you if you obviously cross-reference this with second Kings, you may get some more information Of what's going on there And in chapter four, it's really covering the furnishings of the temple so this kind of gets into the where there was like this big basin or this the sea And it basically with these oxen that are underneath of it It gets in kind of details of different things that are in the temple and all the furnishings That would be incorporated with that what you have to understand about the temple Okay, that Solomon made was that when you think about the tabernacle that's in the wilderness The temple kind of basically built out from that so there's a lot of this other stuff That's there as far as chambers for like the priests and all these different things but then you had the actual tabernacle portion of it where you had The table of showbread you had the candlestick and you had the veil and all that stuff But basically when Solomon built the temple, there's all this other stuff that's built around it and there's like different stories to it and all this stuff Okay, so when you go to Ezekiel as well, which I believe is the blueprints for the second temple Meaning like after this first temples destroyed Before they go into in the better when they're going into Babylon that that Second temple the layouts there and you'll see all these different Basically rooms and buildings and all these different things that are around it. Okay, so that's a fun study if you ever want to look into how that looked and try to visualize all that as far as The lofts and the different things like that. So when you think about the temple It's a lot bigger than the tabernacle that you would see in the wilderness. Okay? Chapter 5 the Ark of the Covenant is brought into the temple. So look at verse 2 there of chapter 5 So chapter 5 verse 2 it says then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel unto Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of David which is Zion so You know basically bringing in the Ark of the Covenant Putting it past the veil all of that to get it in its place And so the Ark of the Covenant is brought into the temple so, you know chapter 3 Is it chapter 2 preparing the temple chapter 3 building the temple chapter 4 putting all the stuff in the temple? Chapter 5 specifically putting stuff in the temple with when it comes to the furnishings is the Ark of the Covenant okay, so That is and I believe the Ark of the Covenant you think about all these furnishings and all these different things The Ark of the Covenant is the actual Ark of the Covenant that they had in the wilderness That they're bringing in there that that was built in Moses day, okay, so Chapter chapter 6 Solomon is praying to God Concerning that the house that he's built for God the temple. Okay, so it's called the house. It's called the temple It's called a palace. It's called different things. It's basically the building that that's being built And Solomon is praying that God would regard this place Basically that God would recognize this as his house that people can come and pray at and In verse 24 just to give you a little snippet of what Solomon prays here in verse 24 says and if thy people Israel be put To the worst before the enemy Because they have sinned against thee and shall return and confess thy name and pray and make supplication before thee in this house Then hear thou from heaven from the heavens and forgive the sin of thy people Israel and bring them again unto the land which thou gave us to them and to their fathers and There's different scenarios that Solomon brings up with this But basically he's stating that if this happens then hear their voice They come to this house and they pray to you then hear their voice Regarded and basically forgive their sin and all of that Okay, and this gets into another thing where it comes to that Jesus even brings up or it's brought up in New Testament that that that is how shall be called a house of prayer for all nations right and That this isn't just regarded to with Israel, but obviously specifically to Israel because that's where it's at that's where the Covenant's being performed all of that, but the idea of God Regarding the house of the Lord and a place of prayer and this obviously I believe Translates into the New Testament in the fact that the Church of God is the house of the Living God The pillar and ground of truth and it is a place of prayer So when we have let's say prayer meetings and different things like that obviously even in cases where maybe you come to be anointed with oil to pray for those that are sick and different things like that that God regards that as As such right and obviously in New Testament is great because we have local houses of God Throughout the world and not just one place that you come to okay and one place in the whole world where everybody has to go to okay chapter 7 God answers his prayer and He answers to begin with by having fire come down from heaven. So it's kind of like very visual, you know that he's answering Because in verse 1 it says now when Solomon had made an end of praying The fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled the house So it's very evident that God was answering yes to this But then, you know, obviously you have that visual aspect and you think about it How what was you know, we think about fire coming down from it was like why is it fire? Well, God is a consuming fire. So obviously there's that but you have the idea that in the wilderness if you remember What would be follow what would they follow and what would be there at the Tabernacle was the pillar of fire or the cloud, you know cloud by day pillar fire by night And so what that represents is that you know Just as God was with that tabernacle in the wilderness wherever they went God is here in this temple that Solomon built God is regarding it and it's not just being built to be built and Go to verse 14 there verse 14 Because it's very famous verse But Solomon kind of gives all these different Scenarios of if your people do this, but they turn to you basically forgive their sin, right? It says in verse 14 it says if my people which are called by my name Shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways Then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land Now this is obviously when people try to apply this to eternal salvation They're obviously taking me completely out of context right because what we're talking about The assumption here is my people right? I mean the idea here obviously this is talking physically, too But if you're to spiritualize this like if you're gonna spiritualize this then you have to spiritualize my people My people would then have to be believers at that point. Okay, so when you're talking about this Yes, this does apply to us Spiritually speaking, but it's applying to believers it believers if those that are saved You know which are called by my name right my people which are called by my name if they Humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways Then you know and that that's where it gets into if we confess our sins He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all in righteousness that we may you know come to Now we may boldly come on to the throne of grace and we may find find mercy and attain mercy to find grace and Find grace that help and time of need In the fact that you know that's what believers are to be doing and obviously the house of God is there in the midst Okay, and this gets into church. This is gets into the idea of you know obviously Attending church being a church and and just the power of the congregation if you will Okay, when it comes to being in good fellowship with God you know not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together as a manner of some is and It says and so much the more as you see a day approaching And obviously, you know sickness is is a good reason to be out Okay So then when I say not forsaking the assemblies obviously if you're not feeling well And you got a fever you need to stay home You know that I would I would actually prefer that you know that you're not here getting everybody else sick, so But if it's not for sickness, and it's not for some legitimate case where you can't be at church I mean there needs that you know the idea of being a church because of the The the fellowship aspect of just being in fellowship with other believers But how that gets you in fellowship with the Lord gets on you're getting on the Lord's side there when you're at church around believers Singing the hymns coming here and preaching going out soul winning like doing all that so where Obviously we all mess up. We all make mistakes, but how much more is God gonna be ready to just be like alright let's go you know forgive and forgive and forgive and of things that we mess up with if we're basically coming to the house of the Lord on a daily basis on a weekly basis and Obviously him regarding that okay chapter 8 Chapter 8 Solomon is restoring and building basically cities that were In the realm okay, so basically in the kingdom of Israel he's basically kind of Building up Israel in this chapter okay, so he's got done with it kind of starts off with the fact that He's done building the temple. He's been you know done building his own house And now he's kind of going off onto these other cities where Certain cities were restored unto them and now he's kind of building it up and all these different things so basically in Solomon's reign He's basically building It's a time of like kind of an industrial revolution if you want to say that Meaning that it's it's just kind of like it's being built up and all of that and you don't have a bunch of wars Okay, so in David's time just war war war war just wars and and all that And that's why obviously he's he stated that he can't build that God didn't want him to build the temple Because you know obviously the the blood that was shed under his reign, okay? And then you have the fact that well Solomon is at peace until really the end of Solomon's right where? He doesn't fully follow the Lord with all his heart His wives turned his heart away from following the Lord fully and all of that and obviously there's a downfall there Where he's kind of getting into battles at the end of his reign, okay? chapter 9 chapter 9 we had the Queen of Sheba and That story with the Queen of Sheba where if you remember she says the half had not been told and And dealing with the fact that she's coming from a far away. She's heard of his wisdom, and she's not disappointed actually she's uh Exceeds her expectations essentially It talks about Solomon's wealth Obviously you get into the fact that he he made the shields of gold and all these different things and basically talking about all that I always think I always think that I remember I don't know when it lists off all the things that Solomon had who here remembers the apes and the peacocks But like that's the thing that sticks out of my mind because apes are like I think that's the only place that apes are ever mentioned in the Bible not that they you know like it has to be mentioned in The Bible for it to exist it's like Tigers don't exist because it's not mentioned in the Bible. It's like no, but the thing is is that There's certain things just kind of pop out in your mind that for whatever reason Solomon had apes and he had peacocks So I'm guessing he had kind of like a zoo You know or something like that So and Solomon go down you're in chapter if you're in chapter 9 there look down at verse 30 And you just see the end of Solomon's reign here and so nine chapters in we're dealing with all about Solomon, right Very similar to first Kings so if you think about second chronicles, it's really just first and second Kings Simply stated right now obviously there's some information. There's a lot of information in in the first and second Kings It's not in Chronicles and there's information in Chronicles That's not in first and second Kings, but really the time frame if you think about From Solomon's reign till they're going into Babylon. That's the time frame Okay, and so in verse 30 here It says and Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel 40 years and Solomon slept with his father's and he was buried in the city Of David his father and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead So 40 years right if you remember how long did Saul reign for 40 years? How long did David reign altogether? 40 years and Solomon reign for 40 years now you could make the argument that maybe there were some concurrency involved in those the reigning years obviously, I don't believe that That's all and David were overlapping because he was dead so but there's definitely a case to be made about David and Solomon because Solomon Obviously was made King why David was still alive and then it even talks about how he was anointed again To be king after David died. So this happens all the time throughout the Kings where you have Co-regency meaning that the father is still alive and still technically reigning while the son is is also king and reigning and so Chapter 10 chapter 10 we get into Rehoboam and Jeroboam and you really get into that Kingdom split. So in chapter 10 you get the fact that Rehoboam has two different advisors when it comes to this He has the older man and he has younger men and the older men are like Hey make the burdens of Israel lighter and the younger men are like no make them harder and And he got he sides with the younger And basically all of Israel's like what do we have to do with the house of David all this stuff and they basically split off And Jeroboam's in the midst. They're kind of like being the provocateur and the fact that he's basically pitting Israel against Rehoboam Jeroboam takes the ten tribes up north and And then you have I believe Judah and Simeon are what's going down south because Simeon's In Judah, right? It's literally inside of it That would be awkward right? Simeon's like no, we're with the northern kingdom and They have to constantly be passing through Judah to get there, right? anyway But that's why it's ten tribes, you know that are going with Rehoboam and not eleven I believe that's the case or that's why okay And Levi doesn't count because Levi is literally doesn't have a lot of inheritance. And so Levi Is everywhere okay as far as like their suburbs are in all of all the tribes but But what we'll actually see though is what's interesting in this this book here is like I said It focuses on the southern kingdom of Judah. So once you get to chapter 11 You know, it's really kind of focusing in on that southern kingdom. Okay when you're in the Kings It's really kind of focusing on the northern kingdom because you're dealing with Ahab and Zimrai Almerai, Zimrai, Ahab and you're dealing with Elijah and Elisha and they're all in that northern kingdom dealing with Ahab and Jezebel and all that stuff, right? This is more so okay. What's going on down south though when that stuff's going on? Okay, and when it comes to Rehoboam, it really gets into more details about his reign and Rehoboam establishes that southern kingdom and And specifically What happens is that not only Do the the Levites basically come from all the different tribes and come and dwell in In Judah and you know in Jerusalem and all that stuff Because that's obviously where the house of God's at. That's all that stuff, right? But also other people from the tribes that don't want to be involved in this this calf worship Okay, so if you remember when the split happens, what's the big sin of Jeroboam the son of Nebat? He makes two golden calves plus one in Dan and one in Bethel and basically says these are thy gods of Israel that brought the out of the land of Egypt and you're just like you Talk about like history repeating itself, right? It's like how do you how on the nose is that when it comes to Like it's not even that you made two Molten something you made two golden calves and you even said this same exact thing that they said When they're in the wilderness but basically The reason that Jeroboam did that was because he was afraid of people doing exactly what happened after he did that Okay, so if anything what he does there actually causes that to happen right so Because notice what it says here in verse 13. So 2nd Chronicles chapter 11 verse 13 again, this kind of gives you When you're in in Chronicles gives you a little more information about what's going on in that southern kingdom with Rehoboam and all that Verse 13 it says in the priests and the Levites that were in all Israel resorted to him out of all their coasts for Levites left their suburbs in their possession and Came to Judah and Jerusalem for Jeroboam and his sons had cast them off from executing the priests office unto the Lord And he ordained him priests for the high places and for the devils and for the calves which he had made So basically they're kind of being cast out With Anything they're basically getting their jobs stripped from them Okay, it because the priests and the Levites have certain jobs within all those provinces The Levites were to teach the law. There was a lot of things they were to do. Okay, but It says in verse 16 and after them After them out of all the tribes of Israel such as set their hearts to seek the Lord God of Israel came to Jerusalem To sacrifice unto the Lord God of their fathers So they strengthened the the kingdom of Judah and made Rehoboam the son of Solomon Strong three years for three years. They walked in the way of David and Solomon, which is interesting, right? It's the fact is that basically after that split Rehoboam first basically is going to war He's like no, we're gonna take it all but then he basically draws back and just basically establishes his kingdom With what he's got left and you have all the Levites coming to him you have all these other people that are coming from all the different tribes and this is why When you're in the New Testament, you'll see Anna the prophetess, you know think about how she is from Assar right or Asher, you know when it comes to that tribe and you say well, I thought that tribe was long gone because Remember in second Kings in chapter 17 all of northern Israel is completely Annihilated and they're scattered about and basically who's brought back in isn't even from Israel And that's where you get the Samaritans and all that basically, there's other people that are brought in and then they're made to kind of assimilate with the the religion of Judah but it's kind of this hybrid Version of that where they're kind of mixing in their false gods, but it's also kind of got the Lord in there as well and so So you may think to yourself why you know The you know, like obviously Paul knew that he was of Benjamin, right? And you have cases like that. Well, Benjamin is right on the the border of Judah So you probably had a lot of Benjaminites that were coming down into that southern kingdom you had other people that are coming from other tribes that are coming down there to where you kind of had this remnant of The tribes of Israel in Judah Okay, but it was Judah. Okay, so that's why You'll have that divide of why they're called the Jews is because they're of Judah They basically became a part of that tribe or became a part of that country that's down there. Okay. So anyway Chapter 12 Egypt actually spoils Jerusalem. Okay, so this is where Look at verse 1 here It says it came to pass when Rehoboam had established the kingdom and had strengthened himself He forsook the law of the Lord and all those who are with him So in chapter 11 if you're it was basically saying for three years They followed the Lord and they were doing what they should be doing, but then basically Rehoboam You know stops following the Lord there and stops following the law and what happens the Lord's gonna Basically punish him for it because in verse 2 it says in it came to pass that in the fifth year of King Rehoboam, Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem because they had transgressed against the Lord One thing I noticed there is the gap in time that for three years They're following the Lord and it wasn't till the fifth year that God basically took it out on them You know, basically you can see that there was space to repent right there space to get right It wasn't just immediately they stopped following the Lord. It's like all right time to get punished You know that you had a space there, but this is where Shishak Basically comes in and spoils Jerusalem and takes all the the shields of gold and all these different things and then Rehoboam Basically has to supply them with shields of brass. So if you think about it when you think about Solomon's reign It's kind of like the golden age, right? For lack of better terms there was a bunch of gold right, but they had even gold shields But then it goes right down to the kind of the Bronze Age and I know that's not what how they use those Terms okay, I get it The Bronze Age is like we're talking about like cavemen type stuff and then the golden age and all that I don't really care the idea here Is that obviously it kind of it's regressed as time went on with Israel that it went from you know David's kind of peeking out and then you have Solomon it gives even further than that, but then Solomon kind of starts dropping off a little bit before he dies and then Rehoboam now we got the kingdom split and It's kind of going alright for a while it's kind of like yeah It's not as good as it was with Solomon because you've lost a lot of the country But you're following the Lord the Lord can obviously Bless there, but then he stops following the Lord and then just goes downhill Okay And what you'll see with the kings of Judah is kind of like this Ebb and flow of like following the Lord not following the Lord following the Lord not following the Lord With Israel, it's more like Jeroboam, all right, we're just gonna go to hell, right? Jehu there's like this little blip of Jehu. It's like it's like you're going down. It's like oh, no. No still going down You know But with the kings of Judah you do have this kind of ebb and flow of Kings that are that are doing that okay, and I Personally think that in history in general. That's what we have We have kind of a rise of righteousness and things of God and then you have a decline and then there's basically Another incline where basically you come back up and then you come back down It's just a constant thing that you see throughout history in general if you're to look at a bird's-eye view of the whole world I think that happens over time where you have, you know things going up and down. Okay, so Where'd I have you go Chapter well, let's go to chapter 13 you were in chapter 12, right? So Egypt spoils Jerusalem and you have all that well after a Rehoboam is You have a bayah or a bayah as it says in this chapter. So so basically Rehoboam son of bayah or bayah starts the reign over Judah and Again for sake of time there's 36 chapters. We got to go through here I'm not gonna go through every single King and talk about everything they did or even talk about One thing that every King did there's just too much to go through in a short amount of time So just know this that obviously it's going in chronological order as far as the Kings are concerned you have Solomon Rehoboam Abijah reigns over Judah chapter 14 Asa reigns in Judah and Abijah is not good but Asa is So when you have Asa Asa it's kind of like, you know Rehoboam kind of going down Abijah just still going down, right? But Asa you're like coming back up Okay And it says in chapter 14 in verse 2 it says and Asa did that which is right in the eyes of the Lord his God For he took away the altars of the strange gods and the high places to break down the images and cut down the groves and commanded Judah to seek the Lord God of their fathers and to do the law and The commandment and actually in Kings that says that he took away the sodomites out of land, right? So it's like man way up here, right? So he's doing really good and then You know basically In a lot of these kings that do well in their final year as they mess up for whatever reason just see this Constantly happening and like I said when you find when you find people in the Bible that finish off strong You're just like yes, finally someone did it right and so finishing your course, right? It's that idea of like Paul and how he's talking about You know, I've kept the faith finish my course listen There's so many people in the Bible that did not do that and and people that were great you know you look at and you're like these are heroes of the faith, but they just mess up at the end of their life and The thing is is that he kind of he mistreats a prophet So again, these chapters go through some details that you just don't see in the in the first second Kings and in verse 10 I'm sorry verse uh, verse 7. So just these are the final years of Asa So he's doing well, but then in his final years of reigning he does make this mistake It says and at that time Hananiah the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said unto him Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria and not relied on the Lord thy God Therefore as the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand and basically Hananiah the seer is basically just pointing out a fact in the fact that Hey, if you wouldn't if you just would have relied on the Lord and not on them Then you'd be able to defeat them, too And he's just pointing out a fact that you need to really just put all your faith in the Lord in these and whatever battles you're fighting Verse 10 it says then Asa was wroth with the seer obviously seer is just the prophet, right? And put him in prison in the prison house for he was in a rage With him because of this thing and Asa oppressed some of the people the same time They basically just angry that the prophet said anything against them and Just not hearing rebuke or not hearing reproof Chapter 12 and Asa in the 30th and 9th year of his reign was diseased in his feet Until his disease was exceeding great yet in his disease. He sought not the Lord but to the physician So it's just kind of like this belligerent. Like what are you doing Asa at the end of your life? You know the prophets coming to you just giving you advice and basically saying hey This would have went better if you just would have relied on the Lord He's not even coming to me like hey, you're wicked and you know, all this stuff's gonna happen to you He's just making a point that you would have been able to take out Syria too if he just would have relied on the Lord and then he puts him in prison and starts afflicting other people and Then he gets the disease in his feet and he just will not inquire the Lord It's like he's got this vendetta against the prophets I think at that point and to the point where he's just like I'm not inquiring I'm not gonna go find a prophet inquire because I'm it's like he's so mad at them He's just gonna live the rest of his life with this disease in his feet. Okay, so That's where you kind of get the end of Asa's reign there so it's kind of like he starts off really well and you're just like man, it's good and then just you know go through the Kings and think about which King you want to be and Just make sure you read to the end though. Okay? Because sometimes you read these Kings you're like man, that's a good one That's a good one. Then you read the end of their life and you're just like ah I'll pick a different one so Even some of the greatest ones like Josiah and just different ones like that You're just in a hezekiah like they just all kind of end on this sour note and you're just like what is going on? Chapter 17 Jehoshaphat reigns in Judah and Jehoshaphat is the son of Asa and he basically just picks up where you know his father Asa was on the right path and Verse three it says the Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he walked in the way in the first ways of his father David and sought not unto Balaam, but sought to the Lord of his father and walked in his commandments and not after the doings of Israel so he's doing kind of like Asa where Asa is following the Lord all of this and You know Jehoshaphat Specifically, it's kind of like he cleans up wherever Cleans up around the edges that Asa missed, right? So it talks about how for example Asa took out the Sodomites out of land But then it said Jehoshaphat took out the remnant of the Sodomites So it's kind of like Asa basically took out the brunt of it and he kind of got all the leftovers And so he's kind of just cleaning house where his father left off But again, Jehoshaphat was a good king, but he just kept getting mixed up with helping Israel and in chapter 18 He goes into battle with King Ahab And this is where you really kind of get to end the book of 1st Kings So if you're talking about the timeline as far as where am I at in the Kings? You're really at the end of 1st Kings where Ahab's gonna die and all of that And in this story is where I believe we get the phrase jumping Jehoshaphat Now, I can't really prove that But you know, you probably ever heard that phrase jumping Jehoshaphat Maybe not. Maybe you're too old. Maybe you're too young for that. Listen, I'm too young for that Okay, I just heard older people say it back in the day. Okay, I'm just relaying the message Okay, heard it on like Looney Tunes or something like that You know where they'd say this phrase and that was made in the 40s. So who knows? Anyway, this is where The King of Israel basically Jehoshaphat disguises himself as the king of Israel So it's kind of this weird like Ahab somehow convinces Jehoshaphat to basically Disguise himself to be like the king of Israel Anyway, they start running after Jehoshaphat Well, then they realize it's not the king of Israel because it says in the middle of verse there It says they therefore they compass verse 31 It says therefore they compass about him to fight but Jehoshaphat cried out and the Lord helped him and God Moved them to depart from him and I can't help but think of jumping Jehoshaphat when I see that now that could be Completely off-base as far as where that phrase comes from but who has the name Jehoshaphat? You know who you know what I think that's where it comes from so therefore I'm just gonna stick with that unless someone convinces me Otherwise Wikipedia that later see where that phrase comes from. But anyway, all I have to say is that basically Ahab gets killed and Jehoshaphat in chapter 19 is rebuked by the Prophet Hananiah so Or I'm sorry Jehu. So remember Hananiah is the one that got put in prison, right? Because he Said something off to Asa. Well Jehu the son of Hananiah the seer is going to rebuke Jehoshaphat and Notice what it says here in verse 1 it says in Jehoshaphat the king of Judah Returned to his house to peace to Jerusalem and Jehu the son of Hananiah The seer went out to meet him and said King Jehoshaphat shouldest thou help the ungodly and loved them and hate the Lord therefore its wrath upon them from before the Lord So notice that God's not happy with them That he is helping The ungodly right and those that help, you know loving them that hate the Lord think about it. It's really Jezebel That's behind the ringleader of all this right and even talked about how Ahab how there was none like him that basically talks and it basically brings up Jezebel that basically Jezebel is kind of moving him to do these wicked things and so Jehoshaphat gets rebuked for that and Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Jehoshaphat is fasting and praying to the Lord To be delivered from this this great army that's coming to get some and it's kind of an army of Moab, Ammon and Just different it's kind of like a combination of different countries But basically he calls the country to fast and pray and the Lord ends up delivering them Okay, so the thing that with Jehoshaphat is that yeah, he messes up with Ahab but you know He does you know He kind of has his ebbs and flows in his life as far as like following the Lord You know, he's kind of doing everything he should be doing and then he he just gets he just gets hung up Helping the king of Israel and really that's what it comes down to if Jehoshaphat has a fault It's that he just he's a Zionist. I don't know. I'm just kidding He's not technically a Zionist because he's in Zion. Does that make sense? Right? It's kind of this weird because Israel is the northern kingdom, right? But he just can't help but just he just loves like those that hate the Lord Like he just there's just something that he it's his brethren. Obviously you can understand it But he just keeps helping out the kings of Israel so with Ahab he gets rebuked for it Then, you know, he's getting right with the Lord fasting praying all that stuff the Lord delivers them out of this great host that's coming against him and Then he joins himself up with a Azziah So Azziah, you know is reigning after Ahab and Azziah is the one that falls through the lattice all that stuff but basically he teams up with You know Azziah who does a whole bunch of wicked things and and You know first Kings kind of gets into that and second going into second Kings as far as Jehoshaphat kind of You know dealing with that. Okay, and so that's kind of Jehoshaphat's downfall is that that whole thing where he cannot just get over Helping out Israel, okay And if you remember the remember the prophet it says I wouldn't even speak to you unless Jehoshaphat was standing here Right because you have Micaiah remember that Ahab's like, you know, well, there's another prophet, but I hate him And basically the prophets is like, you know, unless Jehoshaphat was standing here I wouldn't even speak to you and I believe it's Elijah that actually says that Elijah the prophet but I might be mixed up on my prophets That's that that's basically said that but either way Jehoshaphat is regarded by the prophets as being a good king It's just that he keeps intermeddling with these wicked kings and that nation, okay Trying to sing Kumbaya, you know with With his brethren according to the flesh anyway chapter 21 Jehoram his son reigns in Judah Verse one there just to kind of see that in 2nd Chronicles 21 verse 1 It says now Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of David and Jehoram his son Rained in his stead and Jehoram is not a good king. So You kind of have this downhill slope a little bit again where Jehoram's not a good king and then Ahaziah in chapter 22 is reigning in Judah and he's not he's not a good king and I personally believe that in this in Chronicles It gives a reason why it talks about Ahaziah reigning when he was 22 and 42 Because I do believe that there was basically Kind of like a captivity if you will With Ahaziah and all that to where I believe he was a co-regent reigning with his father when he was 22 Before his father died around that time, but then there was this whole thing going on with with You know this kind of captivity where Jerusalem's kind of ransacked and all this stuff It talks about his sons all being killed like all of Jehoram's sons being killed except for one That was saved and they make him king. I believe that you kind of have that that thing going on there With that. Okay, so there's kind of inch in it. I believe Chronicles really answers what's going on there. Okay But when Ahaziah dies if you remember Jehu The son of Nimshai Jehu who drives furiously He ends up killing both Jehoram king of Israel, so I know it's confusing Jehoram king of Judah's son is Ahaziah But Jehoram king of Israel is a different person and Jehoram king of Israel and Ahaziah kind of link up And that's where Jehu's coming out towards them and they're like is it peace? You know and basically they both die in battle that day So at that point you kind of have you have these two kings that die you have Well Israel is replaced by Jehu so Jehu is made king over the northern kingdom of Israel, but what happens to Judah well Athaliah Ahaziah's mother okay, who happens to be related to Jezebel shocker. Okay, but Athaliah basically kills all of Ahaziah's children Okay, and so Or all the seed royal is the way it says it okay, so all the seed royal they're all killed Except for Joash, so Joash is Is saved by Jehoiada's wife and all of this so in this chapter in chapter 22 you see Ahaziah is reigning in Judah. Ahaziah dies Athaliah reigns as queen or basically takes basically kills all the seed royal To where now she is basically next in line right because she's the mother of the king Okay, and so she's now reigning and Joash is saved from basically being killed In chapter 23 Joash is made king and Athaliah is killed And in this this is where it talks about basically take her from The Rangers and have her killed right she's like treason treason right so this is a story where Joash is there They're proclaiming him king Athaliah is all upset about it, and then she's killed so So Athaliah is killed and Joash You know is king, but he's very young right so he's like I Don't have it on my list here as far as how old he was I think he was like eight years old But basically he's very young when he's starting there and Jehoiada in this chapter makes a covenant with the people so basically it's kind of like this refreshing and renewing of The kingdom of Judah because at that time it's kind of like you had this wickedness of Jehoram Then Ahaziah, and you had kind of like this this whole thing where there's this kind of captivity thing going on there and then You know Athaliah kills all the seed royal, and then she's basically reigning as queen for like eight years and Then when this is kind of all dealt with Jehoiada is basically kind of setting the people right like hey, let's go follow the Lord right and Jehoiada it says in verse 16 chapter 23 verse 16 and Jehoiada made a covenant between him and between all the people and between the King that they should be the Lord's people so Jehoiada They save Joash, but they're also basically getting the people on board with following the Lord getting back on track Okay, so really if you think about it. It's really Jehoiada and His family that's really the ones that turn the country around at this point and not the king right you kind of see the King the king comes in he cleans house. He follows the Lord, but it really in this case It's really Jehoiada that's doing this okay That's that's really turning it around in chapter 24 Joash is is reigning, but Joash repairs the temple and And and you know there's a whole story there as far as that that's concern But this is where Joash it goes off the rails Okay, and this is just perplexing you read the story. He's like. What are you doing, right? Who saved Joash from being killed when he was a child? Jehoiada's Wife right Jehoiada's wife and the house of Jehoiada I mean like basically they saved Joash, and then they made sure he was made king and so in return He ends up killing Jehoiada's son Now notice what it says here in 2nd Chronicles chapter 24 and this is just like where you're thinking like Joash all this is a good one Yes, is what what a what a great story You know and how you're saved as a child and then you're made king and you're coming back to the Lord and then this happens You're just like ah Like I said nothing you know when you're reading through the Kings and through Chronicles if you're if you're just wanting this nice You know Disney story of like you know good prevailing evil and just like happily ever after like It's just not there most of the time. It's just reality. Okay. This is reality This is what really happened, and it is what it is okay in verse 20 It says in the spirit of God came upon Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest Which stood above the people and said unto them thus saith God why transgress ye the commandments of the Lord That ye cannot that you cannot prosper because ye have forsaken the Lord He hath also forsaken you and they conspired against him and stoned him with stones notice this at The commandment of the king in the court of the house of the Lord Thus Joe asked the king the king remembered not the kindness which Jehoiada his father had done to him But slew his son and when he died he said the Lord look upon it and require it Now I personally believe that this is the Zechariah son of Barakas whom ye slew between the temple and the altar That's being referred to when Jesus is bringing up the blood of the prophets Now maybe it's a different Zechariah, but that it literally says where was he killed in the court of the house of the Lord Which where's the court you have the tabernacle and the court is where what the altar is and so When it says and when he died he said the Lord look upon it and require it Sound a little different than what Stephen said Stephen says lay not the sin to their charge And I don't believe either one of those are wrong I think that there's a case to be made to where hey this needs to be required or hey have mercy on them and if you think about it if Johash is a saved man require it in this life on him, right? Does that make sense? Whereas if these people are just ignorant think about Saul was standing there Paul at you know Saul at the time was standing there with the feet With his clothes at his feet consenting on a Stephen's death and when Stephen saying lay not this sin to their charge He's taught. I mean Saul is in that mix, right and God didn't lay that sin to his charge and basically Forgave him and because he did it ignorantly in unbelief. And so that's another term for another day I know I'm getting off track there you go through the chapters here. But anyway Again, there's a lot of information in second Chronicles that you just don't see First and second Kings and that's why there's two different You know, that's why you have the Chronicles and that's why you have the king So you focus on one thing over here, you're focusing on something else. So Israel and what on the Kings Judah on Chronicles, okay? chapter 25 Amaziah reigns in Judah and Verse 2 there just kind of see a little bit about it It says and so chapter 25 verse 2 it says and he did that which was right inside the Lord But not with a perfect heart Okay, so he's kind of doing okay, you know, so if you think about it like you're going downhill with it Jehoram Aziah Then you have Athaliah good night. That's really bad And then then Joash you're kind of coming uphill a little bit, but then he like kills Zechariah You're just like what in the world? And then Amaziah he's doing okay, but he just wasn't perfect. Maybe he had idolatry problems. Okay, when you see that they didn't follow With a perfect heart, it's always dealing with idolatry. It's always with not having the Lord You know, basically the first and second commandment if you think about it, right? I'll have no other gods before me and basically Just no idolatry if you're gonna follow the Lord perfectly with all your heart then idols have to be out of the way Okay, and that's kind of what's going on there chapter 26 Uzziah Or Uzziah, however, you want to say it. He's also called Azariah Which I believe the reason why he's called Aziah Specifically in the passage is because Azariah the priest is being talked about and there's like this conversation between him and Azariah and that'd be really confusing if it was Azariah Said this to Azariah and then Azariah was angry with Azariah and then it goes on and on okay And here's here's the the truth of the matter Most all these people had multiple names or multiple versions of their name anyway, so it makes sense that Azariah or Uzziah would be used here, okay So Uzziah reigns in Judah in verse 4 there It says he did that which is right in the sight of the Lord according to all that his father Amaziah did. Okay verse 21 The thing is Uzziah was basically kind of a good king, you know, Amaziah was a good king But he had problems with idolatry Uzziah Really messes up at the end. Okay Again shocker right you do okay, and then you mess up in the end. Uzziah basically tries to do the priest's office with like offering incense and all this stuff and basically he's getting rebuked for it and then he's just belligerent about it and What ends up happening is God makes him a leper and the leper is where your skin is basically basically deteriorating off your body and leprosy is basically kind of like a skin disease and it's contagious so when it says Contrary to what the Jews say, you know, it's not contagious. Yeah Okay Every time leprosy is ever mentioned it's talking about basically going without the camp getting away from people and like all this stuff. Okay verse Verse 21 there says in Uzziah the king was a leper until the day of his death and dwelt in a several house Being a leper for he was cut off from the house of the Lord and Jotham his son was over the king's house Judging the people of the land and this is a another clear co-regency where Uzziah is Reigning still he's still alive But he's a leper and he's basically when it says several house is a great example of what several means Okay, when we say several when we say several, we're usually meaning like You know a quantity right, you know, like how many doughnuts you want? I want several, right? You know several a few many whatever, okay Why I use doughnuts doesn't matter But you kind of see the word sever in there So when you talk about like every several gate every separate gate or every several ability Everyone has their own separate ability and you can think about what is a several house? It's a house That's separate from the rest, right? It's basically kind of off on its own For a reason because you're a leper, right? So that's kind of just you know terminology It's used in the Bible and you can even see within the word Severed basically, you're severing it from each other each gate in the Jerusalem is separate from the other gates It's it's severed from the other gates and all that. Anyway, I'm spending too much time on that word Chapter 27 chapter 27, Uzziah We already see that Jotham is basically Kind of reigning in his father's stead but you know, Uzziah dies and it says in verse 2 It says chapter 7 chapter 27 verse 2 it says and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord According to all that his father Uzziah did how be it? He answered not into the temple Lord and the people did yet corruptly That's kind of interesting like how that's worded, right? So Jotham He didn't make the mistake of his father But It kind of alludes to like what Uzziah did in the past Like even though Jotham was doing right it didn't undo what was done before That makes sense. It's kind of like he did right yet. They still did corruptly So it sometimes it's not enough that you're just doing right and what you see is that you'll see Kings doing right But then they take steps further than that to set the people right and so that's where you get into It's not enough just that you're doing right You need to help others do right as well. And especially if you're in a position of leadership like that Chapter 28 Uzziah reigns in Judah and Uzziah is not good. Okay, so Shocker, we're kind of going back downhill a little bit, but don't worry Hezekiah is coming up It says in verse 1 of chapter 28 Ahaz was 20 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 16 years in Jerusalem But he did not that which was right in the side of the Lord like David his father For he walked in the ways the kings of Israel and made also molten images for Balaam okay, so basically and Ahaz not only makes these molten images, but he puts them in the house of the Lord. Okay, so When Hezekiah comes on the scene in chapter 29 And there's a lot of chapters on With Hezekiah and you'll see these chapters not only in 2nd Kings These the stuff about Hezekiah so Hezekiah has got a lot of stuff in the Bible meaning that you have it here You have it here in 2nd Chronicles you have it in 2nd Kings but you also have these chapters that are in Isaiah because Isaiah is the prophet during Hezekiah's reign and You'll see the same information about like Assyria and different things that are going on with Hezekiah and Isaiah So you kind of have three different Parallel passages to deal with Hezekiah. Okay, so in chapter 29 Hezekiah reigns in Judah and he cleanses the temple okay, and it says in verse 1 of chapter 29 and Hezekiah began to reign when he was 5 and 20 years old and he Reigned 9 and 20 years in Jerusalem and his mother's name was Abijah the daughter of Zechariah and he did that which was right in the side of the Lord according to all that David his father had done and When it talks about him cleansing the temple What you have to understand is that He had to get rid of all the idolatry that his father had in there And what's amazing to me though is the kings that come from like a really wicked father That makes sense. Like it's one thing to be kind of like a Jehoshaphat and not to you know Basically speak bad about Jehoshaphat, but Asa his father was generally a good king, right? He was kind of on the right track and you kind of understand like Jehoshaphat Just kind of picking up where his father left off it's another thing when your father's like literally going like this and then you take that and you go the other direction and so I Have a lot of respect for those kings that do that like Asa Like Hezekiah like Josiah Right where it's basically all going downhill and then it just basically no, I'm gonna turn the tide and That speaks volumes about the person Not to diminish Jehoshaphat because I think like we talked about second generation Christians that sometimes it's easy for second generation Christians Meaning like your parents are saved and they're on the right track for you to take it for granted and then go downhill Right, so there's an argument for both cases as far as why would one would excel and why would one wouldn't but I I have a lot more sympathy for the person that comes from a really rough background and not doing what they should be doing then the person that has a good upbringing and then doesn't do what they're supposed to be Doing does that make sense? Like I have a lot more sympathy for the person that doesn't have a good background Okay. Anyway in In chapter 30 He does this Passover and there's basically a Celebration the temples cleanse there's a Passover done and basically there hasn't been a Passover done like this in a real I mean hundreds of years Then a Passover has been done like Hezekiah does it and it just really shows you that for hundreds and hundreds of years They just have not been keeping the law and then when you Josiah it's the same thing, it's just like When people say that they kept the law or they kept the covenant back then they're out to lunch It just really shows that God is very long-suffering with How they were keeping the covenant or how they were basically doing or not doing what they should be doing Chapter 31 Hezekiah organizes the priests and so he's basically a lot of what he's doing is just kind of getting The house of God and getting all that together and I preached on this when I was preaching about Hezekiah But really what you have to understand is that there needs to be a revival From the church house and what Hezekiah does first is he deals with the temple of God Deals with those that are in the house of God the priests and all that and that turns this Revival where people are now wanting to come out of the country Out of all these even out of northern Israel and basically come down all that now obviously in Hezekiah's day Northern Israel is gonna be no more. You know what? You know, basically I think it's nine years into his reign is when that northern kingdom completely annihilated So some of those people get out in the nick of time. Does that make sense? Like basically there's this revival people are coming down because Hezekiah is getting everything right and then that whole northern kingdom is annihilated Okay So we have him basically organizing the priests getting everything set in order there And really that's what a king needs to do He kind of needs to be the one to call the shots and be like, hey, here's what needs to happen Here's what you need to do. You guys need to get this stuff, right? It should be the priests and the Levites that have this all figured out But you know what if they don't have it figured out Hezekiah's coming in and basically Getting it done. Okay chapter 32 is where Assyria comes in to besiege Jerusalem and God delivers him from them and what you have is a zanacharib is the king of Assyria and He's sending his messenger Rabshiqui and this is the story you'll see in second Kings is the story you'll see in this Chapter, but this is also the story that you'll see in Isaiah Where basically Rabshiqui's coming and basically trying to threaten all the people that are there that you know who's delivered You know all these other nations out of the king of Assyria's hand and getting them to try to try to frighten them and in the end God delivers Jerusalem and Judah out of their hand and even secular history will show that Assyria was completely annihilating Everybody around and they could not take Jerusalem So obviously the Bible's right, you know when it comes to secular history anyway But even secular history agrees with the fact that Jerusalem was not for whatever reason they can't explain it Like you you listen to people that they're definitely not claiming to be Christian or anything like that And they're just basically for whatever reason the king of Assyria could not take Jerusalem. They could not take Judah now We know the answer because God's the one that caused them not to be able to take it Okay, and you have that story there chapter 33 Manasseh reigns. Okay, so Manasseh is Very wicked But what you have to what's interesting about this chapter chapter 33 if you just read 2nd Kings you'd be like Manasseh's a reprobate Like almost guaranteed you read through that and you believe the reprobate document. You're like this guy's done. This guy's just gone, right? But then you read 2nd Chronicles 33 2nd Chronicles 33 in verse 1 it says Manasseh was 12 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 50 and 5 years in Jerusalem. So he reigns a long time Okay, and it says but did that which was evil on the side of the Lord like unto the abominations of the heathen whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel. So he kind of goes way back So Hezekiah is like good King right now Hezekiah messes up at the very end of his reign But also he gets 15 years out of Hezekiah's life and when you look at how old is Manasseh 12 years old that means that those 15 years were not added to Hezekiah's life at under his request Manasseh wouldn't even have been born Okay, but that being said is that Manasseh is is basically going way downhill and But in this chapter we see that Manasseh actually gets right with God And this is a great example just like Solomon and just like other people in the Bible where we can really see How far someone can go kind of like Paul, right? Paul gives an example that he's chief among sinners we see how far someone can go before they're kind of given over to a reprobate mind and Paul was to the point where he's basically consenting and hailing people in the jail and consenting out to their death Breathing out threatening toward Christians and toward the Church of God That's how far it can go, right? Well in verse 10 here it says and the Lord spake to Manasseh and to his people Into his people, but they would not hearken wherefore the Lord brought upon them the captains of the host of the king of Assyria Which took Manasseh Among the thorns and bound him with fetters and carried him to Babylon. So Manasseh literally carried the Babylon and says and when he was in affliction He besought the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the Lord or before the God of his fathers and prayed unto him and he was entreated of him and heard his supplication and Brought him again to Jerusalem to his kingdom then Manasseh knew that the Lord He was God and it even talks about how Manasseh is basically trying to clean things up at the end of his reign so Very interesting, right? Whereas when you read through second Kings, you're like Dude, this guy's done right? You're just like man that guy had a horrible reign Now that's not to diminish because Manasseh actually sacrificed his son to a false god, right? It's not to diminish that he did some horrible things. Okay But In our lifetime we have people that are literally committing abortions and all these different things and listen there are people that commit abortions and they can still get saved and so That being said interesting story there at the end of that chapter Ammon, Amen Reigns after Manasseh and he reigns for two years in Jerusalem and Amen is not good Okay, it's kind of like Manasseh reign for a long time being wicked and he finally humbled himself and got things right But his son ended up turning out bad. So But he doesn't reign for that long and then Josiah it's one of those that comes from kind of a bad background His grandfather did get things right, but his father was bad and in verse chapter 34 Josiah reigns in Judah and this is where they find the book of the law Hilkiah finds the book of law and obviously Josiah is very tender-hearted about it and and Wanting to get things right with the Lord and all that story with Josiah basically Getting the country back on you know, following the Lord Chapter 35 is Josiah again and Josiah is keeping the peace of the Passover Which you kind of see that kind of rhyme there where they get back to the things Lord It's like the Passover is like what they're trying to keep and they're trying to keep that that piece of that Passover and get that right At the end of chapter 35 Josiah is killed in battle and this again Josiah does so great and then for whatever reason he's trying to get involved in some war with the king king of Egypt And even the king of Egypt is just like what are you doing man? You know, he doesn't say it like that This isn't the message version, but What are you doing bro? Why are you coming up to me bro? Don't come at me bro the thing is is that He even says Pharaoh Nico says The Lord has told me to go up on this battle, right? So Pharaoh Nico is basically doing he's fighting a battle that had nothing to do with Josiah or the kingdom of Judah and then Judah's just like and then Josiah's just like no I'm gonna go fight this and then he ends up dying And we just really shows you that listen if you're gonna go outside the will of God and you're just gonna do whatever you want to Do it's not gonna be that protection on your life If you're just going against that especially if you're going against what God wants someone else to do, okay And also shows you that just because you've done great things in your past doesn't mean you have immunity To just basically do whatever you want and make all you know Do things against what God wants, okay? so chapter 36 We read that for our chapter and that's the last chapter and really what you see is the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon and really what you see with this. Okay, Josiah dies and Jehoiacom Or Jehoah has is basically set the rain, but then Pharaoh Nico sets up Jehoiacom and Jehoiacom rains for 11 years and Babylon takes takes Jerusalem right after Jehoiacom's rain and And But it doesn't completely destroy Jerusalem. Okay, so that makes sense. Like they're taking captive and Jehoiachin Jehoiachim's son is Taking captive and he's in Babylon. He ends up getting out of prison. He ends up living a great life after that Basically, there's kind of like this this rain of Jehoiachim for 11 years Jerusalem is basically Besieged everybody's taken captive and then Zedekiah is set up to be king and he rains for 11 years But when he messes up and doesn't and doesn't submit under the king of Babylon Then the city is completely annihilated So make sense of Jehoiachim captivity Things are obviously disheveled right, but it's really Zedekiah where they mess up. So when you're reading through Jeremiah, for example You'll see Jehoiachim and you'll see Zedekiah. Jehoiachim's first, Zedekiah's next and what you see is that basically the the stuff about Babylon coming with Jehoiachim is that they're gonna come and take people away and Obviously they're gonna be under captivity and all that but when he's talking to Zedekiah, it's like you're gonna be completely annihilated The wall is gonna be broken down. The temple is gonna be destroyed Everything is gonna be annihilated and that's what's going on with Zedekiah Okay, and at the end of the chapter we see where it's also talking about the fact that Cyrus king of Persia is gonna be The one that's going to make the decree a proclamation to rebuild the temple Okay, and that's where you get into Ezra which spoiler alert. That's the next book So let's end with a word of prayer. Happy Father. We thank you for today Thank you for your word and thank you for these books and these passages Lord help us to know all The all the information we can about the Kings and that we can learn about them and apply Either what they do right or or To our lives or to learn from their mistakes and apply that to our lives or we love you We also Jesus Christ name. Amen. So brother Dave will come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed Alright take your song books and turn to song number 12 Song number 12 in your song books will sing blessed Redeemer if you would stand We'll sing song number 12 Calvary's mountain one dreadful morn while Christ my savior weary and worn Facing for sinners death on the cross That he might save them from endless loss Blessed Redeemer precious Redeemer Seems now I see him on Calvary's tree Wounded and bleeding for sinners pleading Blind and unheeding dying for me Father forgive them the city pray Eden was life's blood flowed fast away Praying for sinners while in such woe No one can Jesus ever loved so Blessed Redeemer precious Redeemer Seems now I see him on Calvary's tree Wounded and bleeding for sinners pleading Blind and unheeding dying for me. Oh how I love him Savior and friend How can my praises ever find them? through years on numbered on heaven sure My tongue shall praise him forever more Blessed Redeemer precious Redeemer Seems now I see him on Calvary's tree Wounded and bleeding for sinners pleading Blind and unheeding