(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So keep your place there in Jeremiah chapter 42. So that is going to be the context of our next sermon in the series Egypt. So tonight we are going to talk about I'm going to Egypt for safety, for comfort. We looked at going to Egypt last week or the week before in the first sermon on going to Egypt for power, for horses and chariots. And tonight we're going to look at going to Egypt for safety. In Jeremiah chapter 42, let's get a little bit of context to this story. So Jeremiah is a prophet to the lower kingdom of Judah. All right, he is a prophet during the Babylonian captivity. So he was a prophet before the captivity and then he was a prophet also when they were in the captivity and Jeremiah stayed back in Judah. Remember, not everyone was taken off in the three exiles to Babylon. Some people remained and there was actually Babylonian rulers that were put over Judah. And now these are the people that are remaining and they're asking Jeremiah what should we do, especially since one of the people, the governor that Nebuchadnezzar put over the kingdom of Judah or Jerusalem there had been killed. All right, so they were worried of the ramifications of the Babylonians over the Chaldeans, that's the Babylonians, they were worried about what was going to happen. So they went to Jeremiah and, you know, just a kind of an overview of Jeremiah's life is no one ever listened to him. All right, so I don't feel bad as a pastor if, you know, you know, preaching goes in one ear and out the other. Look, I don't want you to do that. But no one listened to Jeremiah ever, not one time. All right, they come to him now after he's been yelling for years that, you know, if we don't get right, we're going to be taken into captivity. We're going to be crushed as a nation. People called him a traitor. They put him in jail. They tried to kill him, all these different things. And then finally it actually happens. And now in Jeremiah chapter 42, it's such a great chapter because these people, they come to him, they're like, tell us what to do. We'll do whatever you say, tell us what to do. And then, of course, he gives them the answer that they don't want to hear and they don't listen anyway. All right, so they're like, hey, we'll do whatever we want, you know, and they're like, as long as it's the answer that we want to hear. All right, and it wasn't the answer that they wanted to hear. Look down to Jeremiah chapter 42 and look at verse 13. If you just look up one verse in chapter number 41, you can see why they're so concerned. It says, and they departed and dwelt in the habitation of Chimham in verse 17, which is by Bethlehem to go and to enter into Egypt because of the Chaldeans, that's the Babylonians, for they were afraid of them because Ishmael, the son of Netheniah, had slain Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, whom the king of Babylon had made governor in the land. So the governor was killed by one of them and they're afraid of Nebuchadnezzar's reaction to this. All right, look at verse number 13 of Jeremiah chapter number 42. But if ye say, now they're telling Jeremiah, we're going to listen to you, no matter what. All right, and they say, if ye say, we will not dwell in this land, neither obey the voice of the Lord your God, saying no, but we will go into the land of Egypt. This is God's answer. All right, this is the answer that came to Jeremiah after 10 days from the Lord. And look, it's a very clear answer. There's no gray area here. God is saying, don't go there. All right, he's saying, don't go to Egypt. If ye say, we will not dwell in this land, neither obey the voice of the Lord your God, saying no, but we will go into the land of Egypt, where we shall see no war. What are they going there for? They're going there for safety. They're going there for protection. They're going there for comfort, nor hear the sound of a trumpet, nor have hunger of bread, and there we will dwell. And now therefore hear the word of the Lord, ye remnant of Judah. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, if ye wholly set your faces to enter into Egypt and go to sojourn there, to stay there, then it shall come to pass that the sword which ye feared shall overtake you there in the land of Egypt, and the famine whereof ye were afraid shall follow close after you there in Egypt, and there ye shall die. So it shall be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there, they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence, and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. God is literally saying if you go there for safety you will not have any safety. And it's not even one of those things where it's like well maybe some of us will make it. He's saying not one of you will make it. And God is saying I will make sure that none of you make it. Look at this in verse number 18. For the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, as mine anger and my fury hath been poured forth upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, talking about the captivity here, so shall my fury be poured forth upon you. Look, these people survived the captivity, okay? He's saying you survived the captivity, Babylon came in, they took over, you made it. He's like but now I'm gonna pour my wrath upon you specifically if you do this, this remnant that is still in the land. When ye shall enter into Egypt and ye shall be an execration and an astonishment and a curse and a reproach and ye shall see this place no more. Look at verse 19. The Lord hath said concerning you, O ye remnant of Judah, go ye not into Egypt, know certainly that I have admonished you this day. For ye dissembled in your hearts when ye sent me unto the Lord your God, saying pray for us unto the Lord our God and according unto all that the Lord our God shall say, so declare unto you and we shall do it. So he said you were, you know, you were not, you were not honest with me when you came and you said whatever you want, you know, whatever God says will listen. He's like you were not, you were being disingenuous is what he said. Look at verse 21. Now I've declared it to you but you have not obeyed the voice of the Lord your God nor anything for which he has sent me unto you. Now therefore know certainly that ye shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence in the place whether ye desire to go and to sojourn. So what I want to talk about tonight is what happened with these people specifically and I want to apply that to the world as we look at this sermon series of Egypt and how the Bible uses Egypt to, you know, kind of look as a metaphor to the world that we live in and I want to talk about relying on the world for safety because it works exactly the same way and that's why Jeremiah chapter 42 is given to us in the Bible. Turn to Psalm chapter 4 in verse number 8. There's so many verses in the Bible talking about relying only on the Lord. I'll just read for you just a couple tonight but it's a major theme in the Bible. God wants us to rely on him. Look at Psalm chapter 4. Look at verse number 8. The Bible says this, so look, we are not to rely on the world for safety yet that's exactly what we end up doing many times. Look at Psalm chapter 4 in verse number 8. The Bible is very clear that God wants us to rely on him. Verse number 8 of Psalm chapter 4. I will both lay me down in peace and sleep for thou Lord only makest me dwell in safety saying it is only you Lord that keeps me safe. Go to Ephesians chapter number 6. Actually just go to Psalm chapter 28 verse number 7. I'll read for you Ephesians 6 11 where the Bible says put on the whole armor of God that you may able to stand against the wiles of the devil meaning all the armor and then it goes to list the armor of God that we should put on but the point being it all comes from the Lord. All right it doesn't come from Egypt or the world. Look at Psalm chapter 28. Look at verse number 7. The Bible says this we saw this again this morning with the Lord being our buckler but the Lord says the Lord is my strength and my shield meaning the Lord is my protection. All right my heart trusteth in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth and with my song will I praise him. So the first point I have tonight is this turn to Daniel chapter number 3. Turn to Daniel chapter number 3. So we're not to rely on the world for safety. All right so what does that mean for our safety in this world and that's what I want to bring you to on my first point. My first point on safety tonight and not relying not going to Egypt for safety is on earth you may be protected by God. You may. Look at Daniel chapter number 3 in verse number 16. This is a story about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who would not worship the image. In verse number 16 you know they're going to be killed for this but they're you know they're being threatened with death if they don't worship this image and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king O Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. What does that mean? It doesn't mean like we're not careful it means like we're not in a gray area here we're not thinking about it we're not like debating whether or not we should worship you know this it or bow down to this statue it just says we're not going to do it that's what they're saying it's like it's not a decision for us the decision is made. Look at verse 17. The Bible says Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego say if it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand O king. I love this look at verse number 18 but if not be it known unto thee king we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image without which thou hast set up. So they're saying God may protect us God is able to protect us he might do it if it be so but you know but then they say in verse number 18 I'm glad verse number 18 is in there and I'm glad that these men said this because but if not we're not going to do it anyway so God may protect them and he may not protect them and of course we know the rest of the story that God did protect them but look either way they were not bowing down to that statue they were not going to if they would have said okay we'll do it and just please don't kill us that would have been going to Egypt for safety but they said no no we're not going to Egypt for safety we're gonna stay with the Lord and it may or may not protect our lives on this earth but look this is why people go to Egypt for safety because what do people want they don't want with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego ahead they want a guarantee of safety that's what people want in this world they want to know that they're going to be saved they want a guarantee of physical protection and that's why these people in Jeremiah chapter 42 ultimately went to Egypt the problem though is this turn to Psalm or actually turn to Proverbs chapter number 21 the problem is this safety is not in Egypt safety is not in the world the world promises safety but it's not really there that's the problem look at Proverbs chapter 21 and look at verse 31 I just love this verse in the Bible it's just got such I love the balance of this verse I love just the completeness of this verse look at verse 31 of Proverbs 21 the Bible says the horse is prepared against the day of battle but safety is of the Lord I love the balance here it's basically saying like hey you know be prepared be ready for things don't walk into things blind don't be foolish but ultimately whether or not we are safe that's up to God that's in God's hands I mean I use this all the time we talk about soul winning you know when we're talking about soul winning maybe somebody becomes a new soul winner and they can't believe the neighborhoods that we go into on a regular basis you know we go into as soul winners we go into neighborhoods that most people would probably not visit on a regular basis but as a soul winner you kind of get excited about going into those types of neighborhoods but look here's the thing and guess what as we've gone into those types of neighborhoods you know the worst neighborhoods you know what people call the worst neighborhoods we've never had serious trouble we've never really had problems as hundreds yay thousands of soul winners go out every week and we tend towards you know those types of neighborhoods that people would call dangerous out there but we've never had serious trouble and I've used that statement many times safety is of the Lord safety is over but look we're not we're also not we're also not going to those neighborhoods at 10 o'clock at night you know we're not going to those neighborhoods on Saturday at 10 o'clock at night when there's like a you know a car sideshow or something going on we're not doing that you know we're not being silly and and you know we're being prepared we're we're being you know thoughtful we're thinking about things we have different you know we have very organized ways that we go soul winning and we keep track of people we keep track of the ladies on one side of the street and all these different things but look the point is this be prepared be prepared think about things protect your family have you know things that you could do and be a capable individual but look you're to be prepared not paranoid you'd be prepared because being paranoid and stopping yourself from going to those types of neighborhoods and be like well I don't know that doesn't seem like you'd be safe look safety is of the Lord you don't want to be so safe that you're not effective as a Christian because safety is of God I mean if it if if your safety starts affecting your fruitfulness you know you're you're going to the you're going to Egypt a little too far into Egypt for safety all right ultimately this verse means be prepared but safety is up to God just as Daniel chapter 3 said Shadrach Meshach and Abednego said look we're not doing it we're sticking with the Lord we're sticking with what we know we're supposed to do and our safety is of the Lord period it's up to him on what he does turn to Isaiah chapter number 36 but guess what the world promises safety the world Egypt promises safety falsely though they falsely promised safety look at Isaiah chapter 36 in verse number six here we see another verse but I love the way this is this is put this is basically comparing you know trusting in the safety of God versus the safety of the world look at verse number six it says lo thou trustest trusteth in the staff of this broken reed on Egypt whereon if a man lean it will go into his hand and pierce it so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all that what trust in him so I mean here's the picture of this verse the picture of this verse is this there's this staff this strong you know reed you know and you but you're and you're you're trusting on it you're leaning upon it but the Bible is saying but it's broken but it's broken it's got a it's got a shard on the end and if you lean on it you trust on it's just going to stab you through it's just going to pierce you through so the world look turn to Colossians chapter 2 in verse number 8 the first point tonight is that the world has many false promises of safety you say what do you mean I'm not going to go to Egypt and I don't trust in the world I trust in the Lord the world has so many false promises of safety and I'll just give you a few examples tonight look at Colossians chapter number 2 look down at verse number 8 Colossians chapter 2 look at verse number 8 actually I mean just think of institutions before we even get to this verse just think of the institutions that we deal with in our world today that promise safety I mean doesn't I mean the public school is the first one that we just pop into my mind I mean just like you don't have to worry like we got your kids no problem we'll take care of everything I mean that's a joke to this crowd but look that institution promises safety but is there safety there think about it think about the just the the assault I mean the literal assault statistics in the public school system I mean like it's really I don't even know what the current statistics are but like a high percentage of kids are assaulted both physically and the other way in public school there is no safety there it's total Egypt and you just you know all the philosophies that they're teaching and into these kids head there's no safety at all in those institutions look down at verse number 8 it says beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy you see that in vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ look all these different philosophies out there of the world these are Egypt these are promises of safety where there is no safety these are the philosophy the new philosophies that that you know all of a sudden we just we decided we just figured these out a few years ago they just go against all of civilization for thousands of years I mean forget even the Bible you think about the philosophy of feminism that's a philosophy you think about the philosophy of feminism what are they doing they're promising safety to young women you're saying oh you're gonna be abused and you're gonna be discriminated against you must adopt this philosophy in order to be safe from the this evil you know misogynistic world that's out there you must adopt this philosophy but what does that philosophy do it just destroys young women it destroys an entire generation of young women it destroys marriage it destroys look it destroys young men as well as reactions to this philosophy that promises safety reactions you know you get this manosphere that pops up on the other side reacting that you know philosophy so you get these two godless competing philosophies that just destroy young men and young women together but there is no safety there but that's what they promise I mean young ladies are just they're terrified into feminism you have to adopt this or you will be abused it be used and I mean it's just it's the opposite of the truth all these philosophies out there and here how about this one look down at verse number eight again this phrase here after the tradition of men you know what another thing that people go to for safety in Egypt is traditions traditions that they have people have traditions you say what's wrong with traditions turn to mark chapter number seven turn to mark chapter number seven Jesus talked about this one a lot just traditions of men look at mark chapter number seven mark chapter number seven like is every tradition bad no every tradition is not bad traditions that go against the commandment of God those are bad but look at mark chapter 7 look at verse number 7 but traditions people find safety people find comfort in traditions that they've been brought up in things that they're used to look at verse number 7 it says how it in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the tradition teaching for doctrines the commandments of men for laying aside the commandment of God he hold the tradition of men you see that as the washing of pots and cups and many other such things you do and he said unto them full well you reject the commandment of God that you may keep your own tradition so look is the problem really the tradition alone no the problem is that the tradition it contradicts the commandment of God the tradition the tradition itself is causing people to throw away the commandment of God so look you need to check your traditions you need to check the things in your life that you grew up with that you're used to that you just do because that's a tradition to us is that taking a place of the commandment of God look at Matthew actually go to look at Matthew chapter go one more verse he gives an example in the next few verses in Matthew chapter I'm sorry I had you in mark right go to Matthew chapter number 7 Matthew chapter number 7 Jesus gives a specific example in Matthew chapter number 7 Matthew 7 and look at verse actually it's you're still in mark I'm sorry I got I got my notes all messed up here go to mark go back to mark let me make sure I'm correct go to mark chapter 7 then you're going to go to verse number 10 yes now he gives an example in mark chapter 7 in the following verses he says for Moses said honor thy father and mother and whoso curses father and mother let him die the death he's saying that's what the Bible says verse 11 he says if a man say to his father and mother it is Corbin that is to say a gift by what whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me he shall be free and he suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother making the word of God of none effect through your tradition so here's what they were doing the Pharisees are like you don't have to care of your family if you give the money to us just give the money to us and then you're just released from this commandment of Moses and Jesus saying no no that's your tradition and that's literally nullifying what God said which it's your tradition would ye have delivered he's like and many such things do ye so all these Pharisees were bringing in all these godless traditions that were causing people to have to throw away what God wanted them to do so we need to check our traditions and make sure that we're not getting comfort in things that are causing us to not trust in God but trust in the traditions of men I mean some traditions in our lives I mean I'll just give you a few I mean I'll give you some easy ones all right I'll give you some easier ones like the Easter Bunny that's a tradition that literally is throwing out what Easter is actually about that's a tradition that you know we're following that's literally covering up the resurrection of Jesus Christ look I grew up with that I grew up with that tradition but look I don't do that tradition some traditions are hard to let go but we ought to default to the commandment of God and we should form our traditions from the commandment of God so you should form your holiday traditions you know throw out Santa Claus throw out the Easter Bunny throw out Halloween there's a Halloween store that's open today it's not even August yet first of all what in the world but I mean if that's a tradition that's an easy one that one should just go out the window we're not gonna worship Satan this year we're gonna start traditions that are godly traditions how about this one just like birthday parties for kids where it's really just a bunch of adults that get around and just get drunk there's a tradition that's not valuable there's a tradition that goes against the commandment of God but you're like what that's just what we do that's just what the family does and we don't have to you know do the drinking and things like that it's like no no no just take that one and just throw it out the window you know that's a commandment that's a tradition of men that goes against you know the commandment of the clear commandment of God to be sober to not even look at strong drink all these other things look here's another tradition here's another tradition that people find comfort in where there is no comfort and there is no safety turn to Luke chapter number 12 turn to Luke chapter number 12 how about this tradition that exists in Egypt that exists out in the world that look it gives a lot of comfort to a lot of people maybe even Christians today but it's this this tradition of unconditional acceptance this tradition that no matter what you're into matter what you're doing it's fine you know what this is infecting Christian churches today this tradition and it's going against the commandment of God look at Luke chapter number 12 Luke chapter number 12 you're like that doesn't sound very loving me if you have a red letter Bible these are red words that I'm about to read you Luke chapter number 12 verse number 51 Jesus himself says suppose ye that I'm come to give peace on earth I tell you nay but rather division from henceforth there should be five and one house divided three against two two against three then he talks about how the father and the son mother and the daughter and the daughter-in-law all these people are going to be divided why because of Jesus Jesus is saying I'm bringing division Jesus is saying no Christianity my words my philosophy my beliefs my structure the Word of God is going to divide people this idea that we all need to accept everything no matter what look that's not even true amongst believers that's not even true most believers much less the world itself I mean when I think about this I don't mean to like you know lump a whole generation like into this but when I think about this I think about the baby boomer generation and I'm not trying to hit anybody here because but I have seen so many people in the baby boomer generation where they started out conservative and they became liberal and the reason they became liberal was because their children went off into some twisted sin or weird situation and then instead of saying hey we failed as parents they decided we're just going to accept everything they just became upset accepting of everything but that is not the commandment of God but that's what the world teaches it sounds good it sounds good when you see a church building that says come come one come all or everyone's welcome here look we don't want perverts and child muesters here they're not invited here and they never will be invited here we don't want to unnatural people here it's never going to happen here because that's not the commandment of God that's the tradition of men infecting churches today just becoming accepting of everything whatever you're into it's okay the Bible doesn't even say that amongst saved believers if you're into this any of the six sins that are listed in first Corinthians 511 you're going to be put out of the church but trusting in this philosophy of accepting everything look it's it's a broken reed that will pierce your hand and it goes against the commandment of God turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter number 19 2nd Chronicles chapter number 19 let me tell you another tradition and this one I just thought of a couple days ago here's another tradition turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter number 19 acceptance of everything is not what the Bible teaches as a matter of fact in 2nd Chronicles chapter 19 Jahu the son of Hanani the seer he rebukes Jehoshaphat for accepting the friendship of Ahab who was a wicked man and look what Jahu says Jahu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him to Jehoshaphat and said to King Jehoshaphat shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord therefore his wrath upon thee from before the Lord Jehoshaphat didn't separate like he was supposed to separate and he says now God is mad at you because you didn't do that here's another tradition that I was thinking about when I was thinking about this sermon watching sports that's a big tradition for some people now look you say pastor you're crazy there's nothing inherently wrong with watching a soccer game there's nothing inherently wrong with watching a football game well I would disagree with you slightly on that but the point is this typically you know watching a football game or watching a baseball game or whatever it is is just it's first of all it's just a complete ridiculous waste of time but you know you're just exposed to certain things you're exposed to beer commercials you're exposed to scantily clad women all the time you know well they're cheerleaders they're there to make sure that you don't forget which team to cheer for as you get drunk and watch the game but the point is this is a tradition of men that goes against the commandment of God you say well you know you I don't drink and I don't do those things there's nothing inherently wrong with just watching a bunch of people play sports and I would agree with that but I was proven right on this this week when I saw all over the news if you saw this but the Olympics the Summer Olympics started this week and they had the opening ceremony in France you know very godly nation France go look up like you know some stuff on the the president of France and his wife but they had the opening ceremony when they had a bunch of let's just put it this way they had a bunch of homosexual men dressed up in drag reenacting the Last Supper with a drag queen impersonating Jesus Christ and people are just Christians are outraged Christians are I was actually happy about it and I'm gonna explain to you why but my point is this if you watch that if you didn't see it look it's good if you saw it in the news and you're like okay that's ridiculous I don't even need to click on that article but if you were actually watching this is a problem with Christians today they're actually watching that opening ceremony and then they go ahead and they continue watching the Olympics it's like shut it off stop watching it stop watching you know boxing matches where you got some dude you know fighting a girl that's literally what's happening I mean stop watching this trash shut this trash off Christian you say what could possibly be the good news about that pastor the good news is this the good news is this it used to be where they were secretive about wanting to harm your children it used to be where they were secretive about worshiping Satan now they're just coming out right out and saying we worship the devil and we want to harm your children I'm happy about that look it's just it's just literal open devil worship right in your face it is open contempt people like Christians were outraged and like the Olympic Committee's like wonderful that's exactly what we wanted they literally just love Satan and hate the Lord at least they're up front about it at least everyone can see what it is no one has this I mean if you have confusion about this at this point I don't know what's the matter with you if you're a normal person and you are confused about you know who's on the side of Satan and who's on the side of God even if you're unsaved like you there may not be help for you at this point it is so in your face and that for somebody carrying the truth down the street every week that's good for us it's a good thing but Christians complain about it then they watch it it's like just throw your TV out the window I mean why would you watch one second of anything that has anything to do with that kind of blasphemy look can you imagine if I was the Olympics on it on a television in my home I mean that's worse than Jehoshaphat just supporting that just seeing the Olympic symbol on any kind of screen in my house I'd be worried about the wrath of God coming into my home because these people literally hate Jesus Christ they hate them they hate them these institutions folks these philosophies of men these traditions of men they are promising complete safety when there is none there is no safety there at all look go back to what Misha Shadrach Meshach and Abednego said they said if it be so safety in this life on this earth it may or may not be there if you go to Hebrews chapter number 11 you go to Hebrews chapter number 11 that's exactly what that chapter is about in the Bible you may not have every safety in every comfort in this life look at job from this morning look at Hebrews chapter 11 verse number 13 you say well I should go to Egypt then pastor I should go to the world no because they promised safety but there's none there at all Hebrews chapter 11 verse number 13 talking about all these people that did not see the promises in this life I'm talking about this world on the earth your physical life all these it says these all died in faith verse 13 not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confess that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth what does that mean what does that mean they saw the promises but those promises were never realized no no no that's not what that means it means they saw the promises but they didn't realize them in their lifetime on this earth that it doesn't mean they never saw the promises fulfilled they did not see it in this blip of time that is the eternity that they will have they didn't see the promises we're not to go to the world for false security that requires abandoning the Lord turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and here's really the answer and I don't know who picked the verse of the week this week I know that that she didn't know what the sermon was about tonight but I want to read you the last part of this line too but look at 2nd Timothy chapter number 4 this is your ultimate promise of safety like I don't know that pastor this deal doesn't sound too good that I have no promise of safety on this earth here is your ultimate promise of safety look at 2nd Timothy chapter number 4 in verse number 18 I want everybody to get there and I want everybody to see this because this is the answer the world this is the whole thing tonight folks the world promises complete safety there is no safety there and God your physical life on this earth he may protect you and he may not so you're already better trusting on God but look at 2nd Timothy chapter 4 in verse number 18 it says and the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and will preserve me unto what his heavenly kingdom to whom be glory forever and ever amen he says he will preserve you unto heaven that is the ultimate promise you have complete safety into eternity not just your salvation but you will receive all the promises into eternity I can't guarantee that you be protected at all times on this earth that's what God is teaching us here but you will have that safety in eternity look that's more than we deserve right there there is no real safety anywhere else in Jeremiah as a matter of fact God told them in Jeremiah chapter 42 he told them exactly what I'm telling you tonight he said if you go there for that promise of complete safety it is completely guaranteed that you will all have the opposite of safety you will all die God is saying he wants us to rely on him look the last the last stanza of the chorus of the verse of the week he is mine it says through the blood he shed for me safe forever I shall be he is mine that is the promise we have the ultimate promise of safety God just wants us to rely completely on him and it's like hey if God's gonna protect me out soul winning this week I'm thankful for that and if he's not he's not that's why I've heard many people say you know like oh man when it gets bad and all this kind of stuff in the tribulation we still gonna go soul winning well I don't know I can't really think of a better place to be and want God to protect me then out so winning but what if you know it's not safe to go so winning well in that case in that case can you think of a better way to go out then you know preach in the gospel then like bringing the truth to somebody doing what God look because you know what that proves that you're doing is just trusting in the Lord trusting you God doesn't take a real brave person to go out soul winning in 2024 America I mean it's not like people I mean it's completely legal most people are very friendly here's like whoo we're brave we know that the more the tribulation comes in the more we will have to rely and trust in the Lord and if it if it so be he may protect us if not I have to rely on this promise that he will protect me unto his heavenly kingdom and safe forever I will be let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer