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Amen so John chapter 5 we're in our second week in John chapter 5 so Jesus is in Jerusalem we're gonna pick up things after the story of the man that was at the pool of Bethsaida we're gonna look at verse number 17 I'm going forward Jesus is in Jerusalem and he begins to speak kind of a mini sermon here to the Jewish leaders the people that were accusing him of working on the Sabbath I'm not going to really go into that Jesus claimed to be God so much because I've already preached on that in previous chapters but again they're getting upset that he's claiming to be equal with God and let's look down at verse number 17 and see what Jesus has to say here when he begins to speak to the Jews here verse number 17 Jesus answered them says my father worketh hitherto and I work so we talked about the Sabbath the last week it says therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him because not only had he broken the Sabbath but he said also that God was his father making himself equal with God so again not to preach that sermon but everyone knew exactly what Jesus was claiming everybody knew that Jesus I mean that's actually why they ended up killing him because of blasphemy that he was making himself equal with God that is easily shown from the Bible in many places verse number 19 then answered Jesus and said unto them verily verily I say unto you the Son can do nothing for of himself but what he seeth the Father do for whatsoever he doeth these also doeth the Son likewise so now we're going to start to see this this Jesus kind of equating himself with the Father here and I want to explain the context of this and that's not really the point of the sermon tonight but there is a very big similarity to these next few verses in John 10 28 through 30 so I want to look at that real quickly look at verse 20 it says the Father loveth the Son and he showeth him all things that himself doeth so the it says the Father loveth the Son and the Father shows the Son everything that he does and he will show him greater works than these that ye may marvel for as the Father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth them even so the Son quickeneth whom he will saying the Father is able to make people alive and the Son is also going to have that same power verse number 22 for that now this is different verse number 22 is different it's going to be the context or is going to be the subject of the entire sermon tonight so we're going to keep our place we're just going to come back to verse number 22 in a few minutes but the verse 22 says for the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment unto the Son so just keep that in your mind for a second I want to go to verse number 23 real quickly it says that all men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father so here we see more equivalents they're going to honor the Son they're going to honor the Father he that honoreth not the Son honoreth not the Father so we see anyone who honors the Son honors the Father anyone who doesn't honor the Son doesn't honor the Father which hath sent him then look at verse 24 is really going to be the focus here for the next couple minutes verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my word and believe on him that sent me hath everlasting life and he shall not come into condemnation but his path from death unto life now people have been confused on that verse before because they're like what believeth on the Father I thought I needed to believe on the Son I mean John 3 36 says he that believeth on the Son and here the Bible is saying he that believeth on the Father so which is it is the question and the answer is this is belief what Jesus is explaining is exactly what he's explaining in John 10 28 through 30 and we'll go there in just a minute but what he's saying here in in the context of belief believing the Father is the same as believing the Son he's saying because the belief of the Father contains if you just think of a belief box okay I mean I'm a visual person think of a belief box if you believe if you truly believe the Father the belief of the Son is in there that's what he's saying okay he's saying that belief of the Father is belief of the Son so when you're out soul winning when you're also when you're gonna hear this answer a lot when you ask people you know do you know for sure if you're going to heaven and they're like some people are gonna say yes I'm sure and it's like what does it take well faith they'll say well faith and you know some people will say well faith in God they'll say but you need to dig a little deeper on that because you need to under look that's true it's true if they just only look it is a true statement to say faith in God and you're saved that's true as long as you understand who God is you know if you say I have I have faith in God the Father I believe on God the Father you're saved if you understand what that means but what that means is that that cut what Jesus is saying is that comes with the Son because if you honor the Father you honor the Son if you don't honor the Father you don't honor the Son and vice versa switch them around all you all you want but those things come together is what Jesus is saying and that's what he says at the end of this chapter he's like you didn't believe the Father so you don't believe me he's saying so there is no there is no all we believe in the one true God but we just don't believe in Jesus there is none of that that's that's a false that's a that's a that's a false paradigm right there no I believe the one true God I just don't believe that Jesus was his son false you do not believe the one true God that is what Jesus is explaining here and who is he explaining it to he's explaining it to the Jews who claim to believe the Bible this is the problem so he's saying you don't believe the Father turn to John 10 John chapter 10 in verse number 28 John chapter 10 in verse number 28 one of my favorite verses in the Bible one of the just a clear proof of eternal security John 10 28 where Jesus says and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand but then in verse number 29 he says my father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand so in verse number 28 Jesus talks about his hand so he says your salvation is in my hand but then Jesus says in verse number 29 your salvation is in the father's hand so which is it both you see what I just did it's exactly the same thing that he's talking about in John chapter 5 and he's and then he says in verse number verse number 30 he says I and my father are one in what context that that they come with each other is what he's saying they're inseparable you cannot believe in one and not the other both keep your eternal security who keeps my security the father or the son yes is the answer because I am the father I want does that mean Jesus is the father I mean no it's in the context of John chapter 5 is talking about belief in the father true belief in the father will contain belief in the Sun so when you're out there soul-winning and somebody says well faith in God you need to dig a little deeper be like well does God have a name who is God and you know if they start just well God and then you know some people think that God is like just some some being that you just everybody calls God a different name no wrong the one true God sent his son Jesus to die for the sins of the world and you cannot believe in that God without believing in Jesus it's inseparable that is all Jesus is saying in John chapter 5 he is equating himself with God but he's saying the exact same thing that he's saying in John chapter 10 he's saying that these beliefs in the father and belief in the Sun they are inseparable because I and the father are one in the context that they are both God they are both God you say I don't understand that I don't understand how that works ask Jesus when you get to heaven you don't have to understand every tiny little thing in the Bible and any analogy that you come up with for the you know the Trinity like the egg yolk or whatever you want to say is got some kind of problem with it so you just kind of go it's kind of one of those things where you kind of realize that God is higher than us and we don't necessarily maybe have to understand everything we just have to believe what Jesus said right like oh I don't understand the exact mechanics of the Godhead well you know I mean it's God I mean so I mean there's certain things about God that we're probably not going to understand because he's higher than we are all right so that's all Jesus is saying there he's just saying belief in the Sun comes with belief in a belief in the father so it is a true statement to say he that believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life because if you truly believe on the God the Father you believe on the Sun that's all Jesus is saying all right it's not super complicated but just wanted to get into that all right now let's go to verse number 25 and get to the point of the sermon tonight verily verily I say unto you Jesus continues the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that here shall live for as the father hath life in himself so if he given son the son to have life in himself more of that equivalence there but verse number 27 matches verse number 22 here where it says and have given him authority to execute judgment also because he is the son of man so one thing that is different though about the son versus the father so are they exactly the same no they're they're different persons if you will of the the Godhead all right and the son is given some responsibility that the father does not have in verse number 22 explains what that responsibility is it says the father and look it clearly says the father doesn't do this but the son does clearly showing the difference the father judges no man but have committed all judgment unto the son so this is something that the father is I guess you could say he's delegating to the son in verse number 27 it's what what is that delegation it is to execute judgment because he is the son of man look at verse 28 Marvel not at this for the hour is coming so not only does he equate himself with God he's literally saying God the father has given me he's telling the Jews this can you imagine you imagine there's a boiling over I'm sure at this point because he's saying that not only am I equal with God but God has given me the authority to execute judgment on you and I'm sure they're just like steam coming out of their ears right look at verse 29 he says and shall come forth and they that have done good under resurrection of life they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation I can have my own self do nothing as I hear I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which hath sent me so the point of the sermon or the title of the sermon the focus of the sermon tonight is Jesus the judge that is another thing that Jesus is we looked at Jesus the light we look at Jesus the word Jesus is the judge turn to Isaiah chapter 11 it is a it is a main role of Jesus Christ is to be the not a judge the judge look at Isaiah chapter 11 in verse number one so here we have a messianic prophecy prophesying Christ in verse number one of Isaiah chapter 11 look what the Bible says it says and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding that's a key there the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord and shall make him quick of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord and he shall not judge after the sight of his own eyes neither reprove after the hearing of his ears but with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked so what is the Bible saying that Jesus this Messiah whoever this is going to be in Isaiah chapter 11 who we find out that it's Jesus it's saying that he's going to be of quick understanding he's going to have wisdom he's going to have knowledge of the fear of the Lord which we're going to see how important that is in just a few minutes but what is the point he's going to judge he's going to be there to pass righteous judgment that's what he's there to do and he shall not judge after the sight of his own eyes neither reprove after the hearing of his ears but with righteousness shall he judge and he's going to smite the earth and he's going to reprove with this judgment so Jesus is the judge look at Romans chapter 2 actually you go to John 12 I'll just read for you Romans chapter 2 in verse number 16 where the Bible says you're going to John 12 in Romans 2 16 the Bible says in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men how it says in Romans 2 16 by Jesus Christ according to my gospel so the Father is using Jesus as the judge of the world think about that you know think about that I mean you say well who is Jesus to judge is he to judge the saved people is he to judge the unsaved people who is he to judge in the world is it just people that have believed on him or people have not believed on him everyone is who Jesus will judge look at John 12 verse number 30 John 12 verse number 30 Jesus will judge every man that has ever lived look at verse number 30 it says Jesus answered and said this voice came not because of me but for your sakes now is the judge now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me so Jesus is kind of saying there in verse number 31 he's like now is the judgment of the world because the judges here now is the judgment of the world because I am the judge God sent me here to judge turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and he will judge everyone he will judge everyone that has ever lived and I'll show you that clearly from the Bible look at 2nd Timothy 4 verse number 1 so God the Father sent the son to be the judge and he's going to judge everyone verse number 1 of 2nd Timothy 4 says I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ what who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine so Jesus is going to judge the quick and he's going to judge the dead that means he's going to judge the alive is what that means and the dead that means he's going to judge the saved and the unsaved you say what Jesus is gonna he's gonna judge me if I'm saved yes he's going to judge you turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 I told you he's gonna judge every single person that has ever lived regardless because he is the judge it is one of the jobs that God the Father gave him to do he delegated this to Jesus God the Father is not going to do this he delegated to Jesus and I'll show you why he did that in just a few minutes look at 2nd Corinthians 5 you say I'm saved I thought I'm good I thought that you know I'm good to go and I'm not gonna be in trouble for anything and I'm not ever you're not gonna go to hell but Jesus is going to judge you look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse number 10 it says we all must we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may be received the things done in his body according to that he had done whether it be good or bad this is how you're gonna be judged you're gonna appear to now turn it back to 1st Corinthians chapter 3 turn back to 1st Corinthians chapter 3 you are going to appear at the judgment seat of Christ and you are going to answer for the good things that you did and the bad things that you did in your life and you're going to answer you say what's good and what's bad it's all going to be according to this it's all going to be according to the Bible you say well what if I did very little for the Lord in my life look at 1st Corinthians chapter 3 and look at verse number 11 look you're not going to hell but you are going to be judged by your life and the things that you did in your life look at 1st Corinthians 3 verse number 11 it says for other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is Jesus Christ so that's your salvation right there your salvation is that foundation is that is that that's what's been laid to every Christian that is saved every person that is saved it has that foundation of Christ the problem is is that many say people are not going to build anything on it many say people are just going to put a bunch of trash on it and it maybe even forget that it's there they're just gonna let weeds go over it put a bunch of dirt on it and they're going to use it for nothing in their life it doesn't mean it's not still there it just means that you're not using it to build anything it says now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones wood hey stubble it says every man's work so here's a bunch of things you could build on there it says every man's work shall be made manifest that means that means that every man's work is going to be made known so this is like if you go do a bunch of good things like if you go out and you do a bunch of good things for Christ and you go out and you you you go and you get some people saved and you do some some good works in your life it's like you don't have to go tell everybody I mean you don't have to like go shower it shouted in a YouTube video or put it all over Facebook or whatever because it's going to be made known and it's going to be made known to the person that it matters to which is the judge which is Jesus Christ okay so it's going to be made known for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is so Jesus is going to reveal by fire it's kind of an a you know it's a picture here it's a picture of you know a bunch of worthless hey a bunch of worthless stubble a bunch of worthless works that you did in your life if any man's work abide which you have built there upon he shall receive a reward so if you do good works you go on you get a bunch of people saved with your life and you go out and you you you raise a family then you have saved children and your your children are passing you know the the gospel of Jesus Christ onto their children it's like these are all things that are not going to burn up these are all very valuable things are not going to be they're going to survive the fire but the things that are worthless the wood hay and the stubble is just going to burn up all the things that you pursued in your life that the money the property the the you know whatever it is not to say that you shouldn't have money and you shouldn't have a car or whatever but if you just use your life to pursue these things that all those things are going to burn up you know all those things are going to burn up it says if man's work should be burned in verse 15 he shall suffer loss now there's the key right there now I don't know what that's going to be like I mean you're in heaven and you know you're in heaven and you're never going to be in hell but the Bible does say that you will suffer loss like you will know you will know that oh man you know I I should have I should have done more with my life I should not have wasted my life on these carnal things of the flesh I should not been involved in all that sin that pulled me out of the spiritual life and made me a worthless Christian I I mean I don't know what that feeling is going to be but the Bible says you will know you will know that you will suffer that loss you will know that you should not have done those things and you should have built on that foundation all right but he himself look here it is right he himself shall be saved so the Bible is just reassuring us there in 1st Corinthians 3 that okay this all sounds pretty bad you're gonna suffer loss and but you're still saved you're still gonna be in heaven you're not losing your salvation but this is just you know it's another proof here in 1st Corinthians 3 that works and salvation are not connected there in verse number 15 all right works of salvation are not connected works are important for the Christian works are important in your life but it's just it's just not connected to salvation look you you can't make any sense of the Bible if you connect works and salvation the Bible is so confusing I've tried it if you connect works to salvation in any way the Bible is the most confusing thing you could ever read but they're not connected and that's why it's confusing now so we're gonna be judged by our works Jesus Christ himself is gonna lay out all your works of your life and judge the ones that are worthless and the ones that were good and he's gonna reward the good and you're gonna suffer loss for the worthless works that you had he's also gonna judge the dead turn to Revelation chapter 20 and I've preached on this extensively but the dead are going to be the dead like the people in hell the people that have not believed on Jesus that died and went to hell they are going to be judged and they're gonna be judged by Jesus you know where the Bible says every knee shall bow I mean imagine being in hell for a thousand years two thousand years and then being brought out of hell and stood in front of Jesus you're gonna bow you're gonna beg I mean you're gonna be like there's nothing that can be done at that point but every knee will bow look at verse number 11 of Revelation chapter 20 the Bible says and I thought saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and heaven fled away and there was no place found for them no there was no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was open which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to what according to their works so the books are the Bible or the law and the book is whether or not they were saved so if you're not in the book of life you know if you've been removed from the book of life everybody starts in the book of life if you've been removed and you know you die and your name has been blotted out of the book of life whether you know it was blotted out while you were still alive this is the reprobate doctrine or most people I believe will have their name blotted out when they die physically and they have not believed they've died unbelieving on Jesus at that point they're in hell at that point their soul goes to hell their body goes in the ground but this here is the resurrection of damnation is what the Bible is talking about this great white throne judgment where Jesus Christ will judge the unsaved by their works so God's gonna take the Bible Jesus gonna take the Bible is gonna like you think you were so great well you broke this one and you broke this one and you broke this one I mean how can you cover for that that's the thing that makes no sense at all nobody in in Fresno that you would talk to today would think that you could cover up a crime by being nice to somebody nobody would believe this yeah this is what all the churches today are teaching not one single person I always say this out so winning I give this analogy of stealing somebody's car and then wrecking their car and then standing in front of a judge in Fresno I've done this for years standing in front of the judge in Fresno and say yeah judge I did steal the car and I did light it on fire and I did destroy it but I'm really nice and people always laugh because it doesn't make any sense because they even look I'm sure there are some people that you and I this is Romans 4 4 and Romans 4 5 I'm sure there are some people and look it makes me sad to say this I'm sure there's some people that you and I would look at that are pretty nice people there may be people that are nicer than you I mean I think about the nicest person in this church I'm not gonna name any names okay but I think if I take the nicest person in this church just the friendliest person the person who's in the best mood all the time she's just got a good spirit I don't even know the name you're all nice but the point is this I'm sure there are nicer people out there but if they do not believe on Jesus Christ they're going to hell and you're like well that doesn't sound right that's because you've been taught workspace salvation your entire life that's because you've been raised by a wicked Catholic Church or a wicked Protestant Church name you know pick pick one that is teaching this works intertwined with salvation but there it makes no sense logically not only does the Bible not say it it just doesn't compute up here because no matter how good or nice you are everyone would admit that they've sinned and no one would think that goodness can cover up a transgression of the law no one would think that no one would think that in a regular court of law where there's an actual human judge what makes you think a perfect judge is gonna make a silly mistake like that it just it's not gonna happen Jesus is the judge there's not gonna be any mistakes there's not any oh I made a bad call that day it's the books are opened he is the books by the way we'll get there in a minute but he's the judge he's not gonna make any mistakes people are gonna be judged by their works and they're gonna be thrown into the lake of fire this is the resurrection of damnation and look they're gonna beg they're gonna beg to not be thrown but that's that is justice that is perfect justice you may not like that because you have a skewed version of justice from what you know people have been taught but that's it they were already dead they just weren't judged by Jesus yet and at this point they're gonna be judged by Jesus so the point is this Jesus is the judge okay he is the judge of the earth he's been delegated had this responsibility delegated to him by the father the question is this how can we apply this to us you know what is this what does this mean you turn to first Timothy chapter 6 what does it mean for us so Jesus you know he has he has all these different responsibilities you know this is a big one to be the judge of the world the judge of every single man you know say why I mean why would the father here ask yourself this question I'm going to answer it for you in first Timothy chapter 6 but why didn't the father just judge why did the father because clearly this is the difference between the father and the son the father delegated judgment of the earth to the son so the question is why and the answer of why he delegated to the son is also why it's important for us which is interesting how the Bible works that way but look at first Timothy chapter 6 and look at verse number 14 here's why the father delegated judgment to the son first Timothy chapter 6 verse number 14 so Jesus is what Jesus is the word Jesus is the word become flesh Jesus is Jesus is the light we looked at Jesus here is the judge but here's something else that Jesus is look at verse number 14 says that thou keep his this commandment without spot unrebucible until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ which in his times he shall show who is the blessed and only potentate so you know it's kind of gonna give away the answer of what a potentate is here but it says again it says the king of kings the Lord of Lords so potentate like a potentate is it's it's a king I mean it's another word for a king but it's basically an autonomous authoritarian ruler is what a potentate is but the point is is Jesus is the king of kings so this is why he's the judge because it's up to the king to judge it's a king's job to judge who only has immortality so he's the king of kings so there's been many kings and many leaders in the in the earth but Jesus is the king of all of them and he's the only one that will ever and has ever been immortal and has immortality he's the only immortal King turn to first Kings chapter 3 so it's the king's job to judge and that's look that's a normal responsibility even Solomon knew that that's the main responsibility of a king is to judge right that's why Solomon when God asked Solomon when he was just a kid when he was just a young man I should say you know somewhere I mean probably somewhere south of 20 by a few years he asked God for this look at verse number 5 of first Kings chapter 3 so it's the king's job to judge and everybody knows this even kings know this in Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and God said ask what I shall give thee and Solomon said thou has showed unto thy servant David my father great mercy according as he walked before thee in truth and in righteousness and an uprightness of heart with thee and thou has kept for him this great kindness that thou has given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day and now O Lord my God thou hast made thy servant King instead of David my father and I am but a little child I know not how to go out or to come in so he's saying I am now King and you know God's like what do you want ask me something and I will give it to you and thy servant is in the midst of the people which thou has chosen a great people that cannot be numbered or counted for a multitude so he hasn't asked for anything yet but in verse number 9 he makes his request and this is what he requests he says give therefore thy servant an understanding heart why he says you know give me a certain heart that understands things why to judge thy people Solomon knows that the main job of a king is to what it is to judge and since Jesus is the king of kings he is the judge now it even tells us what judgment is I mean if you don't know what judgment is because that's been skewed today what what is judgment like everyone's telling me today not to judge what is judgment here it is look at verse number 9 of 1st Kings chapter 3 it says give me an understanding heart to judge thy people what is judgment that I may discern between good and bad for who is able to judge this so great a people so judging judging simply means it's really complicated being able to tell what's good and what's bad that's it so imagine somebody telling you to not have judgment turn to Proverbs chapter 9 oh actually go read read God's answer real quick before we move from there let's read God's answer and then we'll go to Proverbs 9 but here's what God here's what God tells him he says behold I've done according to thy words well I've given thee a wise and understanding heart so there is none like thee before thee neither after these shall any arise unto thee so in order to have judgment in order to be a good judge God says I'm giving you wisdom and understanding look at Proverbs 9 this matches perfectly what Proverbs 9 and Proverbs 1 say but just look at Proverbs 9 for the sake of time so wisdom and understanding so God says I gave you wisdom and understanding so you say okay well I should just pray to God and then God should speak audible to me and give me wisdom and understanding but no because God tells us so wisdom is wisdom and understanding here's the connection wisdom and understanding is what we need to be able to judge properly to be able to tell good from bad correctly wisdom and understanding is what we need even Solomon knew what he needed he's like I need an understanding heart I need understanding he's like I just don't have it I'm just a kid God just gave it to him just boom just like that just handed it right to him but Proverbs 9 tells us how we can get it it says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding so guess where we get that we can have exactly what Solomon had from the Bible that's what the guy that's what the Bible is saying so the question is see this is where it really comes for full circle so as we are kings and priests in our Christian life in Revelation chapter 1 the Bible you know I mean it sounds like since we are kings we should have judgment we should be able to judge and we get that wisdom and understanding that is needed to judge from the Bible here's where it comes for a circle what is the Bible the Bible is the Word of God the Bible is the Word of God Jesus is what Jesus is the Word become flesh see how it comes full circle like that this is how it applies to us we get judgment from the Bible because the Bible is the judge I mean it's poetic I mean it's just it's just perfect I mean yeah a man wrote the Bible a bunch of fishermen wrote the Bible I mean think about how perfect this is turn to John chapter 7 turn to John chapter 7 you say yeah well judgment see judgments complicated folks like judgment is complicated to be a judge that never makes a mistake is a hard thing to do I mean that's a complicated thing you as a man you as a husband you as a leader of your family you as a wife leading your children you will never be a perfect judge it will never happen look you should you should study the Bible you should read the Bible you should know the Bible so you can be as close to correct all the time if look if you do everything the Bible says you're not going to make any bad judgment but we're not Jesus we are going to make mistakes in judgment look at John chapter 7 and verse 24 this is kind of a profound verse in my opinion talking about judgment the Bible says here it says judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment now many times we look at this verse I really focus on the back on the back of that verse where it says judge righteous judgment but the front of that verse is saying don't judge away according to the appearance this is kind of like Pride and Prejudice part 1 right here because if you judge just you know what this is saying it's saying that how things look on the surface may not always be what they really are it's saying that you could make bad judgment if you go with your gut you say well that guy seems trustworthy or that guy seems really nice or that lady seems really nice because she says she's nice or he says he's good at this or he says he's you know whatever but the Bible is saying judge righteous judgment it's like no no no no no you must judge by the Bible you must verify with what what do we talk about is the example in Pride and Prejudice part 1 you must verify with witnesses you can't just take what so one person says and comes to you and says oh this and just take that as the truth well you must you must go by the Bible you must go by the Bible you must like go by with the the methodologies that the Bible lays forward for it lays forth for you and then you will have a much better better track record of judging righteously that is what the Bible is saying because John 7 24 is saying don't judge according to the appearance because looks are deceiving it's saying people will try to deceive you this is the wolf in sheep's clothing he's like he looks like a sheep but it's a wolf it looks like you know again Satan doesn't knock on the front door and say hey Satan here he goes through the window in the back and he pretends to be something that he's not righteous judgment comes from following with the Bible says judgment according to the Bible not according to the culture of the day thank goodness thank goodness I mean 80% of men in Gen Z could think that they're zebras and I'm still gonna have proper judgment if I follow the Bible it doesn't affect us if we follow the Bible I mean there is an entire don't judge movement in Christianity today it's it's like a it's like the second thing a liberal Christian will tell you maybe if they find out where you go to church maybe it's the first thing they'll tell you but there's this massive movement I'm just trying to get you to see how anti Jesus it is tonight don't judge but Jesus is the judge what are you talking about I mean think about just a secular judge that wouldn't judge would that be a would that be a town that you would want to live in I mean would that be victimless think about it think about if a murderer came before a judge in in Fresno or wherever and the judge was just like well you know all right you know I just I just can't make the call here you know he's on video he's clearly a murderer he admits he's a murderer he's like I like to murder people and I'm gonna murder some more people and the judge is just like well I just can't I just can't come down on one side or another on that one I just want to be loving you're just like what in the world I mean well it's not victimless you to let I mean you know like this is a real thing to 1% of cycle 1% of the population is a psychopath this isn't me or the Bible this is secular science that admits this 1% do you know a hundred people you have met a psychopath if you know 100 well if you know a hundred people you probably don't hang around with psychopaths but the point is this you don't realize that they're psychopaths because you know why most psychopaths are their corporate psychopaths or their psychopaths that they don't they're not like Ted Bundy's not every single psychopath even though they have that capability they have that that seared scarred conscience they have that capability you know what stops them from being the Ted Bundy judgment the fact that they don't want to go to prison or they don't want to get executed they don't want you know the consequences that would come so they take the fact that they have no feelings no conscience no ethics no morals none of that and they use that in business or they use that in you know to get themselves ahead financially or somewhere else and in their life scamming or whatever doing things that most people would never do because why because they wouldn't be able to sleep at night because their conscience that law written in their heart whether you're saved or not you have that but the psychopath one in a hundred people secular scientists will admit this some people say it's more than 1% but you can recognize it you can recognize it if you're looking for it because you'll see people that even that I've worked people in the in the past where you're just like man they could just do things that like nobody else would be able to do but the only thing stopping all of those people from just being like these people that just would kill people and what is judgment judgment makes the world function folks judgment is the thing that makes the world function think about like bad military judgment is this victimless think about some of the worst military decisions in just the past couple of hundred years like think about pickets charge at Gettysburg like generally is just like let's march two miles across this open field and and we're gonna win and all his generals are like that don't do it that's a bad idea but he's just like he had bad judgment what he do he killed thousands of his own men and they lost the battle and end up losing the war arguably maybe because of that battle but the point is this that bad judgment is not it's not victimless think about operation Barbarossa where Germany decided to Hitler decided to split his army and take one army and invade Russia in the wintertime it's like one of the worst military decisions the worst judgment in the history of military decisions tens of millions of people died and he I mean thank God he lost the war but I mean it was a terrible a terrible judgment little little big horn I grew up kind of studying this one you know general Custer he went into in Montana there was this battleground and he thought he thought that he was up against he had bad judgment he he was gonna he didn't take all the weapons he should have taken with him because he he thought that this wasn't gonna be a problem there was just a couple hundred Indians it turns out he was up against thousands of Lakota Sioux and and other Indians and and he they were slaughtered I mean just bad judgment the point I'm trying to get you to see is that judgment makes the world go round and bad judgment destroys that's all I'm trying to get you to see I mean even the simplest thing of having somebody come to your house to fix something you have a plumber come over to your house I don't know what's wrong this thing's not working and they're just like I can't make the call I can't you know I I just yeah I think I might know what it is but I just don't want to make the call you know I mean we just lack of judgment society would completely fall apart if we just said hey let's not judge so when somebody says don't judge you know like they're not just against you this is the whole point tonight when somebody says don't judge they're not just against you and where you go to church they're not just against they're not just against your family because don't judge as a father don't judge is dangerous to your family they're not just against your family they're not just against look they're not just against the Bible ultimately and this is the irony of how Christian churches could say this they are against Jesus because he is the judge it's the it's one of the things that God the father delegated to him because he's the king of Kings and he's going to judge every single person who has ever lived saved or unsaved so the church that teaches that for or against Jesus I mean that's what I would ask if people are like why why why you know we don't judge here I'd be just be like why are you against Jesus why is there a cross on your building why do you call yourself Christian if you're against Jesus Christ that's how silly it is because he is the judge and it's full circle for us we use the Bible for judgment were commanded to and the Bible is judgment and the Bible is Jesus and Jesus is the judge it's perfectly it's a perfect circle let's bow our heads and have a word