(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so Ephesians chapter 5 of course talking about the relationship Between Christ and the church there at the end of the the chapter and how that reflects on a marriage and the relationship between a man and his wife or a husband and his wife so this this sermon Similarly to last week's sermon is going to be a sermon that you're you're not going to hear too many other places You know and ladies, let me just say this, you know, if you haven't noticed I'm I'm pretty hard on the men in this church, you know, and there's a lot of you know yelling and screaming and pounding on the pulpit really directed at the men and the reason for that is Because when it comes to the family when it comes to the roles in the church and the family especially The men are the you know, they have the leadership role. They're the responsible party So if you're not hard on the responsible party and you're not teaching the responsible party on You know what to do and how to lead, you know, you're gonna realize that things will go south pretty quickly look down there in Ephesians chapter 5 and look at verse 22 and the Bible says wives submit yourselves under your own husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife isn't it even as Christ is the head of the church and he Is the Savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ. So let the wives be to their own husbands in Everything so last week I gave the ladies the the wives a pass so you have to turn in your pass for this morning's sermon this morning sermon is about the submissive wife and how to be a Biblical wife according to the Bible and this is not politically correct today So you are not going to hear this taught in the world and this is pretty much the opposite of what the world today is Teaching turn to 1st Peter chapter 3 So we see in Ephesians chapter 5 ladies that you are to be subject. The wives are to be subject to their husbands in Everything it says in verse number 24 you say what does that mean? Well in everything the Bible says now look at 1st Peter chapter 3 1st Peter chapter 3 Look at verse number 5 for now The Bible says for after this manner in the old time the holy women also Who trusted in God adorn themselves being in subjection to their own husbands now turn to Colossians chapter 3 So you're to be in subjection you're supposed to be a subject to your your husband just as Christ, you know, the church is a subject to Christ It's a direct comparison in Ephesians chapter feet in Ephesians chapter 5 and the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 5 It's in everything in everything in all things But you say what if what if my husband who I'm subject to is Asking me to do something that's against the Lord or against the Bible. Well, look at Colossians 3 18 The Bible clarifies in a little bit more detail in Colossians 3 18 It says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the Lord And this is of course, you know as it is fit in the Lord So your subject we can take these verses together and wives you are subject you are to submit to your husband as it is Fit in the Lord you say well, it doesn't say that in Ephesians chapter 5 Well, it's talking about a direct comparison from the church to being subject to Christ which means that it's Christ is the Lord Okay, so as it is fit in the Lord you are to be submissive you are to be a subject to your husband You are to follow your husband's leadership in Everything the Bible says so I mean, what does that mean? I mean, what does that actually look like like wives? I mean there first of all with spiritual matters. It means that you are to follow the spiritual direction of Your husband, you know So as long as of course as long as that spiritual direction is in line with the Bible If this is the same concept, by the way as Romans chapter 13 being subject to the higher powers So we are always subject to the higher powers and God is obviously our highest power So we're to you know Listen to the government follow the government as long as it doesn't violate what the Bible says if the Bible You know says something that the government is telling us to go against the Bible then we don't have to follow that command It's the same idea here as why is being subject to their husbands as it is fit in the Lord Or as the church is subject to Christ. So look ladies wives Your husband should define the spiritual direction for your family and you should follow it You should I mean it's it's very simple now Here's the thing you say I don't want to you say I don't like following my husband in certain areas, but here's the thing about About subjection that you have to understand subjection itself means you follow somebody else's way Means you do something that's not your way that's somebody else's way You may agree with it or you may not the Bible's I mean look if you could not be look if anybody men or women You know cannot be in subjection to anyone in their life. You're gonna have a very difficult life Let me just go ahead and tell you that right now because look if you if you can't put yourself This is for men and women if you have a man or a woman that can't put themselves in subjection to anybody You're gonna have a tough go at life. Let me let me tell you that look your husband ladies. I Guarantee you your husband is in subjection to many people in his life You say well, you know, I don't think so. Well, I don't care what man is in this room He is in subjection to people in his life First of all, if you're coming to church your subjection to you know, the church leadership in the pastor of the church You know that you're voluntarily putting yourself underneath that leadership You're in subjection to that leadership when it comes to matters of the church I guarantee every single man in here whether he owns his own business or not is in Subjection to people in his business that he does you say well I own my own business. Well, don't you have customers? I Mean the customer is always right, right? You're in subjection to your customers You're in subjection to people you do business with look every single man in here would be a complete Failure in his life if he could not put himself under subjection or under authority So It's not something that your husband can't do. So why can't you do it? So look your husband's in subjection to plenty people you are in subjection The Bible says to your husband if you're married and in his life, he's in subjection to God Everybody is in subjection to God So you say so you say here's what a lot of people will say today. Even Christian churches will teach this today They'll say so why can't we both the husband and the wife? Why can't we both be in subjection to God and Just have this thing be 50 50 What why can't we do that? Well, here's the here's the reason why okay? Here's the reason why is because the Bible the Bible doesn't define every specific detail of every specific situation You're going to be in the Bible gives doctrines the Bible gives Examples of you know historical stories and different You know doctrines and philosophies and and how God look with the Bible. We see the mind of God We see how God feels towards us and we see how we are supposed to act on this earth But we must apply the Bible to specific situations in our life The Bible does not have a specific story covering every single situation You are going to run in into in your marriage You must apply doctrines of the Bible onto the situation, you know example I mean, where are you gonna go to church? What Church and Fresno are you gonna choose to go to the Bible does not have a list of churches in Fresno That in in telling you which one to go to you must apply biblical doctrines Onto decisions that you will make in your life I mean the Bible does not tell you which homeschooling curriculum to use The Bible is very clear doctrines and very clear teaching that you should be teaching your children and teaching your children at home I mean the Bible does not tell you which standards you will set in place for your family It gives you the doctrines on how to do that, but it doesn't tell you specifically which businesses and restaurants and places that you should go to and should not go to According to the standards of your family someone is going to have to define these types of details Somebody has to apply these biblical concepts To everyday life and make these decisions there needs to be a leader and look no situation No situation in any organization has 50-50 across the board Everybody's in charge. It's stupid No one would even do that even secular. I mean think of secular organizations There's not a singular secular organization out there where everybody just has equal say in everything all the time It's ridiculous to even think about it a business couldn't run that way Somebody has to be in charge. That's why men when you go to work you have you know, you have Foreman and a superintendent and a manager and you have this hierarchy of leadership because yes even secular Organizations have figured out that you can't just have everybody in charge of everything It would be a disaster. It would be a mess So look ladies spiritually if you have a husband I mean churches think of it Church even God the organization that God has defined has Specific leadership set up there's entire you know chapters in the Bible talking about the organization of a church and who's to lead the church and Who's to help the leader of the church and what's can be done and what can't be done and even who the leader can be You know, can the leader be a man can it be a woman? Can it just be anybody? No, it has to be a very specific person with very specific qualifications so God even understands of course understands that you know organizations need leadership and In the family that leader is the man So look ladies if you have a man a husband who is leading and choosing the spiritual direction for your family You know, you have a gem on your hands. First of all, you know embrace that, you know Here's the thing at least after today You're gonna know what the Bible says You know and if it wouldn't look at it wouldn't be it wouldn't be submission or subjection if it was just all your way That that would be you leading If it was just all everything that you wanted to do all the time and that's what you did that's not submission That's not subjection at all. That's leading that's leading and the Bible says that's your husband Let's look at matters of the home. The husband should define the vision for the household. Remember last week, you know What is his vision for the household? You say you say you're sitting in the chairs there and you're like my husband doesn't have a vision for the household He doesn't have one. Well, maybe you should encourage him to get one turn to Proverbs chapter 31 You should encourage him and then you know when you get this vision his vision for the family You should support it and get behind it Look at Proverbs chapter 31 talking about the virtuous woman now Here's the thing about the virtuous woman look at verse 11 of Proverbs chapter 31 We're talking about the virtuous woman the woman that the Bible is teaching about here that you know All women and all wives should strive to be the Proverbs 31 Woman look at what the Bible says about her in verse 11. It says the heart of her husband Dost safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. So as your husband is leading the family Let me tell you something about leaders Every single leader needs people that he can trust Every single leader needs people he can count on he needs someone as your husband's leading his family He needs a spouse. He needs a wife that he knows has his back and that's this man in Proverbs chapter 31 He knows that his wife supports him. She has his back and his heart is just completely trusting in her as I told you with a leader, you know last week a Good leader will take somebody who's weak and and make them strong. That's what a good leader will do a good wife a good wife will Strengthen her husband even when he is weak That's what a good wife will do and that's what the wife of Proverbs chapter 31 is doing look a bad wife Will attack her husband in Moments when he is down Maybe because do you think do you think as a leader? Do you think that your husband is your husband God is? Your husband gonna make every single decision The in the correct way. No, he's not he's not which means that you know He's gonna make mistakes There's gonna be times when your husband is up and there's gonna be times when your husband is down In his role in leading the family But look a bad wife and a wife who is not the Proverbs 31 woman is someone who would attack in those moments Who would who would push him down? He would be in a weak moment and she would push him down further But the Proverbs 31 woman was someone who would take her husband when he was in a down situation and lift him up You know, maybe I mean maybe I mean just practically speaking. Maybe his business is not doing well Maybe he did made some decisions in business that just things just aren't going well with the way he decided to go You know a good wife would encourage and support him in those times and guess what? Guess what as a man who's been down times in his life before He will remember those times. He will remember this is how men operate. Here's a window into the mind of men Men operate first of all, I appreciate the times in my life looking back I didn't appreciate him at the time But I appreciate the times in my life when I was down My wife and I talked about this a lot that we're glad we had those times where maybe finances weren't weren't good We're glad looking back on those times that we were going through difficult situations But let me tell you something about men men will remember who was with them and who was not with them when they're down Because guess what it's easy to be Supportive and follow somebody who's just up all the time. That's why you find all these look That's why you find all these rich celebrities. They just have tons of friends all the time all these super rich people They just have tons of people that want to be around them all the time Because they're they're up but look when people like that get down. There's nobody there everybody flees What's important and how you know who you can really trust and this is a super important You know point for a marriage, you know as your husband leads and he leads through spiritual matters and he leads through You know supporting the family and he leads through all these situations There's gonna be times where maybe you know, he gets laid off or maybe you know Finances are really tough and maybe he can't find a job that where he made as much money as he used to make and maybe Things are really struggling right now and let me tell you something if you're the Proverbs 31 woman in that situation He will look at you as priceless. Just be just as Proverbs 31 says Because that's who you find out That's who men find out, you know who they can trust and that will draw him closer to you This Man in Proverbs chapter 31. He knew that his wife was with him through thick and thin no matter what Up or down? Up or down? She's with me. That's where his heart was at and he's like and this guy he's like keep the rubies. She's priceless That's what he was like and that's look that's the power ladies that you have You know, that's that I mean you think oh I'm not in charge so that means that no that is a huge Role for you to support your husband and to be that, you know that that force that can prop him up through tough times So in this vision for the family he is to you know, he is to define the vision for the children He's to define the vision for their schooling He is to define the vision for the provisions for the finances of the family, you know He could you know down to what we eat for supper. Your husband can define this level of You know vision help him realize this vision for your family. That's your role See the world out there, especially today will tell you to compete with your husband It will tell you that if your husband is trying to lead your family that he's being oppressive and you shouldn't put up with that But look the things that you do will show your support for his agenda and for you know Or you could be bitter at his role and see how that works and try to take it away from him That's not what the Bible teaches. That's what the world teaches. This is not like what the world is teaching is not God's plan It's against it And look, here's the thing. I don't know how many times I've said this and how many different sermons but you know You're best if you just do it God's way Just Do it God's way get on his plan and help him with it If you have ideas look if you have ideas ask him ask your husband. Hey, I have ideas That's that's support That's supporting him, you know, don't just take matters into your own hands, you know, it's the same thing You know in a in a church, there's leadership here You know, you can't just take it matters into your own hands in the church What it's the same at home ladies if you have ideas bring it up to your husband he's in charge It will show that that's another thing that will show your submission to his authority that will show your you know Respect for his authority. Look ladies. It's a heavy burden to be in charge it is a heavy burden to be in charge, especially in difficult times help him with it and Show that you are submissive to him and you are subject to him He doesn't need to have this burden of leadership and also have a wife that is not subject Subjected to him and competing with him That's that's not supporting him. That's that's weighing him down. All right, turn to Ephesians chapter 5 I really have two points. The first one is you know, you're to be a subject to your husband period You're to be a subject to your husband He is in charge and as as it is fit in the Lord you're to just do what he says. It's very simple Help him support him. Look you can be very good at this and you can help him succeed Turn to Ephesians chapter 5. My second point is this it's the verse of the week on your bulletin Look at verse 33 nevertheless, but every one of you in particular So love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband So the second point I want to make tonight here this morning is that ladies you are to reverence Your husband not only you need to be in subjection to him, but you are to reverence him What does that mean reverence the definition means a deep respect for someone? but the position of The husband of the leader of the family is a position that the Bible says the wife is to reverence You are to reverence your husband and now look it's super interesting because I've heard this I've heard this said so many times like just a secular statement You know that I don't know if you've heard this before but women Women desire love and affection and men desire respect. I Mean, I've heard that said so many times but isn't that interesting that Ephesians chapter 5 33. I Mean that that statement that I've heard so many times. It's true women want to feel loved and they want to feel like their husband cares about them and you know, their husband is is you know, Focused on them and is is affectionate towards them. This is what women want men want respect That's what men want. That's what you will see men hunting their whole life for that's what you'll see men out in the business world They want respect and you know most men out in the business world They want respect so badly and it drives them crazy because they can't get it. They don't know how to get it They're out there and they're demanding that people respect them This is the boss that gets the job and in two weeks He's saying you have to listen to me because I'm the boss don't you know, I'm in charge here You know look if I have to tell you that I'm in charge here. That means I've completely lost control of the situation You don't demand respect but the Bible says that your husband that a wife is supposed to respect and reverence her husband which is interesting because what Ephesians 5 33 is telling us is That we're to do these things that our conscience already wants our Conscience as a man my conscience wants my wife to respect me My that's what I want. That's what my need is as as a woman, you know, the Bible says, you know My wife wants me to love her to show my love for her That's it. The Bible is telling us exactly what we want in Ephesians 5 33 It's actually giving us the medicine to feed what we actually are wired to desire. Does that make sense? So Ephesians 5 me is just another it's another you know, it's another Perfect example of the Bible being a miracle that it just completely fits what we need. But here's what interesting it's what's interesting Women you're to respect your husband show reverence Towards him and look this means that you're to do that whether you feel like it or not Okay, turn to 1st Peter chapter 3. So let me ask you this. Let me ask you this in two ways First of all, let's talk about your speech Let's talk about your speech because the Bible actually is very specific on this in 1st Peter chapter 3 and starting in verse number 1. Let me ask you a question ladies. How do you speak to your husband? How do you speak to your husband do you speak to your husband in a respectful way Look at 1st Peter chapter 1 Look at what the Bible says here. Likewise ye wives Be in subjection to your own husband same thing. We've been talking about that if any obey not the word They also may may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives Now when it says that if any obey not the word that's talking about the husband We'll get to that in a minute But it says that they'll be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chaste Conversation coupled with fear just underlined every time there's something that says something about speaking here verse 3 who's adorning Let it not be the outward adorning of plating of hair and a wearing of gold or putting on of apparel But let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet Spirit which is the right sight of God of great which is in the sight of God a great price For after this manner in the old time the holy women also who trusted in God adorn themselves Being in subjection unto their own husbands even as Sarah obeyed Abraham it says she was in subjection to Abraham and then what kind of example does it give here calling him Lord? Whose daughters ye are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement It's super interesting here that we are talking about holy women that are in subjection To their husbands and it is almost completely focused on their conversation It is almost completely focused on how they speak to their husband in 1st Peter chapter 3 the words that these women Speak is brought up like five different times in the passage that I just wrote you it's it's used as an example as The example in 1st Peter chapter 3 of showing that these women are in subjection to their husbands Meaning that if you speak to your husband in a certain way, it can be viewed that you're not in subjection to him Meaning that the holy women who are in subjection to their well I think of Sarah think of Sarah I mean Sarah, do you think that Sarah in her life? Do you think that she did any great things for the Lord? I mean, I'm thinking probably You know, I mean she probably did some amazing things for the Lord in her life But what is the thing that the Bible? Brings up the things that the thing the one thing that the Bible brings up about Sarah here in the New Testament Is that she was respectful to her husband she was subject to her husband and she spoke to him in In a in a tone of reverence calling him Lord But I'm not saying your out your wife needs to call you Lord or you need to call your husband Lord But that is the example that the Bible is using to show that Sarah was in subjection to Abraham How she what how she spoke to him? so How do you speak to your husband? Are you you know, let's talk about you know, how do you speak to your husband ladies? Does this sound like you know you That you know, you're you're just super respectful to your husband as you know, you know The the church is subject to Christ. Is that how you speak to your husband? I Mean, is that it because look I'm guessing that you're pro You know, this is the problem with becoming casual with each other by the way This is the problem, you know as as you're married for years and years and years This is a problem with with dating by the way to a huge problem with dating that these these these Teenagers or young people that date they get too casual with each other and pretty soon before they even get into marriage This this reverence is lost already It's lost so I mean back to husbands and wives don't get too casual with each other Because you know don't act because pretty soon you're gonna start treating each other like your roommates and like your buddies and the problem Is is that being too casual first of all, first of all being casual in general is is pretty much always a bad thing It's always better to be more formal always better But in a marriage here's the problem with being too casual if you're just too casual with your wife and your wife the wives are Too casual with the husband. You know what? You'll start to lose this reverence your husband will stop feeling this reverence and Look, he'll you know Your marriage will suffer from being too casual with each other and your husband will not be he may not even know Why? He's unhappy with you But if you're just speaking to your husband like he's your buddy or you know He's like just your your friend or something like this and you're getting way too casual with him He's gonna realize he's gonna start thinking that you're not Reverencing him and you're not being subject to him anymore. And look he will not like it He may not even know why he doesn't like it, but he will he will look at it he will begin to look at it as disrespect and Ultimately Ultimately, he'll think that you don't appreciate him is what will happen. You're saying all just being casual Just being casual. Yeah, I mean just being casual with him like, you know, you're not ever Surprised to see him or happy to see him or anything like that And in the way that you speak and the way that you act look on the contrary ladies You should treat your husband. You should speak to your husband like he is going out every single day and fighting monsters for you that's how you should speak to your husband and That will keep that level of respect that you're supposed to have for him. Let me give you an example When is the last time ladies? Ladies men relax ladies when's the last time you waited for your husband to get home and You met him at the door and you gave him a hug and a kiss and said I appreciate you working so hard for us How long would that take? I? Don't know three seconds When's the last time that you did that? When's the last time that you got up in the morning when he got up early and you got up and you gave him a hug? And a kiss goodbye and said thanks for working so hard for our family when is the last time that you did that and so, you know just Wait, wait, I mean look those I'm telling you for your husband. Those are those priceless moments That will define his entire day that will make I mean that you know what that is where the husband will be like forget the rubies My wife is priceless The wife that makes that effort to have that type of Conversation and those type of actions that show that reverence towards her husband But look it takes effort It takes effort. It's not just accidentally that that's gonna happen You have to actually have just like it takes your husband effort to show his love towards you. Look Your husband's not showing love towards you view by being to himself like man, I really love my wife thinking to himself No, he's gonna go out and take some action that shows that love towards his wife in the same manner also To show reverence to your husband is some it's gonna be some work It's gonna take some sacrifice. Look it takes effort for your husband to lead the home It takes effort. It's the same thing for you. It takes effort for your husband to find a good church for you That takes effort to define the boundaries of the family to define Standards to support and define the visions he has for you and the kids it actually takes Effort in the same way to show reverence to your husband. Are you making that effort is the question this morning? Are you making that effort? For your husband because look these things look these things These things are not gonna happen on accident. This is what it takes to have a great marriage Folks, this is what it takes. I mean you I mean get married forever You're never to get divorced. I can stand up here Divorce is bad But how about this how about we not shoot for the lowest common denominator And we actually try to as men do what we're supposed to be doing as men and realize that the Bible what the Bible is Telling us to do as men is go out and take some effort that would not naturally come to us if we weren't reading the Bible Because we have this stupid thing called the flesh that you know, we're burdened with until we die That's pulling us to be selfish and to not care about other people, but the Bible says I should do this. So just do it How about we strive for great marriages? And we not strive for just hey, I've been married for 75 years and it was a nightmare the entire time I know people like that They at the funeral at the funeral though, like they didn't get divorced They were miserable and they tortured each other for 70 years How about we try to have great marriages, I mean it's not rocket science But it takes effort. That's the problem That's the problem. It takes effort on both sides. You may not feel like doing it all the time You may not feel like referencing your husband You may not feel like showing love to your wife, but that's what you're supposed to do If you want to have a great marriage And you know what just as you know being married to somebody for 50 60 years and it being the most miserable Time you could ever have on any planet anywhere Just as that could be the case A Great marriage could be the best blessing you'll ever have on this earth. I Mean who I mean what in the world path a path B Who would not choose this but it takes a little bit of effort Just do it God's way. It's not gonna happen on accident so Singles, I don't want you to feel left out So we see that that we need you need to be in subjection to your husband You just need to follow his leadership. You need to encourage him to Lead if you say oh, you know, there's this big hole right here. He's not really leading in this area Maybe you know bring it up in a respectful way and say hey, could you help? Let's let's define a you know, could you define a plan for us here? I'm really struggling here and encourage him to to lead in the areas He's not lift him up in Areas where he's weak make him strong in areas where he's weak by supporting him by having his back no matter what he's going through Just just be supportive of him and be in subjection to him and then show him reverence Look, that's not it's not a feeling that you have you sitting here just like the husband's role It's not just all you know, I respect him. No, you have to show that show that So singles single ladies. Let me just say this single ladies. First of all Your husband your future husband is going to lead you Your future husband is going to lead you in everything as It is fit in the Lord so you need to remember this single ladies that you know, you don't need to just be out there looking for a pretty face or Looking for a good job or whatever that you think that you should be looking for because look you're gonna be according to the Bible you're gonna be subject to this person your entire life and Here's a here's a problem with single ladies single ladies have this this disease or whatever It is this chronic condition that thinks I can fix anything They'll find some guy and maybe they really want to be married and they're like, yeah But you know, he's you know, he's got a drinking problem or you know He doesn't go to church and all this but you know, I can fix him. No Let go of this Let go of this attitude you need to find one here's some risk management for your entire life single ladies find one that's fixed already Because ladies they have this idea that they can fix him and that could cost you your entire life because look You were to follow you're to be in subjection to the person that you marry. You're not a subjection to him yet you're not in subjection until you marry him, but look marrying them and Then deciding to not follow them Because they're not getting fixed like you thought that they would that's not an option That's not an option which leads me to you know, my last point here. Is that that what if my husband is Not doing his job What if you marry somebody that you thought you could fix and he's not fixable. The point is this You were to do your job anyway That's why single ladies you need to be careful who you marry You need to marry your spiritual equal You need to be equally yoked the Bible would say because you are going to be expected to do your job Anyway to be in your role anyway notice as we talked about husbands and wives there was never any clause in these statements that says as long as he does his part or Husbands love your wives as long as she does this Or wives reverence your husband as long as he does this. No, there's no clause like that You are as a matter of fact go back to 1st Peter chapter 3 As a matter of fact quite the opposite is what the Bible says The Bible actually gives an example of a husband who's not doing what he's supposed to do And it tells the wife what she's supposed to do anyway Look at 1st Peter chapter 3 And look at verse number 1 likewise ye wives be in subjection To your own husbands that if any obey not the word look This is a husband who's not doing what he's supposed to do. It says if any meaning if any husband Obey, not the word They may also without the word be won by the conversation of the wives the Bible here is saying is that hey if you want To help your husband get right if he's not following the Bible you want to help him get right? Here's what you do. You still be in subjection to him you still, you know have reverence towards him in Specifically conversation here the Bible is saying and that that will win him over That is your best chance at winning him over yet Here's what you'll see women do my husband's not doing what he's supposed to do so I'm gonna nag him to death I'm gonna harass him and just tell him all the time about how stupid he is and how he's not doing the right thing And how he's not leading this family correctly and just nag him and nag him and nag him You know what you're gonna end up with you end up with a husband who's in the woods You can end up with a husband who's in the attic of the house You say where's my husband? Well, you know He ran away You say he's not doing the right thing It says, you know still have reverent conversation still be in subjection to him you do your job Anyway, and that goes for the husband's too That goes for the husband's to my wife She's not doing her job and she's not being in subjection to me and she's not listening and she's not you know Reverencing me like she should be you still love her you still show your love towards her That is your best chance at getting her to get right with God You do your job anyway? You do your job anyway? Which brings me, you know to finally just the last thing I want to say here You have to forget and and I think that even even us Even us I can see it in certain places But I think even us in this church as much as we teach separation as much as we practice separation. I think that We're still influenced by the world. That's what I think. I Think that we're still influenced by the world, you know Because the world teaches here the world is like the world is going a hundred and twenty miles an hour against what I'm teaching you This morning in the opposite direction They're teaching that you need to compete with your husband that you need to have control of your husband They're teaching this 50-50 which is stupid. It never works that way. What they're really teaching is that the woman should be in charge The Bible says it's your husband The media I mean in a world. I mean just think of the media Think of the media the the world in this media from from TV shows to movies to whatever you see on TV or YouTube it's it's the man is always the bad guy the man is the idiot on On every sitcom that there's ever been with a family in it. He's you know, he's a weakling He's a fool. The man's a fool that he's the butt of all the jokes Look all this stuff is a worldly attack on the male Headship of the home that the Bible is teaching that's what all and it's very effective It's very effective then then the woman the woman and all these sitcoms or TV shows or whatever. She comes in She's super smart and she's like she like fixes her dumb husband's mistakes all the time. There's entire shows They're just based on that right there Every single episode husband does something stupid and super smart wife comes in but here's the thing folks. It's not about intelligence My wife is way smarter than I am It's not about intelligence It's about the position that God has put you in in the family and the structure of the family I mean, it's it has nothing to do with intelligence God God wasn't like the women aren't as smart as the men. So the men need to be in charge. No No, he made the man in charge and then he put a support structure in there for him because look being in charge takes a lot of support To the point where if you have no support many times leadership will fail It's a super important role I remember there was a news story Ten or more years ago, and I remember just telling my showing my my wife this new story But it was a secular news story It was like a 60 minutes or a dateline one of these hour-long shows and it was this story about this family It was about this husband and this wife and they were constantly the story was this it was not religious It was not based on any any Bible doctrine or anything but here he had a husband and a wife who were just constantly at each other's throats and it was this marriage where he had made a bunch of financial decisions that were bad and his wife was constantly beating him down and They were to the point where they're ready to get divorced nothing to do with the Bible nothing to do with anything just a secular marriage where they were it was about to fall apart and the woman the woman just said you know what she's like I Can't handle it anymore. I'm just submitting to his authority. She came to this conclusion by herself and And the news story the 60 minutes news story It was like they're like I mean it was just like it was like they had found a unicorn They're like and she decided to just follow everything that this moron You know wanted to do in their marriage And and it's like in this story the story works out like the Bible said it would work out these people weren't saved But here she submitted to the authority of her husband the marriage just flipped on its head Just like that and I like suddenly the marriage was way better and and but the new story was still like how could she do this? But you talked to the couple they interviewed a couple they're like oh these things are great. We're just loving our marriage We're just falling in love again and all that I mean the whole thing and they're just like but she just listens to everything that he says You know the reporters like can you believe this? I mean it was just this huge biased story Against this because they couldn't believe that some woman would make this decision. Look. That's what the Bible says She just accidentally made a choice that was in line with the Bible and it basically saved her family And all sudden his business turned around and all this stuff It was funny because it wasn't the point of the story at all But I recognized it as you know, just just being the right thing that she needed to do But I mean to the world this is crazy when I'm teaching you this morning when I'm teaching you this morning, she just decided to submit and to let him lead and The story was just fascinated that they now had a happy marriage It's crazy. Look folks. Try it God's way Try it God's way. Okay, because when you get outside God's plan It's all gonna come apart When you get outside that plan, it's a major theme in the Bible that applies to most things I say from the pulpit here, but here's one last thought for you ladies One last thought for you this morning This may shock you but did you know that your husband did not write the Bible? You're like what? Your husband you say what do I mean by that? First of all, what I mean by that is that your husband did not write the Bible So in any at any point in your life at any area in your life where you're saying You know what? I agree 90% of the time Look, first of all, if you're just doing things that you agree with that's not submission. I've already said that and This 10% area. I'm just not going to go along with him on Your husband didn't write the Bible. You're not disobeying your husband. You're disobeying God. I Mean that look you're all saved you all believe the Bible. I just want to throw that out There's something to just think about You are not it in every single area where you are not submitting to your husband By the way, I don't think that it's a 5% area I think that if you're not submitting in five or ten percent of the area, you're not submitting at all Because you're going along with everything you agree with and then the areas you don't agree with You're not submitting meaning you're not submitting at all Because submitting means you know what? They want to do it that way. I don't agree, but I'm in submission to this We're gonna do it that way as it is fit in the Lord So your husband didn't write the Bible. You're not disobeying him. You're disobeying God Keep that in mind. You know what the Bible says everybody here knows what the Bible says. This is not complicated doctrine It's not your husband. You're disobeying so Reverence your husband be in subjection to your husband, but look support him. It's a hugely important role Look if it wasn't an important role ladies And that's another thing that really really Irritates me about what the world is teaching because they teach that being a subjection to your husband is some low thing No No the the woman who is supporting her husband and raising the children and Teaching the children and putting us what she's saving the next generations She is she is sealing the next generations of Christians in this world What is the most important thing to you husband and wife? It's probably your children It's probably that they grow up and they get saved and they have children who get saved I mean, this is what a supportive wife who's in subjection to her husband's vision will produce It's impossible for a man to go to work every day and support his family and lay out a vision and have a wife You won't support that vision and get generational results. It's impossible It's a hugely important role. There is nothing low about it. You can argue that it's the most important role That she's at home and she is the one that's gonna make those generational Decisions and she's gonna do that work and that labor of carrying that vision Through to the next generation. Look it's huge. That's why Proverbs 31 says it's it's far above rubies It's priceless is what the Bible is saying you are priceless to your husband But you have to do it God's way. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer