(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you Baptist Church if you turn in your song books to song number 441 song number 441 We'll sing great is thy faithfulness if you'd stand we'll sing all three verses a song or four forty-one Great is thy faithfulness Oh God my father There is no shadow of turning with thee Thou changes not thy Compassion say fail not as thou hast been now forever will be Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning New mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me Summer and winter and spring time and harvest Sun moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness mercy and love Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning New mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth Thy own near presence to cheer and to guide strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning New mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me Let's pray Let's pray. God, thank you for today. God, thank you for this afternoon. Thank you for the souls that were saved Today as we were out soul winning God I pray that you be a pastor as he preaches tonight And I pray that we would learn something and pray these things in Jesus name. Amen If you turn in your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual songs we'll Turn it page number nine going to sing Psalm 139 And we'll sing all three verses of song number Psalm number 139 Surely thou will slay the wicked Surely thou will slay the wicked. Oh God Depart from me Therefore ye bloody men Depart from me Therefore ye bloody men Do not I hate them? Oh lord that hate thee do not I hate them. Oh lord that hate thee And am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them. Oh lord that hate thee For they speak against thee wickedly For they speak Against thee wickedly And thine enemies take thy name in vain And thine enemies take thy name in vain Do not I hate them? Oh lord that hate thee do not I hate them. Oh lord that hate thee And am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them. Oh lord that hate thee I hate them with perfect hatred I hate them with perfect hatred I count them mine enemies I count them mine enemies Do not I hate them? Oh lord that hate thee Do not I hate them? Oh lord that hate thee And am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them. Oh lord that hate thee Forgot to put my mic on So welcome back to mountain baptist church Uh this sunday afternoon Let me get my Soling numbers here, so Some announcements, but first let's get the solving numbers in so I know during the week we had I think six on thursday. Were there any others during the week one on monday? So one on monday six on thursday any others during the week And then what was the numbers today one two three So three four Five Okay So five and then uh seven during the week so 12 for the week Good job with the soul winning And then just announcements here Uh as far as service times this week everything should be normal so uh, we're gonna have our wednesday night Service at 7 p.m. Uh continuing our study through the book of second samuel Uh, so be in your places there for that. Uh, then the regional soul any times you can see on the list there monday tuesday wednesday thursday Uh, just be on the church group there for those times and also for the places all that stuff When it comes to those, uh, we do have the the women's prayer meeting the men's prayer meeting on the list there On the list there at the end of the month really and the soul winning marathon Uh, that'll be here before you know it. So not this coming Weekend, but the weekend after uh, the 22nd Philadelphia soul winning marathon brother charles is leading that up. So anybody wants to go to that We will be providing lodging as far as uh Hotel rooms and all that stuff. So, uh, just get with brother charles there, uh when it comes to that um And then we don't have it on the list yet, but july 5th, I believe is a friday. Uh, we're gonna be doing the Things we've been doing with the fireworks and food and everything else We're gonna be doing that again this year so out of joseph's House barn area Uh, just go ahead and pray Already that we don't burn anything down. No one gets hurt. We've been successful for the past. I don't know how many years We've been doing fireworks and everything. So, uh, just pray that that continues. Um, but uh, so, uh, If you can make it out of that, that'd be great. You don't have to bring anything But if you want to you can uh, I prefer desserts so, um Anything like that is welcome. But uh, that's coming up before you know it actually And we don't have it on the list, but we're going to be doing a soloing marathon in cumberland, maryland we don't have anything set in stone yet on that one, but uh, So just kind of Putting your view out there for that one. So if you can't make it to the philadelphia one, there'll be other ones. So, um and uh As far as on the back of the bulletin there, we have the bible memory month or chapter for the month psalm 32 Uh philippians 3 13 Is a memory verse for the week Uh, we got the birthdays anniversaries and then pregnancy list therapy and prayer for crystal mccloy Due in august with twins and so be in prayer for her be in prayer for the mccloy family um And if you haven't if you haven't met my younger brother, but the prodigal brother has has come to church this evening. So, um He does exist So, um, but anyway, um We are the offering box in the back if you want to give a tie they're an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only Uh, we are going to be reading first chronicle chapter 29 tonight, so I didn't want to do it We're doing first chronicles the overview. I did not want to put you guys through the whole genealogy and starting it off I don't need you all falling asleep before I start this sermon. So, um, but who's reading tonight? So brother joseph's going to be reading first chronicle chapter 29 After brother levi comes and sings one more song All right, have you turned in your songbooks to song number 86 If I can get there Song number 86 we'll sing in the garden. We'll sing all three verses of song number 86 So I come to the garden alone While the dew is still on the roses And the voice I hear Falling on my ear the son of god discloses And he walks with me and he talks with me And he tells me I am his own And the joy we share we tarry there None other has ever known He speaks and the sound of his voice Is so sweet the birds hush they're singing And the Melody that he gave to me within my heart is ringing And he walks with me and he talks with me And he tells me I am his own And the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known I stay in the garden with him Though the night around me be falling But he bids me go through the voice of woe His voice to me is calling He walks with me and he talks with me And he tells me I am his own And the joy we share as we tarry there None other has ever known If you turn in your bibles to first chronicles 29 while brother joseph come read it First chronicles chapter 29 And I found your place there say amen Furthermore david the king said unto All the congregation solomon my son whom alone god hath chosen is yet young and tender And the work is great for the palace is not for man, but for the lord god I've prepared with all my might for all the for the house of my god The gold for things to be made of gold and silver things of silver And the brass for things of brass the iron for things of iron and wood for things of wood Onyx stones and stones to be set glistering stones and of divers colors And all manner of precious stones and marble stones in abundance moreover because I have set my affection to the house of my god I have of mine own proper good of gold and silver which I have given to the house of my god Over and above all that I have prepared for for the holy house Even three thousand talents of gold of gold of ophir And seven thousand talents of refined silver to overlay the walls of the houses with all The gold for things of gold and the silver things of silver and for all manner of work to be made by the hands of archifers And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the lord? Then the chief of the fathers and princes of the tribes of israel and the captains of thousands and hundreds With the rulers of the king's work offered willingly And gave for the service of the house of god of gold five thousand talents and ten thousand Rams and of silver ten thousand talents and of brass eighteen thousand talents and one hundred thousand talents of iron And they with whom They with whom precious stones were found gave them to the treasure of the house of the lord by the hand of jahil and gershenite Then the people rejoice for they they For that they offered willingly because with perfect heart they offered willingly to the