(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we're in Acts chapter two and we're going to pick up things at the last half of Acts chapter two. So last week we went through on the day of Pentecost that great miracle where God gave the ability to the apostles to speak all different languages or all different tongues as the Bible says so they could preach the gospel to all the different people that were here in Jerusalem at this time. So we're going to pick things up at Acts chapter two and verse number 22 where Peter stands up and starts basically what he starts preaching is preaching Jesus, okay? Look at verse number 22 of Acts chapter, verse number two, verse number 22 of Acts, I don't even know what I'm saying right now. Verse number 22 of Acts chapter two, okay? Ye men of Israel, hear these words, this is Peter talking and you know you remember everybody says that all these men are drunk and he's like no they're not. Peter gets up and he rebukes them. He says it's the third hour of the day and he says now he just starts like preaching the gospel to these people saying ye men of Israel, hear these words. Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as ye yourselves know, him being delivered by the determinant counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holding of it. So Peter comes out of the gates swinging right here, he comes out and he basically just says look he's like you know Jesus was the Messiah, idiots, that's kind of what he's saying. He's like Jesus was the Messiah, this guy you know that you all thought was false and all this and wouldn't believe he was the Messiah and you killed him. He basically comes out and calls them murderers right away. Look at Psalm, go to Psalm chapter 16. So he basically comes out preaching Jesus, okay? But then right away he goes into something new, okay? Look at Psalm chapter 16 or go ahead and go to Psalm chapter 16 as I keep reading in Acts chapter 2. In Acts chapter 2 and verse number 25, Peter now starts getting into some deeper, deeper ideas and deeper doctrines concerning Jesus. He says for David speaketh concerning him. So he's saying, he's saying in the first three verses he says you know this Jesus of Nazareth who you killed, he's like he was the Messiah, he's like God knew this was going to happen and God raised him from the dead. He's like you didn't succeed but you killed the Messiah. He says in the first three verses and then he says even David spoke of this Messiah. He says he starts talking about things that King David whom all you know the Pharisees and religious leaders are supposedly know so much about King David, they actually kind of wanted Jesus to be like King David when you think about it that way but look at verse 25. He says for David speaketh concerning him. Now he's really getting their attention. I foresaw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved. Therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad, moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope because thou will not leave my soul in hell neither will thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption. So verse number 27 there, he's talking about a soul and then he's talking about a body. So he's talking about the spiritual and the physical in that one verse and he's saying David said this. He says David spoke these things specifically in verse 27 he says David says and if you read this and if you've never read the New Testament and you read this in Psalm 16 this will confuse you. If you read the Old Testament knowing nothing of the New Testament or if you can kind of put yourself in that mindset, I kind of try to put myself in that mindset when I'm reading the Old Testament just like okay what did these people know at this time, what did they think at this time and this is a puzzling statement from King David because he says thou will not leave my soul in hell and we know King David is a saved man. We know King David was loved of God, we know King David is in heaven so King David says because thou will not leave my soul in hell neither will I suffer thy holy one to see corruption. He's talking about Psalm 16 in verse number 10. If you're there look at verse number 10 of Psalm 16 where David says these exact words. He says for that will not leave my soul in hell neither will thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption. Who is David talking about here? If you just had the Old Testament you would think you know David's soul? You would say he's going to hell? What's going on? You know the holy one? David's not the holy one and you have to wonder what's going on but then Peter gives us clarity in verses 28 and 29. He says thou has made known to me though in verse 29 let's read verse 28 first thou has made known to me the ways of life continuing David's prophecy thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance and then Peter explains it in verse 29. He says men and brethren he says let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried and his Sepulchre is with us unto this day. So in verse number 27 we're talking about a soul and a body okay so we're talking about a physical body so the body will not suffer corruption it will not it will not decay will not rot so to speak okay and in the first part we're talking about a soul being in hell okay but he says he says now he addresses the body he says this he's basically saying this can't be about David he says because he's both dead and buried and his Sepulchre his tomb his grave is with us today he's saying he says we could go to King David's tomb right now and we could see his body that has decayed he says in verse number 30 he explains it further so he's basically saying this cannot be about David he says therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne so he references a few things here he says David was a prophet he says and God swore to him a promise you know the Messiah would come from the fruit of his loins what he's talking about is go ahead and turn to first chronicles chapter 16 he's talking about the messianic promise that was given to David and it was first brought up in second Samuel chapter 7 it's summarized very nicely in first chronicles chapter 16 you can also find it in second chronicles but in first chronicles chapter 16 the messianic promise to David is summed up if you look at verse number 11 of first chronicles chapter 16 we can see the messianic promise that Peter is talking about here so Peter says David's a prophet he says God swore to an oath to him that the messiah would come the Christ would come from his flesh from his throne okay look at verse number 11 the Bible says and it shall come to pass when thy days be expired that thou must go to be with thy fathers that I will raise up thy seed after thee which shall be of thy sons I will establish his kingdom he shall build me in house and I will establish his throne forever I will be his father he shall be my son and I will not take away my mercy from him as I took it from him that was before thee but I will settle him in mine house in my kingdom forever and his throne shall be established forevermore in second Samuel chapter 7 the prophet Nathan tells David this for the first time saying because David wanted to build the temple remember David wanted to build the temple and Nathan says no your son's going to build the temple he's like oh by the way the messiah is going to come from you you know your throne your reign your throne will reign forever meaning Jesus Christ takes that into eternity okay so David knew that the messiah was coming from his as the Bible says the fruit of his loins from his bloodline so to speak that's why you see in the lower kingdom of Judah and if you look at the history of the lower kingdom of Judah versus the kingdom of the northern kingdom of Israel the northern kingdom of Israel is just a mess of dynasties there's just dynasty after dynasty after dynasty dynasty meaning families that run the throne in the lower kingdom of Judah is always son of a son of a son of a son of a son all the way through to the Babylonian captivity which continued even hundreds of years later to the birth of Christ if we look at the genealogy so God kept his promise okay but we learn a few new things here we learn a few new things here from Peter we learn that number one David was a prophet of God and that God showed him things God showed David things okay when he said psalm 16 when David spoke psalm 16 he was speaking about Christ not himself look at verse number 31 he's seeing this before he's talking about David he says he because he was a prophet he said he's seeing before this before spake of he's talking about psalm 16 10 spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul Christ's soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption now psalm 16 10 makes sense it didn't make sense that David went to hell it makes sense that Christ's soul went to hell now it makes perfect sense so this is the doctrine this is the the core doctrine of Jesus's soul going to hell right here in acts chapter two is what we're looking at so the first thing is this did he go there did Jesus go there you know the Bible says here that his soul went to hell okay and if you have a King James Bible the answer did Jesus's soul go to hell is irrefutably yes it went to hell okay all other versions completely mix this up and we'll get into that in just a little bit they they talk about sheol you know the place of the dead and it gets into this really weird doctrine that we'll talk about in a little bit but the point is that if Jesus didn't go to hell if David was talking about himself that means David went to hell so that doesn't make any sense I mean it doesn't make any sense that his body was in that tomb that was you know it was already corrupt right I'm sure it was just bones at that point you know as hundreds of years had gone by but the point is look at Luke chapter 23 in verse number 43 it gets into these all these other versions that use sheol in the place of the dead and and I didn't even look at all the different versions I looked at a few of them but it gets into some really confusing doctrine even to the point where some people teach that Christians will go to some half-hell you know even save people it's like a purgatory for evangelicals or something it's just like a weird doctrine that you know we're going to go to this half-hell and that you know then you know eventually after some time some people teach that the Old Testament Saints went to the half-hell and then when Jesus ascended he took the old so it just gets really weird okay it gets really weird it's not in the King James Bible at all okay look at Luke chapter 23 in verse 43 and Jesus said and verily I say unto you today thou shalt be with me in paradise second Corinthians chapter 5 verse number 8 all that to say this when you die you're gonna be in heaven the Bible says that over and over and over again well if you're saved and you die you will end up in heaven in a moment look at second Corinthians chapter 5 actually you go to Philippians chapter 1 and I'll read for you second Corinthians chapter 5 second Corinthians chapter 5 in verse number 8 the Bible says we are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord so as soon as I die in this body the it says I'm present with Jesus I'm present with the Lord right there where's Jesus he's in heaven he's sitting at the right hand of the Father Philippians chapter 1 look at verse 21 Paul says for me to live is Christ and to die is gain but if I live in the flesh this is the fruit of my labor you shall see that I choose I want what I choose I want not for I'm in a straight straight bequeathed to he's like I'm he's like I'm having a hard time deciding between these two things what two things having a desire to depart he's talking about dying physically and to be with Christ which is far better so he's saying when I die physically I'm not going to some place of the dead or whatever he's Paul saying when I die I'm gonna be with Christ he's like when I physically die he's like I want to stay here and do good things and keep serving he's like but I also wanna you know if I die I'm with Christ it's like you know how can you lose there you know he's saying it's it's hard right but with the King James Bible you basically have you know in the Old Testament you'll hear the grave talking about just being dead physically okay and then you'll have hell which is that spiritual death that we talk about so much in Revelation but with other versions let me read you Psalm 16 10 from the ESV a very popular very popular supposedly doctrinally sound by a lot of evangelical churches out there including Lutheran churches I mean we know better but it says for you will not abandon my soul to Sheol or let your Holy One see corruption in the NIV Psalm 16 10 says this because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead I mean what is that realm of the dead I mean why are we you know is this a video game it's like you read this stuff you read a King James Bible for so long and you read these other versions and it's like you're reading a cartoon book or something it's just it's bizarre okay nor will you let your faithful one see decay all right so like I said some people take verses like this and you know they interpret this to be some half hell where Christians will go to and then they'll be taken to heaven at some point some believe Jesus took some already you know but look those doctrines must be rejected for two reasons okay first of all this number one they're saying the King James translators did it wrong they're saying that the King James Bible is has mistakes in it is what they're saying it like God didn't preserve his words correctly in the King James Bible so basically and one of the biggest proofs of the King James Bible for me go to Psalm chapter 12 and verse number 6 Psalm chapter 12 verse number 6 basically one of the biggest proofs and kind of the only proof that I need about the King James Bible is that the King James Bible was wrong until all these modern versions you know came about and it had mistakes and then these modern versions fix them that means we didn't have God's preserved word for like 400 years we were in the dark on you know where we go after we die for hundreds of years literally is what these people are saying look at Psalm chapter 12 and verse number 6 the words of the Lord are pure words okay but what if they were just the King James Bible isn't those pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times thou shalt keep them oh Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever there's your answer right there I mean if the King James Bible was wrong the King James Bible was all we had for hundreds of years after it was translated and then in English and then all of a sudden we have all these modern English Bibles coming up that start teaching all this weird stuff okay the King James Bible that's the first reason you have to reject the fact that Jesus's soul didn't go to hell is because you would have to say that the King James Bible has it wrong because the King James Bible clearly says that Jesus's soul Peter's explaining that Psalm 16 10 what David was talking about was Jesus Christ it's very clear when you have a King James Bible the second reason you have to reject this idea that Christians you know would go to hell or half hell or the realm of the dead or whatever it it's one of the major false doctrines of the new Bible versions by the way is that Christians would ever go into any kind of damnation I mean God tells us that we will never perish it literally makes massive contradictions in the gospel itself I mean you know we'll never perish how's this one we'll have everlasting life you know it says that we will not perish in the most famous verse in the entire Bible John 3 16 so you would have to believe that we're gonna it doesn't say partly perish it says not perish it doesn't say you know you'll perish for a little bit it says no you'll never perish you will never get that second death so it's very clear that Jesus's soul went to hell as we read this verse in Acts chapter 2 but the question is this why did he go there why did he go there what why did Jesus's soul go to hell turn to Exodus chapter 12 I'm gonna give you two main reasons why Jesus's soul went to hell look at Exodus chapter 12 we're gonna look at two ceremonies two pictures from the Old Testament look at Exodus chapter 12 the first one is this you know Jesus's soul went to hell to complete the prophecies to complete the pictures that God put forth in the Old Testament look at Exodus chapter 12 this is describing the Passover the Bible says in Exodus 12 in verse number 5 it says your lamb shall be without blemish the lamb is many times called the Passover the lamb itself is called the Passover you know we're gonna eat the Passover eat that lamb your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year you shall take it out from the sheep or from the goats you shall keep it up into the 14th day of the same month whose and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening and they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts on the upper door posts of the houses wherein they shall eat it remember I mean this is this is in Egypt they're in Egypt they haven't left Egypt yet God's telling them you know what he's gonna do and then look at verse number 8 and they show so they put the blood on the side posts of the house and then they shall eat the flesh in that night roast with fire and unleavened bread and bitter herbs they shall eat it so they they eat the flesh that's roasted with fire then verse number 9 eat not of it raw nor sodden it at all with water but again roast with fire his head with his legs and the and the pertinence thereof and you shall let nothing of it remain until morning and that which remaineth of it until morning you shall burn with fire so they're to eat it they're to cook it with fire okay and then when they're done eating they're to actually just burn the remains everything is to be just gone by morning so look Jesus's soul it go to first Corinthians chapter 5 and verse number 7 we know from Hebrews 10 I'll read it to you in a few minutes that these things the Passover and we're gonna look at especially in Leviticus chapter 16 there's many more in the Bible but especially these two they are a shadow of things to come they are picturing what is to come look at first Corinthians chapter 5 and verse number 7 purge out therefore the old leaven that you may be a new lump as we are unleavened as year unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us Christ is the Passover so everything that you see in Exodus 12 according to the Passover lamb that happens to that lamb Jesus must fulfill that picture it must be fulfilled perfectly go to Leviticus chapter 16 so we saw that they struck the blood on the doorposts and then they ate roast with fire and then they burned it all up at the end before morning okay look at Leviticus chapter 16 Leviticus chapter 16 is talking about the Day of Atonement we looked at this a couple months ago in detail but let's just review it real quickly Leviticus chapter 16 look at verse number 23 now after the blood offering we're not going to go through the blood offering Aaron the high priest goes into the Holy of Holies he goes through the veil he's in the most the most holy place inside the temple that only he can go he's wearing the special garments he goes and he sacrifices the offerings and he puts their blood on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant okay look at verse number 23 after that has happened after he has done that the Bible says I mean that the detail of the sequence of events is important too because Jesus completes that picture as well like nothing in the Bible is here by accident okay God didn't have them do this in the Old Testament because it was just something he thought of it's like no this is exactly how the Messiah was going to save the world right here look at verse number 23 and Aaron shall come into the tabernacle of the congregation he's now coming out of the holy place and shall put off the linen garments which he put on when he went into the holy place so now he's done with the blood he's coming out and he takes off the garments where he was in inside the veil in the Holy of Holies and he shall leave them there he shall wash his flesh with water in the holy place and put on his garments and come forth and offer his burnt offering so remember Aaron Aaron had an offering for himself a sin offering for himself and then there was a sin offering for the people he had a bull and then he had one goat for the people so his offering is you know the bull or whatever he he had his offering he he shall come forth and offer his burnt offering and the burnt offering of the people and make an atonement for himself and for the people and the fat of the sin offering shall he burn upon the altar it's interesting that the fat is always burned by the way this is just like a just interesting note it's interesting that the fat is always burned so you have the blood on the altar and then you have the burnt offering and the blood goes on the altar and the fat is the burnt offering and it's interesting in Leviticus chapter 7 I don't remember the exact verse but you're not supposed to eat either of those you're not supposed to eat the blood or the fat because they were super important they symbolized you know this sacrifice so of the sacrifices they weren't supposed to eat the blood or the fat look at verse 26 he shall let go the scapegoat shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh and water and afterward come into the camp and the bullet for the sin offering and the goat for the sin offering whose blood was brought in to make atonement in the holy place shall one carry forth without the camp and they shall burn in the fire of their skins their flesh and their dung and he that burneth them shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh and water and afterwards afterward he shall come into the camp turn to Hebrews chapter 10 so we see the blood offering and then we see after that he comes out and he does the burnt offerings and burns up the rest of the sacrifices go to Hebrews chapter 10 in the New Testament so this is the answer right here Hebrews chapter 10 look at verse number one the Bible says in Hebrews 10 one for the law the law Leviticus chapter 16 we're reading the law right there we're leading reading what God commanded them that they must do okay for the law having a shadow of good things to come all the reason that God had those things done in the Old Testament that specific way was because they were picturing what was to come they were picturing the things that the what things the good things the good things to come and not the very image of the things can never those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comer comers there unto perfect so he's saying it's not exactly like that but they're a shadow of it obviously Jesus he encompasses everything in the Passover he encompasses every part of the Day of Atonement in Leviticus chapter 16 he encompasses both goats the blood offering the burnt offering the clothes his righteousness every single piece of that Jesus completes the whole picture the whole thing okay but even Hebrews 10 goes into great detail telling us it's like okay it was just a picture of what was to come because otherwise they offer these year by year he says and it couldn't make them perfect but look at verse 2 it says for then would they not have ceased to be offered so he's saying that the sacrifices and all the ceremonies that they went through that we just looked at like they didn't they didn't make people perfect they didn't otherwise why would they have to redo them he's saying why would that do it again and again and again because that the worshippers once purged should have no more conscience of sins he's saying look this wasn't the real thing it was a picture of things to come otherwise if it was the real thing you just have to do it once which is like you know you can take that into eternal security as well okay but you know we'll talk about that at another time look at verse 3 but in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year God just had them do that to picture the Messiah and to just always keep the spotlight on their sin to try to help them manage themselves for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins those sacrifices didn't