(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There's so many miracles. It's like we keep this keep this series going for about a year I think, but I'm probably gonna have to end it after a couple more weeks, but just just for the sake of not having a series that goes on forever. There's a lot of miracles in Matthew chapter 9, but the one that we want to focus on this evening is when Jesus heals the man sick of the palsy. So look at Matthew chapter 9 and verse number 1 and that's what we'll focus on this evening. We'll kind of go through this story and see what there is that we can learn from it. Look at Matthew chapter 9 and verse number 1. The Bible says, and he entered into a ship and passed over and came into his own city and behold they brought to him a man sick of the palsy lying on a bed and Jesus seeing their face said unto the sick of the palsy son be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee. So first of all sick of the palsy, palsy this is like some physical ailment where he can't you know it's it's like a usually typically a paralysis of some kind okay and that's what that means when you see that word in the Bible and Jesus says you know seeing their faith he said son be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee. Now this is a story that is in three of the Gospels it's also in Mark chapter 2 and also in Luke chapter 5 but there's a little more to the story here go to Mark chapter 2 Mark chapter 2 and let's look at another angle of this story. So here he sees this man and he says son be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee but there's a little more to the story and that's the nice thing about the stories that are kind of repeated in the other Gospels is you can kind of see a different angle and many times different details are filled in in other Gospels in other accounts of the same situation. Look at Mark chapter 2 and the story is found in verse number 1 look at verse number 1 the Bible says and he entered into Capernaum after some days and it was noise that he was in the house you know people heard of it and straightway that means right away many were gathered together in so much that there was no room to receive them no not so much as about the door and he preached the word unto them and they came unto him bringing one sick of the palsy which was born of four and when they could not come in nigh for unto him for the press that means there's just people everywhere they couldn't get in they couldn't reach him they uncovered the roof where he was and when they had broken it up they let down the bed where in the sick of the palsy lay when Jesus saw and then we see this again when Jesus saw their faith he said unto the sick of the palsy son thy sins be forgiven thee so these guys we see this this angle in Mark chapter 2 where these guys they couldn't reach Jesus the the press meaning you know the the cloud okay the people were so great that they couldn't get into the house they couldn't get into the door these guys take their friend who's laying in this bed he's paralyzed he's you know he's disabled and he they take him up to the roof of the house they take apart the roof of the house and they lower him down inside the house where Jesus is at now of course that brings Jesus's attention directly to this guy and Jesus addresses this man right there right then and there so there's three main points I want to make about this story this evening but the first one is I just kind of led into it is you know these guys would basically do anything to get themselves and their friend especially to Jesus that's the first thing you know so you know what would you do to get to Jesus turn to Matthew chapter 18 Matthew chapter 18 go to Matthew chapter 18 and look at verse number 20 the Bible says the Bible says where two or three are gathered in my name therefore I am in the midst of them you know this verse is talking about I mean this is the famous Matthew 18 how to handle conflicts but Matthew 18 chapter 20 is actually talking about the context of the church itself and about bringing somebody in front of the church and then Jesus talks about that gathering you know he's like I'm in the midst of you did you know that when you're in church that Jesus is in the midst of us here so this church of course the head of this it would make sense that Jesus was here that he was present with us since he's in charge of this place it would make sense since it's it's him that decides whether or not we keep our candlestick or not I mean it makes sense that he's here so you say well Jesus isn't in you know the hotwood Jesus is in this house Jesus is in this house what would you do to get to him so you should be in this house every chance you get these guys literally went to the lengths of dismantling the house to make sure they could get to Jesus okay second of all second point why was his sin forgiven Jesus said that this man's sin was forgiven in Matthew chapter 9 we see a reason in Mark chapter 2 and in Luke chapter 5 Jesus actually gives the reason that this man had his sins forgiven Jesus didn't say because you lowered him through the roof because you guys showed up Jesus said in Matthew chapter 9 it says seeing their faith it says in Mark chapter 2 it says when Jesus saw their faith and in Luke chapter 5 verse 17 you don't have to turn there it says he saw their faith look it's interesting that many of the stories that are repeated in the Gospels I mean this is super interesting because many of the stories that are repeated in the Gospels will have additional information that the other story doesn't have and then when you take them all together you can kind of get many people that have brought up actual Bible contradictions by the way this is the problem they don't read all the accounts of the story in the Gospels there's many Bible contradictions like you know the the demon-possessed man in the in the wilderness that you know people say oh you there's a Bible contradiction here but if you read all the accounts of the situation there's no contradiction but what's interesting is well the different accounts typically have different details that give us a complete story this particular detail is in every single account of the story what detail that Jesus saw their faith and then said what he said about his you know his sins being forgiven he said his sins were forgiven because he saw their faith putting it all together you get the complete story in the gospel but it's interesting that the faith point is almost like its key to the story and it is we obviously know that the second thing I want to bring up or the third thing I want to bring up is is which of these guys sin of this guy's sin were forgiven I mean Jesus said your sins are forgiven you which sins is he talking about which sins is he talking about his past sins the sins that he committed that day the sins that he was going to commit tomorrow what sins was was he talking about there's this strange Catholic doctrine out there that you know and look it's not just even Catholic so when I'm gonna be kind of hard on the Catholics on the Catholic religion tonight but let me just say this it's not it's not just Catholic because many Protestants are very much Catholic when it comes down to what they actually believe and the strange doctrine is this is this doctrine of continual confession for salvation meaning I need to continually confess my sins or I'm not going to go to heaven this is what they believe this is why by the way this is why by the way Catholics believe and Lutherans believe and many other Protestants believe that if this is exactly why and I'll give you the logic behind it I believe this much of my life this is why they believe that someone who commits suicide cannot go to heaven this doctrine right here why you say why suicide it's not because the sin is is extra bad or anything like that it's because what you know once you've committed suicide how are you going to confess that that's literally why it is if you've ever wondered why why suicide look Catholics Luther's all these people believe that even murder can be forgiven and even murder will not commit you know stop you from going to heaven but if you kill yourself you can never confess that sin because you're dead so that's why they believe that if you kill yourself you're immediately going to hell right there it's a deal breaker you can't confess that one look everyone every Protestant every Catholic should reject this doctrine it is not logical even on the very surface it's not logical look even if it were true let's say let's percent pretend for a moment that that this this idea that I have to continually confess my sins like I wiped the slate clean so I go to church every Sunday and let's say that I can confess all my sins I'm gonna give them that benefit of the doubt too let's say it's possible to go to church every Sunday once a week and confess all my sins and let's say that it's possible that I don't forget one but most of them put in like a statement like even the ones that I don't remember right now or something like that let's say I can confess all my sins and let's say I'm also sincere about that so let's say that there's no sins where I'm chanting my confession that is the same confession that I've chanted it's the same vain repetition that I've chanted every single Sunday for my entire life and I'm sincere about it every single time I'm sincere about it I literally think about the sins that I committed in the last week and I'm sincere and I say I'm never gonna do those sins again God and there's none of those sins where I'm like yeah I probably think I'm probably gonna do this one again I mean because really when your child comes to you and if your child came to you and he said yeah you know dad I'm sorry for taking the cookie out of the cookie jar and then he does it five minutes later and then he asks you know he says he's sorry for the hundredth time are you really gonna start thinking that he's still sorry for taking the cookie or is he just doing it out of just obligation to not get in trouble but let's just say that you could be sincere and you meant it every single time even though you chanted that vain repetition your entire life every single Sunday you're still not going to heaven I mean how long how I unless unless you confess that sin and you you chant that vain repetition that you're completely sincere about and then you get hit by lightning like five seconds later you're toast otherwise because what happens when you you commit another sin what happens when you have a foolish thought 12 minutes later before church is even over you've just sinned again now you have to wait till next Sunday to like get your salvation back look it is I I never understood it I was always confused about it which you know thank God that I was always confused about it and I was looking for something else like there's got to be a better way it's like buying it and think of it this way it's like buying a super expensive plane ticket you buy a super expensive plane ticket and then you know you're like you're like where are we going where's this plane ticket it's like oh it's a ticket to paradise it's the best place in the world it's the best place ever you pay all this money for this ticket and then you go and you just sit in the airplane on the runway and you notice like that the airplane has no engines and you're like there's no way that this airplane could get me anywhere much less the best place on earth but then people come around and they're just like selling you peanuts and you know you're paying all this money while you're on the plane and it just makes no sense because there's no way that plane can get you there there's no way folks Catholics Lutherans Protestants Methodists whatever there's no way this doctrine could ever get you to heaven even if it was true but it's not true it's not true but the only way first John 1 9 confession of your sins even fits in the logical world that we live in is if it's just about our relationship with the Lord not salvation that's the only way it fits because look when you got saved and when this guy when Jesus said it to this guy all his sins were forgiven past present and future no look it doesn't mean look it doesn't mean that we shouldn't confess our sins to God throughout our life you should confess your sins you should confess your sins every time you have the thought that you know what I've done wrong you should confess your sins daily in your prayer life like I don't have a prayer life daily well there you go but look it once once your sins are forgiven as far as your salvation it's a done deal folks it's done let's go back to the story look at Matthew chapter 9 and look at verse number 3 there's some more interesting things that happen in this story let's continue reading Matthew chapter 9 look at verse number 3 the Bible says and behold certain of the scribes said within themselves this man blaspheme it because basically he said your sins are forgiven and they're like how can he say that which is interesting by the way that even that I'll get to this later but even the false prophets of the day knew that somebody's saying like some man saying that he forgives your sins they even knew that was blasphemy isn't that interesting these people weren't saved these these Jewish leaders and all this they weren't saved they didn't believe in Jesus look at verse 4 and Jesus knowing their thoughts said wherefore think ye evil in your hearts for whether is it easier to say thy sins be forgiven thee or to say arise and walk but that you may know that the Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins then he saith to the sick of the palsy arise take up thy bed and go unto thine house and he arose and departed to his house but when the multitude saw it they marveled and glorified God which had given such power unto men turn to Mark chapter 2 let's look at it in Mark chapter 2 Mark chapter 2 I want to read this account in Mark chapter 2 to get the full details of everything and then I want to explain to you two super important things that have happened in this story as we continued reading Mark chapter 2 look at verse number 6 again but there were certain of the scribes sitting there and reasoning in their hearts they weren't speaking this out loud they were just sitting there they were thinking it they were thinking it why did this man speak blasphemies who can forgive sins but God only and immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves he said unto them why reason ye these things in your hearts whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy thy sins be forgiven thee or to say arise and take up thy bed and walk but the unit may know that the Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins that's really interesting right there because now he's telling them why he's about to do the physical miracle the point of him doing the physical miracle is so they believe the spiritual one or to prove at least the spiritual one is to prove what they were questioning in their hearts what they were you know what they're questioning in their hearts they were questioning you know whether or not he had the right to say that what they were really questioning was the fact that he was God that's what they were questioning because they said look only God can forgive sins and Jesus says just to prove to you that I can forgive sins watch this look at verse number 11 and of course then he heals them and I say unto thee arise and take up thy bed and go thy way into thine house and immediately he arose took up the bed went forth before them all in so much more that they were all amazed and glorified God saying we never saw it on this fashion so two super important things have happened here basically Jesus proves that he is God twice right here he proves first of all he proves that he's God by telling them their thoughts they were sitting there thinking something turned back to John chapter 4 do you remember this story they were sitting there thinking something and he basically walks up to them and says why are you thinking this how many times have you had that happen in your life like never right this was enough what this one fact enough was enough to get the woman at the well to say this look at John chapter 4 and look at verse number 29 she said to the crowd she said to the city she said come see a man which told me all the things that I ever did is this not the Christ that's the one reason that she told the people in the city look this man this man came up to me and he just told me everything about my life it's exactly what Jesus did to the scribes here no look I mean I used to love like you know as a kid and I mean I have to confess I still do like like sleight-of-hand stuff and all these kind of things and and you know like one of the big the big magician like when I was a kid was David Copperfield is he alive still I don't even know but the thing is like they would do all these things to make people think that they were magical you know they would do all these things to make people think that they had like magical powers and one of the big ones was like they would you know they would have somebody pick a card or pick an object or pick something and then they would tell them like what the object was or what they chose but look these things are all tricks these things are all tricks you know they're all tricks that are easily explained by you know he had a plant in the in the audience so if I just like called on brother David and this was an audience of people that I didn't know and I called on brother David and nobody knew that I knew him we're working together and I was like think of a number between 1 and 15 or whatever and I just tell him then you know I can do that again because he's working with me it's all these tricks and you know now I'm sure they have all kinds of wireless devices where they can communicate things but they're tricks they're tricks I mean there's like there's there's all sorts of trickery that these guys use to you know make themselves look like they're magic that's the whole idea right but what do you think that if somebody was really could tell the future that they would be like on some you know talent show or something they could be like you know but anyway the point is it's all it's all trickery in these cases Jesus I mean just think it means he's reading their minds literally he's like the only real clairvoyant basically he's reading these guys's mind and and so look if somebody ever comes up to you and just tells you all the thoughts that you're thinking you know that's something supernatural if that's real and it really happened so what he proved that he was God there that was the first time look at verse number nine and then Jesus he does it again he proves that he's God twice look at verse number nine where he says for is it easier to say thy sins be forgiven thee or to say arise and walk mark two nine I'll just read for you it says whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy thy sins be forgiven thee or to say arise and take up thy bed and walk so what he says to them he says to them it's easy to just say your sins are forgiven you you know I could do that you know I could start my own religion and I could just have a bunch of people come and join my religion and I could just have people come up here and I could put my hands on them and just be like you know your sins are forgiven you and all this stuff and I could just say that and you know what it's sad but a lot of people would probably believe it you know or I can have like a booth and I can have all the people in the church you know and I could be like look if you don't give like enough money you know you can't come in my booth what happens in the booth well you confess your sins to me and then I forgive you of your sins and then you can go to heaven you want to go to heaven give money I you say that's crazy well hello it's like the biggest church in the United States did you know I mean that's the Catholic priest right there look I'm not being what I love the Catholic don't get me wrong I love the Catholic but what this religion is is wicked as hell did you know that there's actually sins there they've actually made a list of sins and you'll see news articles about it every now and then if you're reading you know conservative news sites or whatever where like the Pope will grant like because that you know there's only some sins that only the Pope can forgive you know that I mean you can't even make this stuff up I mean they did so obviously you can but the point is like he'll grant like oh I can grant like this Bishop the ability to forgive these couple sins and I mean just make up all this stuff there was a bunch where you like made up a bunch of like ability to forgive sins related to coronavirus to and last year I even forgot the details of it it's just crazy it's crazy and look it's it's insane and what the Catholic priest is a perfect example of what Jesus is talking about here it's almost like he was like predicting what men would do he's like oh yeah it's easy to just say you can forgive sins it's almost like Jesus is like tongue-in-cheek saying I know what's gonna happen in hundreds of years you know because that's exactly what men are doing they're using that power over people to forgive sins but but he hey Catholic priest I want to see you heal somebody I want to see you take somebody who's you know disabled or paralyzed and I want to see you raise them up to walk look on the contrary you constantly hear about stories of like some Catholic priest killing somebody they're trying to exercise a demon from them but I mean can Satan cast out Satan no no I mean what the Catholic priest is working for Satan you can't cast out Satan can't be divided against himself the Bible says how should they how shall then his kingdom stand this is exactly what Jesus was talking about it's like it's easy to say your sins are forgiving you but it'd be hard if I made this guy whole and if I healed this guy back to the story so what does Jesus do like anybody can say this I agree with you then he performs the physical miracle that shows that the spiritual one was real it's beautiful and that's why he did it go back to Matthew chapter 9 look at verse number 6 Matthew chapter 9 look at verse number 6 it says Jesus says but that ye may know that the Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins then sayeth he to the sick of the palsy arise take up thy bed and go unto thy house and he arose and departed to his house look Jesus just proved that he was able to forgive sins well by the way turn to 1st Timothy chapter 2 like this I mean it's so clear in the Bible that men can't forgive your sins that it's Jesus that forgives sins the Bible even says in 1st Timothy chapter 2 look at verse number 5 look folks look Catholic look Lutheran you don't need some man look and the Lutheran will the Lutheran pastor will actually get up and he will actually say you say it's just Catholic no it's not it's infected with the Protestants are Catholic the Protestants they just they just rejected some things of the Catholic Church they're still very much Catholic that's another thing that Protestants need to realize is that you haven't totally divorced yourself from that wicked mother of the Catholic Church they're still there that Lutheran pastor will stand up and he will stand up in that church service after you chant that vain repetition and he will say I forgive your sins I always thought that was weird I mean it's funny how like every time that happened I was just like yeah it doesn't seem right I wasn't even saved I was like doesn't seem right every time something's not right about that every single time says I forgive you your sins I me Jared if I ever say that get out of here fire you're like what yeah if something's gone horribly wrong at that point okay just get out run out run out the door stand up at that moment and sprint out the door look at where you at first Timothy chapter 2 and verse number 5 for there is one God and one mediator between God and me and men the man Christ Jesus look you don't need anybody else God already said look it's a it's an insult to Christ it's an insult to Christ because God sent a mediator God sent somebody to be the bridge for us and we have access directly to him his name is Jesus Christ you don't need anything else so what he healed he healed this man physically so that they would know that he is God or they would have a chance because what were they thinking in their hearts they're thinking only God can forgive sins and he's like yeah I know only men can say sins are forgiven he's like I am God get up and walk and the guy gets up and walks he basically just proved that he was God look you better believe that there is people that knew he was God after this just because the scribes and Pharisees look they never got it and there's points in the Gospels and it says that Jesus he's like he didn't even want him to get it anymore turn to Acts chapter 10 so that he wouldn't they would know that he is God I mean look it's a great proof of the overall gospel to this this miracle it's a great proof of the overall gospel that only through faith can you achieve that saving forgiveness from Jesus Christ look at Acts chapter 10 Acts chapter 10 look at verse 43 Acts chapter 10 and verse number 43 to him give all the prophets witness it's like everybody throughout the whole entire what was the point of the New Testament what's the point of the New Testament yeah there's lots of practical stories there's lots of practical lessons that we talk about every single week we can week out you know we study through the books of the Bible the Old Testament and the New Testament and there's tons of lessons that we can learn to apply to our physical lives but really the main point of the Old Testament was to point to Jesus Christ and that's why there's so many there's so many stories in there it's all about pointing like it was all the prophets gave witness to Jesus that's what it says in Acts 10 43 that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins look it's through the name of Jesus Christ and it's by believing it's that faith when he saw their faith that's when he forgave their sins it's the same with me and you it's the same with anybody that through believing through Jesus it's what and here's another thing here's another weird doctrine that we see out there today you see you see that look just circle that in your Bible Acts 10 43 it's through Jesus's name it's through Jesus's name and whosoever believeth has the remission of sins there's this weird doctrine out there and and I think if it must have remnants of the Catholic Church and Protestant churches and it just shows you how twisted up people get but there's this weird doctrine it's not even about just asking for forgiveness how many people have you met out so winning where are you gonna go to heaven well yeah you know you just got to pray and ask God to forgive you well what if you forget to do that you don't ask for forgiveness well you just ask God to forgive you and you know look it's not even about it salvation is not even about asking for forgiveness no it's not it's about believing in his name it's not about asking for forgiveness you go and not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you ask God to forgive you all day long you tell me where that gets you that's gonna get you straight to hell because God's not gonna forgive you of anything it's about his name and believing on it I mean it's a strange doctrine out there and then and then that doctrine it's gotten even more liberal that people just think if I just ask God to forgive me who's God I don't know what God everybody were saying God I don't know man you know I just asked God God's gonna forgive me then there's this weird doctrine it's liberal cousin is that God will just forgive me anyway I don't even have to ask you'll ask that you'll ask that person that thinks you know oh you know I just have to ask God to forgive me okay so that's the Catholic doctrine that's the Protestant doctrine you don't even have to go to church to do it now you just have to ask God which okay that's closer but that person that's that person if you say to that person you say what if you don't ask for forgiveness what if you miss one what if you miss one or God forbid you commit a sin and then get hit by a car right after that they'll say well I think God's gonna forgive me anyway so it turns into this it's this weird I have to confess my sins for salvation which is an airplane with no engines it's this weird airplane with no engines doctrine and then really we don't even need an airplane because everyone just goes to heaven I mean do you are you starting to understand why that not that many people are interested in the gospel I mean I mean I could just ask God to forgive me and if I forget he's gonna forgive me anyway who's God I don't know is is the Muslim God different than the Christian God different than the Jewish God different than the Buddhist God different I think they're all the same but he's gonna forgive me why in the world would I want to listen to you at my door with the Bible if I believe that you see how terrible this is you see this ecumenicalism all this what do we talk about a few weeks ago the convergence you see how this convergence of all beliefs is gonna send everybody to hell everybody 99% of the people in this world probably because it's all just melded together and nothing matters doctrine doesn't matter whose name what name God one case G rub case I don't know both nobody look it's it's God will forgive me no no he won't that's the problem these people are gonna be surprised one day he will only forgive you if you have faith in his son and that's exactly what Jesus was saying he saw their faith that's why it was in all three accounts it's the key to the story the story wouldn't be the story if it didn't have that that's why it's in all three that's why you'll see all these different details how many how many demon possessed men there was maybe there was one maybe there was two how many demons there were you know all this different stuff you'll see different things there but not when it comes to the key to the story like it took their faith the story is not the story without that it's the faith that saves this man seeing his faith seeing their faith when Jesus saw their faith and when he saw their faith every single one and how did he see it how did he see it says he saw it how do you see it they took the roof apart they took the roof apart can anyone see yours would be a great question to ask Christians today I mean how many say people are out there you can just see nothing you can see nothing we have to pay attention when reading the Bible there's all these different details in this seemingly simple encounter that it's just a couple verses long in Matthew chapter 9 we see that Jesus proves that he's God two times really three if you want to count the physical miracle of him raising the guy and healing him and then you know what we see we see anything look if you if you read the God read the Bible read the Bible and pay attention you will see the gospel so many times in the Bible and you see the gospel in this story so you see Jesus proving that he's God and then you see Jesus present the gospel it's beautiful we see that the people that Jesus was with and Jesus was walking amongst they were waiting for a Messiah the woman at the well but the woman at the well she told Jesus about the Messiah before Jesus even said that I am the Messiah they knew that the Messiah was coming they were looking for the Messiah they knew this and knowing this these guys literally climbed onto the roof of the house knowing that Jesus was this person and that is what he saw they dismantled that thing and they carried their sick friend up there and lowered him down nothing was gonna stop these guys from showing their faith and Jesus saw it you know we're we're as we think about you know the the future as we think about the future here have you been I've been thinking a lot about that in the last few weeks especially you know think about this I here's what I think here's what I think and here's what I believe I believe that people want this I believe that people are searching for an answer maybe maybe look maybe they don't know that it's the gospel maybe they don't know but look I believe that people are looking for a biblical church they may not know how to word what I just what they want but I believe that people you know I believe that people at their big I believe most people don't want to go to hell but I believe that most people don't know the truth I'll not go to hell that's the first thing that's what we start that's why we go out every week but you know even further than that I believe that people don't want their families falling into all this stuff where everyone else is going today I believe people I believe people if there is a way that's possible want a way to rescue their families from this disaster that our country is becoming and you know what I mean this should make you zealous because you know what we have that answer the Bible has that answer I mean we're all trying to look we're all trying to raise kids we're all trying to raise kids here some of our kids are older than other kids and I'm telling you even you know just being in a biblical church and and just having a Bible based group of believers of brothers and sisters that we're all trying to you know live spirit-filled lives and live separated lives look it's not a guarantee it's not a guarantee that you're just gonna win this Christian life it's not a guarantee that you know all your kids are just gonna not get pulled away by the world it's not a guarantee because there's a lot of evil working against us but you know what I believe that if we follow the Bible that it will work just like I said this morning it's the reason that it's not a guarantee is not because God's directions won't work it's because of us it's because we're not going to take some of them seriously or we're not going to look you know we're gonna say oh you know what yeah I understand that but that's bad you know I'm kind of gonna just brush over that one every single time that we do that there's risk and you know what if we follow these instructions for the Christian life it's possible it's possible to raise our kids aside from all this it's possible to raise kids that will grow up and become adults that want to serve the Lord with their life that is what I'm after personally I don't care if my kids make a million dollars I don't care if my kids you know I don't even care what their profession is and look I you know I understand that they you know and you know that I preach this as well they need to be hard working supporting their families with ladies need to be hard-working teaching the children raising the children but look I want them to grow up to love the Lord on their own without you know I want to be able to take my hands off the wheel and see that car still driving towards that door on their own accord that's success for me you know what I believe that there's a lot of people out there like that I believe that we have something that people want here and we just have to get that message out you know what we have to do you know we have to do you know what the word is we have to persuade men we have to persuade men and that's exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna persuade men we've already got it we've already got the product folks it's not like we have to go out and you're like oh I have this great product and you know I have this really good idea for a great product and I have to go out and build it and prototype no we have it we have it we just have to go out and persuade people and look it's it kind of sells itself we just have to reach people and be persuasive about it and carry this thing and look it's that that's why don't get used to the state that you're in in this Christian life don't get used to this don't we've been here two years and you know I'm coming to church and don't get used to this because we're gonna talk about it next Sunday one last time don't be like I'm saved I'm in church and everything's great but look here's the thing folks you have to always continue to pursue this thing to pursue Christ in your life or you're not gonna make it I'm not talking about making it to heaven I'm talking about making it in your own personal walk with the Lord and and making it more importantly for your family you always have to be pushing forward in this life that's just the nature of it that's just the nature of it well I mean we'll talk I'll get into great detail next Sunday on why this is absolutely necessary folks to just always be pushing forward on this and you know I'm gonna try to scare you next Sunday morning and why you always need to be pushing forward we can never forget the battle that's in front of us no matter how comfortable we are look it's it's it's comfortable I love this church I love coming here I love getting up Sunday mornings I love coming and seeing you all but we can never get too comfortable in this Christian life so this is a great story this is a great story Jesus proves that he's God Jesus preaches the gospel Jesus shows the gospel in this story a great miracle let's bow our heads you