lord and david the king also rejoiced with great joy Wherefore david blessed the lord before all the congregation David said blessed be thou lord god of israel our father forever and ever Thine oh lord Is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty? For all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine Thine is the kingdom of o lord And thou art exalted as head above all Both riches and honor come of thee and thou reignest overall in in thy hand is power and might In thy hand is Is to make great and to give strength unto all Now therefore our god we thank thee and praise thy glorious name But who am I and what is my people? That we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort for all things come of thee and thine own have we given thee For we are strangers before thee And sojourners and we're all our fathers As we're all our fathers our days on the earth are as a shadow and there is none abiding Oh lord our god all this store that we have prepared to build thee and house for thine holy name cometh of thine hand And is all thine own I know also my god that thou tryest the heart and has pleasure and uprightness As for me in the in the uprightness of mine heart, I have willingly offered all these things and now I've I have seen with joy thy people which are present here to offer willingly unto thee Oh lord god of abraham isaac and of israel our fathers keep this forever In the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people and prepare their heart unto thee Give unto solomon my son a perfect heart to keep thy commandments Thy testimonies and thy statutes and to do all these things and to build the palace for for the which I have made provision David said to all the congregation now bless the lord your god And all the congregation blessed the lord god of their fathers bow down their heads and worship the lord and the king And they said they sacrificed Sacrifices unto the lord and offered burnt offerings unto the lord on the morrow after that day Even a thousand bullocks and thousand rams thousand lambs with their drink offerings and sacrifices in abundance for all israel And did eat and drink before the lord on that day with great gladness And they made solomon the son of david king the second time and anointed him unto the lord To be the chief governor and zadok to be priest Then solomon sat on the throne of god as king instead of david his father And prospered and all israel obeyed him And all the princes and the mighty men and all the sons likewise of king king. David submitted themselves unto solomon the king And the lord magnified solomon exceedingly in the sight of all israel and bestowed upon him such royal majesty As had not been for any king before him in israel Thus david the son of jesse Rained over all israel And the time that he rained over israel was 40 years Seven years rained he in hebron and 30 years. He rained in jerusalem And he died in a good old age full of days riches and honor and solomon his son rained in his stead Now the acts of david the king first and last behold they They are written in the book of samuel The seer and in the book of nathan the prophet And the book of gad the seer With all his reign and his his might and all the times that went over him and over israel And over all the kingdoms of the countries, right? Lord father, thank you for this time. We're able to gather again this evening lord I thank you for your pure and holy word lord. I ask you be through this study through the book of chronicles Be with pastor robinson in jesus name. Amen So you're there and first chronicles and uh, we're going to do an overview of the book of first chronicles and There's 29 chapters. So we did the last chapter there, which there's a lot of awesome information in this chapter, but Uh There's 29 chapters. The first nine chapters are genealogies. Okay, so when people are talking about chronicles they They're obviously getting you know, they're it's all about genealogies now It's a third it's about a third but it's not the majority. Uh, actually Uh, the majority of the of first chronicles is dealing with king david and his reign So a lot of first chronicles is dealing with information that you would find maybe in second samuel But what you'll find is that there's actually a lot more information or details. I think that you'll see when you're dealing with David's reign and and stuff like that. Uh, the thing that you have to understand i'm going to go through The first nine chapters as far as just dealing with these genealogies are um Or what they're for but first chronicles is very useful when it comes to Studying the bible for example, if you're reading through a passage and you see somebody's name And you'll see, you know so and so and he's up juda or something like that first chronicles is a great place to go to to say okay What more information can I find about this person right and sometimes in first chronicles? You'll see like his whole backlog of who he is where he's from all that stuff And that's not necessarily in the story that you're reading but it's kind of like this this, uh, Basically way of just figuring out who these people are where they come from all of that. Okay, so That really gets deeper into when you're getting into bible study and stuff like that now i'll say this Should you read those first nine chapters? Yes, you should Is it going to be the most riveting chapters you read in the bible? No, it's not Okay, and that's just the fact of life that there's going to be certain chapters. They're going to be a little more dry It's just like reading engineering charts or charts in general It's not like people sit down and be like, yeah, I got some really awesome material to read here, but Those charts and lists are actually very useful though And actually what you'll find is when you're going into a bible study is that you're glad it's in a list like that And that you don't have to read around everything to find it Uh, we were talking about that with the kings right that It's nice just to have a nice chart where you can just see the kings listed in order From start to begin or from the beginning to the end And you can see the reigns on a chart and you see the numbers you can visualize it that's really nice, but Obviously if you're just going to be like well I'm just going to go to the bible to find that whole list. It's like well in a lot of cases You're going to have to read through A lot of chapters to get all that information. So I look at first chronicles as basically condensing things into lists And kind of like if you were to think about like a chart of things and information to where yeah, it's not the most riveting reading But it's very useful and there's been many times where chronicles Has helped me understand. Okay, this person's from this tribe. I think I know and I think it was in first samuel I was reading where You don't really know where this is coming from or this person's coming from then you look in chronicles And it gives you that information. You're like oh, okay that person's from this tribe That that makes sense. Okay, so let's just go through uh chapter one Chapter one all goes all the way back to adam So if you're thinking about first chronicles, it really goes all the way back to the beginning And the fact that it starts a genealogy from adam and it goes all the way up to jacob and esau, okay, so the first chapter there Adam all the way up to jacob and esau and a lot of times it'll go from jacob It'll go from adam up to abraham and then abraham obviously begets isaac and jacob And obviously isaac begets jacob and esau both of them, right? So you'll see everything from jacob's uh You know, but then you'll you'll see like Esau and who is called edom and his descendants and his dukes and all that stuff. So anytime I see duke As far as instead of a king, it's a duke. I think of esau And you you can go all the way back to genesis for that. So really first chronicles dealing with genesis Really in that one chapter you're dealing with all the people That are from the beginning to the end of genesis, okay Okay Then you get into chapter two chapter two And you can just turn as you're going through here. Obviously, i'm not going to be just reading off genealogies to you. Okay I don't need to put you to sleep tonight just reading off genealogies, but obviously you have Adam sad going down the line right in the in the first chapter there. Well in chapter two you have david's genealogy And david obviously comes from judah, right? So if you're thinking about chapter one, you're going all the way up to jacob And jacob begets the 12 patriarchs And judah is one of those right? He's the fourth born son And judah is obviously where david comes from And you say well, why is that? Why are these the important people that are mentioned? Well the beginning of the new testament is The the the book of the generation of jesus christ the son of david the son of abraham And then it goes abraham begat isaac down the line because this is what's important So even before you have the new testament written we see who's who's genealogies really matter here Okay, we're going all the way to what judah and then you go all the way to david And then you'll see other genealogies of other tribes too but the thing is that chronicle starts off with that and we see the new testament really kind of Starts off with that too because you have the genealogy in matthew one Which goes from abraham down to joseph, which obviously wasn't jesus physical father But then in luke chapter three you have the genealogy of mary going all the way back to adam, okay, so uh That definitely makes sense now in chronicles two there first chronicles two we have the genealogy of david, but there's a lot more information in this chapter than just going to um from uh faras You know judah's son faras to david There's actually some interesting information where it goes from faras has Aram or ram which is where obviously david comes out of that line, but faras also has hesron. Okay, and hesron It gives a lot of his genealogy or his basically descendants going into like caleb and all these different people And you're reading this you're like why am I reading about this person, right? You're just like what is significance does this have until you get to the end? And it's talking about bethlehem and ephrata And what's very significant about bethlehem ephrata is that that's where david was born and that's where jesus was born. Okay and so You actually see a genealogy of like where did bethlehem come from bethlehem ephrata and that's where david was obviously born But it shows you that lineage as well in there. Okay, so You say when will this be important You never know right there's a lot of times you're reading through the bible and you're just like When will I ever need this information? And then there'll be some obscure passage or there'll be some Contradiction, you know so-called contradiction in the bible and you're like boom. There it is There's the answer in first chronicles chapter two or something like that and it's there laid out for you. So You know, there's going to be times where you're reading through and you're like when am I going to need this information? This seems Kind of just details that I don't need know this is that I don't believe there's any detail in the bible that's not needed It's just that sometimes it's not It's maybe not the main primary thing that it's needed for But when you get deep into bible into doctrine and all that all this stuff is going to help, okay So that's something to think about chapter two there Is kind of showing you one David's lineage, but then also going to where bethlehem and ephrata came from right? So Uh chapter three we see david's sons and descendants so we see Obviously david had what 16 sons not counting those that were up concubines and all that so But then it goes through all his descendants And all that and know this is that chronicles is obviously written way after the fact of david I mean in order to give all these descendants of david You kind of have to be writing this after the fact, okay So that's one thing to note about chronicles is that it's not like someone's scribing this down As these events are happening But you say well, how do you know it's accurate because it's by the holy ghost Holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost And you didn't have to be there at that time to get that information Just as much as you didn't have to be there at the day of creation or at the six days of creation To know that we have the most the accurate information at hand that we are getting exactly what happened and all of that Okay, so that being said obviously the whole bible in itself we're taking for as faith is being accurate and true and all of that okay, so Um, nowhere does the bible say it has to be like that person had to be there when In order to write it down for it to be true now when it comes to actual history as far as just human history Yeah, I mean obviously I want an eyewitness account that's going to be Probably the most accurate when it comes to what actually happened But even in that an eyewitness account of an event Taking god out of the equation as far as it being under the inspiration of the holy ghost You still have a lot of room for error Right because anybody here that's had an eyewitness account of something and then you try to recall it There's going to be information, you know, sometimes you're going to remember stuff wrong and all of that. Okay, so that being said Chapter three we have david's sons his descendants all of that Chapter four we have judah and simian's descendants now. We kind of already saw a lot of judah's descendants because david comes from judah right, so You kind of already have that but then you have descendants and what you're going to see here is that really chapter four Through chapter seven is dealing with the descendants of all 12 tribes of israel. Okay, so These chapters here are just dealing with kind of genealogies of of the 12 tribes, okay, so We've already kind of seen a little bit of judah, but then chapter four we see judah and simian And I don't believe that it's just An accident on how these are listed. Okay Because what you have to understand is that simian you say why is simian and judah in the same chapter? Okay Simeon if you look at the borders and everything simian is within judah, okay Meaning that it's not like a border from other ones. It's literally inside of it. So when When judah becomes its own country as far as the southern kingdom of judah is in that mix. Okay, which is why When you see that jeroboam takes the 10 10 tribes And then there's one tribe left to to rio bomb you're like that's only 11 And you can think in your mind. Well, levi's in there, but levi doesn't have an inheritance, right? Levi levi is just literally living in all the tribes But when you understand simian's a part of that, it's basically like simian is pretty much judah at that point And they're all on the same camp as it is Okay, so when you're looking at chronicles, it kind of makes sense that simian would be in the same list with judah Then chapter five And chapter five I think gives no doubt that there's a reason why they're listed in The order that they're listed. Okay Because who's the most important tribe when it comes to the lord? Jesus judah It is evident that our lord sprang out of judah, right? So it's no marvel that judah's mentioned first, okay And that's a whole nother term for another day dealing with ruben was a firstborn but the birthright Came to judah and the blessing was given to joseph, right? So there is that whole thing there as well So and because christ came through judah all that verse five or chapter five The descendants of ruben gad and half tribe of menasseh now this right here is where i'm like that there is definitely A rhyming reason as far as why they're listed this way because you know What the significance of ruben gad and the half tribe of menasseh is? Is that when they go into the promised land if you remember ruben gad and half tribe of menasseh say no We're staying on this side of jordan while you go into the rest into the promised land, okay? Now obviously moses says you're going to have to go fight though And they do they go fight and they fight with israel and they get the whole land, but they come back To that side of jordan, okay So it makes sense that those those will be grouped together, okay Then you see in chapter six the descendants of levi And it's just its own thing Because levi remember doesn't have an inheritance. It says the lord is their inheritance, right? So they don't have a lot. They don't have land Though they're given suburbs and houses and towns and stuff like that But basically levi is just scattered throughout all of israel and all the tribes Which gets to their job? That some levi's were priests but not all of them most of them weren't priests But the levi's job was to teach the word of god Okay And so that was their job is basically they were in every tribe teaching the word of god all of that And they didn't have a physical land inheritance like the rest of the tribes Chapter seven covers the rest of the tribes so It's kind of like everybody else Everybody else that's over in the land that's over across jordan is mentioned there So you have iskhar benjamin nashalai Manasseh, which obviously would be the other half of manasseh ephraim and asher so You have all all the tribes of israel that are dealing with here and chapter Up to chapter seven. We're just dealing with all these tribes and we're dealing with basically You know the information from adam up to the 12 tribes of israel and obviously in there you see A lot of that dealing with when they're in the land of israel and all that after they come out of egypt, okay Chapter eight you're dealing with the genealogy of saul the king. Okay, so basically you come up to the point where now we're dealing with The kings, okay and really first chronicles Is not dealing with saul very much, okay Whereas you know you have first samuel that's like all about saul obviously david is in that mix But saul's kingdom is going through all that in chronicles. You don't see much about saul you do see a little bit But a lot of the information about saul you're going to have to go to first samuel, okay So we see the genealogy of saul and he's a benjamin, okay, so Benjamin is the tribe that he's from obviously david's of judah But in chapter nine There's a genealogy concerning jerusalem and judah and this is what's really interesting and this is why You know, it's very clear that first chronicles written way after I believe to the point where we're talking about the babel after the babylonian captivity. Okay, and here's why look at verse one of first chronicles chapter nine So all israel were reckoned by genealogies and behold They were written in the book of the kings and of israel and judah Who were carried away to babylon for their transgression? So in order for that unless you have a time machine when you're writing this, right That this was written after the babylonian captivity And if you remember there's something that's specifically mentioned in esra and nehemiah dealing with the levi specifically dealing with how they were Reckoned by genealogy it literally uses that terminology. They were reckoned by genealogies by you know And it talks about the tertius which is talking about esra the priest and esra is dealing with Those that came back into the land and all of this and that in order for the levi specifically There was genealogies that had to be reckoned and if you didn't fit in that genealogy meaning that they intermingled Right, they were marrying people from babylon and other places right then they were rejected okay, so This calls kind of forward to esra You know when they're coming back into the land after the babylonian captivity, so My point is is that this really does prove how far ahead? This was you know in the future. This was written and all of that. Okay I think it's very evident that it would be written after david dies, right because you know That's not always the case because obviously you have deuteronomy where deuteronomy is written by moses And then he dies in the last chapter obviously someone else penned that down, right? He wasn't ghost writing it, right? I don't think that's a proper use for ghost writing but That being said you kind of see that here and so Some interesting information so when you're when you're reading through esra First chronicles nine might actually be a good supplement or Complimentary passage to read when you're reading through esra And let me just say this esra is is Ezra and nehemiah are are two books that are kind of complicated to understand What time frame you're dealing with right because it kind of goes through a lot of different kings You're dealing with the kings of persia and all these different things at that time and uh after because esra is after the babylonian captivity right and they're coming back into the land and all that so This just so you know, if you're reading through as you're like, ah, you know I wish I had some more information about what's going on here First chronicles nine might be a good chapter. It may give you it may fill in some gaps. Okay, so uh chapter 10 Or chapter nine actually also repeats the genealogy of saul which is interesting because The same thing happens, you know, this is this is just interesting how this Is repeated okay, and you're like, why is it repeated? I don't know Okay, so there's certain things in the bible. I just don't know like the you know So If there's a heart if there's if there's something in the bible and you're like, man, that's really hard You know, I I have no idea what that's talking about it's Probably why a lot, you know, like and if your pastor doesn't know I mean There's just certain things in the bible that are just kind of a mystery Like the the hair on women, you know Talk about women being they're covering and that they may have power on their head because of the angels I mean we can all have our thoughts on that But you know, there's certain things in the bible just like i'm not sure So don't get stuck in the mud sometimes when you're reading through here you're like, what is that all about just keep reading And it may come You may figure it out later all of that. Okay Or the significance, you know, I believe there's a significance of why it's doing that but chapter 10 we see uh We're chapter 10, we're actually getting into stories. Okay, so if you made it Pretty much when you're reading through first chronicles you get past those the first nine chapters like all right, finally, okay I'm putting sentences together. It's not just the son of so and so and the son of so and so and so And so begat so and so right and you're just going through all these begats and son of and all this stuff You get to chapter 10 You kind of made it through Uh the hard part and now you can read stories again and now it's like pretty much reading uh in a lot of cases reading through like first and second samuel and all that okay, so Chapter 10 we're dealing with the death of saul and his son So obviously you get to that story happens in first samuel chapter 31 And as I was going through first samuel, you know, what I was doing is I was looking at first chronicles To see if there was any information there That's not in first samuel You know because sometimes there may be it may be a little more ambiguous than one And therefore i'll go over here and say okay. It's very clear. What's being said who's talking what's being done? What's being said so you see that? All the time so when we're going when we're going through second samuel guess where? I go a lot of times i'm going to go to first chronicles Because first chronicles covers Stuff that's in first and second samuel, okay So same thing if you're reading through the gospels if I was going through the gospels You know, and i've gone through matthew and luke In an expository bible study if you think i'm not going to other gospels to compare it. You're crazy, right? I mean that's Rightly dividing the word truth comparing spiritual things with spiritual. That's how you do bible study. Okay not commentaries the bible, okay, so in uh In chapter 10 and verse 2 there you you'll even just see it says in the philistines followed after Hard after saul and after his sons and the philistines slew jonathan and abinadab and makashua the sons of saul And then later on it goes on to the fact that saul Uh dies as well. Okay, so you get that story you can find the same story in first samuel chapter one I'm, sorry first samuel chapter 31 Chapter 11 it jumps all the way Okay Jumps all the way to david being king over all of israel So, you know because we've been going through second samuel there's a lot of information between that right between where saul dies And where he's anointed king over all of israel So you kind of miss all that stuff about ishbasheth And joab and and uh abner and all this stuff and you just kind of miss all that story right there because first chronicles is really dealing with judah, okay When you're reading through first and second kings, for example You're focusing on israel Okay, the northern kingdom first and second chronicles is really focusing on judah and so it's no marvel that you're really going to focus on david and saul Okay, when you're in first chronicles Or you're gonna you're really just focusing on him and everything else. So because he's of judah so In verse 10 there. So first chronicles 11 verse 10. It says these also are the chief of the mighty men whom david had Who strengthened themselves with him in his kingdom and with all israel to make him king according to the word of the lord concerning israel So in this passage in chapter 11 here He's anointed king over israel. He takes jerusalem and then names his mighty men Now we won't see that in second samuel until chapter 23 Where he mentions his mighty men or basically gives a list of that So sorry, there's another list here in chronicles, but that's also in second samuel So you'll you'll see david's mighty men. You'll see him taking Jerusalem when he's being made king over all of israel and all that so uh chapter 12 It mentions The men that came to david so this is very interesting. Okay, so when for example Um in verse one there second chronicle or sorry first chronicle chapter 12 verse one It says now these are they that came to david to ziklag While he yet kept himself close because of saul the son of kish And there were among the mighty men helpers of the war When you're reading through first samuel If you remember there's these men that keep coming to david and in first samuel chapter 22, for example It mentions about these men In verse two it says in every one that was in distress and everyone that was in debt and everyone that was discontented Gathered themselves unto him and he became a captain over them and there were with him about 400 men You kind of just get that phrase there as far as like, okay These are the type of men that were coming to david and they were his Basically servants and they were fighting his with him in the battles in first chronicles 12 You get actual information about these people Okay, so i'm not going through that for sake of time But if you want to see who were some of these people that were joining himself unto david and just reading David's mighty men in the chapter before that you'll see That a lot of these people aren't of that area, right? They're they're just kind of like these outcasts just kind of like a bunch of mutts you know for lack of better terms, you know that are coming to him and fighting with him and uh In first chronicles chapter 12, you actually get a little more detail as far as who these people are. Okay, so I think that's interesting if you want to dive into david's mighty men And just getting into the men that were with him before he was king And that were following before all of his fame and all of that That could be an interesting study there chapter 13 And again i'm blowing through this because we only have so much time and uh 29 chapters. I mean a good night. I can't go through everything. We're not doing expository preaching on this on this book Bird's eye view first nine chapters genealogies, right? And now we're we kind of blew through saul, right? I mean really we didn't have much about saul besides that he died Okay Then it's just getting into david and it's naming different things as far as david's men all these different things in chapter 13 We see that david tries to bring the ark to jerusalem, okay Now in second samuel, that's all in one chapter when he tries to do it fails and when he actually brings it there, okay First chronicles gives you more information about that. Okay, so About that whole process, especially when he finally brings it back in to begin with or in the end, right? so in verse Chapter 13 in verse 3 it says and let us bring again the ark of our god to us for we inquired for we inquired not at it in the days of saul and that's Some pretty crucial information, right? Is that when he's bringing the ark he's trying to bring the ark into jerusalem He's making a point that they didn't use it in saul's days Interesting, isn't it? And what you understand if you remember when we were talking about that Or we went through that chapter. Where was the ark, right? Okay Kirjat Jerim, which is where it went after it was brought back into israel And you remember that they opened the ark and a lot of people died and then they put it They basically put it off in kirjat jerim and just stayed there that whole time So during saul's reign, they weren't using the ark of the covenant And that little phrase there that hey it wasn't it wasn't being used to inquire of the lord by in all of saul's days Okay You'll see certain things like this where way later you'll get this information like in In I think it's in nehemiah It's either in ezra and nehemiah where it talks about how they didn't do the feast of tabernacles since the days of joshua They're like, whoa Right. I mean today's joshua You have 450 years of the judges and by the point by the point where you're getting into the captivity I mean you're dealing with hundreds of years before you get to that point. You're dealing with like a thousand years of history Where They didn't do they didn't keep the feast of the tabernacles And then other places you'll see like they didn't keep the passover like that except for in the days of like you know David or something like that and it'll be way later So you'll see these little phrases that are key information as far as what was happening back in saul's day and stuff like that. So So this gets into that uzzadai's so he touches the ark of the covenant Remember we got into that obviously they put it on a cart It's not to be carried by a cart and no one is supposed to touch it No one's supposed to be carrying that but but the levites and not just the levites but a specific Group of the levites had that office and so uzzadai's Because they didn't do it the way that god Laid it out. Okay, so chapter 14 we see uh, david's wives and children And uh Names off all his sons and all that so we see that and then uh And then david's basically defeats the philistines twice So we saw this week and it just went through this actually in in uh second samuel Where we see basically kind of this high point in david's kingdom where? They're winning all these victories. They're beating all these enemies And in this case is where he just he takes out the philistines twice And if you remember the second time that he takes them out He inquires to the lord and he doesn't just go up God tells him no. Hey go to the mulberry trees And basically wait for them to come in there And then he defeats them that way so kind of the strategic Aspect of god on how to fight battles. Okay, so So in in that we see in verse 17 of first chronicles 14 It says in the fame of david went out into all lands and the lord brought the fear of him upon all nations, so That's kind of the state of where israel's at at that point that david is very much feared of all the nations Uh, his kingdom is thriving all of that chapter 15 The ark basically if you remember they put it in the house of obed-edom Because it usa dies and they're just like they put it in the house of obed-edom when he's being blessed And david's like, all right. Well, it's time to bring this back in. Okay and So they bring it back into jerusalem, but in that chapter I actually went through this chapter when we were teaching this because It specifically says In there the reason why it was a died Because they didn't do it the specific way They they didn't carry it. They didn't bury it up on staves. They didn't have the levites doing it So it literally lists off the levites that are actually doing it in that chapter So it gives you a lot more information about how they brought it into jerusalem In first chronicles 15, so if you want to know all the details go there If you just want to see the story as far as okay, they bring it in That's where second samuel gets in there. Okay And all of this is important, you know Don't think to yourself like well, this should all just be in one book with all this information. Okay? There's a reason why it's separated like this because when you're reading through second samuel You're not thinking about all the details you're seeing the big picture right when you're reading through chronicles You already have the big picture you just read that right So now you got the big picture now, let's look into the details. Okay And that's the way you should approach how you study the bible is that when it comes to doctrine get the skeleton Get the big picture This is the whole reason why we're doing this overview is that if you're going to go into the book chronicles get the big picture You know Know it for up front that the first nine chapters are a bunch of genealogies. Okay But you can also know why are these genealogies important? What's the point of this, right? But then you can say okay this this book is covering pretty much stuff about david david's kingdom But this is going to give me more details You kind of get you kind of get the minutia if you will of David's men of his kingdom how he did certain things when he was doing it Whereas second samuel's more of just here's the story. Here's what happened You don't need to know all the little details. You just know this is what happened. They brought it into jerusalem good And so anyway that being said is that everything has its place in its point And what you don't want to do with doctrine is get into the details before you have The skeleton okay, just like end times prophecy, right? Get the fact that tribulation rapture wrath That simple skeleton Of the events and how it works. It works believers are going to go through tribulation They're going to be raptured out. God's going to pour out his wrath. Boom. All right skeleton now, let's put in all the details And work your way to the finest details at that point. Okay, so it's not that the details aren't important But the the structure of the doctrine is most important Okay, just as much as the structure of this building is the most important right for life safety The drywall is not that important. Okay Like the paint isn't that important when it comes to life safety, what is it? We like the paint right? We like the drywall. We don't just be in here just like a bunch of studs and and and uh, And uh insulation falling out of the ceiling, right? Like there's obviously a purpose for it all but you want the skeleton. Okay So I kind of look at chronicles as being like the details Whereas when you're in second samuel and you're in the king, you know, like you're dealing with it You're dealing with the story. Okay in a lot of those cases now Chapter 16 Kind of some interesting information. What did david do with the ark when he brought it into jerusalem? Where did he put it? They don't have the house of the lord there yet. Okay As far as like they haven't built the house of the lord now Eventually, obviously the ark of covenant is going to go into the house of the lord that solomon builds but notice what it says in verse one there it says so they Brought the ark of god and set it in the midst of the tent that david had pitched for it And they offered burnt sacrifices and peace offerings before god Okay, so just get some more information about what's going on when they brought it in This chapter also Has psalm 105 in it. Okay, so So if you're we haven't got to it yet, but in in second samuel third or 22 is psalm 18, okay, so You say why is it mentioned in there when you have psalm 105 Well, I i'm glad it's mentioned here because there's no doubt That david wrote that psalm Because it's literally david singing a song right and it's stating that this is the psalm of david and you see Where it's located at in chronological order right as far as the events that are going on Just as much as psalm 18 is really the the last words of david and getting into that, right? Because the psalms aren't exactly Numbered in chronological order. Does that make sense? Like obviously they're numbered correctly. Okay, but at the same time It's not like david wrote psalm one then he wrote psalm two then he wrote psalms. You know what I mean? Like it's not like that So that gives you some good information there in chapter 16 You know, you just you're dealing with the ark of covenant. So when you're when you think about psalm 105 Think about the fact that you're dealing with the ark of the covenant coming into jerusalem and them Worshipping before the ark in that kind of context The thing when you're dealing with psalms is that a lot of times you don't have context to the psalm And so in this case you can get some context Because you know like a lot of times when you're reading through the bible You can get context by reading the chapter before in the chapter after you can't do that with psalms, right? Because the psalm before in the psalm after Usually are completely unrelated. Okay, they're not ordered that way. It's not like telling you a story. Okay So this helps out a lot I believe and giving you context to psalm 105, okay Uh chapter 17 We see the lord's covenant with david And again, we just covered this in second samuel uh, this is where he's talking about the fact that psalm is going to build the house, but that David's throne Is going to go on forever and this is really getting into a lot of prophecy of jesus So let me just read to you psalm 17 verse 12. It says he shall build me in house And I will establish his throne forever. I will be his father He should be my son and I will not take my mercy away from him as I took it from him That was before thee But I will settle him in mine house and in my kingdom forever and his throne shall be established forevermore now obviously Physically speaking We're talking about solomon and his throne and all that But who's this ultimately talking about? jesus Because jesus is going to sit upon david's throne. He's of his his lineage He is the root in the offspring of david He is the seed of david that the lord swear and That he would set that of the fruit of his body The lord would set upon his throne Okay And this is a promise obviously the lord jesus being of the seed of david sitting on the throne and that his throne would be forever And so the idea of judah Having a king that's going to be forever and david that there never wants a man to be on his throne That's fulfilled in christ, okay, and that's the ultimate fulfillment. Okay. So anyway We got we we we got into a little more depth on the bible study in second samuel Chapter 18 we get into david's victories as king. So we we just covered that as well dealing with david's victories and and uh and basically kind of this high point and and david's uh David's kingdom chapter 19. We're dealing with ammonites And the ammonites Put david's men to shame. So if you remember the king of ammon dies and hunan His son is reigning in his stead and david is basically sending Men over there to comfort him and to basically see how he's doing and everything And he's like basically thinks they're spies and trying to search out the land and he shaves off half their beard And cuts off their clothes and like basically puts them to shame And this is where david says, you know, terry and jericho until your beards be grown okay and so The ammonites basically put his service to shame But then david goes to war with them. Okay, so This is where you get Uh the ammonites and the syrians in this battle where abishai and joab are basically like two captains of the army And they're like, okay if you're if you need help i'll come to you and if I need help you come to me And they're basically like a two-front war that's going on and they win the battle. So So up to chapter 19 everything's going great for david's kingdom Everything's going well chapter 20 is where you have the story Concerning david and basheba, but she is absent from that story. So that story You know the story in the back of your mind So when you're reading this you're like this is when david does that this is when But you're really just seeing more kind of from a different perspective as far as what's going on around that Right second samuel's more so like hey David sees this woman commits adultery and all this stuff about uraya and uraya is killed and all this first chronicles just dealing with kind of the battle and the fact that they they're going to war with ammon and It says in verse one so just to give you an example here of how it's worded In verse one it says and it came to pass that after the year was expired at the time that kings go out to battle sound familiar And usually we're ready to see david went up to the housetop and like all this stuff, right? it says joab led forth the power of the army and And wasted the country of the children of ammon and came and besieged rabah But david tarried at jerusalem and joab smote rabah and destroyed it And if you remember this is where Obviously, he does that heinous act of you know committing adultery and all that stuff, right? But in this you really see it from the perspective of joab where joab's out here fighting this battle and all this stuff and If you remember this is where it's basically they're going to give me the crown if you don't come out here, david And it gets into this whole story about the fact that hey You better come out here, you know, like you're the king You're the one that's supposed to be out here and so and uh In verse two it says and david took the crown off the king from off his head and found it to wait To weigh a town of gold and there were precious stones in it And it was set upon david's head and he brought also exceeding much spoil out of the city and really just gets into more so just the Just that battle right so notice the different perspective, right? Second samuel's dealing with david and his sin and what's going on there in jerusalem Whereas first chronicles is more so dealing with the actual battle at hand that he should have been at to begin with right And so you kind of see that different perspective and not really getting into basheba. Okay? And then in the end the rest of that chapter, uh, you actually see where david Uh Um At the end of chapter 20 there you see where The sons of the giant are killed so goliath's brother and all this stuff So you'll see like basically the rest of the giants are taken out And so more information there about that as far as you get the the person with the six fingers and six six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot And all of that but you get that uh The sons of the giant of gath And remember we were talking about david had five smooth stones while the giant had five sons david kills one of them and Other other people his brother kills one and all this other stuff. So, um you get into that as well So chapter 21 Um And i'm i'm just kind of Going a little quicker here because I was actually going to read that about the giants But you want to read that that's why i'm doing this overview, right? Just pique your interest you want to read about goliath's brothers and how they die And this man that has six fingers and six toes. Well, then you need to read first chronicles chapter 20. Okay, so chapter 21 David numbers the people so this is where It says in verse one there it says and satan stood up against israel and provoked david to number israel now I want you to think about this that happens in the last chapter of second samuel. Whereas this is happening in chapter 21. So What you'll see is that there's just kind of a lot more information that's given here At the end of second or first chronicles from kind of like that chronology of events, right? and so, um in verse Uh, did I read verse one? Yeah So satan stood up and and up against israel and provoked david to number israel Okay, so and that gets into the fact that When you take a census you have to take a tax with it Okay, and each person that they number has to pay the same amount whether you're poor or rich And what's really going on there? Is that it's very clear that they didn't actually do that and the penalty for that was the plague and that's what they got okay, so A lot of people died because of that Uh chapter 22 David prepares for the building of the temple And solomon is charged to build it. So in second samuel, you really see the fact that okay, david is uh Basically stated that he's not going to build it and that's all he's going to build it but in chapter 22 It gets into more information about his preparation for it, but also the fact that he's literally telling solomon to do it Because it says in verse five here It says and david says solomon my son is is young and tender and the house that is to be builded For the lord must be exceeding Magnifico of fame and of glory throughout all countries. I will therefore make preparation for it So david prepared abundantly before his his death in verse six there it says then Then he called for solomon his son and charged him to build and house for the lord god of israel Okay What you're going to find missing from first chronicles is the story about how david's kingdom was taken by his son Okay, and what you see that it really just shows you the good parts Of his kingdom up to obviously the part where he messes up with with numbering the people But you don't see where apsolam's taking over And basically he's off and he has to come back and all this stuff. Okay, you don't see that back and forth. Okay But what you'll see is more information about Just different things that are that his What he has set up as far as um His officers and different things like again first chronicles is more about the minutia right? It's more about the details and This is interesting to me in chapter 23 It shows you that solomon Is uh, it shows a little bit of information about when solomon is is king while david's still alive Okay It says in verse in verse one there it says So when david was old and full of days He made solomon his son king over israel and he gathered together all the princes of israel With the priests and levites and this chapter is really dealing with if you remember in first kings When adenai just trying to serve the kingdom this is this is kind of branching off in the first kings where There's this co-regency going on Solomon Was made king by david while he was still king. Okay, and basically they're both king at the same time. Obviously, david Really has the power there But at the same time when david dies they make solomon king They basically kind of re-anoint him if you will as being king because he's reigning Without david being alive and all that and so this is where you get into a lot of cases when you're through You know the kings and chronicles where you'll see a difference of when they started reigning And really that gets into the fact of how how long did david live before solomon? Started reigning. So if solomon reigned for 40 years that could have started Back when david was still alive and you can have kind of like an overlap of the 40 years Okay, or maybe they didn't count that in the 40 years counts After that and solomon really reigned for over 40 years technically, right This is why you know when you're looking at let's say the age of the earth and stuff like that Don't get too caught up in like the actual year number because when you do the age of the earth calculation You're taking an account like David reigning and like all these different people reigning and what you got to know is that there's going to be some differences there's going to be some Some tolerances in there when it comes to that, okay, is it Over 6 000 years no doubt Okay, the the earth is over 6 000 years. I mean there's no way to get around that it's over 6 000 years But could you do it to the day? You know, that's where you're getting into like, okay There's a lot of questions there when it comes to okay when he reigned for 40 years It wasn't exactly 40 years. We know that because he reigned for seven and a half years in hebron and 33 years in In in jerusalem, that's more than 40 By a little bit, okay So it gets into that as far as like, okay when you're saying 33 years, it's not exactly 33 years, okay When you say he reigned for 40 years, it wasn't exactly 40 years and all that stuff can get into there. Okay, so um Where do I have you chapter 23 chapter 24? David organized the priests and really what you'll see is a lot of this stuff Is dealing with the house of the lord and obviously they still had the tabernacle, right? So just because they didn't have a physical building that was built like solomon's like temple that he builds for the lord They still had the tabernacle, right? That they would have the ark of the covenant in and all these different things, right? and this really gets into the fact that david was Uh was organizing all this stuff and as king to make sure everything was being done, right? Because in verse one there it says now these are the divisions of the sons of aaron Which are dealing with the priests right because obviously the priests are of aaron In chapter 25, you're dealing with musicians Now that shouldn't surprise you when when david's called the sweet psalmist of israel Okay, so and he's known for playing instruments from the very beginning The first thing he does is he goes to saul and he's playing an instrument for him And so david's very well known for music and all that So it's not out of the ordinary that we see david mentioning all these different musicians Okay Chapter 26 you're dealing with the porters and treasurers of so the levites again the levites all had different jobs in the house of the lord Not everybody was a priest because not everybody's of aaron, but they all had different jobs You know a porter would be like someone dealing with the the basically a doorman, right? And so uh, but then the treasurers those that dealt with the money and all that stuff and uh And just different offices and you can get into this as far as think about church, right? We have musicians We have doorman that are like watching the door people that are greeting people And all these different things opening doors helping out with that type of stuff. We have treasures now. I don't have a specific actually I do technically Uh have a treasure on Uh, you know per our uh actual State thing or whatever, right? So but that being said like treasurers dealing with let's say the offering money, right? Praise the lord. I don't I hadn't had to deal with that in a long time So I appreciate the men that help out with that and deal with the money and all that stuff Um, so you can think about this and like, okay. Yeah, this is the house of god, but this still applies today The priests you're like, well, who's the priest that's all of us because this is the royal priesthood Okay, we're all kings and priests before the lord and so Uh, you need not that any man teach you but it's the same anointing teach you of all things Is truth and is no lie and and but then obviously there's leadership within that, right? So that's where the pastor comes in as far as being the leader of that group and of the church. Okay. So anyway so you get into all this stuff as far as um Musicians and and treasurers and porters and and all that, uh chapter 27 Again, a lot of lists of different things. So you're like, yeah, we're in chronicles more lists But you never know when this stuff will be pertinent to what you're studying or what you're looking at when it comes to this If anything a bird's eye view that hey in a kingdom you have the house of god You have all these different pieces of parts to that You have this military stuff that you got to deal with because in chapter 27 You're dealing with the military of israel and you're dealing with the captain of the host and basically there were different kind of uh, Times where Someone would be the captain of the host and it would switch throughout the year Okay, and there's this whole thing that it goes through with that Okay, so obviously joe I was the captain of the host but then there would be like basically under him There'd be other captains and all these different things Okay, and then we kind of switch around throughout the year as far as who was over what that gets into that detail so uh chapter 28 Uh, david addresses israel and charges his son solomon. So again, you kind of see a lot of information That you don't really see in second samuel, right? Or in the first kings, right because you see a little bit in the first kings of where david's on his way out Solomon's coming in this gives you some more information about that Chapter 29 chapter 29 and we read this chapter. This is the last chapter here But I want you to see here that the the where david blesses the lord before all the congregation Just there's so much stuff in here that just you see here about uh, kind of new testament type of stuff um and all that so Specifically the lord's prayer, I don't know when you were listening to this and when you read this Do you not kind of see the lord's prayer kind of being like a little bit in there? Okay, because there's nothing new in the sun. Listen. This is the lord's prayer is the model prayer That should have been the way that's the way it should be From the beginning of time to the end of time, right? But notice what it says in verse 10 here It says wherefore david blessed the lord before all the congregation and david said blessed be thou lord god of israel our father Forever and ever thine. Oh lord is the greatness and the power and the glory And the victory the majesty for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine thine is the kingdom Oh lord, and thou art exalted as head over above all sound forget sound familiar Thy kingdom or it says thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen That's matthew chapter 6 So you see david praying In the same manner that jesus says hey, here's how you ought to pray Okay Look down at verse um Verse 13 now therefore our god we thank thee and praise thy glorious name How about how about our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name, which is what basically be holy And to praise his name, right? And so, um And there's just other things in here that you see that are that are And again when I say new testament, i'm just saying that the new testament really reveals this stuff a little more But it's still there right? It's still in the old testament. It's not like they didn't have a lot Some of this information was there and we don't even realize it verse 15 says for we are strangers before thee and sojourners As we're all our fathers our days on the earth are as a shadow and there is nothing abiding hebrew chapter 11 touches on this that they All confess that they were strangers and pilgrims and you literally have david saying that here They knew that they were searching for a city to come and a country to come the heavenly jerusalem All of that and we see david mentioning that here And obviously abraham isaac jacob all of them were doing the same thing. Okay, so um and Obviously we see different stuff in here and I don't want to belabor that um, really this is just an awesome passage right here of david blessing the lord and declaring that The last thing that I just kind of want to mention is that verse 29 Is that I believe this this gives a little more credence to why we call why the stuff about david is First and second samuel, right? and not that this needs to be defended because it's not like the I don't believe that the The names of the bible really like I don't believe that that's necessarily inspired or anything like that But i'll say this is that I don't believe they're unfounded either Okay, meaning like if you're looking at the names of the bible or the i'm sorry the the book that the names of the books of the bible I believe that they're accurate. Does that make sense? Like i'm not necessarily saying that they're inspired because here's the thing There were no names of the the first five books of the bible as far as that's concerned, okay but it makes sense that genesis is called the first one because it's like dealing with the beginning dealing with the Genealogy right exodus because they're literally leaving Because you think about it those words aren't even like they're not hebrew words, right? You think of exodus is more of a Dealing with uh, either greek or latin. Okay, so but to give credence to The fact of not calling first and second samuel first and second kings right because throughout the bible I don't know about yours, but my bible says first samuel, which is commonly called the first book of the kings Okay, and then second samuel commonly called the second book of the kings and then the third and fourth book of the kings, right? Is that what it says right here? It says verse 29 now the acts of david the king first and last What's that first and last? Behold they're written in the book Of samuel the seer So when you think about it, doesn't that make sense that second samuel even though samuel's not alive still right But samuel's the one that anointed david And just as much as elijah was told to anoint jihu, but it was elijah that did it The same would apply to samuel I think and obviously in the book of nathan the prophet in the book of gad the seer because no Know this is that this information is in other places that aren't scripture Now that doesn't mean it's preserved Okay, so if you go find the book of nathan and the book of gad that doesn't mean it's what they're talking about Because a lot of times it's like they'll see a book in there like jasher or the book of enoch You know, like they'll just basically Actually the book of enoch is not even mentioned. It's just enoch is mentioned right and they're just like well There must be a book, you know The book enoch, you know and then they'll like put in like the phrase that enoch says About the lord coming with ten thousands of his saints and then they'll just add a whole bunch of garbage to it but um but that being said is that I believe in all these books David's works as king From the first to the last is what you're dealing with there So it makes sense that literally first and second samuel is the book of samuel essentially Split up into two parts Which makes sense how they're split up because you got a lot of saul and david's reign that are in there and all of that. So That's just my thoughts on that. You know, I it may be commonly called the first book of the kings But i'm calling it first samuel. It may be commonly called the second book of the kings But i'm calling it second samuel and let me ask you a question. Is it really commonly called that now? So because I don't think anybody's just like the first book of kings and you're like, oh, okay, you're talking about solvent No, i'm talking about Samuel and david and and saul like no one. I don't I I'd like to know the person that's saying that okay when it comes to that. So anyway Um, so that's an overview of first chronicles There's definitely some dry readings in there, but everything is important As an engineer I love charts and I love lists I don't want to have to read Paragraphs to find like one piece of information i'm looking for i'd rather just have a list of things like boom There it is. That's the information i'm pulling out and then I walk away right But does that mean that you just use that as a chart and you don't read it? No, you still need to read it You're like I you know, those names are hard Have alexander score be reading it to you all the time and then when you get to it, it won't be that hard It's amazing how your mind will remember how it's supposed to be said And you'll start reading words like how do I know how these are pronounced? And you're like, how do you know he's pronouncing it? Right because he's right, okay 99.9 percent of the time Scorby's right. He does make mistakes because he's not perfect but You know, it's herb not herb. I get it because we're not in britain But at the same time that'll help you with that so let's end with a word of prayer your only father We thank you for today. Thank you for the book of first chronicles and lord Help us to know it and help us to read it And to find out some finer details when it comes to the uh, david's kingdom and what we just thank you for The bible in general and what we just love you and pray and thank you for the souls that were saved today We love you and pray all this in jesus christ's name. Amen. So brother levi will come Sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed So Turn your song books to song number 467 467 We're gonna sing the bible and we'll sing the one verse 467 The bible Yes, that's the book for me I stand alone on the word of god the bible You're dismissed