(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 255 song 255 in your song books will sing come and dine if you would stand we'll sing song 255 Jesus has a table spread where the saints of God are fed he invites his chosen people come and dine with his manna he doth feed and supplies our every need oh to sweetest up with Jesus all the time come and dine the master of calleth come and dine or you may switch Jesus table all the time he who fed the multitude turn the water into wine to the hungry calleth now come and dine the disciples came to land thus obeying Christ's command for the master called unto them come and dine there they found their hearts desire bread and fish upon the fire thus he satisfies the hungry every time come and dine the master calleth come and dine you may feast at Jesus table all the time he who fed the multitude turn the water into wine to the hungry calleth now come and dine soon the lamb will take his bride to be ever at his side all the hosts of heaven will assemble be Oh to be a glorious sign all the saints and spotless white and with Jesus they shall feast eternally come and dine the master call it come and dine you may feast at Jesus table all the time he who fed the multitude turn the water into wine hungry calleth now come and dine and let's pray heavenly Father Lord again we just want to thank you God just for your mercy your grace God thank you for your word and we can lean wholly upon it God thank you for our church thank you for our pastor and Lord and all the souls that have been saved today throughout last week and this year Lord we love you we pray your blessing upon this service in Jesus name we ask all but amen all right may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist song books your Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books and turn to page number four page number four in your Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books we'll sing Psalm 67 on page number four God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us that thy way may be known upon earth thy saving health among all nations let the people praise thee oh God let all the people praise thee oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy for thou shalt judge the people righteously and govern the nations upon earth the nations upon earth same ah let the people praise thee Oh God let all the people praise thee oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy then shall the earth yield her increase and God even in our own God shall bless us God shall bless us in all the ends of the earth shall fear him let the people praise thee oh God let all the people praise thee oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy amen welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church on this Sunday afternoon first thing I want to get the soul winning numbers for the past week I know we're gonna be counting the there was a couple kind of missions trips that were out there so no brother Richie and Dustin the Bahamas there was 52 total there brother Wade what was your total 40 okay so 92 and then during the week last this past week we have any salvation during the week one on Wednesday were there any others during the week I know out Lancaster we had three or I'm sorry two we had two so that's three total there and then what we have today one and then two and one so for today you had you had three okay so three four five five eight so eight total and then we had then what what I say 92 yeah even 100 so all right next week we got our work cut out for us gonna beat a hundred so a good job with the soul winning there keep up the good work there and that being said we have regional selling times to just be on the church group there this week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday we just need a Friday and a Saturday and then got every day of the week right so and then we do have the men's prayer meeting coming up this Friday at 6 p.m. we have the solely marathon in Philadelphia but Charles is leading that up that's gonna be June 22nd that's next on the the solely marathons there I know we're talking about doing in Cumberland Maryland so when that happened when we scheduled that what you know but everybody gets we're driving through Cumberland Maryland like hey have we knocked this so I feel like we need to go knock it now if everybody's thinking that as we're driving through there so it's Gavin's favorite place so he could tell us all about like his favorite spots and all of that yeah so anyway I usually just drive past it on the highway I'm not usually stopping in down into where all the creatures are at down there but it doesn't look pretty sketch which is good for soul winning so you know we have to preach the gospel to every creature you know that's what the Bible says so all joking aside we'll figure out when the best time is for that that being said in July we are planning on doing the firework thing with food and everything else like we've been doing every year so I don't know when the fourth Falls so we got to figure that out I think Friday evening works the best when it comes to that just because you have the whole next day to kind of recuperate from being up late then going into Sunday so we'll figure that out but just kind of put that on your calendars as far as around the 4th of July we're gonna be doing fireworks and having food and all that stuff I'm not in charge of doing the hamburgers at all because I don't want people I don't even want to be near that yeah so I'm gonna be near it because I you know what I'll just be accused it's a false accusation but you know don't want to have the church practice Church discipline on that anyway and then on the back of your bulletin there we do have our chapter memory for the month Jonah chapter 4 Colossians 1 15 is a memory verse for the week and then on the pregnancy list there be a prayer for Crystal McCloy due in August so be a prayer there I think it's but what I have for announcements we kind of have a bigger chapter to read tonight first King chapter 1 is a little longer so offering box in the back there if you want to give time and offering by the baby rooms and other babies and only I'm like speaking in tongues up here by the way it's gonna be reading first Kings chapter 1 after we do one more song right take your song books and turn to song 260 song 260 in your song books we'll sing he is able to deliver thee song 260 is the grandest theme through the ages wrong tears the grandest theme for a mortal tongue tis the grandest theme that the world air song our God is able to deliver thee he is able to deliver thee he is able to deliver thee though by sin oppressed go to him for rest our God is able to deliver thee tis the grandest theme and the earth or main tis the grandest theme for a mortal stain tis the grandest theme tell the world again our God is able to deliver thee he is able to deliver thee he is able to deliver thee though by sin oppressed go to him for rest our God is able to deliver thee tis the grandest theme let the tidings roll to the guilty heart to the sinful soul look to God and faith he will make thee whole our God is able to deliver thee he is able to deliver thee he is able to deliver thee though by sin oppressed go to him for rest our God is able to deliver thee all right take your Bibles and turn to the book of first Kings first Kings chapter number one in your Bibles and let brother Wade come and read that for us first Kings chapter 1 now King David was old and stricken in years and they covered him with clothes but he get no heat wherefore his servants said unto him let there be sought for my lord the king a young virgin and let her stand before the king and let her cherish him and let her lie in thy bosom that my lord the king may get heat so they sought for a fair damsel throughout all the coast of Israel and found Abishag the Shumanite and brought her to the king and the damsel was very fair and cherished the king and ministered to him but the king knew her not then Adonijah the son of Hagith exalted himself saying I will be king and he prepared him chariots and horsemen and 50 men to run before him and his father had not displeased him at any time in saying why hast thou done so and he also was a very goodly man and his mother bear him after Absalom and he conferred with Joab the son of Zoriah and with Abiathar the priest and they following Adonijah helped him but they taught the priest and Benoniah the son of Jehoiada and Nathan the prophet and Shema and Rhea and mighty men which belonged to David were not with Adonijah and Adonijah slew sheep and oxen and fat cattle by the stone Zoheleth which is by Enragil and called all his brethren and the king's sons and all the men of Judah the king's servants but Nathan the prophet and Benoniah and the mighty men and Solomon his brother he called not wherefore Nathan spake unto Bathsheba the mother of Solomon saying hast thou not heard that Adonijah the son of Hagith doth reign and David our Lord knoweth it not now therefore come let me I pray thee give thee counsel that thou mayest save thine own life and life of thy son Solomon go and get thee in unto King David and say unto him didst not thou my Lord O King swear unto thine handmaid saying assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne why then doth Adonijah reign behold while thou yes talkest there with the king I also will come in after thee and confirm thy words and Bathsheba went in unto the king into the chamber and the king was very old and Abishag the Shumanite ministered unto the king and Bathsheba bowled and did obeisance unto the king and the king said what wouldest thou and she said unto him my Lord thou swerest by the Lord thy God unto thine handmaid saying assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne and now behold Adonijah reigneth and now my Lord the king thou knowest it not and he hath slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep in abundance and have called all the sons of the king and Abiathar the priest and Joab the captain of the host but Solomon thy servant hath he not called and now my Lord O King the eyes of all Israel are upon thee that thou shouldest tell them who shall sit on the throne of my Lord the king after him otherwise it shall come to pass when my Lord the king shall sleep with his fathers and I and my son Solomon shall be counted offenders and lo while she yet talked with the king Nathan the prophet also came in and they told the king saying behold Nathan the prophet and when he was come in before the king he bowed himself before the king with his face to the ground and Nathan said my Lord O King hath thou said Adonijah shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne for he is gone down this day and hath slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep in abundance and hath called all the king's sons and captains of the host and Abiathar the priest and behold they eat and drink before him and say God save King Adonijah but me even me thy servant and said like the priest had been an eye of the Son of Jehoiada and thy servant Solomon hath he not called is this thing done by my Lord the king and thou has not showed it unto thy servant who should sit on the throne of my Lord the king after him then King David answered and said call me Bathsheba and she came into the king's presence and stood before the king and the king swear and said as the Lord liveth that hath redeemed my soul out of all distress even as I swear unto thee by the Lord God of Israel saying assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne in my stead even so will I certainly do this day then Bathsheba bowed with her face to the earth and irreverence to the king and said let my Lord King David live forever and the king and King David said call me Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and they came before the king the king also said unto them take with you the servants of your Lord and cause Solomon my son to ride upon mine own mule and bring him down to Gion and let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him there King over Israel and blow ye with the trumpet and say God save King Solomon then he shall come up after him that he may come and sit upon my throne for he shall be king in my stead and I have appointed him to be ruler over Israel and over Judah and then an eye of the Son of Jehoiada answered the king and said Amen the Lord God of my Lord the king say so too as the Lord hath been with my Lord the king even so be he with Solomon and make his throne greater than the throne of my Lord King David so Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and the Cherithites and the Pelethites went down and caused Solomon to ride upon King David's mule and brought him to Gion and Zadok the priest took an of oil out of the tabernacle and noise of Solomon and they blew the trumpet and all the people said God save King Solomon and all the people came up after him and the people piped with pipes and rejoiced with great joy so that the earth rent with the sound of them and Adonijah and all the guests that were with him heard it as they had made an end of eating and when Joab heard the sound of the trumpet he said wherefore is this noise of the city being in an uproar and while he yet spake behold Jonathan the son of Abi the priest came and Adonijah said unto him come in for thou art a valiant man and bring us good tidings and Jonathan answered and said to Adonijah verily our Lord King David hath made Solomon king and the king hath sent him sent with him Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and Cherithites and the Pelethites and they have caused him to ride upon the king's mule and Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet have anointed him King Gihon and they are come up from thence rejoicing so that the city rang again this is the noise that ye have heard and also Solomon sitteth on the throne of the kingdom and moreover the king's servants came to bless our Lord King David saying God make the name of Solomon better than thy name and make his throne greater than thy throne and the king bowed himself upon the bed and also thus said the king blessed be the Lord God of Israel which hath given one to sit on my throne this day mine eyes even seeing it and all the guests that were with Adonijah were afraid and rose up and went every man his way and Adonijah feared because of Solomon and rose and went and caught hold on the thorns of the altar and it was told Solomon saying behold Adonijah feared the King Solomon for lo he hath caught hold on the horns of the altar saying let King Solomon swear unto me today that he will not slay his servant with a sword and Solomon said if he will show himself a worthy man there shall not and hear of him fall to the earth but if wickedness shall be found in him he shall die so King Solomon sent and they brought him down from the altar and he came and bowed himself to the King Solomon and Solomon said unto him go to thine house dear Lord thank you for the message Lord please be with pastor as we hear your word in Jesus name I pray amen amen so you're there in 1st King chapter 1 and we're doing an overview series of the books of the Bible so we are in 1st Kings and 1st and 2nd Samuel are commonly called you know in time past the first and second book of Kings and this is like the third and fourth book of Kings you can see why you have Saul you have King David and basically 1st Samuel is dealing with Saul's reign 2nd Samuel is dealing with David's reign but in 1st Kings here half the book is dealing with Solomon so from chapter 1 to chapter 11 there's 22 chapters you're dealing with Solomon's reign and so we see a lot of information about Solomon and then it gets into the kingdom splits to where you're gonna have most of the tribes going into that northern kingdom where you're gonna have Jeroboam that's going to be raining over that and then Rehoboam the son of Solomon is going to get Judah and then from there on out you're dealing with northern Israel and you really just see Israel and Judah and they'll be called that throughout the rest of the Kings and and all that so the thing to note too when you're in the book of Kings so 1st and 2nd Kings is that there's an emphasis on the northern kingdom now obviously in the first 11 chapters here it's all one right I mean you don't have a split so it is what it is so when you go on the first when you go on the second Chronicles see first Chronicles is going to deal with first and second Samuel second Chronicles are going to deal with first and second Kings so when you go into second Chronicles it's kind of the same thing you're gonna have these first chapters is just dealing with Solomon it's kind of the same thing but it's all one kingdom they're not split but first Kings and second Kings when you had that split it really the focus is on the northern kingdom of Israel and those Kings Chronicles is gonna focus more on the southern kingdom and those kings so that being said is that it's not like it doesn't mention each other like in first and second Kings you're gonna see the kings of Judah in there but there's gonna be more information in Chronicles about the kings of Judah and then there's gonna be more stories about stuff that's going on in northern in the northern kingdom in the book of the Kings so that's kind of the the difference that you're gonna see between Kings and Chronicles when you're dealing with that is that there's a bigger focus on that the kingdom of Judah so that's what you're kind of dealing with there chapter 1 David's still alive he's still reigning but basically he's coming to the to the end of his life coming to the end of his reign it says here in verse 1 it says now King David was old and stricken in years and they covered him with clothes but he got him no heat so basically he's he's an old man he's struggling to stay warm and it's kind of an interesting story they basically find this young virgin that's basically just there to keep him warm and nothing no what's the old term tomfoolery is going on there basically he's not like married to it there's nothing going on there besides the fact that she's just kind of like there to like if you if two lie together they shall have heat you know that's what the Bible teaches and that just facts but I mean that's kind of what's going on there with Abishag the Shunammite so but in this this chapter what is going on here is that Adonijah which is Solomon's older brother not full brother but half brother Adonijah is basically trying to take over the kingdom before David dies and I believe they all know that Solomon is supposed to be the one that takes over but Adonijah is trying to assert that to where he's gonna take over and basically Adonijah gathers all these people together Joab's kind of with him in this as well and everybody's basically proclaiming him to be king but yet Dave is not dead yet so basically the whole story goes is that Bathsheba is the mother of Solomon and her and like Nathan the prophet they're getting together like what's going on here like Solomon's the one that's supposed to be reigning obviously God's the one that chose Solomon to reign and so they basically come to David and tell him you know are you saying that Adonijah reign basically like like informing him what's going on and basically King David then sets up Solomon to be king notice what says here in verse 29 it says and the king swear and said as the Lord liveth he that redeemed my soul out of all distress even as I swear unto thee by the Lord God of Israel saying assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne in my stead even so I certainly do this day so David had already stated and and made a vow that Solomon's gonna reign after him so I mean if you think about David David probably wouldn't even think that there would be this stuff going on but he's obviously older he's to the point where he can't even like keep himself warm so obviously he's not exactly in a position to really be ruling a nation but the thing is that this is definitely a case where you kind of have a co-regency time period because Solomon starts reigning before David dies okay so before he dies he starts reigning and you already kind of see that co-regency thing going on this happens a lot with the Kings where in one place it'll say they started reigning at one age and another place it says they start raining another age and you're like well how can that be well one reason would be that they are declared to be king before their father dies and well you know and also like what you'll see later on is that after David dies it basically says they renewed the kingdom and they basically established Solomon as king after David dies so he's technically anointed king here but it's kind of like you know just kind of setting him up for when he's actually gonna take from okay but in this story Adonijah basically takes hold of the horns of the altar you'll see this a lot in the first couple chapters where people are just like fearing for their life so they take hold of the horns of the altar which I believe is talking about the altar of sacrifice that's in front of the tabernacle the altar has horns on four the four corners of it so apparently that's the thing to do is to go there and just basically hope for the best if you're afraid of dying but but basically Adonijah goes and takes hold of the horns of the altar and Solomon is merciful to him and basically says if he comes up to me and I find any evil in him then he'll die but if not we'll let him go okay so basically in the end Adonijah goes free he doesn't die for trying to basically take the kingdom from Solomon okay so you already see that Solomon is merciful when it comes to that chapter 2 David is going to die and it says in verse 10 there so David slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of David and the days that David reigned over Israel were 40 years seven years reigned he in Hebrew and 33 years reigned he in Jerusalem then sat Solomon upon the throne of David his father and his kingdom was established greatly so and later it talks about how long Solomon reign Solomon reigns for 40 years okay so basically they both reign it's really easy to remember how long the first three kings reign Saul reigns for 40 years David reigns for 40 years and Solomon reigns for 40 years so those are all really easy to remember the first three kings there but Solomon is basically gonna reign but at the very beginning of this chapter before David dies he gives this kind of advice to Solomon okay and he's basically like hey there's some of these these guys you need to take care of okay and there's there's Joab there's Shimei you know like that he's like basically Shimei is obviously the one that cursed David as he was fleeing from Absalom and Joab is the one that killed Abner and killed Amasa the the you know other captain of the host okay and basically David doesn't doesn't execute judgment upon either one of them he actually pardons Shimei and he basically tells Solomon like you need to take care of him it's like don't let Joab die and basically don't let his foreheads go to the grave in peace which is basically saying like don't let him die of natural causes right he needs to die for his crimes all of that okay so there's a man named Benaiah and Benaiah is the man okay so basically when all this stuff's going down with Adonijah so Adonijah trying to serve and all that there there's one man that's always that's there with Solomon and with David and is not over there with Adonijah and that's Benaiah the son of Jehoita and Benaiah the son of Jehoita he's a beast okay in the end of this chapter he kills he kills Adonijah because Adonijah ends up basically asking for Abishag the Shunammite and Abishag the Shunammite wasn't ever like David's wife or concubine or anything like that it's just basically this young woman that was keeping him warm but Solomon is smart and knows that hey that was the last woman that was with David even if they weren't married to where it's kind of like she's the queen you know where he could try to try to usurp authority which also lends back to remember when Ishbashek gets mad at Abner for taking Saul's concubine and you can see why Ishbas is maybe upset about that more so dealing with authority and having power to maybe usurp authority okay so anyway Adonijah asks Bathsheba Solomon's mom to go and ask Abishag for Adonijah and Bathsheba is like okay you know like she doesn't say it like that but it doesn't seem like she like really is like that concerned about it she's like whatever so she goes asks him and then Solomon says why don't you just ask him the kingdom and he's like and basically Solomon he's gonna die now because Solomon is not an idiot he knows that Adonijah is trying to basically usurp authority and so then Adonijah goes and takes hold of the horns so basically the horns of the altar are used a lot in the end of this chapter so Solomon ends up having Benaiah the son of Jehoiach kill Adonijah then Joab he has him go kill Joab and Joab goes takes the hold of the horns of the altar and kills Joab and then Shemaiah or Shemaiah I'm sorry Shemaiah he gives a chance he says basically you have to stay in this city and you can't leave it okay so he's basically telling him like you can live but you can't leave this town like you if you leave this town you die and he ends up having to leave the town for some reason and he comes back and then guess who kills them Benaiah the son of Jehoiada Benaiah the son of Jehoiada is the one that kills a lion in a pit on a snowy day he's one of David's mighty men and he is an absolute beast I mean this is the guy that you want to have at your right side when you're like thinking like all this this coup going on with Adonijah if you know who Benaiah is when you see Benaiah not with them and with David and with Solomon you're like all right we're all right you know we're good so Benaiah is I there's certain people you want to meet you know in heaven and I'm hoping Benaiah is saved you know I'd just be like man you were you were a beast I just want to see what he looks like you know anyway so Benaiah the son of Jehoiada cleans house basically Solomon is kind of like cleaning out all the dross that David didn't take care of David tells them to do it on top of that he's basically like here's some here's some stragglers that you didn't take care of take care of that get rid of those people okay chapter three is where God is gonna appear to Solomon in a dream and God appears to Solomon twice and it kind of specifically states this throughout the story of Solomon but this is the first time that he appears to Solomon it says in verse 5 of chapter 3 in Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and God said ask what I shall give thee so this is that famous story where Solomon is not going to ask for riches or for a long life it actually says in verse 9 give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people that I may discern between good and bad for who is able to judge this thy so great a people so he asked basically for understanding and discernment which really is wisdom like the starting between good and evil and good good and bad is really wisdom in itself right that discernment you think of like knowledge understanding wisdom wisdom is really the discernment to be able to utilize the knowledge you understand and so and obviously later on it'll talk about Solomon's wisdom and how great it is and so Solomon asked for wisdom and the Lord obviously gives him not only wisdom but because Solomon asked for that and realizes that wisdom is the principal thing right it's like get understanding get all this but it says with all I getting get wisdom right or get understanding and the idea there is that wisdom is far above rubies it's more precious than rubies and God not only gives him wisdom but he says but God tells him that I will also give you long life and riches and all of that so it's a lesson to us obviously that hey you want you want long life you want riches you want to have all that well have wisdom and that's not to say it's going to be automatic but here here's those that know a whole bunch of you have a whole bunch of knowledge and a whole bunch of understanding you will go far I mean when it comes to any type of job if you know how to do if you know more about the job than anybody else you're going to excel so having knowledge and understanding it will help you go leaps and bounds you will not be a pauper if you are a wise person if you have wisdom and knowledge okay so that's a lesson to be learned there Solomon asks for understanding for discernment that's what we should be asking for not for riches not for long life but for wisdom for discernment for understanding and a lot of times the Lord just says okay I'm going to give you that on top of it though so we should be like Solomon in that aspect chapter four the beginning of the chapter really deals with a kind of a list of Solomon's princes and officers when it comes to just different things that that's around him and his kingdom so you kind of think of like like a president has all his officials and advisors and different things like that and so it really kind of just talks about that and it also talks about his wealth and his wisdom and so this is really if you're to think about Israel this is the pinnacle like David you know in his kingdom was getting up to that pinnacle but Solomon is really just it goes even further than that and everything in Israel goes downhill from Solomon like this is the pinnacle and then everything's just kind of like trying to get back up where Solomon was at but they never get back up there okay and obviously gets back up there when the Lord Jesus is rolling rolling and raining right it'll be way better than Solomon's rain but humanly speaking Solomon's rain here is it's never gonna be better than it is right when Solomon's raining okay I mean you even have when it comes to that they're gonna have shields of gold with Solomon he makes he makes the officers and all that stuff have shields of gold when Rehoboam takes over he has to sell the gold and he makes some shields of brass so you gotta you kind of skip the Silver Age and go from straight up the Golden Age to the Bronze Age right when it comes to I know that's not what the Golden Age and Bronze Age are but if you're to think about like that was the Golden Age of Israel Rehoboam you're like already down into a Bronze Age where it's not not as good okay anybody that's ever gotten a medal first second place what it's gold silver and bronze right so anyway we see that but in chapter 4 here in verse 29 it says and God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much and largeness of heart even as the sand that is on seashore and Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom all the children of the East Country and all the wisdom of Egypt for he was wiser than all men than Ethan the Ezra at Ezra height and Heman and Calcal and Darda the sons of Mahal and his fame was in all nations round about it's always interesting to me that it's the the the countries of the East Country and you think about where did the wise men come when Jesus was born from the east the wise men from the east and there's something to be said about like there was these wise men in the east but Solomon's wisdom excelled them and then it goes on to talk about in verse 32 and he spake Proverbs and his songs were a thousand and five and so we know that we had a book of Proverbs Ecclesiastes song of Solomon but it wasn't just the song of Solomon that he had he had other songs all that stuff it just not everything he wrote was a was scripture okay but obviously this kind of just talks about what we do have in the Bible when it comes to Proverbs and all that stuff so so Solomon's wisdom obviously is excelling everybody in the world it's because God is the one giving him that wisdom and allowing them to excel there okay chapter five we're dealing with the fact that Solomon is preparing to build the house of God if you remember in 2nd Samuel David wanted to build the house of God but God told him no but your son will and this is where Solomon's coming into play and really a lot of these chapters are going to be dealing with the fact that coming up here of the next few chapters of him building the house of the Lord or building his own house and you're dealing with a lot of like construction really but in verse 5 here it says behold I purpose to build an house unto the name of the Lord my God as the Lord spake unto David my father saying thy son whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room he shall build an house unto my name so he's basically fulfilling that he's going to build a house and you have Hyrum that's helping him bring all these trees and timbers down from Lebanon and throughout the Old Testament you always see these the timber like the trees of Lebanon and just the cedars and like all these different things that are going on there and we see kind of that preparation that's taking place chapter 6 is where you're really dealing with the fact they're building it okay in chapter 6 and verse 1 it says and it came to pass in the 400 and 480th year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel in the month Ziv which is the second month that he began to build the house of the Lord and in verse 38 down at the end of the chapter there is an 11th year in the month of bull which is the eighth month was the house finished throughout all the parts thereof according to all the fashion of it so was he seven years in building it so it's seven years but it's actually a little more it's like seven and a half because if you look at the months there right he starts off in the second month of the fourth year he ends in the eighth month of the 11th year but we already kind of see that where they round up they round down or whatever right because David reign for how long in Hebrew seven and a half years 33 years in Jerusalem but it rounds into 40 right and actually even in first Kings when it's talking about his reign it says he reigns for seven years in Hebrew okay just something to know that it's not always going to be to the T to the month all of that okay so but still seven and a half years to build that do you remember how long the Jews anyway said that the second temple was built forty and six years was this temple and building and will thou rear it up in three days that's what they said to Jesus because he's talking about destroy this temple and in three days I'll raise it up but he spake at the temple of his body they thought he was talking about the actual building right and they're like well it took 46 years to build this thing which actually it's somewhere around that if you were to look at like Ezra they kind of Ezra and like they had delays and all these different things that were going on that it makes sense that it was like around 40 to 50 years for them to build that temple seven and a half years Solomon has it built and this temple is way better than the one that was that came later because the people that were alive that saw the first temple when the second one was built were lamenting on the fact of how grand the old one was okay or the original one with Solomon and in chapter 8 I'm sorry chapter 7 chapter 7 Solomon's gonna build it his own house it says but Solomon was building his own house 13 years and he finished all his house now some would say well Solomon's house he spent a lot more time on that it seems like he put a lot more attention and time or like that basically one could look at me like well he was skimping on the house of the Lord and he just put so much so much into his own house would you understand with construction is that actually to build something faster costs way more money okay to expedite construction actually takes a lot more than it to be a long period of time to finish it I mean anybody here have house projects that take like 14 years right right because he's what how long and building his own house 13 years sounds about like my home projects as far as like trying to get things done and it's not because I just really wanted to look good it's just because I don't have time to do it and other things take priority I personally think that because it took less time to build the temple Lord is because it had number one priority and that is basically putting all you know the irons in the fire and basically doing everything they can to get that thing done quick and fast and it probably cost way more to get it done quicker than it would have to do it in a longer period of time so whatever that's worth I don't believe that Solomon was putting more emphasis on his own house I think he's actually putting more emphasis on the house of God and what you see is that he builds the house of God first okay so the house of God comes first and I believe he's probably putting more time and energy to get it done quicker than his own house okay so and at the end of the chapter there in chapter seven you see all the mentioning of the furnishings of the house of the Lord and so that's something you can read in your own time but just know there's other things in these chapters than just necessarily what I'm talking about but that's kind of the crux of what these chapters are dealing with chapter 8 the Ark of the Covenant is brought into the house of the Lord the the new temple that's being built that that's built verse 1 there says Solomon assembled the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel unto King Solomon and Jerusalem that they might bring up the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord out of the city of David which is Zion so they bring it into the temple and Solomon is going to pray to the Lord and basically pray that the Lord would would recognize this house but also if people would pray to this house they you know basically that he would hear their prayers and you really get into the idea of this that his house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations like all this stuff and God regards it I mean in really Chronicles I think details this a little more as far as this is that famous passage in 2nd Chronicles where it says if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and turn from their evil way then will I you know heal their land and all this stuff and it and that's second chronicle 714 I think so you see that kind of repeated in second chronicles but really it's that Solomon is praying to the Lord that he would hear from the temple that you recognize the temple and then God replies with yes I will recognize this and that basically this this tabernacle this temple is established and in chapter 9 first King chapter 9 we see that God appears that Solomon a second time verse 1 verse 1 there so first Kings chapter 9 verse 1 it says it came to pass when Solomon had finished the building of the house of the Lord and the King's house and all Solomon's desire which he was which he was pleased to do that the Lord appeared to Solomon the second time as he had appeared unto him at Gibeon and the Lord said unto him I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication that thou has made before me I have hallowed this house which thou has built to put my name there forever and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually so basically the answer is yes I will you know like Solomon's praying all this as far as this house and all these different things and the Lord replies to him and obviously the Lord also tells them that hey if you follow me and you follow you know with all your heart like David your father then you'll be blessed all this stuff is being said to Solomon but the Lord specifically appears to Solomon twice that first time when he prays for wisdom and the second time when he's dedicating this temple and all that and it's brought up especially when Solomon heart is turned away that is basically he's turned away from the Lord that appeared to him twice you know and that basically it's kind of this this thing that the Lord's appeared to you twice you ought to know better than to turn away from the Lord okay chapter 10 is we see that the story the Queen of Sheba in the New Testament she's called the Queen of the South so this is that that Queen that basically states the half has not been told right and we kind of have that we have that there's a song out there the half has not been told talking about the Lord Jesus and obviously King Solomon is definitely a picture of the Lord Jesus right the son of David you know obviously the wisdom even the the the passage where it says I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son we actually even read that this morning dealing with the first begotten and that you know thou art my son this day I begotten thee and all that and the fact that that's a prophecy of the Lord Jesus and so there's a lot of pictures of that but the Queen of Sheba it says in verse 1 it says and when the Queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord she came to prove him with hard questions and so there she comes she's basically skeptical you know obviously of this wisdom but once she asks all these questions and then she sees everything that she sees as far as the servants like everything that's going on it basically I think it what it states in there is it says she had no more spirit within her which means like basically she's like you got me you know like basically yes and so much so that she says basically what I've been told isn't even half of it which is a great understanding of the Lord when you think about when you think about the Bible and you think about what we know of the Lord through the Word of God and I'm not here to diminish the Word of God by any stretch of imagination the Word of God that we have right here is infinite we'll never know everything that's in it but I believe wholeheartedly that half hasn't been told that there there are things that we can't even comprehend that's prepared for us and that when we know the Lord and see him for who he is and all of that that the half has not been told when it comes to that and I think that will be certain when we get to heaven and I think part of the reason is that it's seeing things we'll see things that are two that are unlawful to even be spoken right it's just like it's like things that can't be put into words so I think when you're dealing with the Queen of Sheba it's a great representation of how we would come to the Lord and how when we get to heaven I think we're gonna be like the Queen of Sheba and we're just gonna this we're not gonna have any more spirit within us we're gonna be like the half hasn't been told about your your majesty your magnificence like everything about what you've created and who you are like it's you know we we look through a glass darkly you know and that's that's really where we're at okay chapter 11 again how many chapters in it are in first Kings 22 11 is half of that so literally half of the book is dealing with Solomon and all of this has been great until chapter 11 chapter 11 covers the fact that Solomon's heart is turned away from the Lord by his multiple wives by his strange wives okay strange meaning that they're I believe unbelievers that they are that he's married unbelievers and that they are obviously idolater you know idolatrous type of women and in verse 4 here it says for it came to pass when Solomon was old that his wives turned away his heart after other gods and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God as was the heart of David his father and basically what he does is he builds a bunch of high places and groves for these wives that are worshipping these other gods now Solomon is saved and really you can see that this is kind of it shows you how far a saved person can kind of go down the road into idolatry here's the thing if idolatry is not possible for a Christian then tell me this why does the Bible have so many commandments about fleeing idolatry and staying away from idolatry so if that was like oh well he's not really saved because he's like he's like into idolatry it's like that's ridiculous I mean that's like saying a Christian can't commit fornication or adultery it's like why why are all these commandments why is the whole New Testament just filled with staying away from idolatry staying away from fornication and all that if it's not possible for a Christian to do that so that being said is that idolatry is possible but obviously what you're dealing with it with idolatry is I don't believe Solomon actually thinks these things are gods I think it's just you're getting involved in this type of stuff and getting into superstitions right is it possible for a Christian to be superstitious and like hold a rabbit's foot and think that it's going to give them luck or something like that I believe that's possible for a Christian to do and not be some infiltrator be like all you infiltrator you over here believing in charms and luck and all this stuff you know people can fall into all kinds of garbage when it comes to that and Solomon obviously does in Deuteronomy this is warned against when it comes to having a king when it comes to multiplying wives now obviously I use this verse to say that we shouldn't have multiple wives in general okay meaning like polygamy is wrong but specifically it states in Deuteronomy 17 17 neither shall he multiply wives himself that his heart turned not away this is literally textbook what Deuteronomy 17 17 is talking about where he had you know a thousand wives meaning he had 700 wives 300 concubines or maybe it was vice-versa I don't have it in front of me right now either way a thousand total what do you do with that right I mean like how do you have how do you have three wives or four wives or five wives but a thousand is like at that point like what in the world there's not enough time in the day to even like talk to all those women right so it's just insane to think about also shows you his wealth to be able to afford a thousand wives right but multiplying of wives that has gone to an extreme right because you look at Dave you're like how many wives do you need David and then you look at some you're like whoa what in the world so this is this this is the the problem a big problem with it besides it just being wrong in general but the idea is that it'll turn your heart away and it did turn Solomon's heart away to the point where he's building these groves and all this stuff to these false gods of these strange wives that he had in this chapter because of that the Lord is angry with Solomon and basically at this point his whole kingdom is just in peace because you'll see throughout these chapters where that wasn't really mentioning is that there's there's these it'll talk about how he's building things like his whole kingdom is basically a peaceful time like he's not war with a whole bunch of people like he's basically just the king that he's and he's just building things basically it's just a time where things are just growing the wealth is flowing like all that's going on until this happens and then basically God is bringing adversaries against them and now it's no longer that he's in peace and it's interesting because Solomon finds Jeroboam the son of Nebat and he finds that he basically called it he calls it he's called like an industrious man right and he finds Jeroboam and he's the one that sought him out and then God actually it states that Jeroboam is the one that's going to take over when the kingdoms rent Jeroboam is gonna take him over and then Solomon's trying to kill him after that so it's like he likes Jeroboam until God's like Jeroboam is gonna take the ten tribes you're and then you'll have Judah right and then your son will basically reign over Judah and once he hears that he's like I need to kill Jeroboam and that's kind of how Solomon goes out with just going downhill his heart turning and then basically trying to kill some man some righteous man at the time at the time Jeroboam wasn't like you know doing really horrible things okay so in chapter 12 chapter 12 we see the dividing of the kingdom so at the end of chapter 11 you have Solomon that dies and you know the prophet is renting the king you know there's a whole story between like with the man and God basically renting the garment to where you're gonna have ten tribes up to the northern kingdom and you have a tribe of Judah in the southern kingdom and all that but chapter 12 is really about Rehoboam and Jeroboam and really this story Rehoboam is given some bad advice okay I personally believe on both ends okay you have basically his advisors that are older that are his age like around his his age which he's 41 so he's not it's not like some young young buck necessarily right maybe is you know because 40 is not that old but he's 41 begins the rain so but then you have like older advisors that obviously were Solomon's advisors and all that stuff and I personally believe that both give bad advice you have the older ones that are basically saying you know what Solomon had these grievous burdens upon us you need to basically lift those burdens off of us then you have the younger ones that are saying you need to make it harder on them right here's the advice hey if maybe things should just remain this way it is as far as the way the burdens are and what's going on okay and then there shouldn't be a change as far as that's concern because you have like the idea like we just need to stop working or hey we need to make we need to we need to make them serve with rigor right and I believe both are wrong wrong advice but basically the younger men's advice causes him to come out there and be like listen you know he chastised you with whips I'm gonna chastise you with scorpions you know that's not how you get the people behind you just so you know you're like hey hey you listen up suck it up buttercup things things I'm not only gonna not make it easier on you I'm gonna make it worse so you can imagine that they weren't exactly keen on Rehoboam reigning over them and what you have is that basically just sets up that split and basically everybody but Judah is going with Jeroboam and Jeroboam basically comes in and kind of swoops in and takes takes control and Jeroboam is in the northern kingdom and at the end of chapter chapter 12 Rehoboam is like gonna go up and fight against Jeroboam but then he kind of just like lets off and just like all right we're just gonna have our kingdom down here he'll have his kingdom up there but Jeroboam is afraid that the children of Israel that are in his northern kingdom are gonna go down to Jerusalem and do these sacrifices and everything else when it comes to keeping the commandments of the Lord that they're just gonna be like why are we even split now you know like we're down here in Jerusalem we should just like have Rehoboam over all of us right and he's basically afraid of losing the kingdom so what he does it says don't go down to Jerusalem I'm gonna make golden calves for you to worship up here and you just do that and literally makes a golden calf two golden calves and it says here in verse 28 of chapter 12 whereupon the king took counsel and made two calves of gold and said unto them it is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem behold thy God so Israel which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt literally what they said when they were in the wilderness when they had Aaron make the golden calf and it's just like how do you not learn this is something that you look at society and society is doing the same thing that wicked people did in the Bible and you know the outcome in the Bible you're like how do you not know like how do you not know that not to do that right it's like when you have toddlers you know and you're just like how do you know not to do that but the idea here is that history repeats repeats itself and sometimes it repeats itself in complete like duplication it's just like it's exactly way it was in the past and this is the case here where they makes these two golden calves puts one in Dan one in Bethel and this becomes the sin of that northern kingdom until they're destroyed and when you're reading through the book of first Kings and second Kings and all the kings of Israel you know what you'll see they follow the son the the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat which caused Israel to sin like that is the phrase I mean if you don't know the name of Jeroboam son of Nebat then you've never read through first and second Kings facts right because that phrase of they committed the sins of their father Jeroboam or just the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat which caused Israel to sin is repeated so many times it's just ingrained in your head it's like man that Jeroboam the son of Nebat really messed things up even after because Jeroboam's like line ends after like four generations I believe it may be sooner than that basically meaning like there's a coup and there's a conspiracy there's a lot of conspiracies when it comes to Israel and the Kings where they kill somebody and someone else sets himself up and King as King so it's not like this dynasty of Jeroboam all the way to the end no there's like all kinds of crazy murderer and conspiracies going on with the kings of Israel and you know that's a messy it's a messy line when you look at the kings of Israel whereas Judah everybody goes from David down okay there's no break in that chain and obviously that chain goes all the way to Jesus and Jesus forever okay so but Jeroboam's son Nebat you'll know that name if you read through 1st and 2nd Kings and Chronicles okay chapter 13 so he makes these golden calves chapter 13 is an interesting story story where there's this man of God that comes because basically he builds these altars to the to the golden calves and the man of God comes verse 1 of chapter 13 it says and behold there came a man of God out of Judah by the word of the Lord unto Bethel and Jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense and this is where the man of God is crying to the altar altar altar and he's like speaking to the altar I always find it funny when people are speaking to inanimate objects but I digress it's an interesting story basically he's talking about how it's going to be destroyed you know basically the curse that's going to be upon Israel because of this altar because of these golden calves all of that stuff right but this is an interesting story because this is a story where the man of God comes and then there's this old prophet that hears about the man of God in town and basically sends his son says hey tell him to come and you know I want to basically have him eat at my house all this stuff right and the man of God's like I can't I can't basically God gave him specific instructions to not like basically eat or drink there to basically come in and go out you know and there's specific instructions that are given to him and this old prophet lies to him and says well hey an angel came to me and an angel Lord came to me and told me to come and eat with me and he convinces this guy to basically listen to that which really gets into like if an angel you know if any angel comes to you preaching any other gospel than that which you have heard you know let him be accursed it's just funny because that's isn't that what we see with false religions and everything else where it's just like all some angel told me this some spirit told me this some man told me that he's like but what does the Bible say right what did God say and you really need to go to the source when it comes to that anyway the old prophet though I don't believe with some reprobate or you know like some false like that kind of person I think he for whatever reason just wanted to hang out with this prophet and to the point where he just lies to him and says well no you know God told me to tell you to do this or whatever but anyway he eats with them and then God speaks to the old prophet says hey that man's gonna die when he leaves now a lion is gonna come out and meet him and kill him literally exactly what happens is that the guy saddles his ass gets on it and then a lion meets him and kills him the old prophet finds out about he's upset about it because he pretty much had him killed because he's the one that made him come eat at his house and all this stuff and the old prophet comes finds the man and the whole story goes that basically the lion is sitting next to the carcass of the man but the ass is not is unharmed which kind of makes you think of Balaam right where the you have the the angel Lord with the sword drawn and the ass is basically keeping him safe and then he's like beating his donkey and he's like you know if I had a sword in my hand I would kill thee you know but God tells him I would have killed you and kept her alive talking about the ass right and this is kind of a story where it's like the man of God died and the ass is just sitting there eating you know nothing going on the lion's not doing anything so anyway the old prophet basically buries him next to him and all that stuff and definitely an interesting story there's a whole sermon there dealing with an idea of where you're getting your information from and who do you trust right even even a saved person listen you take God's word over even even a saved person's word when it comes to what you're supposed to be doing okay chapter 14 we have a story where a Hijjah the prophet is going to basically give bad news to the to Jeroboam so Jeroboam's son Abijah is sick and this is where Jeroboam basically says hey go to Hijjah the prophet but I need you to like kind of feign yourself as some like other woman I don't I don't want him to know that you're my wife and that all this stuff anyway but a Hijjah already knows like the Lord told him who it was so before she even gets you know even so as to say anything he's like what are you doing you know why are you feigning yourself a different person and this is an interesting story because she comes to him seeing like is the child gonna die or live and you would think you would think the good news would be like good news would be like the child's gonna live but actually the good news is that the child dies and and a Hijjah explains and the fact that listen all of Jeroboam's sons are not gonna get to the grave meaning they're gonna be eaten by dogs in the field like they're gonna die and they're not gonna even be buried okay but their son Abijah will have a burial everybody will be mourning he'll have you know have like obviously a proper burial and all of that and we'll basically have that and that gets into Isaiah 57 where it says the righteous are taken away none of them taking no man taking it to heart that he is taken away from evil to come and that is like a great representation of that as far as I'll think about this and in don't get me wrong like obviously I don't want kids to die and I don't want like things like that to happen but sometimes when tragedies like that happen listen that child is in heaven right but if that child grew up and Jeroboam's home would that child have gotten saved would that child end up growing up to be maybe a horrible person just like Jeroboam's sons you know what I mean and sometimes we don't see the bigger picture whereas we think that's horrible news that the child dies he might be the only one of the brothers there that are actually in heaven you know I mean like that's the reality of the situation of at hand because all of Jeroboam's house is being cursed Abijah is the only one that doesn't get cursed and so it's a very interesting thought process on understanding understanding the bigger picture when it comes to life not saying that answers everything or every situation that's out there but you know out soul winning and talking to people you always get these questions like why would God allow this to happen why would this happen over here no this is that time and chance happened to every man and that not that God isn't just pulling the strings on everything that's happening but sometimes things do happen that are tragic but are for a better purpose you know all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the call it according to this purpose right for the believer that loves God all things are gonna work together for good that doesn't mean everything that that's being done there is pleasant and great and all that stuff but God can make it work for good just like Joseph and the fact that he was sold into Egypt God's not like saying sell Joseph into Egypt but he can make that work for good to where he can put him second in command of the great the biggest empire at the time so I think that's a story that can really chapter 14 helps maybe help understand some of these things that happen in the world where God is in control is controlling certain things and helping things out where we look at that is like that's horrible it might actually be the best case scenario even though it's a tragedy it's kind of like that was better off that way okay and again got we're in a broken system again there's things that happen that God isn't allowed it's not like God is just like pulling the strings and all this stuff we're not Calvinists Calvinism stuff so you know just putting that out there chapter 15 16 we're dealing with basically a progression of Kings so chapter 15 you have Abijah or by John and Asa kings of Judah and Asa is a good King so Abijah is not Asa is a good King and so what you'll have with with Judah is you'll have like a bunch of bad ones and you'll have like all we're getting better we're getting better and then all we're going bad again you know it's like there's there's kind of like this roller coaster of good and bad Kings and every time you're reading through they're like is it gonna be good did they do right or do they do evil right and then you have you have Israel which is just like a bobsled to help bad bad bad bad bad jihu bad bad bad bad all the way down to where they're just like all right we're annihilating you right so Israel it's just like there's no real gas gee who's like the only one that actually does something good for a little bit and then it's just bad for the rest of the time okay so hey have a have has kind of a moment where I kind of like a have but you know it's not as much of a up and down it's more of just down when it comes to Israel so you have Abijah Asa kings of Judah and then Nadab and Beyasha kings of Israel that are mentioned in that chapter I'm not gonna go into detail on them take a time I only have so much time here chapter 16 Elah, Zimrai, Omri and Ahab kings of Israel if you want to talk about conspiracies and murder read that chapter okay this is where Samaria becomes the capital of Israel that northern kingdom and you get into Omri and Ahab and all that stuff but yeah basically people are just killing each other and like taking over and all that stuff so there's a lot of crazy stuff going on in that chapter chapter 17 18 and 19 we're dealing with Elijah the prophet okay and this is really where you don't see this in Chronicles and Elijah is dealing with the northern kingdom okay so but at the same time Elijah's dealing with the northern kingdom there's prophets in the southern kingdom okay what you have to understand is that there's not just one prophet at one time over all of Israel right there's many prophets there's a prophet Ido, the prophet Nathan you know like there's all these different prophets that are going on there but Elijah the prophet is dealing with that northern kingdom and it's really with him and Ahab in a lot of cases that's going on there but Elijah the prophet in chapter 17 is the famous the first thing that we see about Elijah is that he's stopping it he's basically praying for it not to rain in verse 1 there it says and Elijah the Tishbite who was the of the inhabitants of Gilead said unto Ahab as the Lord God of Israel liveth before whom I stand there shall not be do nor rain these years but according to my word and so these years turn into three years six months and really that doesn't end until the end of chapter 18 so in chapter 17 there's a whole story basically during that time where it's not raining there's like a famine obviously you know crops aren't growing during that time and there's a story of the the widow woman of Zarephath or Zarephta as it says in New Testament where there's this widow woman has this son and basically they're ready they're basically got two sticks they're gonna burn together make a cake and die okay but God ends up sending Elijah and he ends up causing the meal and the oil to not fail and then even after that that son falls sick and dies and Elijah raises them from the dead so you see a lot of like the spirit and power of Elijah that's in these stories where he's basically causing you think about like feeding the 5,000 well Elijah's over here you know causing this meal not to you know fail and this crucial oil not to fail and then raising this child from the dead and all of this chapter 18 we have the story of the prophets of Baal and we have the fact that the prophets of Baal are gonna all get destroyed by Elijah but this is where basically he proves them and says hey you do a sacrifice I do a sacrifice but there's no fire involved you have to get your God to bring down fire and light this sacrifice and Elijah's saying that I'll get the God to light our you know my sacrifice right and this is the case where they're over there cutting themselves and he's mocking them he's like oh maybe he's sleeping you know why don't you cry aloud you wake him up you know which is funny because in in India they literally clap their hands to wake up their gods like there's these like Hindu gods and they literally when they go in there they have to like clap they're like wake up you know so so nothing new under the Sun it's still going on today but he's mocking them but the thing that I always remember from this story is the fact that Elijah has them take water and basically douse the wood of the sacrifice and he's like you know do it a second time and this is the one time that not the one only time at the time that I think Scorby doesn't do it right okay I there I said it's Corby's not perfect okay when it comes to reading the Bible but it's like when he says do it the third time I don't think the way Scorby says he's like he's like do it a second time and he's like do it a third time and it's like he's saying it in a manner of like I hope this works you know I don't think that Elijah saying like do it a third time maybe hopefully this will work you know I think he's saying like do it a third time do it a second time do it a third time and then God's gonna do this but anyway all that say is that God not only you know takes out the whole sacrifice he destroys the stones that were there like that's how hot that fire was okay and then all those prophets of Baal are killed and then at the end of the chapter Elijah basically sees this cloud like a man's hand that comes out and it starts raining okay chapter 19 Jezebel is like I'm gonna destroy Elijah because of this and Elijah flees underneath he's like he's hanging out underneath the juniper tree and this is where obviously the angels minister unto him all that but this is where God appears to Elijah and speaks to him in a still small voice so if you remember that he's not in the whirlwind he's not in the earthquake all this stuff he's in a still small voice which really shows you that you know when you're when you're dealing with trials and tribulations sometimes you need to get out of that out of the noise get yourself alone and listen to that still small voice okay chapter 20 Ahab goes to war with Syria and this is the one time that Ahab has a phrase that is one of the coolest phrases out there okay so basically the king of Syria Ben-Hadad is like so sure he's gonna win this battle and he's just basically gloating about how he's gonna destroy Israel and all this and King Ahab says in verse 11 so your first Kings chapter 20 verse 11 it says and the king of Israel answered and said tell him let not him that girdeth on his harness boasts himself as he that putteth it off it's just like mic drop he's like he's like you didn't win yet don't don't boast as if you're already taken off you know your girl right the idea there is that you haven't won yet and don't boast like you've already won and he ends up destroying them he ends up taking them out not once but again like he comes at him again and then he still destroys them right and this is where you get into like oh he's not the god of the valley you know he's got the hills but not the valleys and all that so that's like really you know like you like something Ahab said yeah sorry but that's a cool phrase man that when when he says that you're just like this is so cool I you know like it's such a cool comeback when you got this guy that just thinks he's like so great and he's just gonna destroy you and you're just like yeah don't boast yourself as if you are you know like you're already taken off your harness you know so anyway chapter 21 we have the the murder story of Naboth the Jezreelite and really what you what you'll see with this is that Jezebel is really the evil one okay Ahab is being influenced by Jezebel so he wants this this vineyard from Naboth and Naboth's like no you know this is my family's I'm not selling it to you and and and basically Ahab he does not like death you know off with his head no he just goes home and cries about it like literally he sits on his couch he's all upset and Jezebel's like what's wrong you know he's like well you know Naboth wouldn't give me his vineyard like read it it really sounds like that you know it's just like oh sorry honey but basically Jezebel's like you know take your rest you know don't worry about it I'll take care of this and Jezebel goes writes a letter and finds a bunch of sons of Belial to basically bring up a false accusation against Naboth and they end up killing them and then he's like I got your vineyard for you honey Jezebel is a wicked wicked woman okay and actually it states about that is that basically Ahab it talks about how he like no one went into the house of wickedness like he did because it was through Jezebel and I'm paraphrasing there but basically it's not like saying that Ahab is like this really wicked person it's more like he's kind of fallen into all the this wickedness because of Jezebel and that she's really the one that's causing him to get into a lot of this stuff and so but at the end of chapter 21 he actually humbles himself so Ahab even though like he does this you know he allows this wicked stuff to happen all these things are going on he actually humbles himself and the Lord has mercy on him but then chapter 22 there's a story dealing with Ahab and Ahab is wanting to go to war and he's got like 400 prophets saying yeah go up you know and Jehoshaphat comes now Jehoshaphat is king of Judah he's a good king and Jehoshaphat is like someone is just like isn't there someone else besides these now there's 400 of them right but it's like if you had 400 of these limp-wristed like like chestnut ridge type of pastures right and you had 400 of them and then you come up and you're like but isn't there anybody else besides these guys right even though there's 400 of them they all suck right that's basically modern vernacular of what Jehoshaphat is saying like isn't there anybody else and Ahab says you know there's one man Micaiah but I hate him right isn't it phrases that just stick out in your head and that is one phrase that just sticks out in my head it's like there's Micaiah there's one but I hate him because he doesn't preach anything good towards me right and it's like yeah I hate him because he's just always pretty so negative right he's always so negative about what's going on and anyway so Micaiah comes and basically kind of tongue-in-cheek he's like yeah go up you know it'll be fine and Ahab knows that he's being like sarcastic and he's like how much should I adjourn you to speak the truth to me and then he's like you're gonna die you know like it's like I knew it you know I knew you were gonna bring something negative right and so that's kind of how it ends and there's obviously a whole story there where there's like these lying spirits that are with those prophets to cause them to tell Ahab to go up and all this stuff but if you can't laugh at that story about like Micaiah and all that stuff I don't know what's what's wrong with you but but chapter 22 goes right into this you know when you go into 2nd Kings it's really just picking up the story because Ahab dies his son Aaziah reigns in his stead Aaziah falls through a lattice I believe or maybe it's Jeroboam but that happens later yeah anyway so then chapter you still have Elijah in the beginning of 2nd Kings and we'll get into that and kind of just you're kind of continuing on with the Kings as you go on into 2nd Kings so but let's end with a word of prayer the heavenly father we thank you today thank you for the book of 1st Kings and such a just interesting books to read and so many cool stories in here but also just a lot of stuff Lord that we can apply to our lives in our Christian lives and Lord just pray to help us to read these books and to and to just know them as much as we can and Lord just think for all the souls that were saved throughout the past weeks and Lord just pray to help us to be glorifying to you Lord we love you pray also in Jesus Christ's name amen so brother Dave will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song 397 397 in your song books we'll sing a little as much when God is in it if you'll stand we'll sing song 397 in the harvest field now ripen there's a work for all to do heart the voice of God is calling to the harvest calling you little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame there's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name does the place your call to labor seems so small and little known it is great if God is in it and he'll not forget his own little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame there's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name are you laid aside from service body worn from toil and care you can still be in the battle and the sacred place of prayer little as much when God is in it labor not for wealth or fame