(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You Well, good evening everyone, welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 409 Song 409 we'll sing the fight is on And if you would stand We'll sing song 409 The fight is on the trumpet and is ringing out the cry to Arms his heart of far and near the Lord of hosts is marching on to victory the triumph Of the Christ will soon appear The fight is on no Christian Soldiers and face-to-face and stern array With armor gleaming and color streaming the right and wrong engaged today The fight is on but be not weary Be strong and in his might hold fast If God before us his banner or us will sing the victor song at last The font the fight is on Arousy soldiers brave and true Jehovah leads and victory will assure go buckle on The armor God has given you and in his strength forever will endure The fight is on Oh Christian soldiers and face-to-face and stern array I'm gleaming and color streaming the right and wrong engaged today It's on but be not weary Be strong and in his might hold fast If God before us his banner or us will sing the victor song at last the fight is Leading on to certain victory the bow of Promise fans the eastern sky his glorious name In every land show honored be the morn will break the dawn of peace is nigh The fight is on Oh Christian soldiers and face-to-face and stern array with armor gleaming And color streaming the right and wrong engaged today Fight is on but be not weary Be strong and in his might hold fast God before us his banner or us will sing the victor song at last Let's pray a heavenly follow Lord. We just want to thank you God for a Wednesday night service Thank you God for our pastor film with your power and spirit force in Jesus name. We ask all of it. Amen May be seated and turn in your song books to song 410 Song 410 will sing faith is the victory Song 410 And Along the hills of light ye Christian soldiers rise Impress the battle ere the night shall veil the glowing skies Against the foe and veils below let all our strength be hurled faith is the victory we know that overcomes the world Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory That overcomes the world his banner over us his love our sword the Word of God We tread the road the Saints above with shouts of triumph trod by faith We like a whirlwind's breath swept on or every field the faith by which they conquered death Is still our shining shield? Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory That overcomes the world on every hand the foe we find drawn up in dread array Let tense of ease be left behind and onward to the fray Salvation's helmet on each head with truth on gird about the earth shall tremble neath our tread and echo with our shout Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory That overcomes the world to him that overcomes the full white rain men shall be give Before the angels he shall know his name confessed and have Then onward from the hills of light our hearts will love a flame will vanquish all the hosts of night in Jesus conquering name Is the victory faith is the victory Oh glorious victory That overcomes the world You Amen welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and just some announcements here Nothing really changing from what we had on Sunday evening or Sunday afternoon, I guess but Service times are all the same. So we have our normal Sunday Service times is the Sunday and we have our sowing times there So I think there was three saved tonight right or this evening so praise the Lord for that and so but we have our main sowing time on Sunday at 1 p.m. as scheduled and Then our Bible memory we have Jude so just one chapter but the whole book there we're gonna try to memorize that this month and then also Matthew 24 verse 12 is our memory verse for the week and As far as upcoming events right now, we just have the men's prayer meeting believe we have Set the date for our Christmas fellowship if you will. I think it's the 11th of December Yes so December 11th We don't have like a hard time on that as of right now But that's gonna be when we're gonna do the Christmas fellowship there. And so hopefully that'll kind of be Early enough to where we're not getting into everybody's schedules when it comes to traveling for Christmas and all that stuff but we'll keep it more up to date as we get there with that and As far as that goes that's all I can think about as far as stuff on the calendar here Just with the holidays everything everything gets hectic. So my Thanksgiving Christmas all that We Didn't do it this Sunday There's a lot of people out but this coming Sunday. We're gonna try to do the Children's Christmas choir as far as getting a couple songs together And so we'll have some of those printed off. And so with that the big thing is that the kids practice it When they're at home and around, you know, that's how they're gonna remember it. So Did we pick out a couple songs yet or still think about it? Okay Okay, cool So just keep that in mind After the afternoon service on Sunday, we're gonna try to get the kids together for a little bit to practice that and so So yeah So yeah, Christmas will be here before you know it. I'm already listening to Christmas music So, you know what judge me if you will, but I don't care And then pregnancies be on all be in prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list here and so we have seven Ladies on the list but be in prayer for all those obviously two that have just had children Or just had babies and just with the recovery and all that stuff with them And so a lot of babies but praise the Lord for that That's pretty much all I got You all know the general stuff that's going on in the church building. So I'm not gonna remind you on that I'll hit it on Sunday Who's reading tonight? Did anyone? Pick up that torch Yes, I'm reading tonight So Brother Dave's gonna sing another song and then I'll read first Corinthians 11. We'll just get into the Bible study You All right, take your song books and turn to song 411 Song 411 we'll sing hold the fort song 411 Oh my comrades see the signal waving in the sky Reinforcements now appearing victory is nigh Hold the fort for I am coming Jesus signal still Wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will See the mighty host advancing Satan leading on My team and around us falling courage almost gone hold the fort for I am coming Jesus signal still Wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will See the glorious banner Waving here the trumpet blow And our leaders name will triumph over every foe Hold the fort for I am coming Jesus signal still Wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace We will Fierce and long the battle rages, but our help is near Onward comes our great commander cheer my comrades cheer Hold the fort for I am coming Jesus signal still Wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will All right, take your Bibles and turn to 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 1st Corinthians 11 pastor will read that for us So you find your Bibles turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 11 and we're gonna read the whole chapter there so 1st Corinthians chapter 11 Starting there in verse 1 Bible reads be followers of me even as I also am of Christ now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man and The head of Christ is God every man praying or prophesying having his head covered Dishonored his head, but every woman that prayeth or prophesied with her head uncovered Dishonored her head for that is even all one as if she were shaven for if the woman Be not covered. Let her also be shorn But if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven Let her be covered for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God but the woman is glory of the man for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man Neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman neither the woman without the man in the Lord for as the woman is of the man Even so is the man also by the woman but all things of God Judging yourselves is it comely that woman pray Unto God and covered doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair It is a shame unto him But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering But if any man seemed to be contentious we have no such custom not through the churches of God Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not that you come together not for the better but for the worse for first of all When you come together in the church I hear that there be divisions among you and I partly believe it for there must also there must be also Heresies among you that they which are approved may be made manifest among you when you come together Therefore into one place This is not to eat the Lord's Supper For in eating every man taketh before other his own supper and one is hungry and another is drunken What have you not houses to eat to drink in or despise you the Church of God and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I praise you not for I have received of the Lord I'm sorry for I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed took bread and when he had given things he break it and said take eat This is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner Also, he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood This do ye as oft as you drink it in remembrance of me For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till he come Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning of Lord's body For this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged But when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world Wherefore my brethren when you come together to eat tarry one for another and if any man hunger Let him eat at home that you come not together unto unto condemnation and the rest Well, I set in order when I come let's open with a word of prayer their heavenly father We think today and just praise you fill me fill me with your spirit and just help me to teach this passage rightly And just help us to understand this passage and all that there is to learn and Lord We love you and pray us in Jesus Christ name. Amen so you're there in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 and This chapter kind of has two parts to it if you will The first part kind of deals with the difference between men and women and specifically gets into hair length And then the second half deals with the Lord's Supper. So there's really two things to kind of see here So let's jump into the very beginning here in verse 1 here it says be followers of me Even as I also am of Christ so I love this verse because The idea here is that it's not a bad thing to follow somebody as long as they're going the right direction Now in 1st Corinthians chapter 4 he says this same thing or something similar to this It says in 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 15 It says for though you have 10,000 instructors in Christ yet have not Have you not many fathers for in Christ Jesus? I have gotten you through the through the gospel wherefore I beseech you be followers of me And so he's basically saying I I you know, I've won you to Christ Follow me and then in 1st Corinthians chapter 11, he hits hits on it a little differently He says follow me as I follow Christ And so the idea is that it's not a bad thing to follow somebody as long as they're following, you know the right path So it's actually a good thing to have People to look up to people to kind of you know, get behind and in leadership is a good thing Leadership is a good thing But remember that there's limits to that meaning that you're not gonna follow Paul if he's not following Christ Okay, so the stipulation there is that follow somebody as long as they're following the Lord and kind of get on you know ride that zeal if you will and kind of hang on to that person if you will that is going to do great things for God and And so he says this in many places But I believe that caveat there is very important in the fact that it's as I follow Christ and or You know for even as I also am of Christ meaning that meaning he's following Okay, he's following Christ follow him as he's following Christ and You know Philippians 3 you don't have to turn there But it says brethren be follows together me and mark them which walk is so I'm sorry mark them which walk so as you have us for an in sample Okay, and he's talking about the you know, the evil workers the the dogs, you know, beware of dogs evil workers the concision And he gets on to the fact that you know, there's these people that are enemies of the cross of Christ and he's saying, you know mark them and be you know be followers of me and mark those that walk that way and How do you do that? Using them as an example okay, you see these people over here and Paul's the good example and that's how you mark, you know a good profit from a bad profit and And so it's it's a good thing to have people to look up to and it's good thing to have people that you follow But obviously don't take that too far you don't want to just you know Throw out the baby with the bathwater and be like, I'm not following anybody. I'm not gonna you know, get behind anybody That's leading the charge, you know, that's ridiculous You know the Bible teaches about having leaders and captains over hundreds and captains over fifties and captains over a thousand You know, the idea is that you have people that are in leadership positions But if they're not following the head if they're not following the leader Then that's where you have problems. Okay be kind of like if a captain or You know an admiral was going rogue, you know from the general Then obviously who do you follow you follow the higher up right you go with the highest? You know authority when it comes to the commands there G who is one that I think about there when it comes to someone that is you know, basically on fire for the Lord at the time and He says to Jehonadab, he says come with me and see my zeal for the Lord and so that's something that is it is Something that we need to be looking for and you obviously want a leader that has zeal that's want to do great things That you're wanting to follow but don't hold them up as being perfect or Thinking that they can never go off the path. Okay, so it's good to follow people as long as they're following Christ But just keep that in the forefront that hey you need to make sure are they following Christ and it's not it doesn't become into this following man You know just because of the personality or following man just because you're friends with that person You know what? I mean like and even me, you know, obviously I would obviously consider you guys all friends But if I were to go down a path or I was I was to you know Get off the path of Christ and I then you stop following me. Okay, and But but it's good to follow me as I follow Christ and to you know Follow the leadership of the of the church as the church is following Christ and so that is something that's being taught here now go to 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 2 and The first thing that we see here is that there's a hierarchy when it comes to God man and went and women Okay, notice what it says here in verse 2 it says now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I deliver them to you but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of The woman is the man and the head of Christ is God So I know I preached on the Trinity and the hierarchy of the Trinity, right? You have the Father Son the Holy Ghost and the Father's over the Son the sons over the Holy Ghost but these three are who God is and There's a hierarchy within the Trinity so you kind of see that with that God is the head of Christ because we're talking about God the Father and 1st Corinthians 15 is gonna really hit that hard that you know, he that put all things under his feet You know, Jesus is gonna be subject unto him because he's gonna be subject unto the Father He's gonna be you know, because God that God may be all in all but when you go down the line of the Father Son Holy Ghost You know we come underneath that and the man You know the head of man is Christ and then you get into that This is doesn't bode well and in the society we live in but what does it say here? It says in the head of the woman is the man now this is what the Bible teaches here in the fact that That is the hierarchy now obviously in a society man should be the one that's in leadership positions and Isaiah 3 will teach you that if you have women in positions of authority, that's a judgment of God And you say well, you know, are you saying America is under judgment? Yes Yes, I am. Okay, it's been going on for a while But that is a judgment of God that when you have women and children ruling over you Okay, and that's what we have today, but that's a judgment of God That's not the way it should be But it by and large what we're talking about here is husbands and wives If you think about Ephesians chapter 5 go to Ephesians chapter 5 You know, I'm the head of my wife, but I'm not the head of other wives in here does that make sense like I I'm the husband of my wife and She is to submit to me But no other wives in here or women in here to submit to me as I'm the husband of them Okay, now obviously I'm the pastor of the church so when we're here at church and in the congregation I am the leader and you need to submit son to my rule if you will because the elders that rule well You know our account to be counted worthy of double honor and the idea of ruling you know to Basically that I'm an overseer. I'm the bishop all that right, but I'm not ruling over your life Right, I don't come to your house and tell you what to watch I don't tell your wife what to do I don't tell you what to do right as far as the husband's You know I'll preach it and I'll preach to you truth And obviously if church discipline has to happen church discipline has to happen when it comes to major sins But you know what? I'm not gonna come to your house and be like you shouldn't watch that You shouldn't let your kids do that. You should do this your wife should do this your your wife shouldn't cook that Whatever right that is not my job, but you know with my wife I do have authority And I am you know in charge at home I am the boss my kids know that my kids know that you know what if my wife says something to them I can overrule it Now they kind of know that's to a fault Right because my wife will tell them like no you can't do that and be like well dad does the boss So they'll come to me like can you ever let you know like they are they kind of know that that that can happen Right now obviously in a lot of cases I'm gonna be like no you need to listen to your mom because I'm lying just over here to like You know, let them assert Try to somehow circumvent mom's authority. Okay, but ultimately if there is something that you know Needs to be done. You know what? I'll overrule it and be like no, this is what we're doing and You know, that's just the way it is and that's the way house should be run, you know When it comes to the relationship of husband and wife, it's not this 50-50 rule of Ruling society when it comes to that's the way they look at it But if you want to say, oh, you know, that's the way it should be then well look at look at how the world's doing it right now and see if it's working out all right for them and Look at you know and just put it in Christianity because in Christian circles, that's the way they view it And I've heard preachers go to go to Ephesians chapter 5 don't look at the verse right before that where it says we need to submit ourselves one unto another and Say well, that's husbands and wives like why don't you just throw the Bible on its head? Turn the Bible on its head because the next what does the verse say here in verse 22? wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the Savior of the Body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ. So let the wise be to their own husbands and everything Sounds like the husband is the head of the life You say well how much as much as Christ is the head of the church. So that's you know, that's that's a pretty high mark and Then it gets that you know, the chapter ends with the fact that you need to reverence your husband and that term right, you know to give reverence a lot of times is dealing with us to God and And What is reverence? You think about respect? Okay respect honor and so wives are supposed to respect honor submit unto their husbands and You know what that goes out the window today when it comes to our society But you know what? That's the perfect way that God has set it up because there's a difference between men and women women Inherently do not want to lead even though they may say that when they do They don't like it Okay Women want men. They want a man that's gonna take charge and make those hard decisions Okay, I'm not saying like they want they want their husband to tell them what they're gonna eat and they don't get a choice in Anything in life. Okay. I'm not talking about like some Draconian type of dictatorship here. I'm talking about benevolent dictatorship Okay, where it's a loving relationship between you and your wife and Obviously you want to please your wife you want, you know, you're not there to just veto everything she says Okay, and and also your wife can actually give some good advice because there's there's no difference in intelligence But there is a difference in leadership when it comes to why you know, why are men the head well If I was gonna get into the difference and there's a big difference between men and women when it comes to how we were created and What we represent all those different things as far as a value. We have the same value that makes sense I want to be very clear here that men and women have the same exact value So it's not I'm not here to say like man. We just are We're it and women you're just like the peasants Okay, that is not what I'm saying, but there are different roles that men and women have and Notice what it says here in first Corinthians chapter 11 The first thing that I want to get into here is what the Bible teaches here about hair length or head coverings now there's a lot of You know false doctrines out there dealing with head coverings and you probably dealt with churches that will have Women wearing head coverings. Okay Now I'll say this if you have a condition where you have hair loss or some reason why You can't have long hair ladies. Then obviously there's nothing wrong with having a head covering You know that makes sense. Okay. I'm not here to say like head coverings are always wrong But the idea here is that if you have long hair and you put a head covering on it's kind of Doesn't make sense. Okay, because what we're gonna get to here I'm going to show you very clearly that what we're talking about here when we're talking about head coverings But your head being covered or uncovered has to do with your hair Plain and simple. It's talking about hair length. It's talking about men having short hair women have women women having long hair Notice what it says here in verse 4 every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonor at his head Now this is a big reason why? Besides the fact that it doesn't say that Jesus had long hair is that I don't believe that Jesus had long hair Okay, and then people like well he's a Nazarene show me where it says and that Nazarenes have long hair You're like well the Nazarite vow. Well, that's a Nazarite that's different than a Nazarene Nazareth is a place Nazarite is a vow and also most of the time with those Nazarite vows They wouldn't take them for more than maybe, you know months on end or whatever So if your hair grew a half an inch a month That means in a year if you took a Nazarite vow for a year your hair grew six inches And you shave it before you do that, right? You purify yourself, then you don't let the razor touch your head Okay, you have hair that's like six inches long and then you shave it if you did a year Okay, and there's obviously exceptions that prove the rule when you think of Samson, but obviously there's a reason for that Why it's pitching picturing that But it does not say that Jesus had long hair and here it would be very it would be Going against the fact it'd be dishonoring his head when he's praying or prophesying if he had long hair Notice what it says here in verse 5, but every woman that prayeth or prophesied with her head uncovered Dishonored her head for that is even all one as if she were shaven for if the woman be not covered Let her also be shorn But if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven let her be covered We're talking about hair length here and I'm going to show you that That is clearly talking about the hair But the idea here is that do you see a big difference? I mean polar opposites men It's a dishonor if your head's covered women. It's a dishonor if your head's not covered See a stark difference between men and women here Now people say well, you know, this is talking about head coverings. It's talking about fabrics or whatever Nowhere in here doesn't say anything about fabric Or any type of linen or any type of wool or any type of skins or anything like that Notice what it says in verse 13 though. It says judging yourselves. Is it commonly that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering So Here do you see that this whole chapter or this whole first portion of chapters talking about hair length? If you have long hair that means your head is covered if you have short hair That means your head is not covered This is why I don't believe that women need to wear head coverings And this is why I also believe that men don't have to take off their hat when they pray or they preach Okay If you want to really get into it the priests had bonnets on Okay Now I don't think it's like bonnets like, you know a little house on the prairie bonnets, you know Like the women had you know, I'm pretty sure they're probably a little different but it's just a hat you know like a hat that they would wear and So obviously to do the service of a priest they'd have like these garments with a mitre. They'd have something on their head so The idea there is that we've kind of in society, you know, you take off your hat when you pray And listen if you wanna take off your hat when you pray, I'm not against you I'm not saying like You know, you're wrong or anything. There's customs, you know, there's customs that you can but I don't think it's a biblical thing I don't believe it's a Bible thing that you have to take off your hat You know, we're out in Arizona, you know giving the gospel we wear hats out there You know because Then they'll all wear those hats like the hats that go all the way around because it's just hot the sun's coming down on you And you're if you're preaching the gospel with some but to somebody and then you pray with them And you have a hat on there's nothing wrong with that as long as you have short hair Okay. Now here's thing you say well, can someone get someone saving and you know, if a man has long hair sure Can a woman get someone saved if they have short hair sure But we're dealing with just facts of the Bible and nature itself tells you that women should have long hair and men should have short Hair, that's just a natural law. I Mean, there's certain laws that were written in our hearts Did you know that Romans chapter 2 talks about that the idea that shall not commit murder And that's not commit adultery Those things are written in our hearts and there's certain natural things that you should that you know That men should have short hair and women should have long hair that that long hair is just a more of a feminine type of attribute It's just facts. You see a man with long hair. What do you automatically think you think a little girly, right and You know, I never had long hair because my hair grows like Like a tooth like a like a I Don't know. It froze out. Okay, so it doesn't like I tried like growing, you know Like getting it shaggy or whatever and I didn't make it past like maybe like three inches or something like that I'm like it's coming off So I don't understand how people want to have long hair anyway when it comes to men because you know and ladies, you know I know it's a hassle to have long hair, but it's godly. It's it's just the natural thing for women to have long hair You listen even before I knew what the Bible taught on this I always I always thought that women were more attractive with long hair Because women would have shorter hair and be like, well, she's attractive but she'd be more attractive. She had long hair Facts and you know what? There may be some guy out there that would say no I think that women are more attractive with with short hair I'd probably worry about him a little bit but but facts Guys like women to have long hair and so ladies if you are looking for you know To be attractive to guys long hair Okay, I'm not saying that it has to like be all the way down to the floor I'm saying like long hair is, you know, obviously subjected to a certain point, but you know Obviously long hair is a lot longer what I got. Okay Now this is just clearly short hair It doesn't have to be this short, I don't believe but I just I just can't stand when it touches my ears That's just the personal thing. I don't think you have to buzz your head to be short I don't think you know, I think you'd be shaggier than that and Ladies, you know what if you have your hair down to like your shoulder and you cut it right there Or it's a little bit higher. I think it's probably still kind of kind of long right? But here when it comes to hair length, I View it with clothing Meaning this is that when it comes to hair length, I believe there's like a no-man's land that we shouldn't be in Okay, meaning that if there was just a length where it went from short to long Well, then everybody could just be you know Man could be just like a quarter inch less than that and women could be a quarter inch longer than that And then if everybody did that We'd all have the same haircut length because no one's out there with a ruler looking at that because it really should be something That's just a stark difference So when it comes to hair like this, I think there should be just this realm where it's like that's short There's no question and then you look at that over here and be like that's long There's no question and then there's this middle ground where you just don't you don't mess with that Obviously babies are different children are different. Okay, like, you know, like my my Emma for example, I mean We've never cut her hair. Okay, she might have but no But you know a kids obviously when you're dealing with kids when it comes to clothing or hair You know what that that girl goes out the window Okay, when it comes to like girls like obviously wearing dresses Yeah, I don't worry about my little baby girl like my infant having a dress on at all times and being modest Okay, that stuff goes out the window when it comes to that. But once they start becoming older I Try to teach that obviously I don't want them to go outside with like the pajama pants on and stuff like that I want them to have a skirt on and And even at church I'm like, you know Making sure they're not lifting up their skirt and showing it to everybody even if they're like four years old or something like that Right, obviously if they're like ten years old when you get maybe get you know past that or whatever But and God forbid if you know teenagers are older than that, you know But you got to teach that stuff early for a reason But the big thing here is that do you see that it's very clear that the covering is the hair The covering is the hair. It's not a garment but it's basically stating that You know if for some reason you were shaving or shorn if you had to for some reason then you can cover with a garment and But it's basically saying if you're gonna have your hair really short ladies, you might as well just shave it off and If it's a shame to shave your head Then then just keep it long. Okay, that's what the Bible teaches here and go to Revelation chapter 9 Revelation chapter 9 we dealt with those locusts and I know I kind of hit on this when we were in there But but the idea here is that there's just a known Women's hair is just a known thing. Okay, because when it comes to textures of hair I believe that men and women can all have the same type of textures when it comes to thin hair thick hair curly hair I don't know what all the different types are but there's all kinds of different types of like hair You know textures and all that in colors, right? There's all those different types and men and women can all share that But the one thing that should be different is the length. That's what you can Control and that's what I believe it's stating here Is that in Revelation 9 verse 7 says and the shapes of the locusts were like in the horses prepared in battle? And on their heads were as it were crowns like gold and their faces were as the faces of men And they had hair as the hair of women and their teeth were as the teeth of lions So when it says they have the hair as the hair of women What else could that be talking about besides the length? I want to know what that could be talking about You say well, it's the color. Well, why wouldn't it say men's hair then? Well, it's the texture. Why wouldn't it say men's hair there? Say Lack of hair. Well, why definitely why wouldn't it say men's hair, right? Because usually it's men that deal with that anyway But the thing is that when it's saying it's it's hair as the hair of women It's very clear. The reason it's saying that is because it's talking about the length Why do you think it talks about when it talks about with women with modest apparel that it talks about braided hair? Doesn't talk about that with men does it? You know lifting up your holy hands with braided hair Or not with braided hair, I guess it would say right It doesn't mention that at all, but it seems to mention that with women why because that's a thing You can't braid my hair have fun Okay, I could probably fit one of those like, you know those hair things that you can kind of stick in there, you know You know because the girls will try to do that every once in a while if I stick stuff in your hair But that's about it, right? You're not gonna braid this So But that being said is that there is a big difference there when it comes to hair length Go to verse 7. I know we kind of skipped over a portion there, but I wanted to get into this because Nature itself I believe teaches us this and that's just the way that God created us But in verse 7 here I I Want to show a clear distinction and something that I think sometimes people don't realize But notice what it says verse 7 for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image And glory of God for the woman is the but the woman is the glory of the man Here's a very important thing that you need to know Man is made in the image of God not woman Because God is not a woman Okay, God is a man and he's not some like in between Whatever the weird stuff that they say nowadays that's out there. He's a man He's you know, he looks like a man. So when when you when you say well, what does God look like? He looks like a man He doesn't look like a woman. He looks like a man, but the woman is the glory of the man Because the woman obviously has like an image of a man like we're obviously we have the same attributes stuff like that, but there's the the idea that the man is the glory of God and the woman is the glory of the man and So there's a clear distinction there And it says for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man First of all, I want you to go to Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 I want to show you how very careful God is how he says this Okay, he does not say that he made male and female in the image of God, but people say that Wrongfully, that's not what the Bible teaches The Bible does not teach that he created man and woman in the image of God says he created man in the image of God And you say why is this why are you hitting on this because in this gender-bending society? We live in they're constantly trying to make God gender neutral Or even a woman in some cases then blasphemous cases and But here I want you to see that obviously first Corinthians 11 is hitting that point It's driving that home that man is in the image of God not woman. Woman is in is the glory of the man But notice what it says here in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 It says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and every And over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth So who was made in it and and knows that our meaning because it's God's the Trinity, right? But in verse 27, so God created man in his own image So who did he create in his image man in both those cases knows what says in the image of God created he him Not them Then it says male and female created he them So he did create male and female and enemy get in the beginning he made them male and female But the image part where it says that he made man in his own image That is strictly to the man Okay, and I want to hit that point hard because God is a man He's not anywhere in between that When a woman came into the picture after man was made in his image now go to First Thessalonians or first Timothy chapter 2 first Timothy chapter 2 and verse 11 first Timothy chapter 2 and verse 11 And Put your finger also in first Corinthians chapter 11 Because this one says in first Corinthians chapter 11 after you're talking about man is made in the image of God. It says in verse Verse 8 for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man neither Was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man? For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman neither the woman without the man in the Lord for as the woman is of the man Even so is the man also by the woman but all things of God. So what is this talking about? It's saying this is that Adam was first made then the woman and the woman was made for the man Hey Eve was made for the man not Adam for the woman, right? Does that make sense? Like it wasn't reversed and it says here in first Timothy chapter 2 verse 11 It says let the woman learn in silence and all with all subjection But I suffer not a woman to teach in order to serve authority over the man But to be in silence for Adam was first form then Eve Now spelling this out that we know this from Genesis, right? But it's spelling it out that Adam was made first Then they weren't made all at once Okay It says male and female created he them but Genesis 2 hits on the fact that he made Adam then he made Eve from Adam and go to Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 and just so you know and in the first Timothy chapter 2 It goes on to say and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. There is a difference in just the The the mind of how the mind works in the man how the mind works in a woman and just the proclivities of a man compared to a woman and you know, there's Like I said, there's no there's no difference in value but there is a difference in roles Okay, you know a man is not going to be deceived Like a woman would be deceived. Does that mean a man can't be deceived? Of course not men are deceived all the time But when it comes to just in general rules men are not going to be deceived like a woman would be deceived okay, meaning that we just have a different type of Rationale if you will. Okay. Now this is kind of a broad stroke But in the end, it's just it's just a fact of life that men tend to be more callous We tend to not Make decisions off emotions And we we tend to be more I guess Black and white That the term I want to use here black and white meaning this is that there's a problem. Let's fix it Boom, it's a yes-or-no answer, you know, like let's get it done. Whereas women They don't want that in a lot of cases. Okay men, you know, I want to hear some a men's here, but Your wife ever bring a problem to you you'll be like, well I got the answer to that We'll just do this this and this that's not what they want to hear They don't want the answer. They want you to listen Okay They don't want a solution They just want you to hear them out Okay It's facts. Okay, I'm stepping on toes, but it's just reality. Okay But to just give you an idea there that obviously Adam sinned too. We're not I'm not excusing Adam sin But Adam wasn't deceived by the serpent Adam sinned for a different reason Than the woman but there is a different way and this is why women are not supposed to be in the Leadership positions of being a pastor or anything like that. Okay Now they can prophesy, you know, the Bible talks about that in first Corinthians chapter 11, but it talks about the handmaidens and the maidens Prophesying in Acts chapter 2 and what is that talking about preaching the gospel? They Can also prophesy through their children right because you think of the mother of King Lemuel and Proverbs 31 had the prophecy that she gave unto her son and That's where she's saying, you know Go after we find the virtuous woman. Don't drink alcohol like those type of things that you're saying there And so obviously it has to be in its place But when it comes into being in front of a whole group of people and observing authority over men That is not where women are supposed to be. There's a reason for that But in Genesis chapter 2 and that's what it says in verse 18 Genesis 2 and verse 18 it says in the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him and help meet for him. Now meet is like worthy or fitting right, so Basically a help that's what the woman was brought in for is to help the man and And Genesis chapter 2 and verse 21. This is how God performs it He says the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed Up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man Made he a woman and brought her unto the man and Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh She shall be called woman Because she was taken out of man Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh So literally the reason she's called woman is because she came out of man. Okay, this is what the Bible is talking about Here is that the woman was made for the man and the woman was of the man Meaning that's how woman came to be as of the man and think about this, you know Just thinking about chromosomes and I'm not like I don't know that much about you know, genetics or anything like that But a man has both, right? So you couldn't have gone the other way right because a woman couldn't have given a Y chromosome So it kind of makes sense that you if a man has an X and Y and an X chromosome and then out of him Came woman, which is two X chromosomes, right? Then you can kind of see how that would even work in the genetic realm Okay, if you wanted to get that deep into it But it says though in first Corinthians chapter 11 for as the woman is of the man Even so is the man also by the woman but all things of God. What is that talking about? Because How do other men come into the world? Through a woman, okay So men are made or you know born into this world through women So that's how it works. That's how this whole circle of Life works here meaning that man was also obviously created by the you know By God from the dust of the earth and God breathed into him the spirit of life and he became a living soul But then God took a piece of that man and made a woman of him But every man after that has come from a woman Okay, so you can't say that women don't have value because Well, you can't you obviously I you can say well they have more value because they're bringing people into the world But they also they also can't do that without a man Except for the one case obviously the Lord Jesus where he was born of the Virgin Mary But that's where it all works together in union and where we all have a purpose We all have value because women are extremely valuable. I Mean I Mean they're crucial to the to us going on right if you didn't have women there would be no procreation If only the sodomites could understand that but they're without understanding so that's not gonna happen because they don't they don't reproduce they they recruit but It's a little stab in there on that one But the idea here is that it's man and woman is Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve Okay, and that's how it was from the beginning but those roles have been from the beginning and I'm not going to get into the Fall of man, but the idea of what the role of the man and the woman is after the fall as well now there's a There's a verse here and I'm gonna touch on this And everybody's probably like he's gonna hit on that verse it's gonna talk about that verse I Don't I'm not claiming that I have the answer to this verse Okay, but I'm gonna give you my thoughts on it and that verse is in verse 10 So in verse 10 there it says for this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels Okay, and I had a revelation last night and I figured it out now Now obviously this is something that it's just kind of you know Stumped a lot of preachers and stumped a lot of Christians as far as what exactly are we talking about here when it comes? to why That does it say that she has power on her head? Why are the angels involved in that? Like what's that got to do with anything? Why are the angels even being brought up? So I'm gonna give me my thoughts on this. Okay, first of all in Proverbs chapter 16 It likens hair to a crown Okay. Now this is dealing with a man or you know, I guess it could be a woman It could be any Either one I believe but it says that and Proverbs 16 verse 31 It says the hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness now a hoary head meaning like Gray head gray headed and talked about a rise to the hoary head And stuff like that. So the idea is that the hair can be likened to a crown And so there could be the idea of glory there or power that's involved with that because obviously longer hair is a bigger You know like crown of glory if you will Go to Hebrew chapter 1 because I first want to I want to hit on the angels because I believe that's the clue As far as what that even means as far as that that's dealing with that now I want this to stick into your head. Why was woman made? To be what for the man help Now what's another way of saying like someone that helps you but someone that ministers to you? right and a Helper, you know a co-helper co-laborer right those terms are used a lot but in Hebrew chapter 1 It says in verse 7 there it says and of the angels He said who maketh his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire So the angels are ministers But notice what it goes on a little further at the end of the chapter in verse 13 The Hebrews 1 13 says but to which of the angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make down enemies Footstool are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation So why is the same because of the angels? Well, if the angels are ministering spirits and a woman is a minister unto her husband right or to the man You can see the correlation there but then you get into the fact of What is the correlation of the covering right? So we kind of see that correlation there with that is The fact that You know what? They're both kind of ministering. Obviously, there's a difference between a woman and angels We're all made a little lower than the angels. But listen in the resurrection women you will be above the angels You will be judging angels as well as us. Okay, and That's another sermon for another day But right now we're all a little lower than the angels and they have great power But there's an attribute about angels that's interesting And when you deal with the cherubims and the seraphims and something that they do Okay, and go to Exodus chapter 25 Exodus chapter 25 and verse 20 So cherubims are brought up when you deal with the Ark of the Covenant What was the purpose of those cherubims and on top of the Ark of the Covenant In verse 20 there it says in the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high Covering the mercy seat with their wings and their faces shall look one to another Toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be Now go to Hebrew chapter 9 Hebrew chapter 9 So what's the purpose of these cherubims to cover? The mercy seat now the mercy seat I preached on that before but the mercy seat was where the blood would be sprinkled You know obviously for the atonement and all that but the cherubims They have a job of covering. Okay, and And these are angels I believe seraphims cherubims are angels You know, I don't know if they're all like that right because obviously what I'm going to show you eventually here Is that Satan was a cherub? Okay So are they all like cherubs and seraphims, you know, are they different types, you know that we don't know about But in Hebrew chapter 9 notice what it says verse 3 It says an after the second veil this the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all Which had the golden censer and the Ark of the Covenant? overlaid roundabout with gold Wearing was the golden pot that had manna and Aaron's rod that budded and the tables of the Covenant So it's talking about the Ark of the Covenant talked about what was in it So at a time all three of those things were in there at one point or another when it comes to the stories and Numbers and everything else but in verse 5 there and over it the cherubims of glory Shadowing the mercy seeds of which we cannot now speak particularly So the cherubims of glory and what is the woman the glory of the man? So it's it's overshadowing glory now, how about this that the an Ezekiel chapter 28 Ezekiel chapter 28 dealing with Satan It says in verse 14 thou art the anointed cherub that covereth and Another place which I don't have written down it in that same passage there talks about How he covers, you know He's the cherub that covereth So when you think about these cherubims are covering the mercy seeds and listen What was shown, you know in the mount to Moses was what was actually in heaven So that means the Ark of the Covenant right now has two cherubims overshadowing the mercy seed with their wings How about the seraphims and Isaiah 6? So the difference between the cherubims and seraphims? Cherry rims have four wings Seraphims have six wings the cherubims each have four faces and The seraphims each have one face, but they're different faces, okay, and The seraphims here knows what it says about them here in Isaiah 6 and verse 2 It says above it stood the seraphims each one had six wings with twain He covered his face and with twain he covered his feet and with twain he did fly So we had six wings with twain. He covered his face with twain. He covered his feet and the other two He flew with okay So, what are you saying? Well, the the the angels had these wings that are like covering things whether their feet their face Or they're covering the mercy seat or maybe they're covering the throne of God And what is what is that? But the glory of God if you think about the fact that we kind of went through the throne of God and how God's glory And the glory of the temple You know It talks about the temple being filled with the glory of God to where no one could enter it until all the plagues were Well, we haven't got to that yet. That's in Revelation 15 But really Revelation 15 it talks about that that basically is it's full of the glory of God and it basically and it even talks about the the the post of the Tabernacle shaking and all this stuff but the idea there is that You have these angels or these cherry bins that are covering that glory and if you think about it If we're if they're the glory of man, then that hair is given for a covering Okay, kind of like the angels and how they do with their wings okay, and so That's my answer. Okay, that's my thoughts on that. And if you have something better, you can throw it at me But you know what and when it comes to things like this It's fun to look into it's fun to think about as far as why that's in there or what that's talking about I think that anytime you look at this you're gonna look at certain things Like why are the angels brought up So I think automatically there's got to be something to do with the angels and then you know The fact that there's power on the head Okay. Well, how does that correlate with anybody having power on their head? Do you think of a crown maybe having power or authority on the head the fact that the hair is longer? Meaning it's a bigger crown if you will, you know things like that I think about as far as how that goes, but I think it all comes down to this What's the whole premise of what we're talking about We're talking about the woman's head being covered and what is the woman the glory of the man? So it's covering the glory of the man You know just something to think about there and and the fact that what do the angels do In the Old Testament or just a passage that we saw there So anyway, let's go on from that because we don't have enough time to just stick on that one But 1st Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 16 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 16, I want to hit on that I just want to this is funny what people do here because You'll read like half a chapter here about like how women should have long hair men should have short hair You know the difference between men and women All that but then in verse 16 it says but if any man seemed to be contentions contentious Yeah Contentious we have no such custom Neither the churches of God and I've heard people say that literally well if someone has a problem with it We you know, we don't have any custom like that in church What but you literally this is authoritative here It's saying that if your head is covered men Then you are dishonoring your head before God it's saying women that if you if you are uncovered you're dishonoring your head before God He's not gonna just unravel that the reason he's saying this is that if anyone's contentious about this listen This doesn't this isn't happening in any church Meaning like we're not letting this go in any church There's no custom in some church somewhere else because you got to think about where they're at, right? They're in Greece And I don't know if you knew but you know and those type of cultures a lot of times men would have long hair And you know think about the you know, even the Egyptian days, you know, they'd wear like little skirts And all that so, you know, there's all these customs that were of the land But he's saying there's no church to in which we have that custom of men having long hair and women having short hair So he's basically nipping it in the bud and saying if anybody's contentious about this if anyone has a problem with this Listen, this doesn't apply to any churches meaning like we are not letting this go. We're not letting this happen in any other churches Okay, because they may say well, maybe he's giving a pass on these churches over here because that's the custom in the land Right. No, he's saying we don't hold that custom here Because what people will say is that hair length is just a customary thing It just has to do with what region you're in has to do with what time you're in and this goes with clothing as well Be like well, you know Pants that was just invented, you know, not that long ago Yeah, that's right. I mean they for the longest time they knew how to make shirts They knew how to make these sleeves, but they just never could figure out how to do that with the legs right Even though they found three thousand year old pants, you know in like China or something like that or maybe was India But the idea here is that it's not a regional thing. It's not a customary thing. This is something that is by nature By nature, it's known that men should have short hair women should have long hair and listen if you are contentious about that Listen there is no real Church of God that keeps that custom of having short hair on women and long hair on men So he's kind of hitting that hard right there. He's not saying well, you know, if you're contentious about it, just forget what I said Right. That's what people want you to think he's saying there. That's not what he's saying at all. He's actually saying the opposite He's saying if you're contentious about this get over it because this isn't this isn't allowed anywhere in any church Okay so Going off from that in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 17 and I do want to hit on which I'll get to when I get to Revelation 12 dealing with how man, how the woman is the glory of the man how that likens unto the Sun and the moon and the fact that the moon is the glory of the Sun and The fact that it's not really that the light that shines but it's the reflection of it But how that applies to us as Christians all that stuff, but I just don't have time to get into that I don't know if I'll get into it in Revelation 12 to be honest with you, but something interesting there on that correlation In 1st Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 17 here says now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not that you come together not for the better but for the worse For first of all when you come together in the church I hear that there be divisions among you and I partly believe it But there must for there must be also heresies among you that they which are approved may be made manifest Among you so he's basically saying there's divisions he talked about this at the very beginning of the book about contentions and stuff like that, but But he's basically saying that I love this where you like I partly believe it kind of believe it But it's like he doesn't want to really believe it. So but he's saying that if there's divisions among among you there must be heresies Right if there's divisions, then someone's wrong Right You can't both be right. That's what we're you know, let's just agree to disagree Okay on some things. Yes Okay, I mean we can agree to disagree about what we think that's talking about with women's like the power on their head and because of the angels Listen, you could completely disagree with me on that and say that I'm out to lunch on my my thought process there But when it comes to salvation when it comes to the Godhead when it comes to different things like that When it comes to things that that are crucial For for our faith and practice here at this church, then you know what if there's heresies They're gonna be dealt with and they need to be dealt with because what does he say here says that they which are approved May be made manifest among them meaning that the things that are approved need to be need to come to light Okay, and when there's heresies, you know what? And I kind of like you know, sometimes when there's heresies and there's things that come out It's actually a great opportunity to show you that which is right Okay, anytime there's like these things were it's like crazy doc I like the like the oneness thing right when that stuff came out It's kind of like I never thought that would come out in the Baptist realm But it was it was it was nice that it did you know, there's a silver lining here Because it really just helps you hone in on what is right. What is approved? What is this? What is the Bible really teach on that and you just tighten up everything around what the truth is. And so It's kind of like there's divisions heresies But you know what that's gonna bring forth that which is approved and it's gonna bring that to light and that is if you were To think about the book of 1st Corinthians That's what I love about the book of 1st Corinthians But the book of 1st Corinthians is a lot of things that they messed up on But you know what why 1st Corinthians is awesome because they messed up on so much stuff. We get to know what's right Because of that It's kind of like these bad examples and the things that they did wrong Gave a reason for the the answer of what is right and why that is wrong and what route to go And so that that's the debt, you know That's one of the reasons why I love 1st Corinthians because it's not the perfect church, right? It's a lot of Heresies is a lot of different things that are going on sins that are going on to where it just shows you okay, this is the route we should go and and this is how you debunk certain false doctrines just based off what they messed up on and so That's what he's dealing with here. Then he gets into the Lord's Supper now I'm gonna hit on something here and And just so you know, you know our church Is gonna take a stance on the Lord's Supper that may be different than a church that you may like. Okay For example, we do the Lord's Supper here at the church building We don't go to separate houses or anything like that I do have pastor friends that do that and don't believe that the Lord's Supper should be done in The church building or in the congregation, okay I'm gonna give you my reasons and this is the reason why they don't believe it should be in the church building or in the congregation, okay So I'm going to show you what I believe this is talking about Okay. Now I think this is a secondary issue. I don't believe this is something to separate over I'm not here to bash any church that believes differently on this because just to be honest when it comes to the Lord's Supper and How it's to be administered and and all that stuff. There's just not a lot of information on it You have where it actually happens and you have this passage right here Which gives you a little more light about how to perform it or things like that, right? But but really there's just not a lot of information. So I believe there's a lot of Liberty in doing the Lord's Supper But at the same time there's harsh warnings that are given here, but let's let's dig into this Let's see what it's talking about here in verse 20. It says when you come together therefore into one place This is not to eat the Lord's Supper Now if you took that in isolation, I could see what you're talking about Like if someone just took that verse and just said when you come into one place that is not to eat the Lord's Supper That must mean that you need to eat the Lord's Supper when you're not coming to one place. Okay, but let's keep reading For now for a lot of times can mean because so it's kind of giving you the reason why When you come into one place, it's not to eat the Lord's Supper for an eating Everyone take it before other his own supper So what is going on here? They're coming in the one place and they're eating the Lord's Supper as their supper Okay, meaning is their dinner And Then it says and one is hungry and another is drunken What have you not houses to eat and to drink in or despise you the Church of God and shame them that have not? What shall I say unto you shall I praise you in this I praise you not So what is being said here is stating here that when you come into one place is not to eat the Lord's Supper for in eating it You're eating it You're taking it as your own supper. Okay, the Lord's Supper is not dinnertime Okay, that's what it's getting to here. It's not dinnertime and what was happening here is that people would get the church early and just eat all the bread eat all the food and just fill up on it and then someone else would come and they wouldn't have anything and basically they're coming to get dinner and and the reason that I believe go to the end of the chapter that the reason that I believe that this is not saying that We can't come together and have the Lord's Supper because of what it says here in verse 33 Wherefore my brethren when you come together to eat That's stating that you're going to do it When you come together to eat Tarry one for another so what were they doing that was wrong? they weren't waiting for each other and they were literally just eating all the food and Eating as if it was their dinner So when you come together to eat Tarry one for another and if any man hunger let him eat at home meaning this you're not coming there to eat dinner And if you're hungry go eat at home before you get here But when you get here wait for everybody to get here before you eat So it's not saying that you can't eat the Lord's Supper there It's just saying that you can't eat it as if it's your dinner and just like freeload the Lord's Supper table That's what was going on. It was a bunch of freeloaders coming in and just filling up on all the bread it's like they thought it was Texas Roadhouse and Thought it was bottomless, you know Bottomless rolls and that's just that that's obviously dishonoring to God and Also, there's people that are coming there that didn't eat dinner and now they're hungry Okay This is not saying that you can't eat food in the house of God because if we did we couldn't do it You know when we have fellowships we do other things and I'll say this, you know when it comes to In between services if you're going out soul-winding and you need and you are hungry and you need food You didn't bring anything we will provide that okay, if you're going soul-winding If you're not going soul-winding then go get lunch. I don't know But the idea here is that we're not gonna like make you feel hungry and all this other stuff But you know what at the same time? We're not a soup kitchen to where we're just gonna be like dealing out food for everybody all the time But when it comes to the Lord's Supper, what's being stated is the fact that when you come together This is not to eat the Lord's Supper as supper. That's what it's stating You're not to do it and take it says in verse Verse 21 for in eating everyone take it before other His own supper meaning before anybody else gets there. They're basically just taking it and eating as if it's their supper and One is hungry and another is drunk it meaning that this person like basically is drunken in the fact that he just ate it all and he's like fat and sassy and And you know like they Thanksgiving feast or something like that and The last part of that chapter is where I think it really nails that down that we're not saying that you can't eat the Lord's Supper At church when you come together because It doesn't even say if you come together to eat it says win that's implying that you're going to do this When you do it This is what you need to do you need to carry one for another and you need to eat your supper at home before you Get there. Okay So that is what we're dealing with here when it comes to the rebuke that's being laid out let's get into the Lord's Supper itself here and See some different attributes and why we do it the way we do it. Okay In verse 23 here says for I have received the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same Night in which he was betrayed took bread So I don't believe people are like dishonoring God if they have the Lord's Supper in the morning But we have it in the evening for a reason Because the Lord ate the Lord's Supper with disciples in the evening Okay, that's why we do it an evening or I don't ever plan on doing it in the morning The Passover was done in the evening The Lord's Supper was born done during the evening So I don't say I don't believe we had to do it like at midnight, you know or anything like that Like and try to figure out what time it actually was when he did the Lord's Supper, but to me it's supper. It's not breakfast Okay, it's supper at night you know is when they took it and That's why we do it in the evening. Okay, so I'm just giving you the ground rules as far as why this is why? I don't believe it's wrong to do it in the church and I believe it's it's right to do it as congregation because We're not coming in here and just filling up on bread and eating as if it's our dinner, right? We're not just handing you out loaves of bread and you're just like guzzling grape juice down Right. We're doing it to remember the Lord It's it's basically a ceremony that we're doing to remember the Lord and it's not about us filling up or getting Nourished. Okay, and That's why we do it together, but that's why we also Do it in the evening. Okay, I'm not against doing it in a Wednesday I think we did it on a Wednesday one time because it just happened to be that that was like right before Easter I think that's a good time to do because you know, it's kind of around the time that he was that it happened You know just trying to try to correlate it a little bit It says verse 24 says and when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat This is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me This is also why when we give you bread we tell you to break it. Okay? So like the symbolism there of his body being broken not his bones, but his body his flesh being broken, right is the idea there that there's there's the ceremony of it is the fact that you have bread that you're breaking and That's why we have literal bread that we do. We don't do the cracker. You can do the cracker Okay, but those little crackers they got I used to do it You know when I that's all we had and I would break those things. They're just like powder and I'm just like like it was just like I'll say this is better than the Catholic Church because whatever they were giving they were giving a styrofoam anybody's been the Catholic Church and had that thing give it, you know, like you just like Right, you almost wanted to drink the wine just to wash that weird thing down, right but That being said is that it's broken it says after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do Do you as often as you drink it in remembrance of me? For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do you do show the Lord's death till he come The other thing with the cup it says that in Luke 22 You don't have to turn there, but you can if you want in Luke 22 18 It says for I stand to you. I will not drink of the fruit of the vine Until the kingdom of God shall come We're dealing with unleavened bread and unleavened wine But you know what? The Bible never even uses the term wine when it comes to the Lord's Supper This is the fruit of the vine So we're dealing with grape juice no doubt dealing with grape juice because fermented wine would be leavened Because that's what how you leaven it with yeast. Okay, and that's how it would be fermented But also the fact that Jesus says the fruit of the vine So we're dealing with grape juice we're dealing with unleavened bread and the thing that I want to point out here It says it's off Do you notice that term that's being used as off as you drink it and as often as you eat this bread? It doesn't give you a timeline because you may ask yourself, you know Like why don't we do it more often or or why don't we just do it once a year? I think that it's really just up its liberty to do it as often as you want if we wanted to do it every week I think it would be fine. I don't think that God would be against that But I want the Lord's Supper to be Meaningful, I don't want it to just be something you go through the motions and when I went the Catholic Church, that's all that was Okay, obviously wasn't saved but same time like that's just a ritual motion like you're just going through the motion You're not thinking about it. You're just like I give me that cyber foam Pass on the drink because that old lady just dropped her dentures into it. Like they literally use the same cup by the way So we don't do that here So I don't know pick your poison whether it's alcoholic or you know What is that stuff? That's that holds dentures in anyway, the the thing is is that When it comes to doing the Lord's Supper You know as often as you do it now typically I try to obviously Put it around the Easter, right? So we we always try to do it right before Easter because if there's any time to do it I think that's the time to do it right if you're gonna celebrate the resurrection, you know Do the Lord's Supper right before that, but I tend to do it quarterly. Okay, so we'll probably be doing it here soon But essentially we need to get a schedule. We need to make that more of a a nail-down thing But quarterly I think if you do it four times a year There's enough time there to where you're just like when you do it. You're like, this is a big deal We haven't done this in a while. It's been like three months If you do it every month, you know, that's the church. I got sent out from did it every month And that was fine. I think it's enough time to kind of help you think about things You know, I'm not here to judge anybody. I know that there's some churches that do it once a year They just do it around Easter and that's it I'd say this. I think we should at least do it once a year At least once a year and not more than once a week. Okay, that would be my realm there, right? I'm not gonna be doing it every service. Okay, like the Catholics do right and I'm not gonna do it you know Like every two years or like well, we're gonna do it every seven years or you know, you know obviously, I think at least once a year and You know not more than every week and we do it, you know quarterly That's just you know, just a preference thing and that that's just me judging on the fact that hey Personally when I do it quarterly like that when we do it, it's a big deal. It's a big deal. We take it very seriously It's not a game it's not some like going through the motions, you know, it's a big deal So that's just my thought process on that the last thing to get here to in verse 27 here In 1st Corinthians chapter 11 is not eating it unworthily It says and I kind of covered this before kind of talked about this as we were going through the book of 1st Corinthians But in verse 27 says wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily Shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord, but let a man Examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Lord's body For this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves We should not be judged But when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world The reason I read all of that is because we're talking about believers here We're not talking about unbelievers because we're talking about people being chastened of the Lord And the Lord does not chasten Bastards as the Bible says if your sons then are you chasing to the Lord? But if you're illegitimate if you're not a child of God, he's not chasing you So we're dealing with punishment given to Christians for eating the Lord's Supper Unworthily, so we're not talking about a Judas. Okay now do I think Judas got punished? You know worse in hell because of the fact that he's the son of perdition and he took of the Lord's Supper sure But that's not who I'm that's not who I believe this is talking about I believe this is talking about Christians taking it unworthily and you say well, what are we talking about here? Well, first of all, the Bible gives harsh punishment on those that sin willfully Right and in Hebrew chapter 10 and I'm gonna blow through these just for sake of time It says for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth There remains no more sacrifice for sins But a certain fearful looking for judgment and fiery indignation we shall devour the adversaries He had despised Moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses. Remember it said even some sleep That's talking about people dying From taking the Lord's Supper unworthily. It says enough and how of how much sore punishment suppose ye Shall he be thought worthy who had trodden under the underfoot the Son of God and had counted the blood of the Covenant Wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and have done despite into the Spirit of Grace and it's talking about the fact that you're You know, it's talking about the blood and the body right it's dishonoring You know the blood in the body of the Lord when you're taking this unworthily and it's kind of using the same language here But in in Hebrews 10 In verse 30 at the end there says the Lord shall judge his people So that harsh punishment that's in Hebrew chapter 10 is talking about the Christians talking about physical death or physical like You know punishments that would be put upon them chastening that would happen go to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 1st Corinthians chapter 5. So what is this talking about? I believe well, obviously if you're presumptuously despising the law of God That would be and you're taking the Lord's Supper then yeah, I mean I would say that that would apply but in context with 1st Corinthians Notice what it says in 1st Corinthians 5 verse 6 your glorying is not good Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump purge out therefore the old leaven. What are we talking about? We're talking about the fornicator in the church. That's this what this chapter started off with Says that you may be a new lump as ye are unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us So we're talking about Christ the Passover, which is what the Lord's Supper. That's what the Lord's Supper even represents In verse 5 therefore let us keep the feast Not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth So let me ask you this. Should you have leaven bread at the Lord's Supper? Not if it's saying that you're gonna eat take you're gonna keep the feast without the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth obviously, that's the spiritual realm of it, but the physical bread is unleavened and the idea here is that if you're gonna honor the Lord's Supper and The leaven is liking them to this wicked sin that's in the church Then that shouldn't be there and it says in verse 11 there says But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother Be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such in one No not to eat So it's specifically saying about eating What are we talking about eating the feast of the Passover which in the New Testament is the Lord's Supper? So it's saying we're not supposed to be eating the Lord's Supper with them and you say well What's first things 11 talking about saying examine yourself? Because listen, you may not know that was commonly reported So they obviously knew about it But someone could be in fornication someone can be an idolater someone can be a railer and no one knows about it This is for that person's good Okay The warning that he's given is giving out is for that person that would be in that sin and would take the Lord's Supper Being in that that sin and I believe it's in that list. Okay. I don't know why I told a lie today That's not what we're talking about Okay You know, I like cuss someone out today. That's not what we're talking about. Okay, we're talking about grievous Sins that you are in that is a perpetual sin that you're doing and that are on that list right there that's what we're dealing with and I don't believe that when you take the Lord's Supper, you have to confess all your sins before you take it Now there's nothing wrong with confessing all your sins, but that's not what I believe is talking about I believe it's talking about grievous sins that would get you kicked out of church So if you're in sin that can get you kicked out of church Listen, if you were kicked out of church, you want me taking the Lord's Supper? Right, but the idea here is that if you if no one knows about it and you should be kicked out of church You should kick yourself out if you will from taking the Lord's Supper unless you want judgment, okay and it even says, you know the fact that The Lord shall judges people and it says if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged When it comes to this 1st Corinthians chapter 10 the last thing I'll show you here is the fact that 1st Corinthians 5 and 10 deal with this 1st Corinthians 5 deals with fornication, 1st Corinthians chapter 10 deals with idolatry and both those are on that list Notice what it says in 1st Corinthians 10 verse 14 wherefore my dearly beloved flee from idolatry I speak as the wise men judge ye what I say the cup of blessing which we bless Is it not the communion of the blood of Christ the bread which we break? Is it is it not the communion of the body of Christ? Are we talking about the Lord's Supper? Are we talking about the Lord's Supper? I mean in chapter 5, I mean you you'd have to put the pieces together You know that the Passover and I and I was going to show you in Luke 22 But when he ate the Lord's Supper, he says I have desired to eat the Passover with you. So he calls that the Passover But that being said here it says in verse 17 for we being many are one bread in one body For we are all partakers of the one bread of that one bread isn't interesting. It says not discerning the Lord's body Now obviously you can think about his body in general, but think about the fact that the church the congregation is the body of Christ And you're dealing with the congregation and you have leaven within the body of Christ when you're taking the Lord's Supper And God doesn't deal lightly with that Now in verse 20 there it says but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice They sacrifice the Devils and not to God and I would not that you should have fellowship with Devils You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and a cup of Devils You cannot be partakers of the Lord's table and the table of Devils. Do we provoke the Lord's jealousy? Are we stronger than he that's a rhetorical question and in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 It's giving you the judgment that if you want to tempt him on that you want to provoke him to jealousy Because he's saying that you cannot Be an idolatry and take it the Lord's Supper and think that you're gonna come out blameless that you're gonna come out with out being Punished or chastened So it's a strong warning And so it's a warning out there that if anybody in our church were to be in some kind of sin like that Then no one knows about listen if I know about it and it's going on and you're not getting it, right You're gonna be kicked out of the church That's just church discipline It's not because I hate you because I love you and I love the church and I'm gonna do what the Bible says on that But if I don't know about it I'm not I don't know your thoughts. I don't want to know your thoughts But you know, I'm not all-knowing Neither is anyone else in here So that being said this is a warning to the individual and that's why I usually read that before we do the Lord's Supper because I want to give that warning out there and Listen, you say well, I'll be embarrassing to not take it because then people are gonna be like What is he involved in or what is she involved in? I say this it's better to have that What is she involved in or what is he involved in then dying or? Then having some sickness or having some chastening that's coming down from the Lord I'd rather just you know, if you're gonna start obeying there at least and say I'm not gonna take the Lord's Supper Or just don't show up, you know for when the Lord's Supper happens or get it right, you know Like that probably the best answer get that right and then you know, I take the Lord's Supper But let's end with a word prayer. Definitely father we think of today thank you for the chapter here and just a lot of cool stuff in there a lot of Interesting things dealing with hair length with the difference between men and women but also with the Lord's Supper and just pray to you we would always be Glorifying to you when we take the Lord's Supper and Lord help us to purge out any leaven And Lord just to help us to keep our lives in order so that we wouldn't be that leaven at any time But what we just love you and praise you be with us as we go back to work this week and just bring it Bring us back at the point of time in Jesus Christ name. Amen Brother Dave will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed Thank you. All right, take your song books and turn to song 423 And if you would stand we'll sing joy to the world song