(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And all right Matthew chapter 28 is the last chapter in the book of Matthew So we've been studying through Matthew chapter 28 many chapters were very long So we took two weeks to get through some chapters because I didn't want to leave anything out Matthew chapter 28 is not a particularly long chapter. It's not one of the Gospels that gives a lot of the detail After Jesus's resurrection, but we will go through it and I want to point out some some interesting thoughts about Matthew chapter 28 First of all before we get into the actual chapter itself Remember that Jesus has just actually physically died on the cross and the Bible actually tells us that Something happened before Jesus rose again from the dead So if you turn to Acts chapter 2 Let's take a look at this before we even get into Matthew chapter 28 because the Bible very clearly well, let me Say more clearly the King James Bible very clearly teaches this doctrine that when Jesus physically died on the cross His soul actually went to hell and the Bible clearly teaches that so let's take a look at it in Acts chapter 2 I mean, it's not something that's that's hard to understand when you have a King James Bible in your hand but I want to show you this evening the importance mainly of having a King James Bible and how important it is and if you don't have a King James Bible the types of doctrinal mistakes that you can make and That's the faith that you just can't have honestly in the Word of God if you don't have the King James Bible So look at Acts chapter 2 and look at verse number 25 This is talking about you know Where Jesus's soul went after he died physically on the cross and the Bible says for David speaketh concerning him I foresaw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved Therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad Moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope because that will not leave my thou will not leave my soul in hell Neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption thou hast made known to me the ways of life Thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance men and brethren Let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried and his Sepulchre is with us unto this day So here the Bible is saying that this could not have been David talking about himself because David's flesh Did see corruption? He's that he says his Sepulchre his tomb the tomb of David is with us to this day. So he is clearly Prophesying a prophecy about the Messiah when he says that he will not leave my soul in hell Neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption Of course Jesus rose from the dead on the third day before, you know, his flesh actually began to see corruption That's what that means. Okay, therefore being a prophet verse 30. So now this is David He's saying David was prophesying here Therefore being a prophet and knowing that God has sworn with an oath to him that the fruit of his loins According to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne. He's seeing this before now He's just gonna tell you okay. He says he's seeing this before he's like David saw this before it happened Spake of the resurrection of Christ King David in this psalm Spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell. Neither did his flesh See corruption turn to Ephesians chapter 4. It's a very clear doctrine. You say well that wasn't that clear that was kind of complicated So let's let's look at some more verses we can look at some more verses in the King James Bible about this look at Ephesians chapter 4 and verse number 6 Ephesians chapter 4 and verse number 6 the Bible says this It says one God and father of all who is above all and through all and in you all But unto every one of us has given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ Wherefore he saith he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men now that he ascended What is it but that he also? Descended first so we know that Jesus ascended into heaven after he was on this earth to sit on the right hand of God But the Bible clearly says here in Ephesians chapter 4 he descended first into the lower parts of the earth That of course in the King James Bible is where hell is located in the center of the earth turn to 1st Peter chapter 3 1st Peter chapter 3 1st Peter chapter 3 so it really makes perfect sense when you think about the doctrinal idea of it So because the wages of sin is death for us what we deserve is death We deserve that spiritual death that second death, which is you know, hell which is eventually the lake You know the lake of fire the Bible says it's an eternal punishment, but before that it is hell It's in the center of the earth. That's what we deserve for our sins It makes perfect sense that somebody had to go through that somebody had to do that Right, and it was of course the only person that could do that and come out of it was the Lord Jesus Christ was God himself. Okay. Look at 1st Peter chapter 3 look at verse number 18 For Christ also Also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh But quickened by the spirit which also which by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison So it says also he went and preached unto the spirits and prisoners I mean this gives the idea that when Jesus was in hell I mean he was preaching in hell that the Bible says so I mean we don't have a lot of detail about that But we do know very clearly from our King James Bible that Jesus went to hell his soul went to hell You know for those that time that his body was in the tomb now that we know that let's look back at Matthew chapter 28 and verse number one, like I said, the doctrine makes perfect sense, you know, somebody has to pay, you know Sometimes you'll use this analogy out soul winning You may say to someone if you commit a crime and you stand before a judge someone has to pay they can't just let you Go just because you're nice or just because you help, you know old ladies across the street or you know You help people at a hardware store, you know You can't just you know It doesn't cancel out the crime that you've already committed someone has to pay the price for the crime and Jesus paid Okay, Jesus paid look at Matthew chapter 28 in verse number one the Bible says and then the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week came Mary Magdalene and The other Mary to see the Sepulchre and behold there was a great earthquake For the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it So here we see another earthquake another big earthquake look at verse number three and his countenance So, I mean we have quite a scene unfolding here again. You remember the big earthquake You remember the darkness when Jesus was on the cross? I mean just these drastic, you know supernatural events. We see it again here We see his countenance was like lightning his raiment white as snow for fear of him This is the angel for fear of him The keepers did shake and became his dead men and the angel answered and said unto the women fear not ye For I know that you seek Jesus which was crucified. So I mean this was a fearful sight This wasn't just some guy, you know I don't know if you've if you've ever seen a movie or some reenactment of this some guy in a white robe This was quite a sight an angel with this big earthquake It's actually two angels coming down from heaven and just this white, you know light and he says and go quickly He says he is not here for he has risen and said come see the place where the Lord lay and go quickly and tell his Disciples that he has risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into Galilee there You shall see him lo I have told you and they departed quickly from this epic culture with fear and great joy and did run to bring his Disciples words turn to Luke chapter 24. Let's get a little bit more detailed about this incident. Look at Luke chapter 24 and verse number 4 verse number 4 of Luke chapter 24 says and it came to pass as they were much perplexed there about behold two men stood by them in shining garments again showing that these men were just they were just Emitting light and as they were afraid and bowed down their faces to the earth They said to them why seek ye the living among the dead he is not here But risen remember how he spoke unto you that he was not that he was yet in Galilee Saying the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and the third day Rise again turn to Matthew chapter 17. So here's the kind of that It's not funny. But I mean just something to observe here is that Jesus told them that this was gonna happen I mean he said that this is exactly what was going to happen He said I'm gonna die and then in the third day He's like I'm gonna rise again and yet everyone is just shocked. I mean everyone has left I mean, they're not even it doesn't even give indication that they're waiting around to see if this happens I mean, it just seems like everyone has forgotten look at Matthew chapter 17 I mean, this is Jesus telling them what's going to happen in Matthew 17 verse 22 The Bible says and when they abode in Galilee Jesus said unto them the Son of Man shall be betrayed into the hands of men And they shall kill him and the third day he shall be raised again and they were exceeding sorry So look, I mean Jesus told them what was gonna happen I mean Jesus said what was gonna happen and it's exactly what did happen, right? I mean shocker, right and it's just another interesting thing is it says the third day. He shall be raised again Which so what's with Good Friday? I Mean what's with Good Friday where we celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus in the evening on Good Friday And then like a day and a half later we We celebrate the resurrection on the third day. It's weird. I don't know I always wondered about it. Even when I was a kid growing up as a Lutheran. I was just like Hmm it just doesn't make any sense, right so clearly that's not when Jesus was crucified But not really the point I wanted to make look at verse 9 of Matthew chapter 28 The Bible says and as they went to tell his disciples behold Jesus met them saying all hail And they came and held him by the feet and worshiped him then Jesus said unto them be not afraid Go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee and there they shall see me now when they were they were going behold Some of the watch came into the city and showed unto the chief priests all the things that were done go back to Matthew Chapter 27 so go back to Matthew chapter 27. So remember remember who are these people of the watch? Who are these? These up people of the watch some of the watch it says came into the city well Matthew chapter 27 at the end we see who these are these people are and then look at verse number 64 of Matthew 27 Just a couple pages back in your Bible This was of course the scribes and the Pharisees They were worried because they even they knew that Jesus said he was gonna rise from the dead and they're like hey You know, this is gonna be a hoax They're gonna steal the body and they're gonna say that he rose from the dead. Give us some soldiers We want to put them, you know up against the tomb So they the disciples can't steal the body and claim that he rose again from the dead Look, it's verse 64 command therefore that the sepul culture be made sure unto the third day lest his disciples come by night and Steal them away and say unto the people he has risen from the dead So the last error shall be worse than the first pilot said unto them you have a watch go your way Make it as sure as you can so pilot wants this whole thing to be over. He's like I want this thing to be done He's like fine. Here's some soldiers take them put them by the tomb whatever you have to do So here you have this situation where you have these Roman soldiers standing watch over this tomb and these angels come down I mean look The only ones that witnessed the whole thing were these Roman soldiers the only ones that were standing there with the tomb shut when the angels came down and run because when when Mary and When Mary when the and the other two women showed up that it was already the tomb was open and the angel was there So these soldiers literally were there they saw an earthquake the tomb rolled open. They were they saw the angels They saw the whole thing. They literally saw the resurrection of Christ These guys and think about this they go and they tell the Pharisees They tell the scribes and the Pharisees exactly what they saw look at verse number 12 of Matthew 28 and They were assembled with the elders and had taken counsel. They gave large money under the soldiers Look, they told them everything that they saw and the Pharisees said, you know, we're just gonna pay him off To not say what they just told us Okay, and look at verse 13 saying saying he his disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept And if this come to the governor's ears, we'll persuade him and secure you So look, this is a great proof in the Bible go back to Matthew 27 again This is a great proof in the Bible that no matter what some people are just not gonna believe Some people are not able to believe so don't be surprised Okay Look if somebody that you know you give the gospel to and they don't accept it Look, just give it to them again and again and again and don't be like, oh, you know, they're a reprobate or whatever Just keep giving them the gospel. But the point is that some people are just not able to believe and These guys were dishonest the scribes and the Pharisees look at me We know they're dishonest but look look what they said in verse 41 of chapter 27 When Jesus was on the cross, they were mocking him they were making fun of him and they were saying with the scribes and the elders the chief priests the scribes and the elders look Verse 42 it said he saved others himself He cannot save if he be king of Israel let him now come down from the cross and we will believe him they said Well, he's out. He's not only off the cross. He's out of the tomb. They've got an eyewitness account of angels He's resurrected from the dead. They still won't believe And we know why I'm not gonna get into it Jesus Jesus said, you know in though in that case He's like he didn't want them to believe they had lost their chance to believe, you know So, I mean if you're an unsaved person and unbeliever look I would believe now I would listen to what the Bible says and believe as soon as possible because you never know When you're gonna be too proud or your heart will be too hardened and you may not be able to believe look the scribes and the Pharisees no matter what they saw They would not believe I Mean this is proof of it turn to Luke chapter 16 this reminds me of another time in the Bible that we see this same type of You know attitude from the Lord saying look it doesn't matter what certain people see It doesn't matter what happens right in front of certain people's eyes. They will not believe some people Look at Luke chapter 16. Look at verse number 27 This of course is talking about the rich man and Lazarus Lazarus, of course went to heaven the rich man went to hell I mean, this is a great example of hell in the Bible, by the way You know the rich man the Bible says he he opened his eyes and he was in torments So he died and immediately he opened his eyes and he was in hell I mean there is no soul sleep or you know halfway house or whatever you want to call it You know that that other Bible versions will tell you. Okay. Look the whole idea of Jesus is so going to hell You know why it got so mixed up it got so mixed up because in other Bible versions It doesn't use the word hell other Bible versions newer Bible versions It will say that oh the word she'll in the Old Testament was mistranslated And it will use different words in the Bible like, you know, the place of the dead or something like that, right? We'll get into that a little bit later, but it just becomes a confusing message the rich man in Luke chapter 16 He woke up and he was in hell right after he died immediately. Look at verse 27. So he's in hell He found out that he's not gonna get out of hell There's no getting out and at that point He just wants somebody to go back and go tell his brethren go tell his family what they need to believe So they don't have to come to the same place that he's that he's at. He's like, hey, I can't get out myself I'd like to save my family Look at verse 27. Then he said I pray therefore father that thou would have send them to my father's house He's saying please send Lazarus to my father's house for I have five brethren his five brothers That he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of torment Abraham saith unto him they have Moses and the prophets. He's like saying he's like look they have the Bible They have the Bible. Why would they need someone to come from the dead to talk to them? Isn't this the flesh and what we would think though? I mean we all have the Bible but haven't you ever thought about that? I know I used to think about that all the time I used to love like apologetics and I used to love like people that were searching for the Ark of the Covenant And searching for Noah's Ark, you know, they found Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat supposedly I was super interested in that stuff like way before I was even saved But I was super interested in that stuff because I always believed the Bible Okay And I was like man if we could just find Noah's Ark And we could just find the Ark of the Covenant and we could just find you know All these different things that were throughout history that proved the Bible and everyone will believe the Bible. I Mean that was my that was my thinking I hope they can find Noah's Ark because no one believes that story. They don't believe the Bible I'm like we just find it then everyone will believe the Bible, but that's not true at all That's not true at all Look at verse 29 and Abraham saith to him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them He says they have the Bible verse 30 and he said nay father Abraham But if one went on to them from the dead They will repent and he said unto him if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither Will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead? So Abraham says to him he says look he's like first of all What does he say? He's like if he sees one come from the dead they'll repent. What's that mean that they'll repent of their sins No, did he say repent of your sins No, he said they'll repent they'll change their mind They'll change their mind. They'll change what they believe and they'll believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and they'll get saved He says no if they won't believe the Bible they won't leave believe somebody coming from raising from the dead either Isn't that true? Look at the story of Jesus One rose from the dead and they still didn't believe So, I mean, it's just a great proof of Luke chapter 16 It just shows you how the Bible just really ties itself together go back to Matthew chapter 28 and look at verse number 15 Matthew chapter 28 in verse number 15 and the Bible says So they took the money and did as they were taught and this saying is commonly reported amongst the Jews this day Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them and they saw him they worshipped him But some doubted and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and earth go ye therefore and Make disciples of all nations. Is that what that says? How many times have you heard that raise your hand if you've heard go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations? How many people have heard that in their life? I've heard that so many times in my life Even after I've read the Bible as many times as I've read it through that still rings in my ear Just make disciples of all nations. That's not what the Bible says That's not what the King James Bible says that's what the NIV says The NIV says make disciples of all nations, but the real Bible the King James Bible says go ye therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son of the Holy Ghost Teaching them there it is again To observe all things whatsoever. I've commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world. Amen So you say what's the difference? You're Splitting hairs. Well, let me ask you this. There's a big difference because it's everyone who is saved a disciple No a disciple is someone who follows Jesus, okay turn to Romans chapter 4 I'll prove this to you Look at Romans chapter 4. I mean look if a disciple if somebody being saved if somebody who believes the gospel is the Exact same as a disciple Then I guess this is okay to say go make disciples because it's the same thing is go get people saved It's what he's saying. Okay, but look what he says in Look go to I got a turn there to go to Romans chapter 4 Let's look at these two guys and let's look at this guy and see if he's a disciple Look at Romans chapter 4 and look at verse number 4 Look at verse number 4 The Bible says now we're going to talk about two guys in Romans 4 and Romans 5 Romans 4 4 and Romans 4 5 We're talking about two separate people here. The Bible says now to him that worketh This is a guy that's out and he's doing the works, man He's out there and he's working and but the Bible says the reward is not reckoned of grace but of debt So this guy's out. He's doing the works He's doing the works that you know, a Christian is supposed to do and the Bible says he's gonna have nothing but debt Then look at verse number five the Bible says Now tell me if this sounds like a disciple to you. Okay a disciple somebody's just like serving the Lord just like Jesus What do you want me to do? Just going out two by two just like Jesus told them just like knocking on doors They're slamming in your face. You shake the dust off your feet and you go knock on the next door. That's a disciple Following the Great Decide, you know the Great Commission if you love me keep my Commandments Somebody who's just like striving to keep the commandments to show their love to God. That's a disciple But look at this guy in verse number five, but to him that worketh not This guy doesn't work. He's not doing this But to him that worketh not he goes to hell Is that what it says look what it says but to him that worketh not but? believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly His faith is counted for righteousness. That's all that's counted for righteousness is faith. This guy had no works It said he worketh not It didn't say he worked a little and had faith. It said he worketh Not the guy was a jerk the guy didn't love the Lord because look if you don't do the works You don't love the Lord But it has nothing to do with whether or not you have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ whether or not you have trusted Completely in the Lord Jesus Christ because that's a belief not a work He worketh not I Mean, so I mean that's a great verse for people when you're out soul winning that are hung up on works Cuz look the guy in verse number four to me and you is probably a nicer guy than the guy in verse number five But the guy in verse four is going to hell and the guy in verse five is going to heaven I Mean, that's the way it is because it's on belief only For by grace are you saved through faith? And not of yourselves. It is the gift of God not of Works at all It's not of works So that I mean that's why if you're saved, you know Look if you're saved you should be a disciple, but you just notice the word should You notice when we went through the book of Romans They just kept saying that you should not follow the works of the flesh It's talking about this war between your flesh and your spirit Look, you've got the Holy Spirit in you if you're saved, but your flesh is warring against that you should War against your flesh You should it doesn't say you will Okay, just like that's why Romans 4-4 and Romans 4-5 is in the Bible for us right there Okay, look go to go to mark 16. All Jesus was saying was Was this all he was saying was the same thing that he said? In the Great Commission and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature That's what Jesus was saying Teach all nations teach them what teach them the gospel and then teach them the Bible Get them saved and hey show them how to what the Bible says show them You know, if you love me keep my Commandments, you know become a disciple But he says he doesn't say go and make disciples They need people need to be saved first and there's a difference between being saved and being a disciple That's why not every single person that you get saved is gonna just jump right in church and just become a soldier for Christ I mean some people will but not everybody. It's just a matter of character folks. It's a matter of character Okay. Now look Matthew 28 doesn't give us a lot of detail go to Acts chapter 1 about you know, Jesus is 40 days on this earth How do I know it's 40 days go to Acts chapter 1 So the book of John gives us much more detail about Jesus's time on earth after the resurrection We're not really going to get into a lot of that We've kind of touched on that throughout Matthew, but look at Acts chapter 1 and look at verse number 3 The Bible says to whom he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs So the Bible says he came to earth and he showed himself alive and he proved that he was alive being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God So he showed himself for 40 days and then he ascended into heaven So that is the book of Matthew now in the book of Matthew in Matthew 28 Particularly we saw a couple things that are really key to why you should be King James only Okay. First of all, we saw the doctrine on hell go to Acts chapter 2 in verse number 27 You've been there but just go there real quickly in Acts chapter 2 and verse 27 Look the teaching on Jesus not going to hell in the Bible is based on other Bible versions That's that's solely what it's based on if you have a King James Bible, you would never even think there was a controversy here Okay, but look in Acts chapter 2 and verse 27 pull out your NIV Don't pull one out anybody. It says it says instead of hell. It says realm of the dead Okay, it says realm of the dead. I mean first of all, it reads like a Lord of the Rings book I mean, it's just I mean It's hard to even read these other Bible versions after you've been reading a King James Bible for so long in the ESV Which is supposed to be so much closer to the literal translation. It says, you know Hades Okay, and they'll teach that Hades is like this this half-hell for believers So like you go to hell for you go to you're not gonna look if you're saved You're not gonna go to hell but you're gonna go to half-hell called Hades for a while And then after that, you know because it's the hell for believers, right? Have you ever heard of these people that believe that believers go to hell? All right. Yeah, it is wicked, right? Look, you can manipulate the first of all, you can manipulate the words all you want. The doctrine just isn't there in the Bible It's not there in the Bible. I mean eternal life is eternal life Everlasting is everlasting if it start if it starts and then it stops and then it starts again I mean that didn't last forever. It stopped for a while man, you know, I mean it's like That's not everlasting Let me give you give your kid a toy and says hey this toy lasts forever and it breaks tomorrow. I Mean, that's not everlasting at all. So like it's very it's very similar by the way to the Catholic Theology of purgatory Where people go to this place for a while. It's a man-made doctrine and then you know, the Catholics had it first So the modern Bible versions aren't even they're not even not even original when it comes to that Okay, so look the Bible if you have a King James Bible in your hand It's very clear. All right, so many other contradictions and weird doctrines in the Bible are not even issues If you have a King James Bible And I try to point those out to you as we go through sermons because you quite frankly you just couldn't cover everything in One sermon or even a sermon series on the King James versus all the other Bible versions. There's too many errors There's too many weird doctrines. There's too many things. So tonight I want to talk for a few minutes just on why We are King James only. Okay some ideas now. Look first the first problem is this Okay, I'm gonna give you kind of my perspective. I don't know if that will help you at all But this is my perspective. Okay, if the King James is not right, which one is that's the first thing Right because look they all have their issues and almost everyone will admit that Even the people that back up the modern Bible versions will say well They all have their issues and you got to use this one is better in this area And this one's better in this area. Look here's the thing once you have one error Can you trust the document at all? Once you have one error if I tell you here's a book and There's a big error in this book and I'm not gonna tell you where it is Can you trust anything that that book says you can't that's the problem. Look I've seen I If I know a document contains errors you just you can't trust anything it invalidates the entire document is what I'm trying to get at Okay, so you have to question everything so here's why I'm King James only I know there's a lot of arguments out there There's a lot of language experts out there. I just want to tell you I can barely speaking English Okay And I'm gonna tell you why I am King James only out of all the arguments out of all the debates out of all the language Language analysis to me. First of all, it's simply a matter of faith That's really what it comes down to but what I want to explain to you tonight is it's not a matter of blind faith Okay, so I just want to give you some logical explanations, you know kind of a testimony of why I know Personally why I have a hundred percent faith in the King James Bible That's what I want to give you for the next few minutes. First of all, so let's start first of all, I Have never found an error. I Have never found an error and I have looked into every single error that has been listed or talked about or Whatever I've never looked many people have attempted to find errors in the King James Bible I mean I try to point these out through sermons when it applies that people think there's an error here and then I show you What it is and look most of the times these contradictions are simply Surface level reading of the Bible and the explanation is a deeper is a deeper level So you have to have a deeper understanding of the doctrines of the Bible and where things cross reference and it's completely Explainable and it's completely logical and it completely lines up with the truth so what these contradictions many at most of them I would say 90 to 95 percent of all the Contradictions in the Bible are just simple misunderstandings of surface reading of the Bible by unsaved people That's that's that's my vast experience with the errors in the Bible. Okay, it's just surface Reading of the Bible. Okay, like like for example Matthew 28, you know, we saw that there was one angel there. We went we looked at other Gospels. There was two angels Well did Matthew 28 said there was only one angel. No I mean it said it talked about the one angel talking to the ladies and then in other versions We see so we know that there was two angels there. They are not contradictory Okay. Now Matthew 28 would have said there was only one angel there and this is what he said then we have a problem But it doesn't happen in the Bible It's very simple number two the Bible validates itself Okay, and you say what you say you're an engineer and you just made that statement You just made that statement that the document validates itself, you know, that's circular logic, man You can't say that, you know, but look why do I know the Bible is true turn to Psalm chapter 12? Because the Bible says so and the Bible is true now that most people would say that that's circular logic Most people would say hey, you can't prove something by the very thing that you were talking about You can't make a statement and say that the statement is true because of the very statement. You can't do that That's called circular logic, but I'm gonna show you why it works with the Bible. Look at Psalm chapter 12 Psalm chapter 12 Look at verse number six. Here's the claim of the Bible This is what God claims the words of the Bible claim the Bible say the words of the Lord are pure words It says that these are pure words. There's no mistakes here These are pure words. Well or whatever the words of the Lord are they're pure. Okay, whatever Version we find out is true. Those are pure words. All right. Now, maybe those words are lost Maybe we just don't have the words of the Lord today Is that possible keep reading as silver tried in a furnace of the earth purified seven times So we know that if we have the words of the Lord, they're pure. They're without air Okay now look at verse number seven thou shalt keep them o Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever Oh, that means that we will always have them That means that they will always be preserved in that pure form So if we have the word of the Lord, which we will according to verse number seven, they will be pure Okay, so look this is a is God's promise and Here's the thing for 300 years before all these modern Bible versions came out The King James Bible was the only Bible available in English so in order to believe that one of these Bible versions that just popped up in the last 50 60 70 80 years or whatever is The truth you have to believe that God buried the truth for 350 or whatever years That's what you have to believe. You have to believe that God lost his word You have to believe that God couldn't preserve his word for that time. All right now look How about this that you can't use the document itself to prove the validity of the document now? Normally, I would agree with you there All right, normally I would agree with you But let me give you an analogy all right on why the Bible is able to prove its own validity All right. Look this is an object lesson. We haven't had one of these for a while. Okay, there's a thing out there There's these machines that have been Talked about theoretically for hundreds of years and it's called a perpetual motion machine Okay A perpetual motion machine is a machine that you don't have to input any energy into like your car you have to keep putting gas in your car right or your car will not run anymore and The idea with a perpetual motion machine is it's theoretical. It's not even it's made up It's not real it would violate the first and second laws of thermodynamics I'm not going to get into all that but basically you can't create energy Every machine is less than a hundred percent efficient meaning there's losses to friction There's losses to heat and there's losses to all different kinds of things. Look the light bulb It doesn't just create light it creates a lot of heat too. So it's not a hundred percent efficient That's why you have to constantly be eating food. You're not a hundred percent efficient either if you quit putting energy in your body You will die Second law of thermodynamics you will become room-temperature Okay, I mean that is the Bible so like people have been inventing and you can go on YouTube and you can watch videos even Today people have been talking about perpetual motion machines It's a huge hoax that's been going on people like I've invented a perpetual motion machine, you know in the 1800s It was really big when electricity was first founded and the steam engine and all these things Everyone wanted to find a perpetual motion machine So people would they would make a machine that would just seem to keep moving on its own But then some engineers it was always the engineers that proved it by the way proved at a fake Right, but some engineer would come in and see that there was a string running under the floor up to some guy Like running a wheel or something, you know eating a sandwich You know, I mean but it you know, he's paying you know, hey ten dollars and you can see my perpetual motion machine It's it's the same today. Look it's impossible for it to exist Okay, so like here's my perpetual motion machine, okay, so here I'm gonna just get this thing going I'm gonna add energy, right So here this is gonna go It's not gonna go forever though, right because it's it's losing. It's got wind resistance the balls hitting each other It's causing frictional losses. This thing's gonna stop right probably before I'm even talking done talking. But look, let's say Let's say I mean look at I mean the the air in the room the frictional losses, you know Gravity it stopped the machine. So unless I keep adding energy to this machine, it's going to stop Okay, but let's say for example back to the Bible. Let's say that we found a machine That would never stop moving Let's say we found a perpetual motion machine. I Mean we found one. I mean it's a miracle right? We found one. It just won't stop moving It's somehow is just keeping itself moving. It's defying the laws of physics. It's defying the laws of thermodynamics I mean the device in itself would be a miracle right Would it not look if it was proven to be valid and not a fraud and it really did work It would be a miracle of nature the thing right now say that there was an engravement We found this miracle of nature and nobody knew where it came from But let's say there was a nameplate on it It was engraved in the side of the miracle machine and the miracle machine said, you know, well You know, it was made in this date. It was made by this person and it was made for this reason If you found the machine, that was a miracle Would you believe the engravement and where it came from? Of course you would because the very miracle of the machine itself Proves the validity of the machine you see So, of course you can believe it However, look, I mean many people I mean if the machine was not valid and it didn't work like take antiques For example, like I have some people in my family. They're really into antiques people fake antiques They'll change the date on to some sword or something because if they say it was made in 1600 it's worth more money than if you say it was made in 1900, right? So they'll they'll fake it It'll be a forge. It'll be fraud Right, but if it's found to be a fraud, I mean you can't I mean there's nothing there's no miracle about it It's a fraud But if the machine itself proves that it's a miracle you can you can it's valid just by that right? So look Here's the thing. The Bible is a miracle The Bible is a miracle in itself. You say why well, first of all It's the only book ever written that applies to everyone on earth at any time in the history of the world There's no other book that you can say that about You see what I'm saying? The Bible applies to anywhere to anyone at any time I Mean look there's all kinds of books on business out there right like rich dad poor dad that applies to mostly dads Right, you got like books like, you know women self-help books that you know I don't I don't think I'm probably gonna get much out of those You have books like even universal books on relationships Like one of my favorites is Dale Carnegie's how to how to win friends and influence people It's a great book, but it's not really going to help somebody out in like Moses's time it vastly based on experiences in the modern world and Relationships with people in the modern world businesses in the modern world So look you could never apply it to somebody at some other time in a vast different time in history You could never do that the Bible on the other hand applies to all at all times Right. I mean look it'll not only change and if you listen to it, it'll change we've talked about this It'll change your entire life. It'll not only change your entire life, but it'll change your eternity. I Mean that is a miracle if you learn to follow it if you let yourself follow it You know it will look and look the wisdom of the Bible Like every single self-help book that I've read other than the Bible There's always something in there that you just kind of have to be like, yeah, that's wrong I mean Dale Carnegie's books a lot of times He'll talk about things like Buddha said this and Buddha said that like yeah, that's wrong You got to kind of filter out the bad The Bible the wisdom of the Bible has never been wrong. It's never been proven to be wrong ever It's unlike any other book It's a miracle in that sense. Look here's another thing So that's the first thing You know, it's it's just it's a miracle in the sense that it applies to everybody and it's never been wrong And the wisdom has never been proven to be wrong ever Okay, look now number two. It's impossible that it could exist without divine in intervention. You say what? It's impossible that this book this King James Bible could exist without the hand of God writing it you say how well 40 different human Arthur authors wrote this book Over the period of like almost 2,000 years and they didn't know each other and they came from different trades Different backgrounds. I mean we're talking about shepherds kings priests generals kings You know a cupbearer All these people all these vastly different people wrote this book over Almost 2,000 years and it there's no contradictions and it's all pointing to the same person That can't happen unless God wrote it unless God was moving the hands of those men I Mean these guys didn't know each other. I mean they did not they didn't even have a common agenda I mean, first of all, what man-made agenda has lasted for 1,500 years There isn't any The average Empire in the history of the world lasts like 200 years 250 years. We're coming up on that by the way So what maybe maybe that's why the average Empire lasts only 200 years or 250 years Because God wants to show you my agenda never changes. My agenda never changes your agenda changes all the time So what out of men and they're changing agendas and they're changing desires and they're changing wants and all these different people This agenda is all the same It's all the same. So look there's there's no there's no other explanation for it other than God had his hand in it Here's another one for you. There's no other explanation for the Christian martyrs There's no other explanation for the Christian martyrs. You say what do you mean these guys? Let's just look at the Apostles These guys they were they were laymen They were laymen. They were blue-collar workers. Most of them fishermen You know tradesmen Peter James John and Andrew. I mean, these are normal guys. These are just fishermen. He's running a business with their dad. I Mean they weren't I mean they weren't geniuses Look at all the interactions and how many times Jesus had to teach them the same thing I mean these guys weren't geniuses. They weren't these masterminds yet. You would have to believe that You would have to believe that That these guys were masterminds to come up with the biggest hoax in the history of mankind basically, right and and Not only were they masterminds you would have to believe if you believe that the story of Jesus was false as written in the King James Bible you have to believe that they were masterminds, but for some odd reason They did it at the expense of their families. They did it at the expense of their fortunes They did it at the expense of their very lives. I mean these guys gave up everything They had nowhere to go. They were tortured. They were killed. They lost all their worldly possessions. I mean for a lie Does that make any sense? It doesn't make any sense yet all the other religions use like what about the other religions all the other religions, you know Buddhism, you know Hinduism Islam sorry lost the big one there but like look there was something to gain by the founder Mormonism Joseph Smith There was something to gain Like how many cult leaders did we did we? Study it's like here's the thing to join me join my cult. I get to marry your wife. I Mean but that's common. I mean there was money there was power, you know, just everything It was they were in it for themselves. It was very clear to see but not this one There's no other explanation. I Mean plus none of these other religions no leader of these other religions claimed to die for the entire world Jesus is the only one and he actually did it So look this was I mean the only explanation is this was an extraordinary event witnessed by ordinary men It's the only thing that makes any sense even close So yes, I mean for these reasons the Bible has the unique ability to validate itself For these reasons the Bible is a miracle, I mean just because of the fact That it exists at all. It lends credibility to the explanation of its origin. It proves it And look as a matter of fact because of the Bible and Because of the fact that it's the only book of its kind that exists Including all the other false versions. It's the only book that can be trusted I'm not saying don't read any other books, but look you better know the Bible well Before you start going reading a whole bunch of other kind of self-help books If you know the Bible, well, you can filter the garbage out of all those books I'm not saying there's nothing good to get out of reading books That of course that's not what I'm saying But look the Bible is the only source that can actually 100% be trusted because it's the Bible Because it's the miracle of itself So look here's some interesting stats for you and I'll leave you with a little bit of hope tonight All right. So look, here's some interesting stats 24% still believe in the United States 24% of the American population believe that the Bible is the literal word of God There is never a time in my life where you could have asked me is the Bible the literal word of God and I would have said no never Even when I was unsaved And I believe that that's why you know People will get saved because if they believe that the Bible is the word of God and you show them the Bible That's some hope Okay, so look in 1976. This number was 38% so this number this this graph looks like this It's going down. All right, so 24% is the number we're at today, but here's the thing. Here's some hope How many people would you say are saved in? In America what percent I'll just give you the answer. It's like 1% 2% if you're an optimist, it's very low So we have 24% of the people that believe that the Bible is the literal word of God And you have 2% of them who are saved that means there's 22% of people out there You can basically go and show the Bible and they'll get saved That's what that means So, I mean that's some hope right there that we can go out and we can show these people what the Bible says and they Will just they will believe it they will get saved and we meet those people every week So look, I mean the King James Bible is without error. It's preserved. It's pure and God promises. It's true. And here's the thing It's I don't have to just language analysis this thing because it's a matter of faith But as I've shown you this evening, I hope you understand that it's it's certainly not a blind faith because the Bible itself validates itself Completely let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer You You You You You You