(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You may keep your place in Genesis chapter 40. We're gonna get there in just a moment. We're gonna look at this story I've always liked this story and hopefully I can explain to you why I like this story There's a lot of things in this story that are Interesting. So we're gonna look at that tonight, but we're talking about God's numbers in this sermon series We're looking at numbers in the Bible and we're looking at what they mean and and we looked at the number seven last week tonight We're gonna look at a different number. I'll get to that in just a minute But first of all, I want to talk for a couple minutes about numerology and this idea of numerology Numerology is this kind of this mystical study of the hidden meaning of numbers in the Bible And I just want to point out that that's not what this sermon series is When God if I'm trying to get anything across in this sermon series It's that when God uses numbers in the Bible God is trying to point us at something He's trying to point things out to us and we're gonna see that in this story In Genesis chapter 40 with the butler and the Baker with with Joseph in prison with these two men So we're not We're not you know studying. There's this weird, you know kind of philosophy or or You know people out there that are looking for hidden codes in the Bible and looking at Numbers and and you know God's got these hidden meanings and they're doing all these things adding up verses and dividing by this and whatever and all these things But the thing is that the Bible God wants us to understand the Bible That's what we need to that's what we need to understand first Corinthians 13 talks about some things that are to come We see through a glass darkly but largely God want God has the Bible the Word of God there for us. It's complete It's perfect just as we looked at it's purified seven times as we looked at last week But all all manners of salvation of our life and our practice of this Christian life God wants us to understand in the Bible. He's not you know, it doesn't have some hidden meanings Behind all these things. He's given us his word so we can read it We can understand it and we can apply it in our lives okay, so this numerology is something that you know Bible believe in Christians should not go into and not Discovery most people that you will look into that are really into numerology. They're not even saved Anyway, so they don't even understand what they're doing with the Bible It's like a like a child playing with a loaded gun, you know, I mean, they're an unsaved person trying to figure out Codes in the Bible all these types of things. That's not what this sermon series is about So we're gonna look at a different number tonight all that to say that you know, this is not numerology We're just gonna look at these numbers and see why God Put these numbers in the Bible and I'm pointing out specific stories This is another one tonight in Genesis chapter 40 where you know that God didn't put anything in the Bible by accident Right, just like Jacob asked me that question about the child in 2nd Kings chapter 4 and the child He resurrected from the dead and the child sneezed seven times, you know That should pop out to you as a Bible believing Christian as a Bible reading Christian somebody that's read their Bible like ah God put that there for some sort of reason some sort of meaning All right, and of course that pointed us to you know, our perfect salvation through Jesus Christ It was a picture of Christ. All right, so tonight we're gonna look at the number three We're gonna look at the number three in the Bible look down before we go to Genesis chapter 40 I'm just gonna give you kind of a random thought on the number three Turn to 2nd Samuel chapter 23. You're gonna keep your place in Genesis chapter 40. That'll be our main verse But the group of the number three is used in the Bible many times to point out Certain special groups of people. All right The number three is used in a few places in the Bible and I'll show you those and then kind of give you some thoughts on that The groups of people that we're gonna look at in 2nd Samuel chapter 23 are David's mighty men in 2nd Samuel chapter 23 We get a whole list of David's mighty men. Look at 2nd Samuel chapter 23 and verse number 8 The Bible says this it says these be the names of the mighty men whom David had The tachymite that sat in the seat chief among the captains the same was a Dino the Esnite So we see the first name there. He lift up his spear against 800 who he slew at one time. So David's mighty men. I'm just let me just tell you the kind of the structure It gets kind of confusing when we go through the verbs the verbiage of it, but David's mighty men He had the three top mightiest captains So he had the three top mightiest captains that we're gonna look at here at the beginning then he had you know the the three top The next three top so to speak but they weren't as they didn't attain to the top three So there was basically a first tier top three and then a second tier three of the mighty men And then there was the whatever it was 31, I think below that just the other mighty men All right, but it's basically listing off these mighty men this first one who's one of the top mightiest three You know, it tells you he slew 800 men in one battle at a time So he went into a battle and by himself, you know, he slew 800 you know kind of like going out and getting eight people saved, right? So well, I mean that wasn't