(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright Matthew chapter 22, so there's a we're gonna get through this whole thing Tonight I should probably should have broken it up into two sermons But if we take two sermons to get through every chapter, we're gonna be in Matthew from the rest of my physical life on earth right, so We're gonna get through Matthew chapter 22 tonight. All right, so we're gonna talk tonight about you know marriage, you know And you you know, you single guys are like no not again, right, but we're not talking about that type of marriage Okay, we're gonna talk about the the theme of this chapter a big theme in this chapter is the marriage between God and us as believers Okay, so that's are gonna be One of our main focuses but we're gonna get through most of the other chapters the other parts of the chapter a lot of it Some of it I've preached on before so we don't have to get too in-depth on it But let's go ahead and get into it this evening. Look at verse number one of Matthew chapter 22 So here he's telling us another parable. Okay, and this is a parable about a marriage about a marriage supper and let's look at it and Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables and said the kingdom of heaven is like unto a Certain King which made a marriage for his son and sent forth So, I mean look already we can already kind of tell like, you know what it's about, right? It's mean the king and then his son I mean already we already know what he's talking about Right and he sent forth his certain servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding that they would not and They would not come so his servants go out and they tell people That were invited to the wedding to come to the wedding and they wouldn't come and again He sent forth other servants saying tell them which are bid and behold I have prepared my dinner my oxen my fatlings are all killed and all things are ready come unto the marriage and they made light of it and they went their ways one to his farm another to his merchandise and the Remnant took his servants and entreated them spitefully and slew them. So I mean, this is a pretty crazy story, right? I mean this guy goes out and he's a king and he's making a marriage supper for his son and everything's prepared It's like and look when you go to a wedding First of all, do you pay for anything when you go to a wedding and there's this huge meal, you know No, you go there like many people just go there just to eat. They're a bunch of freeloaders, right? So they go there just to get the good food because they get the steak and the whatever right? Especially nice weddings people spend a lot of money on weddings, right? So look, so these people they then not only make light of it. They're like we're not coming and all this They actually like start killing the people that are inviting them to the wedding now This is way out of hand at this point, right and look at verse number seven but when the king heard thereof he was wroth that means he was mad wrathful and he sent forth his armies and Destroyed those murderers and burned up their city He said then he said to his servants the wedding is ready But they which were bidden were not worthy Go ye therefore into the highways and as many as you shall find bid to the marriage So here we have this picture of the Jews. Okay again I mean how many times do we have to have this shown to us in the Bible? This parable is telling us about you know, the coming of Christ, you know, the king's son Hello, right and that you know that they didn't accept him. They didn't want you know the gift of salvation They had other ideas other ways so then they go out in the highways and the hedges as the Bible says and we've studied extensively and this is talking about going Out and spreading the gospel to the Gentiles is what this is talking about in verse number nine. Look at verse number 10 So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all as many as they found Both bad and good and the wedding was furnished with guests So look they went out to the highways and the hedges right to find people for the wedding now, this is you This is you we go out in the highways and the hedges and we preach the gospel to everybody Jew Gentile It doesn't matter anybody right and then the king came in to see the guests and he saw They're a man which not had not on a wedding garment So here we have somebody who doesn't have a wedding garment. I just want you to remember this for now Okay, and saith unto him friend How cameest thou in hither not having a wedding garment and he was speechless then the king said to the servants bind him hand and foot and take him away and cast him into outer darkness and there shall be Weeping and gnashing of teeth for many are called but few are chosen So look they went out and they gathered people and they went and they found like they found all these people good and bad It said right and they brought these people to the wedding and the Bible says here He gives an example of somebody who came to the wedding from the highways and the hedges and did not have a garment And did not have a wedding garment out so they they bound him up and you know, basically burned him or whatever they did Right, I mean, it's a parable. Okay, but look let's talk about this marriage first But I want you to remember that guy and I want you to remember, you know, why he was kicked out of the wedding Okay, but let's talk about the marriage first. So what is you know this marriage? There's this marriage supper that is talked about in revelation So let's look at that first turn to Revelation chapter 19 because marriage, you know You see this This picture used again and again in the Bible So I just want to explain what this picture is in the Bible and what it isn't in the Bible So go to Revelation chapter 19 and look at verse number 5 of Revelation chapter 19 And I apologize if I'm talking fast, but we've got a few things to get through here Okay, so revelation chapter 19 looked at verse number 5 I'm talking probably faster than 180 words per minute right now brother Ryan. He measures how fast I talk No, I'm just kidding There's another conversation Anyway, and a voice came out of the throne verse 5 of Revelation 19 saying praise our God All you all ye his servants and ye that fear him both small and great So he says, you know, praise our God all ye his servants and ye that fear him both small and great so like those are the saved people right the people that fear the Lord and Small and great and up verse number six and as I heard it were the voice of a great multitude As the many as the voice of many waters and is the voice of mighty thundering saying hallelujah for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth so omnipotent means, you know all powerful So omni means at all or everything and potent means power or you know force So basically omnipotent means that God is all powerful Okay, God is there it's a good sermon series on the omni of God, but basically God is all-powerful You know omniscient means God knows everything but that's what omnipotent means all-powerful Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him for the marriage sup for the marriage of the Lamb is Come and his wife hath made herself ready Okay, so we need to look at who this wife is Okay, because there's a lot of controversy on who this wife is in the Bible But the Bible says in verse number eight It kind of tells us it says and to her who's her the wife Right was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean and white for the fine linen So what is the fine linen? So the fine linen so I mean, here's this wife, right? So here's this wife and she's going to what she's going to this marriage of the Lamb Okay, and she's wearing this fine linen and the linen is what it's the righteousness of the Son Okay, so the guy in the parable that Jesus was talking about that, you know came to the wedding So we have this picture of the Gentiles being preached to they have the gospel being preached to them They're invited, you know into the kingdom into this this marriage as it's called and you know There's somebody that didn't have a garment. Well, what is the garment? Represent the garment represents the righteousness the salvation is what the garment actually represents okay, and of course, you know the garment, you know, if you go to you know, You know who is our righteousness? You know when you look at the Bible and you study this out in the Bible, I mean in Jeremiah 23 6 You know, I had to stop the sermon somewhere because you could just go in so many different branches But the point is that the righteousness that we have our garment is Jesus Christ You know in Jeremiah 23 6 Jesus is called the Lord our righteousness So our righteousness is being covered. It's Jesus Okay. So look this guy that came to the wedding in the parable that Jesus was talking about. He was not saved So, I mean guess what in this church, we're gonna have people that come in here that aren't saved You know, I mean, hopefully we can get them saved, right? But that's a representation of they brought all the good and the bad and there's just some people that just weren't saved Right Judas Jesus in his own in his own Group of the twelve apostles, you know, he had one that wasn't saved Right. He had a non-believer. He had somebody who didn't have the garment. He didn't have that righteousness Alright, so what the wife in Revelation 19 is the Saints here? Okay, it's it's all ye his servants that fear him both small and great and you know The wife is the Saints the righteousness is the garment Okay, so the Saints that you know, we're saved because we have righteousness we have put on Christ So Christ is really our garment you could say, okay now go to Revelation chapter 21 And then verse 9 I'll just continue reading as you're turning to Revelation 21 go to verse number 9 It says any said unto me righted bled right blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb? And he saith unto me these are the true sayings of God Revelation 21 look at verse number 9 and there came to me one of the several angels seven angels Which had seven vials full of the last of the seven last plagues and talked with me saying come hither I will show thee the bride the Lamb's wife. So he's like hey, I'm gonna show you the Lamb's wife right now So, I mean there's a look there's a lot of controversy on who the Lamb's wife is In this world even amongst same people I mean, there's some crazy stuff going on out there about who the Lamb's wife is But the Bible says right here this angel just says hey come with me. I'm gonna show you the Lamb's wife So maybe we should pay attention to what the next few verses say Okay so look at the next few verses and the Bible says and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and Showed me what and showed me that great city the holy Jerusalem Descending out of heaven from God and then the next few verses describe the city they describe what the city looks like the dimensions all this and in verse 24 The Bible says and the nations of them which are saved Shall walk in the light of it and the kings of the earth to bring their glory and honor into it So he says I'm gonna show you the wife the Lamb's Broke the Lamb's wife is what he says. First of all, he doesn't say I'm gonna show you the bride of Christ It's never even in the Bible Which is so stupid that there's all these things. There's books written on it Alright, look, so it says I'm gonna show you the Lamb's wife and then he describes this city coming down from heaven Which is the New Jerusalem? Okay, and in this city it is filled with the Saints All the Saints okay that will walk in the light of this city. So I mean who is the wife? I mean you could say that the wife is the New Jerusalem or you know If you say, you know, if I'm talking about like the city of New York City, you know The city of New York City is you know, this many people. I mean I'm talking about the people there, right? So really the bride the wife I keep saying the bride right but the wife is the the New Jerusalem with all the Saints. I Mean isn't that what you guys just read Right, so I mean that's that's what the wife is Okay, and what we're looking at in Matthew chapter 22 is a parable. Okay, so look it's really I mean the idea of The wife and the marriage supper is so the marriage supper is the preparation for this wedding and who the wife is and revelation in End times. I mean, it's really not complicated So if you're just like man, that seems so much complicated things that ever it's not complicated I mean, it's not complicated. It's the New Jerusalem with all the Saints in it I mean, that's what we just read right now, but look this concept Here's where it gets confusing where people start twisting in weird stuff. All right this concept of Now we're talking about a concept. Okay, we were just talking about a revelation on who the literal wife is of the end times Right. It's that New Jerusalem with all the Saints in it right now but throughout the Bible there's this concept of Saved people of the saved being married to God Okay, I mean it's a concept that's in all over the New Old Testament all over the New Testament We could read verses for the rest of the sermon on just this one concept turn to Jeremiah chapter 3 We'll just look at a couple. Okay, just so you don't think I'm lying to you But look it's a concept God talked about the children of Israel in the Old Testament as being married to him He used he used the analogy of a marriage to describe the relationship that he had with his people on earth all The time look at Jeremiah 3 in verse number 14. He says turn Oh backsliding children. So look at Jeremiah We just studied Jeremiah where that were that where the children of Israel doing what they were supposed to do Were they in right standing with God in Jeremiah? No, that's why Jeremiah was supposed to go and just rip face and not be ashamed of their faces, right? so Oh backsliding children sayeth the Lord for I am married unto you and I will take you of you one of a city and two of a family and I will bring you to Zion Surely as a wife Treacherously departed from her husband. So who departed from who? So they departed from God they betrayed God so he's saying look who's the wife here The children of Israel are the wife in this analogy He says surely as a wife, but you see that again right there as a wife. He's using you know a Comparison here. He's comparing it. It's a metaphor as a wife treacherously departed from her husband So have you dealt treacherously with me Oh house of Israel sayeth the Lord turn to Hosea chapter 1 so the imagery of marriage is used throughout the Old Testament to describe his relationship with the children of Israel all throughout the Old Testament Constantly if you read through the Old Testament, it would just be again and again and again and again. It's constant Look, it's taken so far in Hosea That hope so God looks at it when those people when when the children of Israel and his people That he compares to his wife when they turn a gate away from him and they chase after other gods He compares it to adultery He compares it to whoredoms. He compares it to a wife, you know being a Whore and chasing after you know other people other than her husband, you know not being faithful That's how he takes it so far as in Hosea Look at Hosea chapter 1 in verse number 1 the word of the Lord came unto Hosea the son of Biri in the days of Uzziah Jotham a has and Hezekiah kings of Judah in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel the beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea and the Lord said to Hosea the first thing he says to him is I go and take thee a wife of whoredoms and Children of whoredoms for the land have committed great whoredom departing from the Lord So he went and he took Gomer the daughter of Ghibliem and conceived and bear him a son. He had Hosea marry a prostitute To prove a point that the people had committed whoredoms against him, you know, and look, I mean Hopefully it all worked out But my point is that he's he's making a pretty strong point with his prophet here and it's comparing You know, it's again using this analogy of a marriage between his people and that they had left him They were being unfaithful to him and you know, that's that's the combat That's what he used and the New Testament turn to Ephesians chapter 5 It's no different in the New Testament the same type of Picture is used look at Ephesians 5 and 25 the Bible says Husbands love your wives even as you see that again says husbands love your wives so husband love your wife even as Christ Also loved the church and gave himself for it So look he's saying husbands love your wives even as in the same way as Christ loved the church so he's using this same thing the Saints are the wife and Christ God is the husband Same thing turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11. I mean are we seeing a pattern here? Are we seeing a pattern? I mean, it's a perfect, you know metaphor to use look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 and look at verse number 2 The Bible says for I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy. So is jealousy good or bad? So jealousy is fine. It's good. It's great. God is jealous, right the difference between jealousy and envy is Jealousy means that you are you know that you are protective over something that's yours That is yours. You belong it belongs to you, right? Envy is when you're covetous over something that if I was just like I want Adam's tie. I See doing with that tie should be my tie That's envy right if I'm just like I'm mean to Adam and I'm just like what's your problem man? Give me the tie Right, that's envy that's covetous. This is bad. Jealousy is good. Okay, but that's Adam's tie Right, so that's it's not right for me to covet that thing but God is jealous because we are his Right. We were bought with a price For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy for I have espoused you to one husband That I may present you as a chaste virgin to who's the husband Christ? Okay, so I mean it's just Again again again, it's an analogy. It's a picture all right, it's a picture of our relationship with God and the relationship that the saved people and believers in churches throughout the Bible Have with God it's that simple. It's a good analogy. It's a good metaphor That's why God uses it because it's perfect It works together as a matter of fact our relationship and the way it's supposed to be with God is Actually what we're supposed to model our marriages after right so that's why it works so well because it starts with God Right, it starts with God and his relationship towards us how he is towards us like he gave his only son for us and then we're supposed to model our lives with the people in our lives and our Wives and our spouses after that relationship. Okay now people create doctrines out of thin air on this stuff On the I mean they just look here's the thing and it's gonna be the main point in this whole sermon Just take the Bible for what it says. I Mean just I mean people get really weird with this bride of Christ stuff. I mean it's it's but but look the Bible as far as the the the Marriage of the Lamb and and the Lamb's wife the Bible really doesn't mention it much. We pretty much read everything About it right the rest of the Bible. It's a concept. It's a picture It's a it's a it's a template for our relationship with God and God's relationship with us That's what it is That's why God talked about it. But look many people use it to justify this idea of a universal church on earth This this bride of Christ but look I mean the term bride of Christ is never even found in the Bible You say, you know the universal church and you say well, you know, what's the big deal, you know universal church? Why can't we just picture like this imaginary church that you know is all the believers like together like You know, why can't what's wrong with that right? Well, I mean here's here's what's wrong with it It doesn't exist right now It's not real so you want to talk about like little like imaginary Characters running down the street like there are cartoons or something to I mean, what do you want to do? I mean, it's not real it doesn't exist The only time that in the Bible that really all the believers are together like that is that time in New Jerusalem at the end That's what all the believers are together Everybody's been resurrected, you know people went to that resurrection people went to this resurrection and then all the believers are together. There you go There's the church Right, but it's just not it just doesn't exist right now. So here's the problem though people try to create it Right people try to create their universal church. Why would they do that? Why would somebody try to create a Universal church. Well, I don't know so they can be in charge of it You Sort of figure it out it all it all boils down to you know money power and control every single time like all the cults all the stupid False religions money power control. That's it, right? The Bible is clear that the only time that all the believers are together is in is in the end times in a universal way It's in the New Jerusalem, right? So like it's a wicked doctrine. This universal church is a wicked doctrine used to justify things like denominations Denominations like I don't know like who would want a denomination right? I mean who would want a denomination Where everything's pretty much tied together and there's like one person at the top that controls everything and Like is it easier to corrupt an organization where there's all these separate organizations Or is it easier to corrupt an organization that's got centralized control at the top? Which one's easier to corrupt, you know I mean the foundation of our country was designed so there would not be this centralized control at the top because everybody knew that had any kind of like brains or Philosophical education or anything is that absolute power corrupts? Absolutely, and that if you have a centralized figure in a centralized power structure All you have to do is get the guy at the top All Satan's got to do is get one guy and he's got everything just like that Whereas if it's all these independent churches means like man, that's a lot of work for the roaring lion to go around He's got to take one at a time down. Look any takes him down He takes him down we can't get us all So that is why Denominations in this centralized power in this universal church idea that's not in the Bible All you read about in the Bible is churches churches and locations That's it. That's what you'll read about in the Bible when Paul's writing a letter. He's writing to a church He's not writing to the church. He's writing to the church in Ephesus He's writing in you know to the church in Philippi he's writing in to the church at Rome. He's writing to the church at that location Okay, so look It's bad. It's it's it's of Satan because Satan can corrupt much easier if there's a centralized control structure and He can just get one thing and just corrupt the whole thing and guess what every single Christian denomination is corrupt If there's a denomination they're corrupt they don't even have the right gospel guaranteed Got a denomination. The gospel has been corrupted. There's your proof right there That it works. Satan's plan is working Right now look, so that's the universal church. But here's another thing. Here's these Baptist writers or these you know These these this landmark ism is what it's called and it's just this idea That only certain Independent Baptists are part of the bride right and look or the marriage supper of the lamb at the end, right? So we saw the marriage supper of the lamb. I mean, here's basically what happened here I'm not gonna spend a ton of time in this basically what happened is all these independent Baptists They saw that like all these even Baptist churches were like going astray I mean, do we know Baptist churches that don't have the right gospel? I mean how many Baptists have you gotten saved a lot? Right? I mean, it's it's I Would say that the vast majority of Baptists you will run into out soul-winning are not saved I Mean, it's there's a better chance that they'll be saved than somebody else, but there's a lot of Baptist churches It's just don't have the right gospel So they create this thing where they're like no the independent Baptists were the only ones that get to go to the marriage supper of the lamb So, I mean I get that you're frustrated, you know independent Baptists that the gospel is being corrupted and I mean it's it angers me to but look to just come up with like This weird doctrine that we're the only ones that get to go to the wedding or something. It's just like it's not in the Bible That's the thing. I mean, that's the problem the Bible I mean, it's a neat little thing to think about maybe but the Bible doesn't say it. That's the thing Okay, so I mean it's bored out of frustration that I can understand But because I mean look, I mean we will meet saved people and all these like, you know, non-denoms You'll meet some saved people you'll find these non-denom churches in the area and you'll be able to tell like hey Which there's some non-denoms that have the right gospel and you'll find a lot of saved people there But they're not independent Baptists so they don't get to come to the same wedding as us I mean, it's just not in a Bible, right? I mean That'll all be worked out through who's doing the work in their life You know who's you know God will reward who's done the work on earth, right? And if you're in some lame church, you're not doing anything, but you're still saved Hey see in heaven, but you know, you're gonna have a bag full of ashes Basically, it's all gonna it's all gonna burn up. All right, so like I mean, it's really simple I mean the the marriage is a concept that it's used it's a template of the relationship between us and God and it's used throughout the whole Bible Old Testament New Testament and You know as far as the the marriage supper of the Lamb and all that. I mean we read what it is I mean, it's it's not complicated. Don't let people complicate things Whenever someone by the way is starting to like show you some doctrine and it's just like this mind Twisting you have to jump through all these loops and all this kind of stuff and you're just like man Whoa, you know, I mean you just got to kind of put a question mark there and look into that a little bit more Okay, Matthew 22 look at verse 15 They went the Pharisees and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk and they sent out unto him Disciples with the Herodians saying master We know that thou art true and teach us the way of God and truth neither carest thou for any man for thou regardest not The persons of men tell us there where tell us therefore what thinkest thou is it lawful to give tribute under Caesar Caesar or not? But Jesus perceived their wickedness and said why tempting me hypocrites show me the tribute money and they brought it unto him a penny And he said unto him whose image is on this subscription They said unto him Caesars then he said unto them render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things That are God so like what we've been through this Jesus wasn't a tax protester Okay, Jesus wasn't like, you know drawing the line. I'm not paying your taxes So if you go to jail for not paying your taxes, it's not what Jesus told you to do. Okay, that's the bottom line I mean, I don't like paying taxes either, you know I like to have more money to support my family and do whatever and you know Save up or whatever and but look it's just not take it all at the end of the day it's not something we're supposed to We're not supposed to die on that hill so to speak. Okay, look at verse 22 when they had heard these words They marveled and left him and went their way So they're always trying to catch him by the way And he just keeps getting out of it and he understands that they're trying to catch him the same day They came in to him the Sadducees which say there is no resurrection and asked him saying master Moses said if a man die having no children his brother shall marry his wife and rate ups raise Up seed unto his brother now there was with with us seven brethren the first and when he married a wife Deceased and having no issue left his wife unto his brother Likewise the second also in the third and under the seventh and the last of the woman and the last of all the woman died Also, therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven for they all had her and Jesus said unto them You do err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God for in the resurrection They neither married nor are given in marriage, but are as angels of God in heaven But as touching the resurrection of the dead Have you not read that which was spoken to you into God saying I'm the God of Abraham the God of Isaac And the God of Jacob God is not the God of the dead but the God of the living So what first of all, you have these Sadducees they basically come to him. They don't believe that there's gonna be a resurrection They don't believe in the resurrection. All right, so they're trying to trick him with some stupid story of a lady who marries a guy He dies and then you know as custom says she's supposed to marry his brother and she marries the brothers keep dying Right. First of all, I'd be like suspicious of this lady, right? I mean like what's going on with all that, you know someone do an investigation, right? But look so she marries seven of these guys and then she dies and he's like well when they get Resurrected man, like who's gonna be she can have seven husbands man in heaven, bro and Jesus is like no one gets married in heaven Like didn't think of that one so outsmarted again, but look turn to Revelation chapter 20 There is a resurrection. Okay, so they were wrong on that. There is a resurrection Actually the Bible says that there's two main resurrections, okay, there's two main resurrections There's actually more than two, but we'll talk about that in a minute All right look at Revelation chapter 20 in verse number 4 and the Bible says and I saw thrones and they that sat upon them and the judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus these are Saints again and for the Word of God and which had not worshiped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their Hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years verse 5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection Blessed and holy is he that is part of the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power But they are priests of God in Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years So the people that are part of the first resurrection turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 The people that are part of the first resurrection are going to rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years Okay, so I mean I'm gonna make your night tonight, okay? I don't care how bad of a day you had or how bad of a week you had you should go out here in a Good mood tonight because I'm gonna give you some good news in about five minutes go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and look at verse Number 10, so we see that there's a resurrection. Okay. I'm not gonna get through all the end times chronology of everything But we see that there's a resurrection These people that are resurrected in the first resurrection are gonna rule and reign with Christ and then there's a next resurrection Okay, but look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 5. This is where we see the judgment seat of Christ Okay So for we must all appear he's talking to the saved before the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may receive the things done in His body according to that he had done whether it be good or bad So the judgment seat of Christ is we're gonna be you're gonna receive right you're gonna receive the things that you've done You're gonna receive you know reward or lose reward for the things that you've done in your body when you were on earth as a saved person at the Judgment seat of Christ and you're gonna be part of that first resurrection All right, and that's why the Bible says blessed and holy is he that is part of the first resurrection All right. So look the event separating the first so if there's a first there must be a second, right? So the event separating the first and the second resurrections is the millennial reign of Christ All right now go to Revelation chapter 20 and look at verse number 12 Revelation chapter 20 and look at verse Number maybe number seven. Hang on here. Let me see where I'm at Yes, go to verse number seven and the Bible says and when the thousand years are expired so now they're over Okay, the millennial reign is over now Satan shall be loosed out of his prison and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is the sand of the sea and they went up upon the breadth of the earth Encompassed the camp of the Saints about in the beloved city and the fire came down from God of heaven and devoured them well, just just a little side note here and I got a hurry but The funny thing is the Battle of Gog and Magog which I'm just reading about right here is when it's clearly at the end of The thousand years it's at the end of the millennial reign of Christ and like most of all these books like left behind and stuff Look, I read all those books. I'm embarrassed to even say it, but I mean it's kind of fun to read all these things Right, I mean when you don't know what's going on But I mean, you know The battle is like the first thing the Battle of Gog and Magog and like guys like Hal Lindsey You know all these people who would try to just like choose the end of the world and try to pick out all these things They would just oh, you know Gog is Russia, you know, Russia's rising and then Putin. Oh, yeah, this is it It's coming the Battle of Gog and what are you talking about? What Bible are you reading? Right? I mean, it's at the end of the thousand years, right? Anyway, not what we're talking about. Where are we at verse number? Nine and they went up on the breadth of the earth and compass the camp of the Saints about in that beloved city so there's this battle and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them battles over and the devil that deceived them was Cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beasts and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever So what the beast and the false prophet first of all, they're still there They were put in there at the beginning of the millennial reign, right? They're still there All right and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face to the earth and Heaven fled away and there was no there was found no place for them and I saw the dead Small and great stand before God and the books were opened All right, the books were open and another book was opened which is the book of life So we have the book of life right here and then we have the books over here All right, which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things were written in the books Okay According to their works and the sea gave up the dead which are in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were In them and they were judged every man according to their works turn to John chapter 5. Okay. So now look, here's the thing So here's the funny thing about people that believe in works Salvation, okay people that believe they're gonna be judged by their works. They're going to be judged by their works Okay, the problem is is there's no gonna there's not gonna be any salvation there Okay at all not for one person not like oh well a couple people made it no nobody's gonna make it okay, so look Just look at John chapter 5 and then I'll explain Look at verse 29 and the Bible says and shall come forth. So we're talking about the second resurrection We had the first resurrection We have the millennial reign of Christ and now we have this next Resurrection where the dead is brought up right small and great and they stand before God and this great white throne Okay, but look at John chapter 5 and verse 29 and shall come forth They that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation Okay, Daniel chapter 12 and we're not gonna read it but talks about the same thing this resurrection You know for the good and then the bad, right? So, I mean basically we're talking about in John chapter 5 this resurrection Unto life and that to in the day that done evil this resurrection to damnation Okay, so what we're reading about if the great white throne judgment is the resurrection of damnation Okay, it's the resurrection where the dead are brought out of hell and people are judged according to the books You know the Bible of their works and and what did they you know all the things that they did wrong, basically Okay. So look, I mean the question is this are there saved people in the second resurrection? Okay, that's a question right so what about people that you know died saved during the the millennial reign or were born and got Saved during the millennial rain, you know, do people get born and get saved during the morning rain. Here's the thing I'm not really sure You know why because the Bible doesn't really say You know what I'm saying? I mean look you could have all kinds of the Bible in this second reselect resurrection Pretty much focuses on the unsaved we can say that there's the book of life there Which would be could some evidence that you know, hey, there is some saved people there, you know That's a that's a believable theory right that the the saved people are there and if they're in the book of life They they get resurrected unto life. But what? There's a resurrection of life and a resurrection of damnation. All right, Daniel says the same thing so There there might be some kind of you know, we some believers die during the millennia reign How is that going to be handled? You know, we just don't know. I mean, those are things that we don't know I mean, we don't know so well God maybe God will handle it in real time We don't know right the Bible doesn't say right. Maybe they'll do you know, we just don't know because you know Why don't we know because we're not told? Right. We're not told that type of detail. But here's what I do know If a believer does die physically during the millennial reign that he'll be resurrected at some point to everlasting life so if a believer Is born during the millennial reign believes on Christ and who's ruling and reigning? It'd be pretty easy to believe on Christ. I think during the millennial reign. I think it's pretty easy, right? He's like right there Right. I mean, it's like you don't have to believe somebody knocking on your door. He's in charge Right, so you get saved and then you die. You're not you know, part of the immortal people that are ruling And you die But I know that at some point if that happens that those people will be resurrected to everlasting life because God promises that in the gospel Right. So look what's the mechanism of it? We we just don't know you have a theory you say I have a theory great Great. I have a theory too I mean lots of people have theories great. But look we here's the thing Why wouldn't have God been more clear on it? Because you don't need to know Why would you need to know you're part of the first resurrection? There's the good news right there Everybody in this room if you're saved you are part of the first resurrection you are going to rule and reign with Christ period Guaranteed the bible is very clear on that Right. So like everything else, I mean fill in the blanks whatever I mean We we frankly don't need to know we're all in the first one You know, that's why we're blessed because we're in that first resurrection look at verse 33 of matthew 22 The bible says and when the multitude heard this they were astonished at his doctrine But when the pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence They were gathered together and one of them which is a lawyer asked him a question tempting him saying master Which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him that thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul and with all thy mind And with all thy mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets So basically he's saying here and i've preached on this before that every commandment every commandment of God Not just the ten commandments the hundreds of commandments in the bible. They either fit under loving God or loving your neighbor They're all under those two categories. So it's like Hundreds of commandments they could be categorized under those two top categories Okay, now he says saying while the pharisees are gathered together Jesus asked them saying what think ye of Christ whose son is he and they said unto him the son of David? Turn to second samuel chapter seven I told you we're going to go to a lot of stuff tonight Second samuel chapter seven look at verse number 12. So jesus here is making reference to The fact well, first of all, they're talking about the messianic promise given to david that we'll look at in second samuel chapter seven Look at verse number 12 This is where the messianic promise is given to david and when thy days be fulfilled thou shall sleep with thy fathers God's talking to david and will set up thy seat after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels and will establish his kingdom And he shall build an house for my name. This is talking about solomon and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever There is the messianic promise right there to david. I will be his father He shall be my son if he committed iniquity I will chasten him with the rod of men and with stripes the children of men But my mercy shall not depart away from him as I took it from saul whom I put away from me And thine house he says and your house david And thy kingdom shall be established forever So as you've seen before we had, you know, the king the northern kingdom of israel was a mess It was just dynasty after dynasty after dynasty, but the kingdom of juda always followed the davidic line It was always the son of the king the son of the king the son of the king all the way through Which is a miracle in itself, by the way Because there was so much treachery and war and all these things going on and we'll even look at one of those on sunday night But look that was the promise given to david turn to psalm chapter 89 So the psalm, you know, so basically it was kept on, you know through the actual physical kingdom of juda And then as that line was carried through to the birth of christ christ solidified david's kingdom because he was from the line of david You know jesus was of the line of david physically Okay, but he solidified david's kingdom into eternity because christ is eternal All right So you can just you know, you can draw all the kings david solomon just draw out all the kings and then you know Get jesus drawn there and then put an infinity sign Is how you can that's the lineage of the davidic kingdom. All right, look at psalm 89 verse 28 The bible says my mercy will I keep him forevermore my covenant shall stand fast with him his seed also I will make to endure forever in his throne as the days of heaven again the son of david So everybody knew this right? Jesus said, you know whose son is the messiah whose son is the christ? They're like the son of david, but here's what jesus was really getting at turn to isaiah chapter 9 Here's what jesus was really getting at look there's more to the story and this is what jesus was trying to point out Okay Jesus is trying to make a connection with them About that there's more to it than him being the son of david look at isaiah chapter 9 in verse number 6 This is where the bible connects it For unto us a child is born unto us The son is given and the governor shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called the wonderful counselor the mighty god The everlasting father the prince of peace of the increase of his government So now we see that the messiah is the god is it's god All right is the mighty god and then verse 7 says of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of david So we see that he is the son of get david, but he is also god. He's also the son of god Okay, so jesus is trying to make that connection with him look back at verse number 43 Of matthew chapter 22 and then flip to psalm chapter 110. Can you go to two places at one time? Go to psalm chapter 110 and then also go back to matthew chapter 22 in verse number 23 All right psalm chapter 110 and matthew 22 look at verse 43 and he saith unto them How then doth david in spirit calling him lord saying the lord sent unto my lord sit Thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies my footstool if then david call him lord. How is he his son? So he's saying why would david call this person this messiah lord look at psalm 110 that's what jesus was quoting Look at verse number one the lord sent unto my lord sit thou at my right hand until I make nine enemies thy footstool So look david is calling jesus lord So he's saying why? Does david call his son lord? And the answer is because yes, he is the physical son of david the descendant of david But he is also god. He's god's son Okay, look at verse 46 So look, I mean he basically just said to him he's like i'm not just the son of david i'm god Is what he said to them? Okay, look at verse 46 and no man was able to answer him a word Neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions. He's like, yes Won the debate So, I mean look I mean you just put him through quite a ringer in matthew chapter 22 there. All right There's a lot in matthew chapter 22 and he basically just shut him up All right. He's basically like look, you know, i'm not just the son of david. I'm god All right. Have a nice day and they're like Oh, yeah We you know, we got nothing right but look so we see that you know the concept here the application of of this chapter Is really marriage in this relationship, you know of marriage But let me just say this as a quick application for the next just a couple minutes on on end times philosophy Okay, let me just apply this to this chapter Adding doctrine and detail to the bible It it makes for good tv Okay, it makes for a good book series. It makes for Good youtube videos. I mean there's people with youtube channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers that just sit there And just analyze every single real-time event that happens And call it out as this in the bible or whatever or you know, just fill it. Look there's some blanks in the bible Right. I mean there's some blanks that we're not told everything Right. We're not told everything in the bible And people just have no problem filling in those blanks and I mean We don't know how all this end time stuff is going to play out. First of all, I mean you can read all these books It's fun to picture how it's going to play out sometimes but look to me To me this whole Philosophy of how you read the bible and how you come up with your doctrine is pretty simple Okay It's like you open the manual to a car And you open the manual to the car and the manual tells you how to change the tire The manual tells you how to change the oil the manual will tell you where the fuse block is It'll tell you where every single one of those fuses goes and all the different equipment that all those fuses control It'll tell you how to work the windows and all these other things and all the buttons on the dash The manual will tell you all that but look the manual doesn't tell you how to parallel park the car I mean You can say hey I think I know how to parallel park that car I can show you but don't say it's in the manual because it's not there I mean It's just not there. So don't say it is turn to first corinthians chapter 13 You see what i'm getting at I mean, it's pretty easy to see what's in the bible and what's not That that people and you kind of just have to check You know if somebody starts saying some things that you've never really heard before, you know, just check Just check you're saved you have the holy spirit you can understand what the bible says look at first corinthians 13 Here's the thing about the bible even what's in the bible for now? It says for now we see through a glass darkly But face to face but then face to face so it's saying now we're kind of looking through the glass A darkened glass. It's like eventually we'll see but now we we don't we don't see everything Okay, so look the point is We're not here to make up what's not there Okay, and there's nothing wrong with saying Hey, here's what I think There's nothing wrong with sitting around in fellowship and being like hey, I think it might happen like this or hey Here's what I think we need to be careful that we're not claiming god's word with our opinions. You see what i'm saying? We need to be careful that we're not saying hey god's word says this When you know, it doesn't and look here's the thing turn to psalm 147. Here's the thing There's nothing wrong at all with not knowing everything Because like guess what? You don't know everything And you're never going to know everything Even in the bible. I mean you're never going to know even all the things that's written in the bible You're never going to figure it all out Look at psalm 147 verse 5 the bible says great is our lord and of great power his understanding is infinite yours isn't ours isn't because We don't know everything and we never will It is the thing there's there's I mean look there's nothing wrong with saying at a job interview You know, I just don't know i've never done that before but i'm sure I could learn it, you know quickly There's nothing say wrong saying with your boss, you know, I just don't know the answer to that But I can find out and get back to you I mean the problem is is that you know You kind of have to lose this know-it-all attitude because with the bible it'll get you in trouble You know what i'm saying With the bible. I mean look you can look at people that you've heard of Even recently that have come up with some wacky doctrine and look it comes from the know-it-all attitude It comes from this attitude of hey. Hey, I think you know, I could figure all this stuff out That's not even written there, right? I mean they come up with weird things that aren't there It's it's that simple so like I mean Here's the thing with me though. I I just don't like being wrong I don't like being wrong. I don't enjoy being wrong. Do you enjoy being wrong? So if you go and you like even even like opinions if like you get wait Has anyone has anything ever shown you? That the end times are probably much more darkly than we thought than this year I mean who would have thought You know, look, I I don't know like how all this stuff that's been going on in the last nine months It look i'm pretty sure it has something to do with end time stuff I'm, pretty sure that it's going to play into it somehow, but I don't know. I don't know how I mean you see a lot of things but look you can notice a lot of things that are happening that aren't good You know things that happen on a global level Centralized control these types of things that we know are not good according to the bible, right? It's good to notice those things but we're looking through a glass darkly right to sit there and just fill in blanks You're just going to end up being wrong a lot is basically what's going to happen Right because it's there's an infinite way. These things can play out and fit together. So look I always think of it this way When there's something that's not really clear not really spelled out in the bible, you know I'm, just like maybe i'll just have to ask god when I get to heaven You know, I got a list And i'm going to ask him All right, i'm going to ask him some things but here's the thing by the time That we do get to heaven and by the time that you know, if we do see end times things play out You know, we're going to know a lot of those answers because that you know, we will see those things face to face Right, but for now Just take the bible for what it says I mean the wife the marriage supper all those things are pretty clear In the bible, it's when you start listening to all these people that have added all these ideas and doctrine And all this stuff to god's word Is where it gets really confusing, right? So keep that in mind just take the bible for what it says. That's what it's there for I mean and if it's not spelled out, there's probably a reason for it All right, there's probably a reason for it. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer