(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right keep your place in Exodus chapter 28. So we're looking at the garments of the high priest. So we've already looked at the robe of the high priest and we looked at all the different details and characteristics of the robe and how that applied to us and the things that that symbolized. Tonight what we're going to look at is we're going to look at Exodus chapter 28 and we're going to look at verses 36 through 39. Just four short verses here and what we're looking at is the mitre. The mitre of the high priest. That's what we're looking at this evening. So the first thing is you know what in the world is a mitre? What is a mitre? Well for now what I'm going to tell you is that it's a headpiece. Okay it just goes on the head of the priest. I'm going to get into a little bit more detail about that at the end of the sermon but for now it is a piece that goes on the head. Okay so first of all remember the sermon of the robe and I don't know if you when we read through Exodus chapter 28 again and again on this in this series I want you to notice how important it is when you see these sermons you see these studies on these pieces of clothing how important it is where the clothing goes on the priest. That's super important to each piece of clothing in this chapter. Not to give away anything but remember the robe covered the whole priest. A robe goes across your whole body of course that pictured the righteousness of Christ covering us. It's not by our own righteousness it's by Christ's righteousness that we are saved. Okay now the the headpiece the mitre look at verse number 38. Look at verse number 38. I'm going to jump around just a little bit but first I want to talk about the location of the headpiece itself. Okay look at verse number 38. So it's talking about this this piece this this these materials that go on the head of the priest and look at verse number 38 and it says and it shall be upon Aaron's forehead. Okay so first of all the location of this mitre of this this piece is on his forehead. Now you say why the forehead? He's like maybe that's just random there's nothing random in the bible. Okay there's always a meaning to everything in the bible. Turn to revelation chapter 7 and let's look at what the significance is of the forehead. First of all in verse number 36 as you turn to revelation chapter 7 we have to notice in verse number 36 it says and thou shalt make a plate of pure gold. So we're talking about this we're not really talking about a hat right now or a a headpiece we're talking about this plate of pure gold that has the words holiness to the lord on it and it goes on the priest's forehead. Okay it doesn't go on his chest it doesn't go on his arm it goes on his forehead. Look at revelation chapter 7. There's no accidents in the bible. Everything that is in the bible is there for reason for us. Look at revelation chapter 7 and look at verse number 3. Revelation chapter 7 in verse number 3 what we're seeing here is the beginning of God's wrath upon the earth in the end times. Okay so the rapture has already happened and God is getting ready to pour out his wrath on the earth. The bible says in revelation chapter 7 in verse number 3 it says saying hurt not the earth neither the seed nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. Okay so the bible says that before God because look when God pours out his wrath he's going to hurt the earth. He's going to hurt the earth. He's going to hurt the trees. He's going to hurt the sea. He's going to hurt everything. He's pouring out his wrath upon look there's no more believers they're gone and God's wrath is now coming upon the earth but he says till we've sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And then in verse number 4 look what it says and I heard the number of them which were sealed and there were sealed in 144,000 of all the tribes of the children of Israel of the tribe of Judah and then from verse 5 all the way through verse 9 we see that the 12 tribes in each 12 tribes there's 12,000 that are sealed. Okay now I believe that these are old testament saints that are sent down to the earth but they're sealed they're marked so that they don't get hurt in God's wrath. Okay that they don't get hurt in God's wrath they're sealed they're marked but where does he seal them? He seals them in their foreheads. He seals them in their foreheads. Now what does it mean that he seals them? God is getting ready to come down and destroy man and destroy the earth and destroy the trees and just just really wreak havoc on the earth that we'll read on you know you'll read about if you read past revelation chapter 7 but what he's saying when he seals them is he's saying they're mine he's saying they belong to me they're there here's a better way they're on my side they're on my side so these are 144,000 people that are going to the earth that are on God's side remember the believers are gone you know my guess is they're down there to witness to people as God's wrath is going on because it'd be nice if there were some soul winners while God's pouring out his wrath to kind of pick up the pieces of people that are ready to believe at that point so these people are but God doesn't want to hurt them so he seals them he marks them he's like those are mine they're on my side he seals them okay so here's the thing though here's the thing you have to realize about Satan so Satan copies God Satan never comes up with his own stuff he just copies what God does and changes it just a little bit that's how Satan himself operates I mean the nice thing about Satan I mean if there's a nice thing the nice thing about him is he's unoriginal it's not like Satan has all his own ideas and all this he's doing what God does except changing it slightly you see that all over that's how he operates okay so that's why look that's why it's important that you know the Bible that's why it's important that you know because you will meet people that sound very spiritual you'll meet people that sound like maybe they know what they're talking about turn to second timothy chapter two turn to second timothy chapter two and let's look at a couple things here on how Satan operates so we see that God uses the forehead to seal his people that's where the four that's the significance of the forehead look at second timothy chapter two and look at verse number 15 look what the bible says here this is why you know the bible says you know there's a lot of churches the catholic church throughout history is like you know don't have a bible the catholic church would kill people for having a bible here we want you to have a bible we want you to read the bible I mean I'm I mean I encourage you I exhort you to read the bible know the bible the things that you hear preached here hey study those things out study those things out in the bible look at second timothy chapter two in verse number 15 the bible says study to show thyself approved unto God that doesn't say just listen to the pastor that says you read the bible that says you study the bible to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed then look what it says rightly dividing the word of truth so that implies that there's people that could use the word of truth not rightly divide it and twist what it says this is what Satan does this is what Satan does James chapter two is a perfect example of this we brought one up this morning go ahead and turn to James chapter two I'll give you a couple examples of this just from James chapter two go to James chapter two let's look at just a couple examples of this how people could just twist what the bible says look at James chapter two in verse number 10 I brought this one up this morning but let's look at it again James chapter two in verse James chapter two period is talking about somebody who's saved is saying you are all saved here tonight he's talking about you know first of all how are men going to see that you're saved the only way I can see your faith is through your works because I'm just man I'm not God I can't read your heart you know the only way I can see your faith is through your works and guess what the only way that your brothers and sisters and people in this world will benefit from you from your faith is what it's through your works you don't have to have any works to go to heaven we know that but the only way you're going to profit other people is through your works James chapter two in verse number 10 we looked at this one this morning look what it says for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all people use that verse to say all sin is equal to justify all sin we talked about it this morning but that's not what it says we need to rightly divide the word of truth I mean you have to know the bible so when someone says something stupid all sin is equal some wicked person who's trying to justify evil in their life or evil that's happening you can say that's not what the bible says show me that in the bible because you know it's not there very few people on this planet have read the bible cover to cover yet the bible for some reasons for some weird reason it's the one book that people will who haven't even read a page in it will claim to know isn't that crazy nobody would do that with any other book nobody would go and say oh you know I'm an expert on the book animal farm and talk to people about that when they've never they don't even know what it's about no one would ever do that but they do it with the bible all the time now go to verse 17 I'll show you another example so you need to study to show yourself approved because what the devil does what satan does he doesn't have his own bible he takes god's words and he twists them he changes them and he uses men to do it so you're going to find spiritual sounding people that are going to twist god's words to try to deceive you in your life look at james chapter 2 and verse number 17 the bible says even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone see you have to have works with your faith to go to heaven is that what that said look at the verse before it all you really have to do like 99 of the time if you have somebody like twisting some all you have to do is like read two verses before and two verses after to get the context of what it's saying so look what the bible says in just the verse before james chapter 2 verse 17 in verse number 16 it says actually go to verse 15 let's let's use my own rule go to verse 15 if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food so here you have a brother or sister they don't have any food and they don't have any clothing they're cold and they're starving okay look at verse 16 and what have you saying to them depart in peace be warmed and filled notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body what doth it profit you just need to underline those words in your bible what doth it profit if i have a brother that needs food and he's cold and i go up to him and i say i hope you i hope you get filled and i hope you you get some clothes have a nice day does that help him does that profit him he's like thanks man he's like thanks buddy you know you didn't help me at all he's still sitting there and i'm like i pat him on the back and i'm like messle up to you brother this is what this is saying it's like it doesn't profit him it doesn't benefit him at all but then look at verse number 17 it says even so it means just like that just like that situation it says faith if it hath not works is dead being alone does it say it doesn't exist no it says it's worthless to other people is what it means that's what those two words even so mean even so means just like the example i just your faith will but no one doesn't that make perfect sense you'd be like you have to have faith plus works to go to heaven that's that's not what it says to rightly divide the word of truth we need to study to show ourselves approved because satan just takes what god does and twists it just a little bit all right he's in disguise second corinthians chapter 11 says that he just he'll disguise himself as an angel of light like another thing i said this morning it's not like he's walking around with horns and a tail forking i'm going i'm the devil no he's going to use men to twist god's word to deceive us to deceive people in this world there's a lot of people deceived it's working very well now back to the point just like god turn to isaiah chapter 14 or actually turn to revelation chapter 13 the last book of the bible so all that to say this satan he doesn't come up with his own ideas he just uses what god did and he changes it slightly so if you come up with something or somebody's saying something that you're just like yeah the holy spirit is you like that doesn't really sound right maybe go look up in the bible or ask you know your pastor or ask somebody what's going on because you know that's what the devil does is he twists god's word he did it from the beginning with eve he didn't say to eve hey i have this better idea he said hath god said you know what he said to eve did god really say that he changed what god's word was of course god said that look at revelation 13 verse number 16 so we see that god seals people god marks people that are his that are on his side in their forehead look at what satan's going to do look at verse 16 and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads the anti-christ who's working for satan is going to mark people in their foreheads too why because he mimics god because he imitates god and people are what people are going to the bible says if you're not saved you're gonna go for it you're gonna fall for it you say why the right hand i did an experiment on this here's my theory on why the right hand first of all 95 of people are right-handed did you know that i'm not but 95 of people are right-handed so why why the mark in the right hand well you can't buy or sell if you don't have the mark so it has something to do with purchasing and doing you know some kind of transactions the mark of the beast so i did an experiment we had a church gathering at no surrender here in fresno i don't know two years ago or something like that and whole church came and i asked the lady at the at the desk because you had to we were going to play laser tag and they have to give you a wristband so i told the lady at the desk i got there and i i took care of everything and then everybody was going to come and just get a wristband and i told the lady i said don't tell them what hand to put forward i don't know if you do it usually on the right or the left i was like does it matter she said it doesn't matter i said so everybody that comes from you know it was verity baptist church at the time everybody from verity baptist church i said don't tell them what hand to put forward just hold out the wristband and let them offer the hand a hundred percent of the people in the church put forward their right hand isn't that interesting even the left-handed people did so that's my theory okay that's just pastor's opinion okay but the point is is satan mimics god and god seals people in their forehead so what's he doing he's got this gold plate on the priest's head turn to isaiah chapter 13 turn to isaiah chapter 14 i'm sorry isaiah chapter 14 yeah let's just look at this satan mimicking let's look at one more verse about satan mimicking god isaiah chapter 14 look at verse number 12 isaiah 14 verse number 12 isaiah 14 verse number 12 why does he mimic god because he wants to be like god that's why the bible says how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut to the ground which did weaken the nations for thou has said this is saying satan is saying this is what satan says in his heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds and here it is right here this is why satan mimics god right here i will be like the most high he mimics god because he wants to be god the bible tells us right here so study the bible read the bible i can't read the bible for you come and listen to preaching but study the bible read the bible on your own time you should have a bible reading time every day you should sit down for 15 20 30 40 minutes every day and just read the bible we do a bible reading challenge in january if you read nine chapters a day in january you'll read the entire new testament in in the in the month of january you should do that every year you'll read through the new testament at least we even have a chart for you to track it takes like 30 minutes a day you know most people have never the vast majority of people have never read through the bible cover to cover i would guess that most pastors have not read through the bible cover to cover but the bible says that you should study to show yourself approved then you're not going to be carried away with all this garbage where people try to deceive you the devil tries to deceive you all right go back to exodus chapter 28 exodus chapter 28 let's get back to the mitre okay so now we know why it's on the forehead right so what's he doing he's he's sealing that high priest he's saying you know what that priest is mine he's like he's saying this guy he's like no matter what the people do this guy's on my side this guy's with me look at exodus chapter 28 and verse number 38 the bible says and it shall be upon erin's forehead we just looked at that and then look at we see something else here it says that erin this is the high priest the first one that erin may bear the iniquity of the holy things which the children of israel shall hallow in their holy gifts he's talking about the sacrifices that are going to come forth and it shall always be upon his forehead that they may be accepted before the lord so the bible here is saying that someone's much bear the iniquity of the sacrifices or they won't be accepted by god this is a picture of christ here this is a picture of christ this is a picture of the high priest being a shadow of christ turn to hebrews chapter four hebrews chapter four hebrews the entire book of hebrews the main theme of hebrews is how all the priesthood the sacrifices of the old testament they were just a shadow a picture of what christ completed christ was the real thing they were just symbolizing the coming messiah look at hebrews chapter 4 and look at verse number 14 hebrews chapter 4 verse number 14 so erin's the high priest and he is pictured as to he needs to bear the iniquity on him okay we know christ did that for the entire world look at verse 14 it says seeing then that we have a great high priest jesus is the high priest now okay that is passed into the heavens this is jesus jesus the son of god let us hold fast our profession look at hebrews chapter 9 look at hebrews chapter 9 and look at verse 25 just a couple chapters over hebrews chapter 9 and verse number 25 the bible says nor yet that he suffered he should offer himself often as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with the blood of others okay this is an important verse right here now this is when he says high priest here he's talking about erin he's talking about the levitical priesthood it says it says though that jesus because in leviticus chapter 16 we see that yearly day of atonement where the high priest goes in and i've studied through the whole chapter with you already where he goes in with the bull and the two goats and and it's the whole thing but they do that every year that did not take away the sins of the people that was just picturing the coming christ that was just a shadow of things to come and the bible says here it says not that he should offer himself often jesus doesn't have to do that he doesn't have to go and die once a year for us just one time was good enough look at verse number 26 for then because it says if he would have for then he must have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away the sin by the sacrifice of himself and as it is appointed unto men to once to die but after this the judgment so christ was offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation the bible says that christ was offered once if christ had to come once every year it said he would have had to have done it like since the beginning of the world he came one time it was a better sacrifice all this levitical priesthood all these temple sacrifices jesus pictures the whole thing leviticus chapter 16 he pictures everything in leviticus chapter 16 everything all right so this the priest bearing the iniquity here is a picture it's just more of a shadow a picture of christ okay look at zechariah chapter 14 zechariah chapter 14 towards the end of the old testament you get into those minor prophets you'll see those z books zechariah chapter 14 let's look at this idea so he pictures christ we already you know we kind of already know that from leviticus chapter 16 that we've studied through but in verse number 36 we see that these words are put on the gold plate so we see that the gold plate goes on the forehead we see that the reason god puts it on the forehead is because that's where he seals his people that's where he goes and says my side this guy's with me you know jesus team right so that's where he seals people he seals them on the forehead but notice words here notice the words in verse number 36 i'll read it for you you turn to zechariah chapter 14 the words say holiness unto the lord in big capital letters it's pretty important on that gold plate this gold plate that says holiness unto the lord by the way it's the whole point of the mitre it's the whole point of the headpiece is that gold plate and it says holiness unto the lord look at zechariah chapter 14 and verse number 20 the bible says in that day there shall be upon the bells of the horses holiness unto the lord that's like they're capitalized because it said these words are going to be on there and the pots in the lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar so here we see that holiness unto the lord is to be on the horses here of these people so and it's on the bells of the horses so what are bells what do we learn from the bells are there to be warnings so every time the bell rings you look at the bell and you say a holiness unto the lord whoa and it's on a horse why why is it on a horse what's what's the deal with horses turn to job chapter 39 now we have to study horses in the bible look at job chapter 39 job chapter 39 so we see that the horses have bells on them which is supposed to draw your attention give you a warning you look at the bells and you see holiness unto the lord on the bells what do horses picture in the bible look at verse number 19 of job chapter 39 the bible says hast thou given the horse strength and hast thou closed his neck with thunder here joe is talking about god creating creatures and creating animals and the first thing it mentions about the horse is how strong it is i mean i grew up with horses and if you're not scared of horses you know horses can like hurt you without even like on accident they can hurt you i remember my dad and my grandpa trying to load some horses into a horse trail i still remember this day we didn't really have trained horses we had the horses that people brought to us to be trained and it's a it's a 1200 pound animal of solid muscle and if it doesn't want to go somewhere it's not going to go so here even joe is saying that the horse's first attribute that he that he that he has is his strength and that's true they're extremely powerful turn to deuteronomy chapter 17 horses in the bible are used to measure if you would the strength of a nation horses many times in the bible are used to measure the strength of a nation in deuteronomy chapter 17 so i'm going to show you why god has holiness to the lord put on the bells of the horses look at deuteronomy chapter 17 and look at verse number 15 deuteronomy 17 look at verse number 15 the bible is giving the king it's saying if you're going to have a king he's talking to the nation of israel if you're going to if you're going to have a king these are two things that the king should not do and look at verse number 15 it says thou shalt in any wise set a king over thee whom the lord thy god shall choose one from among thy brethren thou shalt set a king over thee thou mayest not set a stranger over thee which is not thy brother he's saying you better find somebody who who worships the lord who's saved to be your king that's the first thing and then look at verse 16 it says but he shall not multiply horses to himself nor cause the people to return to egypt to the end that he should what multiply horses for as much as the lord hath said unto you he shall henceforth return no more that way he's saying first of all there he's talking about getting the horses from egypt he's like but don't go back to egypt and buy a bunch of horses and get and just multiply horses to yourself did he say horses did he say having a horse is bad no he's like don't multiply horses to yourself this is a very similar philosophy to why god got mad at david for for having a census in second samuel chapter 24 because david wanted to find out how strong he was he wanted to find out you know how strong his kingdom was how many people were in his kingdom horses equal strength of man horses equal how strong your army is many times in the bible they'll be getting ready to go up to war against somebody or you're kind of checking out the the strength of a nation they're like they have this many chariots like because you know it shows the strength of the nation that they're going to go up against and the bible says don't god says don't don't get a king that's going to multiply horses why why do you get so upset at david for counting the people because god wants you to rely on him that's why he doesn't want you relying on the strength of your army god says there was many times where the the army of the lord went to battle and god's like that's too many there he cut down gideon's army to 300 men it's like too many send them home send more home because god wanted the people to know that he won the battle not them he didn't want them like trusting in their own strength and that's what this king that would go and like hey maybe maybe the uh turn to psalm chapter 20 maybe the the nation's going well maybe the economy's good he didn't want the king just like spending all the money on multiplying horses and taking his trust off of god and putting it on himself putting on the strength of his own army it's the same reason he got upset with david for counting the people because it was a lack of faith in the lord it was a lack of faith in the lord even joab as wicked as joab was warned david but he's like why would you do something like that just have faith in the lord look at psalm chapter 20 verse 7 this is the problem right here psalm chapter 20 and verse number seven the bible says some trust in chariots and some in what and some in horses but we will remember the name of the lord our god so the bible is saying you know some people are going to trust in the things of this world it's like but we'll rely on the lord that's why god said with these horses he's like hey have some horses but you put bells on them so when you hear those bells ringing you see it says it's it's to its holiness to the lord that horse is from god and that's what we have to remember go to jeremiah chapter 2 and look at verse number 3 that's what we have to remember god is saying here again with the bells again with the warning he's saying don't trust in these material things don't trust in these material things even with a nation in jeremiah chapter 2 look at verse number 3 this is super important that you understand this in jeremiah chapter 2 look at verse number 3 the bible says israel was holiness unto the lord so israel what the bible said here is israel belonged to god israel was not was what on god's side israel was on god's side and the first fruits of his increase all that devour him shall offend evil shall come upon them sayeth the lord say hey if a nation is on god's side nobody can come against that nation this is what the bible is teaching us here god's saying basically don't trust in material things when he says when he puts this holiness of the lord on these horses i mean like you can have a horse but don't multiply horses because then you're trusting in those horses okay so for us just remember all your things there's nothing wrong with having stuff there's nothing wrong with having a car there's nothing wrong with having some success but the bible says that all good things come from the lord you can have those blessings in your life but you know the first thing that you need to do is not be trusting in those things because then they're not holy to the lord here's a little test for you with all your things okay so you can have things you can have success but they need to be holiness unto the lord meaning you realize where they came from you don't trust in those things you don't trust in your job your car your house you're appreciative that god has blessed you with some things in your life but first of all just ask yourself this are your things holy are your things holy i mean can sinful things be holy no i mean just think about just think about the things in your house could you put could you put holiness to the lord on your tv that's nothing but garbage coming out of your tv could you put holiness to the lord on the internet you know device in your house i sure hope so i'm not saying don't have the internet but there's too many people out here today they got they got just free internet in their house and they got little kids running all over the place and they're all over the internet and they got no idea what they're doing you can't put holy holiness on the lord at that desk or whatever that in front of that computer can you put holiness on the lord to you know media that's coming into your house can you put holiness to the lord on books that are in your house could you put holiness to the lord on anything filthy that's in your house you couldn't you need to get rid of those things you need to get rid of those things if you couldn't say i can put holiness to the lord on this now could you put holiness to the lord on your car sure you can say i thank god that i have this car this car is from the lord you know this god thank god that god allowed me to work hard that god allowed me to save up money and and that he gave me the the financial advice from the bible that i could go and i could i could buy a car that i can you know reliably drive around or my wife can drive and all these things look you can put holiness on the lord on things like that could you let a car like completely take over your life put holiness on the lord on your stuff think about your hobbies your things your career your cars your houses people are there people in your life where you couldn't put holiness to the lord on them this is where the doctrine of separation comes in this is a big problem for christians like oh but i've known this guy for 10 years or whatever i've known this guy for 15 years and he's just nothing but a dirt bag that's just dragging you into sin that's just dragging you out of church just dragging you away from the lord look if you can't put holiness on the lord on it get rid of it that's the idea of separation that's the idea that god wants us to be a peculiar people like we wouldn't be a peculiar people if we were just like everybody else right and let me tell you something it's going to get worse and worse and worse and people are going to think we're more peculiar and more peculiar and more peculiar because as the world keeps walking that way and we keep standing right here on the bible people are going to be like how come you're not coming over there we're going to be like because you're nuts you're crazy you're disgusting keep walking if you can't put holiness on the lord on it get rid of it is what the bible is telling us here and guess what god's basically saying that if you can't put holiness on the lord on it if you can't realize it's a blessing from the lord or it's just sinful and you're starting to trust in it like that king would trust in horses he's basically saying that's an idol that's an idol to you and you know what god will do to your idols turn to ezekiel chapter 30 i'll tell you what he'll do ezekiel chapter 30 what is god what did we learn last sunday about jealousy and envy and the difference between jealousy and envy and he's bad envy is where you want something you covet something that somebody else has that's not yours jealousy is godly as a matter of fact it's one of the names of god the bible literally says i my name is jealous he's jealous over you he's jealous over you so when something horses money cars whatever starts taking you away from him it's no good look at ezekiel chapter 30 and look at verse number 30 or verse number 13 thus saith the lord god i mean is this hard to understand right here i will also destroy the idols and i will cause their images to seize out of and there should be no more a prince of the land of egypt and i will put fear in the land of egypt he's like i'll destroy your idols and i'll destroy where they came from god says anything that turns you away from the lord here like this is super simple this is super simple this is like this is like christian 101 right here all you have to do is just like think about things and just say anything that takes me from the first works anything that takes me or my family out of church away from if you're a soul winner look if you're not a soul winner you should be and once you're a soul winner satan's gonna come after you even harder because you're effective because you're fighting him now anything that takes you away from church takes you out soul winning takes you out of this christian life god's gonna go after those things because he wants you back he wants you back to be what james chapter two to be profitable look god's not just coming down here and just getting everybody saved he already did the hard part he said you go out and do it he gave us the the commission of being ambassadors anything that takes us away from that god's coming after it god will chastise us and god's coming after those things he'll destroy your idols keep it holiness to the lord and if anything's leading you into sin wrecking your christian life i mean god is jealous it's one of his names satan can use these things as a snare go to psalm chapter 106 and look at verse 36 all these blessings in your life look i hope you all do well i've said this before i hope you all do well i hope all the men in this church work hard have success i hope that you know that your finances if you follow what the bible says i hope your finances do well for you but here's the thing if those things become a snare to you and start pulling you out of the christian life i i hope that you don't do well if something that you think is good for you is crushing your christian life i i pray that god takes that away but you know i don't have to pray that because god tells us that he's going to do that look at um look at psalm chapter 106 and verse number 36 the bible says and they served their idols which were what they were a snare onto them everything that's a blessing in your life that god gave you can become a snare to you and if you just think about how how a poor character that is when somebody gives you something that's good and then you use it to hurt them that would be very poor character but that's what people do to god all the time god blesses them they start doing things don't get into this cycle don't be this christian that's like on this roller coaster ride your whole life where you get some you start studying the bible going to church being effective in christian life god blesses you for it and then you take those blessings and you turn your back on god then he's got to knock you down and then you're like oh you know i'm being chastised and then you you figure it out again and then you get right and don't be this just take the blessings and give god the credit and keep doing what you're supposed to do that's it beware of those tricks look at first corinthians chapter six here's another thing that needs to be holiness unto the lord so we see that like the things need to be holiness unto the lord god you know god's going to give us some blessings in our lives but they better be holiness unto the lord they better be you know things that we just realize are blessings from god okay they better not cause us to turn on god here's another thing though look at first corinthians chapter six here's another thing that needs to be holiness unto the lord you know what it needs to be holiness unto the lord your body i mean like your physical body your your your your flesh look at first corinthians chapter six verse number 18 your body you were bought with a price look at first uh verse number 18 it says flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he committed fornication sin against his own body so here this is another thing that's not talked about today it's just becoming normal in our society today just like just people just having all these physical relationships outside of marriage but the bible's saying like look if you do that that's a that's a special sin why because you're literally sinning against yourself you're sinning against your own body look it's not even hard to figure that one out go just go look up like on the cdc website for like two minutes and you'll be disgusted and like i mean how many people have diseases out there it's ridiculous but if we just listen to the bible people wouldn't have these problems so you got to keep your body holy look at what it says in verse 19 it says what know you not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which you have of god and you're not your own the bible is saying your your body isn't yours if you're saved you are not your own this is why nobody could tell me that i have to get a vaccine i'm like this isn't my body have a nice day you know i mean why because you're bought with a price because jesus christ bought me because jesus christ bought me with his blood on the cross that's why therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are gods so look everything must be kept holiness unto the lord that's the point that the mitre the whole mitre now look the whole mitre is go back to exodus chapter 28 i want to leave you with one thought on the mitre if you look up this is why you need to just have a bible and just let the bible like define words for you let the bible um just read the bible the bible defines words for you the bible defines things for you you know you can't really go and like trust even like the english language anymore but if you look up if you look up what a mitre says what a mitre is let's just read the verses real quick the bible says in verse 36 now shall make a plate of pure gold and grave upon it the like engravings of a signet holiness to the lord so we got a plate on his forehead and now shall put on it blue lace so blue we know from the robe means holiness that's why it's blue put on a blue lace that it may be upon the mitre upon the forefront of the mitre it shall be so it's like it's got lace around the border of the gold plate and it shall be upon erin's forehead we know why it's on his forehead that erin may bear any iniquity of the holy things we know that which the children of israel shall hallow in their holy gifts and shall be always upon his forehead that may be accepted before the lord and thou shalt embroider a coat so that's talking about a coat of fine linen now shall make the mitre of fine linen so here's what we've got we got a gold plate we got some lace around it and we got some linen if you look up what a mitre is in the you know wikipedia or whatever if you just google what a mitre is it'll say a tall pointy hat this is you see any like wire structure in here or that it's two feet tall and it's pointy what they're doing is they're just like they're they're defining what a mitre is by what the catholic church uses okay now and if you look up like what the cat the pope wears for example he wears this tall two-foot tall pointy hat but here's the thing it's got all these designs on it but here's the thing there's no plate isn't that interesting there's no plate on the pope's pointy hat well this big showy thing and here's another funny thing turn to john chapter 19 one of the pope's pointy hats that they would call a mitre has something very interesting on it around the bottom part of the where the forehead would be so it's this big elaborate pointy hat with all these designs on it it's almost like it's to to not show like holiness to the lord but to show like holiness of himself to point at himself but there's no plate there's no plate that says holiness unto the lord go to john chapter 19 look at verse number two here's what's interesting on one of the pope's pointy hats around the border of the forehead is so instead of the gold plate that says holiness unto the lord which means i'm on the lord's side who had the crown of thorns look at verse number two of john chapter 19 the bible says and the soldiers platted a crown of thorns and put it on his head and they put on him a purple robe and said hail king of the jews in verse number one says pilot therefore took jesus this was jesus that wore the crown of thorns so instead instead of having a plate that says i belong to the lord the seems to imply that he is the lord only jesus wore the crown of thorns that's jesus's place the plate on the priest said i'm on the lord's side i belong to the lord it was like a like a name tag that god used to identify him it was instruction to put that plate on there when the pope makes up this big you know what that is it's vanity it's vanity it's not saying i'm with the lord i belong he's saying i am the lord and that's actually what the priest that the people believe about the pope is that he's this infallible that he has no sin that he's this infallible representation of christ on earth to the point where he has the arrogance to wear a hat that has a crown of thorns around it how blasphemous is that the mitre is there to show that the priest is a picture of christ but he belongs to the lord he is on the lord's side he's sealed in his forehead by the lord it's interesting that the pope has no plate on his hat because he doesn't belong to the lord that's why all right let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer