(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright Matthew chapter 21, it's a long chapter Matthew chapter 21, so we're gonna take a couple weeks to get through Matthew chapter 21. We're gonna go through About let's see we're gonna go through About verse number 16 tonight So let's go ahead and get started in Matthew chapter 21 the Bible says in Matthew 21 verse 1 It says and they drew nigh unto Jerusalem when they were come to Bethpage unto the Mount of Olives Then sent Jesus to disciples saying unto them go into the village over against you and straightway She'll find an ass tied and a colt with her loose them and bring them unto me And if any man say odd unto you you shall say the Lord hath need of them and straightway He will send them all this was done that it might be filled fulfilled Which was spoken by the Prophet saying tell you the daughter of Sion behold thy King cometh unto thee Meek and sitting upon an ass and the colt the full of an ass So, of course this was turned to Zechariah chapter 9 the second the second to last book in the Old Testament is Zechariah Zechariah chapter 9 This is talking about a fulfillment of prophecy from the Old Testament, of course And if you look down at Zechariah chapter 9 look at verse number 9 So, of course Jesus is heading into Jerusalem. Now. He's at the end of his ministry. He's heading into Jerusalem and In Zechariah chapter 9 we see the prophecy in verse number 9 the Bible says rejoice greatly Oh daughter of Zion Shout Oh daughter of Jerusalem behold thy King cometh unto thee. He is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a colt the full of an ass so you see that this is talking about the fulfillment of that prophecy from the Old Testament Look down at verse number 6 of Matthew chapter 21 and the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them and Brought the ass and the colt and put them on their put on them their clothes and set him there on now Just a funny side note about this is this is one of those Those spots in the Bible that people will say there's a contradiction and people will say that oh, you know Jesus sat, you know, Jesus sat on both of them at one time I mean that doesn't even make sense But first of all, if you read other Bible versions, it literally says that right in the ESV It says that you know, they put his his coats on You know the the animals and it says and he sat on them You know, that's what the ESV will say and he sat on them referring to you know, the colt and the ass Right, so basically but in the King James it makes sense, right? I mean it makes sense and brought the ass and the colt and put on them, you know The the two animals their clothes, you know, so they basically put the clothes on one animal and he rode the other animal Which was you know, it's common I mean, you know to have a pack mule to have one animal that carries the stuff and then you know You ride the animal itself and they set him there on you know, you set him on you know One of the animals basically so it makes sense in the King James But if you just say that, you know, there's two animals and he sat on them, you know, that makes no sense, right? It sounds wrong and people are like aha The Bible is not true. Well that Bible is not true, right? So there's so many things like that that people point out that you know, the Bible has contradictions But if you actually read the King James Bible it there is no contradiction. It makes sense It's just they they did a stupid translation and it didn't make any sense It's almost like they tried to mess it up right look at verse number eight That's just a side note and a very great multitude spread their garments in the way others cut down branches from the trees and straw Them in the way and the multitudes that went before that followed cried saying Hosanna to the son of David Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest So this of course, you know, everybody's spreading the branches down This is where the term Palm Sunday, you know comes from when Jesus, you know rides Into Jerusalem, you know, I remember as a kid Palm Sunday was a big deal I didn't even really know what it was about All I knew is that they handed out palm branches to us at the door. We got the sword fight with them That's what it meant for us in the Lutheran Church is that we got the sword fight that Sunday with with palms But this is where a Palm Sunday comes from Okay, verse number nine The Bible says that the multitudes that went before they follow cried saying Hosanna to the son of David blessed Is he that cometh in the name of the Lord? Hosanna in the highest. So what does Hosanna mean? So basically Hosanna means save us or it's it's a term of joy Used in context of the Messiah basically is what Hosanna means So these people were recognizing that Jesus was the Messiah when they were saying Hosanna son of David okay, so it means that it's a term of of joy or praise in in conjunction with salvation in Context of the Messiah. Okay. Look at verse number 10 And when he was come into Jerusalem All the city was moved saying who is this and the multitude said this is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth Nazareth of Galilee and Jesus went into the temple so the first thing that he does is he goes into the temple of God and Cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of The money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and said unto them it is written My house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves so it's interesting that this is the first thing that he does when he gets to Jerusalem is he goes into the temple and he Throws over all these tables and Kicks all these money changers and these people that are selling things in the temple out Okay, but look there's the interesting thing about this is this is not the first time Jesus has done this Okay, go back to John chapter 2 go to John chapter 2 Three years earlier. Jesus did a similar thing in John chapter 2 look at verse number 13 This is right after Jesus's first miracle at the wedding where he changed the water into wine and then he goes into again in Jerusalem he goes into the temple and look at verse number 13 of John chapter 2 where the Bible says and the Jews Passover was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and found in the temple in the temple again right those that sold oxen and sheep and doves and the changers of money sitting and When they had made it and when he had made a scourge of small cords he drove them all out of the temple and the sheep and the oxen and poured out the changers money and Overthrough the tables and said unto them that sold doves take these things hence make not my father's house and house of Merchandise so this happened before what we're reading in Matthew chapter 21. So apparently these people went back Okay, apparently, you know, they didn't learn their lesson they went back but look this is why we don't buy and sell in church Right here. This is why we don't have a coffee shop set up in the back It's not that we don't think that we could sell a coffee and make money. It's that Jesus took this pretty seriously Here, okay. Look Jesus considered it a desecration of the temple All right, and this is the house of God look this this still happens today This still happens today. You'll see it at at churches all around this city. I remember when I went to This very specific thing when I was in Armenia on a on a trip many many years ago The guys that I was working with they took me on a Saturday up to some churches in the mountains I mean these churches that were carved out of the mountains these beautiful churches and and all this and there was people there Literally selling doves you could buy doves and they're like Oh if you buy a dove and you throw it off this one cliff or whatever and it flies off and you know You're gonna have many children or something. I mean, that's that's what it was, right? It was it was there there was people selling I mean they had like booths set set people did this for a living Was sell this type of stuff, right? So look nothing will ever be sold here and this is why because I mean Jesus was mad I mean he was upset. I mean there's really no debate on whether or not Jesus I mean he sat down and he took the time to make a whip. I mean think about it I mean he sat down in John chapter 2 and he took the time and he made a whip and then he used the whip on people I Mean So, I mean this begs the question right because I've heard people say this argument that oh, you know It's a sin to be angry this new evangelical this new evangelical thought this new Christianity That's like it's a sin to be angry ever. Well, then Jesus sinned because Jesus was angry here Jesus was very angry. So look, is this true that it's a sin to be angry I mean, what does the Bible say turn to Ecclesiastes chapter 7? We obviously know the answer because Jesus didn't sin, but let's look at it. Let's look at what the Bible says in Ecclesiastes chapter 7 Look at verse number 9 Ecclesiastes chapter 7 look at verse number 9 The Bible says this it says be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry For anger resteth in the bosom of fools. So look There it says anger resteth in the bosom of fools So, okay, that doesn't sound good, but it says it doesn't say be not angry Doesn't art. This is our first clue right here. It says be not hasty in thy spirit To be angry that's our first clue turn to Proverbs chapter 16 Proverbs chapter 16 Remember that word hasty Because it'll come up later in the Bible. Look at Proverbs chapter 16 in verse 32 The Bible says this Proverbs 16 32. It says he that is slow to anger is Better than the mighty and he that ruleth his spirit There's that spirit again, then he that taketh a city its spirit lowercase s Meaning, you know your your mood or your your demeanor Okay, that's what that word spirit means there. Let's go back to Proverbs 14 So here it says, you know he that is slow to anger is better than the mighty So it's talking about the speed that you get to angry Okay, it's it's going from you know, zero to angry Slowly, okay, and it does and it says, you know that matches Ecclesiastes 7 where it says be not Hasty in thy spirit in thy demeanor in thy mood To be angry. It says don't be quick to get angry in Proverbs 14 29 The Bible says he that is slow to wrath is of great understanding But he that is here it is again hasty of spirit Exalteth folly look This is basically talking about someone whose mood just changes just like this who just like who just goes from zero to just like Upset in just like zero seconds. I mean it says you're a fool if you do that All right, it says that you know, if you're someone who your mood just changes instantly, you know, you're a foolish person You're it's not good it's talking about the speed in which you get to these these Angry moods basically is what it's talking about Go to James chapter 1 in verse 19 and this answers the question for us right here in James chapter 1 in verse 19 The Bible says it says wherefore my beloved brethren let every man be swift To what swift to hear? Slow to speak and Slow to wrath so the Bible here is telling us in all of these verses that we need to be slow To get angry. We need to not be quickly angered We need to you know, it matches with you know being long-suffering You know with people if you're long-suffering you're not just gonna you know Just flip on somebody when they do some tiny thing, right? You're gonna be long-suffering and you're gonna be slow. You're gonna be someone that's not easily angered Okay, and that's what the Bible says. It doesn't say don't ever get angry The Bible never says that it says again and again. Don't be quick to get angry. Don't be swift to get angry Okay, look Turn to Psalm chapter 7. I hate to tell you this but God gets angry, you know We're looking at New Testament Jesus here who is God and he got angry, but did you know that the Old Testament God? Do you know that he got angry too? I mean most people have it the other way around, right? They're like Oh Old Testament God's mean and New Testament God, you know never gets angry and he's just you know this Sheep Jesus guy right? I mean so look God's the same Yesterday today and tomorrow and forever God will not change right look at Psalm 7 in verse 11 The Bible says God judges the righteous and God is angry with the wicked every day Well, God is angry with the wicked turn to 1st Kings chapter 11, but you say yeah, that's the wicked though You know, it's okay if God gets angry at the wicked. Did you know that God could get angry at you? Did you know a saved person that God could get angry with you today? Look at 1st Kings chapter 11. Let's look at Solomon. Look what the Bible says in verse number 9 1st Kings chapter 11 in verse number 9 The Bible says and the Lord was angry with Solomon Because his heart was turned from the Lord God of Israel which had appeared unto him twice So God had basically appeared to Solomon twice, right? He appeared to him once in the dream at the beginning of his reign and and that's when he asked Solomon He's like, hey, what do you want? And Solomon's like give me an understanding heart to judge the people and God loved the answer so much That he said I'm gonna give you that and because you didn't ask for riches He's like I'm gonna make you the wisest person the most I'm gonna give you the most Understanding of anyone that's ever lived and I'm gonna make you the richest King that's ever lived to Said I'm gonna give you everything So that's the first time and then the second time that God appeared to Solomon was right after he built the temple Right after he built the temple God appears to him again and he appears to him this time just to give him a warning he's like hey you you built me this great temple and You know, good job You know great building everything was gold and go read the details of the temple But in 1st Kings chapter 9 basically after the temple was built God saying look if you don't obey me I said I'll burn down the whole nation and this building They basically is what he says Okay, so look in 1st Kings chapter 11 God was already angry with Solomon. All right, so look God can get angry with you. Don't forget that All right, you know, do you ever do you ever get angry with your children? Yep No, does that mean that if you don't get if you get angry with your children does that mean that you don't love them No, it doesn't mean that it actually means the opposite if you get angry with your children. It actually means that you do care and You want them to you know, they're they're doing something that's wrong and you know, if you're being a good You know father like your Heavenly Father is you'll be slow to wrath, but then you know, you want to correct that child So, you know you can get angry at things that your children do at your children and To restore them. Okay turn to Matthew chapter 5 Turn to Matthew chapter 5 and this explains, you know This kind of wraps up anger right here in Matthew chapter 5 in verse number 22 The Bible says but I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause Shall be in danger of the judgment So look there is a cause for anger if you're somebody that never gets angry at anything. You've got issues Okay, if you never get angry at anything, you know, you don't believe in anything So look there's a righteous anger and that's what Jesus had here Jesus had a righteous anger over what was happening in the temple go back to Matthew chapter 21 Matthew chapter 21 Matthew chapter 21 look at verse number 14 and the blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them And when the chief priests and scribes, here's the chief priests and scribes again saw the wonderful things that he did They said good job, buddy No, here's what they said and the children crying in the temple and saying Hosanna to the son of David they were sore displeased and said unto him hearest thou what these say and Jesus said unto them yea have ye never read Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hath perfected praise turn to Psalm 8. Jesus is quoting more Bible here So he basically says to them have you never read and he's quoting Psalm 8 to where the Bible says Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies that thou mightest still the enemy and The Avenger but what I really want to focus on is this statement that Jesus said to The scribes and the Pharisees where he says have ye never read turn back to Matthew chapter 12 Jesus said this a lot Especially to the scribes and the Pharisees. He says have ye never read Look at Matthew chapter 12 and look at verse number 3 Where the Bible says but he said unto them have ye not read What David did so every time that they're attacking him for something? Jesus is coming back and he's saying have ye not read Have ye not read I mean he's it's