one person but the point is that you know, he went out He did that. He was a mighty warrior All right this person and after him was Eliezer the son of Dodo the a height One of the three mighty men with David When they defied the Philistines that were there gathered together to battle and the men of Israel were gone away He arose and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary and his hand clave onto the sword and the Lord wrought a great victory That day and the people returned after To spoil so this talks about he basically went to war and he fought All day until he this will happen to you. By the way, I remember after wrestling matches This would happen to me after a wrestling match at times not to compare a six-minute wrestling match with an all-day battle But after a wrestling match many times I couldn't open my hands Just because like you're you you're working your hands so much that your hands just kind of like Lock up your forearms kind of lock up I would have to go on a wall and like stretch my hands like this after a really hard wrestling match but this is what happened to This man after a great victory and in battle and then the third one after him was Shama The son of a ghee the Hara right and the Philistines were gathered together into a troop Which was a piece of ground full of lentils and the people fled from the Philistines But he stood in the midst of the ground and defended it and slew the Philistines and the Lord wrought a great victory So another amazing story, so this is the top three But this this story is a man that basically he stands in a field of I don't know You know just like a open basically what it's trying to say is it it was an open farm field of like peas Or something to where it was nothing but an open field and all of his troops fled and he stood there by himself and fought The Philistines, so I mean these were some amazing Warriors here all right look at verse 13 Now we go into the second three and three of the thirty chief went down and came to David in the harvest time under the cave of Aduam and the troop of the Philistines pitched in the valley referendum ruffian and David was then in a hold and the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem So the Philistines have come into Bethlehem into their territory and David longed and said oh that one would give me drink of the water Of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate. He's lamenting David now We're talking about the second tier three this is going to tell you a story about what those three mighty men Did and he's talking about you know he's lamenting that the Philistines are in Bethlehem. They're in a city in his country, and he said oh that I could drink of the well of Bethlehem and Three of these men hear this of his mighty men and they break through the host of the Philippines or Philistines and Drew water out and at the Philippines all right and out of the well of Bethlehem when that was by the gate and took it and brought it to David nevertheless He would not drink thereof but poured it out on to the Lord so these guys hear David lamenting about you know The Philistines being in Bethlehem, and he just makes this just this comment like oh that I could drink of the well What he's saying is oh that the enemy wasn't in our country and these men to make their leader feel better They've literally break through the lines to get a cup of water and bring it back to the king And then he said far be it from me that I should do this It is not the blood of men that went in jeopardy of their lives therefore He would not drink it these things did the three mighty men then it names these mighty men Abishai, Benaniah and Who's the the third one here, let's see in verse number and Asahel is that is the third one so the point is this The that the number three is used to talk about these Three mightiest mightiest captains that David had and then also the three Next mightiest men they're broken into groups of three all right now Let's compare that to something in the New Testament turn to Matthew chapter 17 We're just looking at groups of people in the Bible groups of people that are you know rent? You know lumped into threes all right go to Matthew chapter 17 Go to Matthew chapter 17 go to Matthew chapter 17 look at verse number one in the New Testament Matthew chapter 17 and look at verse number one Jesus himself had you know he had 12 disciples, but Jesus had an inner circle of Disciples and that inner circle of disciples was three men and if you look at Matthew chapter 17 in verse number one you see the first Example of this it says and after six days Jesus taketh Peter James and John his brother and bringeth him up into a high mountain apart and was Transfigured before them and his face did shine as the Sun and his raiment was white as the light turned to Matthew chapter 26 Matthew chapter 26 so Jesus had this inner circle where he brought to the most important events one was a transfiguration The second one is in Matthew chapter 26 that we just looked at over Easter when Jesus went to the garden to pray Right before he was arrested look at verse number 36 of Matthew chapter 26 the Bible says then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane and Sayeth unto the disciples sit ye here why go and pray yonder and he took with him who Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy so Peter and James and John those are the two sons of Zebedee that was Jesus's inner circle David had three Chiefest mighty captains, and then he had three lower rank captains all that to say this. I mean, what does that mean pastor? What does that mean? I don't know it just seems like if if you have Good number of people you need to keep close to you in your life three seems like a good number That's that's all I can really take from that. It's also interesting now. This is just things that I think about It's also interesting that you know many organizations are kind of busted out and to have like three main people as the you know You think about a corporation, you know a wicked corporation, right? I don't like corporations, but you know think of a corporation who runs a corporation the CEO the CFO and the CEO Those are the three main officers of a corporation you look at our government There's three branches of our government does that mean anything? I don't know all right, but just to point out that there are you know three groups of people that are named as you know Very close to certain people including Jesus in the Bible all right And I'll kind of wrap that up towards the end But that all that to say this go back to Genesis chapter 40 go back to Genesis chapter 40 And I'm gonna read for you. I'm gonna read for you Matthew I'm gonna read for you Matthew chapter 12 in Verse number 40 you're gonna go back to Genesis chapter 40, and then we're gonna look at that verse I'm gonna read for you Matthew chapter 12 in verse number 40 There's another place that the number three is used in the Bible, and I believe that this is probably One of the most important places on that the number three is used in Matthew chapter 12 in verse number 40 the Bible says for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and Three nights in the heart of the earth saying how long Jesus will be In the tomb and how long Jesus is soul by the way would be in hell the Bible says all right in Acts chapter 2 all right now go to Genesis chapter 40 in verse number 1 knowing that that Jesus was in the tomb for three days and Three nights let's look at this story in Genesis chapter 40 and see what we can come up with so Joseph is in prison Joseph was framed By a you know a wicked woman who said that he did something to her and he got thrown in prison when he didn't do That but he's in prison in Egypt and look what the Bible says in verse number one It says it came to pass after these things that the butler of the king of Egypt and his Baker Had offended their Lord the king of Egypt, so we got a butler and a baker all right That's what this story is about Pharaoh was wroth against two of his officers Against the chief of the butlers and against the chief of the Baker's and he put them in Ward in the house of the captain of the guard into the prison the place where Joseph was bound and the captain of the guard charged Joseph with them and he served them and they continued a season in Ward and They meaning the butler and the Baker dreamed a dream both of them each man his dream in one night Each man according to the interpretation of his dream the butler and the Baker of the king of Egypt Which were bound in the prison so this butler and Baker are in it's interesting to note that Joseph You know everywhere Joseph goes Joseph is very similar to Daniel. He's also a picture of Christ That's a sermon in another time, but I'm going to show you how this story is a picture of Christ as well So if we look at the butler and the Baker they're in prison Joseph is He's put in charge Of basically these men by the chief guard. So Joseph is somebody who's very You know, he just rises to the top wherever he goes including in prison. Okay, God promotes him in everywhere He goes look so they both have a dream and they don't have an interpretation to this dream look at verse number six and Joseph came in unto them in the morning and looked upon them and behold they were sad and He asked Pharaoh's officers that were with him in the ward of his Lord's house saying wherefore look ye so sadly today And they said unto him we've dreamed a dream and there's no interpreter of it and Joseph said unto them do not Interpretations belong to God tell me them I pray you and the chief butler told his dream to Joseph and said to him in my dream Behold a vine was before me. So Joseph says God can interpret dreams You know, I you know Joseph has a relationship with God He believes in God and he said tell me the dream the chief butler tells Joseph his dream He says there was a vine and in the vine. He's a vine was before me and in the vine were what? Three branches and it was thought it was though it budded and her blossoms shot forth and the clusters thereof brought forth ripe Grapes, so right away. This is exactly like the second Kings chapter 4 story. You're like, alright, the vine has three branches All right, what is what is that? Oh that must mean something right look at verse number 11 and Pharaoh's cup was in my hand and I took the grapes and Pressed them into Pharaoh's cup and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand and Joseph said unto him now He's going to give the interpretation. This is the interpretation of it. The three branches are three days Interesting yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head now and a funny thing about this story It's there's a big difference between lift up thine head and lift up thine head off of thee That's the that's the main difference between these stories if you read this story real fast It seems like the interpretation is the same for both of me He's like no, but one of them gets his head lifted up off of him. You want your head lifted up You don't want your head lifted up off of you. All right, that's just just a note going forward All right, so it's like I'm gonna lift your head up. You're like, yes, I'm gonna lift your head up off of you No, you don't want that. All right, look at verse number 14 It says but think on me when it should be well with thee and show kindness I pray thee unto me and make mention of me unto Pharaoh and bring me out of this house So basically he says he's like Pharaoh's gonna lift up thine head and restore thee unto thy place He's tells he tells the butler that Pharaoh in three days is gonna take him out of the prison and put him back where he was in his place as the chief Butler good news and then Jake Joseph says hey, don't forget about me. Don't forget about me I'm still here down in the prison when things are good for you and you're back living the good life up there Don't forget about me All right for indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews and here also I've done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon Now verse 16 the chief Baker, so we've got the butler and we've got the Baker Alright in the Baker saw that the interpretation was good He said unto Joseph the Baker should have just been quiet and not said anything I also was in my dream and behold I had three white baskets on my head and In the uppermost basket There was all manner of baked meats for Pharaoh and the birds that eat them out of the basket upon my head baked meats Meaning what does he is a baker? He's making bread. Okay, he's got all kinds. He's got a basket of bread on his head and Joseph answered and said this is the interpretation of the three baskets are three days Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head from off thee and shalt hang thee on a tree and the birds shall Eat thy flesh from off thee. I imagine he gives that interpretation and then he's like You know, it's not really delivering the good news here and it came to pass on the third day Which was Pharaoh's birthday that he made a feast unto all his servants and he lifted up the head of the chief Butler and the chief Baker among his servants and he restored the chief Butler to his butler ship and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand and he hanged the chief Baker just as Joe Joseph had Interpreted to them yet did not the chief Butler remember Joseph, but forgot him You say what is the point of this story? All right, what's the point of this story? well, here's the point of this story and here's the significance of The number three in this story you have a butler you have a butler and you have a baker All right in three days after three days one is made free and one is made dead This is a picture of the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in Genesis chapter 40 and it's such a great picture and here's as a matter of fact I've always remembered, you know, because it gets confusing the butler the Baker which one died which one lived I always remember which one lived and which one died by this way the butler's a servant. Jesus is a servant. Jesus resurrected So the butler was a servant as a job a butler is a servant Jesus was a servant leader and Jesus resurrected from the dead The butler was resurrected out of the prison. That's kind of how I remember that I'm not saying that this is you know what it this is how I see the story. This is kind of my Interpretation of this the Baker. What does he bake? He bakes bread bread is you know is a picture of Levin you use Levin sin And what does sin get us we deserve death because of our sin So that's how I remember who lives and who dies in this story, but if you look at just the number of three days It's a picture of three days, you know making alive and three days making dead We deserve to be dead, but Jesus rose From the death from the grave and through that resurrection, you know, we are made free. So it's a great story It's a great picture of the resurrection of Jesus Christ turn to Matthew chapter 12 see numerology is superstition Numerology is superstition and and mysticism and all this weird stuff But actually I'm sorry turn to first chronicles chapter 12. I led you astray there But the point I'm trying to get you with these numbers is these numbers in the Old Testament just like seven just like three They're simply pointing us to Christ is what they are doing Alright you say why three days and three nights why three days and three nights Well, I mean, I don't have an exact Answer for you on this one but I can give you you know some thoughts on why I think it was three days and three nights that Jesus would be in The tomb that Jesus is full would be in hell as Acts chapter 2 verse number 31 says I think it's verse 31 But I got this fly that's driving me nuts right now Anyway, why three days and three nights is the question so the Bible doesn't explicitly say, you know Why God chose three days and three nights, but I can give you a thought in first print or first chronicles chapter 21 if you turn to first chronicles chapter 21 look down at verse number 12. I'm going to turn there myself first chronicles chapter 21 Look at verse number 12. This is a story of David David you know sinned by by taking a census of Israel He went out and he counted the people which showed a lack of faith in God He knew he shouldn't have done it and he did it Anyway, he willingly sinned just for his own glory and his own pride. But if you look at verse number 12 the Bible says so God God is basically, you know telling David that he is going to be you know, he's going to be punished Alright the Lord spake look at verse number actually go back to verse number 10 The Bible says go and tell David saying thus saith the Lord I offer these three things choose thee one of them then I may do it unto thee So God is he's punished he's going to punish David for taking this census. All right, and he gives David three Choices on what his punishment would be and look what he says in verse number 12. He says either three years famine or Three months to be destroyed before thy foes while that the sword of thine enemies overtake thee or else three days The sword of the Lord even pestilence in the land and the angel of the Lord destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel Now therefore advise thyself. What word I shall bring again to him that sent me so David is Given this choice of the punishment that he is to take. He's like three years He's like the first choice is three years of famine All right, three years of famine. The second choice is three months of Being taken into that you being basically taken over by some enemy. All right, or it says three days of Pestilence meaning disease and sickness and all these things. All right now look at here's what's interesting Look at verse number 13. Look what David says to the Prophet here. He says and David said unto Gad. I Am in a great strait Let me fall now in the hand of the Lord for very great are his mercies but let me not fall into the hand of Man, so I want to point out here that there was three choices and David did not pick a choice David just said I don't want choice, too He just said I do not want the choice of falling into the hand of my enemies because look he's been there done that He doesn't want to go through that again, so he basically tells you know God he tells God I just don't want the second one and it's interesting that God Chooses the three days. All right, and here's what's even more interesting If you look at verse number 14, the Bible says that basically God chose one of the other two It says the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel and now there fell of Israel 70,000 men now At the end of the pestilence the angel goes and he well, let's just look at it in verse number 14 God sent an angel into Jerusalem to destroy and he was destroying the Lord Beheld and it repented him of the evil and said to the angel that destroyed look what he says in verse number 15 after three days of destroying God says it is enough So he basically tells the angel to stop okay, so God chose three days in this case because I mean it was enough You know, it was enough punishment. It was enough, you know for David So why three days and three nights in the tomb? Well, obviously God chose that time God chose that time and he must have thought that it was enough He must have thought that three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, you know what that's enough That's enough. That's enough to what to Cover my wrath that would be on the sins of the world So it's enough and how do I know it's enough because you're saved and I'm saved. That's how I know it's enough So that's a neat little picture of how you know, not only did God choose the three days, but the three days was enough Turn to 1st, John chapter 5 It's also interesting in Psalm 16 10 also backed up in Acts chapter 2 that three days, you know The Bible says that Jesus is flesh would not see corruption, you know in three days pretty much guarantees that you know after three days You know things go bad right things, you know, if an animal dies and flesh is dead for three days You know it starts to corrupt. So number one. It's enough number two. Jesus was not to see Physical corruption as his body lay in the tomb. All right, cuz his body did not go to hell his soul Went to hell. Okay, his body his soul came back to his body and resurrected, you know from there look at verse number 7 of 1st, John chapter 5 1st, John chapter 5 in verse number 7 You know a second a second super important part of you know or Application of the rule of three in the Bible is the Trinity, you know that there's literally three I don't even want to say parts because that's not even really a correct way of saying it but God is Three and one I mean just use the Bible words when it comes to the Trinity and you'll be okay Look at verse number seven It says for there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one Why does God have three parts? Well, you know, I don't really know Here's the thing we can you know, we can ask some things to God when we get in heaven, you know I always think about things when I think about the Trinity why you know, cuz I've thought about these things before why the Trinity? Why not? You know, why not six or nine or twelve or something like that? Why does God you know? Why is there three that bear record? Look there's one God, but there's three that bear record in heaven. Why these three parts? I know one thing though. I know Satan's gonna mimic him. Look at Revelation chapter 13. I Know revelation chapter 13, you know, I think about things like Ecclesiastes chapter 4 where the Bible says, you know two are better than one But then it makes this statement where it says, you know a threefold cord is not quickly broken You know meaning like, you know, the Bible is probably pointing out something to us there that you know, what the threefold cord? What is the point of that threefold cord? I get the overall Picture for us is that we are stronger together. We are stronger in numbers and that's the main application for us but a threefold cord is strong is You know, it's it's the strength that that verse is pointing out a threefold cord, you know The the strongest shape is the triangle. I Mean just just some thoughts right that's not in the Bible anywhere But just some thoughts the strongest shape is a triangle you see any building any structure We're at the youth conference and they had to build these little spaghetti things and and Pastor Anderson's daughters were up there They're building these little spaghetti bridges or whatever they were doing and all I was just shouting was triangles Triangles any strength of any bridge or anything you will see triangles everywhere because the triangle is the strongest Shape because the more pressure you put on this triangle the other two sides Take that compression and and take that strength perfectly. All right, so I'm not in the Bible, but three strength Right that is in the Bible. All right, so that's just a thought maybe I'll give that thought to God and be is that why you did the Trinity because like three is really strong and He'll say you have no idea what you're talking about. So look at Revelation chapter 13. Look at verse number four I know this though. I know Satan is gonna copy God Because Satan in Isaiah chapter 14 in verse number 14. He says You know, I will be like the Most High so what does Satan do Satan all Satan does folks and that's why we need to Have this Sunday morning sermon series because Satan he kind of passes things off to look like they come from God Satan doesn't come out to you and say hey, I'm the devil. Yeah, you know, here's what I want you to do Join me to the evil side No Satan doesn't do that Satan comes to you looking like an angel of light the Bible says Satan comes to you looking like a church Satan comes to you looking like somebody who's using the name of Jesus Satan comes to you saying I am good Follow me. That's why you need to know doctrine in the Bible Because people will come at you and they will say these things that sound good They will say things that tickle your ears that will make you think. Oh, I like hearing this You know what? You don't like hearing, you know, you're sitting here and you're saved And you've trusted on the Lord Jesus Christ. Here's what people don't like hearing that. Hey, you're saved You know, there's nothing you can do if you've trusted and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ to not be saved But you know what? You need to listen to the Bible and you need to get the sin out of your life You need to stop going the way of the world. You need to separate from some people in your life You need to quit drinking. You need to quit going to these places You need to get all these, you know perverted influences out of your life Look people don't like to hear that But you have Satan coming to them and saying oh look. Hey, everything's fine. Everything's okay Because Satan he copies God. So what he does is he tries to make a church with a cross on it That says hey, come on in everybody everything is is welcome here. Nothing is wrong. Nothing's wrong with you Fornication all these different things. That's okay. We don't judge anyone here But He comes in as an angel of light he copies God Satan doesn't have his own ideas He copies God in anything and he's gonna copy God in the Trinity. Look at verse number four There's an unholy Trinity that is coming in end times and they worship the dragon which gave power unto the Beast here We see two of the unholy Trinity right here The dragon is Satan himself and the Beast is the Antichrist I'm talking the Antichrist. There's many Antichrists anybody that is against Christ You're gonna meet an Antichrist you go out soul-winning people that are just against Jesus. They're against the Bible That's an Antichrist But this is the end times Antichrist the Beast and they worship the Beast saying Who is like unto the Beast who is able to make war with him? It was given to him a mouth Speaking great things and blasphemies and power was can given to continue unto him to continue 40 in two months And he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and him that dwell in heaven and it was given to him that made to make war with the Saints to overcome them and Power was given over him over all kindreds and tongues and nations This is that one world government right here and all that dwell on the earth shall worship him Whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. That's Jesus If any man have an ear let him hear and he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword Here is the patience and faith of the Saints and behold. Look at this Another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon So there's three parts here We see Satan we see the Antichrist and this last verse is talking about the false prophet That is he's he's the mouthpiece of The Antichrist himself and this false prophet is gonna say wonderful things He's gonna say things that get people to follow him He's gonna do miraculous things the Bible says and people are gonna follow him. Look. This is the unholy trinity right here Why you say why would the Satan do this because Satan's unoriginal? He's just copying What God is like, here's what I know about God. It's perfect Why the Trinity why three parts because it's perfect That's why because God everything God does is right and even Satan knows That it's it's perfect because he's trying to copy it. He's trying to copy it to you know, put forth his evil plan To destroy the earth or to destroy God's people. All right so look Three It's enough That's what we know about three You know from from the time in the tomb to inner circles to the mighty men to the makeup of God himself Three seems like a good number but the main takeaway is this and especially and I wanted to point that story to you in Genesis chapter 40 is Three in the Old Testament again. What does it do it points us to Jesus Christ? That's what all these numbers are doing that's why we're not gonna have a sermon series called God's numbers where we go one two Three four five six seven eight, you know I'll just have a sermon series on Sunday night called God's numbers and I'll just make up a bunch of garbage For the rest of my career as a pastor, but no all these things I hope you recognize a pattern here that the Old Testament is just pointing us to what it's pointing us to Jesus The Old Testament that's why you know There's none of this this is exactly why and it's just more detailed evidence of what Jesus was talking about when he was talking to the Jewish leaders saying and look I had this wrong in my life For many many years when I was you know, Lutheran and I wasn't even saved where I thought oh, you know the Jews They just believed the Old Testament. They don't believe the New Testament, but Jesus said no if you to believe Moses you'd believe me Because Moses spoke of me So all the prophets all the Old Testament what's the whole point of all these Stories in the Bible it's to point to Jesus It's to picture the Messiah that way when the Messiah comes there's literally no doubt Who he is? That's why Jesus is like you don't believe the Bible You don't believe the Bible because if you believe the Bible all these things would just be popping out at you and you would recognize That it's the same voice that speaks to you now that spoke to you in the Bible and That this is just this is just one more example of this it all points to Christ. That's the takeaway All right, not some mystical Hidden message in the Bible turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and we'll end here What the message of Christ is not hidden? The message of Christ is not hidden as a matter of fact as we look at these numbers in the Bible You see that not only is the message of Christ hidden But literally God God is literally putting details in these stories that point to Christ that most people probably will not pick up Most people that read the Bible the first time read that story of the butler and the Baker are probably not going to pick up The connections that I just gave you tonight But that's why you know you just keep reading the Bible and reading the Bible and reading the Bible Reading the Bible and every time you read it you can be like oh, whoa You know it's just more more pointing to Christ more pointing to Christ It's just the depth of it the depth of it is unbelievable It's amazing. I mean the Bible itself Old Testament to New Testament, and how they fit together is It is a miracle. I mean we know it's true because it exists No, no man could have done this No, man could have done this look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 4, but what the point is this? The message of Christ is not hidden As a matter of fact you know our goal in this church is to make sure that the message of Christ is not hidden Look at verse number 3 of 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 But if our gospel be what if our gospel be hid It is hid to them that are lost you could hide it, and you're still going to heaven If you're saved tonight, you've trusted on Jesus, and you're sealed by the Holy Spirit You could hide the gospel You could never speak to another person in your life about the gospel and never give the gospel to one person And you're still going to heaven, but guess what it's hid to them that are lost Is what the Bible is saying so no God doesn't have this secret message for us in the Bible You know God doesn't have this I mean people that over complicate the Bible You look at some of these doctrines that we're going to blow apart on Sunday mornings And you're going to look at some of these doctrines and like these a lot of these doctrines are going to be very complicated But people that over complicate the Bible that say oh, yeah, we just we just can't understand that oh Yeah, the gospel is a paradox The Gospels works and grace it's a paradox like we just can't understand it What those people are glory seeking false prophets? Because God does not want the gospel it and the gospel is one of the simplest things in the Bible There's just people seeking glory Is what this is and people that come up with all these you know? Oh, I found this mathematical thing in the Bible and all this they're seeking glory for themselves Is what is what they're doing most of them are not even saved You know that you'll see doing you know crazy things like that That's like that's why I keep telling you like men's preaching nights. Just keep it simple Just pick a nice solid doctrine out of the Bible and just preach a 10-minute sermon on it. That's all you have to do and And you know what you will edify your brothers by doing that people will learn something by your 10-minute sermon Right there's nothing that God wants hidden from us, but look on the contrary God uses numbers to point us to Christ That's what I want to get you to understand and look that makes the gospel more clear For us because that's what God wants. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer