(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen so this evening we're continuing the fourth sermon in the sermon series of the offerings. So we've gone through the first three offerings listed in Leviticus 1, 2 and 3 and tonight we're looking at the fourth which is this offering of the sin offering. Now this is kind of a change in gears here and it seems kind of complicated as we go through the whole chapter of Leviticus chapter 4 and it talks a little bit more about it in Leviticus chapter 5. But basically I want to break this down for you tonight so you can understand you know why this is different, this offering is different. I'm not going to go through the details of the blood and the pictures of Christ and all those things as I've gone through in the past but the sin offering is a very specific offering and the trespass offering coming up next week is also similar in the sense that it is done to gain forgiveness for a specific thing that has been done wrong. Now a couple things I want to point out before we get into the main points that I want to make tonight. There's one main point that I want you to take away from this tonight but a couple things to note before we get into that. First of all is this, if you notice a pattern in Leviticus chapter 4 that we just read, we go through who is making the sin offering. It goes through a priest that is making a sin offering and it talks about a priest that has sinned and then it talks about the congregation that has sinned. This is you know like Achan took the accursed thing but the congregation did not know. So as they went into the battle at Ai after Jericho, Achan, he took something, he took spoil and you know the whole congregation suffered for that but they didn't know about it. It was through ignorance and that's really what we're going to talk about tonight but we see a priest sinning, we see the congregation sinning and then we see a ruler sinning here and then at the end we see the common people sinning. So we see these different categories of people that would bring a sin offering but the thing I want to point out, the first thing I want to point out before we even get into the sermon is that when the priest sins he has to bring a bullock, he has to bring something very serious but when the common people sin, they have to bring a kid of the goats or a lamb, they can bring a lesser offering. That's just to point out that it is more serious when a priest or a pastor or a ruler falls into some kind of sin like that especially we're going to talk about this evening a sin of ignorance because these are all sins of ignorance by the way. Okay that's really what we're going to talk about tonight but the point is that if a pastor as we talked about this morning of an independent church would you know fall into some egregious sin, it's a very serious thing. It's much more serious. Why? Because it damages many more people that's why. So it's the same thing with a leader of a family, a husband who falls into some sin. Why is that more serious? It's more serious because of the fact that it will influence the people that are following that spiritual leadership. So I just want to point out that there is a level of seriousness there that is implied in what is to be brought as the offering. Okay so what are these offerings for? Turn to Hebrews chapter 10. You're going to keep your place in Leviticus chapter 4. Turn to Hebrews chapter 10 and keep your place in Hebrew in Leviticus chapter 4. I'm going to read the first couple verses of Leviticus chapter 4 as you're turning to Hebrews chapter 10. It said the Lord speak unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel saying if a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the Lord concerning the things which ought not to be done and shall do any of them. Any of what? Any of the commandments of the Lord. So that's what this is talking about. You know I'll often go out soul winning and I will explain to people you know when the Bible says for all have sinned and I'll say like a sin is a transgression of the law like you've heard of the 10 commandments right? And most all people have heard of the 10 commandments though you are seeing more and more that have not which is a little scary. But the 10 commandments are just 10 commandments. There's hundreds of commandments in the Bible. There's hundreds of things where God says don't do this. Do this. Anytime we go against any of those it is a transgression of the law. So the Bible here is saying any of the things which ought not to be done and if you do them and then it says if the priest that is anointed do a sin according to the sin of the people let him bring for his sin which he has sinned a young bullock without blemish unto the Lord for a sin offering. And look at the last verse of chapter number four. It says and the priest shall make an atonement for his sin talking about the common person that he had committed and it shall be forgiven him. So they're going to do this this offering of a of a bullock of a kid of a lamb depending on who sinned the sin without knowing and it is to make atonement is make is not atonement is to make it so they're forgiven of this sin. But this forgiveness that look at Hebrews chapter 10 to explain this. This forgiveness is not forgiveness as far as forgiveness unto salvation that most people would teach. This is talking about yes it is a picture of what is going to get us saved in the future the sacrifice itself but it's just like confessing your sins today. You know just as in first John chapter one in verse number nine where it says if you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The Bible is that we're talking about having a good relationship with your heavenly father here. We're talking about you know receiving getting right with God is what we're talking about. All right but look at verse number one of Hebrews chapter 10. Now what these what these sacrifices all the sacrifices did not do including the day of atonement in Leviticus chapter 16 is actually for you know actually atone for sin. That's why I caught myself when I said atone there because the sacrifices of the animals did not atone for sin. They were simply a picture I don't want to give it away for you of the actual real atonement to come through the blood of Jesus Christ. You say why do you say that look down at the Bible in Hebrews chapter 10. It says for the law having a shadow of good things to come. God is having these people do these ceremonial things to picture the coming of Christ. To picture the actual atonement that is about to come and not the very image of things can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers there unto perfect. For then would they not have seized to be offered because that the worshippers once purged should not have more no more conscience of sins. So the Bible here is saying is these sacrifices did not save people. These sacrifices did not atone for people as Christ atones for us. They were simply a shadow of things to come. They're a picture of what God is actually going to do because it's saying if it was just like the blood of Christ the blood of these sacrifices it would only need to happen once. We wouldn't have to do it year after year after year every time you sinned ignorantly in the case of tonight's sermon. Look at verse number three. For in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. God is just having people remember. He's just having people be aware of their sins get right with him make you know make restitution with him. Look confession of your sins is something that should be done on a daily basis by a Christian. You should be aware of your sins and you should be confessing your sins on a daily basis when you pray. Do you pray? Look at verse number four. The Bible says for it's not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. So what these people I mean there it is right there you know there it is right there the what these people are doing in Leviticus chapter four it did not take away their sins. It's just them getting right with God them doing this this ceremony this sacrifice to picture the coming Christ that whose blood would take away their sins whose blood would cleanse them onto salvation. So all that to say this they're not getting sin atonement here. These people doing the sacrifices are simply looking forward to Christ as we look back at Christ. And of course the the sacrifices if you keep reading the next verses in Hebrews chapter 10 the sacrifices are done away with because Christ is here. Christ came already so as soon as Christ died on the cross the sacrifices were not necessary anymore. There's no need to look forward to it because it just happened for real. One sacrifice once and for all. So tonight I want to focus that's all just a preface to the sin the sin offering here so the sin offering you see this these this word come up over and over in Leviticus chapter four and again in Leviticus chapter five but you see this these this phrase this phrase or this word ignorance come up again and again and these sins are all sins of ignorance that these people are bringing a bull bringing a lamb bringing a kid to make make things right with God and showing that shadow of you know Jesus to come. So you say sins of ignorance what does that mean? It means they didn't know they were doing something wrong. It means they were doing something at the moment they committed the sin they didn't know it was wrong and then later on they find out that it's wrong and they're like oh I've made a mistake I've committed a sin. You see this again and again there is no sin that is covered in Leviticus chapter four other than sins of ignorance. Are you shaking in your boots yet? Because the Bible does not cover sins that people know are wrong that they go out and just do them in Leviticus chapter four. So sins of ignorance are what are covered here so I want to break down the idea tonight of what is the difference between sins of ignorance and sins you know sins that are on purpose or I'll show you how the Bible you know looks at the you know how the Bible characterizes that type of sin in just a few minutes but I want to break those things apart and see is one worse than the other tonight? So first of all we need to attack this false doctrine going on today turn to John chapter 19 that you know some sins are you know all sins are equal all sins are not equal all sins are not equal the idea is stupid but it is taught everywhere today that all sins are equal in the eyes of God people just totally take James chapter 2 out of context and teach this false doctrine look at John chapter 19 in verse number 11 the Bible clearly teaches in many different places that some sins are worse than other sins and then we need to understand this before we can go forward with this idea this evening in Leviticus chapter 4. Look at John 19 verse 11. John 19 verse 11 Jesus answered Jesus answered and said thou couldest have no power he's talking to Pontius Pilate here thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin he's telling Pontius Pilate that the people that delivered me up the Pharisees the Jewish leaders he's like they're in a lot more trouble than you are they've done something way worse how could there be a greater sin if all sin is exactly the same in the eyes of God there's clearly a greater sin look that matches our conscience too that matches the conscience that God gave us in our hearts because obviously murdering somebody is not the same thing as stealing a candy bar or something simple like that I mean that makes no sense at all turn to 1st John chapter 5 1st John chapter 5 look it doesn't it doesn't make any sense that all sin is equal and the Bible teaches that all sin is not equal look at 1st John chapter 5 and verse number 16 because again like I said this morning the Bible actually makes sense the Bible actually matches your conscience look at 1st John chapter 5 verse 16 the Bible says if a man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death he shall ask and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death so there is a sin I mean then it literally says there is a sin unto death I do not say that he shall pray for it all unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death so the Bible says that yeah all unrighteousness is sin but there's a sin that requires capital punishment and there is one that does not he's saying there's there categories of sin not all sin is equal turn to Matthew chapter 23 and thus not all punishment is going to be the same because all sin is not equal look at Matthew 23 verse number 13 Matthew 23 and verse number 13 the Bible says this in Matthew 23 13 it says but woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men for you neither go in yourselves neither suffer ye them them that are entering to go in he's saying you are stopping people from going to heaven is what Jesus is saying here he says woe unto you woe what do we see this morning woe unto the pastors right woe is when God's mad at you woe is when God is bringing down you know judgment upon you says woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you devour widows houses and for pretense make long prayer therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation so here we see that God puts the false prophet somebody that is literally leading somebody else astray in a greater peril they're going to look they're going to receive greater punishment in hell is what this means they're going to receive look they're all going to the same place all saved people are going to the same place but depending on the wickedness that they did in their life they're going to be judged by what they're going to be in revelation chapter 20 the books are opened and you know them they stood before you know the dead stood before the throne and they were judged by their what they were judged by their works what's the point of judging them by their works all you would need if there wasn't a greater damnation in revelation chapter 20 all you need is the book the book of life that's it saved or unsaved it's a one or a zero but the reason they're judged by their works is because there will be a greater and a lesser damnation look it's all hell it's all bad but you know somebody like stalin is in a much worse place than you know joe the the you know the construction worker down the street that just didn't care too much to hear the gospel hell is hell it's a terrible thing to even think about it's still eternal torment but there is a greater damnation what does that look like i don't know i'm never going to know unless i ask jesus and he tells me when i get to heaven but i don't think i'm going to want to ask that question when i'm standing you know with jesus in heaven but the point is there is a greater damnation for greater sins all sin is equal is clearly it is nowhere in the bible and it makes no sense at all look even for even for everyone on earth when god was in charge there is there is greater punishment for different sins there's greater and lesser punishment in the by in the bible in the king james bible okay we got to use a king james bible because it gets weird when you get into the new you know bible versions but capital punishment like it is literally there's literally a death penalty in the old testament when god was in charge for cursing your parents adultery you know lying with a beast homosexuality incest rape death penalty in the king james bible you have to get married in the niv it's weird stuff stealing men slavery men stealing in the king james bible death penalty in the niv it's fine i mean all the new bot a lot of the new bible versions like condone slavery that's why people are like the bible you know condone slavery like yeah which bible do you have servitude and the modern idea of slavery are completely different things but that's another sermon in itself but turn to exodus chapter 22 so we see the death penalty for a whole slew of things in the bible but what about stealing what about stealing look at exodus 22 we're just talking about civil law we're just kind of getting a a preview you want to even have a preview on how jesus is going to run things just look at the old testament look at exodus chapter 22 verse number one if a man steal an ox or a sheep and kill it or sell it he shall restore five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep so if you steal from somebody i mean doesn't this make a lot of sense if you steal from somebody you have to restore you know so many times what you stole i mean if somebody steals i mean first of all if somebody steals today we do nothing like literally