(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And that's it for this video, thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one. Thanks for watching and see you in the next one. Keep your place there in Mark chapter 13. So we're in the clues and milestones series this evening and tonight is going to be a special sermon in this series. It's not going to be, we're not going to be talking about a specific clue or a specific milestone, but we're going to talk about end times perspective and what is the proper perspective to have on end times predictions. There are end times you know clues and milestones that the Bible tells us clearly to look for and quite frankly we can see a lot of those clues and milestones already kind of getting set up and playing out. That doesn't mean the end is near, I don't know when that is, but we can definitely see how things in the Bible could be playing out even today. Now the context of the sermon this evening and the reason I kind of thought about you know this special sermon is because I watched about a week and a half ago I watched an interview okay. So I watched an interview where a man named Tucker Carlson, I'm sure many of you have heard of him, interviewed Alex Jones alright. So here's two, regardless of what you think of these two okay, here's two pretty interesting characters in the same room. So I did watch this entire interview that was about an hour and a half long which is rare for me to watch something especially that long, but I did watch this whole interview and look Alex Jones is unique. I will say that he is unique in the sense that neither, well first of all neither of these two are Christian and we know that. Neither of these two are saved, I don't know if they ever will be saved, but I will say this Alex Jones is unique in the perspective that you can tell he has come across some saved people in his life because he understands and he brings up some things in the interview and he also has just known some things. He understands some detail about the book of Revelation, not incredible detail, but he does understand some detail about what the book of Revelation is calling for, some of the things that we've talked about in the clues and milestones sermon series particularly globalism, this one world order that is coming. He understands that the book of Revelation calls for those things and he sees those things coming. So he's unique, most unsaved people out there just have no clue what the book of Revelation says, but you can tell he's come across you know Pastor Anderson and people like Pastor Anderson that it definitely explains some things to him. So he's got a unique perspective, he's not saved yet he does understand some things in the book of Revelation that he can vaguely talk about, all right. So, but it got me to thinking, it got me to thinking about this perspective of end times philosophy. I haven't listened to a lot of Alex Jones for many many years, but I did watch an hour and a half of him in this interview and let me tell you something, what the overwhelming feeling that I had especially about midway through all the way to the end was I was very thankful that I had the proper perspective on end times prophecy. I was just so thankful that I have a biblical perspective about these things. So I'm going to give you a spectrum tonight. This is going to be, it's going to be a two-point sermon, all right. You know how much I like spectrums. I'm going to give you a spectrum of end times extremes and then I'm going to tell you where we should be in end times extremes because what the Bible does tell us, that's the whole point of the clues and milestone sermon series. So we can see certain things that are clues like what rumors of wars, earthquakes, signs in the earth, these are clues, right. You can't see an earthquake and be like it's the end times, we're there. But you can see things like you know the Antichrist or somebody you know that actually creates this one-world government through this huge world war. I mean one-world systems, one-world currencies, all these things are going to be huge milestones. The abomination of desolation is talked about in Mark 13, in other places in the Bible. Those, we're not going to miss those things, all right. Those are definite milestones and I'm glad that the Bible gives us those things. But I want to look at the two ends of this spectrum that are out there today. People that see things coming, maybe they put Bible to it, maybe they don't. Really Christians, maybe saved Christians can be on either end of these spectrums which is really what we need to focus on. But I want to look at you know what the proper perspective on the end times philosophy is. What is the point? Okay you give me all these clues, pastor, and you give me all these milestones and I understand the book of Daniel and I understand the book of Revelation. I understand how all these things are going to play out as the timeline suggests. What am I supposed to do with that? You know what do I do with that in my life? And that's the point of tonight's sermon. Proper end times perspective. It's going to be a two-point sermon, all right. The first point is this. The one end of the spectrum is this and this is not the Alex Jones end, all right. This is the opposite end of Alex Jones. The opposite end of Alex Jones is this. The don't know, don't care end of the spectrum. People that have no idea what end times prophecy says and they don't care what end times prophecy says. This is not where we are supposed to be. Look at Mark chapter 13 and look towards the end of the chapter. Now I've said this before but when the Bible repeats things that is something that God is pointing out to us. He's pointing out that hey this is important just like Galatians 1 verse number 8 verse number 9 where you know Paul is writing to the church at Galatia saying hey if anybody brings another gospel here let them be accursed in verse number 8 and then he says literally the exact same thing in verse number 9. That means God's serious about that thing. Anybody that preaches a different gospel is accursed. That's an important thing but look at Mark chapter 13 in verse number 33 and see if you notice something here that God is trying to get us to pay attention to. It says take ye heed, watch and pray for you know not when the time is for the Son of Man is taking a the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey who left his house and gave authority to his servants and to every man his work and commanded the porter to watch. Verse 35 watch ye therefore for ye know not when the master of the house cometh at even or at midnight or at the cock crowing or in the morning lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping and what I say unto you I say unto all watch. Notice what he says four times in these few verses. He tells us to watch. What does that mean? He says pay attention. Pay attention to what I'm telling you and watch for these things but I mean think about this for a second this is really right these verses right here pretty much disprove the pre-trib rapture because what if I'm just going to disappear if it's just going to be poof and I'm gone and my clothes are just going to drop and everyone's gonna be like what happened to pastor and why am I why are you still here by the way it's like what's going on why am I doing this but if that think about if that's what happens what is the point of knowing anything what is the point of knowing any clues or any milestones if we're all just gonna disappear like the movie it makes no sense at all it would be pointless to watch why even be stressed reading it it's just gonna be wouldn't it be better just not to know in that case but Jesus is clearly saying to us that it's important that we know he's saying it's important that we watch so turn to John chapter 16 so why watch then what why watch why is it important that we know all right again this this whole idea that we're supposed to be watching for the clues and for the milestones is proof that the pre-trib rapture is just not true at all look at John chapter 16 in verse number one Jesus tells us many times why we should watch so this idea this one end of the spectrum where we just don't know and we just don't care is not where we should be that's not what Jesus is telling us at all but what that's what you will find that's what you will find with people that believe in the pre-trib rapture they just they don't know they don't care I think it's kind of a cop-out to not have to worry about what end times prophecy says to be honest with you and I think a lot of people just can't really handle like the the stress of reading it or something I don't know I mean I used to know a guy that that you know when you he just didn't want to handle anything in his life and he's just like I'm just hoping Jesus just disappears me right now that's how he lived his life every single day it's like that is not what Jesus says Jesus has we should be watching we should be reading we should be paying attention to what he said and we should be looking for those things you say why look at John chapter 16 look at verse number one these things I mean Jesus literally tells us why to watch I mean this is not that hard look at this these things have I spoken to you unto you that ye should not be offended they shall put you out of the synagogues yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God's service and these things they will do unto you because they have not known the Father nor me so Jesus is saying I'm telling you all these things so you will not be offended what does that mean what does that mean he's saying I'm telling you these things so you will expect them I'm telling you these things I mean turn to Matthew 24 at least you will know is what Jesus is saying at least you will know that I told you look at Matthew 24 verse number 10 so what's the point of not being offended what's the point of knowing that it was coming meaning you're gonna go through something this is what Jesus is saying watch I told you this would happen I don't want you to be offended because it's going to happen look at verse number 10 of Matthew 24 he says and then many then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another so he's saying many people are going to be offended because they weren't doing what they weren't paying attention they weren't watching they weren't listening to what Jesus said they weren't expecting anything I'm telling you there's a lot of saved people out there that believe this this unbiblical doctrine that God would never put Christians through anything God would never put Christians through the Great Tribulation God would never put you know Christians through any what in the world are you taught what Bible are you looking at what history are you studying because the Great Tribulation all it means is it's going to be worse than anything that's ever happened up until that point which must be if we just compare it to things that have already happened it must be pretty terrible we know that for sure so look folks this isn't going to happen in an instant so this is what we need to be watching for there is no poof we're all gone there is going to be a period of time where there is real persecution and Jesus is telling us that you know we need to watch for those things Jesus telling us we're not offended instead we're what instead we're prepared for those things so he's telling us these things so we can be prepared mentally physically and especially spiritually that's why Jesus is telling us to watch I mean bad things are going to happen for a while look bad things have happened to Christians just because they're Christians already in it throughout history so this idea that God would never put his people through this it's a ridiculous philosophy on its face and look it's not just the end times where Christians go through bad times Christians have gone through you know bad times since Jesus left since Jesus went to heaven Christians have been being persecuted and Jesus told us this in John 16 and other places in the Bible because he doesn't want us to not expect it he doesn't want when that happens to be like what's going on Jesus never told us no he did tell us he did tell us not just end times but just in general the the end times means it's just gonna be unfathomably bad even real persecution to us let's be honest would be unfathomably bad even persecution that has happened in the past would be unfathomably bad for us so the point is it doesn't even have to be end times for us we need to be mentally physically and spiritually prepared and we need to be watching for the things that Jesus said was coming so the don't know don't care that's not to be us or Jesus wouldn't have said watch for anything there would be no point in watching for anything but look us we know it's coming we're not the don't care don't know people we know it's coming we know person whether it's end times or not we know persecution is coming so how is that going to help us that Jesus told us all these things we may not enjoy it we may not like going through difficult times and persecution and all these things but at least we were warned and we'll be able to be like oh yeah God knew this God told us this and it will be comfort to us that God is always in control it will never be like that it'll just be a proof of the Bible versus why didn't the Bible list this to us there's gonna be a lot of people who weren't taught what the Bible said that are confused when that is going on that it will be offended there will never be a point there will never be a point and this is where we differ so much from the Alex Jones's and the unsaved people out there there will never be a point where we look at this world and what's happening in this world and we and we'll think man God has lost control of this there will never be a point there will never be a point where we're just like oh man I didn't see this coming there just won't be a point where that happens to us isn't that a blessing that's such a huge blessing to me we will always be able to hold to that faith because of what Jesus told us turn back to Matthew chapter 24 this will be us this will be us in Matthew chapter 24 in verse number 6 Matthew 24 look at verse number 26 Matthew 24 verse number 26 the Bible says when we studied this with one of the clues the the wars and rumors of wars but look what it says it says we shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see ye what that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet see for us we know that these things have to happen we know that these things are going to happen this is a difference between us and secular people that are even putting logic together and seeing bad things happening we know that these things will come to pass and we won't I mean look you don't have to like it but we're not going to be troubled because we'll be like yeah well the Bible said this is gonna happen and we're gonna look at these things as clues and milestones so we're not the dude don't care and don't know people we're gonna know we're gonna care we're gonna see we're gonna be watching and we're gonna see these things happen so that is not to be us you say so what is the other end of the perspective the other end of the perspective is where Alex Jones was okay the other end of the perspective so what's the first end the first end is don't know don't care that's definitely not us we know we're watching we can see the clues we can see the milestones and again I don't know when the end times is gonna be it could be in 20 years it could be in 100 years it could be in 200 years I just don't know all right but we're watching for these things and I hope it's not in 20 years just that's my opinion okay I hope it's not in 20 years you see so what's the other end of the spectrum the other end of the spectrum is where this guy was Alex Jones was which is like manic depression where it's just like just like in the interview he's just like going off on tangent after tangent after tangent and look I'll give the guy credit you know I've those of you have known me for several years I've been pretty hard on Alex Jones over the last few years and I will give him credit especially after watching this interview he has been right about several things and he has been right and I pretty much agree exactly with his take on 9-11 which he called in July of 2001 by the way so I mean I kind of came away from the interview not only just feeling sorry for him but feeling like well maybe I was a little harder on him than I should have been because he's been right on some things he notices things he does read up and study things he's been right on things I'll give him credit for that but he has clearly like just very disturbed about all of these things that he studies and is into and is looking into and it's really like taking a toll on him as a matter of fact about three-quarters of the way through the interview Tucker Carlson asked him he's just like I I don't I'm gonna misquote this but he asked him something along the lines of like how do you sleep at night how do you I mean cuz the guys just going off on all these things and you can catch about eighty percent of what he's saying because he's going off on things that you know even a an educated person on what's happening in the world can't catch everything of what he's exactly saying but he's basically saying like how do you sleep at night how do you deal with all that you know is what Tucker Carlson asked him and he kind of responds to Tucker Carlson the interviewer and says well you know I've wanted to stop I've wanted to stop because it I mean he's been under some pretty heavy pressure himself he's been sued for like I don't know billions of dollars or whatever it is like he owes more than he'll ever have and you know because of something that he said that was untrue or whatever I mean first of all you think you there's free speech in this country you're miss you're misinformed because he was sued for something that he said and like he lost and he was civilly sued and the whole thing but the point is he's a stressed out individual and you can see it in in the interview and Carlson asked him like how do you live your life like this and he said I've wanted to stop before I've been pushed to the brink and I've wanted to stop but then he says but we've got to warn the world we've got to inform people we've got to tell people about the globalist and we've got to tell people his I think his his term for the globalist is we got to tell people about the New World Order and that's when he started talking about revelation all these different things so the problem is this he's saying we've got to warn the world so we can stop it so we can stop this New World Order from taking over and the globalist from taking over and this is where he is wrong turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 this is where you know he's wrong this is where you know you hope he would get saved and realize that point number one we're not going to stop it it's not going to be stopped turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 see the difference between us and Alex Jones is he was saying he looks at the Bible this way he was talking about all these things from the book of Revelation very general things just you know one world government one world currency basically revelation 13 stuff is what he was talking about he looks at the Bible and he says he sees the spirituality of it he sees that there must have been something spiritual that caused these I think he even used the word fisherman to be able to see these predictions so he said you know there was these fishermen and they somehow were able to see these predictions and you know and and look there he's he compares it to something spiritual just like Buddhism is something spiritual to him so he knows that there's something spiritual about it but to us we know how they got the information we know how John got the book of Revelation it's not a mystery to us turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 look at verse number 16 look at 2nd Timothy 3 in verse number 16 so he thinks that we're going to stop it he thinks that the book of Revelation was written down as a warning and as something that could happen if you know we don't see it and we don't stop it Jesus didn't say in mark 13 watch so you can stop it Jesus just said watch look at 2nd Timothy 3 verse 16 it says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and it's profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works see John in the book of Revelation was simply the method God used to capture his word that's it see Revelation is not this is the difference between what Alex Jones was saying I mean first he had a very rudimentary understanding of it of which we have a much deeper understanding of the book of Revelation having the Holy Spirit in ourselves but revelation is not a story of Israel in the land revelation is not a story of you can remain in the land if you follow my word revelation is a story of what is going to happen in the end times revelation Matthew 24 the book of Daniel prophecies all over the Bible are telling us this is how it's going to end for sure it's not unless you see the evil globalists and are able to form some protests and stop it if that's how it's going to play out and that's why we're watching it so that's a huge difference between Alex Jones and us and why I'm not manically depressed why I'm not like just going crazy and and and all worked up constantly about these things that I see as I'm watching because that's just what's going to happen it's just the way it's going to go down why because God wrote the Bible that's why and God said this is how it's going to end and this is why I'm telling you these things now turn to Ezekiel chapter number 20 turn to Ezekiel chapter number 22 sorry chapter number 22 and look at verse number 30 but the second point is this not only are we not going to stop it but there's only one remedy to slow it down and God gives us the remedy to slow down and guess what that remedy is not politics that remedy is not going to be protesting and holding signs and forming a political action committee and raising money to get somebody elected or something like that that is not the way the gospel is the way the Great Commission is the way and the Bible literally tells us over and over again through God's Word in the Old Testament that there is a way where he can you know put off his wrath look at Ezekiel chapter 22 and look at verse number I think I misquoted this or something Ezekiel chapter 22 and verse number 30 now look at verse number 29 look at verse number 29 Ezekiel 22 verse 29 it says the people of the land have used oppression and exercised robbery and effects the poor and the needy yea they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully and I sought for a man among them that make should make up the head and stand in the gap before me before the land that I should not destroy it you see that so God is looking at judging this land right here and he's saying if there would be a man that would stand in the gap that would get these people right that would preach the Word of God to people I would not destroy it he said I would delay my judgment the Old Testament is God judging nations it is just God judging nation after God judging nation for God judging nation I mean Israel gets judged by Babylon and then Babylon gets judged by God God doesn't leave any stragglers then he goes and he judges every single nation that took advantage of Israel while they were being judged by God he goes and he picks up everybody he just judges nation after nation after nation after nation in the Old Testament and he's saying hey if you get right if a man would just stand up and preach my word maybe maybe if any she says one man if one man would stand in the gap in Genesis chapter 18 what is what does he talk about with Sodom and Gomorrah these wicked cities he said that there's 40 there's 45 there's 40 there's 30 there's 20 there's 10 I won't destroy it but there wasn't 10 so I pulled out the four and he destroyed it so we have the remedy to slow it to stand in that gap this is Jonah 3 10 right here this is Jonah 3 10 and God saw their works that they turned from their evil way and what did God do and God repented of the evil that he said that he would do unto them and he did it not God changed his mind why because some man of God went there even a man of God with a bad attitude he went there and he preached the Word of God and those people got right and God did what God delayed his judgment on that nation you know Nineveh still got destroyed well they didn't get destroyed destroyed that day they got destroyed I don't know a hundred years later or whatever it was they still got destroyed but it delayed God's judgment you say what's the point of delaying God's judgment well I mean probably get some more people saved I mean we shouldn't want all this to start tomorrow as long as we're still going out in Fresno and other places around the world and we have friends that are going out and preaching the gospel and people are still accepting the gospel we should not want this to happen we should want this to be delayed we should want to continue to stand in the gap as long as people are getting saved and look people are getting saved do people get saved today yes they did so as long as people are willing to listen to the gospel you should be willing to stand in the gap see back to Jones this stuff is driving him mad I mean you could just look I I get it in that context not being saved knowing all the things that he knows being right about all the things that he's been right about look in that context it would drive anyone mad knowing that you know he's correct knowing that he's seeing things and he's he's able to kind of predict some of these things with some degree of accuracy just by putting together evidence and using his logical brain and you know with some help from people that can interpret the Bible for him but look in that context that you have to I mean that you see all these things coming it's like this huge freight train of things coming and you're trying to stop it but it can't be stopped that would drive you nuts because it's not it's not going to be stopped it is going to happen it's just a matter of when it's going to happen but it's going to happen and it's going to happen this way we know that for sure so look as far as conspiracies and all these things go I like to look into and read into things you all know that but I will say this if you can't pay attention to it without it wrecking you just don't look at it I mean really the key the key as we see the proper perspective is yes the proper perspective is to watch for the clues watch for the milestones be informed about these things I thousand percent the key is to really focus on your Christian life because that's the conclusion that we come to we will never know we will never know the full truth of what all the principalities and the powers are up to and who they're using to do what all we know is Satan's endgame and the people at the very top exactly how it's all going to play out you know who he uses we know how he achieves it but really we all the other details we look through a glass darkly on this stuff so focusing on the Bible really protects us from becoming the Alex Jones in in this world and I mean so the perspective is this folks I mean the perspective I like to see things coming I don't like to be caught off guard I don't like this is the whole point of the clues and milestone series is so we can all study the Bible as a church and mainly what so we can just know this timeline just know the sequence of events that's going to happen and we can put the clues in there and we can judge by the milestones and see exactly where we're at along this timeline Bible tells us how to do this it's kind of nice it's kind of nice I like studying that thing and look it's a huge advantage to the Christian that is well beyond the scope of this sermon that we can see things coming and we know what's going to happen that is a huge huge advantage for the Christian and it look it drives decisions in my life really it does I mean just knowing what is happening in the world around us but if it drives you mad if it stops you from your Christian life it's it's a fool's errand just don't pay attention to any of it at all because that is not the point this is why I I preach a yearly California sermon I preach a yearly California sermon on how like all the people are here you know look I was bugged out in North Dakota I was I was nowhere near anybody out there but that was a problem for me it was a problem even though I I was on a farm in the middle of nowhere and in all this but the point is the people the point is standing in the gap and preaching the gospel to all nations that's the point that's the point that the watching is supposed to drive us to so if you're watching and is driving you away from the Great Commission that's not good that's exactly wrong so the answer is this it's just it's be stable be prepared to endure hardships be prepared not to be offended when hardships come but the number way the number one way is to get stable in your spiritual life now because look let me tell you something folks if you don't have a spiritual life that is stable now how are you gonna have a spiritual life that is stable when things get difficult for Christians was that difficult to come to church today what were there were there people stopping you were there people out on the the highway checking your papers and seeing if you were Christian going to church no it is easy to come to church is it is sort of a free country still and we're you're not hindered from going to church you're not hindered from worshiping if you can't be stable in your Christian life during these times I just don't believe people that say oh yeah but when it gets hard then I'm gonna be spiritual no you're not you can't do it during the easy times if you can't bench press 50 pounds you can't bench press 400 I mean it makes no sense so get stable now prophecy is for the purpose of the Christian life is to prepare you for the Christian life through difficult times that's why prophecy is there for us it is not for the abandonment of it and look if it bothers you there's many times that I will read on things that are going on in the world and I'll go home and I'll just download on my wife I'll just be like did you know did you hear I was like she's just like and I'm like sorry I gotta go to church and talk to somebody but if it bothers you if it's hurting your spiritual life look you don't have the you don't have the perspective correct and if it does if it is hurting your spiritual life you know don't focus on it just focus on your spiritual life because that's the point anyway that's the endgame anyway is the spiritual Christian life so look we're grounded in the Bible that's the difference all right let me just say this though the Joneses and even the Carlson's I mean if you don't you know don't why you watch the interview if you want it's but whatever I mean it's not it's not really edifying but the point is there was just rabbit trail after rabbit trail after rabbit trail and you'll notice these guys that might they might be on the right track with some things that they just go into endless diversions into all these different weird things and the reason is is because they're not grounded in the Bible they have no that's why I like they'll talk about something that's pretty correct on like 9-eleven and some other conspiracies that might be correct and then they'll be off on aliens for the next two weeks because there's just no there's no anchor point there there's no there's no anchor to the truth there's no guide I get it I get it if there's no guide how would you stay on the right track if you didn't have the Bible you're just tossed around with anything reeking of conspiracy that's why it happens and look it's understandable and they've tripped over the truth many times it's understandable because everybody in the principalities and powers is lying nobody's telling the truth about what they're doing or why they're doing it but at least we know where they're going but we're grounded in the truth so we can see when they go off into all these weird things were like whoa grounded in the truth I mean it's not like you can trust anything that these people tell anybody so how would you know what's true and what's not if you didn't have some guide and that's really our advantage there would just be no way this is why Jones that while he may be correct on many things he just flies into the crazy so often because there is just no guide for him there's no guide and I don't even because without the Bible it would be impossible and that's our advantage my advantage is God's Word my advantage is the fact that I believe what God is telling me that's why it's not because I'm smarter than Alex Jones it's just because I believe what God's Word says and he doesn't but it's it's that simple that's my source of truth what what's what is your other source of truth going to be the media I mean independent media the mainstream media who who else could you possibly listen to on what's true and what's not unsaved people I mean it just you know the aliens thing I'll break the aliens thing because aliens is popping up again another preach an alien sermon like every month and a half but the aliens thing is a perfect example of this and it's basically you can break the aliens conspiracy down into three categories it basically it's people that think they saw something they you know maybe they really thought they saw something UFO unidentified flying object they didn't know what it was that's all that means it's people that saw think they saw something it's governments messing with people and other governments and it's liars people they just want to write a book and make money like what false profits same thing they want to just make money people want to be interviewed write books get on Fox News or whatever it is but if there's no no guide you'll just be tossed around to all these different people there's plenty of people out there that'll just happily lie to you if you have no anchor and no basis in truth my conspiracy guide is basically this this is my conspiracy guide and you can this is my opinion you can take this or leave it but if so many people need to be in on it you kind of have to start to question the the authenticity of that conspiracy itself the Flat Earth is a perfect example of this I mean in order for the Flat Earth conspiracy I had never even heard of this before I moved to California by the way so maybe we have a monopoly on and somebody not from California is nodding his head right now so maybe California has a monopoly on this one but just think about it if all video technology they're in on it all all picture technology they're in on it every single airline pilot is in on it every single person that's been an astronaut has been in the space program of any kind they're all in on it it's just not it's ridiculous that's I mean we're you know it's got to be your sanity check right I mean take the aliens is the same thing oh they're hiding it because there's all these energy sources that they found from alien you know technology energy sources that we wouldn't need oil and we wouldn't need any kind of energy anymore it's just free energy I'm like yeah and they've kept this secret for 80 years and every government employee every person that's ever come across it has all kept the White House can't keep a A president of the United States can't keep a conversation quiet and yet you know we've kept this quiet through thousands of people for 80 years give me a break it doesn't make any sense all right plus the Bible all right so look I understand why these people fly off on all these tangents because there is just no other anchor if you don't have the Bible to ground you in the truth and we know what's coming we know what's coming but our our philosophy is to know what's coming so we're not the don't know don't care people we know and we're not the go nuts people we know and we know we're supposed to stand in the gap that's what we know we're supposed our vision is not like I said it's not always easy but it is very very simple of what we're supposed to do when persecution comes when hard times come for Christians and guess what it may not be end times that we see maybe it's just a judgment of this nation at this time that we see because we definitely have the spirit of Babylon we've preached a clues milestone sermon I've done on that as well whether we are the end times Babylon we definitely have the spirit of Babylon and we know what happens to nations that have the spirit of Babylon so whatever happens we know judgments coming we know because we know what we're doing we know what nations in the Bible have done we're doing the same thing we know that is coming to us what do we do the same thing we did today the same thing we did last week the same thing we did two weeks ago the same thing we did during COVID the same thing we did in 2018 2017 2016 the same it's simple it may get harder and harder and harder as time goes on and some of these things start to play out but it is not going to get more complicated it is still going to be very very simple let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer