(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so for the next couple of sermons, we're going to be looking at Luke chapter 2, which of course is the Christmas story in Luke chapter 2. It's the story of the birth of Jesus in the Bible, probably the most famous chapter about the birth of Jesus, and it talks, actually it goes through, it's quite a long chapter, but it actually goes through the birth of Jesus up to, you know, when he's 12 years old, all the way covers that whole period of his life, but we're going to look at a couple of things in the first few verses of Luke chapter 2 this evening, and I hope I can kind of shatter some preconceived notions maybe that you had, maybe about yourself and about the world around you. Well, let's look here in Luke chapter 2, and then let's do a little bit of an introduction, then I'll tell you what the title of the sermon is in just a couple of minutes. Look at Luke chapter 2 in verse number 1. The Bible says, and it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. See, it's not just us that are suffering from taxes, it's always been, okay? So it's always been something that man was dealing with, as long as there's been man ruling over man, there's been taxes, all right? Look at verse number 2, and this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria, and all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city. So this is why Mary and Joseph are traveling to Bethlehem, is to pay their yearly taxes. Look at verse number 4, and Joseph also went up, so much for the tax protesters, by the way, all right? So Joseph and Mary, Joseph paid his taxes, all right? He didn't have to like it, but he paid it. All right, look at verse number 4, and Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was one of the house and lineage of David, to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. So they, of course, are in this espousal period, which there's really no equivalent. I've talked about this today. This is not what is considered in, you know, the engagement today. They're considered married at this point. Notice it says, his espoused wife. So they are considered married, even though they have not come together physically. There is that two-stage marriage in the Bible, all right? To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child, child of the Holy Ghost, of course. I've talked about that before. And so it was that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. So she's getting ready to have the baby Jesus, and she brought forth her firstborn son. Verse number 7 is going to be the focus this evening, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. So Jesus was born in a barn. Jesus was born out in a barn where the livestock is, the mangers are, you know, the slatted wood things where you put the hay to feed the animals. This is where Jesus was born, because there was no room for them in the inn. And that's the title of the sermon this evening, is that there is no room in the inn. And I want to show you this evening how this is a foreshadowing of Jesus here. How this is a foreshadowing of the Gospel itself. The fact that there is no room in the inn. Turn to 1 Timothy chapter 2, turn to 1 Timothy chapter 2, and let me give you a little bit of what I'm talking about here. See the problem isn't that God's inn is full, alright? God's inn, the kingdom of heaven, you know, where God wants to take us, is never going to be full. But here we see that as the Messiah, Jesus Christ, was born into the world, man had no room for him. Man could not make a place other than someplace in a barn where animals were for the Son of God, for the promised Messiah. Look at 1 Timothy chapter 2, see the problem is not God. Look at 1 Timothy chapter 2 and look at verse number 4. The Bible says this about God and his, how much room he has, okay, it says, who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth, that there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom again for all to be testified in due time. So God wants all people and there's room for all people. Jesus died for the sins of all people and there's room enough in the kingdom of heaven for all people. That is not the problem. The problem is there is not room for people for the Messiah. There is not room in people for Jesus and that is exactly what happened in Luke chapter 2. There wasn't room for the Messiah. The problem is the same, the problem today with us and the unsaved world around us is the exact same problem as Luke chapter 2. There is no room for Jesus Christ. Turn to Matthew chapter 19, you say, why? Why is that? That's going to be the focus of tonight's sermon, is why there is no room for Jesus and I'm going to explain to you that Jesus answers this very question for us especially in the day and time that we live in today. The answer for us is in Matthew chapter 19. Man has no room for Jesus for this reason. Look at Matthew chapter 19 and look at verse number 23. Then Jesus said unto his disciples, verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. What is he saying there? Hardly enter. You kind of got to think King James Bible now, not like American English. He's saying that a rich man, it's hard for him to enter into the kingdom of heaven. You say why? Is it hard work? No, it's not work. We know that. It has nothing to do with work but he's explaining that a rich man will hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven and again I say unto you, verse 24, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed and saying, who then can be saved? You know, isn't that interesting? Because obviously if you're just like taking what Jesus said literally, when the disciples heard that, wouldn't they think, I mean, because what do we define as rich today? We're going to get there in a second. But the disciples said a rich, you know, when Jesus is saying it's harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God and they're like nobody can be saved then. So what are they saying? They're saying most people are rich. They're probably putting rich upon themselves. But guess what? You say so what is rich and what is poor? Well guess what? The Bible defines that for us. So let's just go ahead and define that real quickly and, you know, let me see if I can just destroy some of your preconceived notions this evening, American, sitting here listening to this sermon. Go to Luke chapter 16. Go to Luke chapter 16. So first, before we even start, in verse 26 of Matthew 19 as you're turning to Luke 16, let me finish Jesus' comment where he says, Jesus beheld them and said unto them, with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. So it is possible for a rich man to be saved. He's saying it's just, it's hard. It's hard. Meaning, you know, I don't want to give it away, but let's go to Luke 16 and find out what is rich. What is rich and what is the opposite of rich, which one would assume is poor? So we've got rich and we've got poor. Look at Luke chapter 16 and look at verse number 19. So Luke chapter 16, at the end of the chapter or the midpoint of the chapter, we get this very famous story and it's the story of the rich man in Lazarus or the rich man in hell. All right? And it's a great story with a lot of great doctrine in it and it's literally a story. It's not a parable. It's talking about something that happened to two people. It's talking about this man that went to hell and this man that went to heaven. It's literally a story that Jesus is talking about. He doesn't say it's like unto or this is like as a householder. No, he says there was a man that did this. There was a man that did this. Look at verse number 19. It says there was a certain rich man. Now there's some things that we see about this rich man. The Bible literally defines why this man is rich and what it means to be rich. Isn't the Bible nice? It just tells us all this information? Look what it says. Which was clothed. I want you to notice these two things. They're going to keep coming up in all these different verses that I go to. It says this rich man was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. So what did he have? He had two things. He had nice clothes. He was clothed. And he was clothed with nice clothes. So he had nice clothes and he fared sumptuously every day, meaning he ate well. So he ate well and he was dressed with nice clothes like purple, fine linen. But now look at verse number 20. We see a contrast here where the Bible says there was a certain beggar named Lazarus who was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be what? What does this man lack? He lacks what? He lacks food. With the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table, moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores. Let me ask you a question. Do dogs come up to you and lick your sores if you have a nice suit on? If I had sores all over my body, would dogs come up and lick? This man had no clothes. This man had no food and he had no clothes. So he had no food. He's desiring crumbs. He's desiring garbage like leftover food that fell from somebody's table and he has raggedy clothes or no clothes. Let me just ask you all a question this evening. If you had to describe yourself, this is the Holy Spirit talking to us right here. This is the Holy Spirit describing what is rich and what is poor. Which of these two things describes you? Which of these people? I'm looking at a bunch of finely dressed people this evening. Nice clothes. We're all going to eat the same thing tonight. We're going to have all these cookies and all this just, we're going to fare sumptuously this evening. I guarantee it. We fare sumptuously all the time. You see, the problem is this. The problem is this. We have this preconceived notion today. It's this class warfare today. It's this class warfare today that there's upper class rich people and then there's middle class and then there's upper middle class and then there's lower middle class and you know, basically anybody that has more money than you is rich and you know, you get to say that you're not rich or whatever. What the Bible here is saying is that everybody that you know is rich. According to what? According to the Holy Spirit. So let's let the Bible define these things for us. I mean, it's obvious that the rich man here more closely describes us and everyone that we know in this country especially. Just because someone has more than you does not mean that you aren't rich according to the Bible. Let's go back to the story. Look at, go back to, actually don't go back to, let me ask you this. Why would it make a difference? In Matthew 19, Jesus says that it's harder for a rich man, now that you know that you're rich, it's harder for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter in the kingdom of God. Why would it make a difference? He's talking about a rich person being saved. Why would it make a difference how much money somebody has? On whether or not they could be saved or not. Now to the obvious, you know, the woke American today will say, well obviously rich people love money. Turn to 1 Timothy chapter 6. But that's not the reason. That's not the reason that Jesus is pointing out in Matthew chapter 19. I'm going to prove it to you from the Bible. Look, loving money is bad. We get that. 1 Timothy chapter 6 talks about that. But the point is, many people that are richer than other people are good people. And many people that are, look, isn't some rich person going to be richer than one rich person and not as rich as another rich person? It's all just a spectrum. The point is, according to the Bible, most people that we know are rich. I would argue everyone that we know is rich according to the Bible. I don't know anybody that I'm personally close friends with that has dogs licking their sores and has nothing to eat. But the point is, there's many people that the Bible would consider rich that don't love money. They're just better at making it than other people. As a matter of fact, I have met many more less rich people that love money more than people that are more rich than them. Loving money is a problem all to itself. Loving money is not for just super rich people. Loving money is a problem for less rich people and richer people. It's a spectrum. It's a problem in general. Nobody is supposed to love money. But look, richer people, I'm just trying to use the spectrum of richer people and less rich people since everybody's rich according to the Bible. Richer people just have more of it than the next rich person. They're just, and it's really because of two things. It's really because of two things. First of all, they've figured out ways to make money, number one, which, by the way, hard work. That's the answer most of the time. Yes, some people are born rich. I get that. But most people that have money that are richer than other people work really hard. And their spectrum of hard work is probably just a little bit higher than most people. A lot of people think that, oh, you know, I mean, there's different levels of work out there, folks. There's different levels of work. A lot of people think, like, man, I work 40 hours a week and, you know, I can't just seem to get ahead. Well, there's a lot of people that work 100 hours a week. And they get ahead more than somebody that works 30 hours a week. It's very simple. So, look, richer people are, they've figured out ways to make money, and guess what? They've figured out ways to keep money. I know plenty of people that make a lot of money and have none of it. And I've told the kids since they were just little kids, like, it doesn't matter how much money you make, you can spend it all and more. Many people think, if I could just make another $10,000 a year, if I could make just another $5 an hour, that would solve all my problems. And with many people, with most people, they're broke because they don't know how to keep their money. They're broke because they don't know how to save their money. They're broke because they borrow. They're broke because they're not biblically smart with what they have. So to make more would do them no good, literally, because they would just spend more and spend more and spend more. I've met a lot of people that have money that make a lot of money and have none. So why is it hard? So why is it hard? To bring it back to the question from Matthew chapter 19. Why is it so hard for the rich man, the richer man, the richest man to get saved, especially if rich equals us, if rich equals our level? Turn to 1 Timothy chapter 6. Did you turn there? The answer is this. The answer is in the very, is one verse right here. Look at verse number 8 of 1 Timothy chapter 6. And of course, a few verses down, you know, the Bible tells everybody not to love money. Whether you're rich, you're richer, or you're richest, you shouldn't love money. But look at verse number 8. What does the Bible say? The Bible says, having food and raiment, let us be there with content. What is the Bible talking about? There's those two things again, food and clothing. The Bible is saying, if you have food and clothing, now turn to Matthew chapter 6. So I just want to point out that these two things keep popping up. You know, there's a pattern here. The Bible keeps talking about food, talks about clothing, food, clothing. The rich man, what did he have? Nice clothes, good food. And the Bible says here, we should be happy with food and clothing. Look at Matthew chapter 6. Let's read a few verses in Matthew chapter 6 and verse number 25. So the Bible in Matthew chapter 6 has the answer for us on why it is so hard for a rich, a richer, and a richest man to get saved. Look at verse number 25. The Bible says, therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall what? Drive? No, it says, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for your body, what ye shall what? What ye shall put on? What are we talking about here? You think God's trying to tell us something here? He's talking about food and he's talking about clothing. He's saying don't take thought for that. Is not the life more than meat and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air. Now he gives this great analogy. Behold the birds, he's talking about the birds. For they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? He's saying why are you worried about food when God takes care of the birds? God makes sure that the birds are fed, that the birds have food. Don't you think God cares about you more than a sparrow? Look at verse number 27. Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his stature? Why take ye thought for raiment? Now he's talking about clothing. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin. And I say, yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. He's saying look at how God takes care of the flowers, look at how beautiful they are. Yet even Solomon who was the what? He was the richest. Solomon is the only man on planet earth who won the keeping up with the Joneses contest. You say that's a fool's errand to always try to have more than the next guy. Because there's always somebody that's going to have more than you. If I could just get that one job, that one position, you know what? There's always somebody above your head. There's always somebody who's got more, got better. Solomon won the battle though. Like he said, he's like I had more than everybody. Yet what? Even a flower was clothed better than Solomon, the Bible here is saying. Wherefore have God so clothed the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you? O ye of little what? Ye of little faith. Therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we what drink or what shall we be clothed. For after these things did the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. What is God talking about here? God is talking about not worrying about food and raiment. This is the problem today. This is the problem today and this is why there is, back to the point of the sermon, this is why there's no room for Jesus today because no one needs these things. You say what does needing clothing and food have to do with having room in your life for Jesus? Well let's read one more verse. Look at what the Bible says in verse 33 because if they were lacking this, look what the Bible says. But seek, he's saying in all these verses before this, before verse 33 he's saying don't worry about these things. I will provide these things if you do this. Verse 33. Look what he says. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. You know what he's saying? So let's reverse engineer it. He's saying if people needed clothing and food they would seek the Lord. You know what they'd do? They'd make room in the inn for Jesus. That's what they'd do. But they don't need anything. They don't need anything today. So what does that mean? They don't seek anything. And when it comes to somebody knocking on their door, it seems like the nicer house you knock on, the nicer neighborhood you knock on, the richer and richer and richer and richest you get, it seems like they have less and less. And look, you can see a correlation. You can see less and less room in those types of neighborhoods for Jesus. For sure. There is a definite trend there. Why is that? Because they don't need clothing and food. They don't need some guy at their door or some gal at their door with the gospel. They don't need it. Or at least they don't think they need it. There's no need. Or there's no, like, there's no perceived need. You see, the government system today, and really people today, they're standing in front of God. They're blocking people from seeking God. Because there's no obvious physical need for Him. When somebody has everything that they think that they need, many of those people, most of those people, are not seeking anything. And that's why the vast majority of people in this country, when you will knock on their door, they have no interest in Jesus. There's no room at the inn. There's no room at the inn. Look, everyone in this country, look, I'm telling you, folks, you can literally do nothing in this country and not need these things that God says that He wants you to need so you will seek Him. You can literally do nothing, I mean, nothing, and have clothing and food in this country. I often wonder what that must be like. I mean, I want to talk to, I often wonder, just like somebody that does nothing. I often wonder, like, what did you do today? You ever wonder that? Like, what did you do today? Like, what time did you wake up? Then what? Did you eat? How many times did you eat today? Like, there's plenty of food. Nobody's starving that I'm seeing that does nothing. What did you, what did you, internet, really? What did you look at on the internet? No, don't tell me. How long were you on the internet? What were you looking at? This is why all these people that do nothing, they're in all this, it's not just pornography, it's all the MGTOW and the Andrew Tate and all this garbage. Because that's what they do, they just like, they just fill themselves with this garbage and nothing. But the point is, these people aren't walking around, these people I'm just talking about that I'm fascinated with, and then tomorrow, what are you gonna do, same thing? Haven't you seen everything on the internet? But these people aren't walking around without clothes, they aren't walking around without food. See, that's the problem. The problem is, the system is standing in front of God, because if they didn't have clothes and they didn't have food, they would make room. They would make room at the inn. When somebody knocked on their door and they had no clothing and they were starving, they would be like, you know what, maybe this guy has an answer for me. And they would be seeking. And God promises in Matthew chapter 7 that all it takes is to seek, and the need is to drive them to seek. But there's no need. Many times these people have nicer cars than all of you. There's no need for anything. This is not good. It's not a good thing. I knew a guy that was in the small town that I grew up next to. He had this brand new nice Harley. And I still remember, because that was like a super nice thing for me at that time when I was growing up. And this guy never worked, no one even could remember him working. How does that work? But that's our country today, but this is not a good thing. It's not good. There's no room, because these people are happy keeping the inn empty. Here's a couple unpleasant thoughts for you this evening. I think I proved to you that everyone in America is rich, right? There's no one in this country that is truly in want. Yeah, there's lots of class warfare out there where they can get one group of people upset that one group of rich people upset at a richer group of people and they can just like get all these people fighting and blaming each other because, oh, you're richer than me and the 1% and what a bunch of garbage, 100% are rich, according to the Holy Spirit. But the point is, they're certainly not lacking food or clothing. It would be better for the kingdom of heaven if all the prosperity went away. I hate to give that unpleasant thought to you this evening, but guess what? It would be better because more people would make room at the inn if they did have need. So look, if good times go away, there's your joy. I'm going to talk about this a little bit more on Sunday morning, but there will always be joy for us, always. If good times go away, there's our joy. Why? Because the kingdom of heaven profits more. There's more room at the inn. People will realize, now turn to Psalm chapter 23, more people will realize that there's a need and more people will what? More people will seek. That's simply how it works. Look at Psalm chapter 23. Let me tell you the second unpleasant thought this evening. The Bible says in Psalm 23 verse number 5, look what the psalmist says here. He says, Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Here the psalmist David is talking about, he's surrounded by his enemies and he's talking about how God has just, his cup is full. His cup is full. He's joyful. He means he's joyful even when he's under attack from all sides. And he's joyful. And I'm going to explain that to you in detail on Sunday morning. But the point is, these things, food, raiment, blessings, prosperity, it is all perceived riches for those who are not saved. It is all perceived, look, it's a perceived lack of need. It's fake though. It's not real. It's not a real lack of need. See, explain this to me. Explain this to me. I convinced you that everyone in America is rich, according to the Bible, and no one has any real need for clothing, you know, someone's going to write me an email on this. I get it. But really, no one should have need for these things. These tent cities and all the stuff going on here, that is voluntary poverty. Those are drug addicts and they're not doing anything near what the Bible says that they should be doing. There's your mystery of homelessness if you don't live in California or places that suffer from that. It's drug addiction. That's what it is. But let me ask you this, if we're so rich and prosperous and we are rich in this country and everyone you know is rich, everyone you know has food and clothing, and the government will provide it even if you do nothing all day, every single day. Ask me this then, why is this country as unhappy as it has been since 1973? Literally, since they started tracking these trends. And I believe it would be much before that if they just would have been tracking these polls. But here's the thing, you look at this graph of happiness that they've been doing every single year and there's many different people that do the same types of questions. You know, give me a zero if you're unhappy and a ten if you're happy. And the graph looks like this from 1973, 40 years, 50 years ago, it looks like this. We've never been unhappier. So what does that mean? People think the cup is full and it's empty. People think that they have this happiness and they don't have anything. See, here's the problem. Here's why it's perceived riches and it's perceived that they have no need. It's fake and it's not real because all these things, clothes, raiment, blessings, cars, money, all the comforts of the American life, they can never fill the cup. And this is why you end up with people that go through a midlife crisis. Because they're like, man, I just thought if, I thought if I went and I got this career and I did this thing and I did all this, worked really hard and put off all these things that they said I should put off and especially if you're a woman and did this and you wake up one day and you're 50 and you're like, yeah, this career is like, this is, this is for the birds. Now I can't go back. I can't put the water back in the cup that spilled on the ground. I can't undo this. This is why you see failed marriages after 20 years. Because these things can't fill the cup. There's no room for Jesus because they thought the cup was full and the cup was completely empty. This is why this is so wicked. This is why Jesus is saying in Matthew chapter 19, the rich, it's hard. It's hard because they perceive that their cup is full. When it's empty, it's an illusion. The inn, the inn was always empty for them. And they were telling people that it was full and there was no room for Jesus there. Can you imagine? All the rooms were empty. They had every room available. All they needed in their marriage was Jesus there. All they needed in the inn of their family with their children was Jesus Christ. That's it. That's all that was there. The hotel was built for him. And they're telling everybody that it's full. This is why it is hard for the rich. Jesus is all that is needed for the marriage, the home, the family, the children, the life. I am so thankful, and you should be too, that no matter how your life goes as far as riches, clothing, raiment, first of all, you don't have to worry about clothing and raiment. Didn't you hear what I just said? You don't have to worry about that. But no matter how the blessings go, as you look at this year and you're like, well, this was a worse year or this was a better year, it doesn't matter because as long as you have Jesus in the inn, you know that your cup is full because these other things can't fill the cup, not at all. You never have to worry. You will never have to wonder all your life. You will never have to wake up when you're 50, 60, 70 years old and be like, what was the purpose of all this? Why did I do that? You know why you're here. Hey, go out and be prosperous. Go out and work hard and enjoy the fruits of your labor that God wants you and enjoy from that. But keep Jesus in the inn, please. Keep Jesus there because that's the whole point. That's what the cup is there to hold, is Jesus Christ. Look, the saved can do the same thing. Saved people can have no room for Jesus in their life. They're not going to become unsaved. But guess what? If you're saved and you have no room for Jesus in your life, God's going to try to fix that. God's going to come after you and He's going to try to make a difference and try to make you understand that you need Jesus in that inn. And how do we do that? Well, we need to be constantly seeking the kingdom of God, even as saved people. We need to be constantly following the Lord. Turn to Hebrews chapter 11. This is what a lot of people miss. This is what a lot of saved people miss this. A lot of saved people think, hey, I'm saved and I'm good. You know, I'm good now. Well, you are good now. You're going to heaven. But the point is, you need to continue to seek. You need to continue to make room in the inn. Look at Hebrews chapter 11 and look at verse number 6. The Bible says, without faith, it is impossible to please Him. For He that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is what? He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Diligence means you are continuing to seek Jesus. That means that you didn't just believe on Jesus one time in a moment and then just go on your merry way. You are diligently seeking Jesus. You are still continuing to make room in your life, in your inn, for the Lord that bought and purchased you. I mean, and as a Christian, look, the Bible here is saying, as a Christian, if we want God to respond to us, if we want God to help us in our Christian lives, you want God to be involved in your life and to help you? Look, you need to be continually seeking Him, continually making room for Him. A lot of people miss this in the Christian life. I didn't figure this out until I was in my 30s. But a lot of people are like, nothing's happening. God's not being involved in my life. They're saved. They're like, God's not moving for me. The problem is you have to step out first. It's actually you stepping out second. God saved you. Your turn. You have to step out second and then I guarantee, that's what the Bible was saying, you will see God move in your life. It is when you step out on what? On faith that God will meet you. A lot of people just can't do that. A lot of people are going to spend their Christian life with the game just not progressing. It's like a chess game. It's like a chess game where Brother Benjamin and Brother Edwin would sit there and Brother Benjamin would say to Brother Edwin, it's your move. And he'd say, it's your move. It's your move. And Edwin just sits there. He just sits there. He just sits there. He just sits there. He says, it's your move. It's your move. It's your move. That's a Christian that just doesn't step out on faith in their life. It's your move. Step out on faith and God will meet you. I'm telling you, you will see God move out in your life. You will see God meet you in your life but you must step out. He already stepped out. He already saved you. It's your turn. He expects you to move on faith and then he will reward that move. That's how the Christian life works. Again, it's not complicated but a lot of people will just never understand that. That's why you see people get saved and they do nothing in their Christian life. It's disgusting. It's a waste. And you know what? People will go to hell because of it. You think about that as you're saved and you've taken this free gift and you're just like, well you know I just don't really feel like doing that, I don't really feel like doing that. Yeah, God's going to chastise you. God's not going to move in your life but you know what, people are going to go to hell. People are going to spend an eternity in hell and it's not a fake hell. It's real. This isn't some fairytale. This isn't frog and toad. This is real. Hell is eternal and everybody that does not get saved, that does not have somebody preach the gospel to them will go to that hell. Every single person. Turn to John chapter 14. So this is the problem. This is why in the country that we live in, so many people are not interested, they're not interested in making room at the inn for Jesus. The no room at the inn in Luke chapter 2 was simply a shadow of things to come. Look at John 14 and verse number 2. See this is the sad part right here. In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. There's plenty of room for everybody. This is the sad thing. There's, I mean, I think of the kingdom of heaven, you know, whenever you've seen these Chinese cities that they built and there's nobody there, I think of the kingdom of heaven. I think of God just building these massive mansions and then no one's interested in living there. Look, they're going to want to live there at some point. But the point is, there's no room at the inn for these people because there's no need, there's no perceived need for Jesus Christ because they have everything that they think that they need now. But even in this life, people will realize that all those things, their cup is completely empty. Those things do not fill your cup. He that loveth silver will not be satisfied by silver. That's what the Bible is trying to tell us. You can't fill your cup with those things. The only thing that you can fill your cup with is Jesus Christ. And once you have that need, you will know that Jesus is the only one that can fill it. Nothing in the Bible is there by accident. In things like this, especially at the birth of Jesus Christ, you know that every single thing that happened to him means something profound. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer.