(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) amen so keep your place in Leviticus chapter 16 we're gonna do a little bit of a Bible study on this chapter before we get started here Leviticus chapter 16 is again this this sermon tonight is going to complement this morning sermon because of you know just the incredible detail that we see in Leviticus chapter 16 so Leviticus chapter 16 is talking about the details of the sacrifices that happen in the Day of Atonement that's what's happening here in Leviticus chapter 16 if you look down there so basically once a year the high priest would go into the holy place and do all these things and there's a lot of detail here there's a lot of things that he should do in a certain very specific way as a matter of fact the the predecessor to this story happening was I don't know why I'm holding a pen but anyway the predecessor to this story happening was actually Aaron's sons actually not doing things the right way and they had just died so basically before this Aaron's sons had been killed by the Lord they died because they had not followed you know they offered strange fire unto the Lord they basically came in and they wanted to just do things their own way and as we saw this morning you know there's a very specific way that God wanted the priest to look and the very specific things that God wanted the priest to wear and here we see very specific things that the priest is to do so look down at Leviticus chapter 16 now the high priest would go into the holy place which was inside the tabernacle which was a special place a special room where the Ark of the Covenant was that had the mercy seat on top of it he would go into this holy place and this holy place was separated from the other parts of the tabernacle by a veil okay now in verse number three the Bible says thus shall Aaron come into the holy place with a young bullock for sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering and he shall put on the linen coat and he shall have the linen breeches upon his flesh and he shall be girded with a linen girdle and the linen mitre shall he be attired these are holy garments therefore shall he wash his flesh and water and so put them on so look look back at verse number two I missed this but the Bible says here in verse number two the Lord said unto Moses speak unto Aaron thy brother that he come not at all times into the holy place so this was a once a year thing so the Bible was saying here that you know you can't just look you don't just walk into this holy place okay this is once a year you will go into this holy place beyond this veil and you will do it in this very specific way or basically you're gonna die okay he said so you don't die do it this way okay so once a year in this specific way he goes in and he's to kill a bull and he's to kill a goat okay those are the two things that he's going to kill now the bull was for the priests sins it was for his sacrifice and then there were two goats okay turn to Matthew chapter 27 there were two goats one goat is like one goat is let go and that's called the scapegoat you know have you ever heard of the the saying the scapegoat oh he was the scapegoat well that was one goat was let let go and one was sacrificed in this ceremony now look there these two goats are also seen in the New Testament okay there's a picture of this in the New Testament this is a picture of things to come there's many things that this could be a picture of but in Matthew 27 look at verse 17 the Bible says therefore when they were gathered together this is at the crucifixion or the trial of Jesus Christ they were gathered together Pilate said unto them whom will ye that I release unto you Barabbas or Jesus which is called Christ for he knew that envy they had delivered him when he was free knew that for envy they had delivered him so when he was sat down at the judgment seat his wife said unto him this is Pilate's wife saying have thou nothing to do with this just man for I've suffered many things this day in a dream because of him but the chief priests and the elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas and destroy Jesus the governor answered and said unto them whether of these twain so here was two men one was to be let go and one was to be sacrificed whether of these twain will ye that I release unto you they said Barabbas Pilate said unto them what should I do then with Jesus which is called Christ they say unto him let him be crucified and the governor said why what evil evil hath he done but they cried out to the more saying let him be crucified when Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing but rather that a tumult was made he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying I'm innocent of the blood of this just person see ye to it then answered all the people and said his blood be on us and on our children so we see a picture of you know this in the Old Testament with the two goats so we see the high priest coming into the holy place beyond the veil the rituals of washing and sacrificing the wearing of holy garments which we talked about a little bit this morning but I want to tell you this morning or this evening that all these rituals that we're looking at here it you know this evening they're all done away with turn back to Matthew chapter 27 and now you say they're done away with what do you mean you know what things were not changed that they were done away with things were fulfilled that they were done away with everything that we see in the Old Testament just like I read for you in Matthew 27 is a picture of things to come look at Matthew 27 and verse number 50 now there's now all these things are done away with these rituals the priests the temples the sacrifices they're done away with because of the fulfillment that happened when Jesus Christ came a physical example of this is in Matthew 27 verse 50 where the Bible says Jesus when he had cried out again with a loud voice yielded up the ghost he died and behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent and the graves were open in many bodies of the Saints which slept arose look the veil was torn in two after Jesus died immediately the veil of the temple this was the actual temple at this point that that cut off that place that you know the holy the holy place that the high priest would go to that veil was torn in half when Jesus died on the cross signifying that the time for the veil was over that's why God tore that veil in half the priesthood the separation that the veil signifies that the veil actually was the intercession of the high priest going beyond the veil is no longer needed is what the Bible teaches why why is that why is that priesthood those sacrifice I mean why are we not why are we not it's in the Bible right why am I not up here once a year killing a goat why are we not doing these sacrifices why does no one do this the because the Bible teaches that this is no longer needed it's over it's fulfilled it's fulfilled so tonight we are going to talk about continuing the Baptist Basics series we're going to talk about the priesthood of the believer tonight the Bible teaches turn to 1st Peter chapter 2 or look at the front of your bulletin there's a reason it's the verse of the week the Bible teaches that we are the priesthood now that the believer is the priesthood and that's why we believe it because that's what the Bible teaches look at 1st Peter chapter 2 and look at verse number 9 it's our verse of the week the Bible says but ye are a chosen generation this is talking about saved believers if you're saved tonight you're a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people that I mean some of you are pretty peculiar no I'm just kidding a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who have called you I when brother Matt like smoked everybody at ping-pong that was peculiar I'm like what in the world is happening here no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding okay back to the sermon I'm just kidding brother it's you're good at ping-pong okay all right a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who have called you out of darkness into his marvelous light turn to Revelation chapter 1 it says we're a royal priesthood we are a royal priesthood what does that mean I mean it sounds like when you when you read you know what the priests were doing in the Old Testament it seems like there's a lot of responsibility there it seems like there's a lot of detail on the things that they're doing there there's a lot of responsibility turn to Revelation chapter 1 look at verse number 5 and the Bible says and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his father so it says Jesus Christ the faithful witness so when Jesus came he made us those that believed on him those that are saved through Jesus Christ he made us kings and priests so we are kings and priests so tonight we're gonna talk about what that means because the priests in the Old Testament they had a lot of responsibility there's a lot of detail that God was putting on them and we I mean look if I find if I have that kind of responsibility I want to know what it is okay I don't want to get it wrong so he made us kings and priests unto God and his father so we're priests unto God and the father and to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen so look the veil the veil was a big deal turn back to Leviticus chapter 16 Leviticus chapter 16 and look back at verse number two look back at verse number two the veil was a huge deal in the tabernacle and in the temple so much so that God said the Lord said unto Moses speak unto Aaron thy brother that he come not at all times into the holy place within the veil so he's saying look you had better you know you can't come in here just at any time it's once a year in this specific fashion you can pass this veil the veil was a big deal you couldn't just walk into this place Nadab and Abihu had just died because they didn't follow this because they had they had done wrong according to this detail that God wanted turn to Exodus chapter 34 we see another picture of the veil you know being being a separation between between God and the people look at Exodus chapter 34 when Moses he received the law and then he came down off the mountain after spending so much time with God the Bible says that his face shown so much that he wore a veil so much that he wore a veil look at Exodus 34 in verse 30 the Bible says and when Aaron and the children of Israel saw Moses behold the skin of his faith shown and they were afraid to come nigh him well I mean if somebody's face is glowing I mean that would be that would be odd right I mean that would be something that's you know supernatural people would you know that that would make people take a step back Moses came down from the mountain and his face his face was was glowing was shining and Moses called unto them and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto him and Moses talked with them and afterward all the children of Israel came nigh they came near and gave that he gave them a commandment all that the Lord had spoken with him in Mount Sinai until Moses had done speaking with them he put a veil on his face so what Moses did when he was giving the law and telling the people the law when his face was shining like this he wore a veil over his face this signifies you know this separation once again and once again by a veil this is a picture of that but when Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him he took the veil off so when it was just Moses to the Lord when it was the mediator to the Lord there is no need for a veil but it was when it was from the Lord to the mediator to the people you had to have a veil there you see you see that the significance of the separation that God is showing here that needs to happen and that and the priest the high priest was the mediator in Leviticus chapter 16 in this case it's Moses is the mediator again signified you know that veil is that separation and the children of Israel saw the face of Moses that the skin of Moses his face shown and Moses put the veil upon his face again until he went to speak with him so this is a pre temple picture folks of the set this separation from God and thus the need for a mediator in this case Moses and Leviticus the high priest but now what about now what about today turn to 1st Timothy chapter 2 so we see that we see that the the veil was split the veil was split no longer needed but what about what about a mediator what about a need for a Moses or for a high priest look what the Bible says in 1st Timothy chapter 2 and verse number 5 the Bible says for there is one God I mean do we need a priest do we need a priest like you know the Catholic Church has a priest I mean that's that's what the Catholic Church's model is is that priest you know mediates between you and God okay that's what the priest does that's why you confess your sins to the Catholic priest but I mean that's why they do it okay but the Bible's but here's the problem with that the Bible okay look at 1st Timothy chapter 2 in verse number 5 the Bible says for there is one God and one mediator between God and man okay who is it I want to know who it is tell me who this guy is so I can go to his church the man Christ Jesus that is who the meter who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified what we have no need for any other mediator there is no need for any other look you are the priest and Jesus Christ is the mediator meaning you can go straight to Jesus that is your mediator do not look first of all do not take this for granted that Jesus Christ is your mediator don't take I mean that you have access directly to Jesus look at the detail and the seriousness of approaching God in Leviticus chapter 16 look at how serious God is about how the high priest was supposed to approach the Lord and go through the veil look that should give you pause that should get look it's a great benefit to be able to just just just approach Jesus in prayer but it should give you great pause in how you approach Jesus do you approach Jesus with respect when you when you when you talk to the Lord in prayer do you do you set time apart to speak to the Lord in prayer or are you saying some two-second prayer in between traffic signals or something are you saying a prayer before you go to sleep when you're so tired you fall you fall asleep halfway through your your prayer and don't even end it you should set aside specific time every single day to deal with your mediator with Jesus Christ you have that access but you have access to God himself is what you have access to and you should take it seriously you should take it seriously and you know look it'll help you appreciate the fact that you have access directly to God you don't have to go through you don't have to go through a man you don't have to go through anybody you can go straight to Jesus you can go straight to the Lord you say what about the sacrifices though what about the bulls and the goats turn to Hebrews chapter 10 if I'm a priest I mean do I have to go get I mean do I have to start a goat farm I mean what do I have to do do I have to raise goats anybody that eats goat must not have any beef that's all I have to say you know people raise goats to eat them it's weird but you know what do I know Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 lamb is good okay goat I don't know but anyway what about the sacrifices back to the sermon Hebrews chapter 10 verse number one look what the Bible says for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year this is what it's talking about is talking about the sacrifices offered in the Day of Atonement year by year continually make the comers there unto perfect it said these sacrifices couldn't make them perfect for then for then would they not have seized to be offered that's a good thought right there because that the worship once purged should have no more conscience of sin but in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins so what in the world we just read Leviticus chapter 16 where they were giving these offerings for sins you know one for the bull for the priest and the goats for the people but look it says that the blood of bulls and goats should not take it couldn't take away their sins okay it couldn't take away or since and it says right here again this is another you know it's a deeper explanation of eternal security by the way but it's saying look if it could take away their sins and if the sacrifice was there to cleanse them from sin they'd only you know they wouldn't have to do it every year it says in verse number one it says it was a shadow of good things to come it was just a picture it was a picture of the coming Messiah it was a picture of the one sacrifice look at verse number 10 it didn't take away their sins by the by the which we were sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all so the difference between the bulls and the goats and the sacrifice of Jesus is that Jesus's sacrifice was one time for all sin and every priest stand at days every priest stand at daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins so it's saying these sacrifices could never take away since but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God there will be no more sacrifices because this one the bodily sacrifice of Jesus Christ was it it did take away sins it was the one sacrifice that all the other sacrifices were just picturing they were just showing they were just they were forecasting they were they were showing a future it was a future example of what the real thing was to be verse 26 and then verse 26 you know wraps up there's a lot of heresy that's taught out of verse 26 here but the Bible says for if we sin willfully after that we receive the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin so a lot of people will teach that you know this means that like you can lose your sight you lose your salvation because there's no more sacrifice for sins but what this is saying is that you can't lose your salvation because there's no more sacrifice for sins the sin the one sacrifice was all that was needed that's it once for all it doesn't say once for some it says once for all there's no more need for sacrifices so what does this mean what does all this mean that the priesthood is us the sacrifices I mean they were just a picture of Jesus to come you know we're the priests the veil torn no longer needed we see that in Matthew chapter 27 turn back to 1st Peter chapter 2 what does this mean for us we're priests what are what are our what are our responsibilities if we're a priest what's my responsibility as a priest today I mean the Bible clearly says that I am now the priest you are now the priesthood I mean you as a church or the priesthood you as an individual or the priest look at 1st Peter chapter 2 let's start back at verse number 5 the Bible says this it says he also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to now it's gonna tell you what to do now it's gonna tell you what to do now this is where we need to listen you're like okay I'm a priest what do I do it's gonna tell you it says to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ wherefore it is also contained in the scripture behold I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone elect press it precious and that he that believeth on him shall not be confounded unto you therefore which believe he is precious but unto them which he is disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner and the stone of stumbling and a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient whereunto they were appointed they were also they were appointed but ye again are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation of peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light turn to Isaiah chapter 61 so there's some things that we're supposed to do here okay so first of all let's look at let's look at the priests clothing in the Old Testament and I just wanted to just give you where's my clothing as a priest you know where's my clothing as a priest turn to Isaiah chapter 61 and look at verse number 10 the Bible has an answer for that as well I will rejoice I will greatly rejoice in the Lord the Bible says my soul shall be joyful in my God for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments and as a bride adorned herself with her jewels your your your clothing as a priest is your salvation you're covered in the salvation of the Lord now the Bible talks about this you know being clothed in Christ in Romans chapter 13 Galatians chapter 3 look this is figurative okay the Bible still talks about your clothing like we talked about this morning okay your your actual literal clothing okay but how about our temple where's your temple turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 your priest you need a temple right where's your temple turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 look what the Bible says so our clothing were clothed in righteousness we're clothed in righteousness as priests the temple look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 in verse number 19 you have a temple the Bible says in verse 19 of 1st Corinthians 6 what know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and you're not your own for you were bought with a price there fight glorify therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's look when you got saved the Bible says you were bought you were paid for your body is now and weren't you in dwelled weren't you sealed with the Holy Spirit didn't God put a down payment on you with the Holy Spirit what the Holy Spirit is in you if you're saved and your body is a temple of that Holy Spirit there fight therefore hey glorify your God in your body are you glorifying God in your body your body is the temple you are the priest in your body is the temple you should live a holy life with your body turn to Deuteronomy chapter 17 the Bible says in Revelation chapter 1 in verse number 6 that were kings and priests you're also a king you're a king and you're a priest your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost you should be living a holy life and the Bible gives very specific direction to Kings by the way look at Deuteronomy chapter 17 on what they should do and what they shouldn't look at Deuteronomy chapter 17 in verse number 15 the Bible says thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee whom the Lord thy God shall choose one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee thou mayest not set a stranger over thee which is not thy brother there's your separation as a king right there you should be separated you know he should not be influenced from the unsaved you should not be equally unequally yoked with the unsaved same as the you know the advice for the king look at verse 16 he shall not multiply horses to himself nor cause the people to return to Egypt to the end that he should multiply horses for as much as the Lord hath said unto you he shall henceforth return no more that way look he should not be it's talking about he shouldn't just be gathering you know stuff to himself look that's the same with you you shouldn't be caught up in you know this idea of possessions in the thorns of this world as a king and as a priest in verse 17 it says neither shall he multiply wives to himself that his heart turned not away neither shall he greatly multiply himself to silver and gold so look here's the thing about the multiple wife thing in the Old Testament you know we think about it like well you know God I mean God told him not to do it and they did it anyway but what happened every single time that they did it and what the same thing would happen if if men would would multiply wives to themselves today the same thing would happen you know what would happen they would turn from the Lord you say that that's a weird thing and that's what happens that's what happened in the Bible again and again and again King Solomon a perfect example multiply wives to yourself you turn away from the Lord so look I mean the Bible here is saying you know be separated from the unsaved you know don't get caught up in the thorns of this world in the cares of this world and stay focused on God that is what the Bible is telling you as a king and as a priest look at verse 18 and it shall be when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom so here he is he's got these basic instructions that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests of the Levites he's like get a copy of the Bible and it shall be with him and it shall read therein all the days of his life that it may learn to fear the Lord is God to keep all the words of this law and these statutes to do them he says look he's like he's like you know love the Lord don't get caught up in the things of this world he's like don't you know be separated from the unsaved and then he's like learn no teach and live a godly life according to God's Word is what the Bible is saying here so look we see there's very specific direction for kings and priests but that's not the big one that's not the big one turn back to 1st Peter chapter 2 turn back to 1st Peter chapter 2 the priesthood your priesthood is a huge responsibility and we see that there's very specific things you're to know the Bible you are to not get caught up in things of this world but the Bible says in 1st Peter chapter 2 it says this it says again let me read verse 5 to you as lively stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ let me ask you a question so you're to offer up these spiritual sacrifices you're not to sacrifice goats and bulls you don't have to get a farm or whatever but you have to offer spiritual sacrifices as a priest now let me ask you something are all sacrifices acceptable to God I mean why does it add that last part that says you know you're to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God look I mean there are sacrifices that weren't acceptable to God you can't just make up whatever you want as sacrifices so the first thing is you know we kind of talked about a holy life you know a holy life a holy body taking care of your temple a personal life that is not dishonoring the temple that is in you that's not littered with sin a priest had to wash himself before entering into the holy place that is a picture of a holy life your body is that temple is it clean is the question because God is there God is there how about outward sacrifices we're talking about spiritual sacrifices how about outward sacrifices how about how about this one how about raising godly children how's that for a spiritual sacrifice how about bearing spiritual fruit how about going out soul winning and actually getting people saved with your life how's that for a spiritual sacrifice that's acceptable to God now here's here's the thing I was writing this sermon I was writing this sermon and I just kind of got to thinking about spiritual you know sacrifices and and you know what that means and just kind of you know what what Satan would like you know to stop in your life you know just you know here's a philosophy for your life turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 we're talking about spiritual sacrifices and we're talking about sacrifices that would be accepted of of the Lord right look at look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 or second I'm sorry 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 in verse number 9 and then I'll just give you I'll just give you some some thoughts on this the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 5 9 where for we labor that means we work that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body his temple according to that he had done whether it be good or bad look this is the time when you're gonna go over the sacrifices that you brought in your body with Jesus this is the moment right here there will be a time when you go over those sacrifices with Jesus and some of those sacrifices will be acceptable and some of them will be not will your labor look it says it says wherefore we labor we are labor will your work will your work be accepted of Christ in that day or or did you do nothing or did you do nothing or did you labor for worthless things like oh man I worked hard but it was all worse worthless things now here's a thought for you Satan Satan can't take away your salvation right man what's he gonna do what's he gonna do he can't he can't get you to go to hell he can't get to your salvation I mean look there's there's all but you know what he can do you know he could probably get you to labor for nothing if Satan what what if Satan could convince a Christian to do nothing what if Satan could convince a Bible believing saved Christian to do nothing you're like it's not possible you're like it's not possible because a Bible believing saved Christian reads the Bible and they're like you know what the Bible tells me I need to go soul winning the Bible tells me I need to be in church the Bible tells me I need to be living a godly life I need to be reading the Bible learning the Bible it's like it's not possible it wouldn't be possible for Satan to convince a saved Bible believing Christian to do nothing with his life but what but what if look what if see here's here's the thing turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 again see God here's the thing folks we're gonna go back to verse number 1 God there's all sorts of deceptions out there today there's all sorts of deceptions out there today I want you to recognize them because people are getting snagged into them big time if Satan could get you to do nothing in your life but what that's the best he can do because he can't take away your salvation but he can make you worthless and of no profit to anybody else but you're like no way that could happen like no way look at look at verse number 1 of 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 here's the funny thing about God and about Paul especially writing the words of God they took very little care for their lives like Paul like no care I mean I mean have you read what Paul did look at what the Bible says in verse number 1 of 2nd Corinthians 5 for we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle what's the tabernacle what's the temple we're dissolved we have a building of God and house not made with hands eternal in the heavens for in this we groan in our bodies we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon our house which is from heaven if so be being clothed we shall not be found naked for we in this tabernacle do groan being burdened I mean Paul was burdened he was beaten as you put in prison as he was almost killed several times not that for we would be unclothed but clothed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life now we that wrought for us the self same thing as God who also has given us the earnest of the Spirit therefore we are always confident knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord he's like hey well I'm here and I'm groaning in this body he's like you know what it's just it's just pausing me from getting to heaven that's why he didn't care because he's like you know what if I'm if I'm destroyed and my body is destroyed and they finally kill me this time as they tried to kill me all these other times he's like oh now I'm in heaven got me he's like well I'm in this body mean there was times where Paul was just saying he's like man I'm torn I'm torn he's like I I'm hurting I'm in pain he's like I'm only staying here for you guys because I could just go home with Christ right now at any time what they didn't care Paul didn't care I'm thank God that Paul didn't care as he carried the gospel at the you know he took I mean even Jesus said take no thought for your life I mean hello here's a thought imagine if Satan could it convince Christians convince Christians to stop bearing spiritual fruit to stop worshipping him and convince them that they're doing it to help others that'd be a good one wouldn't it to convince saved Christians to not bear spiritual fruit to not worship the Lord anymore to protect other people that's a good one that's a good one you know what didn't get shut down this year you know what didn't get shut down people dying and going to hell you know that didn't get shut down you know that continued you know how no matter how worried and scared people got I mean more people died didn't they no matter how worried and scared people got people went to hell do you know that the rules didn't change that God didn't put you know the Bible on hold for whatever is going on here do you know that if somebody that doesn't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ dies they go to hell that didn't get put on pause but you know what did happen is Satan played a good game Satan played a good game here's another thought for you here's another thought for you know the only thought I really take for my life is this look I don't want to die okay I don't want to die but you know the thought that I take for my life I think I think about it a little bit different than than some people here's here's all I think about it I want to give God a reason to keep me around we look there's tragedy everywhere every single day there's tragedy there was a terrible tragedy downtown here last week there's tragedy every day in this very city there's tragedy all around us I mean I could literally be afraid I mean anyone could literally have good reason to be afraid walking around in this world because I mean tragedy is just all around us look I want to be like I don't know I mean I want to be bringing spiritual spiritual sacrifices daily I want to be bringing spiritual sacrifices daily that if my life would intersect some tragedy that you know what God God would you know God says you know what that guy's productive that guy's productive I'm gonna intervene here I mean there's the thinking I'm gonna keep this guy around I'm gonna keep this lady around this lady's killing it this lady if she stays on this earth for another ten years there will be hundreds of people saved I'm keeping her around I'm making some moves because what what who's on the throne God's on the throne give him a reason give him a reason to intervene it's just like work it's just like a just like a company they got to cut people they got we got to cut ten people we're gonna cut this guy that's just just making us all the money no they're gonna cut the worthless people I mean that's the way it works I mean you're gonna sit down as a business owner and you're gonna find out who's producing and who's not is what you're gonna do I want to bring so many sacrifices that I stand out and you know what that takes go back to 2nd Corinthians 5 you don't go back there I'll just read it for you you know what that takes it says where for we what therefore we hang out and sit and do nothing it says therefore we labor therefore we work labor means work I mean look so I mean sometimes spiritual sacrifices and going out and doing the things that you're gonna do is gonna feel like work I mean look and there's not a lot of times I mean look I have fun most of them but I mean there's some times where it feels like work but the Bible says it's work look you need to get to your you need to get yourself look in general in general you need to get to yourself to the point where you like to work if you don't like to work you can have all kinds of problems everywhere in your life men and women you need to get yourself to the point where you enjoy working and then you can work for those spiritual things you'll labor to bring those spiritual sacrifices and you know what it feels good to work you know what it even even when you're laboring for the Lord there is joy there and maybe that's why it doesn't it never really gets to me because there's always that joy when it's a hundred and five hundred and seven degrees outside and you're out there and you get somebody safe look there's still joy there it's sweaty and it's hot but look it's just the joys all the same but look wherefore we labor we labor because because people going to hell doesn't stop Garrett gave a sermon one time he broke it down into like how many people die and go to hell every second or something it's it's insane but we have we've got to bring those spiritual sacrifices bring those spiritual sacrifices and then you can be a proper priest then now you're in the priesthood that's what you're supposed to do as a priest you know what it takes work it takes labor but but there's joy there there's joy there I'm sure the priest in the Old Testament when he went into the holy place and he sacrificed for the people and he was doing all this labor look I mean can you imagine slaughtering all these animals and all the work that the priest had to do in Leviticus that's a lot of labor I'm sure there was joy and in the importance of what they were doing there is no more important thing than you can be doing in your life than carrying out your priesthood in the proper way that the Bible says that you should you're a priest and we're to bring spiritual sacrifices let's bow our heads and have a word of peace you