nothing to them so what happens you get more stealing but the bible here is saying that if somebody steals an ox from you then he has to give you five oxen i bet you there wasn't a lot of oxen theft because then you end up with people that are in great debt and if they can't pay what do they do now they're in servitude see that's how servitude works because if they can't pay money if they can't pay oxen they still have their labor they can work it off it's totally fair if somebody steals your car throwing them in prison does nothing for you to get your car back to get restitution the bible just makes sense here exodus 21 talks about literally the difference between murder and manslaughter the bible is this detailed look at exodus chapter 21 verses number 12 it says he that smiteth a man so that he die shall surely be put to death somebody that murders somebody but it says if a man lie not in wait but god deliver him into his hand then i will appoint thee a place whether he shall flee but if a man come presumptually upon his neighbor to slay him with guile then shall take him from mine altar that he may die so the bible is saying if you plan to kill somebody like i'm gonna go kill this guy and then you killed him you're executed you get capital punishment but then the bible is saying like if a man if you you didn't mean to do it you didn't mean to kill him like you didn't mean to kill somebody like this is somebody that goes out and gets in a fight or does something you know negligent driving like a drunk driver or something they didn't necessarily you know get into their car and try to kill well drunk driving maybe isn't a perfect example but somebody that did not mean to kill somebody but ended up killing somebody anyway this is where the refugee cities come in and yes there is punishment for it but we're talking about manslaughter here we have the same types of systems today somebody that got in a fight and and you know with somebody else and accidentally killed that person they didn't necessarily mean to kill them it was proven that they didn't mean to kill them it's called manslaughter that's what the bible is talking about here different crimes different levels of offenses different levels of punishment back to the sermon back to the sermon that's that's just a real quick overview of all sin is not equal there's clearly different punishments for different sins in god's government and look while we don't follow it today that's how god is going to run things in the millennial reign and it must be right turn to luke chapter 12 so back to the sermon we're seeing in the sin offering that the sin offering whether it be the priest whether it be the people whether it be the common man or whether it be a governor or some sort of ruler it is all for sins of ignorance so the bible here is going to show you tonight that say sins of ignorance are not as bad as sins that you are aware of okay look at luke chapter 12 in verse number 47 you say prove it well look at this verse number 47 of luke chapter 12 the bible says let me let you all get there luke chapter 12 in verse number 47 note while i go through this that leviticus chapter 4 only covers sins of ignorance you say well what about the other sins look at luke chapter 12 verse number 47 it says and that servant which knew his lord's will and prepared not himself neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes so the bible here is saying that this is a guy that knew what to do this is a guy that knew what was right and he did not do it he will be beaten with many stripes verse 48 but he that knew not this is leviticus chapter 4 right here and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes for unto whomever so much as much is given of him shall much be required and to whom men have committed much of him they will ask the more now look this is what i need you to see tonight if you take nothing away from this sermon this is what you need to take away from committing sins that you know are wrong are is much more serious than committing sins that you are ignorant of and if there's look i'm going to tell you what the problem is with this church right now say what's the problem with this church i'll tell you what the problem with this church is the problem with this church and why people will fail is because of the problem i'm going to tell you with this church because if you get in this church and you get into a bible preaching church and the bible is being preached to you three times a week and you are you are you are reading your bible you're in your bible because that's one of the things i will be telling you that the bible does tell you to do is study to show thyself approved thyself means you not me when the bible says in second timmy chapter two study to show thyself approved it's talking to the reader the person that's reading it that's you every time you open your bible every time you come to church every sunday every wednesday every sunday morning sunday night wednesday night your list of ignorant sins will go down and down and down and down that's the problem with this church which means when you learn the bible and you refuse to act upon it it would be better for you if you had not known that's what the bible is teaching here it would be and by better i mean you would be received less punishment from the lord see people that are hearers of the word only will simply not last in the christian life what do i mean by that i don't mean that you will cease to be saved i mean that people that are hearers only and do not act upon the words that are preached that they read they will not last as disciples and instead they will they will be you know god will try to purge those people as in john chapter 15 he will try to purge that branch and purge those idols out of your life those idols in your heart those idols in your life god will try to fix the problem but you you eventually will quit if you take nothing from the sermon you must take this turn to numbers chapter 15 look after one year after two years after three years whatever it is you will quit if you hit a wall this is exactly what happens to people they hit something in their life they hit a wall they hit something where they're like okay yep i get that i get that i got all this stuff and i get that not doing that they hit that wall and you know what it will it will stop it will stunt their growth at some point in their growth if they decide i'm not going to do that this will kill the christian life because eventually folks everything becomes known the commandments of god are going to become known to you if if you listen to the bible what is the other kind of sin and what is the seriousness of it in the old testament look at numbers chapter 15 verse number 24 says then it shall be if ought be committed by ignorance ought meaning sin again what do we see here ignorance without the knowledge of the congregation that all the congregation shall offer one young bullock for a burnt offering sound familiar look at verse 25 the priest shall make atonement for all the congregation of the children of israel and it shall be forgiven them for it is ignorance and they shall bring their offering and sacrifice made by fire unto the lord and their sin offering before the lord for their ignorance again ignorance ignorance ignorance and it should be forgiven all the congregation of the children of israel and the stranger that sojourners with them seeing all the people were in ignorance so the rule if there's a strain again just showing that you know genealogies mean nothing if some foreigner comes and and follows and accepts the lord and follows their traditions like the rules are the same for the stranger another sermon in itself and if the soul sinned through ignorance then he shall bring a she goat of the first year of the sin offering it's talking about the common man the individual can bring a goat and the priest shall make an atonement verse 28 you shall have one law for him that sinned through ignorance both for him that is born among the children of israel and for the stranger that sojourneth among them this is the person that immigrated there that accepted the lord but look at verse number 30 but the soul that doeth ought this is talking about sin presumptuously that is the opposite of ignorance this is the person that goes and knows something is wrong and does it anyway now he has to bring two bullocks no let's keep reading whether he'd be born in the land or a stranger the same reproaches the lord and that soul shall be cut off from among his people there's no sacrifice there's no sacrifice for it you know what this perfectly matches the new testament this perfectly matches the new testament turn back to hebrews chapter 10 i should have had to keep your place there there's no sacrifice for the person that goes and knows something is wrong and just does it anyway are you are you taking account of yourself this evening how many sins that you commit during the week or during the the month in your life or whatever it is how many sins that you commit do you know that they're wrong look at hebrews chapter 10 of verse number let's just start at verse number 24 so notice in leviticus chapter 4 there is no sacrifice for the sin that is done presumptuously the person that knows the sins wrong and does it anyway there's no sacrifice they're just cut off there's only punishment is what the bible is saying look at hebrews 10 24 let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching for if we sin willfully let me rephrase that if we sin presumptuously that after we have received the knowledge of the truth this is why leviticus 24 verse number four or chapter four does not have a sacrifice for this there is no sacrifice for a presumptuous sin a willful sin if we sin willfully after we we receive the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins this is why god doesn't have the willful sin covered in a sin offering you say why because there is no sacrifice more sacrifice for sins applied to us jesus isn't going to come and die for you again jesus died once that's it and you're trampling the blood and the sacrifice of jesus christ by willfully sinning this is why leviticus chapter 4 is only about ignorant sins it's picturing that jesus christ is going to die once and there isn't look there is no there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins so what is there then just punishment that's it but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation oh hell it said fiery it's talking about god's mad at you god is upset with you and there's going he's going to judge you on this earth he is going to punish you he's going to chastise you which shall devour the adversaries he that despised moses's law died without mercy under two or three witnesses of how much sore punishment suppose ye shall ye he be thought worthy who have trodden underfoot the son of god that's a pretty serious accusation right there you know what you're doing when you sin willfully you are trotting underfoot jesus christ that's how god looks at it god looks at you just taking for granted and treating the the sacrifice of his son as nothing as something that you would just walk over and have no respect for and have counted the blood of the covenant wherewith you have sanctified and unholy thing and have done despite unto the spirit of grace does it say the spirit of grace goes away no it says you did it you're taking advantage of god's grace is what he's saying he's like by sinning willfully you're taking it you're trotting jesus christ underfoot you're counting his blood for nothing and you are you're taking advantage of the grace that you've been given you're taking advantage of the promise that god has given you that he will give you everlasting life eternal life he will seal you and never take it away from you for we know him that says vengeance vengeance belonging to me i will recompense sayeth the lord and again the lord shall judge the unsaved no the lord shall judge his people the lord shall judge the saved the lord shall punish the saved it's the only option he has he's not going to take away your salvation he's promised you eternal life the only option that he has and why leviticus chapter 4 only covers sins of ignorance is because there's only punishment if you sin willfully that's it and again it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living god this is bad it's bad to sin willfully so the point is back to the only point i wanted you to take away this evening the attitude that you need to have as a christian especially a christian being in a church that preaches the bible the attitude that you need to have is you have to sell out that is the only winning way you have to you have to tell yourself if it's in the bible i'm going to do it i mean it is the it is the people it is the people that are saved and that are in and then they're out and then they're in and then they're out for a while and then they're in for a while again look these people have nothing but pain and suffering and they will not be i'm telling you somebody asked me this question about two weeks ago and people will not be in this in and out um area very long they will either they will either get in or they will stay out because that in and out that's a painful place to be in the bible it is a painful place to be to have you know those ignorance that ignorance taken away when you're just not going to do it you're saved and that ignorance is being destroyed the ignorance is being erased and you're just not going to do any of it you're not going to stay there and listen to that much longer it's just going to be pain and suffering i've had people to say i've had people say this to me out so many you'll know if people say this to you you'll know you did a really good job of explaining what eternal security is and what god's chastisement means so i've had people get saved and say uh i think my life's going to be quite different going forward and i'm like exactly it's going to be different it's not going to be the same you're not getting away with stuff anymore you're either going to get right or it's that fiery indignation coming towards you that's why i always tell you you just have to be this type of person to be successful in this christian life you have to be this type of person that just says if it's in the bible i'm gonna do it that's it that's why i'm like turn to verse number whatever don't take my word for it look at it yourself that's what i'm saying to you look you know i mean that's why there's only backwards or forwards in the christian life there's no cruise control because as read the bible the ignorance is going away the ignorance is going away the ignorance is going away and if you're learning and you're not doing you're going backwards if you're learning and you're not implementing you're going backwards but if you're learning and you are implementing you're going forward there's no cruise control there's no like hey i'm just going to keep it right here because the ignorance is being destroyed and what will happen is you hit that wall where you're just like yeah but i'm not going to do that i don't know whatever that wall is it's different for i've seen it different for many different people but it destroys their christian life all the same when you hit that wall then you know what bitterness sets in you know what then what people do is they want to shoot the messenger yeah and here's another thing that you need to understand and you know you need to take away from this evening is sometimes i ask my wife when i know i have to preach something that is is kind of a harsh message sometimes i will ask my wife after i preached the message because my wife is much more mercifully minded than i am i'll just say that but sometimes i'll ask my wife like how do you think that um you know i'm aware that i preach harsh messages before that it's not lost on me i know that sometimes after i preach a message like that and by the way as a rule as a rule if you're sitting in a church service and you're hearing a message and you're just like oh man he's preaching against me as a rule i will not preach a sermon against one person if there is something going on in the church and one person is doing it i'm not going to get up here and write an entire sermon for you if it's a major problem and look there's no problems like this this preventative maintenance all right but if there's something where you're sitting there and you're saying like oh that's about me and and all this and this is harsh first of all it's not just you if i'm preaching it from the pulpit but all problems need to be addressed because guess what i'm responsible not you i'm responsible for what happens here but again people shoot the messenger because like oh that was too harsh that was too harsh let me just say no two men would deliver a message the same way that's the first thing you need to understand and if there is some problem in the church that is you know going through the church i am going to preach on it if it is an issue that is spreading through the church you had better believe that i am going to stand up here and preach on it and i have and i will continue to and sometimes it may sound harsh if it's serious there's nothing like this happening now and nothing like this at all but it's happened in the past and it may sound harsh but you just have to ask yourself this if you're like man this is harsh this is really you know hitting hard pastors being a meanie head you just need to ask yourself is it true you need to kind of forget how the message is delivered because again no two men would deliver a message the same way you probably don't know the things that i know you probably don't know the seriousness of things that i know and many times i can't tell you but what you have to understand is just just follow that rule if you hear something you just ask yourself is it in the bible is it true yeah meanie head but is it true is it right is what he's saying in the bible is it biblical and if it is implement it it's that simple i mean i don't want to be any harsher or sound meaner than than i ever need to be and maybe i should be meaner at times and i should have been i was too mean in another time just ask yourself is it in the bible that's the only thing that you need to do and that will solve all those problems and it'll keep you moving in your christian life it'll keep you moving but look it's a big deal to be sinning willfully is the message tonight and if you sin willfully you get two points in the bible you're just like i'm not going to do that it has the biggest risk is it has the risk to destroy your christian life and if it destroys your christian life where are your kids going to end up i mean this serious stuff here many of the consequences i believe just from my short experience but many of the consequences where people have destroyed their christian lives many of the consequences they don't even see because they're going to be generational consequences and they may not personally see them if they're super hyper focused on themselves anyway so it's a very serious thing so much so that it is not even mentioned in leviticus chapter four and the people were just put out of the congregation in the old testament and hebrews chapter 10 exactly backs it up sin offering is for ignorant sins only and our list of these sins folks is going to be shrinking every single day here's my last point here's my last point as i just talked about being harsh and just being you know all this we need to also understand that while a mature christian basically being a mature christian means you know what's in the bible you know what's in there what's not in there that's our that's our religion what's what's it mean to be an independent fundamental baptist if it's in the bible i believe it if it's not i don't that's it so understand though that as people come to the church they visit they just get saved they come into the church and they start becoming a disciple that not everyone is going to be at at the same stage of knowing you know what you know of being ignorant and not maybe you've been saved for many years i've known people that have been saved for decades and are still very ignorant but i mean maybe you're a mature christian maybe you know what the bible says and you're ignorant about very little you have to understand that people that do come in here new are going to be ignorant about a lot so we need what am i trying to say we need to show some mercy that's why in first corinthians chapter five in verse number 11 where it talks about the six sins that literally can't be involved in the that can't be in the church we're going to kind of show mercy there because it says if any man be called a brother meaning somebody that's in the church that's getting connected that's selling out for the church but if they hit their wall on one of those things that's not going to work see and where is that where is that point where that needs to be correct well that's that's my call and we've done that but the point is we just need to show mercy to people that are growing in christ that's all so it's very serious to sin willfully against the lord and we're all we're all getting to the point where when we learn the bible we read the bible we study the bible we're going to know exactly what god wants and he doesn't want and if we continue sinning it's it's all going to be willful sin and it puts us in a dangerous place as a christian so make sure that you're just you just put yourself in that mindset like hey you know what here just just accept this i accepted this a few years ago many years ago everything you've ever been taught is wrong you're like that's a tough one to swallow just take that pill right now everything you've ever been taught is wrong and everything that's in here is right and just undo everything and just start from scratch and you'll be much better off and you won't have any problems in this christian life so that's the sin offering talking about ignorance ignorant sins which doesn't apply to us that much i would say because we know the bible at this church let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer