(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right keep your place there in Daniel chapter 12 Daniel chapter 12 so part of the chapter that I want to focus on here is verse number four Where the Bible says but thou o Daniel shut up the words and seal the book Even to the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased So I've talked about this before that we're living in a day and age where there's a lot of different There's a lot of knowledge out there There's a lot of information coming at us today But I think that this verse may have a couple of different meetings even for the part where it says many shall run to and fro Especially lately I think it's referring to you know travel in general But I also think that it could be referring to people discerning information differently You know running to and fro discerning information just differently making different decisions having different Conclusions on these things so, you know when I look at this verse and I say and knowledge shall be increased You know The Bible is telling us here that there will be a time in the end when there will be a lot of knowledge That's out there. All right. So the question is how do we sort this information? I mean, how do you make heads or tails of all of this information out there? I mean just think of it think of all the information out there Cuz think of just you know, our favorite thing in the world right just think of YouTube Right think of all the information that's on YouTube today I'm sure that you all know maybe some of you are these people that's you know You all know someone who spends too much time on YouTube You know someone that's always coming up with some kind of weird hair brained thing You're smiling because you know these people but they've got something that you know They heard somewhere and it's because they found something on YouTube and the thing is, you know There's all kinds of wrong information on YouTube. I Mean just think about all the stupid theories out there. I mean just the big ones, right? I mean like on like aliens for example, or even you know, like I'm Bible stuff like 450 foot tall Giants And things like that, you know, I mean we've all met people who've fallen into this my favorite one I didn't even know existed until I moved to California is the flat earth thing Right. I mean who would have thought that these people exist, but they're out there man, and it's on YouTube I mean you can watch you can watch I mean, I just I mean I heard about it a few years ago and I looked up on you I mean, there's all kinds of stuff out there people have you know documentaries and Illustrations and all these kind of things showing You know the pancake of the earth and all this kind of stuff and the ice wall and you know You know the whole thing So, I mean the point is is that there's all this information you could spend hundreds maybe even thousands of hours Just watching YouTube videos on the flat earth. That's just one stupid theory And that's just one, you know media outlet YouTube So, I mean the point is that we're living in a day and age where there is so much Information coming at us. I mean, what are we to do with this? How are we to handle this? That's what I want to talk about this evening title of the sermon this evening is discerning the truth Discerning the truth in a time where there is so much information. How do we discern the truth? How can we filter this stuff? Right? So the first question is, you know, what is the truth? What is the truth and the first thing that we know, you know, the Word of God is The truth the Word of God is the truth If we do a Bible study on the word truth the Bible says, you know, John 14 turn to John 14 chapter 6 John 14 chapter 6 The Word of God is the ultimate truth the Word of God is the ultimate truth in John 14 chapter 6 the Bible says Jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me Go to John chapter 8 verse number 30 32. So Jesus says that I am he is literally the truth. He calls himself there So what is the truth? Well, Jesus is the truth. Jesus says I am the truth period Go to John chapter 8 and look at verse number 32 So we know that Jesus is the truth In John chapter 8 in verse number 32, the Bible says and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so Jesus says that Not only is he the literal truth, but that that truth the truth will make you free now Isn't that true? Isn't that true? I mean Jesus literally if you're saved today is Literally freed you from sin and death, you know, you no longer have we learned in Romans You know, you no longer have to be a slave to sin You're freed from that and he's freed you from death. You will never Experience the second death you will never go to hell if you're saved you will never get that now turn to John chapter 17 So Jesus is the truth that truth will make you free Even if you don't feel free in California today, you're actually still free You're free through Jesus Christ turn to John chapter 17 and look at verse number 16 The Bible says this it says they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world Sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth Jesus talking to the Father here and he's saying that the Word of God is truth The Word of God is truth. Jesus says now turn to John 1 1 1 John 1 1 so Jesus says I am the truth and then Jesus says the Word of God is truth. Well, which is it? Well, of course that we know that it's both In John chapter 1 in verse number 1 the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the word Was with God and the word was God so the Word of God is God we know that right we talked about, you know a week ago We talked about how God literally spoke the word the world into existence He created the world through his word. Look at John chapter 1 in verse number 14 And the Bible says and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory and the glory is that The only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth. So Jesus Christ is the word becoming flesh So Jesus is the truth The truth will make you free and then the Bible says that the Word of God is the truth which is Jesus So, you know God used that word God used the word to create the world. He used Jesus. Jesus created the world So we know that the Word of God is true we know that we have the Word of God here We know that God's promise to preserve his word is in front of us in your King James Bible So that's the first thing we have the Bible To use as a filter to all this information Okay, now look I mean we we looked at a lot of different things that we use the Bible as a filter on in the American heresy series and you know, it's Compared to what we're going to get into next in the sermon tonight This is the easy part using the King James Bible to filter the truth. Look filtering theology through the King James Bible is fairly easy as long as You know what the Bible says So this is why you know, we talk about in a church like this We're not only gonna preach the Bible hard at you But things that you're gonna hear preached at you are that it is important that you read the Bible It's important that you have personal Bible time that you're reading through the Bible that you've read that You know if you want to know what the Bible says you have to read all of it You have to read it from the front to the back and then you have to read it from the front to the back Again, it's an infinite book things will keep popping up at you things You'll always notice new things in the Bible I'm always shocked at the things that I always notice in the Bible when I read it again the things that my family notices in the Bible because guess what when other people read it through several times. They'll notice things that you didn't notice But that's how you can the filter is no good to you If you don't know what it how to use it what it says Okay, so what all these theologies think of the Catholics and the Seventh-day Adventists and the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons So easy To filter through the King James Bible It's so easy because what those aren't even most of those religions or false religions aren't even really deep doctrine They're just they're they're fundamentally Messing up the simplicity of the gospel So look you have to know what the Bible says it's important So that's the first thing the first thing is that we know that the Word of God is true So let's dig a little bit deeper tonight turn to Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1 Don't get too excited it's not what you think Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1 now put your thinking caps on get your calculators out Romans chapter 1 look down at verse number 19 Where the Bible says this it says because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath showed It unto them so we talked about this in the sermon on Romans chapter 1 that God has given evidence To people he has given evidence to people of his existence No one has an excuse in this world No one can die and go to hell and say I didn't have a chance because the Bible tells us that Everybody had the chance and the Bible is telling us one of those chances here. Look at verse number 20 The Bible says for the invisible things of him From the creation of the world are clearly seen Being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without Excuse so I mean verse number 20 is kind of is a little bit deep and we you know We generally kind of just talk about creation when we look at verse number 20, but let's dig into the actual Words that the Bible is saying here. The Bible says the invisible things of him From the creation of the world are clearly seen isn't that a strange statement That the invisible things these are invisible things Right, but they're clearly seen right. How are they clearly seen? Well the Bible explains it says being understood By what by the things that are made So these invisible things are Seen by the things that are made You ever think about what that means This is more than just the trees and the flowers It God is talking about that these invisible things are literal evidence of him So let's go beyond the trees and the flowers and let's look at these invisible things now. Let me ask you a question Can you see gravity? Can you see it Well, look down at verse number 20 again, the Bible says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen Being understood by the things that are made. Can you see electricity? Can you see energy Can you see work that energy does well, I guess you kind of can see that one Can you see here's a good one. Can you see heat transfer? If I put a cup of coffee on the back Table and Immediately when I put that cup of coffee, that's at 105 degrees or whatever that coffee is at immediately that cup of coffee We've talked about this in a sermon before too. It will immediately start going towards the room temperature 70 degrees. Can you see that happening? Can you see it? You can't You can't see it. So, how do we know? How do we know this? How do we know gravity is real? I have a demonstration here Because we can observe it That's how I know that that invisible thing of God It can be clearly seen when I drop the pen We can observe it through experimentation. I just did an experiment. I just tested gravity. It works We're still good Man has even invented a way to model these invisible things of God Man has invented a way to figure out or to model to see how the invisible things of God are Going to work that That way that man has invented to model this is called mathematics Okay These invisible things are things that we can literally gain Understanding of turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter 26 people in the Bible gained understanding of these things Turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter 26 one of my favorite Kings and I probably give them a little bit too much credit here for some of the things that he did but 2nd Chronicles chapter 26 we see King Uzziah in the Bible and look at verse number 14 and The Bible says and Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the hosts shields and Spears and helmets and Habersons and bows and slings to cast stones and He made in Jerusalem engines invented by cunning men to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks to shoot arrows and great stones with all think about it and His name spread far abroad and he was marvelously helped till he was strong. Look think about it He created these machines these engines the Bible calls it to defy gravity by taking these massive stones that had a lot of mass and defying gravity by By casting these great stones, you know a catapult it comes to mind He made these great machines using you know engineering the laws of physics, you know But look we don't invent the laws of physics. I didn't invent gravity Uzziah did not invent gravity and then make a machine that you know defied gravity things like gravity mass Heat transfer energy work electricity. These are all things that are laws of the universe These are the invisible things of God These are the invisible things of God. These are things that are there they're happening to us The things that aren't seen Right, there are things that aren't seen but they can be observed by the things that are made See what I'm saying? They can be observed when I drop the pen They can be observed when I make a machine when Uzziah made the machine to throw he could he can see That gravity still would eventually take that stone back down So he could see these things he could experiment with these and now we can model these things with math with mathematics But I've often thought That as an engineer that I'm just basically trying to re reverse engineer inside of God's universe if you think about it that way because look I have to model how all these things are gonna happen to Me and if I don't model them properly, it's not gonna go well now I don't talk about this a lot but several years ago for several years I was in the field of research and development and it was my job to basically Invent new technologies for the company that I worked for But not only did I invent new technologies for the company that I worked for but I also evaluated technologies from other people okay, so I evaluated people would want to come and sell our company these machines as the Bible would say these engines as the Bible would say and They wanted to sell this to us So I had to kind of dig in and see look I've met a lot of mad scientists literally in my life And let me let me say this I've met a lot of these guys That they would come and they would pitch these things and I had to figure out if what they were saying was true So what did I do? What did I do? I used a biblical principle is what I did look back at verse number 20 When somebody comes to us and say hey we have this great machine we want to sell it to your company It's gonna it's gonna do this for you and it's gonna work this way and it'll only cost you this much money and it Can create this type of energy? I Would have to figure that out So the first thing that I would do is I would use math That we know of the invisible things of him So I would use math to model that what these invisible things are known to follow Did you know that I can come up with a mathematical equation to show you exactly how much time it will take that pen To hit the floor after I drop it exactly you can model it that close But you have to get you know, the mass of the pen correct. You have to put in certain variables to be correct Okay, the second thing I would do so first we would model with math the invisible things That's what we would model to look at these ideas from these scientists The second thing that we would do is look at the thing that was made So we would model the invisible things The laws of the universe that God put in front of us that we know How to model and then we would look at the actual things that were made in short the math must match the machine Is what I would say now look I've seen and typically it was pretty easy And here's why because I I mean I've seen some wild PowerPoint presentations man. I mean like this thing will like Yeah, I mean this thing will take it to the moon and back on a gallon of gasoline, right? I mean all kinds of crazy stuff and I'm like, alright Well, you know first thing we do is we've just look at the math and all this kind of stuff but for 90% of these these types of things there was no machine and The reason there was no machine is because the math wouldn't work So it wouldn't it wouldn't work the math wouldn't match the machine thus they couldn't build that machine you see what I'm saying I mean a spectacular presentations I Mean the most famous one of these not not in my experience But the most famous one of them that maybe some of you have heard about I'm sure there's YouTube videos on it is perpetual motion You know people that are pitching that they've come up with a perpetual motion machine a perpetual motion machine is a machine that was that will keep Moving in a closed system without adding energy to it, but it's impossible. It defies the laws of physics It defies the laws of thermodynamics because with friction and heat losses you always have to keep adding energy You always have to keep filling your car with gas Because there's nothing that's more than a hundred percent efficient. There's nothing that's a hundred percent efficient So, I mean there's a lot of the point I'm trying to get at On this second point is that we know the Bible is true is the first point and Then we know what is observed God's observed observable universe we know is true All else we must be skeptical Okay All else we must be skeptical. So let me tell you something. There's a lot and I've met a lot of these people There are a lot of technical false prophets out there We know we've studied we have gone through sermon series is on spiritual false prophets There are a lot of technical false prophets out there and I'm going to explain to you later in the sermon You know why that is? Okay, but look, let me give you an example of this in this whole coronavirus situation that we're in right now Okay, there's a lot of it I'm not gonna stand up here and say I know what's gonna happen because I don't I don't know But I'm gonna tell you that I don't know what I don't know I'm not gonna come up here and tell you that I'm some doctor and I know what's gonna happen because I don't But here's what I do know What scares people most about this virus situation is is two things that I see it's the number of cases out there and It's mortality how many of these cases die how many of these people that get the disease die Okay. Now look I have an equation Here's how you calculate that You take the number of deaths and you divide it by the number of known cases and you get whatever this Mortality rate is how many people die that get the disease? Okay. The problem is this Half of that equation is unknown The number of known cases is completely unknown Yet they keep reporting it and showing it rise and rise and rise and rise I'm gonna give you an exact example in Fresno here I'm gonna read you a news article from Thursday you remember in on Thursday before the whole state shut down Fresno shut down right while we were actually at church Fresno shut Fresno shut down before then. I mean it's so hard to understand. I mean to keep track of it It was like every every five hours something new got taken away from us But look ABC Thursday ABC 30 and Fresno reported the story this way. I'm gonna read it for you The city of Fresno has issued an immersion emergency order telling everyone to shelter in place Starting at 1201 a.m. Thursday and lasting through March 31st, but there's a long list of exemptions for essential functions This is the whole essential non-essential mayor Lee Brand Called it an unprecedented problem and said his attitude has changed over the weeks, especially after meeting with other big-city mayors I'm not gonna address that but that's a sermon in itself Quote we are literally making life-and-death decisions here brand said He says public health officials have told mayor listen to this now. Listen right here He says Public health officials have told mayors all these big-city mayors because he said he's been talking to big-city mayors all across the country Public health officials have told mayors that because of lack of testing That they should take whatever their local numbers of confirmed cases are and multiply them by 50 I'm gonna read it again He says they should take whatever their local numbers of confirmed cases are and multiply them by 50 Look That's crazy that means you know what that means if you take China's known cases and You take this equation this simple case equation of known cases divided by people that died. Look Nobody wants anyone to die Okay, I understand that one life is valuable we go out soul-winning that but I'm just talking about what we're seeing in the news If you take known cases in China number of people that have died in China you multiply that bottom number by 50 The mortality rate goes to about the same as the common flu In our in am I saying that that the mortality rate of the corona virus is the same as the common flu No, so what do I think it is? I don't know That's my point I Don't know if you're taking a number and multiplying it by 50 You don't know either You have no idea Look we don't know if the 50 number is right, but that number that low number That that look if you multiply it times 50 you get a much smaller number. I Mean hopefully, you know what? My the only thing that they know is the top of that equation, which is the actual people that have died That's all that they know. That's probably a fairly accurate number because somebody that is gonna die of corona virus is in bad shape They're gonna go to a hospital. They're gonna get tested and then you know Unfortunately, they pass away and they know that that's a confirmed death. So they know that So Look, hopefully, you know that 50 number is low I mean, but but they're multiplying it times 50, but they're not reporting that mortality rate They're reporting the mortality rate of the people that have just been tested. You see what I'm saying? It's dishonest It's technical fraud and they know what they're doing It's crazy Look there's a die. There's a cruise ship that came back The the Diamond Princess they're saying that and here's some reasons why they have no idea what that number is It's not just because a lack of testing I mean that may be the broad reason but look the Diamond Princess came back and They reported that over 50% of the people didn't even have any symptoms. They tested everybody on the ship Because they were concerned about you know, the the quarantines and everything 50% of the people were asymptomatic So if you have no symptoms Are you gonna go get tested if you have a slight cough are you gonna go get tested for coronavirus? Are you kidding me? I mean, it's not gonna happen Well, it gives us it gives us hope you know that there's a lot of people out there that are getting it and getting Over it, you know, that's I mean, there's some hope there, you know and moving on there There will be some immunity in the community in a few weeks I mean that gives some hope but that's just a theory Well, that's just a theory but look they just keep reporting this number of known cases went up 10,000 today Guess what the more people they test the more it's gonna go up but times 50 times 50 So look we have to look at what we can observe All right, we know like I think we can pretty much say that this is very dangerous for older people I mean, I think that that's that's a known at this point But you know, the only things that can be known is what can be observed folks and that's how many people have died from it Okay, there are a lot of problems with exactly half of the equation There's two variables and one of them is it might be I mean think about it. We used to run simulations on circuits Okay and there was like dozens and dozens and dozens of variables that we would plug into these Simulations because before we go out and spend millions of dollars of design time We're gonna make sure that we come up with a design that's going to work or at least get close to working You see what I'm saying? So we model it with math and we put all these variables in dozens of variables sometimes hundreds of variables But we used to have a saying and the saying was this garbage in garbage out Meaning if we miss miss those variables and those variables were wrong The circuit wouldn't work. We would go build it and it wouldn't work Period I mean and I'm talking about when we were talking about certain variables being wrong We're talking about maybe two or three percent. I mean 50 we're talking about 5,000 percent you would be laughed out of any kind of profession that's trying to build anything with these kind of numbers Yet this is what's being used to panic people It bothers me it bothers me so Jesus warned us about Misinformation, did you know that turn to Matthew 24? Jesus warned us Jesus said that people will constantly be telling you things that aren't true Go to Matthew chapter 24 Don't don't get me wrong about this sermon tonight Don't you sit up here and sit in your chair and think that I I know what's going on But look, I know when when there's a garbage variable somewhere. I Used to do it for a living I mean, I know I can recognize it and that's why I'm sharing it with you Matthew 24 verse number 5 Matthew 24 verse number 5 For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many Jesus says that there's gonna be people out there that come and say that they're the Messiah okay, go down to verse number 24 and This these are the majority of the ones that we see today are you know in verse number 24 and he says In verse number 26, I'm sorry we'll start at verse number 24 so for their show of arise false Christs and False prophets and they shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible They shall deceive the very elect Behold I have told you before where if they shall say unto you behold. He is in the desert go not forth behold He is in the secret chambers believe it not. Look. This is all these people that we talked about weeks ago Claiming that Jesus was coming back on a certain date I'm gonna claim Jesus is coming back on this date They claim that you know David is coming back on a certain date and all the patriarchs are coming back You know, you got to build me a big mansion and you know Cuz David and all the patriarchs are coming back and you know what? I'll live in it all live in it until they get here, right? I mean, these are the types of people that that Jesus is warning us about People that claim with the hot dog stand guy. I told you guys about last week I mean go to get a hot dog and the guys trying to lay hands on you and make you you know This is holy ground and he's all this stuff. I mean, look these people are walking around right now Jesus warned us About these spiritual false prophets, but I'm telling you there are a lot of other types of false prophets Do the spiritual false prophets turn to Deuteronomy chapter 18? They're pretty easy to spot They're pretty easy to spot if Once again, what's the prerequisite? You know what the Bible says if you know what the Bible says Look at Deuteronomy 18. Look at verse number 22 The Bible says when a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord of the thing follow not nor come to pass That is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken But the prophet has spoken it presumptuously thou shalt not be afraid of him Look these people that were fooled by all these false prophets and all these cults like the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses And even the Catholics look they may have come into it, you know, just Silly and just not knowing right But if they would have known what the Bible said the first time that one of those false prophets said something that didn't come true They should have been gone just like that and that that's the way it should be with you You should know the Bible. So if somebody gets up and says something that's not true That's it. You know if I come up here and I say, you know what? Abraham is gonna walk through that door in six months if you give me $10,000 Yeah, I mean if Abraham doesn't walk through the door first of all, you know, you know, I'm being over the top But I mean the point is that you know when it doesn't happen, you know, it's easy, right? It's black and white It's easy to discern but these scientific false prophets Are a little bit harder for people to to discern Alright, the problem is is that people see someone with doctor in front of their name They see someone with a white coat They see someone, you know, they and they assume that everything that that person says is true Let me tell you something. It is not the case. It is not the case I I have I have personally worked with and met these people and there's a lot of think about it engineering It's math. There's a lot of engineering fraud out there But I'm not I'm not a doctor, but there's a lot of engineering frauds People pitching things that aren't true and if you're not, you know sharp know what you're talking about looking for They'll get you They will they will get you to buy into what they're doing I've had a rule over the last 15 years. I call it the 10% rule Okay, and it's been true in engineering and I would be shocked if it wasn't true in the in the medical field as well Especially with some of the doctors that I've met out there. Okay. It's a 10% rule The 10% There's 10% of engineers and probably doctors that are the ones Grinding out the details and coming up and doing research and coming up and building new things The other 90% are just following along and doing what the guy before them did They're just they're they're average at best I'm talking about the 10% that are thinking outside the box That are coming up with the new stuff that you see every day They're coming up with the new ways to communicate and the new ways to travel and all these different things They're the ones that are actually solving the problems 10% and I think that that's actually generous Kind of scary, huh? Because that means that there's 90% out there That could easily be part of this technical fraud technical false-profit group So there's a lot of misinformation folks and look let me tell you something that 10% I'm speaking from experience here that 10% is never the one standing in front of the camera never They're never the one, you know standing up, you know being the the voice piece or whatever, you know That's why I look. I don't know if you saw the fw I'm gonna I'm gonna plug somebody right now, but I don't know if you saw the fwbc la video from dr. Ella Thor on this whole thing But look that lady knows what she's talking about And I can tell look she's done her homework. Her numbers were right. I checked You can tell she's done research and and here's the thing. Here's the thing that really set her apart She had solutions she had things that that she's come up with that that she's researched and Tested and Studied and Observed I Mean this is someone that is someone who is looking for answers That is someone who has used a technical career to look for answers. I can recognize it And what she said was true. I checked But guess what She's probably never gonna make it on the evening news Yeah It's a shame It's a shame because someone that goes on the news to say well at this point We just can't say we just don't know Sensationalism is what sells Pictures of red viruses with spikes gets you to click that article You know, I mean Every single article has a picture of like all these doctors and coats lined up Just waiting for the masses of people to be brought into the the hospitals The hospital ships because all the hospitals are gonna overflow. Look, I hope it doesn't happen. I don't know But it's not a reality right now. And that's the reality that they're pitching off false variables, you see what I'm saying? I Mean you would think it's real reading the news you would think it's real and people think it's real by the way That's why people are so concerned So no one knows how bad it'll get but right now, you know Right now it's not It's not there. They don't know they don't know So in conclusion this evening, what do we know is true? We know the Bible is true Hopefully you knew that before you got here. The Word of God is truth we know that Pestilence is used as judgment We know that poor leadership is another part of you know, the judgment package, you know Look, I'm not saying this isn't serious. That's not what I'm talking about But you need to be careful with the things that you read And that's why I'm telling you this you need to be careful Look, there's a lot of panic and propaganda out there today, but most things that you read in the media are wrong Let me give you another example of this. There was a reporter last year that came to the Red Hot Preaching Conference and I knew she was there pastor told a couple of us that she was there. She went soul-winning With Miss Joanne and pastor. She's a reporter from the LA Times She blended right in she wore I think she wore skirts and she stayed there for the whole conference and she was doing a story on the conference and I'm like, this is great. I mean she went I mean she went soul-winning with Miss Joanne Joanne Miss Joanne got somebody saved I think when they were out soul-winning. I mean have you ever met Miss Joanne Jimenez? I mean she's nicest person in the world and then she saw the Red Hot Preaching Conference and there's like if you've never been there There's tons of kids there and they're constantly playing games in the back It's like the best thing ever and I'm like, you know what? She's gonna see this and she's gonna she's gonna be This is how could this be wrong? She's gonna think even if she's the most hardened liberal I was thinking to myself and I mean just the whole atmosphere of the Red Hot Preaching Conference, you know what you've been there and I'm like, how could anyone think that this is something that's not wonderful You know from the kids to the adults to everything right and she got to hang out with the best people Not I mean I shouldn't even say that but I mean she got to hang out with you know You know what I'm saying? She got to hang out with the pastor and his wife, you know And I mean, I'm just like this is gonna be exciting I mean she came out and she just trashed the church and she trashed the kids. I Mean that's a hard-hearted person But the point is you read the article The story came out and you read the article it was the opposite of what was true you see the same thing happened in the 2016 protests at Verity Baptist Church if you go and you talk to the men and women that walked past those crowds of all those sodomites and all those Benjamites Supporting them and you hear Them tell you the things that they were trying to show the kids The things that they were trying to do in front of the kids To try to get the children to see these things we have experienced this here Not as bad as that But when you read the news articles about it, you don't see any of that. You see what you read in that in the media Is I hate to use the word, but I'm gonna determine I'm gonna use it's fake news I mean, there's a lot of fake news out there. It's the opposite of reality. I mean It would be nice if we could get some practical advice. Hey, if you're gonna ruin the entire country Can we get some practical advice, please? That's what I loved about the doctor from FWBC LA You know the advice from our leaders is hey wash your hands. Hey, thanks tomorrow. Are we doing colors and shapes? I Mean wash your hands. Thank you You know now you're broke or we're gonna ruin your life now and the entire country So we know that the physical universe is true things that can be tested and observed That will show you look we'll just watch That watch that my advice to you as a church family is to watch The daily death rate That number is known and that will tell you when we're coming out of this thing Okay, that's the number you can count on, you know When you see that when you see that and we don't want anyone to die I don't want to sound callous about it. Okay, but that's the number that will show you That's the number in the countries that have already come out of this in China You know if you can believe what's coming out of China But I mean when that number starts coming down that won't let you know that either Everyone in the country is immune or it's it's it's dying because of the flu season's over or whatever I mean who knows right, but my point is that's a that's the only reliable number that I see right now That's the only reliable number that I see right now And then you know, we can all have our theories and that's not you know, what I'm gonna do from here, but I mean Pray that God would just lift his hand off the country That's all because that that's where it's really coming down to is it's we always kind of have to come back to that You know, we're we're complaining about what's happening and and and the freedoms that have been taken from us and all these things But really we just have to remember that you know what? This is God's doing Okay, this is God's doing we don't have to like it. Let's pray That you know God will lift his hand off this country so we can get back to church So we cannot have ninja Church We get back to you know Church with lights So we can have organized soul winning in California I mean look pray to God pray to God that he would lift the flag so we can get out and get some people saved That we can that we can get out and go soul winning and worship and grow in Christ I mean I think that that is a prayer that that I I would hope that God would at least consider If enough people are praying it Let's just remember that so please discern these things Be careful what you're reading There's a lot of things that nobody knows right now. There's a lot of uncertainty right now and just Maybe while you're sheltering in place and we were talking about this in my house today. Here's some here's some more advice maybe as you're sheltering in place just Unplug from it for a while for a few days You know, maybe just spend some time with your family play some games things like that It can it can be It's happened to me, too. Okay there's nothing wrong with just pulling away from it and just turning off the computer and just putting your phone away and You know go drive around and look at the lockdown with your family. That's what I do All right and pray just pray prayers God hears our prayers Prayers work. All right, let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father We thank you for this evening We thank you for allowing us to come here and hear your word Lord, and we just thank you for The freedoms that we do have Lord and and just hope that this ends soon Give wisdom to the people that need wisdom Lord and be you know, be with people that are sick Lord and just help Help keep people from this illness and and it's it's your decision Lord It's in your hands and we're here whatever you decide whatever you decide is right. We love you in Jesus name. We pray. Amen You