almost like he's shocked that these that these Experts of the law of the Bible, you know, they don't know what the Bible says You know, he's and what does he say says have ye not read in verse 42 of Matthew 21, you'll see the same thing. He says have you not read look at verse 5 of Matthew 12 or Have ye not read in the law how that the Sabbath days the priests and the temple profane the Sabbath and are blameless It's like he's like why do I have to give you a Bible lesson? He's like aren't you guys supposed to be the experts on the law of this entire nation He's like have ye not read Have you not read have you not read have you not read? So that's what I want to focus on for the rest of this chapter, you know, have ye not read He didn't say, you know, have you not watched sermons on YouTube and I understand YouTube was not invented back then But the point is reading was something that Jesus threw in the face of the Pharisees Constantly, right turn to Hebrews chapter 4 Hebrews chapter 4 So why is it so important? Why is you know reading so Important look at Hebrews chapter 4 in verse number 12 Hebrews chapter 4 in verse number 12 where the Bible says for the Word of God is quick and Powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and to the joints of marrow and is the discerner of the thoughts and the Intense of the heart. So what is the powerful thing here turn to 1st Timothy chapter 4? What is the powerful thing that you know can just cut down to the heart? To the bone to the joints and the marrow. It's the Word of God. It's the words that God has written It's it's the words that God has given us has preserved for us and is written down in the Bible that we hold in our Hands today. It's the Word of God look at 1st Timothy chapter 4 Look at verse 13 where the Bible says till I come Give attendance to reading To Exhortation to doctrine look he's telling them he's like until I get there read the Word of God He's like read the Bible. I mean, why is he saying that go to Matthew chapter 4? Matthew chapter 4 This is why he's saying it Matthew chapter 4 He's saying hey until I get there until I get there to you know To build you up and to teach you and all this just read the Word of God is what he says just read Look at Matthew 4. Look at verse number 4. He says but he answered and said It is written man shall not live by bread alone. What are you talking about? You mean I can't just I mean something is more important than literally eating food He's like man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Like look this word to you is as important as eating food. He says He's like that's how important it is I mean that That's why you know, have you not read? If you have not read you're in trouble is the problem now look here's where it gets interesting Okay, so we see that that that reading I mean you would say even for the the Christian today reading is pretty important, right? I mean, how are you? How are you gonna figure this out, you know? Right reading is important. How are you gonna figure it out if you don't read it? How you gonna know what it says if you don't read it currently 45 million Americans are functionally illiterate Now this is where it gets crazy 50% of American adults cannot read a book written at an eighth grade level Don't laugh 50% Look this is not an eighth grade level This Is this is big boy stuff right here Okay, so look if you I mean 50% of American adults Can't can't read a book that is written at an eighth grade level. Look. There's a reason to homeschool right there Forget forget the worldview stuff. I mean public education is garbage. I Mean you'd be lucky if you get out of school and you're able to read Yeah, but they didn't have YouTube back then Right. I can just watch hours and hours and hours of sermons every week and it's pretty much the same thing Really? Well, let's look at it Research shows let's look at watching videos Research shows I'm just going to destroy videos for you tonight research shows that watching videos or screen time Disrupts the sleep cycle because of the blue light Emitted from screens it makes the watcher used to instant gratification We'll get to that one unlike the slower but deeper gratification reading books reading books bring and can induce Muddle-headedness. I never even knew that was a real term. I just by reading this I increased my vocabulary Okay in watchers when it is made a daily routine. It gives you muddle-headedness All right, look you can see this by the way if you're out soul-winning and you knock on somebody's door I've seen this several times over the last Three months during the whole lockdown and all this you get some kid that comes to the door and he's got a video game controller In his hand and he's muddle-headed man. I Mean you can't even he's got glazed over eyes and you're just like you want to just like be like hey man Hey, hey, hey, hey, I Mean you want to say wake up? Reality reality is here They're muddle-headed It's crazy. You can see it. I mean, I mean you walk away with your soul-winning partner going like man What was that guy? He's been playing video games for 18 hours. That's what it was All right So you say how is blue light bad for your health? Here's a here's another interesting fact since the eye is not good at blocking blue light nearly all visible blue light passes through the front of your eye and Reaches the retina the cells that convert light to the brain to process into images continued exposure to blue light over time Damages retinal cells and causes vision problems such as age-related macular degeneration It can also contribute to cataracts eye cancer gross Well, if you need more information on that talk to our resident optometrist brother Trevor But basically it's bad for your eyes Okay, it hurts your vision. It's bad for your eyes. It makes you not sleep They're seeing even here's some better stuff gray matter atrophy Okay, and those with gaming and internet addictions It has been found that the gray matter in their brains has atrophied or reduced in volume. This is real Okay One of the primary areas affected is the frontal lobe which I mean, do you know what the frontal lobe of your brain does? The frontal lobe which is responsible for planning Organizing controlling impulses the insula also appear to be damaged in the brains of addicts This area of the brain allows us to feel compassion and express empathy Summary it shrinks your brain and turns you into a zombie Basically is what it's saying. I mean it literally shrinks your brain. I mean the frontal lobe you need that part All right, I mean there's they say that a person only uses You know like five percent of their brain or something like that the frontal lobe you need that part All right. It was like it shrinks it like ah, I never want I would sit in front of a screen again Turn to Romans 15 On the other hand on the other hand reading According to the researchers at the University of Sussex Six minutes of reading can reduce stress levels by 68% Comparing that with other methods for reducing stress reading leaves a respectable margin when compared to drinking tea and coffee Which comes in at 54%? Taking a walk which comes in at 42% so reading is one of the most like stress reducing things that you can do Research shows look at Romans 15 and the Bible like says it too. It's weird Romans 15 look at verse 4 for whatsoever things were written to for time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope what Reading the Bible is good for your spirit It's good. I mean look all the research says that reading a book is good for you I mean, it's better than listening to an audiobook or reading an e-reader It reduces stress promotes comprehension and imagination it alleviates depression Studies show it helps you sleep doesn't take away your sleep I mean how many people have ever read at night to get to sleep? It works If you read a book before you go to sleep, you'll sleep better if you sit in front of your phone. You'll sleep worse It's that simple, but here's the thing and we're gonna look at this one at the end reading is active Watching TV is passive And we're gonna get to that at the very end, but I want to really point that one out Okay, look, but this just proves once again that what the Bible tells us to do is just It's just inherently good for us, of course it matters Obviously what you're reading matters But the act like the bite Jesus is have you not read have you not read have you not read the Bible tells you in? Dozens and dozens and dozens of verses to read the Word of God to read read read read read Obviously God is not going to tell us something that is is not good for us The Bible has commands for us and they're good for us So reading is good for you. Look, here's some facts about people that read just fun facts People that read regularly have reduced levels of stress to people who don't obviously we've already looked at that Reading expands your vocabulary. Did you know that? I Look, I often wonder if somebody a hundred and fifty years ago would even understand what these morons are saying today. I'm serious 150 200 years ago, they'd listen to some people that I listen to every day and they'd be like what language are you speaking? I Mean people I mean you ever heard people that like use a swear word like when they're just thinking about the next thing to say I'm like, are you are you are you a real person? I'm like who hired you, you know Bro-bro-bro-bro-bro-bro That's not English You know, you made it up. It's like some California weirdism. It's not English Okay Reading expands your vocabulary Reading Boosts analytical thinking What's that? What's analytical thinking analytical thinking is your ability to collect and analyze information? problem solve and make decisions No one can do that anymore Because no one reads anymore Because everyone's sitting in front of TVs. I mean look trust me. These are things that you that that are valuable today You want to be able to be valued and make a decent living have some analytical skills and you will do well Improved focus and concentration basically, what is that? It's basically the opposite of muddle-headedness So muddle-headedness Improved concentration and analytical skills. I mean do we need to vote? On the other hand screen time is related to obviously reduce sleep ADHD Everybody has ADHD now it most of its because people don't spank their kids. But like I said, I'm not a doctor I just play one on TV a Study out of the University of Alberta found that by the age of five children who spent two hours or more looking at a screen Each day were eight times more likely to meet the criteria for diagnosis of ADHD First Of all you ever seen like you ever been sitting in an office or something and seen some of these like a doctor's office Denisoff sees these cartoons that are on now. I mean, it's just like flash flash flash. I mean all these different things I mean, it's not like a coyote chasing a roadrunner You know, it's just constant flashing of different images constantly. I mean it stresses me out Sitting there watching it. I'm like man. Can you just drill my teeth now? So what one relaxes you and comforts you and is good for your brain It reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and one makes you sleepless and stresses you out Since the start of the pandemic screen time amongst kids has increased 500 percent. I Mean what could go wrong? Everyone's just sitting in front of the TV constantly drinking more watching more TV What could go wrong right, but look here's my final thoughts on videos versus reading I'm probably if you send me a video. I'm probably not gonna watch it I just hate to break it to you. Like I don't watch a lot of videos. So but look Here's another thought and let's get back to this idea that reading is active and video is passive Okay, what does that mean it means that reading is something that you're putting Effort into right that your your brain is working at it's funny because your brain is working at it yet It's relaxing you yet It's making you less stressful where is the passive one where you're sitting there just watching something it stresses you out It messes up your sleep cycles and it damages your brain, right? So look The video though, it's passive because you're being fed You're being fed you this information is just coming at you. Yes It's just feeding you and it's feeding you at a very slow pace Okay, a video a good reader can take in information Five times or more faster than watching a video Did you know that you know that you can read I mean if you learn to read well you can just take in so much more information so much faster videos are like 150 maybe a little bit less words per minute Whereas like a good reader can read anywhere from 400 some people can read up to like a thousand words a minute With with near with you know full comprehension Look, that's just a better use of your time. I Mean I used to drive I had a year where I was driving a long ways and I was listening to audio Bible I don't listen to audio Bible, but it was it was kind of difficult because it was it was such a slow pace. I Found myself getting bored with the and I would lose I mean have you ever had that when you listen to audio Bible you get bored and And you you start your your attention starts to drift the reason for that is because the pace That your list you're taking in information, it's it's a passive It's a passive thing that you're doing instead of actively reading and it's a slower pace It's that simple if you're good at reading you can read much faster than 150 words per minute. So look You can just take in more information faster. That's that's why hey, that's why most great books turned into movies are ruined No one has ever seen, you know read some great book and been like, oh, yeah The movie that they made out of that book was was just as good as the book It never happens because you literally can't get the information in that book into a two-hour movie the movie would have to be 12 or 15 hours long and It wouldn't even be done right because of the speed of the information that's being relayed to you. You see what I'm saying? So that's why it doesn't work converting books to movies, all right But look, there's there's really no way to replicate a book onto video so have you not read is The point Jesus was making get good at reading It will serve you well in your life. Not just the Bible. I mean you need to read the Bible That's why Jesus said have you not read but look get good at reading And you'll be able to take in so much more information throughout your life Then just watching stupid YouTube videos You know and what books are better anyway, because you know most YouTube videos are just you can be tricked by YouTube video That has like cool music and it's just a bunch of garbage information But you're like you listen to the music like oh this must be true, you know I mean some person that makes some dumb documentary but has you know some neat visuals and all this kind of stuff It's still a dumb. It's still dumb information So, you know books are better look turn to John chapter 1 So just because you know how to read doesn't mean you can't be constantly improving on it by the way Because you can keep getting better and better and better at reading Turn to John chapter 1 look at John chapter 1 in verse number 1 very familiar verse But look at what the Bible says here It says in the beginning was the word three times we see in this verse in the beginning was the word and The word was with God and the word was God. Look your savior is the literal word. I Mean, that's how important reading is 2nd Timothy chapter 2 I'll just read it for you Look at verse 15 verse 15 It says study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth So, I mean it's talking about reading and studying the word our Savior Jesus So look getting the most out of God's Word is always going to be centered around reading it It's not going to be centered around watching videos about it. It's not going to be centered around You know listening to sermons about it getting the most out of God's Word is always going to be about reading it That's why Jesus said have ye not read and look it doesn't even matter if there's new, you know Technology that comes out like in the future where you don't even have to open your eyes anymore They just like plug into your brain and then you can get like IV of Cheetos into your arm You know, you can just sit there and just It doesn't even matter reading will always be better Reading will always be better That's why Jesus said it because he knew that his word needs to be read by us And he chastised the Pharisees with it in the Bible. That's why the Bible talks so much about Reading the Word of God. So read your Bible Read your Bible Matthew chapter 21 part 1. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer