(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen so keep your place there in Daniel chapter 9 so wherever I tell you to go in the Bible tonight you're going to keep a bookmark in Daniel chapter 9 because that's going to be kind of our key verse that we're always going to come back to. Let's see here do I have my chart with me? So we're starting a sermon series tonight called Daniel 70th week and we're going to go through in detail in the next coming weeks on the 70th week of Daniel but first tonight I want to preach a sermon on the 70 weeks. What is the 70 weeks all about? I made a chart for you you should all have it in front of you and I want to go through the 70 weeks the idea behind it that we see here in Daniel chapter 9 and explain to you you know what that is all about before we can dig into the 70th week in the coming weeks. Now a lot of people will think that this is fairly complicated things I want to try to really simplify this it's honestly Bible prophecy is not that complicated until you start making your own conclusions and coming up with things that aren't really there so what we're going to do is we're just going to look at what the Bible says we're not going to add anything to it all right so we're going to look at what the Bible says what the Bible doesn't say you'll notice the chart that's in front of you I don't have any dates on that chart and the reason is is because the Bible doesn't give us dates so the Bible doesn't give us dates that things happen the Bible gives us timelines the Bible gives us you know this many years this happened after this happened that was kind of the idea of the clues and milestones theory but if you start putting secular dates on top of Bible prophecy then you start having to make all kinds of assumptions and things frankly you just get lost in weeds that you don't need to get lost in so I want to explain to you simply tonight what the 70 weeks are all about turn to Matthew chapter 1 and let's just get a timeline you're going to keep your place in Daniel 9 turn to Matthew chapter 1 let's just get a timeline of the whole thing here all right look at Matthew chapter 1 and look at verse number 17 Matthew chapter 1 and look at verse number 17 before we can understand the 70 weeks let's just get a timeline of where we're at in history here look at Matthew 1 17 where the Bible says this it says so all the generations so this was of course this large genealogy before this but it says all the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations and from David and to the carrying away into Babylon are 14 generations and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are 14 generations so that's pretty valuable right there where it tells us that Abraham to David 14 generations and then David to Christ being born 14 generations all right this is right after we see you know the genealogy of Christ in Matthew chapter 1 so 14 generations the question is you know what is the generation and a generation is basically a lot of people are confused by the 14 generations because they go and they look at the kings in Judah because it is true that David's messianic prophecy from God was fulfilled and in Judah all the kings in the lower kingdom were sons of and they were of the line of David every single one so that's where you know the line of Christ why Matthew chapter 1 is so important showing that genealogy but the kings were not a generation okay you have to understand that there was many more than 14 kings from David to the carrying away at Babylon you say well why is that well it's it's really simple if you read the Bible you know it's being the king is not a great job actually because many of them did not serve for very long you know you don't you either serve for 40 years you know or so like the first three kings or you know you're retired early as a king okay I mean there were some kings that served for two years I think Abijah served for two years when Azahiah was less than a year Zimri in the north what just a couple days or whatever that was I mean he didn't last you know very long and you know what being a king was terrible for your health basically all right so King does not equal generation all right the way I kind of remember it as far as numbers of years if you like to just put dates in your head Abraham Abraham to David I always just like to think of like 450 years like basically Abraham to David about 450 years David to Babylon about 450 years it's not exactly 450 years but it's just kind of gives you an idea of where in the BC calendar you would land if that's the case so look we've got 14 generations from the Babylonian captivity to Christ's birth okay that's what we know and a generation is anywhere between if you look at David to the carrying away of Babylon David is you know like 970 BC is when I think he died and you look at the carrying away to Babylon just from secular history it's about 424 years and you know if you divide that by 14 you get about 30 years is a generation but a generation could be anywhere from 25 to 40 years I look at the first three kings of Israel you look at Saul you look at David and you look at Solomon they all serve for 40 years so that was kind of a generational King right there you know as David passed it on to his son so a generation is not some exact date either okay so all that to say 14 generations from Babylon to Christ's birth okay now there's some amazing things that happened turn to Jeremiah chapter 25 there's some amazing things that happened in Daniel chapter 9 Daniel actually got to see the end of the captivity Daniel got to see some amazing prophecies come true look at Jeremiah chapter 25 and of course Jeremiah was you know during right before the captivity but look at Jeremiah chapter 25 look at verse number 9 Jeremiah 25 look at verse number 9 the Bible says this it says behold I will take all the families of the North sayeth the Lord and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon my servant and I will bring them against this land and against the habit inhabitants thereof and against all these nations round about and will utterly destroy them and make them astonishment and in hissing and perpetual desolations moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom the voice of the bride and the sound of the millstones in the light of the candle this whole land shall be a desolation and astonishment and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon 70 years go to Jeremiah chapter 29 Jeremiah chapter 29 so Daniel and Daniel chapter 9 is saying I got to see this fulfilled this prophecy from Jeremiah I got to see this fulfilled look at verse number 10 of Jeremiah chapter 29 for thus saith the Lord that after 70 years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you and perform my good word toward you in causing you to return to this place so they were under Babylonian captivity they were in Babylon I believe that and I don't know the exact dates and I don't know that you could get anyone to give you the exact dates but they were probably under Babylonian rule most of the time that they were in captivity but even when the Persians took over they were still in Babylon okay so Daniel though this is kind of amazing turn back to Daniel chapter 9 Daniel got to see this prophecy fulfilled I'm gonna read for you Isaiah 44 verse 28 Isaiah 44 verse 28 look what the Bible does in Isaiah 44 and verse number 28 the Bible says this that saith of Cyrus he is my shepherd and shall perform all my pleasure even saying to Jerusalem thou shalt be built and to the temple thy foundation shall be laid that's amazing right there the Bible in Isaiah's time which was a hundred years before the captivity prophesied that this Persian King Cyrus would send them back to build the temple and to build Jerusalem build the city all right this is Ezra and Nehemiah right here okay so look the prophecy of Daniel 70th week I want to just point out because we're going to come back to this point that Daniel got to see this one fulfilled the end of the captivity and Cyrus sending them back to build the temple and build the city okay now again the goal of this sermon series and the goal of tonight is not to do math it's not to predict anything it is just to show you the pattern of what is going to happen very clearly and you'll see how you know hopefully if I do a good job of this I won't have confused faces or confusion of face as Daniel 9 says but it's not that hard to understand but you will also see hopefully how hard it would be to look into the future and try to predict what the end times is going to be or when it is going to be okay because Daniel got to see this fulfilled Daniel okay God is sending Gabriel to Daniel all right if Daniel gets to see something fulfilled and then Daniel doesn't understand something looking forward we have to understand that the odds of us understanding something looking forward is probably pretty pretty low all right so what go to Daniel chapter 9 look at verse number 24 so first of all when we look at the weeks you have to understand that one day equals one year all right so one day in the week equals one year so seven weeks would be 49 years okay so 7 times 7 49 that you can get that from just you know doing the math on the days that the Bible talks about it you know nobody has any qualms about the one year being one day as far as this prophecy goes all right here's another thing you can't read anything as far as commentary goes on this stuff because it gets wild and it gets crazy very quickly okay so the idea here is to just what is to look at the Bible what does the Bible say and what does that mean for us okay we're gonna look at several milestone statements in this set of verses here okay so Daniel's 70 weeks is 490 years is what we are talking about all right now obviously if you look at verse number 24 it says 70 weeks that means 490 years are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy so basically what he is talking about is he is talking about up until the last thing that happens in Revelation up to the anointing of the most holy which if you look down at your chart is what it's the millennial reign of Christ up until that is 70 weeks 490 years okay well right away if you're doing math in your head you can say okay well it was about you know 450 years to Christ from the Babylonian captivity you know 424 or what 450 is actually like 500 and some to 33 AD you're like how could that be possible 2,000 year we're missing 2,000 years well the next few verses explain it and that's what I'm going to show you all right so the Bible here is saying is that there's 70 weeks in the first in the first verse it says there's 70 weeks from now the time of Daniel until the end where Jesus comes back and is in charge okay look at verse number 25 verse number 25 it says know therefore and understand that from the going forth now he's gonna get into some some cutting up of this 490 years okay from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem okay that's a milestone all right somebody actually gave it was Cyrus that we see that I showed you the prophecy of Cyrus gives the commandment for the the children of Judah to go back and rebuild Jerusalem okay that's a milestone we're not going to miss that we can mark that one down all right it happened unto the Messiah the prince shall be seven weeks and don't miss this three score and two weeks okay now it's interesting because this 70 weeks is cut up into three sections and we just saw two of them right here the first section that it is cut into is seven weeks 49 years okay the next section that is cut into is three score and two weeks a score being 23 times 20 plus two 62 weeks okay so we see seven weeks plus 62 weeks unto Messiah the prince so if you look at what it takes before the Messiah comes it takes seven weeks and 62 weeks okay unto Messiah the prince shall be seven weeks and three score in two weeks and the street shall be built again and the wall even in trouble as times okay that's Ezra and Nehemiah right there all right look at verse number 26 then we'll go back into that in more detail and after three score in two weeks shall Messiah be cut off but not for himself is there any confusion on what that could be I mean that is the crucifixion of Christ right there in 33 AD that's a definite milestone all right the Messiah shall be cut off but not for himself he died for the sins of the world we just celebrated this on Easter and the people of the prince that shall come to destroy the city in the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with the flood and unto the end of the war of the war desolations are determined so here we see the seven weeks is done the 62 weeks are done the 62 weeks if you look at your chart the 62 weeks the 434 years of the 62 weeks end at Christ being crucified in 33 AD okay now look at verse 27 and he shall confirm so now we're at 69 weeks we're at 62 weeks plus seven weeks and verse number 27 we see Daniel's 70th week and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week in the middle of that last week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate even unto the consummation and determined shall be poured out upon the desolate of the abomination of desolation so all that to say this go back to verse number 25 Daniel's 70th weeks 70 weeks is cut up into seven weeks 62 weeks and one week it's cut up into three different sections you say why is it cut up into three different sections the reason that it's cut up into three different sections is because those weeks are not consecutive and if you look at the graph in front of you you'll see that there's a gap between the seven weeks and the 62 weeks and there's a gap between the 62 weeks and the 70th week okay we'll get to the 70th week in a second but there's gaps there now if you try to fill in those gaps you just you jump through all kinds of hoops and you just you can't make it work because there's a reason God made it seven 62 and 70 and he didn't just to put it all together right it's almost like he doesn't want us to exactly figure it out okay I mean that's my opinion all right but look at verse number 25 let's look down at that let's look at the seven weeks the Bible says this in verse 25 says from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the prince shall be seven weeks three score in two weeks the street shall be built again in the wall even in trouble us times so the command to go forth and build starts the seven weeks go to John chapter 2 keeping your place in Daniel chapter 9 go to John chapter number 2 let's see if I mean what happened how long did it take to build this stuff how long did it take to build the temple the wall all these things look at John chapter 2 I mean it seems like a long time you know 49 years to build you know the temple and the city go to John chapter 2 and look at verse number 18 John chapter 2 look at verse number 18 the Bible says then answered the Jews and said unto him what signs show us thou unto us seeing that thou doest these things Jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up of course he's talking about you know the temple of his body it says in verse 21 then said the Jews forty and six years was this temple and building wilt thou rear it up in three days so they said they wait there they give you a nice huge chunk of the seven days of that first seven sorry seven weeks of Daniel 70 weeks they said 46 years it took to build this temple and you're gonna just you're gonna build it in three days so like what are you crazy so the seven weeks go to Ezra chapter 1 what does I don't want to spend a lot of time in Ezra but Daniel witnessed the 70-year captivity prophesied in Jeremiah come to the end the seven weeks is talking about not just the building of Zerubbabel's temple but it is talking about there was also somebody that came back to build the city because if you look at verse number 25 again you'll notice that it says to restore and to build Jerusalem not just the temple okay so this is where Ezra and Nehemiah come in but look at verse number one of Ezra chapter number one so Ezra is the priest Ezra is the priest that goes back to serve in the temple that Zerubbabel is building okay now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia sound familiar the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled sound familiar the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia then he made a proclamation throughout all Kingdom and put also in writing saying thus saith Cyrus king of Persia the Lord God of heaven have given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he had charged me to build him and house at Jerusalem which is in Judah now let go just flip over to Ezra chapter 4 real quickly notice notice in verse number 25 again it talks about how they built this temple and they did this building of Jerusalem in trouble as times we see that in Ezra 4 1 we see that all through Ezra and especially Nehemiah but look at verse number one it says now the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the children of the captivity builded the temple under the Lord God of Israel and there's your there's your trouble okay they didn't like it so they caused all kinds of problems throughout several kings and several rulers in Persia to the building of the temple and the building of the wall all right go to Ezra chapter 7 go to Ezra chapter number 7 here's some proof for you if you just need to know this just for fun that Ezra the temple was built first and Nehemiah finished second if you go to Ezra chapter number 7 you'll see what I'm talking about Ezra chapter number 7 look at verse number 8 of Ezra chapter 7 so Ezra Nehemiah are right after each other in the Bible so if you look at Ezra chapter 7 look at verse number 8 where the Bible says and he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month which was the seventh year of the king now go to Nehemiah chapter number 2 Nehemiah chapter number 2 and look at verse number 1 it says and it came to pass on Nehemiah is building the city okay Nehemiah is building the city Ezra and Zerubbabel are in the temple all right look at verse number 1 it says it came to pass in the month Nisan that the 20th year of Artaxerxes the king that wine was before him I took up the wine gave it unto the king now I had not been before him sad in his presence this is where Nehemiah is approaching the king of Persia this Artaxerxes and he is going to ask to go back but look at verse number and I think that this Artaxerxes again my opinion right here there's several kings here okay there's two Darius's there's possibly two Artaxerxes there's there's a Xerxes it's it's very confusing but if you just go by what the Bible says I think that this Artaxerxes in Nehemiah chapter 2 was Azaharius which was Esther's husband okay that's what I think and here's here's here's how simple I think that is first of all it matches up with the dates of the Kings actually the historical dates of kings but if you look at verse number eight no look at verse number six I just find it interesting that in verse number six it says in the king said unto me the queen sitting by him I mean why would it put that in there if that wasn't Esther I think that that was Esther that's just my opinion though I don't want to add to the Bible okay but anyway all that to say this Zerubbabel builds the temple Ezra arrives in the temple and then apparently three years later Nehemiah finishes the wall and the city in trouble us times 49 years okay very easy to see very easy to get to from the Bible and look 49 years if you read the story of Ezra and Nehemiah it's a disaster I mean there's people writing to the king and just causing all kinds of problems I mean they get permission from the king to to build the temple and build the wall and then you know all these people go against them and like you know backstab them and convince the king that they're trying to take and become powerful and take and become their own kingdom again and then the king stops it and then Darius another Darius starts it again later on after he finds the original you know scroll from Cyrus they find you know the records that it was actually legally being done but I mean it's like I mean it's like the California high-speed rail I mean you know honestly I mean it's just all this trouble like all these people trying to stop the work it's just everyone trying to stop the work there's more people that don't want the work to go on then want the work to finish and that means it takes forever it's not like they couldn't build the wall or they couldn't build the temple it's just all this political problems that they were having and that's what Daniel says trouble us times okay so 49 49 years now go back to Daniel chapter number nine so that's very easy to see in Ezra Nehemiah how they went back you know even the New Testament and John chapter 2 talks about how the temple itself took 46 years and then to rebuild the city and finish everything up 49 years very easy to see very easy to fit together all right look at Daniel chapter 9 and look at verse number 26 now there's a gap between the seven weeks and the 62 weeks that's why the Bible cuts it up into seven 62 and one okay look at verse number six or verse number 26 and after three score in two weeks so after the 62 weeks if you look down at your chart 62 weeks times 7 434 so after 434 years Christ is cut off Messiah Jesus Christ is crucified that's what happens in 33 AD so it's all we need to know is that there's a gap between the seven and the 62 we don't have to go back you know we could go back and subtract 33 AD and go back 434 years to you know what is that 400 a BC or whatever try to find some significant event in history or whatever but that's just simply making things up okay so all we need to know is that this milestone of Christ being cut off which is very easy for us to look back and see is the end of the 62 weeks okay now the end of the 62 weeks that puts us at 69 weeks look at verse number 26 again it says and the people of the prince shall come to destroy the city and the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with a flood and to the end the war death of the war that desolations are determined so remaining 62 weeks occur and then Jesus is crucified in 33 AD the Messiah being cut off looking back we can easily see this okay but look God just didn't want to give that forward vision Daniel didn't understand what we're understanding today Daniel himself didn't see that forward vision and God doesn't want to I think that God doesn't want to give that forward vision and I'll get into this in a little bit more detail is because people would have claimed it people would have claimed people already claimed for revision just by making things up all right so look there's a gap between the 49 years there's a gap and then 62 weeks 434 years Jesus is crucified and now there's also a gap between the 69th and the 70th week okay but now we need to enter into something else here there's another twist to Daniel 70 weeks and the twist is this that there are shadow fulfillments of all prophecies so prophecies have shadow or partial fulfillments you know the Bible talks about in Hebrews how everything done in the Old Testament was not done you know on accident it was a shadow of things to come it was a picture of Christ Leviticus 16 you know the the sacrifice in Leviticus 16 it was a shadow of the Messiah it was a shadow of Jesus what part the whole chapter is a shadow of Jesus Christ okay look down at verse number 27 so there's shadow prophecies and I'm going to show you what some of those are and it says and he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week so this is Daniel 70th week in verse 27 in the middle of that week the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to seize meaning someone's gonna go into the temple and say we're done sacrificing here we're gonna seize that and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate now who is this he okay and it talks about the prince of the people the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city so we're talking about this prince that shall come to destroy the city okay we're talking about this person is going to stop the sacrifice this person is going to do this you know oblation to seize and and and overspread these abominations is what we call the abomination of desolation and I preached on that all right so definite milestone Messiah cut off 33 AD but now in 70 AD the temple was destroyed just as Jesus prophesied turn back to Luke chapter 21 go or turn forward to Luke chapter 21 keeping your place in Daniel chapter you say well well then is that is Daniel 70th week done well we'll get there in just a minute but look at Luke chapter 21 in verse number one in AD 67 a war breaks out a war breaks out between the Jews and the Romans and in the midst of that week that war happens to last how long it happens the last seven years and in the middle of that seven-year period in the midst of that week the Romans under Titus destroy temple in Jerusalem look at verse number one of Luke chapter 21 and he looked up and he saw the rich men casting their gifts into the Treasury and he saw also a certain poor widow casting into their two mites and he said of a truth I say to you this poor widow have cast in more than they all for all these have their abundance cast into the offerings under the offerings of God but she of her pennery have cast in all the living that she had and as some spake of the temple how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts he said as for these things which ye behold the days will come in which there shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down this is Jesus prophesying the destruction of the temple that happens just a few a couple decades later in 70 AD by the Romans all right so look that's that's another evidence that the entire New Testament was written before 70 AD is because they definitely would have said something if it was 75 AD they definitely would have pointed back at the fulfilled prophecy in Luke chapter 21 but again we can look back and see that that prophecy was fulfilled also here's another shadow for you so we got a seven-year period there we got the temple destroyed in the middle of that seven-year period you're like man that's the 70th week right there right I mean we're done we're done here but even in second in the second century BC meaning 200 years before you know the birth of Christ there is a Greek king and tick and ticky es epiphanies who also defiled the temple he also went into the temple of God and he put up a statue of Zeus and he did I think it was a pig sacrifice to this false God in the temple of God so that was another shadow prophecy of Daniel's 70th weeks you say well how do you know when it's the real one how do you know that there's another one coming towards the end times and the answer is the entire book of Revelation if we didn't have the book of Revelation it would be a lot more confusing turn to Revelation chapter number 13 but these were shadow prophecies so you have to understand when you think you're gonna you know predict some prophecy in your own mind just remember all these shadow prophecies what must they have been thinking when and tick and ticky es epiphanies defiles the temple what must they had been thinking when they had the book of Revelation and they saw what happened in 70 AD what must they have been thinking they must been thinking this looks pretty similar to what Daniel chapter 9 is talking about but look at Revelation chapter 13 the Bible says and I stood in verse number one I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear his mouth is the mouth of a lion and the dragon that Satan gave him his power in a seat and a great authority and saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast notice that all the world wondered after the beast and they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like unto the beast who's able to make war with him who's saying this all the world is saying this so that is the first thing you need to realize about the book of Revelation is that the book of Revelation is talking about all the world this is something that is happening in Revelation chapter 13 and the Daniel 70th week that we're going to study through in the book of Revelation mainly is going to be talking about things that are happening globally they're gonna be happening in all the world and there was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue 40 in two months divide that by 12 for me and you will find that it is three and a half years exactly all right I mean in Revelation 11 you see you see these numbers that are about three and a half years 1260 you know popping up all over the book of Revelation it's not a coincidence folks it's talking about the final the actual end times Daniel's 70th week and look if you go back to Daniel chapter 9 and you look at the very first verse of the prophecy I think it was verse number 24 you'll see that 70 weeks are determined and the end is to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy and anoint the most holy that's the end as we go into the millennial reign of Christ that revelation talks about so basically how do we know that there's another 70th week because the things in Revelation that are very specific have not been fulfilled yet not even close not even the fact that it's global but I mean the rapture the coming of Christ in the clouds I mean all the vials all the trumpets think about it the locusts from hell stinging men for five months I mean did we miss that is it possible that that happened like in 1820 and we just didn't we forgot about it the star called wormwood falling from heaven I mean you know to earth poisoning a third of the waters of the earth I mean do we miss that at some point pretty sure the environmentalist would be bringing that one up if that one happened right I mean the same thing though if we keep reading Revelation chapter 13 the same thing is the mark of the beast when you think about the mark of the beast that happens in Revelation chapter number 13 but you're not going to miss that you're not going to miss that actual and look there's a lot of shadows of that one too and the problem is people will take shadows and they'll try or just make it the thing and then they get into all kinds of weird isms and and and crazy things so look we didn't miss these things in Revelation and that's what we're going to be talking about in this coming sermon series if you look at Daniel 70 weeks on your chart it's pretty simple you know it's the 70 it's the seven weeks building Jerusalem and the temple there's a gap there's 434 years to Christ crucified and then there's a gap and then we have the shadow of the Roman seven years war which right in the middle of that is the 70 AD destruction of the temple but then we have the end times 70th week coming and that is what we're going to study through we didn't miss it all right it's very specific very specific things are going to happen but look what are we doing we're looking forward at Daniel 70th week the end times 70th week I mean there's much to be fulfilled okay turn to mark chapter 13 turn to mark chapter 13 let me just give you a couple thoughts to end with here but hopefully that you know makes sense to you and you can see you know kind of the spec the the general idea of the end time 70th week and we're going to fill in a lot of details on that bottom chart as we go through this sermon series look at mark chapter 13 we're going forward we're looking forward at this 70th week that is coming we can look back and the at the Roman you know at the Roman and the Greek abomination of desolation so we can say that was a shadow fulfillment easily cuz we're looking back on it and we know that the other things in the Bible did not happen it's easy to look back all right but the purpose of Bible prophecy is this look at mark chapter 13 verse 37 and what I say unto you I say unto all watch the purpose of Bible prophecy is just for us to watch not to infer all sorts of things and try to conjure in the end times in our mind all right and that is the problem look the whole point of the clues and milestone sermon series was is that you know I mean the Covenant with many for one week we're not gonna miss that that's a milestone you know the one world government we're not gonna miss these major things the Antichrist coming on the scene you know I mean maybe the Middle East peace would be solved in that Covenant I mean we're not gonna miss that right the abomination of desolation we're not gonna miss that we're not gonna miss these things we'll be able to see these things look at Matthew chapter number 24 let me show you another one look at Matthew chapter number 24 the Bible says in Matthew 24 in verse number 14 Matthew 24 is talking about the end times Jesus is telling the disciples about the timeline of Daniel 70th week look at verse 14 it says and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come if the Greek abomination of desolation 200 years before Christ the gospel hadn't even arrived to the Gentiles I mean the gospel hadn't even gone out to anybody outside of Israel I mean so that has clearly not happened at that point so look the whole point is this anybody could just go out and start a cult and say just by grabbing one of these things and running with it and that's what they do they go out and start cults and they say you know I mean I could take Daniel 24 and verse number 4 which you all know that I love where it talks about knowledge shall increase in the end times and I could just say the internet was the start of Daniel 70th week in 1995 when Al Gore invented it or whatever I'm joking but you all are too young for that joke you're like who's Al Gore don't worry about it but the point is this you could take any one of these things and just run with it and then just think you can just predict the end times this is this is the I could say the Gospels made it around the world the Lord revealed to me that the gospel in 2016 had officially made it around the world and now the end times are starting I mean this is what people do in 1950s the transistor was invented and that is the mark of the beast the mark of the beast you can just have fun with that one all day long I mean the Amazon one thing who's seen that where you like wave your hand over the you know you wave your hand I guess it would be this hand you wave your hand over the thing and you can just pay with your hand I mean people could be like mark of the beast no that's not the mark of the beast because no one is saying take this or you can't buy and sell anywhere or we're gonna kill you and you have to worship this image there's no temple there's no image there's no Antichrist there's no abomination of desolation there's all these things could they be their shadows their shadows of things to come we should pay attention to those things we should pay attention to knowledge increasing be like yeah that sounds like Daniel 12 for we should pay attention to these things but we're not to make clues into milestones and just run crazy with it this is the millwrights this is the seventh-day Adventists this is what they've done for 200 years or 150 years this is the Jehovah's Witnesses they predicted the end times I don't know how many times a lot and finally they're just like yeah it happened but it's just you missed it you weren't paying attention we're giving enough money air maybe you wouldn't have missed Jesus coming back I mean we study that in the American heresy series original again and again and again all these false prophets who are just taking these silly little things and is connecting it with a Bible verse and pretending like they can just predict the end times Daniel himself didn't know what this meant think about that Daniel whom God sent Gabriel to did not have any idea what this 70 weeks I can about imagine Daniels just like what in the world I better write this down though he didn't understand well I mean it must have been cool for him to see the prophecies that he did see that he did know were fulfilled but how did he see those prophecies he saw them when he looked back on them that's what we need to understand turn to first Corinthians chapter 13 but with the 70 weeks he had no clue what that meant I mean we understand what the seven weeks meant because we're looking back on it we understand what the 62 weeks means because we're looking back on it it's easy for us he's looking forward on everything he doesn't understand he's just writing down what God wants him to write down these things aren't clear looking forward folks look at first Corinthians chapter 13 I mean the fact that looking forward you know we just don't know the end of the fact that there's shadow prophecies as well I mean it's almost impossible to say and tell you're looking back and the Bible kind of tells us that look at first Corinthians 13 verse number nine the Bible says for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect is come you notice that when are we going to know when it's here then that which is in part shall be done away when I was a child I speak as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things for now we see through a glass darkly like this is Daniel this is us and everything we look forward on but then face to face hey when it's here we'll be able to match it up with the Bible and we'll know when these milestones happen that's the whole point of milestones it's like you're face to face with it Christ crucified that's a milestone abomination desolation we're not going to miss these milestones now I know in part but then shall I know even also am I known but when it happens you'll know is what the Bible was saying so look as Bible believing saved Christians it's great that we know what to watch for patterns patterns these these shadows are patterns repeating themselves I mean just look I mean the just look at the pattern of America and look at the sermon from this morning if America decides to just shove away shame and just get rid of shame what's gonna happen we know what's gonna happen so aside from end times I think the patterns of the Bible are more valuable to us honestly just the overall trends and patterns I know that if we do not embrace shame again in this country I know exactly what's going to happen and so do you if you have a Bible in front of you because God literally tells us that again and again and again but when you start saying well in you know 2026 this exact thing is going to happen that's when you know God's gonna make a fool of you so we're not to turn clues into milestones and just look for those shadow fulfillments see the problem is people get overboard and they they look at that things that they want to happen another thing there's this weird group of people out there that thinks that they can make the end times happen like there's this group of this trying to rebuild the third temple and all this kind of stuff and like we're trying to usher in the end times it's like hey you know God doesn't need your help I mean he's got this you know he doesn't need people to go out and usher in the end times and quite frankly like why would you want to do that anyway shouldn't we be hoping for more time to get more people saved before God buttons this whole thing up but the problem is when you have this weird mentality where you just like want you know the end times to happen and want you know everything to just fall to pieces or whatever you know when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail quite frankly and that's why you see all these weird people on the internet just picking some verse that they don't even understand and just making some weird doctrine out of it you know the Amazon one oh it looks like you put something in your hand that's it let me make up a bunch of stuff now you know but look Daniel saw certain fulfillments he saw certain fulfillments he saw the captivity and we can see clearly looking back we can see that the seven weeks is done we can see looking back that the 62 weeks is done we can see that there were shadow fulfillments of the 70th week but what we are going to do is we are going to look at what the book of Revelation and the entire Bible says about the end times 70th week so hopefully that makes some sense out of what the 70 weeks of Daniel is and then what we should take away from it and what we shouldn't turn it into okay let's bow our heads and have a word