(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. You Well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church Take your song books and turn to song 263 Song 263 in your song books will sing verily verily And if you would stand we'll sing song 263 Oh, what a savior that he died for me from Condemnation he hath made me free He that believeth on the sunset he hath Everlasting life Verily verily I say unto you Verily verily message ever new He that believeth on the sun tis true hath everlasting Life all my iniquities on him were laid all my indebtedness By him was paid all who believe on him the Lord hath said hath everlasting life Verily verily I say unto you Verily verily Message ever new He that believeth on the sun tis true hath everlasting life Though poor and needy I can trust my lord Though weak and sinful I believe his word Oh glad message every child of God hath everlasting life Verily verily I say unto you Verily verily message ever new He that believeth on the sun tis true hath everlasting life Though all unworthy and I will not doubt For him that cometh he will not cast out He that believeth though the good news shout hath everlasting life Verily verily I say unto you Verily verily message ever new He that believeth on the sun tis true hath everlasting life Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again We just want to thank you God for another Opportunity and privilege to come out to your house and to hear your word preached by a man of God that loves you Thank you for our church. Thank you for all the souls that were saved because the Faithful hard work of our the members of this church I pray Lord that you would just be honored and glorified out of everything and said and done We love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all but amen All right, you may be seated and take your song books and turn to song 219 Song 219 in your song books We'll sing my burdens rolled away song 219 I Remember when my burdens rolled away I had carried them for years night and day When I sought the Blessed Lord and I took them at his word then at once all my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away I Remember when my burden rolled away That I feared would never leave night and day Jesus showed to me the law so I left them at the cross. I was glad when my burden rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away I Remember when my burdens rolled away That had hindered me for years night and day As I sought the throne of grace just a glimpse of Jesus face and I knew that my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away I am singing since my burdens rolled away There's a song within my heart night and day I am living for my king and with joy, I'll shout and sing Hallelujah all my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away You Amen so welcome out Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and here This thing works So we have normal service times coming up this Sunday, so everything should be normal there and then we have our so many time at 1 p.m. On Sunday and Then our regional times are on here Being in prayer for the the Crandalls, so But Charles was Crandall or Miss Paula is our traveling or there they they got there, right? So they're there so just being a prayer as they come back and all that and just being have them in your prayers there for safe travels and and then on The upcoming events here we have September we're gonna be coming in September. So we got one more day tomorrow until until we get into September, but We have our church anniversary. So we're gonna be having food and all that So basically you're gonna be doing what we did last year. And so You know, we're getting like the the bounce house and the dunk tank and all that stuff So you didn't try last year to try to dunk me or brother Dave Or anybody else they got into the thing Then this year try again, so You got a week last year is what I'm trying to say is that it took you a long time Yeah, you got me until you got me in the tank. But Yeah, well, yeah, you were you were the first one, right? Yeah, I still hold that against you just so you know, so I forgive you You got a gift card for it, I don't think I authorized that No, but all joking aside we're gonna have like we're gonna have food provided so we're gonna have the main course and everything But if you want to bring any type of desserts or size or anything like that If Miss Paul is listening Pepperoni rolls are always allowed And I We should never have to say that but I'm gonna say it anyway but so But that's coming up But then the day before that so on that Saturday brother Charles is gonna be leading up the soul winning marathon It's gonna be a point Miriam. It's gonna probably be in other areas around that as well Point Marion's not too far. It's just outside of Morgantown In PA there and then on September 23rd, we're gonna be partnering up with Some of our friends up in Akron Ohio area they go to Southwest West Baptist Church And we're gonna be partnering up with them doing soul winning marathon in the Cleveland area And so we I just posted a video that they put together And so the address and everything to that church is on there so we're gonna be meeting up at their church building there and so So yeah that that that's coming up. That'll be the 23rd. So that'd be the next Saturday So Saturday after our anniversary service that's gonna be there. So I'm planning on going out to that and so Hopefully many will make it out to that and have a good time going out there Obviously when it comes to these longer ones, we're gonna try to carpool as much as we can and That makes sense. So and then Our chapter memory for the month is Malachi chapter 3 that'll be going into chapter 4 as we go into September here And then our memory verse for the week is 2nd Corinthians 5 17 We got the birthdays anniversaries all that stuff and Then on the pregnancy list there we in prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list Amanda Jennifer Alyssa Anastasia Abby who's Not feeling well right now. So speaking of pregnancies, but be in prayer for Tiara, you know with the whole recovery and everything else what just having a baby so And always give ladies grace when it comes to after they have a baby like don't expect them to be back in church like immediately Some people they'll be right back in other people It'll be a while before they feel comfortable coming back in and all that. So never look down on Anybody that just had a baby that is Taking their time to come back into the public and everything. So Just just know that that we're not At least I'm not I'm definitely not like looking at obviously We love having them here and same thing with any of the ladies when you have a baby We love having you here, but you know what that whole recovery process of getting back to normal there You know take your time to to get Healed up. So anyway That's about what I have for announcements that I can think of right now And so are the offering boxes in the back there if you want to give Tyler an offering mother baby room for the mothers and babies only we will be continuing our Study through the book of first Samuel. So we'll be on chapter 2 tonight I think brother Wade you're reading tonight. So brother Wade's gonna be reading chapter 2 of first Samuel After we do one more song You All right, take your song books and turn to song 130 Song 130 in your song books will sing yesterday today forever Song 130 Oh How sweet the glorious message simple faith may claim Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same He loves to save the sinful heal the sick and lame Cheer the mourner still the tempest glory to his name Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same All may change but Jesus never glory to his name glory to his name His name Glory to his name All may change but Jesus never glory to his name He who parted airing Peter net thou fear He that came to faithless Thomas all thy doubt will clear He who let the love disciple on his bosom rest Bids thee still with love as tender lean upon his breast Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same Oh May change but Jesus never glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name All may change but Jesus never glory to his name He who made the raging aging billows walked upon the sea Still can hush our wildest tempest as on Galilee He who wept and prayed in anguish and Gethsemane Drinks with our teach cup of trembling and our agony Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same Oh May change but Jesus never glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name All may change but Jesus never Glory to his name As of old he walked who may yes with them to a fine Through all life's way he walketh ever near our side Soon again shall we behold him. Hey sin Lord the dame But Will still be the same Jesus as he went away Yesterday today forever Jesus the same All may change but Jesus never glory to his name Glory to his name Oh May change but Jesus never glory to his name All right, take your Bibles and turn to first Samuel chapter number two First Samuel chapter number two and your Bibles will have brother Wade come and read that for us First Samuel chapter two and Hannah prayed and said My heart rejoiced at the end the Lord My horn is exalted in the Lord. My mouth is enlarged over mine enemies because I rejoiced in thy salvation There is none holy as the Lord for there is none beside thee neither. Is there any rock like our God? Talk to no more so exceeding seeing proud proudly Let not arrogance e come out of your mouth for the Lord is a God of knowledge and by him actions are weighed The bowels of the mighty men are broken it and they that stumbled are girded with strength They that were full have hired out themselves for bread and they that were hungry and hungry ceased so that the Baron hath born seven and she That hath many children is waxed feeble Lord killeth and maketh alive he bringeth down to the grave and bringeth up the Lord make it the poor and make it rich He bringeth low and lifted up. He raised up the poor out of the dust and lifted up the beggar From the dung hill to set them among princes and to make them inherit throne Glory for pillars of the earth are the Lord's and he hath set the world upon them He will keep the feet of his Saints and the wicked shall be silent in darkness for by strength shall no man prevail The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces out of heaven shall you thunder upon them? The Lord shall judge the ends of the earth and he shall give strength unto his King and exalt the horn of his anointed and Elkanah went to Rhema to his house and the child did minister unto the Lord before Eli the priest Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial. They knew not the Lord and the priest custom with the people that was that when any man Offered sacrifice the priests servant came while the flesh was in seething with a flesh hook of three teeth in his hand And he struck it into the pan or kettle or cauldron or pot all that the flesh hook brought up the priest took for himself So they did in Shiloh unto all Israelites that came thither Also before they burned the fat The priests servants came and said to the man that sacrificed give flesh to the roast for the priest for he will not have Sodden flesh of thee but raw and if any man said unto him Let them not fail to burn the fat presently and then take as much as thy soul desireth Then he would answer him nay, but thou shalt give it me Now and if not, I will take it by force Wherefore the sin of the young men was very great before the Lord for men harbored the offering of the Lord But Samuel ministered before the Lord being a child girded with a linen efad Wherever his mother made him a little coat and brought it to him from year to year when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice and Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife and said the Lord give the Seed of this woman for the loan which is lent to the Lord and they went unto their own home and the Lord Visited Hannah so that she conceived and bared three sons and two daughters and the child Samuel grew before the Lord Now Eli was very old and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel and how they lay with the women Assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and he said to them Why do you such things for I hear of your evil dealings by all his people? nay, my sons for it is no good report that I hear you make the Lord's people to transgress if One man sin against another the judge shall judge him But if a man sin against the Lord Who shall entreat for him notwithstanding they hearken not unto the voice of their father because the Lord would slay them and child and the child Samuel grew on and was in favor both with the Lord and also with men and There came a man of God unto Eli and said unto him thus saith the Lord Did I plainly appear unto the house of thy father when they were in Egypt in Ferris house? And did I did I choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest to offer Upon my altar to burn incense to wear an e5 before me And did I give unto the house of thy father all the offerings made by fire of the children of Israel? Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and at mine offering which I have commanded in my habitation And honors thy sons above me to make yourselves fat with the cheapest of all the offerings of Israel my people Wherefore the Lord God of Israel Sayeth I said indeed that thy house and my and the house of the father should walk before me forever but now the Lord sayeth be it far for me for them that honor me I won't honor and Then they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed behold the days come that I will cut off thine arm and the arm of the father's house and there shall not be an Old man in thine house and thou shalt see an enemy in my habitation in it in all the wealth Which God shall give Israel and there shall not be an old man in thine house forever and the man of thine Whom I shall not cut off from mine altar shall be to consume Thine eyes and to grieve thine heart and all the increase of thine house shall die in the flower of their age And this shall be a sign unto thee That shall come upon By two sons of Hophni on Hophni and Phinehas and one day they shall die both of them And I will raise me up faithful priest that shall do according to that which is in my heart and in my mind And I will build him a sure house and he shall walk before mine anointed forever And it shall come to pass that every one that is left in thine house shall come and crouch to him for a piece of silver or morsel of bread and shall say put me I pray thee Into one of the priests offices that I may eat a piece of bread. Let us pray dear Lord Let's hear your word. Let us get something from your message tonight. Jesus now pray. Amen Hey men, so you're there in first seeing your chapter 2 and we're containing our study through the book 1st Samuel and The first chapter we saw the birth of Samuel and so we saw the story of Elkanah and his he had two wives Peninnah and Hannah and Hannah was barren, but then When they came to do sacrifice before the Lord She prayed for a child and that she would lend him to the Lord If she ended up having a son, so We see that she actually does perform that that she does lend him to the Lord and That obviously I'm sure was a hard thing to do after the child was weaned and everything But in verse 1 here, we actually start off this chapter with that prayer from Hannah So Hannah prayed to begin with poor Samuel but then this prayer is is really kind of a prayer of rejoicing and praise to the Lord and Notice what it says in verse 1 here It says and Hannah prayed and said my heart rejoiceth in the Lord. Mine horn is exalted in the Lord My mouth is an enlarged over mine enemies because I rejoice in thy salvation now the first thing that I see in this prayer is dealing with the idea of rejoicing in thy salvation and think about obviously just other places where This is kind of mentioned that we think of David saying that restoring to me the joy of thy salvation After he sins and everything but the idea of that salvation that Hannah's a believer and you say well You know, what's this talking about with the being large over mine enemies? Well, actually Zachariah in the New Testament John the Baptist's dad he he prayed or he prophesized and he's talking about there's this promise that you're gonna be that you will be saved from your enemies and The thing that I always think about is what's the last enemy though, what's the ultimate enemy and that's death The Bible talked about at the very end. The last enemy is gonna be destroyed which is death. So The Lord saves us from all our enemies But ultimately the biggest enemy if you think about it is death and the fact that we're gonna have victory over death Both spirits we have it over over death spiritually because he that believed on him is passed from death and the light But also physically speaking because there's going to be a resurrection Now in verse 2 here it says there is none holy as the Lord for there is none beside thee neither Is there any rock like our God? Talk no more so exceedingly proud let no Arrogancy come out of out of your mouth for the Lord is a God of knowledge and by him Actions are weighed. So it's kind of like she's she's kind of stating, you know Giving a warning out the people and this in this prayer and the saying don't don't be proud Don't be arrogant because the Lord is the one that weighs the actions and this is obviously a profound statement here By him actions are weighed, but I think about this in the fact that we live we live in you know a world where well the world says this but even a Most I wouldn't say most but a lot of Christians think that all actions are equal like all sin is equal Like well, you know that well all a sin is equal So anytime you bring up some like grievous sin to somebody They're like that that person committed murder that person committed adultery and they're just like well all sin is equal You know, we're all sinners and it's like we're all in this equal playing field when it comes to what we commit So because I broke the speed limit that's just as bad is murdering somebody in cold blood And You know that that's ridiculous and this verse is just another verse upon many other verses that shows you that actions are weighed There there there there's a different weight compared to depending on what action you commit Now that could be a good thing that could be a bad thing right because obviously actions in here are I mean, it's just kind of it could be good it could be bad and Obviously when you're dealing with sin, there are sins that are worse than others Jesus even says that those that delivered me unto you have committed the greater sin So he's talking about the Jews that brought him to Pilate that they had the greater sin and There's a greater damnation all of that and so throughout the Bible It's just constantly showing you that no there are different weights to different actions There's different weights to different sins Now, is it true that any sin would send someone to hell? of course any sin would would cause someone to die because the wages of sin is death and You know, it doesn't matter what point of law you break if you if you keep the whole law and offend in one point you're guilty of all meaning that the example that's given is that if you if you You don't you don't commit adultery, but you kill somebody you're you're guilty of the law, right? or if you committed if you commit adultery and Then you are you don't kill somebody you commit adultery. It doesn't matter what sin you commit. You're guilty of the law But know this is that there is a weight to The if you just look at what the penalty is in the Bible for sin Murder whosoever shedeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed But then if you steal something you don't get put to death for it unless you steal a person Okay, so obviously slavery there's the death penalty for that, right? But if you steal something you pay back fourfold by fold depending on what you stole Okay, and there's different weights depending on that So in this Hannah understands that Yet a Lot of Christians don't understand this and you know what this you know Why they want to say all sin is equal because they want an excuse for their sin. That's why and obviously there's a lot of unsafe people that put weight that that want everything to be equal because They're they're somehow trying to justify their sin to be like well, you know We're all in the same boat and God wants me then no one will go to heaven because we're all sinners and all this stuff Right it but they obviously don't understand that salvation is by faith It's grace and you know, obviously if you believe on him all your sins are covered no matter what it is But there's always this justification for sin that they're trying to do So they're trying to take away the weight of the weight of your sins is really what it comes down to They're not usually trying to add gravity to small sins Are they like well, you know, let's let's add some gravity to the sin of like telling a white lie, right? No, they're always trying to pull that that one is really that grave sin that everybody knows is wicked as hell They're always trying to take that one be like well that one's not as bad because we're all on the same plane But Hannah knows that by him actions are weighed and by the way the judgment seat of Christ There's actions are weighed and that's good actions But then the great white throne judgment Those that aren't believers that are gonna be standing there guess what their actions are weighed based on what they did Now keep reading there It says the the the bows of the mighty men are broken and they've they that stumble are girded with strength They that were full have hired out themselves for bread and they that were hungry Seized so it's kind of like he's showing the opposite. You know, you kind of think that the Lord will cause You know the mighty men to be broken if you will like the bows of the mighty men would be broken But it'll also cause those that stumble to be girded with strength So it's kind of like the opposite those that are more like faints and stumbling He'll cause them to be strengthened up and the same thing with you know being full You know are now hiring themselves out for bread, right? They're full but now they're like basically selling themselves for food and Going down the line as far as the hungry ceased and that Meaning this is I believe that he's saying that they're not hungry anymore As that the Baron hath born seven and she that hath many children is waxed feeble That definitely I mean think about what she who are we dealing with here? We're dealing with Hannah and what was she she was barren So she kind of gives all these examples and you may you may think that this is just kind of like she's just throwing Stuff out there, but it really comes down to why is she rejoicing because she was barren and now she has She has Samuel which actually after this she's gonna have more children so You know it all comes down to okay. All these things are true that the Lord is able to strengthen those that are feeble He's able to feed those that are hungry He's able to also take those that are strong and break them right and just basically Humble those that are exalted and vice versa and then it gets down to the fact that She that the Lord can also cause her and any and any woman to You know basically bear children and it says in verse 6 here. It says the Lord killeth and make alive He bring it down to the grave and bringeth up. So we have the resurrection right here Now obviously you can think about like Lazarus and the fact that he raises him from the dead But we could also just think about the fact that hey, we're talking about like the resurrection where we'll never die Again, like the the glorification of the body And we have that all the way back here and first Samuel chapter 2 Job obviously hits on this other places hit on this so It's always it's always nice to see it in the Old Testament the Old Testament's obviously not as revealed and so it's not going to be maybe as Just explained and pointed out to you like hey, here's the resurrection But know that it's it's laced throughout the Old Testament Salvation is laced throughout the Old Testament all these things that are in there and the New Testament is really just showing you like hey here's what all that meant and It's always good to go back and see okay Hannah understood that God is able to put people in the grave and he's also able to raise them back up And so Verse 7 here says the Lord maketh poor and maketh rich He bringeth low and lifteth up He raises up the poor out of the dust and lifts it up the beggar from the dunghill To set them among among princes and to make them inherit throne of glory For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's and and he has set the world upon them So here's where he's teaching the flat earth or where Hannah believes in the flat earth now I Obviously The flat earth theory is stupid. Okay, but let me just explain people go to You'll you'll find some video where someone's like that the Bible teaches the earth is flat and they'll show you this verse right here Well, let me ask you a question. Does it say anything about the earth being flat round or anything in there? They say well no, but it sits on pillars It could look like an egg for all you know And it's sitting on pillars, right How does that prove that it's flat? See, that's the the bait and switch they show you there They're like, hey, here's a verse that somehow tells you it's kind of like they believe that the earth sits on a turtle you know, it's this idea of like there's these pillars that go down and then into eternity and Therefore like it's sitting and it's it when they say well the earth when it says that the Bible says that the earth is stable then they'll would say well see it doesn't move, you know and It's just state and standing there. It's on pillars Well, how about this it's a sphere and it's on pillars right I could say that as much as you can say it's a disc But here here's the truth of the matter when it's talking about this one We're talking about a prayer where a lot of this stuff is being allegorical anyway, right? I mean if you were talking about the pillar of fire and the pillar of the cloud in the wilderness Does anybody think that that was actually like a physical pillar that was like holding up the sky? You know or that it was actually like a physical pillar holding up anything But here's the thing. Here's what's going on and I preached on this a years ago on just explaining what this is talking about is that What you have is the earth is round and and basically everything is being pushed in on itself This is gravity. Okay, so gravity is basically The mass of the earth there that's why we have the force that's holding us to the earth and we're not just floating around Okay well, if you think about like a ball that would have Let's say a ball inside of it. And then you had basically Think about like sticks or pillars going down to that center ball if you will That's basically what we have in the in the earth is you have a lot of caverns and like in basically Pillars that are going down to the center of the earth and they all bear within each other I don't want to get into the structural engineering of it because this sermon is not about the structure of the earth But if you understand compression members and and think about an arch or a wheel of a bike, okay I think that's probably the best way to think about it the wheel of a bike has what spokes that are going down to a center portion and everything is being pushed on to that right any force is going to that and Basically those spokes would be like the pillars of the earth okay, and So I believe there are pillars and here here's my proof when it when it's prophesied about Jesus going to the center of the earth It says that the earth with our bars was about me forever So you have bars and pillars that are making up the structure of the earth and Listen, you say well, we don't know what's down Yeah the crust of the earth is about they estimate like if you're looking at an apple the crust the thickness of the crust of The earth is like the the skin on the apple and we have still never drilled down to the mantle So no one knows what's in their center of the earth. I mean, obviously we know there's like big ball of fire, right? They figured that out though. The Bible already teaches that but You know what? Guess what? I believe there's pillars that are going down through that And and when Jesus said that he would that the bars of the earth would about him forever That there's this structure that's basically encompassing him Or Yeah that he's being encompassed by I guess So anyway, I need to preach another sermon on the against the flat earth. Eventually. We'll really get into the weeds on that one If you liked my sermon about thermodynamics, then you'll really like this one no, but so all I'd say is that people pull out the weirdest doctrines just out of like a prayer right here and One I think that she's more so probably just thinking about like a spiritual meaning to You know the earth being set upon pillars think about the seven pillars of wisdom that Proverbs talks about I mean you go in so many different avenues, but I'll say this I believe the earth is on pillars, but it's not going down into eternity and just sitting down out there and nothing and Because the Bible says that the earth said it hangeth upon nothing So unless you want to just contradict that one With your theory then you're gonna have to go with the fact that there's internal Pillars that are going into each other and then it's hanging upon nothing. So anyway going off from that The earth is round verse 9. It says he will keep the feet of his Saints For his whole sermon about who the Saints are So when you're going through the Old Testament you see Saints who we dealing with believers those that have called upon name the Lord those that are sanctified and And so this isn't a New Testament thing Saints actually I didn't look up how many times Saints were Mentioned in the Old Testament and new but I'm pretty sure it's like it's more than the Old Testament Like it's mentioned more in the Old Testament. I could be wrong about that But I'm pretty sure it's more in the old but it says in the wicked shall be silent in darkness For by strength shall no man prevail The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces out of the heaven out of heaven shall he thunder upon them The Lord shall judge the ends of the earth and he shall give strength unto his king and exalt the horn of his Anointed so in verse 1 we see the last enemy, you know We think about the enemies being destroyed with salvation the last enemy being death. We see the resurrection mentioned in verse 6 The promise of Christ coming here in verse 10 on his anointed Exalting the horn of his anointed and obviously you can think about we haven't got we haven't gotten to a king yet Because if you think about it he shall give strength unto his king at this point there's no king in Israel That's an important thing to know that we're still on the judges at this point that there's no king yet we haven't gotten to the Saul yet, and so I Believe this is clearly she's talking about The coming king or the true king which is Jesus the anointed and another word for anointed is Christ So when it talks about how they set themselves against the Lord and against his anointed in Psalm 2 when that's quoted it says against the Lord and against his Christ and so We see that now this this Prayer is very much I think of Mary's prayer Which is not really it's more of a song of praise if you will or basically just giving praise Which is this is to write if you think about it. This is Hannah just praising the Lord for what he's done who he is and all of that I want you to look at Luke chapter 1 and verse 46 and just see these similar Praise is given by two different women and obviously in a big span of time, but if you think about it There's obviously a lot dealing with the promise throughout the Old Testament of women that have been barren that have a child and that that idea that miracle of Having a child when you're barren and then obviously with the virgin birth, that's the biggest miracle With Jesus being born, but it says in verse 46 Luke 1 and Mary said my soul doth magnify the Lord my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior Which shows you that Mary needed a Savior just like everybody else. She's not sinless, but she's praising the Lord Says in verse 48 for he hath regarded the lowest aid of his handmaiden for behold from henceforth all generations Shall call me blessed for he that is mighty had done to me great things and holy is his name so she's basically just praising the Lord rejoicing in the Lord and and Talking about God her Savior It says and his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation And he has showed strength with his arm He has scattered the proud in the imagination of the horse notice how Hannah talks about the proud and the arrogant how Basically not to be proud not to be arrogant and how that's something that Mary brings up It's like one of the first things that she brings up. It's very interesting on how Their prayers are starting off with that when they're talking about Different people right because it kind of starts off with this praise and who God is and praising him for who he is And everything but then it's just kind of talking about what God does the people and that the being proud And arrogant seems to be a theme as far as both Mary and with Hannah verse 52 It says he hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree He hath filled the hungry with good things in the rich. He has sent empty away Sound familiar. I mean a lot of that stuff is what Hannah was praying about basically talking about how God feeds the hungry and and how he'll basically Exalt those that are low degree and verse 54 says he hath hoping his servant Israel. That's just an older way of saying help It says in remembrance of his mercy as he spake to our fathers to Abraham and to his seed forever Now to Abraham and his seed where the promise is made he saith not unto seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ and So she's bringing that up in the mercy is the mercy that of salvation of the Christ coming and Not by works of crisis if we have done but according to his mercy He saved us by the washing and regeneration renewing of the Holy Ghost. And so Hannah obviously saved understand salvation And Mary saved understand salvation and if I got into Zachariah's prayer even more so because he's actually quoting Genesis 22 on the promise made to the seed which is Christ and so They understood that there was a seed coming from Genesis at the fall and Genesis 3 that I will put enmity between thy seed and her seed and it shall bruise thy head and I shall bruise his heel and That promise of that seed coming which is the seed of the woman Which is Christ was from the very beginning and they follow that all the way down the line And so we see we see Hannah praying about it. We see Mary praying about it Zachariah It's is prophesying about it. And obviously Jesus is that seed that it that was to come Now go back to 1st Samuel chapter 2 in verse 11 1st Samuel chapter 2 in verse 11 so we see her prayer here and verse 11 here There's some times in the Bible where you have to really just step back and not read over stuff Okay, and I'm guilty of this all the time I think we're all guilty of it Well, we're just reading through a passage and we just kind of there there's something that stated that I think is something we need to just step back and think about for a second In Elkanah went to Ramah to his house and The child did minister unto the Lord before Eli the priest He say what what so what's a big deal about this? I Have I have children and I have two sons When they brought the child up there they didn't bring it back with them That's what this verse is saying Elkanah went to Ramah to his house meaning and the child did minister unto the Lord before Eli It's interesting that doesn't say Hannah Now obviously Hannah did too But I think it's an important point Hannah's the one that prayed it says I'm gonna lend this child unto the Lord. Elkanah didn't But Elkanah remember in the last chapter he says, you know, basically Do what you got to do, I'm gonna paraphrase that but basically Whatever is in your heart to do do it. So he was obviously had her back But it's one thing to say that is another thing to do it. I Mean think about it. He loved Hannah Think about how Jacob reacted how he treated Rachel's children how Jacob treated Rachel's children compared to Leah's children with Joseph and Benjamin and I You know, I to I just think about like my son James if I was just gonna be like Here you go and then bye That isn't is a whole level of just I can't imagine I've just I mean think about it. He's just weaned So he says he was young So it's not like he was like a teenager or something like that and his adolescence at that point You're like, all right, you can go have fun with this guy, right? but a Toddler a two-year-old maybe you know two-year-old three-year-old somewhere around there, right? That would be intense and as a father, you know, it's kind of like when you read through the Bible when you're like Oh, you know, yeah, whatever when you have kids some verses hit a little harder when you after you have kids and they're just like Yeah, okay now that had to be hard and That one just reading through this and studying this I'm just like looking at that verse where most people would be like that's kind of like a throwaway verse It'd be like, okay They left they went you know And you're not really thinking about like the fact of what that even means like the gravity of that That they left him there at that point they had not been separated from him and they left him there With Eli and all of that. Okay now Sam was gonna be a great prophet a great man of God and so it's Samuel was a great character in the Bible, but I just think about the parents and what they had to do that I mean think about Moses and his parents and how you know They had the faith they had to put Moses in the hands of the Lord and the same thing here Is that you're gonna have to have a lot of faith to? Lend your child to the Lord like that Now go to verse 12 there. So first Samuel chapter 2 and verse 12 It's gonna get on this a lot of the chapters gonna be dealing with Eli and his sons Hoth Nigh and Finn it has and First 12 here. It says now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial They knew not the Lord So the sons of Belial What's who's what was Belial? Is that like their grandfather? I mean think about this. I'm You know, there's people that say things like that they'll just be like oh Belial must be a descendant, you know But here's the thing it literally says the sons of Eli Were the sons of Belial, right? So it's not saying like the sons of Eli the sons of Belial the sons of so-and-so, right? So Belial is actually the devil now if you want you can turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 15 and The New Testament actually uses this term Belial It obviously uses the term Beelzebub. It's interesting that Belial and Beelzebub Beelzebub really kind of comes from like Beelzebub But it's kind of like a melding of all these different types of names that were given to Satan right to the devil In a New Testament, especially in Revelation. It's like that old serpent the dragon which is the devil and Satan It's just like here's all his names. Okay, and Just so you know who we're talking about but But it says there's a sons of Belial which means there's the sons their sons of the devil is what it means But just to show you that and in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 15 it says and what concord hath Christ with Belial We're not dealing with just some man out there. We're dealing with the devil himself We're dealing with Satan himself or what part hath he that believeth with the nymphdales. So throughout that it's basically saying What concord hath light with darkness and going down the line and it's showing you these polar opposites As far as the Son of God and then you got the devil over here, right? But Go to 2nd Samuel chapter 23 and 2nd Samuel actually David talks about the these people as well I should probably do a whole sermon on the sons of Belial and just go through all the places that it's mentioned Because it's not a it's not like a human being Belial. It's the devil and This doc the idea of people becoming children of the devil is a biblical doctrine It's something that Jesus even says you're of your father to the devil And by the way being a child of Belial or being a child of the devil is not every unbeliever That's a false doctrine The Bible never teaches that the only place that you could say you go you're of your father the devil He's talking to reprobate Pharisees After he gets on time he's evasive saying you cannot believe and so in John 8 he's saying you're of your father the devil and then They're basically wanting to stone him and They're saying well, you know, you couldn't have seen Abraham. You're not even 50 years old He said before Abraham was I am and they wanted to stone him. That's who you're dealing with You're not dealing with just a typical unbeliever So and by the way, once you're once you're a child of the devil you're always a child of the devil So just as much as when you get saved and you're a child of God You can't be unborn whoever becomes a child of the devil. They're done They can't be unborn at that point out of being in Satan's family there And and the children of the devil this isn't some weird Nephilim stuff either where there's like fallen angels Procreating with with with women and stuff like that down here. That's all garbage You got to stick with what the Bible says the Bible talking talks about how you're dealing with Belial is Contrasted with Christ. So you're dealing with Jesus compared to the devil right and there's no concord there. Think about Jesus is the truth and The devil is a liar and the father of it So you think about the truth and a lie That there's no truth. There's no lie and a truth So anyway in verse 1 here of 2nd Samuel chapter 23, it says now these these be the last words of David David the son of Jesse Said in the man who was raised up on high the anointed of God of Jacob the sweet psalmist of Israel said the Spirit of the Lord spake by me and his word was in my tongue the God of Israel said the God of Israel spake to me He that rules over men must be just ruling in the fear of God and he shall be as the light of the morning and when the Sun rises Arise it even a morning without clouds as the tender grass springing out of the earth by by clear shining after rain Although my house be not so with God Yet he had made with me an everlasting covenant ordered in all things and sure for this is all my salvation And all my desire although he make it not to grow But the sons of Belial so he's talking about all these blessings that are coming upon him But he's contrasting this With but the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away because they cannot be taken with hands But the man that shall touch them Must be fenced with iron and the staff of spear and they shall be utterly burned with fire in the same place That which bareth thorns and briars is nigh in the cursing whose end is to be burned And You're dealing with those that bear thorns and briars that's what he's liking it you're dealing with false prophets you're dealing with children of the devil and That's who these priests are. So when you think of Eli Eli's sons Eli I don't believe is a child of them. Okay, I believe Eli saved Obviously didn't raise his children, right? But his sons are children of the devil they know not the Lord and Notice what they do so goes back to 1st Samuel chapter 2 1st Samuel chapter 2 So it's going to explain to you So it prefaces it with the fact. Hey, these are children of the devil So these people are right. So when you read what they're doing here, it's kind of like no marvel that they're they're Messing things up in the house of the Lord. So they're the priests and it says In verse 13 and the priests custom with the people was so it's basically saying this is what their custom was Not saying this was right. Okay, so I want to make that clear This is what the priests custom was not like what the law of the Lord said to do This is what their custom was that when any man offered sacrifice the priests servant came So the thing that's interesting about this that I never really noticed when I was reading through this Is that they had some other guy doing their bidding? So when you're reading through this notice that it's not them doing it. They got some like middleman Doing their bidding. They got some pawn in there. That's basically doing this for them and Like I said should be a whole sermon about the sons of Belial and what their attributes are But just the idea of how they manipulate people and just how they they'll have patsies out there That'll just get burned and then they're not associated with it. Like oh they did that. That wasn't me Anyway, getting sidetracked But the thing to notice here is that the priests servant came while the flesh was in seething With a flesh hook of three teeth in his hand So he's basically like they're seething it right there. They're boiling it and While they're doing that This this servant of these priests is coming up servant of Hophni and Phinehas right are basically coming in to get this meat out. Okay? And he stuck it in the pan or kettle or cauldron or pot all that the flesh hook brought up the priests took for himself So they did in Shiloh unto all the Israelites that came thither. Also before they burnt the fat The priests servant came. So notice again, it's the priests servant. Not them. They bring they bring some patsy in there to do their bidding It says the priests servant came and said to them To the man that sacrificed. Give flesh to roast for the priest for he will not have sodden flesh of thee, but raw And then he goes on to say and if any man's said unto him let them not fail to burn the fat presently And then take as much as thy soul desireth So he's basically like let them burn the fat and then they can have whatever they want after that Because that's according to the law You know what it says in Leviticus and I don't have time to show you all the places where it talks about burning the fat And the kidney above the liver, you know Like that call above the liver and like this is mentioned over and over and over again when you're dealing with the sacrifices But let me give you one in Leviticus 7 verse 31 It says and the priest shall burn the fat upon the altar, but the breast shall be be Aaron's and his sons So it's not that the priests can't eat the food, but they're not to eat it raw one the actually when you deal with the First sacrifice they do which is the Passover in Exodus chapter 12 verse 9. It says eat not of it raw They're not to be eating it raw Now there's some cases where they're not where they're so they're seeding it I get sodden but then there's other places where it's a burn offering and they're roasting it with fire and all that and most of The time they're roasting it with fire But basically they're like we want it raw and we want the fat Which are both things that are against the law of God you're not to be eating it raw But you're also supposed to be burning the fat upon the altar And so but notice here it says this guy basically they're coming to say no We want it now and he's saying like at least let me Do this sacrifice and then after that you can have whatever you want, right? And it says then he would answer him who's that who's who's the he the servant of the priests, right? This the servant that he's sending out there to do this then he would answer him nay But thou shalt give it me now and if not, I will take it by force So he basically is like no taking it whether you like it or not So you had the people get get the picture here. You have the people that are trying to do it according to the law of God Right, they're just like hey, here's the law says it's the way you're supposed to do it, but the priests are saying no Give it to me raw and if you don't like it, then we're taking it anyway This is the leadership. This is this is the people that are supposed to be atoning the sins of Israel This is the state of affairs that they're in right now When you when we later read spoiler alert the Ark of the Covenant is taken by the Philistines You can kind of understand. Okay, what's going on? This is bad But notice what it says here. It says in verse 17 wherefore the sin of the young men Was very great before the Lord dealing with these priests Hophni and Phinehas, right? And it says for men abhorred the offering of the Lord he caused they caused Israel to hate the offerings of the Lord because they were all just desecrating it You know what this reminds me of? a bunch of churches That have been desecrating God's house With false doctrine and wickedness and you know what people are doing there. They hate church now They're just they're just completely done. They're just like I'm done with it. They don't believe the Bible. They don't have any standards And Any person that comes to church is like hey, no, we should go soul winning Hey, the King James Bible says this. Hey, this is sound doctrine Then they're just like get out of here or we'll put you out by force And people are just kicked out for believing the Bible that's what we're dealing with today in churches And You know what? perverbially The Ark of the Covenant is departed from a lot of church and I'm talking about saved churches Where where the Spirit of Lord is departed from these churches the candlestick has been taken from these churches They're Ichabod's. I'm getting ahead of myself. We haven't got to that story yet But man, you know I'm reading through this you sometimes you're reading you're like, oh we're going through first Samuel How is this gonna be relatable to today and I'm just reading through them like This is like Exactly what's going on in America right now in churches This is the house of God by the way and in the New Testament the Church of the Living God that the house of God which is the Church of the Living God the pillar and ground of the truth and today it's sad to say but Those that are just members of the church actually want to serve God and the leadership doesn't And it should make you sick And God's not happy about this because actually what God's gonna pronounce harsh judgment and Listen you say well, you know, are they are these people in churches sons of Elio a lot of times they are a Lot of times you have false prophets that are leading these churches That are preaching false doctrine and false Gospels like repent of your sins to be saved How many Baptist churches? If we looked up all the Baptist churches in West Virginia right now, I Almost guarantee you that it'd be more than half would say you have to repent of your sins I'm not saying all of those people are unsaved and like reprobate Okay, but what I'm saying is that that false doctrine is creeping in. I'll say that there definitely are Definitely are a lot of them are their false false teachers thorns children of Belial But you'll have people in the church that are just like I want to do what's right. I want to follow the Bible And it's just like this this service is like no you give it to me now I'll take it by force. It reminds me in Jeremiah where it talks about the shepherds that were eating the flock But what did God say about that he said I'm gonna I'm gonna take that away from you and I'm gonna put a shepherd there that will feed my flock and What we have today is What I believe is a new generation of preachers that are that are stepping up to the plate And we need that we need a new generation that's gonna step up and say you know what? We're gonna actually serve the Lord. We're actually gonna believe the Bible. We're actually gonna believe good doctrine We're actually gonna go soul winning and You know we're gonna call, you know make it to where actually people loved going to church That they rejoice that it's the day of the Lord and that you know that the Lord's day And we can come into the house of the Lord And it's interesting that after all this is said Notice the next verse here verse 18, but Think about that that contrast there right that these guys Hoth 9 Finnehads are sending their little Patsy out there Basically causing everybody to hate the offering the Lord hate coming to the house of God Because the people that are running it are just desecrating it but Samuel ministered before the Lord being a child Girded with a linen efod Now When you read through Samuel you realize what a great prophet Samuel became but Going through a lot of churches when I was young when I was like when I first got saved and going through churches and just the frustrations and going through these different things What I saw was a lot of a lot of young men and women that were saying you know what? We're gonna follow the Bible even if they don't There have been times there were times where I got, you know, basically disassociated from church I got chewed out from church because I believe the King James Bible Because I believe that salvation is by grace and that you can't lose your salvation and that you should preach that you can't lose your salvation That you should be diligent in your soul winning presentation I've been told that I have had works to salvation because of that I've been told I put stumbling blocks before that because of that and you know what there have been times I'm just like why am I even going to these these these these stupid churches where these these these preachers don't want to actually stand up for the truth And sometimes it's not what they're preaching is what they're not preaching And but going throughout these years I just saw like Obviously pastor Anderson was was one of those preachers. I'm like, there's a guy There's a guy that's standing up for the truth And that he'll stand up for the truth, but then other preachers start stepping up I saw pastor Jimenez, but you know what? I knew pastor Jimenez before he was ever starting the church Before he ever, you know, he he just had his second son and you know He was preaching and he was soul winning and we went soul winning together and all this stuff pastor Burson same thing and I Could see this fire growing with different men and different people starting churches and I see that still going on today Where you know what I Wasn't qualified back then I didn't I wasn't married didn't have children Wasn't qualified to pastor a church and Nor were a lot of these other guys right? I think a brother Stuckey brother Stuckey Matt Matthew stuck He's gonna be coming and preaching Thinking brother brother Richie and I'm just thinking of people that I knew back then right back in these times these dark times Back in the dark times Brother Richie's like I can really But you know what everybody in here probably has kind of a similar story though when it comes to churches that they've gone to the where it was just like they're just being pushed down into the ground for actually believing the Bible and but There's this hope there's hope like no, there's another generation coming up There's another generation coming up and you know what The lights gonna leave those churches And God's gonna strengthen the ones that will actually follow him And Samuel is that light? I mean you think about it's like Eli and his sons and just how like just awful that situation is but then Samuel's like this Light is like no we have hope Israel has hope because Samuel Samuel's following he's ministering before the Lord. He's just a child You know what the Bible says in Lamentations 3 27 it says it is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth You may be a child Today or you may be a young a young person today the idea though is that hey just serve the Lord minister unto the Lord now because you don't know what he might be preparing you for and I I look at this as an exciting time because it's been so dark with these preachers that have just fallen off the wagon to where It's kind of exciting to where we'd be like, hey, you know what? We're gonna actually do it Time to get the work. It's time to preach boldly and to preach the gospel and Do the things that God wants the church to do Get rid of all the fluff get rid of all the stuff. That's just on the edges. That's just bogging the churches down Get tighten up doctrine Preach hard against sin go out soul winning do marathons do missions and I'm not talking about these these mission these Missionaries that go on deputation and don't do Jack diddly when they're out there I'm talking about actually going out and winning Masses of people to Lord and actually utilizing money wisely Instead of just being the Baptist welfare program there. I said it That's what the Baptist missionary program is by and large is the Baptist welfare program So when it comes to this it says that he were in it at Linnan Ephod now, I don't believe that Samuel was a priest. We're kind of going back to that lineage and he comes from Kohath, but he didn't go through Amram and through Aaron Okay, doesn't it never says that he's a priest but you may look at that and be like he's wearing a Linnan Ephod Is he a priest, you know, they putting him as a priest? Well, he's definitely a Levite so he can definitely minister in things when it comes to the house of God and like the Kohath I especially had to deal with like the Instruments and stuff like that with the house of God, but it's interesting because David actually wore a Linnan Ephod as well So just because someone's wearing an Ephod and when they bring the Ark of the Covenant back in when they bring it into Jerusalem He's wearing a Linnan Ephod and dancing before the Lord So I just kind of want to put that in there because when you read that sometimes you'd be like was he a priest? Is he not a priest? I don't believe he's a priest But I don't think you have to be a priest to wear a Linnan Ephod. Okay, so But I think about this, you know There's a there's a quote that I was thinking about which you could say doesn't relate or does relate But there's a quote that I've always liked dealing with the formation of our country and just our founding fathers But Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants Now we're not going on some warpath against false teachers, okay? But the idea of it being refreshed is the idea when it comes to the church when it comes to What we'll see in the next chapter is that the Word of God being like scarce I think about the doctrine being scarce I don't want to get into that sermon yet But the idea though is that there needs to be a refreshing and I see we see the glimpse of that right there Hasn't happened yet, right? Hasn't happened yet. He's still a child, but at the same time it's like hey, it's coming The Lord has someone and he's preparing It's kind of like in the background in the back, you know in the background of all this darkness is going on There's like this hope that's back here To where God is raising up this young Samuel that's going to put things in order, right? And so in go back to 1st Samuel chapter 2 But that being said, you know now the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty So you're like, what are you talking about Liberty? Well, the spirit of the Lord is Liberty You know that how about the the law of Liberty? So speaky and so do is they shall they that shall be judged by the law of Liberty So if you don't think that doing things according to the law has to do with Liberty Then you don't understand what the law is Because Liberty is not the absence of law Liberty is when you're righteous and when you sin that's bondage Okay, so anyway in 1st Samuel chapter 2 and verse 19 it says moreover His mother made him a little coat and brought it to him from year to year now Miss Paul was not here. Last time I preached on this she cried Because of brother David, so I'm gonna embarrass it because you know, and actually this is why there's a while back You were you were definitely a little younger back then. You weren't a little boy that's wearing little coats It wasn't that long ago But listen, I got two little boys And you know this story just kind of tugs at the heartstrings, right? I mean they leave him there and then she's coming up to see him and like made him this little coat and there's nothing more adorable than like the little clothing that your children wear and You know We just had to move Samuel from the bassinet to a crib and it just that little bit of like growth. It's just like More so my wife. I'm like, whatever. It's a crib, it's a bassinet, whatever but but my wife's just like why do they have to grow, you know, and all this stuff and But you know as a as a child group from year to year So I think every year she was like making him a new coat and as you know with children Their their clothes only fit one year like maybe a year and then they're in new clothes So every year she's making him this coat and coming up to him It says when she came up with her husband to to offer the yearly sacrifice And Eli blessed Alkana and his wife and said the Lord give the seed of this woman For the loan which she lent to the Lord and they went on to their own home and the Lord visited Hannah So that she conceived and bear three sons and two daughters And the child Samuel grew before the Lord so she actually has five more children after that So The Lord blesses her for actually keeping her bowel doing what she said she would do and Obviously that's a hard thing to do and so You know when it comes to the mother's love for her for her son, I'm sure We can't imagine that and it's kind of like off the page if you will Meaning that you could only just imagine Probably the the heartbreak of her having to leave and like to see her to see her son And then have to leave and all that but she's obviously thinking about him She didn't just forget about him and be like, well, he's over here now I'm gonna have to give it a note year to year. She would come up and Bring him a little coat and all that. So Go back to first Samuel and verse Verse 22 there So Eli So we see that his sons are horrible, right? The children of the devil. Well, Eli is going to rebuke them and it says verse 22 now Eli was very old and Heard all that his sons did unto all Israel and how they lay with the women That assembled at the door of the tabernacle congregation now, we're even getting more information Not only are they just messing with his sacrifices, but they're committing Well, at least one of them's committing adultery Because later on we'll see that Finnehass has a wife That has a child and all that during the whole battle and everything else So at least Finnehass is married, but they're probably both married just to be honest And they're but it wouldn't matter even if they're not married Committing fornication and all this with these these women that were there So basically just abusing their powers what's going on, right? They're abusing it for food They're abusing it for for, you know fornication reasons and all of this and listen when it comes to churches Do you think this doesn't happen? But they don't when think about the food as far as money is concerned and How preachers will just use the church to get money get gain and have a lot of nice things and but then they'll also use it in there a bunch of predators when it comes to women or God forbid getting into you know Pedophilia and all that stuff, but when you're dealing with sons of Eliel, nothing's nothing's off the table So This is something that there's nothing new under the Sun so when I read this I'm just like yeah this happens today And he's rebuking them And he said and he said unto them in verse 23 Why do you such do ye such things for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people? Nay my sons for it is not it is no good report that I hear yeah think That's an understatement of the year, it's not a good report that I hear of you sons I can see the lack of Discipline just in the words that he's saying to him right now You make the Lord's people to transgress You make the Lord's people to transgress What about their transgression It's like you're making them sin, you know It says in verse 25 if one man sin against another the judge shall judge him But if a man sin against the Lord who shall entreat for him So he's trying to make a case here. It's like you sin against someone else That's one thing but if you're sinning against the Lord, I mean they're at the house of the Lord They're at the temple the tabernacle congregation and they're lying with women One of them for sure is married But even if they weren't it would still be wicked and Then they're doing all this this nonsense with the offerings It's just desecrating the offerings and they're causing everybody to hate the offerings of the Lord because they're not doing it correctly But it says right after that it says Notwithstanding they hearken not unto the voice of their father notice this because the Lord would slay them That's important thing to remember there it's it they wouldn't hearken to what he had to say because the Lord The Lord was gonna slay them now. They die. Okay spoiler alert. They're gonna be killed in battle, but The thing that makes me think of this is in a good Proverbs chapter 6 Actually go to Proverbs 29 go to Proverbs 29 verse 1 Proverbs 6 15 says therefore shall his calamity come suddenly Suddenly shall he be broken without remedy Proverbs 29 and verse 1 says this Proverbs 29 verse 1 says this he that being often reproved hardeneth his neck Shall suddenly be destroyed in that without remedy These guys are without remedy meaning that he was gonna rebuke them and try to get them to like mend their ways and it says They wouldn't hearken because the Lord was gonna slay them and this is what's going on Is that the Lord is hardening their hearts at this point to where they will they won't change anything that they're doing Because he's going to destroy them It's interesting. We're talking about preachers that That don't believe the Bible Was a Paul Chapel that was saying that that he doesn't believe in the reprobate doctrine Even though the Bible says reprobate You know reprobate silver some men call them because the Lord has rejected them But it's interesting that out of their own mouth They've rebuked themselves He said something to the effect that there's always a remedy of salvation for people That word is only used three times in the new in the Bible Remedy and and all three times it says no remedy without remedy without remedy It's interesting that you would choose that word Paul Chapel That you choose the word where every time it's mentioning it's saying that they don't have a remedy and That the Lord is going to destroy them swiftly And Here there's no difference because he's basically there's no hope for them It doesn't matter what Eli says doesn't matter how much he rebukes them It doesn't matter what he says to them. God's gonna kill them And there's no remedy Go to Proverbs chapter 13 now, here's the thing though Our job is to reach those That still have a remedy that the remedies available for them. Not everybody's without remedy Just as much as not everybody's a child of the devil Most people there's a chance of remedy But there are people that are without remedy and Proverbs 13 verse 24 says he that spareth his rod hated his son, but he that loveth him chasteneth him Betimes now, what does betimes mean? It means early Here's where I believe Eli failed is that he didn't chasten them early they're already full-grown men With families, right? They have they have a I mean at least then it has has a wife and You know, they have children all this stuff it you're dealing with full-grown men at this point You're beating your head against the wall if you think you're gonna change them No When it talks about not sparing your rod You're talking about your children when they're at an age where they'll actually be able to actually have hope the Bible says in that Proverbs 1918 chasing thy son while there is hope and let not thy soul spare for their crying. I Know I keep going back to these these these old Baptist churches, but isn't it interesting how a lot of these preachers end up having reprobate sons It's almost like the story of Eli and his sons just keeps coming true You say well were they they taught spanking And they taught it I'm not saying they didn't believe it I Believe Eli probably believed in discipline and all this stuff. It sounds like Eli believes the Bible and he's you know He's a believer and all that Here's what happens though a lot of these preachers they they sacrifice their family for the ministry and They're never home They never see their kids. They're not the ones actually disciplining their kids And their family goes to the wayside It's just like reading newspaper, it's just like this is boom. I know I know I could name you preachers right now Famous preachers Well-known preachers that you probably like to where that would happen where that's happened to them And it's a testament to how they haven't raised their children. Listen, I'll say this and you know This is horrifying to even think about but if one of my children became like a sodomite I'm not going to preach anymore. I'm gonna sit down and shut up I mean if one of my children becomes a reprobate It doesn't mean I'm not saved but obviously I failed as a father How could you stand up and preach after that be like listen to me about raising children Let me talk to you about bringing children up in an inertia and admonition award I'm not here to be down on them as far as like hey, you know, that's horrifying You know, I would never want to see that happen to anybody. You know, that's the one of my that's my worst nightmare Okay that my children don't get saved and even worse that they become that right But if that happened Then I'm stepping down It'd be hard for me to show my face in church let alone be up here preaching So that's what you're dealing with here when you're dealing with The sons of Eli And notice what it says here in verse 26 So he's rebuking them there's no hope for them Notice how every time you kind of get to these guys Eli and them that there's like no hope Then it's like and the child Samuel grew on and was in favor with the Lord and also with men So notice how it's just like oh by the way Samuel's here though Like you got Eli's sons, they're bad, right? But Samuel you have you know, Eli's trying to rebuke his sons Samuel And it's just like this light that's given there Now this what it says here in verse 27 It says and there came a man of God unto Eli and said unto him thus saith the Lord Did did I plainly appear unto the? Did I did I plainly appear unto the house of thy father? When they were in Egypt and Pharaoh's house And did I choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest to offer up mine Altar to burn incense to wear it in Ephod before me And did I give unto the house of thy father all the offerings made by fire of the children of Israel wherefore kick wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and at mine offering which I have commanded in my habitation and Honor is thy sons above me So you get obviously why they're in the state that they are he was on he was he was honoring his sons above the Lord himself Take to make yourselves fat notice that yourselves and he puts he puts Eli in there By the way, the Bible says that he was a heavy man They were making them themselves fat on those sacrifices with the cheapest of the offerings of the Israel my people wherefore the Lord God of Israel said I said indeed Thy house and the house of thy father shall should walk before me forever But now the Lord said be it far from me for them that honor me I will honor and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed think about the sons of Eli Who are the sons the sons of Eliel but haters of God? They despise the Lord Behold the days come that I will cut off thine arm and the arm of thy father's house and there shall not be an Old man in thine house and thou shalt see an enemy in my habitation in all the wealth Which God shall give Israel and there shall not be an old man in thine house forever in the man of thine thine whom I shall not cut off from mine altar shall be to consume thine eyes and to grieve thine heart and All the increase of thine house shall die in the flower of their age and this shall be a sign unto thee That shall come upon thy two sons on Hophni and Phinehas in one day they shall die both of them So he's pronouncing that they're gonna die He already kind of told us that he's gonna slay them But he's basically this curse is put upon his whole house that basically he's saying not No one of your house is gonna live to an old age. I Mean that's basically what it all comes down to like they're not gonna be an old man They're gonna die in the flower of their age. You're talking about someone that just like Became an adult and they're just like all right done That's quite a curse that's put upon them I'm running out of time. So I can't really stick on that too long there the last two verses here in in verse 35 it says and I will raise me up a faithful priest and Shall that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind And I will build him a sure house and he shall walk before mine mine anointed forever and it shall come to pass That every one that is left in nine house shall come and crouch to him for a piece of silver for a morsel of Bread and shall say put me I pray thee into one of the priests offices that I may eat a piece of bread now there's a The the priesthood that comes after this as far as it's obviously through the line of Aaron, but it's not through Eli Okay, I don't believe it's Samuel but it's a different line You're dealing with the the different priests that they're during David's time and Saul's time and all that stuff, right? Or Saul's time and David's time, but you never see the foreshadowing in the prophecy of Jesus though Actually, the only place that you'll find this this faith a faithful priest that that phrase faithful priest is here I'll raise me up a faithful priest and think about this that I might that he might be a Merciful and faithful high priest and things pertain to God Making reconciliation for the sins of the people that's in Hebrew Shepherd to dealing with the Lord Jesus So when you look at that those two verses there you can definitely see how that would apply To the Lord Jesus and the fact that he's gonna be walking there forever and he's gonna be that high priest But I do think that obviously he's talking about in that near future that he's gonna basically set up a different house to be The priest still of the house of Levi still of Aaron obviously, right? But there's obviously a lot of descendants of Aaron besides Eli's house Okay, and that's been cut off and it's gonna go to a different house in the line of Aaron. So so first name is chapter 2 So much stuff. I mean chapter 3 is gonna be It's just like reading. It's just like this is what's going on right now, right? And there's someone is so relatable and But that's how you know, it's the Bible because the Bible is timeless Like this was written thousands of years ago, yeah, but it's it's just like reading what it what's going on right now And so as I'm with a word of prayer down like father we think of it today Thank you for your your word. Thank you for the book of 1st Samuel and Lord's page You'd help us to learn from it and Lord a lot of times there's mistakes As far as what people do throughout history and in the Bible and Lord help us to learn from that Help us to learn from other men's mistakes that that have happened throughout history and throughout in the Bible and help us to not be Like them and will we just thank you for your mercy and grace and what we love you in prayer I'll send you use Christ's name. Amen, but they will come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed All right, take your song books and turn to song 259 Song 259 in your song books if you'll stand we'll sing Jesus saves song 259 We have heard the joyful sound Jesus saves Jesus saves spread the tidings all around Jesus saves Jesus saves bear the news to every land climb the steeps and cross the waves Onward as the Lord's command Jesus saves Jesus saves wafted on the rolling tide Jesus saves Jesus saves