(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen so keep your place there in Acts chapter 9 so last week we went through the first part of Acts chapter 9 we looked at the conversion of Saul so we looked at how Saul was met by Jesus himself on the road to Damascus we looked at how you know Jesus Christ you know intervened with such a great miraculous intervention to get Saul on you know on on the right team so to speak and I'll kind of talk to you about that towards end of the sermon and kind of how that fits the story towards the end of Acts chapter 9 but then at the end of Acts chapter 9 after we get through Saul's conversion his teaching by Jesus as we cross-reference Galatians chapter 1 for three years he was taught by Jesus as he preached in Damascus to the point where he became so powerful and so strong in doctrine that the Jews tried to kill him you know they came after him they thought that he was such a big threat but towards the end of Acts chapter 9 we see a different story now we see a story of Peter traveling and Peter is traveling to this city north nor it would be northwest I guess of of Jerusalem so he goes onto this city Lida and then he goes on to Joppa so Lida is maybe 20 miles to the northwest of Jerusalem towards the coast and then if you continue to the coast keep going west and you will get to Joppa so Peter is traveling and some things happen to Peter he's traveling he's doing some miracles it says the church has rest so the church is growing and they're multiplying the Gospels being preached let's start out in verse number 31 and see what we can find out from this story this evening I'm in Acts chapter 9 verse 31 the Bible says then the church has had rest throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria and were edified and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost were multiplied so that's interesting it says they weren't they were edified but they were actually they were edified they were comforted and they were multiplied but they were actually doing something else so it says that they were edified meaning they were they were learning they were they were hearing the gospel they were having the gospel preached to them but it says they were walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost they were multiplied so that walking is a key step there look at verse 32 and it came to pass as Peter passed throughout all quarters he came down also to the state Saints which dwelt at Lida and there he found a certain man Aeneas which had kept his bed eight years and was sick of the palsy and Peter said unto him Aeneas Jesus Christ make it the whole arise and make thy bed and he arose immediately and all that dwelt at Lida and Saron saw him and turned to the Lord so these miracles in the name of Jesus Christ are causing many people to notice notice how it was important that he was he was sick of the palsy for several years eight years it said so everyone knew that this man was sick you'll see that as a kind of a common thing throughout the miracles just like the man that was behind that Jesus healed everybody knew that he was blind everybody knew that he was always blind everybody knew that this guy was sick everybody knew that he was lame and then Peter heals him so it makes such a great testimony for Peter and for Jesus Christ the gospel look at verse 36 so it says all them that dwelt at Lida and Saron saw him and turned to the Lord now there was a Joppa now we're further to the coast another 20 30 miles a certain disciple named Tabitha which by interpretation is called Dorcas I bet she liked to go by Tabitha talk about talk about an interpretation bad like bad draw the straw right there right I mean they're like this is my friend Dorcas she's like no no no please it's Tabitha can you about imagine anyway the woman the woman was full of good works and alms deeds which she did so notice it says about this woman right away what does it say it talks about her good works in verse 36 the focus is on the things that she did in her life and then look at verse 37 and it came to pass in those days that she was sick and died whom when they had washed they laid her in an upper chamber so right away in verse number 36 we see that this woman Tabitha as I will call her Tabitha was full of good works and alms deeds which she did now notice it doesn't even say like if she was saved or not it doesn't say if she had believed the gospel or not okay it just says that you know she was full of good works and alms deeds alms deeds means she's doing things for other people she's doing things for people that have less than herself so she's doing good deeds for others that's all we know about her and then in verse 37 the Bible says that she died okay look at verse 38 and for as much as Lida was nigh to Joppa and the disciples had heard that Peter was there they sent him two men desiring that he would not delay to come to them so Lida where Peter was was close to Joppa where Tabitha was so people heard about this and they sent they heard that Peter was close and they sent for him then Peter arose and went with them when he was come they brought him into the upper chamber where her body is now because she's dead and all the widow stood by him weeping and doing what what did they show Peter so Peter doesn't know this person okay this is really what the point I want to get at this evening Peter doesn't know who Tabitha is or was all he knows is that he's been brought to this upper chamber where this dead lady is laying and look at what the first thing that they say to Peter is it says and showing what showing the coats and the garments which Dorcas made while she was with them what do they do they show Peter they show Peter the works of this woman they take Peter to her body and they show look they're saying they're referencing verse 36 they're saying look at all the good works that this woman did in her life so in verse 39 and verse 36 you see and and look it was it was works that you know was not for herself it was not for herself it was alms deeds it was works that she was doing for other people so here this woman was making coats she was making garments doing all these different things with her hands to help other people okay and that's what they focus on right away when Peter walks in it's the first thing look at verse 40 but Peter put them all forth and kneeled down and prayed and turning into the body said Tabitha arise and she opened her eyes and when she saw Peter she sat up and he gave her his hand and lifted her up and we had called the Saints and widows presented her alive and it was known throughout all Joppa and many believed in the Lord and it came to pass that he tarried many days in Joppa with Simon a tanner so all that to say this Peter comes and he meets this he doesn't meet the woman he he he sees this woman who has died and he is told how good of a you know you have to ask yourself I mean obviously the miracles that the disciples were doing were to glorify Jesus Christ and bring people to the gospel we get that but the question is yes this woman was dead but why her people die all the time I mean why her why was Peter why did people go and run 20 literal miles to get Peter bring him to this woman and then in verse 36 and verse 39 all they focus on is just this woman's good works her works towards others the question is why do works matter why do works matter the question is why did everyone focus on their works notice notice how Lydia notice how Lydia sins or I'm sorry Tabitha I'll just stick with Dorcas notice how Tabitha sins were not brought up I mean Tabitha obviously she was not sinless obviously she made mistakes in her life she committed sin in her life notice how none of that was brought up what was brought up when it came to just you know advocating for this woman that Peter who had the power of Jesus Christ to heal to even raise from the dead that he would he would raise this woman from the dead notice what it was what was it it was her works in her life and here's what I'm trying to get you to understand Tabitha the reason that that Peter the reason that the Lord chose to bless Tabitha in this case and the case that was made for her was because of how profitable she was and I mean that I mean profitable by just like she was profitable to other people around her that's why that's why it really that I mean do we know anything else about Tabitha from this story we know nothing about her I mean she could have been she could have been someone that wasn't that nice to talk to she could have been someone who just maybe she didn't talk at all maybe she wasn't a good conversationalist maybe she was kind of rude to people maybe she had problems in the in certain parts of her life but all we hear about is how profitable she was that's the only thing that was told to Peter and what does he do through Jesus Christ he raises her from the dead he blesses this woman so that's the whole point I want to make to you tonight is this idea of why we should be profitable and seek to be profitable in our Christian lives now today here's a problem today all right today we're being taught today kids are being taught today adults are being taught today that profit let's just look at the word profit just the idea of profit okay of taking something and making more of it of taking something and producing with it producing more than what you began with that's the idea of profit without getting into you know economics about it but just look at the idea of profit we are being taught today kids are taught in school today that profit is bad from the time kids are this tall all you hear is oh profit is bad and all people care about is profit you know all they want to do is profit in this profit becomes like an evil thing today why are gas prices high the president will say because the oil companies want to just profit too much I mean it's not that's not the case but the point is like profit is looked at as a bad thing today we're being told I mean people go into jobs today people take a job we're just looking at the idea of profit just the secular idea of profit people go into a job today and they say I need to be paid more I'm not paid enough this is this is idea I'm not paid enough because the the the evil owner of the business or the corporation or whatever he's he's too into just keeping all the profit for himself so I'm not paid enough you know this is the idea of minimum wage right now they need to at least pay me this much and and forget their profits they need to at least pay me this much and there should be a law that says they have to pay me this much this is people that think that they deserve their job this is the idea that profit is bad that profit is bad people they're just greedy profits are too high like but the problem is that's not biblical that's not biblical you know that business owner whoever hired you who's ever is paying you whatever wage like they risked everything to start that business they risked everything they maybe took their life savings maybe you know whatever but the point is that business is there in the purpose of that business is to make a profit did you know that the purpose of any business and the reason the only reason any any secular business owner would stop working for somebody else take his life savings take all the equity in his house and dump it into starting his own business the only reason that he would do that is because he thinks he can make a profit doing it he think I mean he thinks he can he can take what he has and make more of it through that business and guess what you know what he needs you know what you know what that business owner needs in order to make more from what he invested into it he needs profitable people he needs people that have the ability to be profitable to make a profit so I mean here's the thing like we're in a recession right now here's the thing and here's what you'll see maybe not in maybe you won't see this in California because the economy here is just insane and it just can't be killed for whatever reason that is it's just there's so many people here there's just always economic activity here but in a recession there a lot of times that I've seen this in my career there's layoffs you know there's a company maybe that has 200 people and in a recession maybe sales are down prices are up and costs are up and there's they're having a hard time keeping the business going so what do they have to do they have to cut people they have to cut people they have to lay people off I've seen I've seen friends of mine go through layoffs it's a very difficult thing for a person to go through in their life but here's the thing most of the time the most profitable people stay the most that business that business owner even if he has to cut people you know he's gonna do he's gonna cut the least profitable people and you better you better believe he knows who they are so the whole point is this I mean the other side see we need to think about this if you want to be successful in your in your work life especially the men here if you want to be successful out in your career you have to think quit thinking about this idea that profit is bad and that you know you need that they need to raise the minimum wage you need to get your head out of that gopher hole and the other end of that spectrum is if you want to make more money be more profitable if you want someone to pay you more make more money for the business be more profitable because the other end of that spectrum is where you are so profitable where you get to choose how much you make that is that end of the spectrum exists that end of the spectrum exists where you have someone who's so talented who is such a hard worker who has such good ideas who has such ability to make profit the business owners chasing him down going what must I pay you to get you to work for me that is where you want to be you want to be on that profitable side of things you say what does this have to do with the Bible because that was Tabitha that's why you know we don't want to be this minimum wage oh I want to make more money so the government needs to tell this business owner force him by putting a gun to his head to pay me another dollar an hour no we need to be so profitable that that business owner chases us down and says what must I pay you to get you to work for me because I know what you can do for me that was Tabitha Tabitha was so profitable and that's why they brought it up in verse 36 and verse 39 this is why they brought it up they're like she's worth keeping around it's like God this woman is worth keeping around and it doesn't even matter in this story and for the point that I'm trying to make whether she was saved or she got saved after because the same is it applies to Saul because the reason God knocks off his ride and got because he knew he would be profitable to him and they're making this case to Peter like look at how profitable but she's not even saved she's not even saved look what she does with her time she's not even saved look what she spent her life doing she doesn't even care about herself all she's doing is making all these things for other people just being profitable profitable profitable so the point I'm trying to get you to understand is just like that business owner God wants profit God wants profit from us you say I don't believe you turn to Matthew 25 this is this is my favorite parable in the Bible 100% hands down right here turn to Matthew 25 because guess what just like that business owner it's even a bad analogy because God is so much encompasses so much more but just like that business owner actually that business owner you know is more just like God but God guess what he risked everything he risked everything he brought his own son to this earth to literally give everything and you know what he wants from us and he gave us salvation you know what he did he hired us he hired us and you know what he wants from us he wants profit from us that's what he wants and that's what this parable is about look at Matthew 25 in verse number 14 look at the Bible says says for the kingdom of heaven you know just underline that rate you know write that in your Bible it says the kingdom of heaven underline those words you know what the kingdom of heaven needs that's the business right there that's the business that's God's business is the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of heaven needs profits the kingdom of heaven needs profitable people the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country this is how we know it's a parable right here when you see things like this like is as a he's saying we're about to make an analogy here God is saying Jesus here is saying I'm gonna I'm gonna compare here I'm gonna make an analogy the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country who called his own servants that's you by the way and delivered unto them his goods turn to first Thessalonians 2 in chapter 4 so what are the goods so the kingdom of heaven is the business that we work for that we're supposed to be that the kingdom of heaven this business it needs profits like no business has ever needed profits and we work for this we're the servants but it says that this man he traveled and he delivered to his servants his goods what are that what are the goods what am I hanging on to here you know what am I responsible for look at first Thessalonians 2 in verse number 4 the Bible says but as we were allowed of God this is this is a direct reference this is a this is a direct it's it's not a reference there's a direct match to what this parable in Matthew 25 is talking about it says as we were allowed of God meaning meaning it's only by God's grace that we're allowed to do this we're allowed to do this because of God he gives us this charge we're allowed of God to be put in trust with what with the gospel even so we do nothing buried in the ground no even so we speak not as pleasing men but God which try our hearts so the Bible says we are trusted just like these servants were trusted with the master's goods we are trusted with the gospel we're not only trusted with just the gospel but we speak as God tells us to speak that that's that's that's our that's what we're trusted with so you can just you can just replace the goods in Matthew 25 with the gospel that we carry okay I mean that's why we're called ambassadors because we carry this message look at verse 15 and unto one he gave five talents now he compares the goods now now the goods are our talents which is which is money in this case okay he gave and in one he gave five talents to another two and to another one to every man now this is interesting we're gonna talk about this Sunday morning to every man according to his several ability and straightway took his journey so this business owner right here he already knows who's the most profitable he already knows look I don't care where you work they know who the best is they know who the best is and they know who the worst is and guess who they guess who makes the least the worst so you should focus on trying to be the best look just take the same attitude you should have in the Christian life and apply it to everywhere else in your life and like things are just gonna go they're just gonna go for you they're just gonna go well for you so look it says every man according to a several ability meaning he knew he knew who the best was and the best he gave five the middle he gave two and the you know the least the person he had least trust and he gave one but look he still gave him one I mean think about it he still gave him one I'll get to that towards the end so are you with me so far I mean this is such a great analogy this parable so him that received the five talents went so first of all this business owner as you'll see as you'll see here with these talents he must have gone through something to to get these talents he liked these talents he was he was protective of these talents and he wanted he really wanted to get more now you can say oh he's greedy he just wants more profit well this is an analogy first of all okay but look he gave him to their several ability that he that received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents so the guy that gets five he goes and he pulls a hundred percent profit he gets five more now he's got ten he's got literally ten times then the guy that just got one and likewise he that received two he also gained other two so that guy went got hundred percent profit too so these guys were both hundred percent profitable but one started with five so he was he was better off why did he start with five by the way you say they're both hundred percent profitable I mean that's not fair that one has four and one has ten why did he start with five because the boss trusted him more because the boss knew that he was better because the boss knew that he had higher ability than the guy with just two okay so look I mean I bet you the guy that gets to the next time this happens I bet you he gets three I bet you he gets four because this is how it works folks look at verse number 18 but he that received one went and digged in the earth and hid his Lord's money now I still remember like the first time I read through this maybe even the second time I read through this now I thought this was really mean I thought this was really harsh like to this guy I'm this poor guy you got these guys going into town and they're wheeling and dealing and they're doing whatever and they're maybe doing some carpentry jobs and and just increasing the money you got this guy and he's all like just buries it in the ground and just sits on it prices their Indian style probably takes a nap maybe play some video games maybe I don't know what what else you do probably maybe doesn't smoke some marijuana or something I don't know what he's doing he's doing nothing is the point okay he's doing nothing you know what did he do here absolutely nothing the other guys were in town making things happen look at verse 19 and after a long time the Lord comes back the Lord of those servants cometh and reckoned with them and so he that received the five talents came and brought other five talents saying Lord thou deliverest unto me five talents behold I've gained beside them five talents more he just delivers ten talents to this guy good day for this man and his Lord said in him well down well done thou good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things you see how you see how the Lord works here he's like he's like I tested you with these five things and you were faithful he's like now I'm gonna make you ruler over many things so it's not gonna be the next time this guy's trusted with something he's gonna be trusted with more things you see what I'm saying this is really what you need to understand like this is where profitability will get you in your life and not only with your boss at work this is where profitability will get you with the Lord in your life look at the the second guy then he that received the two talents came and said Lord thou deliverest unto me two talents behold I've gained other two talents beside them his Lord said unto him well done thou good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things this guy's getting more next time too you see maybe these guys you ever wonder maybe maybe the five talent guy he probably started out as the one talent guy at some point in his life then he got to be the two talent guy then he got to be the three talent guy then he got to be the four talent guy then he had to be the five talent guy you see how this is working and this is how you know these people moved up the chain then you just like I'm just gonna make you ruler over many things very happy with this man as well look at verse 24 then he received the one talent came and said Lord I know that thou art a hard man so first of all who is the who is the just this is a side note here okay this is a side note but who is the analogy referring to we're talking about the kingdom of heaven here who's the boss of the kingdom of heaven God Jesus Christ so is Jesus Christ a a sissy is Jesus Christ this all that is Jesus Christ the Jesus Christ that that is portrayed today in paintings in cartoons in Sunday school or wherever no thou art a hard man the Bible says the Bible says that this Lord is a hard man and this is an analogy of the Lord over the kingdom of heaven think about that I mean I mean for those that don't want to read the whole Bible just read Matthew 25 24 God is a hard man God is a hard God people need to get that across today look if you read the Bible you know that that's true but if you don't want to read the Bible just read Matthew 25 24 God is hard God is hard he's not messing around you will get that if you read the Bible I mean if you have read the Bible you know that but I just want to point that out that the analogy here is the Lord over the kingdom of heaven we're talking about Jesus Christ here he says I knew that thou art a hard man now he's still explaining what is he doing he's making excuses this is what this is what people who are not profitable will always do is make excuses because they're not gonna just go up and just be like you know what I'm a loser and I was smoking marijuana the whole time and I'm lazy and I'm slothful and I just don't like to work I don't like to work so I never learned how to work and I'm stuck I don't like it I've never learned how I don't know how to do anything thus I'm not profitable so what I do I buried it I don't know what else was I supposed to do reaping where thou is not sown and gather where thou has not strawed and I was afraid he's lazy and he's a coward and I went and I hid thy talent in the earth lo there hast that is thine and he hands it to him and his Lord has said on his Lord answered and said unto him so I mean I always thought this was a little harsh like I don't always think this I mean I thought the first time I read through this the second time I read through this I was like man at least he didn't go gamble it away look there's a spectrum where you could be worse than this guy you know he could go and he could gamble it away he could have went and borrowed the five talents that the other guy made and gambled all that away too because look there's people like that too there's people that are not only not profitable but they just drain everything out of everyone that they come in contact with every resource and they'll borrow everything they will squander everything they will waste everything what slothful and waster they go together remember look what the Lord says the Lord answered and said that wicked and slothful servant you know what it's wicked to be slothful too there's something that you won't hear today either it's wicked to be lazy so you see you see a 30 year old man with two arms and two legs standing on a street corner begging for money you know what I don't feel sorry for him because he's wicked because it's wicked to be slothful go talk to him go talk to those those young men I've talked to I mean I've talked to dozens and dozens of them most of them are very very wicked people but the Bible says they're wicked because being slothful in itself it's a wicked person that would just be slothful that's what the Bible says sorry to you know hurt people's feelings but that's that's what that's what needs to be told to people today thou newest that I reap where I sowed not and gather where I have not strawed thou honest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers then at my coming I should have had received my own with use usury he's like you weren't even you weren't you were you were you were too lazy to even put it in the bank he says to him he's like you couldn't even walk to the bank and put it in the bank you just sat down and buried it right where he was at he was just lazy but you know you say why so harsh though he still had the one it's not like he it's not like he spent it he didn't go buy a bunch of bubble gum or whatever he still had it here's what you need to understand this the whole point of the sermon tonight the reason that he was wicked and slothful is because there was no and I mean zero profit that's the point of this parable is the kingdom of heaven the Christian life should produce profit trusted with these goods the goods that we're entrusted with were paid with the most precious price the blood of Jesus Christ we are we are entrusted with those goods and well I'm telling you God expects profit from us he expects profit for us or he's gonna say to us you wicked and slothful servant you did nothing look that's gonna be a lot of Christians he's not gonna take away anybody's salvation but I'm telling you there's gonna be a lot of people standing before Jesus Christ at the judgment seat of Christ and and Jesus is gonna say you're wicked and slothful servant you did nothing you got saved somebody knocked on your door and gave you the goods and entrusted you with that one talent and you buried it in the earth and you did nothing but God wants profit the kingdom of heaven wants profit now here's what's really interesting look at verse 28 look at verse 28 and this is this goes against everything that they teach today because we got a guy think about the situation now think about think about public school eighth grade freshman year of high school economics teacher right now you got a guy that's got ten talents you got a guy that's got four talents and you got a guy that's got one that economics teacher is gonna say you know what this guy that's got ten talents he needs to give some down to the he needs to give some he needs to give a couple down to the guy with one the guy you know he maybe he probably needs to give three to the guy with one we'll leave him with seven he can have a little bit more than everybody else because he did get five more but then we'll have we'll have four and four and that's much more that's much even that's that's much better that's much more fair is that how God works look at look at what he does here what he does he says take the for the talent from him and give it to him that had ten like the professor of macroeconomics it you know whatever university system today his head just exploded just rip he's like take the one from the guy from the bum and give it to the guy who's super profitable hey if you're a business owner that makes sense right why waste resources down here on this guy who's doing nothing you take everything that you possibly can look you got the guy in the middle still 100% profitable he's growing now I know I can trust him more he gets more next time this guy gets nothing we give it to the most profitable then he will just go further with it this is what God does look at verse 29 for unto everyone that hath shall be given that's kind of like the opposite of socialism right there he says everyone that is profitable you know what and that makes that matches exactly with verse 22 with verse 21 where he says you were faithful over a few things I'll make you ruler over many things and look at verse 24 or 23 he says um you were thou has been faithful over a few things I'll make the ruler over many things that matches exactly what verse 29 says where he says unto everyone that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance the Bible is saying here that it is from him that hath not shall be taken away even that he hath look if you're not profitable you're gonna have things taken away from you if you're profitable you're gonna have things put on top of you guess what the more profitable you are the more things that are going to be given to you how do I know a Tabitha was profitable how do I know she was she was probably really profitable because she was given like the most you could possibly give someone on this earth her life she was given her life back she was so profitable that God says you know what she's so profitable I'm just gonna give her more I'm gonna give her her life she's gonna get saved and then just as Paul as Saul she's gonna take that profitable mindset and she's gonna be she's gonna be working for the kingdom of God this is the whole point God wants profit and guess what God looks out God looks out for the profitable now don't think about the negative part of it get your head off the guy with one talent that now has zero talents and let's think about the guy with 11 talents now look God looks out for the profitable you know what that means you know what that means maximizing profit in your life will maximize God's blessings in your life this is the real prosperity gospel right here this is the real I shouldn't say prosperity gospel this is the real prosperity message of the Bible right here look Joel Steen's church whatever they're not even saved they don't even have the right gospel so it's ridiculous to even preach a prosperity gospel there but the real prosperity message of the Bible is the more profit you are the more profitable you are the more you will maximize God's blessings on top of your life Matthew 25 it's it's it's great it's it's great who doesn't want God look we're not saying you're not gonna have tribulation in this world we're not saying that people aren't gonna be against you for being a Christian that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is if you want God just pouring blessings upon you be profitable you want you're like I want more blessings be more profitable ask yourself how profitable are are you to your family how profitable are you to your church how profitable are you with the gospel how profitable are you with this this this these goods that you have been entrusted with how profitable are you you know the Bible says in 2 Timothy 3 it says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness the Bible says that you know God gave us his word he gave us his word to be profitable to us showing again that he expects us to be profitable with these things that he gives us we've been entrusted with his word we've been entrusted with this gospel we should go out and be profitable with it we shouldn't waste time doing this you know the Bible says in Psalm 90 it says teach us to number our days yes you know what that's saying it's you know it's saying like help us to like use our days wisely I mean if you ever meet somebody in your life that is super efficient and can just get many different things done and they're just and you look at that person I'll tell you the number one thing the number one thing it's it's Psalm 90 go ahead and go ahead and turn there go ahead and turn to Psalm 90 if you if you ever meet somebody and you look at that person I'm talking about just in the world you know outside of church in church whatever I met most of these types of people I've met in the church I look at them they're running a business they're they're still winning they're raising children they're just and you're looking at these people they're homeschooling I don't know how many different kids and they're good at it you're just like how are these people so profitable I can guarantee you one thing is is is number one it's they don't waste time they don't waste time you know they don't waste it says teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom unto unto smart things unto the gospel of the Bible unto profitable things for the kingdom of heaven so what all I'm trying to get you to understand this evening is that Tabitha I keep wanting to say Lydia it's because the the town of Lida but she was productive she was profitable and God bent over backwards for her he literally rose her from the dead and the only thing that was mentioned to Peter and mentioned about her was was not her sins it was not her past it was not how good of a mom she was it was not you know it was not like you know I'm sorry it was not like the mess ups as a mom that she made it was not these things it was just it was just about her profit that's it focus on your profit in your life and you will you will just God will just pour out his blessings upon you it's a super exciting thing in the Christian life it's super simple but just think about the things that you do think about the things that you do with your time think about the things that you do in your life and just say to yourself how can I be more profitable to those around me because profits not about yourself this stuff that they brought up about Tabitha it was not what she was doing for herself it was what she was doing for other people and that's what we do that's that's why that's why our church and churches like ours what is our main number one focus our number one focus is I mean you just hear it all the time soul winning soul winning soul winning but why is that because we're trying to be profitable that's why we're trying to be profitable to others we're trying to be profitable and that's that's the most profitable we could be to someone is to go and and and show them you know their condition and show them how they can go to heaven that's the most profitable you'll ever be able to be in your Christian life maximize God's blessings on your life that's exactly what Tabitha did let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer