(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, man Alright, keep your place there in first Kings Chapter 12. So here we are in day three or so of the statewide, you know lockdown in California and I just don't know how I cannot preach about this So we're here at first Kings chapter 12 And I just want to look at some lessons from the Bible tonight and see you know What talk about some of the things that we've seen some? Unprecedented things that we've seen in the last few days the last week or so and look at the Bible and see if we can Actually learn anything from it and in first Kings chapter 12, you know We of course see the very famous story of Rehoboam Losing the kingdom Rehoboam losing the kingdom. So look there's many examples in the Bible of poor leadership But this is one of the most famous ones and one of the best ones and the one that I mean the reason that I'm using it tonight is because Rehoboam's poor leadership was actually used as a judgment on the people As a judgment on the people so we can see that not only you know, we saw a couple weeks ago You know and many people have preached recently that pestilence this pestilence is a judgment on you know This country and the world right? It's pestilence in the Bible is God's judgment You know that all the time and we see here that not only you know Pestilence in the Bible is used as judgment, but poor leadership is used as judgment I mean think about Saul, you know, he blamed other people He was constantly blaming, you know, the children of Israel not taking responsibility for what he did but probably the best example of judgment being used as poor poor leadership being used as judgment is Rehoboam and if you look at verse number 15 of first Kings chapter 12 We can see this and the Bible says wherefore the king hearken not unto the people for the cause was from the Lord That he might perform his saying which the Lord spake by a hygia the Shiloh night unto Jeroboam the son of Nebat So what is that talking about go back to first Kings chapter 11? So which is it? You know, I mean here Rehoboam made this decision himself, but then the Bible says here It says the cause was from the Lord. So it was Rehoboam a foolish leader Or was it God's judgment on the people and the answer is both in this case Go back to first Kings chapter 11 looked down at verse number 28 Rehoboam's foolish actions were fulfilling God's prophecy of judgment on the nation and if you look at verse number 28 of first Kings 11 we'll see that and the Bible says and the man Jeroboam was a mighty man of valor and Solomon seeing the young man that he was industrious He made him ruler over the charge of the house of Joseph and it came to pass at the time when Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem that the prophet Hijjah the Shiloh night found him in the way and he had clad himself with a new garment and they they too were alone in the field and Hijjah caught the new garment that was on him and rent it in twelve pieces and he said to Jeroboam take thee ten pieces For thus saith the Lord the God of Israel behold I will rend the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon and will give ten tribes to thee But he shall have one tribe for my servant David's sake and for Jerusalem's sake in the city Which I have chosen out of the tribes of Israel because that they have forsaken me and have worshiped Astarith the goddess of the Zidonians She-moth the god of the Moabites and Milcom the god of the children of Ammon and have not walked in my ways to do which is right in mine eyes and to Keep my statutes and my judgment as did David his father So, of course Solomon had married all these wives and it just turned himself and and and all the people of Israel after all these false gods After he married all these different wives from all these different, you know heathen nations so we see that this prophecy was fulfilled in chapter 12 when Rehoboam made the foolish decision to forsake the council of the old men and Just listen to his buddies and he ended up losing the entire kingdom over it. All right, so look my point as Introduction this morning is that poor leadership is part of judgments. It's part of judgments So look, I found myself getting very angry this week several times Just over what's happening, you know, and you know what? You don't have to like what's happening Okay, and but here's the bottom line We deserve it This country Deserve it deserves it. We deserve these selfish idiots who are in charge of this country. We deserve it these fools That are running this country. We deserve this foolish leadership and you say why well, I don't know Maybe we shouldn't have been murdering 3,000 babies a day in this country For how many years is it up to 60 million yet? Maybe we shouldn't have done that Maybe we shouldn't be embracing every perversion that rears its ugly head in this country Maybe we shouldn't be doing these things if we want better leadership and we want better You know wisdom in in leadership in our country because judgment this leadership is part of the judgment folks. It's very biblical look, I mean many Political leaders have given many other good ideas on how to handle the situation that's going on here. What's happening now is just pure foolishness You know, it's just it's just politicians, you know, selfishly trying to keep themselves in office. Basically, you know, it's You think about you know The situation in California is shutting down the whole state and then you know You watch other states will follow Because we just have to outdo the next guy because it's the perfect political position when you look at it from their perspective You know if millions of Americans don't die from this disease and I pray to God that they don't But if millions of Americans don't die, then they just get to stand up and say well, it's because of what we did We stopped it You know instead of saying, you know instead of you know, they'll throw up some graph That some scientist of theirs made and it showed how they saved the day and they'll be you know They'll call themselves heroes and move on. It's all about self-preservation at the political level folks So wake up. They're all the same two wings of the same bird Democrat Republican. It doesn't make any difference So we really my point is though before, you know without going off too much on tangents here We really don't need to be angry about it. We need to recognize that we deserve it It's part of the judgment package that we're getting right now It's just part of the package Now all that, you know It's just a matter of introduction this morning the title of the sermon this morning is lessons from the lockdown Now look if you can't learn anything from a situation like this I mean, this is an unprecedented unprecedented situation. Nobody that's alive today has seen anything like this think about it You know, I mean, it's not boring times We're living in that's for sure, but no one has ever seen anything like this And if you can't learn anything from this you're unteachable So Let's just look what I did is I just put the the point of this sermon is I just reflected back this week On some things that I thought that we could learn from this from the Bible and look Here's the things that we can learn and it's basically it's things that we've been taking for granted in this country Turn to Jeremiah chapter 34 Things that we've taken for granted in this country that I've taken for granted in this country Turn to Jeremiah 34. The first thing that you've taken for granted in this country is your freedom You have taken for granted look at Jeremiah 34 and look down at verse number 13 Where the Bible says this it says thus saith the Lord got the God of Israel I made a covenant with your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt out of the house of the bondmen saying at the end of seven years Let you go every man his brother in Hebrew which hath been sold unto thee and when he hath served these six years thou Shall let him go free from thee but your fathers harken not unto me neither inclined their ear So God starts out in verse number 13 saying hey, I made you free He said I made you free and then he goes into how they've disobeyed him. Look at verse 15 and You were now turned and had done right in my sight and proclaiming liberty every man to his neighbor And he had made a covenant before me in the house Which is called by my name But he turned and polluted my name and caused every man his servant and every man is handmade whom he had yet He had said at liberty at their pleasure to return and brought them into his subjection to be unto you for servants and for Handmaids, so he's talking about they were supposed to let these these Servants go and they let them go and then they brought them back again. Okay, so they're basically disobeying the Lord So the Lord said you know what I made you free you disobeyed me and then verse number 17 The Bible says it says therefore thus saith the Lord you have not harkened unto me in Proclaiming liberty every one to his brother and every man to his neighbor behold. I proclaim a liberty for you Sayeth sayeth the Lord to the sword to the pestilence and To the famine and I will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth Look when he says he will make them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth that they just lost all their freedom That's what that that's what that means they became enslaved to other nations and this happened This is exactly what happened when they went into Babylonian captivity. They lost their freedom So here we see, you know freedom is a blessing we see in verse number 13 freedom is a blessing from the Lord and Losing your freedom is judgment From the Lord. I mean it sure feels like judgment to me turn to Hebrews chapter 10 So what kind of freedoms? You know just a couple of them that are going to be near and dear to our hearts You know, the first freedom is free course to worship It's the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights In Hebrews chapter 10 in verse number 25 The Bible says not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is But exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching. Well, that's illegal now for real The lesson Maybe when this is over Because it will be over I assume at some point Maybe we should start taking church a little bit more seriously Maybe we should start thinking about you know The blessing that the the freedom to be able to walk in this church Without having the windows covered and sitting in the dark having ninja church I mean brother Matthew actually dressed up like a ninja. I Mean I said like a ninja brother not be a ninja I'm just kidding But look, I mean does it seem dark here? That's because you know, we're sneaking around having church That's where we're at. Maybe appreciate the facts that when things go back to normal we can have music We can play the piano we can open the windows We could freely freely worship without the threat of criminal penalty in this country Mean That that's where we're at, you know, don't take what you have for granted You know, we lost all of this in just a few days. I Couldn't believe it every single day something new huge changed. I Mean it went away just like that It's amazing how fast it happened second of all What else have we lost freedom to do? We've lost free course To preach the gospel in this country We Have lost free course to preach the gospel in this country Maybe start that plan when this is over of becoming a soul winner Right now it's it's literally illegal to walk down the street and open your Bible to somebody and give and give them the gospel if they Want to hear it that's against the law and you know what? The government has done such a good job of freaking everybody out over this whole thing You wouldn't be able to do it even if it was legal at this point Because people are literally I mean afraid of people walking up to them. I mean, that's that's where it's at right now People are reporting others for coughing and sneezing at work right now That's happening. I mean, that's where we are folks in a matter of one week. I Remember I used to read a lot about you know The Soviet Union in the in the early 1900s and Stalin and the gulag system and how you know Neighbors would just rat out neighbors and it was a terrible situation just to save themselves They would rat out their name and I would just like how does a society get to that point took us about a week? And we're there. I Mean somebody coughs at work and somebody's running into an HR office, you know, I Mean, it's crazy Speaking of that another thing that we've taken for granted is this Your ability to work Your ability to work Has been taken away and you know what? It's something that I've taken for granted. I Will I will freely admit that right now turn to Genesis chapter 3, you know We talk a lot about this in this church, you know going to work, you know supporting your family We talk a lot about this turn to Genesis chapter 3 verse number 19 God Is telling Adam, you know since he's since he's sinned and he's he's eaten the fruit that he's gonna be They're gonna be thrown out of the garden And this is how he's gonna live his life right here in Genesis chapter 3 verse 19. The Bible says in the sweat of thy face Shall thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it What's thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return look your ability to provide for your family? Has been taken away For people in this country turn to 1st Timothy chapter 5. I Mean we talk a lot about you know, you're supposed to go to work you're supposed to provide for your family You're supposed to do all these things, but we've never talked about it from this angle I mean who would have thought we would ever have to talk about it from this angle. Look at 1st Timothy 5 8 I'm sure you know it Well, but if any provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house He hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel look we preach I preach on this a lot But never on taking it for granted But never on taking it what if that opportunity to work by the sweat of your face went away Well for a lot of people that has gone away because of the decision of some Politicians somewhere it just went away this week What if the ability to provide for your own was taken away from you That has happened to a lot of people in this state And you know, I'm sorry, but I mean I'm upset about it I'm upset that you know some stupid foolish leader selfish leader would make a decision that would take away somebody's business from them That would take away someone's ability to go and provide and to work by the sweat of their face It just happened I've thought many times over the last couple weeks, you know, are they trying to get the whole country on welfare? I mean are this trying to get everybody just like on the government, you know Hey, we're gonna shut your business down and then we're gonna send you a thousand bucks. I mean What I Mean what how are how are people in this country? Okay with this I mean, I you know, what I grew up in the Midwest I grew up in in Nowhere, North Dakota. I got red-blooded a hard-working American in me and This was a hard thing for me to watch this week This was difficult for me to watch this You know telling people they literally can't go to work never thought I'd see the day Now you have this you had you had this divide You had this divide at workplaces and it was a divide It was interesting to see the dynamics of it because the divide was between those who had paid Where they could leave and still get paid and those that if they did leave because of you know Fear of the sickness or whatever. Nobody was sick I've not seen anyone sick yet. Thank God But there was this divide Where the people that were paid to go home and the people that wouldn't be paid to go home The people that a hundred percent of the people that were paid to go home. They were really afraid of The virus and really afraid whereas the people that didn't that had to actually go to work to provide for their family They're just like we're just gonna go to work That's what they're gonna do because I'm just happy that I can go to work So they're not complaining You know the producers in this country will risk to provide that's the bottom line that's where it's at that's that's American They will not stay home. There's older people still in my office with respiratory problems But it's their choice And it should be their choice You know, they could go home But you know what people aren't complaining about work anymore. That's kind of the point I'm trying to make here every single time that I hit eight on My time sheet and click Save this week. I thank God You know what maybe I should have been doing that the whole the whole time I Mean I had some real reflection this week You know, you wonder if you're gonna wake up and have a job. I Called most of you To see if you know if you had a job You know, we're literally going to a government website to see if we're essential or non-essential. I mean, are you serious? Are you essential brother? I mean you literally go to a government website to see if you can go to work the next day What country am I in? You know what it reminded me of this whole essential non-essential thing Reminded me of a book. I've read well over 25 years ago This book called Animal Farm I Don't know if you ever read it. It's a book by George Orwell and it's kind of a it's this It's an analogy of a society going from freedom to tyranny and it's about these animals They take oh, you know, the tyranny was the farmer they take over the farm and then right away after they take over the farm They're they're free and they put up all these rules on the barn. It's like their Bill of Rights Right and the last rule in the barn was all animals are equal and as the book continues These rules start changing slowly They're scratching them out. They're adding to the rules. They're adding all these different things pretty soon You start to see leaders You know the pigs start taking over and kind of getting a little bit tyrannical and all these different things But pretty soon, you know not to waste too much time on this But but basically at the very end so all these rules are slowly changing But it was always all animals are equal at the bottom You know, we're talking about this government website where you had to go and see if you were essential or non-essential this week the last part of that book the pigs they start walking on two feet and They're putting themselves above everybody and they've changed all these rules to Oppress the people or press the other animals on the farm and they change the final rule To say all animals are equal Some animals are more equal than others. I Mean that's where we're at. I mean that was that book was written a long time ago You know, it's it's unbelievable folks Turn to Ecclesiastes chapter 5 And that's how they descended into tyranny It's a great great book turn to Ecclesiastes chapter 5 look at verse number 12 Where the Bible says this it says the sleep of the laboring man is sweet Whether he eat little or much we talk a lot about that verse too Especially the beginning part of that verse number 12, but then look at the rest of that verse It's funny because all these verses that maybe you've heard before the things that have happened this week Like there's different applications to other parts of them and and the Bible is kind of popping out at us here But the Bible says the sleep of a laboring man is sweet whether you eat little or much But the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep There's a sore evil which I have seen under the Sun namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt You know another thing I've seen this week I've seen a lot of you know people with a lot of money and a lot of stored up money just really stressed out To the point where I'm sure that they're losing sleep Over this whole thing, you know, we focus a lot on the beginning of verse number 12 But the end of verse 13 is really the thing. I'm noticing this week Look, we know that your livelihood is a blessing from God and we should not take that for granted Enjoy it while you have it your house your car 401k whatever it is, but look you need to realize that it could all be gone tomorrow It could all be gone tomorrow At at no decision of your own Just like that and that's happening to a lot of people But Losing sleep over not being able to provide for your family is one thing but don't hoard riches to your hurt And that's what a lot of people have done and when it goes away it hurts What's the third thing the third thing that we've taken for granted your lifestyle your lifestyle If you take in your lifestyle for granted this week turn to Deuteronomy chapter 28 you Look I've taken all these things for granted. I Mean you just get used to things being good You just get used to things just going well Turn to Deuteronomy chapter 28. Look at verse number 8 and The Bible says this it says the Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses And in all that thou thou set is thine hand unto and he shall bless thee in the land Which the Lord thy God had given thee so he's saying look your storehouses are gonna be full He's like everything you do with your hands is gonna be blessed. You ever have times like that We just feel like you know, it's first of all Recognize that it's of the Lord because I've had plenty of times in my life where I'm trying really hard and I'm working really hard and I'm doing things and Planning things and I'm executing that plan and I'm just I'm just busting myself and it just doesn't work out And it's just not working out. But then there's other times Where it's just everything's falling into place. I mean the favors there. Everything's there. Everything's just falling into place for me Bible says that's a blessing from God. That's God doing that for you That's God filling those storehouses. He shall bless, you know, everything that thou set is thine hand unto In all that thou set is thine everything that you do will be blessed. It'll just work out. It's a blessing verse number nine the Lord shall establish thee and holy people unto himself as he hath sworn unto thee if thou shall keep the Commandments of the Lord thy God and walk in his ways. There was always strings attached to God's blessings for the children of Israel always That's what you know Moses and Joshua They always warn the people if you keep the commandments of the Lord period You don't just get this land no matter what it's if you keep the commandments of the Lord Is this country kept the commandments of the Lord? so The blessings are going to be gone for this country. They're gonna go away for this country and we're seeing them go away We're seeing them go away. Good. Look I guarantee you I don't know how long this is gonna go on But I guarantee you that this will change people's way of life This is such a big event and just I mean Just the economics of it will change people's lives People will live differently Look I mean for those of you, you know watching this the major part of this shelter-in-place order is Simply hurting people's business that that's what it is. It's that's what's so dumb about it. It's just Why destroy people's business? I mean, it's There it's destroying their ability to support their families their standard of living. But people are still out and about I mean Home Depot is packed man, I Mean tractor supplies packed. I mean there's people everywhere I Mean the parks we just drove through the park last night. There's people everywhere Groups of people having picnics. I mean they they're just destroying people's businesses They're just taking away people's livelihoods But you can guarantee that things are gonna be different when it's when this whole thing's over Because people are getting hurt the storehouses will be empty For a lot of people and it's a shame From a leadership perspective But back to my point don't take your lifestyle. Don't take your standard of living for granted The standard of living in this country the lifestyle in this country and by lifestyle I mean just that the ease of your life in this country is Unprecedented in history and we all take it for granted We all do but it's a blessing from God. So acknowledge it as a blessing from God when this is over Okay, go to Ephesians chapter 1 Ephesians chapter 1 Hard times are good for us Because they help us You know, you might want not want to hear that but hard times are good for us. They humble us They make us appreciate things. I'm good. I tell you what I'm coming out of this a better a better Soldier for Jesus Christ, I'm coming out of this better for the Lord I'm committed to it because I I've been these things I mean, how do you think I came up with these things for the sermon because these are things that I myself have been taking for granted Ephesians chapter 1 look at verse number 3 Blessed be the God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who had blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ look no one can take your spiritual blessings from you And isn't that really the conclusion of the matter? What's the really important thing? your salvation The spiritual blessings in your life Can never be taken away from you so you could always no matter how hard things get you can always Default to that you can always fall back to that So remember that when you get depressed about what's going on? Application Tonight let's just some quick application. Look. I don't know how long this is gonna go on Nobody knows how long this is gonna go on. We were talking before the service, you know There's I mean, there's a million and one opinions about this whole thing, but here's the bottom line We do not know how God how long it will be before God lifts his hand off of this situation Because I mean look, I mean we talk about the details of it we talk about What should have been done here and what should have been done there and I'm gonna talk about some things this evening as well But the bottom line is this is God's judgment. This is God's call the the leaders that are doing what they're doing It's a judgment from God, you know, we deserve who these what these people are doing I don't know how deep it will cut but it will end It will end So, I mean just commit to come out of it a new man a new woman You know appreciate, you know the things that we took for granted your freedom I mean, I hate to break it to you, but you're not free America. I Mean that that was a hard pill for me to swallow this week. You're not free America. You're only free Until they tell you that you're not That's the bottom line Look this this state this state of emergency. I've been watching States of emergency my wife and I were talking about this this week we've been watching states of emergency be declared for 20 years and Every single year we're like man. They'll declare a state of emergency for anything Anything I mean we've seen state of emergencies for floods for snow storms for hailstorms for Anything any small event even some little event where you know part of a town is is damaged by some weather event They'll declare a state of emergency and I'm just you know, I didn't think too much of it to be honest I was like, you know It's just they're freeing up some money so they can get state funds or federal funds to fix the the damage or whatever. But look They're just getting us used to it is what they're doing Because I mean, I've read a couple things this week on what people think of the Constitutionality of all this and the bottom line is as long as they declare a state of emergency Most people think that this is okay for them to do that's depressing That's where it's at. All right, and the health thing is perfect Because you know, look I'm not playing it down, but the health thing is perfect because no one can see it You can't physically see it Statistically right now you wouldn't even notice that that anything out of the flu season at this point without all the propaganda You wouldn't even notice it without all the red maps Without all the pictures and stories about the overflowing hospitals without all the pictures of the hospital ships You know without the pictures of the virus itself, you know this big red spiky ball I mean might as well have an angry face on it. I Mean it's scary. I mean who wants that in them? I Mean scary stuff and that's constant. Just the maps with the big red circles everywhere. I mean This is a good view of how things will play out in the end times is where I'm heading with this You know because I always I always thought, you know, I don't I don't think you know, I don't think we're in the end times I don't think what's gonna be in my lifetime unless there's some sort of emergency I always thought a war right because a war would happen World War, you know, then all bets are off, right? But this is a pretty good Pretty good preview. I think this whole thing You know all these I mean look all these things happened in one week in One week you can't go to church in one week. You can't go soul-winning You know, we're small, you know, we found some some some ways around it, right but There's interesting times ahead folks, there's interesting times ahead turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy chapter 3 The Bible says this it says In verse number one this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come For men shall be lovers of them own set of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce Despisers of those that are good traders heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God Look people ratting each other out false accusers You know, that's why we cover the windows to be honest I'm not even really worried about like the city trying to come around and in like enforce People being I can't really I mean, maybe it'll happen But I can't really see a you know, some police officer walking in here and breaking up a church service I'm sure it could happen. But what I'm worried about is Somebody ratting us out because I mean that will happen. I've seen it happen this week. I Mean this is crazy. I Mean people, you know people are false accusers. I mean people will turn on other people All they have to do is just how this selfish, you know desire. I mean, what does it say in verse number two? Lovers of them their own selves. I Mean they just there's they're so in love with themselves. They're so worried about themselves. You know people just want to go to work people just want to go to work and They sneeze and You know, I mean somebody's so concerned They've gotten filled with so much fear and the more godless people are by the way, the more afraid they are I mean that is very obvious to me The the godless the godless atheist liberal who knows everything about everything is all of a sudden really afraid of this whole thing. I Mean it's it's it's a very clear divide First number five having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort Are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts verse number seven seven ever learning and Never able to come to the knowledge of the truth tonight. We're going to talk about this verse We're going to talk about these people that are just they're just ever learning They're just bringing in so much information So much information they know I mean all this information that's available and they're just constantly bringing in more and more information But they are never able to to find out what's true We're going to talk about those people tonight Very little truth, I mean does it say if there's a if there's a Swath of information out there. Does it mean that any of its true? But there is a way to know what's true and we're gonna look at that tonight So in conclusion, I mean this morning, you know, look I Am confident. These are perilous times. These these are perilous times. This is not You know fun, you know, I don't think my family by the way, I don't think we're very good at sheltering in place We're all just like bouncing off the walls in the house. And we're like what we're just we're traveling now more than we ever have I Like what we got to go somewhere, you know, we're just we're just really active We got to go and do this and whatever and we're just going all over the place. Let's go see what's open Why not? We're just exploring, you know, the the exploring the lockdown is what we did today We're driving around going now. What are they doing in there? You know, what's up a bicycle shop? Oh, I can see that They should be open. Yeah, that's good. You know, we're Dividing the people ourselves, right? You know what and you know what everybody's doing it I talked to a guy and he goes to a jiu-jitsu place I mean the guys rolling around on a mat like fighting and wrestling with people. He's just like man They're gonna be closed. So my jiu-jitsu instructors like, you know because of the corona virus He's like we're closed but the doors open in the back So look it's it's a joke It's a joke, right? It'll come to an end. I don't know when I pray to God that it doesn't turn into this big, you know thing that you know They're trying to tell you it's gonna turn into I pray to God. No one knows what it's gonna turn into All right. I'm not up here telling you that, you know, this isn't gonna be a big deal. Nobody knows We're gonna talk about that tonight as well that just nobody knows question mark right But let's just let's appreciate the things That we've taken for granted in our lives You know, look these things that we talked about tonight. They're not guarantees You're not guaranteed to just be free There's been I mean open a history book Open a history book. I've often thought that I've often thought that I've often Read so much about history in the past and I'm just like it seems really strange That things have gone on so well for us even in my generation by the way, we haven't really had You know a war where they've drafted people and just sent 18 year olds off to war and all this kind of stuff I mean in our I mean since the 70s basically, you know, it's been pretty decent here as far as that goes I'm not saying we haven't had Wars, but I mean those were volunteer Wars people signed up and they went But my point is that I was wondering, you know, when it when it when is it gonna go wrong? Because in history it goes wrong all the time There's there's very few people who were free in the history of the world so I mean None of this stuff is a guarantee Remember that remember that you know, we're not Americans, you know, we're Christians We're Christians this this is our Constitution and Just remember that don't take these things for granted. They're not guaranteed to you There's there's wicked people. There's there's you know, spiritual wickedness in high places and you know what that's in play here, too. I Guarantee it, you know, we talked about a lot of stupid political leaders on you know, the United States level But you don't think that there's spiritual wickedness at the top of this whole thing. Oh there is We're not going to get into all that, you know, that's for fellowship after But It's there and and the spiritual wickedness in high places was is sitting there thinking I never thought it was so easy Yeah, I never thought it would be so easy is what's going on there Look hard times hard times make us stronger. Okay? some of the hardest times Some of the hardest times in my life Whether it be physically financially Emotionally or whatever have defined my character and They'll define your character You will always have those hard times to look back at When things do go well for you You can always look back at those times when things weren't going well and say you know what? I'm not guaranteed for things to go like this for me. Thank God Eight save thank God. Thank you God. I Was literally just I mean, I didn't know you all didn't know every single day this week it changed From Fresno banning people from going to work to Governor Newsom banning people from going to work the very next day I'm just like every single day I can get into the get into work. I'm happy. I'm thankful. Thank God And I should have been doing that last week and the week before and the week before I've even complained about my job before shame on me We need to appreciate these things get you know Come out of this a better man come out of this a better woman come out of this a better mother Come out of this a better father Come out of this I mean a better Christian You Things that we took for granted with power heads and have a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father We thank you for All the blessings that you've given us in our in our lives and all the blessings that you will give us Lord well, we ask that You just you know that you stay you stay the plague or that you stay the plague and just lift All these restrictions on us Lord and just help us that when that happens Lord when that happens Help us to understand the things that we took for granted before this came down and help us to come out of this strong soul winners and Dedicated Christians and sold out for you Lord Or we love you. We thank you for your word We thank you that we can be standing here that I can be standing here tonight Lord Every single day that you give us is a blessing In Jesus name we pray Amen