take away their sins they pictured the coming Christ and they brought attention to their sins to the people look at verse 5 wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith sacrifice an offering thou wouldest not but a body has now prepared me in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou has had no pleasure it wasn't good enough for God look at verse 7 then said I lo I come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will O God above when he said sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin that would it's not the other hats pleasure therein which are offered by the law we can't be saved by the law then he said lo I come to do thy will O God he taketh away the first that he may establish a second a new covenant by the which we are all sanctified through the offering well here's another sacrifice coming of the body of Jesus Christ once and for once for all and every priest stand at daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins but this man talking about Jesus after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God just I have that one sacrifice circled in my Bible and here's why the sacrifice when you think about Leviticus chapter 16 the sacrifice was the whole thing it was the whole process it was that the killing the goat the blood sacrifice the burnt offering it was the whole thing it was just a shadow of the real thing and Jesus' soul going to hell it fits all of this perfectly it fits it all perfectly it makes perfect sense when you look at what it was you know what the shadows of the past and the law were now this like this is really controversial for a lot of people and I'm not quite sure why one of the biggest things people will bring up is you know the blood but what about the blood turn to X go back to Exodus chapter 12 and verse number 12 let's let's just spend two minutes on this idea like that it just but but we're saved by the blood yes we're saved by the blood okay I agree many people will say that that first of all like the Bible says it so that's it the Bible says it so that's what we believe but people say well the blood you know like this means that Jesus' death on the cross wasn't enough and they'll just say these extreme extreme statements on this doctrine but look at Exodus chapter 12 in verse number 12 the idea of Jesus' soul going to hell in no way diminishes the blood of Christ in no way look at Exodus chapter 12 in verse number 12 he says God says for I will pass through the land of Egypt this night and I will smite all the firstborn of the land of Egypt this is the first Passover both man and beast against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment I am the Lord and the blood the blood they put on the doorposts shall be for you a what what is the blood it's a token upon the houses where you are and when I see the blood I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you and I will smite the land of Egypt so the blood was a token it was a physical sign it's the same with Christ's blood it's a token it it covers us it literally I mean there is no there is no remission of sins without blood there's nothing that diminishes Christ's blood and that I mean it's still there there's nothing about Jesus' soul going to hell that diminishes the blood of Christ nothing at all nothing at all and it just it's just it's still a physical token that God sees to cover the sins of the same it's the blood of Christ there's nothing that diminishes that but the point is Hebrews 10 12 says that Jesus is the one sacrifice so the sacrifice is the whole thing it's the entire process here's another thing people will say and this is a kind of a silly one but people will say well Jesus said on the cross that it is finished and now you're saying that Jesus also had to go to hell well it clearly wasn't that's not what he meant I mean it didn't mean that like that's all that needs to be done because he hadn't even risen from the dead yet hidden even the resurrection hasn't happened yet turn to Romans 10 9 and guess what the resurrection it's part of the gospel guess what if you think Jesus died but you don't think he rose again you're not saved that's what the Bible says okay the resurrection is part of the gospel that you must believe in Romans 10 look at verse number 9 how many times have we said this at the door that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God hath what raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved so when Jesus said it is finished he hadn't raised from the dead yet so I mean you see that that whole argument just doesn't make any sense and then but this extreme idea that oh the death on the cross wasn't good enough no it was all part of the perfect plan so was Jesus raising from the dead and so was Jesus what these stay in hell no he came out of hell now here's the logical reasons I mean it logically makes sense as well the logical reasons for this are pretty clear we deserve hell we deserve hell and Jesus died for who for us he took the punishment for our sins Jesus was the replacement for us so it makes sense that he went there it makes sense that he went there turn to Romans 5 8 I mean the Bible says in Romans 5 8 it says Christ died for us so what Jesus did was for us so it makes sense that if we deserve hell that Christ would need to go there if he was the replacement for us okay now here's here's you know to kind of we're in opinion land by a pastor right now but here's here's two other reasons that I believe that Jesus went to hell and I mean I think these are pretty strong opinions but turn to Luke chapter 16 it completes what it completes the picture of the Bible that's that's the first thing it just completes the picture of the Bible there is no reason God didn't do anything by accident in all these specific detailed ceremonies that he had especially the Day of Atonement and especially the Passover they pictured Christ and this completes that picture look at Luke chapter 16 in verse number 26 we're talking about the rich man and Lazarus here who went to hell so the rich man went to hell Lazarus went to Abraham was bosom which is heaven okay so you have one man in heaven and one man in hell look at verse 26 and the man in hell saying get me out of here he's like I don't want to be here anymore cuz he opened his eyes and he was where immediately he was in hell look at verse 26 and he says beside all this he's like Abraham says I can't get you out he's like besides all this he says between us and you there's a great gulf fixed so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot it's like Abraham saying I can't go to you he's saying to him the rich man saying get me out of here he's like I can't go there I can't go there and then he says the other way he says neither can they pass to us that would come from thence he says you can't get out now turn to Revelation chapter 1 so if you die and you go to hell if you're not saved if you don't believe on Jesus you die and go to hell anybody dies and goes to hell they're there forever for eternity forever it's eternal damnation just like we have eternal life okay but look at Revelation chapter 1 and verse number 18 look what the Bible says about Jesus though look what the Bible says about Jesus look at verse number 18 says I am he that liveth and was dead so Jesus this is Jesus talking he's explaining to John this is who John is seeing he's saying I'm Jesus he says I'm he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore amen and what and have the keys of what of hell Jesus but Jesus came Jesus went to hell so he could show he could come out of hell it's the same thing it's the same it's the same idea behind the physical resurrection he I mean why couldn't you know why couldn't brother Ryan die for my sins other than the fact that he has his own sin he can't come back from the dead nobody can defeat death except God it was this huge proof that Jesus could physically rise from the dead he's God he's the only one who could do that to defeat Beth and the devil that way but guess what he can also come out of hell because he has the keys he's the only one that could go there and come back out because he has the keys of hell and of death okay she came alive physically which no one can do and he also came out of hell which no one can do it's just another proof that he's God the defeat of the physical and the spiritual death wouldn't that make sense that Jesus has to defeat both of those things because that's that's what we both we face both of those things as sinners as people who are condemned we face a physical death and we also face that spiritual death Jesus defeated both because he has the keys that's what he meant in Revelation chapter 1 and verse number 18 now turn to 1st Peter chapter 3 here's another reason you know this is kind of my so it's kind of my opinion I'm here I mean I don't think there's too many different there might be a few different opinions on this I have no idea but 1st Peter chapter 3 look at verse number 18 1st Peter chapter 3 in verse number 18 kind of an obscure verse in the Bible but I also believe that it fits perfectly this idea of why one of the reasons why Jesus went to hell one of the things he did there okay look at 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 18 the Bible says for Christ have also suffered for sins the just for the unjust that's us right he's the just worthy unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh there's his death on the cross but quickened by the Spirit by which he also by which also by you know the Spirit you know by the Holy Spirit he also went and preached unto the lowercase spirits in prison okay so it says by the Spirit he went down to hell or into to preach to the spirits in prison now when you look at the word spirits in the New Testament most of the time it is talking about like evil spirits somebody possessed by a spirit possessed by a demon sometimes it's talking about the Holy Spirit you know capital s something it's talking about someone's life or their soul like their spirit came back into them Jesus raised somebody from the dead but it's mostly talking about evil spirits when you see that word spirits in the New Testament it is never a way to just talk about people it is never a way to say there was 50 people in the field or there was 50 spirit you never see it used that way it's always talking about you know some sort of spiritual thing mostly evil spirits so here it says he went and preached unto the spirits in prison this is something that he additionally did you know instead of you know he had died in the flesh and then he additionally did this look at verse number 20 we get some more clarification here so we're seeing it's some some type of spirits you know most of the time it's evil spirits but look at verse 20 you know demons by evil spirits I mean demons but many times it's talking about somebody it's not talking about a physical body is what I'm trying to get at look at verse number 20 which sometimes so these these spirits in prison which sometime were disobedient so at one time it's not saying sometimes it's saying sometime at one time that's at one time before when once it's talking about back in the past when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wherein a few that isn't eight souls were saved by water so he's saying which sometime were disobedient he's talking about the spirits that he was talking about in verse 19 okay when he says we're disobedient he's talking about disobedient spirits of verse 19 that are now in prison he says the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah we're talking about disobedient people that are now spirits in prison disobedient people from the days of Noah disobedient people from the Old Testament that's what I believe this is talking about this is talking about the souls of disobedient people the souls of people who did not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you say think about this when Jesus died on the cross who was in hell at that time when Jesus died on cross was there nobody in hell no every single person that had died up to that point in history that did not believe the gospel was in hell was a spirit that was in hell at that time I mean why is any man in hell ever because he didn't believe the gospel look at Romans chapter 4 in verse number 3 you say what about the Old Testament people were in hell in the Old Testament just the same reason they're in hell today because you're saved by the same gospel Abraham was saved by the same gospel except in their case it was the promise of a Messiah in our case it's belief on a Messiah that's already come that's the only difference that's the only difference but it's belief in the same promise and if people were in hell they didn't believe that promise look at Romans 4 3 for what saith the scripture Abraham what worked for God Abraham served the Lord with his life and it was counted for him for righteousness no Abraham believed God and it was counted counted unto him for righteousness the Bible says look Abraham believed the gospel the people that were in hell with the time Jesus died on the cross were the people that had already died physically that didn't believe the gospel they didn't believe God there's lots of people in hell and I believe this is my this is my opinion I believe that what the first Peter 3 is talking about is Jesus went down there he said hey here I am he preached what did he preach I don't know what he said I mean I'm not gonna add to the Bible but was Peter preaching the gospel he went down and he told the disobedient you know he basically proved that they were wrong he proved that they should have believed God and then he left hell so they knew I mean that's just my that's my opinion on first Peter chapter 3 but look Jesus is soul going to hell fits everything that we see in the Bible it fits perfectly it does not take away from the suffering on the cross it does not take away from the blood that covers our sins it does not take away any people say silly things like oh God can't die and all this I'm just it these over-the-top extreme like positions on you know on on that side of things are it's odd it's odd the Bible says it if you have a King James Bible and you believe the King James Bible is the Word of God there's no other conclusion you can come to and it fits perfectly it makes perfect sense to us and it just it fits it fits the whole Bible it fits together like a like a perfect puzzle now let's talk about soul winning just for one second because I know this comes up here's the thing I don't mention it soul winning I don't mention Jesus going to hell soul winning now I'm not against you if you do but the reason that I don't I used to I used to but the reason that I don't personally it's kind of the same reason I don't go into like a detailed preach fest on the Trinity out soul winning is because it's kind of like I mean is this is this simple doctrine here I mean this is kind of like 300 level 400 level class stuff we're looking at Old Testament you know ceremonies and how it's a shadow a picture of prophecy of David all this stuff so to me if I have to have I mean I'm running across people more and more lately that you know in the last couple of years that they don't even know who Jesus is and you don't need to you don't need to believe that Jesus went to hell to be saved okay you know I have a friend from back home that he doesn't believe that Jesus went to hell because that's what his Bible College taught and you know he's not a heretic he's not doesn't take it any extreme weird half hell stuff he just wasn't taught that and he doesn't believe that and I just choose not to argue with him about it and he's just the same as me and you but the point is if I have to get somebody to go two miles out soul winning you know they have to come from zero belief to belief in the gospel I just it's an extra mile I don't want to have to take them that's all but it's not wrong it's not wrong to do so it just it's just another bridge for people to cross that's all so that's why I don't do it if you hear me soul winning you hear my soul winning presentation we always want to be thorough soul winners if you if you do it you want to bring it up I don't have any problem with that it's just I don't and that's for that reason it's just you know for the Trinity this is what I say in the Trinity you know God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ that's that's what I say as far as the Trinity goes I know there was some you know heretical Trinity stuff that came up a few years ago and then you started seeing people out soul winning just like giving the detailed Trinity to everybody at the door it's like it's not it's not necessary they get into church they will learn these deeper things of the Bible okay it's not you know Jesus's soul going to hell on its own is not a salvation issue okay it's not a salvation issue but let me say this like all other small doctrines like all other small doctrinal issues the pre-trib rapture is a perfect example you can come to this church if you believe the pre-trib rapture there's no issue with that but the problem with a lot of these like all of these small doctrinal issues like this is they can be taken to serious error they almost always if you drive them to the end they almost always lead to large error like this one for example it will lead you to like the King James Bible isn't true I mean that's a problem right that's a problem if you think that the King James Bible you start going into this you start thinking the King James Bible has errors in it yeah we got a problem at that point okay so it's not on its face a salvation issue but it can lead to larger things just like the pre-trib rapture can lead to all kinds of weird dispensationalism and weird stuff people aren't even saved okay but that on its own is not go back to Acts chapter 2 so again I hope that kind of clears up that issue it's pretty I mean it's pretty clear in Acts chapter 2 you know if you don't go into the study of why it is that way and got why God made it that way it's pretty clear in Acts chapter 2 that it did happen okay and you know many you can just accept that on your face and it's not on its face and just not get into all the detail complicated stuff about it but Jesus's soul went to hell I mean it's very clear in the in the King James Bible look at Acts chapter 2 and verse 32 Peter continues he says this Jesus have God raised up where have we are all witnesses therefore being on the right hand of God exalted and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost he has shed forth this which he now see in here for David again he's proving again that this is not David he says for David is not ascended into the heavens but saith himself the Lord said unto my Lord sitteth on my right hand until I make thy foes thy footstool he's talking about Psalm 110 you know David reiterates this statement he's saying he's not talking about David he's like he's not talking about David here he's saying in Psalm 110 one it says the Lord saith unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool David was prophesying in that verse about Christ and Peter points that out look at verse 36 therefore let all the house of Israel now he's just speaking to them directly says let the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made the same Jesus whom again we assume ye have crucified both Lord and Christ now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter and to the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what shall we do so Peter gives this huge like doctrinal expose on David being a prophet and Jesus's soul where it went and everyone just like there's like what in the world they're going crazy right he basically says he was the Messiah he goes and he redefines turn to Luke chapter 24 this is a proof of Luke 24 right here he redefines what even they thought they knew about the Old Testament and this and think about this this is Peter this is Peter we're in Acts we're in the second book of Acts and this is Peter the disciples are most of the time you read the Gospels the disciples are completely confused on what Jesus is talking about all sudden we get to the book of Acts and like BAM Peter's just like he's like firing out like just like crazy doctrine just like this deep doctrine of the Old Testament it's like what I mean you notice heavy do you notice a difference in Peter you notice a difference in Peter well it's Luke 24 and verse number 45 that's this is this Acts chapter 2 is fulfillment of this verse right here Luke chapter 24 look at verse 20 25 or 45 sorry basically this is Luke 24 45 is right before Acts chapter 1 starts okay so it's right before Jesus is taken up but then look what Jesus does here he says then open he their understanding that they might understand the scriptures he Jesus like gives them understanding of everything right here and this is why you see a difference when you read the Gospels next time you go from the Gospels to Acts chapter 1 in Acts chapter 2 just make a note just be like the new Peter Luke chapter 24 verse 45 because this is clearly I mean the guy just ran off went fishing when Jesus raised from Jesus was raised from the dead he knew it and the guy just ran I mean he was a mess he was a mess but Jesus opened their eyes to the understanding they just they just it just like it just he made it click for them he made everything click for them very similar to what Jesus did with Paul in in my opinion but look at verse look at verse number 39 let's finish up running short of time here for the promises unto you and to your children and to all all that are afar off no I'm sorry verse 38 then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost so here he says he says they were picked in their hearts and basically he stirred up the whole crowd and there's two choices for this crowd now there's two choices and Peter says repent you know what Peter says he's he's he's beseeching them to change their mind he's beseeching them hey believe what I'm telling you right now believe these things about Jesus being the Messiah repent he says for the promises unto you and your children that were afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call in 1st Timothy chapter 2 says he wants all to be saved it's God's will that all would be saved and many other words did he testify and exhort saying save yourselves from this untoward generation then they now now we see the two groups then they had it gladly received his word so we see people that receive it is the same thing we see today some people receive it they were baptized and that same day were added unto them about 3,000 souls so he gets 3,000 people saved here with this sermon and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship in the breaking of bread and fear came upon every soul and many wonders the signs were done by the Apostles good verse 44 and all that believe were together and had all things in common they sold their possessions and goods and parted them to all men even as every man had need and they continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart praising God having favor with all the people and the Lord added unto the church daily such as should be saved all that to say this I'm gonna get into the detail about this but they got saved and they got with the program these people they got with the program they I mean they sold they had all things in common look this wasn't forced communism it's just this was voluntary they want to be part of the church they're all in unity the only thing I'll say about this now is that this I mean we'll talk about this particular in a couple chapters we'll talk about this particular act that this church was doing but let me just say for this evening this church had unity right here to the point where they didn't care anything about their possessions nothing about anything it was just forward with the gospel that's all it was they were all in one accord to I believe to a degree here that we can't even probably comprehend as Americans this church so Jesus Peter gives a great sermon on Jesus here he gets 3,000 people saved and he preaches the doctrine of Jesus the soul going to hell which makes perfect sense in the Bible it fulfills everything that needed to be filled about the sacrifices from the Old Testament and it makes perfect sense in the Bible I'm not sure why people have such a hard time with it but with that that's Acts chapter 2 let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer you