(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen so I've got a little different sermon for you this morning so I you know one of the challenges for me is how I can stand up here and preach three sermons a week and not completely bore you to death so how can I how can I do things differently to keep you at least interested in awake when I'm preaching right so I'm gonna look at things from a little different angle this morning okay and turn to Psalm chapter 139 and you know looking at things from a different perspective or even from other people's perspective is a very valuable skill that you could have in your life putting your you know being able to put yourself in other people's shoes and see why people believe things that they believe is a very valuable thing and if you can get good at that you will be better at dealing with people in your life whether it's at work at church wherever even when it comes to people with completely opposite opinions than yours if you can be able to just kind of look at okay why why do they believe that where is this thought coming from even if it's completely wrong look at Psalm chapter 139 and look at verse number one see God does this with us so maybe we should learn to do it with other people look at Psalm 139 verse 1 Oh Lord thou has searched me and known me thou knowing thou knowest my down sitting in mine uprising thou understandest my thought afar off thou compass my path and my lying down and art acquainted with all of my with all my ways so God look God does this with us God understands our thoughts of course he's God but you know we should be able to do this with others we should be able to look at things from another perspective see why people do things why people believe things even if those things are different than the way you do those things and what it will end up doing is shoring up your own beliefs is what it will end up doing examples many stories in the Bible you know tell us how to do things right especially in the Old Testament but then there's many stories in the Old Testament that tell us how not to do things how to you know how to not do those things once again stories you know remember our methodology of reading the Bible especially the Old Testament as we're going through judges stories in the Bible are just that they're stories of what people did okay they must be in order to take away from those stories those stories must be properly married with correct Bible doctrine to learn from those stories whether they be good or bad right I mean judges has lots of these types of stories the life of David has both sides right David has things where we can learn from David and then we can also learn how not to do things from the life of David you know the point this morning I'm trying to make is I want to look at something from a different perspective this morning so my wife a few weeks ago sent me an article and she sent me an article and I want to talk about homeschooling this morning but I want to talk about it from a perspective of this article that my wife sent me so let's not be narrow-minded this morning okay let's open our minds and let's look at this idea that's in this article now normally I wouldn't have read an article like this but I read the whole thing I forced myself through it and this morning the title of the sermon this morning is why you should not homeschool okay so we're gonna go through and step through this article and we're gonna look at the reasons that this article talks about that you should not homeschool and then we'll shine the light of the Bible on these reasons so look the title of the article I'm not going to give out the the name of the magazine or anything like that that's not really the point a lot of these points that you may have heard before but the the title of the article is the benefits of public school over homeschooling okay so let's look at this article and you know just look at you know why you should not homeschool let's try to appreciate a different perspective this morning open your minds okay open your minds so first of all the article starts off and this is the first sentence okay what is homeschooling in the simplest terms homeschooling is simply schooling your children at home now normally I would have stopped reading the article at this point because this is clearly written by a half-wit for half wits just by the start out of the article but in the interest of my wife chiding me and telling me no but keep going it you know it gets better I actually did continue and then that's where this sermon came from okay so I did continue even though everything inside me was saying you're done reading here okay all right so my wife chides me on I read the article and I write this sermon so here this morning I want to talk to you about six reasons that you should not homeschool your kids okay the first reason is this I'm gonna read you the statements because this the article was bulleted out with with statements so I'm just gonna read you a statement we'll look at the lesson and then we'll see what the Bible has to say that the first statement in the article the first bullet point is this public school has a built-in structure children particularly young children thrive on routine and require a lot of attention and care if you are trying to homeschool your if you are trying to homeschool your children while also being a stay-at-home mom you may find it more challenging than you imagine now I had to read that sentence several times okay to understand what what they were getting at there public school gives you and your child some much-needed time apart which helps to foster your child's independence and gives you a break as well there is no harm in needing a break from your kids once in a while okay all right oh look stop being so narrow-minded let's cut this thing up so the first point is this the first reason you shouldn't homeschool is because children let me just break these these this opening statement out to you children require a lot of care that's the first reason you should not homeschool okay translation if you homeschool your kids you'll have to give them your attention and your care turn to Deuteronomy chapter 6 now this statement if you're trying to homeschool your children while also being a stay-at-home mom you may find it more challenging than you imagine I had to read that one a few times to kind of get myself in this mindset of this person that would write something like that but this statement is clearly trying to discourage parents from not only just homeschooling but staying home with their children in the first place okay so there's you'll see that there's another twist behind each of these statements it's not only against homeschooling it is twisting against being a stay-at-home mom altogether okay and most of you can read you could see through the lines and read between the lines there look at Deuteronomy chip six and verse number six the Bible says and these words right which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart so Deuteronomy chapter 6 the whole point of the whole chapter is the law of God the oracles of God and learning the law of God and teaching that law look at verse 7 number 7 and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up now notice what it says it says teach them it doesn't just say teach them the laws it says teach them diligently now if you go to this church you know what the word diligent means diligent means consistency over what consistency over time gold star consistency over time this right here might be the one verse in the Bible that is the most teaching you that you need to homeschool your kids because it is talking to you about that you have to teach that the laws of God to your children diligently which means that it has to be consistent and it has to be done over a long period of time because look if you're consistent at anything for a week you might be you're consistent for a week but you're not diligent diligence is staying consistent over a long period of time and the Bible in Deuteronomy chapter 6 is saying that's what it takes to teach your children the law of God you have to teach them diligently and that takes time okay so look pair I mean this this statement really shows you the state of parenting today this statement in this article it's hard for me even to remember this sometimes but you know where people are at but you know many moms out there today they just can't imagine I remember maybe 15 years ago a woman at work you know found out that my wife stays home with our children and she made the statement to me she made the statement she's like oh I would because she was a mom look it doesn't it doesn't take much to be a mom I mean it's a physical thing I mean you could have a child and be a mom okay so you know but everyone thinks that they're just you know this great moral mom just because they physically had a child and this lady said to me when she found out that my wife stayed home with our kids she said to me she's like oh I just couldn't I just couldn't do that I don't know what I do all day I don't know what I do all day and I've heard you know different versions of this over the years but here's the thing of course you don't know what you would do all day because you don't know what it's like to be a mom to actually carry out the duties of a mother you have no clue of course you would not know she's like I don't know what I do because you're not a moral mother you're not a mother that's doing what the Bible says that you should be doing as a mother so of course you wouldn't know you because just because you're a mom physically I mean what moms moms physical moms today I mean it is daycare from the hospital it is you know school you know they don't even call it daycare anymore because calling it school when they're six months old it makes your conscience feel better okay so then it's to public school then after public school after 12 years of public school it's off to college it's not I mean look they can't even fathom the idea of spending all day with their children the the the modern-day mom that's where this comes from what would I what would I do all day that's why this article is saying I mean if you stay home with your kids I mean and you if you homeschool your kids I mean yeah that's gonna be even harder than just staying home with them Mike it's it's from a completely different perspective they're living on another planet than the planet that you live on that's how far away this is but the Bible says differently the Bible says that you must teach your children diligently that's your job as the parent is the parent to do that it's completely different so that means you're gonna have to spend a lot of time with them to be diligently teaching somebody point number two here's the second bullet statement many public schools offer sports and elective options like art and music these programs may not be available to homeschool students translation point number two is children cannot learn or exercise without public school I mean my experience has been exactly the opposite of this by the way I mean first of all do we have homeschool kids that know anything about music but look I mean homeschooling actually gives you the freedom to do different activities and go on and and and do different things I mean from hiking to hunting to fishing I actually have too many activities on the list of things that I would like to do and not enough time to do all those activities but homeschooling gives you that freedom to take your family to those activities where you're not in this you know this box of you know a public school schedule so look go out turn to Ephesians chapter 5 laser tag paintball I mean how many more activities do you need organized institutional sports by the way you know no thanks I mean organized institutional sports that the public school offers you know what that produces and look I participated in those organized institutional sports guilty okay and but look you know what that produces on the on the large scale it produces adults that are just addicted to watching TV is what it does turn to Ephesians chapter 5 and it's also not true because of this here I mean just from a legality standpoint people have no idea but a homeschool child has just as much right to participate in any any sport or any activity that the public school has going on they pay the same taxes now I would never recommend that and I'm gonna get to that in a second but just just the facts of the article are completely wrong because you could participate in those things but look at Ephesians chapter 5 in verse number 11 so you know I want to speak to those who do this because we have met people that do this type of thing they go to the music class at the school they go to the sports activities at the school and we did it for ourselves one year for sports and I'll never recommend it to anybody you should never do it and here's why Ephesians chapter 5 verse 11 is why and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them if we cannot classify the public school system in America as the unfruitful works of darkness nothing will make that grade you should have nothing to do with it as a homeschooling parent and I'm getting off the topic of why you should not homeschool but when you homeschool your kids you should have nothing to do with the public school system you take nothing from those programs you have nothing to do with them period it's works of darkness you don't need that you're you don't need your kids being in that fellowship with those kids that are in that public school system look I've seen it I've seen it done it's always bad it's always bad why expose them to any of it and the Bible is telling you that in Ephesians 5 verse number 11 just stay far away from it it's another aspect of separation stay away from it period and the kids there look I hope those kids get saved and we'll go out and we'll preach the gospel to these kids in their neighborhoods and all that but I'm not going to just turn my kids over to that situation okay look their friends should be here there you know this is where they will receive edification and this is well they will receive strength for their beliefs and look anyone and here's another thing anyone that as you as you homeschool and as you leave the norm you leave that status quo and come into a homeschooling environment you'll have a lot of support here that's why the importance of a biblical church you'll have a lot of support here the kids will grow up together but here you remember this you're not going to put them in public school because they'll disparage what you're doing here anyone that ever disparages you leaving that status quo I have a nuclear button and that's when I push that nuclear button if anybody has ever pulled my kids aside and tried to teach them something different try to teach them something different than their beliefs in the Bible try to you know disparage homeschooling newt I mean look Romans 12 says live peaceably with all men but I have zero tolerance in this category anybody you know look if you're involved with my family and you're not saved it's that doesn't necessarily mean we're never going to talk to you again but if you start disparaging my kids and their beliefs and try to you know disparage them and pull them away from what we're trying to accomplish in their lives newt and you need to be like that too you need to keep them secure and build their confidence as you teach them diligently okay so the sports thing is is ridiculous I mean that was just a ridiculous one now point number three here's the bullet point public school teaches children a certain degree of independence depending on the grade children need to keep track of their own class schedules find their way from one class to another purchase their own lunch and make it to and from the bus every day I mean we're dealing with somebody with like below 80 IQ here that wrote this clearly I mean this one's completely false first of all I mean they kind of all are but on the contrary on the contrary public school teaches kids to be institutionalized I was I just told some of the guys I'm sorry guys you got to hear this story again I got it this was not in the sermon but I got a call yesterday from there I have my car my my Tahoe's at the mechanic and I got a call from the mechanic and they've had it for two days so I figured you know it's tires and alignment some ball joints and stuff and I figured it's done so I didn't even call back I just went over to the shop and they said we didn't call you to say it was done we called you because we couldn't get it started I literally went to the mechanic yesterday to fix my own car and I was like what's going on with it and they said well it won't start I was like well you know I mean first thing you know is the battery dead like no you know we hooked it up to the our battery booster thing and it won't start so I went to the car and and I turned the key and and the lights came on the dash and I turned the key to start it and then all the lights dimmed out it's like the battery is dead and they're like no we hooked it up to the to the thing the booster thing or whatever they call it and I was like did you put a meter on it and they said what they go get your meter and so we went you got you know found a meter in the shop and I showed him how to work his own meter and I put it on it's four volts the battery's dead did you have a battery no I went and I bought a battery I installed the battery myself at the mechanic shop and I started the car and I said it what else do you need and I told the shop manager as I was walking out I said look you're not instilling a lot of confidence in me right now you got it from here but look here's the problem they're institutionalized when the car doesn't start you get the blue thing and you hook it up and then car start now what if Cardinal start after that I don't know call owner say Cardinal start so they call me and and they just didn't know what to do and I was you know they don't know how the battery works the car they don't know how to troubleshoot anything they but this isn't this is an institutionalized thinking this is why you know these these good mechanics and these good trades people that's why they're there these people that are 50 60 years old that are good at their trades that's why they're priceless because they're not stuck in this box these this is what public school does it institutionalizes people it teaches you to memorize dates when did the Spanish Armada be destroyed at this date this date this date so you can pass a test that's what it does you don't think about why you don't think about hey how does this fit into the worldview that I'm learning from Deuteronomy chapter 6 God's law how does this how does this society and how they went through these cycles and then they eventually fell how does that compare with the Bible yeah we're going through judges are we recognizing any patterns and judges it's kind of like a history book we're seeing patterns right do those patterns match up to anything that we're seeing going on now of course they do because everything's the same and when you have the same when you have the biblical worldview it all fits together and you can see the problems coming before they even come here's a biblical worldview you're able to dynamically think and put things together and you know connect dots and you can figure things out public school is teaching kids to memorize dates and pass a test that's it and just to get by it's not teaching you how to think or explore the truth Garrett just asked me yesterday like a Bible doctrine question and I knew how I felt about this Bible doctrine question but he's like hey I think maybe this look I'm not talking about salvation but it was a complicated Bible doctrine and I said well here's what the Bible says and here's why people believe this doctrine because the Bible says this in Hebrews chapter 12 look it up look into it and if you think that it means that whatever and I you know think though think this is where that doctrine came from they got it from this verse in the Bible it connects to this verse and it connects to this verse think it through think it through it's good that people learn this is homeschooling right here this is homeschooling teaching kids to be self-starters in their own education teaching kids to look into things and to learn how to think about situations whether it be history or you know why why math why math because everything works math that's why when you pick up a chair and throw it through the wall that's math everything is math and it's all practical learning dynamic experiences you're not stuck in some box trying to just memorize something to pass so you don't have to go there again that's public school that's what it is and the examples that they give of independence they find their way from one class to another purchase their own lunch and make it to and from the bus every day I mean look first of all it sounds silly but this was particularly evil because they're telling parents in this article that all these things basically it's it's in a subtle way in this sentence but it's that you're teaching the they're telling you that these things that a child should rely on their parents for it's good that they're not relying on you you know feeding you know they can get their own lunch hey you don't have to feed them they'll get their own food it's like training them to be you know wild animals or whatever but to fend for themselves isn't you know teaching kids to fend for themselves of you know aside from their parents as a major theme in the article turned Ephesians chapter 6 it gives it that tinge of evil the article Ephesians chapter 6 so it's good for kids to be able to go around by themselves and find their way to and from things by themselves when they're six and seven and eight and not have to rely on you know mom or a parent or something to take care of them and feed them it's good for them to know that stuff it's good for them to get used to being away from their parents as much as possible that's what this article is saying look at Ephesians 6 4 what does the Bible say any fathers provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord you know what nurture means nurture means to help something grow develop or succeed that's what the word means I mean to help something so we're supposed to be diligently teaching and then nurturing helping someone grow and succeed and mature I mean that means I mean that goes right along with diligently teaching it's it's right there with it look at now here look at the previous three verses I mean this is talking about the raising of children it says children obey your parents in the Lord for it is right honor thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth so what is teaching kids here obedience and then it's teaching parents to nurture their children so in order to be obedient they're what these two people are together the child and the parents are together here and it's saying since you're gonna be together over time you need to be obedient and you need to be nurturing I mean it's clearly teaching that I mean look the Bible talks about when it talks about children you always hear things like like train them proverbs 22 you hear things like bring them up in Ephesians 5 you hear things like teach them diligently you see things in mark 9 like receive them you don't see send them off get rid of them let them go on their own you look that that's what men do that's what adults do that's what you know adults are supposed to grow up in in in the Lord but never with children children are to be protected and taught and nurtured and you know brought up that's the kind of words that the Bible always uses when it's teaching parents and children relationships and children are supposed to be obedient I mean how could my child be obedient to me if he was never there there would be no need for that if somebody else was to raid my children raise my children it would say children be obedient to the government or whatever it's nothing about it that the Bible has nothing about sending them away to fend for themselves anywhere Jesus himself was super protective of children and if you don't get that by reading through the New Testament I mean that is a huge theme anytime anybody said anything negative or even pushing children away Jesus was like no like no we must receive them we must protect them teach them train them bring them up point number four here's the here's the sentence or the bullet point teachers are teachers are public teachers at public schools are required to carry education degrees and they may have more experience working with and teaching children teaching a child is different from parenting a child and many parents struggle to do both again so the point is this teaching a teaching a child is different than parenting a child I disagree completely totally again they're injecting doubt in your ability to raise your own children but look parenting is teaching and is training that's the point it's not just hanging out having nerf wars that's not parenting and look I like nerf wars but I mean otherwise even to look even to understand this one you need some perspective the modern parent I mean the modern parent goes to work they drop their kids off at daycare all day long they pick their child up they come home and by the time they you know go get food from a restaurant or whatever and put their kid in front of the TV because the kids watching four or five hours of TV a day too that's what the stats say so there's like an hour in here before the child goes to bed and the modern parent and I've seen this maybe a billion times but the modern parent just wants that hour to just be good they just want it to be good and without struggle and without strife so there's no parenting going on there it's just make them happy that's what it is but what go to go to Matthew chapter 22 to get ready for the next point but look it's fun time for the modern parent it's cover your conscience time because their conscience bothers them especially at the beginning okay so look there is no so yes to the modern parent teaching is not parenting parenting is not teaching but to the Bible parenting is teaching and training that is the point of parenting that is the point of Deuteronomy chapter 6 is don't forget these laws and teach them so look not only do you not forget them but we don't want the next generation to forget them so you must be diligent in this task you must be diligent you must just continue and continue and continue every day in this task so I mean it's just completely wrong parent I mean they just don't even know what parenting is it's it's back to the same definition of being a mom being a mom is just not you know being a proper biblical mom is more than just physically having a child there's a lot to go into parenting I hope that you know sermons over the last year and a half kind of makes you a little bit nervous about parenting am I doing it right I mean there's a lot to this yes there is a lot to it you can get it wrong there are a lot of people working against you that's why you must have the nuke button when you see people creeping into your you know your safe circle and trying to harm what you're doing or undo what you're trying to do you must fix it as the parent dad you must be the protector in those situations this is parenting and it is a big deal and it is teaching are you in Matthew chapter 22 here's the next statement public school is typically cheaper than home school you could spend a thousand dollars or more on a home school curriculum alone not to mention supplies for a public school you have to buy supplies once or twice a year and you can pack your child's lunch to save money okay so before I go off on this one I just want to give you a biblical disclaimer in Matthew chapter 22 okay I'm not a tax protester but I'm thinking maybe I should become one I'm just kidding I'm not a tax protester look at Matthew chapter 22 this is what Jesus thinks about taxes verse 17 tell us therefore what thinkest thou is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar or not they're trying to catch Jesus and they're trying to get him in trouble with the Romans but Jesus perceived their wickedness and said why tempt you me you hypocrites show me the tribute money and they brought unto him a penny and he said unto them who's in whose is this image and superscription and they said unto him Caesars then he said unto them render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are God so look I'm not a tax protester neither was Jesus he's just like let him have their stupid money okay but first of all before I address this statement so we got that out of the way before I address this statement that public school is cheaper than homeschooling look this this clearly shows you that someone who went to public school wrote this article it's clearly written by like I said at the beginning it's clearly written by someone who does not understand things including basic math California spends eleven point eleven thousand five hundred dollars per child on school every single year let's just look at the numbers California public school system it's almost twelve thousand dollars per child we spend I mean I'll just give you examples of what we spend I asked my wife this and here's the thing if you reuse a whole bunch of books that you use because I mean why would you just throw everything away that's not efficient that's not that doesn't make sense if you reuse books my wife said if we bought new books for every child which I don't know why you would do that it'd be about five hundred dollars a year per child but if you reuse books that she spends about two hundred dollars a year per child and look we buy some nice curriculums you could buy used books you don't have to buy everything new I mean two hundred versus I mean let's just round up to five hundred let's get gold-plated books brand new everything five hundred dollars a child versus twelve thousand dollars a child public school is cheaper than then home schooling I mean what in the world I mean look and here's the funny thing it's even worse than that because well I have to pay for all my home schooling materials I still pay thousands of dollars a year in taxes that go to the public school system so I am literally paying I am literally paying so the government can mess up my neighbor's kids I mean it's criminal I mean it's criminal public school is cheaper than idiotic statement made by someone who is brainwashed by communism that's what that is they're brainwashed by look look here's the thing nothing is free nothing is free oh yeah because all you have to do is buy some pencils and everything's free nothing's free communist that's the problem that's the problem with this country is the public school system has turned everyone into a communist where they think look somebody has to pay for all this somebody has to pay for all this in the annals of America when it's somebody in a New Republic somewhere if this isn't the end okay if someone in a New Republic when they're writing the annals of the American Republic you know what they will find they will find that look they'll find that America fell to communism it is the root of everything it is the root of every problem you think of the problem communism is the root in this country with all of its problems that we have from the immorality to the perversion to the abortion it's communism is the root of it all turn to Proverbs chapter 11 and public school the public school system will be will go down as the greatest tool used by the communists because they taught communism to all the kids you say well they don't say they believe in communism I don't care if you think that it's all free you're communist you may not think you are but you are I mean it's pretty good if they can teach you a philosophy and you won't even know you've been taught that philosophy you're a stupid communist I mean look it was this tool that was the messenger it was this tool of the public school system that was the deliverer of the false message of the immorality of the of the secular humanism worldview of the perversion it was this tool that is properly just injected all this garbage into our society look at Proverbs 11 and in this case a false balance look at Proverbs 11 1 a false balance is abomination to the Lord but a just weight is his delight look if you think everything's free and you think that everything's just paid for everything should be paid for that's a false balance because nothing's free that this money that comes from nowhere is a false balance and it's an abomination to the Lord the idea that we can financially break you through tyranny and shutting you down and all this and then we can steal money from your grandchildren and give it to you and you'll be happy you're a communist I mean you're a public school protege public school made it all possible I mean this is maddening this is maddening should we stop let's keep going now this one's old this one's so used up I'm embarrassed to even read it but we're gonna go here's the second one probably the stupidest and most tired of all arguments against homeschooling right here bullet point children who attend public school have more opportunities for social interaction than many homeschool students there are homeschool co-ops that can be helpful but a public school has built-in social benefits sorry yes they're still claiming this one okay but look here's the thing that's so shocking about the that the idea that they're still claiming this one is that we have like an entire generation now after you know homeschooling started in the 80s where you're kind of a pariah if you homeschooled and then in the 90s more people did it now it's not just it's not just the Christians homeschooling now everybody's homeschooling now I don't know what the numbers are now but I mean homeschooling has exploded in the last just few years especially this year but as we see the results of public school kids who are now adults and we see what kind of social skills that these these adults now have you know you have a you have a 40 year old foul-mouthed punk I mean that's from the public school system he was socialized at public school I mean is that look is that I mean are these kids you ever met the public school kids and they speak to you like this yeah yeah yeah what's on your shoes why do you like your shoes so much look at me they won't shake anyone's hand they'll never look you in the eye it's just they get behind a keyboard and they're all whoo yeah they're tough but they meet you in person they're staring at their shoes what this is antisocial behavior this is called antisocial behavior turn to Ephesians chapter 4 what is social behavior though let's look at what social behavior is well the Bible tells us look at Ephesians chapter 4 and look at verse number 29 look at verse number 29 of Ephesians chapter 4 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth okay but why that which is good but it says let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but instead that which is good to the use of edifying assuming that you know it's basically inferring that this corrupt communication is not edifying anybody because it's corrupt communication that it may minister grace unto the hearers but look not only we're told you know to edify means to instruct improve morally or intellectually okay when you're raised to speak like a rapper you're not edifying anybody when you talk like you know a hip-hop artist that's not edifying when you use you know street slang that's not it that's corrupt communication you're like okay you know I use street slang but I don't swear because I'm Christian but here let me just give you a little bit of a heads up here if you speak like that people think you're stupid people think you're dumb you sound like an idiot I don't care if you just pull the swear words out or or you use the non swear swear words now you're just a coward we look this corrupt communication I mean people would just think that you're a fool that's what it will I mean if you speak like a gangster that's what's coming out of the that's the socialization that I'm seeing and I'm seeing it I'm seeing it with adults I'm seeing it with middle aged people you get to about 50 plus you don't see it but you're in in the 40s and down my generation and down and you see it you see an adult talking like some 17 year old high school public school punk and that guy's going nowhere that guy's going nowhere and it doesn't it doesn't take it doesn't take a Bible believing Christian to listen to that guy and just be like I don't know why but that guy sounds like a moron you know everyone just knows like oh yeah that guy's a moron that's the social skills it's corrupt communication it's corrupt communication so I mean look the most the best socialized kids and here's the beauty of homeschooling by the way homeschooling and there's another thing about public school this wasn't even in my notes but public school it trains kids to only interact with their own age you know that they can't function they know oh you're two grades down oh you're a grade up they don't know you see homeschool kids in a homeschooling group in a homeschooling environment you will see ten year olds to nineteen year olds playing a game together successfully they're socializing successfully and you know I mean we'll hear the kids talking you know about the games and things like that and sometimes you got to tune up the little ones you got to tune them up and you got to be like hey you know you want to sit down and you want to play with the 17 year olds you want to play that game you better just be quiet and pay attention and don't act like you're six instead if you're ten act like you're 14 in those situations they it trains them to mature and it trains them to be able to also protect and take care of younger kids and relate to kids of all different ages which by the way men you men that go to work is everyone the same age at your work amazing how that transfers into real life skills amazing so look I mean socialization is homeschooling is way better for socialization I've never understood this one from the beginning and I mean I'm sure that there's those homeschool kids that are off you know somewhere and never see anybody but there's weirdos everywhere so what's the point you know conclusion there's your six points right there but here's the concluding statement of the article the concluding statement is this in addition to the benefits lifted a lift listed above there are some downsides to public school whoa okay we want to be well rounded in this article there are some downsides to public school for example public school has a more rigorous and regimented schedule than most homeschool programs and students may not have the same degree of freedom and flexibility to customize their education this is like you ever gotten asked that question in an interview what are some of your weaknesses and you say well Bob I just worked too hard that's my weakness tell me one of your weaknesses well I'm too dedicated where you turn your weakness into a strength you know you flip it around on the interviewer like that you know I mean this is what the interview classes will teach you right this is what they're doing here the downside to public school is it's more rich regimented and and and rigorous education right the downside of public schools it's better they're saying so like it's so stupid my main weakness Bob is I work too hard it's in look and it ends with this but unless you can fully commit yourself to creating and implementing a strong homeschool curriculum your child may be better off in public school anyway so it ends with a simple scare tactic once again right that that unless you know you're fully committing yourself they'd probably just be better off in public school so they scare you and then they give you the out of public school right here look the article had an overall theme of intimidating the mom that was thinking about staying home that was what was really wicked to me about the article is that the mom that is that is has that conscience that's bugging them after they you know have their first child or whatever because look I mean you still have a conscience I mean you're not a reprobate you have a conscience I mean every mom that has a child and it goes to work has that their conscience bothers them about that I mean they get better at it and better at it and better at it as time goes on but look they have a conscience I mean they're basically everyone knows the public school is bad that's what I see with normal decent people they don't have to be saved everyone knows the public school is bad that's been my experience with normal people the problem is is that the men are weak the men and the families are weak and the women are scared and this article is preying on that fear that women have you know the mom homeschool mom I mean it's intimidating it's intimidating can I do it right can I you know it seems it seems so hard right how could I how could I teach my kids when I wasn't even really good at school maybe you weren't good at school guess I wasn't good at school either I hated school I mean just that means nothing by the way but what the the mom sister she's like how could I do that but guess what here's the beauty of home school you start with the alphabet do you know the alphabet you start with learning teaching them how to read and phonics and things and guess what maybe you learn with them the whole way maybe you relearn everything the whole way all you have to do is stay one step ahead of your three-year-old pretty sure you can do that and the thing is you know the beauty of a church like this is we'll help you with that the idea here is that we're gonna we're gonna support you we're gonna show you you know we'll show you and teach you the the schedule and my wife will show you curriculum options and activities and we'll keep those social activities going look my main focus and my wife's our main focus one of our our visions and our main goals for this ministry especially as we go independent is to have a strong homeschooling core here where we can support that and we support the the families that are maybe just getting into it or continuing to homeschool or whatever that we can bring this thing together and and and give your children a great organized curriculum and schedule socialization the whole thing that's one of that's that's one of my main goals my wife's main goals when we think about the purpose of a ministry it's one of the main things but look here's the thing this sentence that the thing said you might just be better off with them in public school let me say this mom who's worried about this if you're an unorganized mess your kids are still better off they're still better off because they they will mess up your kids there they will they will undo everything biblical you are trying to do because guess what you know what they are they're diligent they have all day every day with your kids they will mess them up they will put in the wrong worldview into them they will inject them with all kinds of perversion and and just just weird thoughts and things and and beliefs about everything they will literally turn your kids upside down morally turn to Isaiah chapter 5 the point of this sermon and I hope you saw that with every single point we went through the point of this sermon is in Isaiah chapter 5 and look at verse number 20 every single point of that article every single point that they were making for public school against homeschooling was the exact opposite of the truth it wasn't not a little bit true or maybe they were twisting this it was the opposite of what you believe it was the opposite about what the Bible teaches look at Isaiah 5 20 the Bible says well unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter like man who could mistake darkness for light that's exactly what this art article was it was just calling darkness light they will call evil good and good evil it's happening look just not being in that situation in that system is a win and then from there then we build from there you know proper homeschooling you know proper biblical education for your children you know music sports I love sports activities it's all it's all a bonus but look it's it's now here's here's the plug it's why you must be involved in a good church it's why you must raise your children amongst like-minded believers it's essential for the next generation's success I mean if you're gonna do it you might as well knock it out of the park that's what I think might as well do it right look I'm against public school I'm even against sending your kids to college but I am for world-class education I'm for higher education I'm for continued education look get outside this box that this culture has put you in I don't know where those guys yesterday learned about starting a car but they it's they're in the box they're in the box we have to get outside the box that this culture has put us in that's what homeschooling is all about homeschooling is about getting outside that box separating from it and just learning the the real good and not what they're calling good because what they're calling good is evil and that's what this article is all about so there's six reasons you shouldn't homeschool and there's so much more but there's so many reasons to homeschool but mainly because the Bible just tells us it's necessary let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer